Neo4j HashiCorp Vault Plugin
👉 This vault database plugin implements the V5 version of Vault database plugin to support Neo4j.
👉 🐳 This project also offers a Docker image which has the Neo4j plugin preconfigured so that it is ready to use dockerHub.
📢 This code is heavily borrowed from the MongoDB implementation of the plugin.
⚰ It's also worth mentioning there already exists another implementation of this plugin for Neo4j but it's based on the older version of the plugin and I was not able to get it to work with the new vault server.
to build this project locally you can run. You'll need to have Go andgox installed.
make build
this will generate a set of cross platform builds which you can choose based on your platform:
- netbsd/386
- windows/386
- darwin/amd64
- freebsd/amd64
- linux/arm
- netbsd/arm
- linux/arm64
- windows/amd64
- solaris/amd64
- linux/amd64
- freebsd/arm
- netbsd/amd64
- openbsd/amd64
- freebsd/386
- openbsd/386
- linux/386
or you can build the docker image via
make docker-build
to run tests
make test
Running [vault server]
If you have the vault server installed you can copy the plugin into plugin directory or run the vault server and point the plugin directory accordingly
cp pkg/<your_platform>/neo4j-vault-database-plugin /vault-plugins/
vault server -dev -dev-plugin-dir=/vault-plugins -log-level=trace
if all goes well you should see an output similar to this in the logs:
neo4j-vault-database-plugin: configuring server automatic mTLS: metadata=true timestamp=2024-05-08T21:39:36.675-0700
plugin process exited: metadata=true path=/vault-plugins/neo4j-vault-database-plugin pid=60345
==> Vault server started! Log data will stream in below:
Running [docker]
run the docker instance
docker run --cap-add=IPC_LOCK -e 'VAULT_DEV_ROOT_TOKEN_ID=myroot' -e 'VAULT_DEV_LISTEN_ADDRESS=' -p 8200:8200 homaidev/vaultneo4j
after that you need to register the plugin by hopping on the docker instance
docker exec -it <docker instance id> sh
vault login
you should see an output like
Success! Data written to: sys/plugins/catalog/database/neo4j-vault-database-plugin
verify the plugin is registered by running the following command
vault plugin list | grep neo4j
and make sure you see the plugin listed. Here is an example output:
neo4j-vault-database-plugin database v1.0.0-beta
Neo4j Vault Secret Engine
In order to manage a Neo4j database credentials via vault, first you would need to set the Neo4j admin credentials in vault.
Let's assume you are running Neo4j on a docker instance.
docker run -dt -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 --env=NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/my_secret_password neo4j
first login to vault
vault login
then you need to first enable the database secret on vault
vault secrets enable database
and then configure the connection and admin username & password for vault
vault write database/config/my-neo4j-database \
plugin_name="neo4j-vault-database-plugin" \
allowed_roles="my-role" \
connection_url="neo4j://" \
username="neo4j" \
password="my_secret_password" \
root_rotation_statements="ALTER USER neo4j SET PASSWORD '${password}' CHANGE NOT REQUIRED"
Then you can create credentials by running the following command
vault write database/roles/my-role \
db_name=my-neo4j-database \
creation_statements='{ "db": "admin", "roles": [{ "role": "readWrite" }, {"role": "read", "db": "foo"}] }' \
default_ttl="1h" \
check if everything worked as expected
vault read database/creds/my-role
you should see something like
Key Value
--- -----
lease_id database/creds/my-role/7zFvHP1U4SKIYX8OcFNT3p25
lease_duration 1h
lease_renewable true
password CPsKvFnHQ9sR8pL-wwsA
username v-root-my-role-2GpVgz6BG6LUQhe80sg3-1715236001
Rotating the root password
You can actually rotate the Neo4j root password via the following command.
⚠ Please note after this you will NOT be able to read this password and only vault knows the root database password. As a result it's suggested to use a separated password for vault and not the database root password.
vault write -force database/rotate-root/my-neo4j-database
Delete role
vault delete database/config/my-neo4j-database