Hcashwallet is a daemon handling hcash wallet functionality for a single user.
It acts as both an RPC client to hcashd and an RPC server for wallet clients and legacy RPC applications. It manages all of your accounts, addresses, and transactions and allows users to participate in Proof-of-Stake voting.
Hcashwallet is not an SPV client and requires connecting to a local or remote hcashd instance for asynchronous blockchain queries and notifications over websockets. Full hcashd installation instructions can be found here.
Build and Installation
The installation of hcashwallet requires Go 1.7 or newer.
Glide is used to manage project dependencies and provide reproducible builds. To install:
go get -u
Build and Installation
For a first time installation, the project and dependency sources can be obtained manually with git and glide (create directories as needed):
git clone $GOPATH/src/ cd $GOPATH/src/ glide install go install $(glide nv)
To update an existing source tree, pull the latest changes and install the matching dependencies:
cd $GOPATH/src/ git pull glide install go install $(glide nv)
Getting started
The following instructions detail how to get started with hcashwallet connecting to a localhost hcashd. The command should be run in the console.
- Creating
The folloing instruction detail how to create a new wallet when first starting the wallet. (PS: This instruction is only for initailize your new wallet, thus it's not recommanded when you already had wallet)
hcashwallet --create
During this process, you’ll set a private passphrase, optionally set a public passphrase, and record your seed.
- Configuring
After creating the wallet for the first time, it's necessary to configure your wallet before launching. It's recommanded to copy the sample hcashd and hcashwallet configurations and update with your RPC username and password.
$ cp $GOPATH/src/ ~/.hcashd/hcashd.conf
$ cp $GOPATH/src/ ~/.hcashwallet/hcashwallet.conf
After copy the sample configuration file to working directory, you need to update your RPC username and password. In addtion, if you want to participate the PoS consensus process, you need to purchase ticket and set the following parameter in your hcashwallet.conf.
The detailed information of configuration will be released soon.
- Lauching
Before launching hcashwallet, it's necessary to start hcashd first. Detailed information can be found here.
If already set enable voting before , you need to type in your private phrase later.
You can run hcashctl.exe and type in the following common instructions to gain detailed inforamtion of your current state.
PS: Hcashctl will be installed with the installation of hcashd.
hcashctl getinfo //Displays the basic info about the network including current block number and network difficulty.
hcashctl --wallet getnewaddress //Get a new address in the given account.
hcashctl --wallet getbalance //Get the spendable balance in the given account.
hcashctl --wallet getstakeinfo //Get info about the current status of the PoS pool.
hcashctl --wallet sendtoaddress "[address]" [amount] [notSend] //Send hcash from your account to the wanted address
hcashctl --wallet purchaseticket "[fromaccount]" spendlimit minconf "ticketaddress" "[numtickets]")
//Purchase tickets to participate in PoS process. Spendlimit denotes the limit on the amount to spend on ticket, minconf denotes the minimal required confirmation of the transaction(e.g. 1)
Using HcashWallet GUI Version
HcashWallet GUI version is a graphical wallet for Hcash. You can send and receive Hcash, purchase tickets for PoS voting, get history of all your transactions and more by GUI HcashWallet.
HcashWallet GUI version is at: It could be extracted and used directly.
HcashWallet GUI version user guide is at: If any suggestion, please post your suggestion at or send email to Thank you very much!
hcashwallet is licensed under the copyfree ISC License.
Source Files
Path | Synopsis |
Package loader provides a concurrent safe implementation of a wallet loader.
Package loader provides a concurrent safe implementation of a wallet loader. |
Package pgpwordlist provides the pgpwordlist for easier hashes/seeds.
Package pgpwordlist provides the pgpwordlist for easier hashes/seeds. |
Package rpcserver implements the RPC API and is used by the main package to start gRPC services.
Package rpcserver implements the RPC API and is used by the main package to start gRPC services. |
Package walletrpc is a generated protocol buffer package.
Package walletrpc is a generated protocol buffer package. |
Package rpctest contains tests for hcashwallet's RPC server and a harness used to facilitate the tests by setting up a temporary Simnet node and wallet.
Package rpctest contains tests for hcashwallet's RPC server and a harness used to facilitate the tests by setting up a temporary Simnet node and wallet. |
Package ticketbuyer provides an implementation of automatic ticket purchasing for a hypercash wallet.
Package ticketbuyer provides an implementation of automatic ticket purchasing for a hypercash wallet. |
Package wallet provides ...
Package wallet provides ... |
Package txauthor provides transaction creation code for wallets.
Package txauthor provides transaction creation code for wallets. |
Package txrules provides functions that are help establish whether or not a transaction abides by non-consensus rules for things like the daemon and stake pool.
Package txrules provides functions that are help establish whether or not a transaction abides by non-consensus rules for things like the daemon and stake pool. |
Package walletdb provides a namespaced database interface for hcashwallet.
Package walletdb provides a namespaced database interface for hcashwallet. |
Package bdb implements an instance of walletdb that uses boltdb for the backing datastore.
Package bdb implements an instance of walletdb that uses boltdb for the backing datastore. |