
v1.0.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 9, 2019 License: ISC Imports: 1 Imported by: 6




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const (
	HcAutonomyWWWAPIVersion = 1 // API version this backend understands

	CsrfToken = "X-CSRF-Token"    // CSRF token for replies
	Forward   = "X-Forwarded-For" // Proxy header

	RouteUserMe                 = "/user/me"
	RouteNewUser                = "/user/new"
	RouteVerifyNewUser          = "/user/verify"
	RouteResendVerification     = "/user/new/resend"
	RouteUpdateUserKey          = "/user/key"
	RouteVerifyUpdateUserKey    = "/user/key/verify"
	RouteChangeUsername         = "/user/username/change"
	RouteChangePassword         = "/user/password/change"
	RouteResetPassword          = "/user/password/reset"
	RouteUserProposals          = "/user/proposals"
	RouteUserProposalCredits    = "/user/proposals/credits"
	RouteVerifyUserPayment      = "/user/verifypayment"
	RouteUserPaymentsRescan     = "/user/payments/rescan"
	RouteUserDetails            = "/user/{userid:[0-9a-zA-Z-]{36}}"
	RouteManageUser             = "/user/manage"
	RouteEditUser               = "/user/edit"
	RouteUsers                  = "/users"
	RouteLogin                  = "/login"
	RouteLogout                 = "/logout"
	RouteSecret                 = "/secret"
	RouteProposalPaywallDetails = "/proposals/paywall"
	RouteProposalPaywallPayment = "/proposals/paywallpayment"
	RouteAllVetted              = "/proposals/vetted"
	RouteAllUnvetted            = "/proposals/unvetted"
	RouteNewProposal            = "/proposals/new"
	RouteEditProposal           = "/proposals/edit"
	RouteProposalDetails        = "/proposals/{token:[A-z0-9]{64}}"
	RouteSetProposalStatus      = "/proposals/{token:[A-z0-9]{64}}/status"
	RoutePolicy                 = "/policy"
	RouteVersion                = "/version"
	RouteNewComment             = "/comments/new"
	RouteLikeComment            = "/comments/like"
	RouteCensorComment          = "/comments/censor"
	RouteCommentsGet            = "/proposals/{token:[A-z0-9]{64}}/comments"
	RouteAuthorizeVote          = "/proposals/authorizevote"
	RouteStartVote              = "/proposals/startvote"
	RouteActiveVote             = "/proposals/activevote" // XXX rename to ActiveVotes
	RouteCastVotes              = "/proposals/castvotes"
	RouteUserCommentsLikes      = "/user/proposals/{token:[A-z0-9]{64}}/commentslikes"
	RouteVoteResults            = "/proposals/{token:[A-z0-9]{64}}/votes"
	RouteAllVoteStatus          = "/proposals/votestatus"
	RouteVoteStatus             = "/proposals/{token:[A-z0-9]{64}}/votestatus"
	RoutePropsStats             = "/proposals/stats"

	// VerificationTokenSize is the size of verification token in bytes
	VerificationTokenSize = 32

	// VerificationExpiryHours is the number of hours before the
	// verification token expires
	VerificationExpiryHours = 24

	// PolicyMaxImages is the maximum number of images accepted
	// when creating a new proposal
	PolicyMaxImages = 5

	// PolicyMaxImageSize is the maximum image file size (in bytes)
	// accepted when creating a new proposal
	PolicyMaxImageSize = 512 * 1024

	// PolicyMaxMDs is the maximum number of markdown files accepted
	// when creating a new proposal
	PolicyMaxMDs = 1

	// PolicyMaxMDSize is the maximum markdown file size (in bytes)
	// accepted when creating a new proposal
	PolicyMaxMDSize = 512 * 1024

	// PolicyMinPasswordLength is the minimum number of characters
	// accepted for user passwords
	PolicyMinPasswordLength = 8

	// PolicyMaxUsernameLength is the max length of a username
	PolicyMaxUsernameLength = 30

	// PolicyMinUsernameLength is the min length of a username
	PolicyMinUsernameLength = 3

	// PolicyMaxProposalNameLength is the max length of a proposal name
	PolicyMaxProposalNameLength = 80

	// PolicyMinProposalNameLength is the min length of a proposal name
	PolicyMinProposalNameLength = 8

	// PolicyMaxCommentLength is the maximum number of characters
	// accepted for comments
	PolicyMaxCommentLength = 8000

	// ProposalListPageSize is the maximum number of proposals returned
	// for the routes that return lists of proposals
	ProposalListPageSize = 20

	// UserListPageSize is the maximum number of users returned
	// for the routes that return lists of users
	UserListPageSize = 20

	// Error status codes
	ErrorStatusInvalid                     ErrorStatusT = 0
	ErrorStatusInvalidEmailOrPassword      ErrorStatusT = 1
	ErrorStatusMalformedEmail              ErrorStatusT = 2
	ErrorStatusVerificationTokenInvalid    ErrorStatusT = 3
	ErrorStatusVerificationTokenExpired    ErrorStatusT = 4
	ErrorStatusProposalMissingFiles        ErrorStatusT = 5
	ErrorStatusProposalNotFound            ErrorStatusT = 6
	ErrorStatusProposalDuplicateFilenames  ErrorStatusT = 7
	ErrorStatusProposalInvalidTitle        ErrorStatusT = 8
	ErrorStatusMaxMDsExceededPolicy        ErrorStatusT = 9
	ErrorStatusMaxImagesExceededPolicy     ErrorStatusT = 10
	ErrorStatusMaxMDSizeExceededPolicy     ErrorStatusT = 11
	ErrorStatusMaxImageSizeExceededPolicy  ErrorStatusT = 12
	ErrorStatusMalformedPassword           ErrorStatusT = 13
	ErrorStatusCommentNotFound             ErrorStatusT = 14
	ErrorStatusInvalidFilename             ErrorStatusT = 15
	ErrorStatusInvalidFileDigest           ErrorStatusT = 16
	ErrorStatusInvalidBase64               ErrorStatusT = 17
	ErrorStatusInvalidMIMEType             ErrorStatusT = 18
	ErrorStatusUnsupportedMIMEType         ErrorStatusT = 19
	ErrorStatusInvalidPropStatusTransition ErrorStatusT = 20
	ErrorStatusInvalidPublicKey            ErrorStatusT = 21
	ErrorStatusNoPublicKey                 ErrorStatusT = 22
	ErrorStatusInvalidSignature            ErrorStatusT = 23
	ErrorStatusInvalidInput                ErrorStatusT = 24
	ErrorStatusInvalidSigningKey           ErrorStatusT = 25
	ErrorStatusCommentLengthExceededPolicy ErrorStatusT = 26
	ErrorStatusUserNotFound                ErrorStatusT = 27
	ErrorStatusWrongStatus                 ErrorStatusT = 28
	ErrorStatusNotLoggedIn                 ErrorStatusT = 29
	ErrorStatusUserNotPaid                 ErrorStatusT = 30
	ErrorStatusReviewerAdminEqualsAuthor   ErrorStatusT = 31
	ErrorStatusMalformedUsername           ErrorStatusT = 32
	ErrorStatusDuplicateUsername           ErrorStatusT = 33
	ErrorStatusVerificationTokenUnexpired  ErrorStatusT = 34
	ErrorStatusCannotVerifyPayment         ErrorStatusT = 35
	ErrorStatusDuplicatePublicKey          ErrorStatusT = 36
	ErrorStatusInvalidPropVoteStatus       ErrorStatusT = 37
	ErrorStatusUserLocked                  ErrorStatusT = 38
	ErrorStatusNoProposalCredits           ErrorStatusT = 39
	ErrorStatusInvalidUserManageAction     ErrorStatusT = 40
	ErrorStatusUserActionNotAllowed        ErrorStatusT = 41
	ErrorStatusWrongVoteStatus             ErrorStatusT = 42
	ErrorStatusCannotCommentOnProp         ErrorStatusT = 43
	ErrorStatusCannotVoteOnPropComment     ErrorStatusT = 44
	ErrorStatusChangeMessageCannotBeBlank  ErrorStatusT = 45
	ErrorStatusCensorReasonCannotBeBlank   ErrorStatusT = 46
	ErrorStatusCannotCensorComment         ErrorStatusT = 47
	ErrorStatusUserNotAuthor               ErrorStatusT = 48
	ErrorStatusVoteNotAuthorized           ErrorStatusT = 49
	ErrorStatusVoteAlreadyAuthorized       ErrorStatusT = 50
	ErrorStatusInvalidAuthVoteAction       ErrorStatusT = 51
	ErrorStatusUserDeactivated             ErrorStatusT = 52
	ErrorStatusInvalidPropVoteBits         ErrorStatusT = 53
	ErrorStatusInvalidPropVoteParams       ErrorStatusT = 54
	ErrorStatusEmailNotVerified            ErrorStatusT = 55
	ErrorStatusInvalidPropVersion          ErrorStatusT = 56
	ErrorStatusInvalidUUID                 ErrorStatusT = 57

	// Proposal state codes
	// PropStateUnvetted includes proposals with a status of:
	//   * PropStatusNotReviewed
	//   * PropStatusUnreviewedChanges
	//   * PropStatusCensored
	// PropStateVetted includes proposals with a status of:
	//   * PropStatusPublic
	//   * PropStatusAbandoned
	// Proposal states correspond to the unvetted and vetted hcAutonomyd
	// repositories.
	PropStateInvalid  PropStateT = 0 // Invalid state
	PropStateUnvetted PropStateT = 1 // Unvetted proposal
	PropStateVetted   PropStateT = 2 // Vetted proposal

	// Proposal status codes (set and get)
	PropStatusInvalid           PropStatusT = 0 // Invalid status
	PropStatusNotFound          PropStatusT = 1 // Proposal not found
	PropStatusNotReviewed       PropStatusT = 2 // Proposal has not been reviewed
	PropStatusCensored          PropStatusT = 3 // Proposal has been censored
	PropStatusPublic            PropStatusT = 4 // Proposal is publicly visible
	PropStatusUnreviewedChanges PropStatusT = 5 // Proposal is not public and has unreviewed changes
	PropStatusAbandoned         PropStatusT = 6 // Proposal has been declared abandoned by an admin

	// Proposal vote status codes
	PropVoteStatusInvalid       PropVoteStatusT = 0 // Invalid vote status
	PropVoteStatusNotAuthorized PropVoteStatusT = 1 // Vote has not been authorized by author
	PropVoteStatusAuthorized    PropVoteStatusT = 2 // Vote has been authorized by author
	PropVoteStatusStarted       PropVoteStatusT = 3 // Proposal vote has been started
	PropVoteStatusFinished      PropVoteStatusT = 4 // Proposal vote has been finished
	PropVoteStatusDoesntExist   PropVoteStatusT = 5 // Proposal doesn't exist

	// User manage actions
	UserManageInvalid                         UserManageActionT = 0 // Invalid action type
	UserManageExpireNewUserVerification       UserManageActionT = 1
	UserManageExpireUpdateKeyVerification     UserManageActionT = 2
	UserManageExpireResetPasswordVerification UserManageActionT = 3
	UserManageClearUserPaywall                UserManageActionT = 4
	UserManageUnlock                          UserManageActionT = 5
	UserManageDeactivate                      UserManageActionT = 6
	UserManageReactivate                      UserManageActionT = 7

	// Authorize vote actions
	AuthVoteActionAuthorize = "authorize" // Authorize a proposal vote
	AuthVoteActionRevoke    = "revoke"    // Revoke a proposal vote authorization

	// Email notification types
	NotificationEmailMyProposalStatusChange      EmailNotificationT = 1 << 0
	NotificationEmailMyProposalVoteStarted       EmailNotificationT = 1 << 1
	NotificationEmailRegularProposalVetted       EmailNotificationT = 1 << 2
	NotificationEmailRegularProposalEdited       EmailNotificationT = 1 << 3
	NotificationEmailRegularProposalVoteStarted  EmailNotificationT = 1 << 4
	NotificationEmailAdminProposalNew            EmailNotificationT = 1 << 5
	NotificationEmailAdminProposalVoteAuthorized EmailNotificationT = 1 << 6
	NotificationEmailCommentOnMyProposal         EmailNotificationT = 1 << 7
	NotificationEmailCommentOnMyComment          EmailNotificationT = 1 << 8


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var (
	// PolicyProposalNameSupportedChars is the regular expression of a valid
	// proposal name
	PolicyProposalNameSupportedChars = []string{
		"A-z", "0-9", "&", ".", ",", ":", ";", "-", " ", "@", "+", "#", "/",
		"(", ")", "!", "?", "\"", "'"}

	// PolicyUsernameSupportedChars is the regular expression of a valid
	// username
	PolicyUsernameSupportedChars = []string{
		"a-z", "0-9", ".", ",", ":", ";", "-", "@", "+", "(", ")", "_"}

	// HcAutonomyWWWAPIRoute is the prefix to the API route
	HcAutonomyWWWAPIRoute = fmt.Sprintf("/v%v", HcAutonomyWWWAPIVersion)

	// CookieSession is the cookie name that indicates that a user is
	// logged in.
	CookieSession = "session"

	// ErrorStatus converts error status codes to human readable text.
	ErrorStatus = map[ErrorStatusT]string{
		ErrorStatusInvalid:                     "invalid error status",
		ErrorStatusInvalidEmailOrPassword:      "invalid email or password",
		ErrorStatusMalformedEmail:              "malformed email",
		ErrorStatusVerificationTokenInvalid:    "invalid verification token",
		ErrorStatusVerificationTokenExpired:    "expired verification token",
		ErrorStatusProposalMissingFiles:        "missing proposal files",
		ErrorStatusProposalNotFound:            "proposal not found",
		ErrorStatusProposalDuplicateFilenames:  "duplicate proposal files",
		ErrorStatusProposalInvalidTitle:        "invalid proposal title",
		ErrorStatusMaxMDsExceededPolicy:        "maximum markdown files exceeded",
		ErrorStatusMaxImagesExceededPolicy:     "maximum image files exceeded",
		ErrorStatusMaxMDSizeExceededPolicy:     "maximum markdown file size exceeded",
		ErrorStatusMaxImageSizeExceededPolicy:  "maximum image file size exceeded",
		ErrorStatusMalformedPassword:           "malformed password",
		ErrorStatusCommentNotFound:             "comment not found",
		ErrorStatusInvalidFilename:             "invalid filename",
		ErrorStatusInvalidFileDigest:           "invalid file digest",
		ErrorStatusInvalidBase64:               "invalid base64 file content",
		ErrorStatusInvalidMIMEType:             "invalid MIME type detected for file",
		ErrorStatusUnsupportedMIMEType:         "unsupported MIME type for file",
		ErrorStatusInvalidPropStatusTransition: "invalid proposal status",
		ErrorStatusInvalidPublicKey:            "invalid public key",
		ErrorStatusNoPublicKey:                 "no active public key",
		ErrorStatusInvalidSignature:            "invalid signature",
		ErrorStatusInvalidInput:                "invalid input",
		ErrorStatusInvalidSigningKey:           "invalid signing key",
		ErrorStatusCommentLengthExceededPolicy: "maximum comment length exceeded",
		ErrorStatusUserNotFound:                "user not found",
		ErrorStatusWrongStatus:                 "wrong status",
		ErrorStatusNotLoggedIn:                 "user not logged in",
		ErrorStatusUserNotPaid:                 "user hasn't paid paywall",
		ErrorStatusReviewerAdminEqualsAuthor:   "user cannot change the status of his own proposal",
		ErrorStatusMalformedUsername:           "malformed username",
		ErrorStatusDuplicateUsername:           "duplicate username",
		ErrorStatusVerificationTokenUnexpired:  "verification token not yet expired",
		ErrorStatusCannotVerifyPayment:         "cannot verify payment at this time",
		ErrorStatusDuplicatePublicKey:          "public key already taken by another user",
		ErrorStatusInvalidPropVoteStatus:       "invalid proposal vote status",
		ErrorStatusUserLocked:                  "user locked due to too many login attempts",
		ErrorStatusNoProposalCredits:           "no proposal credits",
		ErrorStatusInvalidUserManageAction:     "invalid user edit action",
		ErrorStatusUserActionNotAllowed:        "user action is not allowed",
		ErrorStatusWrongVoteStatus:             "wrong proposal vote status",
		ErrorStatusCannotCommentOnProp:         "cannot comment on proposal",
		ErrorStatusCannotVoteOnPropComment:     "cannot vote on proposal comment",
		ErrorStatusChangeMessageCannotBeBlank:  "status change message cannot be blank",
		ErrorStatusCensorReasonCannotBeBlank:   "censor comment reason cannot be blank",
		ErrorStatusCannotCensorComment:         "cannot censor comment",
		ErrorStatusUserNotAuthor:               "user is not the proposal author",
		ErrorStatusVoteNotAuthorized:           "vote has not been authorized",
		ErrorStatusVoteAlreadyAuthorized:       "vote has already been authorized",
		ErrorStatusInvalidAuthVoteAction:       "invalid authorize vote action",
		ErrorStatusUserDeactivated:             "user account is deactivated",
		ErrorStatusInvalidPropVoteBits:         "invalid proposal vote option bits",
		ErrorStatusInvalidPropVoteParams:       "invalid proposal vote parameters",
		ErrorStatusEmailNotVerified:            "email address is not verified",
		ErrorStatusInvalidPropVersion:          "invalid proposal version",
		ErrorStatusInvalidUUID:                 "invalid user UUID",

	// PropStatus converts propsal status codes to human readable text
	PropStatus = map[PropStatusT]string{
		PropStatusInvalid:     "invalid proposal status",
		PropStatusNotFound:    "not found",
		PropStatusNotReviewed: "unreviewed",
		PropStatusCensored:    "censored",
		PropStatusPublic:      "public",
		PropStatusAbandoned:   "abandoned",

	// PropVoteStatus converts votes status codes to human readable text
	PropVoteStatus = map[PropVoteStatusT]string{
		PropVoteStatusInvalid:       "invalid vote status",
		PropVoteStatusNotAuthorized: "voting has not been authorized by author",
		PropVoteStatusAuthorized:    "voting has been authorized by author",
		PropVoteStatusStarted:       "voting active",
		PropVoteStatusFinished:      "voting finished",
		PropVoteStatusDoesntExist:   "proposal does not exist",

	// UserManageAction converts user edit actions to human readable text
	UserManageAction = map[UserManageActionT]string{
		UserManageInvalid:                         "invalid action",
		UserManageExpireNewUserVerification:       "expire new user verification",
		UserManageExpireUpdateKeyVerification:     "expire update key verification",
		UserManageExpireResetPasswordVerification: "expire reset password verification",
		UserManageClearUserPaywall:                "clear user paywall",
		UserManageUnlock:                          "unlock user",
		UserManageDeactivate:                      "deactivate user",
		UserManageReactivate:                      "reactivate user",


This section is empty.


type AbridgedUser

type AbridgedUser struct {
	ID       string `json:"id"`
	Email    string `json:"email"`
	Username string `json:"username"`

AbridgedUser is a shortened version of User that's used for the admin list.

type ActiveVote

type ActiveVote struct{}

ActiveVote obtains all proposals that have active votes.

type ActiveVoteReply

type ActiveVoteReply struct {
	Votes []ProposalVoteTuple `json:"votes"` // Active votes

ActiveVoteReply returns all proposals that have active votes.

type AuthorizeVote

type AuthorizeVote struct {
	Action    string `json:"action"`    // Authorize or revoke
	Token     string `json:"token"`     // Proposal token
	Signature string `json:"signature"` // Signature of token+version+action
	PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // Key used for signature

AuthorizeVote is used to indicate that a proposal has been finalized and is ready to be voted on. The signature and public key are from the proposal author. The author can revoke a previously sent vote authorization by setting the Action field to revoke.

type AuthorizeVoteReply

type AuthorizeVoteReply struct {
	Action  string `json:"action"`  // Authorize or revoke
	Receipt string `json:"receipt"` // Server signature of client signature

AuthorizeVoteReply returns a receipt if the action was successfully executed.

type Ballot

type Ballot struct {
	Votes []CastVote `json:"votes"`

Ballot is a batch of votes that are sent to the server.

type BallotReply

type BallotReply struct {
	Receipts []CastVoteReply `json:"receipts"`

CastVotesReply is a reply to a batched list of votes.

type CastVote

type CastVote struct {
	Token     string `json:"token"`     // Proposal ID
	Ticket    string `json:"ticket"`    // Ticket ID
	VoteBit   string `json:"votebit"`   // Vote bit that was selected, this is encode in hex
	Signature string `json:"signature"` // Signature of Token+Ticket+VoteBit

CastVote is a signed vote.

type CastVoteReply

type CastVoteReply struct {
	ClientSignature string `json:"clientsignature"` // Signature that was sent in
	Signature       string `json:"signature"`       // Signature of the ClientSignature
	Error           string `json:"error"`           // Error if something went wrong during casting a vote

CastVoteReply is the answer to the CastVote command.

type CensorComment

type CensorComment struct {
	Token     string `json:"token"`     // Proposal censorship token
	CommentID string `json:"commentid"` // Comment ID
	Reason    string `json:"reason"`    // Reason the comment was censored
	Signature string `json:"signature"` // Client signature of Token+CommentID+Reason
	PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // Pubkey used for signature

CensorComment allows an admin to censor a comment. The signature and public key are from the admin that censored this comment.

type CensorCommentReply

type CensorCommentReply struct {
	Receipt string `json:"receipt"` // Server signature of client signature

CensorCommentReply returns a receipt if the comment was successfully censored.

type CensorshipRecord

type CensorshipRecord struct {
	Token     string `json:"token"`     // Censorship token
	Merkle    string `json:"merkle"`    // Merkle root of proposal
	Signature string `json:"signature"` // Server side signature of []byte(Merkle+Token)

CensorshipRecord contains the proof that a proposal was accepted for review. The proof is verifiable on the client side.

The Merkle field contains the ordered merkle root of all files in the proposal. The Token field contains a random censorship token that is signed by the server private key. The token can be used on the client to verify the authenticity of the CensorshipRecord.

type ChangePassword

type ChangePassword struct {
	CurrentPassword string `json:"currentpassword"`
	NewPassword     string `json:"newpassword"`

ChangePassword is used to perform a password change while the user is logged in.

type ChangePasswordReply

type ChangePasswordReply struct{}

ChangePasswordReply is used to perform a password change while the user is logged in.

type ChangeUsername

type ChangeUsername struct {
	Password    string `json:"password"`
	NewUsername string `json:"newusername"`

ChangeUsername is used to perform a username change while the user is logged in.

type ChangeUsernameReply

type ChangeUsernameReply struct{}

ChangeUsernameReply is used to perform a username change while the user is logged in.

type Comment

type Comment struct {
	// Data generated by client
	Token     string `json:"token"`     // Censorship token
	ParentID  string `json:"parentid"`  // Parent comment ID
	Comment   string `json:"comment"`   // Comment
	Signature string `json:"signature"` // Client Signature of Token+ParentID+Comment
	PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // Pubkey used for Signature

	// Metadata generated by HcashOrg plugin
	CommentID   string `json:"commentid"`   // Comment ID
	Receipt     string `json:"receipt"`     // Server signature of the client Signature
	Timestamp   int64  `json:"timestamp"`   // Received UNIX timestamp
	TotalVotes  uint64 `json:"totalvotes"`  // Total number of up/down votes
	ResultVotes int64  `json:"resultvotes"` // Vote score
	Censored    bool   `json:"censored"`    // Has this comment been censored

	// Metadata generated by www
	UserID   string `json:"userid"`   // User id
	Username string `json:"username"` // Username

Comment is the structure that describes the full server side content. It includes server side meta-data as well.

type CommentLike

type CommentLike struct {
	Action    string `json:"action"`    // Up or downvote (1, -1)
	CommentID string `json:"commentid"` // Comment ID
	Token     string `json:"token"`     // Censorship token

CommentLike describes the voting action an user has given to a comment (e.g: up or down vote)

type EditProposal

type EditProposal struct {
	Token     string `json:"token"`
	Files     []File `json:"files"`
	PublicKey string `json:"publickey"`
	Signature string `json:"signature"`

EditProposal attempts to edit a proposal

type EditProposalReply

type EditProposalReply struct {
	Proposal ProposalRecord `json:"proposal"`

EditProposalReply is used to reply to the EditProposal command

type EditUser

type EditUser struct {
	EmailNotifications *uint64 `json:"emailnotifications"` // Notify the user via emails

EditUser edits a user's preferences.

type EditUserReply

type EditUserReply struct{}

EditUserReply is the reply for the EditUser command.

type EmailNotificationT

type EmailNotificationT int

type ErrorReply

type ErrorReply struct {
	ErrorCode    int64    `json:"errorcode,omitempty"`
	ErrorContext []string `json:"errorcontext,omitempty"`

ErrorReply are replies that the server returns a when it encounters an unrecoverable problem while executing a command. The HTTP Error Code shall be 500 if it's an internal server error or 4xx if it's a user error.

type ErrorStatusT

type ErrorStatusT int

type File

type File struct {
	// Meta-data
	Name   string `json:"name"`   // Suggested filename
	MIME   string `json:"mime"`   // Mime type
	Digest string `json:"digest"` // Digest of unencoded payload

	// Data
	Payload string `json:"payload"` // File content, base64 encoded

File describes an individual file that is part of the proposal. The directory structure must be flattened. The server side SHALL verify MIME and Digest.

type GetAllUnvetted

type GetAllUnvetted struct {
	Before string `schema:"before"`
	After  string `schema:"after"`

GetAllUnvetted retrieves all unvetted proposals; the maximum number returned is dictated by ProposalListPageSize. This command optionally takes either a Before or After parameter, which specify a proposal's censorship token. If After is specified, the "page" returned starts after the proposal whose censorship token is provided. If Before is specified, the "page" returned starts before the proposal whose censorship token is provided.

Note: This call requires admin privileges.

type GetAllUnvettedReply

type GetAllUnvettedReply struct {
	Proposals []ProposalRecord `json:"proposals"`

GetAllUnvettedReply is used to reply with a list of all unvetted proposals.

type GetAllVetted

type GetAllVetted struct {
	Before string `schema:"before"`
	After  string `schema:"after"`

GetAllVetted retrieves vetted proposals; the maximum number returned is dictated by ProposalListPageSize. This command optionally takes either a Before or After parameter, which specify a proposal's censorship token. If After is specified, the "page" returned starts after the proposal whose censorship token is provided. If Before is specified, the "page" returned starts before the proposal whose censorship token is provided.

type GetAllVettedReply

type GetAllVettedReply struct {
	Proposals []ProposalRecord `json:"proposals"`

GetAllVettedReply is used to reply with a list of vetted proposals.

type GetAllVoteStatus

type GetAllVoteStatus struct{}

GetAllVoteStatus attempts to fetch the vote status of all public propsals

type GetAllVoteStatusReply

type GetAllVoteStatusReply struct {
	VotesStatus []VoteStatusReply `json:"votesstatus"` // Vote status of all public proposals

GetAllVoteStatusReply returns the vote status of all public proposals

type GetComments

type GetComments struct {
	Token string `json:"token"` // Censorship token

GetComments retrieve all comments for a given proposal.

type GetCommentsReply

type GetCommentsReply struct {
	Comments   []Comment `json:"comments"`             // Comments
	AccessTime int64     `json:"accesstime,omitempty"` // User Access Time

GetCommentsReply returns the provided number of comments.

type LikeComment

type LikeComment struct {
	Token     string `json:"token"`     // Censorship token
	CommentID string `json:"commentid"` // Comment ID
	Action    string `json:"action"`    // Up or downvote (1, -1)
	Signature string `json:"signature"` // Client Signature of Token+CommentID+Action
	PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // Pubkey used for Signature

LikeComment allows a user to up or down vote a comment.

type LikeCommentReply

type LikeCommentReply struct {
	// XXX we probably need a sequence numkber or something here and some sort of rate limit
	Total   uint64 `json:"total"`           // Total number of up and down votes
	Result  int64  `json:"result"`          // Current tally of likes, can be negative
	Receipt string `json:"receipt"`         // Server signature of client signature
	Error   string `json:"error,omitempty"` // Error if something went wrong during liking a comment

LikeCommentReply returns the current up/down vote result.

type Login

type Login struct {
	Email    string `json:"email"`
	Password string `json:"password"`

Login attempts to login the user. Note that by necessity the password travels in the clear.

type LoginReply

type LoginReply struct {
	IsAdmin            bool   `json:"isadmin"`            // Set if user is an admin
	UserID             string `json:"userid"`             // User id
	Email              string `json:"email"`              // User email
	Username           string `json:"username"`           // Username
	PublicKey          string `json:"publickey"`          // Active public key
	PaywallAddress     string `json:"paywalladdress"`     // Registration paywall address
	PaywallAmount      uint64 `json:"paywallamount"`      // Registration paywall amount in atoms
	PaywallTxNotBefore int64  `json:"paywalltxnotbefore"` // Minimum timestamp for paywall tx
	PaywallTxID        string `json:"paywalltxid"`        // Paywall payment tx ID
	ProposalCredits    uint64 `json:"proposalcredits"`    // Number of the proposal credits the user has available to spend
	LastLoginTime      int64  `json:"lastlogintime"`      // Unix timestamp of last login date
	SessionMaxAge      int64  `json:"sessionmaxage"`      // Unix timestamp of session max age

LoginReply is used to reply to the Login command.

type Logout

type Logout struct{}

Logout attempts to log the user out.

type LogoutReply

type LogoutReply struct{}

LogoutReply indicates whether the Logout command was success or not.

type ManageUser

type ManageUser struct {
	UserID string            `json:"userid"` // User id
	Action UserManageActionT `json:"action"` // Action
	Reason string            `json:"reason"` // Admin reason for action

ManageUser performs the given action on a user.

type ManageUserReply

type ManageUserReply struct{}

ManageUserReply is the reply for the ManageUserReply command.

type Me

type Me struct{}

Me asks the server to return pertinent user information.

Note that MeReply is not present because LoginReply is reused for this endpoint.

type NewComment

type NewComment struct {
	Token     string `json:"token"`     // Censorship token
	ParentID  string `json:"parentid"`  // Parent comment ID
	Comment   string `json:"comment"`   // Comment
	Signature string `json:"signature"` // Client Signature of Token+ParentID+Comment
	PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // Pubkey used for Signature

NewComment sends a comment from a user to a specific proposal. Note that the user is implied by the session.

type NewCommentReply

type NewCommentReply struct {
	Comment Comment `json:"comment"` // Comment + receipt

NewCommentReply returns the site generated Comment ID or an error if something went wrong.

type NewProposal

type NewProposal struct {
	Files     []File `json:"files"`     // Proposal files
	PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // Key used for signature.
	Signature string `json:"signature"` // Signature of merkle root

NewProposal attempts to submit a new proposal.

type NewProposalReply

type NewProposalReply struct {
	CensorshipRecord CensorshipRecord `json:"censorshiprecord"`

NewProposalReply is used to reply to the NewProposal command

type NewUser

type NewUser struct {
	Email     string `json:"email"`
	Password  string `json:"password"`
	PublicKey string `json:"publickey"`
	Username  string `json:"username"`

NewUser is used to request that a new user be created within the db. If successful, the user will require verification before being able to login.

type NewUserReply

type NewUserReply struct {
	VerificationToken string `json:"verificationtoken"` // Server verification token

NewUserReply is used to reply to the NewUser command with an error if the command is unsuccessful.

type PDError

type PDError struct {
	HTTPCode   int
	ErrorReply PDErrorReply

PDError is emitted when an HTTP error response is returned from HcAutonomyd for a request. It contains the HTTP status code and the JSON response body.

func (PDError) Error

func (e PDError) Error() string

Error satisfies the error interface.

type PDErrorReply

type PDErrorReply struct {
	ErrorCode    int
	ErrorContext []string

PDErrorReply is an error reply returned from HcAutonomyd whenever an error occurs.

type Policy

type Policy struct{}

Policy returns a struct with various maxima. The client shall observe the maxima.

type PolicyReply

type PolicyReply struct {
	MinPasswordLength          uint     `json:"minpasswordlength"`
	MinUsernameLength          uint     `json:"minusernamelength"`
	MaxUsernameLength          uint     `json:"maxusernamelength"`
	UsernameSupportedChars     []string `json:"usernamesupportedchars"`
	ProposalListPageSize       uint     `json:"proposallistpagesize"`
	UserListPageSize           uint     `json:"userlistpagesize"`
	MaxImages                  uint     `json:"maximages"`
	MaxImageSize               uint     `json:"maximagesize"`
	MaxMDs                     uint     `json:"maxmds"`
	MaxMDSize                  uint     `json:"maxmdsize"`
	ValidMIMETypes             []string `json:"validmimetypes"`
	MinProposalNameLength      uint     `json:"minproposalnamelength"`
	MaxProposalNameLength      uint     `json:"maxproposalnamelength"`
	ProposalNameSupportedChars []string `json:"proposalnamesupportedchars"`
	MaxCommentLength           uint     `json:"maxcommentlength"`
	BackendPublicKey           string   `json:"backendpublickey"`

PolicyReply is used to reply to the policy command. It returns the file upload restrictions set for HcAutonomy.

type PropStateT

type PropStateT int

type PropStatusT

type PropStatusT int

type PropVoteStatusT

type PropVoteStatusT int

type ProposalCredit

type ProposalCredit struct {
	PaywallID     uint64 `json:"paywallid"`     // paywall that created this credit
	Price         uint64 `json:"price"`         // Price credit was purchased at in atoms
	DatePurchased int64  `json:"datepurchased"` // Unix timestamp of the purchase date
	TxID          string `json:"txid"`          // Hc tx that purchased this credit

ProposalCredit contains the details of a proposal credit that has been purchased by the user.

type ProposalDetailsReply

type ProposalDetailsReply struct {
	Proposal ProposalRecord `json:"proposal"`

ProposalDetailsReply is used to reply to a proposal details command.

type ProposalPaywallDetails

type ProposalPaywallDetails struct{}

ProposalPaywallDetails is used to request proposal paywall details from the server that the user needs in order to purchase paywall credits.

type ProposalPaywallDetailsReply

type ProposalPaywallDetailsReply struct {
	CreditPrice        uint64 `json:"creditprice"`        // Cost per proposal credit in atoms
	PaywallAddress     string `json:"paywalladdress"`     // Proposal paywall address
	PaywallTxNotBefore int64  `json:"paywalltxnotbefore"` // Minimum timestamp for paywall tx

ProposalPaywallDetailsReply is used to reply to the ProposalPaywallDetails command.

type ProposalPaywallPayment

type ProposalPaywallPayment struct{}

ProposalPaywallPayment is used to request payment details for a pending propsoal paywall payment.

type ProposalPaywallPaymentReply

type ProposalPaywallPaymentReply struct {
	TxID          string `json:"txid"`          // Transaction ID
	TxAmount      uint64 `json:"amount"`        // Transaction amount in atoms
	Confirmations uint64 `json:"confirmations"` // Number of block confirmations

ProposalPaywallPaymentReply is used to reply to the ProposalPaywallPayment command.

type ProposalRecord

type ProposalRecord struct {
	Name                string      `json:"name"`                          // Suggested short proposal name
	State               PropStateT  `json:"state"`                         // Current state of proposal
	Status              PropStatusT `json:"status"`                        // Current status of proposal
	Timestamp           int64       `json:"timestamp"`                     // Last update of proposal
	UserId              string      `json:"userid"`                        // ID of user who submitted proposal
	Username            string      `json:"username"`                      // Username of user who submitted proposal
	PublicKey           string      `json:"publickey"`                     // Key used for signature.
	Signature           string      `json:"signature"`                     // Signature of merkle root
	Files               []File      `json:"files"`                         // Files that make up the proposal
	NumComments         uint        `json:"numcomments"`                   // Number of comments on the proposal
	Version             string      `json:"version"`                       // Record version
	StatusChangeMessage string      `json:"statuschangemessage,omitempty"` // Message associated to the status change
	PublishedAt         int64       `json:"publishedat,omitempty"`         // The timestamp of when the proposal has been published
	CensoredAt          int64       `json:"censoredat,omitempty"`          // The timestamp of when the proposal has been censored
	AbandonedAt         int64       `json:"abandonedat,omitempty"`         // The timestamp of when the proposal has been abandoned

	CensorshipRecord CensorshipRecord `json:"censorshiprecord"`

ProposalRecord is an entire proposal and it's content.

type ProposalVoteTuple

type ProposalVoteTuple struct {
	Proposal       ProposalRecord `json:"proposal"`       // Proposal
	StartVote      StartVote      `json:"startvote"`      // Vote bits and mask
	StartVoteReply StartVoteReply `json:"startvotereply"` // Eligible tickets and other details

ProposalVoteTuple is the proposal, vote and vote details.

type ProposalsDetails

type ProposalsDetails struct {
	Token   string `json:"token"`             // Censorship token
	Version string `json:"version,omitempty"` // Proposal version

ProposalsDetails is used to retrieve a proposal by it's token and by the proposal version (optional). If the version isn't specified the latest proposal version will be returned by default.

type ProposalsStats

type ProposalsStats struct{}

ProposalsStats is a command to fetch the stats for all proposals

type ProposalsStatsReply

type ProposalsStatsReply struct {
	NumOfCensored        int `json:"numofcensored"`        // Counting number of censored proposals
	NumOfUnvetted        int `json:"numofunvetted"`        // Counting number of unvetted proposals
	NumOfUnvettedChanges int `json:"numofunvettedchanges"` // Counting number of proposals with unvetted changes
	NumOfPublic          int `json:"numofpublic"`          // Counting number of public proposals
	NumOfAbandoned       int `json:"numofabandoned"`       // Counting number of abandoned proposals

ProposalsStatsReply returns the stats for all proposals

type ResendVerification

type ResendVerification struct {
	Email     string `json:"email"`
	PublicKey string `json:"publickey"`

ResendVerification is used to resent a new user verification email.

type ResendVerificationReply

type ResendVerificationReply struct {
	VerificationToken string `json:"verificationtoken"` // Server verification token

ResendVerificationReply is used to reply to the ResendVerification command.

type ResetPassword

type ResetPassword struct {
	Email             string `json:"email"`
	VerificationToken string `json:"verificationtoken"`
	NewPassword       string `json:"newpassword"`

ResetPassword is used to perform a password change when the user is not logged in.

type ResetPasswordReply

type ResetPasswordReply struct {
	VerificationToken string `json:"verificationtoken"`

ResetPasswordReply is used to reply to the ResetPassword command with an error if the command is unsuccessful.

type SetProposalStatus

type SetProposalStatus struct {
	Token               string      `json:"token"`
	ProposalStatus      PropStatusT `json:"proposalstatus"`
	StatusChangeMessage string      `json:"statuschangemessage,omitempty"` // Message associated to the status change
	Signature           string      `json:"signature"`                     // Signature of Token+string(ProposalStatus)+StatusChangeMessage
	PublicKey           string      `json:"publickey"`

SetProposalStatus is used to publish or censor an unreviewed proposal.

type SetProposalStatusReply

type SetProposalStatusReply struct {
	Proposal ProposalRecord `json:"proposal"`

SetProposalStatusReply is used to reply to a SetProposalStatus command.

type StartVote

type StartVote struct {
	PublicKey string `json:"publickey"` // Key used for signature.
	Vote      Vote   `json:"vote"`      // Vote
	Signature string `json:"signature"` // Signature of Votehash

StartVote starts the voting process for a proposal.

type StartVoteReply

type StartVoteReply struct {
	StartBlockHeight string   `json:"startblockheight"` // Block height
	StartBlockHash   string   `json:"startblockhash"`   // Block hash
	EndHeight        string   `json:"endheight"`        // Height of vote end
	EligibleTickets  []string `json:"eligibletickets"`  // Valid voting tickets

StartVoteReply returns the eligible ticket pool.

type UpdateUserKey

type UpdateUserKey struct {
	PublicKey string `json:"publickey"`

UpdateUserKey is used to request a new active key.

type UpdateUserKeyReply

type UpdateUserKeyReply struct {
	VerificationToken string `json:"verificationtoken"` // Server verification token

UpdateUserKeyReply replies to the UpdateUserKey command.

type User

type User struct {
	ID                              string         `json:"id"`
	Email                           string         `json:"email"`
	Username                        string         `json:"username"`
	Admin                           bool           `json:"isadmin"`
	NewUserPaywallAddress           string         `json:"newuserpaywalladdress"`
	NewUserPaywallAmount            uint64         `json:"newuserpaywallamount"`
	NewUserPaywallTx                string         `json:"newuserpaywalltx"`
	NewUserPaywallTxNotBefore       int64          `json:"newuserpaywalltxnotbefore"`
	NewUserPaywallPollExpiry        int64          `json:"newuserpaywallpollexpiry"`
	NewUserVerificationToken        []byte         `json:"newuserverificationtoken"`
	NewUserVerificationExpiry       int64          `json:"newuserverificationexpiry"`
	UpdateKeyVerificationToken      []byte         `json:"updatekeyverificationtoken"`
	UpdateKeyVerificationExpiry     int64          `json:"updatekeyverificationexpiry"`
	ResetPasswordVerificationToken  []byte         `json:"resetpasswordverificationtoken"`
	ResetPasswordVerificationExpiry int64          `json:"resetpasswordverificationexpiry"`
	LastLoginTime                   int64          `json:"lastlogintime"`
	FailedLoginAttempts             uint64         `json:"failedloginattempts"`
	Deactivated                     bool           `json:"isdeactivated"`
	Locked                          bool           `json:"islocked"`
	Identities                      []UserIdentity `json:"identities"`
	ProposalCredits                 uint64         `json:"proposalcredits"`
	EmailNotifications              uint64         `json:"emailnotifications"` // Notify the user via emails

User represents an individual user.

type UserCommentsLikes

type UserCommentsLikes struct{}

UserCommentsLikes is a command to fetch all user vote actions on the comments of a given proposal

type UserCommentsLikesReply

type UserCommentsLikesReply struct {
	CommentsLikes []CommentLike `json:"commentslikes"`

UserCommentsLikesReply is a reply with all user vote actions for the comments of a given proposal

type UserDetails

type UserDetails struct {
	UserID string `json:"userid"` // User id

UserDetails fetches a user's details by their id.

type UserDetailsReply

type UserDetailsReply struct {
	User User `json:"user"`

UserDetailsReply returns a user's details.

type UserError

type UserError struct {
	ErrorCode    ErrorStatusT
	ErrorContext []string

UserError represents an error that is caused by something that the user did (malformed input, bad timing, etc).

func (UserError) Error

func (e UserError) Error() string

Error satisfies the error interface.

type UserIdentity

type UserIdentity struct {
	Pubkey string `json:"pubkey"`
	Active bool   `json:"isactive"`

UserIdentity represents a user's unique identity.

type UserManageActionT

type UserManageActionT int

type UserPaymentsRescan

type UserPaymentsRescan struct {
	UserID string `json:"userid"` // ID of user to rescan

UserPaymentsRescan allows an admin to rescan a user's paywall address to check for any payments that may have been missed by paywall polling. Any proposal credits that are created as a result of the rescan are returned in the UserPaymentsRescanReply. This call isn't RESTful, but a PUT request is used since it's idempotent.

type UserPaymentsRescanReply

type UserPaymentsRescanReply struct {
	NewCredits []ProposalCredit `json:"newcredits"` // Credits that were created by the rescan

UserPaymentsRescanReply is used to reply to the UserPaymentsRescan command.

type UserProposalCredits

type UserProposalCredits struct{}

UserProposalCredits is used to request a list of all the user's unspent proposal credits and a list of all of the user's spent proposal credits. A spent credit means that the credit was used to submit a proposal. Spent credits have a proposal censorship token associated with them to signify that they have been spent.

type UserProposalCreditsReply

type UserProposalCreditsReply struct {
	UnspentCredits []ProposalCredit `json:"unspentcredits"` // credits that the user has purchased, but have not yet been used to submit proposals (credit price in atoms)
	SpentCredits   []ProposalCredit `json:"spentcredits"`   // credits that the user has purchased and that have already been used to submit proposals (credit price in atoms)

UserProposalCredits is used to reply to the UserProposalCredits command.

type UserProposals

type UserProposals struct {
	UserId string `schema:"userid"`
	Before string `schema:"before"`
	After  string `schema:"after"`

UserProposals is used to request a list of proposals that the user has submitted. This command optionally takes either a Before or After parameter, which specify a proposal's censorship token. If After is specified, the "page" returned starts after the proposal whose censorship token is provided. If Before is specified, the "page" returned starts before the proposal whose censorship token is provided.

type UserProposalsReply

type UserProposalsReply struct {
	Proposals      []ProposalRecord `json:"proposals"`      // user proposals
	NumOfProposals int              `json:"numofproposals"` // number of proposals submitted by the user

UserProposalsReply replies to the UserProposals command with a list of proposals that the user has submitted and the total amount of proposals

type Users

type Users struct {
	Username string `json:"username"` // String which should match or partially match a username
	Email    string `json:"email"`    // String which should match or partially match an email

Users is used to request a list of users given a filter.

type UsersReply

type UsersReply struct {
	TotalUsers   uint64         `json:"totalusers"`   // Total number of all users in the database
	TotalMatches uint64         `json:"totalmatches"` // Total number of users that match the filters
	Users        []AbridgedUser `json:"users"`        // List of users that match the filters

UsersReply is a reply to the Users command, replying with a list of users.

type VerifyNewUser

type VerifyNewUser struct {
	Email             string `schema:"email"`             // User email address
	VerificationToken string `schema:"verificationtoken"` // Server provided verification token
	Signature         string `schema:"signature"`         // Verification token signature

VerifyNewUser is used to perform verification for the user created through the NewUser command using the token provided in NewUserReply.

type VerifyNewUserReply

type VerifyNewUserReply struct{}


type VerifyUpdateUserKey

type VerifyUpdateUserKey struct {
	VerificationToken string `json:"verificationtoken"` // Server provided verification token
	Signature         string `json:"signature"`         // Verification token signature

VerifyUpdateUserKey is used to request a new active key.

type VerifyUpdateUserKeyReply

type VerifyUpdateUserKeyReply struct{}

VerifyUpdateUserKeyReply replies to the VerifyUpdateUserKey command.

type VerifyUserPayment

type VerifyUserPayment struct {

VerifyUserPayment is used to request the server to check for the provided transaction on the Hc blockchain and verify that it satisfies the requirements for a user to pay his registration fee.

type VerifyUserPaymentReply

type VerifyUserPaymentReply struct {
	HasPaid            bool   `json:"haspaid"`
	PaywallAddress     string `json:"paywalladdress"`     // Registration paywall address
	PaywallAmount      uint64 `json:"paywallamount"`      // Registration paywall amount in atoms
	PaywallTxNotBefore int64  `json:"paywalltxnotbefore"` // Minimum timestamp for paywall tx

type Version

type Version struct{}

Version command is used to determine the version of the API this backend understands and additionally it provides the route to said API. This call is required in order to establish CSRF for the session. The client should verify compatibility with the server version.

type VersionReply

type VersionReply struct {
	Version uint   `json:"version"` // hcAutonomy WWW API version
	Route   string `json:"route"`   // prefix to API calls
	PubKey  string `json:"pubkey"`  // Server public key
	TestNet bool   `json:"testnet"` // Network indicator

VersionReply returns information that indicates what version of the server is running and additionally the route to the API and the public signing key of the server.

type Vote

type Vote struct {
	Token            string       `json:"token"`            // Token that identifies vote
	Mask             uint64       `json:"mask"`             // Valid votebits
	Duration         uint32       `json:"duration"`         // Duration in blocks
	QuorumPercentage uint32       `json:"quorumpercentage"` // Percent of eligible votes required for quorum
	PassPercentage   uint32       `json:"passpercentage"`   // Percent of total votes required to pass
	Options          []VoteOption `json:"options"`          // Vote options

Vote represents the vote options for vote that is identified by its token.

type VoteOption

type VoteOption struct {
	Id          string `json:"id"`          // Single unique word identifying vote (e.g. yes)
	Description string `json:"description"` // Longer description of the vote.
	Bits        uint64 `json:"bits"`        // Bits used for this option

VoteOption describes a single vote option.

type VoteOptionResult

type VoteOptionResult struct {
	Option        VoteOption `json:"option"`        // Vote Option
	VotesReceived uint64     `json:"votesreceived"` // Number of votes received by the option

VoteOptionResult is a structure that describes a VotingOption along with the number of votes it has received

type VoteResults

type VoteResults struct{}

VoteResults retrieves a single proposal vote results from the server.

type VoteResultsReply

type VoteResultsReply struct {
	StartVote      StartVote      `json:"startvote"`      // Original vote
	CastVotes      []CastVote     `json:"castvotes"`      // Vote results
	StartVoteReply StartVoteReply `json:"startvotereply"` // Eligible tickets and other details

VoteResultsReply returns the original proposal vote and the associated cast votes.

type VoteStatus

type VoteStatus struct{}

VoteStatus is a command to fetch the the current vote status for a single public proposal

type VoteStatusReply

type VoteStatusReply struct {
	Token              string             `json:"token"`              // Censorship token
	Status             PropVoteStatusT    `json:"status"`             // Vote status (finished, started, etc)
	TotalVotes         uint64             `json:"totalvotes"`         // Proposal's total number of votes
	OptionsResult      []VoteOptionResult `json:"optionsresult"`      // VoteOptionResult for each option
	EndHeight          string             `json:"endheight"`          // Vote end height
	NumOfEligibleVotes int                `json:"numofeligiblevotes"` // Total number of eligible votes
	QuorumPercentage   uint32             `json:"quorumpercentage"`   // Percent of eligible votes required for quorum
	PassPercentage     uint32             `json:"passpercentage"`     // Percent of total votes required to pass

VoteStatusReply describes the vote status for a given proposal

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