Index ¶
- Constants
- type RemoteFileClientConfig
- type RemoteFileTags
- type SBucket
- func (self *SBucket) AbortMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, key string, uploadId string) error
- func (self *SBucket) CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, key string, uploadId string, partEtags []string) error
- func (self *SBucket) CopyObject(ctx context.Context, destKey string, srcBucket, srcKey string, ...) error
- func (self *SBucket) CopyPart(ctx context.Context, key string, uploadId string, partIndex int, ...) (string, error)
- func (self *SBucket) DeleteCORS() error
- func (self *SBucket) DeleteObject(ctx context.Context, keys string) error
- func (self *SBucket) DeletePolicy(id []string) ([]cloudprovider.SBucketPolicyStatement, error)
- func (self *SBucket) DeleteWebSiteConf() error
- func (self *SBucket) GetAccessUrls() []cloudprovider.SBucketAccessUrl
- func (self *SBucket) GetAcl() cloudprovider.TBucketACLType
- func (self *SBucket) GetCORSRules() ([]cloudprovider.SBucketCORSRule, error)
- func (self *SBucket) GetCdnDomains() ([]cloudprovider.SCdnDomain, error)
- func (self *SBucket) GetIRegion() cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
- func (self *SBucket) GetLimit() cloudprovider.SBucketStats
- func (self *SBucket) GetLocation() string
- func (self *SBucket) GetObject(ctx context.Context, key string, rangeOpt *cloudprovider.SGetObjectRange) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (self *SBucket) GetPolicy() ([]cloudprovider.SBucketPolicyStatement, error)
- func (self *SBucket) GetReferer() (cloudprovider.SBucketRefererConf, error)
- func (self *SBucket) GetStats() cloudprovider.SBucketStats
- func (self *SBucket) GetStorageClass() string
- func (self *SBucket) GetTempUrl(method string, key string, expire time.Duration) (string, error)
- func (self *SBucket) GetWebsiteConf() (cloudprovider.SBucketWebsiteConf, error)
- func (self *SBucket) LimitSupport() cloudprovider.SBucketStats
- func (self *SBucket) ListMultipartUploads() ([]cloudprovider.SBucketMultipartUploads, error)
- func (self *SBucket) ListObjects(prefix string, marker string, delimiter string, maxCount int) (cloudprovider.SListObjectResult, error)
- func (self *SBucket) MaxPartCount() int
- func (self *SBucket) MaxPartSizeBytes() int64
- func (self *SBucket) NewMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, key string, cannedAcl cloudprovider.TBucketACLType, ...) (string, error)
- func (self *SBucket) PutObject(ctx context.Context, key string, input io.Reader, sizeBytes int64, ...) error
- func (self *SBucket) SetAcl(acl cloudprovider.TBucketACLType) error
- func (self *SBucket) SetCORS(rules []cloudprovider.SBucketCORSRule) error
- func (self *SBucket) SetLimit(limit cloudprovider.SBucketStats) error
- func (self *SBucket) SetPolicy(policy cloudprovider.SBucketPolicyStatementInput) error
- func (self *SBucket) SetReferer(conf cloudprovider.SBucketRefererConf) error
- func (self *SBucket) SetWebsite(conf cloudprovider.SBucketWebsiteConf) error
- func (self *SBucket) UploadPart(ctx context.Context, key string, uploadId string, partIndex int, ...) (string, error)
- type SDBInstance
- func (self *SDBInstance) ChangeConfig(ctx context.Context, config *cloudprovider.SManagedDBInstanceChangeConfig) error
- func (self *SDBInstance) ClosePublicConnection() error
- func (self *SDBInstance) CreateAccount(conf *cloudprovider.SDBInstanceAccountCreateConfig) error
- func (self *SDBInstance) CreateDatabase(conf *cloudprovider.SDBInstanceDatabaseCreateConfig) error
- func (self *SDBInstance) CreateIBackup(conf *cloudprovider.SDBInstanceBackupCreateConfig) (string, error)
- func (self *SDBInstance) Delete() error
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetCategory() string
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetConnectionStr() string
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetDBNetworks() ([]cloudprovider.SDBInstanceNetwork, error)
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetDiskSizeGB() int
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetDiskSizeUsedMB() int
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetEngine() string
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetEngineVersion() string
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetIDBInstanceAccounts() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDBInstanceAccount, error)
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetIDBInstanceBackups() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDBInstanceBackup, error)
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetIDBInstanceDatabases() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDBInstanceDatabase, error)
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetIDBInstanceParameters() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDBInstanceParameter, error)
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetIVpcId() string
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetInstanceType() string
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetInternalConnectionStr() string
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetIops() int
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetMaintainTime() string
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetMasterInstanceId() string
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetPort() int
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetSecurityGroupIds() ([]string, error)
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetStorageType() string
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetVcpuCount() int
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetVmemSizeMB() int
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetZone1Id() string
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetZone2Id() string
- func (self *SDBInstance) GetZone3Id() string
- func (self *SDBInstance) OpenPublicConnection() error
- func (self *SDBInstance) Reboot() error
- func (self *SDBInstance) RecoveryFromBackup(conf *cloudprovider.SDBInstanceRecoveryConfig) error
- func (self *SDBInstance) SetSecurityGroups(ids []string) error
- func (instance *SDBInstance) Update(ctx context.Context, input cloudprovider.SDBInstanceUpdateOptions) error
- type SDisk
- func (self *SDisk) CreateISnapshot(ctx context.Context, name string, desc string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SDisk) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
- func (self *SDisk) GetAccessPath() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetCacheMode() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetDiskFormat() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetDiskSizeMB() int
- func (self *SDisk) GetDiskType() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetDriver() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetFsFormat() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetISnapshots() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SDisk) GetIStorage() (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (self *SDisk) GetIStorageId() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetIops() int
- func (self *SDisk) GetIsAutoDelete() bool
- func (self *SDisk) GetIsNonPersistent() bool
- func (self *SDisk) GetMountpoint() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetPreallocation() string
- func (self *SDisk) GetTemplateId() string
- func (self *SDisk) Rebuild(ctx context.Context) error
- func (self *SDisk) Reset(ctx context.Context, snapshotId string) (string, error)
- func (self *SDisk) Resize(ctx context.Context, newSizeMB int64) error
- func (disk *SDisk) SetStorage(storage SStorage)
- type SEip
- func (self *SEip) Associate(conf *cloudprovider.AssociateConfig) error
- func (self *SEip) ChangeBandwidth(bw int) error
- func (self *SEip) Delete() error
- func (self *SEip) Dissociate() error
- func (self *SEip) GetAssociationExternalId() string
- func (self *SEip) GetAssociationType() string
- func (self *SEip) GetBandwidth() int
- func (self *SEip) GetINetworkId() string
- func (self *SEip) GetInternetChargeType() string
- func (self *SEip) GetIpAddr() string
- func (self *SEip) GetMode() string
- type SHost
- func (self *SHost) CreateVM(desc *cloudprovider.SManagedVMCreateConfig) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
- func (self *SHost) GetAccessIp() string
- func (self *SHost) GetAccessMac() string
- func (self *SHost) GetCpuCmtbound() float32
- func (self *SHost) GetCpuCount() int
- func (self *SHost) GetCpuDesc() string
- func (self *SHost) GetCpuMhz() int
- func (self *SHost) GetEnabled() bool
- func (self *SHost) GetHostStatus() string
- func (self *SHost) GetHostType() string
- func (host *SHost) GetIHostNics() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudHostNetInterface, error)
- func (self *SHost) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (self *SHost) GetIStorages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (self *SHost) GetIVMById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
- func (self *SHost) GetIVMs() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
- func (self *SHost) GetIsMaintenance() bool
- func (self *SHost) GetMemCmtbound() float32
- func (self *SHost) GetMemSizeMB() int
- func (self *SHost) GetNodeCount() int8
- func (self *SHost) GetReservedMemoryMb() int
- func (self *SHost) GetSN() string
- func (self *SHost) GetStorageSizeMB() int64
- func (self *SHost) GetStorageType() string
- func (self *SHost) GetSysInfo() jsonutils.JSONObject
- func (self *SHost) GetVersion() string
- type SInstance
- func (self *SInstance) AllocatePublicIpAddress() (string, error)
- func (self *SInstance) AttachDisk(ctx context.Context, diskId string) error
- func (self *SInstance) ChangeConfig(ctx context.Context, config *cloudprovider.SManagedVMChangeConfig) error
- func (self *SInstance) ConvertPublicIpToEip() error
- func (self *SInstance) CreateDisk(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.GuestDiskCreateOptions) (string, error)
- func (self *SInstance) CreateInstanceSnapshot(ctx context.Context, name string, desc string) (cloudprovider.ICloudInstanceSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SInstance) DeleteVM(ctx context.Context) error
- func (self *SInstance) DeployVM(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.SInstanceDeployOptions) error
- func (self *SInstance) DetachDisk(ctx context.Context, diskId string) error
- func (ins *SInstance) GetBios() cloudprovider.TBiosType
- func (self *SInstance) GetBootOrder() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetCpuSockets() int
- func (self *SInstance) GetDescription() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetError() error
- func (ins *SInstance) GetFullOsName() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetHostname() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetHypervisor() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetIDisks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
- func (self *SInstance) GetIEIP() (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
- func (self *SInstance) GetIHost() cloudprovider.ICloudHost
- func (self *SInstance) GetIHostId() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetINics() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNic, error)
- func (self *SInstance) GetInstanceSnapshot(idStr string) (cloudprovider.ICloudInstanceSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SInstance) GetInstanceSnapshots() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudInstanceSnapshot, error)
- func (self *SInstance) GetInstanceType() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetInternetMaxBandwidthOut() int
- func (self *SInstance) GetMachine() string
- func (ins *SInstance) GetOsArch() string
- func (ins *SInstance) GetOsDist() string
- func (ins *SInstance) GetOsLang() string
- func (ins *SInstance) GetOsType() cloudprovider.TOsType
- func (ins *SInstance) GetOsVersion() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetPowerStates() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetSecurityGroupIds() ([]string, error)
- func (self *SInstance) GetSerialOutput(port int) (string, error)
- func (self *SInstance) GetThroughput() int
- func (self *SInstance) GetVNCInfo(input *cloudprovider.ServerVncInput) (*cloudprovider.ServerVncOutput, error)
- func (self *SInstance) GetVcpuCount() int
- func (self *SInstance) GetVdi() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetVga() string
- func (self *SInstance) GetVmemSizeMB() int
- func (self *SInstance) LiveMigrateVM(hostid string) error
- func (self *SInstance) MigrateVM(hostid string) error
- func (self *SInstance) RebuildRoot(ctx context.Context, config *cloudprovider.SManagedVMRebuildRootConfig) (string, error)
- func (self *SInstance) ResetToInstanceSnapshot(ctx context.Context, idStr string) error
- func (self *SInstance) SaveImage(opts *cloudprovider.SaveImageOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
- func (self *SInstance) SetSecurityGroups(secgroupIds []string) error
- func (self *SInstance) StartVM(ctx context.Context) error
- func (self *SInstance) StopVM(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.ServerStopOptions) error
- func (self *SInstance) UpdateUserData(userData string) error
- func (self *SInstance) UpdateVM(ctx context.Context, input cloudprovider.SInstanceUpdateOptions) error
- type SInstanceNic
- func (self *SInstanceNic) AssignAddress(ipAddrs []string) error
- func (self *SInstanceNic) AssignNAddress(count int) ([]string, error)
- func (self *SInstanceNic) GetDriver() string
- func (self *SInstanceNic) GetINetworkId() string
- func (self *SInstanceNic) GetIP() string
- func (self *SInstanceNic) GetMAC() string
- func (self *SInstanceNic) GetSubAddress() ([]string, error)
- func (self *SInstanceNic) InClassicNetwork() bool
- func (self *SInstanceNic) UnassignAddress(ipAddrs []string) error
- type SLoadbalancer
- func (self *SLoadbalancer) CreateILoadBalancerBackendGroup(group *cloudprovider.SLoadbalancerBackendGroup) (cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancerBackendGroup, error)
- func (self *SLoadbalancer) CreateILoadBalancerListener(ctx context.Context, ...) (cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancerListener, error)
- func (self *SLoadbalancer) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
- func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetAddress() string
- func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetAddressType() string
- func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetChargeType() string
- func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetEgressMbps() int
- func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetIEIP() (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
- func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetILoadBalancerBackendGroupById(groupId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancerBackendGroup, error)
- func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetILoadBalancerBackendGroups() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancerBackendGroup, error)
- func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetILoadBalancerListenerById(listenerId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancerListener, error)
- func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetILoadBalancerListeners() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancerListener, error)
- func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetLoadbalancerSpec() string
- func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetNetworkIds() []string
- func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetNetworkType() string
- func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetVpcId() string
- func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetZone1Id() string
- func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetZoneId() string
- func (self *SLoadbalancer) Start() error
- func (self *SLoadbalancer) Stop() error
- type SMisc
- type SNetwork
- func (self *SNetwork) Delete() error
- func (self *SNetwork) GetAllocTimeoutSeconds() int
- func (self *SNetwork) GetGateway() string
- func (self *SNetwork) GetIWire() cloudprovider.ICloudWire
- func (self *SNetwork) GetIpEnd() string
- func (self *SNetwork) GetIpMask() int8
- func (self *SNetwork) GetIpStart() string
- func (self *SNetwork) GetPublicScope() rbacscope.TRbacScope
- func (self *SNetwork) GetServerType() string
- type SProject
- type SRegion
- func (self *SRegion) CreateEIP(opts *cloudprovider.SEip) (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreateIBucket(name string, storageClassStr string, acl string) error
- func (self *SRegion) CreateILoadBalancer(loadbalancer *cloudprovider.SLoadbalancerCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancer, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreateILoadBalancerAcl(acl *cloudprovider.SLoadbalancerAccessControlList) (cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancerAcl, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreateILoadBalancerCertificate(cert *cloudprovider.SLoadbalancerCertificate) (cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancerCertificate, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreateISecurityGroup(conf *cloudprovider.SecurityGroupCreateInput) (cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
- func (self *SRegion) CreateIVpc(opts *cloudprovider.VpcCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetCapabilities() []string
- func (self *SRegion) GetCloudEnv() string
- func (self *SRegion) GetGeographicInfo() cloudprovider.SGeographicInfo
- func (self *SRegion) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SRegion) GetIBucketById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudBucket, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIBucketByName(name string) (cloudprovider.ICloudBucket, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIBuckets() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudBucket, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIDBInstanceById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudDBInstance, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIDBInstances() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDBInstance, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIDiskById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIEipById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIEips() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIElasticcaches() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudElasticcache, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIHostById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIHosts() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetILoadBalancerById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancer, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetILoadBalancers() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancer, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIMiscResources() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudMiscResource, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetISecurityGroupById(secgroupId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIStorages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetIVMById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetIVMs() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIVpcById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIVpcs() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIZoneById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudZone, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetIZones() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudZone, error)
- func (self *SRegion) GetProvider() string
- func (self *SRegion) GetStatus() string
- type SRemoteFileClient
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetBuckets() ([]SBucket, error)
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetCapabilities() []string
- func (cli *SRemoteFileClient) GetCloudRegionExternalIdPrefix() string
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetDBInstances() ([]SDBInstance, error)
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetDisks() ([]SDisk, error)
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetEips() ([]SEip, error)
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetHosts() ([]SHost, error)
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetIProjects() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudProject, error)
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetIRegionById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudRegion, error)
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetIRegions() []cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetInstances() ([]SInstance, error)
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetLoadbalancers() ([]SLoadbalancer, error)
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetMetrics(opts *cloudprovider.MetricListOptions) ([]cloudprovider.MetricValues, error)
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetMisc() ([]SMisc, error)
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetNetworks() ([]SNetwork, error)
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetProjects() ([]SProject, error)
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetRegions() ([]SRegion, error)
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetRemoteMetrics(opts *cloudprovider.MetricListOptions) ([]cloudprovider.MetricValues, error)
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetSecgroups() ([]SSecurityGroup, error)
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetStorages() ([]SStorage, error)
- func (cli *SRemoteFileClient) GetSubAccounts() ([]cloudprovider.SSubAccount, error)
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetVpcs() ([]SVpc, error)
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetWires() ([]SWire, error)
- func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetZones() ([]SZone, error)
- type SResourceBase
- func (self *SResourceBase) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
- func (self *SResourceBase) GetDescription() string
- func (self *SResourceBase) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SResourceBase) GetI18n() cloudprovider.SModelI18nTable
- func (self *SResourceBase) GetId() string
- func (self *SResourceBase) GetName() string
- func (self *SResourceBase) GetProjectId() string
- func (self *SResourceBase) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SResourceBase) GetSysTags() map[string]string
- func (self *SResourceBase) GetTags() (map[string]string, error)
- func (self *SResourceBase) IsEmulated() bool
- func (self *SResourceBase) Refresh() error
- func (self *SResourceBase) SetTags(tags map[string]string, replace bool) error
- type SSecurityGroup
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) Delete() error
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetDescription() string
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetReferences() ([]cloudprovider.SecurityGroupReference, error)
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetRules() ([]cloudprovider.ISecurityGroupRule, error)
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetVpcId() string
- type SStorage
- func (self *SStorage) CreateIDisk(conf *cloudprovider.DiskCreateConfig) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
- func (self *SStorage) DisableSync() bool
- func (self *SStorage) GetCapacityMB() int64
- func (self *SStorage) GetCapacityUsedMB() int64
- func (self *SStorage) GetEnabled() bool
- func (self *SStorage) GetIDiskById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
- func (self *SStorage) GetIDisks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
- func (self *SStorage) GetIStoragecache() cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache
- func (self *SStorage) GetIZone() cloudprovider.ICloudZone
- func (self *SStorage) GetMediumType() string
- func (self *SStorage) GetMountPoint() string
- func (self *SStorage) GetStorageConf() jsonutils.JSONObject
- func (self *SStorage) GetStorageType() string
- func (self *SStorage) IsSysDiskStore() bool
- type SVpc
- func (self *SVpc) AcceptICloudVpcPeeringConnection(id string) error
- func (self *SVpc) CreateICloudVpcPeeringConnection(opts *cloudprovider.VpcPeeringConnectionCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpcPeeringConnection, error)
- func (self *SVpc) CreateINatGateway(opts *cloudprovider.NatGatewayCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudNatGateway, error)
- func (self *SVpc) CreateIWire(opts *cloudprovider.SWireCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
- func (self *SVpc) Delete() error
- func (self *SVpc) GetAuthorityOwnerId() string
- func (self *SVpc) GetCidrBlock() string
- func (self *SVpc) GetICloudAccepterVpcPeeringConnections() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudVpcPeeringConnection, error)
- func (self *SVpc) GetICloudIPv6Gateways() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudIPv6Gateway, error)
- func (self *SVpc) GetICloudVpcPeeringConnectionById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpcPeeringConnection, error)
- func (self *SVpc) GetICloudVpcPeeringConnections() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudVpcPeeringConnection, error)
- func (self *SVpc) GetINatGateways() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNatGateway, error)
- func (self *SVpc) GetIRouteTableById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudRouteTable, error)
- func (self *SVpc) GetIRouteTables() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudRouteTable, error)
- func (self *SVpc) GetISecurityGroups() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
- func (self *SVpc) GetIWireById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
- func (self *SVpc) GetIWires() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
- func (self *SVpc) GetIsDefault() bool
- func (self *SVpc) GetRegion() cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
- func (self *SVpc) ProposeJoinICloudInterVpcNetwork(opts *cloudprovider.SVpcJointInterVpcNetworkOption) error
- type SWire
- func (self *SWire) CreateINetwork(opts *cloudprovider.SNetworkCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
- func (self *SWire) GetBandwidth() int
- func (self *SWire) GetINetworkById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
- func (self *SWire) GetINetworks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
- func (self *SWire) GetIVpc() cloudprovider.ICloudVpc
- func (self *SWire) GetIZone() cloudprovider.ICloudZone
- type SZone
- func (self *SZone) GetIHostById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
- func (self *SZone) GetIHosts() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
- func (self *SZone) GetIRegion() cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
- func (self *SZone) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (self *SZone) GetIStorages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
Constants ¶
View Source
const (
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type RemoteFileClientConfig ¶
type RemoteFileClientConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewRemoteFileClientConfig ¶
func NewRemoteFileClientConfig(url, username, password string) *RemoteFileClientConfig
func (*RemoteFileClientConfig) CloudproviderConfig ¶
func (cfg *RemoteFileClientConfig) CloudproviderConfig(cpcfg cloudprovider.ProviderConfig) *RemoteFileClientConfig
func (*RemoteFileClientConfig) Debug ¶
func (cfg *RemoteFileClientConfig) Debug(debug bool) *RemoteFileClientConfig
type RemoteFileTags ¶
func (*RemoteFileTags) GetSysTags ¶
func (self *RemoteFileTags) GetSysTags() map[string]string
type SBucket ¶
type SBucket struct { SResourceBase RegionId string MaxPart int MaxPartBytes int64 Acl string Location string StorageClass string AccessUrls []cloudprovider.SBucketAccessUrl Stats cloudprovider.SBucketStats Limit cloudprovider.SBucketStats // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SBucket) AbortMultipartUpload ¶
func (*SBucket) CompleteMultipartUpload ¶
func (*SBucket) CopyObject ¶
func (*SBucket) DeleteCORS ¶
func (*SBucket) DeleteObject ¶
func (*SBucket) DeletePolicy ¶
func (self *SBucket) DeletePolicy(id []string) ([]cloudprovider.SBucketPolicyStatement, error)
func (*SBucket) DeleteWebSiteConf ¶
func (*SBucket) GetAccessUrls ¶
func (self *SBucket) GetAccessUrls() []cloudprovider.SBucketAccessUrl
func (*SBucket) GetAcl ¶
func (self *SBucket) GetAcl() cloudprovider.TBucketACLType
func (*SBucket) GetCORSRules ¶
func (self *SBucket) GetCORSRules() ([]cloudprovider.SBucketCORSRule, error)
func (*SBucket) GetCdnDomains ¶
func (self *SBucket) GetCdnDomains() ([]cloudprovider.SCdnDomain, error)
func (*SBucket) GetIRegion ¶
func (self *SBucket) GetIRegion() cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
func (*SBucket) GetLimit ¶
func (self *SBucket) GetLimit() cloudprovider.SBucketStats
func (*SBucket) GetLocation ¶
func (*SBucket) GetObject ¶
func (self *SBucket) GetObject(ctx context.Context, key string, rangeOpt *cloudprovider.SGetObjectRange) (io.ReadCloser, error)
func (*SBucket) GetPolicy ¶
func (self *SBucket) GetPolicy() ([]cloudprovider.SBucketPolicyStatement, error)
func (*SBucket) GetReferer ¶
func (self *SBucket) GetReferer() (cloudprovider.SBucketRefererConf, error)
func (*SBucket) GetStats ¶
func (self *SBucket) GetStats() cloudprovider.SBucketStats
func (*SBucket) GetStorageClass ¶
func (*SBucket) GetTempUrl ¶
func (*SBucket) GetWebsiteConf ¶
func (self *SBucket) GetWebsiteConf() (cloudprovider.SBucketWebsiteConf, error)
func (*SBucket) LimitSupport ¶
func (self *SBucket) LimitSupport() cloudprovider.SBucketStats
func (*SBucket) ListMultipartUploads ¶
func (self *SBucket) ListMultipartUploads() ([]cloudprovider.SBucketMultipartUploads, error)
func (*SBucket) ListObjects ¶
func (self *SBucket) ListObjects(prefix string, marker string, delimiter string, maxCount int) (cloudprovider.SListObjectResult, error)
func (*SBucket) MaxPartCount ¶
func (*SBucket) MaxPartSizeBytes ¶
func (*SBucket) NewMultipartUpload ¶
func (*SBucket) SetAcl ¶
func (self *SBucket) SetAcl(acl cloudprovider.TBucketACLType) error
func (*SBucket) SetCORS ¶
func (self *SBucket) SetCORS(rules []cloudprovider.SBucketCORSRule) error
func (*SBucket) SetLimit ¶
func (self *SBucket) SetLimit(limit cloudprovider.SBucketStats) error
func (*SBucket) SetPolicy ¶
func (self *SBucket) SetPolicy(policy cloudprovider.SBucketPolicyStatementInput) error
func (*SBucket) SetReferer ¶
func (self *SBucket) SetReferer(conf cloudprovider.SBucketRefererConf) error
func (*SBucket) SetWebsite ¶
func (self *SBucket) SetWebsite(conf cloudprovider.SBucketWebsiteConf) error
type SDBInstance ¶
type SDBInstance struct { SResourceBase RegionId string SecurityGroupIds []string Port int Engine string EngineVersion string InstanceType string VcpuCount int VmemSizeMb int DiskSizeGb int DiskSizeUsedGb int Category string StorageType string MaintainTime string ConnectionStr string InternalConnectionStr string Zone1Id string Zone2Id string Zone3Id string VpcId string Iops int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SDBInstance) ChangeConfig ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) ChangeConfig(ctx context.Context, config *cloudprovider.SManagedDBInstanceChangeConfig) error
func (*SDBInstance) ClosePublicConnection ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) ClosePublicConnection() error
func (*SDBInstance) CreateAccount ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) CreateAccount(conf *cloudprovider.SDBInstanceAccountCreateConfig) error
func (*SDBInstance) CreateDatabase ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) CreateDatabase(conf *cloudprovider.SDBInstanceDatabaseCreateConfig) error
func (*SDBInstance) CreateIBackup ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) CreateIBackup(conf *cloudprovider.SDBInstanceBackupCreateConfig) (string, error)
func (*SDBInstance) Delete ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) Delete() error
func (*SDBInstance) GetCategory ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetCategory() string
func (*SDBInstance) GetConnectionStr ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetConnectionStr() string
func (*SDBInstance) GetDBNetworks ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetDBNetworks() ([]cloudprovider.SDBInstanceNetwork, error)
func (*SDBInstance) GetDiskSizeGB ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetDiskSizeGB() int
func (*SDBInstance) GetDiskSizeUsedMB ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetDiskSizeUsedMB() int
func (*SDBInstance) GetEngine ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetEngine() string
func (*SDBInstance) GetEngineVersion ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetEngineVersion() string
func (*SDBInstance) GetIDBInstanceAccounts ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetIDBInstanceAccounts() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDBInstanceAccount, error)
func (*SDBInstance) GetIDBInstanceBackups ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetIDBInstanceBackups() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDBInstanceBackup, error)
func (*SDBInstance) GetIDBInstanceDatabases ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetIDBInstanceDatabases() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDBInstanceDatabase, error)
func (*SDBInstance) GetIDBInstanceParameters ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetIDBInstanceParameters() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDBInstanceParameter, error)
func (*SDBInstance) GetIVpcId ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetIVpcId() string
func (*SDBInstance) GetInstanceType ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetInstanceType() string
func (*SDBInstance) GetInternalConnectionStr ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetInternalConnectionStr() string
func (*SDBInstance) GetIops ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetIops() int
func (*SDBInstance) GetMaintainTime ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetMaintainTime() string
func (*SDBInstance) GetMasterInstanceId ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetMasterInstanceId() string
func (*SDBInstance) GetPort ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetPort() int
func (*SDBInstance) GetSecurityGroupIds ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetSecurityGroupIds() ([]string, error)
func (*SDBInstance) GetStorageType ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetStorageType() string
func (*SDBInstance) GetVcpuCount ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetVcpuCount() int
func (*SDBInstance) GetVmemSizeMB ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetVmemSizeMB() int
func (*SDBInstance) GetZone1Id ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetZone1Id() string
func (*SDBInstance) GetZone2Id ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetZone2Id() string
func (*SDBInstance) GetZone3Id ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) GetZone3Id() string
func (*SDBInstance) OpenPublicConnection ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) OpenPublicConnection() error
func (*SDBInstance) Reboot ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) Reboot() error
func (*SDBInstance) RecoveryFromBackup ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) RecoveryFromBackup(conf *cloudprovider.SDBInstanceRecoveryConfig) error
func (*SDBInstance) SetSecurityGroups ¶
func (self *SDBInstance) SetSecurityGroups(ids []string) error
func (*SDBInstance) Update ¶
func (instance *SDBInstance) Update(ctx context.Context, input cloudprovider.SDBInstanceUpdateOptions) error
type SDisk ¶
type SDisk struct { SResourceBase ZoneId string StorageId string DiskFormat string DiskSizeMb int IsAutoDelete bool DiskType string FsFormat string Iops int Driver string CacheMode string Mountpoint string Preallocation string AccessPath string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SDisk) CreateISnapshot ¶
func (self *SDisk) CreateISnapshot(ctx context.Context, name string, desc string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
func (*SDisk) GetAccessPath ¶
func (*SDisk) GetCacheMode ¶
func (*SDisk) GetDiskFormat ¶
func (*SDisk) GetDiskSizeMB ¶
func (*SDisk) GetDiskType ¶
func (*SDisk) GetFsFormat ¶
func (*SDisk) GetISnapshots ¶
func (self *SDisk) GetISnapshots() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
func (*SDisk) GetIStorage ¶
func (self *SDisk) GetIStorage() (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SDisk) GetIStorageId ¶
func (*SDisk) GetIsAutoDelete ¶
func (*SDisk) GetIsNonPersistent ¶
func (*SDisk) GetMountpoint ¶
func (*SDisk) GetPreallocation ¶
func (*SDisk) GetTemplateId ¶
func (*SDisk) SetStorage ¶
type SEip ¶
type SEip struct { SResourceBase IpAddr string RegionId string AssociateId string Mode string Bandwidth int }
func (*SEip) Associate ¶
func (self *SEip) Associate(conf *cloudprovider.AssociateConfig) error
func (*SEip) ChangeBandwidth ¶
func (*SEip) Dissociate ¶
func (*SEip) GetAssociationExternalId ¶
func (*SEip) GetAssociationType ¶
func (*SEip) GetBandwidth ¶
func (*SEip) GetINetworkId ¶
func (*SEip) GetInternetChargeType ¶
type SHost ¶
type SHost struct { SResourceBase multicloud.SHostBase AccessIp string AccessMac string ZoneId string Enabled bool HostStatus string SN string CpuCount int NodeCount int8 CpuDesc string CpuMbz int MemSizeMb int StorageSizeMb int64 StorageType string AttachStorageTypes []string Wires []SWire // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SHost) CreateVM ¶
func (self *SHost) CreateVM(desc *cloudprovider.SManagedVMCreateConfig) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
func (*SHost) GetAccessIp ¶
func (*SHost) GetAccessMac ¶
func (*SHost) GetCpuCmtbound ¶
func (*SHost) GetCpuCount ¶
func (*SHost) GetCpuDesc ¶
func (*SHost) GetEnabled ¶
func (*SHost) GetHostStatus ¶
func (*SHost) GetHostType ¶
func (*SHost) GetIHostNics ¶
func (host *SHost) GetIHostNics() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudHostNetInterface, error)
func (*SHost) GetIStorageById ¶
func (self *SHost) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SHost) GetIStorages ¶
func (self *SHost) GetIStorages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SHost) GetIVMById ¶
func (self *SHost) GetIVMById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
func (*SHost) GetIsMaintenance ¶
func (*SHost) GetMemCmtbound ¶
func (*SHost) GetMemSizeMB ¶
func (*SHost) GetNodeCount ¶
func (*SHost) GetReservedMemoryMb ¶
func (*SHost) GetStorageSizeMB ¶
func (*SHost) GetStorageType ¶
func (*SHost) GetSysInfo ¶
func (self *SHost) GetSysInfo() jsonutils.JSONObject
func (*SHost) GetVersion ¶
type SInstance ¶
type SInstance struct { SResourceBase HostId string Hostname string SecurityGroupIds []string VcpuCount int CpuSockets int VmemSizeMb int BootOrder string Vga string Vdi string OsArch string OsType string OsName string Bios string Machine string InstanceType string Bandwidth int Throughput int EipId string Disks []SDisk Nics []SInstanceNic // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SInstance) AllocatePublicIpAddress ¶
func (*SInstance) AttachDisk ¶
func (*SInstance) ChangeConfig ¶
func (self *SInstance) ChangeConfig(ctx context.Context, config *cloudprovider.SManagedVMChangeConfig) error
func (*SInstance) ConvertPublicIpToEip ¶
func (*SInstance) CreateDisk ¶
func (self *SInstance) CreateDisk(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.GuestDiskCreateOptions) (string, error)
func (*SInstance) CreateInstanceSnapshot ¶
func (self *SInstance) CreateInstanceSnapshot(ctx context.Context, name string, desc string) (cloudprovider.ICloudInstanceSnapshot, error)
func (*SInstance) DeployVM ¶
func (self *SInstance) DeployVM(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.SInstanceDeployOptions) error
func (*SInstance) DetachDisk ¶
func (*SInstance) GetBios ¶
func (ins *SInstance) GetBios() cloudprovider.TBiosType
func (*SInstance) GetBootOrder ¶
func (*SInstance) GetCpuSockets ¶
func (*SInstance) GetDescription ¶
func (*SInstance) GetFullOsName ¶
func (*SInstance) GetHostname ¶
func (*SInstance) GetHypervisor ¶
func (*SInstance) GetIDisks ¶
func (self *SInstance) GetIDisks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
func (*SInstance) GetIHost ¶
func (self *SInstance) GetIHost() cloudprovider.ICloudHost
func (*SInstance) GetIHostId ¶
func (*SInstance) GetInstanceSnapshot ¶
func (self *SInstance) GetInstanceSnapshot(idStr string) (cloudprovider.ICloudInstanceSnapshot, error)
func (*SInstance) GetInstanceSnapshots ¶
func (self *SInstance) GetInstanceSnapshots() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudInstanceSnapshot, error)
func (*SInstance) GetInstanceType ¶
func (*SInstance) GetInternetMaxBandwidthOut ¶
func (*SInstance) GetMachine ¶
func (*SInstance) GetOsType ¶
func (ins *SInstance) GetOsType() cloudprovider.TOsType
func (*SInstance) GetOsVersion ¶
func (*SInstance) GetPowerStates ¶
func (*SInstance) GetSecurityGroupIds ¶
func (*SInstance) GetSerialOutput ¶
func (*SInstance) GetThroughput ¶
func (*SInstance) GetVNCInfo ¶
func (self *SInstance) GetVNCInfo(input *cloudprovider.ServerVncInput) (*cloudprovider.ServerVncOutput, error)
func (*SInstance) GetVcpuCount ¶
func (*SInstance) GetVmemSizeMB ¶
func (*SInstance) LiveMigrateVM ¶
func (*SInstance) RebuildRoot ¶
func (self *SInstance) RebuildRoot(ctx context.Context, config *cloudprovider.SManagedVMRebuildRootConfig) (string, error)
func (*SInstance) ResetToInstanceSnapshot ¶
func (*SInstance) SaveImage ¶
func (self *SInstance) SaveImage(opts *cloudprovider.SaveImageOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
func (*SInstance) SetSecurityGroups ¶
func (*SInstance) StopVM ¶
func (self *SInstance) StopVM(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.ServerStopOptions) error
func (*SInstance) UpdateUserData ¶
func (*SInstance) UpdateVM ¶
func (self *SInstance) UpdateVM(ctx context.Context, input cloudprovider.SInstanceUpdateOptions) error
type SInstanceNic ¶
type SInstanceNic struct { SResourceBase Ip string Mac string Classic bool Driver string NetworkId string SubAddr []string }
func (*SInstanceNic) AssignAddress ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) AssignAddress(ipAddrs []string) error
func (*SInstanceNic) AssignNAddress ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) AssignNAddress(count int) ([]string, error)
func (*SInstanceNic) GetDriver ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) GetDriver() string
func (*SInstanceNic) GetINetworkId ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) GetINetworkId() string
func (*SInstanceNic) GetIP ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) GetIP() string
func (*SInstanceNic) GetMAC ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) GetMAC() string
func (*SInstanceNic) GetSubAddress ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) GetSubAddress() ([]string, error)
func (*SInstanceNic) InClassicNetwork ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) InClassicNetwork() bool
func (*SInstanceNic) UnassignAddress ¶
func (self *SInstanceNic) UnassignAddress(ipAddrs []string) error
type SLoadbalancer ¶
type SLoadbalancer struct { SResourceBase RegionId string Address string AddressType string NetworkType string VpcId string ZoneId string Zone1Id string InstanceType string ChargeType string Bandwidth int NetworkIds []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SLoadbalancer) CreateILoadBalancerBackendGroup ¶
func (self *SLoadbalancer) CreateILoadBalancerBackendGroup(group *cloudprovider.SLoadbalancerBackendGroup) (cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancerBackendGroup, error)
func (*SLoadbalancer) CreateILoadBalancerListener ¶
func (self *SLoadbalancer) CreateILoadBalancerListener(ctx context.Context, listener *cloudprovider.SLoadbalancerListenerCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancerListener, error)
func (*SLoadbalancer) GetAddress ¶
func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetAddress() string
func (*SLoadbalancer) GetAddressType ¶
func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetAddressType() string
func (*SLoadbalancer) GetChargeType ¶
func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetChargeType() string
func (*SLoadbalancer) GetEgressMbps ¶
func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetEgressMbps() int
func (*SLoadbalancer) GetIEIP ¶
func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetIEIP() (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
func (*SLoadbalancer) GetILoadBalancerBackendGroupById ¶
func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetILoadBalancerBackendGroupById(groupId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancerBackendGroup, error)
func (*SLoadbalancer) GetILoadBalancerBackendGroups ¶
func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetILoadBalancerBackendGroups() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancerBackendGroup, error)
func (*SLoadbalancer) GetILoadBalancerListenerById ¶
func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetILoadBalancerListenerById(listenerId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancerListener, error)
func (*SLoadbalancer) GetILoadBalancerListeners ¶
func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetILoadBalancerListeners() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancerListener, error)
func (*SLoadbalancer) GetLoadbalancerSpec ¶
func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetLoadbalancerSpec() string
func (*SLoadbalancer) GetNetworkIds ¶
func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetNetworkIds() []string
func (*SLoadbalancer) GetNetworkType ¶
func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetNetworkType() string
func (*SLoadbalancer) GetVpcId ¶
func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetVpcId() string
func (*SLoadbalancer) GetZone1Id ¶
func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetZone1Id() string
func (*SLoadbalancer) GetZoneId ¶
func (self *SLoadbalancer) GetZoneId() string
func (*SLoadbalancer) Start ¶
func (self *SLoadbalancer) Start() error
func (*SLoadbalancer) Stop ¶
func (self *SLoadbalancer) Stop() error
type SMisc ¶
type SMisc struct { SResourceBase ResourceType string Config jsonutils.JSONObject }
func (*SMisc) GetConfig ¶
func (self *SMisc) GetConfig() jsonutils.JSONObject
func (*SMisc) GetResourceType ¶
type SNetwork ¶
type SNetwork struct { SResourceBase WireId string IpStart string IpEnd string IpMask int8 Gatway string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SNetwork) GetAllocTimeoutSeconds ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetGateway ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetIWire ¶
func (self *SNetwork) GetIWire() cloudprovider.ICloudWire
func (*SNetwork) GetIpStart ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetPublicScope ¶
func (self *SNetwork) GetPublicScope() rbacscope.TRbacScope
func (*SNetwork) GetServerType ¶
type SProject ¶
type SProject struct { multicloud.SProjectBase RemoteFileTags Id string Name string }
func (*SProject) GetDescription ¶
func (*SProject) GetGlobalId ¶
type SRegion ¶
type SRegion struct { SResourceBase multicloud.SRegion multicloud.SRegionSecurityGroupBase multicloud.SRegionOssBase multicloud.SRegionLbBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SRegion) CreateEIP ¶
func (self *SRegion) CreateEIP(opts *cloudprovider.SEip) (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
func (*SRegion) CreateIBucket ¶
func (*SRegion) CreateILoadBalancer ¶
func (self *SRegion) CreateILoadBalancer(loadbalancer *cloudprovider.SLoadbalancerCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancer, error)
func (*SRegion) CreateILoadBalancerAcl ¶
func (self *SRegion) CreateILoadBalancerAcl(acl *cloudprovider.SLoadbalancerAccessControlList) (cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancerAcl, error)
func (*SRegion) CreateILoadBalancerCertificate ¶
func (self *SRegion) CreateILoadBalancerCertificate(cert *cloudprovider.SLoadbalancerCertificate) (cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancerCertificate, error)
func (*SRegion) CreateISecurityGroup ¶
func (self *SRegion) CreateISecurityGroup(conf *cloudprovider.SecurityGroupCreateInput) (cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
func (*SRegion) CreateIVpc ¶
func (self *SRegion) CreateIVpc(opts *cloudprovider.VpcCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
func (*SRegion) GetCapabilities ¶
func (*SRegion) GetCloudEnv ¶
func (*SRegion) GetGeographicInfo ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetGeographicInfo() cloudprovider.SGeographicInfo
func (*SRegion) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SRegion) GetIBucketById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIBucketById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudBucket, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIBucketByName ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIBucketByName(name string) (cloudprovider.ICloudBucket, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIBuckets ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIBuckets() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudBucket, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIDBInstanceById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIDBInstanceById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudDBInstance, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIDBInstances ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIDBInstances() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDBInstance, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIDiskById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIDiskById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIEipById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIEipById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIElasticcaches ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIElasticcaches() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudElasticcache, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIHostById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIHostById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIHosts ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIHosts() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
func (*SRegion) GetILoadBalancerById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetILoadBalancerById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancer, error)
func (*SRegion) GetILoadBalancers ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetILoadBalancers() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudLoadbalancer, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIMiscResources ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIMiscResources() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudMiscResource, error)
func (*SRegion) GetISecurityGroupById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetISecurityGroupById(secgroupId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIStorageById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIStorages ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIStorages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIVMById ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetIVMById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIVpcById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIVpcById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIZoneById ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIZoneById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudZone, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIZones ¶
func (self *SRegion) GetIZones() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudZone, error)
func (*SRegion) GetProvider ¶
type SRemoteFileClient ¶
type SRemoteFileClient struct { *RemoteFileClientConfig // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewRemoteFileClient ¶
func NewRemoteFileClient(cfg *RemoteFileClientConfig) (*SRemoteFileClient, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetBuckets ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetBuckets() ([]SBucket, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetCapabilities ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetCapabilities() []string
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetCloudRegionExternalIdPrefix ¶
func (cli *SRemoteFileClient) GetCloudRegionExternalIdPrefix() string
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetDBInstances ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetDBInstances() ([]SDBInstance, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetDisks ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetDisks() ([]SDisk, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetEips ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetEips() ([]SEip, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetHosts ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetHosts() ([]SHost, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetIProjects ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetIProjects() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudProject, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetIRegionById ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetIRegionById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudRegion, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetIRegions ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetIRegions() []cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetInstances ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetInstances() ([]SInstance, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetLoadbalancers ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetLoadbalancers() ([]SLoadbalancer, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetMetrics ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetMetrics(opts *cloudprovider.MetricListOptions) ([]cloudprovider.MetricValues, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetMisc ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetMisc() ([]SMisc, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetNetworks ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetNetworks() ([]SNetwork, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetProjects ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetProjects() ([]SProject, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetRegions ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetRegions() ([]SRegion, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetRemoteMetrics ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetRemoteMetrics(opts *cloudprovider.MetricListOptions) ([]cloudprovider.MetricValues, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetSecgroups ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetSecgroups() ([]SSecurityGroup, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetStorages ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetStorages() ([]SStorage, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetSubAccounts ¶
func (cli *SRemoteFileClient) GetSubAccounts() ([]cloudprovider.SSubAccount, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetVpcs ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetVpcs() ([]SVpc, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetWires ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetWires() ([]SWire, error)
func (*SRemoteFileClient) GetZones ¶
func (self *SRemoteFileClient) GetZones() ([]SZone, error)
type SResourceBase ¶
type SResourceBase struct { RemoteFileTags multicloud.SBillingBase Id string Name string Emulated bool Status string CreatedAt time.Time ProjectId string }
func (*SResourceBase) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (self *SResourceBase) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
func (*SResourceBase) GetDescription ¶
func (self *SResourceBase) GetDescription() string
func (*SResourceBase) GetGlobalId ¶
func (self *SResourceBase) GetGlobalId() string
func (*SResourceBase) GetI18n ¶
func (self *SResourceBase) GetI18n() cloudprovider.SModelI18nTable
func (*SResourceBase) GetId ¶
func (self *SResourceBase) GetId() string
func (*SResourceBase) GetName ¶
func (self *SResourceBase) GetName() string
func (*SResourceBase) GetProjectId ¶
func (self *SResourceBase) GetProjectId() string
func (*SResourceBase) GetStatus ¶
func (self *SResourceBase) GetStatus() string
func (*SResourceBase) GetSysTags ¶
func (self *SResourceBase) GetSysTags() map[string]string
func (*SResourceBase) IsEmulated ¶
func (self *SResourceBase) IsEmulated() bool
func (*SResourceBase) Refresh ¶
func (self *SResourceBase) Refresh() error
type SSecurityGroup ¶
type SSecurityGroup struct { multicloud.SSecurityGroup SResourceBase VpcId string Desc string }
func (*SSecurityGroup) Delete ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) Delete() error
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetDescription ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetDescription() string
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetReferences ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetReferences() ([]cloudprovider.SecurityGroupReference, error)
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetRules ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetRules() ([]cloudprovider.ISecurityGroupRule, error)
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetVpcId ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) GetVpcId() string
type SStorage ¶
type SStorage struct { SResourceBase ZoneId string StorageType string MediumType string CapacityMb int64 CapacityUsedMb int64 Enabled bool SkipSync bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SStorage) CreateIDisk ¶
func (self *SStorage) CreateIDisk(conf *cloudprovider.DiskCreateConfig) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
func (*SStorage) DisableSync ¶
func (*SStorage) GetCapacityMB ¶
func (*SStorage) GetCapacityUsedMB ¶
func (*SStorage) GetEnabled ¶
func (*SStorage) GetIDiskById ¶
func (self *SStorage) GetIDiskById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
func (*SStorage) GetIDisks ¶
func (self *SStorage) GetIDisks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
func (*SStorage) GetIStoragecache ¶
func (self *SStorage) GetIStoragecache() cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache
func (*SStorage) GetIZone ¶
func (self *SStorage) GetIZone() cloudprovider.ICloudZone
func (*SStorage) GetMediumType ¶
func (*SStorage) GetMountPoint ¶
func (*SStorage) GetStorageConf ¶
func (self *SStorage) GetStorageConf() jsonutils.JSONObject
func (*SStorage) GetStorageType ¶
func (*SStorage) IsSysDiskStore ¶
type SVpc ¶
type SVpc struct { multicloud.SVpc SResourceBase RegionId string CidrBlock string IsDefault bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SVpc) AcceptICloudVpcPeeringConnection ¶
func (*SVpc) CreateICloudVpcPeeringConnection ¶
func (self *SVpc) CreateICloudVpcPeeringConnection(opts *cloudprovider.VpcPeeringConnectionCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpcPeeringConnection, error)
func (*SVpc) CreateINatGateway ¶
func (self *SVpc) CreateINatGateway(opts *cloudprovider.NatGatewayCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudNatGateway, error)
func (*SVpc) CreateIWire ¶
func (self *SVpc) CreateIWire(opts *cloudprovider.SWireCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
func (*SVpc) GetAuthorityOwnerId ¶
func (*SVpc) GetCidrBlock ¶
func (*SVpc) GetICloudAccepterVpcPeeringConnections ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetICloudAccepterVpcPeeringConnections() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudVpcPeeringConnection, error)
func (*SVpc) GetICloudIPv6Gateways ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetICloudIPv6Gateways() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudIPv6Gateway, error)
func (*SVpc) GetICloudVpcPeeringConnectionById ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetICloudVpcPeeringConnectionById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpcPeeringConnection, error)
func (*SVpc) GetICloudVpcPeeringConnections ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetICloudVpcPeeringConnections() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudVpcPeeringConnection, error)
func (*SVpc) GetINatGateways ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetINatGateways() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNatGateway, error)
func (*SVpc) GetIRouteTableById ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetIRouteTableById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudRouteTable, error)
func (*SVpc) GetIRouteTables ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetIRouteTables() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudRouteTable, error)
func (*SVpc) GetISecurityGroups ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetISecurityGroups() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
func (*SVpc) GetIWireById ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetIWireById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
func (*SVpc) GetIWires ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetIWires() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
func (*SVpc) GetIsDefault ¶
func (*SVpc) GetRegion ¶
func (self *SVpc) GetRegion() cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
func (*SVpc) ProposeJoinICloudInterVpcNetwork ¶
func (self *SVpc) ProposeJoinICloudInterVpcNetwork(opts *cloudprovider.SVpcJointInterVpcNetworkOption) error
type SWire ¶
type SWire struct { SResourceBase WireId string VpcId string ZoneId string Bandwidth int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SWire) CreateINetwork ¶
func (self *SWire) CreateINetwork(opts *cloudprovider.SNetworkCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
func (*SWire) GetBandwidth ¶
func (*SWire) GetINetworkById ¶
func (self *SWire) GetINetworkById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
func (*SWire) GetINetworks ¶
func (self *SWire) GetINetworks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
func (*SWire) GetIVpc ¶
func (self *SWire) GetIVpc() cloudprovider.ICloudVpc
func (*SWire) GetIZone ¶
func (self *SWire) GetIZone() cloudprovider.ICloudZone
type SZone ¶
type SZone struct { SResourceBase RegionId string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SZone) GetIHostById ¶
func (self *SZone) GetIHostById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
func (*SZone) GetIHosts ¶
func (self *SZone) GetIHosts() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
func (*SZone) GetIRegion ¶
func (self *SZone) GetIRegion() cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
func (*SZone) GetIStorageById ¶
func (self *SZone) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SZone) GetIStorages ¶
func (self *SZone) GetIStorages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
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