Overview ¶
Copyright 2023 Yunion
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Copyright 2023 Yunion ¶
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func GetBucketName(regionId string, imageId string) string
- type ImageOwnerType
- type ImageStatusType
- type SAssociatedElasticIp
- type SAvailableResource
- type SBalance
- type SBucket
- func (b *SBucket) AbortMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, key string, uploadId string) error
- func (b *SBucket) CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, key string, uploadId string, partEtags []string) error
- func (b *SBucket) CopyObject(ctx context.Context, destKey string, srcBucket, srcKey string, ...) error
- func (b *SBucket) CopyPart(ctx context.Context, key string, uploadId string, partNumber int, ...) (string, error)
- func (b *SBucket) DeleteObject(ctx context.Context, key string) error
- func (b *SBucket) GetAccessUrls() []cloudprovider.SBucketAccessUrl
- func (b *SBucket) GetAcl() cloudprovider.TBucketACLType
- func (b *SBucket) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
- func (b *SBucket) GetGlobalId() string
- func (b *SBucket) GetIRegion() cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
- func (b *SBucket) GetLocation() string
- func (b *SBucket) GetName() string
- func (b *SBucket) GetObject(ctx context.Context, key string, rangeOpt *cloudprovider.SGetObjectRange) (io.ReadCloser, error)
- func (b *SBucket) GetProjectId() string
- func (b *SBucket) GetStats() cloudprovider.SBucketStats
- func (b *SBucket) GetStorageClass() string
- func (b *SBucket) GetTempUrl(method string, key string, expire time.Duration) (string, error)
- func (b *SBucket) ListObjects(prefix string, marker string, delimiter string, maxCount int) (cloudprovider.SListObjectResult, error)
- func (b *SBucket) NewMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, key string, cannedAcl cloudprovider.TBucketACLType, ...) (string, error)
- func (b *SBucket) PutObject(ctx context.Context, key string, body io.Reader, sizeBytes int64, ...) error
- func (b *SBucket) SetAcl(aclStr cloudprovider.TBucketACLType) error
- func (b *SBucket) UploadPart(ctx context.Context, key string, uploadId string, partIndex int, ...) (string, error)
- type SCallerIdentity
- type SCidrList
- type SDNATEntry
- func (dentry *SDNATEntry) Delete() error
- func (dentry *SDNATEntry) GetExternalIp() string
- func (dentry *SDNATEntry) GetExternalPort() int
- func (dentry *SDNATEntry) GetGlobalId() string
- func (dentry *SDNATEntry) GetId() string
- func (dentry *SDNATEntry) GetInternalIp() string
- func (dentry *SDNATEntry) GetInternalPort() int
- func (dentry *SDNATEntry) GetIpProtocol() string
- func (dentry *SDNATEntry) GetName() string
- func (dentry *SDNATEntry) GetStatus() string
- type SDisk
- func (disk *SDisk) CreateISnapshot(ctx context.Context, name, desc string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
- func (disk *SDisk) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
- func (disk *SDisk) GetAccessPath() string
- func (disk *SDisk) GetBillingType() string
- func (disk *SDisk) GetCacheMode() string
- func (disk *SDisk) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
- func (disk *SDisk) GetDiskFormat() string
- func (disk *SDisk) GetDiskSizeMB() int
- func (disk *SDisk) GetDiskType() string
- func (disk *SDisk) GetDriver() string
- func (disk *SDisk) GetExpiredAt() time.Time
- func (disk *SDisk) GetFsFormat() string
- func (disk *SDisk) GetGlobalId() string
- func (disk *SDisk) GetISnapshot(snapshotId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
- func (disk *SDisk) GetISnapshots() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
- func (disk *SDisk) GetIStorage() (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (disk *SDisk) GetId() string
- func (disk *SDisk) GetIsAutoDelete() bool
- func (disk *SDisk) GetIsNonPersistent() bool
- func (disk *SDisk) GetMountpoint() string
- func (disk *SDisk) GetName() string
- func (disk *SDisk) GetProjectId() string
- func (disk *SDisk) GetStatus() string
- func (disk *SDisk) GetTemplateId() string
- func (disk *SDisk) Rebuild(ctx context.Context) error
- func (disk *SDisk) Refresh() error
- func (disk *SDisk) Reset(ctx context.Context, snapshotId string) (string, error)
- func (disk *SDisk) Resize(ctx context.Context, sizeMb int64) error
- type SEipAddress
- func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) Associate(conf *cloudprovider.AssociateConfig) error
- func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) ChangeBandwidth(bw int) error
- func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) Delete() error
- func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) Dissociate() error
- func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetAssociationExternalId() string
- func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetAssociationType() string
- func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetBandwidth() int
- func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetGlobalId() string
- func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetINetworkId() string
- func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetId() string
- func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetInternetChargeType() string
- func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetIpAddr() string
- func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetMode() string
- func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetName() string
- func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetProjectId() string
- func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetStatus() string
- func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) Refresh() error
- type SHost
- func (host *SHost) CreateVM(opts *cloudprovider.SManagedVMCreateConfig) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
- func (host *SHost) GetAccessIp() string
- func (host *SHost) GetAccessMac() string
- func (host *SHost) GetCpuCount() int
- func (host *SHost) GetCpuDesc() string
- func (host *SHost) GetCpuMhz() int
- func (host *SHost) GetEnabled() bool
- func (host *SHost) GetGlobalId() string
- func (host *SHost) GetHostStatus() string
- func (host *SHost) GetHostType() string
- func (host *SHost) GetIHostNics() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudHostNetInterface, error)
- func (host *SHost) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (host *SHost) GetIStorages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (host *SHost) GetIVMById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
- func (host *SHost) GetIVMs() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
- func (host *SHost) GetIWires() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
- func (host *SHost) GetId() string
- func (host *SHost) GetInstanceById(instanceId string) (*SInstance, error)
- func (host *SHost) GetIsMaintenance() bool
- func (host *SHost) GetMemSizeMB() int
- func (host *SHost) GetName() string
- func (host *SHost) GetNodeCount() int8
- func (host *SHost) GetSN() string
- func (host *SHost) GetStatus() string
- func (host *SHost) GetStorageSizeMB() int64
- func (host *SHost) GetStorageType() string
- func (host *SHost) GetSysInfo() jsonutils.JSONObject
- func (host *SHost) GetVersion() string
- func (host *SHost) IsEmulated() bool
- func (host *SHost) Refresh() error
- type SImage
- func (img *SImage) Delete(ctx context.Context) error
- func (img *SImage) GetBios() cloudprovider.TBiosType
- func (img *SImage) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
- func (img *SImage) GetFullOsName() string
- func (img *SImage) GetGlobalId() string
- func (img *SImage) GetIStoragecache() cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache
- func (img *SImage) GetId() string
- func (img *SImage) GetImageFormat() string
- func (img *SImage) GetImageStatus() string
- func (img *SImage) GetImageType() cloudprovider.TImageType
- func (img *SImage) GetMinOsDiskSizeGb() int
- func (img *SImage) GetMinRamSizeMb() int
- func (img *SImage) GetName() string
- func (img *SImage) GetOsArch() string
- func (img *SImage) GetOsDist() string
- func (img *SImage) GetOsLang() string
- func (img *SImage) GetOsType() cloudprovider.TOsType
- func (img *SImage) GetOsVersion() string
- func (img *SImage) GetSizeByte() int64
- func (img *SImage) GetStatus() string
- func (img *SImage) Refresh() error
- type SInstance
- func (instance *SInstance) AttachDisk(ctx context.Context, diskId string) error
- func (instance *SInstance) ChangeConfig(ctx context.Context, config *cloudprovider.SManagedVMChangeConfig) error
- func (instance *SInstance) DeleteVM(ctx context.Context) error
- func (instance *SInstance) DeployVM(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.SInstanceDeployOptions) error
- func (instance *SInstance) DetachDisk(ctx context.Context, diskId string) error
- func (instance *SInstance) GetBillingType() string
- func (ins *SInstance) GetBios() cloudprovider.TBiosType
- func (instance *SInstance) GetBootOrder() string
- func (instance *SInstance) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
- func (instance *SInstance) GetExpiredAt() time.Time
- func (instance *SInstance) GetFullOsName() string
- func (instance *SInstance) GetGlobalId() string
- func (instance *SInstance) GetHostname() string
- func (instance *SInstance) GetHypervisor() string
- func (instance *SInstance) GetIDisks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
- func (instance *SInstance) GetIEIP() (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
- func (instance *SInstance) GetIHost() cloudprovider.ICloudHost
- func (instance *SInstance) GetIHostId() string
- func (instance *SInstance) GetINics() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNic, error)
- func (instance *SInstance) GetId() string
- func (instance *SInstance) GetInstanceType() string
- func (instance *SInstance) GetMachine() string
- func (instance *SInstance) GetName() string
- func (ins *SInstance) GetOsArch() string
- func (ins *SInstance) GetOsDist() string
- func (ins *SInstance) GetOsLang() string
- func (instance *SInstance) GetOsType() cloudprovider.TOsType
- func (ins *SInstance) GetOsVersion() string
- func (instance *SInstance) GetProjectId() string
- func (instance *SInstance) GetSecurityGroupIds() ([]string, error)
- func (instance *SInstance) GetStatus() string
- func (instance *SInstance) GetUserData() (string, error)
- func (instance *SInstance) GetVNCInfo(input *cloudprovider.ServerVncInput) (*cloudprovider.ServerVncOutput, error)
- func (instance *SInstance) GetVcpuCount() int
- func (instance *SInstance) GetVdi() string
- func (instance *SInstance) GetVga() string
- func (instance *SInstance) GetVmemSizeMB() int
- func (instance *SInstance) RebuildRoot(ctx context.Context, desc *cloudprovider.SManagedVMRebuildRootConfig) (string, error)
- func (instance *SInstance) Refresh() error
- func (instance *SInstance) SaveImage(opts *cloudprovider.SaveImageOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
- func (instance *SInstance) SetSecurityGroups(secgroupIds []string) error
- func (instance *SInstance) StartVM(ctx context.Context) error
- func (instance *SInstance) StopVM(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.ServerStopOptions) error
- func (instance *SInstance) UpdatePassword(passwd string) error
- func (instance *SInstance) UpdateUserData(userData string) error
- func (instance *SInstance) UpdateVM(ctx context.Context, input cloudprovider.SInstanceUpdateOptions) error
- type SInstanceNic
- type SKeypair
- type SMetricData
- type SNatGateway
- func (nat *SNatGateway) CreateINatDEntry(rule cloudprovider.SNatDRule) (cloudprovider.ICloudNatDEntry, error)
- func (nat *SNatGateway) CreateINatSEntry(rule cloudprovider.SNatSRule) (cloudprovider.ICloudNatSEntry, error)
- func (nat *SNatGateway) Delete() error
- func (nat *SNatGateway) GetBandwidthMb() int
- func (nat *SNatGateway) GetBillingType() string
- func (nat *SNatGateway) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
- func (nat *SNatGateway) GetExpiredAt() time.Time
- func (nat *SNatGateway) GetGlobalId() string
- func (nat *SNatGateway) GetINatDEntryByID(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudNatDEntry, error)
- func (nat *SNatGateway) GetINatDTable() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNatDEntry, error)
- func (nat *SNatGateway) GetINatSEntryByID(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudNatSEntry, error)
- func (nat *SNatGateway) GetINatSTable() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNatSEntry, error)
- func (nat *SNatGateway) GetINetworkId() string
- func (nat *SNatGateway) GetId() string
- func (nat *SNatGateway) GetIpAddr() string
- func (nat *SNatGateway) GetName() string
- func (nat *SNatGateway) GetNatSpec() string
- func (nat *SNatGateway) GetStatus() string
- func (nat *SNatGateway) Refresh() error
- type SNetwork
- func (subnet *SNetwork) Delete() error
- func (subnet *SNetwork) GetAllocTimeoutSeconds() int
- func (subnet *SNetwork) GetGateway() string
- func (subnet *SNetwork) GetGlobalId() string
- func (subnet *SNetwork) GetIWire() cloudprovider.ICloudWire
- func (subnet *SNetwork) GetId() string
- func (subnet *SNetwork) GetIpEnd() string
- func (subnet *SNetwork) GetIpMask() int8
- func (subnet *SNetwork) GetIpStart() string
- func (subnet *SNetwork) GetIsPublic() bool
- func (subnet *SNetwork) GetName() string
- func (subnet *SNetwork) GetProjectId() string
- func (subnet *SNetwork) GetPublicScope() rbacscope.TRbacScope
- func (subnet *SNetwork) GetServerType() string
- func (subnet *SNetwork) GetStatus() string
- func (subnet *SNetwork) Refresh() error
- type SNetworkInterface
- func (nic *SNetworkInterface) AssignAddress(ipAddrs []string) error
- func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetAssociateId() string
- func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetAssociateType() string
- func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetDriver() string
- func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetGlobalId() string
- func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetICloudInterfaceAddresses() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudInterfaceAddress, error)
- func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetINetworkId() string
- func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetIP() string
- func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetId() string
- func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetMAC() string
- func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetMacAddress() string
- func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetName() string
- func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetStatus() string
- func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetSubAddress() ([]string, error)
- func (nic *SNetworkInterface) InClassicNetwork() bool
- func (nic *SNetworkInterface) UnassignAddress(ipAddrs []string) error
- type SObject
- func (obj *SObject) GetAcl() cloudprovider.TBucketACLType
- func (obj *SObject) GetIBucket() cloudprovider.ICloudBucket
- func (obj *SObject) GetMeta() http.Header
- func (obj *SObject) SetAcl(aclStr cloudprovider.TBucketACLType) error
- func (obj *SObject) SetMeta(ctx context.Context, meta http.Header) error
- type SPrivateIp
- type SPrivateIpSets
- type SProject
- type SRdmaIPAddress
- type SRegion
- func (region *SRegion) AllocateEIP(opts *cloudprovider.SEip) (*SEipAddress, error)
- func (region *SRegion) AssignAddres(nicId string, ipAddrs []string) error
- func (region *SRegion) AssociateEip(eipId string, instanceId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) AssociateRouteTable(rtableId string, SubnetId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) AttachDisk(instanceId string, diskId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) AttachKeypair(instanceId string, name string) error
- func (region *SRegion) ChangeConfig(instanceId string, instanceTypeId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) CreateDisk(zoneId string, category string, name string, sizeGb int, desc string, ...) (string, error)
- func (region *SRegion) CreateDnatEntry(rule cloudprovider.SNatDRule, natGatewayId string) (string, error)
- func (region *SRegion) CreateEIP(opts *cloudprovider.SEip) (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
- func (region *SRegion) CreateIBucket(name string, storageClassStr string, aclStr string) error
- func (region *SRegion) CreateISecurityGroup(opts *cloudprovider.SecurityGroupCreateInput) (cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
- func (region *SRegion) CreateIVpc(opts *cloudprovider.VpcCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
- func (region *SRegion) CreateInstance(zoneId string, opts *cloudprovider.SManagedVMCreateConfig) (string, error)
- func (region *SRegion) CreateNatGateway(opts *cloudprovider.NatGatewayCreateOptions) (*SNatGateway, error)
- func (region *SRegion) CreateSecurityGroup(opts *cloudprovider.SecurityGroupCreateInput) (string, error)
- func (region *SRegion) CreateSecurityGroupRule(secGrpId string, opts *cloudprovider.SecurityGroupRuleCreateOptions) error
- func (region *SRegion) CreateSnatEntry(rule cloudprovider.SNatSRule, natGatewayId string) (string, error)
- func (region *SRegion) CreateSubnet(zoneId string, vpcId string, name string, cidr string, desc string) (string, error)
- func (region *SRegion) CreateVpc(opts *cloudprovider.VpcCreateOptions) (*SVpc, error)
- func (region *SRegion) DeallocateEIP(eipId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) DeleteDisk(diskId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) DeleteDnatEntry(dnatEntryId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) DeleteIBucket(name string) error
- func (region *SRegion) DeleteImage(imageId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) DeleteNatGateway(natId string, isForce bool) error
- func (region *SRegion) DeleteSecurityGroup(id string) error
- func (region *SRegion) DeleteSnatEntry(snatEntryId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) DeleteSubnet(SubnetId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) DeleteVM(instanceId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) DeleteVpc(vpcId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) DeployVM(instanceId string, opts *cloudprovider.SInstanceDeployOptions) error
- func (self *SRegion) DescribeInstanceVncUrl(id string) (string, error)
- func (region *SRegion) DetachDisk(instanceId string, diskId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) DetachKeyPair(instanceId string, name string) error
- func (region *SRegion) DissociateEip(eipId string, instanceId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) ExportImage(imageId, bucketName string) (string, error)
- func (region *SRegion) FetchSubnets(ids []string, zoneId string, vpcId string) ([]SNetwork, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetAllVpcs() ([]SVpc, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetCapabilities() []string
- func (region *SRegion) GetClient() *SVolcEngineClient
- func (region *SRegion) GetCloudEnv() string
- func (region *SRegion) GetDisk(diskId string) (*SDisk, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetDisks(instanceId string, zoneId string, category string, diskIds []string) ([]SDisk, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetDnatEntries(natGatewayId string, pageNumber int, pageSize int) ([]SDNATEntry, int, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetDnatEntry(natGatewayId string, dnatEntryID string) (SDNATEntry, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetEip(eipId string) (*SEipAddress, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetEips(eipIds []string, associatedId string, addresses []string, pageNumber int, ...) ([]SEipAddress, int, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetGeographicInfo() cloudprovider.SGeographicInfo
- func (region *SRegion) GetGlobalId() string
- func (region *SRegion) GetI18n() cloudprovider.SModelI18nTable
- func (region *SRegion) GetIBucketById(name string) (cloudprovider.ICloudBucket, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetIBucketByName(name string) (cloudprovider.ICloudBucket, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetIBuckets() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudBucket, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetIDiskById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetIEipById(eipId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetIEips() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetIHostById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
- func (regioin *SRegion) GetIHosts() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetINetworkInterfaces() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNetworkInterface, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetISecurityGroupById(secgroupId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetIStoragecacheById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetIStoragecaches() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetIStorages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetIVMById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetIVMs() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetIVpcById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetIVpcs() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetIZoneById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudZone, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetIZones() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudZone, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetId() string
- func (region *SRegion) GetImage(imageId string) (*SImage, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetImageByName(name string) (*SImage, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetImageStatus(imageId string) (ImageStatusType, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetImages(visibility string, imageIds []string, name string) ([]SImage, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetInstance(instanceId string) (*SInstance, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetInstanceStatus(instanceId string) (string, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetInstances(zoneId string, ids []string) ([]SInstance, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetKeypairs(finger string, name string, limit int, token string) ([]SKeypair, string, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetName() string
- func (region *SRegion) GetNatGateways(vpcId string, natGatewayId string, pageNumber int, pageSize int) ([]SNatGateway, int, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetNetworkInterfaces(instanceId string, pageNumber int, pageSize int) ([]SNetworkInterface, int, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetProvider() string
- func (region *SRegion) GetRouteTables(ids []string, pageNumber int, pageSize int) ([]SRouteTable, int, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetSecurityGroup(secGroupId string) (*SSecurityGroup, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetSecurityGroupRules(secGroupId string) ([]SSecurityGroupRule, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetSecurityGroups(vpcId, name string, securityGroupIds []string, pageSize int, pageNumber int) ([]SSecurityGroup, int, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetSnatEntries(natGatewayId string, pageNumber int, pageSize int) ([]SSNATEntry, int, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetSnatEntry(natGatewayId string, snatEntryID string) (SSNATEntry, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetStatus() string
- func (self *SRegion) GetStorageTypes(zoneId string) ([]sStorageType, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetSubAddress(nicId string) ([]string, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetSubnetAttributes(SubnetId string) (*SNetwork, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetSubnets(ids []string, zoneId string, vpcId string, pageNumber int, pageSize int) ([]SNetwork, int, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetTosClient() (*tos.ClientV2, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetVpcs(vpcIds []string, pageNumber int, pageSize int) ([]SVpc, int, error)
- func (region *SRegion) GetZones(id string) ([]SZone, error)
- func (region *SRegion) IBucketExist(name string) (bool, error)
- func (region *SRegion) ImportImage(name string, osArch string, osType string, platform, platformVersion string, ...) (string, error)
- func (region *SRegion) ImportKeypair(name string, pubKey string) (*SKeypair, error)
- func (self *SRegion) ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributes(id string, secgroupIds []string) error
- func (region *SRegion) Refresh() error
- func (region *SRegion) RenewInstance(instanceId string, bc billing.SBillingCycle) error
- func (region *SRegion) ResizeDisk(diskId string, sizeGb int64) error
- func (region *SRegion) SaveImage(instanceId string, opts *cloudprovider.SaveImageOptions) (*SImage, error)
- func (region *SRegion) StartVM(instanceId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) StopVM(instanceId string, isForce, stopCharging bool) error
- func (region *SRegion) UnassignAddress(nicId string, ipAddrs []string) error
- func (region *SRegion) UnassociateRouteTable(rtableId string, SubnetId string) error
- func (region *SRegion) UpdateEipBandwidth(eipId string, bw int) error
- func (region *SRegion) UpdateInstancePassword(instanceId string, passwd string) error
- func (region *SRegion) UpdateVM(instanceId string, name, description string) error
- type SRouteEntry
- func (route *SRouteEntry) GetCidr() string
- func (route *SRouteEntry) GetGlobalId() string
- func (route *SRouteEntry) GetId() string
- func (route *SRouteEntry) GetName() string
- func (route *SRouteEntry) GetNextHop() string
- func (route *SRouteEntry) GetNextHopType() string
- func (route *SRouteEntry) GetStatus() string
- func (route *SRouteEntry) GetType() string
- func (route *SRouteEntry) Refresh() error
- type SRouteEntrys
- type SRouteTable
- func (table *SRouteTable) CreateRoute(route cloudprovider.RouteSet) error
- func (table *SRouteTable) GetAssociations() []cloudprovider.RouteTableAssociation
- func (table *SRouteTable) GetDescription() string
- func (table *SRouteTable) GetGlobalId() string
- func (table *SRouteTable) GetIRoutes() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudRoute, error)
- func (table *SRouteTable) GetId() string
- func (table *SRouteTable) GetName() string
- func (table *SRouteTable) GetRegionId() string
- func (table *SRouteTable) GetStatus() string
- func (table *SRouteTable) GetType() cloudprovider.RouteTableType
- func (table *SRouteTable) GetVpcId() string
- func (routeTable *SRouteTable) IsSystem() bool
- func (table *SRouteTable) Refresh() error
- func (table *SRouteTable) RemoteGetRoutes(pageNumber int, pageSize int) ([]*SRouteEntry, int, error)
- func (table *SRouteTable) RemoveRoute(route cloudprovider.RouteSet) error
- func (table *SRouteTable) UpdateRoute(route cloudprovider.RouteSet) error
- type SSNATEntry
- func (sentry *SSNATEntry) Delete() error
- func (sentry *SSNATEntry) GetGlobalId() string
- func (sentry *SSNATEntry) GetIP() string
- func (sentry *SSNATEntry) GetId() string
- func (sentry *SSNATEntry) GetName() string
- func (sentry *SSNATEntry) GetNetworkId() string
- func (sentry *SSNATEntry) GetSourceCIDR() string
- func (sentry *SSNATEntry) GetStatus() string
- func (sentry *SSNATEntry) Refresh() error
- type SSecurityGroup
- func (self *SSecurityGroup) CreateRule(opts *cloudprovider.SecurityGroupRuleCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ISecurityGroupRule, error)
- func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) Delete() error
- func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
- func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) GetDescription() string
- func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) GetGlobalId() string
- func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) GetId() string
- func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) GetName() string
- func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) GetProjectId() string
- func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) GetReferences() ([]cloudprovider.SecurityGroupReference, error)
- func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) GetRules() ([]cloudprovider.ISecurityGroupRule, error)
- func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) GetStatus() string
- func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) GetVpcId() string
- func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) Refresh() error
- func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) SetTags(tags map[string]string, replace bool) error
- type SSecurityGroupIds
- type SSecurityGroupRule
- func (self *SSecurityGroupRule) Delete() error
- func (self *SSecurityGroupRule) GetAction() secrules.TSecurityRuleAction
- func (self *SSecurityGroupRule) GetCIDRs() []string
- func (self *SSecurityGroupRule) GetDescription() string
- func (self *SSecurityGroupRule) GetDirection() secrules.TSecurityRuleDirection
- func (self *SSecurityGroupRule) GetGlobalId() string
- func (self *SSecurityGroupRule) GetPorts() string
- func (self *SSecurityGroupRule) GetPriority() int
- func (self *SSecurityGroupRule) GetProtocol() string
- func (self *SSecurityGroupRule) Update(opts *cloudprovider.SecurityGroupRuleUpdateOptions) error
- type SStorage
- func (storage *SStorage) CreateIDisk(conf *cloudprovider.DiskCreateConfig) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
- func (storage *SStorage) GetCapacityMB() int64
- func (storage *SStorage) GetCapacityUsedMB() int64
- func (storage *SStorage) GetEnabled() bool
- func (storage *SStorage) GetGlobalId() string
- func (storage *SStorage) GetIDiskById(idStr string) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
- func (storage *SStorage) GetIDisks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
- func (storage *SStorage) GetIStoragecache() cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache
- func (storage *SStorage) GetIZone() cloudprovider.ICloudZone
- func (storage *SStorage) GetId() string
- func (storage *SStorage) GetMediumType() string
- func (storage *SStorage) GetMountPoint() string
- func (storage *SStorage) GetName() string
- func (storage *SStorage) GetStatus() string
- func (storage *SStorage) GetStorageConf() jsonutils.JSONObject
- func (storage *SStorage) GetStorageType() string
- func (storage *SStorage) IsEmulated() bool
- func (storage *SStorage) IsSysDiskStore() bool
- type SStoragecache
- func (scache *SStoragecache) GetGlobalId() string
- func (scache *SStoragecache) GetICloudImages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
- func (scache *SStoragecache) GetICustomizedCloudImages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
- func (scache *SStoragecache) GetIImageById(extId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
- func (scache *SStoragecache) GetId() string
- func (scache *SStoragecache) GetName() string
- func (scache *SStoragecache) GetPath() string
- func (scache *SStoragecache) GetStatus() string
- func (scache *SStoragecache) Refresh() error
- func (scache *SStoragecache) UploadImage(ctx context.Context, image *cloudprovider.SImageCreateOption, ...) (string, error)
- type SSupportedResource
- type SUser
- type SUserCIDRs
- type SVolcEngineClient
- func (client *SVolcEngineClient) CreateIProject(name string) (cloudprovider.ICloudProject, error)
- func (client *SVolcEngineClient) CreateProject(name string) (*SProject, error)
- func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetAccessEnv() string
- func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetAccountId() string
- func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetCallerIdentity() (*SCallerIdentity, error)
- func (region *SVolcEngineClient) GetCapabilities() []string
- func (self *SVolcEngineClient) GetEcsMetrics(opts *cloudprovider.MetricListOptions) ([]cloudprovider.MetricValues, error)
- func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetIProjects() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudProject, error)
- func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetIRegionById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudRegion, error)
- func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetIRegions() []cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
- func (self *SVolcEngineClient) GetMetricData(regionId string, start, end time.Time, ...) ([]SMetricData, error)
- func (self *SVolcEngineClient) GetMetrics(opts *cloudprovider.MetricListOptions) ([]cloudprovider.MetricValues, error)
- func (self *SVolcEngineClient) GetOssMetrics(opts *cloudprovider.MetricListOptions) ([]cloudprovider.MetricValues, error)
- func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetProject(name string) (*SProject, error)
- func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetProjects() ([]SProject, error)
- func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetRegion(regionId string) *SRegion
- func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetRegions() []SRegion
- func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetSubAccounts() ([]cloudprovider.SSubAccount, error)
- func (client *SVolcEngineClient) ListProjects(limit int, offset int) ([]SProject, int, error)
- func (client *SVolcEngineClient) QueryBalance() (*SBalance, error)
- type SVpc
- func (vpc *SVpc) CreateINatGateway(opts *cloudprovider.NatGatewayCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudNatGateway, error)
- func (vpc *SVpc) Delete() error
- func (vpc *SVpc) GetAuthorityOwnerId() string
- func (vpc *SVpc) GetCidrBlock() string
- func (vpc *SVpc) GetGlobalId() string
- func (vpc *SVpc) GetIRouteTableById(routeTableId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudRouteTable, error)
- func (vpc *SVpc) GetIRouteTables() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudRouteTable, error)
- func (vpc *SVpc) GetISecurityGroups() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
- func (vpc *SVpc) GetIWireById(wireId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
- func (vpc *SVpc) GetIWires() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
- func (vpc *SVpc) GetId() string
- func (vpc *SVpc) GetIsDefault() bool
- func (vpc *SVpc) GetName() string
- func (vpc *SVpc) GetRegion() cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
- func (vpc *SVpc) GetStatus() string
- func (vpc *SVpc) IsEmulated() bool
- func (vpc *SVpc) Refresh() error
- func (vpc *SVpc) RemoteGetRouteTableList(pageNumber int, pageSize int) ([]*SRouteTable, int, error)
- type SWire
- func (wire *SWire) CreateINetwork(opts *cloudprovider.SNetworkCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
- func (wire *SWire) GetBandwidth() int
- func (wire *SWire) GetGlobalId() string
- func (wire *SWire) GetINetworkById(netid string) (cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
- func (wire *SWire) GetINetworks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
- func (wire *SWire) GetIVpc() cloudprovider.ICloudVpc
- func (wire *SWire) GetIZone() cloudprovider.ICloudZone
- func (wire *SWire) GetId() string
- func (wire *SWire) GetName() string
- func (wire *SWire) GetStatus() string
- func (wire *SWire) IsEmulated() bool
- func (wire *SWire) Refresh() error
- type SZone
- func (zone *SZone) GetGlobalId() string
- func (zone *SZone) GetI18n() cloudprovider.SModelI18nTable
- func (zone *SZone) GetIHostById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
- func (zone *SZone) GetIHosts() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
- func (zone *SZone) GetIRegion() cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
- func (zone *SZone) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (zone *SZone) GetIStorages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
- func (zone *SZone) GetIWires() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
- func (zone *SZone) GetId() string
- func (zone *SZone) GetName() string
- func (zone *SZone) GetStatus() string
- func (zone *SZone) GetStorages() ([]SStorage, error)
- type SubnetIds
- type TBillingType
- type VolcEngineClientConfig
- func (cfg *VolcEngineClientConfig) AccountId(id string) *VolcEngineClientConfig
- func (cfg *VolcEngineClientConfig) CloudproviderConfig(cpcfg cloudprovider.ProviderConfig) *VolcEngineClientConfig
- func (cfg VolcEngineClientConfig) Copy() VolcEngineClientConfig
- func (cfg *VolcEngineClientConfig) Debug(debug bool) *VolcEngineClientConfig
- type VolcEngineTags
Constants ¶
const ( EIP_STATUS_ATTACHING = "Attaching" EIP_STATUS_DETACHING = "Detaching" EIP_STATUS_ATTACHED = "Attached" EIP_STATUS_AVAILABLE = "Available" EIP_STATUS_DELETING = "Deleting" EIP_INSTANCE_TYPE_NAT = "Nat" // NAT网关 EIP_INSTANCE_TYPE_ENI = "NetworkInterface" // 辅助网卡 EIP_INSTANCE_TYPE_CLB = "ClbInstance" // 负载均衡 EIP_INSTANCE_TYPE_ALB = "Albinstance" // 应用型负载均衡 EIP_INSTANCE_TYPE_ECS = "EcsInstance" // 云服务器 EIP_INSTANCE_TYPE_HAVIP = "HaVip" // 高可用虚拟IP )
const ( InstanceStatusCreating = "CREATING" InstanceStatusRunning = "RUNNING" InstanceStatusStopping = "STOPPING" InstanceStatusStopped = "STOPPED" InstanceStatusRebooting = "REBOOTING" InstanceStatusStarting = "STARTING" InstanceStatusRebuilding = "REBUILDING" InstanceStatusResizing = "RESIZING" InstanceStatusError = "ERROR" InstanceStatusDeleting = "DELETING" )
const (
OSS_META_HEADER = "x-oss-meta-"
Variables ¶
var LatitudeAndLongitude = map[string]cloudprovider.SGeographicInfo{ "cn-guangzhou": api.RegionGuangzhou, "cn-beijing": api.RegionBeijing, "cn-shanghai": api.RegionShanghai, }
var RegionEndpoint = map[string]string{
"cn-beijing": "",
"cn-shanghai": "",
"cn-guangzhou": "",
var RegionLocations = map[string]string{
"cn-beijing": "中国(北京)",
"cn-shanghai": "中国(上海)",
"cn-guangzhou": "中国(广州)",
var RegionLocationsEN = map[string]string{
"cn-beijing": "China (Beijing)",
"cn-shanghai": "China (Shanghai)",
"cn-guangzhou": "China (Guangzhou)",
Functions ¶
func GetBucketName ¶
Types ¶
type ImageOwnerType ¶
type ImageOwnerType string
const ( ImageOwnerPrivate ImageOwnerType = "private" ImageOwnerPublic ImageOwnerType = "public" )
type ImageStatusType ¶
type ImageStatusType string
const ( ImageStatusCreating ImageStatusType = "creating" ImageStatusAvailable ImageStatusType = "available" ImageStatusError ImageStatusType = "error" )
type SAssociatedElasticIp ¶
type SAvailableResource ¶
type SAvailableResource struct { Type string SupportedResources []SSupportedResource }
type SBucket ¶
type SBucket struct { multicloud.SBaseBucket VolcEngineTags Name string Location string CreationDate time.Time // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SBucket) AbortMultipartUpload ¶
func (*SBucket) CompleteMultipartUpload ¶
func (*SBucket) CopyObject ¶
func (*SBucket) DeleteObject ¶
func (*SBucket) GetAccessUrls ¶
func (b *SBucket) GetAccessUrls() []cloudprovider.SBucketAccessUrl
func (*SBucket) GetAcl ¶
func (b *SBucket) GetAcl() cloudprovider.TBucketACLType
func (*SBucket) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*SBucket) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SBucket) GetIRegion ¶
func (b *SBucket) GetIRegion() cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
func (*SBucket) GetLocation ¶
func (*SBucket) GetObject ¶
func (b *SBucket) GetObject(ctx context.Context, key string, rangeOpt *cloudprovider.SGetObjectRange) (io.ReadCloser, error)
func (*SBucket) GetProjectId ¶
func (*SBucket) GetStats ¶
func (b *SBucket) GetStats() cloudprovider.SBucketStats
func (*SBucket) GetStorageClass ¶
func (*SBucket) GetTempUrl ¶
func (*SBucket) ListObjects ¶
func (b *SBucket) ListObjects(prefix string, marker string, delimiter string, maxCount int) (cloudprovider.SListObjectResult, error)
func (*SBucket) NewMultipartUpload ¶
func (*SBucket) SetAcl ¶
func (b *SBucket) SetAcl(aclStr cloudprovider.TBucketACLType) error
type SCallerIdentity ¶
type SDNATEntry ¶
type SDNATEntry struct { multicloud.SResourceBase VolcEngineTags NatGatewayId string DnatEntryId string DnatEntryName string Protocol string InternalIp string InternalPort string ExternalIp string ExternalPort string Status string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SDNATEntry) Delete ¶
func (dentry *SDNATEntry) Delete() error
func (*SDNATEntry) GetExternalIp ¶
func (dentry *SDNATEntry) GetExternalIp() string
func (*SDNATEntry) GetExternalPort ¶
func (dentry *SDNATEntry) GetExternalPort() int
func (*SDNATEntry) GetGlobalId ¶
func (dentry *SDNATEntry) GetGlobalId() string
func (*SDNATEntry) GetId ¶
func (dentry *SDNATEntry) GetId() string
func (*SDNATEntry) GetInternalIp ¶
func (dentry *SDNATEntry) GetInternalIp() string
func (*SDNATEntry) GetInternalPort ¶
func (dentry *SDNATEntry) GetInternalPort() int
func (*SDNATEntry) GetIpProtocol ¶
func (dentry *SDNATEntry) GetIpProtocol() string
func (*SDNATEntry) GetName ¶
func (dentry *SDNATEntry) GetName() string
func (*SDNATEntry) GetStatus ¶
func (dentry *SDNATEntry) GetStatus() string
type SDisk ¶
type SDisk struct { multicloud.SDisk VolcEngineTags ZoneId string VolumeId string VolumeName string VolumeType string Description string InstanceId string ImageId string Size int Status string Kind string CreatedAt time.Time UpdatedAt time.Time BillingType string PayType string TradeStatus int ExpiredTime time.Time ProjectName string DeleteWithInstance bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SDisk) CreateISnapshot ¶
func (disk *SDisk) CreateISnapshot(ctx context.Context, name, desc string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
Snapshot API is not supported, refer to
func (*SDisk) GetAccessPath ¶
func (*SDisk) GetBillingType ¶
func (*SDisk) GetCacheMode ¶
func (*SDisk) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*SDisk) GetDiskFormat ¶
func (*SDisk) GetDiskSizeMB ¶
func (*SDisk) GetDiskType ¶
func (*SDisk) GetExpiredAt ¶
func (*SDisk) GetFsFormat ¶
func (*SDisk) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SDisk) GetISnapshot ¶
func (disk *SDisk) GetISnapshot(snapshotId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
func (*SDisk) GetISnapshots ¶
func (disk *SDisk) GetISnapshots() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSnapshot, error)
func (*SDisk) GetIStorage ¶
func (disk *SDisk) GetIStorage() (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SDisk) GetIsAutoDelete ¶
func (*SDisk) GetIsNonPersistent ¶
func (*SDisk) GetMountpoint ¶
func (*SDisk) GetProjectId ¶
func (*SDisk) GetTemplateId ¶
type SEipAddress ¶
type SEipAddress struct { multicloud.SEipBase VolcEngineTags Name string AllocationId string BillingType TBillingType EipAddress string Status string InstanceType string InstanceId string Bandwidth int /* Mbps */ BusinessStatus string AllocationTime time.Time Description string ISP string LockReason string ExpiredTime time.Time ProjectName string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SEipAddress) Associate ¶
func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) Associate(conf *cloudprovider.AssociateConfig) error
func (*SEipAddress) ChangeBandwidth ¶
func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) ChangeBandwidth(bw int) error
func (*SEipAddress) Delete ¶
func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) Delete() error
func (*SEipAddress) Dissociate ¶
func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) Dissociate() error
func (*SEipAddress) GetAssociationExternalId ¶
func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetAssociationExternalId() string
func (*SEipAddress) GetAssociationType ¶
func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetAssociationType() string
func (*SEipAddress) GetBandwidth ¶
func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetBandwidth() int
func (*SEipAddress) GetGlobalId ¶
func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetGlobalId() string
func (*SEipAddress) GetINetworkId ¶
func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetINetworkId() string
func (*SEipAddress) GetId ¶
func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetId() string
func (*SEipAddress) GetInternetChargeType ¶
func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetInternetChargeType() string
func (*SEipAddress) GetIpAddr ¶
func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetIpAddr() string
func (*SEipAddress) GetMode ¶
func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetMode() string
func (*SEipAddress) GetName ¶
func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetName() string
func (*SEipAddress) GetProjectId ¶
func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetProjectId() string
func (*SEipAddress) GetStatus ¶
func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) GetStatus() string
func (*SEipAddress) Refresh ¶
func (eipaddr *SEipAddress) Refresh() error
type SHost ¶
type SHost struct { multicloud.SHostBase // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SHost) CreateVM ¶
func (host *SHost) CreateVM(opts *cloudprovider.SManagedVMCreateConfig) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
func (*SHost) GetAccessIp ¶
func (*SHost) GetAccessMac ¶
func (*SHost) GetCpuCount ¶
func (*SHost) GetCpuDesc ¶
func (*SHost) GetEnabled ¶
func (*SHost) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SHost) GetHostStatus ¶
func (*SHost) GetHostType ¶
func (*SHost) GetIHostNics ¶
func (host *SHost) GetIHostNics() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudHostNetInterface, error)
func (*SHost) GetIStorageById ¶
func (host *SHost) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SHost) GetIStorages ¶
func (host *SHost) GetIStorages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SHost) GetIVMById ¶
func (host *SHost) GetIVMById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
func (*SHost) GetIWires ¶
func (host *SHost) GetIWires() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
func (*SHost) GetInstanceById ¶
func (*SHost) GetIsMaintenance ¶
func (*SHost) GetMemSizeMB ¶
func (*SHost) GetNodeCount ¶
func (*SHost) GetStorageSizeMB ¶
func (*SHost) GetStorageType ¶
func (*SHost) GetSysInfo ¶
func (host *SHost) GetSysInfo() jsonutils.JSONObject
func (*SHost) GetVersion ¶
func (*SHost) IsEmulated ¶
type SImage ¶
type SImage struct { multicloud.SImageBase VolcEngineTags Architecture string CreationTime time.Time Description string ImageId string ImageName string OSName string OSType string Visibility string IsSupportCloudinit bool IsSupportIoOptimized bool Platform string Size int Status ImageStatusType Usage string BootMode string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SImage) GetBios ¶
func (img *SImage) GetBios() cloudprovider.TBiosType
func (*SImage) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*SImage) GetFullOsName ¶
func (*SImage) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SImage) GetIStoragecache ¶
func (img *SImage) GetIStoragecache() cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache
func (*SImage) GetImageFormat ¶
func (*SImage) GetImageStatus ¶
func (*SImage) GetImageType ¶
func (img *SImage) GetImageType() cloudprovider.TImageType
func (*SImage) GetMinOsDiskSizeGb ¶
func (*SImage) GetMinRamSizeMb ¶
func (*SImage) GetOsType ¶
func (img *SImage) GetOsType() cloudprovider.TOsType
func (*SImage) GetOsVersion ¶
func (*SImage) GetSizeByte ¶
type SInstance ¶
type SInstance struct { multicloud.SInstanceBase VolcEngineTags CreatedAt time.Time UpdatedAt time.Time InstanceId string ZoneId string ImageId string Status string InstanceName string Description string Hostname string VpcId string InstanceTypeId string Cpus int MemorySize int OsName string OsType string NetworkInterfaces []SNetworkInterface RdmaIpAddress SRdmaIPAddress KeyPairName string KeyPairId string InstanceChargeType string StoppedMode string SpotStrategy string DeploymentSetId string EipAddress SEipAddress ExpiredAt time.Time Uuid string ProjectName string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SInstance) AttachDisk ¶
func (*SInstance) ChangeConfig ¶
func (instance *SInstance) ChangeConfig(ctx context.Context, config *cloudprovider.SManagedVMChangeConfig) error
func (*SInstance) DeployVM ¶
func (instance *SInstance) DeployVM(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.SInstanceDeployOptions) error
func (*SInstance) DetachDisk ¶
func (*SInstance) GetBillingType ¶
func (*SInstance) GetBios ¶
func (ins *SInstance) GetBios() cloudprovider.TBiosType
func (*SInstance) GetBootOrder ¶
func (*SInstance) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (*SInstance) GetExpiredAt ¶
func (*SInstance) GetFullOsName ¶
func (*SInstance) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SInstance) GetHostname ¶
func (*SInstance) GetHypervisor ¶
func (*SInstance) GetIDisks ¶
func (instance *SInstance) GetIDisks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
func (*SInstance) GetIHost ¶
func (instance *SInstance) GetIHost() cloudprovider.ICloudHost
func (*SInstance) GetIHostId ¶
func (*SInstance) GetINics ¶
func (instance *SInstance) GetINics() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNic, error)
func (*SInstance) GetInstanceType ¶
func (*SInstance) GetMachine ¶
func (*SInstance) GetOsType ¶
func (instance *SInstance) GetOsType() cloudprovider.TOsType
func (*SInstance) GetOsVersion ¶
func (*SInstance) GetProjectId ¶
func (*SInstance) GetSecurityGroupIds ¶
func (*SInstance) GetUserData ¶
func (*SInstance) GetVNCInfo ¶
func (instance *SInstance) GetVNCInfo(input *cloudprovider.ServerVncInput) (*cloudprovider.ServerVncOutput, error)
func (*SInstance) GetVcpuCount ¶
func (*SInstance) GetVmemSizeMB ¶
func (*SInstance) RebuildRoot ¶
func (instance *SInstance) RebuildRoot(ctx context.Context, desc *cloudprovider.SManagedVMRebuildRootConfig) (string, error)
func (*SInstance) SaveImage ¶
func (instance *SInstance) SaveImage(opts *cloudprovider.SaveImageOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
func (*SInstance) SetSecurityGroups ¶
func (*SInstance) StopVM ¶
func (instance *SInstance) StopVM(ctx context.Context, opts *cloudprovider.ServerStopOptions) error
func (*SInstance) UpdatePassword ¶
func (*SInstance) UpdateUserData ¶
func (*SInstance) UpdateVM ¶
func (instance *SInstance) UpdateVM(ctx context.Context, input cloudprovider.SInstanceUpdateOptions) error
type SInstanceNic ¶
type SInstanceNic struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type SMetricData ¶
type SNatGateway ¶
type SNatGateway struct { multicloud.SNatGatewayBase VolcEngineTags NatGatewayId string NatGatewayName string Description string Spec string BillingType int VpcId string SubnetId string ZoneId string NetworkInterfaceId string ProjectName string Status string BusinessStatus string LockReason string CreationTime time.Time UpdatedAt time.Time ExpiredTime time.Time OverdueTime time.Time DeletedTime time.Time PrivateIP string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SNatGateway) CreateINatDEntry ¶
func (nat *SNatGateway) CreateINatDEntry(rule cloudprovider.SNatDRule) (cloudprovider.ICloudNatDEntry, error)
func (*SNatGateway) CreateINatSEntry ¶
func (nat *SNatGateway) CreateINatSEntry(rule cloudprovider.SNatSRule) (cloudprovider.ICloudNatSEntry, error)
func (*SNatGateway) Delete ¶
func (nat *SNatGateway) Delete() error
func (*SNatGateway) GetBandwidthMb ¶
func (nat *SNatGateway) GetBandwidthMb() int
func (*SNatGateway) GetBillingType ¶
func (nat *SNatGateway) GetBillingType() string
func (*SNatGateway) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (nat *SNatGateway) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
func (*SNatGateway) GetExpiredAt ¶
func (nat *SNatGateway) GetExpiredAt() time.Time
func (*SNatGateway) GetGlobalId ¶
func (nat *SNatGateway) GetGlobalId() string
func (*SNatGateway) GetINatDEntryByID ¶
func (nat *SNatGateway) GetINatDEntryByID(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudNatDEntry, error)
func (*SNatGateway) GetINatDTable ¶
func (nat *SNatGateway) GetINatDTable() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNatDEntry, error)
func (*SNatGateway) GetINatSEntryByID ¶
func (nat *SNatGateway) GetINatSEntryByID(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudNatSEntry, error)
func (*SNatGateway) GetINatSTable ¶
func (nat *SNatGateway) GetINatSTable() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNatSEntry, error)
func (*SNatGateway) GetINetworkId ¶
func (nat *SNatGateway) GetINetworkId() string
func (*SNatGateway) GetId ¶
func (nat *SNatGateway) GetId() string
func (*SNatGateway) GetIpAddr ¶
func (nat *SNatGateway) GetIpAddr() string
func (*SNatGateway) GetName ¶
func (nat *SNatGateway) GetName() string
func (*SNatGateway) GetNatSpec ¶
func (nat *SNatGateway) GetNatSpec() string
func (*SNatGateway) GetStatus ¶
func (nat *SNatGateway) GetStatus() string
func (*SNatGateway) Refresh ¶
func (nat *SNatGateway) Refresh() error
type SNetwork ¶
type SNetwork struct { multicloud.SResourceBase VolcEngineTags AccountId string SubnetId string VpcId string Status string CidrBlock string Ipv6CidrBlock string ZoneId string AvailableIpAddressCount int Description string SubnetName string CreationTime time.Time UpdateTime time.Time TotalIpv4Count int NetworkAclId string IsDefault bool RouteTable SRouteTable ProjectName string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SNetwork) GetAllocTimeoutSeconds ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetGateway ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetIWire ¶
func (subnet *SNetwork) GetIWire() cloudprovider.ICloudWire
func (*SNetwork) GetIpStart ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetIsPublic ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetProjectId ¶
func (*SNetwork) GetPublicScope ¶
func (subnet *SNetwork) GetPublicScope() rbacscope.TRbacScope
func (*SNetwork) GetServerType ¶
type SNetworkInterface ¶
type SNetworkInterface struct { cloudprovider.DummyICloudNic multicloud.SNetworkInterfaceBase VolcEngineTags InstanceId string NetworkInterfaceId string VpcId string SubnetId string PrimaryIpAddress string Type string MacAddress string CreationTime time.Time NetworkInterfaceName string PrivateIpSets SPrivateIpSets ResourceGroupId string SecurityGroupIds SSecurityGroupIds Status string ZoneId string PrivateIpAddresses []string AssociatedElasticIp SAssociatedElasticIp // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SNetworkInterface) AssignAddress ¶
func (nic *SNetworkInterface) AssignAddress(ipAddrs []string) error
func (*SNetworkInterface) GetAssociateId ¶
func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetAssociateId() string
func (*SNetworkInterface) GetAssociateType ¶
func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetAssociateType() string
func (*SNetworkInterface) GetDriver ¶
func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetDriver() string
func (*SNetworkInterface) GetGlobalId ¶
func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetGlobalId() string
func (*SNetworkInterface) GetICloudInterfaceAddresses ¶
func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetICloudInterfaceAddresses() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudInterfaceAddress, error)
func (*SNetworkInterface) GetINetworkId ¶
func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetINetworkId() string
func (*SNetworkInterface) GetIP ¶
func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetIP() string
func (*SNetworkInterface) GetId ¶
func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetId() string
func (*SNetworkInterface) GetMAC ¶
func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetMAC() string
func (*SNetworkInterface) GetMacAddress ¶
func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetMacAddress() string
func (*SNetworkInterface) GetName ¶
func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetName() string
func (*SNetworkInterface) GetStatus ¶
func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetStatus() string
func (*SNetworkInterface) GetSubAddress ¶
func (nic *SNetworkInterface) GetSubAddress() ([]string, error)
func (*SNetworkInterface) InClassicNetwork ¶
func (nic *SNetworkInterface) InClassicNetwork() bool
func (*SNetworkInterface) UnassignAddress ¶
func (nic *SNetworkInterface) UnassignAddress(ipAddrs []string) error
type SObject ¶
type SObject struct { cloudprovider.SBaseCloudObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SObject) GetAcl ¶
func (obj *SObject) GetAcl() cloudprovider.TBucketACLType
func (*SObject) GetIBucket ¶
func (obj *SObject) GetIBucket() cloudprovider.ICloudBucket
func (*SObject) SetAcl ¶
func (obj *SObject) SetAcl(aclStr cloudprovider.TBucketACLType) error
type SPrivateIp ¶
type SPrivateIp struct { Primary bool PrivateIpAddress string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SPrivateIp) GetGlobalId ¶
func (ip *SPrivateIp) GetGlobalId() string
func (*SPrivateIp) GetINetworkId ¶
func (ip *SPrivateIp) GetINetworkId() string
func (*SPrivateIp) GetIP ¶
func (ip *SPrivateIp) GetIP() string
func (*SPrivateIp) IsPrimary ¶
func (ip *SPrivateIp) IsPrimary() bool
type SPrivateIpSets ¶
type SPrivateIpSets struct {
PrivateIpSet []SPrivateIp
type SProject ¶
type SProject struct { multicloud.SProjectBase VolcEngineTags AccountId int ProjectName string ParentProjectName string Path string DisplayName string Description string CreateDate time.Time UpdateDate time.Time Status string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SProject) GetGlobalId ¶
type SRdmaIPAddress ¶
type SRdmaIPAddress []string
type SRegion ¶
type SRegion struct { multicloud.SRegion multicloud.SNoLbRegion RegionId string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SRegion) AllocateEIP ¶
func (region *SRegion) AllocateEIP(opts *cloudprovider.SEip) (*SEipAddress, error)
func (*SRegion) AssignAddres ¶
func (*SRegion) AssociateEip ¶
func (*SRegion) AssociateRouteTable ¶
func (*SRegion) AttachDisk ¶
func (*SRegion) AttachKeypair ¶
func (*SRegion) ChangeConfig ¶
func (*SRegion) CreateDisk ¶
func (*SRegion) CreateDnatEntry ¶
func (*SRegion) CreateEIP ¶
func (region *SRegion) CreateEIP(opts *cloudprovider.SEip) (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
func (*SRegion) CreateIBucket ¶
func (*SRegion) CreateISecurityGroup ¶
func (region *SRegion) CreateISecurityGroup(opts *cloudprovider.SecurityGroupCreateInput) (cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
Security Group
func (*SRegion) CreateIVpc ¶
func (region *SRegion) CreateIVpc(opts *cloudprovider.VpcCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
func (*SRegion) CreateInstance ¶
func (region *SRegion) CreateInstance(zoneId string, opts *cloudprovider.SManagedVMCreateConfig) (string, error)
func (*SRegion) CreateNatGateway ¶
func (region *SRegion) CreateNatGateway(opts *cloudprovider.NatGatewayCreateOptions) (*SNatGateway, error)
func (*SRegion) CreateSecurityGroup ¶
func (region *SRegion) CreateSecurityGroup(opts *cloudprovider.SecurityGroupCreateInput) (string, error)
func (*SRegion) CreateSecurityGroupRule ¶
func (region *SRegion) CreateSecurityGroupRule(secGrpId string, opts *cloudprovider.SecurityGroupRuleCreateOptions) error
func (*SRegion) CreateSnatEntry ¶
func (*SRegion) CreateSubnet ¶
func (*SRegion) CreateVpc ¶
func (region *SRegion) CreateVpc(opts *cloudprovider.VpcCreateOptions) (*SVpc, error)
func (*SRegion) DeallocateEIP ¶
func (*SRegion) DeleteDisk ¶
func (*SRegion) DeleteDnatEntry ¶
func (*SRegion) DeleteIBucket ¶
func (*SRegion) DeleteImage ¶
func (*SRegion) DeleteNatGateway ¶
func (*SRegion) DeleteSecurityGroup ¶
func (*SRegion) DeleteSnatEntry ¶
func (*SRegion) DeleteSubnet ¶
func (*SRegion) DeployVM ¶
func (region *SRegion) DeployVM(instanceId string, opts *cloudprovider.SInstanceDeployOptions) error
func (*SRegion) DescribeInstanceVncUrl ¶
func (*SRegion) DetachDisk ¶
func (*SRegion) DetachKeyPair ¶
func (*SRegion) DissociateEip ¶
func (*SRegion) ExportImage ¶
func (*SRegion) FetchSubnets ¶
func (*SRegion) GetAllVpcs ¶
func (*SRegion) GetCapabilities ¶
func (*SRegion) GetClient ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetClient() *SVolcEngineClient
func (*SRegion) GetCloudEnv ¶
func (*SRegion) GetDisks ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetDisks(instanceId string, zoneId string, category string, diskIds []string) ([]SDisk, error)
func (*SRegion) GetDnatEntries ¶
func (*SRegion) GetDnatEntry ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetDnatEntry(natGatewayId string, dnatEntryID string) (SDNATEntry, error)
func (*SRegion) GetGeographicInfo ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetGeographicInfo() cloudprovider.SGeographicInfo
func (*SRegion) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SRegion) GetI18n ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetI18n() cloudprovider.SModelI18nTable
func (*SRegion) GetIBucketById ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetIBucketById(name string) (cloudprovider.ICloudBucket, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIBucketByName ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetIBucketByName(name string) (cloudprovider.ICloudBucket, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIBuckets ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetIBuckets() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudBucket, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIDiskById ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetIDiskById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIEipById ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetIEipById(eipId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudEIP, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIHostById ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetIHostById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIHosts ¶
func (regioin *SRegion) GetIHosts() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
func (*SRegion) GetINetworkInterfaces ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetINetworkInterfaces() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNetworkInterface, error)
func (*SRegion) GetISecurityGroupById ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetISecurityGroupById(secgroupId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIStorageById ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIStoragecacheById ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetIStoragecacheById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIStoragecaches ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetIStoragecaches() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIStorages ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetIStorages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIVMById ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetIVMById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVM, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIVpcById ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetIVpcById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudVpc, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIZoneById ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetIZoneById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudZone, error)
func (*SRegion) GetIZones ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetIZones() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudZone, error)
func (*SRegion) GetImageByName ¶
func (*SRegion) GetImageStatus ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetImageStatus(imageId string) (ImageStatusType, error)
func (*SRegion) GetInstance ¶
func (*SRegion) GetInstanceStatus ¶
func (*SRegion) GetInstances ¶
func (*SRegion) GetKeypairs ¶
func (*SRegion) GetNatGateways ¶
func (*SRegion) GetNetworkInterfaces ¶
func (*SRegion) GetProvider ¶
func (*SRegion) GetRouteTables ¶
func (*SRegion) GetSecurityGroup ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetSecurityGroup(secGroupId string) (*SSecurityGroup, error)
func (*SRegion) GetSecurityGroupRules ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetSecurityGroupRules(secGroupId string) ([]SSecurityGroupRule, error)
func (*SRegion) GetSecurityGroups ¶
func (*SRegion) GetSnatEntries ¶
func (*SRegion) GetSnatEntry ¶
func (region *SRegion) GetSnatEntry(natGatewayId string, snatEntryID string) (SSNATEntry, error)
func (*SRegion) GetStorageTypes ¶
func (*SRegion) GetSubAddress ¶
func (*SRegion) GetSubnetAttributes ¶
func (*SRegion) GetSubnets ¶
func (*SRegion) IBucketExist ¶
func (*SRegion) ImportImage ¶
func (*SRegion) ImportKeypair ¶
func (*SRegion) ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributes ¶
func (*SRegion) RenewInstance ¶
func (region *SRegion) RenewInstance(instanceId string, bc billing.SBillingCycle) error
func (*SRegion) SaveImage ¶
func (region *SRegion) SaveImage(instanceId string, opts *cloudprovider.SaveImageOptions) (*SImage, error)
func (*SRegion) UnassignAddress ¶
func (*SRegion) UnassociateRouteTable ¶
func (*SRegion) UpdateEipBandwidth ¶
func (*SRegion) UpdateInstancePassword ¶
type SRouteEntry ¶
type SRouteEntry struct { multicloud.SResourceBase VolcEngineTags Description string DestinationCidrBlock string RouteEntryId string RouteEntryName string RouteTableId string Status string Type string VpcId string NextHopId string NextHopName string NextHopType string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SRouteEntry) GetCidr ¶
func (route *SRouteEntry) GetCidr() string
func (*SRouteEntry) GetGlobalId ¶
func (route *SRouteEntry) GetGlobalId() string
func (*SRouteEntry) GetId ¶
func (route *SRouteEntry) GetId() string
func (*SRouteEntry) GetName ¶
func (route *SRouteEntry) GetName() string
func (*SRouteEntry) GetNextHop ¶
func (route *SRouteEntry) GetNextHop() string
func (*SRouteEntry) GetNextHopType ¶
func (route *SRouteEntry) GetNextHopType() string
func (*SRouteEntry) GetStatus ¶
func (route *SRouteEntry) GetStatus() string
func (*SRouteEntry) GetType ¶
func (route *SRouteEntry) GetType() string
func (*SRouteEntry) Refresh ¶
func (route *SRouteEntry) Refresh() error
type SRouteEntrys ¶
type SRouteEntrys []*SRouteEntry
type SRouteTable ¶
type SRouteTable struct { multicloud.SResourceBase VolcEngineTags Description string RouteTableId string RouteTableName string RouteTableType string VpcId string VpcName string CreationTime time.Time UpdateTime time.Time AccountId string ProjectName string SubnetIds SubnetIds RouteEntrys SRouteEntrys // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SRouteTable) CreateRoute ¶
func (table *SRouteTable) CreateRoute(route cloudprovider.RouteSet) error
func (*SRouteTable) GetAssociations ¶
func (table *SRouteTable) GetAssociations() []cloudprovider.RouteTableAssociation
func (*SRouteTable) GetDescription ¶
func (table *SRouteTable) GetDescription() string
func (*SRouteTable) GetGlobalId ¶
func (table *SRouteTable) GetGlobalId() string
func (*SRouteTable) GetIRoutes ¶
func (table *SRouteTable) GetIRoutes() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudRoute, error)
func (*SRouteTable) GetId ¶
func (table *SRouteTable) GetId() string
func (*SRouteTable) GetName ¶
func (table *SRouteTable) GetName() string
func (*SRouteTable) GetRegionId ¶
func (table *SRouteTable) GetRegionId() string
func (*SRouteTable) GetStatus ¶
func (table *SRouteTable) GetStatus() string
func (*SRouteTable) GetType ¶
func (table *SRouteTable) GetType() cloudprovider.RouteTableType
func (*SRouteTable) GetVpcId ¶
func (table *SRouteTable) GetVpcId() string
func (*SRouteTable) IsSystem ¶
func (routeTable *SRouteTable) IsSystem() bool
func (*SRouteTable) Refresh ¶
func (table *SRouteTable) Refresh() error
func (*SRouteTable) RemoteGetRoutes ¶
func (table *SRouteTable) RemoteGetRoutes(pageNumber int, pageSize int) ([]*SRouteEntry, int, error)
func (*SRouteTable) RemoveRoute ¶
func (table *SRouteTable) RemoveRoute(route cloudprovider.RouteSet) error
func (*SRouteTable) UpdateRoute ¶
func (table *SRouteTable) UpdateRoute(route cloudprovider.RouteSet) error
type SSNATEntry ¶
type SSNATEntry struct { multicloud.SResourceBase VolcEngineTags NatGatewayId string SnatEntryId string SnatEntryName string SubnetId string SourceCidr string EipId string EipAddress string Status string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SSNATEntry) Delete ¶
func (sentry *SSNATEntry) Delete() error
func (*SSNATEntry) GetGlobalId ¶
func (sentry *SSNATEntry) GetGlobalId() string
func (*SSNATEntry) GetIP ¶
func (sentry *SSNATEntry) GetIP() string
func (*SSNATEntry) GetId ¶
func (sentry *SSNATEntry) GetId() string
func (*SSNATEntry) GetName ¶
func (sentry *SSNATEntry) GetName() string
func (*SSNATEntry) GetNetworkId ¶
func (sentry *SSNATEntry) GetNetworkId() string
func (*SSNATEntry) GetSourceCIDR ¶
func (sentry *SSNATEntry) GetSourceCIDR() string
func (*SSNATEntry) GetStatus ¶
func (sentry *SSNATEntry) GetStatus() string
func (*SSNATEntry) Refresh ¶
func (sentry *SSNATEntry) Refresh() error
type SSecurityGroup ¶
type SSecurityGroup struct { multicloud.SSecurityGroup VolcEngineTags Description string SecurityGroupId string SecurityGroupName string VpcId string CreationTime time.Time UpdateTime time.Time Type string ProjectName string ServiceManaged bool Status string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SSecurityGroup) CreateRule ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroup) CreateRule(opts *cloudprovider.SecurityGroupRuleCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ISecurityGroupRule, error)
func (*SSecurityGroup) Delete ¶
func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) Delete() error
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetCreatedAt ¶
func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) GetCreatedAt() time.Time
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetDescription ¶
func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) GetDescription() string
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetGlobalId ¶
func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) GetGlobalId() string
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetId ¶
func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) GetId() string
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetName ¶
func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) GetName() string
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetProjectId ¶
func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) GetProjectId() string
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetReferences ¶
func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) GetReferences() ([]cloudprovider.SecurityGroupReference, error)
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetRules ¶
func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) GetRules() ([]cloudprovider.ISecurityGroupRule, error)
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetStatus ¶
func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) GetStatus() string
func (*SSecurityGroup) GetVpcId ¶
func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) GetVpcId() string
func (*SSecurityGroup) Refresh ¶
func (secgroup *SSecurityGroup) Refresh() error
type SSecurityGroupIds ¶
type SSecurityGroupIds []string
type SSecurityGroupRule ¶
type SSecurityGroupRule struct { CreationTime time.Time UpdateTime time.Time Description string Direction string Protocol string Policy string PortStart int PortEnd int CidrIp string PrefixListId string PrefixListCidrs SCidrList Priority int SourceGroupId string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SSecurityGroupRule) Delete ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroupRule) Delete() error
func (*SSecurityGroupRule) GetAction ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroupRule) GetAction() secrules.TSecurityRuleAction
func (*SSecurityGroupRule) GetCIDRs ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroupRule) GetCIDRs() []string
func (*SSecurityGroupRule) GetDescription ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroupRule) GetDescription() string
func (*SSecurityGroupRule) GetDirection ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroupRule) GetDirection() secrules.TSecurityRuleDirection
func (*SSecurityGroupRule) GetGlobalId ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroupRule) GetGlobalId() string
func (*SSecurityGroupRule) GetPorts ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroupRule) GetPorts() string
func (*SSecurityGroupRule) GetPriority ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroupRule) GetPriority() int
func (*SSecurityGroupRule) GetProtocol ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroupRule) GetProtocol() string
func (*SSecurityGroupRule) Update ¶
func (self *SSecurityGroupRule) Update(opts *cloudprovider.SecurityGroupRuleUpdateOptions) error
type SStorage ¶
type SStorage struct { multicloud.SStorageBase VolcEngineTags // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SStorage) CreateIDisk ¶
func (storage *SStorage) CreateIDisk(conf *cloudprovider.DiskCreateConfig) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
func (*SStorage) GetCapacityMB ¶
func (*SStorage) GetCapacityUsedMB ¶
func (*SStorage) GetEnabled ¶
func (*SStorage) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SStorage) GetIDiskById ¶
func (storage *SStorage) GetIDiskById(idStr string) (cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
func (*SStorage) GetIDisks ¶
func (storage *SStorage) GetIDisks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudDisk, error)
func (*SStorage) GetIStoragecache ¶
func (storage *SStorage) GetIStoragecache() cloudprovider.ICloudStoragecache
func (*SStorage) GetIZone ¶
func (storage *SStorage) GetIZone() cloudprovider.ICloudZone
func (*SStorage) GetMediumType ¶
func (*SStorage) GetMountPoint ¶
func (*SStorage) GetStorageConf ¶
func (storage *SStorage) GetStorageConf() jsonutils.JSONObject
func (*SStorage) GetStorageType ¶
func (*SStorage) IsEmulated ¶
func (*SStorage) IsSysDiskStore ¶
type SStoragecache ¶
type SStoragecache struct { multicloud.SResourceBase VolcEngineTags // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SStoragecache) GetGlobalId ¶
func (scache *SStoragecache) GetGlobalId() string
func (*SStoragecache) GetICloudImages ¶
func (scache *SStoragecache) GetICloudImages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
func (*SStoragecache) GetICustomizedCloudImages ¶
func (scache *SStoragecache) GetICustomizedCloudImages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
func (*SStoragecache) GetIImageById ¶
func (scache *SStoragecache) GetIImageById(extId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudImage, error)
func (*SStoragecache) GetId ¶
func (scache *SStoragecache) GetId() string
func (*SStoragecache) GetName ¶
func (scache *SStoragecache) GetName() string
func (*SStoragecache) GetPath ¶
func (scache *SStoragecache) GetPath() string
func (*SStoragecache) GetStatus ¶
func (scache *SStoragecache) GetStatus() string
func (*SStoragecache) Refresh ¶
func (scache *SStoragecache) Refresh() error
func (*SStoragecache) UploadImage ¶
func (scache *SStoragecache) UploadImage(ctx context.Context, image *cloudprovider.SImageCreateOption, callback func(progress float32)) (string, error)
type SSupportedResource ¶
type SUserCIDRs ¶
type SUserCIDRs []string
type SVolcEngineClient ¶
type SVolcEngineClient struct { *VolcEngineClientConfig // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewVolcEngineClient ¶
func NewVolcEngineClient(cfg *VolcEngineClientConfig) (*SVolcEngineClient, error)
func (*SVolcEngineClient) CreateIProject ¶
func (client *SVolcEngineClient) CreateIProject(name string) (cloudprovider.ICloudProject, error)
func (*SVolcEngineClient) CreateProject ¶
func (client *SVolcEngineClient) CreateProject(name string) (*SProject, error)
func (*SVolcEngineClient) GetAccessEnv ¶
func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetAccessEnv() string
func (*SVolcEngineClient) GetAccountId ¶
func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetAccountId() string
func (*SVolcEngineClient) GetCallerIdentity ¶
func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetCallerIdentity() (*SCallerIdentity, error)
func (*SVolcEngineClient) GetCapabilities ¶
func (region *SVolcEngineClient) GetCapabilities() []string
func (*SVolcEngineClient) GetEcsMetrics ¶
func (self *SVolcEngineClient) GetEcsMetrics(opts *cloudprovider.MetricListOptions) ([]cloudprovider.MetricValues, error)
func (*SVolcEngineClient) GetIProjects ¶
func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetIProjects() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudProject, error)
func (*SVolcEngineClient) GetIRegionById ¶
func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetIRegionById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudRegion, error)
func (*SVolcEngineClient) GetIRegions ¶
func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetIRegions() []cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
func (*SVolcEngineClient) GetMetricData ¶
func (self *SVolcEngineClient) GetMetricData(regionId string, start, end time.Time, namespace, subNamespace, metricName string, ids []string) ([]SMetricData, error)
func (*SVolcEngineClient) GetMetrics ¶
func (self *SVolcEngineClient) GetMetrics(opts *cloudprovider.MetricListOptions) ([]cloudprovider.MetricValues, error)
func (*SVolcEngineClient) GetOssMetrics ¶
func (self *SVolcEngineClient) GetOssMetrics(opts *cloudprovider.MetricListOptions) ([]cloudprovider.MetricValues, error)
func (*SVolcEngineClient) GetProject ¶
func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetProject(name string) (*SProject, error)
func (*SVolcEngineClient) GetProjects ¶
func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetProjects() ([]SProject, error)
func (*SVolcEngineClient) GetRegion ¶
func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetRegion(regionId string) *SRegion
func (*SVolcEngineClient) GetRegions ¶
func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetRegions() []SRegion
func (*SVolcEngineClient) GetSubAccounts ¶
func (client *SVolcEngineClient) GetSubAccounts() ([]cloudprovider.SSubAccount, error)
func (*SVolcEngineClient) ListProjects ¶
func (*SVolcEngineClient) QueryBalance ¶
func (client *SVolcEngineClient) QueryBalance() (*SBalance, error)
type SVpc ¶
type SVpc struct { multicloud.SVpc VolcEngineTags RegionId string VpcId string VpcName string CidrBlock string CidrBlockAssociationSet []string IsDefault bool Status string InstanceTenancy string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SVpc) CreateINatGateway ¶
func (vpc *SVpc) CreateINatGateway(opts *cloudprovider.NatGatewayCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudNatGateway, error)
func (*SVpc) GetAuthorityOwnerId ¶
func (*SVpc) GetCidrBlock ¶
func (*SVpc) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SVpc) GetIRouteTableById ¶
func (vpc *SVpc) GetIRouteTableById(routeTableId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudRouteTable, error)
func (*SVpc) GetIRouteTables ¶
func (vpc *SVpc) GetIRouteTables() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudRouteTable, error)
func (*SVpc) GetISecurityGroups ¶
func (vpc *SVpc) GetISecurityGroups() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudSecurityGroup, error)
func (*SVpc) GetIWireById ¶
func (vpc *SVpc) GetIWireById(wireId string) (cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
func (*SVpc) GetIWires ¶
func (vpc *SVpc) GetIWires() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
func (*SVpc) GetIsDefault ¶
func (*SVpc) GetRegion ¶
func (vpc *SVpc) GetRegion() cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
func (*SVpc) IsEmulated ¶
func (*SVpc) RemoteGetRouteTableList ¶
type SWire ¶
type SWire struct { multicloud.SResourceBase VolcEngineTags // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SWire) CreateINetwork ¶
func (wire *SWire) CreateINetwork(opts *cloudprovider.SNetworkCreateOptions) (cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
func (*SWire) GetBandwidth ¶
func (*SWire) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SWire) GetINetworkById ¶
func (wire *SWire) GetINetworkById(netid string) (cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
func (*SWire) GetINetworks ¶
func (wire *SWire) GetINetworks() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudNetwork, error)
func (*SWire) GetIVpc ¶
func (wire *SWire) GetIVpc() cloudprovider.ICloudVpc
func (*SWire) GetIZone ¶
func (wire *SWire) GetIZone() cloudprovider.ICloudZone
func (*SWire) IsEmulated ¶
type SZone ¶
type SZone struct { multicloud.SResourceBase VolcEngineTags Status string AvailableResources []SAvailableResource ZoneId string RegionId string LocalName string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SZone) GetGlobalId ¶
func (*SZone) GetI18n ¶
func (zone *SZone) GetI18n() cloudprovider.SModelI18nTable
func (*SZone) GetIHostById ¶
func (zone *SZone) GetIHostById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
func (*SZone) GetIHosts ¶
func (zone *SZone) GetIHosts() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudHost, error)
func (*SZone) GetIRegion ¶
func (zone *SZone) GetIRegion() cloudprovider.ICloudRegion
func (*SZone) GetIStorageById ¶
func (zone *SZone) GetIStorageById(id string) (cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SZone) GetIStorages ¶
func (zone *SZone) GetIStorages() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudStorage, error)
func (*SZone) GetIWires ¶
func (zone *SZone) GetIWires() ([]cloudprovider.ICloudWire, error)
func (*SZone) GetStorages ¶
type TBillingType ¶
type TBillingType int
const ( BillingByPrePaid TBillingType = iota + 1 BillingByBandwidth BillingByTraffic )
type VolcEngineClientConfig ¶
type VolcEngineClientConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewVolcEngineClientConfig ¶
func NewVolcEngineClientConfig(accessKey, secretKey string) *VolcEngineClientConfig
func (*VolcEngineClientConfig) AccountId ¶
func (cfg *VolcEngineClientConfig) AccountId(id string) *VolcEngineClientConfig
func (*VolcEngineClientConfig) CloudproviderConfig ¶
func (cfg *VolcEngineClientConfig) CloudproviderConfig(cpcfg cloudprovider.ProviderConfig) *VolcEngineClientConfig
func (VolcEngineClientConfig) Copy ¶
func (cfg VolcEngineClientConfig) Copy() VolcEngineClientConfig
func (*VolcEngineClientConfig) Debug ¶
func (cfg *VolcEngineClientConfig) Debug(debug bool) *VolcEngineClientConfig
type VolcEngineTags ¶
type VolcEngineTags struct {
Tags []multicloud.STag
func (*VolcEngineTags) GetSysTags ¶
func (itag *VolcEngineTags) GetSysTags() map[string]string
Source Files
- bucket.go
- charge.go
- disk.go
- eip.go
- errors.go
- host.go
- image.go
- instance.go
- instancenic.go
- keypairs.go
- latitude_and_longitude.go
- monitor.go
- natdtable.go
- natgateway.go
- natstable.go
- network.go
- networkinterfaces.go
- objects.go
- project.go
- region.go
- routetable.go
- secgrouprule.go
- securitygroup.go
- storage.go
- storagecache.go
- tag_base.go
- user.go
- volcengine.go
- vpc.go
- wire.go
- zone.go