Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
Package batch provides two commands: map and reduce that can be run in AWS Batch to generate indexes for occurences of accounts in each checkpoint.
map step is using AWS_BATCH_JOB_ARRAY_INDEX env variable provided by AWS Batch to cut all checkpoint history into smaller chunks, each processed by a single map batch job (and by multiple parallel workers in a single job). A single job simply creates indexes for a given range of checkpoints and save indexes and all accounts seen in a given range (FlushAccounts method) to a job folder (job_X, X = 0, 1, 2, 3, ...) in S3.
network history split into chunks: [ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ] ---- / \ / \ / \ [..........] <- each chunk consists of checkpoints | . - each checkpoint is processed by a free worker (go routine)
reduce step is responsible for merging all indexes created in map step into a final indexes for each account and for entire network history. Each reduce job goes through all map job results (0..MAP_JOBS) and reads all accounts processed in a given map job. Then for each account it merges indexes from all map jobs. Each reduce job maintains `doneAccounts` map because if a given account index was processed earlier it should be skipped instead of being processed again. Each reduce job also runs multiple parallel workers. Finally the method that is used to determine if the following (job, worker) should process a given account is using a 64-bit hash of account ID. The hash is split into two 32-bit parts: left and right. If the left part modulo REDUCE_JOBS is equal the job index and the right part modulo a number of parallel workers is equal the worker index then the account is processed. Otherwise it's skipped (and will be picked by another (job, worker) pair).
map step results saved in S3: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x | ㄴ job0/accounts <- each job results contains a list of accounts | processed by a given job... | ㄴ job0/... <- ...and partial indexes hash(account_id) => XXXX YYYY <- 64 bit hash of account id is calculated if XXXX % REDUCE_JOBS == JOB_ID and YYYY % WORKERS_COUNT = WORKER_ID then process a given account by merging all indexes of a given account in all map step results, then mark account as done so if the account is seen again it will be skiped, else: skip the account.