RPGo 💣
Simple Discord Bot for a School project written in GO.
This bot will allow you to create your own RPG character and fight against enormous monsters to become the strongest one.
Project features
- ✅ Create a character
- ⏱ Have specific character classes
- ⏱ Have a random background spawned per character created
Athénais Dussordet
Alexandre Lellouche
Last but not least : Thomas Raineau
git config core.hooksPath .githooks
Configure GitHooks
cp docker-compose.yaml.dist docker-compose.yaml
Docker configuration override, don't forget to add the Token and SQL variables
docker-compose up --build
Run the project
External libraries used :
- discordgo : used to connect to the Discord API
- gomock : used to mock functions in command tests
- sqlmock : used to mock sql functions in repository test
Pattern implemented
The command pattern is implemented throughout the project as it is well suited for an RPG Discord bot. Here is some documentation on how we implemented it.