This school project is an API with no GUI, using the CQRS Pattern
and an EventSourcing implementation to handle Authentification and manage
Orders and OrderLines, for a restaurant or a coffee for exemple.
We used Docker, Compose, RabbitMQ and Go language in order to make a scalable
and fast application, allowing evolutions.
git config core.hooksPath .githooks
Configure GitHooks
cp docker-compose.yaml.dist docker-compose.yaml
Docker configuration override, don't forget to add the Token, SQL and RBMQ variables
docker-compose up --build
Run the project
Consumer repo
Field |
Type |
Editable |
Description |
id |
int |
no |
Order ID |
reference |
string |
yes |
Order reference |
customer |
string |
yes |
Customer name |
time |
timestamp(UTC) |
no |
Order created on |
Order Lines
Field |
Type |
Editable |
Description |
id |
int |
no |
Order Line ID |
meal |
string |
yes |
Type of meal ordered |
quantity |
int |
yes |
Quantity of meal ordered |
price |
int |
no |
Meal price (single unit) |
order_id |
timestamp (UTC) |
no |
Order ID |
You can find in the doc folder
different files allowing everyone to understand how this app is structured and help you to use it:
Generated Doc
golds ./...
Start a local doc server
golds -gen -dir=generated -nouses ./...
Generate static HTML doc pages
golds -dir=generated
View the generated doc