Index ¶
Constants ¶
const ( ComponentNoSQL = "datastore" ComponentCache = "cache" // Currently unused. ComponentProjectIDENV = "projectid" ComponentInternalSecretENV = "customsecretkey" ComponentMachineOperation = "signal_notify" ComponentGopher = "hostmachine" )
Component constants for structured logging. This is used to identify the component that is logging the message.
Note: some constants are not used in the code, indicate that for future use.
const ( URLmismatchContextLog = "URL mismatch" URLShorteneredContextLog = "URL shortened and saved" FailedToRetriveURLContextLog = "Failed to retrieve URL" FailedToUpdateURLContextLog = "Failed to update URL" FailedToDeletedURLContextLog = "Failed to deleted URL" FailedToValidateURLContextLog = "Failed to validate URL" FailedToGetURLContextLog = "Failed to get URL" URLnotfoundContextLog = "URL not found" IDnotfoundContextLog = "ID not found" NoURLIDContextLog = "No URL and ID found" NoURLIDDBContextLog = "No URL and ID found in DB" URLupdateContextLog = "URL updated successfully" URLdeleteContextLog = "URL deleted" URLisNilContextLog = "URL is nil after GetURL call" URLRetriveContextLog = "URL retrieved successfully" URLDeletedSuccessfullyContextLog = "URL deleted successfully" ServerStartContextLog = "Server is starting and Listening on address" ServerFailContextLog = "Server failed to start" SignalContextLog = "Signal received" ServerForcetoShutdownContextLog = "Server is forced to shutdown:" DataStoreFailContextLog = "Datastore failed to connect" StartupFailedContextLog = "Startup failed" StartupFailureContextLog = "Startup failure" FailedtoCloseDatastoreContextLog = "failed to close datastore client:" DatastoreFailedtoCheckHealthContextLog = "datastore client failed health check:" FailedToCreateDatastoreClientContextLog = "failed to create datastore client:" FailedToIntializeLoggerContextLog = "failed to initialize logger:" DataStoreProjectIDEnvContextLog = "DATASTORE_PROJECT_ID environment variable not set" InternelSecretEnvContextLog = "INTERNAL_SECRET environment variable not set" InvalidNewURLFormatContextLog = "Invalid new URL format" MisMatchBetweenPathIDandPayloadIDContextLog = "Mismatch between path ID and payload ID" PathIDandPayloadIDDoesnotMatchContextLog = "Path ID and payload ID does not match" InfoAttemptingToRetrieveTheCurrentURL = "Attempting to retrieve the current URL" InfoFailedToRetrieveTheCurrentURL = "Failed to retrieve the current URL for update" InfoOldURLDoesMatchTheCurrentURL = "Old URL does match the current URL" )
Define header response for different components.
Note: some constants are not used in the code, indicate that for future use.
const ( DescriptionJsonMetaData = "description" DetailsURLJsonMetaData = "details_url" )
Define JSON metadata for different components.
const ( TimestampFormat = "2006/01/02 - 15:04:05" RequestDetails = "Request Details" )
Define log message for middleware components.
const ( ErrorEmoji = "❌" SuccessEmoji = "✅" InfoEmoji = "🛈" WarningEmoji = "⚠️" K8sEmoji = "☸️" DeployEmoji = "🚀" AlertEmoji = "🚨" UrlshortenerEmoji = "🔗" SignalSatelliteEmoji = "📡" ModernGopherEmoji = "🤖" GetBackEmoji = "🔙" RedirectEmoji = "🔀" SosEmoji = "🆘" DeleteEmoji = "🗑️" UpdateEmoji = "🔄" NewEmoji = "🆕" )
Define emojis for different log levels.
Note: some constants are not used in the code, indicate that for future use.
const ( HeaderResponseError = "error" HeaderResponseInternalServerError = "internal server error" HeaderResponseshortened_url = "shortened_url" HeaderResponseURlUpdated = "URL updated successfully" HeaderResponseInvalidRequestJSONBinding = "Invalid request - JSON binding error" HeaderResponseInvalidURLFormat = "Invalid URL format" HeaderResponseInvalidRequestPayload = "Invalid request payload" HeaderResponseInvalidRequest = "Invalid request" HeaderResponseURLDeleted = "URL deleted successfully" HeaderResponseIDandURLNotFound = "ID and URL not found" HeaderResponseForbidden = "Forbidden" HeaderResponseFailedtoGenerateID = "Failed to generate ID" HeaderResponseFailedtoSaveURL = "Failed to save URL" HeaderResponseStatus = "status" HeaderResponseRateLimitExceeded = "Too many requests, please try again later." )
Define header response for different components.
Note: some constants are not used in the code, indicate that for future use.
const ( HeaderRequestOldURL = "old_url" HeaderRequestNewURL = "new_url" )
Define header request for different components.
Note: some constants are not used in the code, indicate that for future use.
const ( HeaderID = "id" HeaderURL = "url" HeaderMessage = "message" HeaderSchemeHTTP = "http" HeaderSchemeHTTPS = "https" HeaderXProto = "X-Forwarded-Proto" HeaderXinternalSecret = "X-Internal-Secret" )
Define header for different components.
Note: some constants are not used in the code, indicate that for future use.
const (
ErrorDuringDeletionContextLog = "Error during deletion"
Component constants for structured logging.
Note: some constants are not used in the code, indicate that for future use.
const (
GinContextErrLog = "errorLogged"
Define gin context log for different components.
Note: some constants are not used in the code, indicate that for future use.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
This section is empty.