Convert to Pythoner designed Go library
This is a Golang library that allows you to use Python-like syntax in your Golang code.
It provides a set of data types and built-in functions commonly found in Python, …
It is also a structure that is frequently used, saving the need to repeatedly build wheels in subsequent work
Some Recommended Packages are at the end of this
For Linux:
git clone
cd pyIngo
sudo ./
[+] OK
For Window:
go env GOROOT
# 查看golang安装位置, 找到该路径下的src目录
# Check the installation location of golang and find the src directory under that path
# 手动将本库目录复制进src或者创建一个软链接
# Manually copy the directory of this library into src or create a soft link
For file.go:
// go get
import (
Import In Use:
r,err:= Get(url, proxy , headers, verify)
r,err:= Post(url, proxy , headers, body, verify)