=== Example: Getting started with a simple go app
:icons: font
This is a simple show-case of how Skaffold profiles can be patched.
Patched profiles e.g. can be used in development to provide a composable development setup.
Here, a "base" service is always started. Two additional services "hello" and "world" can be activated via profiles.
==== Init
Use the `--profile` option to add profiles `skaffold dev --profile hello,world`
==== Workflow
* Build only the `base-service` when using the main profile
* Build `hello` and/or `world` when specified via `-p` flag. Multiple `-p` flags are supported as well as comma separated values.
==== link:{github-repo-tree}/examples/profiles[Example files icon:github[]]
[source,yaml, indent=3, title=skaffold.yaml]