A mutating webhook that will patch any newly created pods in your Kubernetes cluster with GCP credentials (whose location is currently hardcoded to /var/lib/minikube/google_application_credentials.json).
A mutating webhook that will patch any newly created service accounts in your Kubernetes cluster with an image pull secret.
A thread that monitors namespaces to make sure all namespaces include a image pull secret to be able to pull from GCR and AR.
Setting the environment variable MOCK_GOOGLE_TOKEN to true will prevent using the google application credentials to fetch the token used for the image pull secret. Instead the token will be mocked.
Use the image gcr.io/k8s-minikube/gcp-auth-webhook as the image for a Deployment in your Kubernetes manifest and add that to a MutatingWebhookConfiguration. See minikube for details.
Running Locally
The easiest way to run the server locally is:
Modify minikube's gcp-auth Deployment image to be local/gcp-auth-webhook:$(VERSION) (replace $(VERSION) with your version)
Build and run minikube
Run eval $(path_to_minikube/minikube docker-env) and then make local-image to make the image available from within minikube
Run path_to_minikube/minikube addons enable gcp-auth to enable the addon, which creates a pod in the gcp-auth namespace with the gcp-auth-webhook server