gcpping is both a command line tool and a webapp that reports median latency to
Google Cloud regions. The webapp is hosted at gcping.com.
To install the command line tool, see below.
Note: This is not an official Google product.
CLI Usage
gcping [options...]
-n Number of requests to be made to each region.
By default 10; can't be negative.
-c Max number of requests to be made at any time.
By default 10; can't be negative or zero.
-r Report latency for an individual region.
-t Timeout. By default, no timeout.
Examples: "500ms", "1s", "1s500ms".
-top If true, only the top (non-global) region is printed.
-csv CSV output; disables verbose output.
-v Verbose output.
Need a website version? See gcping.com
An example output:
$ gcping
1. [global] 36.752191ms
2. [us-east4] 37.091976ms
3. [northamerica-northeast1] 51.918669ms
4. [us-central1] 75.488941ms
5. [us-east1] 75.928857ms
6. [us-west2] 148.998964ms
7. [us-west1] 157.899518ms
8. [europe-west2] 166.42703ms
9. [europe-west1] 174.226927ms
10. [europe-west4] 179.802812ms
11. [europe-west3] 195.430189ms
12. [europe-west6] 208.143331ms
13. [europe-north1] 252.823482ms
14. [southamerica-east1] 311.575344ms
15. [asia-northeast1] 338.151472ms
16. [asia-northeast2] 358.787403ms
17. [asia-east1] 394.165761ms
18. [asia-east2] 418.293092ms
19. [australia-southeast1] 425.679503ms
20. [asia-southeast1] 454.494659ms
21. [asia-south1] 573.022571ms
$ gcping -r us-east1
$ gcping -top
We build binaries for the following OS's and architectures:
Installation looks something like this (changing the URL for your system):
curl https://storage.googleapis.com/gcping-release/gcping_linux_amd64_latest > gcping && chmod +x gcping