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Published: May 24, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 12 Imported by: 0



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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Package gkehub includes all of the code for gkehub.

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const FeatureMaxPage = -1
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const FeatureMembershipMaxPage = -1
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const FleetMaxPage = -1
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const MembershipMaxPage = -1


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var YAML_feature = []byte("info:\n  title: GkeHub/Feature\n  description: The GkeHub Feature resource\n  x-dcl-struct-name: Feature\n  x-dcl-has-iam: false\n  x-dcl-mutex: '{{project}}/{{location}}/{{feature}}'\npaths:\n  get:\n    description: The function used to get information about a Feature\n    parameters:\n    - name: feature\n      required: true\n      description: A full instance of a Feature\n  apply:\n    description: The function used to apply information about a Feature\n    parameters:\n    - name: feature\n      required: true\n      description: A full instance of a Feature\n  delete:\n    description: The function used to delete a Feature\n    parameters:\n    - name: feature\n      required: true\n      description: A full instance of a Feature\n  deleteAll:\n    description: The function used to delete all Feature\n    parameters:\n    - name: project\n      required: true\n      schema:\n        type: string\n    - name: location\n      required: true\n      schema:\n        type: string\n  list:\n    description: The function used to list information about many Feature\n    parameters:\n    - name: project\n      required: true\n      schema:\n        type: string\n    - name: location\n      required: true\n      schema:\n        type: string\ncomponents:\n  schemas:\n    Feature:\n      title: Feature\n      x-dcl-id: projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/features/{{name}}\n      x-dcl-parent-container: project\n      x-dcl-labels: labels\n      x-dcl-has-create: true\n      x-dcl-has-iam: false\n      x-dcl-read-timeout: 0\n      x-dcl-apply-timeout: 0\n      x-dcl-delete-timeout: 0\n      type: object\n      required:\n      - project\n      - location\n      properties:\n        createTime:\n          type: string\n          format: date-time\n          x-dcl-go-name: CreateTime\n          readOnly: true\n          description: Output only. When the Feature resource was created.\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n        deleteTime:\n          type: string\n          format: date-time\n          x-dcl-go-name: DeleteTime\n          readOnly: true\n          description: Output only. When the Feature resource was deleted.\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n        labels:\n          type: object\n          additionalProperties:\n            type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: Labels\n          description: GCP labels for this Feature.\n        location:\n          type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: Location\n          description: The location for the resource\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n        name:\n          type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: Name\n          description: The full, unique name of this Feature resource\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n        project:\n          type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: Project\n          description: The project for the resource\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n          x-dcl-references:\n          - resource: Cloudresourcemanager/Project\n            field: name\n            parent: true\n        resourceState:\n          type: object\n          x-dcl-go-name: ResourceState\n          x-dcl-go-type: FeatureResourceState\n          readOnly: true\n          description: State of the Feature resource itself.\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n          properties:\n            hasResources:\n              type: boolean\n              x-dcl-go-name: HasResources\n              readOnly: true\n              description: Whether this Feature has outstanding resources that need\n                to be cleaned up before it can be disabled.\n              x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n            state:\n              type: string\n              x-dcl-go-name: State\n              x-dcl-go-type: FeatureResourceStateStateEnum\n              readOnly: true\n              description: 'The current state of the Feature resource in the Hub API.\n                Possible values: STATE_UNSPECIFIED, ENABLING, ACTIVE, DISABLING, UPDATING,\n                SERVICE_UPDATING'\n              x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n              enum:\n              - STATE_UNSPECIFIED\n              - ENABLING\n              - ACTIVE\n              - DISABLING\n              - UPDATING\n              - SERVICE_UPDATING\n        spec:\n          type: object\n          x-dcl-go-name: Spec\n          x-dcl-go-type: FeatureSpec\n          description: Optional. Hub-wide Feature configuration. If this Feature does\n            not support any Hub-wide configuration, this field may be unused.\n          properties:\n            cloudauditlogging:\n              type: object\n              x-dcl-go-name: Cloudauditlogging\n              x-dcl-go-type: FeatureSpecCloudauditlogging\n              description: Cloud Audit Logging-specific spec.\n              properties:\n                allowlistedServiceAccounts:\n                  type: array\n                  x-dcl-go-name: AllowlistedServiceAccounts\n                  description: Service account that should be allowlisted to send\n                    the audit logs; eg\n                    These accounts must already exist, but do not need to have any\n                    permissions granted to them. The customer's entitlements will\n                    be checked prior to allowlisting (i.e. the customer must be an\n                    Anthos customer.)\n                  x-dcl-send-empty: true\n                  x-dcl-list-type: list\n                  items:\n                    type: string\n                    x-dcl-go-type: string\n            multiclusteringress:\n              type: object\n              x-dcl-go-name: Multiclusteringress\n              x-dcl-go-type: FeatureSpecMulticlusteringress\n              description: Multicluster Ingress-specific spec.\n              required:\n              - configMembership\n              properties:\n                configMembership:\n                  type: string\n                  x-dcl-go-name: ConfigMembership\n                  description: 'Fully-qualified Membership name which hosts the MultiClusterIngress\n                    CRD. Example: `projects/foo-proj/locations/global/memberships/bar`'\n                  x-dcl-references:\n                  - resource: Gkehub/Membership\n                    field: name\n        state:\n          type: object\n          x-dcl-go-name: State\n          x-dcl-go-type: FeatureState\n          readOnly: true\n          description: Output only. The Hub-wide Feature state\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n          properties:\n            servicemesh:\n              type: object\n              x-dcl-go-name: Servicemesh\n              x-dcl-go-type: FeatureStateServicemesh\n              readOnly: true\n              description: Service Mesh-specific state.\n              x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n              properties:\n                analysisMessages:\n                  type: array\n                  x-dcl-go-name: AnalysisMessages\n                  readOnly: true\n                  description: Output only. Results of running Service Mesh analyzers.\n                  x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n                  x-dcl-list-type: list\n                  items:\n                    type: object\n                    x-dcl-go-type: FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessages\n                    properties:\n                      args:\n                        type: object\n                        additionalProperties:\n                          type: string\n                        x-dcl-go-name: Args\n                        readOnly: true\n                        description: A UI can combine these args with a template (based\n                          on messageBase.type) to produce an internationalized message.\n                        x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n                      description:\n                        type: string\n                        x-dcl-go-name: Description\n                        readOnly: true\n                        description: A human readable description of what the error\n                          means. It is suitable for non-internationalize display purposes.\n                        x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n                      messageBase:\n                        type: object\n                        x-dcl-go-name: MessageBase\n                        x-dcl-go-type: FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBase\n                        readOnly: true\n                        description: Details common to all types of Istio and ServiceMesh\n                          analysis messages.\n                        x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n                        properties:\n                          documentationUrl:\n                            type: string\n                            x-dcl-go-name: DocumentationUrl\n                            readOnly: true\n                            description: A url pointing to the Service Mesh or Istio\n                              documentation for this specific error type.\n                            x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n                          level:\n                            type: string\n                            x-dcl-go-name: Level\n                            x-dcl-go-type: FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseLevelEnum\n                            readOnly: true\n                            description: 'Represents how severe a message is. Possible\n                              values: LEVEL_UNSPECIFIED, ERROR, WARNING, INFO'\n                            x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n                            enum:\n                            - LEVEL_UNSPECIFIED\n                            - ERROR\n                            - WARNING\n                            - INFO\n                          type:\n                            type: object\n                            x-dcl-go-name: Type\n                            x-dcl-go-type: FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseType\n                            readOnly: true\n                            description: Represents the specific type of a message.\n                            x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n                            properties:\n                              code:\n                                type: string\n                                x-dcl-go-name: Code\n                                readOnly: true\n                                description: A 7 character code matching ^IST[0-9]{4}$\n                                  or ^ASM[0-9]{4}$, intended to uniquely identify\n                                  the message type. (e.g. \"IST0001\" is mapped to the\n                                  \"InternalError\" message type.)\n                                x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n                              displayName:\n                                type: string\n                                x-dcl-go-name: DisplayName\n                                readOnly: true\n                                description: A human-readable name for the message\n                                  type. e.g. \"InternalError\", \"PodMissingProxy\". This\n                                  should be the same for all messages of the same\n                                  type. (This corresponds to the name field in open-source\n                                  Istio.)\n                                x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n                      resourcePaths:\n                        type: array\n                        x-dcl-go-name: ResourcePaths\n                        readOnly: true\n                        description: 'A list of strings specifying the resource identifiers\n                          that were the cause of message generation. A \"path\" here\n                          may be: * MEMBERSHIP_ID if the cause is a specific member\n                          cluster * MEMBERSHIP_ID/(NAMESPACE/)?RESOURCETYPE/NAME if\n                          the cause is a resource in a cluster'\n                        x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n                        x-dcl-list-type: list\n                        items:\n                          type: string\n                          x-dcl-go-type: string\n            state:\n              type: object\n              x-dcl-go-name: State\n              x-dcl-go-type: FeatureStateState\n              readOnly: true\n              description: Output only. The \"running state\" of the Feature in this\n                Hub.\n              x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n              properties:\n                code:\n                  type: string\n                  x-dcl-go-name: Code\n                  x-dcl-go-type: FeatureStateStateCodeEnum\n                  readOnly: true\n                  description: 'The high-level, machine-readable status of this Feature.\n                    Possible values: CODE_UNSPECIFIED, OK, WARNING, ERROR'\n                  x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n                  enum:\n                  - CODE_UNSPECIFIED\n                  - OK\n                  - WARNING\n                  - ERROR\n                description:\n                  type: string\n                  x-dcl-go-name: Description\n                  readOnly: true\n                  description: A human-readable description of the current status.\n                  x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n                updateTime:\n                  type: string\n                  x-dcl-go-name: UpdateTime\n                  readOnly: true\n                  description: 'The time this status and any related Feature-specific\n                    details were updated. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC \"Zulu\" format,\n                    with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples:\n                    \"2014-10-02T15:01:23Z\" and \"2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z\"'\n                  x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n        updateTime:\n          type: string\n          format: date-time\n          x-dcl-go-name: UpdateTime\n          readOnly: true\n          description: Output only. When the Feature resource was last updated.\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n")


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var YAML_feature_membership = []byte("info:\n  title: GkeHub/FeatureMembership\n  description: The GkeHub FeatureMembership resource\n  x-dcl-struct-name: FeatureMembership\n  x-dcl-has-iam: false\n  x-dcl-mutex: '{{project}}/{{location}}/{{feature}}'\npaths:\n  get:\n    description: The function used to get information about a FeatureMembership\n    parameters:\n    - name: featureMembership\n      required: true\n      description: A full instance of a FeatureMembership\n  apply:\n    description: The function used to apply information about a FeatureMembership\n    parameters:\n    - name: featureMembership\n      required: true\n      description: A full instance of a FeatureMembership\n  delete:\n    description: The function used to delete a FeatureMembership\n    parameters:\n    - name: featureMembership\n      required: true\n      description: A full instance of a FeatureMembership\n  deleteAll:\n    description: The function used to delete all FeatureMembership\n    parameters:\n    - name: project\n      required: true\n      schema:\n        type: string\n    - name: location\n      required: true\n      schema:\n        type: string\n    - name: feature\n      required: true\n      schema:\n        type: string\n  list:\n    description: The function used to list information about many FeatureMembership\n    parameters:\n    - name: project\n      required: true\n      schema:\n        type: string\n    - name: location\n      required: true\n      schema:\n        type: string\n    - name: feature\n      required: true\n      schema:\n        type: string\ncomponents:\n  schemas:\n    FeatureMembership:\n      title: FeatureMembership\n      x-dcl-id: projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/features/{{feature}}/memberships/{{membership}}\n      x-dcl-parent-container: project\n      x-dcl-has-create: true\n      x-dcl-has-iam: false\n      x-dcl-read-timeout: 0\n      x-dcl-apply-timeout: 0\n      x-dcl-delete-timeout: 0\n      type: object\n      required:\n      - project\n      - location\n      - feature\n      - membership\n      properties:\n        configmanagement:\n          type: object\n          x-dcl-go-name: Configmanagement\n          x-dcl-go-type: FeatureMembershipConfigmanagement\n          description: Config Management-specific spec.\n          properties:\n            binauthz:\n              type: object\n              x-dcl-go-name: Binauthz\n              x-dcl-go-type: FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementBinauthz\n              description: Binauthz configuration for the cluster.\n              properties:\n                enabled:\n                  type: boolean\n                  x-dcl-go-name: Enabled\n                  description: Whether binauthz is enabled in this cluster.\n            configSync:\n              type: object\n              x-dcl-go-name: ConfigSync\n              x-dcl-go-type: FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSync\n              description: Config Sync configuration for the cluster.\n              x-dcl-send-empty: true\n              properties:\n                git:\n                  type: object\n                  x-dcl-go-name: Git\n                  x-dcl-go-type: FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncGit\n                  properties:\n                    gcpServiceAccountEmail:\n                      type: string\n                      x-dcl-go-name: GcpServiceAccountEmail\n                      description: The GCP Service Account Email used for auth when\n                        secretType is gcpServiceAccount.\n                      x-dcl-references:\n                      - resource: Iam/ServiceAccount\n                        field: email\n                    httpsProxy:\n                      type: string\n                      x-dcl-go-name: HttpsProxy\n                      description: URL for the HTTPS proxy to be used when communicating\n                        with the Git repo.\n                    policyDir:\n                      type: string\n                      x-dcl-go-name: PolicyDir\n                      description: 'The path within the Git repository that represents\n                        the top level of the repo to sync. Default: the root directory\n                        of the repository.'\n                    secretType:\n                      type: string\n                      x-dcl-go-name: SecretType\n                      description: Type of secret configured for access to the Git\n                        repo. Must be one of ssh, cookiefile, gcenode, token, gcpserviceaccount\n                        or none. The validation of this is case-sensitive.\n                    syncBranch:\n                      type: string\n                      x-dcl-go-name: SyncBranch\n                      description: 'The branch of the repository to sync from. Default:\n                        master.'\n                    syncRepo:\n                      type: string\n                      x-dcl-go-name: SyncRepo\n                      description: The URL of the Git repository to use as the source\n                        of truth.\n                    syncRev:\n                      type: string\n                      x-dcl-go-name: SyncRev\n                      description: Git revision (tag or hash) to check out. Default\n                        HEAD.\n                    syncWaitSecs:\n                      type: string\n                      x-dcl-go-name: SyncWaitSecs\n                      description: 'Period in seconds between consecutive syncs. Default:\n                        15.'\n                oci:\n                  type: object\n                  x-dcl-go-name: Oci\n                  x-dcl-go-type: FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncOci\n                  properties:\n                    gcpServiceAccountEmail:\n                      type: string\n                      x-dcl-go-name: GcpServiceAccountEmail\n                      description: 'The GCP Service Account Email used for auth when\n                        secret_type is gcpserviceaccount. '\n                      x-dcl-references:\n                      - resource: Iam/ServiceAccount\n                        field: email\n                    policyDir:\n                      type: string\n                      x-dcl-go-name: PolicyDir\n                      description: 'The absolute path of the directory that contains\n                        the local resources. Default: the root directory of the image.'\n                    secretType:\n                      type: string\n                      x-dcl-go-name: SecretType\n                      description: Type of secret configured for access to the OCI\n                        Image. Must be one of gcenode, gcpserviceaccount or none.\n                        The validation of this is case-sensitive.\n                    syncRepo:\n                      type: string\n                      x-dcl-go-name: SyncRepo\n                      description: The OCI image repository URL for the package to\n                        sync from. e.g.\n                    syncWaitSecs:\n                      type: string\n                      x-dcl-go-name: SyncWaitSecs\n                      description: 'Period in seconds(int64 format) between consecutive\n                        syncs. Default: 15.'\n                preventDrift:\n                  type: boolean\n                  x-dcl-go-name: PreventDrift\n                  description: Set to true to enable the Config Sync admission webhook\n                    to prevent drifts. If set to `false`, disables the Config Sync\n                    admission webhook and does not prevent drifts.\n                  x-dcl-server-default: true\n                sourceFormat:\n                  type: string\n                  x-dcl-go-name: SourceFormat\n                  description: Specifies whether the Config Sync Repo is in \"hierarchical\"\n                    or \"unstructured\" mode.\n            hierarchyController:\n              type: object\n              x-dcl-go-name: HierarchyController\n              x-dcl-go-type: FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementHierarchyController\n              description: Hierarchy Controller configuration for the cluster.\n              properties:\n                enableHierarchicalResourceQuota:\n                  type: boolean\n                  x-dcl-go-name: EnableHierarchicalResourceQuota\n                  description: Whether hierarchical resource quota is enabled in this\n                    cluster.\n                enablePodTreeLabels:\n                  type: boolean\n                  x-dcl-go-name: EnablePodTreeLabels\n                  description: Whether pod tree labels are enabled in this cluster.\n                enabled:\n                  type: boolean\n                  x-dcl-go-name: Enabled\n                  description: Whether Hierarchy Controller is enabled in this cluster.\n            policyController:\n              type: object\n              x-dcl-go-name: PolicyController\n              x-dcl-go-type: FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyController\n              description: Policy Controller configuration for the cluster.\n              properties:\n                auditIntervalSeconds:\n                  type: string\n                  x-dcl-go-name: AuditIntervalSeconds\n                  description: Sets the interval for Policy Controller Audit Scans\n                    (in seconds). When set to 0, this disables audit functionality\n                    altogether.\n                enabled:\n                  type: boolean\n                  x-dcl-go-name: Enabled\n                  description: Enables the installation of Policy Controller. If false,\n                    the rest of PolicyController fields take no effect.\n                exemptableNamespaces:\n                  type: array\n                  x-dcl-go-name: ExemptableNamespaces\n                  description: The set of namespaces that are excluded from Policy\n                    Controller checks. Namespaces do not need to currently exist on\n                    the cluster.\n                  x-dcl-send-empty: true\n                  x-dcl-list-type: list\n                  items:\n                    type: string\n                    x-dcl-go-type: string\n                logDeniesEnabled:\n                  type: boolean\n                  x-dcl-go-name: LogDeniesEnabled\n                  description: Logs all denies and dry run failures.\n                monitoring:\n                  type: object\n                  x-dcl-go-name: Monitoring\n                  x-dcl-go-type: FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoring\n                  description: 'Specifies the backends Policy Controller should export\n                    metrics to. For example, to specify metrics should be exported\n                    to Cloud Monitoring and Prometheus, specify backends: [\"cloudmonitoring\",\n                    \"prometheus\"]. Default: [\"cloudmonitoring\", \"prometheus\"]'\n                  x-dcl-server-default: true\n                  properties:\n                    backends:\n                      type: array\n                      x-dcl-go-name: Backends\n                      description: ' Specifies the list of backends Policy Controller\n                        will export to. Specifying an empty value `[]` disables metrics\n                        export.'\n                      x-dcl-server-default: true\n                      x-dcl-send-empty: true\n                      x-dcl-list-type: list\n                      items:\n                        type: string\n                        x-dcl-go-type: FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoringBackendsEnum\n                        enum:\n                        - MONITORING_BACKEND_UNSPECIFIED\n                        - PROMETHEUS\n                        - CLOUD_MONITORING\n                mutationEnabled:\n                  type: boolean\n                  x-dcl-go-name: MutationEnabled\n                  description: Enable or disable mutation in policy controller. If\n                    true, mutation CRDs, webhook and controller deployment will be\n                    deployed to the cluster.\n                referentialRulesEnabled:\n                  type: boolean\n                  x-dcl-go-name: ReferentialRulesEnabled\n                  description: Enables the ability to use Constraint Templates that\n                    reference to objects other than the object currently being evaluated.\n                templateLibraryInstalled:\n                  type: boolean\n                  x-dcl-go-name: TemplateLibraryInstalled\n                  description: Installs the default template library along with Policy\n                    Controller.\n            version:\n              type: string\n              x-dcl-go-name: Version\n              description: Optional. Version of ACM to install. Defaults to the latest\n                version.\n              x-dcl-server-default: true\n        feature:\n          type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: Feature\n          description: The name of the feature\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n          x-dcl-references:\n          - resource: Gkehub/Feature\n            field: name\n            parent: true\n        location:\n          type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: Location\n          description: The location of the feature\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n        membership:\n          type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: Membership\n          description: The name of the membership\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n          x-dcl-references:\n          - resource: Gkehub/Membership\n            field: name\n        mesh:\n          type: object\n          x-dcl-go-name: Mesh\n          x-dcl-go-type: FeatureMembershipMesh\n          description: Manage Mesh Features\n          properties:\n            controlPlane:\n              type: string\n              x-dcl-go-name: ControlPlane\n              x-dcl-go-type: FeatureMembershipMeshControlPlaneEnum\n              description: '**DEPRECATED** Whether to automatically manage Service\n                Mesh control planes. Possible values: CONTROL_PLANE_MANAGEMENT_UNSPECIFIED,\n                AUTOMATIC, MANUAL'\n              enum:\n              - CONTROL_PLANE_MANAGEMENT_UNSPECIFIED\n              - AUTOMATIC\n              - MANUAL\n            management:\n              type: string\n              x-dcl-go-name: Management\n              x-dcl-go-type: FeatureMembershipMeshManagementEnum\n              description: 'Whether to automatically manage Service Mesh. Possible\n                values: MANAGEMENT_UNSPECIFIED, MANAGEMENT_AUTOMATIC, MANAGEMENT_MANUAL'\n              enum:\n              - MANAGEMENT_UNSPECIFIED\n              - MANAGEMENT_AUTOMATIC\n              - MANAGEMENT_MANUAL\n        project:\n          type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: Project\n          description: The project of the feature\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n          x-dcl-references:\n          - resource: Cloudresourcemanager/Project\n            field: name\n            parent: true\n")


View Source
var YAML_fleet = []byte("info:\n  title: GkeHub/Fleet\n  description: The GkeHub Fleet resource\n  x-dcl-struct-name: Fleet\n  x-dcl-has-iam: false\npaths:\n  get:\n    description: The function used to get information about a Fleet\n    parameters:\n    - name: fleet\n      required: true\n      description: A full instance of a Fleet\n  apply:\n    description: The function used to apply information about a Fleet\n    parameters:\n    - name: fleet\n      required: true\n      description: A full instance of a Fleet\n  delete:\n    description: The function used to delete a Fleet\n    parameters:\n    - name: fleet\n      required: true\n      description: A full instance of a Fleet\ncomponents:\n  schemas:\n    Fleet:\n      title: Fleet\n      x-dcl-id: projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/fleets/{{name}}\n      x-dcl-parent-container: project\n      x-dcl-has-create: true\n      x-dcl-has-iam: false\n      x-dcl-read-timeout: 0\n      x-dcl-apply-timeout: 0\n      x-dcl-delete-timeout: 0\n      type: object\n      required:\n      - project\n      - location\n      properties:\n        createTime:\n          type: string\n          format: date-time\n          x-dcl-go-name: CreateTime\n          readOnly: true\n          description: Output only. When the Fleet was created.\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n        displayName:\n          type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: DisplayName\n          description: 'Optional. A user-assigned display name of the Fleet. When\n            present, it must be between 4 to 30 characters. Allowed characters are:\n            lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, hyphen, single-quote, double-quote,\n            space, and exclamation point. Example: `Production Fleet`'\n        location:\n          type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: Location\n          description: The location for the resource\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n        managedNamespaces:\n          type: boolean\n          x-dcl-go-name: ManagedNamespaces\n          description: Optional. If true, namespaces must be explicitly declared in\n            a `FleetNamespace` object in order to use Fleet Features.\n        name:\n          type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: Name\n          description: Output only. The full, unique resource name of this fleet in\n            the format of `projects/{project}/locations/{location}/fleets/{fleet}`.\n            Each GCP project can have at most one fleet resource, named \"default\".\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n          x-dcl-server-generated-parameter: true\n        project:\n          type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: Project\n          description: The project for the resource\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n          x-dcl-references:\n          - resource: Cloudresourcemanager/Project\n            field: name\n            parent: true\n        uid:\n          type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: Uid\n          readOnly: true\n          description: Output only. Google-generated UUID for this resource. This\n            is unique across all Fleet resources. If a Fleet resource is deleted and\n            another resource with the same name is created, it gets a different uid.\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n        updateTime:\n          type: string\n          format: date-time\n          x-dcl-go-name: UpdateTime\n          readOnly: true\n          description: Output only. When the Fleet was last updated.\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n")


View Source
var YAML_membership = []byte("info:\n  title: GkeHub/Membership\n  description: The GkeHub Membership resource\n  x-dcl-struct-name: Membership\n  x-dcl-has-iam: false\npaths:\n  get:\n    description: The function used to get information about a Membership\n    parameters:\n    - name: membership\n      required: true\n      description: A full instance of a Membership\n  apply:\n    description: The function used to apply information about a Membership\n    parameters:\n    - name: membership\n      required: true\n      description: A full instance of a Membership\n  delete:\n    description: The function used to delete a Membership\n    parameters:\n    - name: membership\n      required: true\n      description: A full instance of a Membership\n  deleteAll:\n    description: The function used to delete all Membership\n    parameters:\n    - name: project\n      required: true\n      schema:\n        type: string\n    - name: location\n      required: true\n      schema:\n        type: string\n  list:\n    description: The function used to list information about many Membership\n    parameters:\n    - name: project\n      required: true\n      schema:\n        type: string\n    - name: location\n      required: true\n      schema:\n        type: string\ncomponents:\n  schemas:\n    Membership:\n      title: Membership\n      x-dcl-id: projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/memberships/{{name}}\n      x-dcl-uses-state-hint: true\n      x-dcl-parent-container: project\n      x-dcl-labels: labels\n      x-dcl-has-create: true\n      x-dcl-has-iam: false\n      x-dcl-read-timeout: 0\n      x-dcl-apply-timeout: 0\n      x-dcl-delete-timeout: 0\n      type: object\n      required:\n      - name\n      - project\n      - location\n      properties:\n        authority:\n          type: object\n          x-dcl-go-name: Authority\n          x-dcl-go-type: MembershipAuthority\n          description: 'Optional. How to identify workloads from this Membership.\n            See the documentation on Workload Identity for more details:'\n          properties:\n            identityProvider:\n              type: string\n              x-dcl-go-name: IdentityProvider\n              readOnly: true\n              description: Output only. An identity provider that reflects the `issuer`\n                in the workload identity pool.\n            issuer:\n              type: string\n              x-dcl-go-name: Issuer\n              description: Optional. A JSON Web Token (JWT) issuer URI. `issuer` must\n                start with `https://` and be a valid URL with length <2000 characters.\n                If set, then Google will allow valid OIDC tokens from this issuer\n                to authenticate within the workload_identity_pool. OIDC discovery\n                will be performed on this URI to validate tokens from the issuer.\n                Clearing `issuer` disables Workload Identity. `issuer` cannot be directly\n                modified; it must be cleared (and Workload Identity disabled) before\n                using a new issuer (and re-enabling Workload Identity).\n            workloadIdentityPool:\n              type: string\n              x-dcl-go-name: WorkloadIdentityPool\n              readOnly: true\n              description: 'Output only. The name of the workload identity pool in\n                which `issuer` will be recognized. There is a single Workload Identity\n                Pool per Hub that is shared between all Memberships that belong to\n                that Hub. For a Hub hosted in: {PROJECT_ID}, the workload pool format\n                is `{PROJECT_ID}`, although this is subject to change\n                in newer versions of this API.'\n        createTime:\n          type: string\n          format: date-time\n          x-dcl-go-name: CreateTime\n          readOnly: true\n          description: Output only. When the Membership was created.\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n        deleteTime:\n          type: string\n          format: date-time\n          x-dcl-go-name: DeleteTime\n          readOnly: true\n          description: Output only. When the Membership was deleted.\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n        description:\n          type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: Description\n          description: 'Description of this membership, limited to 63 characters.\n            Must match the regex: `*` This field is present for legacy purposes.'\n        endpoint:\n          type: object\n          x-dcl-go-name: Endpoint\n          x-dcl-go-type: MembershipEndpoint\n          description: Optional. Endpoint information to reach this member.\n          properties:\n            gkeCluster:\n              type: object\n              x-dcl-go-name: GkeCluster\n              x-dcl-go-type: MembershipEndpointGkeCluster\n              description: Optional. GKE-specific information. Only present if this\n                Membership is a GKE cluster.\n              properties:\n                resourceLink:\n                  type: string\n                  x-dcl-go-name: ResourceLink\n                  description: 'Immutable. Self-link of the GCP resource for the GKE\n                    cluster. For example: //\n                    Zonal clusters are also supported.'\n                  x-dcl-references:\n                  - resource: Container/Cluster\n                    field: selfLink\n            kubernetesMetadata:\n              type: object\n              x-dcl-go-name: KubernetesMetadata\n              x-dcl-go-type: MembershipEndpointKubernetesMetadata\n              readOnly: true\n              description: Output only. Useful Kubernetes-specific metadata.\n              properties:\n                kubernetesApiServerVersion:\n                  type: string\n                  x-dcl-go-name: KubernetesApiServerVersion\n                  readOnly: true\n                  description: Output only. Kubernetes API server version string as\n                    reported by `/version`.\n                memoryMb:\n                  type: integer\n                  format: int64\n                  x-dcl-go-name: MemoryMb\n                  readOnly: true\n                  description: Output only. The total memory capacity as reported\n                    by the sum of all Kubernetes nodes resources, defined in MB.\n                nodeCount:\n                  type: integer\n                  format: int64\n                  x-dcl-go-name: NodeCount\n                  readOnly: true\n                  description: Output only. Node count as reported by Kubernetes nodes\n                    resources.\n                nodeProviderId:\n                  type: string\n                  x-dcl-go-name: NodeProviderId\n                  readOnly: true\n                  description: Output only. Node providerID as reported by the first\n                    node in the list of nodes on the Kubernetes endpoint. On Kubernetes\n                    platforms that support zero-node clusters (like GKE-on-GCP), the\n                    node_count will be zero and the node_provider_id will be empty.\n                updateTime:\n                  type: string\n                  format: date-time\n                  x-dcl-go-name: UpdateTime\n                  readOnly: true\n                  description: Output only. The time at which these details were last\n                    updated. This update_time is different from the Membership-level\n                    update_time since EndpointDetails are updated internally for API\n                    consumers.\n                vcpuCount:\n                  type: integer\n                  format: int64\n                  x-dcl-go-name: VcpuCount\n                  readOnly: true\n                  description: Output only. vCPU count as reported by Kubernetes nodes\n                    resources.\n            kubernetesResource:\n              type: object\n              x-dcl-go-name: KubernetesResource\n              x-dcl-go-type: MembershipEndpointKubernetesResource\n              description: 'Optional. The in-cluster Kubernetes Resources that should\n                be applied for a correctly registered cluster, in the steady state.\n                These resources: * Ensure that the cluster is exclusively registered\n                to one and only one Hub Membership. * Propagate Workload Pool Information\n                available in the Membership Authority field. * Ensure proper initial\n                configuration of default Hub Features.'\n              properties:\n                connectResources:\n                  type: array\n                  x-dcl-go-name: ConnectResources\n                  readOnly: true\n                  description: Output only. The Kubernetes resources for installing\n                    the GKE Connect agent This field is only populated in the Membership\n                    returned from a successful long-running operation from CreateMembership\n                    or UpdateMembership. It is not populated during normal GetMembership\n                    or ListMemberships requests. To get the resource manifest after\n                    the initial registration, the caller should make a UpdateMembership\n                    call with an empty field mask.\n                  x-dcl-list-type: list\n                  items:\n                    type: object\n                    x-dcl-go-type: MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceConnectResources\n                    properties:\n                      clusterScoped:\n                        type: boolean\n                        x-dcl-go-name: ClusterScoped\n                        description: Whether the resource provided in the manifest\n                          is `cluster_scoped`. If unset, the manifest is assumed to\n                          be namespace scoped. This field is used for REST mapping\n                          when applying the resource in a cluster.\n                      manifest:\n                        type: string\n                        x-dcl-go-name: Manifest\n                        description: YAML manifest of the resource.\n                membershipCrManifest:\n                  type: string\n                  x-dcl-go-name: MembershipCrManifest\n                  description: Input only. The YAML representation of the Membership\n                    CR. This field is ignored for GKE clusters where Hub can read\n                    the CR directly. Callers should provide the CR that is currently\n                    present in the cluster during CreateMembership or UpdateMembership,\n                    or leave this field empty if none exists. The CR manifest is used\n                    to validate the cluster has not been registered with another Membership.\n                  x-dcl-mutable-unreadable: true\n                membershipResources:\n                  type: array\n                  x-dcl-go-name: MembershipResources\n                  readOnly: true\n                  description: Output only. Additional Kubernetes resources that need\n                    to be applied to the cluster after Membership creation, and after\n                    every update. This field is only populated in the Membership returned\n                    from a successful long-running operation from CreateMembership\n                    or UpdateMembership. It is not populated during normal GetMembership\n                    or ListMemberships requests. To get the resource manifest after\n                    the initial registration, the caller should make a UpdateMembership\n                    call with an empty field mask.\n                  x-dcl-list-type: list\n                  items:\n                    type: object\n                    x-dcl-go-type: MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceMembershipResources\n                    properties:\n                      clusterScoped:\n                        type: boolean\n                        x-dcl-go-name: ClusterScoped\n                        description: Whether the resource provided in the manifest\n                          is `cluster_scoped`. If unset, the manifest is assumed to\n                          be namespace scoped. This field is used for REST mapping\n                          when applying the resource in a cluster.\n                      manifest:\n                        type: string\n                        x-dcl-go-name: Manifest\n                        description: YAML manifest of the resource.\n                resourceOptions:\n                  type: object\n                  x-dcl-go-name: ResourceOptions\n                  x-dcl-go-type: MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceResourceOptions\n                  description: Optional. Options for Kubernetes resource generation.\n                  properties:\n                    connectVersion:\n                      type: string\n                      x-dcl-go-name: ConnectVersion\n                      description: Optional. The Connect agent version to use for\n                        connect_resources. Defaults to the latest GKE Connect version.\n                        The version must be a currently supported version, obsolete\n                        versions will be rejected.\n                    v1beta1Crd:\n                      type: boolean\n                      x-dcl-go-name: V1Beta1Crd\n                      description: Optional. Use `apiextensions/v1beta1` instead of\n                        `apiextensions/v1` for CustomResourceDefinition resources.\n                        This option should be set for clusters with Kubernetes apiserver\n                        versions <1.16.\n        externalId:\n          type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: ExternalId\n          description: 'Optional. An externally-generated and managed ID for this\n            Membership. This ID may be modified after creation, but this is not recommended.\n            The ID must match the regex: `*` If this Membership represents a Kubernetes\n            cluster, this value should be set to the UID of the `kube-system` namespace\n            object.'\n          x-dcl-server-default: true\n        infrastructureType:\n          type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: InfrastructureType\n          x-dcl-go-type: MembershipInfrastructureTypeEnum\n          description: 'Optional. The infrastructure type this Membership is running\n            on. Possible values: INFRASTRUCTURE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, ON_PREM, MULTI_CLOUD'\n          x-dcl-server-default: true\n          enum:\n          - INFRASTRUCTURE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED\n          - ON_PREM\n          - MULTI_CLOUD\n        labels:\n          type: object\n          additionalProperties:\n            type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: Labels\n          description: Optional. GCP labels for this membership.\n        lastConnectionTime:\n          type: string\n          format: date-time\n          x-dcl-go-name: LastConnectionTime\n          readOnly: true\n          description: Output only. For clusters using Connect, the timestamp of the\n            most recent connection established with Google Cloud. This time is updated\n            every several minutes, not continuously. For clusters that do not use\n            GKE Connect, or that have never connected successfully, this field will\n            be unset.\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n        location:\n          type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: Location\n          description: The location for the resource\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n        name:\n          type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: Name\n          description: 'Output only. The full, unique name of this Membership resource\n            in the format `projects/*/locations/*/memberships/{membership_id}`, set\n            during creation. `membership_id` must be a valid RFC 1123 compliant DNS\n            label: 1. At most 63 characters in length 2. It must consist of lower\n            case alphanumeric characters or `-` 3. It must start and end with an alphanumeric\n            character Which can be expressed as the regex: `)?`, with a maximum length\n            of 63 characters.'\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n        project:\n          type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: Project\n          description: The project for the resource\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n          x-dcl-references:\n          - resource: Cloudresourcemanager/Project\n            field: name\n            parent: true\n        state:\n          type: object\n          x-dcl-go-name: State\n          x-dcl-go-type: MembershipState\n          readOnly: true\n          description: Output only. State of the Membership resource.\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n          properties:\n            code:\n              type: string\n              x-dcl-go-name: Code\n              x-dcl-go-type: MembershipStateCodeEnum\n              readOnly: true\n              description: 'Output only. The current state of the Membership resource.\n                Possible values: CODE_UNSPECIFIED, CREATING, READY, DELETING, UPDATING,\n                SERVICE_UPDATING'\n              x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n              enum:\n              - CODE_UNSPECIFIED\n              - CREATING\n              - READY\n              - DELETING\n              - UPDATING\n              - SERVICE_UPDATING\n        uniqueId:\n          type: string\n          x-dcl-go-name: UniqueId\n          readOnly: true\n          description: Output only. Google-generated UUID for this resource. This\n            is unique across all Membership resources. If a Membership resource is\n            deleted and another resource with the same name is created, it gets a\n            different unique_id.\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n        updateTime:\n          type: string\n          format: date-time\n          x-dcl-go-name: UpdateTime\n          readOnly: true\n          description: Output only. When the Membership was last updated.\n          x-kubernetes-immutable: true\n")



func CompareFeatureMembershipConfigmanagementHierarchyControllerNewStyle

func CompareFeatureMembershipConfigmanagementHierarchyControllerNewStyle(d, a interface{}, fn dcl.FieldName) ([]*dcl.FieldDiff, error)

CompareFeatureMembershipConfigmanagementHierarchyControllerNewStyle exists only for unit-testing the diff library.

func DCLFeatureMembershipSchema added in v1.10.3

func DCLFeatureMembershipSchema() *dcl.Schema

func DCLFeatureSchema added in v1.10.3

func DCLFeatureSchema() *dcl.Schema

func DCLFleetSchema added in v1.10.3

func DCLFleetSchema() *dcl.Schema

func DCLMembershipSchema added in v1.10.3

func DCLMembershipSchema() *dcl.Schema


type Client

type Client struct {
	Config *dcl.Config

The Client is the base struct of all operations. This will receive the Get, Delete, List, and Apply operations on all resources.

func NewClient

func NewClient(c *dcl.Config) *Client

NewClient creates a client that retries all operations a few times each.

func (*Client) ApplyFeature

func (c *Client) ApplyFeature(ctx context.Context, rawDesired *Feature, opts ...dcl.ApplyOption) (*Feature, error)

func (*Client) ApplyFeatureMembership

func (c *Client) ApplyFeatureMembership(ctx context.Context, rawDesired *FeatureMembership, opts ...dcl.ApplyOption) (*FeatureMembership, error)

func (*Client) ApplyFleet

func (c *Client) ApplyFleet(ctx context.Context, rawDesired *Fleet, opts ...dcl.ApplyOption) (*Fleet, error)

func (*Client) ApplyMembership

func (c *Client) ApplyMembership(ctx context.Context, rawDesired *Membership, opts ...dcl.ApplyOption) (*Membership, error)

func (*Client) DeleteAllFeature

func (c *Client) DeleteAllFeature(ctx context.Context, project, location string, filter func(*Feature) bool) error

DeleteAllFeature deletes all resources that the filter functions returns true on.

func (*Client) DeleteAllFeatureMembership

func (c *Client) DeleteAllFeatureMembership(ctx context.Context, project, location, feature string, filter func(*FeatureMembership) bool) error

DeleteAllFeatureMembership deletes all resources that the filter functions returns true on.

func (*Client) DeleteAllMembership

func (c *Client) DeleteAllMembership(ctx context.Context, project, location string, filter func(*Membership) bool) error

DeleteAllMembership deletes all resources that the filter functions returns true on.

func (*Client) DeleteFeature

func (c *Client) DeleteFeature(ctx context.Context, r *Feature) error

func (*Client) DeleteFeatureMembership

func (c *Client) DeleteFeatureMembership(ctx context.Context, r *FeatureMembership) error

func (*Client) DeleteFleet

func (c *Client) DeleteFleet(ctx context.Context, r *Fleet) error

func (*Client) DeleteMembership

func (c *Client) DeleteMembership(ctx context.Context, r *Membership) error

func (*Client) GetFeature

func (c *Client) GetFeature(ctx context.Context, r *Feature) (*Feature, error)

func (*Client) GetFeatureMembership

func (c *Client) GetFeatureMembership(ctx context.Context, r *FeatureMembership) (*FeatureMembership, error)

GetFeatureMembership returns a feature membership object retrieved from the membershipSpecs field of a feature.

func (*Client) GetFleet

func (c *Client) GetFleet(ctx context.Context, r *Fleet) (*Fleet, error)

func (*Client) GetMembership

func (c *Client) GetMembership(ctx context.Context, r *Membership) (*Membership, error)

func (*Client) ListFeature

func (c *Client) ListFeature(ctx context.Context, project, location string) (*FeatureList, error)

func (*Client) ListFeatureMembership

func (c *Client) ListFeatureMembership(ctx context.Context, project, location, feature string) (*FeatureMembershipList, error)

ListFeatureMembership returns a list of feature memberships retrieved from the membershipSpecs field of a feature.

func (*Client) ListFeatureWithMaxResults

func (c *Client) ListFeatureWithMaxResults(ctx context.Context, project, location string, pageSize int32) (*FeatureList, error)

func (*Client) ListMembership

func (c *Client) ListMembership(ctx context.Context, project, location string) (*MembershipList, error)

func (*Client) ListMembershipWithMaxResults

func (c *Client) ListMembershipWithMaxResults(ctx context.Context, project, location string, pageSize int32) (*MembershipList, error)

type Feature

type Feature struct {
	Name          *string               `json:"name"`
	Labels        map[string]string     `json:"labels"`
	ResourceState *FeatureResourceState `json:"resourceState"`
	Spec          *FeatureSpec          `json:"spec"`
	State         *FeatureState         `json:"state"`
	CreateTime    *string               `json:"createTime"`
	UpdateTime    *string               `json:"updateTime"`
	DeleteTime    *string               `json:"deleteTime"`
	Project       *string               `json:"project"`
	Location      *string               `json:"location"`

func (*Feature) Describe

func (r *Feature) Describe() dcl.ServiceTypeVersion

Describe returns a simple description of this resource to ensure that automated tools can identify it.

func (*Feature) ID

func (r *Feature) ID() (string, error)

func (*Feature) String

func (r *Feature) String() string

type FeatureList

type FeatureList struct {
	Items []*Feature
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*FeatureList) HasNext

func (l *FeatureList) HasNext() bool

func (*FeatureList) Next

func (l *FeatureList) Next(ctx context.Context, c *Client) error

type FeatureMembership

type FeatureMembership struct {
	Mesh             *FeatureMembershipMesh             `json:"mesh"`
	Configmanagement *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagement `json:"configmanagement"`
	Project          *string                            `json:"project"`
	Location         *string                            `json:"location"`
	Feature          *string                            `json:"feature"`
	Membership       *string                            `json:"membership"`

func (*FeatureMembership) Describe

Describe returns a simple description of this resource to ensure that automated tools can identify it.

func (*FeatureMembership) ID

func (r *FeatureMembership) ID() (string, error)

func (*FeatureMembership) String

func (r *FeatureMembership) String() string

type FeatureMembershipConfigmanagement

type FeatureMembershipConfigmanagement struct {
	ConfigSync          *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSync          `json:"configSync"`
	PolicyController    *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyController    `json:"policyController"`
	Binauthz            *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementBinauthz            `json:"binauthz"`
	HierarchyController *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementHierarchyController `json:"hierarchyController"`
	Version             *string                                               `json:"version"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyFeatureMembershipConfigmanagement *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagement = &FeatureMembershipConfigmanagement{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this FeatureMembershipConfigmanagement is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagement) Empty

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagement) HashCode

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagement) String

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagement) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagement) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementBinauthz

type FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementBinauthz struct {
	Enabled *bool `json:"enabled"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyFeatureMembershipConfigmanagementBinauthz *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementBinauthz = &FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementBinauthz{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementBinauthz is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementBinauthz) Empty

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementBinauthz) HashCode

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementBinauthz) String

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementBinauthz) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementBinauthz) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSync

type FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSync struct {
	Git          *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncGit `json:"git"`
	SourceFormat *string                                         `json:"sourceFormat"`
	PreventDrift *bool                                           `json:"preventDrift"`
	Oci          *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncOci `json:"oci"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyFeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSync *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSync = &FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSync{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSync is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSync) Empty

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSync) HashCode

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSync) String

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSync) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSync) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncGit

type FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncGit struct {
	SyncRepo               *string `json:"syncRepo"`
	SyncBranch             *string `json:"syncBranch"`
	PolicyDir              *string `json:"policyDir"`
	SyncWaitSecs           *string `json:"syncWaitSecs"`
	SyncRev                *string `json:"syncRev"`
	SecretType             *string `json:"secretType"`
	HttpsProxy             *string `json:"httpsProxy"`
	GcpServiceAccountEmail *string `json:"gcpServiceAccountEmail"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyFeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncGit *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncGit = &FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncGit{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncGit is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncGit) Empty

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncGit) HashCode

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncGit) String

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncGit) UnmarshalJSON

type FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncOci added in v1.28.0

type FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncOci struct {
	SyncRepo               *string `json:"syncRepo"`
	PolicyDir              *string `json:"policyDir"`
	SyncWaitSecs           *string `json:"syncWaitSecs"`
	SecretType             *string `json:"secretType"`
	GcpServiceAccountEmail *string `json:"gcpServiceAccountEmail"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyFeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncOci *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncOci = &FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncOci{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncOci is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncOci) Empty added in v1.28.0

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncOci) HashCode added in v1.28.0

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncOci) String added in v1.28.0

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementConfigSyncOci) UnmarshalJSON added in v1.28.0

type FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementHierarchyController

type FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementHierarchyController struct {
	Enabled                         *bool `json:"enabled"`
	EnablePodTreeLabels             *bool `json:"enablePodTreeLabels"`
	EnableHierarchicalResourceQuota *bool `json:"enableHierarchicalResourceQuota"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyFeatureMembershipConfigmanagementHierarchyController *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementHierarchyController = &FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementHierarchyController{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementHierarchyController is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementHierarchyController) Empty

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementHierarchyController) HashCode

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementHierarchyController) String

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementHierarchyController) UnmarshalJSON

type FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyController

type FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyController struct {
	Enabled                  *bool                                                        `json:"enabled"`
	ExemptableNamespaces     []string                                                     `json:"exemptableNamespaces"`
	ReferentialRulesEnabled  *bool                                                        `json:"referentialRulesEnabled"`
	LogDeniesEnabled         *bool                                                        `json:"logDeniesEnabled"`
	MutationEnabled          *bool                                                        `json:"mutationEnabled"`
	Monitoring               *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoring `json:"monitoring"`
	TemplateLibraryInstalled *bool                                                        `json:"templateLibraryInstalled"`
	AuditIntervalSeconds     *string                                                      `json:"auditIntervalSeconds"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyFeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyController *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyController = &FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyController{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyController is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyController) Empty

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyController) HashCode

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyController) String

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyController) UnmarshalJSON

type FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoring added in v1.14.2

type FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoring struct {
	Backends []FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoringBackendsEnum `json:"backends"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyFeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoring *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoring = &FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoring{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoring is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoring) Empty added in v1.14.2

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoring) HashCode added in v1.14.2

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoring) String added in v1.14.2

func (*FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoring) UnmarshalJSON added in v1.14.2

type FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoringBackendsEnum added in v1.14.2

type FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoringBackendsEnum string

The enum FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoringBackendsEnum.

func FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoringBackendsEnumRef added in v1.14.2

func FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoringBackendsEnumRef(s string) *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoringBackendsEnum

FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoringBackendsEnumRef returns a *FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoringBackendsEnum with the value of string s If the empty string is provided, nil is returned.

func (FeatureMembershipConfigmanagementPolicyControllerMonitoringBackendsEnum) Validate added in v1.14.2

type FeatureMembershipList

type FeatureMembershipList struct {
	Items []*FeatureMembership
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*FeatureMembershipList) HasNext

func (l *FeatureMembershipList) HasNext() bool

HasNext always returns false because a feature membership list never has a next page.

func (*FeatureMembershipList) Next

Next returns nil because it will never be called.

type FeatureMembershipMesh added in v1.24.0

type FeatureMembershipMesh struct {
	Management   *FeatureMembershipMeshManagementEnum   `json:"management"`
	ControlPlane *FeatureMembershipMeshControlPlaneEnum `json:"controlPlane"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyFeatureMembershipMesh *FeatureMembershipMesh = &FeatureMembershipMesh{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this FeatureMembershipMesh is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*FeatureMembershipMesh) Empty added in v1.24.0

func (r *FeatureMembershipMesh) Empty() bool

func (*FeatureMembershipMesh) HashCode added in v1.24.0

func (r *FeatureMembershipMesh) HashCode() string

func (*FeatureMembershipMesh) String added in v1.24.0

func (r *FeatureMembershipMesh) String() string

func (*FeatureMembershipMesh) UnmarshalJSON added in v1.24.0

func (r *FeatureMembershipMesh) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type FeatureMembershipMeshControlPlaneEnum added in v1.27.1

type FeatureMembershipMeshControlPlaneEnum string

The enum FeatureMembershipMeshControlPlaneEnum.

func FeatureMembershipMeshControlPlaneEnumRef added in v1.27.1

func FeatureMembershipMeshControlPlaneEnumRef(s string) *FeatureMembershipMeshControlPlaneEnum

FeatureMembershipMeshControlPlaneEnumRef returns a *FeatureMembershipMeshControlPlaneEnum with the value of string s If the empty string is provided, nil is returned.

func (FeatureMembershipMeshControlPlaneEnum) Validate added in v1.27.1

type FeatureMembershipMeshManagementEnum added in v1.24.0

type FeatureMembershipMeshManagementEnum string

The enum FeatureMembershipMeshManagementEnum.

func FeatureMembershipMeshManagementEnumRef added in v1.24.0

func FeatureMembershipMeshManagementEnumRef(s string) *FeatureMembershipMeshManagementEnum

FeatureMembershipMeshManagementEnumRef returns a *FeatureMembershipMeshManagementEnum with the value of string s If the empty string is provided, nil is returned.

func (FeatureMembershipMeshManagementEnum) Validate added in v1.24.0

type FeatureResourceState

type FeatureResourceState struct {
	State        *FeatureResourceStateStateEnum `json:"state"`
	HasResources *bool                          `json:"hasResources"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyFeatureResourceState *FeatureResourceState = &FeatureResourceState{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this FeatureResourceState is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*FeatureResourceState) Empty

func (r *FeatureResourceState) Empty() bool

func (*FeatureResourceState) HashCode

func (r *FeatureResourceState) HashCode() string

func (*FeatureResourceState) String

func (r *FeatureResourceState) String() string

func (*FeatureResourceState) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *FeatureResourceState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type FeatureResourceStateStateEnum

type FeatureResourceStateStateEnum string

The enum FeatureResourceStateStateEnum.

func FeatureResourceStateStateEnumRef

func FeatureResourceStateStateEnumRef(s string) *FeatureResourceStateStateEnum

FeatureResourceStateStateEnumRef returns a *FeatureResourceStateStateEnum with the value of string s If the empty string is provided, nil is returned.

func (FeatureResourceStateStateEnum) Validate

func (v FeatureResourceStateStateEnum) Validate() error

type FeatureSpec

type FeatureSpec struct {
	Multiclusteringress *FeatureSpecMulticlusteringress `json:"multiclusteringress"`
	Cloudauditlogging   *FeatureSpecCloudauditlogging   `json:"cloudauditlogging"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyFeatureSpec *FeatureSpec = &FeatureSpec{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this FeatureSpec is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*FeatureSpec) Empty

func (r *FeatureSpec) Empty() bool

func (*FeatureSpec) HashCode

func (r *FeatureSpec) HashCode() string

func (*FeatureSpec) String

func (r *FeatureSpec) String() string

func (*FeatureSpec) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *FeatureSpec) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type FeatureSpecCloudauditlogging

type FeatureSpecCloudauditlogging struct {
	AllowlistedServiceAccounts []string `json:"allowlistedServiceAccounts"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyFeatureSpecCloudauditlogging *FeatureSpecCloudauditlogging = &FeatureSpecCloudauditlogging{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this FeatureSpecCloudauditlogging is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*FeatureSpecCloudauditlogging) Empty

func (*FeatureSpecCloudauditlogging) HashCode

func (r *FeatureSpecCloudauditlogging) HashCode() string

func (*FeatureSpecCloudauditlogging) String

func (*FeatureSpecCloudauditlogging) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *FeatureSpecCloudauditlogging) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type FeatureSpecMulticlusteringress

type FeatureSpecMulticlusteringress struct {
	ConfigMembership *string `json:"configMembership"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyFeatureSpecMulticlusteringress *FeatureSpecMulticlusteringress = &FeatureSpecMulticlusteringress{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this FeatureSpecMulticlusteringress is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*FeatureSpecMulticlusteringress) Empty

func (*FeatureSpecMulticlusteringress) HashCode

func (r *FeatureSpecMulticlusteringress) HashCode() string

func (*FeatureSpecMulticlusteringress) String

func (*FeatureSpecMulticlusteringress) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *FeatureSpecMulticlusteringress) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type FeatureState

type FeatureState struct {
	State       *FeatureStateState       `json:"state"`
	Servicemesh *FeatureStateServicemesh `json:"servicemesh"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyFeatureState *FeatureState = &FeatureState{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this FeatureState is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*FeatureState) Empty

func (r *FeatureState) Empty() bool

func (*FeatureState) HashCode

func (r *FeatureState) HashCode() string

func (*FeatureState) String

func (r *FeatureState) String() string

func (*FeatureState) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *FeatureState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type FeatureStateServicemesh

type FeatureStateServicemesh struct {
	AnalysisMessages []FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessages `json:"analysisMessages"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyFeatureStateServicemesh *FeatureStateServicemesh = &FeatureStateServicemesh{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this FeatureStateServicemesh is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*FeatureStateServicemesh) Empty

func (r *FeatureStateServicemesh) Empty() bool

func (*FeatureStateServicemesh) HashCode

func (r *FeatureStateServicemesh) HashCode() string

func (*FeatureStateServicemesh) String

func (r *FeatureStateServicemesh) String() string

func (*FeatureStateServicemesh) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *FeatureStateServicemesh) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessages

type FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessages struct {
	MessageBase   *FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBase `json:"messageBase"`
	Description   *string                                             `json:"description"`
	ResourcePaths []string                                            `json:"resourcePaths"`
	Args          map[string]string                                   `json:"args"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyFeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessages *FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessages = &FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessages{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessages is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessages) Empty

func (*FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessages) HashCode

func (*FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessages) String

func (*FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessages) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessages) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBase

type FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBase struct {
	Type             *FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseType      `json:"type"`
	Level            *FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseLevelEnum `json:"level"`
	DocumentationUrl *string                                                      `json:"documentationUrl"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyFeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBase *FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBase = &FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBase{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBase is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBase) Empty

func (*FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBase) HashCode

func (*FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBase) String

func (*FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBase) UnmarshalJSON

type FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseLevelEnum

type FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseLevelEnum string

The enum FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseLevelEnum.

func FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseLevelEnumRef

func FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseLevelEnumRef(s string) *FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseLevelEnum

FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseLevelEnumRef returns a *FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseLevelEnum with the value of string s If the empty string is provided, nil is returned.

func (FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseLevelEnum) Validate

type FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseType

type FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseType struct {
	DisplayName *string `json:"displayName"`
	Code        *string `json:"code"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyFeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseType *FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseType = &FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseType{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseType is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseType) Empty

func (*FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseType) HashCode

func (*FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseType) String

func (*FeatureStateServicemeshAnalysisMessagesMessageBaseType) UnmarshalJSON

type FeatureStateState

type FeatureStateState struct {
	Code        *FeatureStateStateCodeEnum `json:"code"`
	Description *string                    `json:"description"`
	UpdateTime  *string                    `json:"updateTime"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyFeatureStateState *FeatureStateState = &FeatureStateState{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this FeatureStateState is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*FeatureStateState) Empty

func (r *FeatureStateState) Empty() bool

func (*FeatureStateState) HashCode

func (r *FeatureStateState) HashCode() string

func (*FeatureStateState) String

func (r *FeatureStateState) String() string

func (*FeatureStateState) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *FeatureStateState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type FeatureStateStateCodeEnum

type FeatureStateStateCodeEnum string

The enum FeatureStateStateCodeEnum.

func FeatureStateStateCodeEnumRef

func FeatureStateStateCodeEnumRef(s string) *FeatureStateStateCodeEnum

FeatureStateStateCodeEnumRef returns a *FeatureStateStateCodeEnum with the value of string s If the empty string is provided, nil is returned.

func (FeatureStateStateCodeEnum) Validate

func (v FeatureStateStateCodeEnum) Validate() error

type Fleet

type Fleet struct {
	Name              *string `json:"name"`
	DisplayName       *string `json:"displayName"`
	CreateTime        *string `json:"createTime"`
	UpdateTime        *string `json:"updateTime"`
	Uid               *string `json:"uid"`
	ManagedNamespaces *bool   `json:"managedNamespaces"`
	Project           *string `json:"project"`
	Location          *string `json:"location"`

func (*Fleet) Describe

func (r *Fleet) Describe() dcl.ServiceTypeVersion

Describe returns a simple description of this resource to ensure that automated tools can identify it.

func (*Fleet) ID

func (r *Fleet) ID() (string, error)

func (*Fleet) String

func (r *Fleet) String() string

type FleetList

type FleetList struct {
	Items []*Fleet
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type Membership

type Membership struct {
	Endpoint           *MembershipEndpoint               `json:"endpoint"`
	Name               *string                           `json:"name"`
	Labels             map[string]string                 `json:"labels"`
	Description        *string                           `json:"description"`
	State              *MembershipState                  `json:"state"`
	CreateTime         *string                           `json:"createTime"`
	UpdateTime         *string                           `json:"updateTime"`
	DeleteTime         *string                           `json:"deleteTime"`
	ExternalId         *string                           `json:"externalId"`
	LastConnectionTime *string                           `json:"lastConnectionTime"`
	UniqueId           *string                           `json:"uniqueId"`
	Authority          *MembershipAuthority              `json:"authority"`
	InfrastructureType *MembershipInfrastructureTypeEnum `json:"infrastructureType"`
	Project            *string                           `json:"project"`
	Location           *string                           `json:"location"`

func (*Membership) Describe

func (r *Membership) Describe() dcl.ServiceTypeVersion

Describe returns a simple description of this resource to ensure that automated tools can identify it.

func (*Membership) GetPolicy

func (r *Membership) GetPolicy(basePath string) (string, string, *bytes.Buffer, error)

func (*Membership) IAMPolicyVersion

func (r *Membership) IAMPolicyVersion() int

func (*Membership) ID

func (r *Membership) ID() (string, error)

func (*Membership) SetPolicyURL

func (r *Membership) SetPolicyURL(userBasePath string) string

func (*Membership) SetPolicyVerb

func (r *Membership) SetPolicyVerb() string

func (*Membership) String

func (r *Membership) String() string

type MembershipAuthority

type MembershipAuthority struct {
	Issuer               *string `json:"issuer"`
	WorkloadIdentityPool *string `json:"workloadIdentityPool"`
	IdentityProvider     *string `json:"identityProvider"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyMembershipAuthority *MembershipAuthority = &MembershipAuthority{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this MembershipAuthority is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*MembershipAuthority) Empty

func (r *MembershipAuthority) Empty() bool

func (*MembershipAuthority) HashCode

func (r *MembershipAuthority) HashCode() string

func (*MembershipAuthority) String

func (r *MembershipAuthority) String() string

func (*MembershipAuthority) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *MembershipAuthority) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type MembershipEndpoint

type MembershipEndpoint struct {
	GkeCluster         *MembershipEndpointGkeCluster         `json:"gkeCluster"`
	KubernetesMetadata *MembershipEndpointKubernetesMetadata `json:"kubernetesMetadata"`
	KubernetesResource *MembershipEndpointKubernetesResource `json:"kubernetesResource"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyMembershipEndpoint *MembershipEndpoint = &MembershipEndpoint{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this MembershipEndpoint is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*MembershipEndpoint) Empty

func (r *MembershipEndpoint) Empty() bool

func (*MembershipEndpoint) HashCode

func (r *MembershipEndpoint) HashCode() string

func (*MembershipEndpoint) String

func (r *MembershipEndpoint) String() string

func (*MembershipEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *MembershipEndpoint) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type MembershipEndpointGkeCluster

type MembershipEndpointGkeCluster struct {
	ResourceLink *string `json:"resourceLink"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyMembershipEndpointGkeCluster *MembershipEndpointGkeCluster = &MembershipEndpointGkeCluster{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this MembershipEndpointGkeCluster is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*MembershipEndpointGkeCluster) Empty

func (*MembershipEndpointGkeCluster) HashCode

func (r *MembershipEndpointGkeCluster) HashCode() string

func (*MembershipEndpointGkeCluster) String

func (*MembershipEndpointGkeCluster) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *MembershipEndpointGkeCluster) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type MembershipEndpointKubernetesMetadata

type MembershipEndpointKubernetesMetadata struct {
	KubernetesApiServerVersion *string `json:"kubernetesApiServerVersion"`
	NodeProviderId             *string `json:"nodeProviderId"`
	NodeCount                  *int64  `json:"nodeCount"`
	VcpuCount                  *int64  `json:"vcpuCount"`
	MemoryMb                   *int64  `json:"memoryMb"`
	UpdateTime                 *string `json:"updateTime"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyMembershipEndpointKubernetesMetadata *MembershipEndpointKubernetesMetadata = &MembershipEndpointKubernetesMetadata{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this MembershipEndpointKubernetesMetadata is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*MembershipEndpointKubernetesMetadata) Empty

func (*MembershipEndpointKubernetesMetadata) HashCode

func (*MembershipEndpointKubernetesMetadata) String

func (*MembershipEndpointKubernetesMetadata) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *MembershipEndpointKubernetesMetadata) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type MembershipEndpointKubernetesResource

type MembershipEndpointKubernetesResource struct {
	MembershipCrManifest *string                                                   `json:"membershipCrManifest"`
	MembershipResources  []MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceMembershipResources `json:"membershipResources"`
	ConnectResources     []MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceConnectResources    `json:"connectResources"`
	ResourceOptions      *MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceResourceOptions      `json:"resourceOptions"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyMembershipEndpointKubernetesResource *MembershipEndpointKubernetesResource = &MembershipEndpointKubernetesResource{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this MembershipEndpointKubernetesResource is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*MembershipEndpointKubernetesResource) Empty

func (*MembershipEndpointKubernetesResource) HashCode

func (*MembershipEndpointKubernetesResource) String

func (*MembershipEndpointKubernetesResource) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *MembershipEndpointKubernetesResource) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceConnectResources

type MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceConnectResources struct {
	Manifest      *string `json:"manifest"`
	ClusterScoped *bool   `json:"clusterScoped"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyMembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceConnectResources *MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceConnectResources = &MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceConnectResources{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceConnectResources is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceConnectResources) Empty

func (*MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceConnectResources) HashCode

func (*MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceConnectResources) String

func (*MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceConnectResources) UnmarshalJSON

type MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceMembershipResources

type MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceMembershipResources struct {
	Manifest      *string `json:"manifest"`
	ClusterScoped *bool   `json:"clusterScoped"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyMembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceMembershipResources *MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceMembershipResources = &MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceMembershipResources{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceMembershipResources is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceMembershipResources) Empty

func (*MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceMembershipResources) HashCode

func (*MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceMembershipResources) String

func (*MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceMembershipResources) UnmarshalJSON

type MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceResourceOptions

type MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceResourceOptions struct {
	ConnectVersion *string `json:"connectVersion"`
	V1Beta1Crd     *bool   `json:"v1beta1Crd"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyMembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceResourceOptions *MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceResourceOptions = &MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceResourceOptions{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceResourceOptions is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceResourceOptions) Empty

func (*MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceResourceOptions) HashCode

func (*MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceResourceOptions) String

func (*MembershipEndpointKubernetesResourceResourceOptions) UnmarshalJSON

type MembershipInfrastructureTypeEnum

type MembershipInfrastructureTypeEnum string

The enum MembershipInfrastructureTypeEnum.

func MembershipInfrastructureTypeEnumRef

func MembershipInfrastructureTypeEnumRef(s string) *MembershipInfrastructureTypeEnum

MembershipInfrastructureTypeEnumRef returns a *MembershipInfrastructureTypeEnum with the value of string s If the empty string is provided, nil is returned.

func (MembershipInfrastructureTypeEnum) Validate

type MembershipList

type MembershipList struct {
	Items []*Membership
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MembershipList) HasNext

func (l *MembershipList) HasNext() bool

func (*MembershipList) Next

func (l *MembershipList) Next(ctx context.Context, c *Client) error

type MembershipState

type MembershipState struct {
	Code *MembershipStateCodeEnum `json:"code"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var EmptyMembershipState *MembershipState = &MembershipState{empty: true}

This object is used to assert a desired state where this MembershipState is empty. Go lacks global const objects, but this object should be treated as one. Modifying this object will have undesirable results.

func (*MembershipState) Empty

func (r *MembershipState) Empty() bool

func (*MembershipState) HashCode

func (r *MembershipState) HashCode() string

func (*MembershipState) String

func (r *MembershipState) String() string

func (*MembershipState) UnmarshalJSON

func (r *MembershipState) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

type MembershipStateCodeEnum

type MembershipStateCodeEnum string

The enum MembershipStateCodeEnum.

func MembershipStateCodeEnumRef

func MembershipStateCodeEnumRef(s string) *MembershipStateCodeEnum

MembershipStateCodeEnumRef returns a *MembershipStateCodeEnum with the value of string s If the empty string is provided, nil is returned.

func (MembershipStateCodeEnum) Validate

func (v MembershipStateCodeEnum) Validate() error

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