Cloud SQL Proxy
The Cloud SQL Proxy allows a user with the appropriate permissions to connect
to a Second Generation Cloud SQL database without having to deal with IP whitelisting or SSL
certificates manually. It works by opening unix/tcp sockets on the local machine
and proxying connections to the associated Cloud SQL instances when the sockets
are used.
To build from source, ensure you have go installed
and have set GOPATH. Then, simply do a go get:
GO111MODULE=on go get
The cloud_sql_proxy will be placed in $GOPATH/bin
after go get
cloud_sql_proxy takes a few arguments to configure what instances to connect to and connection behavior:
: requires access to /dev/fuse
as well as the fusermount
binary. An
optional -fuse_tmp
flag can specify where to place temporary files. The
directory indicated by -dir
is mounted.
: A comma-separated list
of instances to open inside -dir
. Also supports exposing a tcp port and renaming the default Unix Domain Sockets; see examples below.
Same list can be provided via INSTANCES environment variable, in case when both are provided - proxy will use command line flag.
: Usable on GCE only. The given GCE metadata key will be
polled for a list of instances to open in -dir
. The metadata key is relative from computeMetadata/v1/
. The format for the value is the same as the 'instances' flag. A hanging-poll strategy is used, meaning that changes to
the metadata value will be reflected in the -dir
even while the proxy is
running. When an instance is removed from the list the corresponding socket
will be removed from -dir
as well (unless it was also specified in
), but any existing connections to this instance will NOT be
: A comma-delimited list of preferred IP
types for connecting to an instance. For example, setting this to PRIVATE will
force the proxy to connect to instances using an instance's associated private
: How long to wait for connections to close before shutting
down the proxy. Defaults to 0.
: Setting this flag will allow you to prevent the proxy from terminating when
some instance configurations could not be parsed and/or are unavailable.
: This is to log non-error output to stdOut instead of stdErr. For example, if you don't want connection related messages to log as errors, set this flag to true. Defaults to false.
: This enables the proxy to use Cloud SQL IAM database authentication. This will cause the proxy to use IAM account credentials for database user authentication.
Note: -instances
and -instances_metadata
may be used at the same time but
are not compatible with the -fuse
cloud_sql_proxy authentication can be configured in a few different ways. Those listed higher on the list will override options lower on the list:
Service account key at path stored in GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
gcloud user credentials (set from gcloud auth login
Default Application Credentials via goauth:
- gcloud application default credentials (set from
gcloud auth application-default login
- appengine.AccessToken (for App Engine Go < =1.9)
- GCE/GAE metadata credentials
When the proxy authenticates under the default service account of the
Compute Engine VM it is running on the VM must have at least the
sqlservice.admin API scope ("")
and the associated project must have the SQL Admin API
enabled. The default service account must also have at least WRITER/EDITOR
priviledges to any projects of target SQL instances.
Specifying the -credential_file
flag allows use of the proxy outside of
Google's cloud. Simply create a new service
download the associated JSON file, and set -credential_file
to the path of the
JSON file. You can also set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable
instead of passing this flag.
Example invocations:
./cloud_sql_proxy -dir=/cloudsql -instances=my-project:us-central1:sql-inst &
mysql -u root -S /cloudsql/my-project:us-central1:sql-inst
# To retrieve instances from a custom metadata value (only when running on GCE)
./cloud_sql_proxy -dir=/cloudsql -instances_metadata instance/attributes/<custom-metadata-key> &
mysql -u root -S /cloudsql/my-project:us-central1:sql-inst
# For -fuse you do not need to specify instance names ahead of time:
./cloud_sql_proxy -dir=/cloudsql -fuse &
mysql -u root -S /cloudsql/my-project:us-central1:sql-inst
# For programs which do not support using Unix Domain Sockets, specify tcp:
./cloud_sql_proxy -dir=/cloudsql -instances=my-project:us-central1:sql-inst=tcp:3306 &
mysql -u root -h
# For programs which require a certain Unix Domain Socket name:
./cloud_sql_proxy -dir=/cloudsql -instances=my-project:us-central1:sql-inst=unix:custom_socket_name &
mysql -u root -S /cloudsql/custom_socket_name
# For programs which require a the Unix Domain Socket at a specific location, set an absolute path (overrides -dir):
./cloud_sql_proxy -dir=/cloudsql -instances=my-project:us-central1:sql-inst=unix:/my/custom/sql-socket &
mysql -u root -S /my/custom/sql-socket
Container Images
For convenience, we maintain several containerized versions. These images are
currently hosted in the following GCR repositories:
Each image is tagged with the version of the proxy it was released with. The
following tags are currently supported:
- default image (recommended)
- uses alpine:3
as a base image (only supported from v1.17 up)
- uses debian:buster
as a base image (only supported from v1.17 up)
Note: We strongly recommend to always use the latest version of the proxy,
and to update the version regularly. However, we recommend pinning to a
specific tag and avoid the latest
tag. Additionally, please note that
the tagged version is only that of the proxy - changes in base images may
break specific setups, even on non-major version increments. As such,
it's a best practice to test changes before deployment, and use automated
rollbacks to revert potential failures.
To use from Kubernetes:
Deploying Cloud SQL Proxy as a sidecar container
Follow this page. See also
Connecting from Google Kubernetes Engine.
Third Party
WARNING: These distributions are not officially supported by Google.
Installing via Homebrew
You can find a formula for with Homebrew here.
K8s Cluster Service using Helm
Follow these instructions.
This chart creates a Deployment and a Service, but we recommend deploying the proxy as a sidecar container in your pods.
.Net Proxy Wrapper (Nuget Package)
Install via Nuget, follow these instructions.