A CLI command tool to generate authentication files for gcloud or Cloud Client Library
Get Credential File
Embeded the google-cloud-auth image to your specific Gitlab Pipeline/Components and run google-cloud-auth generate-credentials ... commands
to generate Workload Identity Federation credential file to authenticate requests to GCP via gcloud or Google Cloud Client Libraries.
To authenticate with gcloud, you need to set GCLOUDSDK_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_FILE_OVERRIDE to the generated credential file path.
oidc-jwt_env_var: (Optional) The Env Var (without "$") containing full OIDC JWT provided by Gitlab, can be found as id_tokens.GCP_OIDC_JWT in the
Gitlab CI/CD config.
aud: ...
workload-identity-provider: (Optional) The full identifier of the Workload
Identity Provider, including the project number, pool name, and provider
name. If provided, this must be the full identifier which includes all
service-account: (Optional) Email address or unique identifier of the
Google Cloud service account for which to impersonate and generate
credentials. For example:
Without this input, the Gitlab Components using this binary will use Direct Workload Identity
Federation. If this input is provided, the Gitlab Components will use
Workload Identity Federation through a Service Account.
credentials-json-output-path: (Optional) The full file path of the output credentials json, default to /tmp/gcp-credentials.json.
credentials-json-env-var: (Optional) The env var containing user-provided credentials.
The credentials will be write to credentials-json-output-path if provided.