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v1.1.7 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 12, 2025 License: MIT Imports: 16 Imported by: 0


LCME (Linux Content Management Engine)

Release Go Reference

Purpose of the LCME Framework

LCME is a framework designed to facilitate the creation and management of content in web applications and microservices applications on Linux. It is lightweight and modular, allowing developers to integrate content management functionalities efficiently and scalably.

Framework Objective

The main objective of LCME is to provide a simple and effective solution for content management, with a special focus on microservices applications developed in Go. The project aims to use the minimum of third-party frameworks, making the application highly native and reducing external dependencies.

How LCME Can Help in Go Projects
  1. Modularity: The framework is modular, meaning you can choose and integrate only the components necessary for your project, keeping the system lightweight and efficient.

  2. Scalability: With a lightweight architecture, LCME allows applications to scale efficiently, supporting an increase in content volume without compromising performance.

  3. Customization: LCME offers a high degree of customization, allowing developers to adapt the framework to the specific needs of the project, whether in the user interface or backend logic.

  4. Nativism: By minimizing the use of third-party frameworks, LCME ensures that the application remains highly native, which can result in better performance and lower complexity.

  5. Native Interaction with Linux: LCME facilitates the use and implementation of microservices, bringing native ways to interact with the Linux operating system (Server) within an application, which can be extremely useful for low-level operations and system-specific optimizations.

  6. Documentation and Support: The repository includes detailed documentation and usage examples, making it easier to learn and implement the framework in new projects.

How to Add the Framework

go get


Executes a Shell command and returns the standard output and an error, if any.

  • command (string): Shell command to be executed.
  • string: Standard output of the command.
  • error: Error description, if any.
Usage Example
package main

import (

func main() {
	command := "rm -r teste.txt" // Command to be executed

	result, err := lcme.Shell(command)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err) // Display error, if any
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Result:", result) // Display command output
  • Returns the command output and nil if successful.
  • Returns the output and a descriptive error if the command fails.


The ConfigRead function is used to load a configuration file (config.conf) and populate the Config structure with the values read. The configuration file must follow the key=value format.

How to Use:
  1. Create a configuration file in the appropriate format (see below).
  2. Call the ConfigRead function, passing the file path and the Config structure.
  3. The function will populate the structure fields with the values from the file.
Configuration File Rules
  • Each line of the file must be in the key=value format.

  • The key name must exactly match the field name in the Config structure, respecting case sensitivity.

  • Values must be compatible with the corresponding field type:

    • For bool: Use true or false.
    • For int, int64, uint64: Use integer numbers.
    • For float32, float64: Use decimal numbers (dot . to separate the decimal part).
    • For string: Use any text sequence without spaces around the value.
  • Comments must start with the # character and will be ignored.

Example of the Config Structure

Below is an example of a Config structure that can be used with the ConfigRead function:

type Config struct {
	AccessIp       bool
	MaxConnections int
	Port           int
	HostName       string
	Timeout        float64
	EnableLogs     bool
	ConnectionID   int64
	BufferSize     uint64
	ResponseTime   float32
Example of config.conf file:
# Server configurations
  • Key: Must exactly match the field name in the Config structure.
  • Value: Must be compatible with the field type (e.g., true or false for booleans, numbers for integers and floats, etc.).
Usage Command in main:
package main

import (

type Config struct {
	AccessIp       bool
	MaxConnections int
	Port           int
	HostName       string
	Timeout        float64
	EnableLogs     bool
	ConnectionID   int64
	BufferSize     uint64
	ResponseTime   float32

func main() {

	config := Config{}

	err := lcme.ConfigRead("config.conf", &config)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error loading configuration: %s", err)

	fmt.Printf("AccessIp: %t\n", config.AccessIp)
	fmt.Printf("MaxConnections: %d\n", config.MaxConnections)
	fmt.Printf("Port: %d\n", config.Port)
	fmt.Printf("HostName: %s\n", config.HostName)
	fmt.Printf("Timeout: %.2f\n", config.Timeout)
	fmt.Printf("EnableLogs: %t\n", config.EnableLogs)
	fmt.Printf("ConnectionID: %d\n", config.ConnectionID)
	fmt.Printf("BufferSize: %d\n", config.BufferSize)
	fmt.Printf("ResponseTime: %.2f\n", config.ResponseTime)


The getInfoServer function is responsible for capturing various system information, such as Linux distribution data, memory, disk, CPU, and network.

In your Go code, import the lcme package and call the getInfoServer function to capture server information.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Capture server information
	serverInfo := lcme.GetInfoServer()

	// Display captured data
	fmt.Printf("Linux Distribution: %s\n", serverInfo.Distribution.Name)
	fmt.Printf("Total Memory: %d MB\n", serverInfo.RAM.Total)
Distribution Table
Field Type Description
Distribution.PrettyName string Human-readable and complete name of the distribution, usually includes name and version.
Distribution.Name string Name of the distribution, such as "Debian GNU/Linux".
Distribution.VersionID string Version ID of the distribution (e.g., "12").
Distribution.Version string Description of the distribution version, usually includes number and codename (e.g., "12 (bookworm)").
Distribution.VersionCodeName string Codename of the distribution version, used internally (e.g., "bookworm").
Distribution.ID string Unique identifier of the distribution (e.g., "debian").
Distribution.HomeURL string URL of the distribution's main website (e.g., "").
Distribution.SupportURL string URL for obtaining technical support for the distribution (e.g., "").
Distribution.BugReportURL string URL for reporting bugs in the distribution (e.g., "").

RAM Table
Field Type Description
RAM.Total uint64 Total RAM in megabytes (MB).
RAM.Used uint64 Used RAM in megabytes (MB).
RAM.Available uint64 Available RAM in megabytes (MB).

Disk Space Table
Field Type Description
Disk.Total uint64 Total disk space in megabytes (MB).
Disk.Used uint64 Used disk space in megabytes (MB).
Disk.Available uint64 Available disk space in megabytes (MB).

CPU Table
Field Type Description
CPU.NumCores int Total number of processor cores.
CPU.Usage float64 Current processor usage percentage.

IPv4 Network Table
Field Type Description
Network.IPv4 []string List of IPv4 addresses associated with the server.
Network.IPv4Ports.TCP.Out []string Outgoing (OUT) addresses for TCP connections in IPv4.
Network.IPv4Ports.TCP.In []string Incoming (IN) addresses for TCP connections in IPv4.
Network.IPv4Ports.TCP.All []string Complete TCP connections in IPv4, showing both outgoing and incoming addresses.
Network.IPv4Ports.UDP.Out []string Outgoing (OUT) addresses for UDP connections in IPv4.
Network.IPv4Ports.UDP.In []string Incoming (IN) addresses for UDP connections in IPv4.
Network.IPv4Ports.UDP.All []string Complete UDP connections in IPv4, showing both outgoing and incoming addresses.

IPv6 Network Table
Field Type Description
Network.IPv6 []string List of IPv6 addresses associated with the server.
Network.IPv6Ports.TCP.Out []string Outgoing (OUT) addresses for TCP connections in IPv6.
Network.IPv6Ports.TCP.In []string Incoming (IN) addresses for TCP connections in IPv6.
Network.IPv6Ports.TCP.All []string Complete TCP connections in IPv6, showing both outgoing and incoming addresses.
Network.IPv6Ports.UDP.Out []string Outgoing (OUT) addresses for UDP connections in IPv6.
Network.IPv6Ports.UDP.In []string Incoming (IN) addresses for UDP connections in IPv6.
Network.IPv6Ports.UDP.All []string Complete UDP connections in IPv6, showing both outgoing and incoming addresses.

Network Rate Table
Field Type Description
Network.Download int64 Download rate in kilobytes per second (KBps).
Network.Upload int64 Upload rate in kilobytes per second (KBps).
Usage Examples (Network Rate)
package main

import (


func main() {
	serverInfo := lcme.GetInfoServer()

	fmt.Printf("Download: %d KB\n", serverInfo.Network.Download)
	fmt.Printf("Upload: %d KB\n", serverInfo.Network.Upload)
Hardware Table
Field Type Description
Hardware.KernelVersion string Kernel version of the operating system.
Hardware.ProcessorName string Name of the server processor.
Hardware.Uptime int Server uptime in minutes.
Hardware.SwapTotal int Total Swap memory in megabytes (MB).
Hardware.SwapFree int Available Swap memory in megabytes (MB).

Usage Examples
Example 1: Capture and Display Network Information
package main

import (

func main() {
	serverInfo := lcme.GetInfoServer()

	// Display IPv4 addresses
	for _, ip := range serverInfo.Network.IPv4 {
		fmt.Println("Machine IP (IPv4):", ip)

	// Display IPv6 addresses
	for _, ip := range serverInfo.Network.IPv6 {
		fmt.Println("Machine IP (IPv6):", ip)
Example 2: Capture Memory Information
package main

import (

func main() {
	serverInfo := lcme.GetInfoServer()

	fmt.Printf("Total Memory: %d MB\n", serverInfo.RAM.Total)
	fmt.Printf("Used Memory: %d MB\n", serverInfo.RAM.Used)
	fmt.Printf("Available Memory: %d MB\n", serverInfo.RAM.Available)


The GetFolderSize function is used to calculate the size of a specific folder in kilobytes (KB). It recursively traverses all files and subdirectories within the specified directory and sums the size of each file.

  • path (string): Path of the directory whose total file sizes will be calculated.
  • uint64: Total size of the folder in kilobytes (KB).
  • error: Error description, if any. If the user does not have permission to access any file or directory, a permission error will be returned.
Usage Example
package main

import (

func main() {
	size, err := lcme.GetFolderSize("/root")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("Size of /root: %d KB\n", size)
  • Returns the total size of the folder in kilobytes (KB) if successful.
  • Returns a descriptive error if there is a problem accessing any file or directory, including permission errors.


The GetFileInfo function is used to obtain detailed information about specific files in a given directory. It can handle capturing information for both a single file and multiple files.

  • dir (string): The path of the directory where the files are located.
  • files (variadic string): One or more file names for which information will be captured.
FileInfo Table
Field Type Description
FileName string Name of the file.
FileSize int64 Size of the file in bytes.
FileLastChange time.Time Date and time of the last modification of the file.
FileUserPermission os.FileMode User permissions on the file.
FileExtension string File extension.
FileData string Content of the file in string format.
FileDataBuffer bytes.Buffer Buffer containing the file data.
FileDir string Directory where the file is located.
Usage Example
Capture information for a single file:
package main

import (

func main() {
	fileInfos, err := lcme.GetFileInfo("/root", ".bashrc")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)

	// Since we are capturing only one file, we take the first element of the list
	fileInfo := fileInfos[0]
	fmt.Printf("FileName: %s\n", fileInfo.FileName)
	fmt.Printf("FileSize: %d KB\n", fileInfo.FileSize)
	fmt.Printf("FileLastChange: %s\n", fileInfo.FileLastChange)
	fmt.Printf("FileUserPermission: %s\n", fileInfo.FileUserPermission)
Capture information for multiple files:
package main

import (

func main() {
	files := []string{".bashrc", "Dockerfile"}
	fileInfos, err := lcme.GetFileInfo("/root", files...)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)

	for _, fileInfo := range fileInfos {
		fmt.Printf("FileName: %s\n", fileInfo.FileName)
		fmt.Printf("FileSize: %d KB\n", fileInfo.FileSize)
		fmt.Printf("FileLastChange: %s\n", fileInfo.FileLastChange)
		fmt.Printf("FileUserPermission: %s\n", fileInfo.FileUserPermission)

With this function, you can easily obtain detailed information about specific files in a directory, whether for a single file or multiple files.


The Log function is designed to record messages in a log file. This is useful for keeping a record of activities or events that occur in a program.

How to Use
package main

import (

func main() {
	logger := lcme.Log("log.txt")

	// Log messages
	logger("First log message")
	logger("Second log message")
	logger("Third log message")
Steps to Use the Log Function:
  1. Specify the Log File Path:

    logger := lcme.Log("log.txt")

    Here, lcme.Log("log.txt") initializes the function to add messages to the log.txt file.

  2. Record Messages in the Log File:

    logger("First log message")
    logger("Second log message")
    logger("Third log message")

    Each call to logger adds a new line to the log.txt file with the provided message.


The MonitorNetworkRates function is used to continuously monitor the download and upload rates of the active network interface. It returns a channel through which the network rates are periodically sent.

Usage Example
package main

import (


func main() {
	ratesChannel := lcme.MonitorNetworkRates()

	for rate := range ratesChannel {
		fmt.Printf("Download: %d KB, Upload: %d KB\n", rate.Download, rate.Upload)


The ScaleFork function is capable of scaling the execution of a task, managing its execution.

Usage Example
package main

import (


func main() {
	// Execute the task using the ScaleFork function
	lcme.ScaleFork(func() {
		// Simulate a long-running operation
		fmt.Println("Task completed")

This function offers several benefits, especially for those looking to manage and scale the processing of asynchronous tasks. Here are some of the main benefits:

  1. Scalability:

    • The function allows dynamically scaling the number of workers according to the task demand. This ensures the system can handle load spikes without interruptions.
  2. Efficient Task Management:

    • Using goroutines, the function can execute multiple tasks in parallel, increasing efficiency and processing speed.
Usage Examples
  • Batch Processing: Ideal for systems that need to process large volumes of data in batches, such as image processing systems or data analysis.
  • Queue Systems: Can be used as a basis for a queue system where different tasks need to be queued and executed asynchronously.
  • Web Applications: Can serve as a backend for web applications that require background processing, such as sending emails, push notifications, etc.

Compressing Files

This function compresses files in a simple and fast way.

Usage Examples
package main

import (

	// Ensure the threads package is imported

func main() {
	// ===== Example 1: Compressing a list of files =====
	files := []string{"file1.txt", "file2.txt"}
	zipFileForFiles := "./test/"
	tarGzFileForFiles := "./test/files.tar.gz"

	if err := lcme.ZipFiles(zipFileForFiles, files); err != nil {
		log.Println("Error compressing files into ZIP:", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Files successfully compressed into ZIP!")

	if err := lcme.TarGzFiles(tarGzFileForFiles, files); err != nil {
		log.Println("Error compressing files into TAR.GZ:", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Files successfully compressed into TAR.GZ!")

	// ===== Example 2: Compressing an entire folder =====
	folder := "./test"
	zipFileForFolder := "./test/"
	tarGzFileForFolder := "./test/folder.tar.gz"

	if err := lcme.ZipFolder(zipFileForFolder, folder); err != nil {
		log.Println("Error compressing folder into ZIP:", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Folder successfully compressed into ZIP!")

	if err := lcme.TarGzFolder(tarGzFileForFolder, folder); err != nil {
		log.Println("Error compressing folder into TAR.GZ:", err)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Folder successfully compressed into TAR.GZ!")




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const Version = "1.1.7"


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func ConfigRead

func ConfigRead(filename string, config interface{}) error

ConfigRead reads a configuration file and fills the 'config' struct with the values found. The file must have lines in the format key=value and the keys must correspond to the fields in the struct.

func GetFileInfo added in v1.1.5

func GetFileInfo(dir string, files ...string) ([]system.FileInfo, error)

GetFileInfo returns information about the specified files in the given directory. If only one file is specified, it returns a slice with one element.

func GetFolderSize added in v1.1.5

func GetFolderSize(path string) (uint64, error)

GetFolderSize returns the size of the specified folder in bytes.

func GetInfoServer

func GetInfoServer() system.ServerInfo

GetInfoServer collects detailed information about the server, including system distribution, RAM usage, disk space, CPU information, network and hardware information.

func Log

func Log(filePath string) func(string)

Log returns a log function that writes messages to a specified .log file. If the file does not have the .log extension, it displays an error.

func MonitorNetworkRates added in v1.1.6

func MonitorNetworkRates() chan system.NetworkInfo

MonitorNetworkRates continuously calculates and returns the download and upload rates.

func ScaleFork added in v1.1.7

func ScaleFork(task threads.Task)

ScaleFork accepts a task function and manages its execution using the Engine.

func Shell

func Shell(command string) (string, error)

Shell executes a command in the terminal and returns the result as a string, along with an error if one occurs.

func TarGzFiles added in v1.1.7

func TarGzFiles(tarGzFilename string, files []string) error

TarGzFiles cria um arquivo TAR.GZ contendo os arquivos especificados na slice files. Os caminhos salvos serão apenas os nomes base dos arquivos.

func TarGzFolder added in v1.1.7

func TarGzFolder(tarGzFilename, folder string) error

TarGzFolder cria um arquivo TAR.GZ contendo todos os arquivos (recursivamente) dentro da pasta especificada, preservando a estrutura de diretórios.

func ZipFiles added in v1.1.7

func ZipFiles(zipFilename string, files []string) error

ZipFiles cria um arquivo ZIP contendo os arquivos especificados na slice files. Os caminhos salvos no ZIP serão apenas os nomes base dos arquivos.

func ZipFolder added in v1.1.7

func ZipFolder(zipFilename, folder string) error

ZipFolder cria um arquivo ZIP contendo todos os arquivos (recursivamente) dentro da pasta especificada, preservando a estrutura de diretórios.


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Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL