Overview ΒΆ
Code generated by GetStream internal OpenAPI code generator. DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by GetStream internal OpenAPI code generator. DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by GetStream internal OpenAPI code generator. DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by GetStream internal OpenAPI code generator. DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by GetStream internal OpenAPI code generator. DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by GetStream internal OpenAPI code generator. DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by GetStream internal OpenAPI code generator. DO NOT EDIT.
Code generated by GetStream internal OpenAPI code generator. DO NOT EDIT.
Index ΒΆ
- Constants
- func EncodeValueToQueryParam(value any) string
- func PtrTo[T any](v T) *T
- func StructToMapWithTags(input any, tagName string) (map[string]any, error)
- func Version() string
- type AIImageConfig
- type AITextConfig
- type AIVideoConfig
- type APIError
- type APNConfig
- type APNConfigFields
- type APNS
- type AWSRekognitionRule
- type Action
- type ActionLog
- type ActionLogResponse
- type AggregatedStats
- type AnyEvent
- type AppResponseFields
- type AsyncModerationCallbackConfig
- type AsyncModerationConfiguration
- type Attachment
- type AudioSettings
- type AudioSettingsRequest
- type AudioSettingsResponse
- type AutomodDetails
- type AutomodPlatformCircumventionConfig
- type AutomodRule
- type AutomodSemanticFiltersConfig
- type AutomodSemanticFiltersRule
- type AutomodToxicityConfig
- type AzureRequest
- type BackstageSettings
- type BackstageSettingsRequest
- type BackstageSettingsResponse
- type Ban
- type BanActionRequest
- type BanRequest
- type BanResponse
- type BlockListConfig
- type BlockListOptions
- type BlockListResponse
- type BlockListRule
- type BlockUserRequest
- type BlockUserResponse
- type BlockUsersRequest
- type BlockUsersResponse
- type BlockedUserEvent
- type BlockedUserResponse
- type BodyguardRule
- type BodyguardSeverityRule
- type Bound
- type BroadcastSettings
- type BroadcastSettingsRequest
- type BroadcastSettingsResponse
- type BrowserDataResponse
- type Call
- func (c *Call) BlockUser(ctx context.Context, request *BlockUserRequest) (*StreamResponse[BlockUserResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) CollectUserFeedback(ctx context.Context, request *CollectUserFeedbackRequest) (*StreamResponse[CollectUserFeedbackResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) Delete(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteCallRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteCallResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) DeleteRecording(ctx context.Context, session string, filename string, ...) (*StreamResponse[DeleteRecordingResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) DeleteTranscription(ctx context.Context, session string, filename string, ...) (*StreamResponse[DeleteTranscriptionResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) End(ctx context.Context, request *EndCallRequest) (*StreamResponse[EndCallResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) Get(ctx context.Context, request *GetCallRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetCallResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) GetCallReport(ctx context.Context, request *GetCallReportRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetCallReportResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) GetCallStats(ctx context.Context, session string, request *GetCallStatsRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetCallStatsResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) GetOrCreate(ctx context.Context, request *GetOrCreateCallRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetOrCreateCallResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) GoLive(ctx context.Context, request *GoLiveRequest) (*StreamResponse[GoLiveResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) ListRecordings(ctx context.Context, request *ListRecordingsRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListRecordingsResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) ListTranscriptions(ctx context.Context, request *ListTranscriptionsRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListTranscriptionsResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) MuteUsers(ctx context.Context, request *MuteUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[MuteUsersResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) SendCallEvent(ctx context.Context, request *SendCallEventRequest) (*StreamResponse[SendCallEventResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) StartClosedCaptions(ctx context.Context, request *StartClosedCaptionsRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartClosedCaptionsResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) StartFrameRecording(ctx context.Context, request *StartFrameRecordingRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartFrameRecordingResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) StartHLSBroadcasting(ctx context.Context, request *StartHLSBroadcastingRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartHLSBroadcastingResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) StartRTMPBroadcasts(ctx context.Context, request *StartRTMPBroadcastsRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartRTMPBroadcastsResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) StartRecording(ctx context.Context, request *StartRecordingRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartRecordingResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) StartTranscription(ctx context.Context, request *StartTranscriptionRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartTranscriptionResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) StopAllRTMPBroadcasts(ctx context.Context, request *StopAllRTMPBroadcastsRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopAllRTMPBroadcastsResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) StopClosedCaptions(ctx context.Context, request *StopClosedCaptionsRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopClosedCaptionsResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) StopFrameRecording(ctx context.Context, request *StopFrameRecordingRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopFrameRecordingResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) StopHLSBroadcasting(ctx context.Context, request *StopHLSBroadcastingRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopHLSBroadcastingResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) StopLive(ctx context.Context, request *StopLiveRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopLiveResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) StopRTMPBroadcast(ctx context.Context, name string, request *StopRTMPBroadcastRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopRTMPBroadcastsResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) StopRecording(ctx context.Context, request *StopRecordingRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopRecordingResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) StopTranscription(ctx context.Context, request *StopTranscriptionRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopTranscriptionResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) UnblockUser(ctx context.Context, request *UnblockUserRequest) (*StreamResponse[UnblockUserResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) Update(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateCallRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateCallResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) UpdateCallMembers(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateCallMembersRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateCallMembersResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) UpdateUserPermissions(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateUserPermissionsRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateUserPermissionsResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) VideoPin(ctx context.Context, request *VideoPinRequest) (*StreamResponse[PinResponse], error)
- func (c *Call) VideoUnpin(ctx context.Context, request *VideoUnpinRequest) (*StreamResponse[UnpinResponse], error)
- type CallAcceptedEvent
- type CallClosedCaption
- type CallClosedCaptionsFailedEvent
- type CallClosedCaptionsStartedEvent
- type CallClosedCaptionsStoppedEvent
- type CallCreatedEvent
- type CallDeletedEvent
- type CallDurationReport
- type CallDurationReportResponse
- type CallEndedEvent
- type CallEvent
- type CallFrameRecordingFailedEvent
- type CallFrameRecordingFrameReadyEvent
- type CallFrameRecordingStartedEvent
- type CallFrameRecordingStoppedEvent
- type CallHLSBroadcastingFailedEvent
- type CallHLSBroadcastingStartedEvent
- type CallHLSBroadcastingStoppedEvent
- type CallIngressResponse
- type CallLiveStartedEvent
- type CallMemberAddedEvent
- type CallMemberRemovedEvent
- type CallMemberUpdatedEvent
- type CallMemberUpdatedPermissionEvent
- type CallMissedEvent
- type CallNotificationEvent
- type CallParticipantCountReport
- type CallParticipantCountReportResponse
- type CallParticipantResponse
- type CallReactionEvent
- type CallRecording
- type CallRecordingFailedEvent
- type CallRecordingReadyEvent
- type CallRecordingStartedEvent
- type CallRecordingStoppedEvent
- type CallRejectedEvent
- type CallReportResponse
- type CallRequest
- type CallResponse
- type CallRingEvent
- type CallRtmpBroadcastFailedEvent
- type CallRtmpBroadcastStartedEvent
- type CallRtmpBroadcastStoppedEvent
- type CallSessionEndedEvent
- type CallSessionParticipantJoinedEvent
- type CallSessionParticipantLeftEvent
- type CallSessionResponse
- type CallSessionStartedEvent
- type CallSettings
- type CallSettingsRequest
- type CallSettingsResponse
- type CallStateResponseFields
- type CallStatsReportSummaryResponse
- type CallTimeline
- type CallTranscription
- type CallTranscriptionFailedEvent
- type CallTranscriptionReadyEvent
- type CallTranscriptionStartedEvent
- type CallTranscriptionStoppedEvent
- type CallType
- type CallTypeResponse
- type CallUpdatedEvent
- type CallUserMutedEvent
- type CallsPerDayReport
- type CallsPerDayReportResponse
- type CampaignChannelTemplate
- type CampaignCompletedEvent
- type CampaignMessageTemplate
- type CampaignResponse
- type CampaignStartedEvent
- type CampaignStatsResponse
- type CastPollVoteRequest
- type Channel
- type ChannelConfig
- type ChannelConfigWithInfo
- type ChannelCreatedEvent
- type ChannelDeletedEvent
- type ChannelExport
- type ChannelFrozenEvent
- type ChannelGetOrCreateRequest
- type ChannelHiddenEvent
- type ChannelInput
- type ChannelMember
- type ChannelMemberResponse
- type ChannelMessages
- type ChannelMute
- type ChannelMutedEvent
- type ChannelOwnCapability
- type ChannelPushPreferences
- type ChannelResponse
- type ChannelStateResponse
- type ChannelStateResponseFields
- type ChannelTruncatedEvent
- type ChannelTypeConfig
- type ChannelUnFrozenEvent
- type ChannelUnmutedEvent
- type ChannelUpdatedEvent
- type ChannelVisibleEvent
- type Channels
- func (c *Channels) Delete(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteChannelResponse], error)
- func (c *Channels) DeleteFile(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteFileRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *Channels) DeleteImage(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteImageRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *Channels) GetManyMessages(ctx context.Context, request *GetManyMessagesRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetManyMessagesResponse], error)
- func (c *Channels) GetOrCreate(ctx context.Context, request *GetOrCreateChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[ChannelStateResponse], error)
- func (c *Channels) Hide(ctx context.Context, request *HideChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[HideChannelResponse], error)
- func (c *Channels) MarkRead(ctx context.Context, request *MarkReadRequest) (*StreamResponse[MarkReadResponse], error)
- func (c *Channels) MarkUnread(ctx context.Context, request *MarkUnreadRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *Channels) SendEvent(ctx context.Context, request *SendEventRequest) (*StreamResponse[EventResponse], error)
- func (c *Channels) SendMessage(ctx context.Context, request *SendMessageRequest) (*StreamResponse[SendMessageResponse], error)
- func (c *Channels) Show(ctx context.Context, request *ShowChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[ShowChannelResponse], error)
- func (c *Channels) Truncate(ctx context.Context, request *TruncateChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[TruncateChannelResponse], error)
- func (c *Channels) Update(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateChannelResponse], error)
- func (c *Channels) UpdateChannelPartial(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateChannelPartialRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateChannelPartialResponse], error)
- func (c *Channels) UpdateMemberPartial(ctx context.Context, userID string, request *UpdateMemberPartialRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateMemberPartialResponse], error)
- func (c *Channels) UploadFile(ctx context.Context, request *UploadFileRequest) (*StreamResponse[FileUploadResponse], error)
- func (c *Channels) UploadImage(ctx context.Context, request *UploadImageRequest) (*StreamResponse[ImageUploadResponse], error)
- type ChatClient
- func (c *ChatClient) CastPollVote(ctx context.Context, messageID string, pollID string, ...) (*StreamResponse[PollVoteResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) Channel(channelType, channelD string) *Channels
- func (c *ChatClient) CommitMessage(ctx context.Context, id string, request *CommitMessageRequest) (*StreamResponse[MessageResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) CreateChannelType(ctx context.Context, request *CreateChannelTypeRequest) (*StreamResponse[CreateChannelTypeResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) CreateCommand(ctx context.Context, request *CreateCommandRequest) (*StreamResponse[CreateCommandResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) CreatePoll(ctx context.Context, request *CreatePollRequest) (*StreamResponse[PollResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) CreatePollOption(ctx context.Context, pollID string, request *CreatePollOptionRequest) (*StreamResponse[PollOptionResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) DeleteChannel(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *DeleteChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteChannelResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) DeleteChannelType(ctx context.Context, name string, request *DeleteChannelTypeRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) DeleteChannels(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteChannelsRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteChannelsResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) DeleteCommand(ctx context.Context, name string, request *DeleteCommandRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteCommandResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) DeleteFile(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *DeleteFileRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) DeleteImage(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *DeleteImageRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) DeleteMessage(ctx context.Context, id string, request *DeleteMessageRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteMessageResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) DeletePoll(ctx context.Context, pollID string, request *DeletePollRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) DeletePollOption(ctx context.Context, pollID string, optionID string, ...) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) DeleteReaction(ctx context.Context, id string, _type string, request *DeleteReactionRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteReactionResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) DeleteSegment(ctx context.Context, id string, request *DeleteSegmentRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) DeleteSegmentTargets(ctx context.Context, id string, request *DeleteSegmentTargetsRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) ExportChannels(ctx context.Context, request *ExportChannelsRequest) (*StreamResponse[ExportChannelsResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) GetCampaign(ctx context.Context, id string, request *GetCampaignRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetCampaignResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) GetChannelType(ctx context.Context, name string, request *GetChannelTypeRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetChannelTypeResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) GetCommand(ctx context.Context, name string, request *GetCommandRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetCommandResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) GetExportChannelsStatus(ctx context.Context, id string, request *GetExportChannelsStatusRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetExportChannelsStatusResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) GetManyMessages(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *GetManyMessagesRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetManyMessagesResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) GetMessage(ctx context.Context, id string, request *GetMessageRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetMessageResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) GetOrCreateChannel(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, ...) (*StreamResponse[ChannelStateResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) GetOrCreateDistinctChannel(ctx context.Context, _type string, request *GetOrCreateDistinctChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[ChannelStateResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) GetPoll(ctx context.Context, pollID string, request *GetPollRequest) (*StreamResponse[PollResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) GetPollOption(ctx context.Context, pollID string, optionID string, ...) (*StreamResponse[PollOptionResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) GetReactions(ctx context.Context, id string, request *GetReactionsRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetReactionsResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) GetReplies(ctx context.Context, parentID string, request *GetRepliesRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetRepliesResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) GetSegment(ctx context.Context, id string, request *GetSegmentRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetSegmentResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) GetThread(ctx context.Context, messageID string, request *GetThreadRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetThreadResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) HideChannel(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *HideChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[HideChannelResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) ListChannelTypes(ctx context.Context, request *ListChannelTypesRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListChannelTypesResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) ListCommands(ctx context.Context, request *ListCommandsRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListCommandsResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) MarkChannelsRead(ctx context.Context, request *MarkChannelsReadRequest) (*StreamResponse[MarkReadResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) MarkRead(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *MarkReadRequest) (*StreamResponse[MarkReadResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) MarkUnread(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *MarkUnreadRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) MuteChannel(ctx context.Context, request *MuteChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[MuteChannelResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) QueryBannedUsers(ctx context.Context, request *QueryBannedUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryBannedUsersResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) QueryCampaigns(ctx context.Context, request *QueryCampaignsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryCampaignsResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) QueryChannels(ctx context.Context, request *QueryChannelsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryChannelsResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) QueryMembers(ctx context.Context, request *QueryMembersRequest) (*StreamResponse[MembersResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) QueryMessageFlags(ctx context.Context, request *QueryMessageFlagsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryMessageFlagsResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) QueryMessageHistory(ctx context.Context, request *QueryMessageHistoryRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryMessageHistoryResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) QueryPollVotes(ctx context.Context, pollID string, request *QueryPollVotesRequest) (*StreamResponse[PollVotesResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) QueryPolls(ctx context.Context, request *QueryPollsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryPollsResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) QueryReactions(ctx context.Context, id string, request *QueryReactionsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryReactionsResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) QuerySegmentTargets(ctx context.Context, id string, request *QuerySegmentTargetsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QuerySegmentTargetsResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) QuerySegments(ctx context.Context, request *QuerySegmentsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QuerySegmentsResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) QueryThreads(ctx context.Context, request *QueryThreadsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryThreadsResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) RemovePollVote(ctx context.Context, messageID string, pollID string, voteID string, ...) (*StreamResponse[PollVoteResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) RunMessageAction(ctx context.Context, id string, request *RunMessageActionRequest) (*StreamResponse[MessageResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) ScheduleCampaign(ctx context.Context, id string, request *ScheduleCampaignRequest) (*StreamResponse[CampaignResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) Search(ctx context.Context, request *SearchRequest) (*StreamResponse[SearchResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) SegmentTargetExists(ctx context.Context, id string, targetID string, ...) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) SendEvent(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *SendEventRequest) (*StreamResponse[EventResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) SendMessage(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *SendMessageRequest) (*StreamResponse[SendMessageResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) SendReaction(ctx context.Context, id string, request *SendReactionRequest) (*StreamResponse[SendReactionResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) SendUserCustomEvent(ctx context.Context, userID string, request *SendUserCustomEventRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) ShowChannel(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *ShowChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[ShowChannelResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) StartCampaign(ctx context.Context, id string, request *StartCampaignRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartCampaignResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) TranslateMessage(ctx context.Context, id string, request *TranslateMessageRequest) (*StreamResponse[MessageResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) TruncateChannel(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *TruncateChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[TruncateChannelResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) UndeleteMessage(ctx context.Context, id string, request *UndeleteMessageRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateMessageResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) UnmuteChannel(ctx context.Context, request *UnmuteChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[UnmuteResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) UnreadCounts(ctx context.Context, request *UnreadCountsRequest) (*StreamResponse[WrappedUnreadCountsResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) UnreadCountsBatch(ctx context.Context, request *UnreadCountsBatchRequest) (*StreamResponse[UnreadCountsBatchResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) UpdateChannel(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *UpdateChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateChannelResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) UpdateChannelPartial(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, ...) (*StreamResponse[UpdateChannelPartialResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) UpdateChannelType(ctx context.Context, name string, request *UpdateChannelTypeRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateChannelTypeResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) UpdateCommand(ctx context.Context, name string, request *UpdateCommandRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateCommandResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) UpdateMemberPartial(ctx context.Context, userID string, _type string, id string, ...) (*StreamResponse[UpdateMemberPartialResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) UpdateMessage(ctx context.Context, id string, request *UpdateMessageRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateMessageResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) UpdateMessagePartial(ctx context.Context, id string, request *UpdateMessagePartialRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateMessagePartialResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) UpdatePoll(ctx context.Context, request *UpdatePollRequest) (*StreamResponse[PollResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) UpdatePollOption(ctx context.Context, pollID string, request *UpdatePollOptionRequest) (*StreamResponse[PollOptionResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) UpdatePollPartial(ctx context.Context, pollID string, request *UpdatePollPartialRequest) (*StreamResponse[PollResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) UpdatePushNotificationPreferences(ctx context.Context, request *UpdatePushNotificationPreferencesRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpsertPushPreferencesResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) UpdateThreadPartial(ctx context.Context, messageID string, request *UpdateThreadPartialRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateThreadPartialResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) UploadFile(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *UploadFileRequest) (*StreamResponse[FileUploadResponse], error)
- func (c *ChatClient) UploadImage(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *UploadImageRequest) (*StreamResponse[ImageUploadResponse], error)
- type CheckExternalStorageRequest
- type CheckExternalStorageResponse
- type CheckPushRequest
- type CheckPushResponse
- type CheckRequest
- type CheckResponse
- type CheckSNSRequest
- type CheckSNSResponse
- type CheckSQSRequest
- type CheckSQSResponse
- type Claims
- type Client
- func (c *Client) ApiKey() string
- func (c *Client) BaseUrl() string
- func (c *Client) BlockUsers(ctx context.Context, request *BlockUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[BlockUsersResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) CheckExternalStorage(ctx context.Context, name string, request *CheckExternalStorageRequest) (*StreamResponse[CheckExternalStorageResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) CheckPush(ctx context.Context, request *CheckPushRequest) (*StreamResponse[CheckPushResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) CheckSNS(ctx context.Context, request *CheckSNSRequest) (*StreamResponse[CheckSNSResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) CheckSQS(ctx context.Context, request *CheckSQSRequest) (*StreamResponse[CheckSQSResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) CreateBlockList(ctx context.Context, request *CreateBlockListRequest) (*StreamResponse[CreateBlockListResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) CreateDevice(ctx context.Context, request *CreateDeviceRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *Client) CreateExternalStorage(ctx context.Context, request *CreateExternalStorageRequest) (*StreamResponse[CreateExternalStorageResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) CreateGuest(ctx context.Context, request *CreateGuestRequest) (*StreamResponse[CreateGuestResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) CreateImport(ctx context.Context, request *CreateImportRequest) (*StreamResponse[CreateImportResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) CreateImportURL(ctx context.Context, request *CreateImportURLRequest) (*StreamResponse[CreateImportURLResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) CreateRole(ctx context.Context, request *CreateRoleRequest) (*StreamResponse[CreateRoleResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) DeactivateUser(ctx context.Context, userID string, request *DeactivateUserRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeactivateUserResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) DeactivateUsers(ctx context.Context, request *DeactivateUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeactivateUsersResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) DefaultTimeout() time.Duration
- func (c *Client) DeleteBlockList(ctx context.Context, name string, request *DeleteBlockListRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteDevice(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteDeviceRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteExternalStorage(ctx context.Context, name string, request *DeleteExternalStorageRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteExternalStorageResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) DeletePushProvider(ctx context.Context, _type string, name string, ...) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteRole(ctx context.Context, name string, request *DeleteRoleRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteUsers(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteUsersResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) ExportUser(ctx context.Context, userID string, request *ExportUserRequest) (*StreamResponse[ExportUserResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) ExportUsers(ctx context.Context, request *ExportUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[ExportUsersResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) GetApp(ctx context.Context, request *GetAppRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetApplicationResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) GetBlockList(ctx context.Context, name string, request *GetBlockListRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetBlockListResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) GetBlockedUsers(ctx context.Context, request *GetBlockedUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetBlockedUsersResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) GetImport(ctx context.Context, id string, request *GetImportRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetImportResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) GetOG(ctx context.Context, request *GetOGRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetOGResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) GetPermission(ctx context.Context, id string, request *GetPermissionRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetCustomPermissionResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) GetRateLimits(ctx context.Context, request *GetRateLimitsRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetRateLimitsResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) GetTask(ctx context.Context, id string, request *GetTaskRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetTaskResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) HttpClient() HttpClient
- func (c *Client) ListBlockLists(ctx context.Context, request *ListBlockListsRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListBlockListResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) ListDevices(ctx context.Context, request *ListDevicesRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListDevicesResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) ListExternalStorage(ctx context.Context, request *ListExternalStorageRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListExternalStorageResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) ListImports(ctx context.Context, request *ListImportsRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListImportsResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) ListPermissions(ctx context.Context, request *ListPermissionsRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListPermissionsResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) ListPushProviders(ctx context.Context, request *ListPushProvidersRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListPushProvidersResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) ListRoles(ctx context.Context, request *ListRolesRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListRolesResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) Logger() Logger
- func (c *Client) QueryUsers(ctx context.Context, request *QueryUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryUsersResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) ReactivateUser(ctx context.Context, userID string, request *ReactivateUserRequest) (*StreamResponse[ReactivateUserResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) ReactivateUsers(ctx context.Context, request *ReactivateUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[ReactivateUsersResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) RestoreUsers(ctx context.Context, request *RestoreUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *Client) UnblockUsers(ctx context.Context, request *UnblockUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[UnblockUsersResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateApp(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateAppRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateBlockList(ctx context.Context, name string, request *UpdateBlockListRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateBlockListResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateExternalStorage(ctx context.Context, name string, request *UpdateExternalStorageRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateExternalStorageResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateUsers(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateUsersResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateUsersPartial(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateUsersPartialRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateUsersResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) UpsertPushProvider(ctx context.Context, request *UpsertPushProviderRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpsertPushProviderResponse], error)
- func (c *Client) VerifyWebhook(body, signature []byte) (valid bool)
- type ClientOSDataResponse
- type ClientOption
- type ClosedCaptionEvent
- type CollectUserFeedbackRequest
- type CollectUserFeedbackResponse
- type Command
- type CommitMessageRequest
- type ConfigOverrides
- type ConfigResponse
- type Coordinates
- type Count
- type CreateBlockListRequest
- type CreateBlockListResponse
- type CreateCallTypeRequest
- type CreateCallTypeResponse
- type CreateChannelTypeRequest
- type CreateChannelTypeResponse
- type CreateCommandRequest
- type CreateCommandResponse
- type CreateDeviceRequest
- type CreateExternalStorageRequest
- type CreateExternalStorageResponse
- type CreateGuestRequest
- type CreateGuestResponse
- type CreateImportRequest
- type CreateImportResponse
- type CreateImportURLRequest
- type CreateImportURLResponse
- type CreatePollOptionRequest
- type CreatePollRequest
- type CreateRoleRequest
- type CreateRoleResponse
- type CustomActionRequest
- type CustomCheckFlag
- type CustomCheckRequest
- type CustomCheckResponse
- type CustomVideoEvent
- type DailyAggregateCallDurationReportResponse
- type DailyAggregateCallParticipantCountReportResponse
- type DailyAggregateCallsPerDayReportResponse
- type DailyAggregateQualityScoreReportResponse
- type DailyAggregateSDKUsageReportResponse
- type DailyAggregateUserFeedbackReportResponse
- type Data
- type DataDogInfo
- type DeactivateUserRequest
- type DeactivateUserResponse
- type DeactivateUsersRequest
- type DeactivateUsersResponse
- type DefaultLogger
- type DeleteActivityRequest
- type DeleteBlockListRequest
- type DeleteCallRequest
- type DeleteCallResponse
- type DeleteCallTypeRequest
- type DeleteChannelRequest
- type DeleteChannelResponse
- type DeleteChannelTypeRequest
- type DeleteChannelsRequest
- type DeleteChannelsResponse
- type DeleteChannelsResultResponse
- type DeleteCommandRequest
- type DeleteCommandResponse
- type DeleteConfigRequest
- type DeleteDeviceRequest
- type DeleteExternalStorageRequest
- type DeleteExternalStorageResponse
- type DeleteFileRequest
- type DeleteImageRequest
- type DeleteMessageRequest
- type DeleteMessageResponse
- type DeleteModerationConfigResponse
- type DeleteModerationTemplateResponse
- type DeletePollOptionRequest
- type DeletePollRequest
- type DeletePushProviderRequest
- type DeleteReactionRequest
- type DeleteReactionResponse
- type DeleteRecordingRequest
- type DeleteRecordingResponse
- type DeleteRoleRequest
- type DeleteSegmentRequest
- type DeleteSegmentTargetsRequest
- type DeleteTranscriptionRequest
- type DeleteTranscriptionResponse
- type DeleteUserRequest
- type DeleteUsersRequest
- type DeleteUsersResponse
- type Device
- type DeviceDataResponse
- type DeviceErrorInfo
- type DeviceResponse
- type EdgeResponse
- type EgressHLSResponse
- type EgressRTMPResponse
- type EgressResponse
- type EndCallRequest
- type EndCallResponse
- type EnrichedActivity
- type EnrichedReaction
- type EntityCreator
- type EntityCreatorResponse
- type ErrorResult
- type EventNotificationSettings
- type EventRequest
- type EventResponse
- type ExportChannelsRequest
- type ExportChannelsResponse
- type ExportChannelsResult
- type ExportUserRequest
- type ExportUserResponse
- type ExportUsersRequest
- type ExportUsersResponse
- type ExternalStorageResponse
- type FeedsModerationTemplateConfig
- type Field
- type FileUploadConfig
- type FileUploadRequest
- type FileUploadResponse
- type FirebaseConfig
- type FirebaseConfigFields
- type Flag
- type Flag2
- type Flag2Response
- type FlagDetails
- type FlagFeedback
- type FlagMessageDetails
- type FlagRequest
- type FlagResponse
- type FlagUpdatedEvent
- type FrameRecordSettings
- type FrameRecordingResponse
- type FrameRecordingSettingsRequest
- type FrameRecordingSettingsResponse
- type FullUserResponse
- type GeofenceResponse
- type GeofenceSettings
- type GeofenceSettingsRequest
- type GeofenceSettingsResponse
- type GeolocationResult
- type GetAppRequest
- type GetApplicationResponse
- type GetBlockListRequest
- type GetBlockListResponse
- type GetBlockedUsersRequest
- type GetBlockedUsersResponse
- type GetCallReportRequest
- type GetCallReportResponse
- type GetCallRequest
- type GetCallResponse
- type GetCallStatsRequest
- type GetCallStatsResponse
- type GetCallTypeRequest
- type GetCallTypeResponse
- type GetCampaignRequest
- type GetCampaignResponse
- type GetChannelTypeRequest
- type GetChannelTypeResponse
- type GetCommandRequest
- type GetCommandResponse
- type GetConfigRequest
- type GetConfigResponse
- type GetCustomPermissionResponse
- type GetEdgesRequest
- type GetEdgesResponse
- type GetExportChannelsStatusRequest
- type GetExportChannelsStatusResponse
- type GetImportRequest
- type GetImportResponse
- type GetManyMessagesRequest
- type GetManyMessagesResponse
- type GetMessageRequest
- type GetMessageResponse
- type GetModerationAnalyticsRequest
- type GetModerationAnalyticsResponse
- type GetModeratorStatsRequest
- type GetOGRequest
- type GetOGResponse
- type GetOrCreateCallRequest
- type GetOrCreateCallResponse
- type GetOrCreateChannelRequest
- type GetOrCreateDistinctChannelRequest
- type GetPermissionRequest
- type GetPollOptionRequest
- type GetPollRequest
- type GetQueueStatsRequest
- type GetRateLimitsRequest
- type GetRateLimitsResponse
- type GetReactionsRequest
- type GetReactionsResponse
- type GetRepliesRequest
- type GetRepliesResponse
- type GetReviewQueueItemRequest
- type GetReviewQueueItemResponse
- type GetSegmentRequest
- type GetSegmentResponse
- type GetTaskRequest
- type GetTaskResponse
- type GetThreadRequest
- type GetThreadResponse
- type GetUserModerationReportResponse
- type GetUserReportRequest
- type GoLiveRequest
- type GoLiveResponse
- type GoogleVisionConfig
- type HLSSettings
- type HLSSettingsRequest
- type HLSSettingsResponse
- type HideChannelRequest
- type HideChannelResponse
- type HttpClient
- type HuaweiConfig
- type HuaweiConfigFields
- type ImageData
- type ImageSize
- type ImageUploadRequest
- type ImageUploadResponse
- type Images
- type ImportTask
- type ImportTaskHistory
- type Label
- type LabelThresholds
- type LayoutSettings
- type LayoutSettingsRequest
- type LayoutSettingsResponse
- type LimitInfo
- type LimitsSettings
- type LimitsSettingsRequest
- type LimitsSettingsResponse
- type ListBlockListResponse
- type ListBlockListsRequest
- type ListCallTypeResponse
- type ListCallTypesRequest
- type ListChannelTypesRequest
- type ListChannelTypesResponse
- type ListCommandsRequest
- type ListCommandsResponse
- type ListDevicesRequest
- type ListDevicesResponse
- type ListExternalStorageRequest
- type ListExternalStorageResponse
- type ListImportsRequest
- type ListImportsResponse
- type ListPermissionsRequest
- type ListPermissionsResponse
- type ListPushProvidersRequest
- type ListPushProvidersResponse
- type ListRecordingsRequest
- type ListRecordingsResponse
- type ListRolesRequest
- type ListRolesResponse
- type ListTranscriptionsRequest
- type ListTranscriptionsResponse
- type Location
- type LogLevel
- type Logger
- type MarkChannelsReadRequest
- type MarkReadRequest
- type MarkReadResponse
- type MarkReviewedRequest
- type MarkUnreadRequest
- type MediaPubSubHint
- type MemberAddedEvent
- type MemberRemovedEvent
- type MemberRequest
- type MemberResponse
- type MemberUpdatedEvent
- type MembersResponse
- type Message
- type MessageActionRequest
- type MessageChangeSet
- type MessageDeletedEvent
- type MessageFlagResponse
- type MessageFlaggedEvent
- type MessageHistoryEntryResponse
- type MessageModerationResult
- type MessageNewEvent
- type MessagePaginationParams
- type MessageReadEvent
- type MessageRequest
- type MessageResponse
- type MessageUnblockedEvent
- type MessageUndeletedEvent
- type MessageUpdate
- type MessageUpdatedEvent
- type MessageWithChannelResponse
- type ModerationActionConfig
- type ModerationAnalytics
- type ModerationCustomActionEvent
- type ModerationEvent
- type ModerationFlaggedEvent
- type ModerationMarkReviewedEvent
- type ModerationPayload
- type ModerationResponse
- type ModerationUsageStats
- type ModerationV2Response
- type ModeratorStats
- type ModeratorStatsResponse
- type MuteChannelRequest
- type MuteChannelResponse
- type MuteRequest
- type MuteResponse
- type MuteUsersRequest
- type MuteUsersResponse
- type NetworkMetricsReportResponse
- type NoiseCancellationSettings
- type NotificationMarkUnreadEvent
- type NotificationSettings
- type NullTime
- type OnlyUserID
- type OwnCapability
- type OwnUser
- type OwnUserResponse
- type PaginationParams
- type ParticipantReportResponse
- type PendingMessageResponse
- type PerSDKUsageReport
- type Permission
- type PermissionRequestEvent
- type PinRequest
- type PinResponse
- type PlatformDataResponse
- type Policy
- type PolicyRequest
- type Poll
- type PollOption
- type PollOptionInput
- type PollOptionRequest
- type PollOptionResponse
- type PollOptionResponseData
- type PollResponse
- type PollResponseData
- type PollVote
- type PollVoteResponse
- type PollVoteResponseData
- type PollVotesResponse
- type PrivacySettings
- type PrivacySettingsResponse
- type PublishedTrackInfo
- type PublisherAggregateStats
- type PushConfig
- type PushNotificationFields
- type PushNotificationSettingsResponse
- type PushPreferenceInput
- type PushPreferences
- type PushProvider
- type PushProviderResponse
- type QualityScoreReport
- type QualityScoreReportResponse
- type QueryAggregateCallStatsRequest
- type QueryAggregateCallStatsResponse
- type QueryBannedUsersPayload
- type QueryBannedUsersRequest
- type QueryBannedUsersResponse
- type QueryCallMembersRequest
- type QueryCallMembersResponse
- type QueryCallStatsRequest
- type QueryCallStatsResponse
- type QueryCallsRequest
- type QueryCallsResponse
- type QueryCampaignsRequest
- type QueryCampaignsResponse
- type QueryChannelsRequest
- type QueryChannelsResponse
- type QueryFeedModerationTemplate
- type QueryFeedModerationTemplatesResponse
- type QueryMembersPayload
- type QueryMembersRequest
- type QueryMessageFlagsPayload
- type QueryMessageFlagsRequest
- type QueryMessageFlagsResponse
- type QueryMessageHistoryRequest
- type QueryMessageHistoryResponse
- type QueryModerationConfigsRequest
- type QueryModerationConfigsResponse
- type QueryModerationLogsRequest
- type QueryModerationLogsResponse
- type QueryPollVotesRequest
- type QueryPollsRequest
- type QueryPollsResponse
- type QueryReactionsRequest
- type QueryReactionsResponse
- type QueryReviewQueueRequest
- type QueryReviewQueueResponse
- type QuerySegmentTargetsRequest
- type QuerySegmentTargetsResponse
- type QuerySegmentsRequest
- type QuerySegmentsResponse
- type QueryThreadsRequest
- type QueryThreadsResponse
- type QueryUsageStatsRequest
- type QueryUsageStatsResponse
- type QueryUserFeedbackRequest
- type QueryUserFeedbackResponse
- type QueryUsersPayload
- type QueryUsersRequest
- type QueryUsersResponse
- type QueueStatsResponse
- type RTMPBroadcastRequest
- type RTMPIngress
- type RTMPLocation
- type RTMPSettings
- type RTMPSettingsRequest
- type RTMPSettingsResponse
- type RateLimitInfo
- type Reaction
- type ReactionDeletedEvent
- type ReactionGroupResponse
- type ReactionNewEvent
- type ReactionRequest
- type ReactionResponse
- type ReactionUpdatedEvent
- type ReactivateUserRequest
- type ReactivateUserResponse
- type ReactivateUsersRequest
- type ReactivateUsersResponse
- type ReadReceipts
- type ReadReceiptsResponse
- type ReadStateResponse
- type RecordSettings
- type RecordSettingsRequest
- type RecordSettingsResponse
- type RemovePollVoteRequest
- type ReportByHistogramBucket
- type ReportResponse
- type Response
- type RestoreActionRequest
- type RestoreUsersRequest
- type ReviewQueueItem
- type ReviewQueueItemResponse
- type RingSettings
- type RingSettingsRequest
- type RingSettingsResponse
- type Role
- type RunMessageActionRequest
- type S3Request
- type SDKUsageReport
- type SDKUsageReportResponse
- type SFULocationResponse
- type ScheduleCampaignRequest
- type ScreensharingSettings
- type ScreensharingSettingsRequest
- type ScreensharingSettingsResponse
- type SearchPayload
- type SearchRequest
- type SearchResponse
- type SearchResult
- type SearchResultMessage
- type SearchWarning
- type Segment
- type SegmentResponse
- type SegmentTargetExistsRequest
- type SegmentTargetResponse
- type SendCallEventRequest
- type SendCallEventResponse
- type SendEventRequest
- type SendMessageRequest
- type SendMessageResponse
- type SendReactionRequest
- type SendReactionResponse
- type SendUserCustomEventRequest
- type SessionSettings
- type SessionSettingsRequest
- type SessionSettingsResponse
- type ShowChannelRequest
- type ShowChannelResponse
- type SortParamRequest
- type StartCampaignRequest
- type StartCampaignResponse
- type StartClosedCaptionsRequest
- type StartClosedCaptionsResponse
- type StartFrameRecordingRequest
- type StartFrameRecordingResponse
- type StartHLSBroadcastingRequest
- type StartHLSBroadcastingResponse
- type StartRTMPBroadcastsRequest
- type StartRTMPBroadcastsResponse
- type StartRecordingRequest
- type StartRecordingResponse
- type StartTranscriptionRequest
- type StartTranscriptionResponse
- type StopAllRTMPBroadcastsRequest
- type StopAllRTMPBroadcastsResponse
- type StopCampaignRequest
- type StopClosedCaptionsRequest
- type StopClosedCaptionsResponse
- type StopFrameRecordingRequest
- type StopFrameRecordingResponse
- type StopHLSBroadcastingRequest
- type StopHLSBroadcastingResponse
- type StopLiveRequest
- type StopLiveResponse
- type StopRTMPBroadcastRequest
- type StopRTMPBroadcastsRequest
- type StopRTMPBroadcastsResponse
- type StopRecordingRequest
- type StopRecordingResponse
- type StopTranscriptionRequest
- type StopTranscriptionResponse
- type Stream
- type StreamError
- type StreamResponse
- type SubmitActionRequest
- type SubmitActionResponse
- type Subsession
- type TURNAggregatedStats
- type TargetResolution
- type ThreadParticipant
- type ThreadResponse
- type ThreadStateResponse
- type ThreadUpdatedEvent
- type Thresholds
- type ThumbnailResponse
- type ThumbnailsSettings
- type ThumbnailsSettingsRequest
- type ThumbnailsSettingsResponse
- type Time
- type TimeStats
- type Timestamp
- type TokenOption
- type TranscriptionSettings
- type TranscriptionSettingsRequest
- type TranscriptionSettingsResponse
- type TranslateMessageRequest
- type TruncateChannelRequest
- type TruncateChannelResponse
- type TypingIndicators
- type TypingIndicatorsResponse
- type UnbanActionRequest
- type UnbanRequest
- type UnbanResponse
- type UnblockActionRequest
- type UnblockUserRequest
- type UnblockUserResponse
- type UnblockUsersRequest
- type UnblockUsersResponse
- type UnblockedUserEvent
- type UndeleteMessageRequest
- type UnmuteChannelRequest
- type UnmuteRequest
- type UnmuteResponse
- type UnpinRequest
- type UnpinResponse
- type UnreadCountsBatchRequest
- type UnreadCountsBatchResponse
- type UnreadCountsChannel
- type UnreadCountsChannelType
- type UnreadCountsRequest
- type UnreadCountsResponse
- type UnreadCountsThread
- type UpdateAppRequest
- type UpdateBlockListRequest
- type UpdateBlockListResponse
- type UpdateCallMembersRequest
- type UpdateCallMembersResponse
- type UpdateCallRequest
- type UpdateCallResponse
- type UpdateCallTypeRequest
- type UpdateCallTypeResponse
- type UpdateChannelPartialRequest
- type UpdateChannelPartialResponse
- type UpdateChannelRequest
- type UpdateChannelResponse
- type UpdateChannelTypeRequest
- type UpdateChannelTypeResponse
- type UpdateCommandRequest
- type UpdateCommandResponse
- type UpdateExternalStorageRequest
- type UpdateExternalStorageResponse
- type UpdateMemberPartialRequest
- type UpdateMemberPartialResponse
- type UpdateMessagePartialRequest
- type UpdateMessagePartialResponse
- type UpdateMessageRequest
- type UpdateMessageResponse
- type UpdatePollOptionRequest
- type UpdatePollPartialRequest
- type UpdatePollRequest
- type UpdatePushNotificationPreferencesRequest
- type UpdateThreadPartialRequest
- type UpdateThreadPartialResponse
- type UpdateUserPartialRequest
- type UpdateUserPermissionsRequest
- type UpdateUserPermissionsResponse
- type UpdateUsersPartialRequest
- type UpdateUsersRequest
- type UpdateUsersResponse
- type UpdatedCallPermissionsEvent
- type UploadFileRequest
- type UploadImageRequest
- type UpsertConfigRequest
- type UpsertConfigResponse
- type UpsertModerationTemplateRequest
- type UpsertModerationTemplateResponse
- type UpsertPushPreferencesRequest
- type UpsertPushPreferencesResponse
- type UpsertPushProviderRequest
- type UpsertPushProviderResponse
- type User
- type UserBannedEvent
- type UserBlock
- type UserCustomEventRequest
- type UserDeactivatedEvent
- type UserDeletedEvent
- type UserFeedbackReport
- type UserFeedbackReportResponse
- type UserFeedbackResponse
- type UserFlaggedEvent
- type UserInfoResponse
- type UserMute
- type UserMuteResponse
- type UserMutedEvent
- type UserRatingReportResponse
- type UserReactivatedEvent
- type UserRequest
- type UserResponse
- type UserResponseCommonFields
- type UserResponsePrivacyFields
- type UserSessionStats
- type UserStats
- type UserUnbannedEvent
- type UserUnmutedEvent
- type UserUnreadReminderEvent
- type UserUpdatedEvent
- type V2DeleteTemplateRequest
- type V2QueryTemplatesRequest
- type V2UpsertTemplateRequest
- type VelocityFilterConfig
- type VelocityFilterConfigRule
- type VideoClient
- func (c *VideoClient) BlockUser(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *BlockUserRequest) (*StreamResponse[BlockUserResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) Call(callType, callID string) *Call
- func (c *VideoClient) CollectUserFeedback(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, ...) (*StreamResponse[CollectUserFeedbackResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) CreateCallType(ctx context.Context, request *CreateCallTypeRequest) (*StreamResponse[CreateCallTypeResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) DeleteCall(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *DeleteCallRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteCallResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) DeleteCallType(ctx context.Context, name string, request *DeleteCallTypeRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) DeleteRecording(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, session string, filename string, ...) (*StreamResponse[DeleteRecordingResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) DeleteTranscription(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, session string, filename string, ...) (*StreamResponse[DeleteTranscriptionResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) EndCall(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *EndCallRequest) (*StreamResponse[EndCallResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) GetCall(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *GetCallRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetCallResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) GetCallReport(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *GetCallReportRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetCallReportResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) GetCallStats(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, session string, ...) (*StreamResponse[GetCallStatsResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) GetCallType(ctx context.Context, name string, request *GetCallTypeRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetCallTypeResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) GetEdges(ctx context.Context, request *GetEdgesRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetEdgesResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) GetOrCreateCall(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *GetOrCreateCallRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetOrCreateCallResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) GoLive(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *GoLiveRequest) (*StreamResponse[GoLiveResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) ListCallTypes(ctx context.Context, request *ListCallTypesRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListCallTypeResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) ListRecordings(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *ListRecordingsRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListRecordingsResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) ListTranscriptions(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, ...) (*StreamResponse[ListTranscriptionsResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) MuteUsers(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *MuteUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[MuteUsersResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) QueryAggregateCallStats(ctx context.Context, request *QueryAggregateCallStatsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryAggregateCallStatsResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) QueryCallMembers(ctx context.Context, request *QueryCallMembersRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryCallMembersResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) QueryCallStats(ctx context.Context, request *QueryCallStatsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryCallStatsResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) QueryCalls(ctx context.Context, request *QueryCallsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryCallsResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) QueryUserFeedback(ctx context.Context, request *QueryUserFeedbackRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryUserFeedbackResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) SendCallEvent(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *SendCallEventRequest) (*StreamResponse[SendCallEventResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) StartClosedCaptions(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, ...) (*StreamResponse[StartClosedCaptionsResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) StartFrameRecording(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, ...) (*StreamResponse[StartFrameRecordingResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) StartHLSBroadcasting(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, ...) (*StreamResponse[StartHLSBroadcastingResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) StartRTMPBroadcasts(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, ...) (*StreamResponse[StartRTMPBroadcastsResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) StartRecording(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *StartRecordingRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartRecordingResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) StartTranscription(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, ...) (*StreamResponse[StartTranscriptionResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) StopAllRTMPBroadcasts(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, ...) (*StreamResponse[StopAllRTMPBroadcastsResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) StopClosedCaptions(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, ...) (*StreamResponse[StopClosedCaptionsResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) StopFrameRecording(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, ...) (*StreamResponse[StopFrameRecordingResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) StopHLSBroadcasting(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, ...) (*StreamResponse[StopHLSBroadcastingResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) StopLive(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *StopLiveRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopLiveResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) StopRTMPBroadcast(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, name string, ...) (*StreamResponse[StopRTMPBroadcastsResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) StopRecording(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *StopRecordingRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopRecordingResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) StopTranscription(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, ...) (*StreamResponse[StopTranscriptionResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) UnblockUser(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *UnblockUserRequest) (*StreamResponse[UnblockUserResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) UpdateCall(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *UpdateCallRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateCallResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) UpdateCallMembers(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, ...) (*StreamResponse[UpdateCallMembersResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) UpdateCallType(ctx context.Context, name string, request *UpdateCallTypeRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateCallTypeResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) UpdateUserPermissions(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, ...) (*StreamResponse[UpdateUserPermissionsResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) VideoPin(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *VideoPinRequest) (*StreamResponse[PinResponse], error)
- func (c *VideoClient) VideoUnpin(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *VideoUnpinRequest) (*StreamResponse[UnpinResponse], error)
- type VideoDimension
- type VideoPinRequest
- type VideoQuality
- type VideoSettings
- type VideoSettingsRequest
- type VideoSettingsResponse
- type VideoUnpinRequest
- type VoteData
- type WSEvent
- type WebhookEvent
- type WrappedUnreadCountsResponse
- type XiaomiConfig
- type XiaomiConfigFields
Constants ΒΆ
const ( EnvStreamApiKey = "STREAM_API_KEY" EnvStreamApiSecret = "STREAM_API_SECRET" EnvStreamBaseUrl = "STREAM_BASE_URL" EnvStreamHttpTimeout = "STREAM_HTTP_TIMEOUT" )
const ( HeaderRateLimit = "X-Ratelimit-Limit" HeaderRateRemaining = "X-Ratelimit-Remaining" HeaderRateReset = "X-Ratelimit-Reset" )
const ( // DefaultBaseURL is the default base URL for the stream chat api. // It works like CDN style and connects you to the closest production server. // By default, there is no real reason to change it. Use it only if you know what you are doing. DefaultBaseURL = "" )
Variables ΒΆ
This section is empty.
Functions ΒΆ
func EncodeValueToQueryParam ΒΆ
EncodeValueToQueryParam returns the string representation of a value ready to be used as a query param
func StructToMapWithTags ΒΆ
Types ΒΆ
type AIImageConfig ΒΆ
type AIImageConfig struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Rules []AWSRekognitionRule `json:"rules"` Async *bool `json:"async,omitempty"` }
type AITextConfig ΒΆ
type AITextConfig struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Profile string `json:"profile"` Rules []BodyguardRule `json:"rules"` SeverityRules []BodyguardSeverityRule `json:"severity_rules"` Async *bool `json:"async,omitempty"` }
type AIVideoConfig ΒΆ
type AIVideoConfig struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Rules []AWSRekognitionRule `json:"rules"` Async *bool `json:"async,omitempty"` }
type APIError ΒΆ
type APIError struct { // API error code Code int `json:"code"` // Request duration Duration string `json:"duration"` // Message describing an error Message string `json:"message"` // URL with additional information MoreInfo string `json:"more_info"` // Response HTTP status code StatusCode int `json:"StatusCode"` // Additional error-specific information Details []int `json:"details"` // Flag that indicates if the error is unrecoverable, requests that return unrecoverable errors should not be retried, this error only applies to the request that caused it Unrecoverable *bool `json:"unrecoverable,omitempty"` // Additional error info ExceptionFields map[string]string `json:"exception_fields,omitempty"` }
type APNConfig ΒΆ
type APNConfig struct { AuthKey *string `json:"auth_key,omitempty"` AuthType *string `json:"auth_type,omitempty"` BundleID *string `json:"bundle_id,omitempty"` Development *bool `json:"development,omitempty"` Disabled *bool `json:"Disabled,omitempty"` Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` KeyID *string `json:"key_id,omitempty"` NotificationTemplate *string `json:"notification_template,omitempty"` P12Cert *string `json:"p12_cert,omitempty"` TeamID *string `json:"team_id,omitempty"` }
type APNConfigFields ΒΆ
type APNConfigFields struct { Development bool `json:"development"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` NotificationTemplate string `json:"notification_template"` AuthKey *string `json:"auth_key,omitempty"` AuthType *string `json:"auth_type,omitempty"` BundleID *string `json:"bundle_id,omitempty"` Host *string `json:"host,omitempty"` KeyID *string `json:"key_id,omitempty"` P12Cert *string `json:"p12_cert,omitempty"` TeamID *string `json:"team_id,omitempty"` }
type AWSRekognitionRule ΒΆ
type ActionLog ΒΆ
type ActionLog struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` ID string `json:"id"` Reason string `json:"reason"` ReporterType string `json:"reporter_type"` ReviewQueueItemID string `json:"review_queue_item_id"` TargetUserID string `json:"target_user_id"` Type string `json:"type"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` ReviewQueueItem *ReviewQueueItem `json:"review_queue_item,omitempty"` TargetUser *User `json:"target_user,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type ActionLogResponse ΒΆ
type ActionLogResponse struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` ID string `json:"id"` Reason string `json:"reason"` TargetUserID string `json:"target_user_id"` UserID string `json:"user_id"` Type string `json:"type"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` ReviewQueueItem *ReviewQueueItem `json:"review_queue_item,omitempty"` TargetUser *UserResponse `json:"target_user,omitempty"` User *UserResponse `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type AggregatedStats ΒΆ
type AggregatedStats struct { PublisherAggregateStats *PublisherAggregateStats `json:"publisher_aggregate_stats,omitempty"` Turn *TURNAggregatedStats `json:"turn,omitempty"` }
type AnyEvent ΒΆ
func (*AnyEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
type AppResponseFields ΒΆ
type AppResponseFields struct { AsyncUrlEnrichEnabled bool `json:"async_url_enrich_enabled"` AutoTranslationEnabled bool `json:"auto_translation_enabled"` CampaignEnabled bool `json:"campaign_enabled"` CdnExpirationSeconds int `json:"cdn_expiration_seconds"` CustomActionHandlerUrl string `json:"custom_action_handler_url"` DisableAuthChecks bool `json:"disable_auth_checks"` DisablePermissionsChecks bool `json:"disable_permissions_checks"` EnforceUniqueUsernames string `json:"enforce_unique_usernames"` ImageModerationEnabled bool `json:"image_moderation_enabled"` ModerationEnabled bool `json:"moderation_enabled"` ModerationMultitenantBlocklistEnabled bool `json:"moderation_multitenant_blocklist_enabled"` ModerationWebhookUrl string `json:"moderation_webhook_url"` MultiTenantEnabled bool `json:"multi_tenant_enabled"` Name string `json:"name"` Organization string `json:"organization"` PermissionVersion string `json:"permission_version"` RemindersInterval int `json:"reminders_interval"` SnsKey string `json:"sns_key"` SnsSecret string `json:"sns_secret"` SnsTopicArn string `json:"sns_topic_arn"` SqsKey string `json:"sqs_key"` SqsSecret string `json:"sqs_secret"` SqsUrl string `json:"sqs_url"` Suspended bool `json:"suspended"` SuspendedExplanation string `json:"suspended_explanation"` WebhookUrl string `json:"webhook_url"` UserSearchDisallowedRoles []string `json:"user_search_disallowed_roles"` WebhookEvents []string `json:"webhook_events"` CallTypes map[string]*CallType `json:"call_types"` ChannelConfigs map[string]*ChannelConfig `json:"channel_configs"` FileUploadConfig FileUploadConfig `json:"file_upload_config"` Grants map[string][]string `json:"grants"` ImageUploadConfig FileUploadConfig `json:"image_upload_config"` Policies map[string][]Policy `json:"policies"` PushNotifications PushNotificationFields `json:"push_notifications"` BeforeMessageSendHookUrl *string `json:"before_message_send_hook_url,omitempty"` RevokeTokensIssuedBefore *Timestamp `json:"revoke_tokens_issued_before,omitempty"` AllowedFlagReasons []string `json:"allowed_flag_reasons,omitempty"` Geofences []GeofenceResponse `json:"geofences,omitempty"` ImageModerationLabels []string `json:"image_moderation_labels,omitempty"` DatadogInfo *DataDogInfo `json:"datadog_info,omitempty"` }
type AsyncModerationConfiguration ΒΆ
type AsyncModerationConfiguration struct { TimeoutMs *int `json:"timeout_ms,omitempty"` Callback *AsyncModerationCallbackConfig `json:"callback,omitempty"` }
type Attachment ΒΆ
type Attachment struct { Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` AssetUrl *string `json:"asset_url,omitempty"` AuthorIcon *string `json:"author_icon,omitempty"` AuthorLink *string `json:"author_link,omitempty"` AuthorName *string `json:"author_name,omitempty"` Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` Fallback *string `json:"fallback,omitempty"` ImageUrl *string `json:"image_url,omitempty"` // The latitude of the location Latitude *float64 `json:"latitude,omitempty"` // The longitude of the location Longitude *float64 `json:"longitude,omitempty"` OGScrapeUrl *string `json:"og_scrape_url,omitempty"` OriginalHeight *int `json:"original_height,omitempty"` OriginalWidth *int `json:"original_width,omitempty"` Pretext *string `json:"pretext,omitempty"` // If the user has stopped sharing their location StoppedSharing *bool `json:"stopped_sharing,omitempty"` Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` ThumbUrl *string `json:"thumb_url,omitempty"` Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` TitleLink *string `json:"title_link,omitempty"` // Attachment type (e.g. image, video, url) Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Actions []Action `json:"actions,omitempty"` Fields []Field `json:"fields,omitempty"` Giphy *Images `json:"giphy,omitempty"` }
An attachment is a message object that represents a file uploaded by a user.
type AudioSettings ΒΆ
type AudioSettings struct { AccessRequestEnabled bool `json:"access_request_enabled"` DefaultDevice string `json:"default_device"` MicDefaultOn bool `json:"mic_default_on"` OpusDtxEnabled bool `json:"opus_dtx_enabled"` RedundantCodingEnabled bool `json:"redundant_coding_enabled"` SpeakerDefaultOn bool `json:"speaker_default_on"` NoiseCancellation *NoiseCancellationSettings `json:"noise_cancellation,omitempty"` }
type AudioSettingsRequest ΒΆ
type AudioSettingsRequest struct { DefaultDevice string `json:"default_device"` AccessRequestEnabled *bool `json:"access_request_enabled,omitempty"` MicDefaultOn *bool `json:"mic_default_on,omitempty"` OpusDtxEnabled *bool `json:"opus_dtx_enabled,omitempty"` RedundantCodingEnabled *bool `json:"redundant_coding_enabled,omitempty"` SpeakerDefaultOn *bool `json:"speaker_default_on,omitempty"` NoiseCancellation *NoiseCancellationSettings `json:"noise_cancellation,omitempty"` }
type AudioSettingsResponse ΒΆ
type AudioSettingsResponse struct { AccessRequestEnabled bool `json:"access_request_enabled"` DefaultDevice string `json:"default_device"` MicDefaultOn bool `json:"mic_default_on"` OpusDtxEnabled bool `json:"opus_dtx_enabled"` RedundantCodingEnabled bool `json:"redundant_coding_enabled"` SpeakerDefaultOn bool `json:"speaker_default_on"` NoiseCancellation *NoiseCancellationSettings `json:"noise_cancellation,omitempty"` }
type AutomodDetails ΒΆ
type AutomodDetails struct { Action *string `json:"action,omitempty"` OriginalMessageType *string `json:"original_message_type,omitempty"` ImageLabels []string `json:"image_labels,omitempty"` MessageDetails *FlagMessageDetails `json:"message_details,omitempty"` Result *MessageModerationResult `json:"result,omitempty"` }
type AutomodPlatformCircumventionConfig ΒΆ
type AutomodPlatformCircumventionConfig struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Rules []AutomodRule `json:"rules"` Async *bool `json:"async,omitempty"` }
type AutomodRule ΒΆ
type AutomodSemanticFiltersConfig ΒΆ
type AutomodSemanticFiltersConfig struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Rules []AutomodSemanticFiltersRule `json:"rules"` Async *bool `json:"async,omitempty"` }
type AutomodToxicityConfig ΒΆ
type AutomodToxicityConfig struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Rules []AutomodRule `json:"rules"` Async *bool `json:"async,omitempty"` }
type AzureRequest ΒΆ
type AzureRequest struct { // The account name AbsAccountName string `json:"abs_account_name"` // The client id AbsClientID string `json:"abs_client_id"` // The client secret AbsClientSecret string `json:"abs_client_secret"` // The tenant id AbsTenantID string `json:"abs_tenant_id"` }
Config for creating Azure Blob Storage storage
type BackstageSettings ΒΆ
type Ban ΒΆ
type Ban struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Shadow bool `json:"shadow"` Expires *Timestamp `json:"expires,omitempty"` Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` Channel *Channel `json:"channel,omitempty"` CreatedBy *User `json:"created_by,omitempty"` Target *User `json:"target,omitempty"` }
type BanActionRequest ΒΆ
type BanRequest ΒΆ
type BanRequest struct { TargetUserID string `json:"target_user_id"` BannedByID *string `json:"banned_by_id"` ChannelCid *string `json:"channel_cid"` IpBan *bool `json:"ip_ban"` Reason *string `json:"reason"` Shadow *bool `json:"shadow"` Timeout *int `json:"timeout"` BannedBy *UserRequest `json:"banned_by"` }
type BanResponse ΒΆ
type BanResponse struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Expires *Timestamp `json:"expires,omitempty"` Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` Shadow *bool `json:"shadow,omitempty"` BannedBy *UserResponse `json:"banned_by,omitempty"` Channel *ChannelResponse `json:"channel,omitempty"` User *UserResponse `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type BlockListConfig ΒΆ
type BlockListConfig struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Rules []BlockListRule `json:"rules"` Async *bool `json:"async,omitempty"` }
type BlockListOptions ΒΆ
type BlockListResponse ΒΆ
type BlockListResponse struct { // Block list name Name string `json:"name"` // Block list type. Type string `json:"type"` // List of words to block Words []string `json:"words"` // Date/time of creation CreatedAt *Timestamp `json:"created_at,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt *Timestamp `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
Block list contains restricted words
type BlockListRule ΒΆ
type BlockUserRequest ΒΆ
type BlockUserRequest struct {
UserID string `json:"user_id"`
type BlockUserResponse ΒΆ
type BlockUserResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
BlockUserResponse is the payload for blocking a user.
type BlockUsersRequest ΒΆ
type BlockUsersRequest struct { BlockedUserID string `json:"blocked_user_id"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type BlockUsersResponse ΒΆ
type BlockUsersResponse struct { // User id who blocked another user BlockedByUserID string `json:"blocked_by_user_id"` // User id who got blocked BlockedUserID string `json:"blocked_user_id"` // Timestamp when the user was blocked CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
type BlockedUserEvent ΒΆ
type BlockedUserEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` // The type of event: "call.blocked_user" in this case Type string `json:"type"` BlockedByUser *UserResponse `json:"blocked_by_user,omitempty"` }
This event is sent to call participants to notify when a user is blocked on a call, clients can use this event to show a notification. If the user is the current user, the client should leave the call screen as well
func (*BlockedUserEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*BlockedUserEvent) GetEventType() string
type BlockedUserResponse ΒΆ
type BlockedUserResponse struct { // ID of the user who got blocked BlockedUserID string `json:"blocked_user_id"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // ID of the user who blocked another user UserID string `json:"user_id"` BlockedUser UserResponse `json:"blocked_user"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` }
type BodyguardRule ΒΆ
type BodyguardRule struct { Action string `json:"action"` Label string `json:"label"` SeverityRules []BodyguardSeverityRule `json:"severity_rules"` }
type BodyguardSeverityRule ΒΆ
type BroadcastSettings ΒΆ
type BroadcastSettings struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` HLS *HLSSettings `json:"hls,omitempty"` RTMP *RTMPSettings `json:"rtmp,omitempty"` }
type BroadcastSettingsRequest ΒΆ
type BroadcastSettingsRequest struct { Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` HLS *HLSSettingsRequest `json:"hls,omitempty"` RTMP *RTMPSettingsRequest `json:"rtmp,omitempty"` }
type BroadcastSettingsResponse ΒΆ
type BroadcastSettingsResponse struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` HLS HLSSettingsResponse `json:"hls"` RTMP RTMPSettingsResponse `json:"rtmp"` }
BroadcastSettingsResponse is the payload for broadcasting settings
type BrowserDataResponse ΒΆ
type Call ΒΆ
type Call struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Call) BlockUser ΒΆ
func (c *Call) BlockUser(ctx context.Context, request *BlockUserRequest) (*StreamResponse[BlockUserResponse], error)
func (*Call) CollectUserFeedback ΒΆ
func (c *Call) CollectUserFeedback(ctx context.Context, request *CollectUserFeedbackRequest) (*StreamResponse[CollectUserFeedbackResponse], error)
func (*Call) Delete ΒΆ
func (c *Call) Delete(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteCallRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteCallResponse], error)
func (*Call) DeleteRecording ΒΆ
func (c *Call) DeleteRecording(ctx context.Context, session string, filename string, request *DeleteRecordingRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteRecordingResponse], error)
func (*Call) DeleteTranscription ΒΆ
func (c *Call) DeleteTranscription(ctx context.Context, session string, filename string, request *DeleteTranscriptionRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteTranscriptionResponse], error)
func (*Call) End ΒΆ
func (c *Call) End(ctx context.Context, request *EndCallRequest) (*StreamResponse[EndCallResponse], error)
func (*Call) Get ΒΆ
func (c *Call) Get(ctx context.Context, request *GetCallRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetCallResponse], error)
func (*Call) GetCallReport ΒΆ
func (c *Call) GetCallReport(ctx context.Context, request *GetCallReportRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetCallReportResponse], error)
func (*Call) GetCallStats ΒΆ
func (c *Call) GetCallStats(ctx context.Context, session string, request *GetCallStatsRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetCallStatsResponse], error)
func (*Call) GetOrCreate ΒΆ
func (c *Call) GetOrCreate(ctx context.Context, request *GetOrCreateCallRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetOrCreateCallResponse], error)
func (*Call) GoLive ΒΆ
func (c *Call) GoLive(ctx context.Context, request *GoLiveRequest) (*StreamResponse[GoLiveResponse], error)
func (*Call) ListRecordings ΒΆ
func (c *Call) ListRecordings(ctx context.Context, request *ListRecordingsRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListRecordingsResponse], error)
func (*Call) ListTranscriptions ΒΆ
func (c *Call) ListTranscriptions(ctx context.Context, request *ListTranscriptionsRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListTranscriptionsResponse], error)
func (*Call) MuteUsers ΒΆ
func (c *Call) MuteUsers(ctx context.Context, request *MuteUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[MuteUsersResponse], error)
func (*Call) SendCallEvent ΒΆ
func (c *Call) SendCallEvent(ctx context.Context, request *SendCallEventRequest) (*StreamResponse[SendCallEventResponse], error)
func (*Call) StartClosedCaptions ΒΆ
func (c *Call) StartClosedCaptions(ctx context.Context, request *StartClosedCaptionsRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartClosedCaptionsResponse], error)
func (*Call) StartFrameRecording ΒΆ
func (c *Call) StartFrameRecording(ctx context.Context, request *StartFrameRecordingRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartFrameRecordingResponse], error)
func (*Call) StartHLSBroadcasting ΒΆ
func (c *Call) StartHLSBroadcasting(ctx context.Context, request *StartHLSBroadcastingRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartHLSBroadcastingResponse], error)
func (*Call) StartRTMPBroadcasts ΒΆ
func (c *Call) StartRTMPBroadcasts(ctx context.Context, request *StartRTMPBroadcastsRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartRTMPBroadcastsResponse], error)
func (*Call) StartRecording ΒΆ
func (c *Call) StartRecording(ctx context.Context, request *StartRecordingRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartRecordingResponse], error)
func (*Call) StartTranscription ΒΆ
func (c *Call) StartTranscription(ctx context.Context, request *StartTranscriptionRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartTranscriptionResponse], error)
func (*Call) StopAllRTMPBroadcasts ΒΆ
func (c *Call) StopAllRTMPBroadcasts(ctx context.Context, request *StopAllRTMPBroadcastsRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopAllRTMPBroadcastsResponse], error)
func (*Call) StopClosedCaptions ΒΆ
func (c *Call) StopClosedCaptions(ctx context.Context, request *StopClosedCaptionsRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopClosedCaptionsResponse], error)
func (*Call) StopFrameRecording ΒΆ
func (c *Call) StopFrameRecording(ctx context.Context, request *StopFrameRecordingRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopFrameRecordingResponse], error)
func (*Call) StopHLSBroadcasting ΒΆ
func (c *Call) StopHLSBroadcasting(ctx context.Context, request *StopHLSBroadcastingRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopHLSBroadcastingResponse], error)
func (*Call) StopLive ΒΆ
func (c *Call) StopLive(ctx context.Context, request *StopLiveRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopLiveResponse], error)
func (*Call) StopRTMPBroadcast ΒΆ
func (c *Call) StopRTMPBroadcast(ctx context.Context, name string, request *StopRTMPBroadcastRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopRTMPBroadcastsResponse], error)
func (*Call) StopRecording ΒΆ
func (c *Call) StopRecording(ctx context.Context, request *StopRecordingRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopRecordingResponse], error)
func (*Call) StopTranscription ΒΆ
func (c *Call) StopTranscription(ctx context.Context, request *StopTranscriptionRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopTranscriptionResponse], error)
func (*Call) UnblockUser ΒΆ
func (c *Call) UnblockUser(ctx context.Context, request *UnblockUserRequest) (*StreamResponse[UnblockUserResponse], error)
func (*Call) Update ΒΆ
func (c *Call) Update(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateCallRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateCallResponse], error)
func (*Call) UpdateCallMembers ΒΆ
func (c *Call) UpdateCallMembers(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateCallMembersRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateCallMembersResponse], error)
func (*Call) UpdateUserPermissions ΒΆ
func (c *Call) UpdateUserPermissions(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateUserPermissionsRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateUserPermissionsResponse], error)
func (*Call) VideoPin ΒΆ
func (c *Call) VideoPin(ctx context.Context, request *VideoPinRequest) (*StreamResponse[PinResponse], error)
func (*Call) VideoUnpin ΒΆ
func (c *Call) VideoUnpin(ctx context.Context, request *VideoUnpinRequest) (*StreamResponse[UnpinResponse], error)
type CallAcceptedEvent ΒΆ
type CallAcceptedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` // The type of event: "call.accepted" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when a user accepts a notification to join a call.
func (*CallAcceptedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallAcceptedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallClosedCaption ΒΆ
type CallClosedCaption struct { EndTime Timestamp `json:"end_time"` SpeakerID string `json:"speaker_id"` StartTime Timestamp `json:"start_time"` Text string `json:"text"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` }
CallClosedCaption represents a closed caption of a call.
type CallClosedCaptionsFailedEvent ΒΆ
type CallClosedCaptionsFailedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // The type of event: "call.closed_captions_failed" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when call closed captions has failed
func (*CallClosedCaptionsFailedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallClosedCaptionsFailedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallClosedCaptionsStartedEvent ΒΆ
type CallClosedCaptionsStartedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // The type of event: "call.closed_captions_started" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when call closed caption has started
func (*CallClosedCaptionsStartedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallClosedCaptionsStartedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallClosedCaptionsStoppedEvent ΒΆ
type CallClosedCaptionsStoppedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // The type of event: "call.transcription_stopped" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when call closed captions has stopped
func (*CallClosedCaptionsStoppedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallClosedCaptionsStoppedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallCreatedEvent ΒΆ
type CallCreatedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // the members added to this call Members []MemberResponse `json:"members"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` // The type of event: "call.created" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when a call is created. Clients receiving this event should check if the ringing field is set to true and if so, show the call screen
func (*CallCreatedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallCreatedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallDeletedEvent ΒΆ
type CallDeletedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` // The type of event: "call.deleted" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when a call is deleted. Clients receiving this event should leave the call screen
func (*CallDeletedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallDeletedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallDurationReport ΒΆ
type CallDurationReport struct {
Histogram []ReportByHistogramBucket `json:"histogram"`
type CallDurationReportResponse ΒΆ
type CallDurationReportResponse struct {
Daily []DailyAggregateCallDurationReportResponse `json:"daily"`
type CallEndedEvent ΒΆ
type CallEndedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` // The type of event: "call.ended" in this case Type string `json:"type"` User *UserResponse `json:"user,omitempty"` }
This event is sent when a call is mark as ended for all its participants. Clients receiving this event should leave the call screen
func (*CallEndedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallEndedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallEvent ΒΆ
type CallEvent struct { Description string `json:"description"` EndTimestamp int `json:"end_timestamp"` Internal bool `json:"internal"` Kind string `json:"kind"` Severity int `json:"severity"` Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"` Type string `json:"type"` Category *string `json:"category,omitempty"` Component *string `json:"component,omitempty"` IssueTags []string `json:"issue_tags,omitempty"` }
type CallFrameRecordingFailedEvent ΒΆ
type CallFrameRecordingFailedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` EgressID string `json:"egress_id"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` // The type of event: "call.frame_recording_failed" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when frame recording has failed
func (*CallFrameRecordingFailedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallFrameRecordingFailedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallFrameRecordingFrameReadyEvent ΒΆ
type CallFrameRecordingFrameReadyEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` // The time the frame was captured CapturedAt Timestamp `json:"captured_at"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` EgressID string `json:"egress_id"` // Call session ID SessionID string `json:"session_id"` // The type of the track frame was captured from (TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO|TRACK_TYPE_SCREEN_SHARE) TrackType string `json:"track_type"` // The URL of the frame Url string `json:"url"` // The users in the frame Users map[string]UserResponse `json:"users"` // The type of event: "call.frame_recording_ready" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when a frame is captured from a call
func (*CallFrameRecordingFrameReadyEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallFrameRecordingFrameReadyEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallFrameRecordingStartedEvent ΒΆ
type CallFrameRecordingStartedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` EgressID string `json:"egress_id"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` // The type of event: "call.frame_recording_started" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when frame recording has started
func (*CallFrameRecordingStartedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallFrameRecordingStartedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallFrameRecordingStoppedEvent ΒΆ
type CallFrameRecordingStoppedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` EgressID string `json:"egress_id"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` // The type of event: "call.frame_recording_stopped" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when frame recording has stopped
func (*CallFrameRecordingStoppedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallFrameRecordingStoppedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallHLSBroadcastingFailedEvent ΒΆ
type CallHLSBroadcastingFailedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // The type of event: "call.hls_broadcasting_failed" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when HLS broadcasting has failed
func (*CallHLSBroadcastingFailedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallHLSBroadcastingFailedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallHLSBroadcastingStartedEvent ΒΆ
type CallHLSBroadcastingStartedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` HLSPlaylistUrl string `json:"hls_playlist_url"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` // The type of event: "call.hls_broadcasting_started" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when HLS broadcasting has started
func (*CallHLSBroadcastingStartedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallHLSBroadcastingStartedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallHLSBroadcastingStoppedEvent ΒΆ
type CallHLSBroadcastingStoppedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // The type of event: "call.hls_broadcasting_stopped" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when HLS broadcasting has stopped
func (*CallHLSBroadcastingStoppedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallHLSBroadcastingStoppedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallIngressResponse ΒΆ
type CallIngressResponse struct {
RTMP RTMPIngress `json:"rtmp"`
CallIngressResponse is the payload for ingress settings
type CallLiveStartedEvent ΒΆ
type CallLiveStartedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` // The type of event: "call.live_started" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when a call is started. Clients receiving this event should start the call.
func (*CallLiveStartedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallLiveStartedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallMemberAddedEvent ΒΆ
type CallMemberAddedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // the members added to this call Members []MemberResponse `json:"members"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` // The type of event: "call.member_added" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when one or more members are added to a call
func (*CallMemberAddedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallMemberAddedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallMemberRemovedEvent ΒΆ
type CallMemberRemovedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // the list of member IDs removed from the call Members []string `json:"members"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` // The type of event: "call.member_removed" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when one or more members are removed from a call
func (*CallMemberRemovedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallMemberRemovedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallMemberUpdatedEvent ΒΆ
type CallMemberUpdatedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // The list of members that were updated Members []MemberResponse `json:"members"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` // The type of event: "call.member_updated" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when one or more members are updated
func (*CallMemberUpdatedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallMemberUpdatedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallMemberUpdatedPermissionEvent ΒΆ
type CallMemberUpdatedPermissionEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // The list of members that were updated Members []MemberResponse `json:"members"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` // The capabilities by role for this call CapabilitiesByRole map[string][]string `json:"capabilities_by_role"` // The type of event: "call.member_added" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when one or more members get its role updated
func (*CallMemberUpdatedPermissionEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallMemberUpdatedPermissionEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallMissedEvent ΒΆ
type CallMissedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` NotifyUser bool `json:"notify_user"` // Call session ID SessionID string `json:"session_id"` // List of members who missed the call Members []MemberResponse `json:"members"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` // The type of event: "call.notification" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent to call members who did not accept/reject/join the call to notify they missed the call
func (*CallMissedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallMissedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallNotificationEvent ΒΆ
type CallNotificationEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Call session ID SessionID string `json:"session_id"` // Call members Members []MemberResponse `json:"members"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` // The type of event: "call.notification" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent to all call members to notify they are getting called
func (*CallNotificationEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallNotificationEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallParticipantCountReport ΒΆ
type CallParticipantCountReport struct {
Histogram []ReportByHistogramBucket `json:"histogram"`
type CallParticipantCountReportResponse ΒΆ
type CallParticipantCountReportResponse struct {
Daily []DailyAggregateCallParticipantCountReportResponse `json:"daily"`
type CallParticipantResponse ΒΆ
type CallParticipantResponse struct { JoinedAt Timestamp `json:"joined_at"` Role string `json:"role"` UserSessionID string `json:"user_session_id"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` }
type CallReactionEvent ΒΆ
type CallReactionEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Reaction ReactionResponse `json:"reaction"` // The type of event: "call.reaction_new" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when a reaction is sent in a call, clients should use this to show the reaction in the call screen
func (*CallReactionEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallReactionEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallRecording ΒΆ
type CallRecording struct { EndTime Timestamp `json:"end_time"` Filename string `json:"filename"` StartTime Timestamp `json:"start_time"` Url string `json:"url"` }
CallRecording represents a recording of a call.
type CallRecordingFailedEvent ΒΆ
type CallRecordingFailedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` EgressID string `json:"egress_id"` // The type of event: "call.recording_failed" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when call recording has failed
func (*CallRecordingFailedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallRecordingFailedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallRecordingReadyEvent ΒΆ
type CallRecordingReadyEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` EgressID string `json:"egress_id"` CallRecording CallRecording `json:"call_recording"` // The type of event: "call.recording_ready" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when call recording is ready
func (*CallRecordingReadyEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallRecordingReadyEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallRecordingStartedEvent ΒΆ
type CallRecordingStartedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` EgressID string `json:"egress_id"` // The type of event: "call.recording_started" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when call recording has started
func (*CallRecordingStartedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallRecordingStartedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallRecordingStoppedEvent ΒΆ
type CallRecordingStoppedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` EgressID string `json:"egress_id"` // The type of event: "call.recording_stopped" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when call recording has stopped
func (*CallRecordingStoppedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallRecordingStoppedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallRejectedEvent ΒΆ
type CallRejectedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` // The type of event: "call.rejected" in this case Type string `json:"type"` Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` }
This event is sent when a user rejects a notification to join a call.
func (*CallRejectedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallRejectedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallReportResponse ΒΆ
type CallRequest ΒΆ
type CallRequest struct { CreatedByID *string `json:"created_by_id,omitempty"` StartsAt *Timestamp `json:"starts_at,omitempty"` Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` Video *bool `json:"video,omitempty"` Members []MemberRequest `json:"members,omitempty"` CreatedBy *UserRequest `json:"created_by,omitempty"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom,omitempty"` SettingsOverride *CallSettingsRequest `json:"settings_override,omitempty"` }
CallRequest is the payload for creating a call.
type CallResponse ΒΆ
type CallResponse struct { Backstage bool `json:"backstage"` Captioning bool `json:"captioning"` // The unique identifier for a call (<type>:<id>) Cid string `json:"cid"` // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` CurrentSessionID string `json:"current_session_id"` // Call ID ID string `json:"id"` Recording bool `json:"recording"` Transcribing bool `json:"transcribing"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` // The type of call Type string `json:"type"` BlockedUserIds []string `json:"blocked_user_ids"` CreatedBy UserResponse `json:"created_by"` // Custom data for this object Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` Egress EgressResponse `json:"egress"` Ingress CallIngressResponse `json:"ingress"` Settings CallSettingsResponse `json:"settings"` // Date/time when the call ended EndedAt *Timestamp `json:"ended_at,omitempty"` JoinAheadTimeSeconds *int `json:"join_ahead_time_seconds,omitempty"` // Date/time when the call will start StartsAt *Timestamp `json:"starts_at,omitempty"` Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` Session *CallSessionResponse `json:"session,omitempty"` Thumbnails *ThumbnailResponse `json:"thumbnails,omitempty"` }
Represents a call
type CallRingEvent ΒΆ
type CallRingEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Call session ID SessionID string `json:"session_id"` Video bool `json:"video"` // Call members Members []MemberResponse `json:"members"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` // The type of event: "call.notification" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent to all call members to notify they are getting called
func (*CallRingEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallRingEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallRtmpBroadcastFailedEvent ΒΆ
type CallRtmpBroadcastFailedEvent struct { // The unique identifier for a call (<type>:<id>) CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Name of the given RTMP broadcast Name string `json:"name"` // The type of event: "call.rtmp_broadcast_failed" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when a call RTMP broadcast has failed
func (*CallRtmpBroadcastFailedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallRtmpBroadcastFailedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallRtmpBroadcastStartedEvent ΒΆ
type CallRtmpBroadcastStartedEvent struct { // The unique identifier for a call (<type>:<id>) CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Name of the given RTMP broadcast Name string `json:"name"` // The type of event: "call.rtmp_broadcast_started" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when RTMP broadcast has started
func (*CallRtmpBroadcastStartedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallRtmpBroadcastStartedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallRtmpBroadcastStoppedEvent ΒΆ
type CallRtmpBroadcastStoppedEvent struct { // The unique identifier for a call (<type>:<id>) CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Name of the given RTMP broadcast Name string `json:"name"` // The type of event: "call.rtmp_broadcast_stopped" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when RTMP broadcast has stopped
func (*CallRtmpBroadcastStoppedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallRtmpBroadcastStoppedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallSessionEndedEvent ΒΆ
type CallSessionEndedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Call session ID SessionID string `json:"session_id"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` // The type of event: "call.session_ended" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when a call session ends
func (*CallSessionEndedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallSessionEndedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallSessionParticipantJoinedEvent ΒΆ
type CallSessionParticipantJoinedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Call session ID SessionID string `json:"session_id"` Participant CallParticipantResponse `json:"participant"` // The type of event: "call.session_participant_joined" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when a participant joins a call session
func (*CallSessionParticipantJoinedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallSessionParticipantJoinedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallSessionParticipantLeftEvent ΒΆ
type CallSessionParticipantLeftEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // The duration participant was in the session in seconds DurationSeconds int `json:"duration_seconds"` // Call session ID SessionID string `json:"session_id"` Participant CallParticipantResponse `json:"participant"` // The type of event: "call.session_participant_left" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when a participant leaves a call session
func (*CallSessionParticipantLeftEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallSessionParticipantLeftEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallSessionResponse ΒΆ
type CallSessionResponse struct { AnonymousParticipantCount int `json:"anonymous_participant_count"` ID string `json:"id"` Participants []CallParticipantResponse `json:"participants"` AcceptedBy map[string]Timestamp `json:"accepted_by"` MissedBy map[string]Timestamp `json:"missed_by"` ParticipantsCountByRole map[string]int `json:"participants_count_by_role"` RejectedBy map[string]Timestamp `json:"rejected_by"` EndedAt *Timestamp `json:"ended_at,omitempty"` LiveEndedAt *Timestamp `json:"live_ended_at,omitempty"` LiveStartedAt *Timestamp `json:"live_started_at,omitempty"` StartedAt *Timestamp `json:"started_at,omitempty"` TimerEndsAt *Timestamp `json:"timer_ends_at,omitempty"` }
type CallSessionStartedEvent ΒΆ
type CallSessionStartedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Call session ID SessionID string `json:"session_id"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` // The type of event: "call.session_started" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when a call session starts
func (*CallSessionStartedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallSessionStartedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallSettings ΒΆ
type CallSettings struct { Audio *AudioSettings `json:"audio,omitempty"` Backstage *BackstageSettings `json:"backstage,omitempty"` Broadcasting *BroadcastSettings `json:"broadcasting,omitempty"` FrameRecording *FrameRecordSettings `json:"frame_recording,omitempty"` Geofencing *GeofenceSettings `json:"geofencing,omitempty"` Limits *LimitsSettings `json:"limits,omitempty"` Recording *RecordSettings `json:"recording,omitempty"` Ring *RingSettings `json:"ring,omitempty"` Screensharing *ScreensharingSettings `json:"screensharing,omitempty"` Session *SessionSettings `json:"session,omitempty"` Thumbnails *ThumbnailsSettings `json:"thumbnails,omitempty"` Transcription *TranscriptionSettings `json:"transcription,omitempty"` Video *VideoSettings `json:"video,omitempty"` }
type CallSettingsRequest ΒΆ
type CallSettingsRequest struct { Audio *AudioSettingsRequest `json:"audio,omitempty"` Backstage *BackstageSettingsRequest `json:"backstage,omitempty"` Broadcasting *BroadcastSettingsRequest `json:"broadcasting,omitempty"` FrameRecording *FrameRecordingSettingsRequest `json:"frame_recording,omitempty"` Geofencing *GeofenceSettingsRequest `json:"geofencing,omitempty"` Limits *LimitsSettingsRequest `json:"limits,omitempty"` Recording *RecordSettingsRequest `json:"recording,omitempty"` Ring *RingSettingsRequest `json:"ring,omitempty"` Screensharing *ScreensharingSettingsRequest `json:"screensharing,omitempty"` Session *SessionSettingsRequest `json:"session,omitempty"` Thumbnails *ThumbnailsSettingsRequest `json:"thumbnails,omitempty"` Transcription *TranscriptionSettingsRequest `json:"transcription,omitempty"` Video *VideoSettingsRequest `json:"video,omitempty"` }
type CallSettingsResponse ΒΆ
type CallSettingsResponse struct { Audio AudioSettingsResponse `json:"audio"` Backstage BackstageSettingsResponse `json:"backstage"` Broadcasting BroadcastSettingsResponse `json:"broadcasting"` FrameRecording FrameRecordingSettingsResponse `json:"frame_recording"` Geofencing GeofenceSettingsResponse `json:"geofencing"` Limits LimitsSettingsResponse `json:"limits"` Recording RecordSettingsResponse `json:"recording"` Ring RingSettingsResponse `json:"ring"` Screensharing ScreensharingSettingsResponse `json:"screensharing"` Session SessionSettingsResponse `json:"session"` Thumbnails ThumbnailsSettingsResponse `json:"thumbnails"` Transcription TranscriptionSettingsResponse `json:"transcription"` Video VideoSettingsResponse `json:"video"` }
type CallStateResponseFields ΒΆ
type CallStateResponseFields struct { // List of call members Members []MemberResponse `json:"members"` OwnCapabilities []OwnCapability `json:"own_capabilities"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` }
CallStateResponseFields is the payload for call state response
type CallStatsReportSummaryResponse ΒΆ
type CallStatsReportSummaryResponse struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CallDurationSeconds int `json:"call_duration_seconds"` CallSessionID string `json:"call_session_id"` CallStatus string `json:"call_status"` FirstStatsTime Timestamp `json:"first_stats_time"` CreatedAt *Timestamp `json:"created_at,omitempty"` MinUserRating *int `json:"min_user_rating,omitempty"` QualityScore *int `json:"quality_score,omitempty"` }
type CallTimeline ΒΆ
type CallTimeline struct {
Events []CallEvent `json:"events"`
type CallTranscription ΒΆ
type CallTranscription struct { EndTime Timestamp `json:"end_time"` Filename string `json:"filename"` StartTime Timestamp `json:"start_time"` Url string `json:"url"` }
CallTranscription represents a transcription of a call.
type CallTranscriptionFailedEvent ΒΆ
type CallTranscriptionFailedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` EgressID string `json:"egress_id"` // The type of event: "call.transcription_failed" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when call transcription has failed
func (*CallTranscriptionFailedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallTranscriptionFailedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallTranscriptionReadyEvent ΒΆ
type CallTranscriptionReadyEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` EgressID string `json:"egress_id"` CallTranscription CallTranscription `json:"call_transcription"` // The type of event: "call.transcription_ready" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when call transcription is ready
func (*CallTranscriptionReadyEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallTranscriptionReadyEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallTranscriptionStartedEvent ΒΆ
type CallTranscriptionStartedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` EgressID string `json:"egress_id"` // The type of event: "call.transcription_started" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when call transcription has started
func (*CallTranscriptionStartedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallTranscriptionStartedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallTranscriptionStoppedEvent ΒΆ
type CallTranscriptionStoppedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` EgressID string `json:"egress_id"` // The type of event: "call.transcription_stopped" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when call transcription has stopped
func (*CallTranscriptionStoppedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallTranscriptionStoppedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallType ΒΆ
type CallType struct { AppPK int `json:"AppPK"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"CreatedAt"` ExternalStorage string `json:"ExternalStorage"` Name string `json:"Name"` PK int `json:"PK"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"UpdatedAt"` NotificationSettings *NotificationSettings `json:"NotificationSettings,omitempty"` Settings *CallSettings `json:"Settings,omitempty"` }
type CallTypeResponse ΒΆ
type CallTypeResponse struct { // the time the call type was created CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // the name of the call type Name string `json:"name"` // the time the call type was last updated UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` // the permissions granted to each role Grants map[string][]string `json:"grants"` NotificationSettings NotificationSettings `json:"notification_settings"` Settings CallSettingsResponse `json:"settings"` // the external storage for the call type ExternalStorage *string `json:"external_storage,omitempty"` }
CallTypeResponse is the payload for a call type.
type CallUpdatedEvent ΒΆ
type CallUpdatedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` // The capabilities by role for this call CapabilitiesByRole map[string][]string `json:"capabilities_by_role"` // The type of event: "call.ended" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when a call is updated, clients should use this update the local state of the call. This event also contains the capabilities by role for the call, clients should update the own_capability for the current.
func (*CallUpdatedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallUpdatedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallUserMutedEvent ΒΆ
type CallUserMutedEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` FromUserID string `json:"from_user_id"` MutedUserIds []string `json:"muted_user_ids"` // The type of event: "call.user_muted" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when a call member is muted
func (*CallUserMutedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CallUserMutedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CallsPerDayReport ΒΆ
type CallsPerDayReport struct {
Count int `json:"count"`
type CallsPerDayReportResponse ΒΆ
type CallsPerDayReportResponse struct {
Daily []DailyAggregateCallsPerDayReportResponse `json:"daily"`
type CampaignCompletedEvent ΒΆ
type CampaignCompletedEvent struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` Type string `json:"type"` ReceivedAt *Timestamp `json:"received_at,omitempty"` Campaign *CampaignResponse `json:"campaign,omitempty"` }
func (*CampaignCompletedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CampaignCompletedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CampaignMessageTemplate ΒΆ
type CampaignMessageTemplate struct { PollID string `json:"poll_id"` Text string `json:"text"` Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` }
type CampaignResponse ΒΆ
type CampaignResponse struct { CreateChannels bool `json:"create_channels"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Description string `json:"description"` ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` SenderID string `json:"sender_id"` SenderMode string `json:"sender_mode"` SkipPush bool `json:"skip_push"` SkipWebhook bool `json:"skip_webhook"` Status string `json:"status"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` SegmentIds []string `json:"segment_ids"` Segments []Segment `json:"segments"` UserIds []string `json:"user_ids"` Users []UserResponse `json:"users"` Stats CampaignStatsResponse `json:"stats"` ScheduledFor *Timestamp `json:"scheduled_for,omitempty"` StopAt *Timestamp `json:"stop_at,omitempty"` ChannelTemplate *CampaignChannelTemplate `json:"channel_template,omitempty"` MessageTemplate *CampaignMessageTemplate `json:"message_template,omitempty"` Sender *UserResponse `json:"sender,omitempty"` }
type CampaignStartedEvent ΒΆ
type CampaignStartedEvent struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` Type string `json:"type"` ReceivedAt *Timestamp `json:"received_at,omitempty"` Campaign *CampaignResponse `json:"campaign,omitempty"` }
func (*CampaignStartedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CampaignStartedEvent) GetEventType() string
type CampaignStatsResponse ΒΆ
type CastPollVoteRequest ΒΆ
type CastPollVoteRequest struct { UserID *string `json:"user_id"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` Vote *VoteData `json:"vote"` }
type Channel ΒΆ
type Channel struct { AutoTranslationLanguage string `json:"auto_translation_language"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Disabled bool `json:"disabled"` Frozen bool `json:"frozen"` ID string `json:"id"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` AutoTranslationEnabled *bool `json:"auto_translation_enabled,omitempty"` Cooldown *int `json:"cooldown,omitempty"` DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` LastMessageAt *Timestamp `json:"last_message_at,omitempty"` MemberCount *int `json:"member_count,omitempty"` Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` Invites []ChannelMember `json:"invites,omitempty"` Members []ChannelMember `json:"members,omitempty"` Config *ChannelConfig `json:"config,omitempty"` ConfigOverrides *ConfigOverrides `json:"config_overrides,omitempty"` CreatedBy *User `json:"created_by,omitempty"` TruncatedBy *User `json:"truncated_by,omitempty"` }
type ChannelConfig ΒΆ
type ChannelConfig struct { Automod string `json:"automod"` AutomodBehavior string `json:"automod_behavior"` ConnectEvents bool `json:"connect_events"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` CustomEvents bool `json:"custom_events"` MarkMessagesPending bool `json:"mark_messages_pending"` MaxMessageLength int `json:"max_message_length"` Mutes bool `json:"mutes"` Name string `json:"name"` Polls bool `json:"polls"` PushNotifications bool `json:"push_notifications"` Quotes bool `json:"quotes"` Reactions bool `json:"reactions"` ReadEvents bool `json:"read_events"` Reminders bool `json:"reminders"` Replies bool `json:"replies"` Search bool `json:"search"` SkipLastMsgUpdateForSystemMsgs bool `json:"skip_last_msg_update_for_system_msgs"` TypingEvents bool `json:"typing_events"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Uploads bool `json:"uploads"` UrlEnrichment bool `json:"url_enrichment"` // List of commands that channel supports Commands []string `json:"commands"` Blocklist *string `json:"blocklist,omitempty"` BlocklistBehavior *string `json:"blocklist_behavior,omitempty"` PartitionSize *int `json:"partition_size,omitempty"` PartitionTtl *string `json:"partition_ttl,omitempty"` AllowedFlagReasons []string `json:"allowed_flag_reasons,omitempty"` Blocklists []BlockListOptions `json:"blocklists,omitempty"` AutomodThresholds *Thresholds `json:"automod_thresholds,omitempty"` }
type ChannelConfigWithInfo ΒΆ
type ChannelConfigWithInfo struct { Automod string `json:"automod"` AutomodBehavior string `json:"automod_behavior"` ConnectEvents bool `json:"connect_events"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` CustomEvents bool `json:"custom_events"` MarkMessagesPending bool `json:"mark_messages_pending"` MaxMessageLength int `json:"max_message_length"` Mutes bool `json:"mutes"` Name string `json:"name"` Polls bool `json:"polls"` PushNotifications bool `json:"push_notifications"` Quotes bool `json:"quotes"` Reactions bool `json:"reactions"` ReadEvents bool `json:"read_events"` Reminders bool `json:"reminders"` Replies bool `json:"replies"` Search bool `json:"search"` SkipLastMsgUpdateForSystemMsgs bool `json:"skip_last_msg_update_for_system_msgs"` TypingEvents bool `json:"typing_events"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Uploads bool `json:"uploads"` UrlEnrichment bool `json:"url_enrichment"` Commands []Command `json:"commands"` Blocklist *string `json:"blocklist,omitempty"` BlocklistBehavior *string `json:"blocklist_behavior,omitempty"` PartitionSize *int `json:"partition_size,omitempty"` PartitionTtl *string `json:"partition_ttl,omitempty"` AllowedFlagReasons []string `json:"allowed_flag_reasons,omitempty"` Blocklists []BlockListOptions `json:"blocklists,omitempty"` AutomodThresholds *Thresholds `json:"automod_thresholds,omitempty"` Grants map[string][]string `json:"grants,omitempty"` }
type ChannelCreatedEvent ΒΆ
type ChannelCreatedEvent struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` }
func (*ChannelCreatedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*ChannelCreatedEvent) GetEventType() string
type ChannelDeletedEvent ΒΆ
type ChannelDeletedEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelMemberCount int `json:"channel_member_count"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` Channel *ChannelResponse `json:"channel,omitempty"` }
func (*ChannelDeletedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*ChannelDeletedEvent) GetEventType() string
type ChannelExport ΒΆ
type ChannelExport struct { Cid *string `json:"cid,omitempty"` // Channel ID ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` // Date to export messages since MessagesSince *Timestamp `json:"messages_since,omitempty"` // Date to export messages until MessagesUntil *Timestamp `json:"messages_until,omitempty"` // Channel type Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type ChannelFrozenEvent ΒΆ
type ChannelFrozenEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` }
func (*ChannelFrozenEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*ChannelFrozenEvent) GetEventType() string
type ChannelGetOrCreateRequest ΒΆ
type ChannelGetOrCreateRequest struct { // Whether this channel will be hidden for the user who created the channel or not HideForCreator *bool `json:"hide_for_creator,omitempty"` // Refresh channel state State *bool `json:"state,omitempty"` ThreadUnreadCounts *bool `json:"thread_unread_counts,omitempty"` Data *ChannelInput `json:"data,omitempty"` Members *PaginationParams `json:"members,omitempty"` Messages *MessagePaginationParams `json:"messages,omitempty"` Watchers *PaginationParams `json:"watchers,omitempty"` }
type ChannelHiddenEvent ΒΆ
type ChannelHiddenEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelMemberCount int `json:"channel_member_count"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` ClearHistory bool `json:"clear_history"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Channel *ChannelResponse `json:"channel,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*ChannelHiddenEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*ChannelHiddenEvent) GetEventType() string
type ChannelInput ΒΆ
type ChannelInput struct { // Enable or disable auto translation AutoTranslationEnabled *bool `json:"auto_translation_enabled,omitempty"` // Switch auto translation language AutoTranslationLanguage *string `json:"auto_translation_language,omitempty"` CreatedByID *string `json:"created_by_id,omitempty"` Disabled *bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"` // Freeze or unfreeze the channel Frozen *bool `json:"frozen,omitempty"` // Team the channel belongs to (if multi-tenant mode is enabled) Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` TruncatedByID *string `json:"truncated_by_id,omitempty"` Invites []ChannelMember `json:"invites,omitempty"` Members []ChannelMember `json:"members,omitempty"` ConfigOverrides *ChannelConfig `json:"config_overrides,omitempty"` CreatedBy *UserRequest `json:"created_by,omitempty"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom,omitempty"` }
type ChannelMember ΒΆ
type ChannelMember struct { // Whether member is banned this channel or not Banned bool `json:"banned"` // Role of the member in the channel ChannelRole string `json:"channel_role"` // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` NotificationsMuted bool `json:"notifications_muted"` // Whether member is shadow banned in this channel or not ShadowBanned bool `json:"shadow_banned"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` ArchivedAt *Timestamp `json:"archived_at,omitempty"` // Expiration date of the ban BanExpires *Timestamp `json:"ban_expires,omitempty"` DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` // Date when invite was accepted InviteAcceptedAt *Timestamp `json:"invite_accepted_at,omitempty"` // Date when invite was rejected InviteRejectedAt *Timestamp `json:"invite_rejected_at,omitempty"` // Whether member was invited or not Invited *bool `json:"invited,omitempty"` // Whether member is channel moderator or not IsModerator *bool `json:"is_moderator,omitempty"` PinnedAt *Timestamp `json:"pinned_at,omitempty"` // Permission level of the member in the channel (DEPRECATED: use channel_role instead) Role *string `json:"role,omitempty"` Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` UserID *string `json:"user_id,omitempty"` User *UserResponse `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type ChannelMemberResponse ΒΆ
type ChannelMemberResponse struct { // Whether member is banned this channel or not Banned bool `json:"banned"` // Role of the member in the channel ChannelRole string `json:"channel_role"` // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` NotificationsMuted bool `json:"notifications_muted"` // Whether member is shadow banned in this channel or not ShadowBanned bool `json:"shadow_banned"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` ArchivedAt *Timestamp `json:"archived_at,omitempty"` // Expiration date of the ban BanExpires *Timestamp `json:"ban_expires,omitempty"` DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` // Date when invite was accepted InviteAcceptedAt *Timestamp `json:"invite_accepted_at,omitempty"` // Date when invite was rejected InviteRejectedAt *Timestamp `json:"invite_rejected_at,omitempty"` // Whether member was invited or not Invited *bool `json:"invited,omitempty"` // Whether member is channel moderator or not IsModerator *bool `json:"is_moderator,omitempty"` PinnedAt *Timestamp `json:"pinned_at,omitempty"` // Permission level of the member in the channel (DEPRECATED: use channel_role instead) Role *string `json:"role,omitempty"` Status *string `json:"status,omitempty"` UserID *string `json:"user_id,omitempty"` User *UserResponse `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type ChannelMessages ΒΆ
type ChannelMessages struct { Messages []Message `json:"messages"` Channel *ChannelResponse `json:"channel,omitempty"` }
type ChannelMute ΒΆ
type ChannelMute struct { // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` // Date/time of mute expiration Expires *Timestamp `json:"expires,omitempty"` Channel *ChannelResponse `json:"channel,omitempty"` User *UserResponse `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type ChannelMutedEvent ΒΆ
func (*ChannelMutedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*ChannelMutedEvent) GetEventType() string
type ChannelOwnCapability ΒΆ
type ChannelOwnCapability string
const ( BAN_CHANNEL_MEMBERS ChannelOwnCapability = "ban-channel-members" CAST_POLL_VOTE ChannelOwnCapability = "cast-poll-vote" CONNECT_EVENTS ChannelOwnCapability = "connect-events" CREATE_ATTACHMENT ChannelOwnCapability = "create-attachment" DELETE_ANY_MESSAGE ChannelOwnCapability = "delete-any-message" DELETE_CHANNEL ChannelOwnCapability = "delete-channel" DELETE_OWN_MESSAGE ChannelOwnCapability = "delete-own-message" FLAG_MESSAGE ChannelOwnCapability = "flag-message" FREEZE_CHANNEL ChannelOwnCapability = "freeze-channel" JOIN_CHANNEL ChannelOwnCapability = "join-channel" LEAVE_CHANNEL ChannelOwnCapability = "leave-channel" MUTE_CHANNEL ChannelOwnCapability = "mute-channel" PIN_MESSAGE ChannelOwnCapability = "pin-message" QUERY_POLL_VOTES ChannelOwnCapability = "query-poll-votes" QUOTE_MESSAGE ChannelOwnCapability = "quote-message" READ_EVENTS ChannelOwnCapability = "read-events" SEARCH_MESSAGES ChannelOwnCapability = "search-messages" SEND_CUSTOM_EVENTS ChannelOwnCapability = "send-custom-events" SEND_LINKS ChannelOwnCapability = "send-links" SEND_MESSAGE ChannelOwnCapability = "send-message" SEND_POLL ChannelOwnCapability = "send-poll" SEND_REACTION ChannelOwnCapability = "send-reaction" SEND_REPLY ChannelOwnCapability = "send-reply" SEND_TYPING_EVENTS ChannelOwnCapability = "send-typing-events" SET_CHANNEL_COOLDOWN ChannelOwnCapability = "set-channel-cooldown" SKIP_SLOW_MODE ChannelOwnCapability = "skip-slow-mode" SLOW_MODE ChannelOwnCapability = "slow-mode" TYPING_EVENTS ChannelOwnCapability = "typing-events" UPDATE_ANY_MESSAGE ChannelOwnCapability = "update-any-message" UPDATE_CHANNEL ChannelOwnCapability = "update-channel" UPDATE_CHANNEL_MEMBERS ChannelOwnCapability = "update-channel-members" UPDATE_OWN_MESSAGE ChannelOwnCapability = "update-own-message" UPDATE_THREAD ChannelOwnCapability = "update-thread" UPLOAD_FILE ChannelOwnCapability = "upload-file" )
func (ChannelOwnCapability) String ΒΆ
func (c ChannelOwnCapability) String() string
type ChannelPushPreferences ΒΆ
type ChannelResponse ΒΆ
type ChannelResponse struct { // Channel CID (<type>:<id>) Cid string `json:"cid"` // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Disabled bool `json:"disabled"` // Whether channel is frozen or not Frozen bool `json:"frozen"` // Channel unique ID ID string `json:"id"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` // Type of the channel Type string `json:"type"` // Custom data for this object Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` // Whether auto translation is enabled or not AutoTranslationEnabled *bool `json:"auto_translation_enabled,omitempty"` // Language to translate to when auto translation is active AutoTranslationLanguage *string `json:"auto_translation_language,omitempty"` // Whether this channel is blocked by current user or not Blocked *bool `json:"blocked,omitempty"` // Cooldown period after sending each message Cooldown *int `json:"cooldown,omitempty"` // Date/time of deletion DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` // Whether this channel is hidden by current user or not Hidden *bool `json:"hidden,omitempty"` // Date since when the message history is accessible HideMessagesBefore *Timestamp `json:"hide_messages_before,omitempty"` // Date of the last message sent LastMessageAt *Timestamp `json:"last_message_at,omitempty"` // Number of members in the channel MemberCount *int `json:"member_count,omitempty"` // Date of mute expiration MuteExpiresAt *Timestamp `json:"mute_expires_at,omitempty"` // Whether this channel is muted or not Muted *bool `json:"muted,omitempty"` // Team the channel belongs to (multi-tenant only) Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` // Date of the latest truncation of the channel TruncatedAt *Timestamp `json:"truncated_at,omitempty"` // List of channel members (max 100) Members []ChannelMember `json:"members,omitempty"` // List of channel capabilities of authenticated user OwnCapabilities []ChannelOwnCapability `json:"own_capabilities,omitempty"` Config *ChannelConfigWithInfo `json:"config,omitempty"` CreatedBy *UserResponse `json:"created_by,omitempty"` TruncatedBy *UserResponse `json:"truncated_by,omitempty"` }
Represents channel in chat
type ChannelStateResponse ΒΆ
type ChannelStateResponse struct { Duration string `json:"duration"` Members []ChannelMember `json:"members"` Messages []MessageResponse `json:"messages"` PinnedMessages []MessageResponse `json:"pinned_messages"` Threads []ThreadStateResponse `json:"threads"` Hidden *bool `json:"hidden,omitempty"` HideMessagesBefore *Timestamp `json:"hide_messages_before,omitempty"` WatcherCount *int `json:"watcher_count,omitempty"` PendingMessages []PendingMessageResponse `json:"pending_messages,omitempty"` Read []ReadStateResponse `json:"read,omitempty"` Watchers []UserResponse `json:"watchers,omitempty"` Channel *ChannelResponse `json:"channel,omitempty"` Membership *ChannelMember `json:"membership,omitempty"` PushPreferences *ChannelPushPreferences `json:"push_preferences,omitempty"` }
type ChannelStateResponseFields ΒΆ
type ChannelStateResponseFields struct { // List of channel members Members []ChannelMember `json:"members"` // List of channel messages Messages []MessageResponse `json:"messages"` // List of pinned messages in the channel PinnedMessages []MessageResponse `json:"pinned_messages"` Threads []ThreadStateResponse `json:"threads"` // Whether this channel is hidden or not Hidden *bool `json:"hidden,omitempty"` // Messages before this date are hidden from the user HideMessagesBefore *Timestamp `json:"hide_messages_before,omitempty"` // Number of channel watchers WatcherCount *int `json:"watcher_count,omitempty"` // Pending messages that this user has sent PendingMessages []PendingMessageResponse `json:"pending_messages,omitempty"` // List of read states Read []ReadStateResponse `json:"read,omitempty"` // List of user who is watching the channel Watchers []UserResponse `json:"watchers,omitempty"` Channel *ChannelResponse `json:"channel,omitempty"` Membership *ChannelMember `json:"membership,omitempty"` PushPreferences *ChannelPushPreferences `json:"push_preferences,omitempty"` }
type ChannelTruncatedEvent ΒΆ
type ChannelTruncatedEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelMemberCount int `json:"channel_member_count"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Channel *ChannelResponse `json:"channel,omitempty"` }
func (*ChannelTruncatedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*ChannelTruncatedEvent) GetEventType() string
type ChannelTypeConfig ΒΆ
type ChannelTypeConfig struct { Automod string `json:"automod"` AutomodBehavior string `json:"automod_behavior"` ConnectEvents bool `json:"connect_events"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` CustomEvents bool `json:"custom_events"` MarkMessagesPending bool `json:"mark_messages_pending"` MaxMessageLength int `json:"max_message_length"` Mutes bool `json:"mutes"` Name string `json:"name"` Polls bool `json:"polls"` PushNotifications bool `json:"push_notifications"` Quotes bool `json:"quotes"` Reactions bool `json:"reactions"` ReadEvents bool `json:"read_events"` Reminders bool `json:"reminders"` Replies bool `json:"replies"` Search bool `json:"search"` SkipLastMsgUpdateForSystemMsgs bool `json:"skip_last_msg_update_for_system_msgs"` TypingEvents bool `json:"typing_events"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Uploads bool `json:"uploads"` UrlEnrichment bool `json:"url_enrichment"` Commands []Command `json:"commands"` Permissions []PolicyRequest `json:"permissions"` Grants map[string][]string `json:"grants"` Blocklist *string `json:"blocklist,omitempty"` BlocklistBehavior *string `json:"blocklist_behavior,omitempty"` PartitionSize *int `json:"partition_size,omitempty"` PartitionTtl *string `json:"partition_ttl,omitempty"` AllowedFlagReasons []string `json:"allowed_flag_reasons,omitempty"` Blocklists []BlockListOptions `json:"blocklists,omitempty"` AutomodThresholds *Thresholds `json:"automod_thresholds,omitempty"` }
type ChannelUnFrozenEvent ΒΆ
type ChannelUnFrozenEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` }
func (*ChannelUnFrozenEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*ChannelUnFrozenEvent) GetEventType() string
type ChannelUnmutedEvent ΒΆ
type ChannelUnmutedEvent struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` }
func (*ChannelUnmutedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*ChannelUnmutedEvent) GetEventType() string
type ChannelUpdatedEvent ΒΆ
type ChannelUpdatedEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelMemberCount int `json:"channel_member_count"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` Channel *ChannelResponse `json:"channel,omitempty"` Message *Message `json:"message,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*ChannelUpdatedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*ChannelUpdatedEvent) GetEventType() string
type ChannelVisibleEvent ΒΆ
type ChannelVisibleEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*ChannelVisibleEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*ChannelVisibleEvent) GetEventType() string
type Channels ΒΆ
type Channels struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewChannel ΒΆ
func NewChannel(channelType string, channelD string, client *ChatClient) *Channels
func (*Channels) Delete ΒΆ
func (c *Channels) Delete(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteChannelResponse], error)
func (*Channels) DeleteFile ΒΆ
func (c *Channels) DeleteFile(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteFileRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
func (*Channels) DeleteImage ΒΆ
func (c *Channels) DeleteImage(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteImageRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
func (*Channels) GetManyMessages ΒΆ
func (c *Channels) GetManyMessages(ctx context.Context, request *GetManyMessagesRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetManyMessagesResponse], error)
func (*Channels) GetOrCreate ΒΆ
func (c *Channels) GetOrCreate(ctx context.Context, request *GetOrCreateChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[ChannelStateResponse], error)
func (*Channels) Hide ΒΆ
func (c *Channels) Hide(ctx context.Context, request *HideChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[HideChannelResponse], error)
func (*Channels) MarkRead ΒΆ
func (c *Channels) MarkRead(ctx context.Context, request *MarkReadRequest) (*StreamResponse[MarkReadResponse], error)
func (*Channels) MarkUnread ΒΆ
func (c *Channels) MarkUnread(ctx context.Context, request *MarkUnreadRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
func (*Channels) SendEvent ΒΆ
func (c *Channels) SendEvent(ctx context.Context, request *SendEventRequest) (*StreamResponse[EventResponse], error)
func (*Channels) SendMessage ΒΆ
func (c *Channels) SendMessage(ctx context.Context, request *SendMessageRequest) (*StreamResponse[SendMessageResponse], error)
func (*Channels) Show ΒΆ
func (c *Channels) Show(ctx context.Context, request *ShowChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[ShowChannelResponse], error)
func (*Channels) Truncate ΒΆ
func (c *Channels) Truncate(ctx context.Context, request *TruncateChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[TruncateChannelResponse], error)
func (*Channels) Update ΒΆ
func (c *Channels) Update(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateChannelResponse], error)
func (*Channels) UpdateChannelPartial ΒΆ
func (c *Channels) UpdateChannelPartial(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateChannelPartialRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateChannelPartialResponse], error)
func (*Channels) UpdateMemberPartial ΒΆ
func (c *Channels) UpdateMemberPartial(ctx context.Context, userID string, request *UpdateMemberPartialRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateMemberPartialResponse], error)
func (*Channels) UploadFile ΒΆ
func (c *Channels) UploadFile(ctx context.Context, request *UploadFileRequest) (*StreamResponse[FileUploadResponse], error)
func (*Channels) UploadImage ΒΆ
func (c *Channels) UploadImage(ctx context.Context, request *UploadImageRequest) (*StreamResponse[ImageUploadResponse], error)
type ChatClient ΒΆ
type ChatClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewChatClient ΒΆ
func NewChatClient(client *Client) *ChatClient
func (*ChatClient) CastPollVote ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) CastPollVote(ctx context.Context, messageID string, pollID string, request *CastPollVoteRequest) (*StreamResponse[PollVoteResponse], error)
Cast a vote on a poll
Sends events: - poll.vote_casted
func (*ChatClient) Channel ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) Channel(channelType, channelD string) *Channels
func (*ChatClient) CommitMessage ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) CommitMessage(ctx context.Context, id string, request *CommitMessageRequest) (*StreamResponse[MessageResponse], error)
Commits a pending message, which will make it visible in the channel
Sends events: - - message.updated - - message.updated
func (*ChatClient) CreateChannelType ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) CreateChannelType(ctx context.Context, request *CreateChannelTypeRequest) (*StreamResponse[CreateChannelTypeResponse], error)
Creates new channel type
func (*ChatClient) CreateCommand ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) CreateCommand(ctx context.Context, request *CreateCommandRequest) (*StreamResponse[CreateCommandResponse], error)
Creates custom chat command
func (*ChatClient) CreatePoll ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) CreatePoll(ctx context.Context, request *CreatePollRequest) (*StreamResponse[PollResponse], error)
Creates a new poll
func (*ChatClient) CreatePollOption ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) CreatePollOption(ctx context.Context, pollID string, request *CreatePollOptionRequest) (*StreamResponse[PollOptionResponse], error)
Creates a poll option
Sends events: - poll.updated
func (*ChatClient) DeleteChannel ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) DeleteChannel(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *DeleteChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteChannelResponse], error)
Deletes channel
Sends events: - channel.deleted - channel.deleted
func (*ChatClient) DeleteChannelType ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) DeleteChannelType(ctx context.Context, name string, request *DeleteChannelTypeRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
Deletes channel type
func (*ChatClient) DeleteChannels ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) DeleteChannels(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteChannelsRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteChannelsResponse], error)
Allows to delete several channels at once asynchronously
Sends events: - channel.deleted - channel.deleted
func (*ChatClient) DeleteCommand ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) DeleteCommand(ctx context.Context, name string, request *DeleteCommandRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteCommandResponse], error)
Deletes custom chat command
func (*ChatClient) DeleteFile ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) DeleteFile(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *DeleteFileRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
Deletes previously uploaded file
func (*ChatClient) DeleteImage ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) DeleteImage(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *DeleteImageRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
Deletes previously uploaded image
func (*ChatClient) DeleteMessage ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) DeleteMessage(ctx context.Context, id string, request *DeleteMessageRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteMessageResponse], error)
Deletes message
Sends events: - message.deleted - message.deleted
func (*ChatClient) DeletePoll ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) DeletePoll(ctx context.Context, pollID string, request *DeletePollRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
Deletes a poll
Sends events: - poll.deleted
func (*ChatClient) DeletePollOption ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) DeletePollOption(ctx context.Context, pollID string, optionID string, request *DeletePollOptionRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
Deletes a poll option
Sends events: - poll.updated
func (*ChatClient) DeleteReaction ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) DeleteReaction(ctx context.Context, id string, _type string, request *DeleteReactionRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteReactionResponse], error)
Removes user reaction from the message
Sends events: - reaction.deleted
func (*ChatClient) DeleteSegment ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) DeleteSegment(ctx context.Context, id string, request *DeleteSegmentRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
Delete a segment
func (*ChatClient) DeleteSegmentTargets ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) DeleteSegmentTargets(ctx context.Context, id string, request *DeleteSegmentTargetsRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
Delete targets from a segment
func (*ChatClient) ExportChannels ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) ExportChannels(ctx context.Context, request *ExportChannelsRequest) (*StreamResponse[ExportChannelsResponse], error)
Exports channel data to JSON file
func (*ChatClient) GetCampaign ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) GetCampaign(ctx context.Context, id string, request *GetCampaignRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetCampaignResponse], error)
Get campaign by ID.
func (*ChatClient) GetChannelType ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) GetChannelType(ctx context.Context, name string, request *GetChannelTypeRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetChannelTypeResponse], error)
Gets channel type
func (*ChatClient) GetCommand ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) GetCommand(ctx context.Context, name string, request *GetCommandRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetCommandResponse], error)
Returns custom command by its name
func (*ChatClient) GetExportChannelsStatus ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) GetExportChannelsStatus(ctx context.Context, id string, request *GetExportChannelsStatusRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetExportChannelsStatusResponse], error)
func (*ChatClient) GetManyMessages ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) GetManyMessages(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *GetManyMessagesRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetManyMessagesResponse], error)
Returns list messages found by IDs
func (*ChatClient) GetMessage ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) GetMessage(ctx context.Context, id string, request *GetMessageRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetMessageResponse], error)
Returns message by ID
func (*ChatClient) GetOrCreateChannel ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) GetOrCreateChannel(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *GetOrCreateChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[ChannelStateResponse], error)
This Method creates a channel or returns an existing one with matching attributes
Sends events: - channel.created - member.added - member.removed - member.updated - user.watching.start
func (*ChatClient) GetOrCreateDistinctChannel ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) GetOrCreateDistinctChannel(ctx context.Context, _type string, request *GetOrCreateDistinctChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[ChannelStateResponse], error)
This Method creates a channel or returns an existing one with matching attributes
Sends events: - channel.created - member.added - member.removed - member.updated - user.watching.start
func (*ChatClient) GetPoll ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) GetPoll(ctx context.Context, pollID string, request *GetPollRequest) (*StreamResponse[PollResponse], error)
Retrieves a poll
func (*ChatClient) GetPollOption ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) GetPollOption(ctx context.Context, pollID string, optionID string, request *GetPollOptionRequest) (*StreamResponse[PollOptionResponse], error)
Retrieves a poll option
func (*ChatClient) GetReactions ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) GetReactions(ctx context.Context, id string, request *GetReactionsRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetReactionsResponse], error)
Returns list of reactions of specific message
func (*ChatClient) GetReplies ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) GetReplies(ctx context.Context, parentID string, request *GetRepliesRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetRepliesResponse], error)
Returns replies (thread) of the message
func (*ChatClient) GetSegment ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) GetSegment(ctx context.Context, id string, request *GetSegmentRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetSegmentResponse], error)
Get segment
func (*ChatClient) GetThread ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) GetThread(ctx context.Context, messageID string, request *GetThreadRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetThreadResponse], error)
Return a specific thread
func (*ChatClient) HideChannel ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) HideChannel(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *HideChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[HideChannelResponse], error)
Marks channel as hidden for current user
Sends events: - channel.hidden - channel.hidden
func (*ChatClient) ListChannelTypes ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) ListChannelTypes(ctx context.Context, request *ListChannelTypesRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListChannelTypesResponse], error)
Lists all available channel types
func (*ChatClient) ListCommands ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) ListCommands(ctx context.Context, request *ListCommandsRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListCommandsResponse], error)
Returns all custom commands
func (*ChatClient) MarkChannelsRead ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) MarkChannelsRead(ctx context.Context, request *MarkChannelsReadRequest) (*StreamResponse[MarkReadResponse], error)
Marks channels as read up to the specific message. If no channels is given, mark all channel as read
Sends events: - -
func (*ChatClient) MarkRead ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) MarkRead(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *MarkReadRequest) (*StreamResponse[MarkReadResponse], error)
Marks channel as read up to the specific message
Sends events: - -
func (*ChatClient) MarkUnread ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) MarkUnread(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *MarkUnreadRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
Marks channel as unread from a specific message
func (*ChatClient) MuteChannel ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) MuteChannel(ctx context.Context, request *MuteChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[MuteChannelResponse], error)
Mutes channel for user
Sends events: - channel.muted - channel.muted
func (*ChatClient) QueryBannedUsers ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) QueryBannedUsers(ctx context.Context, request *QueryBannedUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryBannedUsersResponse], error)
Find and filter channel scoped or global user bans
func (*ChatClient) QueryCampaigns ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) QueryCampaigns(ctx context.Context, request *QueryCampaignsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryCampaignsResponse], error)
Query campaigns
func (*ChatClient) QueryChannels ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) QueryChannels(ctx context.Context, request *QueryChannelsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryChannelsResponse], error)
Query channels with filter query
func (*ChatClient) QueryMembers ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) QueryMembers(ctx context.Context, request *QueryMembersRequest) (*StreamResponse[MembersResponse], error)
Find and filter channel members
func (*ChatClient) QueryMessageFlags ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) QueryMessageFlags(ctx context.Context, request *QueryMessageFlagsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryMessageFlagsResponse], error)
Find and filter message flags
func (*ChatClient) QueryMessageHistory ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) QueryMessageHistory(ctx context.Context, request *QueryMessageHistoryRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryMessageHistoryResponse], error)
Queries history for one message
func (*ChatClient) QueryPollVotes ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) QueryPollVotes(ctx context.Context, pollID string, request *QueryPollVotesRequest) (*StreamResponse[PollVotesResponse], error)
Queries votes
func (*ChatClient) QueryPolls ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) QueryPolls(ctx context.Context, request *QueryPollsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryPollsResponse], error)
Queries polls
func (*ChatClient) QueryReactions ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) QueryReactions(ctx context.Context, id string, request *QueryReactionsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryReactionsResponse], error)
Get reactions on a message
func (*ChatClient) QuerySegmentTargets ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) QuerySegmentTargets(ctx context.Context, id string, request *QuerySegmentTargetsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QuerySegmentTargetsResponse], error)
Query segment targets
func (*ChatClient) QuerySegments ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) QuerySegments(ctx context.Context, request *QuerySegmentsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QuerySegmentsResponse], error)
Query segments
func (*ChatClient) QueryThreads ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) QueryThreads(ctx context.Context, request *QueryThreadsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryThreadsResponse], error)
Returns the list of threads for specific user
func (*ChatClient) RemovePollVote ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) RemovePollVote(ctx context.Context, messageID string, pollID string, voteID string, request *RemovePollVoteRequest) (*StreamResponse[PollVoteResponse], error)
Delete a vote from a poll
Sends events: - poll.vote_removed
func (*ChatClient) RunMessageAction ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) RunMessageAction(ctx context.Context, id string, request *RunMessageActionRequest) (*StreamResponse[MessageResponse], error)
Executes message command action with given parameters
Sends events: - -
func (*ChatClient) ScheduleCampaign ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) ScheduleCampaign(ctx context.Context, id string, request *ScheduleCampaignRequest) (*StreamResponse[CampaignResponse], error)
Stops a campaign
func (*ChatClient) Search ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) Search(ctx context.Context, request *SearchRequest) (*StreamResponse[SearchResponse], error)
Search messages across channels
func (*ChatClient) SegmentTargetExists ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) SegmentTargetExists(ctx context.Context, id string, targetID string, request *SegmentTargetExistsRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
Check whether a target exists in a segment. Returns 200 if the target exists, 404 otherwise
func (*ChatClient) SendEvent ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) SendEvent(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *SendEventRequest) (*StreamResponse[EventResponse], error)
Sends event to the channel
func (*ChatClient) SendMessage ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) SendMessage(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *SendMessageRequest) (*StreamResponse[SendMessageResponse], error)
Sends new message to the specified channel
Sends events: - - message.updated - - message.updated
func (*ChatClient) SendReaction ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) SendReaction(ctx context.Context, id string, request *SendReactionRequest) (*StreamResponse[SendReactionResponse], error)
Sends reaction to specified message
Sends events: - - reaction.updated
func (*ChatClient) SendUserCustomEvent ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) SendUserCustomEvent(ctx context.Context, userID string, request *SendUserCustomEventRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
Sends a custom event to a user
Sends events: - *
func (*ChatClient) ShowChannel ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) ShowChannel(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *ShowChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[ShowChannelResponse], error)
Shows previously hidden channel
Sends events: - channel.visible - channel.visible
func (*ChatClient) StartCampaign ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) StartCampaign(ctx context.Context, id string, request *StartCampaignRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartCampaignResponse], error)
Starts or schedules a campaign
func (*ChatClient) TranslateMessage ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) TranslateMessage(ctx context.Context, id string, request *TranslateMessageRequest) (*StreamResponse[MessageResponse], error)
Translates message to a given language using automated translation software
Sends events: - message.updated - message.updated
func (*ChatClient) TruncateChannel ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) TruncateChannel(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *TruncateChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[TruncateChannelResponse], error)
Truncates channel
Sends events: - channel.truncated - channel.truncated
func (*ChatClient) UndeleteMessage ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) UndeleteMessage(ctx context.Context, id string, request *UndeleteMessageRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateMessageResponse], error)
Undelete a message that was previously soft-deleted
Sends events: - message.undeleted - message.undeleted
func (*ChatClient) UnmuteChannel ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) UnmuteChannel(ctx context.Context, request *UnmuteChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[UnmuteResponse], error)
Unmutes channel for user
Sends events: - channel.unmuted - channel.unmuted
func (*ChatClient) UnreadCounts ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) UnreadCounts(ctx context.Context, request *UnreadCountsRequest) (*StreamResponse[WrappedUnreadCountsResponse], error)
Fetch unread counts for a single user
func (*ChatClient) UnreadCountsBatch ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) UnreadCountsBatch(ctx context.Context, request *UnreadCountsBatchRequest) (*StreamResponse[UnreadCountsBatchResponse], error)
Fetch unread counts in batch for multiple users in one call
func (*ChatClient) UpdateChannel ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) UpdateChannel(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *UpdateChannelRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateChannelResponse], error)
Change channel data
Sends events: - channel.updated - member.added - member.removed - member.updated - - channel.updated - member.added - member.removed - member.updated -
func (*ChatClient) UpdateChannelPartial ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) UpdateChannelPartial(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *UpdateChannelPartialRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateChannelPartialResponse], error)
Updates certain fields of the channel
Sends events: - channel.updated - channel.updated
func (*ChatClient) UpdateChannelType ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) UpdateChannelType(ctx context.Context, name string, request *UpdateChannelTypeRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateChannelTypeResponse], error)
Updates channel type
func (*ChatClient) UpdateCommand ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) UpdateCommand(ctx context.Context, name string, request *UpdateCommandRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateCommandResponse], error)
Updates custom chat command
func (*ChatClient) UpdateMemberPartial ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) UpdateMemberPartial(ctx context.Context, userID string, _type string, id string, request *UpdateMemberPartialRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateMemberPartialResponse], error)
func (*ChatClient) UpdateMessage ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) UpdateMessage(ctx context.Context, id string, request *UpdateMessageRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateMessageResponse], error)
Updates message with new data
Sends events: - message.updated - message.updated
func (*ChatClient) UpdateMessagePartial ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) UpdateMessagePartial(ctx context.Context, id string, request *UpdateMessagePartialRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateMessagePartialResponse], error)
Updates certain fields of the message
Sends events: - message.updated - message.updated
func (*ChatClient) UpdatePoll ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) UpdatePoll(ctx context.Context, request *UpdatePollRequest) (*StreamResponse[PollResponse], error)
Updates a poll
Sends events: - poll.closed - poll.updated
func (*ChatClient) UpdatePollOption ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) UpdatePollOption(ctx context.Context, pollID string, request *UpdatePollOptionRequest) (*StreamResponse[PollOptionResponse], error)
Updates a poll option
Sends events: - poll.updated
func (*ChatClient) UpdatePollPartial ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) UpdatePollPartial(ctx context.Context, pollID string, request *UpdatePollPartialRequest) (*StreamResponse[PollResponse], error)
Updates a poll partially
Sends events: - poll.updated
func (*ChatClient) UpdatePushNotificationPreferences ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) UpdatePushNotificationPreferences(ctx context.Context, request *UpdatePushNotificationPreferencesRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpsertPushPreferencesResponse], error)
Update the push preferences for a user and or channel member. Set to all, mentions or none
func (*ChatClient) UpdateThreadPartial ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) UpdateThreadPartial(ctx context.Context, messageID string, request *UpdateThreadPartialRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateThreadPartialResponse], error)
Updates certain fields of the thread
Sends events: - thread.updated - thread.updated
func (*ChatClient) UploadFile ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) UploadFile(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *UploadFileRequest) (*StreamResponse[FileUploadResponse], error)
Uploads file
func (*ChatClient) UploadImage ΒΆ
func (c *ChatClient) UploadImage(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *UploadImageRequest) (*StreamResponse[ImageUploadResponse], error)
Uploads image
type CheckExternalStorageRequest ΒΆ
type CheckExternalStorageRequest struct { }
type CheckExternalStorageResponse ΒΆ
type CheckExternalStorageResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` FileUrl string `json:"file_url"` }
Basic response information
type CheckPushRequest ΒΆ
type CheckPushRequest struct { ApnTemplate *string `json:"apn_template"` FirebaseDataTemplate *string `json:"firebase_data_template"` FirebaseTemplate *string `json:"firebase_template"` MessageID *string `json:"message_id"` PushProviderName *string `json:"push_provider_name"` PushProviderType *string `json:"push_provider_type"` SkipDevices *bool `json:"skip_devices"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type CheckPushResponse ΒΆ
type CheckPushResponse struct { Duration string `json:"duration"` RenderedApnTemplate *string `json:"rendered_apn_template,omitempty"` RenderedFirebaseTemplate *string `json:"rendered_firebase_template,omitempty"` // Don't require existing devices to render templates SkipDevices *bool `json:"skip_devices,omitempty"` // List of general errors GeneralErrors []string `json:"general_errors,omitempty"` // Object with device errors DeviceErrors map[string]DeviceErrorInfo `json:"device_errors,omitempty"` RenderedMessage map[string]string `json:"rendered_message,omitempty"` }
type CheckRequest ΒΆ
type CheckRequest struct { ConfigKey string `json:"config_key"` EntityCreatorID string `json:"entity_creator_id"` EntityID string `json:"entity_id"` EntityType string `json:"entity_type"` ConfigTeam *string `json:"config_team"` TestMode *bool `json:"test_mode"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` ModerationPayload *ModerationPayload `json:"moderation_payload"` Options map[string]any `json:"options"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type CheckResponse ΒΆ
type CheckResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` RecommendedAction string `json:"recommended_action"` Status string `json:"status"` TaskID *string `json:"task_id,omitempty"` Item *ReviewQueueItem `json:"item,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type CheckSNSRequest ΒΆ
type CheckSNSResponse ΒΆ
type CheckSQSRequest ΒΆ
type CheckSQSResponse ΒΆ
type Claims ΒΆ
type Claims struct { Role string // Role assigned to the user ChannelCIDs []string // Channel IDs the user has access to CallCIDs []string // Call IDs the user has access to CustomClaims map[string]interface{} // Additional custom claims }
Claims contains optional parameters for token creation.
type Client ΒΆ
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Client) BlockUsers ΒΆ
func (c *Client) BlockUsers(ctx context.Context, request *BlockUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[BlockUsersResponse], error)
Block users
func (*Client) CheckExternalStorage ΒΆ
func (c *Client) CheckExternalStorage(ctx context.Context, name string, request *CheckExternalStorageRequest) (*StreamResponse[CheckExternalStorageResponse], error)
func (*Client) CheckPush ΒΆ
func (c *Client) CheckPush(ctx context.Context, request *CheckPushRequest) (*StreamResponse[CheckPushResponse], error)
Sends a test message via push, this is a test endpoint to verify your push settings
func (*Client) CheckSNS ΒΆ
func (c *Client) CheckSNS(ctx context.Context, request *CheckSNSRequest) (*StreamResponse[CheckSNSResponse], error)
Validates Amazon SNS configuration
func (*Client) CheckSQS ΒΆ
func (c *Client) CheckSQS(ctx context.Context, request *CheckSQSRequest) (*StreamResponse[CheckSQSResponse], error)
Validates Amazon SQS credentials
func (*Client) CreateBlockList ΒΆ
func (c *Client) CreateBlockList(ctx context.Context, request *CreateBlockListRequest) (*StreamResponse[CreateBlockListResponse], error)
Creates a new application blocklist, once created the blocklist can be used by any channel type
func (*Client) CreateDevice ΒΆ
func (c *Client) CreateDevice(ctx context.Context, request *CreateDeviceRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
Adds a new device to a user, if the same device already exists the call will have no effect
func (*Client) CreateExternalStorage ΒΆ
func (c *Client) CreateExternalStorage(ctx context.Context, request *CreateExternalStorageRequest) (*StreamResponse[CreateExternalStorageResponse], error)
Creates new external storage
func (*Client) CreateGuest ΒΆ
func (c *Client) CreateGuest(ctx context.Context, request *CreateGuestRequest) (*StreamResponse[CreateGuestResponse], error)
func (*Client) CreateImport ΒΆ
func (c *Client) CreateImport(ctx context.Context, request *CreateImportRequest) (*StreamResponse[CreateImportResponse], error)
Creates a new import
func (*Client) CreateImportURL ΒΆ
func (c *Client) CreateImportURL(ctx context.Context, request *CreateImportURLRequest) (*StreamResponse[CreateImportURLResponse], error)
Creates a new import URL
func (*Client) CreateRole ΒΆ
func (c *Client) CreateRole(ctx context.Context, request *CreateRoleRequest) (*StreamResponse[CreateRoleResponse], error)
Creates custom role
func (*Client) DeactivateUser ΒΆ
func (c *Client) DeactivateUser(ctx context.Context, userID string, request *DeactivateUserRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeactivateUserResponse], error)
Deactivates user with possibility to activate it back
Sends events: - user.deactivated
func (*Client) DeactivateUsers ΒΆ
func (c *Client) DeactivateUsers(ctx context.Context, request *DeactivateUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeactivateUsersResponse], error)
Deactivate users in batches
Sends events: - user.deactivated
func (*Client) DefaultTimeout ΒΆ
func (*Client) DeleteBlockList ΒΆ
func (c *Client) DeleteBlockList(ctx context.Context, name string, request *DeleteBlockListRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
Deletes previously created application blocklist
func (*Client) DeleteDevice ΒΆ
func (c *Client) DeleteDevice(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteDeviceRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
Deletes one device
func (*Client) DeleteExternalStorage ΒΆ
func (c *Client) DeleteExternalStorage(ctx context.Context, name string, request *DeleteExternalStorageRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteExternalStorageResponse], error)
Deletes external storage
func (*Client) DeletePushProvider ΒΆ
func (c *Client) DeletePushProvider(ctx context.Context, _type string, name string, request *DeletePushProviderRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
Delete a push provider from v2 with multi bundle/package support. v1 isn't supported in this endpoint
func (*Client) DeleteRole ΒΆ
func (c *Client) DeleteRole(ctx context.Context, name string, request *DeleteRoleRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
Deletes custom role
func (*Client) DeleteUsers ΒΆ
func (c *Client) DeleteUsers(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteUsersResponse], error)
Deletes users and optionally all their belongings asynchronously.
Sends events: - channel.deleted - user.deleted
func (*Client) ExportUser ΒΆ
func (c *Client) ExportUser(ctx context.Context, userID string, request *ExportUserRequest) (*StreamResponse[ExportUserResponse], error)
Exports the user's profile, reactions and messages. Raises an error if a user has more than 10k messages or reactions
func (*Client) ExportUsers ΒΆ
func (c *Client) ExportUsers(ctx context.Context, request *ExportUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[ExportUsersResponse], error)
Exports user profile, reactions and messages for list of given users
func (*Client) GetApp ΒΆ
func (c *Client) GetApp(ctx context.Context, request *GetAppRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetApplicationResponse], error)
This Method returns the application settings
func (*Client) GetBlockList ΒΆ
func (c *Client) GetBlockList(ctx context.Context, name string, request *GetBlockListRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetBlockListResponse], error)
Returns block list by given name
func (*Client) GetBlockedUsers ΒΆ
func (c *Client) GetBlockedUsers(ctx context.Context, request *GetBlockedUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetBlockedUsersResponse], error)
Get list of blocked Users
func (*Client) GetImport ΒΆ
func (c *Client) GetImport(ctx context.Context, id string, request *GetImportRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetImportResponse], error)
Gets an import
func (*Client) GetOG ΒΆ
func (c *Client) GetOG(ctx context.Context, request *GetOGRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetOGResponse], error)
Get an OpenGraph attachment for a link
func (*Client) GetPermission ΒΆ
func (c *Client) GetPermission(ctx context.Context, id string, request *GetPermissionRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetCustomPermissionResponse], error)
Gets custom permission
func (*Client) GetRateLimits ΒΆ
func (c *Client) GetRateLimits(ctx context.Context, request *GetRateLimitsRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetRateLimitsResponse], error)
Get rate limits usage and quotas
func (*Client) GetTask ΒΆ
func (c *Client) GetTask(ctx context.Context, id string, request *GetTaskRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetTaskResponse], error)
Gets status of a task
func (*Client) HttpClient ΒΆ
func (c *Client) HttpClient() HttpClient
func (*Client) ListBlockLists ΒΆ
func (c *Client) ListBlockLists(ctx context.Context, request *ListBlockListsRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListBlockListResponse], error)
Returns all available block lists
func (*Client) ListDevices ΒΆ
func (c *Client) ListDevices(ctx context.Context, request *ListDevicesRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListDevicesResponse], error)
Returns all available devices
func (*Client) ListExternalStorage ΒΆ
func (c *Client) ListExternalStorage(ctx context.Context, request *ListExternalStorageRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListExternalStorageResponse], error)
Lists external storage
func (*Client) ListImports ΒΆ
func (c *Client) ListImports(ctx context.Context, request *ListImportsRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListImportsResponse], error)
Gets an import
func (*Client) ListPermissions ΒΆ
func (c *Client) ListPermissions(ctx context.Context, request *ListPermissionsRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListPermissionsResponse], error)
Lists all available permissions
func (*Client) ListPushProviders ΒΆ
func (c *Client) ListPushProviders(ctx context.Context, request *ListPushProvidersRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListPushProvidersResponse], error)
List details of all push providers.
func (*Client) ListRoles ΒΆ
func (c *Client) ListRoles(ctx context.Context, request *ListRolesRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListRolesResponse], error)
Lists all available roles
func (*Client) QueryUsers ΒΆ
func (c *Client) QueryUsers(ctx context.Context, request *QueryUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryUsersResponse], error)
Find and filter users
func (*Client) ReactivateUser ΒΆ
func (c *Client) ReactivateUser(ctx context.Context, userID string, request *ReactivateUserRequest) (*StreamResponse[ReactivateUserResponse], error)
Activates user who's been deactivated previously
Sends events: - user.reactivated
func (*Client) ReactivateUsers ΒΆ
func (c *Client) ReactivateUsers(ctx context.Context, request *ReactivateUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[ReactivateUsersResponse], error)
Reactivate users in batches
Sends events: - user.reactivated - user.reactivated
func (*Client) RestoreUsers ΒΆ
func (c *Client) RestoreUsers(ctx context.Context, request *RestoreUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
Restore soft deleted users
func (*Client) UnblockUsers ΒΆ
func (c *Client) UnblockUsers(ctx context.Context, request *UnblockUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[UnblockUsersResponse], error)
Unblock users
func (*Client) UpdateApp ΒΆ
func (c *Client) UpdateApp(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateAppRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
This Method updates one or more application settings
func (*Client) UpdateBlockList ΒΆ
func (c *Client) UpdateBlockList(ctx context.Context, name string, request *UpdateBlockListRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateBlockListResponse], error)
Updates contents of the block list
func (*Client) UpdateExternalStorage ΒΆ
func (c *Client) UpdateExternalStorage(ctx context.Context, name string, request *UpdateExternalStorageRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateExternalStorageResponse], error)
func (*Client) UpdateUsers ΒΆ
func (c *Client) UpdateUsers(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateUsersResponse], error)
Update or create users in bulk
Sends events: - user.updated
func (*Client) UpdateUsersPartial ΒΆ
func (c *Client) UpdateUsersPartial(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateUsersPartialRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateUsersResponse], error)
Updates certain fields of the user
Sends events: - user.presence.changed - user.updated - user.presence.changed
func (*Client) UpsertPushProvider ΒΆ
func (c *Client) UpsertPushProvider(ctx context.Context, request *UpsertPushProviderRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpsertPushProviderResponse], error)
Upsert a push provider for v2 with multi bundle/package support
func (*Client) VerifyWebhook ΒΆ
VerifyWebhook validates if hmac signature is correct for message body.
type ClientOSDataResponse ΒΆ
type ClientOption ΒΆ
type ClientOption func(c *Client)
func WithAuthToken ΒΆ
func WithAuthToken(authToken string) ClientOption
WithAuthToken sets the auth token for the client.
func WithBaseUrl ΒΆ
func WithBaseUrl(baseURL string) ClientOption
WithBaseUrl sets the base URL for the client.
func WithHTTPClient ΒΆ
func WithHTTPClient(httpClient HttpClient) ClientOption
func WithLogger ΒΆ
func WithLogger(logger Logger) ClientOption
WithLogger sets a custom logger for the client.
func WithTimeout ΒΆ
func WithTimeout(t time.Duration) ClientOption
WithTimeout sets a custom timeout for all API requests
type ClosedCaptionEvent ΒΆ
type ClosedCaptionEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` ClosedCaption CallClosedCaption `json:"closed_caption"` // The type of event: "call.closed_caption" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when closed captions are being sent in a call, clients should use this to show the closed captions in the call screen
func (*ClosedCaptionEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*ClosedCaptionEvent) GetEventType() string
type CollectUserFeedbackResponse ΒΆ
type CollectUserFeedbackResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
Basic response information
type Command ΒΆ
type Command struct { // Arguments help text, shown in commands auto-completion Args string `json:"args"` // Description, shown in commands auto-completion Description string `json:"description"` // Unique command name Name string `json:"name"` // Set name used for grouping commands Set string `json:"set"` // Date/time of creation CreatedAt *Timestamp `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt *Timestamp `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` }
Represents custom chat command
type CommitMessageRequest ΒΆ
type CommitMessageRequest struct { }
type ConfigOverrides ΒΆ
type ConfigOverrides struct { Commands []string `json:"commands"` Grants map[string][]string `json:"grants"` Blocklist *string `json:"blocklist,omitempty"` BlocklistBehavior *string `json:"blocklist_behavior,omitempty"` MaxMessageLength *int `json:"max_message_length,omitempty"` Quotes *bool `json:"quotes,omitempty"` Reactions *bool `json:"reactions,omitempty"` Replies *bool `json:"replies,omitempty"` TypingEvents *bool `json:"typing_events,omitempty"` Uploads *bool `json:"uploads,omitempty"` UrlEnrichment *bool `json:"url_enrichment,omitempty"` }
type ConfigResponse ΒΆ
type ConfigResponse struct { Async bool `json:"async"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Key string `json:"key"` Team string `json:"team"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` AiImageConfig *AIImageConfig `json:"ai_image_config,omitempty"` AiTextConfig *AITextConfig `json:"ai_text_config,omitempty"` AiVideoConfig *AIVideoConfig `json:"ai_video_config,omitempty"` AutomodPlatformCircumventionConfig *AutomodPlatformCircumventionConfig `json:"automod_platform_circumvention_config,omitempty"` AutomodSemanticFiltersConfig *AutomodSemanticFiltersConfig `json:"automod_semantic_filters_config,omitempty"` AutomodToxicityConfig *AutomodToxicityConfig `json:"automod_toxicity_config,omitempty"` BlockListConfig *BlockListConfig `json:"block_list_config,omitempty"` VelocityFilterConfig *VelocityFilterConfig `json:"velocity_filter_config,omitempty"` }
type Coordinates ΒΆ
type CreateBlockListRequest ΒΆ
type CreateBlockListResponse ΒΆ
type CreateBlockListResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Blocklist *BlockListResponse `json:"blocklist,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type CreateCallTypeRequest ΒΆ
type CreateCallTypeRequest struct { Name string `json:"name"` ExternalStorage *string `json:"external_storage"` Grants map[string][]string `json:"grants"` NotificationSettings *NotificationSettings `json:"notification_settings"` Settings *CallSettingsRequest `json:"settings"` }
type CreateCallTypeResponse ΒΆ
type CreateCallTypeResponse struct { // the time the call type was created CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Duration string `json:"duration"` // the name of the call type Name string `json:"name"` // the time the call type was last updated UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` // the permissions granted to each role Grants map[string][]string `json:"grants"` NotificationSettings NotificationSettings `json:"notification_settings"` Settings CallSettingsResponse `json:"settings"` // the external storage for the call type ExternalStorage *string `json:"external_storage,omitempty"` }
Response for creating a call type
type CreateChannelTypeRequest ΒΆ
type CreateChannelTypeRequest struct { Automod string `json:"automod"` AutomodBehavior string `json:"automod_behavior"` MaxMessageLength int `json:"max_message_length"` Name string `json:"name"` Blocklist *string `json:"blocklist"` BlocklistBehavior *string `json:"blocklist_behavior"` ConnectEvents *bool `json:"connect_events"` CustomEvents *bool `json:"custom_events"` MarkMessagesPending *bool `json:"mark_messages_pending"` MessageRetention *string `json:"message_retention"` Mutes *bool `json:"mutes"` PartitionSize *int `json:"partition_size"` PartitionTtl *string `json:"partition_ttl"` Polls *bool `json:"polls"` PushNotifications *bool `json:"push_notifications"` Reactions *bool `json:"reactions"` ReadEvents *bool `json:"read_events"` Replies *bool `json:"replies"` Search *bool `json:"search"` SkipLastMsgUpdateForSystemMsgs *bool `json:"skip_last_msg_update_for_system_msgs"` TypingEvents *bool `json:"typing_events"` Uploads *bool `json:"uploads"` UrlEnrichment *bool `json:"url_enrichment"` Blocklists []BlockListOptions `json:"blocklists"` Commands []string `json:"commands"` Permissions []PolicyRequest `json:"permissions"` Grants map[string][]string `json:"grants"` }
type CreateChannelTypeResponse ΒΆ
type CreateChannelTypeResponse struct { Automod string `json:"automod"` AutomodBehavior string `json:"automod_behavior"` ConnectEvents bool `json:"connect_events"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` CustomEvents bool `json:"custom_events"` Duration string `json:"duration"` MarkMessagesPending bool `json:"mark_messages_pending"` MaxMessageLength int `json:"max_message_length"` Mutes bool `json:"mutes"` Name string `json:"name"` Polls bool `json:"polls"` PushNotifications bool `json:"push_notifications"` Quotes bool `json:"quotes"` Reactions bool `json:"reactions"` ReadEvents bool `json:"read_events"` Reminders bool `json:"reminders"` Replies bool `json:"replies"` Search bool `json:"search"` SkipLastMsgUpdateForSystemMsgs bool `json:"skip_last_msg_update_for_system_msgs"` TypingEvents bool `json:"typing_events"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Uploads bool `json:"uploads"` UrlEnrichment bool `json:"url_enrichment"` Commands []string `json:"commands"` Permissions []PolicyRequest `json:"permissions"` Grants map[string][]string `json:"grants"` Blocklist *string `json:"blocklist,omitempty"` BlocklistBehavior *string `json:"blocklist_behavior,omitempty"` PartitionSize *int `json:"partition_size,omitempty"` PartitionTtl *string `json:"partition_ttl,omitempty"` AllowedFlagReasons []string `json:"allowed_flag_reasons,omitempty"` Blocklists []BlockListOptions `json:"blocklists,omitempty"` AutomodThresholds *Thresholds `json:"automod_thresholds,omitempty"` }
type CreateCommandRequest ΒΆ
type CreateCommandResponse ΒΆ
type CreateDeviceRequest ΒΆ
type CreateExternalStorageResponse ΒΆ
type CreateExternalStorageResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
Basic response information
type CreateGuestRequest ΒΆ
type CreateGuestRequest struct {
User UserRequest `json:"user"`
type CreateGuestResponse ΒΆ
type CreateGuestResponse struct { // the access token to authenticate the user AccessToken string `json:"access_token"` // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` }
type CreateImportRequest ΒΆ
type CreateImportResponse ΒΆ
type CreateImportResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` ImportTask *ImportTask `json:"import_task,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type CreateImportURLRequest ΒΆ
type CreateImportURLRequest struct {
Filename *string `json:"filename"`
type CreateImportURLResponse ΒΆ
type CreateImportURLResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Path string `json:"path"` UploadUrl string `json:"upload_url"` }
Basic response information
type CreatePollRequest ΒΆ
type CreatePollRequest struct { Name string `json:"name"` AllowAnswers *bool `json:"allow_answers"` AllowUserSuggestedOptions *bool `json:"allow_user_suggested_options"` Description *string `json:"description"` EnforceUniqueVote *bool `json:"enforce_unique_vote"` ID *string `json:"id"` IsClosed *bool `json:"is_closed"` MaxVotesAllowed *int `json:"max_votes_allowed"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` VotingVisibility *string `json:"voting_visibility"` Options []PollOptionInput `json:"options"` Custom map[string]any `json:"Custom"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type CreateRoleRequest ΒΆ
type CreateRoleRequest struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
type CreateRoleResponse ΒΆ
type CreateRoleResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Role Role `json:"role"` }
Basic response information
type CustomActionRequest ΒΆ
type CustomCheckFlag ΒΆ
type CustomCheckRequest ΒΆ
type CustomCheckRequest struct { EntityID string `json:"entity_id"` EntityType string `json:"entity_type"` Flags []CustomCheckFlag `json:"flags"` EntityCreatorID *string `json:"entity_creator_id"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` ModerationPayload *ModerationPayload `json:"moderation_payload"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type CustomCheckResponse ΒΆ
type CustomCheckResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` ID string `json:"id"` Status string `json:"status"` Item *ReviewQueueItemResponse `json:"item,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type CustomVideoEvent ΒΆ
type CustomVideoEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Custom data for this object Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` // The type of event, "custom" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
A custom event, this event is used to send custom events to other participants in the call.
func (*CustomVideoEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*CustomVideoEvent) GetEventType() string
type DailyAggregateCallDurationReportResponse ΒΆ
type DailyAggregateCallDurationReportResponse struct { Date string `json:"date"` Report CallDurationReport `json:"report"` }
type DailyAggregateCallParticipantCountReportResponse ΒΆ
type DailyAggregateCallParticipantCountReportResponse struct { Date string `json:"date"` Report CallParticipantCountReport `json:"report"` }
type DailyAggregateCallsPerDayReportResponse ΒΆ
type DailyAggregateCallsPerDayReportResponse struct { Date string `json:"date"` Report CallsPerDayReport `json:"report"` }
type DailyAggregateQualityScoreReportResponse ΒΆ
type DailyAggregateQualityScoreReportResponse struct { Date string `json:"date"` Report QualityScoreReport `json:"report"` }
type DailyAggregateSDKUsageReportResponse ΒΆ
type DailyAggregateSDKUsageReportResponse struct { Date string `json:"date"` Report SDKUsageReport `json:"report"` }
type DailyAggregateUserFeedbackReportResponse ΒΆ
type DailyAggregateUserFeedbackReportResponse struct { Date string `json:"date"` Report UserFeedbackReport `json:"report"` }
type DataDogInfo ΒΆ
type DeactivateUserRequest ΒΆ
type DeactivateUserResponse ΒΆ
type DeactivateUserResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` User *UserResponse `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type DeactivateUsersRequest ΒΆ
type DeactivateUsersResponse ΒΆ
type DeactivateUsersResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` TaskID string `json:"task_id"` }
Basic response information
type DefaultLogger ΒΆ
type DefaultLogger struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DefaultLogger is the default implementation of the Logger interface.
func NewDefaultLogger ΒΆ
NewDefaultLogger creates a new DefaultLogger instance.
func (*DefaultLogger) Debug ΒΆ
func (l *DefaultLogger) Debug(format string, v ...interface{})
Debug logs a debug message.
func (*DefaultLogger) Error ΒΆ
func (l *DefaultLogger) Error(format string, v ...interface{})
Error logs an error message.
func (*DefaultLogger) Info ΒΆ
func (l *DefaultLogger) Info(format string, v ...interface{})
Info logs an info message.
func (*DefaultLogger) SetLevel ΒΆ
func (l *DefaultLogger) SetLevel(level LogLevel)
SetLevel sets the logging level.
func (*DefaultLogger) Warn ΒΆ
func (l *DefaultLogger) Warn(format string, v ...interface{})
Warn logs a warning message.
type DeleteActivityRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteActivityRequest struct {
HardDelete *bool `json:"hard_delete,omitempty"`
type DeleteBlockListRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteBlockListRequest struct {
Team *string `json:"-" query:"team"`
type DeleteCallRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteCallRequest struct {
Hard *bool `json:"hard"`
type DeleteCallResponse ΒΆ
type DeleteCallResponse struct { Duration string `json:"duration"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` TaskID *string `json:"task_id,omitempty"` }
DeleteCallResponse is the payload for deleting a call.
type DeleteCallTypeRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteCallTypeRequest struct { }
type DeleteChannelRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteChannelRequest struct {
HardDelete *bool `json:"-" query:"hard_delete"`
type DeleteChannelResponse ΒΆ
type DeleteChannelResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Channel *ChannelResponse `json:"channel,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type DeleteChannelTypeRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteChannelTypeRequest struct { }
type DeleteChannelsRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteChannelsResponse ΒΆ
type DeleteChannelsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` TaskID *string `json:"task_id,omitempty"` // Map of channel IDs and their deletion results Result map[string]*DeleteChannelsResultResponse `json:"result,omitempty"` }
type DeleteCommandRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteCommandRequest struct { }
type DeleteCommandResponse ΒΆ
type DeleteConfigRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteConfigRequest struct {
Team *string `json:"-" query:"team"`
type DeleteDeviceRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteExternalStorageRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteExternalStorageRequest struct { }
type DeleteExternalStorageResponse ΒΆ
type DeleteExternalStorageResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
Basic response information
type DeleteFileRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteFileRequest struct {
Url *string `json:"-" query:"url"`
type DeleteImageRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteImageRequest struct {
Url *string `json:"-" query:"url"`
type DeleteMessageRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteMessageResponse ΒΆ
type DeleteMessageResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Message MessageResponse `json:"message"` }
Basic response information
type DeleteModerationConfigResponse ΒΆ
type DeleteModerationConfigResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
Basic response information
type DeleteModerationTemplateResponse ΒΆ
type DeleteModerationTemplateResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
Basic response information
type DeletePollOptionRequest ΒΆ
type DeletePollOptionRequest struct {
UserID *string `json:"-" query:"user_id"`
type DeletePollRequest ΒΆ
type DeletePollRequest struct {
UserID *string `json:"-" query:"user_id"`
type DeletePushProviderRequest ΒΆ
type DeletePushProviderRequest struct { }
type DeleteReactionRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteReactionRequest struct {
UserID *string `json:"-" query:"user_id"`
type DeleteReactionResponse ΒΆ
type DeleteReactionResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Message MessageResponse `json:"message"` Reaction ReactionResponse `json:"reaction"` }
Basic response information
type DeleteRecordingRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteRecordingRequest struct { }
type DeleteRecordingResponse ΒΆ
type DeleteRecordingResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
Response for DeleteRecording
type DeleteRoleRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteRoleRequest struct { }
type DeleteSegmentRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteSegmentRequest struct { }
type DeleteSegmentTargetsRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteSegmentTargetsRequest struct {
TargetIds []string `json:"target_ids"`
type DeleteTranscriptionRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteTranscriptionRequest struct { }
type DeleteTranscriptionResponse ΒΆ
type DeleteTranscriptionResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
DeleteTranscriptionResponse is the payload for deleting a transcription.
type DeleteUserRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteUsersRequest ΒΆ
type DeleteUsersRequest struct { UserIds []string `json:"user_ids"` Calls *string `json:"calls"` Conversations *string `json:"conversations"` Messages *string `json:"messages"` NewCallOwnerID *string `json:"new_call_owner_id"` NewChannelOwnerID *string `json:"new_channel_owner_id"` User *string `json:"user"` }
type DeleteUsersResponse ΒΆ
type Device ΒΆ
type Device struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` ID string `json:"id"` PushProvider string `json:"push_provider"` UserID string `json:"user_id"` Disabled *bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"` DisabledReason *string `json:"disabled_reason,omitempty"` PushProviderName *string `json:"push_provider_name,omitempty"` Voip *bool `json:"voip,omitempty"` }
type DeviceDataResponse ΒΆ
type DeviceErrorInfo ΒΆ
type DeviceResponse ΒΆ
type DeviceResponse struct { // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Device ID ID string `json:"id"` // Push provider PushProvider string `json:"push_provider"` // User ID UserID string `json:"user_id"` // Whether device is disabled or not Disabled *bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"` // Reason explaining why device had been disabled DisabledReason *string `json:"disabled_reason,omitempty"` // Push provider name PushProviderName *string `json:"push_provider_name,omitempty"` // When true the token is for Apple VoIP push notifications Voip *bool `json:"voip,omitempty"` }
Response for Device
type EdgeResponse ΒΆ
type EdgeResponse struct { ContinentCode string `json:"continent_code"` CountryIsoCode string `json:"country_iso_code"` Green int `json:"green"` ID string `json:"id"` LatencyTestUrl string `json:"latency_test_url"` Latitude float64 `json:"latitude"` Longitude float64 `json:"longitude"` Red int `json:"red"` SubdivisionIsoCode string `json:"subdivision_iso_code"` Yellow int `json:"yellow"` }
type EgressHLSResponse ΒΆ
type EgressRTMPResponse ΒΆ
type EgressResponse ΒΆ
type EgressResponse struct { Broadcasting bool `json:"broadcasting"` Rtmps []EgressRTMPResponse `json:"rtmps"` FrameRecording *FrameRecordingResponse `json:"frame_recording,omitempty"` HLS *EgressHLSResponse `json:"hls,omitempty"` }
type EndCallRequest ΒΆ
type EndCallRequest struct { }
type EndCallResponse ΒΆ
type EndCallResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
Response for ending a call
type EnrichedActivity ΒΆ
type EnrichedActivity struct { ForeignID *string `json:"foreign_id,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Score *float64 `json:"score,omitempty"` Verb *string `json:"verb,omitempty"` To []string `json:"to,omitempty"` Actor *Data `json:"actor,omitempty"` LatestReactions map[string][]EnrichedReaction `json:"latest_reactions,omitempty"` Object *Data `json:"object,omitempty"` Origin *Data `json:"origin,omitempty"` OwnReactions map[string][]EnrichedReaction `json:"own_reactions,omitempty"` ReactionCounts map[string]int `json:"reaction_counts,omitempty"` Target *Data `json:"target,omitempty"` }
type EnrichedReaction ΒΆ
type EnrichedReaction struct { ActivityID string `json:"activity_id"` Kind string `json:"kind"` UserID string `json:"user_id"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Parent *string `json:"parent,omitempty"` TargetFeeds []string `json:"target_feeds,omitempty"` ChildrenCounts map[string]int `json:"children_counts,omitempty"` CreatedAt *Time `json:"created_at,omitempty"` Data map[string]any `json:"data,omitempty"` LatestChildren map[string][]EnrichedReaction `json:"latest_children,omitempty"` OwnChildren map[string][]EnrichedReaction `json:"own_children,omitempty"` UpdatedAt *Time `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` User *Data `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type EntityCreator ΒΆ
type EntityCreator struct { BanCount int `json:"ban_count"` Banned bool `json:"banned"` DeletedContentCount int `json:"deleted_content_count"` ID string `json:"id"` Online bool `json:"online"` Role string `json:"role"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` BanExpires *Timestamp `json:"ban_expires,omitempty"` CreatedAt *Timestamp `json:"created_at,omitempty"` DeactivatedAt *Timestamp `json:"deactivated_at,omitempty"` DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` Invisible *bool `json:"invisible,omitempty"` Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` LastActive *Timestamp `json:"last_active,omitempty"` LastEngagedAt *Timestamp `json:"last_engaged_at,omitempty"` RevokeTokensIssuedBefore *Timestamp `json:"revoke_tokens_issued_before,omitempty"` UpdatedAt *Timestamp `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` Teams []string `json:"teams,omitempty"` PrivacySettings *PrivacySettings `json:"privacy_settings,omitempty"` }
type EntityCreatorResponse ΒΆ
type EntityCreatorResponse struct { BanCount int `json:"ban_count"` // Whether a user is banned or not Banned bool `json:"banned"` // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` DeletedContentCount int `json:"deleted_content_count"` // Unique user identifier ID string `json:"id"` Invisible bool `json:"invisible"` // Preferred language of a user Language string `json:"language"` // Whether a user online or not Online bool `json:"online"` // Determines the set of user permissions Role string `json:"role"` // Whether a user is shadow banned ShadowBanned bool `json:"shadow_banned"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` BlockedUserIds []string `json:"blocked_user_ids"` // List of teams user is a part of Teams []string `json:"teams"` // Custom data for this object Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` // Date when ban expires BanExpires *Timestamp `json:"ban_expires,omitempty"` // Date of deactivation DeactivatedAt *Timestamp `json:"deactivated_at,omitempty"` // Date/time of deletion DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` Image *string `json:"image,omitempty"` // Date of last activity LastActive *Timestamp `json:"last_active,omitempty"` // Optional name of user Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Revocation date for tokens RevokeTokensIssuedBefore *Timestamp `json:"revoke_tokens_issued_before,omitempty"` // List of devices user is using Devices []DeviceResponse `json:"devices,omitempty"` PrivacySettings *PrivacySettingsResponse `json:"privacy_settings,omitempty"` PushNotifications *PushNotificationSettingsResponse `json:"push_notifications,omitempty"` }
User response object
type ErrorResult ΒΆ
type EventRequest ΒΆ
type EventResponse ΒΆ
type EventResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Event WSEvent `json:"event"` }
Basic response information
type ExportChannelsRequest ΒΆ
type ExportChannelsRequest struct { Channels []ChannelExport `json:"channels"` ClearDeletedMessageText *bool `json:"clear_deleted_message_text"` ExportUsers *bool `json:"export_users"` IncludeSoftDeletedChannels *bool `json:"include_soft_deleted_channels"` IncludeTruncatedMessages *bool `json:"include_truncated_messages"` Version *string `json:"version"` }
type ExportChannelsResponse ΒΆ
type ExportChannelsResult ΒΆ
type ExportUserRequest ΒΆ
type ExportUserRequest struct { }
type ExportUserResponse ΒΆ
type ExportUserResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` // List of exported messages Messages []MessageResponse `json:"messages,omitempty"` // List of exported reactions Reactions []ReactionResponse `json:"reactions,omitempty"` User *UserResponse `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type ExportUsersRequest ΒΆ
type ExportUsersRequest struct {
UserIds []string `json:"user_ids"`
type ExportUsersResponse ΒΆ
type ExportUsersResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` TaskID string `json:"task_id"` }
Basic response information
type FileUploadConfig ΒΆ
type FileUploadConfig struct { SizeLimit int `json:"size_limit"` AllowedFileExtensions []string `json:"allowed_file_extensions,omitempty"` AllowedMimeTypes []string `json:"allowed_mime_types,omitempty"` BlockedFileExtensions []string `json:"blocked_file_extensions,omitempty"` BlockedMimeTypes []string `json:"blocked_mime_types,omitempty"` }
type FileUploadRequest ΒΆ
type FileUploadRequest struct { // file field File *string `json:"file,omitempty"` User *OnlyUserID `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type FileUploadResponse ΒΆ
type FileUploadResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` // URL to the uploaded asset. Should be used to put to `asset_url` attachment field File *string `json:"file,omitempty"` // URL of the file thumbnail for supported file formats. Should be put to `thumb_url` attachment field ThumbUrl *string `json:"thumb_url,omitempty"` }
type FirebaseConfig ΒΆ
type FirebaseConfig struct { ApnTemplate *string `json:"apn_template,omitempty"` CredentialsJson *string `json:"credentials_json,omitempty"` DataTemplate *string `json:"data_template,omitempty"` Disabled *bool `json:"Disabled,omitempty"` NotificationTemplate *string `json:"notification_template,omitempty"` ServerKey *string `json:"server_key,omitempty"` }
type FirebaseConfigFields ΒΆ
type FirebaseConfigFields struct { ApnTemplate string `json:"apn_template"` DataTemplate string `json:"data_template"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` NotificationTemplate string `json:"notification_template"` CredentialsJson *string `json:"credentials_json,omitempty"` ServerKey *string `json:"server_key,omitempty"` }
type Flag ΒΆ
type Flag struct { // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` CreatedByAutomod bool `json:"created_by_automod"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` // Date of the approval ApprovedAt *Timestamp `json:"approved_at,omitempty"` Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` // Date of the rejection RejectedAt *Timestamp `json:"rejected_at,omitempty"` // Date of the review ReviewedAt *Timestamp `json:"reviewed_at,omitempty"` ReviewedBy *string `json:"reviewed_by,omitempty"` // ID of flagged message TargetMessageID *string `json:"target_message_id,omitempty"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom,omitempty"` Details *FlagDetails `json:"details,omitempty"` TargetMessage *Message `json:"target_message,omitempty"` TargetUser *User `json:"target_user,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
Contains information about flagged user or message
type Flag2 ΒΆ
type Flag2 struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` EntityID string `json:"entity_id"` EntityType string `json:"entity_type"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Result []map[string]any `json:"result"` EntityCreatorID *string `json:"entity_creator_id,omitempty"` ModerationPayloadHash *string `json:"moderation_payload_hash,omitempty"` Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` ReviewQueueItemID *string `json:"review_queue_item_id,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Labels []string `json:"labels,omitempty"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom,omitempty"` ModerationPayload *ModerationPayload `json:"moderation_payload,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type Flag2Response ΒΆ
type Flag2Response struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` EntityID string `json:"entity_id"` EntityType string `json:"entity_type"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` UserID string `json:"user_id"` Result []map[string]any `json:"result"` EntityCreatorID *string `json:"entity_creator_id,omitempty"` Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` ReviewQueueItemID *string `json:"review_queue_item_id,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Labels []string `json:"labels,omitempty"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom,omitempty"` ModerationPayload *ModerationPayload `json:"moderation_payload,omitempty"` User *UserResponse `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type FlagDetails ΒΆ
type FlagDetails struct { OriginalText string `json:"original_text"` Extra map[string]any `json:"Extra"` Automod *AutomodDetails `json:"automod,omitempty"` }
type FlagFeedback ΒΆ
type FlagMessageDetails ΒΆ
type FlagRequest ΒΆ
type FlagRequest struct { EntityID string `json:"entity_id"` EntityType string `json:"entity_type"` EntityCreatorID *string `json:"entity_creator_id"` Reason *string `json:"reason"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` ModerationPayload *ModerationPayload `json:"moderation_payload"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type FlagResponse ΒΆ
type FlagResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` ItemID string `json:"item_id"` }
Basic response information
type FlagUpdatedEvent ΒΆ
type FlagUpdatedEvent struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` Type string `json:"type"` ReceivedAt *Timestamp `json:"received_at,omitempty"` CreatedBy *UserResponse `json:"CreatedBy,omitempty"` Message *MessageResponse `json:"Message,omitempty"` User *UserResponse `json:"User,omitempty"` }
func (*FlagUpdatedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*FlagUpdatedEvent) GetEventType() string
type FrameRecordSettings ΒΆ
type FrameRecordingResponse ΒΆ
type FrameRecordingResponse struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
type FullUserResponse ΒΆ
type FullUserResponse struct { Banned bool `json:"banned"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` ID string `json:"id"` Invisible bool `json:"invisible"` Language string `json:"language"` Online bool `json:"online"` Role string `json:"role"` ShadowBanned bool `json:"shadow_banned"` TotalUnreadCount int `json:"total_unread_count"` UnreadChannels int `json:"unread_channels"` UnreadCount int `json:"unread_count"` UnreadThreads int `json:"unread_threads"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` BlockedUserIds []string `json:"blocked_user_ids"` ChannelMutes []ChannelMute `json:"channel_mutes"` Devices []DeviceResponse `json:"devices"` Mutes []UserMuteResponse `json:"mutes"` Teams []string `json:"teams"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` DeactivatedAt *Timestamp `json:"deactivated_at,omitempty"` DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` Image *string `json:"image,omitempty"` LastActive *Timestamp `json:"last_active,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` RevokeTokensIssuedBefore *Timestamp `json:"revoke_tokens_issued_before,omitempty"` LatestHiddenChannels []string `json:"latest_hidden_channels,omitempty"` PrivacySettings *PrivacySettingsResponse `json:"privacy_settings,omitempty"` }
type GeofenceResponse ΒΆ
type GeofenceSettings ΒΆ
type GeofenceSettings struct {
Names []string `json:"names"`
type GeofenceSettingsRequest ΒΆ
type GeofenceSettingsRequest struct {
Names []string `json:"names,omitempty"`
type GeofenceSettingsResponse ΒΆ
type GeofenceSettingsResponse struct {
Names []string `json:"names"`
type GeolocationResult ΒΆ
type GeolocationResult struct { AccuracyRadius int `json:"accuracy_radius"` City string `json:"city"` Continent string `json:"continent"` ContinentCode string `json:"continent_code"` Country string `json:"country"` CountryIsoCode string `json:"country_iso_code"` Latitude float64 `json:"latitude"` Longitude float64 `json:"longitude"` Subdivision string `json:"subdivision"` SubdivisionIsoCode string `json:"subdivision_iso_code"` }
type GetAppRequest ΒΆ
type GetAppRequest struct { }
type GetApplicationResponse ΒΆ
type GetApplicationResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` App AppResponseFields `json:"app"` }
Basic response information
type GetBlockListRequest ΒΆ
type GetBlockListRequest struct {
Team *string `json:"-" query:"team"`
type GetBlockListResponse ΒΆ
type GetBlockListResponse struct { Duration string `json:"duration"` Blocklist *BlockListResponse `json:"blocklist,omitempty"` }
Response for get block list
type GetBlockedUsersRequest ΒΆ
type GetBlockedUsersRequest struct {
UserID *string `json:"-" query:"user_id"`
type GetBlockedUsersResponse ΒΆ
type GetBlockedUsersResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` // Array of blocked user object Blocks []BlockedUserResponse `json:"blocks"` }
type GetCallReportRequest ΒΆ
type GetCallReportRequest struct {
SessionID *string `json:"-" query:"session_id"`
type GetCallReportResponse ΒΆ
type GetCallReportResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` SessionID string `json:"session_id"` Report ReportResponse `json:"report"` }
Basic response information
type GetCallRequest ΒΆ
type GetCallResponse ΒΆ
type GetCallResponse struct { Duration string `json:"duration"` Members []MemberResponse `json:"members"` OwnCapabilities []OwnCapability `json:"own_capabilities"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` }
type GetCallStatsRequest ΒΆ
type GetCallStatsRequest struct { }
type GetCallStatsResponse ΒΆ
type GetCallStatsResponse struct { CallDurationSeconds int `json:"call_duration_seconds"` CallStatus string `json:"call_status"` // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` MaxFreezesDurationSeconds int `json:"max_freezes_duration_seconds"` MaxParticipants int `json:"max_participants"` MaxTotalQualityLimitationDurationSeconds int `json:"max_total_quality_limitation_duration_seconds"` PublishingParticipants int `json:"publishing_participants"` QualityScore int `json:"quality_score"` SfuCount int `json:"sfu_count"` ParticipantReport []UserStats `json:"participant_report"` Sfus []SFULocationResponse `json:"sfus"` AverageConnectionTime *float64 `json:"average_connection_time,omitempty"` Aggregated *AggregatedStats `json:"aggregated,omitempty"` CallTimeline *CallTimeline `json:"call_timeline,omitempty"` Jitter *TimeStats `json:"jitter,omitempty"` Latency *TimeStats `json:"latency,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type GetCallTypeRequest ΒΆ
type GetCallTypeRequest struct { }
type GetCallTypeResponse ΒΆ
type GetCallTypeResponse struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Duration string `json:"duration"` Name string `json:"name"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Grants map[string][]string `json:"grants"` NotificationSettings NotificationSettings `json:"notification_settings"` Settings CallSettingsResponse `json:"settings"` ExternalStorage *string `json:"external_storage,omitempty"` }
type GetCampaignRequest ΒΆ
type GetCampaignRequest struct { }
type GetCampaignResponse ΒΆ
type GetCampaignResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Campaign *CampaignResponse `json:"campaign,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type GetChannelTypeRequest ΒΆ
type GetChannelTypeRequest struct { }
type GetChannelTypeResponse ΒΆ
type GetChannelTypeResponse struct { Automod string `json:"automod"` AutomodBehavior string `json:"automod_behavior"` ConnectEvents bool `json:"connect_events"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` CustomEvents bool `json:"custom_events"` // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` MarkMessagesPending bool `json:"mark_messages_pending"` MaxMessageLength int `json:"max_message_length"` Mutes bool `json:"mutes"` Name string `json:"name"` Polls bool `json:"polls"` PushNotifications bool `json:"push_notifications"` Quotes bool `json:"quotes"` Reactions bool `json:"reactions"` ReadEvents bool `json:"read_events"` Reminders bool `json:"reminders"` Replies bool `json:"replies"` Search bool `json:"search"` SkipLastMsgUpdateForSystemMsgs bool `json:"skip_last_msg_update_for_system_msgs"` TypingEvents bool `json:"typing_events"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Uploads bool `json:"uploads"` UrlEnrichment bool `json:"url_enrichment"` Commands []Command `json:"commands"` Permissions []PolicyRequest `json:"permissions"` Grants map[string][]string `json:"grants"` Blocklist *string `json:"blocklist,omitempty"` BlocklistBehavior *string `json:"blocklist_behavior,omitempty"` PartitionSize *int `json:"partition_size,omitempty"` PartitionTtl *string `json:"partition_ttl,omitempty"` AllowedFlagReasons []string `json:"allowed_flag_reasons,omitempty"` Blocklists []BlockListOptions `json:"blocklists,omitempty"` AutomodThresholds *Thresholds `json:"automod_thresholds,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type GetCommandRequest ΒΆ
type GetCommandRequest struct { }
type GetCommandResponse ΒΆ
type GetConfigRequest ΒΆ
type GetConfigRequest struct {
Team *string `json:"-" query:"team"`
type GetConfigResponse ΒΆ
type GetConfigResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Config *ConfigResponse `json:"config,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type GetCustomPermissionResponse ΒΆ
type GetCustomPermissionResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Permission Permission `json:"permission"` }
Basic response information
type GetEdgesRequest ΒΆ
type GetEdgesRequest struct { }
type GetEdgesResponse ΒΆ
type GetEdgesResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Edges []EdgeResponse `json:"edges"` }
Basic response information
type GetExportChannelsStatusRequest ΒΆ
type GetExportChannelsStatusRequest struct { }
type GetExportChannelsStatusResponse ΒΆ
type GetExportChannelsStatusResponse struct { // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` // Task status Status string `json:"status"` TaskID string `json:"task_id"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Error *ErrorResult `json:"error,omitempty"` Result *ExportChannelsResult `json:"result,omitempty"` }
type GetImportRequest ΒΆ
type GetImportRequest struct { }
type GetImportResponse ΒΆ
type GetImportResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` ImportTask *ImportTask `json:"import_task,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type GetManyMessagesRequest ΒΆ
type GetManyMessagesRequest struct {
Ids []string `json:"-" query:"ids"`
type GetManyMessagesResponse ΒΆ
type GetManyMessagesResponse struct { Duration string `json:"duration"` // List of messages Messages []MessageResponse `json:"messages"` }
type GetMessageRequest ΒΆ
type GetMessageRequest struct {
ShowDeletedMessage *bool `json:"-" query:"show_deleted_message"`
type GetMessageResponse ΒΆ
type GetMessageResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Message MessageWithChannelResponse `json:"message"` PendingMessageMetadata map[string]string `json:"pending_message_metadata,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type GetModerationAnalyticsResponse ΒΆ
type GetModerationAnalyticsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Analytics *ModerationAnalytics `json:"analytics,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type GetModeratorStatsRequest ΒΆ
type GetModeratorStatsRequest struct { }
type GetOGRequest ΒΆ
type GetOGRequest struct {
Url string `json:"-" query:"url"`
type GetOGResponse ΒΆ
type GetOGResponse struct { Duration string `json:"duration"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` // URL of detected video or audio AssetUrl *string `json:"asset_url,omitempty"` AuthorIcon *string `json:"author_icon,omitempty"` // og:site AuthorLink *string `json:"author_link,omitempty"` // og:site_name AuthorName *string `json:"author_name,omitempty"` Color *string `json:"color,omitempty"` Fallback *string `json:"fallback,omitempty"` // URL of detected image ImageUrl *string `json:"image_url,omitempty"` Latitude *float64 `json:"latitude,omitempty"` Longitude *float64 `json:"longitude,omitempty"` // extracted url from the text OGScrapeUrl *string `json:"og_scrape_url,omitempty"` OriginalHeight *int `json:"original_height,omitempty"` OriginalWidth *int `json:"original_width,omitempty"` Pretext *string `json:"pretext,omitempty"` StoppedSharing *bool `json:"stopped_sharing,omitempty"` // og:description Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` // URL of detected thumb image ThumbUrl *string `json:"thumb_url,omitempty"` // og:title Title *string `json:"title,omitempty"` // og:url TitleLink *string `json:"title_link,omitempty"` // Attachment type, could be empty, image, audio or video Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Actions []Action `json:"actions,omitempty"` Fields []Field `json:"fields,omitempty"` Giphy *Images `json:"giphy,omitempty"` }
type GetOrCreateCallRequest ΒΆ
type GetOrCreateCallRequest struct { MembersLimit *int `json:"members_limit"` Notify *bool `json:"notify"` Ring *bool `json:"ring"` Video *bool `json:"video"` Data *CallRequest `json:"data"` }
type GetOrCreateCallResponse ΒΆ
type GetOrCreateCallResponse struct { Created bool `json:"created"` Duration string `json:"duration"` Members []MemberResponse `json:"members"` OwnCapabilities []OwnCapability `json:"own_capabilities"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` }
type GetOrCreateChannelRequest ΒΆ
type GetOrCreateChannelRequest struct { HideForCreator *bool `json:"hide_for_creator"` State *bool `json:"state"` ThreadUnreadCounts *bool `json:"thread_unread_counts"` Data *ChannelInput `json:"data"` Members *PaginationParams `json:"members"` Messages *MessagePaginationParams `json:"messages"` Watchers *PaginationParams `json:"watchers"` }
type GetOrCreateDistinctChannelRequest ΒΆ
type GetOrCreateDistinctChannelRequest struct { HideForCreator *bool `json:"hide_for_creator"` State *bool `json:"state"` ThreadUnreadCounts *bool `json:"thread_unread_counts"` Data *ChannelInput `json:"data"` Members *PaginationParams `json:"members"` Messages *MessagePaginationParams `json:"messages"` Watchers *PaginationParams `json:"watchers"` }
type GetPermissionRequest ΒΆ
type GetPermissionRequest struct { }
type GetPollOptionRequest ΒΆ
type GetPollOptionRequest struct {
UserID *string `json:"-" query:"user_id"`
type GetPollRequest ΒΆ
type GetPollRequest struct {
UserID *string `json:"-" query:"user_id"`
type GetQueueStatsRequest ΒΆ
type GetQueueStatsRequest struct { }
type GetRateLimitsRequest ΒΆ
type GetRateLimitsResponse ΒΆ
type GetRateLimitsResponse struct { Duration string `json:"duration"` // Map of endpoint rate limits for the Android platform Android map[string]LimitInfo `json:"android,omitempty"` // Map of endpoint rate limits for the iOS platform Ios map[string]LimitInfo `json:"ios,omitempty"` // Map of endpoint rate limits for the server-side platform ServerSide map[string]LimitInfo `json:"server_side,omitempty"` // Map of endpoint rate limits for the web platform Web map[string]LimitInfo `json:"web,omitempty"` }
type GetReactionsRequest ΒΆ
type GetReactionsResponse ΒΆ
type GetRepliesRequest ΒΆ
type GetRepliesRequest struct { Limit *int `json:"-" query:"limit"` Offset *int `json:"-" query:"offset"` IDGte *string `json:"-" query:"id_gte"` IDGt *string `json:"-" query:"id_gt"` IDLte *string `json:"-" query:"id_lte"` IDLt *string `json:"-" query:"id_lt"` CreatedAtAfterOrEqual *Timestamp `json:"-" query:"created_at_after_or_equal"` CreatedAtAfter *Timestamp `json:"-" query:"created_at_after"` CreatedAtBeforeOrEqual *Timestamp `json:"-" query:"created_at_before_or_equal"` CreatedAtBefore *Timestamp `json:"-" query:"created_at_before"` IDAround *string `json:"-" query:"id_around"` CreatedAtAround *Timestamp `json:"-" query:"created_at_around"` Sort []SortParamRequest `json:"-" query:"sort"` }
type GetRepliesResponse ΒΆ
type GetRepliesResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Messages []MessageResponse `json:"messages"` }
Basic response information
type GetReviewQueueItemRequest ΒΆ
type GetReviewQueueItemRequest struct { }
type GetReviewQueueItemResponse ΒΆ
type GetReviewQueueItemResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` History []ReviewQueueItemResponse `json:"history"` Item *ReviewQueueItemResponse `json:"item,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type GetSegmentRequest ΒΆ
type GetSegmentRequest struct { }
type GetSegmentResponse ΒΆ
type GetSegmentResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Segment *SegmentResponse `json:"segment,omitempty"` }
type GetTaskRequest ΒΆ
type GetTaskRequest struct { }
type GetTaskResponse ΒΆ
type GetTaskResponse struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Duration string `json:"duration"` // Current status of task Status string `json:"status"` // ID of task TaskID string `json:"task_id"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Error *ErrorResult `json:"error,omitempty"` // Result produced by task after completion Result map[string]any `json:"result,omitempty"` }
type GetThreadRequest ΒΆ
type GetThreadResponse ΒΆ
type GetThreadResponse struct { Duration string `json:"duration"` Thread ThreadStateResponse `json:"thread"` }
type GetUserModerationReportResponse ΒΆ
type GetUserModerationReportResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` UserBlocks []UserBlock `json:"user_blocks"` UserMutes []UserMute `json:"user_mutes"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` }
Basic response information
type GetUserReportRequest ΒΆ
type GoLiveRequest ΒΆ
type GoLiveRequest struct { RecordingStorageName *string `json:"recording_storage_name"` StartClosedCaption *bool `json:"start_closed_caption"` StartHLS *bool `json:"start_hls"` StartRTMPBroadcasts *bool `json:"start_rtmp_broadcasts"` StartRecording *bool `json:"start_recording"` StartTranscription *bool `json:"start_transcription"` TranscriptionStorageName *string `json:"transcription_storage_name"` }
type GoLiveResponse ΒΆ
type GoLiveResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` }
Basic response information
type GoogleVisionConfig ΒΆ
type GoogleVisionConfig struct {
Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
type HLSSettings ΒΆ
type HLSSettings struct { AutoOn bool `json:"auto_on"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` QualityTracks []string `json:"quality_tracks"` Layout *LayoutSettings `json:"layout,omitempty"` }
type HLSSettingsRequest ΒΆ
type HLSSettingsRequest struct { QualityTracks []string `json:"quality_tracks"` AutoOn *bool `json:"auto_on,omitempty"` Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` Layout *LayoutSettingsRequest `json:"layout,omitempty"` }
type HLSSettingsResponse ΒΆ
type HLSSettingsResponse struct { AutoOn bool `json:"auto_on"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` QualityTracks []string `json:"quality_tracks"` Layout LayoutSettingsResponse `json:"layout"` }
HLSSettings is the payload for HLS settings
type HideChannelRequest ΒΆ
type HideChannelRequest struct { ClearHistory *bool `json:"clear_history"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type HideChannelResponse ΒΆ
type HideChannelResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
Basic response information
type HuaweiConfig ΒΆ
type HuaweiConfigFields ΒΆ
type ImageUploadRequest ΒΆ
type ImageUploadRequest struct { File *string `json:"file,omitempty"` // field with JSON-encoded array of image size configurations UploadSizes []ImageSize `json:"upload_sizes,omitempty"` User *OnlyUserID `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type ImageUploadResponse ΒΆ
type Images ΒΆ
type Images struct { FixedHeight ImageData `json:"fixed_height"` FixedHeightDownsampled ImageData `json:"fixed_height_downsampled"` FixedHeightStill ImageData `json:"fixed_height_still"` FixedWidth ImageData `json:"fixed_width"` FixedWidthDownsampled ImageData `json:"fixed_width_downsampled"` FixedWidthStill ImageData `json:"fixed_width_still"` Original ImageData `json:"original"` }
type ImportTask ΒΆ
type ImportTaskHistory ΒΆ
type LabelThresholds ΒΆ
type LayoutSettings ΒΆ
type LayoutSettingsRequest ΒΆ
type LayoutSettingsResponse ΒΆ
type LimitsSettings ΒΆ
type LimitsSettingsRequest ΒΆ
type LimitsSettingsResponse ΒΆ
type ListBlockListResponse ΒΆ
type ListBlockListResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Blocklists []BlockListResponse `json:"blocklists"` }
Basic response information
type ListBlockListsRequest ΒΆ
type ListBlockListsRequest struct {
Team *string `json:"-" query:"team"`
type ListCallTypeResponse ΒΆ
type ListCallTypeResponse struct { Duration string `json:"duration"` CallTypes map[string]CallTypeResponse `json:"call_types"` }
Response for ListCallType
type ListCallTypesRequest ΒΆ
type ListCallTypesRequest struct { }
type ListChannelTypesRequest ΒΆ
type ListChannelTypesRequest struct { }
type ListChannelTypesResponse ΒΆ
type ListChannelTypesResponse struct { Duration string `json:"duration"` // Object with all channel types ChannelTypes map[string]*ChannelTypeConfig `json:"channel_types"` }
type ListCommandsRequest ΒΆ
type ListCommandsRequest struct { }
type ListCommandsResponse ΒΆ
type ListDevicesRequest ΒΆ
type ListDevicesRequest struct {
UserID *string `json:"-" query:"user_id"`
type ListDevicesResponse ΒΆ
type ListDevicesResponse struct { Duration string `json:"duration"` // List of devices Devices []DeviceResponse `json:"devices"` }
List devices response
type ListExternalStorageRequest ΒΆ
type ListExternalStorageRequest struct { }
type ListExternalStorageResponse ΒΆ
type ListExternalStorageResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` ExternalStorages map[string]ExternalStorageResponse `json:"external_storages"` }
Basic response information
type ListImportsRequest ΒΆ
type ListImportsRequest struct { }
type ListImportsResponse ΒΆ
type ListImportsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` ImportTasks []ImportTask `json:"import_tasks"` }
Basic response information
type ListPermissionsRequest ΒΆ
type ListPermissionsRequest struct { }
type ListPermissionsResponse ΒΆ
type ListPermissionsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Permissions []Permission `json:"permissions"` }
Basic response information
type ListPushProvidersRequest ΒΆ
type ListPushProvidersRequest struct { }
type ListPushProvidersResponse ΒΆ
type ListPushProvidersResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` PushProviders []PushProviderResponse `json:"push_providers"` }
Basic response information
type ListRecordingsRequest ΒΆ
type ListRecordingsRequest struct { }
type ListRecordingsResponse ΒΆ
type ListRecordingsResponse struct { Duration string `json:"duration"` Recordings []CallRecording `json:"recordings"` }
Response for listing recordings
type ListRolesRequest ΒΆ
type ListRolesRequest struct { }
type ListRolesResponse ΒΆ
type ListRolesResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Roles []Role `json:"roles"` }
Basic response information
type ListTranscriptionsRequest ΒΆ
type ListTranscriptionsRequest struct { }
type ListTranscriptionsResponse ΒΆ
type ListTranscriptionsResponse struct { Duration string `json:"duration"` // List of transcriptions for the call Transcriptions []CallTranscription `json:"transcriptions"` }
type Logger ΒΆ
type Logger interface { Debug(format string, v ...interface{}) Info(format string, v ...interface{}) Warn(format string, v ...interface{}) Error(format string, v ...interface{}) }
Logger is an interface that clients can implement to provide custom logging.
var DefaultLoggerInstance Logger = NewDefaultLogger(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags, LogLevelInfo)
DefaultLoggerInstance is the default logger instance.
type MarkChannelsReadRequest ΒΆ
type MarkChannelsReadRequest struct { UserID *string `json:"user_id"` ReadByChannel map[string]string `json:"read_by_channel"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type MarkReadRequest ΒΆ
type MarkReadRequest struct { MessageID *string `json:"message_id"` ThreadID *string `json:"thread_id"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type MarkReadResponse ΒΆ
type MarkReadResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Event *MessageReadEvent `json:"event,omitempty"` }
type MarkReviewedRequest ΒΆ
type MarkUnreadRequest ΒΆ
type MarkUnreadRequest struct { MessageID *string `json:"message_id"` ThreadID *string `json:"thread_id"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type MediaPubSubHint ΒΆ
type MemberAddedEvent ΒΆ
type MemberAddedEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` Member *ChannelMember `json:"member,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*MemberAddedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*MemberAddedEvent) GetEventType() string
type MemberRemovedEvent ΒΆ
type MemberRemovedEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Member *ChannelMember `json:"member,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*MemberRemovedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*MemberRemovedEvent) GetEventType() string
type MemberRequest ΒΆ
type MemberRequest struct { UserID string `json:"user_id"` Role *string `json:"role,omitempty"` // Custom data for this object Custom map[string]any `json:"custom,omitempty"` }
MemberRequest is the payload for adding a member to a call.
type MemberResponse ΒΆ
type MemberResponse struct { // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` UserID string `json:"user_id"` // Custom member response data Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` // Date/time of deletion DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` Role *string `json:"role,omitempty"` }
MemberResponse is the payload for a member of a call.
type MemberUpdatedEvent ΒΆ
type MemberUpdatedEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` Member *ChannelMember `json:"member,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*MemberUpdatedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*MemberUpdatedEvent) GetEventType() string
type MembersResponse ΒΆ
type MembersResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` // List of found members Members []ChannelMember `json:"members"` }
type Message ΒΆ
type Message struct { Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` DeletedReplyCount int `json:"deleted_reply_count"` Html string `json:"html"` ID string `json:"id"` Pinned bool `json:"pinned"` ReplyCount int `json:"reply_count"` Shadowed bool `json:"shadowed"` Silent bool `json:"silent"` Text string `json:"text"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments"` LatestReactions []Reaction `json:"latest_reactions"` MentionedUsers []User `json:"mentioned_users"` OwnReactions []Reaction `json:"own_reactions"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` ReactionCounts map[string]int `json:"reaction_counts"` ReactionGroups map[string]*ReactionGroupResponse `json:"reaction_groups"` ReactionScores map[string]int `json:"reaction_scores"` BeforeMessageSendFailed *bool `json:"before_message_send_failed,omitempty"` Command *string `json:"command,omitempty"` DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` MessageTextUpdatedAt *Timestamp `json:"message_text_updated_at,omitempty"` Mml *string `json:"mml,omitempty"` ParentID *string `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` PinExpires *Timestamp `json:"pin_expires,omitempty"` PinnedAt *Timestamp `json:"pinned_at,omitempty"` PollID *string `json:"poll_id,omitempty"` QuotedMessageID *string `json:"quoted_message_id,omitempty"` ShowInChannel *bool `json:"show_in_channel,omitempty"` ThreadParticipants []User `json:"thread_participants,omitempty"` I18n map[string]string `json:"i18n,omitempty"` ImageLabels map[string][]string `json:"image_labels,omitempty"` Moderation *ModerationV2Response `json:"moderation,omitempty"` PinnedBy *User `json:"pinned_by,omitempty"` Poll *Poll `json:"poll,omitempty"` QuotedMessage *Message `json:"quoted_message,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type MessageActionRequest ΒΆ
type MessageActionRequest struct { // ReadOnlyData to execute command with FormData map[string]string `json:"form_data"` UserID *string `json:"user_id,omitempty"` User *UserRequest `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type MessageChangeSet ΒΆ
type MessageChangeSet struct { Attachments bool `json:"attachments"` Custom bool `json:"custom"` Html bool `json:"html"` MentionedUserIds bool `json:"mentioned_user_ids"` Mml bool `json:"mml"` Pin bool `json:"pin"` QuotedMessageID bool `json:"quoted_message_id"` Silent bool `json:"silent"` Text bool `json:"text"` }
type MessageDeletedEvent ΒΆ
type MessageDeletedEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` HardDelete bool `json:"hard_delete"` Type string `json:"type"` Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` ThreadParticipants []User `json:"thread_participants,omitempty"` Message *Message `json:"message,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*MessageDeletedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*MessageDeletedEvent) GetEventType() string
type MessageFlagResponse ΒΆ
type MessageFlagResponse struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` CreatedByAutomod bool `json:"created_by_automod"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` ApprovedAt *Timestamp `json:"approved_at,omitempty"` Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` RejectedAt *Timestamp `json:"rejected_at,omitempty"` ReviewedAt *Timestamp `json:"reviewed_at,omitempty"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom,omitempty"` Details *FlagDetails `json:"details,omitempty"` Message *Message `json:"message,omitempty"` ModerationFeedback *FlagFeedback `json:"moderation_feedback,omitempty"` ModerationResult *MessageModerationResult `json:"moderation_result,omitempty"` ReviewedBy *UserResponse `json:"reviewed_by,omitempty"` User *UserResponse `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type MessageFlaggedEvent ΒΆ
type MessageFlaggedEvent struct { Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` ThreadParticipants []User `json:"thread_participants,omitempty"` Flag *Flag `json:"flag,omitempty"` Message *Message `json:"message,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*MessageFlaggedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*MessageFlaggedEvent) GetEventType() string
type MessageHistoryEntryResponse ΒΆ
type MessageHistoryEntryResponse struct { IsDeleted bool `json:"is_deleted"` MessageID string `json:"message_id"` MessageUpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"message_updated_at"` MessageUpdatedByID string `json:"message_updated_by_id"` Text string `json:"text"` Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments"` Custom map[string]any `json:"Custom"` }
type MessageModerationResult ΒΆ
type MessageModerationResult struct { // Action taken by automod Action string `json:"action"` // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // ID of the message MessageID string `json:"message_id"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` // Whether user has bad karma UserBadKarma bool `json:"user_bad_karma"` // Karma of the user UserKarma float64 `json:"user_karma"` // Word that was blocked BlockedWord *string `json:"blocked_word,omitempty"` // Name of the blocklist BlocklistName *string `json:"blocklist_name,omitempty"` // User who moderated the message ModeratedBy *string `json:"moderated_by,omitempty"` AiModerationResponse *ModerationResponse `json:"ai_moderation_response,omitempty"` ModerationThresholds *Thresholds `json:"moderation_thresholds,omitempty"` }
Result of the message moderation
type MessageNewEvent ΒΆ
type MessageNewEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` WatcherCount int `json:"watcher_count"` Type string `json:"type"` Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` ThreadParticipants []User `json:"thread_participants,omitempty"` Message *Message `json:"message,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*MessageNewEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*MessageNewEvent) GetEventType() string
type MessagePaginationParams ΒΆ
type MessagePaginationParams struct{}
type MessageReadEvent ΒΆ
type MessageReadEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` ChannelLastMessageAt *Timestamp `json:"channel_last_message_at,omitempty"` LastReadMessageID *string `json:"last_read_message_id,omitempty"` Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` Thread *ThreadResponse `json:"thread,omitempty"` User *UserResponseCommonFields `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type MessageRequest ΒΆ
type MessageRequest struct { Html *string `json:"html,omitempty"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Mml *string `json:"mml,omitempty"` ParentID *string `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` PinExpires *Timestamp `json:"pin_expires,omitempty"` Pinned *bool `json:"pinned,omitempty"` PinnedAt *Timestamp `json:"pinned_at,omitempty"` PollID *string `json:"poll_id,omitempty"` QuotedMessageID *string `json:"quoted_message_id,omitempty"` ShowInChannel *bool `json:"show_in_channel,omitempty"` Silent *bool `json:"silent,omitempty"` Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` UserID *string `json:"user_id,omitempty"` Type *string `json:"type,omitempty"` Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments,omitempty"` MentionedUsers []string `json:"mentioned_users,omitempty"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom,omitempty"` User *UserRequest `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type MessageResponse ΒΆ
type MessageResponse struct { // Channel unique identifier in <type>:<id> format Cid string `json:"cid"` // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` DeletedReplyCount int `json:"deleted_reply_count"` // Contains HTML markup of the message. Can only be set when using server-side API Html string `json:"html"` // Message ID is unique string identifier of the message ID string `json:"id"` // Whether message is pinned or not Pinned bool `json:"pinned"` // Number of replies to this message ReplyCount int `json:"reply_count"` // Whether the message was shadowed or not Shadowed bool `json:"shadowed"` // Whether message is silent or not Silent bool `json:"silent"` // Text of the message. Should be empty if `mml` is provided Text string `json:"text"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` // Contains type of the message Type string `json:"type"` // Array of message attachments Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments"` // List of 10 latest reactions to this message LatestReactions []ReactionResponse `json:"latest_reactions"` // List of mentioned users MentionedUsers []UserResponse `json:"mentioned_users"` // List of 10 latest reactions of authenticated user to this message OwnReactions []ReactionResponse `json:"own_reactions"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` // An object containing number of reactions of each type. Key: reaction type (string), value: number of reactions (int) ReactionCounts map[string]int `json:"reaction_counts"` // An object containing scores of reactions of each type. Key: reaction type (string), value: total score of reactions (int) ReactionScores map[string]int `json:"reaction_scores"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` // Contains provided slash command Command *string `json:"command,omitempty"` // Date/time of deletion DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` MessageTextUpdatedAt *Timestamp `json:"message_text_updated_at,omitempty"` // Should be empty if `text` is provided. Can only be set when using server-side API Mml *string `json:"mml,omitempty"` // ID of parent message (thread) ParentID *string `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` // Date when pinned message expires PinExpires *Timestamp `json:"pin_expires,omitempty"` // Date when message got pinned PinnedAt *Timestamp `json:"pinned_at,omitempty"` // Identifier of the poll to include in the message PollID *string `json:"poll_id,omitempty"` QuotedMessageID *string `json:"quoted_message_id,omitempty"` // Whether thread reply should be shown in the channel as well ShowInChannel *bool `json:"show_in_channel,omitempty"` // List of users who participate in thread ThreadParticipants []UserResponse `json:"thread_participants,omitempty"` // Object with translations. Key `language` contains the original language key. Other keys contain translations I18n map[string]string `json:"i18n,omitempty"` // Contains image moderation information ImageLabels map[string][]string `json:"image_labels,omitempty"` Moderation *ModerationV2Response `json:"moderation,omitempty"` PinnedBy *UserResponse `json:"pinned_by,omitempty"` Poll *PollResponseData `json:"poll,omitempty"` QuotedMessage *MessageResponse `json:"quoted_message,omitempty"` ReactionGroups map[string]*ReactionGroupResponse `json:"reaction_groups,omitempty"` }
Represents any chat message
type MessageUnblockedEvent ΒΆ
type MessageUnblockedEvent struct { Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` ThreadParticipants []User `json:"thread_participants,omitempty"` Message *Message `json:"message,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*MessageUnblockedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*MessageUnblockedEvent) GetEventType() string
type MessageUndeletedEvent ΒΆ
type MessageUndeletedEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` ThreadParticipants []User `json:"thread_participants,omitempty"` Message *Message `json:"message,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*MessageUndeletedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*MessageUndeletedEvent) GetEventType() string
type MessageUpdate ΒΆ
type MessageUpdate struct { OldText *string `json:"old_text,omitempty"` ChangeSet *MessageChangeSet `json:"change_set,omitempty"` }
type MessageUpdatedEvent ΒΆ
type MessageUpdatedEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` ThreadParticipants []User `json:"thread_participants,omitempty"` Message *Message `json:"message,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*MessageUpdatedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*MessageUpdatedEvent) GetEventType() string
type MessageWithChannelResponse ΒΆ
type MessageWithChannelResponse struct { // Channel unique identifier in <type>:<id> format Cid string `json:"cid"` // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` DeletedReplyCount int `json:"deleted_reply_count"` // Contains HTML markup of the message. Can only be set when using server-side API Html string `json:"html"` // Message ID is unique string identifier of the message ID string `json:"id"` // Whether message is pinned or not Pinned bool `json:"pinned"` // Number of replies to this message ReplyCount int `json:"reply_count"` // Whether the message was shadowed or not Shadowed bool `json:"shadowed"` // Whether message is silent or not Silent bool `json:"silent"` // Text of the message. Should be empty if `mml` is provided Text string `json:"text"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` // Contains type of the message Type string `json:"type"` // Array of message attachments Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments"` // List of 10 latest reactions to this message LatestReactions []ReactionResponse `json:"latest_reactions"` // List of mentioned users MentionedUsers []UserResponse `json:"mentioned_users"` // List of 10 latest reactions of authenticated user to this message OwnReactions []ReactionResponse `json:"own_reactions"` Channel ChannelResponse `json:"channel"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` // An object containing number of reactions of each type. Key: reaction type (string), value: number of reactions (int) ReactionCounts map[string]int `json:"reaction_counts"` // An object containing scores of reactions of each type. Key: reaction type (string), value: total score of reactions (int) ReactionScores map[string]int `json:"reaction_scores"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` // Contains provided slash command Command *string `json:"command,omitempty"` // Date/time of deletion DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` MessageTextUpdatedAt *Timestamp `json:"message_text_updated_at,omitempty"` // Should be empty if `text` is provided. Can only be set when using server-side API Mml *string `json:"mml,omitempty"` // ID of parent message (thread) ParentID *string `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` // Date when pinned message expires PinExpires *Timestamp `json:"pin_expires,omitempty"` // Date when message got pinned PinnedAt *Timestamp `json:"pinned_at,omitempty"` // Identifier of the poll to include in the message PollID *string `json:"poll_id,omitempty"` QuotedMessageID *string `json:"quoted_message_id,omitempty"` // Whether thread reply should be shown in the channel as well ShowInChannel *bool `json:"show_in_channel,omitempty"` // List of users who participate in thread ThreadParticipants []UserResponse `json:"thread_participants,omitempty"` // Object with translations. Key `language` contains the original language key. Other keys contain translations I18n map[string]string `json:"i18n,omitempty"` // Contains image moderation information ImageLabels map[string][]string `json:"image_labels,omitempty"` Moderation *ModerationV2Response `json:"moderation,omitempty"` PinnedBy *UserResponse `json:"pinned_by,omitempty"` Poll *PollResponseData `json:"poll,omitempty"` QuotedMessage *MessageResponse `json:"quoted_message,omitempty"` ReactionGroups map[string]*ReactionGroupResponse `json:"reaction_groups,omitempty"` }
Represents any chat message
type ModerationActionConfig ΒΆ
type ModerationAnalytics ΒΆ
type ModerationAnalytics struct { TotalItemsModerated int `json:"total_items_moderated"` AiImageHarms []map[string]any `json:"ai_image_harms"` AiTextHarms []map[string]any `json:"ai_text_harms"` AiVideoHarms []map[string]any `json:"ai_video_harms"` BlocklistByList []map[string]any `json:"blocklist_by_list"` BlocklistMatches []map[string]any `json:"blocklist_matches"` ModelAccuracy []map[string]any `json:"model_accuracy"` ModeratorActions []map[string]any `json:"moderator_actions"` ModeratorProductivity []map[string]any `json:"moderator_productivity"` SemanticFilterTopMatches []map[string]any `json:"semantic_filter_top_matches"` SlaMetrics []map[string]any `json:"sla_metrics"` UsageMetrics []map[string]any `json:"usage_metrics"` ActionDistributionOverTime map[string]map[string]any `json:"action_distribution_over_time"` DetectionByEngineOverTime map[string]map[string]any `json:"detection_by_engine_over_time"` }
type ModerationCustomActionEvent ΒΆ
type ModerationCustomActionEvent struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Item *ReviewQueueItem `json:"item,omitempty"` Message *Message `json:"message,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*ModerationCustomActionEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*ModerationCustomActionEvent) GetEventType() string
type ModerationEvent ΒΆ
type ModerationEvent struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` Type string `json:"type"` ReceivedAt *Timestamp `json:"received_at,omitempty"` Flags []Flag2Response `json:"flags,omitempty"` Action *ActionLogResponse `json:"action,omitempty"` ReviewQueueItem *ReviewQueueItemResponse `json:"review_queue_item,omitempty"` }
func (*ModerationEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*ModerationEvent) GetEventType() string
type ModerationFlaggedEvent ΒΆ
type ModerationFlaggedEvent struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Item *string `json:"item,omitempty"` ObjectID *string `json:"object_id,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*ModerationFlaggedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*ModerationFlaggedEvent) GetEventType() string
type ModerationMarkReviewedEvent ΒΆ
type ModerationMarkReviewedEvent struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Item *ReviewQueueItem `json:"item,omitempty"` Message *Message `json:"message,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*ModerationMarkReviewedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*ModerationMarkReviewedEvent) GetEventType() string
type ModerationPayload ΒΆ
type ModerationResponse ΒΆ
type ModerationUsageStats ΒΆ
type ModerationV2Response ΒΆ
type ModerationV2Response struct { Action string `json:"action"` OriginalText string `json:"original_text"` BlocklistMatched *string `json:"blocklist_matched,omitempty"` PlatformCircumvented *bool `json:"platform_circumvented,omitempty"` SemanticFilterMatched *string `json:"semantic_filter_matched,omitempty"` ImageHarms []string `json:"image_harms,omitempty"` TextHarms []string `json:"text_harms,omitempty"` }
type ModeratorStats ΒΆ
type ModeratorStatsResponse ΒΆ
type ModeratorStatsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` ModeratorStats []ModeratorStats `json:"moderator_stats"` }
Basic response information
type MuteChannelRequest ΒΆ
type MuteChannelRequest struct { Expiration *int `json:"expiration"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` ChannelCids []string `json:"channel_cids"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type MuteChannelResponse ΒΆ
type MuteChannelResponse struct { Duration string `json:"duration"` // Object with mutes (if multiple channels were muted) ChannelMutes []ChannelMute `json:"channel_mutes,omitempty"` ChannelMute *ChannelMute `json:"channel_mute,omitempty"` OwnUser *OwnUser `json:"own_user,omitempty"` }
type MuteRequest ΒΆ
type MuteRequest struct { TargetIds []string `json:"target_ids"` Timeout *int `json:"timeout"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type MuteResponse ΒΆ
type MuteResponse struct { Duration string `json:"duration"` // Object with mutes (if multiple users were muted) Mutes []UserMute `json:"mutes,omitempty"` // A list of users that can't be found. Common cause for this is deleted users NonExistingUsers []string `json:"non_existing_users,omitempty"` OwnUser *OwnUser `json:"own_user,omitempty"` }
type MuteUsersRequest ΒΆ
type MuteUsersResponse ΒΆ
type MuteUsersResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
MuteUsersResponse is the response payload for the mute users endpoint.
type NetworkMetricsReportResponse ΒΆ
type NetworkMetricsReportResponse struct { AverageConnectionTime *float64 `json:"average_connection_time,omitempty"` AverageJitter *float64 `json:"average_jitter,omitempty"` AverageLatency *float64 `json:"average_latency,omitempty"` AverageTimeToReconnect *float64 `json:"average_time_to_reconnect,omitempty"` }
type NoiseCancellationSettings ΒΆ
type NoiseCancellationSettings struct {
Mode string `json:"mode"`
type NotificationMarkUnreadEvent ΒΆ
type NotificationMarkUnreadEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelMemberCount int `json:"channel_member_count"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` FirstUnreadMessageID string `json:"first_unread_message_id"` LastReadAt Timestamp `json:"last_read_at"` TotalUnreadCount int `json:"total_unread_count"` UnreadChannels int `json:"unread_channels"` UnreadCount int `json:"unread_count"` UnreadMessages int `json:"unread_messages"` UnreadThreads int `json:"unread_threads"` Type string `json:"type"` LastReadMessageID *string `json:"last_read_message_id,omitempty"` Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` ThreadID *string `json:"thread_id,omitempty"` Channel *ChannelResponse `json:"channel,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*NotificationMarkUnreadEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*NotificationMarkUnreadEvent) GetEventType() string
type NotificationSettings ΒΆ
type NotificationSettings struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` CallLiveStarted EventNotificationSettings `json:"call_live_started"` CallMissed EventNotificationSettings `json:"call_missed"` CallNotification EventNotificationSettings `json:"call_notification"` CallRing EventNotificationSettings `json:"call_ring"` SessionStarted EventNotificationSettings `json:"session_started"` }
type OnlyUserID ΒΆ
type OnlyUserID struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
type OwnCapability ΒΆ
type OwnCapability string
const ( BLOCK_USERS OwnCapability = "block-users" CHANGE_MAX_DURATION OwnCapability = "change-max-duration" CREATE_CALL OwnCapability = "create-call" CREATE_REACTION OwnCapability = "create-reaction" ENABLE_NOISE_CANCELLATION OwnCapability = "enable-noise-cancellation" END_CALL OwnCapability = "end-call" JOIN_BACKSTAGE OwnCapability = "join-backstage" JOIN_CALL OwnCapability = "join-call" JOIN_ENDED_CALL OwnCapability = "join-ended-call" MUTE_USERS OwnCapability = "mute-users" PIN_FOR_EVERYONE OwnCapability = "pin-for-everyone" READ_CALL OwnCapability = "read-call" REMOVE_CALL_MEMBER OwnCapability = "remove-call-member" SCREENSHARE OwnCapability = "screenshare" SEND_AUDIO OwnCapability = "send-audio" SEND_VIDEO OwnCapability = "send-video" START_BROADCAST_CALL OwnCapability = "start-broadcast-call" START_CLOSED_CAPTIONS_CALL OwnCapability = "start-closed-captions-call" START_FRAME_RECORD_CALL OwnCapability = "start-frame-record-call" START_RECORD_CALL OwnCapability = "start-record-call" START_TRANSCRIPTION_CALL OwnCapability = "start-transcription-call" STOP_BROADCAST_CALL OwnCapability = "stop-broadcast-call" STOP_CLOSED_CAPTIONS_CALL OwnCapability = "stop-closed-captions-call" STOP_FRAME_RECORD_CALL OwnCapability = "stop-frame-record-call" STOP_RECORD_CALL OwnCapability = "stop-record-call" STOP_TRANSCRIPTION_CALL OwnCapability = "stop-transcription-call" UPDATE_CALL OwnCapability = "update-call" UPDATE_CALL_MEMBER OwnCapability = "update-call-member" UPDATE_CALL_PERMISSIONS OwnCapability = "update-call-permissions" UPDATE_CALL_SETTINGS OwnCapability = "update-call-settings" )
func (OwnCapability) String ΒΆ
func (c OwnCapability) String() string
type OwnUser ΒΆ
type OwnUser struct { Banned bool `json:"banned"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` ID string `json:"id"` Language string `json:"language"` Online bool `json:"online"` Role string `json:"role"` TotalUnreadCount int `json:"total_unread_count"` UnreadChannels int `json:"unread_channels"` UnreadCount int `json:"unread_count"` UnreadThreads int `json:"unread_threads"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` ChannelMutes []ChannelMute `json:"channel_mutes"` Devices []Device `json:"devices"` Mutes []UserMute `json:"mutes"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` DeactivatedAt *Timestamp `json:"deactivated_at,omitempty"` DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` Invisible *bool `json:"invisible,omitempty"` LastActive *Timestamp `json:"last_active,omitempty"` LastEngagedAt *Timestamp `json:"last_engaged_at,omitempty"` BlockedUserIds []string `json:"blocked_user_ids,omitempty"` LatestHiddenChannels []string `json:"latest_hidden_channels,omitempty"` Teams []string `json:"teams,omitempty"` PrivacySettings *PrivacySettings `json:"privacy_settings,omitempty"` PushPreferences *PushPreferences `json:"push_preferences,omitempty"` }
type OwnUserResponse ΒΆ
type OwnUserResponse struct { Banned bool `json:"banned"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` ID string `json:"id"` Invisible bool `json:"invisible"` Language string `json:"language"` Online bool `json:"online"` Role string `json:"role"` TotalUnreadCount int `json:"total_unread_count"` UnreadChannels int `json:"unread_channels"` UnreadCount int `json:"unread_count"` UnreadThreads int `json:"unread_threads"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` ChannelMutes []ChannelMute `json:"channel_mutes"` Devices []DeviceResponse `json:"devices"` Mutes []UserMuteResponse `json:"mutes"` Teams []string `json:"teams"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` DeactivatedAt *Timestamp `json:"deactivated_at,omitempty"` DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` Image *string `json:"image,omitempty"` LastActive *Timestamp `json:"last_active,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` RevokeTokensIssuedBefore *Timestamp `json:"revoke_tokens_issued_before,omitempty"` BlockedUserIds []string `json:"blocked_user_ids,omitempty"` LatestHiddenChannels []string `json:"latest_hidden_channels,omitempty"` PrivacySettings *PrivacySettingsResponse `json:"privacy_settings,omitempty"` PushPreferences *PushPreferences `json:"push_preferences,omitempty"` }
type PaginationParams ΒΆ
type PendingMessageResponse ΒΆ
type PendingMessageResponse struct { Channel *ChannelResponse `json:"channel,omitempty"` Message *MessageResponse `json:"message,omitempty"` Metadata map[string]string `json:"metadata,omitempty"` User *UserResponse `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type PerSDKUsageReport ΒΆ
type Permission ΒΆ
type Permission struct { // Action name this permission is for (e.g. SendMessage) Action string `json:"action"` // Whether this is a custom permission or built-in Custom bool `json:"custom"` // Description of the permission Description string `json:"description"` // Unique permission ID ID string `json:"id"` // Level at which permission could be applied (app or channel) Level string `json:"level"` // Name of the permission Name string `json:"name"` // Whether this permission applies to resource owner or not Owner bool `json:"owner"` // Whether this permission applies to teammates (multi-tenancy mode only) SameTeam bool `json:"same_team"` // List of tags of the permission Tags []string `json:"tags"` // MongoDB style condition which decides whether or not the permission is granted Condition map[string]any `json:"condition,omitempty"` }
type PermissionRequestEvent ΒΆ
type PermissionRequestEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // The list of permissions requested by the user Permissions []string `json:"permissions"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` // The type of event: "call.permission_request" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when a user requests access to a feature on a call, clients receiving this event should display a permission request to the user
func (*PermissionRequestEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*PermissionRequestEvent) GetEventType() string
type PinRequest ΒΆ
type PinRequest struct { // the session ID of the user who pinned the message SessionID string `json:"session_id"` // the user ID of the user who pinned the message UserID string `json:"user_id"` }
PinRequest is the payload for pinning a message.
type PinResponse ΒΆ
type PinResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
Basic response information
type PlatformDataResponse ΒΆ
type PlatformDataResponse struct { Browser BrowserDataResponse `json:"browser"` Device DeviceDataResponse `json:"device"` Os ClientOSDataResponse `json:"os"` }
type PolicyRequest ΒΆ
type PolicyRequest struct { Action string `json:"action"` // User-friendly policy name Name string `json:"name"` // Whether policy applies to resource owner or not Owner bool `json:"owner"` // Policy priority Priority int `json:"priority"` // List of resources to apply policy to Resources []string `json:"resources"` // List of roles to apply policy to Roles []string `json:"roles"` }
Policy request
type Poll ΒΆ
type Poll struct { AllowAnswers bool `json:"allow_answers"` AllowUserSuggestedOptions bool `json:"allow_user_suggested_options"` AnswersCount int `json:"answers_count"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` CreatedByID string `json:"created_by_id"` Description string `json:"description"` EnforceUniqueVote bool `json:"enforce_unique_vote"` ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` VoteCount int `json:"vote_count"` LatestAnswers []PollVote `json:"latest_answers"` Options []PollOption `json:"options"` OwnVotes []PollVote `json:"own_votes"` Custom map[string]any `json:"Custom"` LatestVotesByOption map[string][]PollVote `json:"latest_votes_by_option"` VoteCountsByOption map[string]int `json:"vote_counts_by_option"` IsClosed *bool `json:"is_closed,omitempty"` MaxVotesAllowed *int `json:"max_votes_allowed,omitempty"` VotingVisibility *string `json:"voting_visibility,omitempty"` CreatedBy *User `json:"created_by,omitempty"` }
type PollOption ΒΆ
type PollOptionInput ΒΆ
type PollOptionRequest ΒΆ
type PollOptionResponse ΒΆ
type PollOptionResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` PollOption PollOptionResponseData `json:"poll_option"` }
type PollOptionResponseData ΒΆ
type PollResponse ΒΆ
type PollResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Poll PollResponseData `json:"poll"` }
type PollResponseData ΒΆ
type PollResponseData struct { AllowAnswers bool `json:"allow_answers"` AllowUserSuggestedOptions bool `json:"allow_user_suggested_options"` AnswersCount int `json:"answers_count"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` CreatedByID string `json:"created_by_id"` Description string `json:"description"` EnforceUniqueVote bool `json:"enforce_unique_vote"` ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` VoteCount int `json:"vote_count"` VotingVisibility string `json:"voting_visibility"` LatestAnswers []PollVoteResponseData `json:"latest_answers"` Options []PollOptionResponseData `json:"options"` OwnVotes []PollVoteResponseData `json:"own_votes"` Custom map[string]any `json:"Custom"` LatestVotesByOption map[string][]PollVoteResponseData `json:"latest_votes_by_option"` VoteCountsByOption map[string]int `json:"vote_counts_by_option"` IsClosed *bool `json:"is_closed,omitempty"` MaxVotesAllowed *int `json:"max_votes_allowed,omitempty"` CreatedBy *UserResponse `json:"created_by,omitempty"` }
type PollVote ΒΆ
type PollVote struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` ID string `json:"id"` OptionID string `json:"option_id"` PollID string `json:"poll_id"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` AnswerText *string `json:"answer_text,omitempty"` IsAnswer *bool `json:"is_answer,omitempty"` UserID *string `json:"user_id,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type PollVoteResponse ΒΆ
type PollVoteResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Vote *PollVoteResponseData `json:"vote,omitempty"` }
type PollVoteResponseData ΒΆ
type PollVoteResponseData struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` ID string `json:"id"` OptionID string `json:"option_id"` PollID string `json:"poll_id"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` AnswerText *string `json:"answer_text,omitempty"` IsAnswer *bool `json:"is_answer,omitempty"` UserID *string `json:"user_id,omitempty"` User *UserResponse `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type PollVotesResponse ΒΆ
type PollVotesResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` // Poll votes Votes []PollVoteResponseData `json:"votes"` Next *string `json:"next,omitempty"` Prev *string `json:"prev,omitempty"` }
type PrivacySettings ΒΆ
type PrivacySettings struct { ReadReceipts *ReadReceipts `json:"read_receipts,omitempty"` TypingIndicators *TypingIndicators `json:"typing_indicators,omitempty"` }
type PrivacySettingsResponse ΒΆ
type PrivacySettingsResponse struct { ReadReceipts *ReadReceiptsResponse `json:"read_receipts,omitempty"` TypingIndicators *TypingIndicatorsResponse `json:"typing_indicators,omitempty"` }
type PublishedTrackInfo ΒΆ
type PushConfig ΒΆ
type PushNotificationFields ΒΆ
type PushNotificationFields struct { OfflineOnly bool `json:"offline_only"` Version string `json:"version"` Apn APNConfigFields `json:"apn"` Firebase FirebaseConfigFields `json:"firebase"` Huawei HuaweiConfigFields `json:"huawei"` Xiaomi XiaomiConfigFields `json:"xiaomi"` Providers []PushProvider `json:"providers,omitempty"` }
type PushPreferenceInput ΒΆ
type PushPreferenceInput struct { // Set the push preferences for a specific channel. If empty it sets the default for the user ChannelCid *string `json:"channel_cid,omitempty"` // Set the level of push notifications for the user. One of all, mentions, none, default ChatLevel *string `json:"chat_level,omitempty"` // Disable push notifications till a certain time DisabledUntil *Timestamp `json:"disabled_until,omitempty"` // Remove the disabled until time. (IE stop snoozing notifications) RemoveDisable *bool `json:"remove_disable,omitempty"` // The user id for which to set the push preferences. Required when using server side auths, defaults to current user with client side auth. UserID *string `json:"user_id,omitempty"` }
type PushPreferences ΒΆ
type PushProvider ΒΆ
type PushProvider struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Name string `json:"name"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Type string `json:"type"` ApnAuthKey *string `json:"apn_auth_key,omitempty"` ApnAuthType *string `json:"apn_auth_type,omitempty"` ApnDevelopment *bool `json:"apn_development,omitempty"` ApnHost *string `json:"apn_host,omitempty"` ApnKeyID *string `json:"apn_key_id,omitempty"` ApnNotificationTemplate *string `json:"apn_notification_template,omitempty"` ApnP12Cert *string `json:"apn_p12_cert,omitempty"` ApnTeamID *string `json:"apn_team_id,omitempty"` ApnTopic *string `json:"apn_topic,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` DisabledAt *Timestamp `json:"disabled_at,omitempty"` DisabledReason *string `json:"disabled_reason,omitempty"` FirebaseApnTemplate *string `json:"firebase_apn_template,omitempty"` FirebaseCredentials *string `json:"firebase_credentials,omitempty"` FirebaseDataTemplate *string `json:"firebase_data_template,omitempty"` FirebaseHost *string `json:"firebase_host,omitempty"` FirebaseNotificationTemplate *string `json:"firebase_notification_template,omitempty"` FirebaseServerKey *string `json:"firebase_server_key,omitempty"` HuaweiAppID *string `json:"huawei_app_id,omitempty"` HuaweiAppSecret *string `json:"huawei_app_secret,omitempty"` XiaomiAppSecret *string `json:"xiaomi_app_secret,omitempty"` XiaomiPackageName *string `json:"xiaomi_package_name,omitempty"` }
type PushProviderResponse ΒΆ
type PushProviderResponse struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Name string `json:"name"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Type string `json:"type"` ApnAuthKey *string `json:"apn_auth_key,omitempty"` ApnAuthType *string `json:"apn_auth_type,omitempty"` ApnDevelopment *bool `json:"apn_development,omitempty"` ApnHost *string `json:"apn_host,omitempty"` ApnKeyID *string `json:"apn_key_id,omitempty"` ApnP12Cert *string `json:"apn_p12_cert,omitempty"` ApnSandboxCertificate *bool `json:"apn_sandbox_certificate,omitempty"` ApnSupportsRemoteNotifications *bool `json:"apn_supports_remote_notifications,omitempty"` ApnSupportsVoipNotifications *bool `json:"apn_supports_voip_notifications,omitempty"` ApnTeamID *string `json:"apn_team_id,omitempty"` ApnTopic *string `json:"apn_topic,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` DisabledAt *Timestamp `json:"disabled_at,omitempty"` DisabledReason *string `json:"disabled_reason,omitempty"` FirebaseApnTemplate *string `json:"firebase_apn_template,omitempty"` FirebaseCredentials *string `json:"firebase_credentials,omitempty"` FirebaseDataTemplate *string `json:"firebase_data_template,omitempty"` FirebaseHost *string `json:"firebase_host,omitempty"` FirebaseNotificationTemplate *string `json:"firebase_notification_template,omitempty"` FirebaseServerKey *string `json:"firebase_server_key,omitempty"` HuaweiAppID *string `json:"huawei_app_id,omitempty"` HuaweiAppSecret *string `json:"huawei_app_secret,omitempty"` XiaomiAppSecret *string `json:"xiaomi_app_secret,omitempty"` XiaomiPackageName *string `json:"xiaomi_package_name,omitempty"` }
type QualityScoreReport ΒΆ
type QualityScoreReport struct {
Histogram []ReportByHistogramBucket `json:"histogram"`
type QualityScoreReportResponse ΒΆ
type QualityScoreReportResponse struct {
Daily []DailyAggregateQualityScoreReportResponse `json:"daily"`
type QueryAggregateCallStatsResponse ΒΆ
type QueryAggregateCallStatsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` CallDurationReport *CallDurationReportResponse `json:"call_duration_report,omitempty"` CallParticipantCountReport *CallParticipantCountReportResponse `json:"call_participant_count_report,omitempty"` CallsPerDayReport *CallsPerDayReportResponse `json:"calls_per_day_report,omitempty"` NetworkMetricsReport *NetworkMetricsReportResponse `json:"network_metrics_report,omitempty"` QualityScoreReport *QualityScoreReportResponse `json:"quality_score_report,omitempty"` SdkUsageReport *SDKUsageReportResponse `json:"sdk_usage_report,omitempty"` UserFeedbackReport *UserFeedbackReportResponse `json:"user_feedback_report,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type QueryBannedUsersPayload ΒΆ
type QueryBannedUsersPayload struct { FilterConditions map[string]any `json:"filter_conditions"` // Whether to exclude expired bans or not ExcludeExpiredBans *bool `json:"exclude_expired_bans,omitempty"` // Number of records to return Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Number of records to offset Offset *int `json:"offset,omitempty"` UserID *string `json:"user_id,omitempty"` // Array of sort parameters Sort []SortParamRequest `json:"sort,omitempty"` User *UserRequest `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type QueryBannedUsersRequest ΒΆ
type QueryBannedUsersRequest struct {
Payload *QueryBannedUsersPayload `json:"-" query:"payload"`
type QueryBannedUsersResponse ΒΆ
type QueryBannedUsersResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` // List of found bans Bans []BanResponse `json:"bans"` }
type QueryCallMembersResponse ΒΆ
type QueryCallMembersResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Members []MemberResponse `json:"members"` Next *string `json:"next,omitempty"` Prev *string `json:"prev,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type QueryCallStatsRequest ΒΆ
type QueryCallStatsResponse ΒΆ
type QueryCallStatsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Reports []CallStatsReportSummaryResponse `json:"reports"` Next *string `json:"next,omitempty"` Prev *string `json:"prev,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type QueryCallsRequest ΒΆ
type QueryCallsResponse ΒΆ
type QueryCallsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Calls []CallStateResponseFields `json:"calls"` Next *string `json:"next,omitempty"` Prev *string `json:"prev,omitempty"` }
type QueryCampaignsRequest ΒΆ
type QueryCampaignsResponse ΒΆ
type QueryCampaignsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Campaigns []CampaignResponse `json:"campaigns"` Next *string `json:"next,omitempty"` Prev *string `json:"prev,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type QueryChannelsRequest ΒΆ
type QueryChannelsRequest struct { Limit *int `json:"limit"` MemberLimit *int `json:"member_limit"` MessageLimit *int `json:"message_limit"` Offset *int `json:"offset"` State *bool `json:"state"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` Sort []SortParamRequest `json:"sort"` FilterConditions map[string]any `json:"filter_conditions"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type QueryChannelsResponse ΒΆ
type QueryChannelsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` // List of channels Channels []ChannelStateResponseFields `json:"channels"` }
type QueryFeedModerationTemplate ΒΆ
type QueryFeedModerationTemplate struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Name string `json:"name"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Config *FeedsModerationTemplateConfig `json:"config,omitempty"` }
type QueryFeedModerationTemplatesResponse ΒΆ
type QueryFeedModerationTemplatesResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Templates []QueryFeedModerationTemplate `json:"templates"` }
Basic response information
type QueryMembersPayload ΒΆ
type QueryMembersPayload struct { Type string `json:"type"` FilterConditions map[string]any `json:"filter_conditions"` ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"` Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` Offset *int `json:"offset,omitempty"` UserID *string `json:"user_id,omitempty"` Members []ChannelMember `json:"members,omitempty"` Sort []SortParamRequest `json:"sort,omitempty"` User *UserRequest `json:"user,omitempty"` }
Client request
type QueryMembersRequest ΒΆ
type QueryMembersRequest struct {
Payload *QueryMembersPayload `json:"-" query:"payload"`
type QueryMessageFlagsPayload ΒΆ
type QueryMessageFlagsPayload struct { Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` Offset *int `json:"offset,omitempty"` // Whether to include deleted messages in the results ShowDeletedMessages *bool `json:"show_deleted_messages,omitempty"` UserID *string `json:"user_id,omitempty"` Sort []SortParamRequest `json:"sort,omitempty"` FilterConditions map[string]any `json:"filter_conditions,omitempty"` User *UserRequest `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type QueryMessageFlagsRequest ΒΆ
type QueryMessageFlagsRequest struct {
Payload *QueryMessageFlagsPayload `json:"-" query:"payload"`
type QueryMessageFlagsResponse ΒΆ
type QueryMessageFlagsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` // The flags that match the query Flags []MessageFlagResponse `json:"flags"` }
Query message flags response
type QueryMessageHistoryResponse ΒΆ
type QueryMessageHistoryResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` // Message history entries MessageHistory []MessageHistoryEntryResponse `json:"message_history"` Next *string `json:"next,omitempty"` Prev *string `json:"prev,omitempty"` }
type QueryModerationConfigsRequest ΒΆ
type QueryModerationConfigsRequest struct { Limit *int `json:"limit"` Next *string `json:"next"` Prev *string `json:"prev"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` Sort []SortParamRequest `json:"sort"` Filter map[string]any `json:"filter"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type QueryModerationConfigsResponse ΒΆ
type QueryModerationConfigsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Configs []ConfigResponse `json:"configs"` Next *string `json:"next,omitempty"` Prev *string `json:"prev,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type QueryModerationLogsRequest ΒΆ
type QueryModerationLogsRequest struct { Limit *int `json:"limit"` Next *string `json:"next"` Prev *string `json:"prev"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` Sort []SortParamRequest `json:"sort"` Filter map[string]any `json:"filter"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type QueryModerationLogsResponse ΒΆ
type QueryModerationLogsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Logs []ActionLogResponse `json:"logs"` Next *string `json:"next,omitempty"` Prev *string `json:"prev,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type QueryPollVotesRequest ΒΆ
type QueryPollsRequest ΒΆ
type QueryPollsResponse ΒΆ
type QueryPollsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` // Polls data returned by the query Polls []PollResponseData `json:"polls"` Next *string `json:"next,omitempty"` Prev *string `json:"prev,omitempty"` }
type QueryReactionsRequest ΒΆ
type QueryReactionsRequest struct { Limit *int `json:"limit"` Next *string `json:"next"` Prev *string `json:"prev"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` Sort []SortParamRequest `json:"sort"` Filter map[string]any `json:"filter"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type QueryReactionsResponse ΒΆ
type QueryReactionsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Reactions []ReactionResponse `json:"reactions"` Next *string `json:"next,omitempty"` Prev *string `json:"prev,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type QueryReviewQueueRequest ΒΆ
type QueryReviewQueueRequest struct { Limit *int `json:"limit"` LockCount *int `json:"lock_count"` LockDuration *int `json:"lock_duration"` LockItems *bool `json:"lock_items"` Next *string `json:"next"` Prev *string `json:"prev"` StatsOnly *bool `json:"stats_only"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` Sort []SortParamRequest `json:"sort"` Filter map[string]any `json:"filter"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type QueryReviewQueueResponse ΒΆ
type QueryReviewQueueResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Items []ReviewQueueItemResponse `json:"items"` ActionConfig map[string][]ModerationActionConfig `json:"action_config"` Stats map[string]any `json:"stats"` Next *string `json:"next,omitempty"` Prev *string `json:"prev,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type QuerySegmentTargetsResponse ΒΆ
type QuerySegmentTargetsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` // Targets Targets []SegmentTargetResponse `json:"targets"` Next *string `json:"next,omitempty"` Prev *string `json:"prev,omitempty"` }
type QuerySegmentsRequest ΒΆ
type QuerySegmentsResponse ΒΆ
type QuerySegmentsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` // Segments Segments []SegmentResponse `json:"segments"` Next *string `json:"next,omitempty"` Prev *string `json:"prev,omitempty"` }
type QueryThreadsRequest ΒΆ
type QueryThreadsRequest struct { Limit *int `json:"limit"` MemberLimit *int `json:"member_limit"` Next *string `json:"next"` ParticipantLimit *int `json:"participant_limit"` Prev *string `json:"prev"` ReplyLimit *int `json:"reply_limit"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type QueryThreadsResponse ΒΆ
type QueryThreadsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` // List of enriched thread states Threads []ThreadStateResponse `json:"threads"` Next *string `json:"next,omitempty"` Prev *string `json:"prev,omitempty"` }
type QueryUsageStatsRequest ΒΆ
type QueryUsageStatsRequest struct { Limit *int `json:"limit"` Next *string `json:"next"` Prev *string `json:"prev"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` Sort []SortParamRequest `json:"sort"` Filter map[string]any `json:"filter"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type QueryUsageStatsResponse ΒΆ
type QueryUsageStatsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Items []ModerationUsageStats `json:"items"` Next *string `json:"next,omitempty"` Prev *string `json:"prev,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type QueryUserFeedbackResponse ΒΆ
type QueryUserFeedbackResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` UserFeedback []UserFeedbackResponse `json:"user_feedback"` Next *string `json:"next,omitempty"` Prev *string `json:"prev,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type QueryUsersPayload ΒΆ
type QueryUsersPayload struct { FilterConditions map[string]any `json:"filter_conditions"` IncludeDeactivatedUsers *bool `json:"include_deactivated_users,omitempty"` Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` Offset *int `json:"offset,omitempty"` Presence *bool `json:"presence,omitempty"` UserID *string `json:"user_id,omitempty"` Sort []SortParamRequest `json:"sort,omitempty"` User *UserRequest `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type QueryUsersRequest ΒΆ
type QueryUsersRequest struct {
Payload *QueryUsersPayload `json:"-" query:"payload"`
type QueryUsersResponse ΒΆ
type QueryUsersResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` // Array of users as result of filters applied. Users []FullUserResponse `json:"users"` }
type QueueStatsResponse ΒΆ
type QueueStatsResponse struct { AvgTimeToAction int `json:"avg_time_to_action"` // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` TimeToActionBuckets map[string]int `json:"time_to_action_buckets"` }
Basic response information
type RTMPBroadcastRequest ΒΆ
type RTMPBroadcastRequest struct { // Name identifier for RTMP broadcast, must be unique in call Name string `json:"name"` // URL for the RTMP server to send the call to StreamUrl string `json:"stream_url"` // If provided, will override the call's RTMP settings quality Quality *string `json:"quality,omitempty"` // If provided, will be appended at the end of stream_url StreamKey *string `json:"stream_key,omitempty"` Layout *LayoutSettingsRequest `json:"layout,omitempty"` }
RTMPBroadcastRequest is the payload for starting an RTMP broadcast.
type RTMPLocation ΒΆ
type RTMPSettings ΒΆ
type RTMPSettings struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` QualityName *string `json:"quality_name,omitempty"` Layout *LayoutSettings `json:"layout,omitempty"` Location *RTMPLocation `json:"location,omitempty"` }
type RTMPSettingsRequest ΒΆ
type RTMPSettingsRequest struct { Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` // Resolution to set for the RTMP stream Quality *string `json:"quality,omitempty"` Layout *LayoutSettingsRequest `json:"layout,omitempty"` }
type RTMPSettingsResponse ΒΆ
type RTMPSettingsResponse struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Quality string `json:"quality"` Layout LayoutSettingsResponse `json:"layout"` }
RTMPSettingsResponse is the payload for RTMP settings
type RateLimitInfo ΒΆ
type RateLimitInfo struct { // Limit is the maximum number of API calls for a single time window (1 minute). Limit int64 `json:"limit"` // Remaining is the number of API calls remaining in the current time window (1 minute). Remaining int64 `json:"remaining"` // Reset is the Unix timestamp of the expiration of the current rate limit time window. Reset int64 `json:"reset"` }
RateLimitInfo represents the quota and usage for a single endpoint.
func NewRateLimitFromHeaders ΒΆ
func NewRateLimitFromHeaders(headers http.Header) *RateLimitInfo
type Reaction ΒΆ
type Reaction struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` MessageID string `json:"message_id"` Score int `json:"score"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` UserID *string `json:"user_id,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type ReactionDeletedEvent ΒΆ
type ReactionDeletedEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` ThreadParticipants []User `json:"thread_participants,omitempty"` Message *Message `json:"message,omitempty"` Reaction *Reaction `json:"reaction,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*ReactionDeletedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*ReactionDeletedEvent) GetEventType() string
type ReactionGroupResponse ΒΆ
type ReactionGroupResponse struct { // Count is the number of reactions of this type. Count int `json:"count"` // FirstReactionAt is the time of the first reaction of this type. This is the same also if all reaction of this type are deleted, because if someone will react again with the same type, will be preserved the sorting. FirstReactionAt Timestamp `json:"first_reaction_at"` // LastReactionAt is the time of the last reaction of this type. LastReactionAt Timestamp `json:"last_reaction_at"` // SumScores is the sum of all scores of reactions of this type. Medium allows you to clap articles more than once and shows the sum of all claps from all users. For example, you can send `clap` x5 using `score: 5`. SumScores int `json:"sum_scores"` }
ReactionGroupResponse contains all information about a reaction of the same type.
type ReactionNewEvent ΒΆ
type ReactionNewEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` ThreadParticipants []User `json:"thread_participants,omitempty"` Message *Message `json:"message,omitempty"` Reaction *Reaction `json:"reaction,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*ReactionNewEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*ReactionNewEvent) GetEventType() string
type ReactionRequest ΒΆ
type ReactionRequest struct { // The type of reaction (e.g. 'like', 'laugh', 'wow') Type string `json:"type"` // Date/time of creation CreatedAt *Timestamp `json:"created_at,omitempty"` // Reaction score. If not specified reaction has score of 1 Score *int `json:"score,omitempty"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt *Timestamp `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` UserID *string `json:"user_id,omitempty"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom,omitempty"` User *UserRequest `json:"user,omitempty"` }
Represents user reaction to a message
type ReactionResponse ΒΆ
type ReactionResponse struct { // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Message ID MessageID string `json:"message_id"` // Score of the reaction Score int `json:"score"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` // User ID UserID string `json:"user_id"` // Type of reaction Type string `json:"type"` // Custom data for this object Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` }
type ReactionUpdatedEvent ΒΆ
type ReactionUpdatedEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Message Message `json:"message"` Reaction Reaction `json:"reaction"` Type string `json:"type"` Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*ReactionUpdatedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*ReactionUpdatedEvent) GetEventType() string
type ReactivateUserRequest ΒΆ
type ReactivateUserResponse ΒΆ
type ReactivateUserResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` User *UserResponse `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type ReactivateUsersRequest ΒΆ
type ReactivateUsersResponse ΒΆ
type ReactivateUsersResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` TaskID string `json:"task_id"` }
Basic response information
type ReadReceipts ΒΆ
type ReadReceipts struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
type ReadReceiptsResponse ΒΆ
type ReadReceiptsResponse struct {
Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
type ReadStateResponse ΒΆ
type ReadStateResponse struct { LastRead Timestamp `json:"last_read"` UnreadMessages int `json:"unread_messages"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` LastReadMessageID *string `json:"last_read_message_id,omitempty"` }
type RecordSettings ΒΆ
type RecordSettings struct { Mode string `json:"mode"` AudioOnly *bool `json:"audio_only,omitempty"` Quality *string `json:"quality,omitempty"` Layout *LayoutSettings `json:"layout,omitempty"` }
type RecordSettingsRequest ΒΆ
type RecordSettingsRequest struct { Mode string `json:"mode"` AudioOnly *bool `json:"audio_only,omitempty"` Quality *string `json:"quality,omitempty"` Layout *LayoutSettingsRequest `json:"layout,omitempty"` }
type RecordSettingsResponse ΒΆ
type RecordSettingsResponse struct { AudioOnly bool `json:"audio_only"` Mode string `json:"mode"` Quality string `json:"quality"` Layout LayoutSettingsResponse `json:"layout"` }
RecordSettings is the payload for recording settings
type RemovePollVoteRequest ΒΆ
type RemovePollVoteRequest struct {
UserID *string `json:"-" query:"user_id"`
type ReportResponse ΒΆ
type ReportResponse struct { Call CallReportResponse `json:"call"` Participants ParticipantReportResponse `json:"participants"` UserRatings UserRatingReportResponse `json:"user_ratings"` }
type Response ΒΆ
type Response struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
Basic response information
type RestoreActionRequest ΒΆ
type RestoreActionRequest struct{}
type RestoreUsersRequest ΒΆ
type RestoreUsersRequest struct {
UserIds []string `json:"user_ids"`
type ReviewQueueItem ΒΆ
type ReviewQueueItem struct { AiTextSeverity string `json:"ai_text_severity"` BounceCount int `json:"bounce_count"` ContentChanged bool `json:"content_changed"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` EntityID string `json:"entity_id"` EntityType string `json:"entity_type"` HasImage bool `json:"has_image"` HasText bool `json:"has_text"` HasVideo bool `json:"has_video"` ID string `json:"id"` ModerationPayloadHash string `json:"moderation_payload_hash"` RecommendedAction string `json:"recommended_action"` ReviewedBy string `json:"reviewed_by"` Severity int `json:"severity"` Status string `json:"status"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Actions []ActionLog `json:"actions"` Bans []Ban `json:"bans"` Flags []Flag2 `json:"flags"` Languages []string `json:"languages"` Teams []string `json:"teams"` ReviewedAt NullTime `json:"reviewed_at"` AssignedTo *User `json:"assigned_to,omitempty"` EntityCreator *EntityCreator `json:"entity_creator,omitempty"` FeedsV2Activity *EnrichedActivity `json:"feeds_v2_activity,omitempty"` FeedsV2Reaction *Reaction `json:"feeds_v2_reaction,omitempty"` Message *Message `json:"message,omitempty"` ModerationPayload *ModerationPayload `json:"moderation_payload,omitempty"` }
type ReviewQueueItemResponse ΒΆ
type ReviewQueueItemResponse struct { AiTextSeverity string `json:"ai_text_severity"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` EntityID string `json:"entity_id"` EntityType string `json:"entity_type"` ID string `json:"id"` RecommendedAction string `json:"recommended_action"` ReviewedBy string `json:"reviewed_by"` Severity int `json:"severity"` Status string `json:"status"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Actions []ActionLogResponse `json:"actions"` Bans []Ban `json:"bans"` Flags []Flag2Response `json:"flags"` Languages []string `json:"languages"` CompletedAt *Timestamp `json:"completed_at,omitempty"` EntityCreatorID *string `json:"entity_creator_id,omitempty"` ReviewedAt *Timestamp `json:"reviewed_at,omitempty"` Teams []string `json:"teams,omitempty"` AssignedTo *UserResponse `json:"assigned_to,omitempty"` EntityCreator *EntityCreatorResponse `json:"entity_creator,omitempty"` FeedsV2Activity *EnrichedActivity `json:"feeds_v2_activity,omitempty"` FeedsV2Reaction *Reaction `json:"feeds_v2_reaction,omitempty"` Message *MessageResponse `json:"message,omitempty"` ModerationPayload *ModerationPayload `json:"moderation_payload,omitempty"` }
type RingSettings ΒΆ
type RingSettingsRequest ΒΆ
type RingSettingsResponse ΒΆ
type Role ΒΆ
type Role struct { // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Whether this is a custom role or built-in Custom bool `json:"custom"` // Unique role name Name string `json:"name"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` // List of scopes where this role is currently present. `.app` means that role is present in app-level grants Scopes []string `json:"scopes"` }
type RunMessageActionRequest ΒΆ
type RunMessageActionRequest struct { FormData map[string]string `json:"form_data"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type S3Request ΒΆ
type S3Request struct { // The AWS region where the bucket is hosted S3Region string `json:"s3_region"` // The AWS API key. To use Amazon S3 as your storage provider, you have two authentication options: IAM role or API key. If you do not specify the `s3_api_key` parameter, Stream will use IAM role authentication. In that case make sure to have the correct IAM role configured for your application. S3APIKey *string `json:"s3_api_key,omitempty"` // The AWS API Secret S3Secret *string `json:"s3_secret,omitempty"` }
Config for creating Amazon S3 storage.
type SDKUsageReport ΒΆ
type SDKUsageReport struct {
PerSdkUsage map[string]*PerSDKUsageReport `json:"per_sdk_usage"`
type SDKUsageReportResponse ΒΆ
type SDKUsageReportResponse struct {
Daily []DailyAggregateSDKUsageReportResponse `json:"daily"`
type SFULocationResponse ΒΆ
type SFULocationResponse struct { Datacenter string `json:"datacenter"` ID string `json:"id"` Coordinates Coordinates `json:"coordinates"` Location Location `json:"location"` }
type ScheduleCampaignRequest ΒΆ
type ScheduleCampaignRequest struct { }
type ScreensharingSettings ΒΆ
type ScreensharingSettings struct { AccessRequestEnabled bool `json:"access_request_enabled"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` TargetResolution *TargetResolution `json:"target_resolution,omitempty"` }
type ScreensharingSettingsRequest ΒΆ
type ScreensharingSettingsRequest struct { AccessRequestEnabled *bool `json:"access_request_enabled,omitempty"` Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` TargetResolution *TargetResolution `json:"target_resolution,omitempty"` }
type ScreensharingSettingsResponse ΒΆ
type ScreensharingSettingsResponse struct { AccessRequestEnabled bool `json:"access_request_enabled"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` TargetResolution *TargetResolution `json:"target_resolution,omitempty"` }
type SearchPayload ΒΆ
type SearchPayload struct { // Channel filter conditions FilterConditions map[string]any `json:"filter_conditions"` // Number of messages to return Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Pagination parameter. Cannot be used with non-zero offset. Next *string `json:"next,omitempty"` // Pagination offset. Cannot be used with sort or next. Offset *int `json:"offset,omitempty"` // Search phrase Query *string `json:"query,omitempty"` // Sort parameters. Cannot be used with non-zero offset Sort []SortParamRequest `json:"sort,omitempty"` // Message filter conditions MessageFilterConditions map[string]any `json:"message_filter_conditions,omitempty"` }
type SearchRequest ΒΆ
type SearchRequest struct {
Payload *SearchPayload `json:"-" query:"payload"`
type SearchResponse ΒΆ
type SearchResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` // Search results Results []SearchResult `json:"results"` // Value to pass to the next search query in order to paginate Next *string `json:"next,omitempty"` // Value that points to the previous page. Pass as the next value in a search query to paginate backwards Previous *string `json:"previous,omitempty"` ResultsWarning *SearchWarning `json:"results_warning,omitempty"` }
type SearchResult ΒΆ
type SearchResult struct {
Message *SearchResultMessage `json:"message,omitempty"`
type SearchResultMessage ΒΆ
type SearchResultMessage struct { Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` DeletedReplyCount int `json:"deleted_reply_count"` Html string `json:"html"` ID string `json:"id"` Pinned bool `json:"pinned"` ReplyCount int `json:"reply_count"` Shadowed bool `json:"shadowed"` Silent bool `json:"silent"` Text string `json:"text"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments"` LatestReactions []ReactionResponse `json:"latest_reactions"` MentionedUsers []UserResponse `json:"mentioned_users"` OwnReactions []ReactionResponse `json:"own_reactions"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` ReactionCounts map[string]int `json:"reaction_counts"` ReactionScores map[string]int `json:"reaction_scores"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` Command *string `json:"command,omitempty"` DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` MessageTextUpdatedAt *Timestamp `json:"message_text_updated_at,omitempty"` Mml *string `json:"mml,omitempty"` ParentID *string `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` PinExpires *Timestamp `json:"pin_expires,omitempty"` PinnedAt *Timestamp `json:"pinned_at,omitempty"` PollID *string `json:"poll_id,omitempty"` QuotedMessageID *string `json:"quoted_message_id,omitempty"` ShowInChannel *bool `json:"show_in_channel,omitempty"` ThreadParticipants []UserResponse `json:"thread_participants,omitempty"` Channel *ChannelResponse `json:"channel,omitempty"` I18n map[string]string `json:"i18n,omitempty"` ImageLabels map[string][]string `json:"image_labels,omitempty"` Moderation *ModerationV2Response `json:"moderation,omitempty"` PinnedBy *UserResponse `json:"pinned_by,omitempty"` Poll *PollResponseData `json:"poll,omitempty"` QuotedMessage *MessageResponse `json:"quoted_message,omitempty"` ReactionGroups map[string]*ReactionGroupResponse `json:"reaction_groups,omitempty"` }
type SearchWarning ΒΆ
type SearchWarning struct { // Code corresponding to the warning WarningCode int `json:"warning_code"` // Description of the warning WarningDescription string `json:"warning_description"` // Number of channels searched ChannelSearchCount *int `json:"channel_search_count,omitempty"` // Channel CIDs for the searched channels ChannelSearchCids []string `json:"channel_search_cids,omitempty"` }
type Segment ΒΆ
type Segment struct { AllSenderChannels bool `json:"all_sender_channels"` AllUsers bool `json:"all_users"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Size int `json:"size"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Type string `json:"type"` DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` TaskID *string `json:"task_id,omitempty"` Filter map[string]any `json:"filter,omitempty"` }
type SegmentResponse ΒΆ
type SegmentResponse struct { AllSenderChannels bool `json:"all_sender_channels"` AllUsers bool `json:"all_users"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` DeletedAt Timestamp `json:"deleted_at"` Description string `json:"description"` ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Size int `json:"size"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Filter map[string]any `json:"filter"` }
type SegmentTargetExistsRequest ΒΆ
type SegmentTargetExistsRequest struct { }
type SegmentTargetResponse ΒΆ
type SendCallEventRequest ΒΆ
type SendCallEventRequest struct { UserID *string `json:"user_id"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type SendCallEventResponse ΒΆ
type SendCallEventResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
type SendEventRequest ΒΆ
type SendEventRequest struct {
Event EventRequest `json:"event"`
type SendMessageRequest ΒΆ
type SendMessageRequest struct { Message MessageRequest `json:"message"` ForceModeration *bool `json:"force_moderation"` KeepChannelHidden *bool `json:"keep_channel_hidden"` Pending *bool `json:"pending"` SkipEnrichUrl *bool `json:"skip_enrich_url"` SkipPush *bool `json:"skip_push"` PendingMessageMetadata map[string]string `json:"pending_message_metadata"` }
type SendMessageResponse ΒΆ
type SendMessageResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Message MessageResponse `json:"message"` // Pending message metadata PendingMessageMetadata map[string]string `json:"pending_message_metadata,omitempty"` }
type SendReactionRequest ΒΆ
type SendReactionRequest struct { Reaction ReactionRequest `json:"reaction"` EnforceUnique *bool `json:"enforce_unique"` SkipPush *bool `json:"skip_push"` }
type SendReactionResponse ΒΆ
type SendReactionResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Message MessageResponse `json:"message"` Reaction ReactionResponse `json:"reaction"` }
Basic response information
type SendUserCustomEventRequest ΒΆ
type SendUserCustomEventRequest struct {
Event UserCustomEventRequest `json:"event"`
type SessionSettings ΒΆ
type SessionSettings struct {
InactivityTimeoutSeconds int `json:"inactivity_timeout_seconds"`
type SessionSettingsRequest ΒΆ
type SessionSettingsRequest struct {
InactivityTimeoutSeconds int `json:"inactivity_timeout_seconds"`
type SessionSettingsResponse ΒΆ
type SessionSettingsResponse struct {
InactivityTimeoutSeconds int `json:"inactivity_timeout_seconds"`
type ShowChannelRequest ΒΆ
type ShowChannelRequest struct { UserID *string `json:"user_id"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type ShowChannelResponse ΒΆ
type ShowChannelResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
Basic response information
type SortParamRequest ΒΆ
type StartCampaignRequest ΒΆ
type StartCampaignResponse ΒΆ
type StartCampaignResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Campaign *CampaignResponse `json:"campaign,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type StartClosedCaptionsResponse ΒΆ
type StartClosedCaptionsResponse struct {
Duration string `json:"duration"`
type StartFrameRecordingRequest ΒΆ
type StartFrameRecordingRequest struct {
RecordingExternalStorage *string `json:"recording_external_storage"`
type StartFrameRecordingResponse ΒΆ
type StartFrameRecordingResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
StartFrameRecordingResponse is the response payload for the start frame recording endpoint.
type StartHLSBroadcastingRequest ΒΆ
type StartHLSBroadcastingRequest struct { }
type StartHLSBroadcastingResponse ΒΆ
type StartHLSBroadcastingResponse struct { Duration string `json:"duration"` // the URL of the HLS playlist PlaylistUrl string `json:"playlist_url"` }
StartHLSBroadcastingResponse is the payload for starting an HLS broadcasting.
type StartRTMPBroadcastsRequest ΒΆ
type StartRTMPBroadcastsRequest struct {
Broadcasts []RTMPBroadcastRequest `json:"broadcasts"`
type StartRTMPBroadcastsResponse ΒΆ
type StartRTMPBroadcastsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
StartRTMPBroadcastsResponse is the payload for starting an RTMP broadcast.
type StartRecordingRequest ΒΆ
type StartRecordingRequest struct {
RecordingExternalStorage *string `json:"recording_external_storage"`
type StartRecordingResponse ΒΆ
type StartRecordingResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
StartRecordingResponse is the response payload for the start recording endpoint.
type StartTranscriptionResponse ΒΆ
type StartTranscriptionResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
type StopAllRTMPBroadcastsRequest ΒΆ
type StopAllRTMPBroadcastsRequest struct { }
type StopAllRTMPBroadcastsResponse ΒΆ
type StopAllRTMPBroadcastsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
type StopCampaignRequest ΒΆ
type StopCampaignRequest struct{}
type StopClosedCaptionsRequest ΒΆ
type StopClosedCaptionsRequest struct {
StopTranscription *bool `json:"stop_transcription"`
type StopClosedCaptionsResponse ΒΆ
type StopClosedCaptionsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
Basic response information
type StopFrameRecordingRequest ΒΆ
type StopFrameRecordingRequest struct { }
type StopFrameRecordingResponse ΒΆ
type StopFrameRecordingResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
Basic response information
type StopHLSBroadcastingRequest ΒΆ
type StopHLSBroadcastingRequest struct { }
type StopHLSBroadcastingResponse ΒΆ
type StopHLSBroadcastingResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
Basic response information
type StopLiveRequest ΒΆ
type StopLiveRequest struct { ContinueClosedCaption *bool `json:"continue_closed_caption"` ContinueHLS *bool `json:"continue_hls"` ContinueRTMPBroadcasts *bool `json:"continue_rtmp_broadcasts"` ContinueRecording *bool `json:"continue_recording"` ContinueTranscription *bool `json:"continue_transcription"` }
type StopLiveResponse ΒΆ
type StopLiveResponse struct { Duration string `json:"duration"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` }
type StopRTMPBroadcastRequest ΒΆ
type StopRTMPBroadcastRequest struct { }
type StopRTMPBroadcastsRequest ΒΆ
type StopRTMPBroadcastsRequest struct{}
Request for stopping RTMP broadcasts
type StopRTMPBroadcastsResponse ΒΆ
type StopRTMPBroadcastsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
Basic response information
type StopRecordingRequest ΒΆ
type StopRecordingRequest struct { }
type StopRecordingResponse ΒΆ
type StopRecordingResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
Basic response information
type StopTranscriptionRequest ΒΆ
type StopTranscriptionRequest struct {
StopClosedCaptions *bool `json:"stop_closed_captions"`
type StopTranscriptionResponse ΒΆ
type StopTranscriptionResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
Basic response information
type Stream ΒΆ
type Stream struct { *Client // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewClient ΒΆ
func NewClient(apiKey, apiSecret string, options ...ClientOption) (*Stream, error)
func NewClientFromEnvVars ΒΆ
func NewClientFromEnvVars(options ...ClientOption) (*Stream, error)
func (*Stream) Chat ΒΆ
func (s *Stream) Chat() *ChatClient
func (*Stream) CreateToken ΒΆ
func (s *Stream) CreateToken(userID string, opts ...TokenOption) (string, error)
CreateToken generates a token for a given user ID, with optional claims.
Parameters: - userID (string): The unique identifier of the user for whom the token is being created. - claims (*Claims): A pointer to a Claims struct containing optional parameters.
Returns: - (string): The generated JWT token. - (error): An error object if token creation fails.
token, err := client.CreateToken("userID", getstream.WithExpiration(time.Hour))
func (*Stream) Video ΒΆ
func (s *Stream) Video() *VideoClient
type StreamError ΒΆ
type StreamError struct { Code int `json:"code"` Message string `json:"message"` ExceptionFields map[string]string `json:"exception_fields,omitempty"` StatusCode int `json:"StatusCode"` Duration string `json:"duration"` MoreInfo string `json:"more_info"` RateLimit *RateLimitInfo `json:"-"` }
Error represents an API error
func (StreamError) Error ΒΆ
func (e StreamError) Error() string
type StreamResponse ΒΆ
type StreamResponse[T any] struct { RateLimitInfo *RateLimitInfo `json:"ratelimit"` Data T }
Response is the base response returned to the client
type SubmitActionRequest ΒΆ
type SubmitActionRequest struct { ActionType string `json:"action_type"` ItemID string `json:"item_id"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` Ban *BanActionRequest `json:"ban"` Custom *CustomActionRequest `json:"custom"` DeleteActivity *DeleteActivityRequest `json:"delete_activity"` DeleteMessage *DeleteMessageRequest `json:"delete_message"` DeleteReaction *DeleteReactionRequest `json:"delete_reaction"` DeleteUser *DeleteUserRequest `json:"delete_user"` MarkReviewed *MarkReviewedRequest `json:"mark_reviewed"` Unban *UnbanActionRequest `json:"unban"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type SubmitActionResponse ΒΆ
type SubmitActionResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Item *ReviewQueueItem `json:"item,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type Subsession ΒΆ
type Subsession struct { EndedAt int `json:"ended_at"` JoinedAt int `json:"joined_at"` SfuID string `json:"sfu_id"` PubSubHint *MediaPubSubHint `json:"pub_sub_hint,omitempty"` }
type TURNAggregatedStats ΒΆ
type TargetResolution ΒΆ
type ThreadParticipant ΒΆ
type ThreadParticipant struct { AppPk int `json:"app_pk"` ChannelCid string `json:"channel_cid"` // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` LastReadAt Timestamp `json:"last_read_at"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` LastThreadMessageAt *Timestamp `json:"last_thread_message_at,omitempty"` // Left Thread At is the time when the user left the thread LeftThreadAt *Timestamp `json:"left_thread_at,omitempty"` // Thead ID is unique string identifier of the thread ThreadID *string `json:"thread_id,omitempty"` // User ID is unique string identifier of the user UserID *string `json:"user_id,omitempty"` User *UserResponse `json:"user,omitempty"` }
Represents a user that is participating in a thread.
type ThreadResponse ΒΆ
type ThreadResponse struct { // Channel CID ChannelCid string `json:"channel_cid"` // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Created By User ID CreatedByUserID string `json:"created_by_user_id"` // Parent Message ID ParentMessageID string `json:"parent_message_id"` // Title Title string `json:"title"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` // Custom data for this object Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` // Active Participant Count ActiveParticipantCount *int `json:"active_participant_count,omitempty"` // Deleted At DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` // Last Message At LastMessageAt *Timestamp `json:"last_message_at,omitempty"` // Participant Count ParticipantCount *int `json:"participant_count,omitempty"` // Reply Count ReplyCount *int `json:"reply_count,omitempty"` // Thread Participants ThreadParticipants []ThreadParticipant `json:"thread_participants,omitempty"` Channel *ChannelResponse `json:"channel,omitempty"` CreatedBy *UserResponse `json:"created_by,omitempty"` ParentMessage *MessageResponse `json:"parent_message,omitempty"` }
type ThreadStateResponse ΒΆ
type ThreadStateResponse struct { // Channel CID ChannelCid string `json:"channel_cid"` // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Created By User ID CreatedByUserID string `json:"created_by_user_id"` // Parent Message ID ParentMessageID string `json:"parent_message_id"` // Title Title string `json:"title"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` LatestReplies []MessageResponse `json:"latest_replies"` // Custom data for this object Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` // Active Participant Count ActiveParticipantCount *int `json:"active_participant_count,omitempty"` // Deleted At DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` // Last Message At LastMessageAt *Timestamp `json:"last_message_at,omitempty"` // Participant Count ParticipantCount *int `json:"participant_count,omitempty"` // Reply Count ReplyCount *int `json:"reply_count,omitempty"` Read []ReadStateResponse `json:"read,omitempty"` // Thread Participants ThreadParticipants []ThreadParticipant `json:"thread_participants,omitempty"` Channel *ChannelResponse `json:"channel,omitempty"` CreatedBy *UserResponse `json:"created_by,omitempty"` ParentMessage *MessageResponse `json:"parent_message,omitempty"` }
type ThreadUpdatedEvent ΒΆ
type ThreadUpdatedEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Thread *ThreadResponse `json:"thread,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*ThreadUpdatedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*ThreadUpdatedEvent) GetEventType() string
type Thresholds ΒΆ
type Thresholds struct { Explicit *LabelThresholds `json:"explicit,omitempty"` Spam *LabelThresholds `json:"spam,omitempty"` Toxic *LabelThresholds `json:"toxic,omitempty"` }
Sets thresholds for AI moderation
type ThumbnailResponse ΒΆ
type ThumbnailResponse struct {
ImageUrl string `json:"image_url"`
type ThumbnailsSettings ΒΆ
type ThumbnailsSettings struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
type ThumbnailsSettingsRequest ΒΆ
type ThumbnailsSettingsRequest struct {
Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
type ThumbnailsSettingsResponse ΒΆ
type ThumbnailsSettingsResponse struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
type TokenOption ΒΆ
type TokenOption func(*tokenOptions)
func WithClaims ΒΆ
func WithClaims(claims Claims) TokenOption
func WithExpiration ΒΆ
func WithExpiration(d time.Duration) TokenOption
type TranscriptionSettings ΒΆ
type TranslateMessageRequest ΒΆ
type TranslateMessageRequest struct {
Language string `json:"language"`
type TruncateChannelRequest ΒΆ
type TruncateChannelRequest struct { HardDelete *bool `json:"hard_delete"` SkipPush *bool `json:"skip_push"` TruncatedAt *Timestamp `json:"truncated_at"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` Message *MessageRequest `json:"message"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type TruncateChannelResponse ΒΆ
type TruncateChannelResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Channel *ChannelResponse `json:"channel,omitempty"` Message *MessageResponse `json:"message,omitempty"` }
type TypingIndicators ΒΆ
type TypingIndicators struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
type TypingIndicatorsResponse ΒΆ
type TypingIndicatorsResponse struct {
Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
type UnbanActionRequest ΒΆ
type UnbanActionRequest struct{}
type UnbanRequest ΒΆ
type UnbanRequest struct { TargetUserID string `json:"-" query:"target_user_id"` ChannelCid *string `json:"-" query:"channel_cid"` CreatedBy *string `json:"-" query:"created_by"` UnbannedByID *string `json:"unbanned_by_id"` UnbannedBy *UserRequest `json:"unbanned_by"` }
type UnbanResponse ΒΆ
type UnbanResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
Basic response information
type UnblockActionRequest ΒΆ
type UnblockActionRequest struct{}
type UnblockUserRequest ΒΆ
type UnblockUserRequest struct {
UserID string `json:"user_id"`
type UnblockUserResponse ΒΆ
type UnblockUserResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
UnblockUserResponse is the payload for unblocking a user.
type UnblockUsersRequest ΒΆ
type UnblockUsersRequest struct { BlockedUserID string `json:"blocked_user_id"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type UnblockUsersResponse ΒΆ
type UnblockUsersResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
type UnblockedUserEvent ΒΆ
type UnblockedUserEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` // The type of event: "call.unblocked_user" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent when a user is unblocked on a call, this can be useful to notify the user that they can now join the call again
func (*UnblockedUserEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*UnblockedUserEvent) GetEventType() string
type UndeleteMessageRequest ΒΆ
type UndeleteMessageRequest struct { Message MessageRequest `json:"message"` SkipEnrichUrl *bool `json:"skip_enrich_url"` }
type UnmuteChannelRequest ΒΆ
type UnmuteChannelRequest struct { Expiration *int `json:"expiration"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` ChannelCids []string `json:"channel_cids"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type UnmuteRequest ΒΆ
type UnmuteRequest struct { TargetIds []string `json:"target_ids"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type UnmuteResponse ΒΆ
type UnmuteResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` NonExistingUsers []string `json:"non_existing_users,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type UnpinRequest ΒΆ
type UnpinRequest struct { // the session ID of the user who pinned the message SessionID string `json:"session_id"` // the user ID of the user who pinned the message UserID string `json:"user_id"` }
UnpinRequest is the payload for unpinning a message.
type UnpinResponse ΒΆ
type UnpinResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
UnpinResponse is the payload for unpinning a message.
type UnreadCountsBatchRequest ΒΆ
type UnreadCountsBatchRequest struct {
UserIds []string `json:"user_ids"`
type UnreadCountsBatchResponse ΒΆ
type UnreadCountsBatchResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` CountsByUser map[string]*UnreadCountsResponse `json:"counts_by_user"` }
Basic response information
type UnreadCountsChannel ΒΆ
type UnreadCountsRequest ΒΆ
type UnreadCountsRequest struct { }
type UnreadCountsResponse ΒΆ
type UnreadCountsResponse struct { TotalUnreadCount int `json:"total_unread_count"` TotalUnreadThreadsCount int `json:"total_unread_threads_count"` ChannelType []UnreadCountsChannelType `json:"channel_type"` Channels []UnreadCountsChannel `json:"channels"` Threads []UnreadCountsThread `json:"threads"` }
type UnreadCountsThread ΒΆ
type UpdateAppRequest ΒΆ
type UpdateAppRequest struct { AsyncUrlEnrichEnabled *bool `json:"async_url_enrich_enabled"` AutoTranslationEnabled *bool `json:"auto_translation_enabled"` BeforeMessageSendHookUrl *string `json:"before_message_send_hook_url"` CdnExpirationSeconds *int `json:"cdn_expiration_seconds"` ChannelHideMembersOnly *bool `json:"channel_hide_members_only"` CustomActionHandlerUrl *string `json:"custom_action_handler_url"` DisableAuthChecks *bool `json:"disable_auth_checks"` DisablePermissionsChecks *bool `json:"disable_permissions_checks"` EnforceUniqueUsernames *string `json:"enforce_unique_usernames"` FeedsModerationEnabled *bool `json:"feeds_moderation_enabled"` FeedsV2Region *string `json:"feeds_v2_region"` ImageModerationEnabled *bool `json:"image_moderation_enabled"` MigratePermissionsToV2 *bool `json:"migrate_permissions_to_v2"` ModerationEnabled *bool `json:"moderation_enabled"` ModerationWebhookUrl *string `json:"moderation_webhook_url"` MultiTenantEnabled *bool `json:"multi_tenant_enabled"` PermissionVersion *string `json:"permission_version"` RemindersInterval *int `json:"reminders_interval"` RemindersMaxMembers *int `json:"reminders_max_members"` RevokeTokensIssuedBefore *Timestamp `json:"revoke_tokens_issued_before"` SnsKey *string `json:"sns_key"` SnsSecret *string `json:"sns_secret"` SnsTopicArn *string `json:"sns_topic_arn"` SqsKey *string `json:"sqs_key"` SqsSecret *string `json:"sqs_secret"` SqsUrl *string `json:"sqs_url"` WebhookUrl *string `json:"webhook_url"` AllowedFlagReasons []string `json:"allowed_flag_reasons"` ImageModerationBlockLabels []string `json:"image_moderation_block_labels"` ImageModerationLabels []string `json:"image_moderation_labels"` UserSearchDisallowedRoles []string `json:"user_search_disallowed_roles"` WebhookEvents []string `json:"webhook_events"` ApnConfig *APNConfig `json:"apn_config"` AsyncModerationConfig *AsyncModerationConfiguration `json:"async_moderation_config"` DatadogInfo *DataDogInfo `json:"datadog_info"` FileUploadConfig *FileUploadConfig `json:"file_upload_config"` FirebaseConfig *FirebaseConfig `json:"firebase_config"` Grants map[string][]string `json:"grants"` HuaweiConfig *HuaweiConfig `json:"huawei_config"` ImageUploadConfig *FileUploadConfig `json:"image_upload_config"` PushConfig *PushConfig `json:"push_config"` XiaomiConfig *XiaomiConfig `json:"xiaomi_config"` }
type UpdateBlockListRequest ΒΆ
type UpdateBlockListResponse ΒΆ
type UpdateBlockListResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Blocklist *BlockListResponse `json:"blocklist,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type UpdateCallMembersRequest ΒΆ
type UpdateCallMembersRequest struct { RemoveMembers []string `json:"remove_members"` UpdateMembers []MemberRequest `json:"update_members"` }
type UpdateCallMembersResponse ΒΆ
type UpdateCallMembersResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Members []MemberResponse `json:"members"` }
Basic response information
type UpdateCallRequest ΒΆ
type UpdateCallRequest struct { StartsAt *Timestamp `json:"starts_at"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` SettingsOverride *CallSettingsRequest `json:"settings_override"` }
type UpdateCallResponse ΒΆ
type UpdateCallResponse struct { Duration string `json:"duration"` Members []MemberResponse `json:"members"` OwnCapabilities []OwnCapability `json:"own_capabilities"` Call CallResponse `json:"call"` }
Response for updating a call
type UpdateCallTypeRequest ΒΆ
type UpdateCallTypeRequest struct { ExternalStorage *string `json:"external_storage"` Grants map[string][]string `json:"grants"` NotificationSettings *NotificationSettings `json:"notification_settings"` Settings *CallSettingsRequest `json:"settings"` }
type UpdateCallTypeResponse ΒΆ
type UpdateCallTypeResponse struct { // the time the call type was created CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Duration string `json:"duration"` // the name of the call type Name string `json:"name"` // the time the call type was last updated UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` // the permissions granted to each role Grants map[string][]string `json:"grants"` NotificationSettings NotificationSettings `json:"notification_settings"` Settings CallSettingsResponse `json:"settings"` // the external storage for the call type ExternalStorage *string `json:"external_storage,omitempty"` }
UpdateCallTypeResponse is the payload for updating a call type.
type UpdateChannelPartialRequest ΒΆ
type UpdateChannelPartialRequest struct { UserID *string `json:"user_id"` Unset []string `json:"unset"` Set map[string]any `json:"set"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type UpdateChannelPartialResponse ΒΆ
type UpdateChannelPartialResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` // List of updated members Members []ChannelMemberResponse `json:"members"` Channel *ChannelResponse `json:"channel,omitempty"` }
type UpdateChannelRequest ΒΆ
type UpdateChannelRequest struct { AcceptInvite *bool `json:"accept_invite"` Cooldown *int `json:"cooldown"` HideHistory *bool `json:"hide_history"` RejectInvite *bool `json:"reject_invite"` SkipPush *bool `json:"skip_push"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` AddMembers []ChannelMember `json:"add_members"` AddModerators []string `json:"add_moderators"` AssignRoles []ChannelMember `json:"assign_roles"` DemoteModerators []string `json:"demote_moderators"` Invites []ChannelMember `json:"invites"` RemoveMembers []string `json:"remove_members"` Data *ChannelInput `json:"data"` Message *MessageRequest `json:"message"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type UpdateChannelResponse ΒΆ
type UpdateChannelResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` // List of channel members Members []ChannelMember `json:"members"` Channel *ChannelResponse `json:"channel,omitempty"` Message *MessageResponse `json:"message,omitempty"` }
type UpdateChannelTypeRequest ΒΆ
type UpdateChannelTypeRequest struct { Automod string `json:"automod"` AutomodBehavior string `json:"automod_behavior"` MaxMessageLength int `json:"max_message_length"` Blocklist *string `json:"blocklist"` BlocklistBehavior *string `json:"blocklist_behavior"` ConnectEvents *bool `json:"connect_events"` CustomEvents *bool `json:"custom_events"` MarkMessagesPending *bool `json:"mark_messages_pending"` Mutes *bool `json:"mutes"` PartitionSize *int `json:"partition_size"` PartitionTtl *string `json:"partition_ttl"` Polls *bool `json:"polls"` PushNotifications *bool `json:"push_notifications"` Quotes *bool `json:"quotes"` Reactions *bool `json:"reactions"` ReadEvents *bool `json:"read_events"` Reminders *bool `json:"reminders"` Replies *bool `json:"replies"` Search *bool `json:"search"` SkipLastMsgUpdateForSystemMsgs *bool `json:"skip_last_msg_update_for_system_msgs"` TypingEvents *bool `json:"typing_events"` Uploads *bool `json:"uploads"` UrlEnrichment *bool `json:"url_enrichment"` AllowedFlagReasons []string `json:"allowed_flag_reasons"` Blocklists []BlockListOptions `json:"blocklists"` Commands []string `json:"commands"` Permissions []PolicyRequest `json:"permissions"` AutomodThresholds *Thresholds `json:"automod_thresholds"` Grants map[string][]string `json:"grants"` }
type UpdateChannelTypeResponse ΒΆ
type UpdateChannelTypeResponse struct { Automod string `json:"automod"` AutomodBehavior string `json:"automod_behavior"` ConnectEvents bool `json:"connect_events"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` CustomEvents bool `json:"custom_events"` Duration string `json:"duration"` MarkMessagesPending bool `json:"mark_messages_pending"` MaxMessageLength int `json:"max_message_length"` Mutes bool `json:"mutes"` Name string `json:"name"` Polls bool `json:"polls"` PushNotifications bool `json:"push_notifications"` Quotes bool `json:"quotes"` Reactions bool `json:"reactions"` ReadEvents bool `json:"read_events"` Reminders bool `json:"reminders"` Replies bool `json:"replies"` Search bool `json:"search"` SkipLastMsgUpdateForSystemMsgs bool `json:"skip_last_msg_update_for_system_msgs"` TypingEvents bool `json:"typing_events"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Uploads bool `json:"uploads"` UrlEnrichment bool `json:"url_enrichment"` Commands []string `json:"commands"` Permissions []PolicyRequest `json:"permissions"` Grants map[string][]string `json:"grants"` Blocklist *string `json:"blocklist,omitempty"` BlocklistBehavior *string `json:"blocklist_behavior,omitempty"` PartitionSize *int `json:"partition_size,omitempty"` PartitionTtl *string `json:"partition_ttl,omitempty"` AllowedFlagReasons []string `json:"allowed_flag_reasons,omitempty"` Blocklists []BlockListOptions `json:"blocklists,omitempty"` AutomodThresholds *Thresholds `json:"automod_thresholds,omitempty"` }
type UpdateCommandRequest ΒΆ
type UpdateCommandResponse ΒΆ
type UpdateExternalStorageResponse ΒΆ
type UpdateExternalStorageResponse struct { Bucket string `json:"bucket"` // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Name string `json:"name"` Path string `json:"path"` Type string `json:"type"` }
Basic response information
type UpdateMemberPartialResponse ΒΆ
type UpdateMemberPartialResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` ChannelMember *ChannelMemberResponse `json:"channel_member,omitempty"` }
type UpdateMessagePartialResponse ΒΆ
type UpdateMessagePartialResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Message *MessageResponse `json:"message,omitempty"` // Pending message metadata PendingMessageMetadata map[string]string `json:"pending_message_metadata,omitempty"` }
type UpdateMessageRequest ΒΆ
type UpdateMessageRequest struct { Message MessageRequest `json:"message"` SkipEnrichUrl *bool `json:"skip_enrich_url"` }
type UpdateMessageResponse ΒΆ
type UpdateMessageResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Message MessageResponse `json:"message"` PendingMessageMetadata map[string]string `json:"pending_message_metadata,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type UpdatePollPartialRequest ΒΆ
type UpdatePollPartialRequest struct { UserID *string `json:"user_id"` Unset []string `json:"unset"` Set map[string]any `json:"set"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type UpdatePollRequest ΒΆ
type UpdatePollRequest struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` AllowAnswers *bool `json:"allow_answers"` AllowUserSuggestedOptions *bool `json:"allow_user_suggested_options"` Description *string `json:"description"` EnforceUniqueVote *bool `json:"enforce_unique_vote"` IsClosed *bool `json:"is_closed"` MaxVotesAllowed *int `json:"max_votes_allowed"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` VotingVisibility *string `json:"voting_visibility"` Options []PollOptionRequest `json:"options"` Custom map[string]any `json:"Custom"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type UpdatePushNotificationPreferencesRequest ΒΆ
type UpdatePushNotificationPreferencesRequest struct {
Preferences []PushPreferenceInput `json:"preferences"`
type UpdateThreadPartialRequest ΒΆ
type UpdateThreadPartialRequest struct { UserID *string `json:"user_id"` Unset []string `json:"unset"` Set map[string]any `json:"set"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` }
type UpdateThreadPartialResponse ΒΆ
type UpdateThreadPartialResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Thread ThreadResponse `json:"thread"` }
type UpdateUserPermissionsResponse ΒΆ
type UpdateUserPermissionsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` }
Basic response information
type UpdateUsersPartialRequest ΒΆ
type UpdateUsersPartialRequest struct {
Users []UpdateUserPartialRequest `json:"users"`
type UpdateUsersRequest ΒΆ
type UpdateUsersRequest struct {
Users map[string]UserRequest `json:"users"`
type UpdateUsersResponse ΒΆ
type UpdateUsersResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` MembershipDeletionTaskID string `json:"membership_deletion_task_id"` // Object containing users Users map[string]FullUserResponse `json:"users"` }
type UpdatedCallPermissionsEvent ΒΆ
type UpdatedCallPermissionsEvent struct { CallCid string `json:"call_cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // The capabilities of the current user OwnCapabilities []OwnCapability `json:"own_capabilities"` User UserResponse `json:"user"` // The type of event: "call.permissions_updated" in this case Type string `json:"type"` }
This event is sent to notify about permission changes for a user, clients receiving this event should update their UI accordingly
func (*UpdatedCallPermissionsEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*UpdatedCallPermissionsEvent) GetEventType() string
type UploadFileRequest ΒΆ
type UploadFileRequest struct { File *string `json:"file"` User *OnlyUserID `json:"user"` }
type UploadImageRequest ΒΆ
type UploadImageRequest struct { File *string `json:"file"` UploadSizes []ImageSize `json:"upload_sizes"` User *OnlyUserID `json:"user"` }
type UpsertConfigRequest ΒΆ
type UpsertConfigRequest struct { Key string `json:"key"` Async *bool `json:"async"` Team *string `json:"team"` UserID *string `json:"user_id"` AWSRekognitionConfig *AIImageConfig `json:"aws_rekognition_config"` AiImageConfig *AIImageConfig `json:"ai_image_config"` AiTextConfig *AITextConfig `json:"ai_text_config"` AiVideoConfig *AIVideoConfig `json:"ai_video_config"` AutomodPlatformCircumventionConfig *AutomodPlatformCircumventionConfig `json:"automod_platform_circumvention_config"` AutomodSemanticFiltersConfig *AutomodSemanticFiltersConfig `json:"automod_semantic_filters_config"` AutomodToxicityConfig *AutomodToxicityConfig `json:"automod_toxicity_config"` BlockListConfig *BlockListConfig `json:"block_list_config"` BodyguardConfig *AITextConfig `json:"bodyguard_config"` GoogleVisionConfig *GoogleVisionConfig `json:"google_vision_config"` User *UserRequest `json:"user"` VelocityFilterConfig *VelocityFilterConfig `json:"velocity_filter_config"` }
type UpsertConfigResponse ΒΆ
type UpsertConfigResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Config *ConfigResponse `json:"config,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type UpsertModerationTemplateRequest ΒΆ
type UpsertModerationTemplateRequest struct { Name string `json:"name"` Config FeedsModerationTemplateConfig `json:"config"` }
type UpsertModerationTemplateResponse ΒΆ
type UpsertModerationTemplateResponse struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` Name string `json:"name"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Config *FeedsModerationTemplateConfig `json:"config,omitempty"` }
Basic response information
type UpsertPushPreferencesRequest ΒΆ
type UpsertPushPreferencesRequest struct { // A list of push preferences for channels, calls, or the user. Preferences []PushPreferenceInput `json:"preferences"` }
type UpsertPushPreferencesResponse ΒΆ
type UpsertPushPreferencesResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` // The channel specific push notification preferences, only returned for channels you've edited. UserChannelPreferences map[string]map[string]ChannelPushPreferences `json:"user_channel_preferences"` // The user preferences, always returned regardless if you edited it UserPreferences map[string]PushPreferences `json:"user_preferences"` }
type UpsertPushProviderRequest ΒΆ
type UpsertPushProviderRequest struct {
PushProvider *PushProvider `json:"push_provider"`
type UpsertPushProviderResponse ΒΆ
type UpsertPushProviderResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` PushProvider PushProviderResponse `json:"push_provider"` }
Basic response information
type User ΒΆ
type User struct { Banned bool `json:"banned"` ID string `json:"id"` Online bool `json:"online"` Role string `json:"role"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` BanExpires *Timestamp `json:"ban_expires,omitempty"` CreatedAt *Timestamp `json:"created_at,omitempty"` DeactivatedAt *Timestamp `json:"deactivated_at,omitempty"` DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` Invisible *bool `json:"invisible,omitempty"` Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` LastActive *Timestamp `json:"last_active,omitempty"` LastEngagedAt *Timestamp `json:"last_engaged_at,omitempty"` RevokeTokensIssuedBefore *Timestamp `json:"revoke_tokens_issued_before,omitempty"` UpdatedAt *Timestamp `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` Teams []string `json:"teams,omitempty"` PrivacySettings *PrivacySettings `json:"privacy_settings,omitempty"` }
type UserBannedEvent ΒΆ
type UserBannedEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Shadow bool `json:"shadow"` CreatedBy User `json:"created_by"` Type string `json:"type"` Expiration *Timestamp `json:"expiration,omitempty"` Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*UserBannedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*UserBannedEvent) GetEventType() string
type UserCustomEventRequest ΒΆ
type UserDeactivatedEvent ΒΆ
type UserDeactivatedEvent struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` CreatedBy User `json:"created_by"` Type string `json:"type"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*UserDeactivatedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*UserDeactivatedEvent) GetEventType() string
type UserDeletedEvent ΒΆ
type UserDeletedEvent struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` DeleteConversationChannels bool `json:"delete_conversation_channels"` HardDelete bool `json:"hard_delete"` MarkMessagesDeleted bool `json:"mark_messages_deleted"` Type string `json:"type"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*UserDeletedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*UserDeletedEvent) GetEventType() string
type UserFeedbackReport ΒΆ
type UserFeedbackReportResponse ΒΆ
type UserFeedbackReportResponse struct {
Daily []DailyAggregateUserFeedbackReportResponse `json:"daily"`
type UserFeedbackResponse ΒΆ
type UserFeedbackResponse struct { Cid string `json:"cid"` Rating int `json:"rating"` Reason string `json:"reason"` Sdk string `json:"sdk"` SdkVersion string `json:"sdk_version"` SessionID string `json:"session_id"` UserID string `json:"user_id"` Platform PlatformDataResponse `json:"platform"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom,omitempty"` }
type UserFlaggedEvent ΒΆ
type UserFlaggedEvent struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` TargetUser *string `json:"target_user,omitempty"` TargetUsers []string `json:"target_users,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*UserFlaggedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*UserFlaggedEvent) GetEventType() string
type UserInfoResponse ΒΆ
type UserMute ΒΆ
type UserMute struct { // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` // Date/time of mute expiration Expires *Timestamp `json:"expires,omitempty"` Target *User `json:"target,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type UserMuteResponse ΒΆ
type UserMuteResponse struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` Expires *Timestamp `json:"expires,omitempty"` Target *UserResponse `json:"target,omitempty"` User *UserResponse `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type UserMutedEvent ΒΆ
type UserMutedEvent struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` TargetUser *string `json:"target_user,omitempty"` TargetUsers []string `json:"target_users,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*UserMutedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*UserMutedEvent) GetEventType() string
type UserReactivatedEvent ΒΆ
type UserReactivatedEvent struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*UserReactivatedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*UserReactivatedEvent) GetEventType() string
type UserRequest ΒΆ
type UserRequest struct { // User ID ID string `json:"id"` Image *string `json:"image,omitempty"` Invisible *bool `json:"invisible,omitempty"` Language *string `json:"language,omitempty"` // Optional name of user Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Role *string `json:"role,omitempty"` Teams []string `json:"teams,omitempty"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom,omitempty"` PrivacySettings *PrivacySettingsResponse `json:"privacy_settings,omitempty"` }
User request object
type UserResponse ΒΆ
type UserResponse struct { // Whether a user is banned or not Banned bool `json:"banned"` // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` // Unique user identifier ID string `json:"id"` Invisible bool `json:"invisible"` // Preferred language of a user Language string `json:"language"` // Whether a user online or not Online bool `json:"online"` // Determines the set of user permissions Role string `json:"role"` // Whether a user is shadow banned ShadowBanned bool `json:"shadow_banned"` // Date/time of the last update UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` BlockedUserIds []string `json:"blocked_user_ids"` // List of teams user is a part of Teams []string `json:"teams"` // Custom data for this object Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` // Date when ban expires BanExpires *Timestamp `json:"ban_expires,omitempty"` // Date of deactivation DeactivatedAt *Timestamp `json:"deactivated_at,omitempty"` // Date/time of deletion DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` Image *string `json:"image,omitempty"` // Date of last activity LastActive *Timestamp `json:"last_active,omitempty"` // Optional name of user Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Revocation date for tokens RevokeTokensIssuedBefore *Timestamp `json:"revoke_tokens_issued_before,omitempty"` // List of devices user is using Devices []DeviceResponse `json:"devices,omitempty"` PrivacySettings *PrivacySettingsResponse `json:"privacy_settings,omitempty"` PushNotifications *PushNotificationSettingsResponse `json:"push_notifications,omitempty"` }
User response object
type UserResponseCommonFields ΒΆ
type UserResponseCommonFields struct { Banned bool `json:"banned"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` ID string `json:"id"` Language string `json:"language"` Online bool `json:"online"` Role string `json:"role"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` BlockedUserIds []string `json:"blocked_user_ids"` Teams []string `json:"teams"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` DeactivatedAt *Timestamp `json:"deactivated_at,omitempty"` DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` Image *string `json:"image,omitempty"` LastActive *Timestamp `json:"last_active,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` RevokeTokensIssuedBefore *Timestamp `json:"revoke_tokens_issued_before,omitempty"` }
type UserResponsePrivacyFields ΒΆ
type UserResponsePrivacyFields struct { Banned bool `json:"banned"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` ID string `json:"id"` Language string `json:"language"` Online bool `json:"online"` Role string `json:"role"` UpdatedAt Timestamp `json:"updated_at"` BlockedUserIds []string `json:"blocked_user_ids"` Teams []string `json:"teams"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` DeactivatedAt *Timestamp `json:"deactivated_at,omitempty"` DeletedAt *Timestamp `json:"deleted_at,omitempty"` Image *string `json:"image,omitempty"` Invisible *bool `json:"invisible,omitempty"` LastActive *Timestamp `json:"last_active,omitempty"` Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` RevokeTokensIssuedBefore *Timestamp `json:"revoke_tokens_issued_before,omitempty"` PrivacySettings *PrivacySettingsResponse `json:"privacy_settings,omitempty"` }
type UserSessionStats ΒΆ
type UserSessionStats struct { FreezeDurationSeconds int `json:"freeze_duration_seconds"` Group string `json:"group"` MaxFreezeFraction float64 `json:"max_freeze_fraction"` MaxFreezesDurationSeconds int `json:"max_freezes_duration_seconds"` MinEventTs int `json:"min_event_ts"` PacketLossFraction float64 `json:"packet_loss_fraction"` PublisherPacketLossFraction float64 `json:"publisher_packet_loss_fraction"` PublishingDurationSeconds int `json:"publishing_duration_seconds"` QualityScore float64 `json:"quality_score"` ReceivingDurationSeconds int `json:"receiving_duration_seconds"` SessionID string `json:"session_id"` TotalPixelsIn int `json:"total_pixels_in"` TotalPixelsOut int `json:"total_pixels_out"` AverageConnectionTime *float64 `json:"average_connection_time,omitempty"` Browser *string `json:"browser,omitempty"` BrowserVersion *string `json:"browser_version,omitempty"` CurrentIp *string `json:"current_ip,omitempty"` CurrentSfu *string `json:"current_sfu,omitempty"` DeviceModel *string `json:"device_model,omitempty"` DeviceVersion *string `json:"device_version,omitempty"` DistanceToSfuKilometers *float64 `json:"distance_to_sfu_kilometers,omitempty"` MaxFirPerSecond *float64 `json:"max_fir_per_second,omitempty"` MaxFreezesPerSecond *float64 `json:"max_freezes_per_second,omitempty"` MaxNackPerSecond *float64 `json:"max_nack_per_second,omitempty"` MaxPliPerSecond *float64 `json:"max_pli_per_second,omitempty"` Os *string `json:"os,omitempty"` OsVersion *string `json:"os_version,omitempty"` PublisherNoiseCancellationSeconds *float64 `json:"publisher_noise_cancellation_seconds,omitempty"` PublisherQualityLimitationFraction *float64 `json:"publisher_quality_limitation_fraction,omitempty"` PublishingAudioCodec *string `json:"publishing_audio_codec,omitempty"` PublishingVideoCodec *string `json:"publishing_video_codec,omitempty"` ReceivingAudioCodec *string `json:"receiving_audio_codec,omitempty"` ReceivingVideoCodec *string `json:"receiving_video_codec,omitempty"` Sdk *string `json:"sdk,omitempty"` SdkVersion *string `json:"sdk_version,omitempty"` SubscriberVideoQualityThrottledDurationSeconds *float64 `json:"subscriber_video_quality_throttled_duration_seconds,omitempty"` Truncated *bool `json:"truncated,omitempty"` WebrtcVersion *string `json:"webrtc_version,omitempty"` PublishedTracks []PublishedTrackInfo `json:"published_tracks,omitempty"` Subsessions []Subsession `json:"subsessions,omitempty"` Geolocation *GeolocationResult `json:"geolocation,omitempty"` Jitter *TimeStats `json:"jitter,omitempty"` Latency *TimeStats `json:"latency,omitempty"` MaxPublishingVideoQuality *VideoQuality `json:"max_publishing_video_quality,omitempty"` MaxReceivingVideoQuality *VideoQuality `json:"max_receiving_video_quality,omitempty"` PubSubHints *MediaPubSubHint `json:"pub_sub_hints,omitempty"` PublisherJitter *TimeStats `json:"publisher_jitter,omitempty"` PublisherLatency *TimeStats `json:"publisher_latency,omitempty"` PublisherVideoQualityLimitationDurationSeconds map[string]float64 `json:"publisher_video_quality_limitation_duration_seconds,omitempty"` SubscriberJitter *TimeStats `json:"subscriber_jitter,omitempty"` SubscriberLatency *TimeStats `json:"subscriber_latency,omitempty"` Timeline *CallTimeline `json:"timeline,omitempty"` }
type UserStats ΒΆ
type UserStats struct { MinEventTs int `json:"min_event_ts"` SessionStats []UserSessionStats `json:"session_stats"` Info UserInfoResponse `json:"info"` Rating *int `json:"rating,omitempty"` }
type UserUnbannedEvent ΒΆ
type UserUnbannedEvent struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Cid string `json:"cid"` CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Shadow bool `json:"shadow"` Type string `json:"type"` Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*UserUnbannedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*UserUnbannedEvent) GetEventType() string
type UserUnmutedEvent ΒΆ
type UserUnmutedEvent struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` TargetUser *string `json:"target_user,omitempty"` TargetUsers []string `json:"target_users,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*UserUnmutedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*UserUnmutedEvent) GetEventType() string
type UserUnreadReminderEvent ΒΆ
type UserUnreadReminderEvent struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Channels map[string]*ChannelMessages `json:"channels"` Type string `json:"type"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
func (*UserUnreadReminderEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*UserUnreadReminderEvent) GetEventType() string
type UserUpdatedEvent ΒΆ
type UserUpdatedEvent struct { // Date/time of creation CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` User UserResponsePrivacyFields `json:"user"` // The type of event: "user.updated" in this case Type string `json:"type"` ReceivedAt *Timestamp `json:"received_at,omitempty"` }
This event is sent when a user gets updated. The event contains information about the updated user.
func (*UserUpdatedEvent) GetEventType ΒΆ
func (*UserUpdatedEvent) GetEventType() string
type V2DeleteTemplateRequest ΒΆ
type V2DeleteTemplateRequest struct { }
type V2QueryTemplatesRequest ΒΆ
type V2QueryTemplatesRequest struct { }
type V2UpsertTemplateRequest ΒΆ
type V2UpsertTemplateRequest struct { Name string `json:"name"` Config FeedsModerationTemplateConfig `json:"config"` }
type VelocityFilterConfig ΒΆ
type VelocityFilterConfig struct { CascadingActions bool `json:"cascading_actions"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` FirstMessageOnly bool `json:"first_message_only"` Rules []VelocityFilterConfigRule `json:"rules"` Async *bool `json:"async,omitempty"` }
type VelocityFilterConfigRule ΒΆ
type VelocityFilterConfigRule struct { Action string `json:"action"` BanDuration int `json:"ban_duration"` CascadingAction string `json:"cascading_action"` CascadingThreshold int `json:"cascading_threshold"` CheckMessageContext bool `json:"check_message_context"` FastSpamThreshold int `json:"fast_spam_threshold"` FastSpamTtl int `json:"fast_spam_ttl"` IpBan bool `json:"ip_ban"` ShadowBan bool `json:"shadow_ban"` SlowSpamThreshold int `json:"slow_spam_threshold"` SlowSpamTtl int `json:"slow_spam_ttl"` SlowSpamBanDuration *int `json:"slow_spam_ban_duration,omitempty"` }
type VideoClient ΒΆ
type VideoClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewVideoClient ΒΆ
func NewVideoClient(client *Client) *VideoClient
func (*VideoClient) BlockUser ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) BlockUser(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *BlockUserRequest) (*StreamResponse[BlockUserResponse], error)
Block a user, preventing them from joining the call until they are unblocked.
Sends events: - call.blocked_user
func (*VideoClient) Call ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) Call(callType, callID string) *Call
func (*VideoClient) CollectUserFeedback ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) CollectUserFeedback(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *CollectUserFeedbackRequest) (*StreamResponse[CollectUserFeedbackResponse], error)
func (*VideoClient) CreateCallType ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) CreateCallType(ctx context.Context, request *CreateCallTypeRequest) (*StreamResponse[CreateCallTypeResponse], error)
func (*VideoClient) DeleteCall ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) DeleteCall(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *DeleteCallRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteCallResponse], error)
Sends events: - call.deleted
func (*VideoClient) DeleteCallType ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) DeleteCallType(ctx context.Context, name string, request *DeleteCallTypeRequest) (*StreamResponse[Response], error)
func (*VideoClient) DeleteRecording ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) DeleteRecording(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, session string, filename string, request *DeleteRecordingRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteRecordingResponse], error)
Deletes recording
func (*VideoClient) DeleteTranscription ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) DeleteTranscription(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, session string, filename string, request *DeleteTranscriptionRequest) (*StreamResponse[DeleteTranscriptionResponse], error)
Deletes transcription
func (*VideoClient) EndCall ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) EndCall(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *EndCallRequest) (*StreamResponse[EndCallResponse], error)
Sends events: - call.ended
func (*VideoClient) GetCall ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) GetCall(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *GetCallRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetCallResponse], error)
func (*VideoClient) GetCallReport ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) GetCallReport(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *GetCallReportRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetCallReportResponse], error)
func (*VideoClient) GetCallStats ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) GetCallStats(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, session string, request *GetCallStatsRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetCallStatsResponse], error)
func (*VideoClient) GetCallType ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) GetCallType(ctx context.Context, name string, request *GetCallTypeRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetCallTypeResponse], error)
func (*VideoClient) GetEdges ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) GetEdges(ctx context.Context, request *GetEdgesRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetEdgesResponse], error)
Returns the list of all edges available for video calls.
func (*VideoClient) GetOrCreateCall ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) GetOrCreateCall(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *GetOrCreateCallRequest) (*StreamResponse[GetOrCreateCallResponse], error)
Gets or creates a new call
Sends events: - call.created - call.notification - call.ring
func (*VideoClient) GoLive ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) GoLive(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *GoLiveRequest) (*StreamResponse[GoLiveResponse], error)
Sends events: - call.live_started
func (*VideoClient) ListCallTypes ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) ListCallTypes(ctx context.Context, request *ListCallTypesRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListCallTypeResponse], error)
func (*VideoClient) ListRecordings ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) ListRecordings(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *ListRecordingsRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListRecordingsResponse], error)
Lists recordings
func (*VideoClient) ListTranscriptions ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) ListTranscriptions(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *ListTranscriptionsRequest) (*StreamResponse[ListTranscriptionsResponse], error)
Lists transcriptions
func (*VideoClient) MuteUsers ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) MuteUsers(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *MuteUsersRequest) (*StreamResponse[MuteUsersResponse], error)
Mutes users in a call
func (*VideoClient) QueryAggregateCallStats ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) QueryAggregateCallStats(ctx context.Context, request *QueryAggregateCallStatsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryAggregateCallStatsResponse], error)
func (*VideoClient) QueryCallMembers ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) QueryCallMembers(ctx context.Context, request *QueryCallMembersRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryCallMembersResponse], error)
Query call members with filter query
func (*VideoClient) QueryCallStats ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) QueryCallStats(ctx context.Context, request *QueryCallStatsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryCallStatsResponse], error)
func (*VideoClient) QueryCalls ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) QueryCalls(ctx context.Context, request *QueryCallsRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryCallsResponse], error)
Query calls with filter query
func (*VideoClient) QueryUserFeedback ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) QueryUserFeedback(ctx context.Context, request *QueryUserFeedbackRequest) (*StreamResponse[QueryUserFeedbackResponse], error)
func (*VideoClient) SendCallEvent ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) SendCallEvent(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *SendCallEventRequest) (*StreamResponse[SendCallEventResponse], error)
Sends custom event to the call
Sends events: - custom
func (*VideoClient) StartClosedCaptions ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) StartClosedCaptions(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *StartClosedCaptionsRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartClosedCaptionsResponse], error)
Starts closed captions
func (*VideoClient) StartFrameRecording ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) StartFrameRecording(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *StartFrameRecordingRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartFrameRecordingResponse], error)
Starts frame by frame recording
Sends events: - call.frame_recording_started
func (*VideoClient) StartHLSBroadcasting ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) StartHLSBroadcasting(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *StartHLSBroadcastingRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartHLSBroadcastingResponse], error)
Starts HLS broadcasting
func (*VideoClient) StartRTMPBroadcasts ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) StartRTMPBroadcasts(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *StartRTMPBroadcastsRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartRTMPBroadcastsResponse], error)
Starts RTMP broadcasts for the provided RTMP destinations
func (*VideoClient) StartRecording ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) StartRecording(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *StartRecordingRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartRecordingResponse], error)
Starts recording
Sends events: - call.recording_started
func (*VideoClient) StartTranscription ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) StartTranscription(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *StartTranscriptionRequest) (*StreamResponse[StartTranscriptionResponse], error)
Starts transcription
func (*VideoClient) StopAllRTMPBroadcasts ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) StopAllRTMPBroadcasts(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *StopAllRTMPBroadcastsRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopAllRTMPBroadcastsResponse], error)
Stop all RTMP broadcasts for the provided call
func (*VideoClient) StopClosedCaptions ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) StopClosedCaptions(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *StopClosedCaptionsRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopClosedCaptionsResponse], error)
Stops closed captions
Sends events: - call.transcription_stopped
func (*VideoClient) StopFrameRecording ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) StopFrameRecording(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *StopFrameRecordingRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopFrameRecordingResponse], error)
Stops frame recording
Sends events: - call.frame_recording_stopped
func (*VideoClient) StopHLSBroadcasting ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) StopHLSBroadcasting(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *StopHLSBroadcastingRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopHLSBroadcastingResponse], error)
Stops HLS broadcasting
func (*VideoClient) StopLive ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) StopLive(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *StopLiveRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopLiveResponse], error)
Sends events: - call.updated
func (*VideoClient) StopRTMPBroadcast ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) StopRTMPBroadcast(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, name string, request *StopRTMPBroadcastRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopRTMPBroadcastsResponse], error)
Stop RTMP broadcasts for the provided RTMP destinations
func (*VideoClient) StopRecording ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) StopRecording(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *StopRecordingRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopRecordingResponse], error)
Stops recording
Sends events: - call.recording_stopped
func (*VideoClient) StopTranscription ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) StopTranscription(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *StopTranscriptionRequest) (*StreamResponse[StopTranscriptionResponse], error)
Stops transcription
Sends events: - call.transcription_stopped
func (*VideoClient) UnblockUser ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) UnblockUser(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *UnblockUserRequest) (*StreamResponse[UnblockUserResponse], error)
Removes the block for a user on a call. The user will be able to join the call again.
Sends events: - call.unblocked_user
func (*VideoClient) UpdateCall ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) UpdateCall(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *UpdateCallRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateCallResponse], error)
Sends events: - call.updated
func (*VideoClient) UpdateCallMembers ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) UpdateCallMembers(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *UpdateCallMembersRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateCallMembersResponse], error)
Sends events: - call.member_added - call.member_removed - call.member_updated
func (*VideoClient) UpdateCallType ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) UpdateCallType(ctx context.Context, name string, request *UpdateCallTypeRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateCallTypeResponse], error)
func (*VideoClient) UpdateUserPermissions ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) UpdateUserPermissions(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *UpdateUserPermissionsRequest) (*StreamResponse[UpdateUserPermissionsResponse], error)
Updates user permissions
Sends events: - call.permissions_updated
func (*VideoClient) VideoPin ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) VideoPin(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *VideoPinRequest) (*StreamResponse[PinResponse], error)
Pins a track for all users in the call.
func (*VideoClient) VideoUnpin ΒΆ
func (c *VideoClient) VideoUnpin(ctx context.Context, _type string, id string, request *VideoUnpinRequest) (*StreamResponse[UnpinResponse], error)
Unpins a track for all users in the call.
type VideoDimension ΒΆ
type VideoPinRequest ΒΆ
type VideoQuality ΒΆ
type VideoQuality struct { UsageType *string `json:"usage_type,omitempty"` Resolution *VideoDimension `json:"resolution,omitempty"` }
type VideoSettings ΒΆ
type VideoSettings struct { AccessRequestEnabled bool `json:"access_request_enabled"` CameraDefaultOn bool `json:"camera_default_on"` CameraFacing string `json:"camera_facing"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` TargetResolution TargetResolution `json:"target_resolution"` }
type VideoSettingsRequest ΒΆ
type VideoSettingsRequest struct { AccessRequestEnabled *bool `json:"access_request_enabled,omitempty"` CameraDefaultOn *bool `json:"camera_default_on,omitempty"` CameraFacing *string `json:"camera_facing,omitempty"` Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` TargetResolution *TargetResolution `json:"target_resolution,omitempty"` }
type VideoSettingsResponse ΒΆ
type VideoSettingsResponse struct { AccessRequestEnabled bool `json:"access_request_enabled"` CameraDefaultOn bool `json:"camera_default_on"` CameraFacing string `json:"camera_facing"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` TargetResolution TargetResolution `json:"target_resolution"` }
type VideoUnpinRequest ΒΆ
type VoteData ΒΆ
type VoteData struct { AnswerText *string `json:"answer_text,omitempty"` OptionID *string `json:"option_id,omitempty"` Option *PollOptionResponseData `json:"Option,omitempty"` }
type WSEvent ΒΆ
type WSEvent struct { CreatedAt Timestamp `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Custom map[string]any `json:"custom"` Automoderation *bool `json:"automoderation,omitempty"` ChannelID *string `json:"channel_id,omitempty"` ChannelLastMessageAt *Timestamp `json:"channel_last_message_at,omitempty"` ChannelType *string `json:"channel_type,omitempty"` Cid *string `json:"cid,omitempty"` ConnectionID *string `json:"connection_id,omitempty"` ParentID *string `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` Reason *string `json:"reason,omitempty"` Team *string `json:"team,omitempty"` ThreadID *string `json:"thread_id,omitempty"` UserID *string `json:"user_id,omitempty"` WatcherCount *int `json:"watcher_count,omitempty"` AutomoderationScores *ModerationResponse `json:"automoderation_scores,omitempty"` Channel *ChannelResponse `json:"channel,omitempty"` CreatedBy *UserResponse `json:"created_by,omitempty"` Me *OwnUserResponse `json:"me,omitempty"` Member *ChannelMember `json:"member,omitempty"` Message *MessageResponse `json:"message,omitempty"` MessageUpdate *MessageUpdate `json:"message_update,omitempty"` Poll *PollResponseData `json:"poll,omitempty"` PollVote *PollVoteResponseData `json:"poll_vote,omitempty"` Reaction *ReactionResponse `json:"reaction,omitempty"` Thread *ThreadResponse `json:"thread,omitempty"` User *UserResponse `json:"user,omitempty"` }
Represents an BaseEvent that happened in Stream Chat
type WebhookEvent ΒΆ
type WebhookEvent struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
The discriminator object for all webhook events, it maps events' payload to the final type
type WrappedUnreadCountsResponse ΒΆ
type WrappedUnreadCountsResponse struct { // Duration of the request in milliseconds Duration string `json:"duration"` TotalUnreadCount int `json:"total_unread_count"` TotalUnreadThreadsCount int `json:"total_unread_threads_count"` ChannelType []UnreadCountsChannelType `json:"channel_type"` Channels []UnreadCountsChannel `json:"channels"` Threads []UnreadCountsThread `json:"threads"` }
Basic response information