fdsn-station service requires a full fdsn-station xml as the data source.
(NOTE: The full fdsn-station xml can be generated by command line tool tools/stationxml
in https://github.com/GeoNet/delta
Simply upload the fdsn-station xml file to a S3 bucket, then set environment variable:
STATION_XML_BUCKET= (bucket name only)
STATION_XML_META_KEY= (eg. file name)
(NOTE: An environment with credential to access S3 is required.)
Downloading and unmarshaling the fdsn-station xml could take long : Unmarshaling a 174MB xml takes about 10 seconds in my MacBookPro(2017), and downloading it takes much longer.
So the initial time will be longer than usual - could be more than 10 seconds.
The service periodically (defaults to 300 seconds, set by STATION_RELOAD_INTERVAL) checks if the data source xml in the S3 bucket has been updated.
There's a small fdsn-station-test.xml file in "etc/" for testing.
to fdsn-station-test.xml
then run the test.
Query samples
There's a file etc/station-sample.txt which consists of sample query parameter extracted from previous fdsnws's log.
You can verify the station service with full station xml by using:
awk -F '[ ]' '{ print "http://localhost:8080/fdsnws/station/1/query?network="$1"&station="$2"&location="$3"&channel="$4}' parms.log | xargs curl -Ssf > /dev/null
Then check the log to see if their status code and return bytes.
Generating fdsn_station_type.go
is generated from etc/fdsn-station-1.0.xsd by tool xsdgen
from https://github.com/droyo/go-xml.
In the directory fdsn-ws, issue the command:
xsdgen -r 'RootType -> FDSNStationXML' -pkg main -o fdsn_station_type.go etc/fdsn-station-1.0.xsd
However there're something you'll have to do manually.
- The generated fields' tags in struct contains xmlns. This caused unnecessary url for EACH tag when we marshaling the xml.
To resolve this, we'll have to manually remove all "http://www.fdsn.org/xml/station/1" in the tags of generated go file.
- There's no "omitempty" attribute in the tag, so you'll have to add "omitempty" to all tags.
For example, change
Unit string `xml:"unit,attr"`
Unit string `xml:"unit,attr,omitempty"`
However, some fields can't add omitempty attribute.
All fields named "Value" with float64 type and without field name:
Value float64 `xml:",chardata"`
must leave unchanged.
3. Change all fields with omitempty
tag to pointer type, except:
- slice type
- string type
- Int type for accumulate - TotalNumberChannels, SelectedNumberChannels, TotalNumberStations, and SelectedNumberStations.
The changes above have 2 effects:
- For fields with struct type, the pointer makes the
tag takes effect so no empty xml tags such as <InputUnits/>
being generated.
- For fields with numeric type (float, int), the pointer type distinguishes "fields with zero value (uninitialized, should be omitted)" versus "fields with value of 0".