What does this project do?
This is a universal wrapper for application-level to use chunking in Go.
The original chunker module is designed for restic backup program.
To be honest, it is really hard to use it RIGHT AWAY. You need to take time to find it out how does it work and how to apply it into your code. It's not worth that.
So I make this.
You can find the chunker module from here: restic/chunker.
What is the default setting then?
Current setting for chunking are as follows:
- minimum chunk size : 2KB
- maximum chunk size : 16KB
- average chunk size : 8KB
You can change this setting via changing bits:
- 2KB is
1 << 11
- 16KB is
1 << 14
- 8KB is
1 << 13
Change as you want. Corresponding code is:
NewWithBoundaries(rd io.Reader, minBits, maxBits, averageBits int);
If you doesn't care about the default setting, just use:
chnker := chunker.New(reader)
You can use chunker as bellow:
package main
import (
chunk ""
func main() {
fmt.Println("Starting to open file...")
filename := "test.txt"
reader, err := os.Open(filename)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Read error: ", err)
_ = reader.Close()
chunker := chunk.New(reader)
var totalLength uint = 0
var averageLength uint = 0
var chunkNum uint = 0
for {
chunkInfo, err := chunker.Chunking()
if err == io.EOF {
fmt.Println("\nEOF. Exiting...")
fmt.Println("Total length = ", totalLength)
fmt.Println("Chunk Number = ", chunkNum)
if chunkNum != 0 {
averageLength = totalLength / chunkNum
fmt.Println("Average length = ", averageLength)
if chunkInfo == nil {
panic("chunkInfo is nil!")
fmt.Printf("%d:\t%x\n", chunkInfo.Chunk.Length, chunkInfo.Digest)
totalLength += chunkInfo.Chunk.Length
chunkNum += 1