Go Redis Search Files
This is a work in progress
A tool to search for a word in a large number of files either sequentially or by using goroutines. It is written in Go and uses Redis to cache the search results.
The goal is to eventually turn this into a distributed system that can be used to search for a word in a large number of files across multiple servers. As of now, it is a single server that uses Redis to cache the search results and can search for a word in a large number of files either sequentially or by using goroutines.
- /search
URL Params
- Required
- word=[string]
- The word to search for
- word=[string]
- Optional
- forceSearch=[bool] (default: false)
- If true, will not use the cached results
- searchMode=[string] (default: simple)
- The search mode to use (simple, concurrent). Can be extended to add more search modes
- Options:
- simple
- Goes through each file and searches for the word
- concurrent
- Uses goroutines to search for the word in each file.
- simple
- concurrentThreads=[int] (default: 100)
- The number of threads to use when searching in concurrent mode.
- forceSearch=[bool] (default: false)
- Required
Success Response
- Code: 200
- Content:
{ "Word": "thee", "Count": 3, "Files": [ "data/subfolder1/sample_text1.txt", "data/subfolder2/sample_xml.xml", "data/subfolder2/subsubfolder/", ], "QueryDuration": 283322650, "SearchMode": "concurrent" }
- Response Description
- Word: The word that was searched for
- Count: The number of times the word was found
- Files: The files that the word was found in
- QueryDuration: The time it took to search for the word (in nanoseconds)
- SearchMode: The search mode that was used. Can be simple, concurrent, redis. Will be renamed to ResultsSource.
Sample Calls
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/search?word=The"
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/search?word=The&forceSearch=true"
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/search?word=The&searchMode=concurrent"
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/search?word=The&searchMode=concurrent&concurrentThreads=100"
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/search?word=The&searchMode=concurrent&concurrentThreads=100&forceSearch=true"
- /health
Success Response
- Code: 200
- Content:
- Response Description
- Returns OK if the server is running. Will be extended to return more information about the server in json format.
Sample Call
curl -X GET "http://localhost:8080/health"
System Specs
- /system-specs
- Method
- Success Response
- Code: 200
- Content:
{ "CPUName": "AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor", "CPUCores": 8, "RAMSize": "7.13 GB", "IsDocker": false }
- Method
- Success Response
- Code: 200
- Content:
Text response
How to run
- Go 1.14 or higher (needed for the go modules)
- Redis Server
Clone the repository
Place all your files in the data directory
Copy and edit the .env.example file to .env
- Set the REDIS_HOST to the host of your redis server
- Set the REDIS_PORT to the port of your redis server
- Set the REDIS_DB to the db number of your redis server
- Set the REDIS_PASSWORD to the password of your redis server
- Set the PORT on which the server will run.
Two options to run the go server
- Option 1:
- Run
go run main.go
in the root directory
- Run
- Option 2:
- Run
go build -o app
in the root directory - Run
- Run
- Option 1:
Known Issues
Handling multiple concurrent requests
- Issue: If n clients lookup a word that is not cached at the same time, the program will launch n search operations. This can significantly slow down the system.
- Potential Solutions:
- Keeping track of the words being searched: We can use a list to keep track of the words currently being searched and use a mutex to make the list thread safe. If the word is in the list (meaning it is being searched for) then wait for the result to be passed through a channel instead of searching for the word again.
- Limit the total number of possible concurrent requests: Use some mechanism to limit the maximum concurrent requests that can be served at once, if the maximum is reached/ exceeded, set a timeout for the request
Documentation ¶
There is no documentation for this package.