Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AtBuild(uid string) string
- func Base64ToImageFunc(logger *zap.SugaredLogger) func(string) (string, error)
- func BuiltinQQServeProcessKill(dice *Dice, conn *EndPointInfo)
- func BuiltinQQServeProcessKillBase(dice *Dice, conn *EndPointInfo, isSync bool)
- func CQRewrite(longText string, solve func(cq *CQCommand)) string
- func CheckDialErr(err error) syscall.Errno
- func CommandCheckPrefix(rawCmd string, prefix []string, platform string) bool
- func CommandCheckPrefixNew(rawCmd string, prefix []string) bool
- func CompatibleReplace(ctx *MsgContext, s string) string
- func CrashLog()
- func CrossMsgBySearch(se *IMSession, p, t, txt string, pr bool) bool
- func CustomReplyConfigCheckExists(dice *Dice, filename string) bool
- func CustomReplyConfigDelete(dice *Dice, filename string) bool
- func DeckDelete(_ *Dice, deck *DeckInfo)
- func DeckReload(d *Dice)
- func DeckRewrite(longText string, solve func(text string) string) string
- func DeckToRandomPool(deck []string) *wr.Chooser
- func DeckTryParse(d *Dice, fn string)
- func DecksDetect(d *Dice)
- func DiceDCRoll(addLine int64, pool int64, points int64) (int64, int64, int64, []string)
- func DiceFormat(ctx *MsgContext, s string) string
- func DiceFormatTmpl(ctx *MsgContext, s string) string
- func DiceRoll(dicePoints int) int
- func DiceRoll64(dicePoints int64) int64
- func DiceWodRoll(addLine int64, pool int64, points int64, threshold int64, isGE bool) (int64, int64, int64, []string)
- func ErrorLogAndContinue(d *Dice)
- func ExtractDingTalkGroupID(id string) string
- func ExtractDingTalkUserID(id string) string
- func ExtractDiscordChannelID(id string) string
- func ExtractDiscordUserID(id string) string
- func ExtractDodoGroupID(id string) string
- func ExtractDodoUserID(id string) string
- func ExtractKookChannelID(id string) string
- func ExtractKookGuildID(id string) string
- func ExtractKookUserID(id string) string
- func ExtractMCUserID(id string) string
- func ExtractSealChatPrivateChatID(id string, userId string) string
- func ExtractSealChatUserID(id string) string
- func ExtractSlackChannelID(id string) string
- func ExtractSlackUserID(id string) string
- func ExtractTelegramGroupID(id string) string
- func ExtractTelegramUserID(id string) string
- func FilenameReplace(name string) string
- func FormatDiceID(ctx *MsgContext, id interface{}, isGroup bool) string
- func FormatDiceIDDingTalk(diceDingTalk string) string
- func FormatDiceIDDingTalkGroup(diceDingTalk string) string
- func FormatDiceIDDiscord(diceDiscord string) string
- func FormatDiceIDDiscordChannel(diceDiscord string) string
- func FormatDiceIDDiscordGuild(diceDiscord string) string
- func FormatDiceIDDodo(sourceid string) string
- func FormatDiceIDDodoGroup(channelid string) string
- func FormatDiceIDKook(diceKook string) string
- func FormatDiceIDKookChannel(diceKook string) string
- func FormatDiceIDKookGuild(diceKook string) string
- func FormatDiceIDMC(diceMC string) string
- func FormatDiceIDQQ(diceQQ string) string
- func FormatDiceIDQQCh(userID string) string
- func FormatDiceIDQQChGroup(guildID, channelID string) string
- func FormatDiceIDQQGroup(diceQQ string) string
- func FormatDiceIDQQGroupV12(diceWalleQ string) string
- func FormatDiceIDQQV12(diceWalleQ string) string
- func FormatDiceIDSealChat(id string) string
- func FormatDiceIDSealChatGroup(id string) string
- func FormatDiceIDSealChatPrivate(id string) string
- func FormatDiceIDSlack(id string) string
- func FormatDiceIDSlackChannel(id string) string
- func FormatDiceIDSlackGuild(id string) string
- func FormatDiceIDTelegram(diceTg string) string
- func FormatDiceIDTelegramGroup(diceTg string) string
- func GenerateConfig(qq int64, port int, info GoCqhttpLoginInfo) string
- func GenerateDeviceJSON(dice *Dice, protocol int) (string, []byte, error)
- func GenerateDeviceJSONAllRandom(protocol int) (string, []byte, error)
- func GenerateDeviceJSONAndroid(dice *Dice, protocol int) (string, []byte, error)
- func GenerateDeviceJSONAndroidWatch(protocol int) (string, []byte, error)
- func GenerateDeviceJSONIos(protocol int) (string, []byte, error)
- func GenerateLagrangeConfig(port int, info *EndPointInfo) string
- func GenerateVerificationCode(platform string, userID string, username string, useBase64 bool) string
- func GetCloudContent(urls []string, etag string) (int, []byte, error)
- func GetExtensionDesc(ei *ExtInfo) string
- func GetLogTxt(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, logName string, fileNamePrefix string) (*os.File, error)
- func GetPlayerInfoBySender(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message) (*GroupInfo, *GroupPlayerInfo)
- func GetRandomFreePort() (int, error)
- func GetResultText(ctx *MsgContext, successRank int, userShortVersion bool) string
- func GetResultTextWithRequire(ctx *MsgContext, successRank int, difficultyRequire int, userShortVersion bool) string
- func GetValueNameByAlias(s string, alias map[string][]string) string
- func GoCqhttpServe(dice *Dice, conn *EndPointInfo, loginInfo GoCqhttpLoginInfo)
- func GoCqhttpServeRemoveSessionToken(dice *Dice, conn *EndPointInfo)
- func ImageRewrite(longText string, solve func(text string) string) string
- func IsCurGroupBotOnByID(session *IMSession, ep *EndPointInfo, messageType string, groupID string) bool
- func JSONNumberUnmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error
- func JSONValueMapUnmarshal(data []byte, v *map[string]*VMValue) error
- func JsDelete(_ *Dice, jsInfo *JsScriptInfo)
- func JsDisable(d *Dice, jsInfoName string)
- func JsEnable(d *Dice, jsInfoName string)
- func LagrangeServe(dice *Dice, conn *EndPointInfo, loginInfo GoCqhttpLoginInfo)
- func LagrangeServeRemoveSession(dice *Dice, conn *EndPointInfo)
- func LockFreeMapToMap(m lockfree.HashMap) map[string]interface{}
- func LogAppend(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, logName string, logItem *model.LogOneItem) bool
- func LogDeleteByID(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, logName string, messageID interface{}) bool
- func LogEditByID(ctx *MsgContext, groupID, logName, content string, messageID interface{}) bool
- func LogRollBriefByPC(ctx *MsgContext, items []*model.LogOneItem, showAll bool, name string) string
- func LogRollBriefDetail(items []*model.LogOneItem) []string
- func LogSendToBackend(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, logName string) (bool, string, error)
- func MemberBan(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, userID string, duration int64)
- func MemberKick(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, userID string)
- func MessageSegmentToText(ms []MessageSegment) string
- func OneBot11CqMessageToArrayMessage(longText string) []interface{}
- func Pretty(pretty bool) func(*DiceRollParser) error
- func RandString(n int) string
- func RandStringBytesMaskImprSrcSB(n int) string
- func RandStringBytesMaskImprSrcSB2(n int) string
- func ReadCardType(mctx *MsgContext) string
- func ReadCardTypeEx(mctx *MsgContext, curType string) string
- func RegisterBuiltinExtCoc7(self *Dice)
- func RegisterBuiltinExtDeck(d *Dice)
- func RegisterBuiltinExtDnd5e(self *Dice)
- func RegisterBuiltinExtExp(_ *Dice)
- func RegisterBuiltinExtFun(self *Dice)
- func RegisterBuiltinExtLog(self *Dice)
- func RegisterBuiltinExtReply(dice *Dice)
- func RegisterBuiltinExtTemple(dice *Dice)
- func RegisterBuiltinStory(self *Dice)
- func RemoveSpace(s string) string
- func ReplyGroup(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, text string)
- func ReplyGroupRaw(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, text string, flag string)
- func ReplyPerson(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, text string)
- func ReplyPersonRaw(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, text string, flag string)
- func ReplyReload(dice *Dice)
- func ReplyToSender(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, text string)
- func ReplyToSenderNoCheck(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, text string)
- func ReplyToSenderRaw(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, text string, flag string)
- func ResultCheck(ctx *MsgContext, cocRule int, d100 int64, attrValue int64, ...) (successRank int, criticalSuccessValue int64)
- func ResultCheckBase(cocRule int, d100 int64, attrValue int64, difficultyRequired int) (successRank int, criticalSuccessValue int64)
- func SendFileToGroupRaw(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, path string, flag string)
- func SendFileToPersonRaw(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, path string, flag string)
- func SendFileToSenderRaw(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, path string, flag string)
- func ServeDingTalk(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
- func ServeDiscord(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
- func ServeDodo(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
- func ServeKook(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
- func ServeMinecraft(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
- func ServeQQ(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
- func ServeRed(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
- func ServeSatori(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
- func ServeSealChat(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
- func ServeSlack(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
- func ServeTelegram(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
- func ServerOfficialQQ(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
- func SetBotOffAtGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string)
- func SetCardType(mctx *MsgContext, curType string)
- func SetPlayerGroupCardByTemplate(ctx *MsgContext, tmpl string) (string, error)
- func SetTempVars(ctx *MsgContext, qqNickname string)
- func SetupTextHelpInfo(d *Dice, helpInfo TextTemplateWithHelpDict, texts TextTemplateWithWeightDict, ...)
- func Size(size int) func(*DiceRollParser) error
- func SpecialExecuteTimesParse(cmd string) (string, int)
- func StoryLogBackupBatchDelete(d *Dice, backups []string) []string
- func StoryLogBackupDownloadPath(d *Dice, backup string) (string, error)
- func TryGetBackendURL()
- func UserIDExtract(uid string) string
- func VarDelValue(ctx *MsgContext, s string)
- func VarGetValueInt64(ctx *MsgContext, s string) (int64, bool)
- func VarGetValueStr(ctx *MsgContext, s string) (string, bool)
- func VarSetValue(ctx *MsgContext, s string, v *VMValue)
- func VarSetValueDNDComputed(ctx *MsgContext, s string, val int64, expr string)
- func VarSetValueInt64(ctx *MsgContext, s string, v int64)
- func VarSetValueStr(ctx *MsgContext, s string, v string)
- func WalleQServe(dice *Dice, conn *EndPointInfo, password string, protocol int, isAsyncRun bool)
- func WalleQServeProcessKill(dice *Dice, conn *EndPointInfo)
- func WalleQServeRemoveSessionToken(dice *Dice, conn *EndPointInfo)
- type AddDiscordEcho
- type AdvancedConfig
- type AtInfo
- type AttrConfig
- type AttributeConfigs
- type AttributeOrder
- type AttributeOrderOthers
- type BackupCleanStrategy
- type BackupCleanTrigger
- type BackupSelection
- type BanListInfo
- func (i *BanListInfo) AddScoreBase(uid string, score int64, place string, reason string, ctx *MsgContext) *BanListInfoItem
- func (i *BanListInfo) AddScoreByCensor(uid string, score int64, place string, level string, ctx *MsgContext)
- func (i *BanListInfo) AddScoreByCommandSpam(uid string, place string, ctx *MsgContext)
- func (i *BanListInfo) AddScoreByGroupKicked(uid string, place string, ctx *MsgContext)
- func (i *BanListInfo) AddScoreByGroupMuted(uid string, place string, ctx *MsgContext)
- func (i *BanListInfo) AfterLoads()
- func (i *BanListInfo) DeleteByID(d *Dice, id string)
- func (i *BanListInfo) GetByID(uid string) (*BanListInfoItem, bool)
- func (i *BanListInfo) Init()
- func (i *BanListInfo) Loads()
- func (i *BanListInfo) NoticeCheck(uid string, place string, oldRank BanRankType, ctx *MsgContext) BanRankType
- func (i *BanListInfo) NoticeCheckPrepare(uid string) BanRankType
- func (i *BanListInfo) SaveChanged(d *Dice)
- func (i *BanListInfo) SetTrustByID(uid string, place string, reason string)
- type BanListInfoItem
- type BanRankType
- type Bot
- type BotInfo
- type ByLength
- type ByRIListValue
- type ByteCode
- type CQCommand
- type CardMessage
- type CardMessageModuleFile
- type CardMessageModuleImage
- type CardMessageModuleText
- type CensorHandler
- type CensorManager
- type CensorMode
- type CloudDeckItemInfo
- type CmdArgs
- func (cmdArgs *CmdArgs) ChopPrefixToArgsWith(ss ...string) bool
- func (cmdArgs *CmdArgs) EatPrefixWith(ss ...string) (string, bool)
- func (cmdArgs *CmdArgs) GetArgN(n int) string
- func (cmdArgs *CmdArgs) GetKwarg(s string) *Kwarg
- func (cmdArgs *CmdArgs) GetRestArgsFrom(index int) string
- func (cmdArgs *CmdArgs) IsArgEqual(n int, ss ...string) bool
- func (cmdArgs *CmdArgs) RevokeExecuteTimesParse()
- func (cmdArgs *CmdArgs) SetupAtInfo(uid string)
- type CmdExecuteResult
- type CmdItemInfo
- type CmdMapCls
- type CnmodsDetailInfo
- type CnmodsSearchResult
- type CocRuleCheckRet
- type CocRuleInfo
- type ComputedData
- type ConfigItem
- type ConfigManager
- func (cm *ConfigManager) Load() error
- func (cm *ConfigManager) NewConfigItem(key string, defaultValue interface{}, description string) *ConfigItem
- func (cm *ConfigManager) RegisterPluginConfig(pluginName string, configItems ...*ConfigItem)
- func (cm *ConfigManager) ResetConfigToDefault(pluginName, key string)
- func (cm *ConfigManager) SetConfig(pluginName, key string, value interface{})
- func (cm *ConfigManager) UnregisterConfig(pluginName string, keys ...string)
- type ConsoleWriterShutUp
- type DeckCommandListItem
- type DeckCommandListItems
- type DeckDiceEFormat
- type DeckInfo
- type DeckSealFormat
- type DeckSinaNyaFormat
- type Dice
- func (d *Dice) ApplyAliveNotice()
- func (d *Dice) ApplyExtDefaultSettings()
- func (d *Dice) CanSendMail() bool
- func (d *Dice) CensorMsg(mctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, checkContent string, sendContent string) (hit bool, hitWords []string, needToTerminate bool, newContent string)
- func (d *Dice) CocExtraRulesAdd(ruleInfo *CocRuleInfo) bool
- func (d *Dice) DeckCheckUpdate(deckInfo *DeckInfo) (string, string, string, error)
- func (d *Dice) DeckUpdate(deckInfo *DeckInfo, tempFileName string) error
- func (d *Dice) ExprEval(buffer string, ctx *MsgContext) (*VMResult, string, error)
- func (d *Dice) ExprEvalBase(buffer string, ctx *MsgContext, flags RollExtraFlags) (*VMResult, string, error)
- func (d *Dice) ExprText(buffer string, ctx *MsgContext) (string, string, error)
- func (d *Dice) ExprTextBase(buffer string, ctx *MsgContext, flags RollExtraFlags) (*VMResult, string, error)
- func (d *Dice) ExtAliasToName(s string) string
- func (d *Dice) ExtFind(s string) *ExtInfo
- func (d *Dice) ExtRemove(ei *ExtInfo) bool
- func (d *Dice) GameSystemTemplateAdd(tmpl *GameSystemTemplate) bool
- func (d *Dice) GenerateTextMap()
- func (d *Dice) GetBanList() []*BanListInfoItem
- func (d *Dice) GetDiceDataPath(name string) string
- func (d *Dice) GetExtConfigFilePath(extName string, filename string) string
- func (d *Dice) GetExtDataDir(extName string) string
- func (d *Dice) Init()
- func (d *Dice) IsMaster(uid string) bool
- func (d *Dice) JsCheckUpdate(jsScriptInfo *JsScriptInfo) (string, string, string, error)
- func (d *Dice) JsExtSettingVacuum()deprecated
- func (d *Dice) JsInit()
- func (d *Dice) JsLoadScriptRaw(jsInfo *JsScriptInfo)
- func (d *Dice) JsLoadScripts()
- func (d *Dice) JsParseMeta(s string, installTime time.Time, rawData []byte, builtin bool) (*JsScriptInfo, error)
- func (d *Dice) JsReload()
- func (d *Dice) JsShutdown()
- func (d *Dice) JsUpdate(jsScriptInfo *JsScriptInfo, tempFileName string) error
- func (d *Dice) MarkModified()
- func (d *Dice) MasterAdd(uid string)
- func (d *Dice) MasterCheck(gid, uid string) bool
- func (d *Dice) MasterRefresh()
- func (d *Dice) MasterRemove(uid string) bool
- func (d *Dice) NewCensorManager()
- func (d *Dice) NoticeForEveryEndpoint(txt string, allowCrossPlatform bool)
- func (d *Dice) RegisterBuiltinExt()
- func (d *Dice) RegisterBuiltinSystemTemplate()
- func (d *Dice) RegisterExtension(extInfo *ExtInfo)
- func (d *Dice) ResetQuitInactiveCron()
- func (d *Dice) Save(isAuto bool)
- func (d *Dice) SaveText()
- func (d *Dice) SendMail(body string, m MailCode) error
- func (d *Dice) SendMailRow(subject string, to []string, content string, attachments []string)
- func (d *Dice) UnlockCodeUpdate(force bool)
- func (d *Dice) UnlockCodeVerify(code string) bool
- type DiceConfig
- type DiceConfigs
- type DiceManager
- func (dm *DiceManager) AddHelpWithDice(dice *Dice)
- func (dm *DiceManager) Backup(sel BackupSelection, fromAuto bool) (string, error)
- func (dm *DiceManager) BackupAuto() error
- func (dm *DiceManager) BackupClean(fromAuto bool) (err error)
- func (dm *DiceManager) InitDice()
- func (dm *DiceManager) InitHelp()
- func (dm *DiceManager) LoadDice()
- func (dm *DiceManager) LoadNames()
- func (dm *DiceManager) ResetAutoBackup()
- func (dm *DiceManager) ResetBackupClean()
- func (dm *DiceManager) Save()
- func (dm *DiceManager) TryCreateDefault()
- func (dm *DiceManager) TryGetGroupName(id string) string
- func (dm *DiceManager) TryGetUserName(id string) string
- type DiceRollParser
- func (t *DiceRollParser) AST() *node32
- func (t *DiceRollParser) Add(rule pegRule, begin, end, index uint32)
- func (p *DiceRollParser) Execute()
- func (p *DiceRollParser) Init(options ...func(*DiceRollParser) error) error
- func (p *DiceRollParser) Parse(rule error
- func (t *DiceRollParser) PrettyPrintSyntaxTree(buffer string)
- func (t *DiceRollParser) Print()
- func (p *DiceRollParser) PrintSyntaxTree()
- func (p *DiceRollParser) Reset()
- func (p *DiceRollParser) SprintSyntaxTree() string
- func (t *DiceRollParser) Tokens() []token32
- func (t *DiceRollParser) Trim(length uint32)
- func (p *DiceRollParser) WriteSyntaxTree(w io.Writer)
- type DoDoImageMessageComponent
- type DoDoTextMessageComponent
- type DummyLogger
- func (d DummyLogger) Debug(v ...interface{})
- func (d DummyLogger) Debugf(format string, v ...interface{})
- func (d DummyLogger) Error(v ...interface{})
- func (d DummyLogger) Errorf(format string, v ...interface{})
- func (d DummyLogger) Info(v ...interface{})
- func (d DummyLogger) Infof(format string, v ...interface{})
- func (d DummyLogger) Sync() error
- func (d DummyLogger) Warn(v ...interface{})
- func (d DummyLogger) Warnf(format string, v ...interface{})
- type EchoWalleQ
- type EndPointInfo
- func NewDingTalkConnItem(clientID string, token string, nickname string, robotCode string) *EndPointInfo
- func NewDiscordConnItem(v AddDiscordEcho) *EndPointInfo
- func NewDodoConnItem(clientID string, token string) *EndPointInfo
- func NewGoCqhttpConnectInfoItem(account string) *EndPointInfo
- func NewKookConnItem(token string) *EndPointInfo
- func NewLagrangeConnectInfoItem(account string) *EndPointInfo
- func NewMinecraftConnItem(url string) *EndPointInfo
- func NewOfficialQQConnItem(appID uint64, token string, appSecret string, onlyQQGuild bool) *EndPointInfo
- func NewRedConnItem(host string, port int, token string) *EndPointInfo
- func NewSatoriConnItem(platform string, host string, port int, token string) *EndPointInfo
- func NewSealChatConnItem(url string, token string) *EndPointInfo
- func NewSlackConnItem(at string, bt string) *EndPointInfo
- func NewTelegramConnItem(token string, proxy string) *EndPointInfo
- func NewWqConnectInfoItem(account string) *EndPointInfo
- func (ep *EndPointInfo) AdapterSetup()
- func (ep *EndPointInfo) RefreshGroupNum()
- func (ep *EndPointInfo) SetEnable(_ *Dice, enable bool)
- func (ep *EndPointInfo) StatsDump(d *Dice)
- func (ep *EndPointInfo) StatsRestore(d *Dice)
- func (ep *EndPointInfo) TriggerCommand(mctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, cmdArgs *CmdArgs) bool
- func (ep *EndPointInfo) UnmarshalYAML(value *yaml.Node) error
- type EndPointInfoBase
- type EventWalleQBase
- type EventWalleQMeta
- type EventWalleQMsg
- type EventWalleQNotice
- type EventWalleQReq
- type ExtDefaultSettingItem
- type ExtDefaultSettingItemSlice
- type ExtInfo
- type Friend
- type GameSystemTemplate
- func (t *GameSystemTemplate) GetAlias(varname string) string
- func (t *GameSystemTemplate) GetDefaultValueEx(ctx *MsgContext, varname string) *VMValue
- func (t *GameSystemTemplate) GetDefaultValueEx0(ctx *MsgContext, varname string) (*VMValue, string, bool, bool)
- func (t *GameSystemTemplate) GetRealValue(ctx *MsgContext, k string) (*VMValue, error)
- func (t *GameSystemTemplate) GetShowAs(ctx *MsgContext, k string) (*VMValue, error)
- type GoCqhttpLoginInfo
- type GocqAppVersion
- type Group
- type GroupInfo
- func (group *GroupInfo) ExtActive(ei *ExtInfo)
- func (group *GroupInfo) ExtClear()
- func (group *GroupInfo) ExtGetActive(name string) *ExtInfo
- func (group *GroupInfo) ExtInactive(ei *ExtInfo) *ExtInfo
- func (group *GroupInfo) ExtInactiveByName(name string) *ExtInfo
- func (group *GroupInfo) GetCharTemplate(dice *Dice) *GameSystemTemplate
- func (group *GroupInfo) IsActive(ctx *MsgContext) bool
- func (group *GroupInfo) PlayerGet(db *sqlx.DB, id string) *GroupPlayerInfo
- func (group *GroupInfo) SetDefaultHelpGroup(target string)
- type GroupMember
- type GroupNameCacheItem
- type GroupPlayerInfo
- type GroupPlayerInfoBase
- type GuildPermCacheItem
- type HTTPSimpleMessage
- type HelpConfig
- type HelpDoc
- type HelpDocFormat
- type HelpManager
- func (m *HelpManager) AddItem(item HelpTextItem) error
- func (m *HelpManager) AddItemApply() error
- func (m *HelpManager) Close()
- func (m *HelpManager) DeleteHelpDoc(keys []string) error
- func (m *HelpManager) GetContent(item *HelpTextItem, depth int) string
- func (m *HelpManager) GetHelpItemPage(pageNum, pageSize int, id, group, from, title string) (int, HelpTextVos)
- func (m *HelpManager) GetNextID() string
- func (m *HelpManager) GetPrefixText() string
- func (m *HelpManager) GetShowBestOffset() int
- func (m *HelpManager) GetSuffixText() string
- func (m *HelpManager) Load()
- func (m *HelpManager) SaveHelpConfig(config *HelpConfig) error
- func (m *HelpManager) Search(ctx *MsgContext, text string, titleOnly bool, pageSize, pageNum int, ...) (res *bleve.SearchResult, total, pageStart, pageEnd int, err error)
- func (m *HelpManager) UploadHelpDoc(src io.Reader, group string, name string) error
- type HelpTextItem
- type HelpTextItems
- type HelpTextVo
- type HelpTextVos
- type IMSession
- func (s *IMSession) Execute(ep *EndPointInfo, msg *Message, runInSync bool)
- func (s *IMSession) ExecuteNew(ep *EndPointInfo, msg *Message)
- func (s *IMSession) GetEpByPlatform(p string) *EndPointInfo
- func (s *IMSession) LongTimeQuitInactiveGroup(threshold, hint time.Time, roundIntervalMinute int, groupsPerRound int)
- func (s *IMSession) OnGroupJoined(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message)
- func (s *IMSession) OnGroupMemberJoined(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message)
- func (s *IMSession) OnMessageDeleted(mctx *MsgContext, msg *Message)
- func (s *IMSession) OnMessageEdit(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message)
- func (s *IMSession) OnMessageSend(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, flag string)
- func (s *IMSession) PreTriggerCommand(mctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, cmdArgs *CmdArgs)
- type Int64SliceDesc
- type JsScriptDepends
- type JsScriptInfo
- type Kwarg
- type LastWelcomeInfo
- type LastWelcomeInfoWQ
- type MSData
- type MailCode
- type Message
- type MessageEvent
- type MessageMinecraft
- type MessageQQ
- type MessageQQArray
- type MessageQQBase
- type MessageQQChannel
- type MessageSegment
- type MsgCheckResult
- type MsgContext
- func CreateTempCtx(ep *EndPointInfo, msg *Message) *MsgContext
- func GetCtxProxyAtPos(ctx *MsgContext, cmdArgs *CmdArgs, pos int) *MsgContext
- func GetCtxProxyAtPosRaw(ctx *MsgContext, cmdArgs *CmdArgs, pos int, setTempVar bool) *MsgContext
- func GetCtxProxyFirst(ctx *MsgContext, cmdArgs *CmdArgs) *MsgContext
- func (ctx *MsgContext) ChBindCur(name string) bool
- func (ctx *MsgContext) ChBindCurGet() string
- func (ctx *MsgContext) ChBindGet(name string) lockfree.HashMap
- func (ctx *MsgContext) ChBindGetList(name string) []string
- func (ctx *MsgContext) ChExists(name string) bool
- func (ctx *MsgContext) ChGet(name string) lockfree.HashMap
- func (ctx *MsgContext) ChLoad(name string) lockfree.HashMap
- func (ctx *MsgContext) ChNew(name string) bool
- func (ctx *MsgContext) ChUnbind(name string) []string
- func (ctx *MsgContext) ChUnbindCur() (string, bool)
- func (ctx *MsgContext) ChVarsClear() int
- func (ctx *MsgContext) ChVarsGet() (lockfree.HashMap, bool)
- func (ctx *MsgContext) ChVarsNumGet() int
- func (ctx *MsgContext) ChVarsUpdateTime()
- func (ctx *MsgContext) InitSplitKey()
- func (ctx *MsgContext) LoadGroupVars()
- func (ctx *MsgContext) LoadPlayerGlobalVars() *PlayerVariablesItem
- func (ctx *MsgContext) LoadPlayerGroupVars(group *GroupInfo, player *GroupPlayerInfo) *PlayerVariablesItem
- func (ctx *MsgContext) Notice(txt string)
- func (ctx *MsgContext) NoticeCrossPlatform(txt string)
- func (ctx *MsgContext) SplitText(text string) []string
- func (ctx *MsgContext) TranslateSplit(s string) string
- type NameTemplateItem
- type NamesGenerator
- type OneBotV11ArrMsgItem
- type OneBotV11MsgItem
- type OneBotV11MsgItemAtType
- type OneBotV11MsgItemFaceType
- type OneBotV11MsgItemImageType
- type OneBotV11MsgItemPokeType
- type OneBotV11MsgItemRecordType
- type OneBotV11MsgItemReplyType
- type OneBotV11MsgItemTextType
- type OneBotV12Command
- type OnebotGroupInfo
- type OnebotUserInfo
- type OnebotV12UserInfo
- type OpenQQIDType
- type PlatformAdapter
- type PlatformAdapterDingTalk
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) DoRelogin() bool
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) GetGroupInfoAsync(groupID string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) MemberBan(groupID string, userID string, duration int64)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) MemberKick(groupID string, userID string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) OnChatReceive(_ *dingtalk.Session, data *chatbot.BotCallbackDataModel)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) OnGroupJoined(_ *dingtalk.Session, data *dingtalk.GroupJoinedEvent)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) QuitGroup(ctx *MsgContext, id string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) Serve() int
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SetEnable(enable bool)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SetGroupCardName(ctx *MsgContext, name string)
- type PlatformAdapterDiscord
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) DoRelogin() bool
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) EditMessage(ctx *MsgContext, msgID, message string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) GetGroupInfoAsync(groupID string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) MemberBan(_ string, _ string, _ int64)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) MemberKick(_ string, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) QuitGroup(_ *MsgContext, id string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) RecallMessage(ctx *MsgContext, msgID string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) SendFileToGroup(_ *MsgContext, groupID string, path string, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) SendFileToPerson(_ *MsgContext, userID string, path string, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) Serve() int
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) SetEnable(enable bool)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) SetGroupCardName(ctx *MsgContext, name string)
- type PlatformAdapterDodo
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) DoRelogin() bool
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) GetGroupInfoAsync(groupID string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) MemberBan(_ string, _ string, _ int64)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) MemberKick(_ string, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) QuitGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupId string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SendMessageRaw(ctx *MsgContext, msgBody model.IMessageBody, uid string, isPrivate bool, ...) error
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SendToChatRaw(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, isPrivate bool) error
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SendToPersonRaw(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, isPrivate bool) error
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) Serve() int
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SetEnable(enable bool)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SetGroupCardName(ctx *MsgContext, name string)
- type PlatformAdapterGocq
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) DeleteFriend(_ *MsgContext, id string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) DoRelogin() bool
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) GetGroupInfo(groupID string, noCache bool) *OnebotGroupInfo
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) GetGroupInfoAsync(groupID string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) GetGroupMemberInfo(groupID string, userID string) *OnebotUserInfo
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) GetLoginInfo()
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) GetStrangerInfo(userID string) *OnebotUserInfo
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) IsInLogin() bool
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) IsLoginSuccessed() bool
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) MemberBan(_ string, _ string, _ int64)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) MemberKick(_ string, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) QQChannelTrySolve(message string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) QuitGroup(_ *MsgContext, id string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, path string, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SendToChannelGroup(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) Serve() int
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SetEnable(enable bool)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SetFriendAddRequest(flag string, approve bool, remark string, reaseon string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SetGroupAddRequest(flag string, subType string, approve bool, reason string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SetGroupCardName(ctx *MsgContext, name string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SetGroupCardNameBase(groupID int64, userID int64, card string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SetQQProtocol(protocol int) bool
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SetSignServer(signServerConfig *SignServerConfig) bool
- type PlatformAdapterHTTP
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) DoRelogin() bool
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) GetGroupInfoAsync(_ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) MemberBan(_ string, _ string, _ int64)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) MemberKick(_ string, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) QuitGroup(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) Serve() int
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) SetEnable(_ bool)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) SetGroupCardName(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
- type PlatformAdapterKook
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) DoRelogin() bool
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) EditMessage(ctx *MsgContext, msgID, message string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) GetGroupInfoAsync(groupID string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) MemberBan(_ string, _ string, _ int64)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) MemberKick(_ string, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) MessageCreateRaw(base kook.MessageCreateBase, id string, isPrivate bool) error
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) QuitGroup(_ *MsgContext, groupID string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) RecallMessage(ctx *MsgContext, msgID string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) SendFileToChannelRaw(id string, path string, private bool)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) SendFileToGroup(_ *MsgContext, groupID string, path string, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) SendFileToPerson(_ *MsgContext, userID string, path string, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) SendToChannelRaw(id string, text string, private bool)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) Serve() int
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) SetEnable(enable bool)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) SetGroupCardName(ctx *MsgContext, name string)
- type PlatformAdapterMinecraft
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) DoRelogin() bool
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) GetGroupInfoAsync(_ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) MemberBan(_ string, _ string, _ int64)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) MemberKick(_ string, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) QuitGroup(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) Serve() int
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SetEnable(enable bool)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SetGroupCardName(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
- type PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) ChannelAtMessageReceive(event *dto.WSPayload, data *dto.WSATMessageData) error
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) DoRelogin() bool
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) GetGroupInfoAsync(groupID string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) GroupAtMessageReceive(event *dto.WSPayload, data *dto.WSGroupATMessageData) error
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) GuildDirectMessageReceive(event *dto.WSPayload, data *dto.WSDirectMessageData) error
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) MemberBan(_ string, _ string, _ int64)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) MemberKick(_ string, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) QuitGroup(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) Serve() int
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SetEnable(enable bool)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SetGroupCardName(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
- type PlatformAdapterRed
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) DoRelogin() bool
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) GetGroupInfoAsync(_ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) MemberBan(_ string, _ string, _ int64)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) MemberKick(_ string, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) QuitGroup(_ *MsgContext, id string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupId string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) Serve() int
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) SetEnable(enable bool)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) SetGroupCardName(ctx *MsgContext, name string)
- type PlatformAdapterSatori
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) DoRelogin() bool
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) EditMessage(ctx *MsgContext, msgID, message string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) GetGroupInfoAsync(groupID string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) MemberBan(groupID string, userID string, duration int64)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) MemberKick(groupID string, userID string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) QuitGroup(ctx *MsgContext, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) RecallMessage(ctx *MsgContext, msgID string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) Serve() int
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) SetEnable(enable bool)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) SetGroupCardName(ctx *MsgContext, name string)
- type PlatformAdapterSealChat
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) DoRelogin() bool
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) GetGroupInfoAsync(_ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) MemberBan(_ string, _ string, _ int64)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) MemberKick(_ string, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) QuitGroup(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) Serve() int
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) SetEnable(enable bool)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) SetGroupCardName(mctx *MsgContext, text string)
- type PlatformAdapterSlack
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) DoRelogin() bool
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) GetGroupInfoAsync(groupId string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) MemberBan(groupId string, userId string, duration int64)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) MemberKick(groupId string, userId string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) QuitGroup(ctx *MsgContext, id string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) Serve() int
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) SetEnable(enable bool)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) SetGroupCardName(ctx *MsgContext, name string)
- type PlatformAdapterTelegram
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) DoRelogin() bool
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) GetGroupInfoAsync(groupID string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) MemberBan(_ string, _ string, _ int64)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) MemberKick(_ string, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) QuitGroup(_ *MsgContext, id string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendFileToGroup(_ *MsgContext, uid string, path string, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendFileToPerson(_ *MsgContext, uid string, path string, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendToChatRaw(uid string, text string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) Serve() int
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) SetEnable(enable bool)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) SetGroupCardName(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
- type PlatformAdapterWalleQ
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) DeleteFriend(_ *MsgContext, id string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) DoRelogin() bool
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) GetGroupInfoAsync(id string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) GetGroupMemberInfo(groupID string, userID string) *OnebotV12UserInfo
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) GetLoginInfo()
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) IsInLogin() bool
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) IsLoginSuccessed() bool
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) MemberBan(groupID string, userID string, last int64)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) MemberKick(groupID string, userID string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) QuitGroup(_ *MsgContext, id string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, path string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendMessage(text string, ty string, id string, cid string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, text string, flag string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) Serve() int
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SetEnable(enable bool)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SetFriendAddRequest(reqID int64, userID string, accept bool)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SetGroupAddRequest(rid int64, gid string, accept bool)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SetGroupCardName(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SetQQProtocol(protocol int) bool
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) TextToMessageSegment(text string) []MessageSegment
- func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) UpVoiceFile(path string)
- type PlayerVariablesItem
- type PluginConfig
- type PrinterFunc
- type ProcessExitGroup
- type Prop
- type ProtocolType
- type QQUidType
- type RIListItem
- type RedChatType
- type RedConnectReq
- type RedConnectResp
- type RedElement
- type RedEmojiAd
- type RedEmojiMall
- type RedEmojiZplan
- type RedFileElement
- type RedImageUploadInfo
- type RedMessage
- type RedMessageRecv
- type RedMessageSend
- type RedPack
- type RedPeer
- type RedPicElement
- type RedRichMediaResp
- type RedRoleInfo
- type RedTextElement
- type RedThumbPath
- type RedXMLElement
- type ReplyConditionBase
- type ReplyConditionExprTrue
- type ReplyConditionMultiMatch
- type ReplyConditionTextLenLimit
- type ReplyConditionTextMatch
- type ReplyConditions
- type ReplyConfig
- type ReplyItem
- type ReplyResultBase
- type ReplyResultReplyGroup
- type ReplyResultReplyPrivate
- type ReplyResultReplyToSender
- type ReplyResultRunText
- type RequestFileDataImpl
- type RollExpression
- func (e *RollExpression) AddFormatString(value string, num int64)
- func (e *RollExpression) AddLeftValueMark()
- func (e *RollExpression) AddLoadVarname(value string)
- func (e *RollExpression) AddLoadVarnameForThis(value string)
- func (e *RollExpression) AddOperator(operator Type) int
- func (e *RollExpression) AddOperatorWithInt64(operator Type, val int64)
- func (e *RollExpression) AddStModify(op string, text string)
- func (e *RollExpression) AddStName()
- func (e *RollExpression) AddStore()
- func (e *RollExpression) AddStoreComputed(text string)
- func (e *RollExpression) AddValue(value string)
- func (e *RollExpression) AddValueStr(value string)
- func (e *RollExpression) CodePop()
- func (e *RollExpression) CodePush()
- func (e *RollExpression) CounterAdd(offset int64)
- func (e *RollExpression) CounterPop() int64
- func (e *RollExpression) CounterPush()
- func (e *RollExpression) Evaluate(_ *Dice, ctx *MsgContext) (*VMStack, string, error)
- func (e *RollExpression) GetAsmText() string
- func (e *RollExpression) Init(stackLength int)
- func (e *RollExpression) PopAndSetOffset()
- func (e *RollExpression) PushForOffset()
- func (e *RollExpression) WriteCode(t Type, value int64, valueStr string)
- type RollExtraFlags
- type SatoriArgv
- type SatoriButton
- type SatoriChannel
- type SatoriChannelType
- type SatoriEvent
- type SatoriGuild
- type SatoriGuildMember
- type SatoriGuildRole
- type SatoriIdentify
- type SatoriLogin
- type SatoriMessage
- type SatoriOpCode
- type SatoriPayload
- type SatoriReady
- type SatoriStatus
- type SatoriUser
- type SealComplexSingleDeck
- type SealMeta
- type Self
- type SendMessageMinecraft
- type Sender
- type SenderBase
- type SenderChannel
- type SetConfig
- type ShuffleRandomPool
- type SignServer
- type SignServerConfig
- type SignStatus
- type StoryLogBackup
- type SyncMap
- func (m *SyncMap[K, V]) Delete(key K)
- func (m *SyncMap[K, V]) Exists(key K) bool
- func (m *SyncMap[K, V]) Len() int
- func (m *SyncMap[K, V]) Load(key K) (value V, ok bool)
- func (m *SyncMap[K, V]) LoadAndDelete(key K) (value V, loaded bool)
- func (m *SyncMap[K, V]) LoadOrStore(key K, value V) (actual V, loaded bool)
- func (m *SyncMap[K, V]) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *SyncMap[K, V]) Range(f func(key K, value V) bool)
- func (m *SyncMap[K, V]) Store(key K, value V)
- func (m *SyncMap[K, V]) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
- type TextTemplateHelpGroup
- type TextTemplateHelpItem
- type TextTemplateItem
- type TextTemplateItemList
- type TextTemplateWithHelpDict
- type TextTemplateWithWeight
- type TextTemplateWithWeightDict
- type Type
- type VMDndComputedValueData
- type VMResult
- type VMStack
- type VMValue
- func DiceDCRollVM(e *RollExpression, addLine *VMValue, pool *VMValue, points *VMValue) (*VMValue, int64, int64, []string)
- func DiceWodRollVM(e *RollExpression, addLine *VMStack, pool *VMValue, points *VMValue, ...) (*VMValue, int64, int64, []string)
- func VMValueConvert(val *VMValue, v *map[string]*VMValue, key string) *VMValue
- func VMValueNew(typeID VMValueType, val interface{}) *VMValue
- func VMValueNewComputed(expr string) *VMValue
- func VMValueNewComputedRaw(computed *ComputedData) *VMValue
- func VarGetValue(ctx *MsgContext, s string) (*VMValue, bool)
- func (v *VMValue) AsBool() bool
- func (v *VMValue) ComputedExecute(ctx *MsgContext, curDepth int64) (*VMResult, string, error)
- func (v *VMValue) ConvertToDiceScriptValue() *ds.VMValue
- func (v *VMValue) ReadComputed() (*ComputedData, bool)
- func (v *VMValue) ReadInt64() (int64, bool)
- func (v *VMValue) ReadString() (string, bool)
- func (v *VMValue) ToString() string
- type VMValueType
- type VersionInfo
- type WalleQConfig
- type WqMeta
- type WqQQ
- type WqWS
Constants ¶
const ( Unload int = iota Loaded LoadError )
const ( DodoPermManageMember = 1 << 2 DodoPermAdmin = 1 << 3 )
const ( StateCodeInit = 0 StateCodeInLogin = 1 StateCodeInLoginQrCode = 2 GoCqhttpStateCodeInLoginBar = 3 GoCqhttpStateCodeInLoginVerifyCode = 6 StateCodeInLoginDeviceLock = 7 StateCodeLoginSuccessed = 10 StateCodeLoginFailed = 11 GoCqhttpStateCodeClosed = 20 )
const ( RolePermissionAdmin kook.RolePermission = 1 << iota RolePermissionManageGuild kook.RolePermission = 1 << 1 RolePermissionViewAuditLog kook.RolePermission = 1 << 2 RolePermissionCreateInvite kook.RolePermission = 1 << 3 RolePermissionManageInvite kook.RolePermission = 1 << 4 RolePermissionManageChannel kook.RolePermission = 1 << 5 RolePermissionKickUser kook.RolePermission = 1 << 6 RolePermissionBanUser kook.RolePermission = 1 << 7 RolePermissionManageGuildEmoji kook.RolePermission = 1 << 8 RolePermissionChangeNickname kook.RolePermission = 1 << 9 RolePermissionManageRolePermission kook.RolePermission = 1 << 10 RolePermissionViewChannel kook.RolePermission = 1 << 11 RolePermissionSendMessage kook.RolePermission = 1 << 12 RolePermissionManageMessage kook.RolePermission = 1 << 13 RolePermissionUploadFile kook.RolePermission = 1 << 14 RolePermissionConnectVoice kook.RolePermission = 1 << 15 RolePermissionManageVoice kook.RolePermission = 1 << 16 RolePermissionMentionEveryone kook.RolePermission = 1 << 17 RolePermissionCreateReaction kook.RolePermission = 1 << 18 RolePermissionFollowReaction kook.RolePermission = 1 << 19 RolePermissionInvitedToVoice kook.RolePermission = 1 << 20 RolePermissionForceManualVoice kook.RolePermission = 1 << 21 RolePermissionFreeVoice kook.RolePermission = 1 << 22 RolePermissionVoice kook.RolePermission = 1 << 23 RolePermissionManageUserVoiceReceive kook.RolePermission = 1 << 24 RolePermissionManageUserVoiceCreate kook.RolePermission = 1 << 25 RolePermissionManageNickname kook.RolePermission = 1 << 26 RolePermissionPlayMusic kook.RolePermission = 1 << 27 )
kook go的鉴权目前并不好用,这里重写一遍
const ( WqStateCodeInit = 0 WqStateCodeInLogin = 1 WqStateCodeInLoginQrCode = 2 WqStateCodeInLoginBar = 3 WqStateCodeInLoginVerifyCode = 6 WqStateCodeInLoginDeviceLock = 7 WqStateCodeLoginSuccessed = 10 WqStateCodeLoginFailed = 11 WqStateCodeClosed = 20 )
const BackupDir = "./backups"
const HelpBuiltinGroup = "builtin"
const HelpConfigFilename = "help_config.yaml"
const ( RolePermissionAll = RolePermissionAdmin | RolePermissionManageGuild | RolePermissionViewAuditLog | RolePermissionCreateInvite | RolePermissionManageInvite | RolePermissionManageChannel | RolePermissionKickUser | RolePermissionBanUser | RolePermissionManageGuildEmoji | RolePermissionChangeNickname | RolePermissionManageRolePermission | RolePermissionViewChannel | RolePermissionSendMessage | RolePermissionManageMessage | RolePermissionUploadFile | RolePermissionConnectVoice | RolePermissionManageVoice | RolePermissionMentionEveryone | RolePermissionCreateReaction | RolePermissionFollowReaction | RolePermissionInvitedToVoice | RolePermissionForceManualVoice | RolePermissionFreeVoice | RolePermissionVoice | RolePermissionManageUserVoiceReceive | RolePermissionManageUserVoiceCreate | RolePermissionManageNickname | RolePermissionPlayMusic )
RolePermissionAll 有两种情况会使一个用户拥有一个服务器内的所有权限,第一种是作为服务器创建者的用户,即Owner,第二种是被授予了Admin权限的用户 但是尽管他们可以bypass所有的权限检查,但是他们自身并不一定拥有所有的权限,这导致检查时会出现问题,因此这里创建一个permissionAll权限, 并把Admin和Owner当作拥有该权限的用户进行处理
const SatoriProtocolVersion = "v1"
Variables ¶
var ( APPNAME = "SealDice" // VERSION 版本号,按固定格式,action 在构建时可能会自动注入部分信息 // 正式:主版本号+yyyyMMdd,如 1.4.5+20240308 // dev:主版本号-dev+yyyyMMdd.7位hash,如 1.4.5-dev+20240308.1a2b3c4 // rc:主版本号-rc.序号+yyyyMMdd.7位hash如 1.4.5-rc.0+20240308.1a2b3c4,1.4.5-rc.1+20240309.2a3b4c4,…… VERSION = semver.MustParse(VERSION_MAIN + VERSION_PRERELEASE + VERSION_BUILD_METADATA) // VERSION_MAIN 主版本号 VERSION_MAIN = "1.4.6" // VERSION_PRERELEASE 先行版本号 VERSION_PRERELEASE = "-dev" // VERSION_BUILD_METADATA 版本编译信息 VERSION_BUILD_METADATA = "" // APP_CHANNEL 更新频道,stable/dev,在 action 构建时自动注入 APP_CHANNEL = "dev" //nolint:revive VERSION_CODE = int64(1004005) //nolint:revive VERSION_JSAPI_COMPATIBLE = []*semver.Version{ VERSION, semver.MustParse("1.4.5"), semver.MustParse("1.4.4"), semver.MustParse("1.4.3"), } )
var BackendUrls = []string{
var BanRankText = map[BanRankType]string{ BanRankTrusted: "信任", BanRankBanned: "禁止", BanRankWarn: "警告", BanRankNormal: "常规", }
var CensorHandlerText = map[CensorHandler]string{ SendWarning: "SendWarning", SendNotice: "SendNotice", BanUser: "BanUser", BanGroup: "BanGroup", BanInviter: "BanInviter", AddScore: "AddScore", }
var ErrGroupCardOverlong = errors.New("群名片长度超过限制")
var GocqAppVersionMap = map[string]map[ProtocolType]GocqAppVersion{ "8.9.63": { AndroidPhone: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537164840, SubAppID: 537164840, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1685069178, ApkSign: "a6b745bf24a2c277527716f6f36eb68d", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 20, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 34869472, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1687796862, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.63_4194_YYB_D", ProtocolType: AndroidPhone, }, AndroidPad: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537164888, SubAppID: 537164888, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1685069178, ApkSign: "a6b745bf24a2c277527716f6f36eb68d", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 20, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 34869472, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1687796862, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.63_4194_YYB_D", ProtocolType: 6, }, }, "8.9.68": { AndroidPhone: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537168313, SubAppID: 537168313, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1688523354, ApkSign: "7772804f3cb4961f57cb764fbe4973e6", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 20, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 34869472, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1689780543, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.68_4264_YYB_D", ProtocolType: AndroidPhone, }, AndroidPad: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537168361, SubAppID: 537168361, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1688523354, ApkSign: "7772804f3cb4961f57cb764fbe4973e6", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 20, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 34869472, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1689780543, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.68_4264_YYB_D", ProtocolType: 6, }, }, "8.9.70": { AndroidPhone: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537169928, SubAppID: 537169928, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1689956914, ApkSign: "e686fa90d9a33950c46de9cfb4ec7e71", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 20, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 34869472, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1690350020, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.70_4330_YYB_D", ProtocolType: AndroidPhone, }, AndroidPad: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537169976, SubAppID: 537169976, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1689956914, ApkSign: "e686fa90d9a33950c46de9cfb4ec7e71", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 20, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 34869472, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1690350020, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.70_4330_YYB_D", ProtocolType: 6, }, }, "8.9.73": { AndroidPhone: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537171007, SubAppID: 537171007, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1690515318, ApkSign: "d4dd51c0a4a7a37f7fa9d791cd1c0377", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 20, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 34869472, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1690715354, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.73_4354_HDBM_T", ProtocolType: AndroidPhone, }, AndroidPad: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537171018, SubAppID: 537171018, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1690515318, ApkSign: "d4dd51c0a4a7a37f7fa9d791cd1c0377", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 20, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 34869472, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1690715354, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.73_4354_HDBM_T", ProtocolType: 6, }, }, "8.9.76": { AndroidPhone: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537173477, SubAppID: 537173477, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1691565978, ApkSign: "a6b745bf24a2c277527716f6f36eb68d", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 20, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 34869472, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1691565978, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.76_4484_YYB_D", ProtocolType: AndroidPhone, }, AndroidPad: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537173525, SubAppID: 537173525, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1691565978, ApkSign: "a6b745bf24a2c277527716f6f36eb68d", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 20, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 34869472, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1691565978, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.76_4484_YYB_D", ProtocolType: AndroidPad, }, }, "8.9.78": { AndroidPhone: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537175315, SubAppID: 537175315, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1691565978, ApkSign: "a6b745bf24a2c277527716f6f36eb68d", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 20, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 34869472, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1691565978, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.78_4548_YYB_D", ProtocolType: AndroidPhone, }, AndroidPad: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537175354, SubAppID: 537175354, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1691565978, ApkSign: "a6b745bf24a2c277527716f6f36eb68d", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 20, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 34869472, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1691565978, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.78_4548_YYB_D", ProtocolType: 6, }, }, "8.9.80": { AndroidPhone: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537176863, SubAppID: 537176863, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1691565978, ApkSign: "a6b745bf24a2c277527716f6f36eb68d", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 20, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 34869472, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1691565978, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.80_4614_YYB_D", ProtocolType: AndroidPhone, }, AndroidPad: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537176902, SubAppID: 537176902, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1691565978, ApkSign: "a6b745bf24a2c277527716f6f36eb68d", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 20, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 34869472, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1691565978, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.80_4614_YYB_D", ProtocolType: 6, }, }, "8.9.83": { AndroidPhone: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537178646, SubAppID: 537178646, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1691565978, ApkSign: "a6b745bf24a2c277527716f6f36eb68d", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 20, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 34869472, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1691565978, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.83_4680_YYB_D", ProtocolType: AndroidPhone, }, AndroidPad: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537178685, SubAppID: 537178685, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1691565978, ApkSign: "a6b745bf24a2c277527716f6f36eb68d", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 20, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 34869472, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1691565978, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.83_4680_YYB_D", ProtocolType: 6, }, }, "8.9.85": { AndroidPhone: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537180568, SubAppID: 537180568, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1697015435, ApkSign: "a6b745bf24a2c277527716f6f36eb68d", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 21, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 16724722, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1697015435, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.85_4766_YYB_D", ProtocolType: AndroidPhone, }, AndroidPad: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537179875, SubAppID: 537179875, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1697015435, ApkSign: "a6b745bf24a2c277527716f6f36eb68d", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 21, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 16724722, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1697015435, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.85_4766_YYB_D", ProtocolType: 6, }, }, "8.9.88": { AndroidPhone: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537182769, SubAppID: 537182769, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1697015435, ApkSign: "a6b745bf24a2c277527716f6f36eb68d", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 21, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 16724722, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1697015435, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.88_4852_YYB_D", ProtocolType: AndroidPhone, }, AndroidPad: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537182808, SubAppID: 537182808, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1697015435, ApkSign: "a6b745bf24a2c277527716f6f36eb68d", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 21, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 16724722, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1697015435, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.88_4852_YYB_D", ProtocolType: 6, }, }, "8.9.90": { AndroidPhone: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537185007, SubAppID: 537185007, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1697015435, ApkSign: "a6b745bf24a2c277527716f6f36eb68d", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 21, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 16724722, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1697015435, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.90_4938_YYB_D", ProtocolType: AndroidPhone, }, AndroidPad: { ApkID: "com.tencent.mobileqq", AppID: 537185046, SubAppID: 537185046, AppKey: "0S200MNJT807V3GE", SortVersionName: "", BuildTime: 1697015435, ApkSign: "a6b745bf24a2c277527716f6f36eb68d", SdkVersion: "", SsoVersion: 21, MiscBitmap: 150470524, MainSigMap: 16724722, SubSigMap: 66560, DumpTime: 1697015435, Qua: "V1_AND_SQ_8.9.90_4938_YYB_D", ProtocolType: AndroidPhone, }, }, }
var HelpMasterInfoDefault = "骰主很神秘,什么都没有说——"
var HelpMasterLicenseDefault = "请在遵守以下规则前提下使用:\n" +
"1. 遵守国家法律法规\n" +
"2. 在跑团相关群进行使用\n" +
"3. 不要随意踢出、禁言、刷屏\n" +
"4. 务必信任骰主,有事留言\n" +
"如不同意使用.bot bye使其退群,谢谢。\n" +
var IconPNG = []byte{} /* 10712 elements not displayed */
var ManiaListText = `` /* 6811-byte string literal not displayed */
var (
// OfficialModPublicKey 官方 Mod 公钥
OfficialModPublicKey = ``
var SVGIcon = []byte(`<svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#bdccd4;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}</style></defs><title>icon-s</title><rect class="cls-1" x="6.36" y="7.14" width="498.86" height="498.86" rx="12"/><polygon class="cls-2" points="130.65 58.2 31.9 269.01 183.55 462.82 365.95 427.73 480.24 237.52 336.41 52 130.65 58.2"/><path d="M488.44,230.71,346.28,44.41h0a10.57,10.57,0,0,0-8.87-4.18L133.26,48.62h0a10.61,10.61,0,0,0-9.15,6L22.06,263h0a10.57,10.57,0,0,0,1.14,11.14l150.59,194.6a10.58,10.58,0,0,0,10.53,3.95L373.17,436l1.35-.46a10.59,10.59,0,0,0,5.72-4.71L489.16,242.44a10.6,10.6,0,0,0-.72-11.73ZM186,449.75l-24.1-187.3L385.9,376ZM364.21,107.21,159.67,244,140.55,72.87ZM149.65,248.53l-102.77,12L131.65,87.9ZM392.46,367.38,165.87,252.6l207-138.45,1.2,1.54,18.83,250.94ZM358.79,95.63,178.51,67.86,333,61.44ZM47.71,271.08l103.1-12L173.2,433.22ZM364.32,416l-120,23.36,135.29-49.82Zm38.14-65.88-16.62-219L467.21,238Z"/><polygon class="cls-2" points="157.03 220.4 160.14 249.69 178.19 258.84 374.4 120.32 373.55 108.64 358.48 106.33 157.03 220.4"/><path d="M297.84,193.19h0c-11-3.95-22.25-3.44-29.35,1.3-7.73,3.69-13.91,13-16.18,24.53C249,235.69,255,250.45,266,252.61c9.44,1.87,19.48-6.76,24-20.27,8.76,1.95,17,1,22.68-2.23a15,15,0,0,0,7-7.93C323.42,211.65,313.84,198.92,297.84,193.19Z"/><path d="M221.27,164c-8.94-3.2-18.77-2.18-27.68,2.88l-.08,0a44.16,44.16,0,0,0-19.37,23.68c-7.61,21.25,1.15,43.9,19.53,50.47,8.94,3.2,18.77,2.18,27.68-2.88l.08,0A44.16,44.16,0,0,0,240.8,214.5C248.41,193.25,239.65,170.61,221.27,164Z"/><ellipse class="cls-2" cx="194.6" cy="193" rx="21.33" ry="16.31" transform="translate(-62.71 287.4) rotate(-64.91)"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="225.91" cy="185.74" r="9.96"/><path d="M310.56,113.25a44.14,44.14,0,0,0-30.26,4.47,32.67,32.67,0,0,0-16.76,22.33c-3.78,19.15,11.16,38.29,33.3,42.66a44.15,44.15,0,0,0,30.26-4.47l.08-.05c8.92-5.06,14.84-13,16.68-22.28C347.64,136.76,332.7,117.62,310.56,113.25Z"/><ellipse class="cls-2" cx="286.98" cy="140.6" rx="21.33" ry="16.31" transform="translate(37.95 340.88) rotate(-64.91)"/><circle class="cls-2" cx="320.22" cy="132.25" r="9.96"/><ellipse cx="226.67" cy="154.45" rx="6.5" ry="9.75" transform="translate(-7.12 297.91) rotate(-65.8)"/><ellipse cx="252.33" cy="140.56" rx="9.75" ry="6.5" transform="translate(83.38 374.84) rotate(-83.32)"/></svg>`)
var (
// SealTrustedClientPrivateKey 可信客户端私钥
SealTrustedClientPrivateKey = ``
var SetCocRulePrefixText = map[int]string{
0: `0`,
1: `1`,
2: `2`,
3: `3`,
4: `4`,
5: `5`,
11: `DeltaGreen`,
var SetCocRuleText = map[int]string{
0: "出1大成功\n不满50出96-100大失败,满50出100大失败(COC7规则书)",
1: "不满50出1大成功,满50出1-5大成功\n不满50出96-100大失败,满50出100大失败",
2: "出1-5且判定成功为大成功\n出96-100且判定失败为大失败",
3: "出1-5大成功\n出96-100大失败(即大成功/大失败时无视判定结果)",
4: "出1-5且≤(成功率/10)为大成功\n不满50出>=96+(成功率/10)为大失败,满50出100大失败",
5: "出1-2且≤(成功率/5)为大成功\n不满50出96-100大失败,满50出99-100大失败",
11: "出1或检定成功基础上个位十位相同为大成功\n出100或检定失败基础上个位十位相同为大失败\n此规则无困难成功或极难成功",
var SimpleCocSuccessRankToText = map[int]string{
-2: "大失败",
-1: "失败",
1: "成功",
2: "困难成功",
3: "极难成功",
4: "大成功",
Functions ¶
func Base64ToImageFunc ¶
func Base64ToImageFunc(logger *zap.SugaredLogger) func(string) (string, error)
func BuiltinQQServeProcessKill ¶
func BuiltinQQServeProcessKill(dice *Dice, conn *EndPointInfo)
func BuiltinQQServeProcessKillBase ¶
func BuiltinQQServeProcessKillBase(dice *Dice, conn *EndPointInfo, isSync bool)
func CheckDialErr ¶
func CommandCheckPrefix ¶
func CommandCheckPrefixNew ¶
CommandCheckPrefixNew for new command parser ExecuteNew func, 干掉了 AtParse 和 Platform 参数
func CompatibleReplace ¶
func CompatibleReplace(ctx *MsgContext, s string) string
func CrossMsgBySearch ¶
CrossMsgBySearch 在 se 中找到第一个平台等于 p 且启用的 EndPointInfo, 并向目标 t 发送消息, pr 判断是否为私聊消息
func CustomReplyConfigDelete ¶
func DeckDelete ¶
func DeckReload ¶
func DeckReload(d *Dice)
func DeckToRandomPool ¶
func DeckTryParse ¶
func DiceDCRoll ¶
func DiceFormat ¶
func DiceFormat(ctx *MsgContext, s string) string
func DiceFormatTmpl ¶
func DiceFormatTmpl(ctx *MsgContext, s string) string
func DiceRoll64 ¶
func DiceWodRoll ¶
func ErrorLogAndContinue ¶
func ErrorLogAndContinue(d *Dice)
func ExtractDingTalkGroupID ¶
func ExtractDingTalkUserID ¶
func ExtractDiscordChannelID ¶
func ExtractDiscordUserID ¶
func ExtractDodoGroupID ¶
func ExtractDodoUserID ¶
func ExtractKookChannelID ¶
func ExtractKookGuildID ¶
func ExtractKookUserID ¶
func ExtractMCUserID ¶
func ExtractSealChatUserID ¶
func ExtractSlackChannelID ¶
func ExtractSlackUserID ¶
func ExtractTelegramGroupID ¶
func ExtractTelegramUserID ¶
func FilenameReplace ¶
func FormatDiceID ¶
func FormatDiceID(ctx *MsgContext, id interface{}, isGroup bool) string
func FormatDiceIDDingTalk ¶
func FormatDiceIDDiscord ¶
func FormatDiceIDDodo ¶
func FormatDiceIDDodoGroup ¶
func FormatDiceIDKook ¶
func FormatDiceIDKookChannel ¶
func FormatDiceIDKookGuild ¶
func FormatDiceIDMC ¶
func FormatDiceIDQQ ¶
func FormatDiceIDQQCh ¶
func FormatDiceIDQQChGroup ¶
func FormatDiceIDQQGroup ¶
func FormatDiceIDQQGroupV12 ¶
FormatDiceIDQQGroupV12 QQ-Group:122
func FormatDiceIDSealChat ¶
func FormatDiceIDSlack ¶
func FormatDiceIDSlackGuild ¶
func FormatDiceIDTelegram ¶
func GenerateConfig ¶
func GenerateConfig(qq int64, port int, info GoCqhttpLoginInfo) string
func GenerateLagrangeConfig ¶
func GenerateLagrangeConfig(port int, info *EndPointInfo) string
func GenerateVerificationCode ¶
func GenerateVerificationCode(platform string, userID string, username string, useBase64 bool) string
GenerateVerificationCode 生成海豹校验码
func GetExtensionDesc ¶
func GetPlayerInfoBySender ¶
func GetPlayerInfoBySender(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message) (*GroupInfo, *GroupPlayerInfo)
GetPlayerInfoBySender 获取玩家群内信息,没有就创建
func GetRandomFreePort ¶
func GetResultText ¶
func GetResultText(ctx *MsgContext, successRank int, userShortVersion bool) string
func GetResultTextWithRequire ¶
func GetResultTextWithRequire(ctx *MsgContext, successRank int, difficultyRequire int, userShortVersion bool) string
func GoCqhttpServe ¶
func GoCqhttpServe(dice *Dice, conn *EndPointInfo, loginInfo GoCqhttpLoginInfo)
func GoCqhttpServeRemoveSessionToken ¶
func GoCqhttpServeRemoveSessionToken(dice *Dice, conn *EndPointInfo)
func IsCurGroupBotOnByID ¶
func IsCurGroupBotOnByID(session *IMSession, ep *EndPointInfo, messageType string, groupID string) bool
func JSONNumberUnmarshal ¶
func JsDelete ¶
func JsDelete(_ *Dice, jsInfo *JsScriptInfo)
func LagrangeServe ¶
func LagrangeServe(dice *Dice, conn *EndPointInfo, loginInfo GoCqhttpLoginInfo)
func LagrangeServeRemoveSession ¶
func LagrangeServeRemoveSession(dice *Dice, conn *EndPointInfo)
func LockFreeMapToMap ¶
func LogAppend ¶
func LogAppend(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, logName string, logItem *model.LogOneItem) bool
func LogDeleteByID ¶
func LogDeleteByID(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, logName string, messageID interface{}) bool
func LogEditByID ¶
func LogEditByID(ctx *MsgContext, groupID, logName, content string, messageID interface{}) bool
LogEditByID finds the log item under logName with messageID and replace it with content. If the log item cannot be found or an error happens, it returns false.
func LogRollBriefByPC ¶
func LogRollBriefByPC(ctx *MsgContext, items []*model.LogOneItem, showAll bool, name string) string
LogRollBriefByPC 根据log生成骰点简报
func LogRollBriefDetail ¶
func LogRollBriefDetail(items []*model.LogOneItem) []string
LogRollBriefDetail 根据log生成骰点简报
func LogSendToBackend ¶
func MemberKick ¶
func MemberKick(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, userID string)
func MessageSegmentToText ¶
func MessageSegmentToText(ms []MessageSegment) string
func OneBot11CqMessageToArrayMessage ¶
func OneBot11CqMessageToArrayMessage(longText string) []interface{}
func Pretty ¶
func Pretty(pretty bool) func(*DiceRollParser) error
func RandString ¶
func ReadCardType ¶
func ReadCardType(mctx *MsgContext) string
func ReadCardTypeEx ¶
func ReadCardTypeEx(mctx *MsgContext, curType string) string
func RegisterBuiltinExtCoc7 ¶
func RegisterBuiltinExtCoc7(self *Dice)
func RegisterBuiltinExtDeck ¶
func RegisterBuiltinExtDeck(d *Dice)
func RegisterBuiltinExtDnd5e ¶
func RegisterBuiltinExtDnd5e(self *Dice)
func RegisterBuiltinExtExp ¶
func RegisterBuiltinExtExp(_ *Dice)
func RegisterBuiltinExtFun ¶
func RegisterBuiltinExtFun(self *Dice)
func RegisterBuiltinExtLog ¶
func RegisterBuiltinExtLog(self *Dice)
func RegisterBuiltinExtReply ¶
func RegisterBuiltinExtReply(dice *Dice)
func RegisterBuiltinExtTemple ¶
func RegisterBuiltinExtTemple(dice *Dice)
func RegisterBuiltinStory ¶
func RegisterBuiltinStory(self *Dice)
func RemoveSpace ¶
func ReplyGroup ¶
func ReplyGroup(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, text string)
func ReplyGroupRaw ¶
func ReplyGroupRaw(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, text string, flag string)
func ReplyPerson ¶
func ReplyPerson(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, text string)
func ReplyPersonRaw ¶
func ReplyPersonRaw(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, text string, flag string)
func ReplyReload ¶
func ReplyReload(dice *Dice)
func ReplyToSender ¶
func ReplyToSender(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, text string)
func ReplyToSenderNoCheck ¶
func ReplyToSenderNoCheck(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, text string)
func ReplyToSenderRaw ¶
func ReplyToSenderRaw(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, text string, flag string)
func ResultCheck ¶
func ResultCheckBase ¶
func ResultCheckBase(cocRule int, d100 int64, attrValue int64, difficultyRequired int) (successRank int, criticalSuccessValue int64)
大失败:骰出 100。若成功需要的值低于 50,大于等于 96 的结果都是大失败 -> -2 失败:骰出大于角色技能或属性值(但不是大失败) -> -1 常规成功:骰出小于等于角色技能或属性值 -> 1 困难成功:骰出小于等于角色技能或属性值的一半 -> 2 极难成功:骰出小于等于角色技能或属性值的五分之一 -> 3 大成功:骰出1 -> 4
func SendFileToGroupRaw ¶
func SendFileToGroupRaw(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, path string, flag string)
func SendFileToPersonRaw ¶
func SendFileToPersonRaw(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, path string, flag string)
func SendFileToSenderRaw ¶
func SendFileToSenderRaw(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, path string, flag string)
func ServeDingTalk ¶
func ServeDingTalk(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
func ServeDiscord ¶
func ServeDiscord(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
ServeDiscord gocqhttp_helper 中有一个相同的待重构方法,为了避免阻碍重构,先不写在一起了
func ServeDodo ¶
func ServeDodo(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
func ServeKook ¶
func ServeKook(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
func ServeMinecraft ¶
func ServeMinecraft(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
func ServeQQ ¶
func ServeQQ(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
func ServeRed ¶
func ServeRed(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
func ServeSatori ¶
func ServeSatori(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
func ServeSealChat ¶
func ServeSealChat(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
func ServeSlack ¶
func ServeSlack(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
func ServeTelegram ¶
func ServeTelegram(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
func ServerOfficialQQ ¶
func ServerOfficialQQ(d *Dice, ep *EndPointInfo)
func SetBotOffAtGroup ¶
func SetBotOffAtGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string)
func SetCardType ¶
func SetCardType(mctx *MsgContext, curType string)
func SetPlayerGroupCardByTemplate ¶
func SetPlayerGroupCardByTemplate(ctx *MsgContext, tmpl string) (string, error)
func SetTempVars ¶
func SetTempVars(ctx *MsgContext, qqNickname string)
func SetupTextHelpInfo ¶
func SetupTextHelpInfo(d *Dice, helpInfo TextTemplateWithHelpDict, texts TextTemplateWithWeightDict, fn string)
func Size ¶
func Size(size int) func(*DiceRollParser) error
func TryGetBackendURL ¶
func TryGetBackendURL()
func UserIDExtract ¶
func VarDelValue ¶
func VarDelValue(ctx *MsgContext, s string)
func VarGetValueInt64 ¶
func VarGetValueInt64(ctx *MsgContext, s string) (int64, bool)
func VarGetValueStr ¶
func VarGetValueStr(ctx *MsgContext, s string) (string, bool)
func VarSetValue ¶
func VarSetValue(ctx *MsgContext, s string, v *VMValue)
func VarSetValueDNDComputed ¶
func VarSetValueDNDComputed(ctx *MsgContext, s string, val int64, expr string)
func VarSetValueInt64 ¶
func VarSetValueInt64(ctx *MsgContext, s string, v int64)
func VarSetValueStr ¶
func VarSetValueStr(ctx *MsgContext, s string, v string)
func WalleQServe ¶
func WalleQServe(dice *Dice, conn *EndPointInfo, password string, protocol int, isAsyncRun bool)
func WalleQServeProcessKill ¶
func WalleQServeProcessKill(dice *Dice, conn *EndPointInfo)
func WalleQServeRemoveSessionToken ¶
func WalleQServeRemoveSessionToken(dice *Dice, conn *EndPointInfo)
Types ¶
type AddDiscordEcho ¶
type AdvancedConfig ¶
type AdvancedConfig struct { Show bool `json:"show" yaml:"show"` // 显示高级设置页 Enable bool `json:"enable" yaml:"enable"` // 启用高级设置 StoryLogBackendUrl string `json:"storyLogBackendUrl" yaml:"storyLogBackendUrl"` // 自定义后端地址 StoryLogApiVersion string `json:"storyLogApiVersion" yaml:"storyLogApiVersion"` // 后端 api 版本 StoryLogBackendToken string `json:"storyLogBackendToken" yaml:"storyLogBackendToken"` // 自定义后端 token }
type AtInfo ¶
type AtInfo struct {
UserID string `json:"userId" jsbind:"userId"`
func (*AtInfo) CopyCtx ¶
func (i *AtInfo) CopyCtx(ctx *MsgContext) (*MsgContext, bool)
type AttrConfig ¶
type AttrConfig struct { Display string `yaml:"display" json:"display"` // 展示形式,即st show时格式,默认为顺序展示 Top []string `yaml:"top,flow" json:"top,flow"` //nolint SortBy string `yaml:"sortBy" json:"sortBy"` // time | Name | value desc Ignores []string `yaml:"ignores" json:"ignores"` // 这里面的属性将不被显示 ShowAs map[string]string `yaml:"showAs" json:"showAs"` // 展示形式,即st show时格式 Setter map[string]string `yaml:"setter" json:"setter"` // st写入时执行这个,未实装 ItemsPerLine int `yaml:"itemsPerLine" json:"itemsPerLine"` // 每行显示几个属性,默认4 }
type AttributeConfigs ¶
type AttributeConfigs struct { Alias map[string][]string `yaml:"alias"` Order AttributeOrder `yaml:"order"` }
type AttributeOrder ¶
type AttributeOrder struct { Top []string `yaml:"top,flow"` Others AttributeOrderOthers `yaml:"others"` }
type AttributeOrderOthers ¶
type AttributeOrderOthers struct {
SortBy string `yaml:"sortBy"` // time | Name | value desc
type BackupCleanStrategy ¶
type BackupCleanStrategy int
const ( BackupCleanStrategyDisabled BackupCleanStrategy = iota BackupCleanStrategyByCount BackupCleanStrategyByTime )
type BackupCleanTrigger ¶
type BackupCleanTrigger int
const ( // BackupCleanTriggerCron 通过独立定时任务触发 BackupCleanTriggerCron BackupCleanTrigger = 1 << iota // BackupCleanTriggerRotate 通过自动备份触发 BackupCleanTriggerRotate )
type BackupSelection ¶
type BackupSelection uint64
const ( BackupSelectionJS BackupSelection = 1 << iota BackupSelectionDecks BackupSelectionHelpDoc BackupSelectionCensor BackupSelectionNames BackupSelectionImages BackupSelectionBasic BackupSelection = 0 BackupSelectionResources BackupSelection = BackupSelectionImages BackupSelectionAll BackupSelection = BackupSelectionBasic | BackupSelectionJS | BackupSelectionDecks | BackupSelectionHelpDoc | BackupSelectionCensor | BackupSelectionNames | BackupSelectionResources )
type BanListInfo ¶
type BanListInfo struct { Parent *Dice `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Map *SyncMap[string, *BanListInfoItem] `yaml:"-" json:"-"` BanBehaviorRefuseReply bool `yaml:"banBehaviorRefuseReply" json:"banBehaviorRefuseReply"` // 拉黑行为: 拒绝回复 BanBehaviorRefuseInvite bool `yaml:"banBehaviorRefuseInvite" json:"banBehaviorRefuseInvite"` // 拉黑行为: 拒绝邀请 BanBehaviorQuitLastPlace bool `yaml:"banBehaviorQuitLastPlace" json:"banBehaviorQuitLastPlace"` // 拉黑行为: 退出事发群 BanBehaviorQuitPlaceImmediately bool `yaml:"banBehaviorQuitPlaceImmediately" json:"banBehaviorQuitPlaceImmediately"` // 拉黑行为: 使用时立即退出群 BanBehaviorQuitIfAdmin bool `yaml:"banBehaviorQuitIfAdmin" json:"banBehaviorQuitIfAdmin"` // 拉黑行为: 邀请者以上权限使用时立即退群,否则发出警告信息 ThresholdWarn int64 `yaml:"thresholdWarn" json:"thresholdWarn"` // 警告阈值 ThresholdBan int64 `yaml:"thresholdBan" json:"thresholdBan"` // 错误阈值 AutoBanMinutes int64 `yaml:"autoBanMinutes" json:"autoBanMinutes"` // 自动禁止时长 ScoreReducePerMinute int64 `yaml:"scoreReducePerMinute" json:"scoreReducePerMinute"` // 每分钟下降 ScoreGroupMuted int64 `yaml:"scoreGroupMuted" json:"scoreGroupMuted"` // 群组禁言 ScoreGroupKicked int64 `yaml:"scoreGroupKicked" json:"scoreGroupKicked"` // 群组踢出 ScoreTooManyCommand int64 `yaml:"scoreTooManyCommand" json:"scoreTooManyCommand"` // 刷指令 JointScorePercentOfGroup float64 `yaml:"jointScorePercentOfGroup" json:"jointScorePercentOfGroup"` // 群组连带责任 JointScorePercentOfInviter float64 `yaml:"jointScorePercentOfInviter" json:"jointScorePercentOfInviter"` // 邀请人连带责任 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*BanListInfo) AddScoreBase ¶
func (i *BanListInfo) AddScoreBase(uid string, score int64, place string, reason string, ctx *MsgContext) *BanListInfoItem
AddScoreBase 这一份ctx有endpoint就行
func (*BanListInfo) AddScoreByCensor ¶
func (i *BanListInfo) AddScoreByCensor(uid string, score int64, place string, level string, ctx *MsgContext)
AddScoreByCensor 敏感词审查
func (*BanListInfo) AddScoreByCommandSpam ¶
func (i *BanListInfo) AddScoreByCommandSpam(uid string, place string, ctx *MsgContext)
AddScoreByCommandSpam 指令刷屏
func (*BanListInfo) AddScoreByGroupKicked ¶
func (i *BanListInfo) AddScoreByGroupKicked(uid string, place string, ctx *MsgContext)
AddScoreByGroupKicked 群组踢出
func (*BanListInfo) AddScoreByGroupMuted ¶
func (i *BanListInfo) AddScoreByGroupMuted(uid string, place string, ctx *MsgContext)
AddScoreByGroupMuted 群组禁言
func (*BanListInfo) AfterLoads ¶
func (i *BanListInfo) AfterLoads()
func (*BanListInfo) DeleteByID ¶
func (i *BanListInfo) DeleteByID(d *Dice, id string)
func (*BanListInfo) GetByID ¶
func (i *BanListInfo) GetByID(uid string) (*BanListInfoItem, bool)
func (*BanListInfo) Init ¶
func (i *BanListInfo) Init()
func (*BanListInfo) Loads ¶
func (i *BanListInfo) Loads()
func (*BanListInfo) NoticeCheck ¶
func (i *BanListInfo) NoticeCheck(uid string, place string, oldRank BanRankType, ctx *MsgContext) BanRankType
func (*BanListInfo) NoticeCheckPrepare ¶
func (i *BanListInfo) NoticeCheckPrepare(uid string) BanRankType
func (*BanListInfo) SaveChanged ¶
func (i *BanListInfo) SaveChanged(d *Dice)
func (*BanListInfo) SetTrustByID ¶
func (i *BanListInfo) SetTrustByID(uid string, place string, reason string)
type BanListInfoItem ¶
type BanListInfoItem struct { ID string `json:"ID" jsbind:"id"` Name string `json:"name" jsbind:"name"` Score int64 `json:"score" jsbind:"score"` // 怒气值 Rank BanRankType `json:"rank" jsbind:"rank"` // 0 没事 -10警告 -30禁止 30信任 Times []int64 `json:"times" jsbind:"times"` // 事发时间 Reasons []string `json:"reasons" jsbind:"reasons"` // 拉黑原因 Places []string `json:"places" jsbind:"places"` // 发生地点 BanTime int64 `json:"banTime" jsbind:"banTime"` // 上黑名单时间 BanUpdatedAt int64 `json:"-"` // 排序依据,不过可能和bantime重复? UpdatedAt int64 `json:"-"` // 数据更新时间 }
type BanRankType ¶
type BanRankType int
const ( BanRankBanned BanRankType = -30 BanRankWarn BanRankType = -10 BanRankNormal BanRankType = 0 BanRankTrusted BanRankType = 30 )
type ByRIListValue ¶
type ByRIListValue []*RIListItem
func (ByRIListValue) Len ¶
func (lst ByRIListValue) Len() int
func (ByRIListValue) Less ¶
func (lst ByRIListValue) Less(i, j int) bool
func (ByRIListValue) Swap ¶
func (lst ByRIListValue) Swap(i, j int)
type ByteCode ¶
func (*ByteCode) CodeString ¶
type CardMessage ¶
type CardMessageModuleFile ¶
type CardMessageModuleImage ¶
type CardMessageModuleText ¶
type CensorHandler ¶
type CensorHandler int
const ( // SendWarning 发送警告 SendWarning CensorHandler = iota // SendNotice 向通知列表/邮件发送通知 SendNotice // BanUser 拉黑用户 BanUser // BanGroup 拉黑群 BanGroup // BanInviter 拉黑邀请人 BanInviter // AddScore 增加怒气值 AddScore )
type CensorManager ¶
type CensorManager struct { IsLoading bool Parent *Dice Censor *censor.Censor DB *sqlx.DB SensitiveWordsFiles map[string]*censor.WordFile }
func (*CensorManager) Check ¶
func (cm *CensorManager) Check(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, checkContent string) (*MsgCheckResult, error)
func (*CensorManager) DeleteCensorWordFiles ¶
func (cm *CensorManager) DeleteCensorWordFiles(keys []string)
type CensorMode ¶
type CensorMode int
const ( OnlyOutputReply CensorMode = iota OnlyInputCommand AllInput )
type CloudDeckItemInfo ¶
type CmdArgs ¶
type CmdArgs struct { Command string `json:"command" jsbind:"command"` Args []string `json:"args" jsbind:"args"` Kwargs []*Kwarg `json:"kwargs" jsbind:"kwargs"` At []*AtInfo `json:"atInfo" jsbind:"at"` RawArgs string `json:"rawArgs" jsbind:"rawArgs"` AmIBeMentioned bool `json:"amIBeMentioned" jsbind:"amIBeMentioned"` AmIBeMentionedFirst bool `json:"amIBeMentionedFirst" jsbind:"amIBeMentionedFirst"` // 同上,但要求是第一个被@的 SomeoneBeMentionedButNotMe bool `json:"someoneBeMentionedButNotMe"` IsSpaceBeforeArgs bool `json:"isSpaceBeforeArgs"` // 命令前面是否有空格,用于区分rd20和rd 20 CleanArgs string `jsbind:"cleanArgs"` // 一种格式化后的参数,也就是中间所有分隔符都用一个空格替代 SpecialExecuteTimes int `jsbind:"specialExecuteTimes"` // 特殊的执行次数,对应 3# 这种 RawText string `jsbind:"rawText"` // 原始命令 MentionedOtherDice bool // 似乎没有在用 CleanArgsChopRest string // 未来可能移除 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CommandParse ¶
func CommandParseNew ¶
func CommandParseNew(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message) *CmdArgs
func (*CmdArgs) ChopPrefixToArgsWith ¶
func (*CmdArgs) GetRestArgsFrom ¶
func (*CmdArgs) IsArgEqual ¶
* 检查第N项参数是否为某个字符串,n从1开始,若没有第n项参数也视为失败
func (*CmdArgs) RevokeExecuteTimesParse ¶
func (cmdArgs *CmdArgs) RevokeExecuteTimesParse()
func (*CmdArgs) SetupAtInfo ¶
type CmdExecuteResult ¶
type CmdItemInfo ¶
type CmdItemInfo struct { Name string `jsbind:"name"` ShortHelp string // 短帮助,格式是 .xxx a b // 说明 Help string `jsbind:"help"` // 长帮助,带换行的较详细说明 HelpFunc func(isShort bool) string `jsbind:"helpFunc"` // 函数形式帮助,存在时优先于其他 AllowDelegate bool `jsbind:"allowDelegate"` // 允许代骰 DisabledInPrivate bool `jsbind:"disabledInPrivate"` // 私聊不可用 EnableExecuteTimesParse bool `jsbind:"enableExecuteTimesParse"` // 启用执行次数解析,也就是解析3#这样的文本 IsJsSolveFunc bool Solve func(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, cmdArgs *CmdArgs) CmdExecuteResult `jsbind:"solve"` Raw bool `jsbind:"raw"` // 高级模式。默认模式下行为是:需要在当前群/私聊开启,或@自己时生效(需要为第一个@目标) CheckCurrentBotOn bool `jsbind:"checkCurrentBotOn"` // 是否检查当前可用状况,包括群内可用和是私聊两种方式,如失败不进入solve CheckMentionOthers bool `jsbind:"checkMentionOthers"` // 是否检查@了别的骰子,如失败不进入solve }
type CmdMapCls ¶
type CmdMapCls map[string]*CmdItemInfo
type CnmodsDetailInfo ¶
type CnmodsDetailInfo struct { Code int `json:"code"` Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` Data struct { Module struct { KeyID int `json:"keyId"` CreateTime string `json:"createTime"` Sort int `json:"sort"` Title string `json:"title"` ReleaseDate string `json:"releaseDate"` ModuleType string `json:"moduleType"` ModuleVersion string `json:"moduleVersion"` ModuleAge string `json:"moduleAge"` FreeLevel string `json:"freeLevel"` OccurrencePlace string `json:"occurrencePlace"` Structure string `json:"structure"` MinDuration int `json:"minDuration"` MaxDuration int `json:"maxDuration"` MinAmount int `json:"minAmount"` MaxAmount int `json:"maxAmount"` Article string `json:"article"` URL string `json:"url"` Email string `json:"email"` Command bool `json:"command"` Opinion string `json:"opinion"` Original bool `json:"original"` Qq string `json:"qq"` CustomerID int `json:"customerId"` OpenComment bool `json:"openComment"` Open bool `json:"open"` } `json:"module"` ModuleToLabelList []interface{} `json:"moduleToLabelList"` RelatedModuleList []interface{} `json:"relatedModuleList"` RecommendList []struct { KeyID int `json:"keyId"` CreateTime string `json:"createTime"` Sort int `json:"sort"` Content string `json:"content"` LoginUser struct { KeyID int `json:"keyId"` CreateTime string `json:"createTime"` Sort int `json:"sort"` LoginID string `json:"loginId"` Password string `json:"password"` NickName string `json:"nickName"` } `json:"loginUser"` Module struct { KeyID int `json:"keyId"` CreateTime string `json:"createTime"` Sort int `json:"sort"` Title string `json:"title"` ReleaseDate string `json:"releaseDate"` ModuleType string `json:"moduleType"` ModuleVersion string `json:"moduleVersion"` ModuleAge string `json:"moduleAge"` FreeLevel string `json:"freeLevel"` OccurrencePlace string `json:"occurrencePlace"` Structure string `json:"structure"` MinDuration int `json:"minDuration"` MaxDuration int `json:"maxDuration"` MinAmount int `json:"minAmount"` MaxAmount int `json:"maxAmount"` Article string `json:"article"` URL string `json:"url"` Email string `json:"email"` Command bool `json:"command"` Opinion string `json:"opinion"` Original bool `json:"original"` Qq string `json:"qq"` CustomerID int `json:"customerId"` OpenComment bool `json:"openComment"` Open bool `json:"open"` } `json:"module"` } `json:"recommendList"` Collect bool `json:"collect"` HeadPic string `json:"headPic"` } `json:"data"` }
func CnmodsDetail ¶
func CnmodsDetail(keyID string) *CnmodsDetailInfo
type CnmodsSearchResult ¶
type CnmodsSearchResult struct { Code int `json:"code"` Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` Data struct { List []struct { Qq string `json:"qq"` MinAmount int `json:"minAmount"` MinDuration int `json:"minDuration"` Original bool `json:"original"` ModuleType string `json:"moduleType"` ReleaseDate string `json:"releaseDate"` KeyID int `json:"keyId"` Sort int `json:"sort"` Title string `json:"title"` Structure string `json:"structure"` Article string `json:"article"` URL string `json:"url"` ModuleAge string `json:"moduleAge"` FreeLevel string `json:"freeLevel"` Opinion string `json:"opinion"` UpdateLastWeek bool `json:"updateLastWeek"` ModuleVersion string `json:"moduleVersion"` OccurrencePlace string `json:"occurrencePlace"` MaxAmount int `json:"maxAmount"` MaxDuration int `json:"maxDuration"` Email string `json:"email"` } `json:"list"` TotalElements int `json:"totalElements"` TotalPages int `json:"totalPages"` } `json:"data"` }
func CnmodsSearch ¶
type CocRuleCheckRet ¶
type CocRuleInfo ¶
type CocRuleInfo struct { Index int `jsbind:"index"` // 序号 Key string `jsbind:"key"` // .setcoc key Name string `jsbind:"name"` // 已切换至规则 Name: Desc Desc string `jsbind:"desc"` // 规则描述 Check func(ctx *MsgContext, d100 int64, checkValue int64, difficultyRequired int) CocRuleCheckRet `jsbind:"check"` }
type ComputedData ¶
type ConfigItem ¶
type ConfigItem struct { Key string `json:"key" jsbind:"key"` Type string `json:"type" jsbind:"type"` DefaultValue interface{} `json:"defaultValue" jsbind:"defaultValue"` Value interface{} `json:"value,omitempty" jsbind:"value"` Option interface{} `json:"option,omitempty" jsbind:"option"` Deprecated bool `json:"deprecated,omitempty" jsbind:"deprecated"` Description string `json:"description" jsbind:"description"` }
ConfigItem 供插件使用的配置项
type ConfigManager ¶
type ConfigManager struct { Plugins map[string]*PluginConfig // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewConfigManager ¶
func NewConfigManager(filename string) *ConfigManager
func (*ConfigManager) Load ¶
func (cm *ConfigManager) Load() error
func (*ConfigManager) NewConfigItem ¶
func (cm *ConfigManager) NewConfigItem(key string, defaultValue interface{}, description string) *ConfigItem
func (*ConfigManager) RegisterPluginConfig ¶
func (cm *ConfigManager) RegisterPluginConfig(pluginName string, configItems ...*ConfigItem)
func (*ConfigManager) ResetConfigToDefault ¶
func (cm *ConfigManager) ResetConfigToDefault(pluginName, key string)
func (*ConfigManager) SetConfig ¶
func (cm *ConfigManager) SetConfig(pluginName, key string, value interface{})
func (*ConfigManager) UnregisterConfig ¶
func (cm *ConfigManager) UnregisterConfig(pluginName string, keys ...string)
type ConsoleWriterShutUp ¶
type ConsoleWriterShutUp struct {
ConsoleWriterShutUp Kook go的作者要求必须使用他们自己的logger用于构造Intent Session,并且该logger不可缺省,因此这里重新实现一个不干活的logger以保证控制台log的干净整洁
func (*ConsoleWriterShutUp) Close ¶
func (c *ConsoleWriterShutUp) Close() (err error)
func (*ConsoleWriterShutUp) WriteEntry ¶
func (c *ConsoleWriterShutUp) WriteEntry(_ *log.Entry) (int, error)
type DeckCommandListItem ¶
type DeckCommandListItem struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type DeckCommandListItems ¶
type DeckCommandListItems []*DeckCommandListItem
func (DeckCommandListItems) Len ¶
func (e DeckCommandListItems) Len() int
func (DeckCommandListItems) String ¶
func (e DeckCommandListItems) String(i int) string
type DeckDiceEFormat ¶
type DeckDiceEFormat struct { Title []string `json:"_title"` Author []string `json:"_author"` Date []string `json:"_date"` UpdateDate []string `json:"_updateDate"` Brief []string `json:"_brief"` Version []string `json:"_version"` License []string `json:"_license"` // 更新支持字段 UpdateUrls []string `json:"_updateUrls"` Etag []string `json:"_etag"` }
type DeckInfo ¶
type DeckInfo struct { Enable bool `json:"enable" yaml:"enable"` ErrText string `json:"errText" yaml:"errText"` Filename string `json:"filename" yaml:"filename"` Format string `json:"format" yaml:"format"` // 几种:“SinaNya” ”Dice!“ "Seal" FormatVersion int64 `json:"formatVersion" yaml:"formatVersion"` // 格式版本,默认都是1 FileFormat string `json:"fileFormat" yaml:"-" ` // json / yaml / toml / jsonc Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"` Version string `json:"version" yaml:"-"` Author string `json:"author" yaml:"-"` License string `json:"license" yaml:"-"` // 许可协议,如cc-by-nc等 Command map[string]bool `json:"command" yaml:"-"` // 牌堆命令名 DeckItems map[string][]string `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Date string `json:"date" yaml:"-" ` UpdateDate string `json:"updateDate" yaml:"-" ` Desc string `yaml:"-" json:"desc"` Info []string `yaml:"-" json:"-"` RawData *map[string][]string `yaml:"-" json:"-"` UpdateUrls []string `yaml:"updateUrls" json:"updateUrls"` Etag string `yaml:"etag" json:"etag"` Cloud bool `yaml:"cloud" json:"cloud"` // 含有云端内容 CloudDeckItemInfos map[string]*CloudDeckItemInfo `yaml:"-" json:"-"` }
type DeckSealFormat ¶
type DeckSinaNyaFormat ¶
type DeckSinaNyaFormat struct { Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"` Author string `json:"author" yaml:"author"` Version int `json:"version" yaml:"version"` Command string `json:"command" yaml:"command"` License string `json:"license" yaml:"license"` Desc string `json:"desc" yaml:"desc"` Info []string `json:"info" yaml:"info"` Default []string `json:"default" yaml:"default"` // 更新支持字段 UpdateUrls []string `json:"update_urls"` Etag string `json:"etag"` }
type Dice ¶
type Dice struct { ImSession *IMSession `yaml:"imSession" jsbind:"imSession"` CmdMap CmdMapCls `yaml:"-" json:"-"` ExtList []*ExtInfo `yaml:"-"` RollParser *DiceRollParser `yaml:"-"` CommandCompatibleMode bool `yaml:"commandCompatibleMode"` LastSavedTime *time.Time `yaml:"lastSavedTime"` LastUpdatedTime int64 `yaml:"-"` TextMap map[string]*wr.Chooser `yaml:"-"` BaseConfig DiceConfig `yaml:"-"` DBData *sqlx.DB `yaml:"-"` // 数据库对象 DBLogs *sqlx.DB `yaml:"-"` // 数据库对象 Logger *zap.SugaredLogger `yaml:"-"` // 日志 LogWriter *logger.WriterX `yaml:"-"` // 用于api的log对象 IsDeckLoading bool `yaml:"-"` // 正在加载中 DeckList []*DeckInfo `yaml:"deckList" jsbind:"deckList"` // 牌堆信息 CommandPrefix []string `yaml:"commandPrefix" jsbind:"commandPrefix"` // 指令前导 DiceMasters []string `yaml:"diceMasters" jsbind:"diceMasters"` // 骰主设置,需要格式: 平台:帐号 NoticeIDs []string `yaml:"noticeIds"` // 通知ID OnlyLogCommandInGroup bool `yaml:"onlyLogCommandInGroup"` // 日志中仅记录命令 OnlyLogCommandInPrivate bool `yaml:"onlyLogCommandInPrivate"` // 日志中仅记录命令 VersionCode int `json:"versionCode"` // 版本ID(配置文件) MessageDelayRangeStart float64 `yaml:"messageDelayRangeStart"` // 指令延迟区间 MessageDelayRangeEnd float64 `yaml:"messageDelayRangeEnd"` WorkInQQChannel bool `yaml:"workInQQChannel"` QQChannelAutoOn bool `yaml:"QQChannelAutoOn"` // QQ频道中自动开启(默认不开) QQChannelLogMessage bool `yaml:"QQChannelLogMessage"` // QQ频道中记录消息(默认不开) QQEnablePoke bool `yaml:"QQEnablePoke"` // 启用戳一戳 TextCmdTrustOnly bool `yaml:"textCmdTrustOnly"` // 只允许信任用户或master使用text指令 IgnoreUnaddressedBotCmd bool `yaml:"ignoreUnaddressedBotCmd"` // 不响应群聊裸bot指令 UILogLimit int64 `yaml:"UILogLimit"` FriendAddComment string `yaml:"friendAddComment"` // 加好友验证信息 MasterUnlockCode string `yaml:"-"` // 解锁码,每20分钟变化一次,使用后立即变化 MasterUnlockCodeTime int64 `yaml:"-"` CustomReplyConfigEnable bool `yaml:"customReplyConfigEnable"` CustomReplyConfig []*ReplyConfig `yaml:"-"` RefuseGroupInvite bool `yaml:"refuseGroupInvite"` // 拒绝加入新群 UpgradeWindowID string `yaml:"upgradeWindowId"` // 执行升级指令的窗口 UpgradeEndpointID string `yaml:"upgradeEndpointId"` // 执行升级指令的端点 BotExtFreeSwitch bool `yaml:"botExtFreeSwitch"` // 允许任意人员开关: 否则邀请者、群主、管理员、master有权限 TrustOnlyMode bool `yaml:"trustOnlyMode"` // 只有信任的用户/master可以拉群和使用 AliveNoticeEnable bool `yaml:"aliveNoticeEnable"` // 定时通知 AliveNoticeValue string `yaml:"aliveNoticeValue"` // 定时通知间隔 ReplyDebugMode bool `yaml:"replyDebugMode"` // 回复调试 PlayerNameWrapEnable bool `yaml:"playerNameWrapEnable"` // 启用玩家名称外框 RateLimitEnabled bool `yaml:"rateLimitEnabled"` // 启用频率限制 (刷屏限制) PersonalReplenishRateStr string `yaml:"personalReplenishRate"` // 个人刷屏警告速率,字符串格式 PersonalReplenishRate rate.Limit `yaml:"-"` // 个人刷屏警告速率 GroupReplenishRateStr string `yaml:"groupReplenishRate"` // 群组刷屏警告速率,字符串格式 GroupReplenishRate rate.Limit `yaml:"-"` // 群组刷屏警告速率 PersonalBurst int64 `yaml:"personalBurst"` // 个人自定义上限 GroupBurst int64 `yaml:"groupBurst"` // 群组自定义上限 QuitInactiveThreshold time.Duration `yaml:"quitInactiveThreshold"` // 退出不活跃群组的时间阈值 QuitInactiveBatchSize int64 `yaml:"quitInactiveBatchSize"` // 退出不活跃群组的批量大小 QuitInactiveBatchWait int64 `yaml:"quitInactiveBatchWait"` // 退出不活跃群组的批量等待时间(分) DefaultCocRuleIndex int64 `yaml:"defaultCocRuleIndex" jsbind:"defaultCocRuleIndex"` // 默认coc index MaxExecuteTime int64 `yaml:"maxExecuteTime" jsbind:"maxExecuteTime"` // 最大骰点次数 MaxCocCardGen int64 `yaml:"maxCocCardGen" jsbind:"maxCocCardGen"` // 最大coc制卡数 ExtDefaultSettings []*ExtDefaultSettingItem `yaml:"extDefaultSettings"` // 新群扩展按此顺序加载 BanList *BanListInfo `yaml:"banList"` // TextMapRaw TextTemplateWithWeightDict `yaml:"-"` TextMapHelpInfo TextTemplateWithHelpDict `yaml:"-"` ConfigManager *ConfigManager `yaml:"-"` Parent *DiceManager `yaml:"-"` CocExtraRules map[int]*CocRuleInfo `yaml:"-" json:"cocExtraRules"` Cron *cron.Cron `yaml:"-" json:"-"` AliveNoticeEntry cron.EntryID `yaml:"-" json:"-"` JsEnable bool `yaml:"jsEnable" json:"jsEnable"` DisabledJsScripts map[string]bool `yaml:"disabledJsScripts" json:"disabledJsScripts"` // 作为set JsPrinter *PrinterFunc `yaml:"-" json:"-"` JsRequire *require.RequireModule `yaml:"-" json:"-"` JsLoop *eventloop.EventLoop `yaml:"-" json:"-"` JsScriptList []*JsScriptInfo `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 内置脚本摘要表,用于判断内置脚本是否有更新 JsBuiltinDigestSet map[string]bool `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 当前在加载的脚本路径,用于关联 jsScriptInfo 和 ExtInfo JsLoadingScript *JsScriptInfo `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 游戏系统规则模板 GameSystemMap *SyncMap[string, *GameSystemTemplate] `yaml:"-" json:"-"` RunAfterLoaded []func() `yaml:"-" json:"-"` LogSizeNoticeEnable bool `yaml:"logSizeNoticeEnable"` // 开启日志数量提示 LogSizeNoticeCount int `yaml:"LogSizeNoticeCount"` // 日志数量提示阈值,默认500 IsAlreadyLoadConfig bool `yaml:"-"` // 如果在loads前崩溃,那么不写入配置,防止覆盖为空的 UIEndpoint *EndPointInfo `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // UI Endpoint MailEnable bool `json:"mailEnable" yaml:"mailEnable"` // 是否启用 MailFrom string `json:"mailFrom" yaml:"mailFrom"` // 邮箱来源 MailPassword string `json:"mailPassword" yaml:"mailPassword"` // 邮箱密钥/密码 MailSMTP string `json:"mailSmtp" yaml:"mailSmtp"` // 邮箱 smtp 地址 NewsMark string `json:"newsMark" yaml:"newsMark"` // 已读新闻的md5 EnableCensor bool `json:"enableCensor" yaml:"enableCensor"` // 启用敏感词审查 CensorManager *CensorManager `json:"-" yaml:"-"` CensorMode CensorMode `json:"censorMode" yaml:"censorMode"` CensorThresholds map[censor.Level]int `json:"censorThresholds" yaml:"censorThresholds"` // 敏感词阈值 CensorHandlers map[censor.Level]uint8 `json:"censorHandlers" yaml:"censorHandlers"` CensorScores map[censor.Level]int `json:"censorScores" yaml:"censorScores"` // 敏感词怒气值 CensorCaseSensitive bool `json:"censorCaseSensitive" yaml:"censorCaseSensitive"` // 敏感词大小写敏感 CensorMatchPinyin bool `json:"censorMatchPinyin" yaml:"censorMatchPinyin"` // 敏感词匹配拼音 CensorFilterRegexStr string `json:"censorFilterRegexStr" yaml:"censorFilterRegexStr"` // 敏感词过滤字符正则 AdvancedConfig AdvancedConfig `json:"-" yaml:"-"` ContainerMode bool `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 容器模式:禁用内置适配器,不允许使用内置Lagrange和旧的内置Gocq // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Dice) ApplyExtDefaultSettings ¶
func (d *Dice) ApplyExtDefaultSettings()
ApplyExtDefaultSettings 应用扩展默认配置
func (*Dice) CanSendMail ¶
func (*Dice) CocExtraRulesAdd ¶
func (d *Dice) CocExtraRulesAdd(ruleInfo *CocRuleInfo) bool
func (*Dice) DeckCheckUpdate ¶
func (*Dice) ExprEvalBase ¶
func (d *Dice) ExprEvalBase(buffer string, ctx *MsgContext, flags RollExtraFlags) (*VMResult, string, error)
func (*Dice) ExprTextBase ¶
func (d *Dice) ExprTextBase(buffer string, ctx *MsgContext, flags RollExtraFlags) (*VMResult, string, error)
func (*Dice) ExtAliasToName ¶
ExtAliasToName 将扩展别名转换成主用名, 如果没有找到则返回原值
func (*Dice) GameSystemTemplateAdd ¶
func (d *Dice) GameSystemTemplateAdd(tmpl *GameSystemTemplate) bool
GameSystemTemplateAdd 应用一个角色模板
func (*Dice) GenerateTextMap ¶
func (d *Dice) GenerateTextMap()
func (*Dice) GetBanList ¶
func (d *Dice) GetBanList() []*BanListInfoItem
func (*Dice) GetDiceDataPath ¶
func (*Dice) GetExtConfigFilePath ¶
func (*Dice) GetExtDataDir ¶
func (*Dice) JsCheckUpdate ¶
func (*Dice) JsExtSettingVacuum
func (*Dice) JsLoadScriptRaw ¶
func (d *Dice) JsLoadScriptRaw(jsInfo *JsScriptInfo)
func (*Dice) JsLoadScripts ¶
func (d *Dice) JsLoadScripts()
func (*Dice) JsParseMeta ¶
func (*Dice) JsShutdown ¶
func (d *Dice) JsShutdown()
func (*Dice) JsUpdate ¶
func (d *Dice) JsUpdate(jsScriptInfo *JsScriptInfo, tempFileName string) error
func (*Dice) MarkModified ¶
func (d *Dice) MarkModified()
func (*Dice) MasterRefresh ¶
func (d *Dice) MasterRefresh()
func (*Dice) MasterRemove ¶
func (*Dice) NewCensorManager ¶
func (d *Dice) NewCensorManager()
func (*Dice) NoticeForEveryEndpoint ¶
func (*Dice) RegisterBuiltinExt ¶
func (d *Dice) RegisterBuiltinExt()
func (*Dice) RegisterBuiltinSystemTemplate ¶
func (d *Dice) RegisterBuiltinSystemTemplate()
func (*Dice) ResetQuitInactiveCron ¶
func (d *Dice) ResetQuitInactiveCron()
func (*Dice) SendMailRow ¶
func (*Dice) UnlockCodeUpdate ¶
func (*Dice) UnlockCodeVerify ¶
type DiceConfig ¶
type DiceConfigs ¶
type DiceConfigs struct { DiceConfigs []DiceConfig `yaml:"diceConfigs"` ServeAddress string `yaml:"serveAddress"` WebUIAddress string `yaml:"webUIAddress"` HelpDocEngineType int `yaml:"helpDocEngineType"` UIPasswordSalt string `yaml:"UIPasswordFrontendSalt"` UIPasswordHash string `yaml:"uiPasswordHash"` AccessTokens []string `yaml:"accessTokens"` AutoBackupEnable bool `yaml:"autoBackupEnable"` AutoBackupTime string `yaml:"autoBackupTime"` AutoBackupSelection uint64 `yaml:"autoBackupSelection"` BackupClean struct { Strategy int `yaml:"strategy"` KeepCount int `yaml:"keepCount"` KeepDur int64 `yaml:"keepDur"` Trigger int `yaml:"trigger"` Cron string `yaml:"cron"` } `yaml:"backupClean"` ServiceName string `yaml:"serviceName"` ConfigVersion int `yaml:"configVersion"` }
type DiceManager ¶
type DiceManager struct { Dice []*Dice ServeAddress string Help *HelpManager IsHelpReloading bool UseDictForTokenizer bool HelpDocEngineType int IsNamesReloading bool NamesGenerator *NamesGenerator NamesInfo map[string]map[string][]string UIPasswordHash string UIPasswordSalt string AccessTokens map[string]bool IsReady bool AutoBackupEnable bool AutoBackupTime string AutoBackupSelection BackupSelection // 备份自动清理配置 BackupCleanStrategy BackupCleanStrategy // 关闭 / 保留一定数量 / 保留一定时间 BackupCleanKeepCount int // 保留的数量 BackupCleanKeepDur time.Duration // 保留的时间 BackupCleanTrigger BackupCleanTrigger // 触发方式: cron触发 / 随自动备份触发 (多种方式按位OR) BackupCleanCron string // 如果使用cron触发, 表达式 AppBootTime int64 AppVersionCode int64 AppVersionOnline *VersionInfo UpdateRequestChan chan *Dice UpdateDownloadedChan chan string RebootRequestChan chan int UpdateCheckRequestChan chan int GroupNameCache lockfree.HashMap // 群名缓存,全局共享, key string value *GroupNameCacheItem UserNameCache lockfree.HashMap // 用户缓存,全局共享, key string value *GroupNameCacheItem UserIDCache lockfree.HashMap // 用户id缓存 key username (string) value int64 目前仅Telegram adapter使用 Cron *cron.Cron ServiceName string JustForTest bool JsRegistry *require.Registry UpdateSealdiceByFile func(packName string, log *zap.SugaredLogger) bool // 使用指定压缩包升级海豹,如果出错返回false,如果成功进程会自动结束 ContainerMode bool // 容器模式:禁用内置适配器,不允许使用内置Lagrange和旧的内置Gocq CleanupFlag atomic.Uint32 // 1 为正在清理,0为普通状态 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DiceManager) AddHelpWithDice ¶
func (dm *DiceManager) AddHelpWithDice(dice *Dice)
func (*DiceManager) Backup ¶
func (dm *DiceManager) Backup(sel BackupSelection, fromAuto bool) (string, error)
func (*DiceManager) BackupAuto ¶
func (dm *DiceManager) BackupAuto() error
func (*DiceManager) BackupClean ¶
func (dm *DiceManager) BackupClean(fromAuto bool) (err error)
func (*DiceManager) InitDice ¶
func (dm *DiceManager) InitDice()
func (*DiceManager) InitHelp ¶
func (dm *DiceManager) InitHelp()
func (*DiceManager) LoadNames ¶
func (dm *DiceManager) LoadNames()
func (*DiceManager) ResetAutoBackup ¶
func (dm *DiceManager) ResetAutoBackup()
func (*DiceManager) ResetBackupClean ¶
func (dm *DiceManager) ResetBackupClean()
func (*DiceManager) Save ¶
func (dm *DiceManager) Save()
func (*DiceManager) TryCreateDefault ¶
func (dm *DiceManager) TryCreateDefault()
func (*DiceManager) TryGetGroupName ¶
func (dm *DiceManager) TryGetGroupName(id string) string
func (*DiceManager) TryGetUserName ¶
func (dm *DiceManager) TryGetUserName(id string) string
type DiceRollParser ¶
type DiceRollParser struct { RollExpression Buffer string Pretty bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DiceRollParser) Execute ¶
func (p *DiceRollParser) Execute()
func (*DiceRollParser) Init ¶
func (p *DiceRollParser) Init(options ...func(*DiceRollParser) error) error
func (*DiceRollParser) Parse ¶
func (p *DiceRollParser) Parse(rule error
func (*DiceRollParser) PrettyPrintSyntaxTree ¶
func (t *DiceRollParser) PrettyPrintSyntaxTree(buffer string)
func (*DiceRollParser) PrintSyntaxTree ¶
func (p *DiceRollParser) PrintSyntaxTree()
func (*DiceRollParser) Reset ¶
func (p *DiceRollParser) Reset()
func (*DiceRollParser) SprintSyntaxTree ¶
func (p *DiceRollParser) SprintSyntaxTree() string
func (*DiceRollParser) WriteSyntaxTree ¶
func (p *DiceRollParser) WriteSyntaxTree(w io.Writer)
type DummyLogger ¶
type DummyLogger struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDummyLogger ¶
func NewDummyLogger(logger *zap.Logger) DummyLogger
func (DummyLogger) Debug ¶
func (d DummyLogger) Debug(v ...interface{})
func (DummyLogger) Debugf ¶
func (d DummyLogger) Debugf(format string, v ...interface{})
func (DummyLogger) Error ¶
func (d DummyLogger) Error(v ...interface{})
func (DummyLogger) Errorf ¶
func (d DummyLogger) Errorf(format string, v ...interface{})
func (DummyLogger) Info ¶
func (d DummyLogger) Info(v ...interface{})
func (DummyLogger) Infof ¶
func (d DummyLogger) Infof(format string, v ...interface{})
func (DummyLogger) Sync ¶
func (d DummyLogger) Sync() error
func (DummyLogger) Warn ¶
func (d DummyLogger) Warn(v ...interface{})
func (DummyLogger) Warnf ¶
func (d DummyLogger) Warnf(format string, v ...interface{})
type EchoWalleQ ¶
type EndPointInfo ¶
type EndPointInfo struct { EndPointInfoBase `yaml:"baseInfo" jsbind:"baseInfo"` Adapter PlatformAdapter `yaml:"adapter" json:"adapter"` }
func NewDingTalkConnItem ¶
func NewDingTalkConnItem(clientID string, token string, nickname string, robotCode string) *EndPointInfo
func NewDiscordConnItem ¶
func NewDiscordConnItem(v AddDiscordEcho) *EndPointInfo
NewDiscordConnItem 本来没必要写这个的,但是不知道为啥依赖出问题
func NewDodoConnItem ¶
func NewDodoConnItem(clientID string, token string) *EndPointInfo
func NewGoCqhttpConnectInfoItem ¶
func NewGoCqhttpConnectInfoItem(account string) *EndPointInfo
func NewKookConnItem ¶
func NewKookConnItem(token string) *EndPointInfo
func NewLagrangeConnectInfoItem ¶
func NewLagrangeConnectInfoItem(account string) *EndPointInfo
func NewMinecraftConnItem ¶
func NewMinecraftConnItem(url string) *EndPointInfo
func NewOfficialQQConnItem ¶
func NewOfficialQQConnItem(appID uint64, token string, appSecret string, onlyQQGuild bool) *EndPointInfo
func NewRedConnItem ¶
func NewRedConnItem(host string, port int, token string) *EndPointInfo
func NewSatoriConnItem ¶
func NewSatoriConnItem(platform string, host string, port int, token string) *EndPointInfo
func NewSealChatConnItem ¶
func NewSealChatConnItem(url string, token string) *EndPointInfo
func NewSlackConnItem ¶
func NewSlackConnItem(at string, bt string) *EndPointInfo
func NewTelegramConnItem ¶
func NewTelegramConnItem(token string, proxy string) *EndPointInfo
func NewWqConnectInfoItem ¶
func NewWqConnectInfoItem(account string) *EndPointInfo
func (*EndPointInfo) AdapterSetup ¶
func (ep *EndPointInfo) AdapterSetup()
func (*EndPointInfo) RefreshGroupNum ¶
func (ep *EndPointInfo) RefreshGroupNum()
func (*EndPointInfo) SetEnable ¶
func (ep *EndPointInfo) SetEnable(_ *Dice, enable bool)
func (*EndPointInfo) StatsRestore ¶
func (ep *EndPointInfo) StatsRestore(d *Dice)
StatsRestore 尝试从数据库中恢复EP的统计数据
func (*EndPointInfo) TriggerCommand ¶
func (ep *EndPointInfo) TriggerCommand(mctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, cmdArgs *CmdArgs) bool
func (*EndPointInfo) UnmarshalYAML ¶
func (ep *EndPointInfo) UnmarshalYAML(value *yaml.Node) error
type EndPointInfoBase ¶
type EndPointInfoBase struct { ID string `yaml:"id" json:"id" jsbind:"id"` // uuid Nickname string `yaml:"nickname" json:"nickname" jsbind:"nickname"` State int `yaml:"state" json:"state" jsbind:"state"` // 状态 0断开 1已连接 2连接中 3连接失败 UserID string `yaml:"userId" json:"userId" jsbind:"userId"` GroupNum int64 `yaml:"groupNum" json:"groupNum" jsbind:"groupNum"` // 拥有群数 CmdExecutedNum int64 `yaml:"cmdExecutedNum" json:"cmdExecutedNum" jsbind:"cmdExecutedNum"` // 指令执行次数 CmdExecutedLastTime int64 `yaml:"cmdExecutedLastTime" json:"cmdExecutedLastTime" jsbind:"cmdExecutedLastTime"` // 指令执行次数 OnlineTotalTime int64 `yaml:"onlineTotalTime" json:"onlineTotalTime" jsbind:"onlineTotalTime"` // 在线时长 Platform string `yaml:"platform" json:"platform" jsbind:"platform"` // 平台,如QQ等 RelWorkDir string `yaml:"relWorkDir" json:"relWorkDir"` // 工作目录 Enable bool `yaml:"enable" json:"enable" jsbind:"enable"` // 是否启用 ProtocolType string `yaml:"protocolType" json:"protocolType"` // 协议类型,如onebot、koishi等 IsPublic bool `yaml:"isPublic"` Session *IMSession `yaml:"-" json:"-"` }
type EventWalleQBase ¶
type EventWalleQBase struct { ID string `json:"id"` // 事件唯一标识符 Self Self `json:"self"` // 机器人自身标识 Time float64 `json:"time"` // 事件发生时间(Unix 时间戳),单位:秒 Type string `json:"type"` // meta、message、notice、request 中的一个,分别表示元事件、消息事件、通知事件和请求事件 DetailType string `json:"detail_type"` // 详细 SubType string `json:"sub_type"` // 子类型 // 下面这些虽然不是共有字段 但基本也算 UserID string `json:"user_id"` UserName string `json:"user_name"` UserCard string `json:"user_card"` // 群名片 GroupID string `json:"group_id"` GroupName string `json:"group_name"` GuildID string `json:"guild_id"` ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` }
type EventWalleQMeta ¶
type EventWalleQMeta struct { Version struct { Impl string `json:"impl"` Version string `json:"version"` OneBotVersion string `json:"onebot_version"` } `json:"version"` Status struct { Good bool `json:"good"` Bots []Bot `json:"bots"` } `json:"status"` }
EventWalleQMeta 元事件特有字段
type EventWalleQMsg ¶
type EventWalleQMsg struct { MessageID string `json:"message_id"` // 消息id Message []MessageSegment `json:"message"` // 消息段 AltMessage string `json:"alt_message"` // 文本化 }
EventWalleQMsg 消息事件特有字段
type EventWalleQNotice ¶
type EventWalleQNotice struct { MessageID string `json:"message_id"` // 消息id OperatorID string `json:"operator_id"` // 操作者账号 ReceiverID string `json:"receiver_id"` // 戳一戳的接收者 Duration int64 `json:"duration"` }
EventWalleQNotice 通知事件特有字段
type EventWalleQReq ¶
type EventWalleQReq struct { Message string `json:"message"` RequestID int64 `json:"request_id"` // 请求者 Suspicious bool `json:"suspicious"` InvitorID string `json:"invitor_id"` // 邀请者 InvitorName string `json:"invitor_name"` // 邀请者名 }
EventWalleQReq 请求事件特有字段
type ExtDefaultSettingItem ¶
type ExtDefaultSettingItem struct { Name string `yaml:"name" json:"name"` AutoActive bool `yaml:"autoActive" json:"autoActive"` // 是否自动开启 DisabledCommand map[string]bool `yaml:"disabledCommand,flow" json:"disabledCommand"` // 实际为set ExtItem *ExtInfo `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Loaded bool `yaml:"-" json:"loaded"` // 当前插件是否正确加载. serve.yaml不保存, 前端请求时提供 }
type ExtDefaultSettingItemSlice ¶
type ExtDefaultSettingItemSlice []*ExtDefaultSettingItem
func (ExtDefaultSettingItemSlice) Len ¶
func (x ExtDefaultSettingItemSlice) Len() int
func (ExtDefaultSettingItemSlice) Less ¶
func (x ExtDefaultSettingItemSlice) Less(i, _ int) bool
func (ExtDefaultSettingItemSlice) Swap ¶
func (x ExtDefaultSettingItemSlice) Swap(i, j int)
type ExtInfo ¶
type ExtInfo struct { Name string `yaml:"name" json:"name" jsbind:"name"` // 名字 Aliases []string `yaml:"-" json:"aliases" jsbind:"aliases"` // 别名 Version string `yaml:"-" json:"version" jsbind:"version"` // 版本 // 作者 // 更新时间 AutoActive bool `yaml:"-" json:"-" jsbind:"autoActive"` // 是否自动开启 CmdMap CmdMapCls `yaml:"-" json:"-" jsbind:"cmdMap"` // 指令集合 Brief string `yaml:"-" json:"-"` ActiveOnPrivate bool `yaml:"-" json:"-"` DefaultSetting *ExtDefaultSettingItem `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 默认配置 Author string `yaml:"-" json:"-" jsbind:"author"` ConflictWith []string `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Official bool `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 官方插件 IsJsExt bool `json:"-"` Source *JsScriptInfo `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Storage *buntdb.DB `yaml:"-" json:"-"` OnNotCommandReceived func(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message) `yaml:"-" json:"-" jsbind:"onNotCommandReceived"` // 指令过滤后剩下的 OnCommandOverride func(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, cmdArgs *CmdArgs) bool `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 覆盖指令行为 OnCommandReceived func(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, cmdArgs *CmdArgs) `yaml:"-" json:"-" jsbind:"onCommandReceived"` OnMessageReceived func(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message) `yaml:"-" json:"-" jsbind:"onMessageReceived"` OnMessageSend func(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, flag string) `yaml:"-" json:"-" jsbind:"onMessageSend"` OnMessageDeleted func(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message) `yaml:"-" json:"-" jsbind:"onMessageDeleted"` OnMessageEdit func(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message) `yaml:"-" json:"-" jsbind:"onMessageEdit"` OnGroupJoined func(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message) `yaml:"-" json:"-" jsbind:"onGroupJoined"` OnGroupMemberJoined func(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message) `yaml:"-" json:"-" jsbind:"onGroupMemberJoined"` OnGuildJoined func(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message) `yaml:"-" json:"-" jsbind:"onGuildJoined"` OnBecomeFriend func(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message) `yaml:"-" json:"-" jsbind:"onBecomeFriend"` GetDescText func(i *ExtInfo) string `yaml:"-" json:"-" jsbind:"getDescText"` IsLoaded bool `yaml:"-" json:"-" jsbind:"isLoaded"` OnLoad func() `yaml:"-" json:"-" jsbind:"onLoad"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ExtInfo) StorageClose ¶
func (*ExtInfo) StorageInit ¶
func (*ExtInfo) StorageSet ¶
type Friend ¶
type Friend struct { Qid string `json:"qid"` Uin string `json:"uin"` // QQ 号 Nick string `json:"nick"` Remark string `json:"remark"` LongNick string `json:"longNick"` AvatarUrl string `json:"avatarUrl"` Birthday_year int `json:"birthday_Year"` Birthday_month int `json:"birthday_Month"` Birthday_day int `json:"birthday_Day"` Sex int `json:"sex"` // 性别 TopTime string `json:"topTime"` IsBlock bool `json:"isBlock"` // 是否拉黑 IsMsgDisturb bool `json:"isMsgDisturb"` IsSpecialCareOpen bool `json:"isSpecialCareOpen"` IsSpecialCareZone bool `json:"isSpecialCareZone"` RingId string `json:"ringId"` Status int `json:"status"` ExtStatus int `json:"extStatus"` CategoryId int `json:"categoryId"` OnlyChat bool `json:"onlyChat"` QzoneNotWatch bool `json:"qzoneNotWatch"` QzoneNotWatched bool `json:"qzoneNotWatched"` VipFlag bool `json:"vipFlag"` YearVipFlag bool `json:"yearVipFlag"` SvipFlag bool `json:"svipFlag"` VipLevel int `json:"vipLevel"` Category string `json:"category"` // 分组信息 }
type GameSystemTemplate ¶
type GameSystemTemplate struct { Name string `yaml:"name" json:"name"` // 模板名字 FullName string `yaml:"fullName" json:"fullName"` // 全名 Authors []string `yaml:"authors" json:"authors"` // 作者 Version string `yaml:"version" json:"version"` // 版本 UpdatedTime string `yaml:"updatedTime" json:"updatedTime"` // 更新日期 TemplateVer string `yaml:"templateVer" json:"templateVer"` // 模板版本 NameTemplate map[string]NameTemplateItem `yaml:"nameTemplate" json:"nameTemplate"` // 名片模板 AttrConfig AttrConfig `yaml:"attrConfig" json:"attrConfig"` // 默认展示顺序 SetConfig SetConfig `yaml:"setConfig" json:"setConfig"` // .set 命令设置 Defaults map[string]int64 `yaml:"defaults" json:"defaults"` // 默认值 DefaultsComputed map[string]string `yaml:"defaultsComputed" json:"defaultsComputed"` // 计算类型 Alias map[string][]string `yaml:"alias" json:"alias"` // 别名/同义词 TextMap *TextTemplateWithWeightDict `yaml:"textMap" json:"textMap"` // UI文本 TextMapHelpInfo *TextTemplateWithHelpDict `yaml:"TextMapHelpInfo" json:"textMapHelpInfo"` AliasMap *SyncMap[string, string] `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 别名/同义词 }
func (*GameSystemTemplate) GetAlias ¶
func (t *GameSystemTemplate) GetAlias(varname string) string
func (*GameSystemTemplate) GetDefaultValueEx ¶
func (t *GameSystemTemplate) GetDefaultValueEx(ctx *MsgContext, varname string) *VMValue
func (*GameSystemTemplate) GetDefaultValueEx0 ¶
func (t *GameSystemTemplate) GetDefaultValueEx0(ctx *MsgContext, varname string) (*VMValue, string, bool, bool)
func (*GameSystemTemplate) GetRealValue ¶
func (t *GameSystemTemplate) GetRealValue(ctx *MsgContext, k string) (*VMValue, error)
func (*GameSystemTemplate) GetShowAs ¶
func (t *GameSystemTemplate) GetShowAs(ctx *MsgContext, k string) (*VMValue, error)
type GoCqhttpLoginInfo ¶
type GocqAppVersion ¶
type GocqAppVersion struct { ApkID string `json:"apk_id"` AppID uint32 `json:"app_id"` SubAppID uint32 `json:"sub_app_id"` AppKey string `json:"app_key"` SortVersionName string `json:"sort_version_name"` BuildTime uint32 `json:"build_time"` ApkSign string `json:"apk_sign"` SdkVersion string `json:"sdk_version"` SsoVersion uint32 `json:"sso_version"` MiscBitmap uint32 `json:"misc_bitmap"` MainSigMap uint32 `json:"main_sig_map"` SubSigMap uint32 `json:"sub_sig_map"` DumpTime uint32 `json:"dump_time"` Qua string `json:"qua"` ProtocolType ProtocolType `json:"protocol_type"` }
type Group ¶
type Group struct { GroupCode string `json:"groupCode"` // 群号 MaxMember int `json:"maxMember"` // 最大人数 MemberCount int `json:"memberCount"` // 成员人数 GroupName string `json:"groupName"` // 群名 GroupStatus int `json:"groupStatus"` MemberRole int `json:"memberRole"` // 群成员角色 IsTop bool `json:"isTop"` ToppedTimestamp string `json:"toppedTimestamp"` PrivilegeFlag int `json:"privilegeFlag"` // 群权限 IsConf bool `json:"isConf"` HasModifyConfGroupFace bool `json:"hasModifyConfGroupFace"` HasModifyConfGroupName bool `json:"hasModifyConfGroupName"` RemarkName string `json:"remarkName"` HasMemo bool `json:"hasMemo"` GroupShutupExpireTime string `json:"groupShutupExpireTime"` PersonShutupExpireTime string `json:"personShutupExpireTime"` DiscussToGroupUin string `json:"discussToGroupUin"` DiscussToGroupMaxMsgSeq int `json:"discussToGroupMaxMsgSeq"` DiscussToGroupTime int `json:"discussToGroupTime"` }
type GroupInfo ¶
type GroupInfo struct { Active bool `json:"active" yaml:"active" jsbind:"active"` // 是否在群内开启 - 过渡为象征意义 ActivatedExtList []*ExtInfo `yaml:"activatedExtList,flow" json:"activatedExtList"` // 当前群开启的扩展列表 Players *SyncMap[string, *GroupPlayerInfo] `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 群员角色数据 GroupID string `yaml:"groupId" json:"groupId" jsbind:"groupId"` GuildID string `yaml:"guildId" json:"guildId" jsbind:"guildId"` ChannelID string `yaml:"channelId" json:"channelId" jsbind:"channelId"` GroupName string `yaml:"groupName" json:"groupName" jsbind:"groupName"` DiceIDActiveMap *SyncMap[string, bool] `yaml:"diceIds,flow" json:"diceIdActiveMap"` // 对应的骰子ID(格式 平台:ID),对应单骰多号情况,例如骰A B都加了群Z,A退群不会影响B在群内服务 DiceIDExistsMap *SyncMap[string, bool] `yaml:"-" json:"diceIdExistsMap"` // 对应的骰子ID(格式 平台:ID)是否存在于群内 BotList *SyncMap[string, bool] `yaml:"botList,flow" json:"botList"` // 其他骰子列表 DiceSideNum int64 `yaml:"diceSideNum" json:"diceSideNum"` // 以后可能会支持 1d4 这种默认面数,暂不开放给js System string `yaml:"system" json:"system"` // 规则系统,概念同bcdice的gamesystem,距离如dnd5e coc7 // ValueMap map[string]*VMValue `yaml:"-"` ValueMap lockfree.HashMap `yaml:"-" json:"-"` HelpPackages []string `yaml:"-" json:"helpPackages"` CocRuleIndex int `yaml:"cocRuleIndex" json:"cocRuleIndex" jsbind:"cocRuleIndex"` LogCurName string `yaml:"logCurFile" json:"logCurName" jsbind:"logCurName"` LogOn bool `yaml:"logOn" json:"logOn" jsbind:"logOn"` QuitMarkAutoClean bool `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 自动清群 - 播报,即将自动退出群组 QuitMarkMaster bool `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 骰主命令退群 - 播报,即将自动退出群组 RecentDiceSendTime int64 `json:"recentDiceSendTime" jsbind:"recentDiceSendTime"` ShowGroupWelcome bool `yaml:"showGroupWelcome" json:"showGroupWelcome" jsbind:"showGroupWelcome"` // 是否迎新 GroupWelcomeMessage string `yaml:"groupWelcomeMessage" json:"groupWelcomeMessage" jsbind:"groupWelcomeMessage"` // FirstSpeechMade bool `yaml:"firstSpeechMade"` // 是否做过进群发言 LastCustomReplyTime float64 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 上次自定义回复时间 RateLimiter *rate.Limiter `yaml:"-" json:"-"` RateLimitWarned bool `yaml:"-" json:"-"` EnteredTime int64 `yaml:"enteredTime" json:"enteredTime" jsbind:"enteredTime"` // 入群时间 InviteUserID string `yaml:"inviteUserId" json:"inviteUserId" jsbind:"inviteUserId"` // 邀请人 // 仅用于http接口 TmpPlayerNum int64 `yaml:"-" json:"tmpPlayerNum"` TmpExtList []string `yaml:"-" json:"tmpExtList"` UpdatedAtTime int64 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` DefaultHelpGroup string `yaml:"defaultHelpGroup" json:"defaultHelpGroup"` // 当前群默认的帮助文档分组 }
func SetBotOnAtGroup ¶
func SetBotOnAtGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string) *GroupInfo
SetBotOnAtGroup 在群内开启
func (*GroupInfo) ExtGetActive ¶
func (*GroupInfo) ExtInactive ¶
func (*GroupInfo) ExtInactiveByName ¶
func (*GroupInfo) GetCharTemplate ¶
func (group *GroupInfo) GetCharTemplate(dice *Dice) *GameSystemTemplate
func (*GroupInfo) IsActive ¶
func (group *GroupInfo) IsActive(ctx *MsgContext) bool
func (*GroupInfo) PlayerGet ¶
func (group *GroupInfo) PlayerGet(db *sqlx.DB, id string) *GroupPlayerInfo
func (*GroupInfo) SetDefaultHelpGroup ¶
SetDefaultHelpGroup 设置群默认搜索分组
type GroupMember ¶
type GroupMember struct { Uid string `json:"uid"` Qid string `json:"qid"` Uin string `json:"uin"` Nick string `json:"nick"` Remark string `json:"remark"` CardType int `json:"cardType"` CardName string `json:"cardName"` Role int `json:"role"` // 2-普通成员 3-管理 4-群主 AvatarPath string `json:"avatarPath"` ShutUpTime int64 `json:"shutUpTime"` IsDelete bool `json:"isDelete"` }
type GroupNameCacheItem ¶
type GroupNameCacheItem struct { Name string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type GroupPlayerInfo ¶
type GroupPlayerInfo model.GroupPlayerInfoBase
func (*GroupPlayerInfo) GetValueNameByAlias ¶
func (i *GroupPlayerInfo) GetValueNameByAlias(s string, alias map[string][]string) string
type GroupPlayerInfoBase ¶
type GroupPlayerInfoBase struct { Name string `yaml:"name" jsbind:"name"` // 玩家昵称 UserID string `yaml:"userId" jsbind:"userId"` InGroup bool `yaml:"inGroup"` // 是否在群内,有时一个人走了,信息还暂时残留 LastCommandTime int64 `yaml:"lastCommandTime" jsbind:"lastCommandTime"` // 上次发送指令时间 AutoSetNameTemplate string `yaml:"autoSetNameTemplate" jsbind:"autoSetNameTemplate"` // 名片模板 DiceSideNum int `yaml:"diceSideNum"` // 面数,为0时等同于d100 Vars *PlayerVariablesItem `yaml:"-"` // 玩家的群内变量 ValueMapTemp lockfree.HashMap `yaml:"-"` // 玩家的群内临时变量 TempValueAlias *map[string][]string `yaml:"-"` // 群内临时变量别名 - 其实这个有点怪的,为什么在这里? UpdatedAtTime int64 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` }
GroupPlayerInfoBase 群内玩家信息
type GuildPermCacheItem ¶
type GuildPermCacheItem struct { Perm int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type HTTPSimpleMessage ¶
type HelpConfig ¶
type HelpDocFormat ¶
type HelpManager ¶
type HelpManager struct { CurID uint64 Index bleve.Index TextMap map[string]*HelpTextItem Parent *DiceManager EngineType int LoadingFn string HelpDocTree []*HelpDoc GroupAliases map[string]string Config *HelpConfig // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*HelpManager) AddItem ¶
func (m *HelpManager) AddItem(item HelpTextItem) error
func (*HelpManager) AddItemApply ¶
func (m *HelpManager) AddItemApply() error
func (*HelpManager) Close ¶
func (m *HelpManager) Close()
func (*HelpManager) DeleteHelpDoc ¶
func (m *HelpManager) DeleteHelpDoc(keys []string) error
func (*HelpManager) GetContent ¶
func (m *HelpManager) GetContent(item *HelpTextItem, depth int) string
func (*HelpManager) GetHelpItemPage ¶
func (m *HelpManager) GetHelpItemPage(pageNum, pageSize int, id, group, from, title string) (int, HelpTextVos)
func (*HelpManager) GetNextID ¶
func (m *HelpManager) GetNextID() string
func (*HelpManager) GetPrefixText ¶
func (m *HelpManager) GetPrefixText() string
func (*HelpManager) GetShowBestOffset ¶
func (m *HelpManager) GetShowBestOffset() int
func (*HelpManager) GetSuffixText ¶
func (m *HelpManager) GetSuffixText() string
func (*HelpManager) Load ¶
func (m *HelpManager) Load()
func (*HelpManager) SaveHelpConfig ¶
func (m *HelpManager) SaveHelpConfig(config *HelpConfig) error
func (*HelpManager) Search ¶
func (m *HelpManager) Search(ctx *MsgContext, text string, titleOnly bool, pageSize, pageNum int, group string) (res *bleve.SearchResult, total, pageStart, pageEnd int, err error)
func (*HelpManager) UploadHelpDoc ¶
type HelpTextItem ¶
type HelpTextItems ¶
type HelpTextItems []*HelpTextItem
func (HelpTextItems) Len ¶
func (e HelpTextItems) Len() int
func (HelpTextItems) String ¶
func (e HelpTextItems) String(i int) string
type HelpTextVo ¶
type HelpTextVos ¶
type HelpTextVos []HelpTextVo
func (HelpTextVos) Len ¶
func (h HelpTextVos) Len() int
func (HelpTextVos) Less ¶
func (h HelpTextVos) Less(i, j int) bool
func (HelpTextVos) Swap ¶
func (h HelpTextVos) Swap(i, j int)
type IMSession ¶
type IMSession struct { Parent *Dice `yaml:"-"` EndPoints []*EndPointInfo `yaml:"endPoints"` ServiceAtNew map[string]*GroupInfo `json:"servicesAt" yaml:"-"` PlayerVarsData SyncMap[string, *PlayerVariablesItem] `yaml:"-"` // 感觉似乎没有什么存本地的必要 }
func (*IMSession) Execute ¶
func (s *IMSession) Execute(ep *EndPointInfo, msg *Message, runInSync bool)
func (*IMSession) ExecuteNew ¶
func (s *IMSession) ExecuteNew(ep *EndPointInfo, msg *Message)
ExecuteNew Note(Szzrain): 既不破坏兼容性还要支持新 feature 我真是草了,这里是 copy paste 的代码稍微改了一下,我知道这是在屎山上建房子,但是没办法 只有在 Adapter 内部实现了新的消息段解析才能使用这个方法,即 Message.Segment 有值 为了避免破坏兼容性,Message.Message 中的内容不会被解析但仍然会赋值 这个 ExcuteNew 方法优化了对消息段的解析,其他平台应当尽快实现消息段解析并使用这个方法
func (*IMSession) GetEpByPlatform ¶
func (s *IMSession) GetEpByPlatform(p string) *EndPointInfo
GetEpByPlatform 在 EndPoints 中找到第一个符合平台 p 且启用的
func (*IMSession) LongTimeQuitInactiveGroup ¶
func (s *IMSession) LongTimeQuitInactiveGroup(threshold, hint time.Time, roundIntervalMinute int, groupsPerRound int)
LongTimeQuitInactiveGroup 另一种退群方案,其中minute代表间隔多久执行一次,num代表一次退几个群(每次退群之间有10秒的等待时间)
func (*IMSession) OnGroupJoined ¶
func (s *IMSession) OnGroupJoined(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message)
OnGroupJoined 群组进群事件处理,其他 Adapter 应当尽快迁移至此方法实现
func (*IMSession) OnGroupMemberJoined ¶
func (s *IMSession) OnGroupMemberJoined(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message)
OnGroupMemberJoined 群成员进群事件处理,除了 bot 自己以外的群成员入群时调用。其他 Adapter 应当尽快迁移至此方法实现
func (*IMSession) OnMessageDeleted ¶
func (s *IMSession) OnMessageDeleted(mctx *MsgContext, msg *Message)
func (*IMSession) OnMessageEdit ¶
func (s *IMSession) OnMessageEdit(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message)
OnMessageEdit 消息编辑事件
msg.Message 应为更新后的消息, msg.Time 应为更新时间而非发送时间,同时 msg.RawID 应确保为原消息的 ID (一些 API 同时会有系统事件 ID,勿混淆)
依据 API,Sender 不一定存在,ctx 信息亦不一定有效
func (*IMSession) OnMessageSend ¶
func (s *IMSession) OnMessageSend(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, flag string)
func (*IMSession) PreTriggerCommand ¶
func (s *IMSession) PreTriggerCommand(mctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, cmdArgs *CmdArgs)
type Int64SliceDesc ¶
type Int64SliceDesc []int64
func (Int64SliceDesc) Len ¶
func (x Int64SliceDesc) Len() int
func (Int64SliceDesc) Less ¶
func (x Int64SliceDesc) Less(i, j int) bool
func (Int64SliceDesc) Swap ¶
func (x Int64SliceDesc) Swap(i, j int)
type JsScriptDepends ¶
type JsScriptInfo ¶
type JsScriptInfo struct { /** 名称 */ Name string `json:"name"` /** 是否启用 */ Enable bool `json:"enable"` /** 版本 */ Version string `json:"version"` /** 作者 */ Author string `json:"author"` /** 许可协议 */ License string `json:"license"` /** 网址 */ HomePage string `json:"homepage"` /** 详细描述 */ Desc string `json:"desc"` /** 所需权限 */ Grant []string `json:"grant"` /** 更新时间 */ UpdateTime int64 `json:"updateTime"` /** 安装时间 - 文件创建时间 */ InstallTime int64 `json:"installTime"` /** 最近一条错误文本 */ ErrText string `json:"errText"` /** 实际文件名 */ Filename string `json:"filename"` /** 更新链接 */ UpdateUrls []string `json:"updateUrls"` /** etag */ Etag string `json:"etag"` /** 是否官方插件 */ Official bool `json:"official"` /** 是否内置插件 */ Builtin bool `json:"builtin"` /** 内容摘要 */ Digest string `json:"-"` /** 依赖项 */ Depends []JsScriptDepends `json:"depends"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type Kwarg ¶
type LastWelcomeInfo ¶
type LastWelcomeInfoWQ ¶
type MSData ¶
type MSData struct { ID int64 `json:"id,omitempty"` Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` UserID string `json:"user_id,omitempty"` UserName string `json:"user_name,omitempty"` Face string `json:"face,omitempty"` MessageID string `json:"message_id,omitempty"` FileID string `json:"fileId,omitempty"` Time float64 `json:"time,omitempty"` URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
type Message ¶
type Message struct { Time int64 `json:"time" jsbind:"time"` // 发送时间 MessageType string `json:"messageType" jsbind:"messageType"` // group private GroupID string `json:"groupId" jsbind:"groupId"` // 群号,如果是群聊消息 GuildID string `json:"guildId" jsbind:"guildId"` // 服务器群组号,会在discord,kook,dodo等平台见到 ChannelID string `json:"channelId" jsbind:"channelId"` Sender SenderBase `json:"sender" jsbind:"sender"` // 发送者 Message string `json:"message" jsbind:"message"` // 消息内容 RawID interface{} `json:"rawId" jsbind:"rawId"` // 原始信息ID,用于处理撤回等 Platform string `json:"platform" jsbind:"platform"` // 当前平台 GroupName string `json:"groupName"` TmpUID string `json:"-" yaml:"-"` // Note(Szzrain): 这里是消息段,为了支持多种消息类型,目前只有 LagrangeGo 支持,其他平台也应该尽快迁移支持,并使用 Session.ExecuteNew 方法 Segment []message.IMessageElement `json:"-" yaml:"-" jsbind:"segment"` }
Message 消息的重要信息 时间 发送地点(群聊/私聊) 人物(是谁发的) 内容
type MessageEvent ¶
type MessageMinecraft ¶
type MessageMinecraft struct { Event *MessageEvent `json:"event"` Type string `json:"type"` }
type MessageQQ ¶
type MessageQQ struct { MessageQQBase Message string `json:"message"` // 消息内容 }
type MessageQQArray ¶
type MessageQQArray struct { MessageQQBase Message []*OneBotV11MsgItem `json:"message"` // 消息内容 }
type MessageQQBase ¶
type MessageQQBase struct { MessageID int64 `json:"message_id"` // QQ信息此类型为int64,频道中为string MessageType string `json:"message_type"` // Group Sender *Sender `json:"sender"` // 发送者 RawMessage string `json:"raw_message"` Time int64 `json:"time"` // 发送时间 MetaEventType string `json:"meta_event_type"` OperatorID json.RawMessage `json:"operator_id"` // 操作者帐号 GroupID json.RawMessage `json:"group_id"` // 群号 PostType string `json:"post_type"` // 上报类型,如group、notice RequestType string `json:"request_type"` // 请求类型,如group SubType string `json:"sub_type"` // 子类型,如add invite Flag string `json:"flag"` // 请求 flag, 在调用处理请求的 API 时需要传入 NoticeType string `json:"notice_type"` UserID json.RawMessage `json:"user_id"` SelfID json.RawMessage `json:"self_id"` Duration int64 `json:"duration"` Comment string `json:"comment"` TargetID json.RawMessage `json:"target_id"` Data *struct { // 个人信息 Nickname string `json:"nickname"` UserID json.RawMessage `json:"user_id"` // 群信息 GroupID json.RawMessage `json:"group_id"` // 群号 GroupCreateTime uint32 `json:"group_create_time"` // 群号 MemberCount int64 `json:"member_count"` GroupName string `json:"group_name"` MaxMemberCount int32 `json:"max_member_count"` // 群成员信息 Card string `json:"card"` } `json:"data"` Retcode int64 `json:"retcode"` // Status string `json:"status"` Echo json.RawMessage `json:"echo"` // 声明类型而不是interface的原因是interface下数字不能正确转换 Msg string `json:"msg"` // Status interface{} `json:"status"` Wording string `json:"wording"` }
type MessageQQChannel ¶
type MessageQQChannel struct { MessageType string `json:"message_type"` // guild SubType string `json:"sub_type"` // 子类型,channel GuildID string `json:"guild_id"` // 频道ID ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` // 子频道ID // UserId int `json:"user_id"` // 这个不稳定 有时候是int64 MessageID string `json:"message_id"` // QQ信息此类型为int64,频道中为string Message string `json:"message"` // 消息内容 Time int64 `json:"time"` // 发送时间 文档上没有实际有 PostType string `json:"post_type"` // 目前只见到message // self_id 2589922907 QQ号 // self_tiny_id 个人频道ID SelfTinyID string `json:"self_tiny_id"` // 文档上没有,个人频道ID NoticeType string `json:"notice_type"` // 文档上没有,但实际有。撤回有信息 Sender *SenderChannel `json:"sender"` // 发送者 Echo int `json:"echo"` }
type MessageSegment ¶
type MsgCheckResult ¶
type MsgContext ¶
type MsgContext struct { MessageType string Group *GroupInfo `jsbind:"group"` // 当前群信息 Player *GroupPlayerInfo `jsbind:"player"` // 当前群的玩家数据 EndPoint *EndPointInfo `jsbind:"endPoint"` // 对应的Endpoint Session *IMSession // 对应的IMSession Dice *Dice // 对应的 Dice IsCurGroupBotOn bool `jsbind:"isCurGroupBotOn"` // 在群内是否bot on IsPrivate bool `jsbind:"isPrivate"` // 是否私聊 CommandID int64 // 指令ID CommandHideFlag string // 暗骰标记 CommandInfo interface{} // 命令信息 PrivilegeLevel int `jsbind:"privilegeLevel"` // 权限等级 -30ban 40邀请者 50管理 60群主 70信任 100master GroupRoleLevel int // 群内权限 40邀请者 50管理 60群主 70信任 100master,相当于不考虑ban的权限等级 DelegateText string `jsbind:"delegateText"` // 代骰附加文本 AliasPrefixText string `json:"aliasPrefixText"` // 快捷指令回复前缀文本 DeckPools map[*DeckInfo]map[string]*ShuffleRandomPool // 不放回抽取的缓存 SystemTemplate *GameSystemTemplate Censored bool // 已检查过敏感词 SpamCheckedGroup bool SpamCheckedPerson bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func CreateTempCtx ¶
func CreateTempCtx(ep *EndPointInfo, msg *Message) *MsgContext
CreateTempCtx 制作ctx,需要msg.MessageType和msg.Sender.UserId,以及ep.Session
func GetCtxProxyAtPos ¶
func GetCtxProxyAtPos(ctx *MsgContext, cmdArgs *CmdArgs, pos int) *MsgContext
func GetCtxProxyAtPosRaw ¶
func GetCtxProxyAtPosRaw(ctx *MsgContext, cmdArgs *CmdArgs, pos int, setTempVar bool) *MsgContext
GetCtxProxyAtPosRaw 等着后续再加 @名字 版本,以及 @team 版本
func GetCtxProxyFirst ¶
func GetCtxProxyFirst(ctx *MsgContext, cmdArgs *CmdArgs) *MsgContext
GetCtxProxyFirst 第三个参数是否取消再观察一下
func (*MsgContext) ChBindCur ¶
func (ctx *MsgContext) ChBindCur(name string) bool
func (*MsgContext) ChBindCurGet ¶
func (ctx *MsgContext) ChBindCurGet() string
ChBindCurGet 获取当前群绑定角色
func (*MsgContext) ChBindGet ¶
func (ctx *MsgContext) ChBindGet(name string) lockfree.HashMap
ChBindGet 获取一个正在绑定状态的卡,可用于该卡片是否绑卡检测
func (*MsgContext) ChBindGetList ¶
func (ctx *MsgContext) ChBindGetList(name string) []string
func (*MsgContext) ChExists ¶
func (ctx *MsgContext) ChExists(name string) bool
func (*MsgContext) ChLoad ¶
func (ctx *MsgContext) ChLoad(name string) lockfree.HashMap
ChLoad 加载角色,成功返回角色表,失败返回nil
func (*MsgContext) ChUnbind ¶
func (ctx *MsgContext) ChUnbind(name string) []string
ChUnbind 解除某个角色的绑定
func (*MsgContext) ChUnbindCur ¶
func (ctx *MsgContext) ChUnbindCur() (string, bool)
func (*MsgContext) ChVarsClear ¶
func (ctx *MsgContext) ChVarsClear() int
func (*MsgContext) ChVarsGet ¶
func (ctx *MsgContext) ChVarsGet() (lockfree.HashMap, bool)
ChVarsGet 获取当前的角色变量
func (*MsgContext) ChVarsNumGet ¶
func (ctx *MsgContext) ChVarsNumGet() int
func (*MsgContext) ChVarsUpdateTime ¶
func (ctx *MsgContext) ChVarsUpdateTime()
func (*MsgContext) InitSplitKey ¶
func (ctx *MsgContext) InitSplitKey()
func (*MsgContext) LoadGroupVars ¶
func (ctx *MsgContext) LoadGroupVars()
func (*MsgContext) LoadPlayerGlobalVars ¶
func (ctx *MsgContext) LoadPlayerGlobalVars() *PlayerVariablesItem
LoadPlayerGlobalVars 加载个人全局数据
func (*MsgContext) LoadPlayerGroupVars ¶
func (ctx *MsgContext) LoadPlayerGroupVars(group *GroupInfo, player *GroupPlayerInfo) *PlayerVariablesItem
LoadPlayerGroupVars 加载个人群内数据
func (*MsgContext) Notice ¶
func (ctx *MsgContext) Notice(txt string)
func (*MsgContext) NoticeCrossPlatform ¶
func (ctx *MsgContext) NoticeCrossPlatform(txt string)
func (*MsgContext) SplitText ¶
func (ctx *MsgContext) SplitText(text string) []string
func (*MsgContext) TranslateSplit ¶
func (ctx *MsgContext) TranslateSplit(s string) string
type NameTemplateItem ¶
type NamesGenerator ¶
func (*NamesGenerator) Load ¶
func (ng *NamesGenerator) Load()
func (*NamesGenerator) NameGenerate ¶
func (ng *NamesGenerator) NameGenerate(rule string) string
type OneBotV11ArrMsgItem ¶
type OneBotV11MsgItem ¶
type OneBotV11MsgItemAtType ¶
type OneBotV11MsgItemAtType struct {
QQ string `json:"qq"`
type OneBotV11MsgItemFaceType ¶
type OneBotV11MsgItemFaceType struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
type OneBotV11MsgItemImageType ¶
type OneBotV11MsgItemImageType struct {
File string `json:"file"`
type OneBotV11MsgItemRecordType ¶
type OneBotV11MsgItemRecordType struct {
File string `json:"file"`
type OneBotV11MsgItemReplyType ¶
type OneBotV11MsgItemReplyType struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
type OneBotV11MsgItemTextType ¶
type OneBotV11MsgItemTextType struct {
Text string `json:"text"`
type OneBotV12Command ¶
type OnebotGroupInfo ¶
type OnebotGroupInfo struct { GroupID int64 `json:"group_id"` // 群号 GroupName string `json:"group_name"` // 群名称 GroupMemo string `json:"group_memo"` // 群备注 GroupCreateTime uint32 `json:"group_create_time"` // 群创建时间 GroupLevel uint32 `json:"group_level"` // 群等级 MemberCount int32 `json:"member_count"` // 成员数 MaxMemberCount int32 `json:"max_member_count"` // 最大成员数(群容量) }
type OnebotUserInfo ¶
type OnebotUserInfo struct { // 个人信息 Nickname string `json:"nickname"` UserID string `json:"user_id"` // 群信息 GroupID string `json:"group_id"` // 群号 GroupCreateTime uint32 `json:"group_create_time"` // 群号 MemberCount int64 `json:"member_count"` GroupName string `json:"group_name"` MaxMemberCount int32 `json:"max_member_count"` Card string `json:"card"` }
type OnebotV12UserInfo ¶
type OnebotV12UserInfo struct { // 个人信息 Nickname string `json:"nickname"` UserID string `json:"user_id"` // 群信息 GroupID string `json:"group_id"` // 群号 GroupCreateTime uint32 `json:"group_create_time"` // 群号 MemberCount int64 `json:"member_count"` GroupName string `json:"group_name"` MaxMemberCount int32 `json:"max_member_count"` Card string `json:"card"` }
type OpenQQIDType ¶
type OpenQQIDType = int
const ( OpenQQUnknown OpenQQIDType = iota OpenQQUser OpenQQGroupOpenid OpenQQGroupMemberOpenid OpenQQCHUser OpenQQCHGuild OpenQQCHChannel )
type PlatformAdapter ¶
type PlatformAdapter interface { Serve() int DoRelogin() bool SetEnable(enable bool) QuitGroup(ctx *MsgContext, ID string) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, text string, flag string) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, text string, flag string) SetGroupCardName(ctx *MsgContext, name string) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, path string, flag string) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, path string, flag string) MemberBan(groupID string, userID string, duration int64) MemberKick(groupID string, userID string) GetGroupInfoAsync(groupID string) // EditMessage replace the content of the message with msgID with message. // Context is retrieved from ctx. EditMessage(ctx *MsgContext, msgID, message string) // RecallMessage recalls the message with msgID. Context is retrieved from ctx. RecallMessage(ctx *MsgContext, msgID string) }
type PlatformAdapterDingTalk ¶
type PlatformAdapterDingTalk struct { Session *IMSession `yaml:"-" json:"-"` ClientID string `yaml:"clientID" json:"clientID"` Token string `yaml:"token" json:"token"` RobotCode string `yaml:"robotCode" json:"robotCode"` CoolAppCode string `yaml:"coolAppCode" json:"coolAppCode"` EndPoint *EndPointInfo `yaml:"-" json:"-"` IntentSession *dingtalk.Session `yaml:"-" json:"-"` }
func (*PlatformAdapterDingTalk) DoRelogin ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) DoRelogin() bool
func (*PlatformAdapterDingTalk) EditMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDingTalk) GetGroupInfoAsync ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) GetGroupInfoAsync(groupID string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDingTalk) MemberBan ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) MemberBan(groupID string, userID string, duration int64)
func (*PlatformAdapterDingTalk) MemberKick ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) MemberKick(groupID string, userID string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDingTalk) OnChatReceive ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) OnChatReceive(_ *dingtalk.Session, data *chatbot.BotCallbackDataModel)
func (*PlatformAdapterDingTalk) OnGroupJoined ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) OnGroupJoined(_ *dingtalk.Session, data *dingtalk.GroupJoinedEvent)
func (*PlatformAdapterDingTalk) QuitGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) QuitGroup(ctx *MsgContext, id string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDingTalk) RecallMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SendFileToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SendFileToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SendSegmentToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SendSegmentToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SendToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SendToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDingTalk) Serve ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) Serve() int
func (*PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SetEnable ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SetEnable(enable bool)
func (*PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SetGroupCardName ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDingTalk) SetGroupCardName(ctx *MsgContext, name string)
type PlatformAdapterDiscord ¶
type PlatformAdapterDiscord struct { Session *IMSession `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Token string `yaml:"token" json:"token"` ProxyURL string `yaml:"proxyURL" json:"proxyURL"` ReverseProxyUrl string `yaml:"reverseProxyUrl" json:"reverseProxyUrl"` ReverseProxyCDNUrl string `yaml:"reverseProxyCDNUrl" json:"reverseProxyCDNUrl"` EndPoint *EndPointInfo `yaml:"-" json:"-"` IntentSession *discordgo.Session `yaml:"-" json:"-"` }
PlatformAdapterDiscord 只有token需要记录,别的是生成的
func (*PlatformAdapterDiscord) DoRelogin ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) DoRelogin() bool
DoRelogin 重新登录,虽然似乎没什么实现的必要,但还是写一下
func (*PlatformAdapterDiscord) EditMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) EditMessage(ctx *MsgContext, msgID, message string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDiscord) GetGroupInfoAsync ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) GetGroupInfoAsync(groupID string)
GetGroupInfoAsync 同步一下群组信息
func (*PlatformAdapterDiscord) MemberBan ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) MemberBan(_ string, _ string, _ int64)
func (*PlatformAdapterDiscord) MemberKick ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) MemberKick(_ string, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDiscord) QuitGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) QuitGroup(_ *MsgContext, id string)
QuitGroup 退出服务器
func (*PlatformAdapterDiscord) RecallMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) RecallMessage(ctx *MsgContext, msgID string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDiscord) SendFileToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) SendFileToGroup(_ *MsgContext, groupID string, path string, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDiscord) SendFileToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) SendFileToPerson(_ *MsgContext, userID string, path string, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDiscord) SendSegmentToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDiscord) SendSegmentToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDiscord) SendToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, text string, flag string)
SendToGroup 发送群聊(实际上是频道)消息
func (*PlatformAdapterDiscord) SendToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, text string, flag string)
SendToPerson 这里发送的是私聊(dm)消息,私信对于discord来说也被视为一个频道
func (*PlatformAdapterDiscord) Serve ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) Serve() int
Serve 启动服务,返回0就是成功,1就是失败
func (*PlatformAdapterDiscord) SetEnable ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) SetEnable(enable bool)
SetEnable 禁用之后骰子仍然有可能显示在线一段时间,可能是因为没有挥手机制,不过已经不会接收到事件了
func (*PlatformAdapterDiscord) SetGroupCardName ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDiscord) SetGroupCardName(ctx *MsgContext, name string)
SetGroupCardName 没有改变用户在某个频道中昵称的功能,一旦更改就是整个服务器范围内都改
type PlatformAdapterDodo ¶
type PlatformAdapterDodo struct { Session *IMSession `yaml:"-" json:"-"` ClientID string `yaml:"clientID" json:"clientID"` Token string `yaml:"token" json:"token"` EndPoint *EndPointInfo `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Client client.Client `yaml:"-" json:"-"` WebSocket websocket.Client `yaml:"-" json:"-"` UserPermCache SyncMap[string, *SyncMap[string, *GuildPermCacheItem]] `yaml:"-" json:"-"` RetryConnectTimes int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 重连次数 }
func (*PlatformAdapterDodo) DoRelogin ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) DoRelogin() bool
func (*PlatformAdapterDodo) EditMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDodo) GetGroupInfoAsync ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) GetGroupInfoAsync(groupID string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDodo) MemberBan ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) MemberBan(_ string, _ string, _ int64)
func (*PlatformAdapterDodo) MemberKick ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) MemberKick(_ string, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDodo) QuitGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) QuitGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupId string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDodo) RecallMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDodo) SendFileToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDodo) SendFileToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDodo) SendMessageRaw ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SendMessageRaw(ctx *MsgContext, msgBody model.IMessageBody, uid string, isPrivate bool, referenceMessageId string) error
func (*PlatformAdapterDodo) SendSegmentToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDodo) SendSegmentToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDodo) SendToChatRaw ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SendToChatRaw(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, isPrivate bool) error
func (*PlatformAdapterDodo) SendToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDodo) SendToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterDodo) SendToPersonRaw ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SendToPersonRaw(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, isPrivate bool) error
func (*PlatformAdapterDodo) Serve ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) Serve() int
func (*PlatformAdapterDodo) SetEnable ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SetEnable(enable bool)
func (*PlatformAdapterDodo) SetGroupCardName ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterDodo) SetGroupCardName(ctx *MsgContext, name string)
type PlatformAdapterGocq ¶
type PlatformAdapterGocq struct { EndPoint *EndPointInfo `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Session *IMSession `yaml:"-" json:"-"` IsReverse bool `yaml:"isReverse" json:"isReverse" ` ReverseAddr string `yaml:"reverseAddr" json:"reverseAddr"` Socket *gowebsocket.Socket `yaml:"-" json:"-"` ConnectURL string `yaml:"connectUrl" json:"connectUrl"` // 连接地址 AccessToken string `yaml:"accessToken" json:"accessToken"` // 访问令牌 UseInPackClient bool `yaml:"useInPackGoCqhttp" json:"useInPackGoCqhttp"` // 是否使用内置的gocqhttp BuiltinMode string `yaml:"builtinMode" json:"builtinMode"` // 分为 lagrange 和 gocq GoCqhttpState int `yaml:"-" json:"loginState"` // 当前状态 CurLoginIndex int `yaml:"-" json:"curLoginIndex"` // 当前登录序号,如果正在进行的登录不是该Index,证明过时 GoCqhttpProcess *procs.Process `yaml:"-" json:"-"` GocqhttpLoginFailedReason string `yaml:"-" json:"curLoginFailedReason"` // 当前登录失败原因 GoCqhttpLoginCaptcha string `yaml:"-" json:"goCqHttpLoginCaptcha"` GoCqhttpLoginVerifyCode string `yaml:"-" json:"goCqHttpLoginVerifyCode"` GoCqhttpLoginDeviceLockURL string `yaml:"-" json:"goCqHttpLoginDeviceLockUrl"` GoCqhttpQrcodeData []byte `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 二维码数据 GoCqhttpSmsNumberTip string `yaml:"-" json:"goCqHttpSmsNumberTip"` GoCqLastAutoLoginTime int64 `yaml:"inPackGoCqLastAutoLoginTime" json:"-"` // 上次自动重新登录的时间 GoCqhttpLoginSucceeded bool `yaml:"inPackGoCqHttpLoginSucceeded" json:"-"` // 是否登录成功过 GoCqhttpLastRestrictedTime int64 `yaml:"inPackGoCqHttpLastRestricted" json:"inPackGoCqHttpLastRestricted"` // 上次风控时间 ForcePrintLog bool `yaml:"forcePrintLog" json:"forcePrintLog"` // 是否一定输出日志,隐藏配置项 InPackGoCqhttpProtocol int `yaml:"inPackGoCqHttpProtocol" json:"inPackGoCqHttpProtocol"` InPackGoCqhttpAppVersion string `yaml:"inPackGoCqHttpAppVersion" json:"inPackGoCqHttpAppVersion"` InPackGoCqhttpPassword string `yaml:"inPackGoCqHttpPassword" json:"-"` InPackGoCqhttpDisconnectedCH chan int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 信号量,用于关闭连接 IgnoreFriendRequest bool `yaml:"ignoreFriendRequest" json:"ignoreFriendRequest"` // 忽略好友请求处理开关 Implementation string `yaml:"implementation" json:"implementation"` UseSignServer bool `yaml:"useSignServer" json:"useSignServer"` SignServerConfig *SignServerConfig `yaml:"signServerConfig" json:"signServerConfig"` ExtraArgs string `yaml:"extraArgs" json:"extraArgs"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) DeleteFriend ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) DeleteFriend(_ *MsgContext, id string)
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) DoRelogin ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) DoRelogin() bool
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) EditMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) GetGroupInfo ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) GetGroupInfo(groupID string, noCache bool) *OnebotGroupInfo
GetGroupInfo 获取群聊信息
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) GetGroupInfoAsync ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) GetGroupInfoAsync(groupID string)
GetGroupInfoAsync 异步获取群聊信息
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) GetGroupMemberInfo ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) GetGroupMemberInfo(groupID string, userID string) *OnebotUserInfo
GetGroupMemberInfo 获取群成员信息
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) GetLoginInfo ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) GetLoginInfo()
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) GetStrangerInfo ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) GetStrangerInfo(userID string) *OnebotUserInfo
GetStrangerInfo 获取陌生人信息
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) IsInLogin ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) IsInLogin() bool
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) IsLoginSuccessed ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) IsLoginSuccessed() bool
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) MemberBan ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) MemberBan(_ string, _ string, _ int64)
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) MemberKick ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) MemberKick(_ string, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) QQChannelTrySolve ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) QQChannelTrySolve(message string)
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) QuitGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) QuitGroup(_ *MsgContext, id string)
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) RecallMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) SendFileToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) SendFileToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, path string, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) SendSegmentToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) SendSegmentToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) SendToChannelGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SendToChannelGroup(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) SendToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) SendToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) Serve ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) Serve() int
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) SetEnable ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SetEnable(enable bool)
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) SetFriendAddRequest ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SetFriendAddRequest(flag string, approve bool, remark string, reaseon string)
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) SetGroupAddRequest ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SetGroupAddRequest(flag string, subType string, approve bool, reason string)
SetGroupAddRequest 同意加群
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) SetGroupCardName ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SetGroupCardName(ctx *MsgContext, name string)
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) SetGroupCardNameBase ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SetGroupCardNameBase(groupID int64, userID int64, card string)
SetGroupCardNameBase 设置群名片
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) SetQQProtocol ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SetQQProtocol(protocol int) bool
func (*PlatformAdapterGocq) SetSignServer ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterGocq) SetSignServer(signServerConfig *SignServerConfig) bool
type PlatformAdapterHTTP ¶
type PlatformAdapterHTTP struct { Session *IMSession EndPoint *EndPointInfo RecentMessage []HTTPSimpleMessage }
func (*PlatformAdapterHTTP) DoRelogin ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) DoRelogin() bool
func (*PlatformAdapterHTTP) EditMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterHTTP) GetGroupInfoAsync ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) GetGroupInfoAsync(_ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterHTTP) MemberBan ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) MemberBan(_ string, _ string, _ int64)
func (*PlatformAdapterHTTP) MemberKick ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) MemberKick(_ string, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterHTTP) QuitGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) QuitGroup(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterHTTP) RecallMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterHTTP) SendFileToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterHTTP) SendFileToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterHTTP) SendSegmentToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterHTTP) SendSegmentToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterHTTP) SendToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterHTTP) SendToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterHTTP) Serve ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) Serve() int
func (*PlatformAdapterHTTP) SetEnable ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) SetEnable(_ bool)
func (*PlatformAdapterHTTP) SetGroupCardName ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterHTTP) SetGroupCardName(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
type PlatformAdapterKook ¶
type PlatformAdapterKook struct { Session *IMSession `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Token string `yaml:"token" json:"token"` EndPoint *EndPointInfo `yaml:"-" json:"-"` IntentSession *kook.Session `yaml:"-" json:"-"` }
PlatformAdapterKook 与 PlatformAdapterDiscord 基本相同的实现,因此不详细写注释了,可以去参考隔壁的实现
func (*PlatformAdapterKook) DoRelogin ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) DoRelogin() bool
func (*PlatformAdapterKook) EditMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) EditMessage(ctx *MsgContext, msgID, message string)
func (*PlatformAdapterKook) GetGroupInfoAsync ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) GetGroupInfoAsync(groupID string)
func (*PlatformAdapterKook) MemberBan ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) MemberBan(_ string, _ string, _ int64)
func (*PlatformAdapterKook) MemberKick ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) MemberKick(_ string, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterKook) MessageCreateRaw ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) MessageCreateRaw(base kook.MessageCreateBase, id string, isPrivate bool) error
func (*PlatformAdapterKook) QuitGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) QuitGroup(_ *MsgContext, groupID string)
func (*PlatformAdapterKook) RecallMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) RecallMessage(ctx *MsgContext, msgID string)
func (*PlatformAdapterKook) SendFileToChannelRaw ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) SendFileToChannelRaw(id string, path string, private bool)
func (*PlatformAdapterKook) SendFileToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) SendFileToGroup(_ *MsgContext, groupID string, path string, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterKook) SendFileToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) SendFileToPerson(_ *MsgContext, userID string, path string, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterKook) SendSegmentToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterKook) SendSegmentToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterKook) SendToChannelRaw ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) SendToChannelRaw(id string, text string, private bool)
func (*PlatformAdapterKook) SendToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterKook) SendToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterKook) Serve ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) Serve() int
func (*PlatformAdapterKook) SetEnable ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) SetEnable(enable bool)
func (*PlatformAdapterKook) SetGroupCardName ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterKook) SetGroupCardName(ctx *MsgContext, name string)
type PlatformAdapterMinecraft ¶
type PlatformAdapterMinecraft struct { Session *IMSession `yaml:"-" json:"-"` EndPoint *EndPointInfo `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Socket *gowebsocket.Socket `yaml:"-" json:"-"` RetryTimes int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Reconnecting bool `yaml:"-" json:"-"` ConnectURL string `yaml:"connectUrl" json:"connectUrl"` // 连接地址 }
func (*PlatformAdapterMinecraft) DoRelogin ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) DoRelogin() bool
func (*PlatformAdapterMinecraft) EditMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterMinecraft) GetGroupInfoAsync ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) GetGroupInfoAsync(_ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterMinecraft) MemberBan ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) MemberBan(_ string, _ string, _ int64)
func (*PlatformAdapterMinecraft) MemberKick ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) MemberKick(_ string, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterMinecraft) QuitGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) QuitGroup(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterMinecraft) RecallMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SendFileToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SendFileToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SendSegmentToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SendSegmentToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SendToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SendToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterMinecraft) Serve ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) Serve() int
func (*PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SetEnable ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SetEnable(enable bool)
func (*PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SetGroupCardName ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterMinecraft) SetGroupCardName(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
type PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ ¶
type PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ struct { Session *IMSession `yaml:"-" json:"-"` EndPoint *EndPointInfo `yaml:"-" json:"-"` AppID uint64 `yaml:"appID" json:"appID"` AppSecret string `yaml:"appSecret" json:"appSecret"` Token string `yaml:"token" json:"token"` OnlyQQGuild bool `yaml:"onlyQQGuild" json:"onlyQQGuild"` Api qqapi.OpenAPI `yaml:"-" json:"-"` SessionManager qqbot.SessionManager `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Ctx context.Context `yaml:"-" json:"-"` CancelFunc context.CancelFunc `yaml:"-" json:"-"` }
func (*PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) ChannelAtMessageReceive ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) ChannelAtMessageReceive(event *dto.WSPayload, data *dto.WSATMessageData) error
func (*PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) DoRelogin ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) DoRelogin() bool
func (*PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) EditMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) GetGroupInfoAsync ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) GetGroupInfoAsync(groupID string)
func (*PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) GroupAtMessageReceive ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) GroupAtMessageReceive(event *dto.WSPayload, data *dto.WSGroupATMessageData) error
func (*PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) GuildDirectMessageReceive ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) GuildDirectMessageReceive(event *dto.WSPayload, data *dto.WSDirectMessageData) error
func (*PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) MemberBan ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) MemberBan(_ string, _ string, _ int64)
func (*PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) MemberKick ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) MemberKick(_ string, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) QuitGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) QuitGroup(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) RecallMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SendFileToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SendFileToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SendSegmentToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SendSegmentToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SendToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SendToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) Serve ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) Serve() int
func (*PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SetEnable ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SetEnable(enable bool)
func (*PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SetGroupCardName ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterOfficialQQ) SetGroupCardName(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
type PlatformAdapterRed ¶
type PlatformAdapterRed struct { Session *IMSession `yaml:"-" json:"-"` EndPoint *EndPointInfo `yaml:"-" json:"-"` DiceServing bool `yaml:"-"` // 是否正在连接中 Host string `yaml:"host" json:"host"` Port int `yaml:"port" json:"port"` Token string `yaml:"token" json:"token"` RedVersion string `yaml:"-" json:"redVersion"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PlatformAdapterRed) DoRelogin ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) DoRelogin() bool
func (*PlatformAdapterRed) EditMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterRed) GetGroupInfoAsync ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) GetGroupInfoAsync(_ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterRed) MemberBan ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) MemberBan(_ string, _ string, _ int64)
func (*PlatformAdapterRed) MemberKick ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) MemberKick(_ string, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterRed) QuitGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) QuitGroup(_ *MsgContext, id string)
func (*PlatformAdapterRed) RecallMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterRed) SendFileToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterRed) SendFileToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterRed) SendSegmentToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterRed) SendSegmentToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterRed) SendToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupId string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterRed) SendToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterRed) Serve ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) Serve() int
func (*PlatformAdapterRed) SetEnable ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) SetEnable(enable bool)
func (*PlatformAdapterRed) SetGroupCardName ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterRed) SetGroupCardName(ctx *MsgContext, name string)
type PlatformAdapterSatori ¶
type PlatformAdapterSatori struct { Session *IMSession `yaml:"-" json:"-"` EndPoint *EndPointInfo `yaml:"-" json:"-"` DiceServing bool `yaml:"-"` Version string `yaml:"version" json:"version"` Platform string `yaml:"platform" json:"platform"` Host string `yaml:"host" json:"host"` Port int `yaml:"port" json:"port"` Token string `yaml:"token" json:"token"` Ctx context.Context `yaml:"-" json:"-"` CancelFunc context.CancelFunc `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PlatformAdapterSatori) DoRelogin ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) DoRelogin() bool
func (*PlatformAdapterSatori) EditMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) EditMessage(ctx *MsgContext, msgID, message string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSatori) GetGroupInfoAsync ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) GetGroupInfoAsync(groupID string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSatori) MemberBan ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) MemberBan(groupID string, userID string, duration int64)
func (*PlatformAdapterSatori) MemberKick ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) MemberKick(groupID string, userID string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSatori) QuitGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) QuitGroup(ctx *MsgContext, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSatori) RecallMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) RecallMessage(ctx *MsgContext, msgID string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSatori) SendFileToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSatori) SendFileToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSatori) SendSegmentToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSatori) SendSegmentToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSatori) SendToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSatori) SendToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSatori) Serve ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) Serve() int
func (*PlatformAdapterSatori) SetEnable ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) SetEnable(enable bool)
func (*PlatformAdapterSatori) SetGroupCardName ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSatori) SetGroupCardName(ctx *MsgContext, name string)
type PlatformAdapterSealChat ¶
type PlatformAdapterSealChat struct { Session *IMSession `yaml:"-" json:"-"` EndPoint *EndPointInfo `yaml:"-" json:"-"` ConnectURL string `yaml:"connectUrl" json:"connectUrl"` // 连接地址 Token string `yaml:"token" json:"token"` Socket *gowebsocket.Socket `yaml:"-" json:"-"` EchoMap SyncMap[string, chan any] `yaml:"-" json:"-"` UserID string `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Reconnecting bool `yaml:"-" json:"-"` RetryTimes int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` }
func (*PlatformAdapterSealChat) DoRelogin ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) DoRelogin() bool
func (*PlatformAdapterSealChat) EditMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSealChat) GetGroupInfoAsync ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) GetGroupInfoAsync(_ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSealChat) MemberBan ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) MemberBan(_ string, _ string, _ int64)
func (*PlatformAdapterSealChat) MemberKick ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) MemberKick(_ string, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSealChat) QuitGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) QuitGroup(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSealChat) RecallMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSealChat) SendFileToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSealChat) SendFileToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSealChat) SendSegmentToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSealChat) SendSegmentToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSealChat) SendToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSealChat) SendToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSealChat) Serve ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) Serve() int
func (*PlatformAdapterSealChat) SetEnable ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) SetEnable(enable bool)
func (*PlatformAdapterSealChat) SetGroupCardName ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSealChat) SetGroupCardName(mctx *MsgContext, text string)
type PlatformAdapterSlack ¶
type PlatformAdapterSlack struct { Session *IMSession `yaml:"-" json:"-"` EndPoint *EndPointInfo `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Client *sm.Client `yaml:"-" json:"-"` BotToken string `yaml:"botToken" json:"botToken"` AppToken string `yaml:"appToken" json:"appToken"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PlatformAdapterSlack) DoRelogin ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) DoRelogin() bool
func (*PlatformAdapterSlack) EditMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSlack) GetGroupInfoAsync ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) GetGroupInfoAsync(groupId string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSlack) MemberBan ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) MemberBan(groupId string, userId string, duration int64)
func (*PlatformAdapterSlack) MemberKick ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) MemberKick(groupId string, userId string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSlack) QuitGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) QuitGroup(ctx *MsgContext, id string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSlack) RecallMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSlack) SendFileToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSlack) SendFileToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSlack) SendSegmentToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSlack) SendSegmentToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSlack) SendToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSlack) SendToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterSlack) Serve ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) Serve() int
func (*PlatformAdapterSlack) SetEnable ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) SetEnable(enable bool)
func (*PlatformAdapterSlack) SetGroupCardName ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterSlack) SetGroupCardName(ctx *MsgContext, name string)
type PlatformAdapterTelegram ¶
type PlatformAdapterTelegram struct { Session *IMSession `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Token string `yaml:"token" json:"token"` ProxyURL string `yaml:"proxyURL" json:"proxyURL"` EndPoint *EndPointInfo `yaml:"-" json:"-"` IntentSession *tgbotapi.BotAPI `yaml:"-" json:"-"` ActiveTime time.Time `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 用于区分adapter关闭时堆积的消息,不进入配置文件 }
func (*PlatformAdapterTelegram) DoRelogin ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) DoRelogin() bool
func (*PlatformAdapterTelegram) EditMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterTelegram) GetGroupInfoAsync ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) GetGroupInfoAsync(groupID string)
func (*PlatformAdapterTelegram) MemberBan ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) MemberBan(_ string, _ string, _ int64)
func (*PlatformAdapterTelegram) MemberKick ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) MemberKick(_ string, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterTelegram) QuitGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) QuitGroup(_ *MsgContext, id string)
func (*PlatformAdapterTelegram) RecallMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendFileToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendFileToGroup(_ *MsgContext, uid string, path string, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendFileToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendFileToPerson(_ *MsgContext, uid string, path string, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendSegmentToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendSegmentToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendToChatRaw ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendToChatRaw(uid string, text string)
func (*PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, uid string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterTelegram) Serve ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) Serve() int
func (*PlatformAdapterTelegram) SetEnable ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) SetEnable(enable bool)
func (*PlatformAdapterTelegram) SetGroupCardName ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterTelegram) SetGroupCardName(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
SetGroupCardName 没有这个接口 不实现
type PlatformAdapterWalleQ ¶
type PlatformAdapterWalleQ struct { EndPoint *EndPointInfo `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Session *IMSession `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Socket *gowebsocket.Socket `yaml:"-" json:"-"` ConnectURL string `yaml:"connectUrl" json:"connectUrl"` // 连接地址 UseInPackWalleQ bool `yaml:"useInPackWalleQ" json:"useInPackWalleQ"` // 是否使用内置的WalleQ WalleQState int `yaml:"-" json:"loginState"` // 当前状态 CurLoginIndex int `yaml:"-" json:"curLoginIndex"` // 当前登录序号,如果正在进行的登录不是该Index,证明过时 WalleQProcess *procs.Process `yaml:"-" json:"-"` WalleQLoginFailedReason string `yaml:"-" json:"curLoginFailedReason"` // 当前登录失败原因 WalleQLoginVerifyCode string `yaml:"-" json:"WalleQLoginVerifyCode"` WalleQLoginDeviceLockURL string `yaml:"-" json:"WalleQLoginDeviceLockUrl"` WalleQQrcodeData []byte `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 二维码数据 WalleQLastAutoLoginTime int64 `yaml:"inPackGoCqLastAutoLoginTime" json:"-"` // 上次自动重新登录的时间 WalleQLoginSucceeded bool `yaml:"inPackWalleQLoginSucceeded" json:"-"` // 是否登录成功过 WalleQLastRestrictedTime int64 `yaml:"inPackWalleQLastRestricted" json:"inPackWalleQLastRestricted"` // 上次风控时间 InPackWalleQProtocol int `yaml:"inPackWalleQProtocol" json:"inPackWalleQProtocol"` InPackWalleQPassword string `yaml:"inPackWalleQPassword" json:"-"` DiceServing bool `yaml:"-"` // 是否正在连接中 InPackWalleQDisconnectedCH chan int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 信号量,用于关闭连接 IgnoreFriendRequest bool `yaml:"ignoreFriendRequest" json:"ignoreFriendRequest"` // 忽略好友请求处理开关 FileMap *SyncMap[string, string] // 记录上传文件后得到的 id Implementation string `yaml:"implementation" json:"implementation"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) DeleteFriend ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) DeleteFriend(_ *MsgContext, id string)
DeleteFriend 删除好友
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) DoRelogin ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) DoRelogin() bool
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) EditMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) EditMessage(_ *MsgContext, _, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) GetGroupInfoAsync ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) GetGroupInfoAsync(id string)
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) GetGroupMemberInfo ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) GetGroupMemberInfo(groupID string, userID string) *OnebotV12UserInfo
GetGroupMemberInfo 获取群成员信息
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) GetLoginInfo ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) GetLoginInfo()
GetLoginInfo 获取登录号信息
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) IsInLogin ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) IsInLogin() bool
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) IsLoginSuccessed ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) IsLoginSuccessed() bool
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) MemberBan ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) MemberBan(groupID string, userID string, last int64)
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) MemberKick ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) MemberKick(groupID string, userID string)
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) QuitGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) QuitGroup(_ *MsgContext, id string)
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) RecallMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) RecallMessage(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendFileToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendFileToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendFileToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendFileToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, path string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendMessage ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendMessage(text string, ty string, id string, cid string)
SendMessage 原始的发消息 API
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendSegmentToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendSegmentToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendSegmentToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendSegmentToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, msg []message.IMessageElement, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendToGroup ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendToGroup(ctx *MsgContext, groupID string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendToPerson ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SendToPerson(ctx *MsgContext, userID string, text string, flag string)
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) Serve ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) Serve() int
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SetEnable ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SetEnable(enable bool)
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SetFriendAddRequest ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SetFriendAddRequest(reqID int64, userID string, accept bool)
SetFriendAddRequest 同意好友
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SetGroupAddRequest ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SetGroupAddRequest(rid int64, gid string, accept bool)
SetGroupAddRequest 同意加群
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SetGroupCardName ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SetGroupCardName(_ *MsgContext, _ string)
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SetQQProtocol ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) SetQQProtocol(protocol int) bool
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) TextToMessageSegment ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) TextToMessageSegment(text string) []MessageSegment
func (*PlatformAdapterWalleQ) UpVoiceFile ¶
func (pa *PlatformAdapterWalleQ) UpVoiceFile(path string)
type PlayerVariablesItem ¶
type PlayerVariablesItem model.PlayerVariablesItem
func LoadPlayerGlobalVars ¶
func LoadPlayerGlobalVars(s *IMSession, id string) *PlayerVariablesItem
func LoadPlayerGroupVars ¶
func LoadPlayerGroupVars(dice *Dice, group *GroupInfo, player *GroupPlayerInfo) *PlayerVariablesItem
type PluginConfig ¶
type PluginConfig struct { PluginName string `json:"pluginName"` Configs map[string]*ConfigItem `json:"configs" jsbind:"configs"` OrderedConfigKeys []string `json:"orderedConfigKeys" jsbind:"orderedConfigKeys"` }
type PrinterFunc ¶
type PrinterFunc struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*PrinterFunc) Error ¶
func (p *PrinterFunc) Error(s string)
func (*PrinterFunc) Log ¶
func (p *PrinterFunc) Log(s string)
func (*PrinterFunc) RecordEnd ¶
func (p *PrinterFunc) RecordEnd() []string
func (*PrinterFunc) RecordStart ¶
func (p *PrinterFunc) RecordStart()
func (*PrinterFunc) Warn ¶
func (p *PrinterFunc) Warn(s string)
type ProcessExitGroup ¶
type ProcessExitGroup uintptr
func NewProcessExitGroup ¶
func NewProcessExitGroup() (ProcessExitGroup, error)
func (ProcessExitGroup) AddProcess ¶
func (g ProcessExitGroup) AddProcess(_ *os.Process) error
func (ProcessExitGroup) Dispose ¶
func (g ProcessExitGroup) Dispose() error
type ProtocolType ¶
type ProtocolType int
const ( AndroidPhone ProtocolType = 1 // Android Phone AndroidPad ProtocolType = 6 // Android Pad )
type RIListItem ¶
type RIListItem struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type RedChatType ¶
type RedChatType int
const ( PersonChat RedChatType = 1 GroupChat RedChatType = 2 )
type RedConnectReq ¶
type RedConnectReq struct {
Token string `json:"token"`
type RedConnectResp ¶
type RedConnectResp struct { Version string `json:"version"` Name string `json:"name"` AuthData *struct { Account string `json:"account"` MainAccount string `json:"mainAccount"` Uin string `json:"uin"` Uid string `json:"uid"` NickName string `json:"nickName"` Gender int `json:"gender"` Age int `json:"age"` FaceUrl string `json:"faceUrl"` A2 string `json:"a2"` D2 string `json:"d2"` D2key string `json:"d2Key"` } `json:"authData"` }
type RedElement ¶
type RedElement struct { ElementType int `json:"elementType,omitempty"` ElementId string `json:"elementId,omitempty"` ExtBufForUI string `json:"extBufForUI,omitempty"` PicElement *RedPicElement `json:"picElement,omitempty"` TextElement *RedTextElement `json:"textElement,omitempty"` ArkElement interface{} `json:"arkElement,omitempty"` AvRecordElement interface{} `json:"avRecordElement,omitempty"` CalendarElement interface{} `json:"calendarElement,omitempty"` FaceElement interface{} `json:"faceElement,omitempty"` FileElement *RedFileElement `json:"fileElement,omitempty"` GiphyElement interface{} `json:"giphyElement,omitempty"` GrayTipElement *struct { XmlElement *RedXMLElement `json:"xmlElement,omitempty"` AioOpGrayTipElement interface{} `json:"aioOpGrayTipElement,omitempty"` BlockGrayTipElement interface{} `json:"blockGrayTipElement,omitempty"` BuddyElement interface{} `json:"buddyElement,omitempty"` BuddyNotifyElement interface{} `json:"buddyNotifyElement,omitempty"` EmojiReplyElement interface{} `json:"emojiReplyElement,omitempty"` EssenceElement interface{} `json:"essenceElement,omitempty"` FeedMsgElement interface{} `json:"feedMsgElement,omitempty"` FileReceiptElement interface{} `json:"fileReceiptElement,omitempty"` GroupElement interface{} `json:"groupElement,omitempty"` GroupNotifyElement interface{} `json:"groupNotifyElement,omitempty"` JsonGrayTipElement interface{} `json:"jsonGrayTipElement,omitempty"` LocalGrayTipElement interface{} `json:"localGrayTipElement,omitempty"` ProclamationElement interface{} `json:"proclamationElement,omitempty"` RevokeElement interface{} `json:"revokeElement,omitempty"` SubElementType interface{} `json:"subElementType,omitempty"` } `json:"grayTipElement,omitempty"` InlineKeyboardElement interface{} `json:"inlineKeyboardElement,omitempty"` LiveGiftElement interface{} `json:"liveGiftElement,omitempty"` MarkdownElement interface{} `json:"markdownElement,omitempty"` MarketFaceElement interface{} `json:"marketFaceElement,omitempty"` MultiForwardMsgElement interface{} `json:"multiForwardMsgElement,omitempty"` PttElement interface{} `json:"pttElement,omitempty"` ReplyElement interface{} `json:"replyElement,omitempty"` StructLongMsgElement interface{} `json:"structLongMsgElement,omitempty"` TextGiftElement interface{} `json:"textGiftElement,omitempty"` VideoElement interface{} `json:"videoElement,omitempty"` WalletElement interface{} `json:"walletElement,omitempty"` YoloGameResultElement interface{} `json:"yoloGameResultElement,omitempty"` }
type RedEmojiAd ¶
type RedEmojiMall ¶
type RedEmojiZplan ¶
type RedEmojiZplan struct { ActionId int `json:"actionId,omitempty"` ActionName string `json:"actionName,omitempty"` ActionType int `json:"actionType,omitempty"` PlayerNumber int `json:"playerNumber,omitempty"` PeerUid string `json:"peerUid,omitempty"` BytesReserveInfo string `json:"bytesReserveInfo,omitempty"` }
type RedFileElement ¶
type RedFileElement struct { FileMd5 string `json:"fileMd5,omitempty"` FileSize int64 `json:"fileSize,omitempty"` FileName string `json:"fileName,omitempty"` FilePath string `json:"filePath,omitempty"` PicWidth int64 `json:"picWidth,omitempty"` PicHeight int64 `json:"picHeight,omitempty"` PicThumbPath interface{} `json:"thumbPath,omitempty"` File10MMd5 string `json:"file10MMd5,omitempty"` FileSha string `json:"fileSha,omitempty"` FileSha3 string `json:"fileSha3,omitempty"` FileUuid string `json:"fileUuid,omitempty"` FileSubId string `json:"fileSubId,omitempty"` ThumbFileSize int64 `json:"thumbFileSize,omitempty"` }
type RedImageUploadInfo ¶
type RedMessage ¶
type RedMessage struct { MsgID string `json:"msgId"` MsgRandom string `json:"msgRandom"` MsgSeq string `json:"msgSeq"` CntSeq string `json:"cntSeq"` ChatType int `json:"chatType"` MsgType int `json:"msgType"` SubMsgType int `json:"subMsgType"` SendType int `json:"sendType"` SenderUid string `json:"senderUid"` PeerUid string `json:"peerUid"` ChannelId string `json:"channelId"` GuildId string `json:"guildId"` GuildCode string `json:"guildCode"` FromUid string `json:"fromUid"` FromAppid string `json:"fromAppid"` MsgTime string `json:"msgTime"` MsgMeta string `json:"msgMeta"` SendStatus int `json:"sendStatus"` SendMemberName string `json:"sendMemberName"` SendNickName string `json:"sendNickName"` GuildName string `json:"guildName"` ChannelName string `json:"channelName"` Elements []*RedElement `json:"elements"` Records []interface{} `json:"records"` EmojiLikesList []interface{} `json:"emojiLikesList"` CommentCnt string `json:"commentCnt"` DirectMsgFlag int `json:"directMsgFlag"` DirectMsgMembers []interface{} `json:"directMsgMembers"` PeerName string `json:"peerName"` Editable bool `json:"editable"` AvatarMeta string `json:"avatarMeta"` AvatarPendant string `json:"avatarPendant"` FeedId string `json:"feedId"` RoleId string `json:"roleId"` TimeStamp string `json:"timeStamp"` IsImportMsg bool `json:"isImportMsg"` AtType int `json:"atType"` RoleType int `json:"roleType"` FromChannelRoleInfo *RedRoleInfo `json:"fromChannelRoleInfo"` FromGuildRoleInfo *RedRoleInfo `json:"fromGuildRoleInfo"` LevelRoleInfo *RedRoleInfo `json:"levelRoleInfo"` RecallTime string `json:"recallTime"` IsOnlineMsg bool `json:"isOnlineMsg"` GeneralFlags string `json:"generalFlags"` ClientSeq string `json:"clientSeq"` NameType int `json:"nameType"` AvatarFlag int `json:"avatarFlag"` SenderUin string `json:"senderUin"` PeerUin string `json:"peerUin"` }
type RedMessageRecv ¶
type RedMessageRecv []*RedMessage
type RedMessageSend ¶
type RedMessageSend struct { Peer *RedPeer `json:"peer"` Elements []*RedElement `json:"elements"` }
type RedPack ¶
type RedPack[T interface{}] struct { Type string `json:"type"` Payload *T `json:"payload"` }
type RedPeer ¶
type RedPeer struct { ChatType RedChatType `json:"chatType"` // Group: 2 PeerUin string `json:"peerUin"` GuildId string `json:"guildId,omitempty"` // 一直为 Null }
type RedPicElement ¶
type RedPicElement struct { PicSubType int `json:"picSubType,omitempty"` FileName string `json:"fileName,omitempty"` FileSize string `json:"fileSize,omitempty"` PicWidth int64 `json:"picWidth,omitempty"` PicHeight int64 `json:"picHeight,omitempty"` Original bool `json:"original,omitempty"` Md5HexStr string `json:"md5HexStr,omitempty"` SourcePath string `json:"sourcePath,omitempty"` ThumbPath *RedThumbPath `json:"thumbPath,omitempty"` TransferStatus int `json:"transferStatus,omitempty"` Progress int `json:"progress,omitempty"` PicType int `json:"picType,omitempty"` InvalidState int `json:"invalidState,omitempty"` FileUuid string `json:"fileUuid,omitempty"` FileSubId string `json:"fileSubId,omitempty"` ThumbFileSize int `json:"thumbFileSize,omitempty"` Summary string `json:"summary,omitempty"` EmojiAd *RedEmojiAd `json:"emojiAd,omitempty"` EmojiMall *RedEmojiMall `json:"emojiMall,omitempty"` EmojiZplan *RedEmojiZplan `json:"emojiZplan,omitempty"` OriginImageUrl string `json:"originImageUrl,omitempty"` }
type RedRichMediaResp ¶
type RedRichMediaResp struct { Md5 string `json:"md5"` FileSize int64 `json:"fileSize"` FilePath string `json:"filePath"` NtFilePath string `json:"ntFilePath"` ImageInfo *RedImageUploadInfo `json:"imageInfo"` }
type RedRoleInfo ¶
type RedTextElement ¶
type RedTextElement struct { Content string `json:"content,omitempty"` AtType int `json:"atType,omitempty"` AtUid string `json:"atUid,omitempty"` AtTinyId string `json:"atTinyId,omitempty"` AtNtUid string `json:"atNtUid,omitempty"` SubElementType int `json:"subElementType,omitempty"` AtChannelId string `json:"atChannelId,omitempty"` AtRoleId string `json:"atRoleId,omitempty"` AtRoleColor int `json:"atRoleColor,omitempty"` AtRoleName string `json:"atRoleName,omitempty"` NeedNotify int `json:"needNotify,omitempty"` AtNtUin string `json:"atNtUin,omitempty"` }
type RedThumbPath ¶
type RedThumbPath struct { }
type RedXMLElement ¶
type RedXMLElement struct { BusiType string `json:"busiType,omitempty"` BusiId string `json:"busiId,omitempty"` C2cType int `json:"c2CType,omitempty"` ServiceType int `json:"serviceType,omitempty"` CtrlFlag int `json:"ctrlFlag,omitempty"` Content string `json:"content,omitempty"` TemplId string `json:"templId,omitempty"` SeqId string `json:"seqId,omitempty"` TemplParam any `json:"templParam,omitempty"` PbReserv string `json:"pbReserv,omitempty"` Members any `json:"members,omitempty"` }
type ReplyConditionBase ¶
type ReplyConditionBase interface { Check(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, cmdArgs *CmdArgs, cleanText string) bool Clean() }
type ReplyConditionExprTrue ¶
type ReplyConditionExprTrue struct { CondType string `yaml:"condType" json:"condType"` Value string `yaml:"value" json:"value"` }
ReplyConditionExprTrue 表达式为真 // exprTrue
func (*ReplyConditionExprTrue) Check ¶
func (m *ReplyConditionExprTrue) Check(ctx *MsgContext, _ *Message, _ *CmdArgs, _ string) bool
func (*ReplyConditionExprTrue) Clean ¶
func (m *ReplyConditionExprTrue) Clean()
type ReplyConditionMultiMatch ¶
type ReplyConditionMultiMatch struct { CondType string `yaml:"condType" json:"condType"` MatchType string `yaml:"matchType" json:"matchType"` Value string `yaml:"value" json:"value"` }
ReplyConditionMultiMatch 文本多重匹配
type ReplyConditionTextLenLimit ¶
type ReplyConditionTextLenLimit struct { CondType string `yaml:"condType" json:"condType"` MatchOp string `yaml:"matchOp" json:"matchOp"` // 其实是ge或le Value int `yaml:"value" json:"value"` }
ReplyConditionTextLenLimit 文本长度限制 // textLenLimit
func (*ReplyConditionTextLenLimit) Check ¶
func (m *ReplyConditionTextLenLimit) Check(_ *MsgContext, _ *Message, _ *CmdArgs, cleanText string) bool
func (*ReplyConditionTextLenLimit) Clean ¶
func (m *ReplyConditionTextLenLimit) Clean()
type ReplyConditionTextMatch ¶
type ReplyConditionTextMatch struct { CondType string `yaml:"condType" json:"condType"` MatchType string `yaml:"matchType" json:"matchType"` // matchExact 精确 matchRegex 正则 matchFuzzy 模糊 matchContains 包含 Value string `yaml:"value" json:"value"` }
ReplyConditionTextMatch 文本匹配 // textMatch
func (*ReplyConditionTextMatch) Check ¶
func (m *ReplyConditionTextMatch) Check(ctx *MsgContext, _ *Message, _ *CmdArgs, cleanText string) bool
func (*ReplyConditionTextMatch) Clean ¶
func (m *ReplyConditionTextMatch) Clean()
type ReplyConditions ¶
type ReplyConditions []ReplyConditionBase
func (*ReplyConditions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (cond *ReplyConditions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (*ReplyConditions) UnmarshalYAML ¶
func (cond *ReplyConditions) UnmarshalYAML(data *yaml.Node) error
type ReplyConfig ¶
type ReplyConfig struct { Enable bool `yaml:"enable" json:"enable"` Interval float64 `yaml:"interval" json:"interval"` // 响应间隔,最少为5 Items []*ReplyItem `yaml:"items" json:"items"` // 作者信息 Name string `yaml:"name" json:"name"` Author []string `yaml:"author" json:"author"` Version string `yaml:"version" json:"version"` CreateTimestamp int64 `yaml:"createTimestamp" json:"createTimestamp"` UpdateTimestamp int64 `yaml:"updateTimestamp" json:"updateTimestamp"` Desc string `yaml:"desc" json:"desc"` // 文件级别执行条件 Conditions ReplyConditions `yaml:"conditions" json:"conditions"` // web专用 Filename string `yaml:"-" json:"filename"` }
func CustomReplyConfigNew ¶
func CustomReplyConfigNew(dice *Dice, filename string) *ReplyConfig
func CustomReplyConfigRead ¶
func CustomReplyConfigRead(dice *Dice, filename string) (*ReplyConfig, error)
func (*ReplyConfig) Clean ¶
func (c *ReplyConfig) Clean()
func (*ReplyConfig) Save ¶
func (c *ReplyConfig) Save(dice *Dice)
type ReplyItem ¶
type ReplyItem struct { Enable bool `yaml:"enable" json:"enable"` Conditions ReplyConditions `yaml:"conditions" json:"conditions"` Results []ReplyResultBase `yaml:"results" json:"results"` }
func (*ReplyItem) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (*ReplyItem) UnmarshalYAML ¶
type ReplyResultBase ¶
type ReplyResultBase interface { Execute(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, cmdArgs *CmdArgs) Clean() }
type ReplyResultReplyGroup ¶
type ReplyResultReplyGroup struct { ResultType string `yaml:"resultType" json:"resultType"` Delay float64 `yaml:"delay" json:"delay"` Message *TextTemplateItemList `yaml:"message" json:"message"` }
ReplyResultReplyGroup 回复到群组 replyGroup
func (*ReplyResultReplyGroup) Clean ¶
func (m *ReplyResultReplyGroup) Clean()
func (*ReplyResultReplyGroup) Execute ¶
func (m *ReplyResultReplyGroup) Execute(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, _ *CmdArgs)
type ReplyResultReplyPrivate ¶
type ReplyResultReplyPrivate struct { ResultType string `yaml:"resultType" json:"resultType"` Delay float64 `yaml:"delay" json:"delay"` Message TextTemplateItemList `yaml:"message" json:"message"` }
ReplyResultReplyPrivate 回复到私人 replyPrivate
func (*ReplyResultReplyPrivate) Clean ¶
func (m *ReplyResultReplyPrivate) Clean()
func (*ReplyResultReplyPrivate) Execute ¶
func (m *ReplyResultReplyPrivate) Execute(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, _ *CmdArgs)
type ReplyResultReplyToSender ¶
type ReplyResultReplyToSender struct { ResultType string `yaml:"resultType" json:"resultType"` Delay float64 `yaml:"delay" json:"delay"` Message TextTemplateItemList `yaml:"message" json:"message"` }
ReplyResultReplyToSender replyToSender
func (*ReplyResultReplyToSender) Clean ¶
func (m *ReplyResultReplyToSender) Clean()
func (*ReplyResultReplyToSender) Execute ¶
func (m *ReplyResultReplyToSender) Execute(ctx *MsgContext, msg *Message, _ *CmdArgs)
type ReplyResultRunText ¶
type ReplyResultRunText struct { ResultType string `yaml:"resultType" json:"resultType"` Delay float64 `yaml:"delay" json:"delay"` Message string `yaml:"message" json:"message"` }
ReplyResultRunText 同.text,但无输出 runText
func (*ReplyResultRunText) Execute ¶
func (m *ReplyResultRunText) Execute(ctx *MsgContext, _ *Message, _ *CmdArgs)
type RequestFileDataImpl ¶
func (*RequestFileDataImpl) NeedsUpload ¶
func (r *RequestFileDataImpl) NeedsUpload() bool
func (*RequestFileDataImpl) SendData ¶
func (r *RequestFileDataImpl) SendData() string
func (*RequestFileDataImpl) UploadData ¶
func (r *RequestFileDataImpl) UploadData() (string, io.Reader, error)
type RollExpression ¶
type RollExpression struct { Code []ByteCode Top int CocFlagVarPrefix string // 解析过程中出现,当VarNumber开启时有效,可以是困难极难常规大成功 NumOpCount int64 // 算力计数 JmpStack []int CounterStack []int64 Error error TmpCodeStack []int // 目前专用于computed,处理codepush Calculated bool // 是否经过计算,如骰点和符号运算 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*RollExpression) AddFormatString ¶
func (e *RollExpression) AddFormatString(value string, num int64)
func (*RollExpression) AddLeftValueMark ¶
func (e *RollExpression) AddLeftValueMark()
func (*RollExpression) AddLoadVarname ¶
func (e *RollExpression) AddLoadVarname(value string)
func (*RollExpression) AddLoadVarnameForThis ¶
func (e *RollExpression) AddLoadVarnameForThis(value string)
func (*RollExpression) AddOperator ¶
func (e *RollExpression) AddOperator(operator Type) int
func (*RollExpression) AddOperatorWithInt64 ¶
func (e *RollExpression) AddOperatorWithInt64(operator Type, val int64)
func (*RollExpression) AddStModify ¶
func (e *RollExpression) AddStModify(op string, text string)
func (*RollExpression) AddStName ¶
func (e *RollExpression) AddStName()
func (*RollExpression) AddStore ¶
func (e *RollExpression) AddStore()
func (*RollExpression) AddStoreComputed ¶
func (e *RollExpression) AddStoreComputed(text string)
func (*RollExpression) AddValue ¶
func (e *RollExpression) AddValue(value string)
func (*RollExpression) AddValueStr ¶
func (e *RollExpression) AddValueStr(value string)
func (*RollExpression) CodePop ¶
func (e *RollExpression) CodePop()
func (*RollExpression) CodePush ¶
func (e *RollExpression) CodePush()
func (*RollExpression) CounterAdd ¶
func (e *RollExpression) CounterAdd(offset int64)
func (*RollExpression) CounterPop ¶
func (e *RollExpression) CounterPop() int64
func (*RollExpression) CounterPush ¶
func (e *RollExpression) CounterPush()
func (*RollExpression) Evaluate ¶
func (e *RollExpression) Evaluate(_ *Dice, ctx *MsgContext) (*VMStack, string, error)
func (*RollExpression) GetAsmText ¶
func (e *RollExpression) GetAsmText() string
func (*RollExpression) Init ¶
func (e *RollExpression) Init(stackLength int)
func (*RollExpression) PopAndSetOffset ¶
func (e *RollExpression) PopAndSetOffset()
func (*RollExpression) PushForOffset ¶
func (e *RollExpression) PushForOffset()
type RollExtraFlags ¶
type RollExtraFlags struct { BigFailDiceOn bool DisableLoadVarname bool // 不允许加载变量,这是为了防止遇到 .r XXX 被当做属性读取,而不是“由于XXX,骰出了” CocVarNumberMode bool // 特殊的变量模式,此时这种类型的变量“力量50”被读取为50,而解析的文本被算作“力量”,如果没有后面的数字则正常进行 CocDefaultAttrOn bool // 启用COC的默认属性值,如攀爬20等 IgnoreDiv0 bool // 当div0时暂不报错 DisableValueBuff bool // 不计算buff值 DNDAttrReadMod bool // 基础属性被读取为调整值,仅在检定时使用 DNDAttrReadDC bool // 将力量豁免读取为力量再计算豁免值 DefaultDiceSideNum int64 // 默认骰子面数 DisableBitwiseOp bool // 禁用位运算,用于st DisableBlock bool // 禁用语句块(实际还禁用赋值语句,暂定名如此) DisableNumDice bool // 禁用r2d语法 DisableBPDice bool // 禁用bp语法 DisableCrossDice bool // 禁用双十字骰 DisableDicePool bool // 禁用骰池 StCallback func(_type string, name string, val *VMValue, op string, detail string) // st回调 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type SatoriArgv ¶
type SatoriArgv struct { Name string `json:"name"` Arguments []interface{} `json:"arguments"` Options interface{} `json:"options"` }
type SatoriButton ¶
type SatoriButton struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
type SatoriChannel ¶
type SatoriChannel struct { ID string `json:"id"` Type SatoriChannelType `json:"type"` Name string `json:"name"` ParentID string `json:"parent_id"` }
type SatoriChannelType ¶
type SatoriChannelType int
const ( SatoriTextChannel SatoriChannelType = iota // 文本频道 SatoriDirectChannel // 私聊频道 SatoriCategoryChannel // 分类频道 SatoriVoiceChannel // 语音频道 )
type SatoriEvent ¶
type SatoriEvent struct { ID json.Number `json:"id"` Type string `json:"type"` Platform string `json:"platform"` SelfID string `json:"self_id"` Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` Argv *SatoriArgv `json:"argv"` Button *SatoriButton `json:"button"` Channel *SatoriChannel `json:"channel"` Guild *SatoriGuild `json:"guild"` Login *SatoriLogin `json:"login"` Member *SatoriGuildMember `json:"member"` Message *SatoriMessage `json:"message"` Operator *SatoriUser `json:"operator"` Role *SatoriGuildRole `json:"role"` User *SatoriUser `json:"user"` }
type SatoriGuild ¶
type SatoriGuildMember ¶
type SatoriGuildMember struct { User *SatoriUser `json:"user"` Nick string `json:"nick"` Avatar string `json:"avatar"` JoinedAt int64 `json:"joined_at"` }
type SatoriGuildRole ¶
type SatoriIdentify ¶
type SatoriLogin ¶
type SatoriLogin struct { User *SatoriUser `json:"user"` SelfID string `json:"self_id"` Platform string `json:"platform"` Status SatoriStatus `json:"status"` }
type SatoriMessage ¶
type SatoriMessage struct { ID string `json:"id"` Content string `json:"content"` Channel *SatoriChannel `json:"channel"` Guild *SatoriGuild `json:"guild"` Member *SatoriGuildMember `json:"member"` User *SatoriUser `json:"user"` CreatedAt int64 `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt int64 `json:"updated_at"` }
type SatoriOpCode ¶
type SatoriOpCode int
const ( SatoriOpEvent SatoriOpCode = iota SatoriOpPing SatoriOpPong SatoriOpIdentify SatoriOpReady )
type SatoriPayload ¶
type SatoriPayload[T SatoriIdentify | SatoriReady | SatoriEvent | any] struct { Op SatoriOpCode `json:"op"` Body *T `json:"body"` }
type SatoriReady ¶
type SatoriReady struct {
Logins []*SatoriLogin `json:"logins"`
type SatoriStatus ¶
type SatoriStatus int
const ( SatoriOffline SatoriStatus = iota SatoriOnline SatoriConnect SatoriDisconnect SatoriReconnect )
type SatoriUser ¶
type SealComplexSingleDeck ¶
type SealComplexSingleDeck struct { Export bool `toml:"export" mapstructure:"export"` Visible bool `toml:"visible" mapstructure:"visible"` Aliases []string `toml:"aliases" mapstructure:"aliases"` Replace bool `toml:"replace" mapstructure:"replace"` // 是否放回 // 文本牌组项 Options []string `toml:"options" mapstructure:"options"` // 云牌组项 CloudExtra bool `toml:"cloud_extra" mapstructure:"cloud_extra"` Distinct bool `toml:"distinct" mapstructure:"distinct"` OptionsUrls []string `toml:"options_urls" mapstructure:"options_urls"` }
type SealMeta ¶
type SealMeta struct { Title string `toml:"title"` Author string `toml:"author"` Authors []string `toml:"authors"` Version string `toml:"version"` License string `toml:"license"` Date time.Time `toml:"date"` UpdateDate time.Time `toml:"update_date"` Desc string `toml:"desc"` FormatVersion int64 `toml:"format_version"` UpdateUrls []string `toml:"update_urls"` Etag string `toml:"etag"` }
type SendMessageMinecraft ¶
type SenderBase ¶
type SenderChannel ¶
type ShuffleRandomPool ¶
type ShuffleRandomPool struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func DeckToShuffleRandomPool ¶
func DeckToShuffleRandomPool(deck []string) *ShuffleRandomPool
func NewChooser ¶
func NewChooser(choices ...wr.Choice) (*ShuffleRandomPool, error)
func (*ShuffleRandomPool) Pick ¶
func (c *ShuffleRandomPool) Pick() interface{}
Pick returns a single weighted random Choice.Item from the Chooser.
Utilizes global rand as the source of randomness.
type SignServer ¶
type SignServerConfig ¶
type SignServerConfig struct { SignServers []*SignServer `yaml:"signServers" json:"signServers"` RuleChangeSignServer int `yaml:"ruleChangeSignServer" json:"ruleChangeSignServer"` MaxCheckCount int `yaml:"maxCheckCount" json:"maxCheckCount"` SignServerTimeout int `yaml:"signServerTimeout" json:"signServerTimeout"` AutoRegister bool `yaml:"autoRegister" json:"autoRegister"` AutoRefreshToken bool `yaml:"autoRefreshToken" json:"autoRefreshToken"` RefreshInterval int `yaml:"refreshInterval" json:"refreshInterval"` }
type SignStatus ¶
type SignStatus int8
const ( // ErrorSign 错误签名 ErrorSign SignStatus = -1 // UnknownSign 无签名 UnknownSign SignStatus = 0 // OfficialSign 官方签名 OfficialSign SignStatus = 1 )
func CheckJsSign ¶
func CheckJsSign(rawData []byte) (bool, SignStatus)
type StoryLogBackup ¶
func StoryLogBackupList ¶
func StoryLogBackupList(d *Dice) ([]StoryLogBackup, error)
type SyncMap ¶
type SyncMap[K comparable, V any] struct { // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SyncMap[K, V]) LoadAndDelete ¶
func (*SyncMap[K, V]) LoadOrStore ¶
func (*SyncMap[K, V]) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*SyncMap[K, V]) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type TextTemplateHelpGroup ¶
type TextTemplateHelpGroup = map[string]*TextTemplateHelpItem
type TextTemplateHelpItem ¶
type TextTemplateHelpItem = struct { Filename []string `json:"filename"` // 文件名 Origin []TextTemplateItem `json:"origin"` // 初始文本 Vars []string `json:"vars"` // 可用变量 Commands []string `json:"commands"` // 所属指令 Modified bool `json:"modified"` // 跟初始相比是否有修改 SubType string `json:"subType"` ExtraText string `json:"extraText"` // 额外解说 ExampleCommands []string `json:"exampleCommands"` // 案例命令 NotBuiltin bool `json:"notBuiltin"` // 非内置 TopOrder int `json:"topOrder"` // 置顶序号,越高越靠前 }
TextTemplateHelpItem 辅助信息,用于UI中,大部分自动生成
type TextTemplateItem ¶
type TextTemplateItem = []interface{} // 实际上是 [](string | int) 类型
type TextTemplateWithWeight = map[string]map[string]uint
type TextTemplateItemList ¶
type TextTemplateItemList []TextTemplateItem
type TextTemplateWithWeight = map[string]map[string]uint
func (*TextTemplateItemList) Clean ¶
func (i *TextTemplateItemList) Clean()
type TextTemplateWithHelpDict ¶
type TextTemplateWithHelpDict = map[string]TextTemplateHelpGroup
type TextTemplateWithWeight ¶
type TextTemplateWithWeight = map[string][]TextTemplateItem
type TextTemplateWithWeightDict ¶
type TextTemplateWithWeightDict = map[string]TextTemplateWithWeight
type Type ¶
type Type uint8
const ( TypePushNumber Type = iota TypePushString TypePushComputed TypeNegation TypeAdd TypeSubtract TypeMultiply TypeDivide TypeModulus TypeExponentiation TypeDiceUnary TypeDice TypeDicePenalty TypeDiceBonus TypeDiceFate TypeDiceWod TypeWodSetInit // 重置参数 TypeWodSetPool // 设置骰池(骰数) TypeWodSetPoints // 面数 TypeWodSetThreshold // 阈值 >= TypeWodSetThresholdQ // 阈值 <= TypeDiceDC TypeDCSetInit TypeDCSetPool // 骰池 TypeDCSetPoints // 面数 TypeLoadVarname TypeLoadFormatString TypeStore TypeHalt TypeSwap TypeLeftValueMark TypeDiceSetK TypeDiceSetQ TypeClearDetail TypePop TypeCompLT TypeCompLE TypeCompEQ TypeCompNE TypeCompGE TypeCompGT TypeJmp TypeJe TypeJne TypeBitwiseAnd TypeBitwiseOr TypeLogicAnd TypeLogicOr TypeStSetName TypeStModify TypeNop TypeLoadVarnameForThis TypeConvertInt TypeConvertStr )
type VMDndComputedValueData ¶
type VMDndComputedValueData struct { BaseValue VMValue `json:"base_value"` Expr string `json:"expr"` }
func (*VMDndComputedValueData) ReadBaseInt64 ¶
func (vd *VMDndComputedValueData) ReadBaseInt64() (int64, bool)
func (*VMDndComputedValueData) SetValue ¶
func (vd *VMDndComputedValueData) SetValue(v *VMValue)
type VMResult ¶
type VMResult struct { VMValue Parser *DiceRollParser Matched string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type VMValue ¶
type VMValue struct { TypeID VMValueType `json:"typeId"` Value interface{} `json:"value"` ExpiredTime int64 `json:"expiredTime"` }
func DiceDCRollVM ¶
func DiceWodRollVM ¶
func VMValueConvert ¶
func VMValueNew ¶
func VMValueNew(typeID VMValueType, val interface{}) *VMValue
func VMValueNewComputed ¶
func VMValueNewComputedRaw ¶
func VMValueNewComputedRaw(computed *ComputedData) *VMValue
func VarGetValue ¶
func VarGetValue(ctx *MsgContext, s string) (*VMValue, bool)
func (*VMValue) ComputedExecute ¶
func (*VMValue) ConvertToDiceScriptValue ¶
func (*VMValue) ReadComputed ¶
func (v *VMValue) ReadComputed() (*ComputedData, bool)
func (*VMValue) ReadString ¶
type VMValueType ¶
type VMValueType int
const ( VMTypeInt64 VMValueType = 0 VMTypeString VMValueType = 1 VMTypeBool VMValueType = 2 VMTypeExpression VMValueType = 3 VMTypeNone VMValueType = 4 VMTypeDNDComputedValue VMValueType = 5 // 旧computed VMTypeComputedValue VMValueType = 15 // 新computed )
type VersionInfo ¶
type VersionInfo struct { VersionLatest string `yaml:"versionLatest" json:"versionLatest"` VersionLatestDetail string `yaml:"versionLatestDetail" json:"versionLatestDetail"` VersionLatestCode int64 `yaml:"versionLatestCode" json:"versionLatestCode"` VersionLatestNote string `yaml:"versionLatestNote" json:"versionLatestNote"` MinUpdateSupportVersion int64 `yaml:"minUpdateSupportVersion" json:"minUpdateSupportVersion"` NewVersionURLPrefix string `yaml:"newVersionUrlPrefix" json:"newVersionUrlPrefix"` UpdaterURLPrefix string `yaml:"updaterUrlPrefix" json:"updaterUrlPrefix"` }
type WalleQConfig ¶
type WalleQConfig struct { // wq 支持复数的 qq 登录 // 多进程 or 单进程 ? QQ map[string]WqQQ `toml:"qq"` // 元数据 Meta WqMeta `toml:"meta"` // 连接方式必须完整,哪怕没有用到 http 连接方式 Onebot struct { HTTP []interface{} `toml:"http"` HTTPWebhook []interface{} `toml:"http_webhook"` WebsocketRev []interface{} `toml:"websocket_rev"` Websocket []WqWS `toml:"websocket"` // 心跳 Heartbeat struct { Enabled bool `toml:"enabled"` Interval int `toml:"interval"` } `toml:"heartbeat"` } `toml:"onebot"` }
Source Files ¶
- builtin_commands.go
- cache_clear.go
- cmd_parse.go
- config.go
- dice.go
- dice_advanced_config.go
- dice_backup.go
- dice_ban.go
- dice_censor.go
- dice_help.go
- dice_jsvm.go
- dice_manager.go
- dice_name_generator.go
- dice_stroy_log.go
- ext.go
- ext_coc7.go
- ext_coc7_template.go
- ext_deck.go
- ext_dnd5e.go
- ext_exp.go
- ext_fun.go
- ext_log.go
- ext_reply.go
- ext_reply_logic.go
- ext_story.go
- ext_template.go
- game_system_template.go
- im_helpers.go
- im_session.go
- im_vars.go
- js_api.go
- platform_adapter.go
- platform_adapter_dingtalk.go
- platform_adapter_dingtalk_helper.go
- platform_adapter_discord.go
- platform_adapter_discord_helper.go
- platform_adapter_dodo.go
- platform_adapter_dodo_helper.go
- platform_adapter_gocq.go
- platform_adapter_gocq_actions.go
- platform_adapter_gocq_channel.go
- platform_adapter_gocq_helper.go
- platform_adapter_gocq_helper_appversion.go
- platform_adapter_gocq_helper_devices.go
- platform_adapter_gocq_helper_others.go
- platform_adapter_http.go
- platform_adapter_kook.go
- platform_adapter_kook_helper.go
- platform_adapter_lagrange_helper.go
- platform_adapter_minecraft.go
- platform_adapter_minecraft_helper.go
- platform_adapter_official_qq.go
- platform_adapter_official_qq_helper.go
- platform_adapter_qq_helper.go
- platform_adapter_red.go
- platform_adapter_red_helper.go
- platform_adapter_satori.go
- platform_adapter_satori_entity.go
- platform_adapter_satori_helper.go
- platform_adapter_sealchat.go
- platform_adapter_slack.go
- platform_adapter_slack_helper.go
- platform_adapter_telegram.go
- platform_adapter_telegram_helper.go
- platform_adapter_walleq.go
- platform_adapter_walleq_helper.go
- roll.peg.go
- rollvm.go
- seal_backend.go
- syncmap.go
- utils.go
- utils_cnmods.go
- utils_email.go
- utils_ext.go
- utils_misc.go
- utils_misc_icon.go
- verify.go