= Go Ordered Maps
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Typed ordered maps for go.
Generated for all of Go's base types. Generator included for adding custom
[source, go]
func main() {
// Create a new ordered map of interface->interface presized to 10
foo := omap.NewMapAny(10)
// Puts hi->bye into the map
foo.Put("hi", "bye").
// Puts nothing into the map (because val is nil)
PutIfNotNil("teeth", nil).
// Appends fire->water to the map because key fire does not yet exist
ReplaceOrPut("fire", "water").
// Replaces the value at key "hi" with "hello"
ReplaceIfExists("hi", "hello").
// Iterates over all entries in the map with the given func
ForEach(func(k, v interface{}) {
fmt.Println(k, v)
enc := json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
_ = enc.Encode(foo)
[source, sh-session]
$ go run example/main.go
hi hello
fire water
"key": "hi",
"value": "hello"
"key": "fire",
"value": "water"
== Generator
.Generator Usage
[source, sh-session]
./gomp-gen path/to/config.yml
== About
Gomp is a Norwegian word for Muggle.