= Argonaut
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A builder style CLI creation kit.
WARNING: This project is currently pre-v1 and the API may
not yet be stable. Additionally, currently
existing features may not behave as expected.
//package main
//import "github.com/Foxcapades/Argonaut/v1"
//type Config struct {
// ForceEnabled bool
// WorkDir string
//func main() {
// var conf Config
// argo.NewCommand().
// Description("Do the things to the files").
// Flag(argo.NewFlag().
// Short('f').
// Long("force").
// Bind(&conf.ForceEnabled, false)).
// Argument(argo.NewArg().
// Require().
// Description("path to the files").
// Bind(&conf.WorkDir)).
// MustParse()
== Supported Types
By default Argonaut can parse the following built-in Go
=== Basic Types
In following tables, all entries in this table will be
referenced by `<basic>`.
.Basic Types
[cols="m,m,m,m,m", width="100%"]
| int | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64
| uint | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64
| string | bool | (byte) | (rune) |
Currently `complex64` and `complex128` are not supported.
Additionally, pointers of arbitrary depth to these types are
can also be parsed.
=== Container Types
Like with the basic types, references to `<basic>` here can
be pointers of arbitrary depth to those basic types.
Additionally, `[]byte` can also be referenced by pointers of
arbitrary depth.
[cols="m,m,m,m", width="100%"]
| []<basic> | [][]byte | []*[]byte | []interface{}
[cols="m,m", width="100%"]
| map[<basic>]<basic> | map[<basic>][]byte
A planned future feature is to allow maps to slices of any
of the basic types.
=== Custom types
Argonaut provides an `Unarshaler` interface which can be
used to allow parsing custom types or controlling the
specifics of how a type get unmarshaled.
== Formats
=== Number
By default, numeric argument types can be handled in base
8, 10, and 16 using the formats or provided types below.
==== Hexadecimal
Argonaut will automatically parse values with the following
formats as base16.
These prefixes can be overridden or disabled entirely using
the `argo.UnmarshalProps` type.
Additionally, the `argo` package contains predefined types
to force base16 parsing without requiring a prefix.
.Provided Hex Types
[cols="m,m,m", width="100%"]
| argo.Hex -> int | argo.Hex8 -> int8 | argo.Hex16 -> int16
| argo.Hex32 -> int32 | argo.Hex64 -> int64 |
| argo.UHex -> uint | argo.UHex8 -> uint8 | argo.UHex16 -> uint16
| argo.UHex32 -> uint32 | argo.UHex64 -> uint64 |
Due to the way Go parses numbers, negative values must be
preceded by `-`. Using `FF` with `int8` to get `-128` is
not currently possible, however this is a planned future
feature since this is a fairly normal expectation.
==== Octal
Argonaut will automatically parse values with the following
formats as base8.
These prefixes can be overridden or disabled entirely using
the `argo.UnmarshalProps` type.
Additionally, the `argo` package contains predefined types
to force base8 parsing without requiring a prefix.
.Provided Octal Types
[cols="m,m,m", width="100%"]
| argo.Octal -> int | argo.Octal8 -> int8 | argo.Octal16 -> int16
| argo.Octal32 -> int32 | argo.Octal64 -> int64 |
| argo.UOctal -> uint | argo.UOctal8 -> uint8 | argo.UOctal16 -> uint16
| argo.UOctal32 -> uint32 | argo.UOctal64 -> uint64 |
=== Boolean
Arguments of type `bool` can be represented by the following
[cols="h,m,m,m,m,m", width="100%"]
| true | true | t | yes | y | 1
| false | false | f | no | n | 0
A boolean argument attached to a flag can also be set to
`true` simply by the existence of that flag in the CLI
== Examples
. https://github.com/Foxcapades/Argonaut/tree/master/examples/complex-type[Complex Types]
. https://github.com/Foxcapades/Argonaut/tree/master/examples/number-extras[Number Format Extras]
* [ ] Required arguments cannot follow optional arguments
* [ ] map of slice with nested appending
* [ ] Date parsing
* [ ] Subcommands
* [ ] Format help text based on TTY width
* [ ] Tab-completion helper
* [ ] Struct tag -> cli config parsing
* [ ] Unmarshaling String value defaults (prerequisite for struct tags)