Index ¶
- Constants
- func CheckInvariant(invariantName string, shutdownHooks *ShutdownHooks, threshold time.Duration, ...) error
- func ChooseRandomPod(pods *corev1.PodList) *corev1.Pod
- func GenerateCertificate() (*corev1.Secret, error)
- func GenerateUpgradeTableEntries(options *FactoryOptions) []ginkgo.TableEntry
- func GetBaseImageAndTag(image string) (string, string)
- func GetDcIDsFromConfig(databaseConfiguration fdbv1beta2.DatabaseConfiguration) []string
- func GetDebugImage(debug bool, image string) string
- func GetOperatorSelector(namespace string) chaosmeshv1alpha1.PodSelectorSpec
- func GetProcessClass(pod corev1.Pod) fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass
- func GetProcessGroupID(pod corev1.Pod) fdbv1beta2.ProcessGroupID
- func GetPvc(pod *corev1.Pod) string
- func LoadControllerRuntimeFromContext(context string, configScheme *runtime.Scheme) (client.Client, error)
- func PodSelector(pod *corev1.Pod) chaosmeshv1alpha1.PodSelectorSpec
- func PodsSelector(v1pods []corev1.Pod) chaosmeshv1alpha1.PodSelectorSpec
- func RandStringRunes(n int) string
- func RandomPickOnePod(input []corev1.Pod) corev1.Pod
- func RandomPickPod(input []corev1.Pod, count int) []corev1.Pod
- func RunGinkgoTests(t *testing.T, name string)
- func ToJSON(v interface{}) string
- func UseVersionBeforeUpgrade(factory *Factory, cluster *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster)
- func VersionsAreProtocolCompatible(versionA string, versionB string) bool
- func WithDNSEnabled(_ *Factory, cluster *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster)
- func WithLocalitiesForExclusion(_ *Factory, cluster *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster)
- func WithOneMinuteMinimumUptimeSecondsForBounce(_ *Factory, cluster *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster)
- func WithTLSEnabled(_ *Factory, cluster *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster)
- func WithUnifiedImage(_ *Factory, cluster *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster)
- type ChaosMeshExperiment
- type ClusterConfig
- func (config *ClusterConfig) CalculateRoleCounts() fdbv1beta2.RoleCounts
- func (config *ClusterConfig) Copy() *ClusterConfig
- func (config *ClusterConfig) CreateDatabaseConfiguration() fdbv1beta2.DatabaseConfiguration
- func (config ClusterConfig) GetRedundancyMode() fdbv1beta2.RedundancyMode
- func (config *ClusterConfig) SetDefaults(factory *Factory)
- type ClusterOption
- type CreationTrackerLogger
- type DefaultCreationTrackerLogger
- type Factory
- func (factory *Factory) AddShutdownHook(f func() error)
- func (factory *Factory) ChaosTestsEnabled() bool
- func (factory *Factory) CleanupChaosMeshExperiments() error
- func (factory *Factory) CreateExperiment(chaos client.Object) *ChaosMeshExperiment
- func (factory *Factory) CreateFDBOperatorIfAbsent(namespace string) error
- func (factory *Factory) CreateFdbCluster(config *ClusterConfig, options ...ClusterOption) *FdbCluster
- func (factory *Factory) CreateFdbClusterFromSpec(spec *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster, config *ClusterConfig, ...) *FdbCluster
- func (factory *Factory) CreateFdbHaCluster(config *ClusterConfig, options ...ClusterOption) *HaFdbCluster
- func (factory *Factory) CreateIfAbsent(object client.Object) error
- func (factory *Factory) DeleteChaosMeshExperimentSafe(experiment *ChaosMeshExperiment)
- func (factory *Factory) DeletePod(pod *corev1.Pod)
- func (factory *Factory) DoesPodExist(pod corev1.Pod) (bool, error)
- func (factory *Factory) DumpState(fdbCluster *FdbCluster)
- func (factory *Factory) DumpStateHaCluster(fdbCluster *HaFdbCluster)
- func (factory *Factory) ExecuteCmd(namespace string, name string, container string, command string, ...) (string, string, error)
- func (factory *Factory) ExecuteCmdOnPod(pod *corev1.Pod, container string, command string, printOutput bool) (string, string, error)
- func (factory *Factory) ExecuteCommandRaw(namespace string, name string, container string, command []string, ...) error
- func (factory *Factory) GenerateFDBClusterSpec(config *ClusterConfig) *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster
- func (factory *Factory) GetAdditionalSidecarVersions() []fdbv1beta2.Version
- func (factory *Factory) GetBackupSecretName() string
- func (factory *Factory) GetBeforeVersion() string
- func (factory *Factory) GetChaosNamespace() string
- func (factory *Factory) GetClusterOptions(options ...ClusterOption) []ClusterOption
- func (factory *Factory) GetContext() string
- func (factory *Factory) GetControllerRuntimeClient() client.Client
- func (factory *Factory) GetDefaultLabels() map[string]string
- func (factory *Factory) GetDefaultStorageClass() string
- func (factory *Factory) GetFDBVersion() fdbv1beta2.Version
- func (factory *Factory) GetFDBVersionAsString() string
- func (factory *Factory) GetFoundationDBImage() string
- func (factory *Factory) GetLogsForPod(pod corev1.Pod, container string, since *int64) string
- func (factory *Factory) GetLogsFromPod(pod *corev1.Pod, container string) string
- func (factory *Factory) GetOperatorImage() string
- func (factory *Factory) GetOperatorPods(namespace string) *corev1.PodList
- func (factory *Factory) GetPod(namespace string, name string) (*corev1.Pod, error)
- func (factory *Factory) GetSecretName() string
- func (factory *Factory) GetSidecarConfigs() []SidecarConfig
- func (factory *Factory) GetSidecarImage() string
- func (factory *Factory) GetStorageClasses(labels map[string]string) *storagev1.StorageClassList
- func (factory *Factory) GetUpgradeVersions() []UpgradeTestConfiguration
- func (factory *Factory) InjectDiskFailure(selector chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec) *ChaosMeshExperiment
- func (factory *Factory) InjectDiskFailureWithPath(selector chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec, volumePath string, path string, ...) *ChaosMeshExperiment
- func (factory *Factory) InjectHTTPClientChaosWrongResultFdbMonitorConf(selector chaosmeshv1alpha1.PodSelectorSpec, namespace string) *ChaosMeshExperiment
- func (factory *Factory) InjectIOLatency(selector chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec, delay string) *ChaosMeshExperiment
- func (factory *Factory) InjectNetworkLoss(lossPercentage string, source chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec, ...) *ChaosMeshExperiment
- func (factory *Factory) InjectNetworkLossBetweenPods(pods []chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec, loss string)
- func (factory *Factory) InjectPartition(selector chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec) *ChaosMeshExperiment
- func (factory *Factory) InjectPartitionBetween(source chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec, target chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec) *ChaosMeshExperiment
- func (factory *Factory) InjectPartitionOnSomeTargetPods(source chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec, target chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec, ...) *ChaosMeshExperiment
- func (factory *Factory) MultipleNamespaces(dcIDs []string) []string
- func (factory *Factory) OperatorIsAtLeast(version string) bool
- func (factory *Factory) PrependRegistry(container string) string
- func (factory *Factory) RecreateOperatorPods(namespace string)
- func (factory *Factory) ScheduleInjectPodKill(target chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec, schedule string, mode chaosmesh.SelectorMode) *ChaosMeshExperiment
- func (factory *Factory) SetBeforeVersion(version string)
- func (factory *Factory) SetFinalizerForPod(pod *corev1.Pod, finalizers []string) error
- func (factory *Factory) Shutdown()
- func (factory *Factory) SingleNamespace() string
- func (factory *Factory) StopInvariantCheck()
- func (factory *Factory) WaitUntilOperatorPodsRunning(namespace string)
- type FactoryOptions
- type FdbCluster
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) AllProcessGroupsHaveCondition(condition fdbv1beta2.ProcessGroupConditionType) bool
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) BounceClusterWithoutWait() error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) CheckPodIsDeleted(podName string) bool
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) ClearBuggifyNoSchedule(waitForReconcile bool) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) ClearProcessGroupsToRemove() error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) Create() error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) Destroy() error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) EnsurePodIsDeleted(podName string)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) EnsurePodIsDeletedWithCustomTimeout(podName string, timeoutMinutes int)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) ExecuteCmdOnPod(pod corev1.Pod, container string, command string, printOutput bool) (string, string, error)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) ForceReconcile()
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetAllPods() *corev1.PodList
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetAutomationOptions() fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBClusterAutomationOptions
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetCachedCluster() *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetCluster() *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetClusterSpec() fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBClusterSpec
- func (fdbCluster FdbCluster) GetCommandlineForProcessesPerClass() map[fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass][]string
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetCoordinators() []corev1.Pod
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetCustomParameters(processClass fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass) fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCustomParameters
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetFDBImage() string
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetLogPods() *corev1.PodList
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetLogServersPerPod() int
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetNode(name string) *corev1.Node
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetPod(name string) *corev1.Pod
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetPodIDs(processClass fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass) map[fdbv1beta2.ProcessGroupID]fdbv1beta2.None
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetPodRoleMap() map[fdbv1beta2.ProcessGroupID][]RoleInfo
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetPods() *corev1.PodList
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetPodsNames() []string
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetPodsWithRole(role fdbv1beta2.ProcessRole) []corev1.Pod
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetProcessCount(targetRole fdbv1beta2.ProcessRole) int
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetProcessCountByProcessClass(pClass fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass) int
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetProcessCounts() (fdbv1beta2.ProcessCounts, error)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetResourceLabels() map[string]string
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetServices() *corev1.ServiceList
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetSidecarImageForVersion(version string) string
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetStatelessPods() *corev1.PodList
- func (fdbCluster FdbCluster) GetStatus() *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBStatus
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetStoragePods() *corev1.PodList
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetStorageServerPerPod() int
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetTransactionPods() *corev1.PodList
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetVolumeClaimsForProcesses(processClass fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass) *corev1.PersistentVolumeClaimList
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetVolumeSize(processClass fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass) (resource.Quantity, error)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) HasHeadlessService() bool
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) HasTLSEnabled() bool
- func (fdbCluster FdbCluster) InvariantClusterStatusAvailable() error
- func (fdbCluster FdbCluster) InvariantClusterStatusAvailableWithThreshold(availabilityThreshold time.Duration) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) IsAvailable() bool
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) Name() string
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) Namespace() string
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) ReplacePod(pod corev1.Pod, waitForReconcile bool)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) ReplacePods(pods []corev1.Pod)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) RunFdbCliCommandInOperator(command string, printOutput bool, timeout int) (string, string)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) RunFdbCliCommandInOperatorWithoutRetry(command string, printOutput bool, timeout int) (string, string, error)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetAutoReplacements(enabled bool, detectionTime time.Duration) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetAutoReplacementsWithWait(enabled bool, detectionTime time.Duration, wait bool) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetBuggifyBlockRemoval(blockRemovals []fdbv1beta2.ProcessGroupID)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetClusterTaintConfig(taintOption []fdbv1beta2.TaintReplacementOption, ...)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetCrashLoopContainers(crashLoopContainers []fdbv1beta2.CrashLoopContainerObject, ...)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetCustomParameters(processClass fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass, ...) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetDatabaseConfiguration(config fdbv1beta2.DatabaseConfiguration, waitForReconcile bool) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetEmptyMonitorConf(enable bool) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetFinalizerForPvc(finalizers []string, pvc corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetIgnoreDuringRestart(processes []fdbv1beta2.ProcessGroupID)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetIgnoreMissingProcessesSeconds(duration time.Duration) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetKillProcesses(allowKill bool)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetLogServersPerPod(serverPerPod int, waitForReconcile bool) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetPodAsUnschedulable(pod corev1.Pod) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetProcessGroupPrefix(prefix string) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetProcessGroupsAsUnschedulable(procesGroups []fdbv1beta2.ProcessGroupID)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetPublicIPSource(publicIPSource fdbv1beta2.PublicIPSource) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetSkipReconciliation(skip bool) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetStorageServerPerPod(serverPerPod int) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetTLS(enableMainContainerTLS bool, enableSidecarContainerTLS bool) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetTransactionServerPerPod(serverPerPod int, processCount int, waitForReconcile bool) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetUseDNSInClusterFile(useDNSInClusterFile bool) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetVolumeSize(processClass fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass, size resource.Quantity) error
- func (fdbCluster FdbCluster) StatusInvariantChecker(name string, threshold time.Duration, ...) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) Update() error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) UpdateAnnotationsAndLabels(annotations map[string]string, labels map[string]string)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) UpdateClusterSpec()
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) UpdateClusterSpecWithSpec(desiredSpec *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBClusterSpec)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) UpdateContainerImage(pod *corev1.Pod, containerName string, image string)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) UpdateCoordinatorSelection(setting []fdbv1beta2.CoordinatorSelectionSetting) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) UpdateLogProcessCount(newLogProcessCount int) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) UpdateNode(node *corev1.Node)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) UpdateStorageClass(storageClass string, processClass fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) UpgradeAndVerify(version string)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) UpgradeCluster(version string, waitForReconciliation bool) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) ValidateProcessesCount(processClass fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass, countProcessGroups int, countServer int)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) VerifyVersion(version string)
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) WaitForPodRemoval(pod *corev1.Pod) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) WaitForReconciliation(options ...func(*ReconciliationOptions)) error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) WaitUntilAvailable() error
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) WaitUntilExists()
- func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) WaitUntilWithForceReconcile(pollTimeInSeconds int, timeOutInSeconds int, ...) error
- type HaFdbCluster
- func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) Delete()
- func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) DumpState()
- func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) GetAllClusters() []*FdbCluster
- func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) GetCluster(suffix string) *FdbCluster
- func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) GetNamespaceSelector() v1alpha1.PodSelectorSpec
- func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) GetNamespaces() []string
- func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) GetPrimary() *FdbCluster
- func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) GetPrimarySatellite() *FdbCluster
- func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) GetRemote() *FdbCluster
- func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) GetRemoteSatellite() *FdbCluster
- func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) GetSatellite() *FdbCluster
- func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) SetCustomParameters(processClass fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass, ...) error
- func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) SetDatabaseConfiguration(config fdbv1beta2.DatabaseConfiguration)
- func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) UpgradeCluster(version string, waitForReconciliation bool) error
- func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) UpgradeClusterWithTimeout(version string, waitForReconciliation bool, timeout int) error
- func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) VerifyVersion(version string)
- func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) WaitForReconciliation(options ...func(*ReconciliationOptions)) error
- type HaMode
- type ReconciliationOption
- func CreationTrackerLoggerOption(creationTrackerLogger CreationTrackerLogger) ReconciliationOption
- func MinimumGenerationOption(minimumGeneration int64) ReconciliationOption
- func PollTimeInSecondsOption(pollTimeInSeconds int) ReconciliationOption
- func SoftReconcileOption(enable bool) ReconciliationOption
- func TimeOutInSecondsOption(timeOutInSeconds int) ReconciliationOption
- type ReconciliationOptions
- type RoleInfo
- type ShutdownHooks
- type SidecarConfig
- type UpgradeTestConfiguration
Constants ¶
const ( // PrimaryID is the suffix for the primary FoundationDBCluster PrimaryID = "primary" // RemoteID is the suffix for the remote FoundationDBCluster RemoteID = "remote" // PrimarySatelliteID is the suffix for the primary satellite FoundationDBCluster PrimarySatelliteID = "primary-satellite" // RemoteSatelliteID is the suffix for the remote satellite FoundationDBCluster RemoteSatelliteID = "remote-satellite" // SatelliteID is the suffix for the satellite FoundationDBCluster SatelliteID = "satellite" )
This file contains fixtures to set up HA configurations.
const ChaosDurationForever = "998h"
ChaosDurationForever represents a very long duration if an experiment should run for the whole test duration.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func CheckInvariant ¶
func CheckInvariant( invariantName string, shutdownHooks *ShutdownHooks, threshold time.Duration, f func() error, ) error
CheckInvariant will test the invariant method provided and will return an error if the invariant returns an error
func ChooseRandomPod ¶
ChooseRandomPod returns a random pod from the provided array, passing through the provided error.
func GenerateCertificate ¶
GenerateCertificate generates a Kubernetes Secret that contains a valid certificate, key and ca.pem. This method can be used to create e2e test FDB clusters.
func GenerateUpgradeTableEntries ¶
func GenerateUpgradeTableEntries(options *FactoryOptions) []ginkgo.TableEntry
GenerateUpgradeTableEntries creates the ginkgo.TableEntry slice based of the provided options.
func GetBaseImageAndTag ¶
GetBaseImageAndTag returns the base image and if present the tag.
func GetDcIDsFromConfig ¶
func GetDcIDsFromConfig(databaseConfiguration fdbv1beta2.DatabaseConfiguration) []string
GetDcIDsFromConfig returns unique DC IDs from the current config. TODO (johscheuer): Should this be part of v1beta2?
func GetDebugImage ¶
GetDebugImage returns the debugging image if enabled.
func GetOperatorSelector ¶
func GetOperatorSelector(namespace string) chaosmeshv1alpha1.PodSelectorSpec
GetOperatorSelector returns the operator Pod selector for chaos mesh.
func GetProcessClass ¶
func GetProcessClass(pod corev1.Pod) fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass
GetProcessClass returns the Process class of this Pod.
func GetProcessGroupID ¶
func GetProcessGroupID(pod corev1.Pod) fdbv1beta2.ProcessGroupID
GetProcessGroupID returns the Process Group ID class of this Pod.
func LoadControllerRuntimeFromContext ¶ added in v1.23.0
func LoadControllerRuntimeFromContext(context string, configScheme *runtime.Scheme) (client.Client, error)
LoadControllerRuntimeFromContext will load a client.Client from the provided context. The context must be existing in the kube config.
func PodSelector ¶
func PodSelector(pod *corev1.Pod) chaosmeshv1alpha1.PodSelectorSpec
PodSelector returns the PodSelectorSpec for the provided Pod. TODO(j-scheuermann): This should be merged with the method below (PodsSelector).
func PodsSelector ¶
func PodsSelector(v1pods []corev1.Pod) chaosmeshv1alpha1.PodSelectorSpec
PodsSelector returns the PodSelectorSpec for the provided Pods.
func RandStringRunes ¶
RandStringRunes randomly generates a string of length n.
func RandomPickOnePod ¶
RandomPickOnePod will pick on Pods randomly from the Pod slice.
func RandomPickPod ¶
RandomPickPod randomly picks the number of Pods from the slice. If the slice contains less than count Pods, all Pods will be returned in a random order.
func RunGinkgoTests ¶
RunGinkgoTests sets up the current test suite to run Ginkgo tests, then invokes the tests. It should be invoked by each top level Test* function.
func ToJSON ¶
func ToJSON(v interface{}) string
ToJSON tries to convert any object to a string representing the struct as JSON.
func UseVersionBeforeUpgrade ¶
func UseVersionBeforeUpgrade(factory *Factory, cluster *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster)
UseVersionBeforeUpgrade is an option that uses an older version of FDB to prepare a cluster for being upgraded.
func VersionsAreProtocolCompatible ¶
VersionsAreProtocolCompatible returns true if versionA and versionB are protocol compatible e.g. a patch upgrade.
func WithDNSEnabled ¶
func WithDNSEnabled(_ *Factory, cluster *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster)
WithDNSEnabled is an option that enables DNS for a cluster.
func WithLocalitiesForExclusion ¶
func WithLocalitiesForExclusion(_ *Factory, cluster *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster)
WithLocalitiesForExclusion is an option that exclusions based on localities for a cluster.
func WithOneMinuteMinimumUptimeSecondsForBounce ¶
func WithOneMinuteMinimumUptimeSecondsForBounce( _ *Factory, cluster *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster, )
WithOneMinuteMinimumUptimeSecondsForBounce sets the MinimumUptimeSecondsForBounce setting to 60.
func WithTLSEnabled ¶
func WithTLSEnabled(_ *Factory, cluster *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster)
WithTLSEnabled is an option that enables TLS for a cluster.
func WithUnifiedImage ¶ added in v1.20.0
func WithUnifiedImage(_ *Factory, cluster *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster)
WithUnifiedImage is an option that enables the unified image for a cluster.
Types ¶
type ChaosMeshExperiment ¶
type ChaosMeshExperiment struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ChaosMeshExperiment is a wrapper around an actual chaos mesh experiment and should provide some useful abstractions, to make it easier to run experiments.
type ClusterConfig ¶
type ClusterConfig struct { // If enabled we will use the performance setup. Performance bool // If enabled the debug images will be used for this test case. DebugSymbols bool // UseMaintenanceMode if enabled the FoundationDBCluster resource will enable the maintenance mode. UseMaintenanceMode bool // UseLocalityBasedExclusions if enabled the FoundationDBCluster resource will enable the locality based exclusions. UseLocalityBasedExclusions bool // UseDNS if enabled the FoundationDBCluster resource will enable the DNS feature. UseDNS bool // CreationTracker if specified will be used to log the time between the creations steps. CreationTracker CreationTrackerLogger // Number of machines, this is used for calculating the number of Pods and is not correlated to the actual number // of machines that will be used. MachineCount int // This is also used for calculating the number of Pods. DisksPerMachine int // StorageServerPerPod defines the value that is set in the FoundationDBClusterSpec for this setting. StorageServerPerPod int // LogServersPerPod defines the value that is set in the FoundationDBClusterSpec for this setting. LogServersPerPod int // VolumeSize the size of the volumes that should be created for stateful Pods. VolumeSize string // Namespace to create the cluster in, if empty will use a randomly generated namespace. The setup won't create the // namespace if it's not created. Namespace string // Name of the cluster to be created, if empty a random name will be used. Name string // The storage engine that should be used to create the cluster StorageEngine fdbv1beta2.StorageEngine // NodeSelector of the cluster to be created. NodeSelector map[string]string // Defines the HA mode that will be used, per default this will point to HaModeNone. HaMode HaMode // CustomParameters allows to define the custom parameters that should be set during the cluster creation. CustomParameters map[fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass]fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCustomParameters // CreationCallback allows to specify a method that will be called after the cluster was created. CreationCallback func(fdbCluster *FdbCluster) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ClusterConfig defines the target configuration for the FoundationDBCLuster.
func DefaultClusterConfig ¶
func DefaultClusterConfig(debugSymbols bool) *ClusterConfig
DefaultClusterConfig returns the default cluster configuration with the HA Mode None.
func DefaultClusterConfigWithHaMode ¶
func DefaultClusterConfigWithHaMode(haMode HaMode, debugSymbols bool) *ClusterConfig
DefaultClusterConfigWithHaMode returns the default cluster configuration with the provided HA Mode.
func (*ClusterConfig) CalculateRoleCounts ¶
func (config *ClusterConfig) CalculateRoleCounts() fdbv1beta2.RoleCounts
CalculateRoleCounts attempt to scale role counts in a way that is reasonable for read-heavy OLTP-style workloads 1 disk will hold logs. The rest holds data.
func (*ClusterConfig) Copy ¶ added in v1.23.0
func (config *ClusterConfig) Copy() *ClusterConfig
Copy will return a new struct of the ClusterConfig.
func (*ClusterConfig) CreateDatabaseConfiguration ¶
func (config *ClusterConfig) CreateDatabaseConfiguration() fdbv1beta2.DatabaseConfiguration
CreateDatabaseConfiguration returns the fdbv1beta2.DatabaseConfiguration based on the provided cluster configuration.
func (ClusterConfig) GetRedundancyMode ¶
func (config ClusterConfig) GetRedundancyMode() fdbv1beta2.RedundancyMode
GetRedundancyMode returns the redundancy mode based on the cluster configuration.
func (*ClusterConfig) SetDefaults ¶
func (config *ClusterConfig) SetDefaults(factory *Factory)
SetDefaults will set all unset fields to the default values.
type ClusterOption ¶
type ClusterOption func(*Factory, *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster)
ClusterOption provides a fluid mechanism for chaining together options for building clusters.
type CreationTrackerLogger ¶
type CreationTrackerLogger interface { // NewEntry adds an entry to the internal map. NewEntry() map[string]interface{} // Log will write the values in the map directly to the logger. Log(values map[string]interface{}) error // Flush will write all values from the entry map to the logger. Flush() error }
CreationTrackerLogger is an interface that can be used to log the time between different creation steps.
func NewDefaultCreationTrackerLogger ¶
func NewDefaultCreationTrackerLogger() CreationTrackerLogger
NewDefaultCreationTrackerLogger creates a no-op logger which is not writing anything.
type DefaultCreationTrackerLogger ¶
type DefaultCreationTrackerLogger struct{}
DefaultCreationTrackerLogger is an implementation of CreationTrackerLogger that is not printing any values.
func (*DefaultCreationTrackerLogger) Flush ¶
func (logger *DefaultCreationTrackerLogger) Flush() error
Flush will write all values from the entry map to the logger.
func (*DefaultCreationTrackerLogger) Log ¶
func (logger *DefaultCreationTrackerLogger) Log(_ map[string]interface{}) error
Log will write the values in the map directly to the logger.
func (*DefaultCreationTrackerLogger) NewEntry ¶
func (logger *DefaultCreationTrackerLogger) NewEntry() map[string]interface{}
NewEntry adds an entry to the internal map.
type Factory ¶
type Factory struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Factory is a helper struct to organize tests.
func CreateFactory ¶
func CreateFactory(options *FactoryOptions) *Factory
CreateFactory will create a factory based on the provided options.
func (*Factory) AddShutdownHook ¶
AddShutdownHook will add the provided shut down hook.
func (*Factory) ChaosTestsEnabled ¶
ChaosTestsEnabled returns true if chaos tests should be executed.
func (*Factory) CleanupChaosMeshExperiments ¶
CleanupChaosMeshExperiments deletes any chaos experiments created by this handle. Invoked at shutdown. Tests that need to delete experiments should invoke Delete on their ChaosMeshExperiment objects.
func (*Factory) CreateExperiment ¶
func (factory *Factory) CreateExperiment(chaos client.Object) *ChaosMeshExperiment
CreateExperiment creates a chaos experiment in the cluster with specified type, name and chaos object.
func (*Factory) CreateFDBOperatorIfAbsent ¶
CreateFDBOperatorIfAbsent creates the operator Deployment based on the template.
func (*Factory) CreateFdbCluster ¶
func (factory *Factory) CreateFdbCluster( config *ClusterConfig, options ...ClusterOption, ) *FdbCluster
CreateFdbCluster creates a FDB cluster.
func (*Factory) CreateFdbClusterFromSpec ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (factory *Factory) CreateFdbClusterFromSpec( spec *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster, config *ClusterConfig, options ...ClusterOption, ) *FdbCluster
CreateFdbClusterFromSpec creates a FDB cluster. This method can be used in combination with the GenerateFDBClusterSpec method. In general this should only be used for special cases that are not covered by changing the ClusterOptions or the ClusterConfig.
func (*Factory) CreateFdbHaCluster ¶
func (factory *Factory) CreateFdbHaCluster( config *ClusterConfig, options ...ClusterOption, ) *HaFdbCluster
CreateFdbHaCluster creates a HA FDB Cluster based on the cluster config and cluster options
func (*Factory) CreateIfAbsent ¶
CreateIfAbsent will create the provided resource if absent.
func (*Factory) DeleteChaosMeshExperimentSafe ¶
func (factory *Factory) DeleteChaosMeshExperimentSafe(experiment *ChaosMeshExperiment)
DeleteChaosMeshExperimentSafe will delete a running Chaos Mesh experiment.
func (*Factory) DoesPodExist ¶
DoesPodExist checks to see if Kubernetes still knows about this pod.
func (*Factory) DumpState ¶
func (factory *Factory) DumpState(fdbCluster *FdbCluster)
DumpState writes the state of the cluster to the log output. Useful for debugging test failures.
func (*Factory) DumpStateHaCluster ¶
func (factory *Factory) DumpStateHaCluster(fdbCluster *HaFdbCluster)
DumpStateHaCluster can be used to dump the state of the HA cluster. This includes the Kubernetes custom resource information as well as the operator logs and the Pod state.
func (*Factory) ExecuteCmd ¶
func (factory *Factory) ExecuteCmd( namespace string, name string, container string, command string, printOutput bool, ) (string, string, error)
ExecuteCmd executes command in the default container of a Pod with shell, returns stdout and stderr.
func (*Factory) ExecuteCmdOnPod ¶
func (factory *Factory) ExecuteCmdOnPod( pod *corev1.Pod, container string, command string, printOutput bool, ) (string, string, error)
ExecuteCmdOnPod runs a command on the provided Pod. The command will be executed inside a bash -c ”.
func (*Factory) ExecuteCommandRaw ¶
func (factory *Factory) ExecuteCommandRaw( namespace string, name string, container string, command []string, stdin io.Reader, stdout io.Writer, stderr io.Writer, isTty bool, ) error
ExecuteCommandRaw will run the command without putting it into a shell.
func (*Factory) GenerateFDBClusterSpec ¶ added in v1.20.0
func (factory *Factory) GenerateFDBClusterSpec(config *ClusterConfig) *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster
GenerateFDBClusterSpec will generate a *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster based on the input ClusterConfig.
func (*Factory) GetAdditionalSidecarVersions ¶
func (factory *Factory) GetAdditionalSidecarVersions() []fdbv1beta2.Version
GetAdditionalSidecarVersions returns all additional FoundationDB versions that should be added to the sidecars. This method make sure that the operator has all required client libraries.
func (*Factory) GetBackupSecretName ¶
GetBackupSecretName returns the name of the backup secret.
func (*Factory) GetBeforeVersion ¶
GetBeforeVersion returns the before version if set. This is used during upgrade tests.
func (*Factory) GetChaosNamespace ¶
GetChaosNamespace returns the chaos namespace that was provided per command line.
func (*Factory) GetClusterOptions ¶
func (factory *Factory) GetClusterOptions(options ...ClusterOption) []ClusterOption
GetClusterOptions returns the cluster options that should be used for the operator testing. Those options can be changed by changing the according feature flags.
func (*Factory) GetContext ¶ added in v1.24.0
GetContext returns the Kubernetes context provided via command line.
func (*Factory) GetControllerRuntimeClient ¶
GetControllerRuntimeClient returns the controller runtime client.
func (*Factory) GetDefaultLabels ¶
GetDefaultLabels returns the default labels set to all resources.
func (*Factory) GetDefaultStorageClass ¶
GetDefaultStorageClass returns either the StorageClass provided by the command line or fetches the StorageClass passed on the default Annotation.
func (*Factory) GetFDBVersion ¶
func (factory *Factory) GetFDBVersion() fdbv1beta2.Version
GetFDBVersion returns the parsed FDB version.
func (*Factory) GetFDBVersionAsString ¶
GetFDBVersionAsString returns the FDB version as string.
func (*Factory) GetFoundationDBImage ¶
GetFoundationDBImage returns the FoundationDB image provided via command line. If a registry was defined the registry will be prepended.
func (*Factory) GetLogsForPod ¶ added in v1.20.0
GetLogsForPod will fetch the logs for the specified Pod and container since the provided seconds.
func (*Factory) GetLogsFromPod ¶
GetLogsFromPod returns the logs for the provided Pod and container
func (*Factory) GetOperatorImage ¶
GetOperatorImage returns the operator image provided via command line. If a registry was defined the registry will be prepended.
func (*Factory) GetOperatorPods ¶
GetOperatorPods returns the operator Pods in the provided namespace.
func (*Factory) GetSecretName ¶
GetSecretName returns the secret name that contains the certificates used for the current test run.
func (*Factory) GetSidecarConfigs ¶
func (factory *Factory) GetSidecarConfigs() []SidecarConfig
GetSidecarConfigs returns the sidecar configs. The sidecar configs can be used to template applications that will use all provided sidecar versions to inject FDB client libraries.
func (*Factory) GetSidecarImage ¶
GetSidecarImage returns the sidecar image provided via command line. If a registry was defined the registry will be prepended.
func (*Factory) GetStorageClasses ¶
func (factory *Factory) GetStorageClasses(labels map[string]string) *storagev1.StorageClassList
GetStorageClasses returns all StorageClasses present in this Kubernetes cluster that have the label
func (*Factory) GetUpgradeVersions ¶
func (factory *Factory) GetUpgradeVersions() []UpgradeTestConfiguration
GetUpgradeVersions returns the upgrade versions as a string slice based on the command line flag. Each entry will be a FoundationDB version. This slice can contain duplicate entries. For upgrade tests it's expected that two versions form one test, e.g. where the odd number is the initial version and the even number is the
func (*Factory) InjectDiskFailure ¶
func (factory *Factory) InjectDiskFailure(selector chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec) *ChaosMeshExperiment
InjectDiskFailure injects a disk failure for all Pods selected by the selector.
func (*Factory) InjectDiskFailureWithPath ¶
func (factory *Factory) InjectDiskFailureWithPath(selector chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec, volumePath string, path string, methods []chaosmesh.IoMethod, containers []string) *ChaosMeshExperiment
InjectDiskFailureWithPath injects a disk failure for all Pods selected by the selector. volumePath and path can be used to specify the affected files and methods allow to specify the affected methods.
func (*Factory) InjectHTTPClientChaosWrongResultFdbMonitorConf ¶
func (factory *Factory) InjectHTTPClientChaosWrongResultFdbMonitorConf(selector chaosmeshv1alpha1.PodSelectorSpec, namespace string) *ChaosMeshExperiment
InjectHTTPClientChaosWrongResultFdbMonitorConf this method can be used to simulate a bad response from the operator to the sidecar. Currently this method returns as body the value "wrong" when the operator does a request against the check_hash/fdbmonitor.conf endpoint, e.g. during upgrades.
func (*Factory) InjectIOLatency ¶
func (factory *Factory) InjectIOLatency(selector chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec, delay string) *ChaosMeshExperiment
InjectIOLatency injects IOLatency for single pod.
func (*Factory) InjectNetworkLoss ¶
func (factory *Factory) InjectNetworkLoss(lossPercentage string, source chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec, target chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec, direction chaosmesh.Direction) *ChaosMeshExperiment
InjectNetworkLoss injects network loss between the source and the target.
func (*Factory) InjectNetworkLossBetweenPods ¶
func (factory *Factory) InjectNetworkLossBetweenPods(pods []chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec, loss string)
InjectNetworkLossBetweenPods Injects network loss b/w each combination of podGroups.
func (*Factory) InjectPartition ¶
func (factory *Factory) InjectPartition(selector chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec) *ChaosMeshExperiment
InjectPartition injects a partition to the provided selector.
func (*Factory) InjectPartitionBetween ¶
func (factory *Factory) InjectPartitionBetween( source chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec, target chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec, ) *ChaosMeshExperiment
InjectPartitionBetween injects a partition between the source and the target.
func (*Factory) InjectPartitionOnSomeTargetPods ¶
func (factory *Factory) InjectPartitionOnSomeTargetPods( source chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec, target chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec, fixedNumber int, ) *ChaosMeshExperiment
InjectPartitionOnSomeTargetPods injects a partition on some Pods instead of all Pods. It picks a specific number of pods randomly. If the specified "fixedNumber" is greater than the number of all targets, all targets will be chosen.
func (*Factory) MultipleNamespaces ¶
MultipleNamespaces creates multiple namespaces for HA testing.
func (*Factory) OperatorIsAtLeast ¶
OperatorIsAtLeast is a helper method to check is the running operator is at least in the specified version.
func (*Factory) PrependRegistry ¶
PrependRegistry if a registry was provided as flag, the registry will be prepended.
func (*Factory) RecreateOperatorPods ¶
RecreateOperatorPods will recreate all operator Pods in the specified namespace and wait until the new Pods are up and running.
func (*Factory) ScheduleInjectPodKill ¶
func (factory *Factory) ScheduleInjectPodKill(target chaosmesh.PodSelectorSpec, schedule string, mode chaosmesh.SelectorMode) *ChaosMeshExperiment
ScheduleInjectPodKill schedules a Pod Kill action.
func (*Factory) SetBeforeVersion ¶
SetBeforeVersion allows a user to overwrite the before version that should be used.
func (*Factory) SetFinalizerForPod ¶
SetFinalizerForPod will set the provided finalizer slice for the Pods
func (*Factory) Shutdown ¶
func (factory *Factory) Shutdown()
Shutdown executes all the shutdown handlers, usually called in afterSuite or afterTest depending on your scoping of the factory.
func (*Factory) SingleNamespace ¶
SingleNamespace returns a single namespace.
func (*Factory) StopInvariantCheck ¶
func (factory *Factory) StopInvariantCheck()
StopInvariantCheck will stop the current invariant checker by triggering the shutdown hook and resetting the shutdown hooks.
func (*Factory) WaitUntilOperatorPodsRunning ¶
WaitUntilOperatorPodsRunning waits until the Operator Pods are running.
type FactoryOptions ¶
type FactoryOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FactoryOptions defines the (command line) options that are support for the e2e test cases.
func InitFlags ¶
func InitFlags() *FactoryOptions
InitFlags sets up the custom flags for this test suite and returns the parsed FactoryOptions struct. This method will take care of including the command line flags from Ginkgo and the testing framework.
func (*FactoryOptions) BindFlags ¶
func (options *FactoryOptions) BindFlags(fs *flag.FlagSet)
BindFlags binds the FactoryOptions flags to the provided FlagSet. This can be used to extend the current test setup with custom/additional flags.
type FdbCluster ¶
type FdbCluster struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FdbCluster is a fixture that allows tests to manipulate an FDB cluster with some name. Depending on how it was instantiated, the cluster may or may not exist, and may or may not be part of an HA configuration.
func (*FdbCluster) AllProcessGroupsHaveCondition ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) AllProcessGroupsHaveCondition( condition fdbv1beta2.ProcessGroupConditionType, ) bool
AllProcessGroupsHaveCondition returns true if all process groups have the specified condition. If allowOtherConditions is set to true only this condition is allowed.
func (*FdbCluster) BounceClusterWithoutWait ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) BounceClusterWithoutWait() error
BounceClusterWithoutWait will restart all fdberver processes in the current FoundationDBCluster without waiting for the cluster to become available again.
func (*FdbCluster) CheckPodIsDeleted ¶ added in v1.18.0
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) CheckPodIsDeleted(podName string) bool
CheckPodIsDeleted return true if Pod no longer exists at the executed time point
func (*FdbCluster) ClearBuggifyNoSchedule ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) ClearBuggifyNoSchedule(waitForReconcile bool) error
ClearBuggifyNoSchedule this will reset the NoSchedule setting for the current FoundationDBCluster.
func (*FdbCluster) ClearProcessGroupsToRemove ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) ClearProcessGroupsToRemove() error
ClearProcessGroupsToRemove clears the InstancesToRemove list in the cluster spec.
func (*FdbCluster) Create ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) Create() error
Create asynchronously creates this FDB cluster.
func (*FdbCluster) Destroy ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) Destroy() error
Destroy will remove the underlying cluster.
func (*FdbCluster) EnsurePodIsDeleted ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) EnsurePodIsDeleted(podName string)
EnsurePodIsDeleted validates that a Pod is either not existing or is marked as deleted with a non-zero deletion timestamp.
func (*FdbCluster) EnsurePodIsDeletedWithCustomTimeout ¶ added in v1.18.0
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) EnsurePodIsDeletedWithCustomTimeout(podName string, timeoutMinutes int)
EnsurePodIsDeletedWithCustomTimeout validates that a Pod is either not existing or is marked as deleted with a non-zero deletion timestamp. It times out after timeoutMinutes.
func (*FdbCluster) ExecuteCmdOnPod ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) ExecuteCmdOnPod( pod corev1.Pod, container string, command string, printOutput bool, ) (string, string, error)
ExecuteCmdOnPod will run the provided command in a Shell.
func (*FdbCluster) ForceReconcile ¶ added in v1.18.0
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) ForceReconcile()
ForceReconcile will add an annotation with the current timestamp on the FoundationDBCluster resource to make sure the operator reconciliation loop is triggered. This is used to speed up some test cases.
func (*FdbCluster) GetAllPods ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetAllPods() *corev1.PodList
GetAllPods returns all pods, even if not running.
func (*FdbCluster) GetAutomationOptions ¶ added in v1.18.0
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetAutomationOptions() fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBClusterAutomationOptions
GetAutomationOptions return the fdbCluster's AutomationOptions
func (*FdbCluster) GetCachedCluster ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetCachedCluster() *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster
GetCachedCluster returns the current cluster definition stored in the fdbCluster struct. This could be outdated and if you need the most recent version of the definition you should use `GetCluster`. This method is useful if you want to inspect fields that are not changing.
func (*FdbCluster) GetCluster ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetCluster() *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster
GetCluster returns the FoundationDBCluster of the cluster. This will fetch the latest value from the Kubernetes API.
func (*FdbCluster) GetClusterSpec ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetClusterSpec() fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBClusterSpec
GetClusterSpec returns the current cluster spec.
func (FdbCluster) GetCommandlineForProcessesPerClass ¶
func (fdbCluster FdbCluster) GetCommandlineForProcessesPerClass() map[fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass][]string
GetCommandlineForProcessesPerClass fetches the commandline args for all processes except of the specified class.
func (*FdbCluster) GetCoordinators ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetCoordinators() []corev1.Pod
GetCoordinators returns the Pods of the FoundationDBCluster that are having the coordinator role.
func (*FdbCluster) GetCustomParameters ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetCustomParameters( processClass fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass, ) fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCustomParameters
GetCustomParameters returns the current custom parameters for the specified process class.
func (*FdbCluster) GetFDBImage ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetFDBImage() string
GetFDBImage return the FDB image used for the current version, defined in the FoundationDBClusterSpec.
func (*FdbCluster) GetLogPods ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetLogPods() *corev1.PodList
GetLogPods returns all Pods of this cluster that have the process class log.
func (*FdbCluster) GetLogServersPerPod ¶ added in v1.21.0
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetLogServersPerPod() int
GetLogServersPerPod returns the current expected Log server per pod.
func (*FdbCluster) GetNode ¶ added in v1.18.0
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetNode(name string) *corev1.Node
GetNode return Node with the given name
func (*FdbCluster) GetPod ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetPod(name string) *corev1.Pod
GetPod returns the Pod with the given name that runs in the same namespace as the FoundationDBCluster.
func (*FdbCluster) GetPodIDs ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetPodIDs(processClass fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass) map[fdbv1beta2.ProcessGroupID]fdbv1beta2.None
GetPodIDs returns all the process group IDs for all Pods of this cluster that have the matching process class.
func (*FdbCluster) GetPodRoleMap ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetPodRoleMap() map[fdbv1beta2.ProcessGroupID][]RoleInfo
GetPodRoleMap returns a map with the process group ID as key and all associated roles.
func (*FdbCluster) GetPods ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetPods() *corev1.PodList
GetPods returns only running Pods.
func (*FdbCluster) GetPodsNames ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetPodsNames() []string
GetPodsNames GetS all Running Pods and return their names.
func (*FdbCluster) GetPodsWithRole ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetPodsWithRole(role fdbv1beta2.ProcessRole) []corev1.Pod
GetPodsWithRole returns all Pods that have the provided role.
func (*FdbCluster) GetProcessCount ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetProcessCount(targetRole fdbv1beta2.ProcessRole) int
GetProcessCount returns the number of processes having the specified role
func (*FdbCluster) GetProcessCountByProcessClass ¶ added in v1.21.0
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetProcessCountByProcessClass(pClass fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass) int
GetProcessCountByProcessClass returns the number of processes based on process class
func (*FdbCluster) GetProcessCounts ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetProcessCounts() (fdbv1beta2.ProcessCounts, error)
GetProcessCounts returns the process counts of the current FoundationDBCluster.
func (*FdbCluster) GetResourceLabels ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetResourceLabels() map[string]string
GetResourceLabels returns the resource labels for all created resources of the current FoundationDBCluster.
func (*FdbCluster) GetServices ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetServices() *corev1.ServiceList
GetServices returns the services associated with the current FoundationDBCluster.
func (*FdbCluster) GetSidecarImageForVersion ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetSidecarImageForVersion(version string) string
GetSidecarImageForVersion return the sidecar image used for the specified version.
func (*FdbCluster) GetStatelessPods ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetStatelessPods() *corev1.PodList
GetStatelessPods returns all Pods of this cluster that have the process class stateless.
func (FdbCluster) GetStatus ¶
func (fdbCluster FdbCluster) GetStatus() *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBStatus
GetStatus returns fdb status queried from a random operator Pod in this clusters namespace.
func (*FdbCluster) GetStoragePods ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetStoragePods() *corev1.PodList
GetStoragePods returns all Pods of this cluster that have the process class storage.
func (*FdbCluster) GetStorageServerPerPod ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetStorageServerPerPod() int
GetStorageServerPerPod returns the current expected storage server per pod.
func (*FdbCluster) GetTransactionPods ¶ added in v1.21.0
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetTransactionPods() *corev1.PodList
GetTransactionPods returns all Pods of this cluster that have the process class transaction.
func (*FdbCluster) GetVolumeClaimsForProcesses ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetVolumeClaimsForProcesses( processClass fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass, ) *corev1.PersistentVolumeClaimList
GetVolumeClaimsForProcesses returns a list of volume claims belonging to this cluster and the specific process class.
func (*FdbCluster) GetVolumeSize ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) GetVolumeSize( processClass fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass, ) (resource.Quantity, error)
GetVolumeSize returns the volume size for the specified process class.
func (*FdbCluster) HasHeadlessService ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) HasHeadlessService() bool
HasHeadlessService returns true if the cluster has a headless service.
func (*FdbCluster) HasTLSEnabled ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) HasTLSEnabled() bool
HasTLSEnabled returns true if the cluster is running with TLS enabled.
func (FdbCluster) InvariantClusterStatusAvailable ¶
func (fdbCluster FdbCluster) InvariantClusterStatusAvailable() error
InvariantClusterStatusAvailable checks if the cluster is available the whole test.
func (FdbCluster) InvariantClusterStatusAvailableWithThreshold ¶
func (fdbCluster FdbCluster) InvariantClusterStatusAvailableWithThreshold( availabilityThreshold time.Duration, ) error
InvariantClusterStatusAvailableWithThreshold checks if the database is at a maximum unavailable for the provided threshold.
func (*FdbCluster) IsAvailable ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) IsAvailable() bool
IsAvailable returns true if the database is available.
func (*FdbCluster) Name ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) Name() string
Name returns the name for the FoundationDBCluster.
func (*FdbCluster) Namespace ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) Namespace() string
Namespace returns the namespace for the FoundationDBCluster.
func (*FdbCluster) ReplacePod ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) ReplacePod(pod corev1.Pod, waitForReconcile bool)
ReplacePod replaces the provided Pod if it's part of the FoundationDBCluster.
func (*FdbCluster) ReplacePods ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) ReplacePods(pods []corev1.Pod)
ReplacePods replaces the provided Pods in the current FoundationDBCluster.
func (*FdbCluster) RunFdbCliCommandInOperator ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) RunFdbCliCommandInOperator( command string, printOutput bool, timeout int, ) (string, string)
RunFdbCliCommandInOperator allows to run a command with fdbcli in the operator Pod.
func (*FdbCluster) RunFdbCliCommandInOperatorWithoutRetry ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) RunFdbCliCommandInOperatorWithoutRetry( command string, printOutput bool, timeout int, ) (string, string, error)
RunFdbCliCommandInOperatorWithoutRetry allows to run a command with fdbcli in the operator Pod without doing any retries.
func (*FdbCluster) SetAutoReplacements ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetAutoReplacements(enabled bool, detectionTime time.Duration) error
SetAutoReplacements will enabled or disable the auto replacement feature and allows to specify the detection time for a replacement.
func (*FdbCluster) SetAutoReplacementsWithWait ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetAutoReplacementsWithWait( enabled bool, detectionTime time.Duration, wait bool, ) error
SetAutoReplacementsWithWait set the auto replacement setting on the operator and only waits for the cluster to reconcile if wait is set to true.
func (*FdbCluster) SetBuggifyBlockRemoval ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetBuggifyBlockRemoval(blockRemovals []fdbv1beta2.ProcessGroupID)
SetBuggifyBlockRemoval will set the provided list of process group IDs to be blocked for removal.
func (*FdbCluster) SetClusterTaintConfig ¶ added in v1.18.0
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetClusterTaintConfig(taintOption []fdbv1beta2.TaintReplacementOption, taintReplacementTimeSeconds *int)
SetClusterTaintConfig set fdbCluster's TaintReplacementOptions
func (*FdbCluster) SetCrashLoopContainers ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetCrashLoopContainers( crashLoopContainers []fdbv1beta2.CrashLoopContainerObject, waitForReconcile bool, )
SetCrashLoopContainers sets the crashLoopContainers of the FoundationDBCluster spec.
func (*FdbCluster) SetCustomParameters ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetCustomParameters( processClass fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass, customParameters fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCustomParameters, waitForReconcile bool, ) error
SetCustomParameters allows to set the custom parameters of the provided process class.
func (*FdbCluster) SetDatabaseConfiguration ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetDatabaseConfiguration( config fdbv1beta2.DatabaseConfiguration, waitForReconcile bool, ) error
SetDatabaseConfiguration sets the provided DatabaseConfiguration for the FoundationDBCluster.
func (*FdbCluster) SetEmptyMonitorConf ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetEmptyMonitorConf(enable bool) error
SetEmptyMonitorConf sets the buggify option EmptyMonitorConf for the current FoundationDBCluster.
func (*FdbCluster) SetFinalizerForPvc ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetFinalizerForPvc( finalizers []string, pvc corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim, ) error
SetFinalizerForPvc allows to set the finalizers for the provided PVC.
func (*FdbCluster) SetIgnoreDuringRestart ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetIgnoreDuringRestart(processes []fdbv1beta2.ProcessGroupID)
SetIgnoreDuringRestart sets the buggify option for the operator.
func (*FdbCluster) SetIgnoreMissingProcessesSeconds ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetIgnoreMissingProcessesSeconds(duration time.Duration) error
SetIgnoreMissingProcessesSeconds sets the IgnoreMissingProcessesSeconds setting.
func (*FdbCluster) SetKillProcesses ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetKillProcesses(allowKill bool)
SetKillProcesses sets the automation option to allow the operator to restart processes or not.
func (*FdbCluster) SetLogServersPerPod ¶ added in v1.21.0
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetLogServersPerPod( serverPerPod int, waitForReconcile bool, ) error
SetLogServersPerPod set the LogServersPerPod field in the cluster spec.
func (*FdbCluster) SetPodAsUnschedulable ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetPodAsUnschedulable(pod corev1.Pod) error
SetPodAsUnschedulable sets the provided Pod on the NoSchedule list of the current FoundationDBCluster. This will make sure that the Pod is stuck in Pending.
func (*FdbCluster) SetProcessGroupPrefix ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetProcessGroupPrefix(prefix string) error
SetProcessGroupPrefix will set the process group prefix setting.
func (*FdbCluster) SetProcessGroupsAsUnschedulable ¶ added in v1.19.0
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetProcessGroupsAsUnschedulable(procesGroups []fdbv1beta2.ProcessGroupID)
SetProcessGroupsAsUnschedulable sets the provided process groups on the NoSchedule list of the current FoundationDBCluster. This will make sure that the Pod is stuck in Pending.
func (*FdbCluster) SetPublicIPSource ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetPublicIPSource(publicIPSource fdbv1beta2.PublicIPSource) error
SetPublicIPSource will set the public IP source of the current FoundationDBCluster to the provided IP source.
func (*FdbCluster) SetSkipReconciliation ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetSkipReconciliation(skip bool) error
SetSkipReconciliation will set the skip setting for the current FoundationDBCluster. This setting will make sure that the operator is not taking any actions on this cluster.
func (*FdbCluster) SetStorageServerPerPod ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetStorageServerPerPod(serverPerPod int) error
SetStorageServerPerPod set the SetStorageServerPerPod field in the cluster spec.
func (*FdbCluster) SetTLS ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetTLS( enableMainContainerTLS bool, enableSidecarContainerTLS bool, ) error
SetTLS will enabled or disable the TLS setting in the current FoundationDBCluster.
func (*FdbCluster) SetTransactionServerPerPod ¶ added in v1.21.0
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetTransactionServerPerPod( serverPerPod int, processCount int, waitForReconcile bool, ) error
SetTransactionServerPerPod set the LogServersPerPod field in the cluster spec and changes log Pods to transaction Pods.
func (*FdbCluster) SetUseDNSInClusterFile ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetUseDNSInClusterFile(useDNSInClusterFile bool) error
SetUseDNSInClusterFile enables DNS in the cluster file. Enable this setting to use DNS instead of IP addresses in the connection string.
func (*FdbCluster) SetVolumeSize ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) SetVolumeSize( processClass fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass, size resource.Quantity, ) error
SetVolumeSize updates the volume size for the specified process class.
func (FdbCluster) StatusInvariantChecker ¶
func (fdbCluster FdbCluster) StatusInvariantChecker( name string, threshold time.Duration, f func(status *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBStatus) error, ) error
StatusInvariantChecker provides a way to check an invariant for the cluster status. nolint:nilerr
func (*FdbCluster) Update ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) Update() error
Update asynchronously updates this FDB cluster definition.
func (*FdbCluster) UpdateAnnotationsAndLabels ¶ added in v1.24.0
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) UpdateAnnotationsAndLabels(annotations map[string]string, labels map[string]string)
UpdateAnnotationsAndLabels will update the annotations and labels to the provided values. Example usage:
annotations := fdbCluster.GetCachedCluster().GetAnnotations() if annotations == nil { annotations = map[string]string{} } annotations[""] = "awesome" labels := fdbCluster.GetCachedCluster().GetLabels() fdbCluster.UpdateAnnotationsAndLabels(annotations, labels)
func (*FdbCluster) UpdateClusterSpec ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) UpdateClusterSpec()
UpdateClusterSpec ensures that the FoundationDBCluster will be updated in Kubernetes. This method has a retry mechanism implemented and ensures that the provided (local) Spec matches the Spec in Kubernetes.
func (*FdbCluster) UpdateClusterSpecWithSpec ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) UpdateClusterSpecWithSpec(desiredSpec *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBClusterSpec)
UpdateClusterSpecWithSpec ensures that the FoundationDBCluster will be updated in Kubernetes. This method as a retry mechanism implemented and ensures that the provided (local) Spec matches the Spec in Kubernetes. You must make sure that you call fdbCluster.GetCluster() before updating the spec, to make sure you are not overwriting the current state with an outdated state. An example on how to update a field with this method:
spec := fdbCluster.GetCluster().Spec.DeepCopy() // Fetch the current Spec. spec.Version = "7.1.27" // Make your changes. fdbCluster.UpdateClusterSpecWithSpec(spec) // Update the spec.
func (*FdbCluster) UpdateContainerImage ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) UpdateContainerImage(pod *corev1.Pod, containerName string, image string)
UpdateContainerImage sets the image for the provided Pod for the porvided container.
func (*FdbCluster) UpdateCoordinatorSelection ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) UpdateCoordinatorSelection( setting []fdbv1beta2.CoordinatorSelectionSetting, ) error
UpdateCoordinatorSelection allows to update the coordinator selection for the current FoundationDBCluster.
func (*FdbCluster) UpdateLogProcessCount ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) UpdateLogProcessCount(newLogProcessCount int) error
UpdateLogProcessCount updates the log process count in the cluster spec.
func (*FdbCluster) UpdateNode ¶ added in v1.18.0
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) UpdateNode(node *corev1.Node)
UpdateNode update node definition
func (*FdbCluster) UpdateStorageClass ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) UpdateStorageClass( storageClass string, processClass fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass, ) error
UpdateStorageClass this will set the StorageClass for the provided process class of the current FoundationDBCluster.
func (*FdbCluster) UpgradeAndVerify ¶ added in v1.25.0
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) UpgradeAndVerify(version string)
UpgradeAndVerify will upgrade the cluster to the new version and perform a check at the end that the running version matched the new version.
func (*FdbCluster) UpgradeCluster ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) UpgradeCluster(version string, waitForReconciliation bool) error
UpgradeCluster will upgrade the cluster to the specified version. If waitForReconciliation is set to true this method will block until the cluster is fully upgraded and all Pods are running the new image version.
func (*FdbCluster) ValidateProcessesCount ¶ added in v1.23.0
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) ValidateProcessesCount( processClass fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass, countProcessGroups int, countServer int, )
ValidateProcessesCount will make sure that the cluster has the expected count of ProcessGroups and processes running with the provided ProcessClass.
func (*FdbCluster) VerifyVersion ¶ added in v1.25.0
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) VerifyVersion(version string)
VerifyVersion Checks if cluster is running at the expectedVersion. This is done by checking the status of the FoundationDBCluster status. Before that we checked the cluster status json by checking the reported version of all processes. This approach only worked for version compatible upgrades, since incompatible processes won't be part of the cluster anyway. To simplify the check we verify the reported running version from the operator.
func (*FdbCluster) WaitForPodRemoval ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) WaitForPodRemoval(pod *corev1.Pod) error
WaitForPodRemoval will wait until the specified Pod is deleted.
func (*FdbCluster) WaitForReconciliation ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) WaitForReconciliation(options ...func(*ReconciliationOptions)) error
WaitForReconciliation waits for the cluster to be reconciled based on the provided options.
func (*FdbCluster) WaitUntilAvailable ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) WaitUntilAvailable() error
WaitUntilAvailable waits until the cluster is available.
func (*FdbCluster) WaitUntilExists ¶
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) WaitUntilExists()
WaitUntilExists synchronously waits until the cluster exists. Usually called after Create().
func (*FdbCluster) WaitUntilWithForceReconcile ¶ added in v1.18.0
func (fdbCluster *FdbCluster) WaitUntilWithForceReconcile(pollTimeInSeconds int, timeOutInSeconds int, checkMethod func(cluster *fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCluster) bool) error
WaitUntilWithForceReconcile will wait either until the checkMethod returns true or until the timeout is hit.
type HaFdbCluster ¶
type HaFdbCluster struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HaFdbCluster is a struct around handling HA FoundationDBClusters.
func (*HaFdbCluster) Delete ¶
func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) Delete()
Delete removes all Clusters associated FoundationDBClusters.
func (*HaFdbCluster) DumpState ¶
func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) DumpState()
DumpState logs the current state of all FoundationDBClusters.
func (*HaFdbCluster) GetAllClusters ¶
func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) GetAllClusters() []*FdbCluster
GetAllClusters Returns all FoundationDBClusters that span this HA cluster.
func (*HaFdbCluster) GetCluster ¶
func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) GetCluster(suffix string) *FdbCluster
GetCluster returns the FoundationDBCluster with the provided suffix.
func (*HaFdbCluster) GetNamespaceSelector ¶
func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) GetNamespaceSelector() v1alpha1.PodSelectorSpec
GetNamespaceSelector returns the chaos mesh selector for this FDB HA cluster and all associated Pods.
func (*HaFdbCluster) GetNamespaces ¶
func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) GetNamespaces() []string
GetNamespaces returns the namespaces where all FoundationDBClusters are running in.
func (*HaFdbCluster) GetPrimary ¶
func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) GetPrimary() *FdbCluster
GetPrimary returns the FoundationDBCluster matching the suffix from PrimaryID.
func (*HaFdbCluster) GetPrimarySatellite ¶
func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) GetPrimarySatellite() *FdbCluster
GetPrimarySatellite returns the FoundationDBCluster matching the suffix from PrimarySatelliteID. This function is only valid for HA clusters using 2 satellites.
func (*HaFdbCluster) GetRemote ¶
func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) GetRemote() *FdbCluster
GetRemote returns the FoundationDBCluster matching the suffix from RemoteID.
func (*HaFdbCluster) GetRemoteSatellite ¶
func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) GetRemoteSatellite() *FdbCluster
GetRemoteSatellite returns the FoundationDBCluster matching the suffix from RemoteSatelliteID. This function is only valid for HA clusters using 2 satellites.
func (*HaFdbCluster) GetSatellite ¶
func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) GetSatellite() *FdbCluster
GetSatellite this is only for threeZoneDoubleSat config, where `satellite` is primary satellite for both regions.
func (*HaFdbCluster) SetCustomParameters ¶
func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) SetCustomParameters(processClass fdbv1beta2.ProcessClass, customParameters fdbv1beta2.FoundationDBCustomParameters, waitForReconcile bool) error
SetCustomParameters sets the custom parameters for the provided process class.
func (*HaFdbCluster) SetDatabaseConfiguration ¶
func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) SetDatabaseConfiguration( config fdbv1beta2.DatabaseConfiguration, )
SetDatabaseConfiguration sets the new DatabaseConfiguration, without waiting for reconciliation.
func (*HaFdbCluster) UpgradeCluster ¶
func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) UpgradeCluster(version string, waitForReconciliation bool) error
UpgradeCluster upgrades the HA FoundationDBCluster to the specified version.
func (*HaFdbCluster) UpgradeClusterWithTimeout ¶
func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) UpgradeClusterWithTimeout( version string, waitForReconciliation bool, timeout int, ) error
UpgradeClusterWithTimeout upgrades the HA FoundationDBCluster to the specified version with the provided timeout.
func (*HaFdbCluster) VerifyVersion ¶ added in v1.26.0
func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) VerifyVersion(version string)
VerifyVersion Checks if cluster is running at the expectedVersion. This is done by checking the status of the FoundationDBCluster status. Before that we checked the cluster status json by checking the reported version of all processes. This approach only worked for version compatible upgrades, since incompatible processes won't be part of the cluster anyway. To simplify the check we verify the reported running version from the operator.
func (*HaFdbCluster) WaitForReconciliation ¶
func (haFDBCluster *HaFdbCluster) WaitForReconciliation( options ...func(*ReconciliationOptions), ) error
WaitForReconciliation waits for all associated FoundationDBClusters to be reconciled
type HaMode ¶
type HaMode int
HaMode represents the targeted HA mode for the created cluster.
const ( // HaModeNone refers to a single namespace without HA. HaModeNone HaMode = iota // HaFourZoneSingleSat refers to a cluster running in 4 namespaces and the DB config has only one satellite. HaFourZoneSingleSat // HaFourZoneDoubleSat refers to a cluster running in 4 namespaces and the DB config has two satellites. HaFourZoneDoubleSat // HaThreeZoneDoubleSat refers to a cluster running in 3 namespaces and the DB config has two satellites (triplet configuration). HaThreeZoneDoubleSat // HaFourZoneDoubleSatRF4 same as HaFourZoneDoubleSat but with the RedundancyModeDouble. HaFourZoneDoubleSatRF4 )
type ReconciliationOption ¶
type ReconciliationOption func(*ReconciliationOptions)
ReconciliationOption defines the reconciliation option.
func CreationTrackerLoggerOption ¶
func CreationTrackerLoggerOption(creationTrackerLogger CreationTrackerLogger) ReconciliationOption
CreationTrackerLoggerOption sets the creation tracker that will printout the time for the different creation stages.
func MinimumGenerationOption ¶
func MinimumGenerationOption(minimumGeneration int64) ReconciliationOption
MinimumGenerationOption specifies the minimum generation to be reconciled too.
func PollTimeInSecondsOption ¶
func PollTimeInSecondsOption(pollTimeInSeconds int) ReconciliationOption
PollTimeInSecondsOption defines the polling time for the reconciliation. If not set the default is 10 seconds
func SoftReconcileOption ¶
func SoftReconcileOption(enable bool) ReconciliationOption
SoftReconcileOption specifies that the reconciliation is completed as soon as the Status.Generations.Reconciled reaches the expected generation. Independent of other possible Generations, e.g. it could be still the case that the operator has to delete additional Process Groups.
func TimeOutInSecondsOption ¶
func TimeOutInSecondsOption(timeOutInSeconds int) ReconciliationOption
TimeOutInSecondsOption defines the timeout for the reconciliation. If not set the default is 4800 seconds
type ReconciliationOptions ¶
type ReconciliationOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ReconciliationOptions defines the different reconciliation options.
func MakeReconciliationOptionsStruct ¶
func MakeReconciliationOptionsStruct( options ...func(*ReconciliationOptions), ) *ReconciliationOptions
MakeReconciliationOptionsStruct applies the provided options to the ReconciliationOptions.
type ShutdownHooks ¶
type ShutdownHooks struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ShutdownHooks allows fixtures to register a handler to be run at exit. Handlers run regardless of any preceding errors, and run in reverse order of registration.
func (*ShutdownHooks) Defer ¶
func (shutdown *ShutdownHooks) Defer(f func() error)
Defer execution of func until after the test completes.
func (*ShutdownHooks) InvokeShutdownHandlers ¶
func (shutdown *ShutdownHooks) InvokeShutdownHandlers()
InvokeShutdownHandlers in reverse order of registration.
type SidecarConfig ¶
type SidecarConfig struct { // BaseImage the image reference without a tag. BaseImage string // SidecarTag represents the image tag for this configuration. SidecarTag string // FDBVersion represents the FoundationDB version for this config. FDBVersion fdbv1beta2.Version // ImagePullPolicy represents the pull policy for the sidecar. ImagePullPolicy corev1.PullPolicy }
SidecarConfig represents the configuration for a sidecar. This can be used for templating.
type UpgradeTestConfiguration ¶
type UpgradeTestConfiguration struct { // InitialVersion represents the version before the upgrade. InitialVersion fdbv1beta2.Version // TargetVersion represents the version to upgrade to. TargetVersion fdbv1beta2.Version }
UpgradeTestConfiguration represents the configuration for an upgrade test. This includes the initial FoundationDB version and the target FoundationDB version to upgrade the cluster to.
Source Files
- certificate_generator.go
- chaos_common.go
- chaos_disk.go
- chaos_http.go
- chaos_network.go
- chaos_pod.go
- cluster_config.go
- factory.go
- fdb_cluster.go
- fdb_cluster_creation_tracker.go
- fdb_cluster_specs.go
- fdb_operator_client.go
- fdb_operator_fixtures.go
- fixtures.go
- ha_fdb_cluster.go
- images.go
- kubernetes_fixtures.go
- options.go
- pods.go
- random_string.go
- singleton.go
- status.go
- test_runner.go
- upgrade_test_configuration.go
- versions.go