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Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
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This section is empty.
Types ¶
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type FPDFAnnot_GetFormFieldName ¶
type FPDFAnnot_GetFormFieldName struct { FormHandle references.FPDF_FORMHANDLE Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION }
type FPDFAnnot_GetFormFieldType ¶
type FPDFAnnot_GetFormFieldType struct { FormHandle references.FPDF_FORMHANDLE Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION }
type FPDFAnnot_GetFormFieldValue ¶
type FPDFAnnot_GetFormFieldValue struct { FormHandle references.FPDF_FORMHANDLE Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION }
type FPDFAnnot_GetInkListCount ¶
type FPDFAnnot_GetInkListCount struct {
Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION
type FPDFAnnot_GetInkListPath ¶
type FPDFAnnot_GetInkListPath struct { Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION Index uint64 }
type FPDFAnnot_GetLine ¶
type FPDFAnnot_GetLine struct {
Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION
type FPDFAnnot_GetLink ¶
type FPDFAnnot_GetLink struct {
Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION
type FPDFAnnot_GetLinkedAnnot ¶
type FPDFAnnot_GetLinkedAnnot struct { Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION Key string }
type FPDFAnnot_GetNumberValue ¶
type FPDFAnnot_GetNumberValue struct { Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION Key string }
type FPDFAnnot_GetObject ¶
type FPDFAnnot_GetObject struct { Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION Index int }
type FPDFAnnot_GetObjectCount ¶
type FPDFAnnot_GetObjectCount struct {
Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION
type FPDFAnnot_GetOptionCount ¶
type FPDFAnnot_GetOptionCount struct { FormHandle references.FPDF_FORMHANDLE Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION }
type FPDFAnnot_GetOptionLabel ¶
type FPDFAnnot_GetOptionLabel struct { FormHandle references.FPDF_FORMHANDLE Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION Index int }
type FPDFAnnot_GetRect ¶
type FPDFAnnot_GetRect struct {
Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION
type FPDFAnnot_GetStringValue ¶
type FPDFAnnot_GetStringValue struct { Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION Key string }
type FPDFAnnot_GetSubtype ¶
type FPDFAnnot_GetSubtype struct {
Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION
type FPDFAnnot_GetValueType ¶
type FPDFAnnot_GetValueType struct { Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION Key string }
type FPDFAnnot_GetVertices ¶
type FPDFAnnot_GetVertices struct {
Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION
type FPDFAnnot_HasAttachmentPoints ¶
type FPDFAnnot_HasAttachmentPoints struct {
Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION
type FPDFAnnot_HasKey ¶
type FPDFAnnot_HasKey struct { Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION Key string }
type FPDFAnnot_IsChecked ¶
type FPDFAnnot_IsChecked struct { FormHandle references.FPDF_FORMHANDLE Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION }
type FPDFAnnot_IsObjectSupportedSubtype ¶
type FPDFAnnot_IsObjectSupportedSubtype struct {
type FPDFAnnot_IsOptionSelected ¶
type FPDFAnnot_IsOptionSelected struct { FormHandle references.FPDF_FORMHANDLE Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION Index int }
type FPDFAnnot_IsSupportedSubtype ¶
type FPDFAnnot_IsSupportedSubtype struct {
Subtype enums.FPDF_ANNOTATION_SUBTYPE // The subtype to check.
type FPDFAnnot_RemoveInkList ¶
type FPDFAnnot_RemoveInkList struct {
Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION
type FPDFAnnot_RemoveObject ¶
type FPDFAnnot_RemoveObject struct { Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION Index int }
type FPDFAnnot_SetAP ¶
type FPDFAnnot_SetAP struct { Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION AppearanceMode enums.FPDF_ANNOT_APPEARANCEMODE Value *string // If nil is passed, the AP is cleared for that mode. If the mode is Normal, APs for all modes are cleared. }
type FPDFAnnot_SetAttachmentPoints ¶
type FPDFAnnot_SetAttachmentPoints struct { Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION Index uint64 // Index of the set of quadpoints. AttachmentPoints structs.FPDF_FS_QUADPOINTSF }
type FPDFAnnot_SetBorder ¶
type FPDFAnnot_SetBorder struct { Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION HorizontalRadius float32 VerticalRadius float32 BorderWidth float32 }
type FPDFAnnot_SetColor ¶
type FPDFAnnot_SetColor struct { Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION ColorType enums.FPDFANNOT_COLORTYPE R uint G uint B uint A uint }
type FPDFAnnot_SetFlags ¶
type FPDFAnnot_SetFlags struct { Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION Flags enums.FPDF_ANNOT_FLAG }
type FPDFAnnot_SetFocusableSubtypes ¶
type FPDFAnnot_SetFocusableSubtypes struct { FormHandle references.FPDF_FORMHANDLE Subtypes []enums.FPDF_ANNOTATION_SUBTYPE }
type FPDFAnnot_SetRect ¶
type FPDFAnnot_SetRect struct { Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION Rect structs.FPDF_FS_RECTF }
type FPDFAnnot_SetStringValue ¶
type FPDFAnnot_SetStringValue struct { Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION Key string Value string }
type FPDFAnnot_SetURI ¶
type FPDFAnnot_SetURI struct { Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION URI string }
type FPDFAnnot_UpdateObject ¶
type FPDFAnnot_UpdateObject struct { Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT }
type FPDFAttachment_GetFile ¶
type FPDFAttachment_GetFile struct { Attachment references.FPDF_ATTACHMENT Contents []byte }
type FPDFAttachment_GetName ¶
type FPDFAttachment_GetName struct {
Attachment references.FPDF_ATTACHMENT
type FPDFAttachment_GetStringValue ¶
type FPDFAttachment_GetStringValue struct { Attachment references.FPDF_ATTACHMENT Key string }
type FPDFAttachment_GetValueType ¶
type FPDFAttachment_GetValueType struct { Attachment references.FPDF_ATTACHMENT Key string }
type FPDFAttachment_HasKey ¶
type FPDFAttachment_HasKey struct { Attachment references.FPDF_ATTACHMENT Key string }
type FPDFAttachment_SetFile ¶
type FPDFAttachment_SetFile struct { Attachment references.FPDF_ATTACHMENT Contents []byte }
type FPDFAttachment_SetStringValue ¶
type FPDFAttachment_SetStringValue struct { Attachment references.FPDF_ATTACHMENT Key string Value string }
type FPDFAvail_Create ¶
type FPDFAvail_Create struct { Reader io.ReadSeeker Size int64 IsDataAvailableCallback func(offset, size uint64) bool // Reports if the specified data section is currently available. A section is available if all bytes in the section are available. AddSegmentCallback func(offset, size uint64) // Add a section to be downloaded. May be nil. The offset and size of the section may not be unique. Part of the section might be already available. The download manager must deal with overlapping sections. }
type FPDFAvail_Destroy ¶
type FPDFAvail_Destroy struct {
AvailabilityProvider references.FPDF_AVAIL
type FPDFAvail_GetDocument ¶
type FPDFAvail_GetDocument struct { AvailabilityProvider references.FPDF_AVAIL Password *string }
type FPDFAvail_GetFirstPageNum ¶
type FPDFAvail_GetFirstPageNum struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDFAvail_IsDocAvail ¶
type FPDFAvail_IsDocAvail struct {
AvailabilityProvider references.FPDF_AVAIL
type FPDFAvail_IsFormAvail ¶
type FPDFAvail_IsFormAvail struct {
AvailabilityProvider references.FPDF_AVAIL
type FPDFAvail_IsLinearized ¶
type FPDFAvail_IsLinearized struct {
AvailabilityProvider references.FPDF_AVAIL
type FPDFAvail_IsPageAvail ¶
type FPDFAvail_IsPageAvail struct { AvailabilityProvider references.FPDF_AVAIL PageIndex int }
type FPDFBitmap_Create ¶
type FPDFBitmap_Create struct { Width int // The number of pixels in width for the bitmap. Must be greater than 0. Height int // The number of pixels in height for the bitmap. Must be greater than 0. Alpha int // A flag indicating whether the alpha channel is used. Non-zero for using alpha, zero for not using. }
type FPDFBitmap_CreateEx ¶
type FPDFBitmap_CreateEx struct { Width int // The number of pixels in width for the bitmap. Must be greater than 0. Height int // The number of pixels in height for the bitmap. Must be greater than 0. Format enums.FPDF_BITMAP_FORMAT Buffer []byte // DEPRECATED: use Pointer, unsupported on Webassembly runtime. Pointer interface{} // In the CGO runtime this must be an unsafe.Pointer to the first byte of a byte array, use unsafe.Pointer(&byteArray[0]) to get it. In the Webassembly runtime this must be uint64 with a pointer inside the Webassembly memory space created by malloc. Stride int // Number of bytes for each scan line. The value must be 0 or greater. When the value is 0, FPDFBitmap_CreateEx() will automatically calculate the appropriate value using Width and Format. When using an external buffer, it is recommended for the caller to pass in the value. When not using an external buffer, it is recommended for the caller to pass in 0. }
type FPDFBitmap_Destroy ¶
type FPDFBitmap_Destroy struct {
Bitmap references.FPDF_BITMAP
type FPDFBitmap_FillRect ¶
type FPDFBitmap_FillRect struct { Bitmap references.FPDF_BITMAP Left int Top int Width int Height int Color uint64 }
type FPDFBitmap_GetBuffer ¶
type FPDFBitmap_GetBuffer struct {
Bitmap references.FPDF_BITMAP
type FPDFBitmap_GetFormat ¶
type FPDFBitmap_GetFormat struct {
Bitmap references.FPDF_BITMAP
type FPDFBitmap_GetHeight ¶
type FPDFBitmap_GetHeight struct {
Bitmap references.FPDF_BITMAP
type FPDFBitmap_GetStride ¶
type FPDFBitmap_GetStride struct {
Bitmap references.FPDF_BITMAP
type FPDFBitmap_GetWidth ¶
type FPDFBitmap_GetWidth struct {
Bitmap references.FPDF_BITMAP
type FPDFBookmark_Find ¶
type FPDFBookmark_Find struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Title string // The string for the bookmark title to be searched }
type FPDFBookmark_GetAction ¶
type FPDFBookmark_GetAction struct {
Bookmark references.FPDF_BOOKMARK
type FPDFBookmark_GetCount ¶
type FPDFBookmark_GetCount struct {
Bookmark references.FPDF_BOOKMARK // Reference to the current bookmark.
type FPDFBookmark_GetDest ¶
type FPDFBookmark_GetDest struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Bookmark references.FPDF_BOOKMARK }
type FPDFBookmark_GetFirstChild ¶
type FPDFBookmark_GetFirstChild struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Bookmark *references.FPDF_BOOKMARK // Reference to the current bookmark. Can be nil if you want to get the first top level item. }
type FPDFBookmark_GetNextSibling ¶
type FPDFBookmark_GetNextSibling struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Bookmark references.FPDF_BOOKMARK // Reference to the current bookmark. Cannot be nil. }
type FPDFBookmark_GetTitle ¶
type FPDFBookmark_GetTitle struct {
Bookmark references.FPDF_BOOKMARK // Reference to the current bookmark.
type FPDFCatalog_IsTagged ¶
type FPDFCatalog_IsTagged struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDFClipPath_CountPathSegments ¶
type FPDFClipPath_CountPathSegments struct { ClipPath references.FPDF_CLIPPATH PathIndex int }
type FPDFClipPath_CountPaths ¶
type FPDFClipPath_CountPaths struct {
ClipPath references.FPDF_CLIPPATH
type FPDFClipPath_GetPathSegment ¶
type FPDFClipPath_GetPathSegment struct { ClipPath references.FPDF_CLIPPATH PathIndex int SegmentIndex int }
type FPDFDOC_ExitFormFillEnvironment ¶
type FPDFDOC_ExitFormFillEnvironment struct {
FormHandle references.FPDF_FORMHANDLE
type FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment ¶
type FPDFDOC_InitFormFillEnvironment struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT FormFillInfo structs.FPDF_FORMFILLINFO }
type FPDFDest_GetDestPageIndex ¶
type FPDFDest_GetDestPageIndex struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Dest references.FPDF_DEST }
type FPDFDest_GetLocationInPage ¶
type FPDFDest_GetLocationInPage struct {
Dest references.FPDF_DEST
type FPDFDest_GetView ¶
type FPDFDest_GetView struct {
Dest references.FPDF_DEST
type FPDFDoc_AddAttachment ¶
type FPDFDoc_AddAttachment struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Name string }
type FPDFDoc_CloseJavaScriptAction ¶
type FPDFDoc_CloseJavaScriptAction struct {
JavaScriptAction references.FPDF_JAVASCRIPT_ACTION
type FPDFDoc_DeleteAttachment ¶
type FPDFDoc_DeleteAttachment struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Index int }
type FPDFDoc_GetAttachment ¶
type FPDFDoc_GetAttachment struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Index int }
type FPDFDoc_GetAttachmentCount ¶
type FPDFDoc_GetAttachmentCount struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDFDoc_GetJavaScriptAction ¶
type FPDFDoc_GetJavaScriptAction struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Index int }
type FPDFDoc_GetJavaScriptActionCount ¶
type FPDFDoc_GetJavaScriptActionCount struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDFDoc_GetPageMode ¶
type FPDFDoc_GetPageMode struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDFFont_Close ¶
type FPDFFont_Close struct {
Font references.FPDF_FONT
type FPDFFont_GetAscent ¶
type FPDFFont_GetAscent struct { Font references.FPDF_FONT FontSize float32 }
type FPDFFont_GetDescent ¶
type FPDFFont_GetDescent struct { Font references.FPDF_FONT FontSize float32 }
type FPDFFont_GetFlags ¶
type FPDFFont_GetFlags struct {
Font references.FPDF_FONT
type FPDFFont_GetFontData ¶
type FPDFFont_GetFontData struct {
Font references.FPDF_FONT
type FPDFFont_GetFontName ¶
type FPDFFont_GetFontName struct {
Font references.FPDF_FONT
type FPDFFont_GetGlyphPath ¶
type FPDFFont_GetGlyphPath struct { Font references.FPDF_FONT Glyph uint32 FontSize float32 }
type FPDFFont_GetGlyphWidth ¶
type FPDFFont_GetGlyphWidth struct { Font references.FPDF_FONT Glyph uint32 FontSize float32 }
type FPDFFont_GetIsEmbedded ¶
type FPDFFont_GetIsEmbedded struct {
Font references.FPDF_FONT
type FPDFFont_GetItalicAngle ¶
type FPDFFont_GetItalicAngle struct {
Font references.FPDF_FONT
type FPDFFont_GetWeight ¶
type FPDFFont_GetWeight struct {
Font references.FPDF_FONT
type FPDFFormObj_CountObjects ¶
type FPDFFormObj_CountObjects struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFFormObj_GetObject ¶
type FPDFFormObj_GetObject struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT Index uint64 }
type FPDFGlyphPath_CountGlyphSegments ¶
type FPDFGlyphPath_CountGlyphSegments struct {
GlyphPath references.FPDF_GLYPHPATH
type FPDFGlyphPath_GetGlyphPathSegment ¶
type FPDFGlyphPath_GetGlyphPathSegment struct { GlyphPath references.FPDF_GLYPHPATH Index int }
type FPDFImageObj_GetBitmap ¶
type FPDFImageObj_GetBitmap struct {
ImageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFImageObj_GetImageDataDecoded ¶
type FPDFImageObj_GetImageDataDecoded struct {
ImageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFImageObj_GetImageDataRaw ¶
type FPDFImageObj_GetImageDataRaw struct {
ImageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilter ¶
type FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilter struct { ImageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT Index int }
type FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilterCount ¶
type FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilterCount struct {
ImageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFImageObj_GetImageMetadata ¶
type FPDFImageObj_GetImageMetadata struct { ImageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT Page Page }
type FPDFImageObj_GetImagePixelSize ¶
type FPDFImageObj_GetImagePixelSize struct {
ImageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFImageObj_GetRenderedBitmap ¶
type FPDFImageObj_GetRenderedBitmap struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Page Page ImageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT }
type FPDFImageObj_LoadJpegFile ¶
type FPDFImageObj_LoadJpegFile struct { Page *Page // The start of all loaded pages, may be nil. Count int // Number of pages, may be 0. ImageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT FileData []byte FileReader io.ReadSeeker FileReaderSize int64 // Size of the file when using a reader. FilePath string }
type FPDFImageObj_LoadJpegFileInline ¶
type FPDFImageObj_LoadJpegFileInline struct { Page *Page // The start of all loaded pages, may be nil. Count int // Number of pages, may be 0. ImageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT FileData []byte FileReader io.ReadSeeker FileReaderSize int64 // Size of the file when using a reader. FilePath string }
type FPDFImageObj_SetBitmap ¶
type FPDFImageObj_SetBitmap struct { Page *Page Count int ImageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT Bitmap references.FPDF_BITMAP }
type FPDFImageObj_SetMatrix ¶
type FPDFImageObj_SetMatrix struct { ImageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT Transform structs.FPDF_FS_MATRIX }
type FPDFJavaScriptAction_GetName ¶
type FPDFJavaScriptAction_GetName struct {
JavaScriptAction references.FPDF_JAVASCRIPT_ACTION
type FPDFJavaScriptAction_GetScript ¶
type FPDFJavaScriptAction_GetScript struct {
JavaScriptAction references.FPDF_JAVASCRIPT_ACTION
type FPDFLink_CloseWebLinks ¶
type FPDFLink_CloseWebLinks struct {
PageLink references.FPDF_PAGELINK
type FPDFLink_CountQuadPoints ¶
type FPDFLink_CountQuadPoints struct {
Link references.FPDF_LINK
type FPDFLink_CountRects ¶
type FPDFLink_CountRects struct { PageLink references.FPDF_PAGELINK Index int }
type FPDFLink_CountWebLinks ¶
type FPDFLink_CountWebLinks struct {
PageLink references.FPDF_PAGELINK
type FPDFLink_Enumerate ¶
type FPDFLink_GetAction ¶
type FPDFLink_GetAction struct {
Link references.FPDF_LINK
type FPDFLink_GetAnnot ¶
type FPDFLink_GetAnnot struct { Page Page Link references.FPDF_LINK }
type FPDFLink_GetAnnotRect ¶
type FPDFLink_GetAnnotRect struct {
Link references.FPDF_LINK
type FPDFLink_GetDest ¶
type FPDFLink_GetDest struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Link references.FPDF_LINK }
type FPDFLink_GetLinkAtPoint ¶
type FPDFLink_GetQuadPoints ¶
type FPDFLink_GetQuadPoints struct { Link references.FPDF_LINK QuadIndex int }
type FPDFLink_GetRect ¶
type FPDFLink_GetRect struct { PageLink references.FPDF_PAGELINK Index int RectIndex int }
type FPDFLink_GetTextRange ¶
type FPDFLink_GetTextRange struct { PageLink references.FPDF_PAGELINK Index int }
type FPDFLink_GetURL ¶
type FPDFLink_GetURL struct { PageLink references.FPDF_PAGELINK Index int }
type FPDFLink_LoadWebLinks ¶
type FPDFLink_LoadWebLinks struct {
TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE
type FPDFPageObjMark_CountParams ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_CountParams struct {
PageObjectMark references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECTMARK
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetName ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetName struct {
PageObjectMark references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECTMARK
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetParamBlobValue ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetParamBlobValue struct { PageObjectMark references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECTMARK Key string }
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetParamIntValue ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetParamIntValue struct { PageObjectMark references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECTMARK Key string }
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetParamKey ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetParamKey struct { PageObjectMark references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECTMARK Index uint64 }
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetParamStringValue ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetParamStringValue struct { PageObjectMark references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECTMARK Key string }
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetParamValueType ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_GetParamValueType struct { PageObjectMark references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECTMARK Key string }
type FPDFPageObjMark_RemoveParam ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_RemoveParam struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT PageObjectMark references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECTMARK Key string }
type FPDFPageObjMark_SetBlobParam ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_SetBlobParam struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT PageObjectMark references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECTMARK Key string Value []byte }
type FPDFPageObjMark_SetIntParam ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_SetIntParam struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT PageObjectMark references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECTMARK Key string Value int }
type FPDFPageObjMark_SetStringParam ¶
type FPDFPageObjMark_SetStringParam struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT PageObjectMark references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECTMARK Key string Value string }
type FPDFPageObj_AddMark ¶
type FPDFPageObj_AddMark struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT Name string }
type FPDFPageObj_CountMarks ¶
type FPDFPageObj_CountMarks struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_CreateTextObj ¶
type FPDFPageObj_CreateTextObj struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Font references.FPDF_FONT FontSize float32 }
type FPDFPageObj_Destroy ¶
type FPDFPageObj_Destroy struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_GetBounds ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetBounds struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_GetClipPath ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetClipPath struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_GetDashArray ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetDashArray struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_GetDashCount ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetDashCount struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_GetDashPhase ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetDashPhase struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_GetFillColor ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetFillColor struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_GetLineCap ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetLineCap struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_GetLineJoin ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetLineJoin struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_GetMark ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetMark struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT Index uint64 }
type FPDFPageObj_GetMatrix ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetMatrix struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_GetRotatedBounds ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetRotatedBounds struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_GetStrokeColor ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetStrokeColor struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_GetStrokeWidth ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetStrokeWidth struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_GetType ¶
type FPDFPageObj_GetType struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_HasTransparency ¶
type FPDFPageObj_HasTransparency struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPageObj_NewImageObj ¶
type FPDFPageObj_NewImageObj struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDFPageObj_NewTextObj ¶
type FPDFPageObj_NewTextObj struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Font string FontSize float32 }
type FPDFPageObj_RemoveMark ¶
type FPDFPageObj_RemoveMark struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT PageObjectMark references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECTMARK }
type FPDFPageObj_SetBlendMode ¶
type FPDFPageObj_SetBlendMode struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT BlendMode enums.PDF_BLEND_MODE }
type FPDFPageObj_SetDashArray ¶
type FPDFPageObj_SetDashArray struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT DashArray []float32 DashPhase float32 }
type FPDFPageObj_SetDashPhase ¶
type FPDFPageObj_SetDashPhase struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT DashPhase float32 }
type FPDFPageObj_SetFillColor ¶
type FPDFPageObj_SetFillColor struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT FillColor structs.FPDF_COLOR }
type FPDFPageObj_SetLineCap ¶
type FPDFPageObj_SetLineCap struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT LineCap enums.FPDF_LINECAP }
type FPDFPageObj_SetLineJoin ¶
type FPDFPageObj_SetLineJoin struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT LineJoin enums.FPDF_LINEJOIN }
type FPDFPageObj_SetMatrix ¶
type FPDFPageObj_SetMatrix struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT Transform structs.FPDF_FS_MATRIX }
type FPDFPageObj_SetStrokeColor ¶
type FPDFPageObj_SetStrokeColor struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT StrokeColor structs.FPDF_COLOR }
type FPDFPageObj_SetStrokeWidth ¶
type FPDFPageObj_SetStrokeWidth struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT StrokeWidth float32 }
type FPDFPageObj_Transform ¶
type FPDFPageObj_Transform struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT Transform structs.FPDF_FS_MATRIX }
type FPDFPageObj_TransformClipPath ¶
type FPDFPageObj_TransformClipPath struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT A float64 B float64 C float64 D float64 E float64 F float64 }
type FPDFPage_CloseAnnot ¶
type FPDFPage_CloseAnnot struct {
Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION
type FPDFPage_CountObjects ¶
type FPDFPage_CountObjects struct {
Page Page
type FPDFPage_CreateAnnot ¶
type FPDFPage_CreateAnnot struct { Page Page Subtype enums.FPDF_ANNOTATION_SUBTYPE }
type FPDFPage_Delete ¶
type FPDFPage_Delete struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT PageIndex int // The index of the page to delete. }
type FPDFPage_Flatten ¶
type FPDFPage_Flatten struct { Page Page Usage FPDFPage_FlattenUsage // The usage flag for the flattening. }
type FPDFPage_FlattenUsage ¶
type FPDFPage_FlattenUsage int
const ( FPDFPage_FlattenUsageNormalDisplay FPDFPage_FlattenUsage = 0 FPDFPage_FlattenUsagePrint FPDFPage_FlattenUsage = 1 )
type FPDFPage_FormFieldZOrderAtPoint ¶
type FPDFPage_FormFieldZOrderAtPoint struct { FormHandle references.FPDF_FORMHANDLE Page Page PageX float64 // X position in PDF "user space". PageY float64 // Y position in PDF "user space". }
type FPDFPage_GenerateContent ¶
type FPDFPage_GenerateContent struct {
Page Page
type FPDFPage_GetAnnot ¶
type FPDFPage_GetAnnotCount ¶
type FPDFPage_GetAnnotCount struct {
Page Page
type FPDFPage_GetAnnotIndex ¶
type FPDFPage_GetAnnotIndex struct { Page Page Annotation references.FPDF_ANNOTATION }
type FPDFPage_GetArtBox ¶
type FPDFPage_GetArtBox struct {
Page Page
type FPDFPage_GetBleedBox ¶
type FPDFPage_GetBleedBox struct {
Page Page
type FPDFPage_GetCropBox ¶
type FPDFPage_GetCropBox struct {
Page Page
type FPDFPage_GetDecodedThumbnailData ¶
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Page Page
type FPDFPage_GetMediaBox ¶
type FPDFPage_GetMediaBox struct {
Page Page
type FPDFPage_GetObject ¶
type FPDFPage_GetRawThumbnailData ¶
type FPDFPage_GetRawThumbnailData struct {
Page Page
type FPDFPage_GetRotation ¶
type FPDFPage_GetRotation struct {
Page Page
type FPDFPage_GetThumbnailAsBitmap ¶
type FPDFPage_GetThumbnailAsBitmap struct {
Page Page
type FPDFPage_GetTrimBox ¶
type FPDFPage_GetTrimBox struct {
Page Page
type FPDFPage_HasFormFieldAtPoint ¶
type FPDFPage_HasFormFieldAtPoint struct { FormHandle references.FPDF_FORMHANDLE Page Page PageX float64 // X position in PDF "user space". PageY float64 // Y position in PDF "user space". }
type FPDFPage_HasTransparency ¶
type FPDFPage_HasTransparency struct {
Page Page
type FPDFPage_InsertClipPath ¶
type FPDFPage_InsertClipPath struct { Page Page ClipPath references.FPDF_CLIPPATH }
type FPDFPage_InsertObject ¶
type FPDFPage_InsertObject struct { Page Page PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT }
type FPDFPage_New ¶
type FPDFPage_New struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT PageIndex int // Suggested 0-based index of the page to create. If it is larger than document's current last index(L), the created page index is the next available index -- L+1. Width float64 // The page width in points. Height float64 // The page height in points. }
type FPDFPage_RemoveAnnot ¶
type FPDFPage_RemoveObject ¶
type FPDFPage_RemoveObject struct { Page Page PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT }
type FPDFPage_SetArtBox ¶
type FPDFPage_SetBleedBox ¶
type FPDFPage_SetCropBox ¶
type FPDFPage_SetMediaBox ¶
type FPDFPage_SetRotation ¶
type FPDFPage_SetRotation struct { Page Page Rotate enums.FPDF_PAGE_ROTATION // New value of PDF page rotation. }
type FPDFPage_SetTrimBox ¶
type FPDFPage_TransFormWithClip ¶
type FPDFPage_TransFormWithClip struct { Page Page Matrix *structs.FPDF_FS_MATRIX ClipRect *structs.FPDF_FS_RECTF }
type FPDFPage_TransformAnnots ¶
type FPDFPage_TransformAnnots struct { Page Page Transform structs.FPDF_FS_MATRIX }
type FPDFPathSegment_GetClose ¶
type FPDFPathSegment_GetClose struct {
PathSegment references.FPDF_PATHSEGMENT
type FPDFPathSegment_GetPoint ¶
type FPDFPathSegment_GetPoint struct {
PathSegment references.FPDF_PATHSEGMENT
type FPDFPathSegment_GetType ¶
type FPDFPathSegment_GetType struct {
PathSegment references.FPDF_PATHSEGMENT
type FPDFPath_BezierTo ¶
type FPDFPath_BezierTo struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT X1 float32 Y1 float32 X2 float32 Y2 float32 X3 float32 Y3 float32 }
type FPDFPath_Close ¶
type FPDFPath_Close struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPath_CountSegments ¶
type FPDFPath_CountSegments struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPath_GetDrawMode ¶
type FPDFPath_GetDrawMode struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFPath_GetPathSegment ¶
type FPDFPath_GetPathSegment struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT Index int }
type FPDFPath_LineTo ¶
type FPDFPath_LineTo struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT X float32 Y float32 }
type FPDFPath_MoveTo ¶
type FPDFPath_MoveTo struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT X float32 Y float32 }
type FPDFPath_SetDrawMode ¶
type FPDFPath_SetDrawMode struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT FillMode enums.FPDF_FILLMODE Stroke bool }
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetByteRange ¶
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetByteRange struct {
Signature references.FPDF_SIGNATURE
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetContents ¶
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetContents struct {
Signature references.FPDF_SIGNATURE
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetDocMDPPermission ¶
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetDocMDPPermission struct {
Signature references.FPDF_SIGNATURE
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetReason ¶
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetReason struct {
Signature references.FPDF_SIGNATURE
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetSubFilter ¶
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetSubFilter struct {
Signature references.FPDF_SIGNATURE
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetTime ¶
type FPDFSignatureObj_GetTime struct {
Signature references.FPDF_SIGNATURE
type FPDFTextObj_GetFont ¶
type FPDFTextObj_GetFont struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFTextObj_GetFontSize ¶
type FPDFTextObj_GetFontSize struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFTextObj_GetRenderedBitmap ¶
type FPDFTextObj_GetRenderedBitmap struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT // Handle to a document associated with the page object. Page references.FPDF_PAGE // Handle to an optional page associated with the page object. PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT // Handle to the page object. Scale float32 // The scaling factor, which must be greater than 0. }
type FPDFTextObj_GetText ¶
type FPDFTextObj_GetText struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE }
type FPDFTextObj_GetTextRenderMode ¶
type FPDFTextObj_GetTextRenderMode struct {
PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT
type FPDFTextObj_SetTextRenderMode ¶
type FPDFTextObj_SetTextRenderMode struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT TextRenderMode enums.FPDF_TEXT_RENDERMODE }
type FPDFText_ClosePage ¶
type FPDFText_ClosePage struct {
TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE
type FPDFText_CountChars ¶
type FPDFText_CountChars struct {
TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE
type FPDFText_CountRects ¶
type FPDFText_CountRects struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE StartIndex int // Index for the start characters. Count int // Number of characters to be extracted, or -1 for all remaining. }
type FPDFText_FindClose ¶
type FPDFText_FindClose struct {
Search references.FPDF_SCHHANDLE
type FPDFText_FindNext ¶
type FPDFText_FindNext struct {
Search references.FPDF_SCHHANDLE
type FPDFText_FindPrev ¶
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Search references.FPDF_SCHHANDLE
type FPDFText_FindStart ¶
type FPDFText_FindStart struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE Find string // A unicode match pattern. Flags FPDFText_FindStartFlag // Option flags. StartIndex int // Start from this character. -1 for end of the page. }
type FPDFText_FindStartFlag ¶
type FPDFText_FindStartFlag uint64
const ( FPDFText_FindStartFlag_MATCHCASE FPDFText_FindStartFlag = 0x00000001 // If not set, it will not match case by default. FPDFText_FindStartFlag_MATCHWHOLEWORD FPDFText_FindStartFlag = 0x00000002 // If not set, it will not match the whole word by default. FPDFText_FindStartFlag_CONSECUTIVE FPDFText_FindStartFlag = 0x00000004 // If not set, it will skip past the current match to look for the next match. )
type FPDFText_GetBoundedText ¶
type FPDFText_GetBoundedText struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE Left float64 // Left boundary. Top float64 // Top boundary. Right float64 // Right boundary. Bottom float64 // Bottom boundary. }
type FPDFText_GetCharAngle ¶
type FPDFText_GetCharAngle struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE Index int }
type FPDFText_GetCharBox ¶
type FPDFText_GetCharBox struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE Index int }
type FPDFText_GetCharIndexAtPos ¶
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type FPDFText_GetCharIndexFromTextIndex ¶
type FPDFText_GetCharIndexFromTextIndex struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE NTextIndex int }
type FPDFText_GetCharOrigin ¶
type FPDFText_GetCharOrigin struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE Index int }
type FPDFText_GetFillColor ¶
type FPDFText_GetFillColor struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE Index int }
type FPDFText_GetFontInfo ¶
type FPDFText_GetFontInfo struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE Index int }
type FPDFText_GetFontSize ¶
type FPDFText_GetFontSize struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE Index int }
type FPDFText_GetFontWeight ¶
type FPDFText_GetFontWeight struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE Index int }
type FPDFText_GetLooseCharBox ¶
type FPDFText_GetLooseCharBox struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE Index int }
type FPDFText_GetMatrix ¶
type FPDFText_GetMatrix struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE Index int }
type FPDFText_GetRect ¶
type FPDFText_GetRect struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE Index int // Zero-based index for the rectangle. }
type FPDFText_GetSchCount ¶
type FPDFText_GetSchCount struct {
Search references.FPDF_SCHHANDLE
type FPDFText_GetSchResultIndex ¶
type FPDFText_GetSchResultIndex struct {
Search references.FPDF_SCHHANDLE
type FPDFText_GetStrokeColor ¶
type FPDFText_GetStrokeColor struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE Index int }
type FPDFText_GetText ¶
type FPDFText_GetText struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE StartIndex int // Index for the start characters. Count int // Number of characters to be extracted. }
type FPDFText_GetTextIndexFromCharIndex ¶
type FPDFText_GetTextIndexFromCharIndex struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE NCharIndex int }
type FPDFText_GetTextRenderMode ¶
type FPDFText_GetTextRenderMode struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE Index int }
type FPDFText_GetUnicode ¶
type FPDFText_GetUnicode struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE Index int }
type FPDFText_HasUnicodeMapError ¶
type FPDFText_HasUnicodeMapError struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE Index int }
type FPDFText_IsGenerated ¶
type FPDFText_IsGenerated struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE Index int }
type FPDFText_IsHyphen ¶
type FPDFText_IsHyphen struct { TextPage references.FPDF_TEXTPAGE Index int }
type FPDFText_LoadCidType2Font ¶
type FPDFText_LoadCidType2Font struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT FontData []byte // The stream of font data, which will be copied by the font object. ToUnicodeCmap string // The ToUnicode data. CIDToGIDMapData []byte // the stream of CIDToGIDMap data. }
type FPDFText_LoadFont ¶
type FPDFText_LoadFont struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Data []byte // The stream of font data, which will be copied by the font object. FontType enums.FPDF_FONT // FPDF_FONT_TYPE1 or FPDF_FONT_TRUETYPE depending on the font type. CID bool // Whether the font is a CID font or not. }
type FPDFText_LoadPage ¶
type FPDFText_LoadPage struct {
Page Page
type FPDFText_LoadStandardFont ¶
type FPDFText_LoadStandardFont struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Font string }
type FPDFText_SetCharcodes ¶
type FPDFText_SetCharcodes struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT CharCodes []uint32 }
type FPDFText_SetText ¶
type FPDFText_SetText struct { PageObject references.FPDF_PAGEOBJECT Text string }
type FPDF_CloseDocument ¶
type FPDF_CloseDocument struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDF_ClosePage ¶
type FPDF_ClosePage struct {
Page references.FPDF_PAGE
type FPDF_CloseXObject ¶
type FPDF_CloseXObject struct {
XObject references.FPDF_XOBJECT
type FPDF_CopyViewerPreferences ¶
type FPDF_CopyViewerPreferences struct { Source references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Destination references.FPDF_DOCUMENT }
type FPDF_CountNamedDests ¶
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Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDF_CreateClipPath ¶
type FPDF_CreateNewDocument ¶
type FPDF_CreateNewDocument struct{}
type FPDF_DestroyClipPath ¶
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ClipPath references.FPDF_CLIPPATH
type FPDF_DeviceToPage ¶
type FPDF_DeviceToPage struct { Page Page StartX int // Left pixel position of the display area in device coordinates. StartY int // Top pixel position of the display area in device coordinates. SizeX int // Horizontal size (in pixels) for displaying the page. SizeY int // Vertical size (in pixels) for displaying the page. Rotate enums.FPDF_PAGE_ROTATION // Page orientation. DeviceX int // X value in device coordinates to be converted. DeviceY int // Y value in device coordinates to be converted. }
type FPDF_DocumentHasValidCrossReferenceTable ¶
type FPDF_DocumentHasValidCrossReferenceTable struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDF_FFLDraw ¶
type FPDF_FFLDraw struct { FormHandle references.FPDF_FORMHANDLE Bitmap references.FPDF_BITMAP Page Page StartX int StartY int SizeX int SizeY int Rotate enums.FPDF_PAGE_ROTATION Flags enums.FPDF_RENDER_FLAG }
type FPDF_GetDocPermissions ¶
type FPDF_GetDocPermissions struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDF_GetDocUserPermissions ¶
type FPDF_GetDocUserPermissions struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDF_GetFileIdentifier ¶
type FPDF_GetFileIdentifier struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT FileIdType enums.FPDF_FILEIDTYPE }
type FPDF_GetFileVersion ¶
type FPDF_GetFileVersion struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDF_GetFormType ¶
type FPDF_GetFormType struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDF_GetLastError ¶
type FPDF_GetLastError struct{}
type FPDF_GetMetaText ¶
type FPDF_GetMetaText struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Tag string // A metadata tag. Title, Author, Subject, Keywords, Creator, Producer, CreationDate, ModDate. For detailed explanation of these tags and their respective values, please refer to section 10.2.1 "Document Information Dictionary" in PDF Reference 1.7. }
type FPDF_GetNamedDest ¶
type FPDF_GetNamedDest struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Index int }
type FPDF_GetNamedDestByName ¶
type FPDF_GetNamedDestByName struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Name string }
type FPDF_GetPageAAction ¶
type FPDF_GetPageAAction struct { Page Page AAType enums.FPDF_PAGE_AACTION }
type FPDF_GetPageBoundingBox ¶
type FPDF_GetPageBoundingBox struct {
Page Page
type FPDF_GetPageCount ¶
type FPDF_GetPageCount struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDF_GetPageHeight ¶
type FPDF_GetPageHeight struct {
Page Page
type FPDF_GetPageHeightF ¶
type FPDF_GetPageHeightF struct {
Page Page
type FPDF_GetPageLabel ¶
type FPDF_GetPageLabel struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Page int // The page number (0-index based). }
type FPDF_GetPageSizeByIndex ¶
type FPDF_GetPageSizeByIndex struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Index int }
type FPDF_GetPageSizeByIndexF ¶
type FPDF_GetPageSizeByIndexF struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Index int }
type FPDF_GetPageWidth ¶
type FPDF_GetPageWidth struct {
Page Page
type FPDF_GetPageWidthF ¶
type FPDF_GetPageWidthF struct {
Page Page
type FPDF_GetSecurityHandlerRevision ¶
type FPDF_GetSecurityHandlerRevision struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDF_GetSignatureCount ¶
type FPDF_GetSignatureCount struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDF_GetSignatureObject ¶
type FPDF_GetSignatureObject struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Index int }
type FPDF_GetTrailerEnds ¶
type FPDF_GetTrailerEnds struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDF_GetXFAPacketContent ¶
type FPDF_GetXFAPacketContent struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Index int }
type FPDF_GetXFAPacketCount ¶
type FPDF_GetXFAPacketCount struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDF_GetXFAPacketName ¶
type FPDF_GetXFAPacketName struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Index int }
type FPDF_ImportNPagesToOne ¶
type FPDF_ImportNPagesToOne struct { Source references.FPDF_DOCUMENT // The document to be imported. OutputWidth float32 // The output page width in PDF "user space" units. OutputHeight float32 // The output page height in PDF "user space" units. NumPagesOnXAxis int // The number of pages on X Axis. NumPagesOnYAxis int // The number of pages on Y Axis. }
type FPDF_ImportPages ¶
type FPDF_ImportPages struct { Source references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Destination references.FPDF_DOCUMENT PageRange *string // The page ranges, such as "1,3,5-7". If it is nil, it means to import all pages from parameter Source to Destination. Index int // An integer value which specifies the page index in parameter Destination where the imported pages will be inserted. }
type FPDF_ImportPagesByIndex ¶
type FPDF_ImportPagesByIndex struct { Source references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Destination references.FPDF_DOCUMENT PageIndices []int // An array of page indices to be imported. The first page is zero. If PageIndices is nil, all pages from Source are imported. Index int // The page index at which to insert the first imported page into Destination. The first page is zero. }
type FPDF_LoadCustomDocument ¶
type FPDF_LoadCustomDocument struct { Reader io.ReadSeeker Size int64 Password *string // The password of the document. }
type FPDF_LoadDocument ¶
type FPDF_LoadMemDocument ¶
type FPDF_LoadMemDocument64 ¶
type FPDF_LoadPage ¶
type FPDF_LoadPage struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Index int // The page number (0-index based). }
type FPDF_LoadXFA ¶
type FPDF_LoadXFA struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDF_MovePages ¶
type FPDF_MovePages struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT // Example: The PDF document starts out with pages [A, B, C, D], with indices // [0, 1, 2, 3]. // // > Move(doc, [3, 2], 2, 1); // returns success // > // The document has pages [A, D, C, B]. // > // > Move(doc, [0, 4, 3], 3, 1); // returns error // > // Returned an error because index 4 is out of range. // > // > Move(doc, [0, 3, 1], 3, 2); // returns error // > // Returned an error because index 2 is out of range for 3 page indices. // > // > Move(doc, [2, 2], 2, 0); // returns error // > // Returned an error because [2, 2] contains duplicates. PageIndices []int // The ordered list of pages to move. No duplicates allowed. DestPageIndex int // The new index position to which the pages in PageIndices are moved. }
type FPDF_NewFormObjectFromXObject ¶
type FPDF_NewFormObjectFromXObject struct {
XObject references.FPDF_XOBJECT
type FPDF_NewXObjectFromPage ¶
type FPDF_NewXObjectFromPage struct { Source references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Destination references.FPDF_DOCUMENT SourcePageIndex int }
type FPDF_PageToDevice ¶
type FPDF_PageToDevice struct { Page Page StartX int // Left pixel position of the display area in device coordinates. StartY int // Top pixel position of the display area in device coordinates. SizeX int // Horizontal size (in pixels) for displaying the page. SizeY int // Vertical size (in pixels) for displaying the page. Rotate enums.FPDF_PAGE_ROTATION // Page orientation. PageX float64 // X value in page coordinates to be converted. PageY float64 // Y value in page coordinates to be converted. }
type FPDF_RemoveFormFieldHighlight ¶
type FPDF_RemoveFormFieldHighlight struct {
FormHandle references.FPDF_FORMHANDLE
type FPDF_RenderPage ¶
type FPDF_RenderPage struct { DC interface{} // Handle to the device context. This should be of type C.HDC, which is a device (screen, bitmap, or printer). Page Page StartX int // Left pixel position of the display area in bitmap coordinates. StartY int // Top pixel position of the display area in bitmap coordinates. SizeX int // Horizontal size (in pixels) for displaying the page. SizeY int // Vertical size (in pixels) for displaying the page. Rotate enums.FPDF_PAGE_ROTATION // Page orientation. Flags enums.FPDF_RENDER_FLAG // 0 for normal display, or combination of enums.FPDF_RENDER_FLAG. With the enums.FPDF_RENDER_FLAG_ANNOT flag, it renders all annotations that do not require user-interaction, which are all annotations except widget and popup annotations. }
type FPDF_RenderPageBitmap ¶
type FPDF_RenderPageBitmap struct { Bitmap references.FPDF_BITMAP Page Page StartX int // Left pixel position of the display area in bitmap coordinates. StartY int // Top pixel position of the display area in bitmap coordinates. SizeX int // Horizontal size (in pixels) for displaying the page. SizeY int // Vertical size (in pixels) for displaying the page. Rotate enums.FPDF_PAGE_ROTATION // Page orientation. Flags enums.FPDF_RENDER_FLAG // 0 for normal display, or combination of enums.FPDF_RENDER_FLAG. With the enums.FPDF_RENDER_FLAG_ANNOT flag, it renders all annotations that do not require user-interaction, which are all annotations except widget and popup annotations. }
type FPDF_RenderPageBitmapWithColorScheme_Start ¶
type FPDF_RenderPageBitmapWithColorScheme_Start struct { Bitmap references.FPDF_BITMAP Page Page StartX int StartY int SizeX int SizeY int Rotate enums.FPDF_PAGE_ROTATION Flags enums.FPDF_RENDER_FLAG ColorScheme *structs.FPDF_COLORSCHEME NeedToPauseNowCallback func() bool }
type FPDF_RenderPageBitmapWithMatrix ¶
type FPDF_RenderPageBitmapWithMatrix struct { Bitmap references.FPDF_BITMAP Page Page Matrix structs.FPDF_FS_MATRIX // The transform matrix, which must be invertible. See PDF Reference 1.7, 4.2.2 Common Transformations. Clipping structs.FPDF_FS_RECTF // The rect to clip to in device coords. Flags enums.FPDF_RENDER_FLAG // 0 for normal display, or combination of enums.FPDF_RENDER_FLAG. With the enums.FPDF_RENDER_FLAG_ANNOT flag, it renders all annotations that do not require user-interaction, which are all annotations except widget and popup annotations. }
type FPDF_RenderPageBitmap_Start ¶
type FPDF_RenderPageBitmap_Start struct { Bitmap references.FPDF_BITMAP Page Page StartX int StartY int SizeX int SizeY int Rotate enums.FPDF_PAGE_ROTATION Flags enums.FPDF_RENDER_FLAG NeedToPauseNowCallback func() bool // A callback mechanism allowing the page rendering process to pause. }
type FPDF_RenderPage_Close ¶
type FPDF_RenderPage_Close struct {
Page Page
type FPDF_SaveAsCopy ¶
type FPDF_SaveAsCopy struct { Flags SaveFlags // The creating flags. Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT FilePath *string // A path to save the file to. FileWriter io.Writer // A writer to save the file to. }
type FPDF_SaveWithVersion ¶
type FPDF_SaveWithVersion struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Flags SaveFlags // The creating flags. FileVersion int // The PDF file version. File version: 14 for 1.4, 15 for 1.5, ... FilePath *string // A path to save the file to. FileWriter io.Writer // A writer to save the file to. }
type FPDF_SetFormFieldHighlightAlpha ¶
type FPDF_SetFormFieldHighlightAlpha struct { FormHandle references.FPDF_FORMHANDLE Alpha uint8 }
type FPDF_SetFormFieldHighlightColor ¶
type FPDF_SetFormFieldHighlightColor struct { FormHandle references.FPDF_FORMHANDLE FieldType enums.FPDF_FORMFIELD Color uint64 // The highlight color of the form field. Constructed by 0xxxrrggbb }
type FPDF_SetPrintMode ¶
type FPDF_SetPrintMode struct {
PrintMode enums.FPDF_PRINTMODE
type FPDF_SetSandBoxPolicy ¶
type FPDF_SetSandBoxPolicy struct { Policy FPDF_SetSandBoxPolicyPolicy Enable bool }
type FPDF_SetSandBoxPolicyPolicy ¶
type FPDF_SetSandBoxPolicyPolicy uint32
const (
FPDF_SetSandBoxPolicyPolicyMachinetimeAccess FPDF_SetSandBoxPolicyPolicy = 1 // Policy for accessing the local machine time.
type FPDF_StructElement_Attr_GetBlobValue ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_Attr_GetBlobValue struct { StructElementAttribute references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT_ATTR Name string }
type FPDF_StructElement_Attr_GetBooleanValue ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_Attr_GetBooleanValue struct { StructElementAttribute references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT_ATTR Name string }
type FPDF_StructElement_Attr_GetCount ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_Attr_GetCount struct {
StructElementAttribute references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT_ATTR
type FPDF_StructElement_Attr_GetName ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_Attr_GetName struct { StructElementAttribute references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT_ATTR Index int }
type FPDF_StructElement_Attr_GetNumberValue ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_Attr_GetNumberValue struct { StructElementAttribute references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT_ATTR Name string }
type FPDF_StructElement_Attr_GetStringValue ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_Attr_GetStringValue struct { StructElementAttribute references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT_ATTR Name string }
type FPDF_StructElement_Attr_GetType ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_Attr_GetType struct { StructElementAttribute references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT_ATTR Name string }
type FPDF_StructElement_CountChildren ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_CountChildren struct {
StructElement references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT
type FPDF_StructElement_GetActualText ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetActualText struct {
StructElement references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT
type FPDF_StructElement_GetAltText ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetAltText struct {
StructElement references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT
type FPDF_StructElement_GetAttributeAtIndex ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetAttributeAtIndex struct { StructElement references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT Index int }
type FPDF_StructElement_GetAttributeCount ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetAttributeCount struct {
StructElement references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT
type FPDF_StructElement_GetChildAtIndex ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetChildAtIndex struct { StructElement references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT Index int // The index for the child, 0-based. }
type FPDF_StructElement_GetChildMarkedContentID ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetChildMarkedContentID struct { StructElement references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT Index int // The index for the child, 0-based. }
type FPDF_StructElement_GetID ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetID struct {
StructElement references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT
type FPDF_StructElement_GetLang ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetLang struct {
StructElement references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT
type FPDF_StructElement_GetMarkedContentID ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetMarkedContentID struct {
StructElement references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT
type FPDF_StructElement_GetMarkedContentIdAtIndex ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetMarkedContentIdAtIndex struct { StructElement references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT Index int }
type FPDF_StructElement_GetMarkedContentIdCount ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetMarkedContentIdCount struct {
StructElement references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT
type FPDF_StructElement_GetObjType ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetObjType struct {
StructElement references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT
type FPDF_StructElement_GetParent ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetParent struct {
StructElement references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT
type FPDF_StructElement_GetStringAttribute ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetStringAttribute struct { StructElement references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT AttributeName string // The name of the attribute to retrieve. }
type FPDF_StructElement_GetTitle ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetTitle struct {
StructElement references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT
type FPDF_StructElement_GetType ¶
type FPDF_StructElement_GetType struct {
StructElement references.FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT
type FPDF_StructTree_Close ¶
type FPDF_StructTree_Close struct {
StructTree references.FPDF_STRUCTTREE
type FPDF_StructTree_CountChildren ¶
type FPDF_StructTree_CountChildren struct {
StructTree references.FPDF_STRUCTTREE
type FPDF_StructTree_GetChildAtIndex ¶
type FPDF_StructTree_GetChildAtIndex struct { StructTree references.FPDF_STRUCTTREE Index int }
type FPDF_StructTree_GetForPage ¶
type FPDF_StructTree_GetForPage struct {
Page Page
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetDuplex ¶
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetDuplex struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetName struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Key string // Name of the key in the viewer pref dictionary. }
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetNumCopies ¶
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetNumCopies struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetPrintPageRange ¶
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetPrintPageRange struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetPrintPageRangeCount ¶
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetPrintPageRangeCount struct {
PageRange references.FPDF_PAGERANGE
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetPrintPageRangeElement ¶
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetPrintPageRangeElement struct { PageRange references.FPDF_PAGERANGE Index uint64 }
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetPrintScaling ¶
type FPDF_VIEWERREF_GetPrintScaling struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type FSDK_SetLocaltimeFunction ¶
type FSDK_SetLocaltimeFunction struct {
Function SetLocaltimeFunction // Alternate implementation of localtime(), or nil to restore to actual localtime() call itself.
type FSDK_SetTimeFunction ¶
type FSDK_SetTimeFunction struct {
Function SetTimeFunction // Alternate implementation of time(), or nil to restore to actual time() call itself.
type GetActionInfo ¶
type GetActionInfo struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Action references.FPDF_ACTION }
type GetAttachments ¶
type GetAttachments struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type GetBookmarks ¶
type GetBookmarks struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type GetDestInfo ¶
type GetDestInfo struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Dest references.FPDF_DEST }
type GetJavaScriptActions ¶
type GetJavaScriptActions struct {
Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT
type GetMetaData ¶
type GetMetaData struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Tags *[]string // A list of metadata tags. If nil, it will return: Title, Author, Subject, Keywords, Creator, Producer, CreationDate, ModDate. For detailed explanation of these tags and their respective values, please refer to section 10.2.1 "Document Information Dictionary" in PDF Reference 1.7. }
type GetPageSize ¶
type GetPageSize struct {
Page Page
type GetPageSizeInPixels ¶
type GetPageText ¶
type GetPageText struct {
Page Page
type GetPageTextStructured ¶
type GetPageTextStructured struct { Page Page Mode GetPageTextStructuredMode // The mode to get structured text for. CollectFontInformation bool // Whether to collect font information like name/size/weight. PixelPositions GetPageTextStructuredPixelPositions // Pixel position calculation settings. }
type GetPageTextStructuredMode ¶
type GetPageTextStructuredMode string
const ( GetPageTextStructuredModeChars GetPageTextStructuredMode = "char" // Only get every separate char GetPageTextStructuredModeRects GetPageTextStructuredMode = "rect" // Get char rects, strings on the same line with the same font settings. GetPageTextStructuredModeBoth GetPageTextStructuredMode = "both" // Get both rects and chars. )
type GetPageTextStructuredPixelPositions ¶
type GetPageTextStructuredPixelPositions struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Calculate bool // Whether to calculate from points to pixel. Useful if you used RenderPageInDPI or RenderPageInPixels. DPI int // If rendered in a specific DPI, give the DPI. Useful if you used RenderPageInDPI. Width int // If rendered with a specific resolution, give the width resolution. Useful if you used RenderPageInPixels. Height int // If rendered with a specific resolution, give the height resolution. Useful if you used RenderPageInPixels. }
type NewPage ¶
type NewPage struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT Index int // A zero-based index which specifies the position of the created page in PDF document. Range: 0 to (pagecount-1). If this value is below 0, the new page will be inserted to the first. If this value is above (pagecount-1), the new page will be inserted to the last. Width float64 // The page width in points. Height float64 // The page height in points. }
type OpenDocument ¶
type Page ¶
type Page struct { ByIndex *PageByIndex // A page index + document reference. ByReference *references.FPDF_PAGE // A reference to a page. Received by GetPage() }
Page can either be the index of a page or a page reference. When you use an index. The library will always cache the last opened page.
type PageByIndex ¶
type PageByIndex struct { Document references.FPDF_DOCUMENT // A reference to a document. Index int // The page number (0-index based). }
type RenderPageInDPI ¶
type RenderPageInDPI struct { Page Page DPI int // The DPI to render the page in. RenderFlags enums.FPDF_RENDER_FLAG // FPDF_RENDER_FLAG_REVERSE_BYTE_ORDER will always be set to render to Go image. }
type RenderPageInPixels ¶
type RenderPageInPixels struct { Page Page Width int // The maximum width of the image. Height int // The maximum height of the image. RenderFlags enums.FPDF_RENDER_FLAG // FPDF_RENDER_FLAG_REVERSE_BYTE_ORDER will always be set to render to Go image. }
type RenderPagesInDPI ¶
type RenderPagesInDPI struct { Pages []RenderPageInDPI // The pages Padding int // The amount of padding (in pixels) between the images }
type RenderPagesInPixels ¶
type RenderPagesInPixels struct { Pages []RenderPageInPixels // The pages Padding int // The amount of padding (in pixels) between the images }
type RenderToFile ¶
type RenderToFile struct { RenderPageInDPI *RenderPageInDPI // To execute the RenderPageInDPI request RenderPagesInDPI *RenderPagesInDPI // To execute the RenderPagesInDPI request RenderPageInPixels *RenderPageInPixels // To execute the RenderPageInPixels request RenderPagesInPixels *RenderPagesInPixels // To execute the RenderPagesInPixels request OutputFormat RenderToFileOutputFormat // The format to output the image as OutputTarget RenderToFileOutputTarget // Where to output the image OutputQuality int // Only used when OutputFormat RenderToFileOutputFormatJPG. Ranges from 1 to 100 inclusive, higher is better. The default is 95. Progressive bool // Only used when OutputFormat RenderToFileOutputFormatJPG and with build tag pdfium_use_turbojpeg. Will render a progressive jpeg. MaxFileSize int64 // The maximum file size, when OutputFormat RenderToFileOutputFormatJPG, it will try to lower the quality it until it fits. TargetFilePath string // When OutputTarget is file, the path to write it to, if not given, a temp file is created }
type RenderToFileOutputFormat ¶
type RenderToFileOutputFormat string // The file format to render output as.
const ( RenderToFileOutputFormatJPG RenderToFileOutputFormat = "jpg" // Render the file as a JPEG file. RenderToFileOutputFormatPNG RenderToFileOutputFormat = "png" // Render the file as a PNG file. )
type RenderToFileOutputTarget ¶
type RenderToFileOutputTarget string // The file target output.
const ( RenderToFileOutputTargetBytes RenderToFileOutputTarget = "bytes" // Returns the file as a byte array in the response. RenderToFileOutputTargetFile RenderToFileOutputTarget = "file" // Writes away the file to a given path or a generated tmp file. )
type SetLocaltime ¶
type SetLocaltimeFunction ¶
type SetLocaltimeFunction func(int64) SetLocaltime
type SetTimeFunction ¶
type SetTimeFunction func() int64
type UnSpObjProcessHandler ¶
Source Files
- action.go
- attachment.go
- bookmark.go
- dest.go
- fpdf_annot.go
- fpdf_attachment.go
- fpdf_catalog.go
- fpdf_dataavail.go
- fpdf_doc.go
- fpdf_edit.go
- fpdf_ext.go
- fpdf_flatten.go
- fpdf_formfill.go
- fpdf_javascript.go
- fpdf_ppo.go
- fpdf_progressive.go
- fpdf_save.go
- fpdf_searchex.go
- fpdf_signature.go
- fpdf_structtree.go
- fpdf_text.go
- fpdf_thumbnail.go
- fpdf_transformpage.go
- fpdfview.go
- javascript_action.go
- metadata.go
- render.go
- requests.go
- text.go
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