-output: Takes in the output path for generated files (optional)
-no-file: Writes data to stdout if set, otherwise to Info.plst & networks_security_config.xml (optional)
-platforms: Specify for which platforms you want to generate the pinning files, comma sperated e.g. android,ios (optional)
-help: Returns help interface
nsfw -websites https://test.com -output ~/my-app/android/app/src/main/res/xml/ -platforms android: Creates the android network_security_config.xml in its folder for test.cmo
nsfw -websites https://test.com,https://www.test2.com -no-file -platforms ios: Returns the NSNetworkAppTransportSecurity config in the terminal
nsfw -websites https://test.com https://www.test2.com: Generate both config files for ios and android and saves them into the current folder
Not supported
Providing fallbacks
Providing multiple pins
Provide certificates
Disabling subdomain pinning support (May be possible to implement if desired)
Pin more than the leaf certificate (May be possible to implement if desired)
Customize file names (May be possible to implement if desired)
Custom output path for each android & ios (Possible if desired)
Figure out if I follow best practices, since I'm new to go
Review code organization
Consider moving networking into sperate struct / function
Running requests in paralel?
Finding a way to embed / merge the ios output into existing Info.plist file
Website, so you can run everything via a comfy ui
Handle panics gracefully (not throwing around stack traces etc.)
Setup Github action for releasing binarys
(Packageing code for easier installation)
(Offering CI/CD integrations)
Feel free to either pick something from the TODOS, or open your own issue and we can discuss things
Feedback for the existing codebase is also highly appreciated!