
Forwards logs cached in S3 to Splunk
go get -u
cd $GOPATH/src/
go build -mod=readonly .
Running locally
Run the tests and install the binary:
go test -mod=readonly -race ./...
Run the binary (using the help
flag to see the available optional arguments):
$GOPATH/bin/resilient-splunk-forwarder [--help]
--app-system-code="resilient-splunk-forwarder" System Code of the application ($APP_SYSTEM_CODE)
--app-name="Resilient Splunk Forwarder" Application name ($APP_NAME)
--port="8080" Port to listen on ($APP_PORT)
--url="" The url to forward to ($FORWARD_URL)
--env="dummy" environment_tag value ($ENV)
--graphiteserver="" Graphite server host name and port ($GRAPHITE_SERVER)
--workers=8 Number of concurrent workers ($WORKERS)
--buffer=256 Channel buffer size ($CHAN_BUFFER)
--token="" Splunk HEC Authorization token ($TOKEN)
--bucketName="" S3 bucket for caching failed events ($BUCKET_NAME)
--awsRegion="" AWS region for S3 ($AWS_REGION)
--logLevel="INFO" Logging level (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, PANIC) ($LOG_LEVEL)
The service reads and deletes objects from S3 and forwards them to the provided Splunk HEC URL, therefore local testing is not recommended.
Build and deployment
Service endpoints
The app has no service endpoints.
Admin endpoints are:
There are several checks performed:
- Checks that the last S3 operation was successful
- Checks that the last Splunk operation was successful
Healthchecks incur no additional requests to external systems.
There is a single thread listing objects from S3, but actual data is fetched asynchronously. Messages are immediately deleted from S3.
Messages are then dispatched to a set of workers that submit the data to the configured Splunk HEC URL.
Failed messages are stored again in S3. Failures also cause exponential backoff so that the endopint is not overwhelmed.
However, due to having multiple workers, this will not affect messages that are already dispatched.
- The application uses go-logger v2; the log file is initialised in main.go.
- Logging requires an
app parameter, for all environments other than local
logs are written to file.
- When running locally, logs are written to console. If you want to log locally to file, you need to pass in an env
parameter that is !=
and /__gtg
endpoints are not logged as they are called every second from varnish/vulcand
and this information is not needed in logs/splunk.
Change/Rotate sealed secrets
Please reffer to documentation in pac-global-sealed-secrets-eks. Here are explained details how to create new, change existing sealed secrets.