Monitors publish availability and collects related metrics. Collected metrics are sent to various systems (ex. Splunk, Graphite).
- Download the source code, dependencies, and build the binary:
go get
go build
Set all environment variables listed in
With Docker:
docker build -t coco/publish-availability-monitor .
docker run -it --env QUEUE_ADDR=<addr> --env S3_URL=<S3 bucket URL> --env CONTENT_URL=<document store api article endpoint path> --env LISTS_URL=<public lists api endpoint path> --env PAGES_URL=<public pages api endpoint path> --env NOTIFICATIONS_URL=<notifications read path> --env NOTIFICATIONS_PUSH_URL=<notifications push path> --env METHODE_ARTICLE_TRANSFORMER_URL=<methode article transformer URL> --env METHODE_CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER_MAPPER_URL=<methode content placeholder mapper URL> coco/publish-availability-monitor
Build and deploy
Note that deployment to FTP2 is no longer supported.
- Tagging a release in GitHub triggers a build in DockerHub.
Endpoint Check Configuration
//this is the SLA for content publish, in seconds
//the app will check for content availability until this threshold is reached
//or the content was found
"threshold": 120,
//Configuration for the queue we will read from
"queueConfig": {
//URL(s) of the messaging system
"address": [queue address1, queue address 2],
//The group name by which this app will be knows to the messaging system
"group": "YourGroupName",
//The topic we want to get messages from
"topic": "YourTopic",
//the name of the queue we want to use
"queue": "yourQueue"
//for each endpoint we want to check content against, we need a metricConfig entry
"metricConfig": [
//the path (or absolute URL) of the endpoint.
//paths are resolved relative to the read_url setting (see below) on a per-environment basis
//to check content, the UUID is appended at the end of this URL
//should end with /
"endpoint": "endpointURL",
//used to associate endpoint-specific behavior with the endpoint
//each alias should have an entry in the endpointSpecificChecks map
"alias": "content",
//defines how often we check this endpoint
//the check interval is threshold / granularity
//in this case, 120 / 40 = 3 -> we check every 3 seconds
"granularity": 40
"endpoint": "endpointURL",
"granularity": 40,
"alias": "S3",
//optional field to indicate that this endpoint should only be checked
//for content of a certain type
//if not present, all content will be checked against this endpoint
"contentTypes": ["Image"]
//feeder-specific configuration
//for each feeder, we need a new struct, new field in AppConfig for it, and
//handling for the feeder in startAggregator()
"splunk-config": {
"logFilePath": "/var/log/apps/pam.log"
Environment Configuration
The app checks environments configuration as well as validation credentials every minute (configurable) and it reloads them if changes are detected.
The monitor can check publication across several different environments, provided each environment can be accessed by a single host URL.
File-based configuration
JSON example for environments configuration:
"read-url": "",
"s3-url": ""
"read-url": "",
"s3-url": ""
JSON example for environments credentials configuration:
"env-name": "pre-prod-uk",
"username": "dummy-username",
"password": "dummy-pwd"
"env-name": "pre-prod-us",
"username": "dummy-username",
"password": "dummy-pwd"
JSON example for validation credentials configuration:
"username": "dummy-username",
"password": "dummy-password"
Checks that have already been initiated are unaffected by changes to the values above.
Capability monitoring
The service performs monitoring of business capabilities by listening for specific e2e publishes on Kafka and reusing the existing endpoint configuration for scheduling the checks.
All capability monotoring metrics are send to Graphite and are located under Metrics/content-metadata/capability-monitoring
Kubernetes details
In K8s we're using the File-based configuration for environments, and the files are actually contents
from ConfigMaps as following:
- environments configuration is read from
ConfigMap, key
- credentials configuration is read from secret
, key read-credentials
- validation credentials configuration is read from secret
, key validator-credentials
These keys can be modified on the fly and they will be picked up by the application without restart with a tiny delay.
More details on how this works here