Backend Web Server + RSS Aggregator (practicing go based of Boot dev's tutorial)
Extennding project:
Diferent date formats that diferent rss feeds use , handle that (add different rss feeds and handle issues as they come)
Add better logging for unhappy path
Go to boot dot dev to see additionnal info for expanding the project
Starting the project:
To launch postgres and redis use:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up
To shut down and remove postgres and redis use:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml down
Make sure that you have the following variables in your .env file:
After starting the docker you can run the migrations
Go to ./sql/schema and run the following commannd i the termial:
goose postgres postgres://admin:admin@localhost:5432/postgres
Ten you can build and start the app by running:
go build ; ./rssator