The CLI App provides convenient access to the API.
Download the latest release for Windows, macOS, or Linux here
brew tap Files-com/homebrew-tap
brew install files-cli
Setting API Key
Setting by ENV (Linux/macOS)
Setting by ENV (Windows)
Set Via a Flag
files-cli folders list-for --api-key "XXXX-XXXX..."
Password Authentication
To log in to the CLI App with your username and password, you must first configure the CLI App with information about your account:
files-cli config set --subdomain MYCOMPANY --username MYUSERNAME
When prompted, enter your password.
Once you've specified your subdomain information and username, you do not need to specify it again for subsequent uses of the CLI App. For later uses, you can login using the following command, which will prompt you for your password:
files-cli login
If your account requires Two-Factor Authentication, you will be prompted for the second factor after you submit your password. Once you are logged in, subsequent uses of the CLI App will perform those actions using your credentials and permissions until you log out.
Logging Out
Your login session will expire automatically after a period of time. The CLI App will expire your session after 6 hours or your session will expire based on the settings of your authentication system, whichever is sooner.
To log out of your session manually, use:
files-cli logout
List files
Return root folder listing
files-cli folders list-for --fields path,type
"path": "document.docx",
"type": "file"
"path": "other",
"type": "directory"
List a Folder
files-cli folders list-for /path/to/folder
Download a File/Folder
To download a file, use the command:
files-cli download /remote/path/to/file.txt /local/path/to/file.txt
files-cli download /remote/path/to/file.txt /local/path/to/folder/
To download a folder, use the command:
files-cli download /remote/path/to/folder/ /local/path/to/folder/
Upload a File/Folder
To upload a file, use the command:
files-cli upload /local/path/to/file.txt /remote/path/to/file.txt
files-cli upload /local/path/to/file.txt /remote/path/to/folder/
To upload a folder, use the command:
files-cli upload /local/path/to/folder/ /remote/path/to/folder/
Creating folders
To create folders, use this command:
files-cli folders create --path “/path/to/folder/to/be/created”
Sending Operation/Run Logs to the Cloud
If you are running scripted operations, you can have the CLI send a report of the operation including the Success/Failure status as well as a log of every run. To do this add the flag --send-logs-to-cloud
The operation logs will be made available in the web interface at Settings > Logs > External logs.
Syncing Files
To facilitate file-syncing workflows, the --sync
flag can be used with the upload or download command to specify that only new files be transferred.
Here is a "push" (upload) example for syncing files from a local Documents folder to a folder of the same name:
files-cli upload Documents Documents --sync --send-logs-to-cloud
Here is a "pull" (download) example for syncing files to a local Documents folder from a folder of the same name:
files-cli download Documents Documents --sync --send-logs-to-cloud
Administrator actions
If you have administrator privileges for your account, you can use the CLI App to perform administrator actions.
For example, you can create a user account with this command:
files-cli users create --username amy --password "S0meRea11yLongP@ssw0rd" --authentication-method "password" --name "Amy Anybody" --company "Amy’s Company Name" --notes "Some notes about Amy." --user-root "/users/amy"
You can also configure various items, such as Folder Settings, using the CLI App.
For example, you can configure automatic new user folders using the following command:
files-cli behaviors create --path "/path/to/folder" --behavior "create_user_folders" --value '{ "permission":"full", "additional_permission":"bundle", "existing_users":false, "group_id":1, "new_folder_name":"username", "subfolders":[]}'
By default, the CLI App will output its data in table format.
You can configure the output format by using the --format
option. For example, to specify that the output should be formatted in JSON format, use the option --format json
Available output formats are:
- table
- table-dark
- table-bright
- json
- csv
Here are some examples:
files-cli folders list-for /path/to/folder --format csv
files-cli folders create --path “/path/to/folder/to/be/created” --format json
files-cli users list --format table-dark
Command Help
files-cli [command] --help
To build for testing it assumes the go package is in parallel directory.
This will build both the compressed release version and an uncompressed executable for the 3 platforms.
docker build . --tag files-cli:latest
docker run --workdir /app --volume ${PWD}:/app -it files-cli
docker run --workdir /app --volume ${PWD}:/app -it files-cli bash -c "go run main.go"
Link local Go SDK
go mod edit -replace
docker run --workdir /app --volume ${PWD}:/app --volume ${HOME}/go/src/ -it files-cli