从telegraf fork的ipmi_sensor ,略作改动。 采集硬件温度、风扇转速、电压、功率等信息。
- 本插件依赖ipmitool
- 采集的是ipmitool sdr的输出
Get bare metal metrics using the command line utility
If no servers are specified, the plugin will query the local machine sensor
stats via the following command:
ipmitool sdr
or with the version 2 schema:
ipmitool sdr elist
When one or more servers are specified, the plugin will use the following
command to collect remote host sensor stats:
ipmitool -I lan -H SERVER -U USERID -P PASSW0RD sdr
Any of the following parameters will be added to the aformentioned query if
they're configured:
-y hex_key -L privilege
Version 1 schema:
- ipmi_xxxx:
- tags:
- unit
- host
- server (only when retrieving stats from remote servers)
- status_code
- description
- fields:
Version 2 schema:
- ipmi_xxxx:
- tags:
- entity_id (can help uniquify duplicate names)
- status_code (two letter code from IPMI documentation)
- status_desc (extended status description field)
- unit (only on analog values)
- host
- server (only when retrieving stats from remote)
- description
- fields:
KERNEL=="ipmi*", MODE="660", GROUP="categraf采集所使用的用户组"
Alternatively, it is possible to use sudo. You will need the following in your
categraf config:
use_sudo = true
You will also need to update your sudoers file:
$ visudo
# Add the following line:
Cmnd_Alias IPMITOOL = /usr/bin/ipmitool *
UserOfCategraf ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: IPMITOOL
Defaults!IPMITOOL !logfile, !syslog, !pam_session
Example Output
Version 1 Schema
When retrieving stats from a remote server:
ipmi_cpu1_temp agent_hostname= description=40_degrees_c entity_id=3.1 server= status_code=ok unit=degrees_c 40
ipmi_cpu2_temp agent_hostname= description=42_degrees_c entity_id=3.2 server= status_code=ok unit=degrees_c 42
ipmi_pch_temp agent_hostname= description=66_degrees_c entity_id=7.1 server= status_code=ok unit=degrees_c 66
ipmi_fan3 agent_hostname= description=500_rpm entity_id=29.3 server= status_code=lnc unit=rpm 500
ipmi_fan4 agent_hostname= description=500_rpm entity_id=29.4 server= status_code=lnc unit=rpm 500
ipmi_fan5 agent_hostname= description=no_reading entity_id=29.5 server= status_code=ns status_desc=no_reading 0
When retrieving stats from the local machine (no server specified):
ipmi_cpu1_temp agent_hostname= description=40_degrees_c status_code=ok unit=degrees_c 40
ipmi_cpu2_temp agent_hostname= description=43_degrees_c status_code=ok unit=degrees_c 43
ipmi_pch_temp agent_hostname= description=66_degrees_c status_code=ok unit=degrees_c 66
ipmi_fan3 agent_hostname= description=500_rpm status_code=nc unit=rpm 500
ipmi_fan4 agent_hostname= description=500_rpm status_code=nc unit=rpm 500
ipmi_fan5 agent_hostname= description=no_reading status_code=ns 0
Version 2 Schema
ipmi_cpu1_temp agent_hostname= description=40_degrees_c entity_id=3.1 server= status_code=ok unit=degrees_c 40
ipmi_cpu2_temp agent_hostname= description=42_degrees_c entity_id=3.2 server= status_code=ok unit=degrees_c 42
ipmi_pch_temp agent_hostname= description=66_degrees_c entity_id=7.1 server= status_code=ok unit=degrees_c 66
ipmi_fan5 agent_hostname= description=no_reading entity_id=29.5 server= status_code=ns status_desc=no_reading 0
ipmi_fan6 agent_hostname= description=500_rpm entity_id=29.6 server= status_code=lnc unit=rpm 500
ipmi_fana agent_hostname= description=no_reading entity_id=29.7 server= status_code=ns status_desc=no_reading 0
When retrieving stats from the local machine (no server specified):
ipmi_cpu1_temp agent_hostname= description=39_degrees_c entity_id=3.1 status_code=ok unit=degrees_c 39
ipmi_cpu2_temp agent_hostname= description=42_degrees_c entity_id=3.2 status_code=ok unit=degrees_c 42
ipmi_pch_temp agent_hostname= description=66_degrees_c entity_id=7.1 status_code=ok unit=degrees_c 66
ipmi_fan5 agent_hostname= description=no_reading entity_id=29.5 status_code=ns status_desc=no_reading 0
ipmi_fan6 agent_hostname= description=500_rpm entity_id=29.6 status_code=lnc unit=rpm 500
ipmi_fana agent_hostname= description=no_reading entity_id=29.7 status_code=ns status_desc=no_reading 0
categraf 采集所在的机器需要有ipmitool 命令,如果没有,需要安装
## optionally specify the path to the ipmitool executable
# path = "/usr/bin/ipmitool"
## Setting 'use_sudo' to true will make use of sudo to run ipmitool.
## Sudo must be configured to allow the categraf user to run ipmitool
## without a password.
## 本地采集,需要免密sudo权限
use_sudo = true
## optionally force session privilege level. Can be CALLBACK, USER, OPERATOR, ADMINISTRATOR
# privilege = "ADMINISTRATOR"
## optionally specify one or more servers via a url matching
## [username[:password]@][protocol[(address)]]
## e.g.
## root:passwd@lan(
## if no servers are specified, local machine sensor stats will be queried
## Recommended: use metric 'interval' that is a multiple of 'timeout' to avoid
## gaps or overlap in pulled data
interval = "30s"
## Timeout for the ipmitool command to complete. Default is 20 seconds.
timeout = "20s"
## Schema Version: (Optional, defaults to version 1)
metric_version = 2
## Optionally provide the hex key for the IMPI connection.
# hex_key = ""
## If ipmitool should use a cache
## for me ipmitool runs about 2 to 10 times faster with cache enabled on HP G10 servers (when using ubuntu20.04)
## the cache file may not work well for you if some sensors come up late
# use_cache = false
## Path to the ipmitools cache file (defaults to OS temp dir)
## The provided path must exist and must be writable
# cache_path = ""
## optionally specify the path to the ipmitool executable
# path = "/usr/bin/ipmitool"
## Setting 'use_sudo' to true will make use of sudo to run ipmitool.
## Sudo must be configured to allow the categraf user to run ipmitool
## without a password.
# use_sudo = true
## optionally force session privilege level. Can be CALLBACK, USER, OPERATOR, ADMINISTRATOR
# privilege = "ADMINISTRATOR"
## optionally specify one or more servers via a url matching
## [username[:password]@][protocol[(address)]]
## e.g.
## root:passwd@lan(
## if no servers are specified, local machine sensor stats will be queried
## 替换远程服务器的ip地址 用户名 密码
servers = ["root:password@lan("]
## Recommended: use metric 'interval' that is a multiple of 'timeout' to avoid
## gaps or overlap in pulled data
interval = "30s"
## Timeout for the ipmitool command to complete. Default is 20 seconds.
timeout = "20s"
## Schema Version: (Optional, defaults to version 1)
metric_version = 1
## Optionally provide the hex key for the IMPI connection.
# hex_key = ""
## If ipmitool should use a cache
## for me ipmitool runs about 2 to 10 times faster with cache enabled on HP G10 servers (when using ubuntu20.04)
## the cache file may not work well for you if some sensors come up late
# use_cache = false
## Path to the ipmitools cache file (defaults to OS temp dir)
## The provided path must exist and must be writable
# cache_path = ""