
This project is an implementation of the Shopify Developer Challenge 2021. You can access the prompt by clicking
The Cat-Scibers project is a subscription based REST API to subscribe to cat photos. Its purpose is to provide the
ability to every user to subscribe to other user's cat photos. Not only that, but it is also impossible to submit a
picture that does not contain a Cat. This project utilizes Google Vision API to ensure that the content of the site
stays pure with respect to its original purpose.
Currently, payments are taken every first of the month at midnight, or when you subscribe to another user.
How to run
- Install Golang (this project was developed with
go 1.14.2 windows/amd64
- Run
go get
- Get an API key for Google Vision API
- Get a MongoDB instance running (the original version uses MongoDB Atlas, but a local version would work just as well.
- Set the following Environment Variables:
HTTP_PORT=<Port number>
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<Path to Google JSON credentials file>
MONGODB_URL=<MongoDB connection URL>
JWT_SECREt=<JWT secret>
API documentation
GET /ping
- Health
- Request:
- Response: "Pong"
POST /login
- Login
email: string,
password: string
user_id: string,
token: string
POST /signup
- Sign up
name: string,
email: string,
password: string,
subscription_price: number
user_id: string,
token: string
GET /users
- Get all users
GET /user/:id
- Get user by ID
Require to be authenticated
To access those routes, the request must have an Authorization header. Example: Authorization Bearer <token>
GET /user
- Get current user
PUT /user
- Update current user
id: string
name: string
email: string
subscriptions: string[]
photos: string[]
balance: number
subscription_price: number
id: string
name: string
email: string
subscriptions: string[]
photos: string[]
balance: number
subscription_price: number
DELETE /user
- Delete current user
- Request:
- Response:
message: successul
POST /user/photo/
- Upload photo
POST /user/photos/
- Upload multiple photos
DELETE /user/photo/:id
- Delete a photo by ID (current user)
Request: empty
message: string
GET /photo/:id/
- Get a photo by ID (must be subscribed to owner)
GET /user/:id/photos/
- Get all photos from user with ID (must be subscribed to owner)
POST /subscribe/:id
- Subscribe current user to user with ID
- Request:
- Response:
message: string
DELETE /subscribe/:id
- unsubscribe current user from user with ID
- Request:
- Response:
message: string
Implement all relevant HTTP methods for a complete REST project
(This project implemented the basic methods for the MVP)
Implement optimized queries for specific operations that could be performed in a single aggregation pipeline
and would bring greater performances for certain operations.
Fix some obvious problems (ex: Can update the balance of a user)