AppMaker Example
This example demonstrates how to utilize DiscordGo to create Bot Applications.
You can create a new bot account, view the list of applications you have, and
delete applications.
This assumes you already have a working Go environment setup and that
DiscordGo is correctly installed on your system.
go build
Usage of ./appmaker:
-a string
App/Bot Name
-d string
Application ID to delete
-e string
Account Email
-l List Applications Only
-p string
Account Password
-t string
Account Token
Account Email and Password or Token are required. The account provided with
these fields will be the "owner" of any bot applications created.
If you provide the -l flag than appmaker will only display a list of
applications on the provided account.
If you provide a -d flag with a valid application ID then that application
will be deleted.
Below example will create a new Bot Application under the given Email/Password
account. The Bot will be named DiscordGoRocks
./appmaker -e Email -p Password -a DiscordGoRocks