Overview ¶
Package sqlite contains the logic for storing application data into a local SQLite database.
Index ¶
- Variables
- func EveMoonFromDBModel(p queries.EveMoon, ess *app.EveSolarSystem) *app.EveMoon
- func InitDB(dsn string) (*sql.DB, error)
- func NewNullFloat64(v float64) sql.NullFloat64
- func NewNullInt32(v int32) sql.NullInt32
- func NewNullInt64(v int64) sql.NullInt64
- func NewNullString(v string) sql.NullString
- func NewNullTimeFromTime(v time.Time) sql.NullTime
- func NewTimeFromNullTime(v sql.NullTime) time.Time
- type CacheSetParams
- type CharacterSectionStatusParams
- type CreateCharacterAssetParams
- type CreateCharacterContractBidParams
- type CreateCharacterContractItemParams
- type CreateCharacterContractParams
- type CreateCharacterImplantParams
- type CreateCharacterJumpCloneParams
- type CreateCharacterMailParams
- type CreateCharacterNotificationParams
- type CreateCharacterPlanetParams
- type CreateCharacterWalletJournalEntryParams
- type CreateCharacterWalletTransactionParams
- type CreateEveCategoryParams
- type CreateEveCharacterParams
- type CreateEveConstellationParams
- type CreateEveDogmaAttributeParams
- type CreateEveGroupParams
- type CreateEveMoonParams
- type CreateEvePlanetParams
- type CreateEveRegionParams
- type CreateEveSchematicParams
- type CreateEveSolarSystemParams
- type CreateEveTypeDogmaAttributeParams
- type CreateEveTypeDogmaEffectParams
- type CreateEveTypeParams
- type CreatePlanetPinParams
- type CreateShipSkillParams
- type MailLabelParams
- type SkillqueueItemParams
- type Storage
- func (st *Storage) CacheCleanUp(ctx context.Context) error
- func (st *Storage) CacheClear(ctx context.Context) error
- func (st *Storage) CacheDelete(ctx context.Context, key string) error
- func (st *Storage) CacheExists(ctx context.Context, key string) (bool, error)
- func (st *Storage) CacheGet(ctx context.Context, key string) ([]byte, error)
- func (st *Storage) CacheSet(ctx context.Context, arg CacheSetParams) error
- func (st *Storage) CalculateCharacterAssetTotalValue(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) (float64, error)
- func (st *Storage) CountCharacterNotificationUnreads(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) (map[string]int, error)
- func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterAsset(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterAssetParams) error
- func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterContract(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterContractParams) (int64, error)
- func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterContractBid(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterContractBidParams) error
- func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterContractItem(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterContractItemParams) error
- func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterImplant(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterImplantParams) error
- func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterJumpClone(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterJumpCloneParams) error
- func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterMail(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterMailParams) (int64, error)
- func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterMailList(ctx context.Context, characterID, mailListID int32) error
- func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterNotification(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterNotificationParams) error
- func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterPlanet(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterPlanetParams) (int64, error)
- func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterSkillqueueItem(ctx context.Context, arg SkillqueueItemParams) error
- func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterWalletJournalEntry(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterWalletJournalEntryParams) error
- func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterWalletTransaction(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterWalletTransactionParams) error
- func (st *Storage) CreateEveCategory(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveCategoryParams) (*app.EveCategory, error)
- func (st *Storage) CreateEveCharacter(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveCharacterParams) error
- func (st *Storage) CreateEveConstellation(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveConstellationParams) error
- func (st *Storage) CreateEveDogmaAttribute(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveDogmaAttributeParams) (*app.EveDogmaAttribute, error)
- func (st *Storage) CreateEveEntity(ctx context.Context, id int32, name string, category app.EveEntityCategory) (*app.EveEntity, error)
- func (st *Storage) CreateEveGroup(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveGroupParams) error
- func (st *Storage) CreateEveMoon(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveMoonParams) error
- func (st *Storage) CreateEvePlanet(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEvePlanetParams) error
- func (st *Storage) CreateEveRace(ctx context.Context, id int32, description, name string) (*app.EveRace, error)
- func (st *Storage) CreateEveRegion(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveRegionParams) (*app.EveRegion, error)
- func (st *Storage) CreateEveSchematic(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveSchematicParams) (*app.EveSchematic, error)
- func (st *Storage) CreateEveShipSkill(ctx context.Context, arg CreateShipSkillParams) error
- func (st *Storage) CreateEveSolarSystem(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveSolarSystemParams) error
- func (st *Storage) CreateEveType(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveTypeParams) error
- func (st *Storage) CreateEveTypeDogmaAttribute(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveTypeDogmaAttributeParams) error
- func (st *Storage) CreateEveTypeDogmaEffect(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveTypeDogmaEffectParams) error
- func (st *Storage) CreatePlanetPin(ctx context.Context, arg CreatePlanetPinParams) error
- func (st *Storage) DeleteCharacter(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) error
- func (st *Storage) DeleteCharacterAssets(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, itemIDs []int64) error
- func (st *Storage) DeleteCharacterMail(ctx context.Context, characterID, mailID int32) error
- func (st *Storage) DeleteCharacterPlanet(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, planetIDs []int32) error
- func (st *Storage) DeleteCharacterSkills(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, eveTypeIDs []int32) error
- func (st *Storage) DeleteEveCharacter(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) error
- func (st *Storage) DeleteObsoleteCharacterMailLabels(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) error
- func (st *Storage) DeleteObsoleteCharacterMailLists(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) error
- func (st *Storage) DeletePlanetPins(ctx context.Context, characterPlanetID int64) error
- func (st *Storage) DisableAllTrainingWatchers(ctx context.Context) error
- func (st *Storage) GetAllCharacterMailUnreadCount(ctx context.Context) (int, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetAnyCharacter(ctx context.Context) (*app.Character, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacter(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) (*app.Character, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterAsset(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, itemID int64) (*app.CharacterAsset, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterAssetValue(ctx context.Context, id int32) (optional.Optional[float64], error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterAttributes(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) (*app.CharacterAttributes, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterContract(ctx context.Context, characterID, contractID int32) (*app.CharacterContract, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterContractBid(ctx context.Context, contractID int64, bidID int32) (*app.CharacterContractBid, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterContractItem(ctx context.Context, contractID, recordID int64) (*app.CharacterContractItem, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterImplant(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, typeID int32) (*app.CharacterImplant, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterJumpClone(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, jumpCloneID int32) (*app.CharacterJumpClone, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterMail(ctx context.Context, characterID, mailID int32) (*app.CharacterMail, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterMailCount(ctx context.Context, id int32) (int, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterMailLabel(ctx context.Context, characterID, labelID int32) (*app.CharacterMailLabel, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterMailLabelUnreadCounts(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) (map[int32]int, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterMailListUnreadCounts(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) (map[int32]int, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterMailUnreadCount(ctx context.Context, id int32) (int, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterNotification(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, notificationID int64) (*app.CharacterNotification, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterPlanet(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, planetID int32) (*app.CharacterPlanet, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterSectionStatus(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, section app.CharacterSection) (*app.CharacterSectionStatus, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterSkill(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, typeID int32) (*app.CharacterSkill, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterSkillqueueItem(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, pos int) (*app.CharacterSkillqueueItem, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterToken(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) (*app.CharacterToken, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterTotalTrainingTime(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) (optional.Optional[time.Duration], error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterWalletJournalEntry(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, refID int64) (*app.CharacterWalletJournalEntry, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetCharacterWalletTransaction(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, transactionID int64) (*app.CharacterWalletTransaction, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetEveCategory(ctx context.Context, id int32) (*app.EveCategory, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetEveCharacter(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) (*app.EveCharacter, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetEveConstellation(ctx context.Context, id int32) (*app.EveConstellation, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetEveDogmaAttribute(ctx context.Context, id int32) (*app.EveDogmaAttribute, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetEveEntity(ctx context.Context, id int32) (*app.EveEntity, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetEveGroup(ctx context.Context, id int32) (*app.EveGroup, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetEveLocation(ctx context.Context, id int64) (*app.EveLocation, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetEveMarketPrice(ctx context.Context, typeID int32) (*app.EveMarketPrice, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetEveMoon(ctx context.Context, id int32) (*app.EveMoon, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetEvePlanet(ctx context.Context, id int32) (*app.EvePlanet, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetEveRace(ctx context.Context, id int32) (*app.EveRace, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetEveRegion(ctx context.Context, id int32) (*app.EveRegion, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetEveSchematic(ctx context.Context, id int32) (*app.EveSchematic, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetEveShipSkill(ctx context.Context, shipTypeID int32, rank uint) (*app.EveShipSkill, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetEveSolarSystem(ctx context.Context, id int32) (*app.EveSolarSystem, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetEveType(ctx context.Context, id int32) (*app.EveType, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetEveTypeDogmaAttribute(ctx context.Context, eveTypeID, dogmaAttributeID int32) (float32, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetEveTypeDogmaEffect(ctx context.Context, eveTypeID, dogmaAttributeID int32) (bool, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetGeneralSectionStatus(ctx context.Context, section app.GeneralSection) (*app.GeneralSectionStatus, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetOrCreateCharacterMailLabel(ctx context.Context, arg MailLabelParams) (*app.CharacterMailLabel, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetOrCreateEveEntity(ctx context.Context, id int32, name string, category app.EveEntityCategory) (*app.EveEntity, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetOrCreateNotificationType(ctx context.Context, name string) (int64, error)
- func (st *Storage) GetPlanetPin(ctx context.Context, characterPlanetID, pinID int64) (*app.PlanetPin, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListAllCharacterAssets(ctx context.Context) ([]*app.CharacterAsset, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListAllCharacterPlanets(ctx context.Context) ([]*app.CharacterPlanet, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterAssetIDs(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) (set.Set[int64], error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterAssets(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) ([]*app.CharacterAsset, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterAssetsInItemHangar(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, locationID int64) ([]*app.CharacterAsset, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterAssetsInLocation(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, locationID int64) ([]*app.CharacterAsset, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterAssetsInShipHangar(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, locationID int64) ([]*app.CharacterAsset, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterContractBidIDs(ctx context.Context, contractID int64) (set.Set[int32], error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterContractBids(ctx context.Context, contractID int64) ([]*app.CharacterContractBid, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterContractIDs(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) ([]int32, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterContractItems(ctx context.Context, contractID int64) ([]*app.CharacterContractItem, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterContracts(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) ([]*app.CharacterContract, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterContractsForNotify(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, earliest time.Time) ([]*app.CharacterContract, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterIDs(ctx context.Context) (set.Set[int32], error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterImplants(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) ([]*app.CharacterImplant, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterJumpClones(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) ([]*app.CharacterJumpClone, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterMailHeadersForLabelOrdered(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, labelID int32) ([]*app.CharacterMailHeader, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterMailHeadersForListOrdered(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, listID int32) ([]*app.CharacterMailHeader, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterMailHeadersForUnprocessed(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, earliest time.Time) ([]*app.CharacterMailHeader, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterMailIDs(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) (set.Set[int32], error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterMailLabelsOrdered(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) ([]*app.CharacterMailLabel, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterMailListsOrdered(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) ([]*app.EveEntity, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterNotificationIDs(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) (set.Set[int64], error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterNotificationsAll(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) ([]*app.CharacterNotification, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterNotificationsTypes(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, types []string) ([]*app.CharacterNotification, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterNotificationsUnprocessed(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, earliest time.Time) ([]*app.CharacterNotification, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterNotificationsUnread(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) ([]*app.CharacterNotification, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterPlanets(ctx context.Context, id int32) ([]*app.CharacterPlanet, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterSectionStatus(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) ([]*app.CharacterSectionStatus, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterShipSkills(ctx context.Context, characterID, shipTypeID int32) ([]*app.CharacterShipSkill, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterShipsAbilities(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, search string) ([]*app.CharacterShipAbility, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterSkillGroupsProgress(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) ([]app.ListCharacterSkillGroupProgress, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterSkillIDs(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) (set.Set[int32], error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterSkillProgress(ctx context.Context, characterID, eveGroupID int32) ([]app.ListCharacterSkillProgress, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterSkillqueueItems(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) ([]*app.CharacterSkillqueueItem, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterWalletJournalEntries(ctx context.Context, id int32) ([]*app.CharacterWalletJournalEntry, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterWalletJournalEntryIDs(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) (set.Set[int64], error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterWalletTransactionIDs(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) (set.Set[int64], error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacterWalletTransactions(ctx context.Context, characterID int32) ([]*app.CharacterWalletTransaction, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharacters(ctx context.Context) ([]*app.Character, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListCharactersShort(ctx context.Context) ([]*app.CharacterShort, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListEveCharacterIDs(ctx context.Context) (set.Set[int32], error)
- func (st *Storage) ListEveEntitiesByName(ctx context.Context, name string) ([]*app.EveEntity, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListEveEntitiesByPartialName(ctx context.Context, partial string) ([]*app.EveEntity, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListEveEntityByNameAndCategory(ctx context.Context, name string, category app.EveEntityCategory) ([]*app.EveEntity, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListEveEntityIDs(ctx context.Context) (set.Set[int32], error)
- func (st *Storage) ListEveLocation(ctx context.Context) ([]*app.EveLocation, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListEveShipSkills(ctx context.Context, shipTypeID int32) ([]*app.EveShipSkill, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListEveTypeDogmaAttributesForType(ctx context.Context, typeID int32) ([]*app.EveTypeDogmaAttribute, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListGeneralSectionStatus(ctx context.Context) ([]*app.GeneralSectionStatus, error)
- func (st *Storage) ListPlanetPins(ctx context.Context, characterPlanetID int64) ([]*app.PlanetPin, error)
- func (st *Storage) MissingEveEntityIDs(ctx context.Context, ids []int32) (set.Set[int32], error)
- func (st *Storage) MissingEveLocations(ctx context.Context, ids []int64) ([]int64, error)
- func (st *Storage) MissingEveTypes(ctx context.Context, ids []int32) ([]int32, error)
- func (st *Storage) ReplaceCharacterImplants(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, args []CreateCharacterImplantParams) error
- func (st *Storage) ReplaceCharacterJumpClones(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, args []CreateCharacterJumpCloneParams) error
- func (st *Storage) ReplaceCharacterSkillqueueItems(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, args []SkillqueueItemParams) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateCharacterAsset(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterAssetParams) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateCharacterAssetValue(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, v optional.Optional[float64]) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateCharacterContract(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterContractParams) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateCharacterContractNotified(ctx context.Context, id int64, status app.ContractStatus) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateCharacterHome(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, homeID optional.Optional[int64]) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateCharacterIsTrainingWatched(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, isWatched bool) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateCharacterLastLoginAt(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, v optional.Optional[time.Time]) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateCharacterLocation(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, locationID optional.Optional[int64]) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateCharacterMail(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, mailPK int64, isRead bool, ...) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateCharacterMailSetProcessed(ctx context.Context, id int64) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateCharacterNotification(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterNotificationParams) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateCharacterNotificationSetProcessed(ctx context.Context, id int64) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateCharacterPlanetLastNotified(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterPlanetLastNotifiedParams) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateCharacterShip(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, shipID optional.Optional[int32]) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateCharacterSkillPoints(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, ...) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateCharacterWalletBalance(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, v optional.Optional[float64]) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateEveCharacter(ctx context.Context, c *app.EveCharacter) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateEveShipSkills(ctx context.Context) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateOrCreateCharacter(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateCharacterParams) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateOrCreateCharacterAttributes(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateCharacterAttributesParams) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateOrCreateCharacterMailLabel(ctx context.Context, arg MailLabelParams) (*app.CharacterMailLabel, error)
- func (st *Storage) UpdateOrCreateCharacterPlanet(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateCharacterPlanetParams) (int64, error)
- func (st *Storage) UpdateOrCreateCharacterSectionStatus(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateCharacterSectionStatusParams) (*app.CharacterSectionStatus, error)
- func (st *Storage) UpdateOrCreateCharacterSkill(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateCharacterSkillParams) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateOrCreateCharacterToken(ctx context.Context, t *app.CharacterToken) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateOrCreateEveEntity(ctx context.Context, id int32, name string, category app.EveEntityCategory) (*app.EveEntity, error)
- func (st *Storage) UpdateOrCreateEveLocation(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateLocationParams) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateOrCreateEveMarketPrice(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateEveMarketPriceParams) error
- func (st *Storage) UpdateOrCreateGeneralSectionStatus(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateGeneralSectionStatusParams) (*app.GeneralSectionStatus, error)
- type UpdateCharacterAssetParams
- type UpdateCharacterContractParams
- type UpdateCharacterNotificationParams
- type UpdateCharacterPlanetLastNotifiedParams
- type UpdateOrCreateCharacterAttributesParams
- type UpdateOrCreateCharacterParams
- type UpdateOrCreateCharacterPlanetParams
- type UpdateOrCreateCharacterSectionStatusParams
- type UpdateOrCreateCharacterSkillParams
- type UpdateOrCreateEveMarketPriceParams
- type UpdateOrCreateGeneralSectionStatusParams
- type UpdateOrCreateLocationParams
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
View Source
var ErrNotFound = errors.New("object not found")
Functions ¶
func EveMoonFromDBModel ¶
func NewNullFloat64 ¶
func NewNullFloat64(v float64) sql.NullFloat64
func NewNullInt32 ¶
func NewNullInt64 ¶
func NewNullString ¶
func NewNullString(v string) sql.NullString
Types ¶
type CacheSetParams ¶ added in v0.12.0
type CreateCharacterContractBidParams ¶ added in v0.11.0
type CreateCharacterContractItemParams ¶ added in v0.11.0
type CreateCharacterContractParams ¶ added in v0.11.0
type CreateCharacterContractParams struct { AcceptorID int32 AssigneeID int32 Availability app.ContractAvailability Buyout float64 CharacterID int32 Collateral float64 ContractID int32 DateAccepted time.Time DateCompleted time.Time DateExpired time.Time DateIssued time.Time DaysToComplete int32 EndLocationID int64 ForCorporation bool IssuerCorporationID int32 IssuerID int32 Price float64 Reward float64 StartLocationID int64 Status app.ContractStatus StatusNotified app.ContractStatus Title string Type app.ContractType UpdatedAt time.Time Volume float64 }
type CreateCharacterPlanetParams ¶ added in v0.8.0
type CreateEveCategoryParams ¶
type CreateEveGroupParams ¶
type CreateEveMoonParams ¶
type CreateEvePlanetParams ¶
type CreateEveRegionParams ¶
type CreateEveSchematicParams ¶ added in v0.8.0
type CreateEveTypeParams ¶
type CreatePlanetPinParams ¶ added in v0.8.0
type CreateShipSkillParams ¶
type MailLabelParams ¶
type SkillqueueItemParams ¶
type Storage ¶
type Storage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Storage) CacheCleanUp ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (*Storage) CacheClear ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (*Storage) CacheDelete ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (*Storage) CacheExists ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (*Storage) CacheSet ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (st *Storage) CacheSet(ctx context.Context, arg CacheSetParams) error
func (*Storage) CalculateCharacterAssetTotalValue ¶
func (*Storage) CountCharacterNotificationUnreads ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (*Storage) CreateCharacterAsset ¶
func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterAsset(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterAssetParams) error
func (*Storage) CreateCharacterContract ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (*Storage) CreateCharacterContractBid ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterContractBid(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterContractBidParams) error
func (*Storage) CreateCharacterContractItem ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterContractItem(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterContractItemParams) error
func (*Storage) CreateCharacterImplant ¶
func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterImplant(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterImplantParams) error
func (*Storage) CreateCharacterJumpClone ¶
func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterJumpClone(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterJumpCloneParams) error
func (*Storage) CreateCharacterMail ¶
func (*Storage) CreateCharacterMailList ¶
func (*Storage) CreateCharacterNotification ¶
func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterNotification(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterNotificationParams) error
func (*Storage) CreateCharacterPlanet ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*Storage) CreateCharacterSkillqueueItem ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterSkillqueueItem(ctx context.Context, arg SkillqueueItemParams) error
func (*Storage) CreateCharacterWalletJournalEntry ¶
func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterWalletJournalEntry(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterWalletJournalEntryParams) error
func (*Storage) CreateCharacterWalletTransaction ¶
func (st *Storage) CreateCharacterWalletTransaction(ctx context.Context, arg CreateCharacterWalletTransactionParams) error
func (*Storage) CreateEveCategory ¶
func (st *Storage) CreateEveCategory(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveCategoryParams) (*app.EveCategory, error)
func (*Storage) CreateEveCharacter ¶
func (st *Storage) CreateEveCharacter(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveCharacterParams) error
func (*Storage) CreateEveConstellation ¶
func (st *Storage) CreateEveConstellation(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveConstellationParams) error
func (*Storage) CreateEveDogmaAttribute ¶
func (st *Storage) CreateEveDogmaAttribute(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveDogmaAttributeParams) (*app.EveDogmaAttribute, error)
func (*Storage) CreateEveEntity ¶
func (*Storage) CreateEveGroup ¶
func (st *Storage) CreateEveGroup(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveGroupParams) error
func (*Storage) CreateEveMoon ¶
func (st *Storage) CreateEveMoon(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveMoonParams) error
func (*Storage) CreateEvePlanet ¶
func (st *Storage) CreateEvePlanet(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEvePlanetParams) error
func (*Storage) CreateEveRace ¶
func (*Storage) CreateEveRegion ¶
func (*Storage) CreateEveSchematic ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (st *Storage) CreateEveSchematic(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveSchematicParams) (*app.EveSchematic, error)
func (*Storage) CreateEveShipSkill ¶
func (st *Storage) CreateEveShipSkill(ctx context.Context, arg CreateShipSkillParams) error
func (*Storage) CreateEveSolarSystem ¶
func (st *Storage) CreateEveSolarSystem(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveSolarSystemParams) error
func (*Storage) CreateEveType ¶
func (st *Storage) CreateEveType(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveTypeParams) error
func (*Storage) CreateEveTypeDogmaAttribute ¶
func (st *Storage) CreateEveTypeDogmaAttribute(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveTypeDogmaAttributeParams) error
func (*Storage) CreateEveTypeDogmaEffect ¶
func (st *Storage) CreateEveTypeDogmaEffect(ctx context.Context, arg CreateEveTypeDogmaEffectParams) error
func (*Storage) CreatePlanetPin ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (st *Storage) CreatePlanetPin(ctx context.Context, arg CreatePlanetPinParams) error
func (*Storage) DeleteCharacter ¶
func (*Storage) DeleteCharacterAssets ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (*Storage) DeleteCharacterMail ¶
func (*Storage) DeleteCharacterPlanet ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*Storage) DeleteCharacterSkills ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (*Storage) DeleteEveCharacter ¶
func (*Storage) DeleteObsoleteCharacterMailLabels ¶
func (*Storage) DeleteObsoleteCharacterMailLists ¶
func (*Storage) DeletePlanetPins ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*Storage) DisableAllTrainingWatchers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*Storage) GetAllCharacterMailUnreadCount ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (*Storage) GetAnyCharacter ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (*Storage) GetCharacter ¶
func (*Storage) GetCharacterAsset ¶
func (*Storage) GetCharacterAssetValue ¶
func (*Storage) GetCharacterAttributes ¶
func (*Storage) GetCharacterContract ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (*Storage) GetCharacterContractBid ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (*Storage) GetCharacterContractItem ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (*Storage) GetCharacterImplant ¶
func (*Storage) GetCharacterJumpClone ¶
func (*Storage) GetCharacterMail ¶
func (*Storage) GetCharacterMailCount ¶
func (*Storage) GetCharacterMailLabel ¶
func (*Storage) GetCharacterMailLabelUnreadCounts ¶
func (*Storage) GetCharacterMailListUnreadCounts ¶
func (*Storage) GetCharacterMailUnreadCount ¶
func (*Storage) GetCharacterNotification ¶
func (*Storage) GetCharacterPlanet ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*Storage) GetCharacterSectionStatus ¶
func (st *Storage) GetCharacterSectionStatus(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, section app.CharacterSection) (*app.CharacterSectionStatus, error)
func (*Storage) GetCharacterSkill ¶
func (*Storage) GetCharacterSkillqueueItem ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Storage) GetCharacterToken ¶
func (*Storage) GetCharacterTotalTrainingTime ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Storage) GetCharacterWalletJournalEntry ¶
func (*Storage) GetCharacterWalletTransaction ¶
func (*Storage) GetEveCategory ¶
func (*Storage) GetEveCharacter ¶
func (*Storage) GetEveConstellation ¶
func (*Storage) GetEveDogmaAttribute ¶
func (*Storage) GetEveEntity ¶
func (*Storage) GetEveGroup ¶
func (*Storage) GetEveLocation ¶
func (*Storage) GetEveMarketPrice ¶
func (*Storage) GetEveMoon ¶
func (*Storage) GetEvePlanet ¶
func (*Storage) GetEveRace ¶
func (*Storage) GetEveRegion ¶
func (*Storage) GetEveSchematic ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*Storage) GetEveShipSkill ¶
func (*Storage) GetEveSolarSystem ¶
func (*Storage) GetEveType ¶
func (*Storage) GetEveTypeDogmaAttribute ¶
func (*Storage) GetEveTypeDogmaEffect ¶
func (*Storage) GetGeneralSectionStatus ¶
func (st *Storage) GetGeneralSectionStatus(ctx context.Context, section app.GeneralSection) (*app.GeneralSectionStatus, error)
func (*Storage) GetOrCreateCharacterMailLabel ¶
func (st *Storage) GetOrCreateCharacterMailLabel(ctx context.Context, arg MailLabelParams) (*app.CharacterMailLabel, error)
func (*Storage) GetOrCreateEveEntity ¶
func (*Storage) GetOrCreateNotificationType ¶
func (*Storage) GetPlanetPin ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*Storage) ListAllCharacterAssets ¶
func (*Storage) ListAllCharacterPlanets ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*Storage) ListCharacterAssetIDs ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterAssets ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterAssetsInItemHangar ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterAssetsInLocation ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterAssetsInShipHangar ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterContractBidIDs ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (*Storage) ListCharacterContractBids ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (*Storage) ListCharacterContractIDs ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (*Storage) ListCharacterContractItems ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (*Storage) ListCharacterContracts ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (*Storage) ListCharacterContractsForNotify ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (*Storage) ListCharacterIDs ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterImplants ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterJumpClones ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterMailHeadersForLabelOrdered ¶
func (st *Storage) ListCharacterMailHeadersForLabelOrdered(ctx context.Context, characterID int32, labelID int32) ([]*app.CharacterMailHeader, error)
ListMailsForLabel returns a character's mails for a label in descending order by timestamp. Return mails for all labels, when labelID = 0
func (*Storage) ListCharacterMailHeadersForListOrdered ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterMailHeadersForUnprocessed ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterMailIDs ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterMailLabelsOrdered ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterMailListsOrdered ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterNotificationIDs ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterNotificationsAll ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (*Storage) ListCharacterNotificationsTypes ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterNotificationsUnprocessed ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterNotificationsUnread ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterPlanets ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*Storage) ListCharacterSectionStatus ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterShipSkills ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterShipsAbilities ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterSkillGroupsProgress ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterSkillIDs ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (*Storage) ListCharacterSkillProgress ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterSkillqueueItems ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (*Storage) ListCharacterWalletJournalEntries ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterWalletJournalEntryIDs ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterWalletTransactionIDs ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacterWalletTransactions ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharacters ¶
func (*Storage) ListCharactersShort ¶
func (*Storage) ListEveCharacterIDs ¶
func (*Storage) ListEveEntitiesByName ¶
func (*Storage) ListEveEntitiesByPartialName ¶
func (*Storage) ListEveEntityByNameAndCategory ¶
func (*Storage) ListEveEntityIDs ¶
func (*Storage) ListEveLocation ¶
func (*Storage) ListEveShipSkills ¶
func (*Storage) ListEveTypeDogmaAttributesForType ¶
func (*Storage) ListGeneralSectionStatus ¶
func (*Storage) ListPlanetPins ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*Storage) MissingEveEntityIDs ¶
MissingEveEntityIDs returns the IDs, which are have no respective EveEntity in the database. IDs with value 0 are ignored.
func (*Storage) MissingEveLocations ¶
func (*Storage) MissingEveTypes ¶
func (*Storage) ReplaceCharacterImplants ¶
func (*Storage) ReplaceCharacterJumpClones ¶
func (*Storage) ReplaceCharacterSkillqueueItems ¶
func (*Storage) UpdateCharacterAsset ¶
func (st *Storage) UpdateCharacterAsset(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterAssetParams) error
func (*Storage) UpdateCharacterAssetValue ¶
func (*Storage) UpdateCharacterContract ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (st *Storage) UpdateCharacterContract(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterContractParams) error
func (*Storage) UpdateCharacterContractNotified ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (*Storage) UpdateCharacterHome ¶
func (*Storage) UpdateCharacterIsTrainingWatched ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*Storage) UpdateCharacterLastLoginAt ¶
func (*Storage) UpdateCharacterLocation ¶
func (*Storage) UpdateCharacterMail ¶
func (*Storage) UpdateCharacterMailSetProcessed ¶
func (*Storage) UpdateCharacterNotification ¶
func (st *Storage) UpdateCharacterNotification(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterNotificationParams) error
func (*Storage) UpdateCharacterNotificationSetProcessed ¶
func (*Storage) UpdateCharacterPlanetLastNotified ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (st *Storage) UpdateCharacterPlanetLastNotified(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateCharacterPlanetLastNotifiedParams) error
func (*Storage) UpdateCharacterShip ¶
func (*Storage) UpdateCharacterSkillPoints ¶
func (*Storage) UpdateCharacterWalletBalance ¶
func (*Storage) UpdateEveCharacter ¶
func (*Storage) UpdateEveShipSkills ¶
func (*Storage) UpdateOrCreateCharacter ¶
func (st *Storage) UpdateOrCreateCharacter(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateCharacterParams) error
func (*Storage) UpdateOrCreateCharacterAttributes ¶
func (st *Storage) UpdateOrCreateCharacterAttributes(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateCharacterAttributesParams) error
func (*Storage) UpdateOrCreateCharacterMailLabel ¶
func (st *Storage) UpdateOrCreateCharacterMailLabel(ctx context.Context, arg MailLabelParams) (*app.CharacterMailLabel, error)
func (*Storage) UpdateOrCreateCharacterPlanet ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*Storage) UpdateOrCreateCharacterSectionStatus ¶
func (st *Storage) UpdateOrCreateCharacterSectionStatus(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateCharacterSectionStatusParams) (*app.CharacterSectionStatus, error)
func (*Storage) UpdateOrCreateCharacterSkill ¶
func (st *Storage) UpdateOrCreateCharacterSkill(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateCharacterSkillParams) error
func (*Storage) UpdateOrCreateCharacterToken ¶
func (*Storage) UpdateOrCreateEveEntity ¶
func (*Storage) UpdateOrCreateEveLocation ¶
func (st *Storage) UpdateOrCreateEveLocation(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateLocationParams) error
func (*Storage) UpdateOrCreateEveMarketPrice ¶
func (st *Storage) UpdateOrCreateEveMarketPrice(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateEveMarketPriceParams) error
func (*Storage) UpdateOrCreateGeneralSectionStatus ¶
func (st *Storage) UpdateOrCreateGeneralSectionStatus(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateOrCreateGeneralSectionStatusParams) (*app.GeneralSectionStatus, error)
type UpdateCharacterContractParams ¶ added in v0.11.0
type UpdateCharacterPlanetLastNotifiedParams ¶ added in v0.8.0
type UpdateOrCreateCharacterParams ¶
type UpdateOrCreateCharacterParams struct { AssetValue optional.Optional[float64] ID int32 IsTrainingWatched bool HomeID optional.Optional[int64] LastLoginAt optional.Optional[time.Time] LocationID optional.Optional[int64] ShipID optional.Optional[int32] TotalSP optional.Optional[int] UnallocatedSP optional.Optional[int] WalletBalance optional.Optional[float64] }
type UpdateOrCreateCharacterPlanetParams ¶ added in v0.8.0
Source Files
- cache.go
- character.go
- characterasset.go
- characterattributes.go
- charactercontract.go
- charactercontractbid.go
- charactercontratitem.go
- characterimplant.go
- characterjumpclone.go
- charactermail.go
- charactermailheader.go
- charactermaillabel.go
- charactermaillist.go
- characternotification.go
- characterplanet.go
- charactersectionstatus.go
- charactershipskill.go
- characterskill.go
- characterskillqueueitem.go
- charactertoken.go
- characterwalletjournal.go
- characterwallettransaction.go
- evecategory.go
- evecharacter.go
- eveconstellation.go
- evedogmatattribute.go
- eveentity.go
- evegroup.go
- evelocation.go
- evemarketprice.go
- evemoon.go
- eveplanet.go
- everace.go
- everegion.go
- eveschematic.go
- eveshipskill.go
- evesolarsystem.go
- evetype.go
- evetypedogmaattribute.go
- evetypedogmaeffect.go
- generalsectionstatus.go
- nulltypes.go
- planetpin.go
- slices.go
- storage.go
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