Just sleep for windows.
Make sure that docker is installed and checkout the project.
make all
Simply grep the latest available binary from the release page and put it somewhere in your path.
If go is installed and $GOPATH/bin is in your path, you can download and install the tool directly
by using go install.
Download tool:
# get latest version
go install github.com/EricNeid/go-checksum/cmd/checksum@latest
# or get specific version
go install github.com/EricNeid/go-checksum/cmd/checksum@v0.1.0
Download tool.
go get github.com/EricNeid/go-checksum/cmd/checksum
go install github.com/EricNeid/go-checksum/cmd/checksum
Make sure that $GOPATH/bin is in your path.
checksum -c md5 -f fileToCheck
Please feel free to open a new issue: