Entangle blockchain node based on Ethermint - a scalable and interoperable Ethereum library, built on Proof-of-Stake with fast-finality using the Cosmos SDK which runs on top of Tendermint Core consensus engine.
Note: Requires Go 1.19+
Become a Validator
You can check the instructions to Run a Node.
Hardware Requirements
Mainnet |
Testnet |
4 or more physical CPU cores |
2 or more physical CPU cores |
16GB+ |
8GB+ |
Storage |
500GB+ SSD |
250GB+ SSD |
Network |
100mbps+ |
10mbps+ |
OS |
Ubuntu 22.04 |
Ubuntu 22.04 or macOS |
Installation and run
Install Git, Golang (minimum version is 1.19), make, jq, Python, golangci-lint, and Solc-JS
Clone the repository, or check out the latest release:
git clone https://github.com/Entangle-Protocol/entangle-blockchain
cd entangle-blockchain
- Install the application:
make install
Run the account generation script with your key name and encryption password as the parameters below:
sh init_key.sh <password>
- Execute the script for downloading and unpacking data from previous blocks:
sh get_snapshot.sh
- Initiating the full blockchain node will commence the process of synchronizing the current block state:
sh run_node.sh
Receiving NGL Tokens to the Account
To add an account to MetaMask, you need to obtain the private key of your account. You can do this using the command:
entangled keys unsafe-export-eth-key <key_name>
The obtained private key can be used to import the account into MetaMask. Afterward, you can acquire NGL tokens for the account using the Entangle faucet via the Discord.
Starting a Validator
As the amount
, specify the number of tokens you are staking for the Validator, and as the from
, use the key name used in the Validator Account Generation step.
entangled tx staking create-validator \
--amount="5000000000000000000aNGL" \
--pubkey=$(entangled tendermint show-validator) \
--moniker="validator" \
--chain-id=entangle_33133-1 \
--commission-rate="0.10" \
--commission-max-rate="0.20" \
--commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
--min-self-delegation="1" \
--gas=500000 \
--gas-prices="10aNGL" \
Looking for a good place to start contributing? Check out some good first issues
For additional instructions, standards and style guides, please refer to the Contributing document.