Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CalculateHash(marshalizer marshal.Marshalizer, hasher hashing.Hasher, object interface{}) ([]byte, error)
- func ConvertBytes(bytes uint64) string
- func CreateFile(prefix string, subfolder string, fileExtension string) (*os.File, error)
- func EpochStartIdentifier(epoch uint32) string
- func GetPercentageOfValue(value *big.Int, percentage float64) *big.Int
- func GetShardIdString(shardId uint32) string
- func GetTrimmedPk(pk string) string
- func GetVMType(rcvAddress []byte) []byte
- func IsMetachainIdentifier(identifier []byte) bool
- func IsSmartContractAddress(rcvAddress []byte) bool
- func IsSmartContractOnMetachain(identifier []byte, rcvAddress []byte) bool
- func IsUnknownEpochIdentifier(identifier []byte) (bool, error)
- func LoadGasScheduleConfig(filepath string) (map[string]map[string]uint64, error)
- func LoadJsonFile(dest interface{}, relativePath string) error
- func LoadP2PConfig(filepath string) (*config.P2PConfig, error)
- func LoadSkFromPemFile(relativePath string, skIndex int) ([]byte, error)
- func LoadTomlFile(dest interface{}, relativePath string) error
- func LoadTomlFileToMap(relativePath string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func MaxInt(a int, b int) int
- func MaxInt32(a int32, b int32) int32
- func MaxUint32(a uint32, b uint32) uint32
- func MaxUint64(a uint64, b uint64) uint64
- func MinInt(a int, b int) int
- func MinInt32(a int32, b int32) int32
- func MinUint32(a uint32, b uint32) uint32
- func MinUint64(a uint64, b uint64) uint64
- func OpenFile(relativePath string) (*os.File, error)
- func SaveSkToPemFile(file *os.File, identifier string, skBytes []byte) error
- func SecondsToHourMinSec(input int) string
- func ToHex(buff []byte) string
- type AppStatusHandler
- type ConnectedAddressesHandler
- type NodeType
- type StopWatch
- func (sw *StopWatch) Add(src *StopWatch)
- func (sw *StopWatch) GetMeasurement(identifier string) float64
- func (sw *StopWatch) GetMeasurements() []interface{}
- func (sw *StopWatch) GetMeasurementsMap() map[string]float64
- func (sw *StopWatch) Start(identifier string)
- func (sw *StopWatch) Stop(identifier string)
Constants ¶
const BaseOperationCost = "BaseOperationCost"
BaseOperationCost represents the field name for base operation costs
const BuiltInCost = "BuiltInCost"
BuiltInCost represents the field name for built in operation costs
const ConsensusTopic = "consensus"
ConsensusTopic is the topic used in consensus algorithm
const FileModeUserReadWrite = 0600
FileModeUserReadWrite represents the permission for a file which allows the user for reading and writing
const MaxBulkTransactionSize = 2 << 17 //128KB bulks
MaxBulkTransactionSize specifies the maximum size of one bulk with txs which can be send over the network TODO convert this const into a var and read it from config when this code moves to another binary
const MaxMiniBlocksInBlock = 100
MaxMiniBlocksInBlock specifies the max number of mini blocks which can be added in one block
const MaxTxNonceDeltaAllowed = 15000
MaxTxNonceDeltaAllowed specifies the maximum difference between an account's nonce and a received transaction's nonce in order to mark the transaction as valid.
const MeasurementsLoggerFormat = "%.4fs"
MeasurementsLoggerFormat contains the formatting string to output elapsed time in seconds in a consistent way
const MegabyteSize = 1024 * 1024
MegabyteSize represents the size in bytes of a megabyte
const MetaChainSystemSCsCost = "MetaChainSystemSCsCost"
MetaChainSystemSCsCost represents the field name for metachain system smart contract operation costs
const MetachainShardId = uint32(0xFFFFFFFF)
MetachainShardId will be used to identify a shard ID as metachain
const MetricAppVersion = "erd_app_version"
MetricAppVersion is the metric for the current app version
const MetricCommunityPercentage = "erd_metric_community_percentage"
MetricCommunityPercentage is the metric for community rewards percentage
const MetricConnectedNodes = "erd_connected_nodes"
MetricConnectedNodes is the metric for monitoring total connected peers on the network
const MetricConsensusGroupSize = "erd_metric_consensus_group_size"
MetricConsensusGroupSize is the metric for consensus group size
const MetricConsensusRoundState = "erd_consensus_round_state"
MetricConsensusRoundState is the metric for consensus round state for a block
const MetricConsensusState = "erd_consensus_state"
MetricConsensusState is the metric for consensus state of node proposer,participant or not consensus group
const MetricCountAcceptedBlocks = "erd_count_accepted_blocks"
MetricCountAcceptedBlocks is the metric for monitoring number of blocks that was accepted proposed by a node
const MetricCountConsensus = "erd_count_consensus"
MetricCountConsensus is the metric for monitoring number of rounds when a node was in consensus group
const MetricCountConsensusAcceptedBlocks = "erd_count_consensus_accepted_blocks"
MetricCountConsensusAcceptedBlocks is the metric for monitoring number of blocks accepted when the node was in consensus group
const MetricCountLeader = "erd_count_leader"
MetricCountLeader is the metric for monitoring number of rounds when a node was leader
const MetricCpuLoadPercent = "erd_cpu_load_percent"
MetricCpuLoadPercent is the metric for monitoring CPU load [%]
const MetricCreatedProposedBlock = "erd_consensus_created_proposed_block"
MetricCreatedProposedBlock is the metric that specify the percent of the block subround used for header and body creation (0 meaning that the block was created in no-time and 100 meaning that the block creation used all the subround spare duration)
const MetricCrossCheckBlockHeight = "erd_metric_cross_check_block_height"
MetricCrossCheckBlockHeight is the metric that store cross block height
const MetricCurrentBlockHash = "erd_current_block_hash"
MetricCurrentBlockHash is the metric that stores the current block hash
const MetricCurrentRound = "erd_current_round"
MetricCurrentRound is the metric for monitoring the current round of a node
const MetricCurrentRoundTimestamp = "erd_current_round_timestamp"
MetricCurrentRoundTimestamp is the metric that stores current round timestamp
const MetricDenominationCoefficient = "erd_metric_denomination_coefficient"
MetricDenominationCoefficient is the metric for denomination coefficient that is used in views
const MetricEpochNumber = "erd_epoch_number"
MetricEpochNumber is the metric for the number of epoch
const MetricHeaderSize = "erd_current_block_size"
MetricHeaderSize is the metric that stores the current block size
const MetricHighestFinalBlockInShard = "erd_highest_notarized_block_by_metachain_for_current_shard"
MetricHighestFinalBlockInShard is the metric that stores the highest nonce block notarized by metachain for current shard
const MetricIsSyncing = "erd_is_syncing"
MetricIsSyncing is the metric for monitoring if a node is syncing
const MetricLatestTagSoftwareVersion = "erd_latest_tag_software_version"
MetricLatestTagSoftwareVersion is the metric that stores the latest tag software version
const MetricLeaderPercentage = "erd_metric_leader_percentage"
MetricLeaderPercentage is the metric for leader rewards percentage
const MetricLiveValidatorNodes = "erd_live_validator_nodes"
MetricLiveValidatorNodes is the metric for monitoring live validators on the network
const MetricMemLoadPercent = "erd_mem_load_percent"
MetricMemLoadPercent is the metric for monitoring memory load [%]
const MetricMemTotal = "erd_mem_total"
MetricMemTotal is the metric for monitoring total memory bytes
const MetricMemUsedGolang = "erd_mem_used_golang"
MetricMemUsedGolang is the metric that stores the total memory used by golang in bytes
const MetricMemUsedSystem = "erd_mem_used_sys"
MetricMemUsedSystem is the metric that stores the total memory used by the system in bytes
const MetricMiniBlocksSize = "erd_mini_blocks_size"
MetricMiniBlocksSize is the metric that stores the current block size
const MetricNetworkRecvBps = "erd_network_recv_bps"
MetricNetworkRecvBps is the metric for monitoring network received bytes per second
const MetricNetworkRecvBpsPeak = "erd_network_recv_bps_peak"
MetricNetworkRecvBpsPeak is the metric for monitoring network received peak bytes per second
const MetricNetworkRecvPercent = "erd_network_recv_percent"
MetricNetworkRecvPercent is the metric for monitoring network receive load [%]
const MetricNetworkSentBps = "erd_network_sent_bps"
MetricNetworkSentBps is the metric for monitoring network sent bytes per second
const MetricNetworkSentBpsPeak = "erd_network_sent_bps_peak"
MetricNetworkSentBpsPeak is the metric for monitoring network sent peak bytes per second
const MetricNetworkSentPercent = "erd_network_sent_percent"
MetricNetworkSentPercent is the metric for monitoring network sent load [%]
const MetricNodeDisplayName = "erd_node_display_name"
MetricNodeDisplayName is the metric that stores the name of the node
const MetricNodeType = "erd_node_type"
MetricNodeType is the metric for monitoring the type of the node
const MetricNonce = "erd_nonce"
MetricNonce is the metric for monitoring the nonce of a node
const MetricNumConnectedPeers = "erd_num_connected_peers"
MetricNumConnectedPeers is the metric for monitoring the number of connected peers
const MetricNumMiniBlocks = "erd_num_mini_blocks"
MetricNumMiniBlocks is the metric for number of miniblocks in a block
const MetricNumProcessedTxs = "erd_num_transactions_processed"
MetricNumProcessedTxs is the metric that stores the number of transactions processed
const MetricNumShardHeadersFromPool = "erd_num_shard_headers_from_pool"
MetricNumShardHeadersFromPool is the metric that stores number of shard header from pool
const MetricNumShardHeadersProcessed = "erd_num_shard_headers_processed"
MetricNumShardHeadersProcessed is the metric that stores number of shard header processed
const MetricNumTimesInForkChoice = "erd_fork_choice_count"
MetricNumTimesInForkChoice is the metric that counts how many time a node was in fork choice
const MetricNumTxInBlock = "erd_num_tx_block"
MetricNumTxInBlock is the metric for the number of transactions in the proposed block
const MetricNumValidators = "erd_metric_num_validators"
MetricNumValidators is the metric for the number of validators
const MetricProbableHighestNonce = "erd_probable_highest_nonce"
MetricProbableHighestNonce is the metric for monitoring the max speculative nonce received by the node by listening on the network
const MetricProcessedProposedBlock = "erd_consensus_processed_proposed_block"
MetricProcessedProposedBlock is the metric that specify the percent of the block subround used for header and body processing (0 meaning that the block was processed in no-time and 100 meaning that the block processing used all the subround spare duration)
const MetricPublicKeyBlockSign = "erd_public_key_block_sign"
MetricPublicKeyBlockSign is the metric for monitoring public key of a node used in block signing
const MetricReceivedProposedBlock = "erd_consensus_received_proposed_block"
MetricReceivedProposedBlock is the metric that specify the moment in the round when the received block has reached the current node. The value is provided in percent (0 meaning it has been received just after the round started and 100 meaning that the block has been received in the last moment of the round)
const MetricRewardsValue = "erd_rewards_value"
MetricRewardsValue is the metric that stores rewards value
const MetricRoundTime = "erd_round_time"
MetricRoundTime is the metric for round time in seconds
const MetricShardId = "erd_shard_id"
MetricShardId is the metric for monitoring shard id of a node
const MetricSynchronizedRound = "erd_synchronized_round"
MetricSynchronizedRound is the metric for monitoring the synchronized round of a node
const MetricTxPoolLoad = "erd_tx_pool_load"
MetricTxPoolLoad is the metric for monitoring number of transactions from pool of a node
const NumInitCharactersForScAddress = 10
NumInitCharactersForScAddress numbers of characters for smart contract address identifier
const PathEpochPlaceholder = "[E]"
PathEpochPlaceholder represents the placeholder for the epoch number in paths
const PathIdentifierPlaceholder = "[I]"
PathIdentifierPlaceholder represents the placeholder for the identifier in paths
const PathShardPlaceholder = "[S]"
PathShardPlaceholder represents the placeholder for the shard ID in paths
const ShardIdentiferLen = 2
ShardIdentiferLen number of characters for shard identifier in an address
const UnVersionedAppString = "undefined"
UnVersionedAppString represents the default app version that indicate that the binary wasn't build by setting the appVersion flag
const VMTypeLen = 2
VMTypeLen number of characters with VMType identifier in an address, these are the last 2 characters from the initial identifier
Variables ¶
var ErrEmptyFile = errors.New("empty file provided")
ErrEmptyFile signals that a empty file has been provided
var ErrInvalidIdentifierForEpochStartBlockRequest = errors.New("invalid identifier for epoch start block request")
ErrInvalidIdentifierForEpochStartBlockRequest signals that an invalid identifier for epoch start block request has been provided
var ErrInvalidIndex = errors.New("invalid private key index")
ErrInvalidIndex signals that an invalid private key index has been provided
var ErrInvalidValue = errors.New("invalid value provided")
ErrInvalidValue signals that a nil value has been provided
var ErrNilAppStatusHandler = errors.New("appStatusHandler is nil")
ErrNilAppStatusHandler signals that a nil status handler has been provided
var ErrNilCoordinator = errors.New("nil coordinator provided")
ErrNilCoordinator signals that a nil shardCoordinator has been provided
var ErrNilFile = errors.New("nil file provided")
ErrNilFile signals that a nil file has been provided
var ErrNilHasher = errors.New("nil hasher provided")
ErrNilHasher signals that a nil hasher has been provided
var ErrNilInputData = errors.New("nil input data")
ErrNilInputData signals that a nil data has been provided
var ErrNilMarshalizer = errors.New("nil marshalizer provided")
ErrNilMarshalizer signals that a nil marshalizer has been provided
var ErrNilPemBLock = errors.New("nil pem block")
ErrNilPemBLock signals that the pem block is nil
var ErrNilStatusTagProvider = errors.New("nil status tag provider")
ErrNilStatusTagProvider signals that a nil status tag provider has been given as parameter
var ErrNilUrl = errors.New("url is empty")
ErrNilUrl signals that the provided url is empty
var ErrNotPositiveValue = errors.New("the provided value is not positive")
ErrNotPositiveValue signals that a 0 or negative value has been provided
var ErrPemFileIsInvalid = errors.New("pem file is invalid")
ErrPemFileIsInvalid signals that a pem file is invalid
Functions ¶
func CalculateHash ¶
func CalculateHash( marshalizer marshal.Marshalizer, hasher hashing.Hasher, object interface{}, ) ([]byte, error)
CalculateHash marshalizes the interface and calculates its hash
func ConvertBytes ¶
ConvertBytes converts the input bytes in a readable string using multipliers (k, M, G)
func CreateFile ¶
CreateFile opens or creates a file relative to the default path
func EpochStartIdentifier ¶
EpochStartIdentifier returns the string for the epoch start identifier
func GetPercentageOfValue ¶
GetPercentageOfValue returns the percentage part of the value
func GetShardIdString ¶
GetShardIdString will return the string representation of the shard id
func GetTrimmedPk ¶
GetTrimmedPk returns a trimmed string to the pkPrefixSize value
func IsMetachainIdentifier ¶
IsMetachainIdentifier verifies if the identifier is of type metachain
func IsSmartContractAddress ¶
IsSmartContractAddress verifies if a set address is of type smart contract
func IsSmartContractOnMetachain ¶
IsSmartContractOnMetachain verifies if an address is smart contract on metachain
func IsUnknownEpochIdentifier ¶
IsUnknownEpochIdentifier return if the epoch identifier represents unknown epoch
func LoadGasScheduleConfig ¶
LoadGasScheduleConfig returns a map[string]uint64 of gas costs read from the provided config file
func LoadJsonFile ¶
LoadJsonFile method to open and decode json file
func LoadP2PConfig ¶
LoadP2PConfig returns a P2PConfig by reading the config file provided
func LoadSkFromPemFile ¶ added in v1.0.3
LoadSkFromPemFile loads the secret key bytes stored in the file
func LoadTomlFile ¶
LoadTomlFile method to open and decode toml file
func LoadTomlFileToMap ¶
LoadTomlFileToMap opens and decodes a toml file as a map[string]interface{}
func SaveSkToPemFile ¶
SaveSkToPemFile saves secret key bytes in the file
func SecondsToHourMinSec ¶
SecondsToHourMinSec transform seconds input in a human friendly format
Types ¶
type AppStatusHandler ¶
type AppStatusHandler interface { IsInterfaceNil() bool Increment(key string) AddUint64(key string, val uint64) Decrement(key string) SetInt64Value(key string, value int64) SetUInt64Value(key string, value uint64) SetStringValue(key string, value string) Close() }
AppStatusHandler interface will handle different implementations of monitoring tools, such as term-ui or status metrics
type ConnectedAddressesHandler ¶
type ConnectedAddressesHandler interface {
ConnectedAddresses() []string
ConnectedAddressesHandler interface will be used for passing the network component to AppStatusPolling
type NodeType ¶
type NodeType string
NodeType represents the node's role in the network
const NodeTypeObserver NodeType = "observer"
NodeTypeObserver signals that a node is running as observer node
const NodeTypeValidator NodeType = "validator"
NodeTypeValidator signals that a node is running as validator node
type StopWatch ¶
type StopWatch struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StopWatch is used to measure duration
func NewStopWatch ¶
func NewStopWatch() *StopWatch
NewStopWatch returns a new stopWatch instance used to measure duration between finished and started events
func (*StopWatch) GetMeasurement ¶
GetMeasurement returns the measurement (duration in seconds) by identifier
func (*StopWatch) GetMeasurements ¶
func (sw *StopWatch) GetMeasurements() []interface{}
GetMeasurements returns a logger compatible slice of interface{} containing pairs of (identifier, duration)
func (*StopWatch) GetMeasurementsMap ¶
GetMeasurementsMap returns the measurements as a map of (identifier, duration in seconds)