Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- func NewMultiShardsCoordinatorMock(nrShard uint32) *multipleShardsCoordinatorMock
- func NewMultipleShardsCoordinatorMock() *multipleShardsCoordinatorMock
- func NewNilTxValidator() (*nilTxValidator, error)
- func NewNonceHashConverterMock() *nonceHashConverterMock
- func NewOneShardCoordinatorMock() *oneShardCoordinatorMock
- type AccountTrackerStub
- type AccountWrapMock
- func (awm *AccountWrapMock) AddressContainer() state.AddressContainer
- func (awm *AccountWrapMock) DataTrie() data.Trie
- func (awm *AccountWrapMock) DataTrieTracker() state.DataTrieTracker
- func (awm *AccountWrapMock) GetCode() []byte
- func (awm *AccountWrapMock) GetCodeHash() []byte
- func (awm *AccountWrapMock) GetNonce() uint64
- func (awm *AccountWrapMock) GetRootHash() []byte
- func (awm *AccountWrapMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (awm *AccountWrapMock) SetCode(code []byte)
- func (awm *AccountWrapMock) SetCodeHash(codeHash []byte)
- func (awm *AccountWrapMock) SetCodeHashWithJournal(codeHash []byte) error
- func (awm *AccountWrapMock) SetDataTrie(trie data.Trie)
- func (awm *AccountWrapMock) SetDataTrieTracker(tracker state.DataTrieTracker)
- func (awm *AccountWrapMock) SetNonce(nonce uint64)
- func (awm *AccountWrapMock) SetNonceWithJournal(nonce uint64) error
- func (awm *AccountWrapMock) SetRootHash(rootHash []byte)
- type AccountsStub
- func (as *AccountsStub) AddJournalEntry(je state.JournalEntry)
- func (as *AccountsStub) CancelPrune(rootHash []byte)
- func (as *AccountsStub) ClosePersister() error
- func (as *AccountsStub) Commit() ([]byte, error)
- func (as *AccountsStub) GetAccountWithJournal(addressContainer state.AddressContainer) (state.AccountHandler, error)
- func (as *AccountsStub) GetExistingAccount(addressContainer state.AddressContainer) (state.AccountHandler, error)
- func (as *AccountsStub) HasAccount(addressContainer state.AddressContainer) (bool, error)
- func (as *AccountsStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (as *AccountsStub) IsPruningEnabled() bool
- func (as *AccountsStub) JournalLen() int
- func (as *AccountsStub) PruneTrie(rootHash []byte) error
- func (as *AccountsStub) PutCode(accountHandler state.AccountHandler, code []byte) error
- func (as *AccountsStub) RecreateTrie(rootHash []byte) error
- func (as *AccountsStub) RemoveAccount(addressContainer state.AddressContainer) error
- func (as *AccountsStub) RemoveCode(codeHash []byte) error
- func (as *AccountsStub) RevertToSnapshot(snapshot int) error
- func (as *AccountsStub) RootHash() ([]byte, error)
- func (as *AccountsStub) SaveDataTrie(journalizedAccountHandler state.AccountHandler) error
- func (as *AccountsStub) SaveJournalizedAccount(journalizedAccountHandler state.AccountHandler) error
- func (as *AccountsStub) SetStateCheckpoint(rootHash []byte)
- func (as *AccountsStub) SnapshotState(rootHash []byte)
- type AddressConverterFake
- func (acf *AddressConverterFake) AddressLen() int
- func (acf *AddressConverterFake) ConvertToHex(addressContainer state.AddressContainer) (string, error)
- func (acf *AddressConverterFake) CreateAddressFromHex(hexAddress string) (state.AddressContainer, error)
- func (acf *AddressConverterFake) CreateAddressFromPublicKeyBytes(pubKey []byte) (state.AddressContainer, error)
- func (acf *AddressConverterFake) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (acf *AddressConverterFake) PrepareAddressBytes(addressBytes []byte) ([]byte, error)
- type AddressConverterMock
- func (acm *AddressConverterMock) AddressLen() int
- func (acm *AddressConverterMock) ConvertToHex(addressContainer state.AddressContainer) (string, error)
- func (acm *AddressConverterMock) CreateAddressFromHex(hexAddress string) (state.AddressContainer, error)
- func (acm *AddressConverterMock) CreateAddressFromPublicKeyBytes(pubKey []byte) (state.AddressContainer, error)
- func (acm *AddressConverterMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (acm *AddressConverterMock) PrepareAddressBytes(addressBytes []byte) ([]byte, error)
- type AddressConverterStub
- func (acs AddressConverterStub) AddressLen() int
- func (acs *AddressConverterStub) ConvertToHex(addressContainer state.AddressContainer) (string, error)
- func (acs *AddressConverterStub) CreateAddressFromHex(hexAddress string) (state.AddressContainer, error)
- func (acs *AddressConverterStub) CreateAddressFromPublicKeyBytes(pubKey []byte) (state.AddressContainer, error)
- func (acs *AddressConverterStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (acs *AddressConverterStub) PrepareAddressBytes(addressBytes []byte) ([]byte, error)
- type AddressMock
- type AppStatusHandlerStub
- func (ashs *AppStatusHandlerStub) AddUint64(key string, value uint64)
- func (ashs *AppStatusHandlerStub) Close()
- func (ashs *AppStatusHandlerStub) Decrement(key string)
- func (ashs *AppStatusHandlerStub) Increment(key string)
- func (ashs *AppStatusHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (ashs *AppStatusHandlerStub) SetInt64Value(key string, value int64)
- func (ashs *AppStatusHandlerStub) SetStringValue(key string, value string)
- func (ashs *AppStatusHandlerStub) SetUInt64Value(key string, value uint64)
- type ArgumentParserMock
- func (ap *ArgumentParserMock) CreateDataFromStorageUpdate(storageUpdates []*vmcommon.StorageUpdate) string
- func (ap *ArgumentParserMock) GetArguments() ([][]byte, error)
- func (ap *ArgumentParserMock) GetCode() ([]byte, error)
- func (ap *ArgumentParserMock) GetFunction() (string, error)
- func (ap *ArgumentParserMock) GetSeparator() string
- func (ap *ArgumentParserMock) GetStorageUpdates(data string) ([]*vmcommon.StorageUpdate, error)
- func (ap *ArgumentParserMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (ap *ArgumentParserMock) ParseData(data string) error
- type BelNevMock
- func (bnm *BelNevMock) AggregateCommitments(bitmap []byte) error
- func (bnm *BelNevMock) AggregateSigs(bitmap []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (bnm *BelNevMock) Commitment(index uint16) ([]byte, error)
- func (bnm *BelNevMock) CommitmentHash(index uint16) ([]byte, error)
- func (bnm *BelNevMock) Create(pubKeys []string, index uint16) (crypto.MultiSigner, error)
- func (bnm *BelNevMock) CreateCommitment() (commSecret []byte, commitment []byte)
- func (bnm *BelNevMock) CreateSignatureShare(msg []byte, bitmap []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (bnm *BelNevMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (bnm *BelNevMock) Reset(pubKeys []string, index uint16) error
- func (bnm *BelNevMock) SetAggregatedSig(aggSig []byte) error
- func (bnm *BelNevMock) SetMessage(msg []byte) error
- func (bnm *BelNevMock) SignatureShare(index uint16) ([]byte, error)
- func (bnm *BelNevMock) StoreCommitment(index uint16, value []byte) error
- func (bnm *BelNevMock) StoreCommitmentHash(index uint16, commHash []byte) error
- func (bnm *BelNevMock) StoreSignatureShare(index uint16, sig []byte) error
- func (bnm *BelNevMock) Verify(msg []byte, bitmap []byte) error
- func (bnm *BelNevMock) VerifySignatureShare(index uint16, sig []byte, msg []byte, bitmap []byte) error
- type BlackListHandlerStub
- type BlockChainHookHandlerMock
- func (e *BlockChainHookHandlerMock) AddTempAccount(address []byte, balance *big.Int, nonce uint64)
- func (e *BlockChainHookHandlerMock) CleanTempAccounts()
- func (e *BlockChainHookHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (e *BlockChainHookHandlerMock) SetCurrentHeader(hdr data.HeaderHandler)
- func (e *BlockChainHookHandlerMock) TempAccount(address []byte) state.AccountHandler
- type BlockChainMock
- func (bc *BlockChainMock) GetCurrentBlockBody() data.BodyHandler
- func (bc *BlockChainMock) GetCurrentBlockHeader() data.HeaderHandler
- func (bc *BlockChainMock) GetCurrentBlockHeaderHash() []byte
- func (bc *BlockChainMock) GetGenesisHeader() data.HeaderHandler
- func (bc *BlockChainMock) GetGenesisHeaderHash() []byte
- func (bc *BlockChainMock) GetLocalHeight() int64
- func (bc *BlockChainMock) GetNetworkHeight() int64
- func (bc *BlockChainMock) HasBadBlock(blockHash []byte) bool
- func (bc *BlockChainMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (bc *BlockChainMock) PutBadBlock(blockHash []byte)
- func (bc *BlockChainMock) SetCurrentBlockBody(body data.BodyHandler) error
- func (bc *BlockChainMock) SetCurrentBlockHeader(header data.HeaderHandler) error
- func (bc *BlockChainMock) SetCurrentBlockHeaderHash(hash []byte)
- func (bc *BlockChainMock) SetGenesisHeader(genesisBlock data.HeaderHandler) error
- func (bc *BlockChainMock) SetGenesisHeaderHash(hash []byte)
- func (bc *BlockChainMock) SetLocalHeight(height int64)
- func (bc *BlockChainMock) SetNetworkHeight(height int64)
- type BlockNotarizerHandlerMock
- func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) AddNotarizedHeader(shardID uint32, notarizedHeader data.HeaderHandler, notarizedHeaderHash []byte)
- func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) CleanupNotarizedHeadersBehindNonce(shardID uint32, nonce uint64)
- func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) DisplayNotarizedHeaders(shardID uint32, message string)
- func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) GetFirstNotarizedHeader(shardID uint32) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error)
- func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) GetLastNotarizedHeader(shardID uint32) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error)
- func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) GetLastNotarizedHeaderNonce(shardID uint32) uint64
- func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) GetNotarizedHeader(shardID uint32, offset uint64) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error)
- func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) InitNotarizedHeaders(startHeaders map[uint32]data.HeaderHandler) error
- func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) RemoveLastNotarizedHeader()
- func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) RestoreNotarizedHeadersToGenesis()
- type BlockNotifierHandlerMock
- type BlockProcessorMock
- func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) AddLastNotarizedHdr(shardId uint32, processedHdr data.HeaderHandler)
- func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) ApplyBodyToHeader(header data.HeaderHandler, body data.BodyHandler) (data.BodyHandler, error)
- func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) ApplyProcessedMiniBlocks(*processedMb.ProcessedMiniBlockTracker)
- func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) CommitBlock(blockChain data.ChainHandler, header data.HeaderHandler, body data.BodyHandler) error
- func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) CreateBlockBody(initialHdrData data.HeaderHandler, haveTime func() bool) (data.BodyHandler, error)
- func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) CreateGenesisBlock(balances map[string]*big.Int) (data.HeaderHandler, error)
- func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) CreateNewHeader() data.HeaderHandler
- func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) DecodeBlockBody(dta []byte) data.BodyHandler
- func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) DecodeBlockBodyAndHeader(dta []byte) (data.BodyHandler, data.HeaderHandler)
- func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) DecodeBlockHeader(dta []byte) data.HeaderHandler
- func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) MarshalizedDataToBroadcast(header data.HeaderHandler, body data.BodyHandler) (map[uint32][]byte, map[string][][]byte, error)
- func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) ProcessBlock(blockChain data.ChainHandler, header data.HeaderHandler, body data.BodyHandler, ...) error
- func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) RestoreBlockIntoPools(header data.HeaderHandler, body data.BodyHandler) error
- func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) RestoreLastNotarizedHrdsToGenesis()
- func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) RevertAccountState()
- func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) RevertStateToBlock(header data.HeaderHandler) error
- func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) SetConsensusData(randomness []byte, round uint64, epoch uint32, shardId uint32)
- func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) SetNumProcessedObj(numObj uint64)
- type BlockSizeThrottlerStub
- type BlockTrackerHandlerMock
- func (bthm *BlockTrackerHandlerMock) ComputeLongestSelfChain() (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, []data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte)
- func (bthm *BlockTrackerHandlerMock) ComputeNumPendingMiniBlocks(headers []data.HeaderHandler)
- func (bthm *BlockTrackerHandlerMock) GetSelfHeaders(headerHandler data.HeaderHandler) []*track.HeaderInfo
- func (bthm *BlockTrackerHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (bthm *BlockTrackerHandlerMock) SortHeadersFromNonce(shardID uint32, nonce uint64) ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte)
- type BlockTrackerMock
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) AddCrossNotarizedHeader(shardID uint32, crossNotarizedHeader data.HeaderHandler, ...)
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) AddSelfNotarizedHeader(shardID uint32, selfNotarizedHeader data.HeaderHandler, ...)
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) AddTrackedHeader(header data.HeaderHandler, hash []byte)
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) CheckBlockAgainstFinal(headerHandler data.HeaderHandler) error
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) CheckBlockAgainstRounder(headerHandler data.HeaderHandler) error
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) CleanupHeadersBehindNonce(shardID uint32, selfNotarizedNonce uint64, crossNotarizedNonce uint64)
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) ComputeLongestChain(shardID uint32, header data.HeaderHandler) ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte)
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) ComputeLongestMetaChainFromLastNotarized() ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte, error)
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) ComputeLongestShardsChainsFromLastNotarized() ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte, map[uint32][]data.HeaderHandler, error)
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) DisplayTrackedHeaders()
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) GetCrossNotarizedHeader(shardID uint32, offset uint64) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error)
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) GetFinalHeader(shardID uint32) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error)
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) GetLastCrossNotarizedHeader(shardID uint32) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error)
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) GetLastCrossNotarizedHeadersForAllShards() (map[uint32]data.HeaderHandler, error)
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) GetLastSelfNotarizedHeader(shardID uint32) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error)
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) GetTrackedHeaders(shardID uint32) ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte)
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) GetTrackedHeadersForAllShards() map[uint32][]data.HeaderHandler
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) GetTrackedHeadersWithNonce(shardID uint32, nonce uint64) ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte)
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) InitNotarizedHeaders(startHeaders map[uint32]data.HeaderHandler) error
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) IsShardStuck(shardId uint32) bool
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) RegisterCrossNotarizedHeadersHandler(...)
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) RegisterSelfNotarizedHeadersHandler(...)
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) RemoveLastNotarizedHeaders()
- func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) RestoreToGenesis()
- type BoostrapStorerMock
- func (bsm *BoostrapStorerMock) Get(round int64) (bootstrapStorage.BootstrapData, error)
- func (bsm *BoostrapStorerMock) GetHighestRound() int64
- func (bsm *BoostrapStorerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (bsm *BoostrapStorerMock) Put(round int64, bootData bootstrapStorage.BootstrapData) error
- func (bsm *BoostrapStorerMock) SaveLastRound(round int64) error
- type CacherMock
- func (cm *CacherMock) Clear()
- func (cm *CacherMock) Get(key []byte) (value interface{}, ok bool)
- func (cm *CacherMock) Has(key []byte) bool
- func (cm *CacherMock) HasOrAdd(key []byte, value interface{}) (bool, bool)
- func (cm *CacherMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (cm *CacherMock) Keys() [][]byte
- func (cm *CacherMock) Len() int
- func (cm *CacherMock) MaxSize() int
- func (cm *CacherMock) Peek(key []byte) (value interface{}, ok bool)
- func (cm *CacherMock) Put(key []byte, value interface{}) (evicted bool)
- func (cm *CacherMock) RegisterHandler(func(key []byte))
- func (cm *CacherMock) Remove(key []byte)
- func (cm *CacherMock) RemoveOldest()
- type CacherStub
- func (cs *CacherStub) Clear()
- func (cs *CacherStub) Get(key []byte) (value interface{}, ok bool)
- func (cs *CacherStub) Has(key []byte) bool
- func (cs *CacherStub) HasOrAdd(key []byte, value interface{}) (ok, evicted bool)
- func (cs *CacherStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (cs *CacherStub) Keys() [][]byte
- func (cs *CacherStub) Len() int
- func (cs *CacherStub) MaxSize() int
- func (cs *CacherStub) Peek(key []byte) (value interface{}, ok bool)
- func (cs *CacherStub) Put(key []byte, value interface{}) (evicted bool)
- func (cs *CacherStub) RegisterHandler(handler func(key []byte))
- func (cs *CacherStub) Remove(key []byte)
- func (cs *CacherStub) RemoveOldest()
- type ChainStorerMock
- func (csm *ChainStorerMock) AddStorer(key dataRetriever.UnitType, s storage.Storer)
- func (csm *ChainStorerMock) CloseAll() error
- func (csm *ChainStorerMock) Destroy() error
- func (csm *ChainStorerMock) Get(unitType dataRetriever.UnitType, key []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (csm *ChainStorerMock) GetAll(unitType dataRetriever.UnitType, keys [][]byte) (map[string][]byte, error)
- func (csm *ChainStorerMock) GetStorer(unitType dataRetriever.UnitType) storage.Storer
- func (csm *ChainStorerMock) Has(unitType dataRetriever.UnitType, key []byte) error
- func (csm *ChainStorerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (csm *ChainStorerMock) Put(unitType dataRetriever.UnitType, key []byte, value []byte) error
- type CoordinatorStub
- func (coordinator *CoordinatorStub) CommunicationIdentifier(destShardID uint32) string
- func (coordinator *CoordinatorStub) ComputeId(address state.AddressContainer) uint32
- func (coordinator *CoordinatorStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (coordinator *CoordinatorStub) NumberOfShards() uint32
- func (coordinator *CoordinatorStub) SameShard(firstAddress, secondAddress state.AddressContainer) bool
- func (coordinator *CoordinatorStub) SelfId() uint32
- type EpochStartTriggerStub
- func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) Epoch() uint32
- func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) EpochFinalityAttestingRound() uint64
- func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) EpochStartMetaHdrHash() []byte
- func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) EpochStartRound() uint64
- func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) ForceEpochStart(round uint64) error
- func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) IsEpochStart() bool
- func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) NotifyAll(_ data.HeaderHandler)
- func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) ReceivedHeader(header data.HeaderHandler)
- func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) Revert(_ uint64)
- func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) SetCurrentEpochStartRound(_ uint64)
- func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) SetFinalityAttestingRound(_ uint64)
- func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) SetProcessed(header data.HeaderHandler)
- func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) Update(round uint64)
- type FeeHandlerStub
- func (fhs *FeeHandlerStub) CheckValidityTxValues(tx process.TransactionWithFeeHandler) error
- func (fhs *FeeHandlerStub) ComputeFee(tx process.TransactionWithFeeHandler) *big.Int
- func (fhs *FeeHandlerStub) ComputeGasLimit(tx process.TransactionWithFeeHandler) uint64
- func (fhs *FeeHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (fhs *FeeHandlerStub) MaxGasLimitPerBlock() uint64
- func (fhs *FeeHandlerStub) SetMaxGasLimitPerBlock(maxGasLimitPerBlock uint64)
- func (fhs *FeeHandlerStub) SetMinGasLimit(minGasLimit uint64)
- func (fhs *FeeHandlerStub) SetMinGasPrice(minGasPrice uint64)
- type ForkDetectorMock
- func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) AddHeader(header data.HeaderHandler, hash []byte, state process.BlockHeaderState, ...) error
- func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) CheckFork() *process.ForkInfo
- func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) GetHighestFinalBlockHash() []byte
- func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) GetHighestFinalBlockNonce() uint64
- func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) GetNotarizedHeaderHash(nonce uint64) []byte
- func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) ProbableHighestNonce() uint64
- func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) RemoveHeader(nonce uint64, hash []byte)
- func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) ResetFork()
- func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) ResetProbableHighestNonce()
- func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) RestoreToGenesis()
- func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) SetRollBackNonce(nonce uint64)
- type GasHandlerMock
- func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) ComputeGasConsumedByMiniBlock(miniBlock *block.MiniBlock, mapHashTx map[string]data.TransactionHandler) (uint64, uint64, error)
- func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) ComputeGasConsumedByTx(txSenderShardId uint32, txReceiverShardId uint32, ...) (uint64, uint64, error)
- func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) GasConsumed(hash []byte) uint64
- func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) GasRefunded(hash []byte) uint64
- func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) Init()
- func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) RemoveGasConsumed(hashes [][]byte)
- func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) RemoveGasRefunded(hashes [][]byte)
- func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) SetGasConsumed(gasConsumed uint64, hash []byte)
- func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) SetGasRefunded(gasRefunded uint64, hash []byte)
- func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) TotalGasConsumed() uint64
- func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) TotalGasRefunded() uint64
- type GetHdrHandlerStub
- type HasherMock
- type HasherStub
- type HeaderHandlerStub
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) CheckChainID(reference []byte) error
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) Clone() data.HeaderHandler
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetChainID() []byte
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetEpoch() uint32
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetLeaderSignature() []byte
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetMiniBlockHeadersWithDst(destId uint32) map[string]uint32
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetMiniBlockProcessed(_ []byte) bool
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetNonce() uint64
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetPrevHash() []byte
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetPrevRandSeed() []byte
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetPubKeysBitmap() []byte
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetRandSeed() []byte
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetReceiptsHash() []byte
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetRootHash() []byte
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetRound() uint64
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetShardID() uint32
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetSignature() []byte
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetTimeStamp() uint64
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetTxCount() uint32
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetValidatorStatsRootHash() []byte
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) IsStartOfEpochBlock() bool
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) ItemsInBody() uint32
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) ItemsInHeader() uint32
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetChainID(_ []byte)
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetEpoch(_ uint32)
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetLeaderSignature(_ []byte)
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetMiniBlockProcessed(_ []byte, _ bool)
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetNonce(_ uint64)
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetPrevHash(_ []byte)
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetPrevRandSeed(_ []byte)
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetPubKeysBitmap(_ []byte)
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetRandSeed(_ []byte)
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetRootHash(_ []byte)
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetRound(_ uint64)
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetShardID(shId uint32)
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetSignature(_ []byte)
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetTimeStamp(_ uint64)
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetTxCount(_ uint32)
- func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetValidatorStatsRootHash(_ []byte)
- type HeaderResolverMock
- func (hrm *HeaderResolverMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (hrm *HeaderResolverMock) ProcessReceivedMessage(message p2p.MessageP2P, _ func(buffToSend []byte)) error
- func (hrm *HeaderResolverMock) RequestDataFromEpoch(identifier []byte) error
- func (hrm *HeaderResolverMock) RequestDataFromHash(hash []byte, epoch uint32) error
- func (hrm *HeaderResolverMock) RequestDataFromNonce(nonce uint64, epoch uint32) error
- func (hrm *HeaderResolverMock) SetEpochHandler(epochHandler dataRetriever.EpochHandler) error
- type HeaderSigVerifierStub
- type HeaderValidatorStub
- type HeadersCacherStub
- func (hcs *HeadersCacherStub) AddHeader(headerHash []byte, header data.HeaderHandler)
- func (hcs *HeadersCacherStub) Clear()
- func (hcs *HeadersCacherStub) GetHeaderByHash(hash []byte) (data.HeaderHandler, error)
- func (hcs *HeadersCacherStub) GetHeadersByNonceAndShardId(hdrNonce uint64, shardId uint32) ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte, error)
- func (hcs *HeadersCacherStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (hcs *HeadersCacherStub) Len() int
- func (hcs *HeadersCacherStub) MaxSize() int
- func (hcs *HeadersCacherStub) Nonces(shardId uint32) []uint64
- func (hcs *HeadersCacherStub) RegisterHandler(handler func(header data.HeaderHandler, shardHeaderHash []byte))
- func (hcs *HeadersCacherStub) RemoveHeaderByHash(headerHash []byte)
- func (hcs *HeadersCacherStub) RemoveHeaderByNonceAndShardId(hdrNonce uint64, shardId uint32)
- type IndexerMock
- func (im *IndexerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (im *IndexerMock) IsNilIndexer() bool
- func (im *IndexerMock) SaveBlock(body data.BodyHandler, header data.HeaderHandler, ...)
- func (im *IndexerMock) SaveMetaBlock(header data.HeaderHandler, signersIndexes []uint64)
- func (im *IndexerMock) SaveRoundInfo(roundInfo indexer.RoundInfo)
- func (im *IndexerMock) SaveValidatorsPubKeys(validatorsPubKeys map[uint32][][]byte)
- func (im *IndexerMock) UpdateTPS(tpsBenchmark statistics.TPSBenchmark)
- type InterceptedDataFactoryStub
- type InterceptedDataStub
- type InterceptedTxHandlerStub
- func (iths *InterceptedTxHandlerStub) Fee() *big.Int
- func (iths *InterceptedTxHandlerStub) Nonce() uint64
- func (iths *InterceptedTxHandlerStub) ReceiverShardId() uint32
- func (iths *InterceptedTxHandlerStub) SenderAddress() state.AddressContainer
- func (iths *InterceptedTxHandlerStub) SenderShardId() uint32
- func (iths *InterceptedTxHandlerStub) Transaction() data.TransactionHandler
- type InterceptorProcessorStub
- func (ips *InterceptorProcessorStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (ips *InterceptorProcessorStub) Save(data process.InterceptedData) error
- func (ips *InterceptorProcessorStub) SignalEndOfProcessing(data []process.InterceptedData)
- func (ips *InterceptorProcessorStub) Validate(data process.InterceptedData) error
- type InterceptorStub
- type InterceptorThrottlerStub
- func (its *InterceptorThrottlerStub) CanProcess() bool
- func (its *InterceptorThrottlerStub) EndProcessing()
- func (its *InterceptorThrottlerStub) EndProcessingCount() int32
- func (its *InterceptorThrottlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (its *InterceptorThrottlerStub) StartProcessing()
- func (its *InterceptorThrottlerStub) StartProcessingCount() int32
- type InterimProcessorContainerMock
- func (ipcm *InterimProcessorContainerMock) Add(key block.Type, val process.IntermediateTransactionHandler) error
- func (ipcm *InterimProcessorContainerMock) AddMultiple(keys []block.Type, preprocessors []process.IntermediateTransactionHandler) error
- func (ipcm *InterimProcessorContainerMock) Get(key block.Type) (process.IntermediateTransactionHandler, error)
- func (ipcm *InterimProcessorContainerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (ipcm *InterimProcessorContainerMock) Keys() []block.Type
- func (ipcm *InterimProcessorContainerMock) Len() int
- func (ipcm *InterimProcessorContainerMock) Remove(key block.Type)
- func (ipcm *InterimProcessorContainerMock) Replace(key block.Type, val process.IntermediateTransactionHandler) error
- type IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock
- func (ith *IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) AddIntermediateTransactions(txs []data.TransactionHandler) error
- func (ith *IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) CreateAllInterMiniBlocks() map[uint32]*block.MiniBlock
- func (ith *IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) CreateBlockStarted()
- func (ith *IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) CreateMarshalizedData(txHashes [][]byte) ([][]byte, error)
- func (ith *IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) GetAllCurrentFinishedTxs() map[string]data.TransactionHandler
- func (ith *IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) GetCreatedInShardMiniBlock() *block.MiniBlock
- func (ith *IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (ith *IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) SaveCurrentIntermediateTxToStorage() error
- func (ith *IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) VerifyInterMiniBlocks(body block.Body) error
- type MarshalizerMock
- type MarshalizerStub
- type MessageHandlerStub
- type MessengerStub
- func (ms *MessengerStub) Addresses() []string
- func (ms *MessengerStub) Bootstrap() error
- func (ms *MessengerStub) Broadcast(topic string, buff []byte)
- func (ms *MessengerStub) BroadcastOnChannel(channel string, topic string, buff []byte)
- func (ms *MessengerStub) Close() error
- func (ms *MessengerStub) ConnectToPeer(address string) error
- func (ms *MessengerStub) ConnectedPeers() []p2p.PeerID
- func (ms *MessengerStub) CreateTopic(name string, createChannelForTopic bool) error
- func (ms *MessengerStub) HasTopic(name string) bool
- func (ms *MessengerStub) HasTopicValidator(name string) bool
- func (ms *MessengerStub) ID() p2p.PeerID
- func (ms *MessengerStub) IsConnected(peerID p2p.PeerID) bool
- func (ms *MessengerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (ms *MessengerStub) OutgoingChannelLoadBalancer() p2p.ChannelLoadBalancer
- func (ms *MessengerStub) Peers() []p2p.PeerID
- func (ms *MessengerStub) RegisterMessageProcessor(topic string, handler p2p.MessageProcessor) error
- func (ms *MessengerStub) SendToConnectedPeer(topic string, buff []byte, peerID p2p.PeerID) error
- func (ms *MessengerStub) TrimConnections()
- func (ms *MessengerStub) UnregisterMessageProcessor(topic string) error
- type MiniBlocksCompacterMock
- type MiniBlocksResolverMock
- func (hrm *MiniBlocksResolverMock) GetMiniBlocks(hashes [][]byte) (block.MiniBlockSlice, [][]byte)
- func (hrm *MiniBlocksResolverMock) GetMiniBlocksFromPool(hashes [][]byte) (block.MiniBlockSlice, [][]byte)
- func (hrm *MiniBlocksResolverMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (hrm *MiniBlocksResolverMock) ProcessReceivedMessage(message p2p.MessageP2P, _ func(buffToSend []byte)) error
- func (hrm *MiniBlocksResolverMock) RequestDataFromHash(hash []byte, epoch uint32) error
- func (hrm *MiniBlocksResolverMock) RequestDataFromHashArray(hashes [][]byte, epoch uint32) error
- type NetworkConnectionWatcherStub
- type NodesCoordinatorMock
- func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) ComputeValidatorsGroup(randomess []byte, round uint64, shardId uint32) ([]sharding.Validator, error)
- func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) ConsensusGroupSize(shardId uint32) int
- func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) GetAllValidatorsPublicKeys() map[uint32][][]byte
- func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) GetOwnPublicKey() []byte
- func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) GetSelectedPublicKeys(selection []byte, shardId uint32) (publicKeys []string, err error)
- func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) GetValidatorWithPublicKey(publicKey []byte) (sharding.Validator, uint32, error)
- func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) GetValidatorsIndexes([]string) []uint64
- func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) GetValidatorsPublicKeys(randomness []byte, round uint64, shardId uint32) ([]string, error)
- func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) GetValidatorsRewardsAddresses(randomness []byte, round uint64, shardId uint32) ([]string, error)
- func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) SetNodesPerShards(nodes map[uint32][]sharding.Validator) error
- type ObjectsContainerStub
- func (ocs *ObjectsContainerStub) Add(key string, val interface{}) error
- func (ocs *ObjectsContainerStub) Get(key string) (interface{}, error)
- func (ocs *ObjectsContainerStub) Len() int
- func (ocs *ObjectsContainerStub) Remove(key string)
- func (ocs *ObjectsContainerStub) Replace(key string, val interface{}) error
- type P2PMessageMock
- func (msg *P2PMessageMock) Data() []byte
- func (msg *P2PMessageMock) From() []byte
- func (msg *P2PMessageMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (msg *P2PMessageMock) Key() []byte
- func (msg *P2PMessageMock) Peer() p2p.PeerID
- func (msg *P2PMessageMock) SeqNo() []byte
- func (msg *P2PMessageMock) Signature() []byte
- func (msg *P2PMessageMock) TopicIDs() []string
- type PeerAccountHandlerMock
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) AddressContainer() state.AddressContainer
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) DataTrie() data.Trie
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) DataTrieTracker() state.DataTrieTracker
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) DecreaseLeaderSuccessRateWithJournal(value uint32) error
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) DecreaseValidatorSuccessRateWithJournal(value uint32) error
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) GetCode() []byte
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) GetCodeHash() []byte
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) GetNonce() uint64
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) GetRating() uint32
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) GetRootHash() []byte
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) GetTempRating() uint32
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) IncreaseLeaderSuccessRateWithJournal(value uint32) error
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) IncreaseValidatorSuccessRateWithJournal(value uint32) error
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetCode(code []byte)
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetCodeHash(codeHash []byte)
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetCodeHashWithJournal(codeHash []byte) error
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetDataTrie(trie data.Trie)
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetDataTrieTracker(tracker state.DataTrieTracker)
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetNonce(nonce uint64)
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetNonceWithJournal(nonce uint64) error
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetRatingWithJournal(rating uint32) error
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetRootHash(rootHash []byte)
- func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetTempRatingWithJournal(rating uint32) error
- type PeerChangesHandler
- type PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub
- func (p *PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub) AddProcessedHeader(handler data.HeaderHandler) error
- func (p *PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub) GetNumPendingMiniBlocks(shardID uint32) uint32
- func (p *PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (p *PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub) PendingMiniBlockHeaders(lastNotarizedHeaders []data.HeaderHandler) ([]block.ShardMiniBlockHeader, error)
- func (p *PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub) RevertHeader(handler data.HeaderHandler) error
- func (p *PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub) SetNumPendingMiniBlocks(shardID uint32, numPendingMiniBlocks uint32)
- type PoolsHolderMock
- func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) CurrentBlockTxs() dataRetriever.TransactionCacher
- func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) Headers() dataRetriever.HeadersPool
- func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) MiniBlocks() storage.Cacher
- func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) PeerChangesBlocks() storage.Cacher
- func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) RewardTransactions() dataRetriever.ShardedDataCacherNotifier
- func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) SetTransactions(transactions dataRetriever.ShardedDataCacherNotifier)
- func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) SetUnsignedTransactions(scrs dataRetriever.ShardedDataCacherNotifier)
- func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) Transactions() dataRetriever.ShardedDataCacherNotifier
- func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) TrieNodes() storage.Cacher
- func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) UnsignedTransactions() dataRetriever.ShardedDataCacherNotifier
- type PoolsHolderStub
- func (phs *PoolsHolderStub) CurrentBlockTxs() dataRetriever.TransactionCacher
- func (phs *PoolsHolderStub) Headers() dataRetriever.HeadersPool
- func (phs *PoolsHolderStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (phs *PoolsHolderStub) MetaBlocks() storage.Cacher
- func (phs *PoolsHolderStub) MiniBlocks() storage.Cacher
- func (phs *PoolsHolderStub) PeerChangesBlocks() storage.Cacher
- func (phs *PoolsHolderStub) RewardTransactions() dataRetriever.ShardedDataCacherNotifier
- func (phs *PoolsHolderStub) Transactions() dataRetriever.ShardedDataCacherNotifier
- func (phs *PoolsHolderStub) TrieNodes() storage.Cacher
- func (phs *PoolsHolderStub) UnsignedTransactions() dataRetriever.ShardedDataCacherNotifier
- type PreProcessorContainerMock
- func (ppcm *PreProcessorContainerMock) Add(key block.Type, val process.PreProcessor) error
- func (ppcm *PreProcessorContainerMock) AddMultiple(keys []block.Type, preprocessors []process.PreProcessor) error
- func (ppcm *PreProcessorContainerMock) Get(key block.Type) (process.PreProcessor, error)
- func (ppcm *PreProcessorContainerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (ppcm *PreProcessorContainerMock) Keys() []block.Type
- func (ppcm *PreProcessorContainerMock) Len() int
- func (ppcm *PreProcessorContainerMock) Remove(key block.Type)
- func (ppcm *PreProcessorContainerMock) Replace(key block.Type, val process.PreProcessor) error
- type PreProcessorMock
- func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) CreateAndProcessMiniBlocks(maxTxSpaceRemained uint32, maxMbSpaceRemained uint32, haveTime func() bool) (block.MiniBlockSlice, error)
- func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) CreateBlockStarted()
- func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) CreateMarshalizedData(txHashes [][]byte) ([][]byte, error)
- func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) GetAllCurrentUsedTxs() map[string]data.TransactionHandler
- func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) IsDataPrepared(requestedTxs int, haveTime func() time.Duration) error
- func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) ProcessBlockTransactions(body block.Body, haveTime func() bool) error
- func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) ProcessMiniBlock(miniBlock *block.MiniBlock, haveTime func() bool) error
- func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) RemoveTxBlockFromPools(body block.Body, miniBlockPool storage.Cacher) error
- func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) RequestBlockTransactions(body block.Body) int
- func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) RequestTransactionsForMiniBlock(miniBlock *block.MiniBlock) int
- func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) RestoreTxBlockIntoPools(body block.Body, miniBlockPool storage.Cacher) (int, error)
- func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) SaveTxBlockToStorage(body block.Body) error
- type RaterMock
- func (rm *RaterMock) ComputeDecreaseProposer(val uint32) uint32
- func (rm *RaterMock) ComputeDecreaseValidator(val uint32) uint32
- func (rm *RaterMock) ComputeIncreaseProposer(val uint32) uint32
- func (rm *RaterMock) ComputeIncreaseValidator(val uint32) uint32
- func (rm *RaterMock) GetRating(pk string) uint32
- func (rm *RaterMock) GetRatings([]string) map[string]uint32
- func (rm *RaterMock) GetStartRating() uint32
- func (rm *RaterMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (rm *RaterMock) SetRatingReader(reader sharding.RatingReader)
- type RatingReaderMock
- type RequestHandlerStub
- func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) RequestMetaHeader(hash []byte)
- func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) RequestMetaHeaderByNonce(nonce uint64)
- func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) RequestMiniBlock(destShardID uint32, miniblockHash []byte)
- func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) RequestMiniBlocks(destShardID uint32, miniblocksHashes [][]byte)
- func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) RequestRewardTransactions(destShardID uint32, txHashes [][]byte)
- func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) RequestShardHeader(shardID uint32, hash []byte)
- func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) RequestShardHeaderByNonce(shardID uint32, nonce uint64)
- func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) RequestTransaction(destShardID uint32, txHashes [][]byte)
- func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) RequestTrieNodes(destShardID uint32, miniblockHash []byte, topic string)
- func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) RequestUnsignedTransactions(destShardID uint32, txHashes [][]byte)
- func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) SetEpoch(epoch uint32)
- type RequestedItemsHandlerStub
- type ResolverStub
- type ResolversContainerStub
- func (rcs *ResolversContainerStub) Add(key string, val dataRetriever.Resolver) error
- func (rcs *ResolversContainerStub) AddMultiple(keys []string, resolvers []dataRetriever.Resolver) error
- func (rcs *ResolversContainerStub) Get(key string) (dataRetriever.Resolver, error)
- func (rcs *ResolversContainerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (rcs *ResolversContainerStub) Len() int
- func (rcs *ResolversContainerStub) Remove(key string)
- func (rcs *ResolversContainerStub) Replace(key string, val dataRetriever.Resolver) error
- type ResolversFinderStub
- func (rfs *ResolversFinderStub) CrossShardResolver(baseTopic string, crossShard uint32) (dataRetriever.Resolver, error)
- func (rfs *ResolversFinderStub) IntraShardResolver(baseTopic string) (dataRetriever.Resolver, error)
- func (rfs *ResolversFinderStub) MetaChainResolver(baseTopic string) (dataRetriever.Resolver, error)
- type RewardTxProcessorMock
- type RewardsHandlerMock
- type RoundStub
- func (rnds *RoundStub) Index() int32
- func (rnds *RoundStub) RemainingTime(startTime time.Time, maxTime time.Duration) time.Duration
- func (rnds *RoundStub) TimeDuration() time.Duration
- func (rnds *RoundStub) TimeStamp() time.Time
- func (rnds *RoundStub) UpdateRound(genesisRoundTimeStamp time.Time, timeStamp time.Time)
- type RounderMock
- func (rndm *RounderMock) Index() int64
- func (rndm *RounderMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (rndm *RounderMock) RemainingTime(startTime time.Time, maxTime time.Duration) time.Duration
- func (rndm *RounderMock) TimeDuration() time.Duration
- func (rndm *RounderMock) TimeStamp() time.Time
- func (rndm *RounderMock) UpdateRound(genesisRoundTimeStamp time.Time, timeStamp time.Time)
- type SCProcessorMock
- func (sc *SCProcessorMock) ComputeTransactionType(tx data.TransactionHandler) (process.TransactionType, error)
- func (sc *SCProcessorMock) DeploySmartContract(tx data.TransactionHandler, acntSrc state.AccountHandler) error
- func (sc *SCProcessorMock) ExecuteSmartContractTransaction(tx data.TransactionHandler, acntSrc, acntDst state.AccountHandler) error
- func (sc *SCProcessorMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (sc *SCProcessorMock) ProcessSmartContractResult(scr *smartContractResult.SmartContractResult) error
- type SCToProtocolStub
- type ScQueryMock
- type ServiceContainerMock
- type ShardIdHasMapMock
- func (sihsm *ShardIdHasMapMock) Delete(shardId uint32)
- func (sihsm *ShardIdHasMapMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (sihsm *ShardIdHasMapMock) Load(shardId uint32) ([]byte, bool)
- func (sihsm *ShardIdHasMapMock) Range(f func(shardId uint32, hash []byte) bool)
- func (sihsm *ShardIdHasMapMock) Store(shardId uint32, hash []byte)
- type ShardedDataStub
- func (sd *ShardedDataStub) AddData(key []byte, data interface{}, cacheId string)
- func (sd *ShardedDataStub) Clear()
- func (sd *ShardedDataStub) ClearShardStore(cacheId string)
- func (sd *ShardedDataStub) CreateShardStore(cacheId string)
- func (sd *ShardedDataStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (sd *ShardedDataStub) MergeShardStores(sourceCacheId, destCacheId string)
- func (sd *ShardedDataStub) RegisterHandler(handler func(key []byte))
- func (sd *ShardedDataStub) RemoveData(key []byte, cacheId string)
- func (sd *ShardedDataStub) RemoveDataFromAllShards(key []byte)
- func (sd *ShardedDataStub) RemoveSetOfDataFromPool(keys [][]byte, cacheId string)
- func (sd *ShardedDataStub) SearchFirstData(key []byte) (value interface{}, ok bool)
- func (sd *ShardedDataStub) ShardDataStore(cacheId string) (c storage.Cacher)
- type SignerMock
- type SingleSignKeyGenMock
- func (sskgm *SingleSignKeyGenMock) GeneratePair() (crypto.PrivateKey, crypto.PublicKey)
- func (sskgm *SingleSignKeyGenMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (sskgm *SingleSignKeyGenMock) PrivateKeyFromByteArray(b []byte) (crypto.PrivateKey, error)
- func (sskgm *SingleSignKeyGenMock) PublicKeyFromByteArray(b []byte) (crypto.PublicKey, error)
- func (sskgm *SingleSignKeyGenMock) Suite() crypto.Suite
- type SingleSignPublicKey
- type SmartContractResultsProcessorMock
- type SpecialAddressHandlerMock
- func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) BurnAddress() []byte
- func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) ClearMetaConsensusData()
- func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) ConsensusMetaRewardData() []*data.ConsensusRewardData
- func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) ConsensusShardRewardData() *data.ConsensusRewardData
- func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) ElrondCommunityAddress() []byte
- func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) Epoch() uint32
- func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) IsCurrentNodeInConsensus() bool
- func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) LeaderAddress() []byte
- func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) Round() uint64
- func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) SetElrondCommunityAddress(elrond []byte)
- func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) SetMetaConsensusData(randomness []byte, round uint64, epoch uint32) error
- func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) SetShardConsensusData(randomness []byte, round uint64, epoch uint32, shardId uint32) error
- func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) ShardIdForAddress(addr []byte) (uint32, error)
- type StorageBootstrapperMock
- type StorerMock
- func (sm *StorerMock) ClearCache()
- func (sm *StorerMock) Close() error
- func (sm *StorerMock) DestroyUnit() error
- func (sm *StorerMock) Get(key []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (sm *StorerMock) GetFromEpoch(key []byte, _ uint32) ([]byte, error)
- func (sm *StorerMock) Has(key []byte) error
- func (sm *StorerMock) HasInEpoch(key []byte, epoch uint32) error
- func (sm *StorerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (sm *StorerMock) Put(key, data []byte) error
- func (sm *StorerMock) Remove(key []byte) error
- func (sm *StorerMock) SearchFirst(key []byte) ([]byte, error)
- type StorerStub
- func (ss *StorerStub) ClearCache()
- func (ss *StorerStub) Close() error
- func (ss *StorerStub) DestroyUnit() error
- func (ss *StorerStub) Get(key []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (ss *StorerStub) GetFromEpoch(key []byte, epoch uint32) ([]byte, error)
- func (ss *StorerStub) Has(key []byte) error
- func (ss *StorerStub) HasInEpoch(key []byte, epoch uint32) error
- func (ss *StorerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (ss *StorerStub) Put(key, data []byte) error
- func (ss *StorerStub) Remove(key []byte) error
- func (ss *StorerStub) SearchFirst(key []byte) ([]byte, error)
- type SyncStarterStub
- type SyncTimerMock
- type TemporaryAccountsHandlerMock
- func (tahm *TemporaryAccountsHandlerMock) AddTempAccount(address []byte, balance *big.Int, nonce uint64)
- func (tahm *TemporaryAccountsHandlerMock) CleanTempAccounts()
- func (tahm *TemporaryAccountsHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (tahm *TemporaryAccountsHandlerMock) TempAccount(address []byte) state.AccountHandler
- type TopicHandlerStub
- type TransactionCoordinatorMock
- func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) ComputeTransactionType(tx data.TransactionHandler) (process.TransactionType, error)
- func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) CreateBlockStarted()
- func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) CreateMarshalizedData(body block.Body) (map[uint32]block.MiniBlockSlice, map[string][][]byte)
- func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) CreateMbsAndProcessCrossShardTransactionsDstMe(header data.HeaderHandler, processedMiniBlocksHashes map[string]struct{}, ...) (block.MiniBlockSlice, uint32, bool)
- func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) CreateMbsAndProcessTransactionsFromMe(maxTxRemaining uint32, maxMbRemaining uint32, haveTime func() bool) block.MiniBlockSlice
- func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) CreateReceiptsHash() ([]byte, error)
- func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) GetAllCurrentUsedTxs(blockType block.Type) map[string]data.TransactionHandler
- func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) IsDataPreparedForProcessing(haveTime func() time.Duration) error
- func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) ProcessBlockTransaction(body block.Body, haveTime func() time.Duration) error
- func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) RemoveBlockDataFromPool(body block.Body) error
- func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) RequestBlockTransactions(body block.Body)
- func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) RequestMiniBlocks(header data.HeaderHandler)
- func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) RestoreBlockDataFromStorage(body block.Body) (int, error)
- func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) SaveBlockDataToStorage(body block.Body) error
- func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) VerifyCreatedBlockTransactions(hdr data.HeaderHandler, body block.Body) error
- type TransactionInterceptorMock
- func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) AddressConverter() state.AddressConverter
- func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) Check() bool
- func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) GetTransaction() *transaction.Transaction
- func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) Hash() []byte
- func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) ID() string
- func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) IsAddressedToOtherShards() bool
- func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) RcvShard() uint32
- func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) SetAddressConverter(converter state.AddressConverter)
- func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) SetHash(hash []byte)
- func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) SndShard() uint32
- func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) VerifySig() bool
- type TransactionPoolMock
- type TrieStub
- func (ts *TrieStub) AppendToOldHashes(hashes [][]byte)
- func (ts *TrieStub) CancelPrune(rootHash []byte, identifier data.TriePruningIdentifier)
- func (ts *TrieStub) Commit() error
- func (ts *TrieStub) Database() data.DBWriteCacher
- func (ts *TrieStub) DeepClone() (data.Trie, error)
- func (ts *TrieStub) Delete(key []byte) error
- func (ts *TrieStub) Get(key []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (ts *TrieStub) GetSerializedNodes(hash []byte, maxBuffToSend uint64) ([][]byte, error)
- func (ts *TrieStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (ts *TrieStub) Prove(key []byte) ([][]byte, error)
- func (ts *TrieStub) Prune(rootHash []byte, identifier data.TriePruningIdentifier) error
- func (ts *TrieStub) Recreate(root []byte) (data.Trie, error)
- func (ts *TrieStub) ResetOldHashes() [][]byte
- func (ts *TrieStub) Root() ([]byte, error)
- func (ts *TrieStub) Snapshot() error
- func (ts *TrieStub) String() string
- func (ts *TrieStub) Update(key, value []byte) error
- func (ts *TrieStub) VerifyProof(proofs [][]byte, key []byte) (bool, error)
- type TxForCurrentBlockStub
- type TxPoolsCleanerMock
- type TxProcessorMock
- func (etm *TxProcessorMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (etm *TxProcessorMock) ProcessSmartContractResult(scr *smartContractResult.SmartContractResult) error
- func (etm *TxProcessorMock) ProcessTransaction(transaction *transaction.Transaction) error
- func (etm *TxProcessorMock) SetBalancesToTrie(accBalance map[string]*big.Int) (rootHash []byte, err error)
- type TxTypeHandlerMock
- type TxValidatorHandlerStub
- type TxValidatorStub
- type Uint64ByteSliceConverterMock
- type Uint64SyncMapCacherStub
- func (usmcs *Uint64SyncMapCacherStub) Clear()
- func (usmcs *Uint64SyncMapCacherStub) Get(nonce uint64) (dataRetriever.ShardIdHashMap, bool)
- func (usmcs *Uint64SyncMapCacherStub) Has(nonce uint64, shardId uint32) bool
- func (usmcs *Uint64SyncMapCacherStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (usmcs *Uint64SyncMapCacherStub) Merge(nonce uint64, src dataRetriever.ShardIdHashMap)
- func (usmcs *Uint64SyncMapCacherStub) RegisterHandler(handler func(nonce uint64, shardId uint32, value []byte))
- func (usmcs *Uint64SyncMapCacherStub) Remove(nonce uint64, shardId uint32)
- type UnsignedTxHandlerMock
- func (ut *UnsignedTxHandlerMock) AddRewardTxFromBlock(tx data.TransactionHandler)
- func (ut *UnsignedTxHandlerMock) CleanProcessedUTxs()
- func (ut *UnsignedTxHandlerMock) CreateAllUTxs() []data.TransactionHandler
- func (ut *UnsignedTxHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (ut *UnsignedTxHandlerMock) ProcessTransactionFee(cost *big.Int)
- func (ut *UnsignedTxHandlerMock) VerifyCreatedUTxs() error
- type VMContainerMock
- func (v *VMContainerMock) Add(key []byte, val vmcommon.VMExecutionHandler) error
- func (v *VMContainerMock) AddMultiple(keys [][]byte, vms []vmcommon.VMExecutionHandler) error
- func (v *VMContainerMock) Get(key []byte) (vmcommon.VMExecutionHandler, error)
- func (v *VMContainerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (v *VMContainerMock) Keys() [][]byte
- func (v *VMContainerMock) Len() int
- func (v *VMContainerMock) Remove(key []byte)
- func (v *VMContainerMock) Replace(key []byte, val vmcommon.VMExecutionHandler) error
- type VMExecutionHandlerStub
- func (vm *VMExecutionHandlerStub) G0Call(input *vmcommon.ContractCallInput) (*big.Int, error)
- func (vm *VMExecutionHandlerStub) G0Create(input *vmcommon.ContractCreateInput) (*big.Int, error)
- func (vm *VMExecutionHandlerStub) RunSmartContractCall(input *vmcommon.ContractCallInput) (*vmcommon.VMOutput, error)
- func (vm *VMExecutionHandlerStub) RunSmartContractCreate(input *vmcommon.ContractCreateInput) (*vmcommon.VMOutput, error)
- type ValidatorMock
- type ValidatorSettingsStub
- type ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock
- func (vsp *ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) Commit() ([]byte, error)
- func (vsp *ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) GetPeerAccount(address []byte) (state.PeerAccountHandler, error)
- func (vsp *ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (vsp *ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) RevertPeerState(header data.HeaderHandler) error
- func (vsp *ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) RevertPeerStateToSnapshot(snapshot int) error
- func (vsp *ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) RootHash() ([]byte, error)
- func (vsp *ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) UpdatePeerState(header data.HeaderHandler) ([]byte, error)
- type ValidityAttesterStub
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func NewMultiShardsCoordinatorMock ¶
func NewMultiShardsCoordinatorMock(nrShard uint32) *multipleShardsCoordinatorMock
NewMultiShardsCoordinatorMock -
func NewMultipleShardsCoordinatorMock ¶
func NewMultipleShardsCoordinatorMock() *multipleShardsCoordinatorMock
NewMultipleShardsCoordinatorMock -
func NewNilTxValidator ¶
func NewNilTxValidator() (*nilTxValidator, error)
NewNilTxValidator creates a new nil tx handler validator instance
func NewNonceHashConverterMock ¶
func NewNonceHashConverterMock() *nonceHashConverterMock
NewNonceHashConverterMock -
func NewOneShardCoordinatorMock ¶
func NewOneShardCoordinatorMock() *oneShardCoordinatorMock
NewOneShardCoordinatorMock -
Types ¶
type AccountTrackerStub ¶ added in v1.0.3
type AccountTrackerStub struct { SaveAccountCalled func(accountHandler state.AccountHandler) error JournalizeCalled func(entry state.JournalEntry) }
AccountTrackerStub -
func (*AccountTrackerStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶ added in v1.0.16
func (ats *AccountTrackerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*AccountTrackerStub) Journalize ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (ats *AccountTrackerStub) Journalize(entry state.JournalEntry)
Journalize -
func (*AccountTrackerStub) SaveAccount ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (ats *AccountTrackerStub) SaveAccount(accountHandler state.AccountHandler) error
SaveAccount -
type AccountWrapMock ¶
type AccountWrapMock struct { MockValue int SetNonceWithJournalCalled func(nonce uint64) error `json:"-"` SetCodeHashWithJournalCalled func(codeHash []byte) error `json:"-"` SetCodeWithJournalCalled func(codeHash []byte) error `json:"-"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AccountWrapMock -
func NewAccountWrapMock ¶
func NewAccountWrapMock(adr state.AddressContainer, tracker state.AccountTracker) *AccountWrapMock
NewAccountWrapMock -
func (*AccountWrapMock) AddressContainer ¶
func (awm *AccountWrapMock) AddressContainer() state.AddressContainer
AddressContainer -
func (*AccountWrapMock) DataTrieTracker ¶
func (awm *AccountWrapMock) DataTrieTracker() state.DataTrieTracker
DataTrieTracker -
func (*AccountWrapMock) GetCodeHash ¶
func (awm *AccountWrapMock) GetCodeHash() []byte
GetCodeHash -
func (*AccountWrapMock) GetRootHash ¶
func (awm *AccountWrapMock) GetRootHash() []byte
GetRootHash -
func (*AccountWrapMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (awm *AccountWrapMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*AccountWrapMock) SetCodeHash ¶
func (awm *AccountWrapMock) SetCodeHash(codeHash []byte)
SetCodeHash -
func (*AccountWrapMock) SetCodeHashWithJournal ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (awm *AccountWrapMock) SetCodeHashWithJournal(codeHash []byte) error
SetCodeHashWithJournal -
func (*AccountWrapMock) SetDataTrie ¶
func (awm *AccountWrapMock) SetDataTrie(trie data.Trie)
SetDataTrie -
func (*AccountWrapMock) SetDataTrieTracker ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (awm *AccountWrapMock) SetDataTrieTracker(tracker state.DataTrieTracker)
SetDataTrieTracker -
func (*AccountWrapMock) SetNonce ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (awm *AccountWrapMock) SetNonce(nonce uint64)
SetNonce -
func (*AccountWrapMock) SetNonceWithJournal ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (awm *AccountWrapMock) SetNonceWithJournal(nonce uint64) error
SetNonceWithJournal -
func (*AccountWrapMock) SetRootHash ¶
func (awm *AccountWrapMock) SetRootHash(rootHash []byte)
SetRootHash -
type AccountsStub ¶
type AccountsStub struct { AddJournalEntryCalled func(je state.JournalEntry) CommitCalled func() ([]byte, error) GetAccountWithJournalCalled func(addressContainer state.AddressContainer) (state.AccountHandler, error) GetExistingAccountCalled func(addressContainer state.AddressContainer) (state.AccountHandler, error) HasAccountStateCalled func(addressContainer state.AddressContainer) (bool, error) JournalLenCalled func() int PutCodeCalled func(accountHandler state.AccountHandler, code []byte) error RemoveAccountCalled func(addressContainer state.AddressContainer) error RemoveCodeCalled func(codeHash []byte) error RevertToSnapshotCalled func(snapshot int) error SaveAccountStateCalled func(acountWrapper state.AccountHandler) error SaveDataTrieCalled func(acountWrapper state.AccountHandler) error RootHashCalled func() ([]byte, error) RecreateTrieCalled func(rootHash []byte) error PruneTrieCalled func(rootHash []byte) error SnapshotStateCalled func(rootHash []byte) SetStateCheckpointCalled func(rootHash []byte) CancelPruneCalled func(rootHash []byte) IsPruningEnabledCalled func() bool }
AccountsStub -
func (*AccountsStub) AddJournalEntry ¶
func (as *AccountsStub) AddJournalEntry(je state.JournalEntry)
AddJournalEntry -
func (*AccountsStub) CancelPrune ¶
func (as *AccountsStub) CancelPrune(rootHash []byte)
CancelPrune -
func (*AccountsStub) ClosePersister ¶ added in v1.0.78
func (as *AccountsStub) ClosePersister() error
ClosePersister -
func (*AccountsStub) GetAccountWithJournal ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (as *AccountsStub) GetAccountWithJournal(addressContainer state.AddressContainer) (state.AccountHandler, error)
GetAccountWithJournal -
func (*AccountsStub) GetExistingAccount ¶
func (as *AccountsStub) GetExistingAccount(addressContainer state.AddressContainer) (state.AccountHandler, error)
GetExistingAccount -
func (*AccountsStub) HasAccount ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (as *AccountsStub) HasAccount(addressContainer state.AddressContainer) (bool, error)
HasAccount -
func (*AccountsStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (as *AccountsStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*AccountsStub) IsPruningEnabled ¶
func (as *AccountsStub) IsPruningEnabled() bool
IsPruningEnabled -
func (*AccountsStub) PruneTrie ¶
func (as *AccountsStub) PruneTrie(rootHash []byte) error
PruneTrie -
func (*AccountsStub) PutCode ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (as *AccountsStub) PutCode(accountHandler state.AccountHandler, code []byte) error
PutCode -
func (*AccountsStub) RecreateTrie ¶
func (as *AccountsStub) RecreateTrie(rootHash []byte) error
RecreateTrie -
func (*AccountsStub) RemoveAccount ¶
func (as *AccountsStub) RemoveAccount(addressContainer state.AddressContainer) error
RemoveAccount -
func (*AccountsStub) RemoveCode ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (as *AccountsStub) RemoveCode(codeHash []byte) error
RemoveCode -
func (*AccountsStub) RevertToSnapshot ¶
func (as *AccountsStub) RevertToSnapshot(snapshot int) error
RevertToSnapshot -
func (*AccountsStub) SaveDataTrie ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (as *AccountsStub) SaveDataTrie(journalizedAccountHandler state.AccountHandler) error
SaveDataTrie -
func (*AccountsStub) SaveJournalizedAccount ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (as *AccountsStub) SaveJournalizedAccount(journalizedAccountHandler state.AccountHandler) error
SaveJournalizedAccount -
func (*AccountsStub) SetStateCheckpoint ¶
func (as *AccountsStub) SetStateCheckpoint(rootHash []byte)
SetStateCheckpoint -
func (*AccountsStub) SnapshotState ¶
func (as *AccountsStub) SnapshotState(rootHash []byte)
SnapshotState -
type AddressConverterFake ¶
type AddressConverterFake struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AddressConverterFake -
func NewAddressConverterFake ¶
func NewAddressConverterFake(addressLen int, prefix string) *AddressConverterFake
NewAddressConverterFake -
func (*AddressConverterFake) AddressLen ¶
func (acf *AddressConverterFake) AddressLen() int
AddressLen -
func (*AddressConverterFake) ConvertToHex ¶
func (acf *AddressConverterFake) ConvertToHex(addressContainer state.AddressContainer) (string, error)
ConvertToHex -
func (*AddressConverterFake) CreateAddressFromHex ¶
func (acf *AddressConverterFake) CreateAddressFromHex(hexAddress string) (state.AddressContainer, error)
CreateAddressFromHex -
func (*AddressConverterFake) CreateAddressFromPublicKeyBytes ¶
func (acf *AddressConverterFake) CreateAddressFromPublicKeyBytes(pubKey []byte) (state.AddressContainer, error)
CreateAddressFromPublicKeyBytes -
func (*AddressConverterFake) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (acf *AddressConverterFake) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*AddressConverterFake) PrepareAddressBytes ¶
func (acf *AddressConverterFake) PrepareAddressBytes(addressBytes []byte) ([]byte, error)
PrepareAddressBytes -
type AddressConverterMock ¶
AddressConverterMock -
func (*AddressConverterMock) AddressLen ¶
func (acm *AddressConverterMock) AddressLen() int
AddressLen -
func (*AddressConverterMock) ConvertToHex ¶
func (acm *AddressConverterMock) ConvertToHex(addressContainer state.AddressContainer) (string, error)
ConvertToHex -
func (*AddressConverterMock) CreateAddressFromHex ¶
func (acm *AddressConverterMock) CreateAddressFromHex(hexAddress string) (state.AddressContainer, error)
CreateAddressFromHex -
func (*AddressConverterMock) CreateAddressFromPublicKeyBytes ¶
func (acm *AddressConverterMock) CreateAddressFromPublicKeyBytes(pubKey []byte) (state.AddressContainer, error)
CreateAddressFromPublicKeyBytes -
func (*AddressConverterMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (acm *AddressConverterMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*AddressConverterMock) PrepareAddressBytes ¶
func (acm *AddressConverterMock) PrepareAddressBytes(addressBytes []byte) ([]byte, error)
PrepareAddressBytes -
type AddressConverterStub ¶
type AddressConverterStub struct { CreateAddressFromPublicKeyBytesCalled func(pubKey []byte) (state.AddressContainer, error) ConvertToHexCalled func(addressContainer state.AddressContainer) (string, error) CreateAddressFromHexCalled func(hexAddress string) (state.AddressContainer, error) PrepareAddressBytesCalled func(addressBytes []byte) ([]byte, error) AddressLenHandler func() int }
AddressConverterStub -
func (AddressConverterStub) AddressLen ¶
func (acs AddressConverterStub) AddressLen() int
AddressLen -
func (*AddressConverterStub) ConvertToHex ¶
func (acs *AddressConverterStub) ConvertToHex(addressContainer state.AddressContainer) (string, error)
ConvertToHex -
func (*AddressConverterStub) CreateAddressFromHex ¶
func (acs *AddressConverterStub) CreateAddressFromHex(hexAddress string) (state.AddressContainer, error)
CreateAddressFromHex -
func (*AddressConverterStub) CreateAddressFromPublicKeyBytes ¶
func (acs *AddressConverterStub) CreateAddressFromPublicKeyBytes(pubKey []byte) (state.AddressContainer, error)
CreateAddressFromPublicKeyBytes -
func (*AddressConverterStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (acs *AddressConverterStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*AddressConverterStub) PrepareAddressBytes ¶
func (acs *AddressConverterStub) PrepareAddressBytes(addressBytes []byte) ([]byte, error)
PrepareAddressBytes -
type AddressMock ¶
type AddressMock struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AddressMock is the struct holding a mock address
func NewAddressMock ¶
func NewAddressMock(adr []byte) *AddressMock
NewAddressMock creates a new Address with the same byte slice as the parameter received
func (*AddressMock) Bytes ¶
func (adr *AddressMock) Bytes() []byte
Bytes returns the data corresponding to this address
func (*AddressMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (adr *AddressMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
type AppStatusHandlerStub ¶
type AppStatusHandlerStub struct { AddUint64Handler func(key string, value uint64) IncrementHandler func(key string) DecrementHandler func(key string) SetUInt64ValueHandler func(key string, value uint64) SetInt64ValueHandler func(key string, value int64) SetStringValueHandler func(key string, value string) CloseHandler func() }
AppStatusHandlerStub is a stub implementation of AppStatusHandler
func (*AppStatusHandlerStub) AddUint64 ¶
func (ashs *AppStatusHandlerStub) AddUint64(key string, value uint64)
AddUint64 will call the handler of the stub for incrementing
func (*AppStatusHandlerStub) Close ¶
func (ashs *AppStatusHandlerStub) Close()
Close will call the handler of the stub for closing
func (*AppStatusHandlerStub) Decrement ¶
func (ashs *AppStatusHandlerStub) Decrement(key string)
Decrement will call the handler of the stub for decrementing
func (*AppStatusHandlerStub) Increment ¶
func (ashs *AppStatusHandlerStub) Increment(key string)
Increment will call the handler of the stub for incrementing
func (*AppStatusHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (ashs *AppStatusHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*AppStatusHandlerStub) SetInt64Value ¶
func (ashs *AppStatusHandlerStub) SetInt64Value(key string, value int64)
SetInt64Value will call the handler of the stub for setting an int64 value
func (*AppStatusHandlerStub) SetStringValue ¶
func (ashs *AppStatusHandlerStub) SetStringValue(key string, value string)
SetStringValue will call the handler of the stub for setting an string value
func (*AppStatusHandlerStub) SetUInt64Value ¶
func (ashs *AppStatusHandlerStub) SetUInt64Value(key string, value uint64)
SetUInt64Value will call the handler of the stub for setting an uint64 value
type ArgumentParserMock ¶
type ArgumentParserMock struct { ParseDataCalled func(data string) error GetArgumentsCalled func() ([][]byte, error) GetCodeCalled func() ([]byte, error) GetFunctionCalled func() (string, error) GetSeparatorCalled func() string CreateDataFromStorageUpdateCalled func(storageUpdates []*vmcommon.StorageUpdate) string GetStorageUpdatesCalled func(data string) ([]*vmcommon.StorageUpdate, error) }
ArgumentParserMock -
func (*ArgumentParserMock) CreateDataFromStorageUpdate ¶
func (ap *ArgumentParserMock) CreateDataFromStorageUpdate(storageUpdates []*vmcommon.StorageUpdate) string
CreateDataFromStorageUpdate -
func (*ArgumentParserMock) GetArguments ¶
func (ap *ArgumentParserMock) GetArguments() ([][]byte, error)
GetArguments -
func (*ArgumentParserMock) GetCode ¶
func (ap *ArgumentParserMock) GetCode() ([]byte, error)
GetCode -
func (*ArgumentParserMock) GetFunction ¶
func (ap *ArgumentParserMock) GetFunction() (string, error)
GetFunction -
func (*ArgumentParserMock) GetSeparator ¶
func (ap *ArgumentParserMock) GetSeparator() string
GetSeparator -
func (*ArgumentParserMock) GetStorageUpdates ¶
func (ap *ArgumentParserMock) GetStorageUpdates(data string) ([]*vmcommon.StorageUpdate, error)
GetStorageUpdates -
func (*ArgumentParserMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (ap *ArgumentParserMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*ArgumentParserMock) ParseData ¶
func (ap *ArgumentParserMock) ParseData(data string) error
ParseData -
type BelNevMock ¶
type BelNevMock struct { VerifyMock func(msg []byte, bitmap []byte) error CommitmentHashMock func(index uint16) ([]byte, error) CreateCommitmentMock func() ([]byte, []byte) AggregateCommitmentsMock func(bitmap []byte) error AggregateSigsMock func(bitmap []byte) ([]byte, error) StoreCommitmentMock func(index uint16, value []byte) error StoreCommitmentHashMock func(uint16, []byte) error CommitmentMock func(uint16) ([]byte, error) CreateMock func(pubKeys []string, index uint16) (crypto.MultiSigner, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BelNevMock is used to mock belare neven multisignature scheme
func (*BelNevMock) AggregateCommitments ¶
func (bnm *BelNevMock) AggregateCommitments(bitmap []byte) error
AggregateCommitments aggregates the list of commitments
func (*BelNevMock) AggregateSigs ¶
func (bnm *BelNevMock) AggregateSigs(bitmap []byte) ([]byte, error)
AggregateSigs aggregates all collected partial signatures
func (*BelNevMock) Commitment ¶
func (bnm *BelNevMock) Commitment(index uint16) ([]byte, error)
Commitment returns the commitment from the list with the specified position
func (*BelNevMock) CommitmentHash ¶
func (bnm *BelNevMock) CommitmentHash(index uint16) ([]byte, error)
CommitmentHash returns the commitment hash from the list on the specified position
func (*BelNevMock) Create ¶
func (bnm *BelNevMock) Create(pubKeys []string, index uint16) (crypto.MultiSigner, error)
Create resets the multiSigner and initializes corresponding fields with the given params
func (*BelNevMock) CreateCommitment ¶
func (bnm *BelNevMock) CreateCommitment() (commSecret []byte, commitment []byte)
CreateCommitment creates a secret commitment and the corresponding public commitment point
func (*BelNevMock) CreateSignatureShare ¶
func (bnm *BelNevMock) CreateSignatureShare(msg []byte, bitmap []byte) ([]byte, error)
CreateSignatureShare creates a partial signature
func (*BelNevMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (bnm *BelNevMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*BelNevMock) Reset ¶
func (bnm *BelNevMock) Reset(pubKeys []string, index uint16) error
Reset -
func (*BelNevMock) SetAggregatedSig ¶
func (bnm *BelNevMock) SetAggregatedSig(aggSig []byte) error
SetAggregatedSig sets the aggregated signature according to the given byte array
func (*BelNevMock) SetMessage ¶
func (bnm *BelNevMock) SetMessage(msg []byte) error
SetMessage sets the message to be signed
func (*BelNevMock) SignatureShare ¶
func (bnm *BelNevMock) SignatureShare(index uint16) ([]byte, error)
SignatureShare -
func (*BelNevMock) StoreCommitment ¶
func (bnm *BelNevMock) StoreCommitment(index uint16, value []byte) error
StoreCommitment adds a commitment to the list on the specified position
func (*BelNevMock) StoreCommitmentHash ¶
func (bnm *BelNevMock) StoreCommitmentHash(index uint16, commHash []byte) error
StoreCommitmentHash adds a commitment hash to the list on the specified position
func (*BelNevMock) StoreSignatureShare ¶
func (bnm *BelNevMock) StoreSignatureShare(index uint16, sig []byte) error
StoreSignatureShare adds the partial signature of the signer with specified position
func (*BelNevMock) Verify ¶
func (bnm *BelNevMock) Verify(msg []byte, bitmap []byte) error
Verify returns nil if the aggregateed signature is verified for the given public keys
func (*BelNevMock) VerifySignatureShare ¶
func (bnm *BelNevMock) VerifySignatureShare(index uint16, sig []byte, msg []byte, bitmap []byte) error
VerifySignatureShare verifies the partial signature of the signer with specified position
type BlackListHandlerStub ¶
type BlackListHandlerStub struct { AddCalled func(key string) error HasCalled func(key string) bool SweepCalled func() }
BlackListHandlerStub -
func (*BlackListHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (blhs *BlackListHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
type BlockChainHookHandlerMock ¶
type BlockChainHookHandlerMock struct { AddTempAccountCalled func(address []byte, balance *big.Int, nonce uint64) CleanTempAccountsCalled func() TempAccountCalled func(address []byte) state.AccountHandler SetCurrentHeaderCalled func(hdr data.HeaderHandler) }
BlockChainHookHandlerMock -
func (*BlockChainHookHandlerMock) AddTempAccount ¶
func (e *BlockChainHookHandlerMock) AddTempAccount(address []byte, balance *big.Int, nonce uint64)
AddTempAccount -
func (*BlockChainHookHandlerMock) CleanTempAccounts ¶
func (e *BlockChainHookHandlerMock) CleanTempAccounts()
CleanTempAccounts -
func (*BlockChainHookHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (e *BlockChainHookHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*BlockChainHookHandlerMock) SetCurrentHeader ¶
func (e *BlockChainHookHandlerMock) SetCurrentHeader(hdr data.HeaderHandler)
SetCurrentHeader -
func (*BlockChainHookHandlerMock) TempAccount ¶
func (e *BlockChainHookHandlerMock) TempAccount(address []byte) state.AccountHandler
TempAccount -
type BlockChainMock ¶
type BlockChainMock struct { GetGenesisHeaderCalled func() data.HeaderHandler SetGenesisHeaderCalled func(handler data.HeaderHandler) error GetGenesisHeaderHashCalled func() []byte SetGenesisHeaderHashCalled func([]byte) GetCurrentBlockHeaderCalled func() data.HeaderHandler SetCurrentBlockHeaderCalled func(data.HeaderHandler) error GetCurrentBlockHeaderHashCalled func() []byte SetCurrentBlockHeaderHashCalled func([]byte) GetCurrentBlockBodyCalled func() data.BodyHandler SetCurrentBlockBodyCalled func(data.BodyHandler) error GetLocalHeightCalled func() int64 SetLocalHeightCalled func(int64) GetNetworkHeightCalled func() int64 SetNetworkHeightCalled func(int64) HasBadBlockCalled func([]byte) bool PutBadBlockCalled func([]byte) }
BlockChainMock is a mock implementation of the blockchain interface
func (*BlockChainMock) GetCurrentBlockBody ¶
func (bc *BlockChainMock) GetCurrentBlockBody() data.BodyHandler
GetCurrentBlockBody returns the tx block body pointer
func (*BlockChainMock) GetCurrentBlockHeader ¶
func (bc *BlockChainMock) GetCurrentBlockHeader() data.HeaderHandler
GetCurrentBlockHeader returns current block header pointer
func (*BlockChainMock) GetCurrentBlockHeaderHash ¶
func (bc *BlockChainMock) GetCurrentBlockHeaderHash() []byte
GetCurrentBlockHeaderHash returns the current block header hash
func (*BlockChainMock) GetGenesisHeader ¶
func (bc *BlockChainMock) GetGenesisHeader() data.HeaderHandler
GetGenesisHeader returns the genesis block header pointer
func (*BlockChainMock) GetGenesisHeaderHash ¶
func (bc *BlockChainMock) GetGenesisHeaderHash() []byte
GetGenesisHeaderHash returns the genesis block header hash
func (*BlockChainMock) GetLocalHeight ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (bc *BlockChainMock) GetLocalHeight() int64
GetLocalHeight returns the height of the local chain
func (*BlockChainMock) GetNetworkHeight ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (bc *BlockChainMock) GetNetworkHeight() int64
GetNetworkHeight sets the perceived height of the network chain
func (*BlockChainMock) HasBadBlock ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (bc *BlockChainMock) HasBadBlock(blockHash []byte) bool
HasBadBlock returns true if the provided hash is blacklisted as a bad block, or false otherwise
func (*BlockChainMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (bc *BlockChainMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*BlockChainMock) PutBadBlock ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (bc *BlockChainMock) PutBadBlock(blockHash []byte)
PutBadBlock adds the given serialized block to the bad block cache, blacklisting it
func (*BlockChainMock) SetCurrentBlockBody ¶
func (bc *BlockChainMock) SetCurrentBlockBody(body data.BodyHandler) error
SetCurrentBlockBody sets the tx block body pointer
func (*BlockChainMock) SetCurrentBlockHeader ¶
func (bc *BlockChainMock) SetCurrentBlockHeader(header data.HeaderHandler) error
SetCurrentBlockHeader sets current block header pointer
func (*BlockChainMock) SetCurrentBlockHeaderHash ¶
func (bc *BlockChainMock) SetCurrentBlockHeaderHash(hash []byte)
SetCurrentBlockHeaderHash returns the current block header hash
func (*BlockChainMock) SetGenesisHeader ¶
func (bc *BlockChainMock) SetGenesisHeader(genesisBlock data.HeaderHandler) error
SetGenesisHeader sets the genesis block header pointer
func (*BlockChainMock) SetGenesisHeaderHash ¶
func (bc *BlockChainMock) SetGenesisHeaderHash(hash []byte)
SetGenesisHeaderHash sets the genesis block header hash
func (*BlockChainMock) SetLocalHeight ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (bc *BlockChainMock) SetLocalHeight(height int64)
SetLocalHeight sets the height of the local chain
func (*BlockChainMock) SetNetworkHeight ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (bc *BlockChainMock) SetNetworkHeight(height int64)
SetNetworkHeight sets the perceived height of the network chain
type BlockNotarizerHandlerMock ¶
type BlockNotarizerHandlerMock struct { AddNotarizedHeaderCalled func(shardID uint32, notarizedHeader data.HeaderHandler, notarizedHeaderHash []byte) CleanupNotarizedHeadersBehindNonceCalled func(shardID uint32, nonce uint64) DisplayNotarizedHeadersCalled func(shardID uint32, message string) GetFirstNotarizedHeaderCalled func(shardID uint32) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error) GetLastNotarizedHeaderCalled func(shardID uint32) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error) GetLastNotarizedHeaderNonceCalled func(shardID uint32) uint64 GetNotarizedHeaderCalled func(shardID uint32, offset uint64) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error) InitNotarizedHeadersCalled func(startHeaders map[uint32]data.HeaderHandler) error RemoveLastNotarizedHeaderCalled func() RestoreNotarizedHeadersToGenesisCalled func() }
BlockNotarizerHandlerMock -
func (*BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) AddNotarizedHeader ¶
func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) AddNotarizedHeader(shardID uint32, notarizedHeader data.HeaderHandler, notarizedHeaderHash []byte)
AddNotarizedHeader -
func (*BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) CleanupNotarizedHeadersBehindNonce ¶
func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) CleanupNotarizedHeadersBehindNonce(shardID uint32, nonce uint64)
CleanupNotarizedHeadersBehindNonce -
func (*BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) DisplayNotarizedHeaders ¶
func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) DisplayNotarizedHeaders(shardID uint32, message string)
DisplayNotarizedHeaders -
func (*BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) GetFirstNotarizedHeader ¶
func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) GetFirstNotarizedHeader(shardID uint32) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error)
GetFirstNotarizedHeader -
func (*BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) GetLastNotarizedHeader ¶
func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) GetLastNotarizedHeader(shardID uint32) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error)
GetLastNotarizedHeader -
func (*BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) GetLastNotarizedHeaderNonce ¶
func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) GetLastNotarizedHeaderNonce(shardID uint32) uint64
GetLastNotarizedHeaderNonce -
func (*BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) GetNotarizedHeader ¶
func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) GetNotarizedHeader(shardID uint32, offset uint64) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error)
GetNotarizedHeader -
func (*BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) InitNotarizedHeaders ¶
func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) InitNotarizedHeaders(startHeaders map[uint32]data.HeaderHandler) error
InitNotarizedHeaders -
func (*BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) RemoveLastNotarizedHeader ¶
func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) RemoveLastNotarizedHeader()
RemoveLastNotarizedHeader -
func (*BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) RestoreNotarizedHeadersToGenesis ¶
func (bngm *BlockNotarizerHandlerMock) RestoreNotarizedHeadersToGenesis()
RestoreNotarizedHeadersToGenesis -
type BlockNotifierHandlerMock ¶
type BlockNotifierHandlerMock struct { CallHandlersCalled func(shardID uint32, headers []data.HeaderHandler, headersHashes [][]byte) RegisterHandlerCalled func(handler func(shardID uint32, headers []data.HeaderHandler, headersHashes [][]byte)) }
BlockNotifierHandlerMock -
func (*BlockNotifierHandlerMock) CallHandlers ¶
func (bnhm *BlockNotifierHandlerMock) CallHandlers(shardID uint32, headers []data.HeaderHandler, headersHashes [][]byte)
CallHandlers -
func (*BlockNotifierHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (bnhm *BlockNotifierHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*BlockNotifierHandlerMock) RegisterHandler ¶
func (bnhm *BlockNotifierHandlerMock) RegisterHandler(handler func(shardID uint32, headers []data.HeaderHandler, headersHashes [][]byte))
RegisterHandler -
type BlockProcessorMock ¶
type BlockProcessorMock struct { ProcessBlockCalled func(blockChain data.ChainHandler, header data.HeaderHandler, body data.BodyHandler, haveTime func() time.Duration) error CommitBlockCalled func(blockChain data.ChainHandler, header data.HeaderHandler, body data.BodyHandler) error RevertAccountStateCalled func() CreateGenesisBlockCalled func(balances map[string]*big.Int) (data.HeaderHandler, error) CreateBlockCalled func(initialHdrData data.HeaderHandler, haveTime func() bool) (data.BodyHandler, error) RestoreBlockIntoPoolsCalled func(header data.HeaderHandler, body data.BodyHandler) error SetOnRequestTransactionCalled func(f func(destShardID uint32, txHash []byte)) ApplyBodyToHeaderCalled func(header data.HeaderHandler, body data.BodyHandler) (data.BodyHandler, error) MarshalizedDataToBroadcastCalled func(header data.HeaderHandler, body data.BodyHandler) (map[uint32][]byte, map[string][][]byte, error) DecodeBlockBodyAndHeaderCalled func(dta []byte) (data.BodyHandler, data.HeaderHandler) DecodeBlockBodyCalled func(dta []byte) data.BodyHandler DecodeBlockHeaderCalled func(dta []byte) data.HeaderHandler AddLastNotarizedHdrCalled func(shardId uint32, processedHdr data.HeaderHandler) CreateNewHeaderCalled func() data.HeaderHandler RevertStateToBlockCalled func(header data.HeaderHandler) error }
BlockProcessorMock -
func (*BlockProcessorMock) AddLastNotarizedHdr ¶
func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) AddLastNotarizedHdr(shardId uint32, processedHdr data.HeaderHandler)
AddLastNotarizedHdr -
func (*BlockProcessorMock) ApplyBodyToHeader ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) ApplyBodyToHeader(header data.HeaderHandler, body data.BodyHandler) (data.BodyHandler, error)
ApplyBodyToHeader -
func (*BlockProcessorMock) ApplyProcessedMiniBlocks ¶
func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) ApplyProcessedMiniBlocks(*processedMb.ProcessedMiniBlockTracker)
ApplyProcessedMiniBlocks -
func (*BlockProcessorMock) CommitBlock ¶
func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) CommitBlock(blockChain data.ChainHandler, header data.HeaderHandler, body data.BodyHandler) error
CommitBlock -
func (*BlockProcessorMock) CreateBlockBody ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) CreateBlockBody(initialHdrData data.HeaderHandler, haveTime func() bool) (data.BodyHandler, error)
CreateBlockBody -
func (*BlockProcessorMock) CreateGenesisBlock ¶
func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) CreateGenesisBlock(balances map[string]*big.Int) (data.HeaderHandler, error)
CreateGenesisBlock -
func (*BlockProcessorMock) CreateNewHeader ¶
func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) CreateNewHeader() data.HeaderHandler
CreateNewHeader -
func (*BlockProcessorMock) DecodeBlockBody ¶
func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) DecodeBlockBody(dta []byte) data.BodyHandler
DecodeBlockBody -
func (*BlockProcessorMock) DecodeBlockBodyAndHeader ¶ added in v1.0.86
func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) DecodeBlockBodyAndHeader(dta []byte) (data.BodyHandler, data.HeaderHandler)
DecodeBlockBodyAndHeader -
func (*BlockProcessorMock) DecodeBlockHeader ¶
func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) DecodeBlockHeader(dta []byte) data.HeaderHandler
DecodeBlockHeader -
func (*BlockProcessorMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*BlockProcessorMock) MarshalizedDataToBroadcast ¶
func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) MarshalizedDataToBroadcast(header data.HeaderHandler, body data.BodyHandler) (map[uint32][]byte, map[string][][]byte, error)
MarshalizedDataToBroadcast -
func (*BlockProcessorMock) ProcessBlock ¶
func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) ProcessBlock(blockChain data.ChainHandler, header data.HeaderHandler, body data.BodyHandler, haveTime func() time.Duration) error
ProcessBlock -
func (*BlockProcessorMock) RestoreBlockIntoPools ¶
func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) RestoreBlockIntoPools(header data.HeaderHandler, body data.BodyHandler) error
RestoreBlockIntoPools -
func (*BlockProcessorMock) RestoreLastNotarizedHrdsToGenesis ¶
func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) RestoreLastNotarizedHrdsToGenesis()
RestoreLastNotarizedHrdsToGenesis -
func (*BlockProcessorMock) RevertAccountState ¶
func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) RevertAccountState()
RevertAccountState -
func (*BlockProcessorMock) RevertStateToBlock ¶
func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) RevertStateToBlock(header data.HeaderHandler) error
RevertStateToBlock recreates thee state tries to the root hashes indicated by the provided header
func (*BlockProcessorMock) SetConsensusData ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) SetConsensusData(randomness []byte, round uint64, epoch uint32, shardId uint32)
SetConsensusData -
func (*BlockProcessorMock) SetNumProcessedObj ¶
func (bpm *BlockProcessorMock) SetNumProcessedObj(numObj uint64)
SetNumProcessedObj -
type BlockSizeThrottlerStub ¶
type BlockSizeThrottlerStub struct { MaxItemsToAddCalled func() uint32 AddCalled func(round uint64, items uint32) SucceedCalled func(round uint64) ComputeMaxItemsCalled func() }
BlockSizeThrottlerStub -
func (*BlockSizeThrottlerStub) Add ¶
func (bsts *BlockSizeThrottlerStub) Add(round uint64, items uint32)
Add -
func (*BlockSizeThrottlerStub) ComputeMaxItems ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (bsts *BlockSizeThrottlerStub) ComputeMaxItems()
ComputeMaxItems -
func (*BlockSizeThrottlerStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (bsts *BlockSizeThrottlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*BlockSizeThrottlerStub) MaxItemsToAdd ¶ added in v1.0.11
func (bsts *BlockSizeThrottlerStub) MaxItemsToAdd() uint32
MaxItemsToAdd -
func (*BlockSizeThrottlerStub) Succeed ¶
func (bsts *BlockSizeThrottlerStub) Succeed(round uint64)
Succeed -
type BlockTrackerHandlerMock ¶
type BlockTrackerHandlerMock struct { GetSelfHeadersCalled func(headerHandler data.HeaderHandler) []*track.HeaderInfo ComputeNumPendingMiniBlocksCalled func(headers []data.HeaderHandler) ComputeLongestSelfChainCalled func() (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, []data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte) SortHeadersFromNonceCalled func(shardID uint32, nonce uint64) ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte) }
BlockTrackerHandlerMock -
func (*BlockTrackerHandlerMock) ComputeLongestSelfChain ¶
func (bthm *BlockTrackerHandlerMock) ComputeLongestSelfChain() (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, []data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte)
ComputeLongestSelfChain -
func (*BlockTrackerHandlerMock) ComputeNumPendingMiniBlocks ¶
func (bthm *BlockTrackerHandlerMock) ComputeNumPendingMiniBlocks(headers []data.HeaderHandler)
ComputeNumPendingMiniBlocks -
func (*BlockTrackerHandlerMock) GetSelfHeaders ¶
func (bthm *BlockTrackerHandlerMock) GetSelfHeaders(headerHandler data.HeaderHandler) []*track.HeaderInfo
GetSelfHeaders -
func (*BlockTrackerHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (bthm *BlockTrackerHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*BlockTrackerHandlerMock) SortHeadersFromNonce ¶
func (bthm *BlockTrackerHandlerMock) SortHeadersFromNonce(shardID uint32, nonce uint64) ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte)
SortHeadersFromNonce -
type BlockTrackerMock ¶
type BlockTrackerMock struct { AddTrackedHeaderCalled func(header data.HeaderHandler, hash []byte) AddCrossNotarizedHeaderCalled func(shardID uint32, crossNotarizedHeader data.HeaderHandler, crossNotarizedHeaderHash []byte) AddSelfNotarizedHeaderCalled func(shardID uint32, selfNotarizedHeader data.HeaderHandler, selfNotarizedHeaderHash []byte) CheckBlockAgainstFinalCalled func(headerHandler data.HeaderHandler) error CheckBlockAgainstRounderCalled func(headerHandler data.HeaderHandler) error CleanupHeadersBehindNonceCalled func(shardID uint32, selfNotarizedNonce uint64, crossNotarizedNonce uint64) ComputeLongestChainCalled func(shardID uint32, header data.HeaderHandler) ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte) ComputeLongestMetaChainFromLastNotarizedCalled func() ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte, error) ComputeLongestShardsChainsFromLastNotarizedCalled func() ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte, map[uint32][]data.HeaderHandler, error) DisplayTrackedHeadersCalled func() GetCrossNotarizedHeaderCalled func(shardID uint32, offset uint64) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error) GetFinalHeaderCalled func(shardID uint32) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error) GetLastCrossNotarizedHeaderCalled func(shardID uint32) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error) GetLastCrossNotarizedHeadersForAllShardsCalled func() (map[uint32]data.HeaderHandler, error) GetLastSelfNotarizedHeaderCalled func(shardID uint32) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error) GetTrackedHeadersCalled func(shardID uint32) ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte) GetTrackedHeadersForAllShardsCalled func() map[uint32][]data.HeaderHandler GetTrackedHeadersWithNonceCalled func(shardID uint32, nonce uint64) ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte) IsShardStuckCalled func(shardId uint32) bool RegisterCrossNotarizedHeadersHandlerCalled func(handler func(shardID uint32, headers []data.HeaderHandler, headersHashes [][]byte)) RegisterSelfNotarizedHeadersHandlerCalled func(handler func(shardID uint32, headers []data.HeaderHandler, headersHashes [][]byte)) RemoveLastNotarizedHeadersCalled func() RestoreToGenesisCalled func() // contains filtered or unexported fields }
BlockTrackerMock -
func NewBlockTrackerMock ¶
func NewBlockTrackerMock(shardCoordinator sharding.Coordinator, startHeaders map[uint32]data.HeaderHandler) *BlockTrackerMock
NewBlockTrackerMock -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) AddCrossNotarizedHeader ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) AddCrossNotarizedHeader(shardID uint32, crossNotarizedHeader data.HeaderHandler, crossNotarizedHeaderHash []byte)
AddCrossNotarizedHeader -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) AddSelfNotarizedHeader ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) AddSelfNotarizedHeader(shardID uint32, selfNotarizedHeader data.HeaderHandler, selfNotarizedHeaderHash []byte)
AddSelfNotarizedHeader -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) AddTrackedHeader ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) AddTrackedHeader(header data.HeaderHandler, hash []byte)
AddTrackedHeader -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) CheckBlockAgainstFinal ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) CheckBlockAgainstFinal(headerHandler data.HeaderHandler) error
CheckBlockAgainstFinal -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) CheckBlockAgainstRounder ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) CheckBlockAgainstRounder(headerHandler data.HeaderHandler) error
CheckBlockAgainstRounder -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) CleanupHeadersBehindNonce ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) CleanupHeadersBehindNonce(shardID uint32, selfNotarizedNonce uint64, crossNotarizedNonce uint64)
CleanupHeadersBehindNonce -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) ComputeLongestChain ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) ComputeLongestChain(shardID uint32, header data.HeaderHandler) ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte)
ComputeLongestChain -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) ComputeLongestMetaChainFromLastNotarized ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) ComputeLongestMetaChainFromLastNotarized() ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte, error)
ComputeLongestMetaChainFromLastNotarized -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) ComputeLongestShardsChainsFromLastNotarized ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) ComputeLongestShardsChainsFromLastNotarized() ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte, map[uint32][]data.HeaderHandler, error)
ComputeLongestShardsChainsFromLastNotarized -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) DisplayTrackedHeaders ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) DisplayTrackedHeaders()
DisplayTrackedHeaders -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) GetCrossNotarizedHeader ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) GetCrossNotarizedHeader(shardID uint32, offset uint64) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error)
GetCrossNotarizedHeader -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) GetFinalHeader ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) GetFinalHeader(shardID uint32) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error)
GetFinalHeader -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) GetLastCrossNotarizedHeader ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) GetLastCrossNotarizedHeader(shardID uint32) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error)
GetLastCrossNotarizedHeader -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) GetLastCrossNotarizedHeadersForAllShards ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) GetLastCrossNotarizedHeadersForAllShards() (map[uint32]data.HeaderHandler, error)
GetLastCrossNotarizedHeadersForAllShards -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) GetLastSelfNotarizedHeader ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) GetLastSelfNotarizedHeader(shardID uint32) (data.HeaderHandler, []byte, error)
GetLastSelfNotarizedHeader -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) GetTrackedHeaders ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) GetTrackedHeaders(shardID uint32) ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte)
GetTrackedHeaders -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) GetTrackedHeadersForAllShards ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) GetTrackedHeadersForAllShards() map[uint32][]data.HeaderHandler
GetTrackedHeadersForAllShards -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) GetTrackedHeadersWithNonce ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) GetTrackedHeadersWithNonce(shardID uint32, nonce uint64) ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte)
GetTrackedHeadersWithNonce -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) InitNotarizedHeaders ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) InitNotarizedHeaders(startHeaders map[uint32]data.HeaderHandler) error
InitNotarizedHeaders -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) IsShardStuck ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) IsShardStuck(shardId uint32) bool
IsShardStuck -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) RegisterCrossNotarizedHeadersHandler ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) RegisterCrossNotarizedHeadersHandler(handler func(shardID uint32, headers []data.HeaderHandler, headersHashes [][]byte))
RegisterCrossNotarizedHeadersHandler -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) RegisterSelfNotarizedHeadersHandler ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) RegisterSelfNotarizedHeadersHandler(handler func(shardID uint32, headers []data.HeaderHandler, headersHashes [][]byte))
RegisterSelfNotarizedHeadersHandler -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) RemoveLastNotarizedHeaders ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) RemoveLastNotarizedHeaders()
RemoveLastNotarizedHeaders -
func (*BlockTrackerMock) RestoreToGenesis ¶
func (btm *BlockTrackerMock) RestoreToGenesis()
RestoreToGenesis -
type BoostrapStorerMock ¶
type BoostrapStorerMock struct { PutCalled func(round int64, bootData bootstrapStorage.BootstrapData) error GetCalled func(round int64) (bootstrapStorage.BootstrapData, error) GetHighestRoundCalled func() int64 }
BoostrapStorerMock -
func (*BoostrapStorerMock) Get ¶
func (bsm *BoostrapStorerMock) Get(round int64) (bootstrapStorage.BootstrapData, error)
Get -
func (*BoostrapStorerMock) GetHighestRound ¶
func (bsm *BoostrapStorerMock) GetHighestRound() int64
GetHighestRound -
func (*BoostrapStorerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (bsm *BoostrapStorerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*BoostrapStorerMock) Put ¶
func (bsm *BoostrapStorerMock) Put(round int64, bootData bootstrapStorage.BootstrapData) error
Put -
func (*BoostrapStorerMock) SaveLastRound ¶
func (bsm *BoostrapStorerMock) SaveLastRound(round int64) error
SaveLastRound -
type CacherMock ¶
type CacherMock struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CacherMock -
func (*CacherMock) HasOrAdd ¶
func (cm *CacherMock) HasOrAdd(key []byte, value interface{}) (bool, bool)
HasOrAdd -
func (*CacherMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (cm *CacherMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*CacherMock) Peek ¶
func (cm *CacherMock) Peek(key []byte) (value interface{}, ok bool)
Peek -
func (*CacherMock) Put ¶
func (cm *CacherMock) Put(key []byte, value interface{}) (evicted bool)
Put -
func (*CacherMock) RegisterHandler ¶
func (cm *CacherMock) RegisterHandler(func(key []byte))
RegisterHandler -
type CacherStub ¶
type CacherStub struct { ClearCalled func() PutCalled func(key []byte, value interface{}) (evicted bool) GetCalled func(key []byte) (value interface{}, ok bool) HasCalled func(key []byte) bool PeekCalled func(key []byte) (value interface{}, ok bool) HasOrAddCalled func(key []byte, value interface{}) (ok, evicted bool) RemoveCalled func(key []byte) RemoveOldestCalled func() KeysCalled func() [][]byte LenCalled func() int MaxSizeCalled func() int RegisterHandlerCalled func(func(key []byte)) }
CacherStub -
func (*CacherStub) HasOrAdd ¶
func (cs *CacherStub) HasOrAdd(key []byte, value interface{}) (ok, evicted bool)
HasOrAdd -
func (*CacherStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (cs *CacherStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*CacherStub) Peek ¶
func (cs *CacherStub) Peek(key []byte) (value interface{}, ok bool)
Peek -
func (*CacherStub) Put ¶
func (cs *CacherStub) Put(key []byte, value interface{}) (evicted bool)
Put -
func (*CacherStub) RegisterHandler ¶
func (cs *CacherStub) RegisterHandler(handler func(key []byte))
RegisterHandler -
type ChainStorerMock ¶
type ChainStorerMock struct { AddStorerCalled func(key dataRetriever.UnitType, s storage.Storer) GetStorerCalled func(unitType dataRetriever.UnitType) storage.Storer HasCalled func(unitType dataRetriever.UnitType, key []byte) error GetCalled func(unitType dataRetriever.UnitType, key []byte) ([]byte, error) PutCalled func(unitType dataRetriever.UnitType, key []byte, value []byte) error GetAllCalled func(unitType dataRetriever.UnitType, keys [][]byte) (map[string][]byte, error) DestroyCalled func() error CloseAllCalled func() error }
ChainStorerMock is a mock implementation of the ChianStorer interface
func (*ChainStorerMock) AddStorer ¶
func (csm *ChainStorerMock) AddStorer(key dataRetriever.UnitType, s storage.Storer)
AddStorer will add a new storer to the chain map
func (*ChainStorerMock) Destroy ¶
func (csm *ChainStorerMock) Destroy() error
Destroy removes the underlying files/resources used by the storage service
func (*ChainStorerMock) Get ¶
func (csm *ChainStorerMock) Get(unitType dataRetriever.UnitType, key []byte) ([]byte, error)
Get returns the value for the given key if found in the selected storage unit, nil otherwise. It can return an error if the provided unit type is not supported or if the storage unit underlying implementation reports an error
func (*ChainStorerMock) GetAll ¶
func (csm *ChainStorerMock) GetAll(unitType dataRetriever.UnitType, keys [][]byte) (map[string][]byte, error)
GetAll gets all the elements with keys in the keys array, from the selected storage unit It can report an error if the provided unit type is not supported, if there is a missing key in the unit, or if the underlying implementation of the storage unit reports an error.
func (*ChainStorerMock) GetStorer ¶
func (csm *ChainStorerMock) GetStorer(unitType dataRetriever.UnitType) storage.Storer
GetStorer returns the storer from the chain map or nil if the storer was not found
func (*ChainStorerMock) Has ¶
func (csm *ChainStorerMock) Has(unitType dataRetriever.UnitType, key []byte) error
Has returns true if the key is found in the selected Unit or false otherwise It can return an error if the provided unit type is not supported or if the underlying implementation of the storage unit reports an error.
func (*ChainStorerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (csm *ChainStorerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*ChainStorerMock) Put ¶
func (csm *ChainStorerMock) Put(unitType dataRetriever.UnitType, key []byte, value []byte) error
Put stores the key, value pair in the selected storage unit It can return an error if the provided unit type is not supported or if the storage unit underlying implementation reports an error
type CoordinatorStub ¶
type CoordinatorStub struct { NumberOfShardsCalled func() uint32 ComputeIdCalled func(address state.AddressContainer) uint32 SelfIdCalled func() uint32 SameShardCalled func(firstAddress, secondAddress state.AddressContainer) bool CommunicationIdentifierCalled func(destShardID uint32) string }
CoordinatorStub -
func (*CoordinatorStub) CommunicationIdentifier ¶
func (coordinator *CoordinatorStub) CommunicationIdentifier(destShardID uint32) string
CommunicationIdentifier -
func (*CoordinatorStub) ComputeId ¶
func (coordinator *CoordinatorStub) ComputeId(address state.AddressContainer) uint32
ComputeId -
func (*CoordinatorStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (coordinator *CoordinatorStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*CoordinatorStub) NumberOfShards ¶
func (coordinator *CoordinatorStub) NumberOfShards() uint32
NumberOfShards -
func (*CoordinatorStub) SameShard ¶
func (coordinator *CoordinatorStub) SameShard(firstAddress, secondAddress state.AddressContainer) bool
SameShard -
type EpochStartTriggerStub ¶
type EpochStartTriggerStub struct { ForceEpochStartCalled func(round uint64) error IsEpochStartCalled func() bool EpochCalled func() uint32 ReceivedHeaderCalled func(handler data.HeaderHandler) UpdateCalled func(round uint64) ProcessedCalled func(header data.HeaderHandler) EpochStartRoundCalled func() uint64 }
EpochStartTriggerStub -
func (*EpochStartTriggerStub) EpochFinalityAttestingRound ¶
func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) EpochFinalityAttestingRound() uint64
EpochFinalityAttestingRound -
func (*EpochStartTriggerStub) EpochStartMetaHdrHash ¶
func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) EpochStartMetaHdrHash() []byte
EpochStartMetaHdrHash -
func (*EpochStartTriggerStub) EpochStartRound ¶
func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) EpochStartRound() uint64
EpochStartRound -
func (*EpochStartTriggerStub) ForceEpochStart ¶
func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) ForceEpochStart(round uint64) error
ForceEpochStart -
func (*EpochStartTriggerStub) IsEpochStart ¶
func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) IsEpochStart() bool
IsEpochStart -
func (*EpochStartTriggerStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*EpochStartTriggerStub) NotifyAll ¶
func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) NotifyAll(_ data.HeaderHandler)
NotifyAll -
func (*EpochStartTriggerStub) ReceivedHeader ¶
func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) ReceivedHeader(header data.HeaderHandler)
ReceivedHeader -
func (*EpochStartTriggerStub) SetCurrentEpochStartRound ¶
func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) SetCurrentEpochStartRound(_ uint64)
SetCurrentEpochStartRound -
func (*EpochStartTriggerStub) SetFinalityAttestingRound ¶
func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) SetFinalityAttestingRound(_ uint64)
SetFinalityAttestingRound -
func (*EpochStartTriggerStub) SetProcessed ¶
func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) SetProcessed(header data.HeaderHandler)
SetProcessed -
func (*EpochStartTriggerStub) Update ¶
func (e *EpochStartTriggerStub) Update(round uint64)
Update -
type FeeHandlerStub ¶
type FeeHandlerStub struct { SetMaxGasLimitPerBlockCalled func(maxGasLimitPerBlock uint64) SetMinGasPriceCalled func(minGasPrice uint64) SetMinGasLimitCalled func(minGasLimit uint64) MaxGasLimitPerBlockCalled func() uint64 ComputeGasLimitCalled func(tx process.TransactionWithFeeHandler) uint64 ComputeFeeCalled func(tx process.TransactionWithFeeHandler) *big.Int CheckValidityTxValuesCalled func(tx process.TransactionWithFeeHandler) error }
FeeHandlerStub -
func (*FeeHandlerStub) CheckValidityTxValues ¶
func (fhs *FeeHandlerStub) CheckValidityTxValues(tx process.TransactionWithFeeHandler) error
CheckValidityTxValues -
func (*FeeHandlerStub) ComputeFee ¶
func (fhs *FeeHandlerStub) ComputeFee(tx process.TransactionWithFeeHandler) *big.Int
ComputeFee -
func (*FeeHandlerStub) ComputeGasLimit ¶
func (fhs *FeeHandlerStub) ComputeGasLimit(tx process.TransactionWithFeeHandler) uint64
ComputeGasLimit -
func (*FeeHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (fhs *FeeHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*FeeHandlerStub) MaxGasLimitPerBlock ¶
func (fhs *FeeHandlerStub) MaxGasLimitPerBlock() uint64
MaxGasLimitPerBlock -
func (*FeeHandlerStub) SetMaxGasLimitPerBlock ¶
func (fhs *FeeHandlerStub) SetMaxGasLimitPerBlock(maxGasLimitPerBlock uint64)
SetMaxGasLimitPerBlock -
func (*FeeHandlerStub) SetMinGasLimit ¶
func (fhs *FeeHandlerStub) SetMinGasLimit(minGasLimit uint64)
SetMinGasLimit -
func (*FeeHandlerStub) SetMinGasPrice ¶
func (fhs *FeeHandlerStub) SetMinGasPrice(minGasPrice uint64)
SetMinGasPrice -
type ForkDetectorMock ¶
type ForkDetectorMock struct { AddHeaderCalled func(header data.HeaderHandler, hash []byte, state process.BlockHeaderState, selfNotarizedHeaders []data.HeaderHandler, selfNotarizedHeadersHashes [][]byte) error RemoveHeaderCalled func(nonce uint64, hash []byte) CheckForkCalled func() *process.ForkInfo GetHighestFinalBlockNonceCalled func() uint64 GetHighestFinalBlockHashCalled func() []byte ProbableHighestNonceCalled func() uint64 ResetForkCalled func() GetNotarizedHeaderHashCalled func(nonce uint64) []byte SetRollBackNonceCalled func(nonce uint64) RestoreToGenesisCalled func() ResetProbableHighestNonceCalled func() }
ForkDetectorMock -
func (*ForkDetectorMock) AddHeader ¶
func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) AddHeader(header data.HeaderHandler, hash []byte, state process.BlockHeaderState, selfNotarizedHeaders []data.HeaderHandler, selfNotarizedHeadersHashes [][]byte) error
AddHeader -
func (*ForkDetectorMock) CheckFork ¶
func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) CheckFork() *process.ForkInfo
CheckFork -
func (*ForkDetectorMock) GetHighestFinalBlockHash ¶
func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) GetHighestFinalBlockHash() []byte
GetHighestFinalBlockHash -
func (*ForkDetectorMock) GetHighestFinalBlockNonce ¶
func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) GetHighestFinalBlockNonce() uint64
GetHighestFinalBlockNonce -
func (*ForkDetectorMock) GetNotarizedHeaderHash ¶
func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) GetNotarizedHeaderHash(nonce uint64) []byte
GetNotarizedHeaderHash -
func (*ForkDetectorMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*ForkDetectorMock) ProbableHighestNonce ¶
func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) ProbableHighestNonce() uint64
ProbableHighestNonce -
func (*ForkDetectorMock) RemoveHeader ¶
func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) RemoveHeader(nonce uint64, hash []byte)
RemoveHeader -
func (*ForkDetectorMock) ResetProbableHighestNonce ¶
func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) ResetProbableHighestNonce()
ResetProbableHighestNonce -
func (*ForkDetectorMock) RestoreToGenesis ¶
func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) RestoreToGenesis()
RestoreToGenesis -
func (*ForkDetectorMock) SetRollBackNonce ¶
func (fdm *ForkDetectorMock) SetRollBackNonce(nonce uint64)
SetRollBackNonce -
type GasHandlerMock ¶
type GasHandlerMock struct { InitCalled func() SetGasConsumedCalled func(gasConsumed uint64, hash []byte) SetGasRefundedCalled func(gasRefunded uint64, hash []byte) GasConsumedCalled func(hash []byte) uint64 GasRefundedCalled func(hash []byte) uint64 TotalGasConsumedCalled func() uint64 TotalGasRefundedCalled func() uint64 RemoveGasConsumedCalled func(hashes [][]byte) RemoveGasRefundedCalled func(hashes [][]byte) ComputeGasConsumedByMiniBlockCalled func(miniBlock *block.MiniBlock, mapHashTx map[string]data.TransactionHandler) (uint64, uint64, error) ComputeGasConsumedByTxCalled func(txSenderShardId uint32, txReceiverSharedId uint32, txHandler data.TransactionHandler) (uint64, uint64, error) }
GasHandlerMock -
func (*GasHandlerMock) ComputeGasConsumedByMiniBlock ¶
func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) ComputeGasConsumedByMiniBlock(miniBlock *block.MiniBlock, mapHashTx map[string]data.TransactionHandler) (uint64, uint64, error)
ComputeGasConsumedByMiniBlock -
func (*GasHandlerMock) ComputeGasConsumedByTx ¶
func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) ComputeGasConsumedByTx(txSenderShardId uint32, txReceiverShardId uint32, txHandler data.TransactionHandler) (uint64, uint64, error)
ComputeGasConsumedByTx -
func (*GasHandlerMock) GasConsumed ¶
func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) GasConsumed(hash []byte) uint64
GasConsumed -
func (*GasHandlerMock) GasRefunded ¶
func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) GasRefunded(hash []byte) uint64
GasRefunded -
func (*GasHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*GasHandlerMock) RemoveGasConsumed ¶
func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) RemoveGasConsumed(hashes [][]byte)
RemoveGasConsumed -
func (*GasHandlerMock) RemoveGasRefunded ¶
func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) RemoveGasRefunded(hashes [][]byte)
RemoveGasRefunded -
func (*GasHandlerMock) SetGasConsumed ¶
func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) SetGasConsumed(gasConsumed uint64, hash []byte)
SetGasConsumed -
func (*GasHandlerMock) SetGasRefunded ¶
func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) SetGasRefunded(gasRefunded uint64, hash []byte)
SetGasRefunded -
func (*GasHandlerMock) TotalGasConsumed ¶
func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) TotalGasConsumed() uint64
TotalGasConsumed -
func (*GasHandlerMock) TotalGasRefunded ¶
func (ghm *GasHandlerMock) TotalGasRefunded() uint64
TotalGasRefunded -
type GetHdrHandlerStub ¶
type GetHdrHandlerStub struct {
HeaderHandlerCalled func() data.HeaderHandler
GetHdrHandlerStub -
func (*GetHdrHandlerStub) HeaderHandler ¶
func (ghhs *GetHdrHandlerStub) HeaderHandler() data.HeaderHandler
HeaderHandler -
type HasherMock ¶
type HasherMock struct { }
HasherMock that will be used for testing
func (HasherMock) Compute ¶
func (sha HasherMock) Compute(s string) []byte
Compute will output the SHA's equivalent of the input string
func (HasherMock) EmptyHash ¶
func (sha HasherMock) EmptyHash() []byte
EmptyHash will return the equivalent of empty string SHA's
func (HasherMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (sha HasherMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
type HasherStub ¶
HasherStub -
func (*HasherStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (hash *HasherStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
type HeaderHandlerStub ¶
type HeaderHandlerStub struct { GetMiniBlockHeadersWithDstCalled func(destId uint32) map[string]uint32 GetPubKeysBitmapCalled func() []byte GetSignatureCalled func() []byte GetRootHashCalled func() []byte GetRandSeedCalled func() []byte GetPrevRandSeedCalled func() []byte GetPrevHashCalled func() []byte CloneCalled func() data.HeaderHandler GetChainIDCalled func() []byte CheckChainIDCalled func(reference []byte) error }
HeaderHandlerStub -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) CheckChainID ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) CheckChainID(reference []byte) error
CheckChainID -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) GetChainID ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetChainID() []byte
GetChainID -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) GetLeaderSignature ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetLeaderSignature() []byte
GetLeaderSignature -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) GetMiniBlockHeadersWithDst ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetMiniBlockHeadersWithDst(destId uint32) map[string]uint32
GetMiniBlockHeadersWithDst -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) GetMiniBlockProcessed ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetMiniBlockProcessed(_ []byte) bool
GetMiniBlockProcessed -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) GetPrevHash ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetPrevHash() []byte
GetPrevHash -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) GetPrevRandSeed ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetPrevRandSeed() []byte
GetPrevRandSeed -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) GetPubKeysBitmap ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetPubKeysBitmap() []byte
GetPubKeysBitmap -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) GetRandSeed ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetRandSeed() []byte
GetRandSeed -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) GetReceiptsHash ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetReceiptsHash() []byte
GetReceiptsHash -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) GetRootHash ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetRootHash() []byte
GetRootHash -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) GetShardID ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetShardID() uint32
GetShardID -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) GetSignature ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetSignature() []byte
GetSignature -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) GetTimeStamp ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetTimeStamp() uint64
GetTimeStamp -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) GetTxCount ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetTxCount() uint32
GetTxCount -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) GetValidatorStatsRootHash ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) GetValidatorStatsRootHash() []byte
GetValidatorStatsRootHash -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) IsStartOfEpochBlock ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) IsStartOfEpochBlock() bool
IsStartOfEpochBlock -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) ItemsInBody ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) ItemsInBody() uint32
ItemsInBody -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) ItemsInHeader ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) ItemsInHeader() uint32
ItemsInHeader -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) SetChainID ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetChainID(_ []byte)
SetChainID -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) SetLeaderSignature ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetLeaderSignature(_ []byte)
SetLeaderSignature -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) SetMiniBlockProcessed ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetMiniBlockProcessed(_ []byte, _ bool)
SetMiniBlockProcessed -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) SetPrevHash ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetPrevHash(_ []byte)
SetPrevHash -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) SetPrevRandSeed ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetPrevRandSeed(_ []byte)
SetPrevRandSeed -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) SetPubKeysBitmap ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetPubKeysBitmap(_ []byte)
SetPubKeysBitmap -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) SetRandSeed ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetRandSeed(_ []byte)
SetRandSeed -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) SetRootHash ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetRootHash(_ []byte)
SetRootHash -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) SetShardID ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetShardID(shId uint32)
SetShardID -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) SetSignature ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetSignature(_ []byte)
SetSignature -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) SetTimeStamp ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetTimeStamp(_ uint64)
SetTimeStamp -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) SetTxCount ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetTxCount(_ uint32)
SetTxCount -
func (*HeaderHandlerStub) SetValidatorStatsRootHash ¶
func (hhs *HeaderHandlerStub) SetValidatorStatsRootHash(_ []byte)
SetValidatorStatsRootHash -
type HeaderResolverMock ¶
type HeaderResolverMock struct { RequestDataFromHashCalled func(hash []byte, epoch uint32) error ProcessReceivedMessageCalled func(message p2p.MessageP2P) error RequestDataFromNonceCalled func(nonce uint64, epoch uint32) error RequestDataFromEpochCalled func(identifier []byte) error SetEpochHandlerCalled func(epochHandler dataRetriever.EpochHandler) error }
HeaderResolverMock -
func (*HeaderResolverMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (hrm *HeaderResolverMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*HeaderResolverMock) ProcessReceivedMessage ¶
func (hrm *HeaderResolverMock) ProcessReceivedMessage(message p2p.MessageP2P, _ func(buffToSend []byte)) error
ProcessReceivedMessage -
func (*HeaderResolverMock) RequestDataFromEpoch ¶
func (hrm *HeaderResolverMock) RequestDataFromEpoch(identifier []byte) error
RequestDataFromEpoch -
func (*HeaderResolverMock) RequestDataFromHash ¶
func (hrm *HeaderResolverMock) RequestDataFromHash(hash []byte, epoch uint32) error
RequestDataFromHash -
func (*HeaderResolverMock) RequestDataFromNonce ¶
func (hrm *HeaderResolverMock) RequestDataFromNonce(nonce uint64, epoch uint32) error
RequestDataFromNonce -
func (*HeaderResolverMock) SetEpochHandler ¶
func (hrm *HeaderResolverMock) SetEpochHandler(epochHandler dataRetriever.EpochHandler) error
SetEpochHandler -
type HeaderSigVerifierStub ¶
type HeaderSigVerifierStub struct { VerifyRandSeedAndLeaderSignatureCalled func(header data.HeaderHandler) error VerifySignatureCalled func(header data.HeaderHandler) error }
HeaderSigVerifierStub -
func (*HeaderSigVerifierStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (hsvm *HeaderSigVerifierStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*HeaderSigVerifierStub) VerifyRandSeedAndLeaderSignature ¶
func (hsvm *HeaderSigVerifierStub) VerifyRandSeedAndLeaderSignature(header data.HeaderHandler) error
VerifyRandSeedAndLeaderSignature -
func (*HeaderSigVerifierStub) VerifySignature ¶
func (hsvm *HeaderSigVerifierStub) VerifySignature(header data.HeaderHandler) error
VerifySignature -
type HeaderValidatorStub ¶
type HeaderValidatorStub struct {
HeaderValidForProcessingCalled func(headerHandler process.HdrValidatorHandler) error
HeaderValidatorStub -
func (*HeaderValidatorStub) HeaderValidForProcessing ¶
func (h *HeaderValidatorStub) HeaderValidForProcessing(headerHandler process.HdrValidatorHandler) error
HeaderValidForProcessing -
func (*HeaderValidatorStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (h *HeaderValidatorStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
type HeadersCacherStub ¶
type HeadersCacherStub struct { AddCalled func(headerHash []byte, header data.HeaderHandler) RemoveHeaderByHashCalled func(headerHash []byte) RemoveHeaderByNonceAndShardIdCalled func(hdrNonce uint64, shardId uint32) GetHeaderByNonceAndShardIdCalled func(hdrNonce uint64, shardId uint32) ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte, error) GetHeaderByHashCalled func(hash []byte) (data.HeaderHandler, error) ClearCalled func() RegisterHandlerCalled func(handler func(header data.HeaderHandler, shardHeaderHash []byte)) NoncesCalled func(shardId uint32) []uint64 LenCalled func() int MaxSizeCalled func() int }
HeadersCacherStub -
func (*HeadersCacherStub) AddHeader ¶
func (hcs *HeadersCacherStub) AddHeader(headerHash []byte, header data.HeaderHandler)
AddHeader -
func (*HeadersCacherStub) GetHeaderByHash ¶
func (hcs *HeadersCacherStub) GetHeaderByHash(hash []byte) (data.HeaderHandler, error)
GetHeaderByHash -
func (*HeadersCacherStub) GetHeadersByNonceAndShardId ¶
func (hcs *HeadersCacherStub) GetHeadersByNonceAndShardId(hdrNonce uint64, shardId uint32) ([]data.HeaderHandler, [][]byte, error)
GetHeadersByNonceAndShardId -
func (*HeadersCacherStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (hcs *HeadersCacherStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*HeadersCacherStub) Nonces ¶
func (hcs *HeadersCacherStub) Nonces(shardId uint32) []uint64
Nonces -
func (*HeadersCacherStub) RegisterHandler ¶
func (hcs *HeadersCacherStub) RegisterHandler(handler func(header data.HeaderHandler, shardHeaderHash []byte))
RegisterHandler -
func (*HeadersCacherStub) RemoveHeaderByHash ¶
func (hcs *HeadersCacherStub) RemoveHeaderByHash(headerHash []byte)
RemoveHeaderByHash -
func (*HeadersCacherStub) RemoveHeaderByNonceAndShardId ¶
func (hcs *HeadersCacherStub) RemoveHeaderByNonceAndShardId(hdrNonce uint64, shardId uint32)
RemoveHeaderByNonceAndShardId -
type IndexerMock ¶
type IndexerMock struct {
SaveBlockCalled func(body data.BodyHandler, header data.HeaderHandler, txPool map[string]data.TransactionHandler)
IndexerMock is a mock implementation fot the Indexer interface
func (*IndexerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (im *IndexerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*IndexerMock) SaveBlock ¶
func (im *IndexerMock) SaveBlock(body data.BodyHandler, header data.HeaderHandler, txPool map[string]data.TransactionHandler, signersIndexes []uint64)
SaveBlock -
func (*IndexerMock) SaveMetaBlock ¶
func (im *IndexerMock) SaveMetaBlock(header data.HeaderHandler, signersIndexes []uint64)
SaveMetaBlock -
func (*IndexerMock) SaveRoundInfo ¶
func (im *IndexerMock) SaveRoundInfo(roundInfo indexer.RoundInfo)
SaveRoundInfo -
func (*IndexerMock) SaveValidatorsPubKeys ¶
func (im *IndexerMock) SaveValidatorsPubKeys(validatorsPubKeys map[uint32][][]byte)
SaveValidatorsPubKeys -
func (*IndexerMock) UpdateTPS ¶
func (im *IndexerMock) UpdateTPS(tpsBenchmark statistics.TPSBenchmark)
UpdateTPS -
type InterceptedDataFactoryStub ¶
type InterceptedDataFactoryStub struct {
CreateCalled func(buff []byte) (process.InterceptedData, error)
InterceptedDataFactoryStub -
func (*InterceptedDataFactoryStub) Create ¶
func (idfs *InterceptedDataFactoryStub) Create(buff []byte) (process.InterceptedData, error)
Create -
func (*InterceptedDataFactoryStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (idfs *InterceptedDataFactoryStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
type InterceptedDataStub ¶
type InterceptedDataStub struct { CheckValidityCalled func() error IsForCurrentShardCalled func() bool HashCalled func() []byte }
InterceptedDataStub -
func (*InterceptedDataStub) CheckValidity ¶
func (ids *InterceptedDataStub) CheckValidity() error
CheckValidity -
func (*InterceptedDataStub) IsForCurrentShard ¶
func (ids *InterceptedDataStub) IsForCurrentShard() bool
IsForCurrentShard -
func (*InterceptedDataStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (ids *InterceptedDataStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
type InterceptedTxHandlerStub ¶
type InterceptedTxHandlerStub struct { SenderShardIdCalled func() uint32 ReceiverShardIdCalled func() uint32 NonceCalled func() uint64 SenderAddressCalled func() state.AddressContainer FeeCalled func() *big.Int TransactionCalled func() data.TransactionHandler }
InterceptedTxHandlerStub -
func (*InterceptedTxHandlerStub) Nonce ¶
func (iths *InterceptedTxHandlerStub) Nonce() uint64
Nonce -
func (*InterceptedTxHandlerStub) ReceiverShardId ¶
func (iths *InterceptedTxHandlerStub) ReceiverShardId() uint32
ReceiverShardId -
func (*InterceptedTxHandlerStub) SenderAddress ¶
func (iths *InterceptedTxHandlerStub) SenderAddress() state.AddressContainer
SenderAddress -
func (*InterceptedTxHandlerStub) SenderShardId ¶
func (iths *InterceptedTxHandlerStub) SenderShardId() uint32
SenderShardId -
func (*InterceptedTxHandlerStub) Transaction ¶
func (iths *InterceptedTxHandlerStub) Transaction() data.TransactionHandler
Transaction -
type InterceptorProcessorStub ¶
type InterceptorProcessorStub struct { ValidateCalled func(data process.InterceptedData) error SaveCalled func(data process.InterceptedData) error }
InterceptorProcessorStub -
func (*InterceptorProcessorStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (ips *InterceptorProcessorStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*InterceptorProcessorStub) Save ¶
func (ips *InterceptorProcessorStub) Save(data process.InterceptedData) error
Save -
func (*InterceptorProcessorStub) SignalEndOfProcessing ¶
func (ips *InterceptorProcessorStub) SignalEndOfProcessing(data []process.InterceptedData)
SignalEndOfProcessing -
func (*InterceptorProcessorStub) Validate ¶
func (ips *InterceptorProcessorStub) Validate(data process.InterceptedData) error
Validate -
type InterceptorStub ¶
type InterceptorStub struct {
ProcessReceivedMessageCalled func(message p2p.MessageP2P, broadcastHandler func(buffToSend []byte)) error
InterceptorStub -
func (*InterceptorStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (is *InterceptorStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*InterceptorStub) ProcessReceivedMessage ¶
func (is *InterceptorStub) ProcessReceivedMessage(message p2p.MessageP2P, broadcastHandler func(buffToSend []byte)) error
ProcessReceivedMessage -
type InterceptorThrottlerStub ¶
type InterceptorThrottlerStub struct { CanProcessCalled func() bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
InterceptorThrottlerStub -
func (*InterceptorThrottlerStub) CanProcess ¶
func (its *InterceptorThrottlerStub) CanProcess() bool
CanProcess -
func (*InterceptorThrottlerStub) EndProcessing ¶
func (its *InterceptorThrottlerStub) EndProcessing()
EndProcessing -
func (*InterceptorThrottlerStub) EndProcessingCount ¶
func (its *InterceptorThrottlerStub) EndProcessingCount() int32
EndProcessingCount -
func (*InterceptorThrottlerStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (its *InterceptorThrottlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*InterceptorThrottlerStub) StartProcessing ¶
func (its *InterceptorThrottlerStub) StartProcessing()
StartProcessing -
func (*InterceptorThrottlerStub) StartProcessingCount ¶
func (its *InterceptorThrottlerStub) StartProcessingCount() int32
StartProcessingCount -
type InterimProcessorContainerMock ¶
type InterimProcessorContainerMock struct { GetCalled func(key block.Type) (process.IntermediateTransactionHandler, error) KeysCalled func() []block.Type }
InterimProcessorContainerMock -
func (*InterimProcessorContainerMock) Add ¶
func (ipcm *InterimProcessorContainerMock) Add(key block.Type, val process.IntermediateTransactionHandler) error
Add -
func (*InterimProcessorContainerMock) AddMultiple ¶
func (ipcm *InterimProcessorContainerMock) AddMultiple(keys []block.Type, preprocessors []process.IntermediateTransactionHandler) error
AddMultiple -
func (*InterimProcessorContainerMock) Get ¶
func (ipcm *InterimProcessorContainerMock) Get(key block.Type) (process.IntermediateTransactionHandler, error)
Get -
func (*InterimProcessorContainerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (ipcm *InterimProcessorContainerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*InterimProcessorContainerMock) Keys ¶
func (ipcm *InterimProcessorContainerMock) Keys() []block.Type
Keys -
func (*InterimProcessorContainerMock) Len ¶
func (ipcm *InterimProcessorContainerMock) Len() int
Len -
func (*InterimProcessorContainerMock) Remove ¶
func (ipcm *InterimProcessorContainerMock) Remove(key block.Type)
Remove -
func (*InterimProcessorContainerMock) Replace ¶
func (ipcm *InterimProcessorContainerMock) Replace(key block.Type, val process.IntermediateTransactionHandler) error
Replace -
type IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock ¶
type IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock struct { AddIntermediateTransactionsCalled func(txs []data.TransactionHandler) error CreateAllInterMiniBlocksCalled func() map[uint32]*block.MiniBlock VerifyInterMiniBlocksCalled func(body block.Body) error SaveCurrentIntermediateTxToStorageCalled func() error CreateBlockStartedCalled func() CreateMarshalizedDataCalled func(txHashes [][]byte) ([][]byte, error) GetAllCurrentFinishedTxsCalled func() map[string]data.TransactionHandler }
IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock -
func (*IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) AddIntermediateTransactions ¶
func (ith *IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) AddIntermediateTransactions(txs []data.TransactionHandler) error
AddIntermediateTransactions -
func (*IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) CreateAllInterMiniBlocks ¶
func (ith *IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) CreateAllInterMiniBlocks() map[uint32]*block.MiniBlock
CreateAllInterMiniBlocks -
func (*IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) CreateBlockStarted ¶
func (ith *IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) CreateBlockStarted()
CreateBlockStarted -
func (*IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) CreateMarshalizedData ¶
func (ith *IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) CreateMarshalizedData(txHashes [][]byte) ([][]byte, error)
CreateMarshalizedData -
func (*IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) GetAllCurrentFinishedTxs ¶
func (ith *IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) GetAllCurrentFinishedTxs() map[string]data.TransactionHandler
GetAllCurrentFinishedTxs -
func (*IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) GetCreatedInShardMiniBlock ¶
func (ith *IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) GetCreatedInShardMiniBlock() *block.MiniBlock
GetCreatedInShardMiniBlock -
func (*IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (ith *IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) SaveCurrentIntermediateTxToStorage ¶
func (ith *IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) SaveCurrentIntermediateTxToStorage() error
SaveCurrentIntermediateTxToStorage -
func (*IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) VerifyInterMiniBlocks ¶
func (ith *IntermediateTransactionHandlerMock) VerifyInterMiniBlocks(body block.Body) error
VerifyInterMiniBlocks -
type MarshalizerMock ¶
type MarshalizerMock struct {
Fail bool
MarshalizerMock that will be used for testing
func (*MarshalizerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (mm *MarshalizerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*MarshalizerMock) Marshal ¶
func (mm *MarshalizerMock) Marshal(obj interface{}) ([]byte, error)
Marshal converts the input object in a slice of bytes
func (*MarshalizerMock) Unmarshal ¶
func (mm *MarshalizerMock) Unmarshal(obj interface{}, buff []byte) error
Unmarshal applies the serialized values over an instantiated object
type MarshalizerStub ¶
type MarshalizerStub struct { MarshalCalled func(obj interface{}) ([]byte, error) UnmarshalCalled func(obj interface{}, buff []byte) error }
MarshalizerStub -
func (*MarshalizerStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (ms *MarshalizerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*MarshalizerStub) Marshal ¶
func (ms *MarshalizerStub) Marshal(obj interface{}) ([]byte, error)
Marshal -
func (*MarshalizerStub) Unmarshal ¶
func (ms *MarshalizerStub) Unmarshal(obj interface{}, buff []byte) error
Unmarshal -
type MessageHandlerStub ¶
type MessageHandlerStub struct { ConnectedPeersOnTopicCalled func(topic string) []p2p.PeerID SendToConnectedPeerCalled func(topic string, buff []byte, peerID p2p.PeerID) error }
MessageHandlerStub -
func (*MessageHandlerStub) ConnectedPeersOnTopic ¶
func (mhs *MessageHandlerStub) ConnectedPeersOnTopic(topic string) []p2p.PeerID
ConnectedPeersOnTopic -
func (*MessageHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (mhs *MessageHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*MessageHandlerStub) SendToConnectedPeer ¶
func (mhs *MessageHandlerStub) SendToConnectedPeer(topic string, buff []byte, peerID p2p.PeerID) error
SendToConnectedPeer -
type MessengerStub ¶
type MessengerStub struct { CloseCalled func() error IDCalled func() p2p.PeerID PeersCalled func() []p2p.PeerID AddressesCalled func() []string ConnectToPeerCalled func(address string) error TrimConnectionsCalled func() IsConnectedCalled func(peerID p2p.PeerID) bool ConnectedPeersCalled func() []p2p.PeerID CreateTopicCalled func(name string, createChannelForTopic bool) error HasTopicCalled func(name string) bool HasTopicValidatorCalled func(name string) bool BroadcastOnChannelCalled func(channel string, topic string, buff []byte) BroadcastCalled func(topic string, buff []byte) RegisterMessageProcessorCalled func(topic string, handler p2p.MessageProcessor) error UnregisterMessageProcessorCalled func(topic string) error SendToConnectedPeerCalled func(topic string, buff []byte, peerID p2p.PeerID) error OutgoingChannelLoadBalancerCalled func() p2p.ChannelLoadBalancer BootstrapCalled func() error }
MessengerStub -
func (*MessengerStub) Broadcast ¶
func (ms *MessengerStub) Broadcast(topic string, buff []byte)
Broadcast -
func (*MessengerStub) BroadcastOnChannel ¶
func (ms *MessengerStub) BroadcastOnChannel(channel string, topic string, buff []byte)
BroadcastOnChannel -
func (*MessengerStub) ConnectToPeer ¶
func (ms *MessengerStub) ConnectToPeer(address string) error
ConnectToPeer -
func (*MessengerStub) ConnectedPeers ¶
func (ms *MessengerStub) ConnectedPeers() []p2p.PeerID
ConnectedPeers -
func (*MessengerStub) CreateTopic ¶
func (ms *MessengerStub) CreateTopic(name string, createChannelForTopic bool) error
CreateTopic -
func (*MessengerStub) HasTopicValidator ¶
func (ms *MessengerStub) HasTopicValidator(name string) bool
HasTopicValidator -
func (*MessengerStub) IsConnected ¶
func (ms *MessengerStub) IsConnected(peerID p2p.PeerID) bool
IsConnected -
func (*MessengerStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (ms *MessengerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*MessengerStub) OutgoingChannelLoadBalancer ¶
func (ms *MessengerStub) OutgoingChannelLoadBalancer() p2p.ChannelLoadBalancer
OutgoingChannelLoadBalancer -
func (*MessengerStub) RegisterMessageProcessor ¶
func (ms *MessengerStub) RegisterMessageProcessor(topic string, handler p2p.MessageProcessor) error
RegisterMessageProcessor -
func (*MessengerStub) SendToConnectedPeer ¶
SendToConnectedPeer -
func (*MessengerStub) TrimConnections ¶
func (ms *MessengerStub) TrimConnections()
TrimConnections -
func (*MessengerStub) UnregisterMessageProcessor ¶
func (ms *MessengerStub) UnregisterMessageProcessor(topic string) error
UnregisterMessageProcessor -
type MiniBlocksCompacterMock ¶ added in v1.0.36
type MiniBlocksCompacterMock struct { CompactCalled func(block.MiniBlockSlice, map[string]data.TransactionHandler) block.MiniBlockSlice ExpandCalled func(block.MiniBlockSlice, map[string]data.TransactionHandler) (block.MiniBlockSlice, error) }
MiniBlocksCompacterMock -
func (*MiniBlocksCompacterMock) Compact ¶ added in v1.0.36
func (mbcm *MiniBlocksCompacterMock) Compact(miniBlocks block.MiniBlockSlice, mapHashesAndTxs map[string]data.TransactionHandler) block.MiniBlockSlice
Compact -
func (*MiniBlocksCompacterMock) Expand ¶ added in v1.0.36
func (mbcm *MiniBlocksCompacterMock) Expand(miniBlocks block.MiniBlockSlice, mapHashesAndTxs map[string]data.TransactionHandler) (block.MiniBlockSlice, error)
Expand -
func (*MiniBlocksCompacterMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶ added in v1.0.36
func (mbcm *MiniBlocksCompacterMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
type MiniBlocksResolverMock ¶
type MiniBlocksResolverMock struct { RequestDataFromHashCalled func(hash []byte, epoch uint32) error RequestDataFromHashArrayCalled func(hashes [][]byte, epoch uint32) error ProcessReceivedMessageCalled func(message p2p.MessageP2P) error GetMiniBlocksCalled func(hashes [][]byte) (block.MiniBlockSlice, [][]byte) GetMiniBlocksFromPoolCalled func(hashes [][]byte) (block.MiniBlockSlice, [][]byte) }
MiniBlocksResolverMock -
func (*MiniBlocksResolverMock) GetMiniBlocks ¶
func (hrm *MiniBlocksResolverMock) GetMiniBlocks(hashes [][]byte) (block.MiniBlockSlice, [][]byte)
GetMiniBlocks -
func (*MiniBlocksResolverMock) GetMiniBlocksFromPool ¶
func (hrm *MiniBlocksResolverMock) GetMiniBlocksFromPool(hashes [][]byte) (block.MiniBlockSlice, [][]byte)
GetMiniBlocksFromPool -
func (*MiniBlocksResolverMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (hrm *MiniBlocksResolverMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*MiniBlocksResolverMock) ProcessReceivedMessage ¶
func (hrm *MiniBlocksResolverMock) ProcessReceivedMessage(message p2p.MessageP2P, _ func(buffToSend []byte)) error
ProcessReceivedMessage -
func (*MiniBlocksResolverMock) RequestDataFromHash ¶
func (hrm *MiniBlocksResolverMock) RequestDataFromHash(hash []byte, epoch uint32) error
RequestDataFromHash -
func (*MiniBlocksResolverMock) RequestDataFromHashArray ¶
func (hrm *MiniBlocksResolverMock) RequestDataFromHashArray(hashes [][]byte, epoch uint32) error
RequestDataFromHashArray -
type NetworkConnectionWatcherStub ¶
type NetworkConnectionWatcherStub struct {
IsConnectedToTheNetworkCalled func() bool
NetworkConnectionWatcherStub -
func (*NetworkConnectionWatcherStub) IsConnectedToTheNetwork ¶
func (cws *NetworkConnectionWatcherStub) IsConnectedToTheNetwork() bool
IsConnectedToTheNetwork -
func (*NetworkConnectionWatcherStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (cws *NetworkConnectionWatcherStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
type NodesCoordinatorMock ¶
type NodesCoordinatorMock struct { Validators map[uint32][]sharding.Validator ShardConsensusSize uint32 MetaConsensusSize uint32 ShardId uint32 NbShards uint32 GetSelectedPublicKeysCalled func(selection []byte, shardId uint32) (publicKeys []string, err error) GetValidatorsPublicKeysCalled func(randomness []byte, round uint64, shardId uint32) ([]string, error) GetValidatorsRewardsAddressesCalled func(randomness []byte, round uint64, shardId uint32) ([]string, error) LoadNodesPerShardsCalled func(nodes map[uint32][]sharding.Validator) error ComputeValidatorsGroupCalled func(randomness []byte, round uint64, shardId uint32) (validatorsGroup []sharding.Validator, err error) GetValidatorWithPublicKeyCalled func(publicKey []byte) (validator sharding.Validator, shardId uint32, err error) GetAllValidatorsPublicKeysCalled func() map[uint32][][]byte ConsensusGroupSizeCalled func(uint32) int }
NodesCoordinator defines the behaviour of a struct able to do validator group selection
func NewNodesCoordinatorMock ¶
func NewNodesCoordinatorMock() *NodesCoordinatorMock
NewNodesCoordinatorMock -
func (*NodesCoordinatorMock) ComputeValidatorsGroup ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) ComputeValidatorsGroup( randomess []byte, round uint64, shardId uint32, ) ([]sharding.Validator, error)
ComputeValidatorsGroup -
func (*NodesCoordinatorMock) ConsensusGroupSize ¶
func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) ConsensusGroupSize(shardId uint32) int
ConsensusGroupSize -
func (*NodesCoordinatorMock) GetAllValidatorsPublicKeys ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) GetAllValidatorsPublicKeys() map[uint32][][]byte
GetAllValidatorsPublicKeys -
func (*NodesCoordinatorMock) GetOwnPublicKey ¶
func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) GetOwnPublicKey() []byte
GetOwnPublicKey -
func (*NodesCoordinatorMock) GetSelectedPublicKeys ¶
func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) GetSelectedPublicKeys(selection []byte, shardId uint32) (publicKeys []string, err error)
GetSelectedPublicKeys -
func (*NodesCoordinatorMock) GetValidatorWithPublicKey ¶
func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) GetValidatorWithPublicKey(publicKey []byte) (sharding.Validator, uint32, error)
GetValidatorWithPublicKey -
func (*NodesCoordinatorMock) GetValidatorsIndexes ¶
func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) GetValidatorsIndexes([]string) []uint64
GetValidatorsIndexes -
func (*NodesCoordinatorMock) GetValidatorsPublicKeys ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) GetValidatorsPublicKeys( randomness []byte, round uint64, shardId uint32, ) ([]string, error)
GetValidatorsPublicKeys -
func (*NodesCoordinatorMock) GetValidatorsRewardsAddresses ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) GetValidatorsRewardsAddresses( randomness []byte, round uint64, shardId uint32, ) ([]string, error)
GetValidatorsRewardsAddresses -
func (*NodesCoordinatorMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*NodesCoordinatorMock) SetNodesPerShards ¶
func (ncm *NodesCoordinatorMock) SetNodesPerShards(nodes map[uint32][]sharding.Validator) error
SetNodesPerShards -
type ObjectsContainerStub ¶
type ObjectsContainerStub struct { GetCalled func(key string) (interface{}, error) AddCalled func(key string, val interface{}) error ReplaceCalled func(key string, val interface{}) error RemoveCalled func(key string) LenCalled func() int }
ObjectsContainerStub -
func (*ObjectsContainerStub) Add ¶
func (ocs *ObjectsContainerStub) Add(key string, val interface{}) error
Add -
func (*ObjectsContainerStub) Get ¶
func (ocs *ObjectsContainerStub) Get(key string) (interface{}, error)
Get -
func (*ObjectsContainerStub) Replace ¶
func (ocs *ObjectsContainerStub) Replace(key string, val interface{}) error
Replace -
type P2PMessageMock ¶
type P2PMessageMock struct { FromField []byte DataField []byte SeqNoField []byte TopicIDsField []string SignatureField []byte KeyField []byte PeerField p2p.PeerID }
P2PMessageMock -
func (*P2PMessageMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (msg *P2PMessageMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*P2PMessageMock) TopicIDs ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (msg *P2PMessageMock) TopicIDs() []string
TopicIDs -
type PeerAccountHandlerMock ¶
type PeerAccountHandlerMock struct { MockValue int SetNonceWithJournalCalled func(nonce uint64) error SetCodeHashWithJournalCalled func(codeHash []byte) error SetRootHashWithJournalCalled func([]byte) error RatingCalled func() uint32 SetCodeWithJournalCalled func(codeHash []byte) error SetRatingWithJournalCalled func(rating uint32) error GetTempRatingCalled func() uint32 SetTempRatingWithJournalCalled func(rating uint32) error IncreaseLeaderSuccessRateWithJournalCalled func(value uint32) error DecreaseLeaderSuccessRateWithJournalCalled func(value uint32) error IncreaseValidatorSuccessRateWithJournalCalled func(value uint32) error DecreaseValidatorSuccessRateWithJournalCalled func(value uint32) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PeerAccountHandlerMock -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) AddressContainer ¶
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) AddressContainer() state.AddressContainer
AddressContainer -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) DataTrie ¶
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) DataTrie() data.Trie
DataTrie -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) DataTrieTracker ¶
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) DataTrieTracker() state.DataTrieTracker
DataTrieTracker -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) DecreaseLeaderSuccessRateWithJournal ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) DecreaseLeaderSuccessRateWithJournal(value uint32) error
DecreaseLeaderSuccessRateWithJournal -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) DecreaseValidatorSuccessRateWithJournal ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) DecreaseValidatorSuccessRateWithJournal(value uint32) error
DecreaseValidatorSuccessRateWithJournal -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) GetCode ¶
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) GetCode() []byte
GetCode -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) GetCodeHash ¶
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) GetCodeHash() []byte
GetCodeHash -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) GetNonce ¶
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) GetNonce() uint64
GetNonce -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) GetRating ¶
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) GetRating() uint32
GetRating -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) GetRootHash ¶
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) GetRootHash() []byte
GetRootHash -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) GetTempRating ¶
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) GetTempRating() uint32
GetTempRating -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) IncreaseLeaderSuccessRateWithJournal ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) IncreaseLeaderSuccessRateWithJournal(value uint32) error
IncreaseLeaderSuccessRateWithJournal -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) IncreaseValidatorSuccessRateWithJournal ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) IncreaseValidatorSuccessRateWithJournal(value uint32) error
IncreaseValidatorSuccessRateWithJournal -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetCode ¶
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetCode(code []byte)
SetCode -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetCodeHash ¶
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetCodeHash(codeHash []byte)
SetCodeHash -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetCodeHashWithJournal ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetCodeHashWithJournal(codeHash []byte) error
SetCodeHashWithJournal -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetDataTrie ¶
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetDataTrie(trie data.Trie)
SetDataTrie -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetDataTrieTracker ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetDataTrieTracker(tracker state.DataTrieTracker)
SetDataTrieTracker -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetNonce ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetNonce(nonce uint64)
SetNonce -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetNonceWithJournal ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetNonceWithJournal(nonce uint64) error
SetNonceWithJournal -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetRatingWithJournal ¶ added in v1.0.67
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetRatingWithJournal(rating uint32) error
SetRatingWithJournal -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetRootHash ¶
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetRootHash(rootHash []byte)
SetRootHash -
func (*PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetTempRatingWithJournal ¶ added in v1.0.67
func (pahm *PeerAccountHandlerMock) SetTempRatingWithJournal(rating uint32) error
SetTempRatingWithJournal -
type PeerChangesHandler ¶
type PeerChangesHandler struct { PeerChangesCalled func() []block.PeerData VerifyPeerChangesCalled func(peerChanges []block.PeerData) error }
PeerChangesHandler -
func (*PeerChangesHandler) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (p *PeerChangesHandler) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*PeerChangesHandler) PeerChanges ¶
func (p *PeerChangesHandler) PeerChanges() []block.PeerData
PeerChanges -
func (*PeerChangesHandler) VerifyPeerChanges ¶
func (p *PeerChangesHandler) VerifyPeerChanges(peerChanges []block.PeerData) error
VerifyPeerChanges -
type PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub ¶
type PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub struct { PendingMiniBlockHeadersCalled func(lastNotarizedHeaders []data.HeaderHandler) ([]block.ShardMiniBlockHeader, error) AddProcessedHeaderCalled func(handler data.HeaderHandler) error RevertHeaderCalled func(handler data.HeaderHandler) error GetNumPendingMiniBlocksCalled func(shardID uint32) uint32 SetNumPendingMiniBlocksCalled func(shardID uint32, numPendingMiniBlocks uint32) }
PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub -
func (*PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub) AddProcessedHeader ¶
func (p *PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub) AddProcessedHeader(handler data.HeaderHandler) error
AddProcessedHeader -
func (*PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub) GetNumPendingMiniBlocks ¶ added in v1.0.82
func (p *PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub) GetNumPendingMiniBlocks(shardID uint32) uint32
GetNumPendingMiniBlocks -
func (*PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (p *PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub) PendingMiniBlockHeaders ¶ added in v1.0.67
func (p *PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub) PendingMiniBlockHeaders(lastNotarizedHeaders []data.HeaderHandler) ([]block.ShardMiniBlockHeader, error)
PendingMiniBlockHeaders -
func (*PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub) RevertHeader ¶
func (p *PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub) RevertHeader(handler data.HeaderHandler) error
RevertHeader -
func (*PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub) SetNumPendingMiniBlocks ¶ added in v1.0.82
func (p *PendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub) SetNumPendingMiniBlocks(shardID uint32, numPendingMiniBlocks uint32)
SetNumPendingMiniBlocks -
type PoolsHolderMock ¶
type PoolsHolderMock struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PoolsHolderMock -
func (*PoolsHolderMock) CurrentBlockTxs ¶
func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) CurrentBlockTxs() dataRetriever.TransactionCacher
CurrentBlockTxs -
func (*PoolsHolderMock) Headers ¶
func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) Headers() dataRetriever.HeadersPool
Headers -
func (*PoolsHolderMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*PoolsHolderMock) MiniBlocks ¶
func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) MiniBlocks() storage.Cacher
MiniBlocks -
func (*PoolsHolderMock) PeerChangesBlocks ¶
func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) PeerChangesBlocks() storage.Cacher
PeerChangesBlocks -
func (*PoolsHolderMock) RewardTransactions ¶
func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) RewardTransactions() dataRetriever.ShardedDataCacherNotifier
RewardTransactions -
func (*PoolsHolderMock) SetTransactions ¶
func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) SetTransactions(transactions dataRetriever.ShardedDataCacherNotifier)
SetTransactions -
func (*PoolsHolderMock) SetUnsignedTransactions ¶
func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) SetUnsignedTransactions(scrs dataRetriever.ShardedDataCacherNotifier)
SetUnsignedTransactions -
func (*PoolsHolderMock) Transactions ¶
func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) Transactions() dataRetriever.ShardedDataCacherNotifier
Transactions -
func (*PoolsHolderMock) TrieNodes ¶
func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) TrieNodes() storage.Cacher
TrieNodes -
func (*PoolsHolderMock) UnsignedTransactions ¶
func (phm *PoolsHolderMock) UnsignedTransactions() dataRetriever.ShardedDataCacherNotifier
UnsignedTransactions -
type PoolsHolderStub ¶
type PoolsHolderStub struct { HeadersCalled func() dataRetriever.HeadersPool PeerChangesBlocksCalled func() storage.Cacher TransactionsCalled func() dataRetriever.ShardedDataCacherNotifier UnsignedTransactionsCalled func() dataRetriever.ShardedDataCacherNotifier RewardTransactionsCalled func() dataRetriever.ShardedDataCacherNotifier MiniBlocksCalled func() storage.Cacher MetaBlocksCalled func() storage.Cacher TrieNodesCalled func() storage.Cacher CurrBlockTxsCalled func() dataRetriever.TransactionCacher }
PoolsHolderStub -
func (*PoolsHolderStub) CurrentBlockTxs ¶
func (phs *PoolsHolderStub) CurrentBlockTxs() dataRetriever.TransactionCacher
CurrentBlockTxs -
func (*PoolsHolderStub) Headers ¶
func (phs *PoolsHolderStub) Headers() dataRetriever.HeadersPool
Headers -
func (*PoolsHolderStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (phs *PoolsHolderStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*PoolsHolderStub) MetaBlocks ¶
func (phs *PoolsHolderStub) MetaBlocks() storage.Cacher
MetaBlocks -
func (*PoolsHolderStub) MiniBlocks ¶
func (phs *PoolsHolderStub) MiniBlocks() storage.Cacher
MiniBlocks -
func (*PoolsHolderStub) PeerChangesBlocks ¶
func (phs *PoolsHolderStub) PeerChangesBlocks() storage.Cacher
PeerChangesBlocks -
func (*PoolsHolderStub) RewardTransactions ¶
func (phs *PoolsHolderStub) RewardTransactions() dataRetriever.ShardedDataCacherNotifier
RewardTransactions -
func (*PoolsHolderStub) Transactions ¶
func (phs *PoolsHolderStub) Transactions() dataRetriever.ShardedDataCacherNotifier
Transactions -
func (*PoolsHolderStub) TrieNodes ¶
func (phs *PoolsHolderStub) TrieNodes() storage.Cacher
TrieNodes -
func (*PoolsHolderStub) UnsignedTransactions ¶
func (phs *PoolsHolderStub) UnsignedTransactions() dataRetriever.ShardedDataCacherNotifier
UnsignedTransactions -
type PreProcessorContainerMock ¶
type PreProcessorContainerMock struct { GetCalled func(key block.Type) (process.PreProcessor, error) KeysCalled func() []block.Type }
PreProcessorContainerMock -
func (*PreProcessorContainerMock) Add ¶
func (ppcm *PreProcessorContainerMock) Add(key block.Type, val process.PreProcessor) error
Add -
func (*PreProcessorContainerMock) AddMultiple ¶
func (ppcm *PreProcessorContainerMock) AddMultiple(keys []block.Type, preprocessors []process.PreProcessor) error
AddMultiple -
func (*PreProcessorContainerMock) Get ¶
func (ppcm *PreProcessorContainerMock) Get(key block.Type) (process.PreProcessor, error)
Get -
func (*PreProcessorContainerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (ppcm *PreProcessorContainerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*PreProcessorContainerMock) Keys ¶
func (ppcm *PreProcessorContainerMock) Keys() []block.Type
Keys -
func (*PreProcessorContainerMock) Remove ¶
func (ppcm *PreProcessorContainerMock) Remove(key block.Type)
Remove -
func (*PreProcessorContainerMock) Replace ¶
func (ppcm *PreProcessorContainerMock) Replace(key block.Type, val process.PreProcessor) error
Replace -
type PreProcessorMock ¶
type PreProcessorMock struct { CreateBlockStartedCalled func() IsDataPreparedCalled func(requestedTxs int, haveTime func() time.Duration) error RemoveTxBlockFromPoolsCalled func(body block.Body, miniBlockPool storage.Cacher) error RestoreTxBlockIntoPoolsCalled func(body block.Body, miniBlockPool storage.Cacher) (int, error) SaveTxBlockToStorageCalled func(body block.Body) error ProcessBlockTransactionsCalled func(body block.Body, haveTime func() bool) error RequestBlockTransactionsCalled func(body block.Body) int CreateMarshalizedDataCalled func(txHashes [][]byte) ([][]byte, error) RequestTransactionsForMiniBlockCalled func(miniBlock *block.MiniBlock) int ProcessMiniBlockCalled func(miniBlock *block.MiniBlock, haveTime func() bool) error CreateAndProcessMiniBlocksCalled func(maxTxSpaceRemained uint32, maxMbSpaceRemained uint32, haveTime func() bool) (block.MiniBlockSlice, error) CreateAndProcessMiniBlockCalled func(senderShardId, receiverShardId uint32, spaceRemained int, haveTime func() bool) (*block.MiniBlock, error) GetAllCurrentUsedTxsCalled func() map[string]data.TransactionHandler }
PreProcessorMock -
func (*PreProcessorMock) CreateAndProcessMiniBlocks ¶
func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) CreateAndProcessMiniBlocks( maxTxSpaceRemained uint32, maxMbSpaceRemained uint32, haveTime func() bool, ) (block.MiniBlockSlice, error)
CreateAndProcessMiniBlocks creates miniblocks from storage and processes the reward transactions added into the miniblocks as long as it has time
func (*PreProcessorMock) CreateBlockStarted ¶
func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) CreateBlockStarted()
CreateBlockStarted -
func (*PreProcessorMock) CreateMarshalizedData ¶
func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) CreateMarshalizedData(txHashes [][]byte) ([][]byte, error)
CreateMarshalizedData -
func (*PreProcessorMock) GetAllCurrentUsedTxs ¶
func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) GetAllCurrentUsedTxs() map[string]data.TransactionHandler
GetAllCurrentUsedTxs -
func (*PreProcessorMock) IsDataPrepared ¶
func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) IsDataPrepared(requestedTxs int, haveTime func() time.Duration) error
IsDataPrepared -
func (*PreProcessorMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*PreProcessorMock) ProcessBlockTransactions ¶
func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) ProcessBlockTransactions(body block.Body, haveTime func() bool) error
ProcessBlockTransactions -
func (*PreProcessorMock) ProcessMiniBlock ¶
func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) ProcessMiniBlock(miniBlock *block.MiniBlock, haveTime func() bool) error
ProcessMiniBlock -
func (*PreProcessorMock) RemoveTxBlockFromPools ¶
func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) RemoveTxBlockFromPools(body block.Body, miniBlockPool storage.Cacher) error
RemoveTxBlockFromPools -
func (*PreProcessorMock) RequestBlockTransactions ¶
func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) RequestBlockTransactions(body block.Body) int
RequestBlockTransactions -
func (*PreProcessorMock) RequestTransactionsForMiniBlock ¶
func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) RequestTransactionsForMiniBlock(miniBlock *block.MiniBlock) int
RequestTransactionsForMiniBlock -
func (*PreProcessorMock) RestoreTxBlockIntoPools ¶
func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) RestoreTxBlockIntoPools(body block.Body, miniBlockPool storage.Cacher) (int, error)
RestoreTxBlockIntoPools -
func (*PreProcessorMock) SaveTxBlockToStorage ¶
func (ppm *PreProcessorMock) SaveTxBlockToStorage(body block.Body) error
SaveTxBlockToStorage -
type RaterMock ¶
type RaterMock struct { StartRating uint32 MinRating uint32 MaxRating uint32 IncreaseProposer uint32 DecreaseProposer uint32 IncreaseValidator uint32 DecreaseValidator uint32 GetRatingCalled func(string) uint32 GetStartRatingCalled func() uint32 ComputeIncreaseProposerCalled func(val uint32) uint32 ComputeDecreaseProposerCalled func(val uint32) uint32 ComputeIncreaseValidatorCalled func(val uint32) uint32 ComputeDecreaseValidatorCalled func(val uint32) uint32 RatingReader sharding.RatingReader }
RaterMock -
func (*RaterMock) ComputeDecreaseProposer ¶
ComputeDecreaseProposer -
func (*RaterMock) ComputeDecreaseValidator ¶
ComputeDecreaseValidator -
func (*RaterMock) ComputeIncreaseProposer ¶
ComputeIncreaseProposer -
func (*RaterMock) ComputeIncreaseValidator ¶
ComputeIncreaseValidator -
func (*RaterMock) GetRatings ¶ added in v1.0.67
GetRatings -
func (*RaterMock) SetRatingReader ¶
func (rm *RaterMock) SetRatingReader(reader sharding.RatingReader)
SetRatingReader -
type RatingReaderMock ¶
type RatingReaderMock struct { GetRatingCalled func(string) uint32 GetRatingsCalled func([]string) map[string]uint32 RatingsMap map[string]uint32 }
RatingReaderMock -
func (*RatingReaderMock) GetRating ¶
func (rrm *RatingReaderMock) GetRating(pk string) uint32
GetRating -
func (*RatingReaderMock) GetRatings ¶ added in v1.0.67
func (rrm *RatingReaderMock) GetRatings(pks []string) map[string]uint32
GetRatings -
func (*RatingReaderMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (rrm *RatingReaderMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
type RequestHandlerStub ¶
type RequestHandlerStub struct { RequestShardHeaderCalled func(shardID uint32, hash []byte) RequestMetaHeaderCalled func(hash []byte) RequestMetaHeaderByNonceCalled func(nonce uint64) RequestShardHeaderByNonceCalled func(shardID uint32, nonce uint64) RequestTransactionHandlerCalled func(destShardID uint32, txHashes [][]byte) RequestScrHandlerCalled func(destShardID uint32, txHashes [][]byte) RequestRewardTxHandlerCalled func(destShardID uint32, txHashes [][]byte) RequestMiniBlockHandlerCalled func(destShardID uint32, miniblockHash []byte) RequestMiniBlocksHandlerCalled func(destShardID uint32, miniblocksHashes [][]byte) RequestTrieNodesCalled func(destShardID uint32, hash []byte, topic string) }
RequestHandlerStub -
func (*RequestHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*RequestHandlerStub) RequestMetaHeader ¶
func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) RequestMetaHeader(hash []byte)
RequestMetaHeader -
func (*RequestHandlerStub) RequestMetaHeaderByNonce ¶
func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) RequestMetaHeaderByNonce(nonce uint64)
RequestMetaHeaderByNonce -
func (*RequestHandlerStub) RequestMiniBlock ¶
func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) RequestMiniBlock(destShardID uint32, miniblockHash []byte)
RequestMiniBlock -
func (*RequestHandlerStub) RequestMiniBlocks ¶
func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) RequestMiniBlocks(destShardID uint32, miniblocksHashes [][]byte)
RequestMiniBlocks -
func (*RequestHandlerStub) RequestRewardTransactions ¶
func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) RequestRewardTransactions(destShardID uint32, txHashes [][]byte)
RequestRewardTransactions -
func (*RequestHandlerStub) RequestShardHeader ¶
func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) RequestShardHeader(shardID uint32, hash []byte)
RequestShardHeader -
func (*RequestHandlerStub) RequestShardHeaderByNonce ¶
func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) RequestShardHeaderByNonce(shardID uint32, nonce uint64)
RequestShardHeaderByNonce -
func (*RequestHandlerStub) RequestTransaction ¶
func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) RequestTransaction(destShardID uint32, txHashes [][]byte)
RequestTransaction -
func (*RequestHandlerStub) RequestTrieNodes ¶
func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) RequestTrieNodes(destShardID uint32, miniblockHash []byte, topic string)
RequestTrieNodes -
func (*RequestHandlerStub) RequestUnsignedTransactions ¶
func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) RequestUnsignedTransactions(destShardID uint32, txHashes [][]byte)
RequestUnsignedTransactions -
func (*RequestHandlerStub) SetEpoch ¶
func (rhs *RequestHandlerStub) SetEpoch(epoch uint32)
SetEpoch -
type RequestedItemsHandlerStub ¶
type RequestedItemsHandlerStub struct { AddCalled func(key string) error HasCalled func(key string) bool SweepCalled func() }
RequestedItemsHandlerStub -
func (*RequestedItemsHandlerStub) Add ¶
func (rihs *RequestedItemsHandlerStub) Add(key string) error
Add -
func (*RequestedItemsHandlerStub) Has ¶
func (rihs *RequestedItemsHandlerStub) Has(key string) bool
Has -
func (*RequestedItemsHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (rihs *RequestedItemsHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
type ResolverStub ¶
type ResolverStub struct { RequestDataFromHashCalled func(hash []byte, epoch uint32) error ProcessReceivedMessageCalled func(message p2p.MessageP2P, broadcastHandler func(buffToSend []byte)) error }
ResolverStub -
func (*ResolverStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (rs *ResolverStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*ResolverStub) ProcessReceivedMessage ¶
func (rs *ResolverStub) ProcessReceivedMessage(message p2p.MessageP2P, broadcastHandler func(buffToSend []byte)) error
ProcessReceivedMessage -
func (*ResolverStub) RequestDataFromHash ¶
func (rs *ResolverStub) RequestDataFromHash(hash []byte, epoch uint32) error
RequestDataFromHash -
type ResolversContainerStub ¶
type ResolversContainerStub struct { GetCalled func(key string) (dataRetriever.Resolver, error) AddCalled func(key string, val dataRetriever.Resolver) error ReplaceCalled func(key string, val dataRetriever.Resolver) error RemoveCalled func(key string) LenCalled func() int }
ResolversContainerStub -
func (*ResolversContainerStub) Add ¶
func (rcs *ResolversContainerStub) Add(key string, val dataRetriever.Resolver) error
Add -
func (*ResolversContainerStub) AddMultiple ¶
func (rcs *ResolversContainerStub) AddMultiple(keys []string, resolvers []dataRetriever.Resolver) error
AddMultiple -
func (*ResolversContainerStub) Get ¶
func (rcs *ResolversContainerStub) Get(key string) (dataRetriever.Resolver, error)
Get -
func (*ResolversContainerStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (rcs *ResolversContainerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*ResolversContainerStub) Remove ¶
func (rcs *ResolversContainerStub) Remove(key string)
Remove -
func (*ResolversContainerStub) Replace ¶
func (rcs *ResolversContainerStub) Replace(key string, val dataRetriever.Resolver) error
Replace -
type ResolversFinderStub ¶
type ResolversFinderStub struct { ResolversContainerStub IntraShardResolverCalled func(baseTopic string) (dataRetriever.Resolver, error) MetaChainResolverCalled func(baseTopic string) (dataRetriever.Resolver, error) CrossShardResolverCalled func(baseTopic string, crossShard uint32) (dataRetriever.Resolver, error) }
ResolversFinderStub -
func (*ResolversFinderStub) CrossShardResolver ¶
func (rfs *ResolversFinderStub) CrossShardResolver(baseTopic string, crossShard uint32) (dataRetriever.Resolver, error)
CrossShardResolver -
func (*ResolversFinderStub) IntraShardResolver ¶
func (rfs *ResolversFinderStub) IntraShardResolver(baseTopic string) (dataRetriever.Resolver, error)
IntraShardResolver -
func (*ResolversFinderStub) MetaChainResolver ¶
func (rfs *ResolversFinderStub) MetaChainResolver(baseTopic string) (dataRetriever.Resolver, error)
MetaChainResolver -
type RewardTxProcessorMock ¶
type RewardTxProcessorMock struct {
ProcessRewardTransactionCalled func(rTx *rewardTx.RewardTx) error
RewardTxProcessorMock -
func (*RewardTxProcessorMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (scrp *RewardTxProcessorMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*RewardTxProcessorMock) ProcessRewardTransaction ¶
func (scrp *RewardTxProcessorMock) ProcessRewardTransaction(rTx *rewardTx.RewardTx) error
ProcessRewardTransaction -
type RewardsHandlerMock ¶
type RewardsHandlerMock struct { RewardsValueCalled func() *big.Int CommunityPercentageCalled func() float64 LeaderPercentageCalled func() float64 BurnPercentageCalled func() float64 }
RewardsHandlerMock -
func (*RewardsHandlerMock) BurnPercentage ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (rhm *RewardsHandlerMock) BurnPercentage() float64
BurnPercentage -
func (*RewardsHandlerMock) CommunityPercentage ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (rhm *RewardsHandlerMock) CommunityPercentage() float64
CommunityPercentage -
func (*RewardsHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (rhm *RewardsHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*RewardsHandlerMock) LeaderPercentage ¶
func (rhm *RewardsHandlerMock) LeaderPercentage() float64
LeaderPercentage -
func (*RewardsHandlerMock) RewardsValue ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (rhm *RewardsHandlerMock) RewardsValue() *big.Int
RewardsValue -
type RoundStub ¶
type RoundStub struct { IndexCalled func() int32 TimeDurationCalled func() time.Duration TimeStampCalled func() time.Time UpdateRoundCalled func(time.Time, time.Time) RemainingTimeCalled func(time.Time, time.Duration) time.Duration }
RoundStub -
func (*RoundStub) RemainingTime ¶
RemainingTime -
type RounderMock ¶
type RounderMock struct { RoundIndex int64 RoundTimeStamp time.Time RoundTimeDuration time.Duration }
RounderMock -
func (*RounderMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (rndm *RounderMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*RounderMock) RemainingTime ¶
RemainingTime -
func (*RounderMock) TimeDuration ¶
func (rndm *RounderMock) TimeDuration() time.Duration
TimeDuration -
func (*RounderMock) UpdateRound ¶
func (rndm *RounderMock) UpdateRound(genesisRoundTimeStamp time.Time, timeStamp time.Time)
UpdateRound -
type SCProcessorMock ¶
type SCProcessorMock struct { ComputeTransactionTypeCalled func(tx data.TransactionHandler) (process.TransactionType, error) ExecuteSmartContractTransactionCalled func(tx data.TransactionHandler, acntSrc, acntDst state.AccountHandler) error DeploySmartContractCalled func(tx data.TransactionHandler, acntSrc state.AccountHandler) error ProcessSmartContractResultCalled func(scr *smartContractResult.SmartContractResult) error }
SCProcessorMock -
func (*SCProcessorMock) ComputeTransactionType ¶
func (sc *SCProcessorMock) ComputeTransactionType( tx data.TransactionHandler, ) (process.TransactionType, error)
ComputeTransactionType -
func (*SCProcessorMock) DeploySmartContract ¶
func (sc *SCProcessorMock) DeploySmartContract( tx data.TransactionHandler, acntSrc state.AccountHandler, ) error
DeploySmartContract -
func (*SCProcessorMock) ExecuteSmartContractTransaction ¶
func (sc *SCProcessorMock) ExecuteSmartContractTransaction( tx data.TransactionHandler, acntSrc, acntDst state.AccountHandler, ) error
ExecuteSmartContractTransaction -
func (*SCProcessorMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (sc *SCProcessorMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*SCProcessorMock) ProcessSmartContractResult ¶
func (sc *SCProcessorMock) ProcessSmartContractResult(scr *smartContractResult.SmartContractResult) error
ProcessSmartContractResult -
type SCToProtocolStub ¶
SCToProtocolStub -
func (*SCToProtocolStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (s *SCToProtocolStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*SCToProtocolStub) UpdateProtocol ¶
func (s *SCToProtocolStub) UpdateProtocol(body block.Body, nonce uint64) error
UpdateProtocol -
type ScQueryMock ¶ added in v1.0.41
type ScQueryMock struct {
ExecuteQueryCalled func(query *process.SCQuery) (*vmcommon.VMOutput, error)
ScQueryMock -
func (*ScQueryMock) ExecuteQuery ¶ added in v1.0.41
ExecuteQuery -
func (*ScQueryMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶ added in v1.0.41
func (s *ScQueryMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
type ServiceContainerMock ¶
type ServiceContainerMock struct { IndexerCalled func() indexer.Indexer TPSBenchmarkCalled func() statistics.TPSBenchmark }
ServiceContainerMock is a mock implementation of the Core interface
func (*ServiceContainerMock) Indexer ¶
func (scm *ServiceContainerMock) Indexer() indexer.Indexer
Indexer returns a mock implementation for core.Indexer
func (*ServiceContainerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (scm *ServiceContainerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*ServiceContainerMock) TPSBenchmark ¶
func (scm *ServiceContainerMock) TPSBenchmark() statistics.TPSBenchmark
TPSBenchmark returns a mock implementation for core.TPSBenchmark
type ShardIdHasMapMock ¶
type ShardIdHasMapMock struct { LoadCalled func(shardId uint32) ([]byte, bool) StoreCalled func(shardId uint32, hash []byte) RangeCalled func(f func(shardId uint32, hash []byte) bool) DeleteCalled func(shardId uint32) }
ShardIdHasMapMock -
func (*ShardIdHasMapMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (sihsm *ShardIdHasMapMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*ShardIdHasMapMock) Load ¶
func (sihsm *ShardIdHasMapMock) Load(shardId uint32) ([]byte, bool)
Load -
func (*ShardIdHasMapMock) Range ¶
func (sihsm *ShardIdHasMapMock) Range(f func(shardId uint32, hash []byte) bool)
Range -
func (*ShardIdHasMapMock) Store ¶
func (sihsm *ShardIdHasMapMock) Store(shardId uint32, hash []byte)
Store -
type ShardedDataStub ¶
type ShardedDataStub struct { RegisterHandlerCalled func(func(key []byte)) ShardDataStoreCalled func(cacheId string) (c storage.Cacher) AddDataCalled func(key []byte, data interface{}, cacheId string) SearchFirstDataCalled func(key []byte) (value interface{}, ok bool) RemoveDataCalled func(key []byte, cacheId string) RemoveDataFromAllShardsCalled func(key []byte) MergeShardStoresCalled func(sourceCacheId, destCacheId string) MoveDataCalled func(sourceCacheId, destCacheId string, key [][]byte) ClearCalled func() ClearShardStoreCalled func(cacheId string) RemoveSetOfDataFromPoolCalled func(keys [][]byte, destCacheId string) CreateShardStoreCalled func(destCacheId string) }
ShardedDataStub -
func (*ShardedDataStub) AddData ¶
func (sd *ShardedDataStub) AddData(key []byte, data interface{}, cacheId string)
AddData -
func (*ShardedDataStub) ClearShardStore ¶
func (sd *ShardedDataStub) ClearShardStore(cacheId string)
ClearShardStore -
func (*ShardedDataStub) CreateShardStore ¶
func (sd *ShardedDataStub) CreateShardStore(cacheId string)
CreateShardStore -
func (*ShardedDataStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (sd *ShardedDataStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*ShardedDataStub) MergeShardStores ¶
func (sd *ShardedDataStub) MergeShardStores(sourceCacheId, destCacheId string)
MergeShardStores -
func (*ShardedDataStub) RegisterHandler ¶
func (sd *ShardedDataStub) RegisterHandler(handler func(key []byte))
RegisterHandler -
func (*ShardedDataStub) RemoveData ¶
func (sd *ShardedDataStub) RemoveData(key []byte, cacheId string)
RemoveData -
func (*ShardedDataStub) RemoveDataFromAllShards ¶
func (sd *ShardedDataStub) RemoveDataFromAllShards(key []byte)
RemoveDataFromAllShards -
func (*ShardedDataStub) RemoveSetOfDataFromPool ¶
func (sd *ShardedDataStub) RemoveSetOfDataFromPool(keys [][]byte, cacheId string)
RemoveSetOfDataFromPool -
func (*ShardedDataStub) SearchFirstData ¶
func (sd *ShardedDataStub) SearchFirstData(key []byte) (value interface{}, ok bool)
SearchFirstData -
func (*ShardedDataStub) ShardDataStore ¶
func (sd *ShardedDataStub) ShardDataStore(cacheId string) (c storage.Cacher)
ShardDataStore -
type SignerMock ¶
type SignerMock struct { SignStub func(private crypto.PrivateKey, msg []byte) ([]byte, error) VerifyStub func(public crypto.PublicKey, msg []byte, sig []byte) error }
SignerMock -
func (*SignerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (s *SignerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*SignerMock) Sign ¶
func (s *SignerMock) Sign(private crypto.PrivateKey, msg []byte) ([]byte, error)
Sign -
type SingleSignKeyGenMock ¶
type SingleSignKeyGenMock struct { PublicKeyFromByteArrayCalled func(b []byte) (crypto.PublicKey, error) SuiteCalled func() crypto.Suite }
SingleSignKeyGenMock -
func (*SingleSignKeyGenMock) GeneratePair ¶
func (sskgm *SingleSignKeyGenMock) GeneratePair() (crypto.PrivateKey, crypto.PublicKey)
GeneratePair -
func (*SingleSignKeyGenMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (sskgm *SingleSignKeyGenMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*SingleSignKeyGenMock) PrivateKeyFromByteArray ¶
func (sskgm *SingleSignKeyGenMock) PrivateKeyFromByteArray(b []byte) (crypto.PrivateKey, error)
PrivateKeyFromByteArray -
func (*SingleSignKeyGenMock) PublicKeyFromByteArray ¶
func (sskgm *SingleSignKeyGenMock) PublicKeyFromByteArray(b []byte) (crypto.PublicKey, error)
PublicKeyFromByteArray -
func (*SingleSignKeyGenMock) Suite ¶
func (sskgm *SingleSignKeyGenMock) Suite() crypto.Suite
Suite -
type SingleSignPublicKey ¶
SingleSignPublicKey -
func (*SingleSignPublicKey) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (sspk *SingleSignPublicKey) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*SingleSignPublicKey) ToByteArray ¶
func (sspk *SingleSignPublicKey) ToByteArray() ([]byte, error)
ToByteArray -
type SmartContractResultsProcessorMock ¶
type SmartContractResultsProcessorMock struct {
ProcessSmartContractResultCalled func(scr *smartContractResult.SmartContractResult) error
SmartContractResultsProcessorMock -
func (*SmartContractResultsProcessorMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (scrp *SmartContractResultsProcessorMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*SmartContractResultsProcessorMock) ProcessSmartContractResult ¶
func (scrp *SmartContractResultsProcessorMock) ProcessSmartContractResult(scr *smartContractResult.SmartContractResult) error
ProcessSmartContractResult -
type SpecialAddressHandlerMock ¶ added in v1.0.20
type SpecialAddressHandlerMock struct { ElrondCommunityAddressCalled func() []byte LeaderAddressCalled func() []byte BurnAddressCalled func() []byte ShardIdForAddressCalled func([]byte) (uint32, error) AdrConv state.AddressConverter ShardCoordinator sharding.Coordinator NodesCoordinator sharding.NodesCoordinator // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SpecialAddressHandlerMock -
func NewSpecialAddressHandlerMock ¶ added in v1.0.20
func NewSpecialAddressHandlerMock( addrConv state.AddressConverter, shardCoordinator sharding.Coordinator, nodesCoordinator sharding.NodesCoordinator, ) *SpecialAddressHandlerMock
NewSpecialAddressHandlerMock -
func (*SpecialAddressHandlerMock) BurnAddress ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) BurnAddress() []byte
BurnAddress -
func (*SpecialAddressHandlerMock) ClearMetaConsensusData ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) ClearMetaConsensusData()
ClearMetaConsensusData -
func (*SpecialAddressHandlerMock) ConsensusMetaRewardData ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) ConsensusMetaRewardData() []*data.ConsensusRewardData
ConsensusMetaRewardData -
func (*SpecialAddressHandlerMock) ConsensusShardRewardData ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) ConsensusShardRewardData() *data.ConsensusRewardData
ConsensusShardRewardData -
func (*SpecialAddressHandlerMock) ElrondCommunityAddress ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) ElrondCommunityAddress() []byte
ElrondCommunityAddress -
func (*SpecialAddressHandlerMock) Epoch ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) Epoch() uint32
Epoch -
func (*SpecialAddressHandlerMock) IsCurrentNodeInConsensus ¶ added in v1.0.28
func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) IsCurrentNodeInConsensus() bool
IsCurrentNodeInConsensus -
func (*SpecialAddressHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*SpecialAddressHandlerMock) LeaderAddress ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) LeaderAddress() []byte
LeaderAddress -
func (*SpecialAddressHandlerMock) Round ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) Round() uint64
Round -
func (*SpecialAddressHandlerMock) SetElrondCommunityAddress ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) SetElrondCommunityAddress(elrond []byte)
SetElrondCommunityAddress -
func (*SpecialAddressHandlerMock) SetMetaConsensusData ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) SetMetaConsensusData(randomness []byte, round uint64, epoch uint32) error
SetMetaConsensusData -
func (*SpecialAddressHandlerMock) SetShardConsensusData ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) SetShardConsensusData(randomness []byte, round uint64, epoch uint32, shardId uint32) error
SetShardConsensusData -
func (*SpecialAddressHandlerMock) ShardIdForAddress ¶ added in v1.0.20
func (sh *SpecialAddressHandlerMock) ShardIdForAddress(addr []byte) (uint32, error)
ShardIdForAddress -
type StorageBootstrapperMock ¶
type StorageBootstrapperMock struct {
LoadFromStorageCalled func() error
StorageBootstrapperMock -
func (*StorageBootstrapperMock) GetHighestBlockNonce ¶
func (sbm *StorageBootstrapperMock) GetHighestBlockNonce() uint64
GetHighestBlockNonce -
func (*StorageBootstrapperMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (sbm *StorageBootstrapperMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*StorageBootstrapperMock) LoadFromStorage ¶
func (sbm *StorageBootstrapperMock) LoadFromStorage() error
LoadFromStorage -
type StorerMock ¶
type StorerMock struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StorerMock -
func (*StorerMock) GetFromEpoch ¶
func (sm *StorerMock) GetFromEpoch(key []byte, _ uint32) ([]byte, error)
GetFromEpoch -
func (*StorerMock) HasInEpoch ¶
func (sm *StorerMock) HasInEpoch(key []byte, epoch uint32) error
HasInEpoch -
func (*StorerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (sm *StorerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*StorerMock) SearchFirst ¶
func (sm *StorerMock) SearchFirst(key []byte) ([]byte, error)
SearchFirst -
type StorerStub ¶
type StorerStub struct { PutCalled func(key, data []byte) error GetCalled func(key []byte) ([]byte, error) GetFromEpochCalled func(key []byte, epoch uint32) ([]byte, error) HasCalled func(key []byte) error HasInEpochCalled func(key []byte, epoch uint32) error SearchFirstCalled func(key []byte) ([]byte, error) RemoveCalled func(key []byte) error ClearCacheCalled func() DestroyUnitCalled func() error }
StorerStub -
func (*StorerStub) GetFromEpoch ¶
func (ss *StorerStub) GetFromEpoch(key []byte, epoch uint32) ([]byte, error)
GetFromEpoch -
func (*StorerStub) HasInEpoch ¶
func (ss *StorerStub) HasInEpoch(key []byte, epoch uint32) error
HasInEpoch -
func (*StorerStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (ss *StorerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*StorerStub) SearchFirst ¶
func (ss *StorerStub) SearchFirst(key []byte) ([]byte, error)
SearchFirst -
type SyncStarterStub ¶
type SyncStarterStub struct {
SyncBlockCalled func() error
SyncStarterStub -
type SyncTimerMock ¶
type SyncTimerMock struct { ClockOffsetCalled func() time.Duration CurrentTimeCalled func() time.Time }
SyncTimerMock mocks the implementation for a SyncTimer
func (SyncTimerMock) ClockOffset ¶
func (stm SyncTimerMock) ClockOffset() time.Duration
ClockOffset method gets the current time offset
func (SyncTimerMock) CurrentTime ¶
func (stm SyncTimerMock) CurrentTime() time.Time
CurrentTime method gets the current time on which is added the current offset
func (SyncTimerMock) FormattedCurrentTime ¶
func (stm SyncTimerMock) FormattedCurrentTime() string
FormattedCurrentTime method gets the formatted current time on which is added a given offset
func (*SyncTimerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (stm *SyncTimerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (SyncTimerMock) StartSync ¶
func (stm SyncTimerMock) StartSync()
StartSync method does the time synchronization at every syncPeriod time elapsed. This should be started as a go routine
type TemporaryAccountsHandlerMock ¶
type TemporaryAccountsHandlerMock struct { AddTempAccountCalled func(address []byte, balance *big.Int, nonce uint64) CleanTempAccountsCalled func() TempAccountCalled func(address []byte) state.AccountHandler }
TemporaryAccountsHandlerMock -
func (*TemporaryAccountsHandlerMock) AddTempAccount ¶
func (tahm *TemporaryAccountsHandlerMock) AddTempAccount(address []byte, balance *big.Int, nonce uint64)
AddTempAccount -
func (*TemporaryAccountsHandlerMock) CleanTempAccounts ¶
func (tahm *TemporaryAccountsHandlerMock) CleanTempAccounts()
CleanTempAccounts -
func (*TemporaryAccountsHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (tahm *TemporaryAccountsHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*TemporaryAccountsHandlerMock) TempAccount ¶
func (tahm *TemporaryAccountsHandlerMock) TempAccount(address []byte) state.AccountHandler
TempAccount -
type TopicHandlerStub ¶
type TopicHandlerStub struct { HasTopicCalled func(name string) bool CreateTopicCalled func(name string, createChannelForTopic bool) error RegisterMessageProcessorCalled func(topic string, handler p2p.MessageProcessor) error }
TopicHandlerStub -
func (*TopicHandlerStub) CreateTopic ¶
func (ths *TopicHandlerStub) CreateTopic(name string, createChannelForTopic bool) error
CreateTopic -
func (*TopicHandlerStub) HasTopic ¶
func (ths *TopicHandlerStub) HasTopic(name string) bool
HasTopic -
func (*TopicHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (ths *TopicHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*TopicHandlerStub) RegisterMessageProcessor ¶
func (ths *TopicHandlerStub) RegisterMessageProcessor(topic string, handler p2p.MessageProcessor) error
RegisterMessageProcessor -
type TransactionCoordinatorMock ¶
type TransactionCoordinatorMock struct { ComputeTransactionTypeCalled func(tx data.TransactionHandler) (process.TransactionType, error) RequestMiniBlocksCalled func(header data.HeaderHandler) RequestBlockTransactionsCalled func(body block.Body) IsDataPreparedForProcessingCalled func(haveTime func() time.Duration) error SaveBlockDataToStorageCalled func(body block.Body) error RestoreBlockDataFromStorageCalled func(body block.Body) (int, error) RemoveBlockDataFromPoolCalled func(body block.Body) error ProcessBlockTransactionCalled func(body block.Body, haveTime func() time.Duration) error CreateBlockStartedCalled func() CreateMbsAndProcessCrossShardTransactionsDstMeCalled func(header data.HeaderHandler, processedMiniBlocksHashes map[string]struct{}, maxTxRemaining uint32, maxMbRemaining uint32, haveTime func() bool) (block.MiniBlockSlice, uint32, bool) CreateMbsAndProcessTransactionsFromMeCalled func(maxTxRemaining uint32, maxMbRemaining uint32, haveTime func() bool) block.MiniBlockSlice CreateMarshalizedDataCalled func(body block.Body) (map[uint32]block.MiniBlockSlice, map[string][][]byte) GetAllCurrentUsedTxsCalled func(blockType block.Type) map[string]data.TransactionHandler VerifyCreatedBlockTransactionsCalled func(hdr data.HeaderHandler, body block.Body) error }
TransactionCoordinatorMock -
func (*TransactionCoordinatorMock) ComputeTransactionType ¶
func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) ComputeTransactionType(tx data.TransactionHandler) (process.TransactionType, error)
ComputeTransactionType -
func (*TransactionCoordinatorMock) CreateBlockStarted ¶
func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) CreateBlockStarted()
CreateBlockStarted -
func (*TransactionCoordinatorMock) CreateMarshalizedData ¶
func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) CreateMarshalizedData(body block.Body) (map[uint32]block.MiniBlockSlice, map[string][][]byte)
CreateMarshalizedData -
func (*TransactionCoordinatorMock) CreateMbsAndProcessCrossShardTransactionsDstMe ¶
func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) CreateMbsAndProcessCrossShardTransactionsDstMe(header data.HeaderHandler, processedMiniBlocksHashes map[string]struct{}, maxTxRemaining uint32, maxMbRemaining uint32, haveTime func() bool) (block.MiniBlockSlice, uint32, bool)
CreateMbsAndProcessCrossShardTransactionsDstMe -
func (*TransactionCoordinatorMock) CreateMbsAndProcessTransactionsFromMe ¶
func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) CreateMbsAndProcessTransactionsFromMe(maxTxRemaining uint32, maxMbRemaining uint32, haveTime func() bool) block.MiniBlockSlice
CreateMbsAndProcessTransactionsFromMe -
func (*TransactionCoordinatorMock) CreateReceiptsHash ¶
func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) CreateReceiptsHash() ([]byte, error)
CreateReceiptsHash -
func (*TransactionCoordinatorMock) GetAllCurrentUsedTxs ¶
func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) GetAllCurrentUsedTxs(blockType block.Type) map[string]data.TransactionHandler
GetAllCurrentUsedTxs -
func (*TransactionCoordinatorMock) IsDataPreparedForProcessing ¶
func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) IsDataPreparedForProcessing(haveTime func() time.Duration) error
IsDataPreparedForProcessing -
func (*TransactionCoordinatorMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*TransactionCoordinatorMock) ProcessBlockTransaction ¶
func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) ProcessBlockTransaction(body block.Body, haveTime func() time.Duration) error
ProcessBlockTransaction -
func (*TransactionCoordinatorMock) RemoveBlockDataFromPool ¶
func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) RemoveBlockDataFromPool(body block.Body) error
RemoveBlockDataFromPool -
func (*TransactionCoordinatorMock) RequestBlockTransactions ¶
func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) RequestBlockTransactions(body block.Body)
RequestBlockTransactions -
func (*TransactionCoordinatorMock) RequestMiniBlocks ¶
func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) RequestMiniBlocks(header data.HeaderHandler)
RequestMiniBlocks -
func (*TransactionCoordinatorMock) RestoreBlockDataFromStorage ¶
func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) RestoreBlockDataFromStorage(body block.Body) (int, error)
RestoreBlockDataFromStorage -
func (*TransactionCoordinatorMock) SaveBlockDataToStorage ¶
func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) SaveBlockDataToStorage(body block.Body) error
SaveBlockDataToStorage -
func (*TransactionCoordinatorMock) VerifyCreatedBlockTransactions ¶
func (tcm *TransactionCoordinatorMock) VerifyCreatedBlockTransactions(hdr data.HeaderHandler, body block.Body) error
VerifyCreatedBlockTransactions -
type TransactionInterceptorMock ¶
type TransactionInterceptorMock struct { IsChecked bool IsVerified bool RcvShardVal uint32 SndShardVal uint32 IsAddressedToOtherShardsVal bool AddrConverter state.AddressConverter Tx *transaction.Transaction // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TransactionInterceptorMock -
func (*TransactionInterceptorMock) AddressConverter ¶
func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) AddressConverter() state.AddressConverter
AddressConverter -
func (*TransactionInterceptorMock) Check ¶
func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) Check() bool
Check -
func (*TransactionInterceptorMock) GetTransaction ¶
func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) GetTransaction() *transaction.Transaction
GetTransaction -
func (*TransactionInterceptorMock) Hash ¶
func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) Hash() []byte
Hash -
func (*TransactionInterceptorMock) IsAddressedToOtherShards ¶
func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) IsAddressedToOtherShards() bool
IsAddressedToOtherShards -
func (*TransactionInterceptorMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*TransactionInterceptorMock) RcvShard ¶
func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) RcvShard() uint32
RcvShard -
func (*TransactionInterceptorMock) SetAddressConverter ¶
func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) SetAddressConverter(converter state.AddressConverter)
SetAddressConverter -
func (*TransactionInterceptorMock) SetHash ¶
func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) SetHash(hash []byte)
SetHash -
func (*TransactionInterceptorMock) SndShard ¶
func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) SndShard() uint32
SndShard -
func (*TransactionInterceptorMock) VerifySig ¶
func (tim *TransactionInterceptorMock) VerifySig() bool
VerifySig -
type TransactionPoolMock ¶
type TransactionPoolMock struct { RegisterTransactionHandlerCalled func(transactionHandler func(txHash []byte)) RemoveTransactionsFromPoolCalled func(txHashes [][]byte, destShardID uint32) MiniPoolTxStoreCalled func(shardID uint32) (c storage.Cacher) }
TransactionPoolMock -
func (*TransactionPoolMock) MiniPoolTxStore ¶
func (tpm *TransactionPoolMock) MiniPoolTxStore(shardID uint32) (c storage.Cacher)
MiniPoolTxStore -
func (*TransactionPoolMock) RegisterTransactionHandler ¶
func (tpm *TransactionPoolMock) RegisterTransactionHandler(transactionHandler func(txHash []byte))
RegisterTransactionHandler -
func (*TransactionPoolMock) RemoveTransactionsFromPool ¶
func (tpm *TransactionPoolMock) RemoveTransactionsFromPool(txHashes [][]byte, destShardID uint32)
RemoveTransactionsFromPool -
type TrieStub ¶
type TrieStub struct { GetCalled func(key []byte) ([]byte, error) UpdateCalled func(key, value []byte) error DeleteCalled func(key []byte) error RootCalled func() ([]byte, error) ProveCalled func(key []byte) ([][]byte, error) VerifyProofCalled func(proofs [][]byte, key []byte) (bool, error) CommitCalled func() error RecreateCalled func(root []byte) (data.Trie, error) DeepCloneCalled func() (data.Trie, error) CancelPruneCalled func(rootHash []byte, identifier data.TriePruningIdentifier) PruneCalled func(rootHash []byte, identifier data.TriePruningIdentifier) error ResetOldHashesCalled func() [][]byte AppendToOldHashesCalled func([][]byte) SnapshotCalled func() error GetSerializedNodesCalled func([]byte, uint64) ([][]byte, error) DatabaseCalled func() data.DBWriteCacher }
TrieStub -
func (*TrieStub) AppendToOldHashes ¶
AppendToOldHashes appends the given hashes to the trie's oldHashes variable
func (*TrieStub) CancelPrune ¶
func (ts *TrieStub) CancelPrune(rootHash []byte, identifier data.TriePruningIdentifier)
CancelPrune invalidates the hashes that correspond to the given root hash from the eviction waiting list
func (*TrieStub) GetSerializedNodes ¶
GetSerializedNodes -
func (*TrieStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*TrieStub) Prune ¶
func (ts *TrieStub) Prune(rootHash []byte, identifier data.TriePruningIdentifier) error
Prune removes from the database all the old hashes that correspond to the given root hash
func (*TrieStub) ResetOldHashes ¶
ResetOldHashes resets the oldHashes and oldRoot variables and returns the old hashes
type TxForCurrentBlockStub ¶
type TxForCurrentBlockStub struct { CleanCalled func() GetTxCalled func(txHash []byte) (data.TransactionHandler, error) AddTxCalled func(txHash []byte, tx data.TransactionHandler) }
TxForCurrentBlockStub -
func (*TxForCurrentBlockStub) AddTx ¶
func (t *TxForCurrentBlockStub) AddTx(txHash []byte, tx data.TransactionHandler)
AddTx -
func (*TxForCurrentBlockStub) GetTx ¶
func (t *TxForCurrentBlockStub) GetTx(txHash []byte) (data.TransactionHandler, error)
GetTx -
func (*TxForCurrentBlockStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (t *TxForCurrentBlockStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
type TxPoolsCleanerMock ¶
type TxPoolsCleanerMock struct { CleanCalled func(duration time.Duration) (bool, error) NumRemovedTxsCalled func() uint64 }
TxPoolsCleanerMock -
func (*TxPoolsCleanerMock) Clean ¶
func (tpc *TxPoolsCleanerMock) Clean(duration time.Duration) (bool, error)
Clean will check if in pools exits transactions with nonce low that transaction sender account nonce and if tx have low nonce will be removed from pools
func (*TxPoolsCleanerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (tpc *TxPoolsCleanerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*TxPoolsCleanerMock) NumRemovedTxs ¶
func (tpc *TxPoolsCleanerMock) NumRemovedTxs() uint64
NumRemovedTxs will return the number of removed txs from pools
type TxProcessorMock ¶
type TxProcessorMock struct { ProcessTransactionCalled func(transaction *transaction.Transaction) error SetBalancesToTrieCalled func(accBalance map[string]*big.Int) (rootHash []byte, err error) ProcessSmartContractResultCalled func(scr *smartContractResult.SmartContractResult) error }
TxProcessorMock -
func (*TxProcessorMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (etm *TxProcessorMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*TxProcessorMock) ProcessSmartContractResult ¶
func (etm *TxProcessorMock) ProcessSmartContractResult(scr *smartContractResult.SmartContractResult) error
ProcessSmartContractResult -
func (*TxProcessorMock) ProcessTransaction ¶
func (etm *TxProcessorMock) ProcessTransaction(transaction *transaction.Transaction) error
ProcessTransaction -
func (*TxProcessorMock) SetBalancesToTrie ¶
func (etm *TxProcessorMock) SetBalancesToTrie(accBalance map[string]*big.Int) (rootHash []byte, err error)
SetBalancesToTrie -
type TxTypeHandlerMock ¶
type TxTypeHandlerMock struct {
ComputeTransactionTypeCalled func(tx data.TransactionHandler) (process.TransactionType, error)
TxTypeHandlerMock -
func (*TxTypeHandlerMock) ComputeTransactionType ¶
func (th *TxTypeHandlerMock) ComputeTransactionType(tx data.TransactionHandler) (process.TransactionType, error)
ComputeTransactionType -
func (*TxTypeHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (th *TxTypeHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
type TxValidatorHandlerStub ¶
type TxValidatorHandlerStub struct { SenderShardIdCalled func() uint32 NonceCalled func() uint64 SenderAddressCalled func() state.AddressContainer FeeCalled func() *big.Int }
TxValidatorHandlerStub -
func (*TxValidatorHandlerStub) SenderAddress ¶
func (tvhs *TxValidatorHandlerStub) SenderAddress() state.AddressContainer
SenderAddress -
func (*TxValidatorHandlerStub) SenderShardId ¶
func (tvhs *TxValidatorHandlerStub) SenderShardId() uint32
SenderShardId -
type TxValidatorStub ¶
type TxValidatorStub struct { CheckTxValidityCalled func(txValidatorHandler process.TxValidatorHandler) error RejectedTxsCalled func() uint64 }
TxValidatorStub -
func (*TxValidatorStub) CheckTxValidity ¶
func (t *TxValidatorStub) CheckTxValidity(txValidatorHandler process.TxValidatorHandler) error
CheckTxValidity -
func (*TxValidatorStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (t *TxValidatorStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
type Uint64ByteSliceConverterMock ¶
type Uint64ByteSliceConverterMock struct { ToByteSliceCalled func(uint64) []byte ToUint64Called func([]byte) (uint64, error) }
Uint64ByteSliceConverterMock converts byte slice to/from uint64
func (*Uint64ByteSliceConverterMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (u *Uint64ByteSliceConverterMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*Uint64ByteSliceConverterMock) ToByteSlice ¶
func (u *Uint64ByteSliceConverterMock) ToByteSlice(p uint64) []byte
ToByteSlice is a mock implementation for Uint64ByteSliceConverter
type Uint64SyncMapCacherStub ¶
type Uint64SyncMapCacherStub struct { ClearCalled func() GetCalled func(nonce uint64) (dataRetriever.ShardIdHashMap, bool) MergeCalled func(nonce uint64, src dataRetriever.ShardIdHashMap) RemoveCalled func(nonce uint64, shardId uint32) RegisterHandlerCalled func(handler func(nonce uint64, shardId uint32, value []byte)) HasCalled func(nonce uint64, shardId uint32) bool }
Uint64SyncMapCacherStub -
func (*Uint64SyncMapCacherStub) Get ¶
func (usmcs *Uint64SyncMapCacherStub) Get(nonce uint64) (dataRetriever.ShardIdHashMap, bool)
Get -
func (*Uint64SyncMapCacherStub) Has ¶
func (usmcs *Uint64SyncMapCacherStub) Has(nonce uint64, shardId uint32) bool
Has -
func (*Uint64SyncMapCacherStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (usmcs *Uint64SyncMapCacherStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*Uint64SyncMapCacherStub) Merge ¶
func (usmcs *Uint64SyncMapCacherStub) Merge(nonce uint64, src dataRetriever.ShardIdHashMap)
Merge -
func (*Uint64SyncMapCacherStub) RegisterHandler ¶
func (usmcs *Uint64SyncMapCacherStub) RegisterHandler(handler func(nonce uint64, shardId uint32, value []byte))
RegisterHandler -
func (*Uint64SyncMapCacherStub) Remove ¶
func (usmcs *Uint64SyncMapCacherStub) Remove(nonce uint64, shardId uint32)
Remove -
type UnsignedTxHandlerMock ¶
type UnsignedTxHandlerMock struct { CleanProcessedUtxsCalled func() ProcessTransactionFeeCalled func(cost *big.Int) CreateAllUTxsCalled func() []data.TransactionHandler VerifyCreatedUTxsCalled func() error AddTxFeeFromBlockCalled func(tx data.TransactionHandler) }
UnsignedTxHandlerMock -
func (*UnsignedTxHandlerMock) AddRewardTxFromBlock ¶
func (ut *UnsignedTxHandlerMock) AddRewardTxFromBlock(tx data.TransactionHandler)
AddRewardTxFromBlock -
func (*UnsignedTxHandlerMock) CleanProcessedUTxs ¶
func (ut *UnsignedTxHandlerMock) CleanProcessedUTxs()
CleanProcessedUTxs -
func (*UnsignedTxHandlerMock) CreateAllUTxs ¶
func (ut *UnsignedTxHandlerMock) CreateAllUTxs() []data.TransactionHandler
CreateAllUTxs -
func (*UnsignedTxHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (ut *UnsignedTxHandlerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*UnsignedTxHandlerMock) ProcessTransactionFee ¶
func (ut *UnsignedTxHandlerMock) ProcessTransactionFee(cost *big.Int)
ProcessTransactionFee -
func (*UnsignedTxHandlerMock) VerifyCreatedUTxs ¶
func (ut *UnsignedTxHandlerMock) VerifyCreatedUTxs() error
VerifyCreatedUTxs -
type VMContainerMock ¶
type VMContainerMock struct { GetCalled func(key []byte) (vmcommon.VMExecutionHandler, error) AddCalled func(key []byte, val vmcommon.VMExecutionHandler) error AddMultipleCalled func(keys [][]byte, preprocessors []vmcommon.VMExecutionHandler) error ReplaceCalled func(key []byte, val vmcommon.VMExecutionHandler) error RemoveCalled func(key []byte) LenCalled func() int KeysCalled func() [][]byte }
VMContainerMock -
func (*VMContainerMock) Add ¶
func (v *VMContainerMock) Add(key []byte, val vmcommon.VMExecutionHandler) error
Add -
func (*VMContainerMock) AddMultiple ¶
func (v *VMContainerMock) AddMultiple(keys [][]byte, vms []vmcommon.VMExecutionHandler) error
AddMultiple -
func (*VMContainerMock) Get ¶
func (v *VMContainerMock) Get(key []byte) (vmcommon.VMExecutionHandler, error)
Get -
func (*VMContainerMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (v *VMContainerMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil returns true if there is no value under the interface
func (*VMContainerMock) Replace ¶
func (v *VMContainerMock) Replace(key []byte, val vmcommon.VMExecutionHandler) error
Replace -
type VMExecutionHandlerStub ¶
type VMExecutionHandlerStub struct { G0CreateCalled func(input *vmcommon.ContractCreateInput) (*big.Int, error) G0CallCalled func(input *vmcommon.ContractCallInput) (*big.Int, error) RunSmartContractCreateCalled func(input *vmcommon.ContractCreateInput) (*vmcommon.VMOutput, error) RunSmartContractCallCalled func(input *vmcommon.ContractCallInput) (*vmcommon.VMOutput, error) }
VMExecutionHandlerStub -
func (*VMExecutionHandlerStub) G0Call ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (vm *VMExecutionHandlerStub) G0Call(input *vmcommon.ContractCallInput) (*big.Int, error)
G0Call yields the initial gas cost of calling an existing smart contract
func (*VMExecutionHandlerStub) G0Create ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (vm *VMExecutionHandlerStub) G0Create(input *vmcommon.ContractCreateInput) (*big.Int, error)
G0Create yields the initial gas cost of creating a new smart contract
func (*VMExecutionHandlerStub) RunSmartContractCall ¶
func (vm *VMExecutionHandlerStub) RunSmartContractCall(input *vmcommon.ContractCallInput) (*vmcommon.VMOutput, error)
RunSmartContractCall Computes the result of a smart contract call and how the system must change after the execution
func (*VMExecutionHandlerStub) RunSmartContractCreate ¶
func (vm *VMExecutionHandlerStub) RunSmartContractCreate(input *vmcommon.ContractCreateInput) (*vmcommon.VMOutput, error)
Computes how a smart contract creation should be performed
type ValidatorMock ¶
type ValidatorMock struct { PubKeyCalled func() []byte AddressCalled func() []byte // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ValidatorMock -
type ValidatorSettingsStub ¶
type ValidatorSettingsStub struct { }
ValidatorSettingsStub -
func (*ValidatorSettingsStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (v *ValidatorSettingsStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*ValidatorSettingsStub) StakeValue ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (v *ValidatorSettingsStub) StakeValue() *big.Int
StakeValue -
func (*ValidatorSettingsStub) UnBoundPeriod ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (v *ValidatorSettingsStub) UnBoundPeriod() uint64
UnBoundPeriod -
type ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock ¶ added in v1.0.39
type ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock struct { UpdatePeerStateCalled func(header data.HeaderHandler) ([]byte, error) RevertPeerStateCalled func(header data.HeaderHandler) error IsInterfaceNilCalled func() bool RevertPeerStateToSnapshotCalled func(snapshot int) error GetPeerAccountCalled func(address []byte) (state.PeerAccountHandler, error) CommitCalled func() ([]byte, error) RootHashCalled func() ([]byte, error) }
ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock -
func (*ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) Commit ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (vsp *ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) Commit() ([]byte, error)
Commit -
func (*ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) GetPeerAccount ¶ added in v1.0.63
func (vsp *ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) GetPeerAccount(address []byte) (state.PeerAccountHandler, error)
GetPeerAccount -
func (*ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) IsInterfaceNil ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (vsp *ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) RevertPeerState ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (vsp *ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) RevertPeerState(header data.HeaderHandler) error
RevertPeerState -
func (*ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) RevertPeerStateToSnapshot ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (vsp *ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) RevertPeerStateToSnapshot(snapshot int) error
RevertPeerStateToSnapshot -
func (*ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) RootHash ¶ added in v1.0.41
func (vsp *ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) RootHash() ([]byte, error)
RootHash -
func (*ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) UpdatePeerState ¶ added in v1.0.39
func (vsp *ValidatorStatisticsProcessorMock) UpdatePeerState(header data.HeaderHandler) ([]byte, error)
UpdatePeerState -
type ValidityAttesterStub ¶
type ValidityAttesterStub struct { CheckBlockAgainstRounderCalled func(headerHandler data.HeaderHandler) error CheckBlockAgainstFinalCalled func(headerHandler data.HeaderHandler) error }
ValidityAttesterStub -
func (*ValidityAttesterStub) CheckBlockAgainstFinal ¶
func (vas *ValidityAttesterStub) CheckBlockAgainstFinal(headerHandler data.HeaderHandler) error
CheckBlockAgainstFinal -
func (*ValidityAttesterStub) CheckBlockAgainstRounder ¶
func (vas *ValidityAttesterStub) CheckBlockAgainstRounder(headerHandler data.HeaderHandler) error
CheckBlockAgainstRounder -
func (*ValidityAttesterStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (vas *ValidityAttesterStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
Source Files ¶
- accountTrackerStub.go
- accountWrapperFake.go
- accountsStub.go
- addressConverterFake.go
- addressConverterMock.go
- addressConverterStub.go
- addressMock.go
- appStatusHandlerStub.go
- argumentsParserMock.go
- blackListHandlerStub.go
- blockChainHookHandlerMock.go
- blockChainMock.go
- blockNotarizerHandlerMock.go
- blockNotifierHandlerMock.go
- blockProcessorMock.go
- blockSizeThrottlerStub.go
- blockTrackerHandlerMock.go
- blockTrackerMock.go
- bootstrapStorerMock.go
- cacherMock.go
- cacherStub.go
- chainStorerMock.go
- coordinatorStub.go
- endOfEpochTriggerStub.go
- feeHandlerStub.go
- finalityAttesterStub.go
- forkDetectorMock.go
- gasHandlerMock.go
- getHdrHandlerStub.go
- hasherMock.go
- hasherStub.go
- headerHandlerStub.go
- headerResolverMock.go
- headerSigVerifierStub.go
- headerValidatorStub.go
- headersCacherStub.go
- indexerMock.go
- interceptedDataFactoryStub.go
- interceptedDataStub.go
- interceptedTxHandlerStub.go
- interceptorProcessorStub.go
- interceptorStub.go
- interceptorThrottlerStub.go
- interimProcessorContainerMock.go
- intermediateTransactionHandlerMock.go
- marshalizerMock.go
- marshalizerStub.go
- messageHandlerStub.go
- messengerStub.go
- miniBlocksCompacterMock.go
- miniBlocksResolverMock.go
- multiSigMock.go
- multipleShardsCoordinatorMock.go
- networkConnectionWatcherStub.go
- nilTxValidator.go
- nodesCoordinatorMock.go
- nonceHashConverterMock.go
- objectsContainerStub.go
- oneShardCoordinatorMock.go
- p2pMessageMock.go
- peerAccountHandlerMock.go
- peerChangesHandler.go
- peerProcessorMock.go
- pendingMiniBlocksHandlerStub.go
- poolsHolderMock.go
- poolsHolderStub.go
- poolscleanerMock.go
- preProcessorContainerMock.go
- preprocessorMock.go
- raterMock.go
- ratingReaderMock.go
- requestHandlerStub.go
- requestedItemsHandlerStub.go
- resolverStub.go
- resolversContainerStub.go
- resolversFinderStub.go
- rewardTxProcessorMock.go
- rewardsHandlerMock.go
- roundStub.go
- rounderMock.go
- scProcessorMock.go
- scQueryMock.go
- scToProtocolHandlerMock.go
- serviceContainerMock.go
- shardIdHashMapMock.go
- shardedDataStub.go
- signerMock.go
- singleSignMock.go
- smartContractResultProcessorMock.go
- specialAddressHandlerMock.go
- storageBootstrapperMock.go
- storerMock.go
- storerStub.go
- syncStarterStub.go
- syncTimerMock.go
- temporaryAccountsHandlerMock.go
- topicHandlerStub.go
- transactionCoordinatorMock.go
- transactionInterceptorMock.go
- transactionPoolMock.go
- trieStub.go
- txForCurrentBlockMock.go
- txProcessorMock.go
- txTypeHandlerMock.go
- txValidatorHandlerStub.go
- txValidatorStub.go
- uint64ByteSliceConverterMock.go
- uint64SyncMapCacherStub.go
- unsignedTxHandlerMock.go
- validatorMock.go
- validatorSettingsStub.go
- vmContainerMock.go
- vmExecutionHandlerStub.go