PotCore v1
The builder for Ebitengine.
A tool for managing & building the ebitengine game.
A tool for managing & building the ebitengine game. (Version: 1.0)
EbiBuilder [global options...] COMMAND [--options ...] [arguments ...]
EbiBuilder [global options...] COMMAND [--options ...] SUBCOMMAND [--options ...] [arguments ...]
Global Options:
-h, --help Display the help information
--ishell Run in an interactive shell environment(TODO)
--nc, --no-color Disable color when outputting message
--ni, --no-interactive Disable interactive confirmation operation
--np, --no-progress Disable display progress message
--verbose Set logs reporting level(quiet 0 - 5 crazy) (default 1=error)
-V, --version Display app version information
Available Commands:
build Build Ebitengine game (alias: Build,BUILD,buildgame)
clean Clean build (alias: Clean,CLEAN)
config Config (alias: Config,CONFIG)
create Create new ebiengine project (alias: Create,CREATE)
gen-emojis Fetch emoji codes form data source url, then generate a go file. (alias: gen-emj)
genac Generate auto complete scripts for current application (alias: gen-ac)
self-update Self-update (alias: Self-update,selfupdate,Selfupdate)
help Display help information
Use "EbiBuilder COMMAND -h" for more information about a command
- build [WIP]
- publish
- WASM [20%]
Mobile [Pause]
- clean
- create [WIP]
- config
- check
- self-update
By EldersJavas