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Published: Feb 20, 2023 License: Apache-2.0


Go SDK for EdgeCast CDN

The official Go SDK for interacting with EdgeCast APIs.

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  • Go 1.19



To install the SDK into your $GOPATH:

go get -u
Go Modules
go get

Using the SDK

Simply import the SDK and provide the API credentials provided to you. They may be an API Token or OAuth 2.0 Credentials. Examples are listed below for each feature.

Customer Management

Our Customer Management service provides administrative operations to manage Customer accounts and Customer User accounts for a Partner. These operations allow a partner to automate administrative tasks on their customers and customer user accounts.

To use this Customer Management service, use the API Token provided to you.


Customer Account Management Operations allows management of customer accounts

import (
// ...
	sdkConfig := edgecast.NewSDKConfig()
	sdkConfig.APIToken = "MY API TOKEN"
	customerService, err := customer.New(sdkConfig)
	newCustomer := customer.Customer{
		// ...
	addParams := customer.NewAddCustomerParams()
	addParams.Customer = newCustomer
	resp, err := customerService.AddCustomer(*addParams)
	// ...
Customer User

Customer User Account Management Operations allows you to manage user accounts under a (parent) customer.

import (
// ...
	sdkConfig := edgecast.NewSDKConfig()
	sdkConfig.APIToken = "MY API TOKEN"
	customerService, err := customer.New(sdkConfig)
	customerUser := customer.CustomerUser{
		// ...
	addParams := customer.NewAddCustomerUserParams()
	addParams.CustomerUser = customerUser
	// ...
	resp, err := customerService.AddCustomerUser(*addParams)
	// ...

Our User-Friendly URL, also known as Edge CNAME, takes advantage of an Edge CNAME configuration and a CNAME record to provide a friendlier alternative to a CDN URL. An edge CNAME URL is specific to the platform from which it was configured.

For more information, please read the official documentation for Edge CNAME

To use the edge CNAME service, use the API Token provided to you.

import (
// ...
	sdkConfig := edgecast.NewSDKConfig()
	sdkConfig.APIToken = "MY API TOKEN"
	edgecnameService, err := edgecname.New(sdkConfig)
	cname := edgecname.EdgeCname{
		// ...
	addParams := edgecname.NewAddEdgeCnameParams()
	addParams.EdgeCname = cname
	// ...
	resp, err := edgecnameService.AddEdgeCname(*addParams)
// ...
Customer Origin

Our Customer Origin Service allows you to serve content stored or generated by third-party web servers (e.g., web hosting) via the CDN by:

  • Creating a customer origin configuration. This type of configuration maps one or more servers to a CDN URL.
  • (Optional) Creating an edge CNAME configuration that allows you to serve traffic via the CDN without having to update your links. This type of configuration maps a customer origin configuration to a CNAME record.

For more information, please read the official documentation for Customer Origin

To use the Customer Origins service, use the API Token provided to you.

import (
// ...
	sdkConfig := edgecast.NewSDKConfig()
	sdkConfig.APIToken = "MY API TOKEN"
	originService, err := origin.New(sdkConfig)
	newOrigin := origin.Origin{
		// ...
	addParams := origin.NewAddOriginParams()
	// ...
	addParams.Origin = newOrigin
	resp, err := originService.AddOrigin(*addParams)
// ...
Customer Origin v3

-> Customer Origin v3 is currently available as a BETA. Business-critical processes should not depend on this functionality.

Customer Origin v3 uses dedicated endpoints to manage a customer origin group and origin entries. This allows you to manage a customer origin group and all of its entries using multiple requests rather than in a single request.

It also supports managing a customer origin group's TLS configuration and retrieval of the Function@Edge functions associated with your customer origin groups.

For more information, please read the official documentation for Customer Origin v3.

For detailed code examples, please refer to the examples directory.

Origin Groups

Create Origin Groups using the platform specific namespace within the OriginV3 Service. See below for an example of creating an HTTP Large Origin Group.

// Set up the creation model.
tlsSettings := originv3.TlsSettings{
	PublicKeysToVerify: []string{

grp := originv3.CustomerOriginGroupHTTPRequest{
	Name:        "test group",
	TlsSettings: &tlsSettings,

grp.SetNetworkTypeId(2)          // Prefer IPv6 over IPv4
grp.SetStrictPciCertified(false) // Allow non-PCI regions

// Set params and add the new group.
addParams := originv3.NewAddHttpLargeGroupParams()
addParams.CustomerOriginGroupHTTPRequest = grp
addResp, err := svc.HttpLargeOnly.AddHttpLargeGroup(addParams)
Customer Origin Entry (v3)

Add an origin entry to a customer origin group for either platform. See below for an example of creating an HTTP Large Customer Origin Entry. For a detailed example, please refer to the examples directory.

addParams := originv3.NewAddOriginParams()
addParams.MediaType = enums.HttpLarge.String()
originRequest := originv3.NewCustomerOriginRequest(
addParams.CustomerOriginRequest = *originRequest
addResp, err := svc.Common.AddOrigin(addOriginParams)
Load Balancing

Update a customer origin group's failover order through a platform-specific endpoint.

Key information:

  • Sort order is defined on a per protocol basis.
  • If you create an origin entry that is configured to match the client's protocol (protocol_type_id=3), then our service will create an HTTP and an HTTPS version of it. Each of these origin entries may be assigned a different sort order.
  • Ensure that sort order is applied as intended by defining a sort position for all of the customer origin group's origin entries that correspond to the desired protocol (i.e., HTTP or HTTPS). Defining a sort position for a subset of origin entries that correspond to that protocol may produce unexpected results.
failoverParams := originv3.NewUpdateFailoverOrderParams()
failoverParams.MediaType = enums.HttpLarge.String()
failoverParams.GroupId = groupID
failoverParams.FailoverOrder = []originv3.FailoverOrder{
		Id:            origin1ID,
		Host:          "",
		FailoverOrder: 0,
		Id:            origin2ID,
		Host:          "",
		FailoverOrder: 2,
		Id:            origin3ID,
		Host:          "",
		FailoverOrder: 1,

err = svc.Common.UpdateFailoverOrder(failoverParams)
Route (DNS)

-> Route (DNS) is currently available as a BETA. Business-critical processes should not depend on this functionality.

Our Route (DNS) solution is a reliable, high performance, and secure DNS service that provides capabilities such as:

  • Load balance traffic for a CNAME record or a subdomain for a primary zone hosted on another DNS system.
  • Establish a failover system for a CNAME record or a subdomain for a primary zone hosted on another DNS system.
  • Create a standard DNS zone. Optionally, load balance or failover requests to that zone.
  • Import a secondary DNS zone by creating a master server group and a secondary zone group.
  • Verify a server's capability to fulfill requests through health checks performed from around the world.

For more information, please read the official documentation for Route (DNS)

To use the Route(DNS) service, use the API Token provided to you.

Master Server Group

A master server group allows quick and easy management of master name servers, while a secondary zone group defines the secondary zones that will be imported from servers defined in a master server group and any TSIG keys that should be used for the zone transfer.

import (
// ...
	sdkConfig := edgecast.NewSDKConfig()
	sdkConfig.APIToken = "MY API TOKEN"
	routeDNSService, err := routedns.New(sdkConfig)
	masterServerGroup := buildMasterServerGroup()
	addParams := routedns.NewAddMasterServerGroupParams()
	addParams.MasterServerGroup = masterServerGroup
	// ...
	resp, err := routeDNSService.AddMasterServerGroup(*addParams)
// ...
Real Time Log Delivery (RTLD)

Our Real-Time Log Delivery (RTLD) service delivers log data in near real-time to a variety of destinations.

For more information, please read the official documentation for Real-Time Log Delivery (RTLD).

To use the Rules Engine service, use OAuth 2.0 Credentials.

Real-Time Log Delivery Rate Limiting (RTLD Rate Limiting)

Delivers log data that describes requests for which Web Application Firewall (WAF) enforced a rate limit as defined through a rate rule.

import (
// ...
	idsCredentials := edgecast.IDSCredentials{
		ClientID:     clientID,
		ClientSecret: clientSecret,
		Scope:        scope,
	sdkConfig := edgecast.NewSDKConfig()
	sdkConfig.IDSCredentials = idsCredentials
	rtldService, err := rtld.New(sdkConfig)
	addParams := profiles_rl.NewProfilesRateLimitingAddCustomerSettingParams()
	addParams.SettingDto = &rtldmodels.RateLimitingProfileDto{
		// ...
	addResp, err :=
	// ...
Rules Engine

Our Rules Engine allows the customization of requests handled by our CDN. Sample customizations that may be performed are:

Override or define a custom cache policy Secure or deny requests for sensitive content Redirect requests to a different URL

For more information, please read the official documentation for Custom Request Handling via Rules Engine.

To use the Rules Engine service, use OAuth 2.0 Credentials. A Policy should be constructed as a JSON object passed as a string.

import (
// ...
	policyString := `{
		// ...
	idsCredentials := edgecast.IDSCredentials{
		ClientID:     clientID,
		ClientSecret: clientSecret,
		Scope:        scope,
	sdkConfig := edgecast.NewSDKConfig()
	sdkConfig.IDSCredentials = idsCredentials
	rulesengineService, err := rulesengine.New(sdkConfig)
	addParams := rulesengine.NewAddPolicyParams()
	addParams.PolicyAsString = policyString
	addPolicyResp, err := rulesengineService.AddPolicy(*addParams)
// ...
Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Our WAF service provides a layer of security between many security threats and your external web infrastructure. WAF increases security by monitoring, detecting, and preventing application layer attacks. It inspects inbound HTTP/HTTPS traffic against reactive and proactive security policies and blocks malicious activity in-band and on a real-time basis.

For more information, please read the official documentation for Web Application Firewall (WAF).

To use the WAF service, use the API Token provided to you.

Access Rules

An access rule identifies legitimate traffic and threats by ASN, Cookie, Country, IP Address, Referrer, URL, User agent, HTTP method, Media type, File extension, and Request headers.

For detailed information about Access Rules in WAF, please read the official documentation.

Bot Rule Sets

Use bot rules to require a client (e.g., a web browser) to solve a challenge before resolving the request. WAF blocks traffic when the client cannot solve this challenge within a few seconds. Basic bots typically cannot solve this type of challenge, and therefore their traffic is blocked. This prevents them from scraping your site, carding, spamming your forms, launching DDoS attacks, and committing ad fraud.

For detailed information about Bot Rules in WAF, please read the official documentation.

Custom Rule Sets

Use custom rules to tailor how WAF identifies malicious traffic. This provides added flexibility for threat identification that allows you to target malicious traffic with minimal impact on legitimate traffic. Custom threat identification combined with rapid testing and deployment enables you to quickly address long-term and zero-day vulnerabilities.

For detailed information about Custom Rules in WAF, please read the official documentation.

Managed Rules

Managed Rules identify malicious traffic via predefined rules. A collection of policies and rules is known as a rule set.

For detailed information about Managed Rules in WAF, please read the official documentation.

Rate Rules

Rate Rules restricts the flow of site traffic with the intention of:

  • Diverting malicious or inadvertent DDoS traffic.
  • Preventing a customer origin server from being overloaded.
  • Requests that exceed the rate limit may be dropped, redirected to another URL, or sent a custom response.

For detailed information about Rate Rules in WAF, please read the official documentation.

WAF Sample Usage
import (
// ...
	sdkConfig := edgecast.NewSDKConfig()
	sdkConfig.APIToken = "MY API TOKEN"
	wafService, err := waf.New(sdkConfig)
	accountNumber := "ACCOUNT_NUMBER"

	accessRuleID, err := wafService.AccessRules.AddAccessRule(
			AccountNumber: accountNumber,
			AccessRule:    access.AccessRule{
				// ...

	botRuleSetID, err = wafService.BotRuleSets.AddBotRuleSet(
			AccountNumber: accountNumber,
			BotRuleSet:       bot.BotRuleSet{
				// ...

	customRuleSetID, err = wafService.CustomRuleSets.AddCustomRuleSet(
			AccountNumber: accountNumber,
			CustomRuleSet:  custom.CustomRuleSet{
			// ...

	managedRuleID, err = wafService.ManagedRules.AddManagedRule(
			AccountNumber: accountNumber,
			ManagedRule:   managed.ManagedRule{
				// ...

	rateRuleID, err = wafService.RateRules.AddRateRule(
			AccountNumber: accountNumber,
			RateRule:      rate.RateRule{
				// ...

	scope := scopes.Scope{
		Host: scopes.MatchCondition{
			// ...
		Limits: &[]scopes.Limit{
				ID: rateRuleID,
				Action: scopes.LimitAction{
					// ...
		ACLProdID:  &accessRuleID,
		ACLProdAction: &scopes.ProdAction{
			// ...
		ProfileProdID:  &managedRuleID,
		ProfileProdAction: &scopes.ProdAction{
			// ...
		RuleProdID:  &customRuleSetID,
		RuleProdAction: &scopes.ProdAction{
			// ...
		BotsProdID: &botRuleSetID,
		BotsProdAction: &scopes.ProdAction{
			// ...

	modifyAllScopesResp, err := wafService.Scopes.ModifyAllScopes(
			CustomerID: accountNumber,
			Scopes:     []scopes.Scope{scope},


├── edgecast
	package containing the main functionality for sdk.
	Please add new client and model folders for new services here.
│   ├── eclog
		defines the the implementation and helper methods for logging
│   ├──	internal
		package containing helper methods and shared functionality used in sdk
		please add new helper methods here
│   │	├── collectionhelper
			helper methods for working with aggregate/collection types
│   │	├── jsonhelper		
			helper methods for working with json
│   │	├── testhelper
			helper methods used in testing
│   │	├── ecauth
			authentication layer for oauth 2.0 and token based authentication
│   │	└── ecclient
			package client provides a base client implementation for interacting 
			with edgecast cdn apis.
			configuration and authentication types are also provided.
│   ├── customer
		client files for interacting with customer api
		model files for customer
│   ├── edgecnamee
		client files for interacting with edge cname api
		model files for edge cnamee
│   ├── origin
		client files for interacting with customer origin api
		model files for customer origin
│   ├── originv3
		client files for interacting with customer origin v3 api
		model files for customer origin
│   ├── routedns
		client files for interacting with route (dns)
		model files for route (dns)
│   ├── rtld
		client files for interacting with real time log delivery api
│   ├── rtldmodels
		model files for real time log delivery
│   ├── rulesengine
		client files for interacting with rules engine api
		model files for rules engine
│   ├── waf
		client files for interacting with waf api
		model files for waf
│   ├── shared
		shared models and enums
│   ├── config
		defines the configuration of sdk services
│   ├── doc
		please add new docs here as needed
│   └── version
		lists the latest version of sdk		
├── example
	example files to get started using the services
├── template
	template files used to generate client files and models using swagger api 
└── Makefile
        This Makefile should contain all testing and building operations.


Please refer to the file for information about how to get involved. We welcome issues, questions, and pull requests.



CDN Reference Documentation - This is a useful resource for learning about EdgeCast CDN. It is a good starting point before using this SDK.

API Documentation - For developers that want to interact directly with the EdgeCast CDN API, refer to this documentation. It contains all of the available operations as well as their inputs and outputs.

Examples - Examples to get started can be found here.

Submit an Issue - Found a bug? Want to request a feature? Please do so here.


Path Synopsis
Package edgecast provides APIs for interacting with the EdgeCast CDN.
Package edgecast provides APIs for interacting with the EdgeCast CDN.
Package collectionhelper provides helper methods for working with aggregate/collection types
Package collectionhelper provides helper methods for working with aggregate/collection types
Package client provides a base client implementation for interacting with EdgeCast CDN APIs.
Package client provides a base client implementation for interacting with EdgeCast CDN APIs.
Package jsonhelper provides helper methods for working with JSON
Package jsonhelper provides helper methods for working with JSON
Package waf provides an API for managing Web Application Firewall for the EdgeCast CDN.
Package waf provides an API for managing Web Application Firewall for the EdgeCast CDN.

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