VPP Agent examples
This folder contains several examples that illustrate various aspects of
VPP Agent's functionality. Each example is structured as an individual
executable with its own main.go
file. Each example focuses on a very
simple use case. All examples use ETCD, GOVPP and Kafka, so please make
sure there are running instances of ETCD, Kafka and VPP before starting
an example.
Current examples:
govpp_call is an example of a plugin with a configurator and a channel to send/receive data to VPP. The example shows how to transform northbound model data to VPP binary API calls.
idx_mapping_lookup shows the usage of the name-to-index mapping (registration, read by name/index, un-registration)
idx_mapping_watcher shows how to watch on changes in a name-to-index mapping
localclient_vpp_plugins demonstrates how to use the localclient package to push example configuration into VPP plugins that run in the same agent instance (i.e. in the same OS process). Behind the scenes, configuration data is transported via go channels.
localclient_vpp_nat demonstrates how to set up NAT global configuration and Destination NAT. The example uses localclient to put example data to the respective VPP plugins.
localclient_linux_tap configures simple topology consisting of VPP Tap interfaces with linux host counterparts. Example demonstrates how to use the localclient package to push example configuration for those interface types into linux and VPP plugins running within the same agent instance (i.e. within the same OS process). Behind the scenes the configuration data is transported via go channels.
localclient_linux_veth configures simple topology consisting of VPP af-packet interfaces attached to linux Veth pairs. As before, this example also uses localclient to push the configuration to vpp-agent plugins.
grpc_vpp_remote_client demonstrates how to use the remoteclient package to push example configuration into VPP default plugins running within different vpp-agent OS process.
grpc_vpp_notifications demonstrates how to use the notifications package to receive VPP notifications streamed by different vpp-agent process.
CN-Infra examples demonstrate how to use the CN-Infra framework plugins.
How to run an example
1. Start the ETCD server on localhost
sudo docker run -p 2379:2379 --name etcd --rm /usr/local/bin/etcd \
-advertise-client-urls \
Note: For ARM64 see the information for etcd.
2. (Optional) start Kafka on localhost
sudo docker run -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 --name kafka --rm \
--env ADVERTISED_HOST= --env ADVERTISED_PORT=9092 spotify/kafka
Note: For ARM64 see the information for kafka.
3. Start VPP
vpp unix { interactive } plugins { plugin { disable } }
4. Start desired example
Example can be started now from particular directory.
go run main.go \
--etcd-config=/opt/vpp-agent/dev/etcd.conf \
Overview ¶
Package examples contains several examples that illustrate various aspects of VPP Agent's functionality.
Path | Synopsis |
Example govpp_call shows how to use govpp library to communicate with VPP over the binary API.
Example govpp_call shows how to use govpp library to communicate with VPP over the binary API. |
Example statistics app demonstrates usage of grpc to stream vpp statistics.
Example statistics app demonstrates usage of grpc to stream vpp statistics. |
Example remote_client demonstrates remote VPP config management via clientv1 using GPRC transport.
Example remote_client demonstrates remote VPP config management via clientv1 using GPRC transport. |
Example localclient_linux demonstrates local Linux (linux-tap) and VPP (tap) config management via clientv1.
Example localclient_linux demonstrates local Linux (linux-tap) and VPP (tap) config management via clientv1. |
Example localclient_linux demonstrates local Linux (veth) and VPP (af-packet) config management via clientv1.
Example localclient_linux demonstrates local Linux (veth) and VPP (af-packet) config management via clientv1. |
Example localclient_vpp_nat demonstrates NAT VPP configuration managed via clientv1.
Example localclient_vpp_nat demonstrates NAT VPP configuration managed via clientv1. |
Example localclient_vpp_plugins demonstrates local VPP config management via clientv1.
Example localclient_vpp_plugins demonstrates local VPP config management via clientv1. |