The dynatrace-bootstrapper is a small CLI binary built into a Dynatrace CodeModule (after version <to-be-determined-codemodule-version>) so that it can be used in conjunction with the dynatrace-operator to optimize the download and configuration of a CodeModule in Kubernetes.
Copy a Dynatrace CodeModule to a target directory
Configure the Dynatrace CodeModule according to the configuration options provided
How to use
Example: --source="/opt/dynatrace/oneagent"
⚠️This is a required arg⚠️
The --source arg defines the base path where to copy the CodeModule FROM.
Example: --target="example/bins/1.2.3"
⚠️This is a required arg⚠️
The --target arg defines the base path where to copy the CodeModule TO.
Example: --work="/example/work"
This is an optional arg
The --work arg defines the base path for a tmp folder, this is where the command will do its work, to make sure the operations are atomic. It must be on the same disk as the target folder.