Codeforces Tool is written by Golang. It does not contain any browser driver and it can be compiled to a binary file.
- Submit a code to contest and watch status dynamically.
- List problems statis in a contest.
- Generate problem samples(parallel).
- Test samples.
- Watch submissions.
- Open page(problem, standing) with default browser.
- Support code templates.
- Cross-platform.
- Colorful CLI.
Contributing is always welcome!
- Support standing.
- Support gym.
- Support problemset.
- Download someone's codes.
- Support russian.
- Scrape problems? I think we need to discuss for it. It's not a technical problem... issue #1.
You can download the pre-compiled binary file in here.
You can also compile from the source:
$ git clone https://github.com/xalanq/cf-tool
$ cd cf-tool
$ go build -ldflags "-s -w" cf.go
You should execute cf config login
and cf config add
at first.
If you want to compete, the best command is cf race 1111
, where 1111
is the contest id.
Codeforces Tool (cf). https://github.com/xalanq/cf-tool
cf will save some data in following files:
"~/.cfconfig" config file, including username, encrypted password, etc.
"~/.cfsession" session file, including cookies, username, etc.
"~" is the homedir in your system
cf config (login | add | default)
cf submit [<filename>]
cf submit [(<contest-id> <problem-id>)] [<filename>]
cf list [<contest-id>]
cf parse <contest-id> [<problem-id>]
cf gen [<alias>]
cf test [<filename>]
cf watch [<contest-id>]
cf open [<contest-id>] [<problem-id>]
cf hack [<contest-id>]
cf race <contest-id>
cf config login Config username and password(encrypt).
cf config add Add template.
cf config default Set default template.
cf submit Current path must be <contest-id>/<problem-id>/<file.[suffix]>.
If there are multiple files which satisfy above condition, you
have to choose one.
cf submit a.cpp
cf submit 100 a
cf submit 100 a a.cpp
cf list List current contest or <contest-id> problems' information.
cf parse 100 Parse contest 100, all problems, including samples,
into ./100/<problem-id>.
cf parse 100 a Parse contest 100, problem a, including samples,
into current path.
cf gen Generate default template in current path (name as current path).
cf gen cpp Generate template which alias is cpp in current path (same above).
cf test Compile the source with build config first. Then test all samples.
If there are multiple files, you have to choose one.
cf watch Watch the first 10 submissions.
cf open 1136 a Open page of contest 1136, problem a with default browser.
cf open 1136 Open page of contest 1136 with default browser.
cf hack Open standing page with default browser.
cf race 1136 Race for contest. It will execute 'cf open 1136 a', 'cf open 1136 b',
until 'cf open 1136 e', and 'cf parse 1136' when the contest begins.
<problem-id> Could be "a" or "A", case-insensitive.
<contest-id> Should be a number, you could find it in codeforces contest url.
E.g. 1119 in https://codeforces.com/contest/1119.
<alias> Template's alias.
You can insert some placeholders in your template code. When generate a code from a
template, cf will replace all placeholders by following rules:
$%U%$ Username
$%Y%$ Year (e.g. 2019)
$%M%$ Month (e.g. 04)
$%D%$ Day (e.g. 09)
$%h%$ Hour (e.g. 08)
$%m%$ Minute (e.g. 05)
$%s%$ Second (e.g. 00)
Execution order is:
- before_script (execute once)
- script (execute number of samples times)
- after_script (execute once)
You can set one of before_script and after_script to empty string,
meaning not executing. You have to run your program in script(standard input/output).
You can insert some placeholders in your commands. When execute these commands,
cf will replace all placeholders by following rules:
$%path%$ Path of test file (Excluding $%full%$, e.g. /home/xalanq/)
$%full%$ Full name of test file (e.g. a.cpp)
$%file%$ Name of testing file (Excluding suffix, e.g. a)
$%rand%$ Random string with 8 character (including a-z 0-9)
-h --help
Template Example
/* Generated by powerful Codeforces Tool
* You can download the binary file in here https://github.com/xalanq/cf-tool
* Author: $%U%$
* Time: $%Y%$-$%M%$-$%D%$ $%h%$:$%m%$:$%s%$
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
int main() {
return 0;
Config Template
You can save it to ~/.cfconfig
(but replace path
field to yours)
"username": "",
"password": "",
"template": [
"alias": "cpp",
"lang": "42",
"path": "C:\\develop\\template\\cf.cpp",
"suffix": [
"before_script": "g++ $%full%$ -o $%file%$.exe -std=c++11 -O2",
"script": "./$%file%$.exe",
"after_script": ""
"default": 0