Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- type AACDecOptions
- type AFModes
- type AbsoluteFocus
- type AbsoluteFocusOptions
- type AbsoluteOrRelativeTimeType
- type Action
- type ActionEngineEventPayload
- type ActionEngineEventPayloadExtension
- type ActiveConnection
- type AnalyticsCapabilities
- type AnalyticsDeviceCapabilities
- type AnalyticsDeviceEngineConfiguration
- type AnalyticsDeviceEngineConfigurationExtension
- type AnalyticsDeviceExtension
- type AnalyticsEngine
- type AnalyticsEngineConfiguration
- type AnalyticsEngineConfigurationExtension
- type AnalyticsEngineControl
- type AnalyticsEngineInput
- type AnalyticsEngineInputInfo
- type AnalyticsEngineInputInfoExtension
- type AnalyticsState
- type AnalyticsStateInformation
- type AnyHolder
- type AnySimpleType
- type AnyType
- type ArrayOfFileProgress
- type ArrayOfFileProgressExtension
- type AttachmentData
- type AttributedAnyType
- type AttributedQNameType
- type AttributedURIType
- type AttributedUnsignedLongType
- type AudioAttributes
- type AudioClassCandidate
- type AudioClassDescriptor
- type AudioClassDescriptorExtension
- type AudioClassType
- type AudioDecoderConfiguration
- type AudioDecoderConfigurationOptions
- type AudioDecoderConfigurationOptionsExtension
- type AudioEncoder2Configuration
- type AudioEncoder2ConfigurationOptions
- type AudioEncoderConfiguration
- type AudioEncoderConfigurationOption
- type AudioEncoderConfigurationOptions
- type AudioEncoding
- type AudioEncodingMimeNames
- type AudioOutput
- type AudioOutputConfiguration
- type AudioOutputConfigurationOptions
- type AudioSource
- type AudioSourceConfiguration
- type AudioSourceConfigurationOptions
- type AudioSourceOptionsExtension
- type AutoFocusMode
- type AuxiliaryData
- type BacklightCompensation
- type BacklightCompensation20
- type BacklightCompensationMode
- type BacklightCompensationOptions
- type BacklightCompensationOptions20
- type BackupFile
- type Base64Binary
- type BaseFault
- type BaseFaultType
- type BinaryData
- type Body
- type Capabilities
- type CapabilitiesExtension
- type CapabilitiesExtension2
- type CapabilityCategory
- type CellLayout
- type Certificate
- type CertificateGenerationParameters
- type CertificateGenerationParametersExtension
- type CertificateInformation
- type CertificateInformationExtension
- type CertificateStatus
- type CertificateUsage
- type CertificateWithPrivateKey
- type CodingCapabilities
- type Color
- type ColorCovariance
- type ColorDescriptor
- type ColorOptions
- type ColorspaceRange
- type ConcreteTopicExpression
- type Config
- type ConfigDescription
- type ConfigDescriptionExtension
- type ConfigurationEntity
- type ConsumerReference
- type ContinuousFocus
- type ContinuousFocusOptions
- type CreatePullPoint
- type CreatePullPointResponse
- type CreationTime
- type CurrentTime
- type DNSInformation
- type DNSInformationExtension
- type DNSName
- type Date
- type DateTime
- type DateTimeRange
- type Defogging
- type DefoggingExtension
- type DefoggingMode
- type DefoggingOptions
- type Description
- type DestroyPullPoint
- type DestroyPullPointResponse
- type Detail
- type DeviceCapabilities
- type DeviceCapabilitiesExtension
- type DeviceEntity
- type DeviceIOCapabilities
- type DigitalIdleState
- type DigitalInput
- type Direction
- type DiscoveryMode
- type DisplayCapabilities
- type Documentation
- type Domain
- type Dot11AuthAndMangementSuite
- type Dot11AvailableNetworks
- type Dot11AvailableNetworksExtension
- type Dot11Capabilities
- type Dot11Cipher
- type Dot11Configuration
- type Dot11PSK
- type Dot11PSKPassphrase
- type Dot11PSKSet
- type Dot11PSKSetExtension
- type Dot11SSIDType
- type Dot11SecurityConfiguration
- type Dot11SecurityConfigurationExtension
- type Dot11SecurityMode
- type Dot11SignalStrength
- type Dot11StationMode
- type Dot11Status
- type Dot1XConfiguration
- type Dot1XConfigurationExtension
- type Dot3Configuration
- type Duplex
- type DurationRange
- type DynamicDNSInformation
- type DynamicDNSInformationExtension
- type DynamicDNSType
- type EAPMethodConfiguration
- type EFlip
- type EFlipMode
- type EFlipOptions
- type EFlipOptionsExtension
- type EapMethodExtension
- type Enabled
- type EndpointReference
- type EndpointReferenceType
- type EngineConfiguration
- type Entity
- type Envelope
- type EventCapabilities
- type EventFilter
- type EventSubscription
- type Exposure
- type Exposure20
- type ExposureMode
- type ExposureOptions
- type ExposureOptions20
- type ExposurePriority
- type ExtensibleDocumented
- type FactoryDefaultType
- type Fault
- type FaultCodesOpenEnumType
- type FaultCodesType
- type FaultTo
- type Faultcode
- type FaultcodeEnum
- type Faultreason
- type FileProgress
- type Filter
- type FilterType
- type FindEventResult
- type FindEventResultList
- type FindMetadataResult
- type FindMetadataResultList
- type FindPTZPositionResult
- type FindPTZPositionResultList
- type FindRecordingResultList
- type FixedTopicSet
- type FloatItems
- type FloatList
- type FloatRange
- type FocusConfiguration
- type FocusConfiguration20
- type FocusConfiguration20Extension
- type FocusMove
- type FocusOptions
- type FocusOptions20
- type FocusOptions20Extension
- type FocusStatus
- type FocusStatus20
- type FocusStatus20Extension
- type From
- type FullTopicExpression
- type G711DecOptions
- type G726DecOptions
- type GenericEapPwdConfigurationExtension
- type GeoLocation
- type GeoOrientation
- type GetCurrentMessage
- type GetCurrentMessageResponse
- type GetMessages
- type GetMessagesResponse
- type GetRecordingJobsResponseItem
- type GetRecordingsResponseItem
- type GetTracksResponseItem
- type GetTracksResponseList
- type H264Configuration
- type H264DecOptions
- type H264Options
- type H264Options2
- type H264Profile
- type Header
- type HexBinary
- type HostnameInformation
- type HostnameInformationExtension
- type HwAddress
- type IANAIfTypes
- type IOCapabilities
- type IOCapabilitiesExtension
- type IOCapabilitiesExtension2
- type IPAddress
- type IPAddressFilter
- type IPAddressFilterExtension
- type IPAddressFilterType
- type IPType
- type IPv4Address
- type IPv4Configuration
- type IPv4NetworkInterface
- type IPv4NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration
- type IPv6Address
- type IPv6Configuration
- type IPv6ConfigurationExtension
- type IPv6DHCPConfiguration
- type IPv6NetworkInterface
- type IPv6NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration
- type ImageSendingType
- type ImageStabilization
- type ImageStabilizationExtension
- type ImageStabilizationMode
- type ImageStabilizationOptions
- type ImageStabilizationOptionsExtension
- type ImagingCapabilities
- type ImagingOptions
- type ImagingOptions20
- type ImagingOptions20Extension
- type ImagingOptions20Extension2
- type ImagingOptions20Extension3
- type ImagingOptions20Extension4
- type ImagingSettings
- type ImagingSettings20
- type ImagingSettingsExtension
- type ImagingSettingsExtension20
- type ImagingSettingsExtension202
- type ImagingSettingsExtension203
- type ImagingSettingsExtension204
- type ImagingStatus
- type ImagingStatus20
- type ImagingStatus20Extension
- type Include
- type IntItems
- type IntList
- type IntRange
- type IntRectangle
- type IntRectangleRange
- type InvalidFilterFault
- type InvalidFilterFaultType
- type InvalidMessageContentExpressionFault
- type InvalidMessageContentExpressionFaultType
- type InvalidProducerPropertiesExpressionFault
- type InvalidProducerPropertiesExpressionFaultType
- type InvalidTopicExpressionFault
- type InvalidTopicExpressionFaultType
- type IrCutFilterAutoAdjustment
- type IrCutFilterAutoAdjustmentExtension
- type IrCutFilterAutoAdjustmentOptions
- type IrCutFilterAutoAdjustmentOptionsExtension
- type IrCutFilterAutoBoundaryType
- type IrCutFilterMode
- type ItemList
- type ItemListDescription
- type ItemListDescriptionExtension
- type ItemListExtension
- type JobToken
- type JpegDecOptions
- type JpegOptions
- type JpegOptions2
- type Layout
- type LayoutExtension
- type LayoutOptions
- type LayoutOptionsExtension
- type LensDescription
- type LensOffset
- type LensProjection
- type LocalLocation
- type LocalOrientation
- type LocationEntity
- type MaximumNumberOfOSDs
- type MediaAttributes
- type MediaCapabilities
- type MediaCapabilitiesExtension
- type MediaUri
- type Message
- type MessageContent
- type MessageDescription
- type MessageDescriptionExtension
- type MessageExtension
- type MessageID
- type Metadata
- type MetadataAttributes
- type MetadataCompressionType
- type MetadataConfiguration
- type MetadataConfigurationExtension
- type MetadataConfigurationOptions
- type MetadataConfigurationOptionsExtension
- type MetadataConfigurationOptionsExtension2
- type MetadataFilter
- type MetadataInput
- type MetadataInputExtension
- type MetadataType
- type ModeOfOperation
- type MotionExpression
- type MotionExpressionConfiguration
- type MoveAndTrackMethod
- type MoveOptions
- type MoveOptions20
- type MoveStatus
- type Mpeg4Configuration
- type Mpeg4DecOptions
- type Mpeg4Options
- type Mpeg4Options2
- type Mpeg4Profile
- type MulticastConfiguration
- type MultipleTopicsSpecifiedFault
- type MultipleTopicsSpecifiedFaultType
- type NTPInformation
- type NTPInformationExtension
- type Name
- type NetworkCapabilities
- type NetworkCapabilitiesExtension
- type NetworkCapabilitiesExtension2
- type NetworkGateway
- type NetworkHost
- type NetworkHostExtension
- type NetworkHostType
- type NetworkInterface
- type NetworkInterfaceConfigPriority
- type NetworkInterfaceConnectionSetting
- type NetworkInterfaceExtension
- type NetworkInterfaceExtension2
- type NetworkInterfaceInfo
- type NetworkInterfaceLink
- type NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration
- type NetworkInterfaceSetConfigurationExtension
- type NetworkInterfaceSetConfigurationExtension2
- type NetworkProtocol
- type NetworkProtocolExtension
- type NetworkProtocolType
- type NetworkZeroConfiguration
- type NetworkZeroConfigurationExtension
- type NetworkZeroConfigurationExtension2
- type NoCurrentMessageOnTopicFault
- type NoCurrentMessageOnTopicFaultType
- type NoiseReduction
- type NoiseReductionOptions
- type NotUnderstood
- type NotUnderstoodType
- type NotificationMessage
- type NotificationMessageHolderType
- type NotificationProducerRP
- type Notify
- type NotifyMessageNotSupportedFault
- type NotifyMessageNotSupportedFaultType
- type OSDColor
- type OSDColorOptions
- type OSDColorOptionsExtension
- type OSDConfiguration
- type OSDConfigurationExtension
- type OSDConfigurationOptions
- type OSDConfigurationOptionsExtension
- type OSDImgConfiguration
- type OSDImgConfigurationExtension
- type OSDImgOptions
- type OSDImgOptionsExtension
- type OSDPosConfiguration
- type OSDPosConfigurationExtension
- type OSDReference
- type OSDTextConfiguration
- type OSDTextConfigurationExtension
- type OSDTextOptions
- type OSDTextOptionsExtension
- type OSDType
- type OnvifVersion
- type PTControlDirection
- type PTControlDirectionExtension
- type PTControlDirectionOptions
- type PTControlDirectionOptionsExtension
- type PTZCapabilities
- type PTZConfiguration
- type PTZConfigurationExtension
- type PTZConfigurationExtension2
- type PTZConfigurationOptions
- type PTZConfigurationOptions2
- type PTZFilter
- type PTZMoveStatus
- type PTZNode
- type PTZNodeExtension
- type PTZNodeExtension2
- type PTZPositionFilter
- type PTZPreset
- type PTZPresetTourDirection
- type PTZPresetTourExtension
- type PTZPresetTourOperation
- type PTZPresetTourOptions
- type PTZPresetTourPresetDetail
- type PTZPresetTourPresetDetailOptions
- type PTZPresetTourPresetDetailOptionsExtension
- type PTZPresetTourSpot
- type PTZPresetTourSpotExtension
- type PTZPresetTourSpotOptions
- type PTZPresetTourStartingCondition
- type PTZPresetTourStartingConditionExtension
- type PTZPresetTourStartingConditionOptions
- type PTZPresetTourStartingConditionOptionsExtension
- type PTZPresetTourState
- type PTZPresetTourStatus
- type PTZPresetTourStatusExtension
- type PTZPresetTourSupported
- type PTZPresetTourSupportedExtension
- type PTZPresetTourTypeExtension
- type PTZSpaces
- type PTZSpacesExtension
- type PTZSpeed
- type PTZStatus
- type PTZStatusFilterOptions
- type PTZStatusFilterOptionsExtension
- type PTZVector
- type PanTiltLimits
- type PaneConfiguration
- type PaneLayout
- type PaneLayoutOptions
- type PaneOptionExtension
- type PauseFailedFault
- type PauseFailedFaultType
- type PauseSubscription
- type PauseSubscriptionResponse
- type Polygon
- type PolygonOptions
- type Polyline
- type PolylineArray
- type PolylineArrayConfiguration
- type PolylineArrayExtension
- type PrefixedIPv4Address
- type PrefixedIPv6Address
- type PresetTour
- type ProblemAction
- type ProblemActionType
- type ProblemHeader
- type ProblemHeaderQName
- type ProblemIRI
- type ProducerProperties
- type ProducerReference
- type Profile
- type ProfileCapabilities
- type ProfileExtension
- type ProfileExtension2
- type ProfileStatus
- type ProfileStatusExtension
- type PropertyOperation
- type QueryExpressionType
- type RealTimeStreamingCapabilities
- type RealTimeStreamingCapabilitiesExtension
- type Reasontext
- type Receiver
- type ReceiverCapabilities
- type ReceiverConfiguration
- type ReceiverMode
- type ReceiverReference
- type ReceiverState
- type ReceiverStateInformation
- type RecordingCapabilities
- type RecordingConfiguration
- type RecordingEventFilter
- type RecordingInformation
- type RecordingJobConfiguration
- type RecordingJobConfigurationExtension
- type RecordingJobMode
- type RecordingJobReference
- type RecordingJobSource
- type RecordingJobSourceExtension
- type RecordingJobState
- type RecordingJobStateInformation
- type RecordingJobStateInformationExtension
- type RecordingJobStateSource
- type RecordingJobStateTrack
- type RecordingJobStateTracks
- type RecordingJobTrack
- type RecordingReference
- type RecordingSourceInformation
- type RecordingStatus
- type RecordingSummary
- type Rectangle
- type ReferenceParametersType
- type ReferenceToken
- type ReferenceTokenList
- type RelatesTo
- type RelatesToType
- type RelationshipType
- type RelationshipTypeOpenEnum
- type RelativeFocus
- type RelativeFocusOptions
- type RelativeFocusOptions20
- type RelayIdleState
- type RelayLogicalState
- type RelayMode
- type RelayOutput
- type RelayOutputSettings
- type RemoteUser
- type Renew
- type RenewResponse
- type ReplayCapabilities
- type ReplayConfiguration
- type ReplyTo
- type ResumeFailedFault
- type ResumeFailedFaultType
- type ResumeSubscription
- type ResumeSubscriptionResponse
- type RetryAfter
- type Reverse
- type ReverseMode
- type ReverseOptions
- type ReverseOptionsExtension
- type Rotate
- type RotateExtension
- type RotateMode
- type RotateOptions
- type RotateOptionsExtension
- type RuleEngineConfiguration
- type RuleEngineConfigurationExtension
- type SceneOrientation
- type SceneOrientationMode
- type SceneOrientationOption
- type Scope
- type ScopeDefinition
- type SearchCapabilities
- type SearchScope
- type SearchScopeExtension
- type SearchState
- type SecurityCapabilities
- type SecurityCapabilitiesExtension
- type SecurityCapabilitiesExtension2
- type SetDateTimeType
- type SimpleTopicExpression
- type SourceIdentification
- type SourceIdentificationExtension
- type SourceReference
- type Space1DDescription
- type Space2DDescription
- type StorageReferencePath
- type StorageReferencePathExtension
- type StreamSetup
- type StreamType
- type StringAttrList
- type StringItems
- type StringList
- type Subcode
- type Subscribe
- type SubscribeCreationFailedFault
- type SubscribeCreationFailedFaultType
- type SubscribeResponse
- type SubscriptionManagerRP
- type SubscriptionPolicy
- type SubscriptionPolicyType
- type SubscriptionReference
- type SupportInformation
- type SupportedAnalyticsModules
- type SupportedAnalyticsModulesExtension
- type SupportedEnvType
- type SupportedRules
- type SupportedRulesExtension
- type SystemCapabilities
- type SystemCapabilitiesExtension
- type SystemCapabilitiesExtension2
- type SystemDateTime
- type SystemDateTimeExtension
- type SystemLog
- type SystemLogType
- type SystemLogUri
- type SystemLogUriList
- type TLSConfiguration
- type TerminationTime
- type Time
- type TimeZone
- type To
- type ToneCompensation
- type ToneCompensationExtension
- type ToneCompensationMode
- type ToneCompensationOptions
- type Topic
- type TopicExpression
- type TopicExpressionDialect
- type TopicExpressionDialectUnknownFault
- type TopicExpressionDialectUnknownFaultType
- type TopicExpressionType
- type TopicNamespace
- type TopicNamespaceType
- type TopicNotSupportedFault
- type TopicNotSupportedFaultType
- type TopicSet
- type TopicSetType
- type TopicType
- type TrackAttributes
- type TrackAttributesExtension
- type TrackConfiguration
- type TrackInformation
- type TrackReference
- type TrackType
- type Transformation
- type TransformationExtension
- type Transport
- type TransportProtocol
- type UnableToCreatePullPointFault
- type UnableToCreatePullPointFaultType
- type UnableToDestroyPullPointFault
- type UnableToDestroyPullPointFaultType
- type UnableToDestroySubscriptionFault
- type UnableToDestroySubscriptionFaultType
- type UnableToGetMessagesFault
- type UnableToGetMessagesFaultType
- type UnacceptableInitialTerminationTimeFault
- type UnacceptableInitialTerminationTimeFaultType
- type UnacceptableTerminationTimeFault
- type UnacceptableTerminationTimeFaultType
- type UnrecognizedPolicyRequestFault
- type UnrecognizedPolicyRequestFaultType
- type Unsubscribe
- type UnsubscribeResponse
- type UnsupportedPolicyRequestFault
- type UnsupportedPolicyRequestFaultType
- type Upgrade
- type UpgradeType
- type UseRaw
- type User
- type UserExtension
- type UserLevel
- type Vector
- type Vector1D
- type Vector2D
- type VideoAnalyticsConfiguration
- type VideoAttributes
- type VideoDecoderConfigurationOptions
- type VideoDecoderConfigurationOptionsExtension
- type VideoEncoder2Configuration
- type VideoEncoder2ConfigurationOptions
- type VideoEncoderConfiguration
- type VideoEncoderConfigurationOptions
- type VideoEncoderOptionsExtension
- type VideoEncoderOptionsExtension2
- type VideoEncoding
- type VideoEncodingMimeNames
- type VideoEncodingProfiles
- type VideoOutput
- type VideoOutputConfiguration
- type VideoOutputConfigurationOptions
- type VideoOutputExtension
- type VideoRateControl
- type VideoRateControl2
- type VideoResolution
- type VideoResolution2
- type VideoSource
- type VideoSourceConfiguration
- type VideoSourceConfigurationExtension
- type VideoSourceConfigurationExtension2
- type VideoSourceConfigurationOptions
- type VideoSourceConfigurationOptionsExtension
- type VideoSourceConfigurationOptionsExtension2
- type VideoSourceExtension
- type VideoSourceExtension2
- type ViewModes
- type WhiteBalance
- type WhiteBalance20
- type WhiteBalance20Extension
- type WhiteBalanceMode
- type WhiteBalanceOptions
- type WhiteBalanceOptions20
- type WhiteBalanceOptions20Extension
- type WideDynamicMode
- type WideDynamicRange
- type WideDynamicRange20
- type WideDynamicRangeOptions
- type WideDynamicRangeOptions20
- type XPathExpression
- type ZoomLimits
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AACDecOptions ¶
type AACDecOptions struct { // List of supported bitrates in kbps Bitrate *IntItems `xml:"Bitrate,omitempty" json:"Bitrate,omitempty"` // List of supported sample rates in kHz SampleRateRange *IntItems `xml:"SampleRateRange,omitempty" json:"SampleRateRange,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type AFModes ¶
type AFModes string
const ( // Focus of a moving camera is updated only once after stopping a pan, tilt or zoom movement. AFModesOnceAfterMove AFModes = "OnceAfterMove" )
type AbsoluteFocus ¶
type AbsoluteFocus struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Absolute"` // // Position parameter for the absolute focus control. // Position float32 `xml:"Position,omitempty" json:"Position,omitempty"` // // Speed parameter for the absolute focus control. // Speed float32 `xml:"Speed,omitempty" json:"Speed,omitempty"` }
type AbsoluteFocusOptions ¶
type AbsoluteFocusOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Absolute"` // // Valid ranges of the position. // Position *FloatRange `xml:"Position,omitempty" json:"Position,omitempty"` // // Valid ranges of the speed. // Speed *FloatRange `xml:"Speed,omitempty" json:"Speed,omitempty"` }
type AbsoluteOrRelativeTimeType ¶
type AbsoluteOrRelativeTimeType string
type Action ¶
type Action AttributedURIType
type ActionEngineEventPayload ¶
type ActionEngineEventPayload struct { // Request Message RequestInfo *Envelope `xml:"RequestInfo,omitempty" json:"RequestInfo,omitempty"` // Response Message ResponseInfo *Envelope `xml:"ResponseInfo,omitempty" json:"ResponseInfo,omitempty"` // Fault Message Fault *Fault `xml:"Fault,omitempty" json:"Fault,omitempty"` Extension *ActionEngineEventPayloadExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type ActiveConnection ¶
type ActiveConnection struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" ActiveConnections"` CurrentBitrate float32 `xml:"CurrentBitrate,omitempty" json:"CurrentBitrate,omitempty"` CurrentFps float32 `xml:"CurrentFps,omitempty" json:"CurrentFps,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type AnalyticsCapabilities ¶
type AnalyticsCapabilities struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Analytics"` // Analytics service URI. XAddr xsd.AnyURI `xml:"XAddr,omitempty" json:"XAddr,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not rules are supported. RuleSupport bool `xml:"RuleSupport,omitempty" json:"RuleSupport,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not modules are supported. AnalyticsModuleSupport bool `xml:"AnalyticsModuleSupport,omitempty" json:"AnalyticsModuleSupport,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type AnalyticsDeviceCapabilities ¶
type AnalyticsDeviceCapabilities struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" AnalyticsDevice"` XAddr xsd.AnyURI `xml:"XAddr,omitempty" json:"XAddr,omitempty"` // Obsolete property. RuleSupport bool `xml:"RuleSupport,omitempty" json:"RuleSupport,omitempty"` Extension *AnalyticsDeviceExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type AnalyticsDeviceEngineConfiguration ¶
type AnalyticsDeviceEngineConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" AnalyticsEngineConfiguration"` EngineConfiguration []*EngineConfiguration `xml:"EngineConfiguration,omitempty" json:"EngineConfiguration,omitempty"` Extension *AnalyticsDeviceEngineConfigurationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type AnalyticsEngine ¶
type AnalyticsEngine struct { *ConfigurationEntity AnalyticsEngineConfiguration *AnalyticsDeviceEngineConfiguration `xml:"AnalyticsEngineConfiguration,omitempty" json:"AnalyticsEngineConfiguration,omitempty"` }
type AnalyticsEngineConfiguration ¶
type AnalyticsEngineConfiguration struct { AnalyticsModule []*Config `xml:"AnalyticsModule,omitempty" json:"AnalyticsModule,omitempty"` Extension *AnalyticsEngineConfigurationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type AnalyticsEngineControl ¶
type AnalyticsEngineControl struct { *ConfigurationEntity // Token of the analytics engine (AnalyticsEngine) being controlled. EngineToken *ReferenceToken `xml:"EngineToken,omitempty" json:"EngineToken,omitempty"` // Token of the analytics engine configuration (VideoAnalyticsConfiguration) in effect. EngineConfigToken *ReferenceToken `xml:"EngineConfigToken,omitempty" json:"EngineConfigToken,omitempty"` // Tokens of the input (AnalyticsEngineInput) configuration applied. InputToken []*ReferenceToken `xml:"InputToken,omitempty" json:"InputToken,omitempty"` // Tokens of the receiver providing media input data. The order of ReceiverToken shall exactly match the order of InputToken. ReceiverToken []*ReferenceToken `xml:"ReceiverToken,omitempty" json:"ReceiverToken,omitempty"` Multicast *MulticastConfiguration `xml:"Multicast,omitempty" json:"Multicast,omitempty"` Subscription *Config `xml:"Subscription,omitempty" json:"Subscription,omitempty"` Mode *ModeOfOperation `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` }
type AnalyticsEngineInput ¶
type AnalyticsEngineInput struct { *ConfigurationEntity SourceIdentification *SourceIdentification `xml:"SourceIdentification,omitempty" json:"SourceIdentification,omitempty"` VideoInput *VideoEncoderConfiguration `xml:"VideoInput,omitempty" json:"VideoInput,omitempty"` MetadataInput *MetadataInput `xml:"MetadataInput,omitempty" json:"MetadataInput,omitempty"` }
type AnalyticsEngineInputInfo ¶
type AnalyticsEngineInputInfo struct { InputInfo *Config `xml:"InputInfo,omitempty" json:"InputInfo,omitempty"` Extension *AnalyticsEngineInputInfoExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type AnalyticsState ¶
type AnalyticsStateInformation ¶
type AnalyticsStateInformation struct { // Token of the control object whose status is requested. AnalyticsEngineControlToken *ReferenceToken `xml:"AnalyticsEngineControlToken,omitempty" json:"AnalyticsEngineControlToken,omitempty"` State *AnalyticsState `xml:"State,omitempty" json:"State,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type AnySimpleType ¶
type AnySimpleType string
type ArrayOfFileProgress ¶
type ArrayOfFileProgress struct { // Exported file name and export progress information FileProgress []*FileProgress `xml:"FileProgress,omitempty" json:"FileProgress,omitempty"` Extension *ArrayOfFileProgressExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type AttachmentData ¶
type AttributedAnyType ¶
type AttributedQNameType ¶
type AttributedURIType ¶
type AudioAttributes ¶
type AudioAttributes struct { // The bitrate in kbps. Bitrate int32 `xml:"Bitrate,omitempty" json:"Bitrate,omitempty"` // Audio encoding of the track. Use values from tt:AudioEncoding for G711 and AAC. Otherwise use values from tt:AudioEncodingMimeNames and . Encoding string `xml:"Encoding,omitempty" json:"Encoding,omitempty"` // The sample rate in kHz. Samplerate int32 `xml:"Samplerate,omitempty" json:"Samplerate,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type AudioClassCandidate ¶
type AudioClassCandidate struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" ClassCandidate"` // Indicates audio class label Type *AudioClassType `xml:"Type,omitempty" json:"Type,omitempty"` // A likelihood/probability that the corresponding audio event belongs to this class. The sum of the likelihoods shall NOT exceed 1 Likelihood float32 `xml:"Likelihood,omitempty" json:"Likelihood,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type AudioClassDescriptor ¶
type AudioClassDescriptor struct { // Array of audio class label and class probability ClassCandidate []*AudioClassCandidate `xml:"ClassCandidate,omitempty" json:"ClassCandidate,omitempty"` Extension *AudioClassDescriptorExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type AudioClassType ¶
type AudioClassType string
const ( AudioClassTypeGun_shot AudioClassType = "gun_shot" AudioClassTypeScream AudioClassType = "scream" AudioClassTypeGlass_breaking AudioClassType = "glass_breaking" AudioClassTypeTire_screech AudioClassType = "tire_screech" )
type AudioDecoderConfiguration ¶
type AudioDecoderConfiguration struct {
type AudioDecoderConfigurationOptions ¶
type AudioDecoderConfigurationOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" AudioDecodingCapabilities"` // If the device is able to decode AAC encoded audio this section describes the supported configurations AACDecOptions *AACDecOptions `xml:"AACDecOptions,omitempty" json:"AACDecOptions,omitempty"` // If the device is able to decode G711 encoded audio this section describes the supported configurations G711DecOptions *G711DecOptions `xml:"G711DecOptions,omitempty" json:"G711DecOptions,omitempty"` // If the device is able to decode G726 encoded audio this section describes the supported configurations G726DecOptions *G726DecOptions `xml:"G726DecOptions,omitempty" json:"G726DecOptions,omitempty"` Extension *AudioDecoderConfigurationOptionsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type AudioEncoder2Configuration ¶
type AudioEncoder2Configuration struct { *ConfigurationEntity // Audio Media Subtype for the audio format. For definitions see tt:AudioEncodingMimeNames and . Encoding string `xml:"Encoding,omitempty" json:"Encoding,omitempty"` // Optional multicast configuration of the audio stream. Multicast *MulticastConfiguration `xml:"Multicast,omitempty" json:"Multicast,omitempty"` // The output bitrate in kbps. Bitrate int32 `xml:"Bitrate,omitempty" json:"Bitrate,omitempty"` // The output sample rate in kHz. SampleRate int32 `xml:"SampleRate,omitempty" json:"SampleRate,omitempty"` }
type AudioEncoder2ConfigurationOptions ¶
type AudioEncoder2ConfigurationOptions struct { // Audio Media Subtype for the audio format. For definitions see tt:AudioEncodingMimeNames and . Encoding string `xml:"Encoding,omitempty" json:"Encoding,omitempty"` // List of supported bitrates in kbps for the specified Encoding BitrateList *IntItems `xml:"BitrateList,omitempty" json:"BitrateList,omitempty"` // List of supported Sample Rates in kHz for the specified Encoding SampleRateList *IntItems `xml:"SampleRateList,omitempty" json:"SampleRateList,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type AudioEncoderConfiguration ¶
type AudioEncoderConfiguration struct { *ConfigurationEntity // Audio codec used for encoding the audio input (either G.711, G.726 or AAC) Encoding *AudioEncoding `xml:"Encoding,omitempty" json:"Encoding,omitempty"` // The output bitrate in kbps. Bitrate int32 `xml:"Bitrate,omitempty" json:"Bitrate,omitempty"` // The output sample rate in kHz. SampleRate int32 `xml:"SampleRate,omitempty" json:"SampleRate,omitempty"` // Defines the multicast settings that could be used for video streaming. Multicast *MulticastConfiguration `xml:"Multicast,omitempty" json:"Multicast,omitempty"` // The rtsp session timeout for the related audio stream SessionTimeout *xsd.Duration `xml:"SessionTimeout,omitempty" json:"SessionTimeout,omitempty"` }
type AudioEncoderConfigurationOption ¶
type AudioEncoderConfigurationOption struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Options"` // The enoding used for audio data (either G.711, G.726 or AAC) Encoding *AudioEncoding `xml:"Encoding,omitempty" json:"Encoding,omitempty"` // List of supported bitrates in kbps for the specified Encoding BitrateList *IntItems `xml:"BitrateList,omitempty" json:"BitrateList,omitempty"` // List of supported Sample Rates in kHz for the specified Encoding SampleRateList *IntItems `xml:"SampleRateList,omitempty" json:"SampleRateList,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type AudioEncoderConfigurationOptions ¶
type AudioEncoderConfigurationOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" AudioEncodingCapabilities"` // list of supported AudioEncoderConfigurations Options []*AudioEncoderConfigurationOption `xml:"Options,omitempty" json:"Options,omitempty"` }
type AudioEncoding ¶
type AudioEncoding string
const ( AudioEncodingG711 AudioEncoding = "G711" AudioEncodingG726 AudioEncoding = "G726" AudioEncodingAAC AudioEncoding = "AAC" )
type AudioEncodingMimeNames ¶
type AudioEncodingMimeNames string
const ( AudioEncodingMimeNamesPCMU AudioEncodingMimeNames = "PCMU" // AudioEncodingMimeName G726 is used to represent G726-16,G726-24,G726-32 and G726-40 defined in the IANA Media Types AudioEncodingMimeNamesG726 AudioEncodingMimeNames = "G726" AudioEncodingMimeNamesMP4ALATM AudioEncodingMimeNames = "MP4A-LATM" AudioEncodingMimeNamesMpeg4generic AudioEncodingMimeNames = "mpeg4-generic" )
type AudioOutput ¶
type AudioOutput struct {
type AudioOutputConfiguration ¶
type AudioOutputConfiguration struct { *ConfigurationEntity // Token of the phsycial Audio output. OutputToken *ReferenceToken `xml:"OutputToken,omitempty" json:"OutputToken,omitempty"` // // An audio channel MAY support different types of audio transmission. While for full duplex // operation no special handling is required, in half duplex operation the transmission direction // needs to be switched. // The optional SendPrimacy parameter inside the AudioOutputConfiguration indicates which // direction is currently active. An NVC can switch between different modes by setting the // AudioOutputConfiguration. // The following modes for the Send-Primacy are defined: // Acoustic echo cancellation is out of ONVIF scope. SendPrimacy xsd.AnyURI `xml:"SendPrimacy,omitempty" json:"SendPrimacy,omitempty"` // Volume setting of the output. The applicable range is defined via the option AudioOutputOptions.OutputLevelRange. OutputLevel int32 `xml:"OutputLevel,omitempty" json:"OutputLevel,omitempty"` }
type AudioOutputConfigurationOptions ¶
type AudioOutputConfigurationOptions struct { // Tokens of the physical Audio outputs (typically one). OutputTokensAvailable []*ReferenceToken `xml:"OutputTokensAvailable,omitempty" json:"OutputTokensAvailable,omitempty"` // // An channel MAY support different types of audio transmission. While for full duplex // operation no special handling is required, in half duplex operation the transmission direction // needs to be switched. // The optional SendPrimacy parameter inside the AudioOutputConfiguration indicates which // direction is currently active. An NVC can switch between different modes by setting the // AudioOutputConfiguration. // The following modes for the Send-Primacy are defined: // Acoustic echo cancellation is out of ONVIF scope. SendPrimacyOptions []xsd.AnyURI `xml:"SendPrimacyOptions,omitempty" json:"SendPrimacyOptions,omitempty"` // Minimum and maximum level range supported for this Output. OutputLevelRange *IntRange `xml:"OutputLevelRange,omitempty" json:"OutputLevelRange,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type AudioSource ¶
type AudioSource struct { *DeviceEntity // number of available audio channels. (1: mono, 2: stereo) Channels int32 `xml:"Channels,omitempty" json:"Channels,omitempty"` }
type AudioSourceConfiguration ¶
type AudioSourceConfiguration struct { *ConfigurationEntity // Token of the Audio Source the configuration applies to SourceToken *ReferenceToken `xml:"SourceToken,omitempty" json:"SourceToken,omitempty"` }
type AudioSourceConfigurationOptions ¶
type AudioSourceConfigurationOptions struct { // Tokens of the audio source the configuration can be used for. InputTokensAvailable []*ReferenceToken `xml:"InputTokensAvailable,omitempty" json:"InputTokensAvailable,omitempty"` Extension *AudioSourceOptionsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type AutoFocusMode ¶
type AutoFocusMode string
const ( AutoFocusModeAUTO AutoFocusMode = "AUTO" AutoFocusModeMANUAL AutoFocusMode = "MANUAL" )
type AuxiliaryData ¶
type AuxiliaryData string
type BacklightCompensation ¶
type BacklightCompensation struct { // Backlight compensation mode (on/off). Mode *BacklightCompensationMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // Optional level parameter (unit unspecified). Level float32 `xml:"Level,omitempty" json:"Level,omitempty"` }
type BacklightCompensation20 ¶
type BacklightCompensation20 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" BacklightCompensation"` // Backlight compensation mode (on/off). Mode *BacklightCompensationMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // Optional level parameter (unit unspecified). Level float32 `xml:"Level,omitempty" json:"Level,omitempty"` }
type BacklightCompensationMode ¶
type BacklightCompensationMode string
const ( // Backlight compensation is disabled. BacklightCompensationModeOFF BacklightCompensationMode = "OFF" // Backlight compensation is enabled. BacklightCompensationModeON BacklightCompensationMode = "ON" )
type BacklightCompensationOptions ¶
type BacklightCompensationOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" BacklightCompensation"` Mode []*WideDynamicMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` Level *FloatRange `xml:"Level,omitempty" json:"Level,omitempty"` }
type BacklightCompensationOptions20 ¶
type BacklightCompensationOptions20 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" BacklightCompensation"` // // 'ON' or 'OFF' // Mode []*BacklightCompensationMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // // Level range of BacklightCompensation. // Level *FloatRange `xml:"Level,omitempty" json:"Level,omitempty"` }
type BackupFile ¶
type BackupFile struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" BackupFiles"` Name string `xml:"Name,omitempty" json:"Name,omitempty"` Data *AttachmentData `xml:"Data,omitempty" json:"Data,omitempty"` }
type Base64Binary ¶
type BaseFault ¶
type BaseFault BaseFaultType
type BaseFaultType ¶
type BaseFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" BaseFault"` Timestamp soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"Timestamp,omitempty" json:"Timestamp,omitempty"` Originator *EndpointReferenceType `xml:"Originator,omitempty" json:"Originator,omitempty"` ErrorCode struct { AnyType Dialect xsd.AnyURI `xml:" dialect,attr,omitempty" json:"dialect,omitempty"` } `xml:"ErrorCode,omitempty" json:"ErrorCode,omitempty"` Description []struct { Value string `xml:",chardata" json:"-,"` EmptyString string `xml:" ,attr,omitempty" json:",omitempty"` } `xml:"Description,omitempty" json:"Description,omitempty"` FaultCause struct { } `xml:"FaultCause,omitempty" json:"FaultCause,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type BinaryData ¶
type Capabilities ¶
type Capabilities struct { // Analytics capabilities Analytics *AnalyticsCapabilities `xml:"Analytics,omitempty" json:"Analytics,omitempty"` // Device capabilities Device *DeviceCapabilities `xml:"Device,omitempty" json:"Device,omitempty"` // Event capabilities Events *EventCapabilities `xml:"Events,omitempty" json:"Events,omitempty"` // Imaging capabilities Imaging *ImagingCapabilities `xml:"Imaging,omitempty" json:"Imaging,omitempty"` // Media capabilities Media *MediaCapabilities `xml:"Media,omitempty" json:"Media,omitempty"` // PTZ capabilities PTZ *PTZCapabilities `xml:"PTZ,omitempty" json:"PTZ,omitempty"` Extension *CapabilitiesExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type CapabilitiesExtension ¶
type CapabilitiesExtension struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` DeviceIO *DeviceIOCapabilities `xml:"DeviceIO,omitempty" json:"DeviceIO,omitempty"` Display *DisplayCapabilities `xml:"Display,omitempty" json:"Display,omitempty"` Recording *RecordingCapabilities `xml:"Recording,omitempty" json:"Recording,omitempty"` Search *SearchCapabilities `xml:"Search,omitempty" json:"Search,omitempty"` Replay *ReplayCapabilities `xml:"Replay,omitempty" json:"Replay,omitempty"` Receiver *ReceiverCapabilities `xml:"Receiver,omitempty" json:"Receiver,omitempty"` AnalyticsDevice *AnalyticsDeviceCapabilities `xml:"AnalyticsDevice,omitempty" json:"AnalyticsDevice,omitempty"` Extensions *CapabilitiesExtension2 `xml:"Extensions,omitempty" json:"Extensions,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type CapabilitiesExtension2 ¶
type CapabilityCategory ¶
type CapabilityCategory string
const ( CapabilityCategoryAll CapabilityCategory = "All" CapabilityCategoryAnalytics CapabilityCategory = "Analytics" CapabilityCategoryDevice CapabilityCategory = "Device" CapabilityCategoryEvents CapabilityCategory = "Events" CapabilityCategoryImaging CapabilityCategory = "Imaging" CapabilityCategoryMedia CapabilityCategory = "Media" CapabilityCategoryPTZ CapabilityCategory = "PTZ" )
type CellLayout ¶
type CellLayout struct { // Mapping of the cell grid to the Video frame. The cell grid is starting from the upper left corner and x dimension is going from left to right and the y dimension from up to down. Transformation *Transformation `xml:"Transformation,omitempty" json:"Transformation,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` Columns int32 `xml:" Columns,attr,omitempty" json:"Columns,omitempty"` Rows int32 `xml:" Rows,attr,omitempty" json:"Rows,omitempty"` }
type Certificate ¶
type Certificate struct { // Certificate id. CertificateID string `xml:"CertificateID,omitempty" json:"CertificateID,omitempty"` // base64 encoded DER representation of certificate. Certificate *BinaryData `xml:"Certificate,omitempty" json:"Certificate,omitempty"` }
type CertificateGenerationParameters ¶
type CertificateGenerationParameters struct { CertificateID string `xml:"CertificateID,omitempty" json:"CertificateID,omitempty"` Subject string `xml:"Subject,omitempty" json:"Subject,omitempty"` ValidNotBefore string `xml:"ValidNotBefore,omitempty" json:"ValidNotBefore,omitempty"` ValidNotAfter string `xml:"ValidNotAfter,omitempty" json:"ValidNotAfter,omitempty"` Extension *CertificateGenerationParametersExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type CertificateInformation ¶
type CertificateInformation struct { CertificateID string `xml:"CertificateID,omitempty" json:"CertificateID,omitempty"` IssuerDN string `xml:"IssuerDN,omitempty" json:"IssuerDN,omitempty"` SubjectDN string `xml:"SubjectDN,omitempty" json:"SubjectDN,omitempty"` KeyUsage *CertificateUsage `xml:"KeyUsage,omitempty" json:"KeyUsage,omitempty"` ExtendedKeyUsage *CertificateUsage `xml:"ExtendedKeyUsage,omitempty" json:"ExtendedKeyUsage,omitempty"` KeyLength int32 `xml:"KeyLength,omitempty" json:"KeyLength,omitempty"` Version string `xml:"Version,omitempty" json:"Version,omitempty"` SerialNum string `xml:"SerialNum,omitempty" json:"SerialNum,omitempty"` // Validity Range is from "NotBefore" to "NotAfter"; the corresponding DateTimeRange is from "From" to "Until" SignatureAlgorithm string `xml:"SignatureAlgorithm,omitempty" json:"SignatureAlgorithm,omitempty"` Validity *DateTimeRange `xml:"Validity,omitempty" json:"Validity,omitempty"` Extension *CertificateInformationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type CertificateStatus ¶
type CertificateStatus struct { // Certificate id. CertificateID string `xml:"CertificateID,omitempty" json:"CertificateID,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not a certificate is used in a HTTPS configuration. Status bool `xml:"Status,omitempty" json:"Status,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type CertificateUsage ¶
type CertificateWithPrivateKey ¶
type CertificateWithPrivateKey struct { CertificateID string `xml:"CertificateID,omitempty" json:"CertificateID,omitempty"` Certificate *BinaryData `xml:"Certificate,omitempty" json:"Certificate,omitempty"` PrivateKey *BinaryData `xml:"PrivateKey,omitempty" json:"PrivateKey,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type CodingCapabilities ¶
type CodingCapabilities struct { // If the device supports audio encoding this section describes the supported codecs and their configuration. AudioEncodingCapabilities *AudioEncoderConfigurationOptions `xml:"AudioEncodingCapabilities,omitempty" json:"AudioEncodingCapabilities,omitempty"` // If the device supports audio decoding this section describes the supported codecs and their settings. AudioDecodingCapabilities *AudioDecoderConfigurationOptions `xml:"AudioDecodingCapabilities,omitempty" json:"AudioDecodingCapabilities,omitempty"` // This section describes the supported video codesc and their configuration. VideoDecodingCapabilities *VideoDecoderConfigurationOptions `xml:"VideoDecodingCapabilities,omitempty" json:"VideoDecodingCapabilities,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type Color ¶
type Color struct { X float32 `xml:" X,attr,omitempty" json:"X,omitempty"` Y float32 `xml:" Y,attr,omitempty" json:"Y,omitempty"` Z float32 `xml:" Z,attr,omitempty" json:"Z,omitempty"` Colorspace xsd.AnyURI `xml:" Colorspace,attr,omitempty" json:"Colorspace,omitempty"` Likelihood float32 `xml:" Likelihood,attr,omitempty" json:"Likelihood,omitempty"` }
type ColorCovariance ¶
type ColorCovariance struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Covariance"` XX float32 `xml:" XX,attr,omitempty" json:"XX,omitempty"` YY float32 `xml:" YY,attr,omitempty" json:"YY,omitempty"` ZZ float32 `xml:" ZZ,attr,omitempty" json:"ZZ,omitempty"` XY float32 `xml:" XY,attr,omitempty" json:"XY,omitempty"` XZ float32 `xml:" XZ,attr,omitempty" json:"XZ,omitempty"` YZ float32 `xml:" YZ,attr,omitempty" json:"YZ,omitempty"` Colorspace xsd.AnyURI `xml:" Colorspace,attr,omitempty" json:"Colorspace,omitempty"` }
type ColorDescriptor ¶
type ColorDescriptor struct { ColorCluster []struct { Color *Color `xml:"Color,omitempty" json:"Color,omitempty"` Weight float32 `xml:"Weight,omitempty" json:"Weight,omitempty"` Covariance *ColorCovariance `xml:"Covariance,omitempty" json:"Covariance,omitempty"` } `xml:"ColorCluster,omitempty" json:"ColorCluster,omitempty"` Extension AnyType `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type ColorOptions ¶
type ColorOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Color"` // List the supported color. ColorList []*Color `xml:"ColorList,omitempty" json:"ColorList,omitempty"` // Define the range of color supported. ColorspaceRange []*ColorspaceRange `xml:"ColorspaceRange,omitempty" json:"ColorspaceRange,omitempty"` }
type ColorspaceRange ¶
type ColorspaceRange struct { X *FloatRange `xml:"X,omitempty" json:"X,omitempty"` Y *FloatRange `xml:"Y,omitempty" json:"Y,omitempty"` Z *FloatRange `xml:"Z,omitempty" json:"Z,omitempty"` // // Acceptable values are the same as in tt:Color. // Colorspace xsd.AnyURI `xml:"Colorspace,omitempty" json:"Colorspace,omitempty"` }
type ConcreteTopicExpression ¶
type ConcreteTopicExpression string
type Config ¶
type Config struct { // List of configuration parameters as defined in the corresponding description. Parameters *ItemList `xml:"Parameters,omitempty" json:"Parameters,omitempty"` Name string `xml:" Name,attr,omitempty" json:"Name,omitempty"` Type *xsd.QName `xml:" Type,attr,omitempty" json:"Type,omitempty"` }
type ConfigDescription ¶
type ConfigDescription struct { // // List describing the configuration parameters. The names of the parameters must be unique. If possible SimpleItems // should be used to transport the information to ease parsing of dynamically defined messages by a client // application. // Parameters *ItemListDescription `xml:"Parameters,omitempty" json:"Parameters,omitempty"` Messages []struct { *MessageDescription // // The topic of the message. For historical reason the element is named ParentTopic, but the full topic is expected. // ParentTopic string `xml:"ParentTopic,omitempty" json:"ParentTopic,omitempty"` } `xml:"Messages,omitempty" json:"Messages,omitempty"` Extension *ConfigDescriptionExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Name *xsd.QName `xml:" Name,attr,omitempty" json:"Name,omitempty"` Fixed bool `xml:" fixed,attr,omitempty" json:"fixed,omitempty"` MaxInstances int32 `xml:" maxInstances,attr,omitempty" json:"maxInstances,omitempty"` }
type ConfigurationEntity ¶
type ConfigurationEntity struct { // User readable name. Length up to 64 characters. Name *Name `xml:"Name,omitempty" json:"Name,omitempty"` // Number of internal references currently using this configuration. UseCount int32 `xml:"UseCount,omitempty" json:"UseCount,omitempty"` Token *ReferenceToken `xml:" token,attr,omitempty" json:"token,omitempty"` }
type ConsumerReference ¶
type ConsumerReference EndpointReferenceType
type ContinuousFocus ¶
type ContinuousFocusOptions ¶
type ContinuousFocusOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Continuous"` // // Valid ranges of the speed. // Speed *FloatRange `xml:"Speed,omitempty" json:"Speed,omitempty"` }
type CreatePullPoint ¶
type CreatePullPointResponse ¶
type CreatePullPointResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" CreatePullPointResponse"` PullPoint *EndpointReferenceType `xml:"PullPoint,omitempty" json:"PullPoint,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type CreationTime ¶
type CreationTime soap.XSDDateTime
func (CreationTime) MarshalXML ¶
func (xdt CreationTime) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*CreationTime) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (xdt *CreationTime) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type CurrentTime ¶
type CurrentTime soap.XSDDateTime
func (CurrentTime) MarshalXML ¶
func (xdt CurrentTime) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*CurrentTime) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (xdt *CurrentTime) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type DNSInformation ¶
type DNSInformation struct { // Indicates whether or not DNS information is retrieved from DHCP. FromDHCP bool `xml:"FromDHCP,omitempty" json:"FromDHCP,omitempty"` // Search domain. SearchDomain []string `xml:"SearchDomain,omitempty" json:"SearchDomain,omitempty"` // List of DNS addresses received from DHCP. DNSFromDHCP []*IPAddress `xml:"DNSFromDHCP,omitempty" json:"DNSFromDHCP,omitempty"` // List of manually entered DNS addresses. DNSManual []*IPAddress `xml:"DNSManual,omitempty" json:"DNSManual,omitempty"` Extension *DNSInformationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type DNSInformationExtension ¶
type DateTimeRange ¶
type DateTimeRange struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Validity"` From soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"From,omitempty" json:"From,omitempty"` Until soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"Until,omitempty" json:"Until,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type Defogging ¶
type Defogging struct { // Parameter to enable/disable or automatic Defogging feature. Its options shall be chosen from tt:DefoggingMode Type. Mode string `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // Optional level parameter specified with unitless normalized value from 0.0 to +1.0. Level float32 `xml:"Level,omitempty" json:"Level,omitempty"` Extension *DefoggingExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type DefoggingExtension ¶
type DefoggingMode ¶
type DefoggingMode string
const ( DefoggingModeOFF DefoggingMode = "OFF" DefoggingModeON DefoggingMode = "ON" DefoggingModeAUTO DefoggingMode = "AUTO" )
type DefoggingOptions ¶
type DefoggingOptions struct { // Supported options for Defogging mode. Its options shall be chosen from tt:DefoggingMode Type. Mode []string `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not support Level parameter for Defogging. Level bool `xml:"Level,omitempty" json:"Level,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type Description ¶
type Description string
type DestroyPullPoint ¶
type DeviceCapabilities ¶
type DeviceCapabilities struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Device"` // Device service URI. XAddr xsd.AnyURI `xml:"XAddr,omitempty" json:"XAddr,omitempty"` // Network capabilities. Network *NetworkCapabilities `xml:"Network,omitempty" json:"Network,omitempty"` // System capabilities. System *SystemCapabilities `xml:"System,omitempty" json:"System,omitempty"` // I/O capabilities. IO *IOCapabilities `xml:"IO,omitempty" json:"IO,omitempty"` // Security capabilities. Security *SecurityCapabilities `xml:"Security,omitempty" json:"Security,omitempty"` Extension *DeviceCapabilitiesExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type DeviceEntity ¶
type DeviceEntity struct {
Token *ReferenceToken `xml:" token,attr,omitempty" json:"token,omitempty"`
type DeviceIOCapabilities ¶
type DeviceIOCapabilities struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" DeviceIO"` XAddr xsd.AnyURI `xml:"XAddr,omitempty" json:"XAddr,omitempty"` VideoSources int32 `xml:"VideoSources,omitempty" json:"VideoSources,omitempty"` VideoOutputs int32 `xml:"VideoOutputs,omitempty" json:"VideoOutputs,omitempty"` AudioSources int32 `xml:"AudioSources,omitempty" json:"AudioSources,omitempty"` AudioOutputs int32 `xml:"AudioOutputs,omitempty" json:"AudioOutputs,omitempty"` RelayOutputs int32 `xml:"RelayOutputs,omitempty" json:"RelayOutputs,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type DigitalIdleState ¶
type DigitalIdleState string
const ( DigitalIdleStateClosed DigitalIdleState = "closed" DigitalIdleStateOpen DigitalIdleState = "open" )
type DigitalInput ¶
type DigitalInput struct { *DeviceEntity IdleState *DigitalIdleState `xml:" IdleState,attr,omitempty" json:"IdleState,omitempty"` }
type DiscoveryMode ¶
type DiscoveryMode string
const ( DiscoveryModeDiscoverable DiscoveryMode = "Discoverable" DiscoveryModeNonDiscoverable DiscoveryMode = "NonDiscoverable" )
type DisplayCapabilities ¶
type DisplayCapabilities struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Display"` XAddr xsd.AnyURI `xml:"XAddr,omitempty" json:"XAddr,omitempty"` // Indication that the SetLayout command supports only predefined layouts. FixedLayout bool `xml:"FixedLayout,omitempty" json:"FixedLayout,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type Documentation ¶
type Dot11AuthAndMangementSuite ¶
type Dot11AuthAndMangementSuite string
const ( Dot11AuthAndMangementSuiteNone Dot11AuthAndMangementSuite = "None" Dot11AuthAndMangementSuiteDot1X Dot11AuthAndMangementSuite = "Dot1X" Dot11AuthAndMangementSuitePSK Dot11AuthAndMangementSuite = "PSK" Dot11AuthAndMangementSuiteExtended Dot11AuthAndMangementSuite = "Extended" )
type Dot11AvailableNetworks ¶
type Dot11AvailableNetworks struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Networks"` SSID *Dot11SSIDType `xml:"SSID,omitempty" json:"SSID,omitempty"` BSSID string `xml:"BSSID,omitempty" json:"BSSID,omitempty"` // See IEEE802.11 for details. AuthAndMangementSuite []*Dot11AuthAndMangementSuite `xml:"AuthAndMangementSuite,omitempty" json:"AuthAndMangementSuite,omitempty"` PairCipher []*Dot11Cipher `xml:"PairCipher,omitempty" json:"PairCipher,omitempty"` GroupCipher []*Dot11Cipher `xml:"GroupCipher,omitempty" json:"GroupCipher,omitempty"` SignalStrength *Dot11SignalStrength `xml:"SignalStrength,omitempty" json:"SignalStrength,omitempty"` Extension *Dot11AvailableNetworksExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type Dot11Capabilities ¶
type Dot11Capabilities struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Capabilities"` TKIP bool `xml:"TKIP,omitempty" json:"TKIP,omitempty"` ScanAvailableNetworks bool `xml:"ScanAvailableNetworks,omitempty" json:"ScanAvailableNetworks,omitempty"` MultipleConfiguration bool `xml:"MultipleConfiguration,omitempty" json:"MultipleConfiguration,omitempty"` AdHocStationMode bool `xml:"AdHocStationMode,omitempty" json:"AdHocStationMode,omitempty"` WEP bool `xml:"WEP,omitempty" json:"WEP,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type Dot11Cipher ¶
type Dot11Cipher string
const ( Dot11CipherCCMP Dot11Cipher = "CCMP" Dot11CipherTKIP Dot11Cipher = "TKIP" Dot11CipherAny Dot11Cipher = "Any" Dot11CipherExtended Dot11Cipher = "Extended" )
type Dot11Configuration ¶
type Dot11Configuration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Dot11"` SSID *Dot11SSIDType `xml:"SSID,omitempty" json:"SSID,omitempty"` Mode *Dot11StationMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` Alias *Name `xml:"Alias,omitempty" json:"Alias,omitempty"` Priority *NetworkInterfaceConfigPriority `xml:"Priority,omitempty" json:"Priority,omitempty"` Security *Dot11SecurityConfiguration `xml:"Security,omitempty" json:"Security,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type Dot11PSKPassphrase ¶
type Dot11PSKPassphrase string
type Dot11PSKSet ¶
type Dot11PSKSet struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" PSK"` // // According to IEEE802.11-2007 H.4.1 the RSNA PSK consists of 256 bits, or 64 octets when represented in hex // Either Key or Passphrase shall be given, if both are supplied Key shall be used by the device and Passphrase ignored. // Key *Dot11PSK `xml:"Key,omitempty" json:"Key,omitempty"` // // According to IEEE802.11-2007 H.4.1 a pass-phrase is a sequence of between 8 and 63 ASCII-encoded characters and // each character in the pass-phrase must have an encoding in the range of 32 to 126 (decimal),inclusive. // If only Passpharse is supplied the Key shall be derived using the algorithm described in IEEE802.11-2007 section H.4 // Passphrase *Dot11PSKPassphrase `xml:"Passphrase,omitempty" json:"Passphrase,omitempty"` Extension *Dot11PSKSetExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type Dot11PSKSetExtension ¶
type Dot11SSIDType ¶
type Dot11SSIDType []byte
type Dot11SecurityConfiguration ¶
type Dot11SecurityConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Security"` Mode *Dot11SecurityMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` Algorithm *Dot11Cipher `xml:"Algorithm,omitempty" json:"Algorithm,omitempty"` PSK *Dot11PSKSet `xml:"PSK,omitempty" json:"PSK,omitempty"` Dot1X *ReferenceToken `xml:"Dot1X,omitempty" json:"Dot1X,omitempty"` Extension *Dot11SecurityConfigurationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type Dot11SecurityMode ¶
type Dot11SecurityMode string
const ( Dot11SecurityModeNone Dot11SecurityMode = "None" Dot11SecurityModeWEP Dot11SecurityMode = "WEP" Dot11SecurityModePSK Dot11SecurityMode = "PSK" Dot11SecurityModeDot1X Dot11SecurityMode = "Dot1X" Dot11SecurityModeExtended Dot11SecurityMode = "Extended" )
type Dot11SignalStrength ¶
type Dot11SignalStrength string
const ( Dot11SignalStrengthNone Dot11SignalStrength = "None" Dot11SignalStrengthVeryBad Dot11SignalStrength = "Very Bad" Dot11SignalStrengthBad Dot11SignalStrength = "Bad" Dot11SignalStrengthGood Dot11SignalStrength = "Good" Dot11SignalStrengthVeryGood Dot11SignalStrength = "Very Good" Dot11SignalStrengthExtended Dot11SignalStrength = "Extended" )
type Dot11StationMode ¶
type Dot11StationMode string
const ( Dot11StationModeAdhoc Dot11StationMode = "Ad-hoc" Dot11StationModeInfrastructure Dot11StationMode = "Infrastructure" Dot11StationModeExtended Dot11StationMode = "Extended" )
type Dot11Status ¶
type Dot11Status struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Status"` SSID *Dot11SSIDType `xml:"SSID,omitempty" json:"SSID,omitempty"` BSSID string `xml:"BSSID,omitempty" json:"BSSID,omitempty"` PairCipher *Dot11Cipher `xml:"PairCipher,omitempty" json:"PairCipher,omitempty"` GroupCipher *Dot11Cipher `xml:"GroupCipher,omitempty" json:"GroupCipher,omitempty"` SignalStrength *Dot11SignalStrength `xml:"SignalStrength,omitempty" json:"SignalStrength,omitempty"` ActiveConfigAlias *ReferenceToken `xml:"ActiveConfigAlias,omitempty" json:"ActiveConfigAlias,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type Dot1XConfiguration ¶
type Dot1XConfiguration struct { Dot1XConfigurationToken *ReferenceToken `xml:"Dot1XConfigurationToken,omitempty" json:"Dot1XConfigurationToken,omitempty"` Identity string `xml:"Identity,omitempty" json:"Identity,omitempty"` AnonymousID string `xml:"AnonymousID,omitempty" json:"AnonymousID,omitempty"` // // EAP Method type as defined in . // EAPMethod int32 `xml:"EAPMethod,omitempty" json:"EAPMethod,omitempty"` CACertificateID []string `xml:"CACertificateID,omitempty" json:"CACertificateID,omitempty"` EAPMethodConfiguration *EAPMethodConfiguration `xml:"EAPMethodConfiguration,omitempty" json:"EAPMethodConfiguration,omitempty"` Extension *Dot1XConfigurationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type Dot3Configuration ¶
type DurationRange ¶
type DynamicDNSInformation ¶
type DynamicDNSInformation struct { // Dynamic DNS type. Type *DynamicDNSType `xml:"Type,omitempty" json:"Type,omitempty"` // DNS name. Name *DNSName `xml:"Name,omitempty" json:"Name,omitempty"` // Time to live. TTL *xsd.Duration `xml:"TTL,omitempty" json:"TTL,omitempty"` Extension *DynamicDNSInformationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type DynamicDNSType ¶
type DynamicDNSType string
const ( DynamicDNSTypeNoUpdate DynamicDNSType = "NoUpdate" DynamicDNSTypeClientUpdates DynamicDNSType = "ClientUpdates" DynamicDNSTypeServerUpdates DynamicDNSType = "ServerUpdates" )
type EAPMethodConfiguration ¶
type EAPMethodConfiguration struct { // Confgiuration information for TLS Method. TLSConfiguration *TLSConfiguration `xml:"TLSConfiguration,omitempty" json:"TLSConfiguration,omitempty"` // Password for those EAP Methods that require a password. The password shall never be returned on a get method. Password string `xml:"Password,omitempty" json:"Password,omitempty"` Extension *EapMethodExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type EFlipOptions ¶
type EFlipOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" EFlip"` // Options of EFlip mode parameter. Mode []*EFlipMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` Extension *EFlipOptionsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type EFlipOptionsExtension ¶
type EapMethodExtension ¶
type EndpointReference ¶
type EndpointReference EndpointReferenceType
type EndpointReferenceType ¶
type EndpointReferenceType struct { Address *AttributedURIType `xml:"Address,omitempty" json:"Address,omitempty"` ReferenceParameters *ReferenceParametersType `xml:"ReferenceParameters,omitempty" json:"ReferenceParameters,omitempty"` Metadata *Metadata `xml:"Metadata,omitempty" json:"Metadata,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type EngineConfiguration ¶
type EngineConfiguration struct { VideoAnalyticsConfiguration *VideoAnalyticsConfiguration `xml:"VideoAnalyticsConfiguration,omitempty" json:"VideoAnalyticsConfiguration,omitempty"` AnalyticsEngineInputInfo *AnalyticsEngineInputInfo `xml:"AnalyticsEngineInputInfo,omitempty" json:"AnalyticsEngineInputInfo,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type EventCapabilities ¶
type EventCapabilities struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Events"` // Event service URI. XAddr xsd.AnyURI `xml:"XAddr,omitempty" json:"XAddr,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not WS Subscription policy is supported. WSSubscriptionPolicySupport bool `xml:"WSSubscriptionPolicySupport,omitempty" json:"WSSubscriptionPolicySupport,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not WS Pull Point is supported. WSPullPointSupport bool `xml:"WSPullPointSupport,omitempty" json:"WSPullPointSupport,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not WS Pausable Subscription Manager Interface is supported. WSPausableSubscriptionManagerInterfaceSupport bool `xml:"WSPausableSubscriptionManagerInterfaceSupport,omitempty" json:"WSPausableSubscriptionManagerInterfaceSupport,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type EventFilter ¶
type EventFilter struct {
type EventSubscription ¶
type EventSubscription struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Events"` Filter *FilterType `xml:"Filter,omitempty" json:"Filter,omitempty"` SubscriptionPolicy struct { } `xml:"SubscriptionPolicy,omitempty" json:"SubscriptionPolicy,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type Exposure ¶
type Exposure struct { // // Exposure Mode // // Mode *ExposureMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // // The exposure priority mode (low noise/framerate). // Priority *ExposurePriority `xml:"Priority,omitempty" json:"Priority,omitempty"` // // Rectangular exposure mask. // Window *Rectangle `xml:"Window,omitempty" json:"Window,omitempty"` // // Minimum value of exposure time range allowed to be used by the algorithm. // MinExposureTime float32 `xml:"MinExposureTime,omitempty" json:"MinExposureTime,omitempty"` // // Maximum value of exposure time range allowed to be used by the algorithm. // MaxExposureTime float32 `xml:"MaxExposureTime,omitempty" json:"MaxExposureTime,omitempty"` // // Minimum value of the sensor gain range that is allowed to be used by the algorithm. // MinGain float32 `xml:"MinGain,omitempty" json:"MinGain,omitempty"` // // Maximum value of the sensor gain range that is allowed to be used by the algorithm. // MaxGain float32 `xml:"MaxGain,omitempty" json:"MaxGain,omitempty"` // // Minimum value of the iris range allowed to be used by the algorithm. // MinIris float32 `xml:"MinIris,omitempty" json:"MinIris,omitempty"` // // Maximum value of the iris range allowed to be used by the algorithm. // MaxIris float32 `xml:"MaxIris,omitempty" json:"MaxIris,omitempty"` // // The fixed exposure time used by the image sensor (μs). // ExposureTime float32 `xml:"ExposureTime,omitempty" json:"ExposureTime,omitempty"` // // The fixed gain used by the image sensor (dB). // Gain float32 `xml:"Gain,omitempty" json:"Gain,omitempty"` // // The fixed attenuation of input light affected by the iris (dB). 0dB maps to a fully opened iris. // Iris float32 `xml:"Iris,omitempty" json:"Iris,omitempty"` }
type Exposure20 ¶
type Exposure20 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Exposure"` // // Exposure Mode // // Mode *ExposureMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // // The exposure priority mode (low noise/framerate). // Priority *ExposurePriority `xml:"Priority,omitempty" json:"Priority,omitempty"` // // Rectangular exposure mask. // Window *Rectangle `xml:"Window,omitempty" json:"Window,omitempty"` // // Minimum value of exposure time range allowed to be used by the algorithm. // MinExposureTime float32 `xml:"MinExposureTime,omitempty" json:"MinExposureTime,omitempty"` // // Maximum value of exposure time range allowed to be used by the algorithm. // MaxExposureTime float32 `xml:"MaxExposureTime,omitempty" json:"MaxExposureTime,omitempty"` // // Minimum value of the sensor gain range that is allowed to be used by the algorithm. // MinGain float32 `xml:"MinGain,omitempty" json:"MinGain,omitempty"` // // Maximum value of the sensor gain range that is allowed to be used by the algorithm. // MaxGain float32 `xml:"MaxGain,omitempty" json:"MaxGain,omitempty"` // // Minimum value of the iris range allowed to be used by the algorithm. 0dB maps to a fully opened iris and positive values map to higher attenuation. // MinIris float32 `xml:"MinIris,omitempty" json:"MinIris,omitempty"` // // Maximum value of the iris range allowed to be used by the algorithm. 0dB maps to a fully opened iris and positive values map to higher attenuation. // MaxIris float32 `xml:"MaxIris,omitempty" json:"MaxIris,omitempty"` // // The fixed exposure time used by the image sensor (μs). // ExposureTime float32 `xml:"ExposureTime,omitempty" json:"ExposureTime,omitempty"` // // The fixed gain used by the image sensor (dB). // Gain float32 `xml:"Gain,omitempty" json:"Gain,omitempty"` // // The fixed attenuation of input light affected by the iris (dB). 0dB maps to a fully opened iris and positive values map to higher attenuation. // Iris float32 `xml:"Iris,omitempty" json:"Iris,omitempty"` }
type ExposureMode ¶
type ExposureMode string
const ( ExposureModeAUTO ExposureMode = "AUTO" ExposureModeMANUAL ExposureMode = "MANUAL" )
type ExposureOptions ¶
type ExposureOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Exposure"` Mode []*ExposureMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` Priority []*ExposurePriority `xml:"Priority,omitempty" json:"Priority,omitempty"` MinExposureTime *FloatRange `xml:"MinExposureTime,omitempty" json:"MinExposureTime,omitempty"` MaxExposureTime *FloatRange `xml:"MaxExposureTime,omitempty" json:"MaxExposureTime,omitempty"` MinGain *FloatRange `xml:"MinGain,omitempty" json:"MinGain,omitempty"` MaxGain *FloatRange `xml:"MaxGain,omitempty" json:"MaxGain,omitempty"` MinIris *FloatRange `xml:"MinIris,omitempty" json:"MinIris,omitempty"` MaxIris *FloatRange `xml:"MaxIris,omitempty" json:"MaxIris,omitempty"` ExposureTime *FloatRange `xml:"ExposureTime,omitempty" json:"ExposureTime,omitempty"` Gain *FloatRange `xml:"Gain,omitempty" json:"Gain,omitempty"` Iris *FloatRange `xml:"Iris,omitempty" json:"Iris,omitempty"` }
type ExposureOptions20 ¶
type ExposureOptions20 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Exposure"` // // Exposure Mode // // Mode []*ExposureMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // // The exposure priority mode (low noise/framerate). // Priority []*ExposurePriority `xml:"Priority,omitempty" json:"Priority,omitempty"` // // Valid range of the Minimum ExposureTime. // MinExposureTime *FloatRange `xml:"MinExposureTime,omitempty" json:"MinExposureTime,omitempty"` // // Valid range of the Maximum ExposureTime. // MaxExposureTime *FloatRange `xml:"MaxExposureTime,omitempty" json:"MaxExposureTime,omitempty"` // // Valid range of the Minimum Gain. // MinGain *FloatRange `xml:"MinGain,omitempty" json:"MinGain,omitempty"` // // Valid range of the Maximum Gain. // MaxGain *FloatRange `xml:"MaxGain,omitempty" json:"MaxGain,omitempty"` // // Valid range of the Minimum Iris. // MinIris *FloatRange `xml:"MinIris,omitempty" json:"MinIris,omitempty"` // // Valid range of the Maximum Iris. // MaxIris *FloatRange `xml:"MaxIris,omitempty" json:"MaxIris,omitempty"` // // Valid range of the ExposureTime. // ExposureTime *FloatRange `xml:"ExposureTime,omitempty" json:"ExposureTime,omitempty"` // // Valid range of the Gain. // Gain *FloatRange `xml:"Gain,omitempty" json:"Gain,omitempty"` // // Valid range of the Iris. // Iris *FloatRange `xml:"Iris,omitempty" json:"Iris,omitempty"` }
type ExposurePriority ¶
type ExposurePriority string
const ( ExposurePriorityLowNoise ExposurePriority = "LowNoise" ExposurePriorityFrameRate ExposurePriority = "FrameRate" )
type ExtensibleDocumented ¶
type ExtensibleDocumented struct {
Documentation *Documentation `xml:"documentation,omitempty" json:"documentation,omitempty"`
type FactoryDefaultType ¶
type FactoryDefaultType string
const ( // Indicates that a hard factory default is requested. FactoryDefaultTypeHard FactoryDefaultType = "Hard" // Indicates that a soft factory default is requested. FactoryDefaultTypeSoft FactoryDefaultType = "Soft" )
type Fault ¶
type Fault struct { Code *Faultcode `xml:"Code,omitempty" json:"Code,omitempty"` Reason *Faultreason `xml:"Reason,omitempty" json:"Reason,omitempty"` Node xsd.AnyURI `xml:"Node,omitempty" json:"Node,omitempty"` Role xsd.AnyURI `xml:"Role,omitempty" json:"Role,omitempty"` Detail *Detail `xml:"Detail,omitempty" json:"Detail,omitempty"` }
type FaultCodesOpenEnumType ¶
type FaultCodesOpenEnumType string
type FaultCodesType ¶
const ( FaultCodesTypeTnsInvalidAddressingHeader FaultCodesType = "tns:InvalidAddressingHeader" FaultCodesTypeTnsInvalidAddress FaultCodesType = "tns:InvalidAddress" FaultCodesTypeTnsInvalidEPR FaultCodesType = "tns:InvalidEPR" FaultCodesTypeTnsInvalidCardinality FaultCodesType = "tns:InvalidCardinality" FaultCodesTypeTnsMissingAddressInEPR FaultCodesType = "tns:MissingAddressInEPR" FaultCodesTypeTnsDuplicateMessageID FaultCodesType = "tns:DuplicateMessageID" FaultCodesTypeTnsActionMismatch FaultCodesType = "tns:ActionMismatch" FaultCodesTypeTnsMessageAddressingHeaderRequired FaultCodesType = "tns:MessageAddressingHeaderRequired" FaultCodesTypeTnsDestinationUnreachable FaultCodesType = "tns:DestinationUnreachable" FaultCodesTypeTnsActionNotSupported FaultCodesType = "tns:ActionNotSupported" )
type FaultTo ¶
type FaultTo EndpointReferenceType
type Faultcode ¶
type Faultcode struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Code"` Value *FaultcodeEnum `xml:"Value,omitempty" json:"Value,omitempty"` Subcode *Subcode `xml:"Subcode,omitempty" json:"Subcode,omitempty"` }
type FaultcodeEnum ¶
const ( FaultcodeEnumTnsDataEncodingUnknown FaultcodeEnum = "tns:DataEncodingUnknown" FaultcodeEnumTnsMustUnderstand FaultcodeEnum = "tns:MustUnderstand" FaultcodeEnumTnsReceiver FaultcodeEnum = "tns:Receiver" FaultcodeEnumTnsSender FaultcodeEnum = "tns:Sender" FaultcodeEnumTnsVersionMismatch FaultcodeEnum = "tns:VersionMismatch" )
type Faultreason ¶
type Faultreason struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Reason"` Text []*Reasontext `xml:"Text,omitempty" json:"Text,omitempty"` }
type FileProgress ¶
type FileProgress struct { // Exported file name FileName string `xml:"FileName,omitempty" json:"FileName,omitempty"` // Normalized percentage completion for uploading the exported file Progress float32 `xml:"Progress,omitempty" json:"Progress,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type Filter ¶
type Filter FilterType
type FilterType ¶
type FindEventResult ¶
type FindEventResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Result"` // The recording where this event was found. Empty string if no recording is associated with this event. RecordingToken *RecordingReference `xml:"RecordingToken,omitempty" json:"RecordingToken,omitempty"` // A reference to the track where this event was found. Empty string if no track is associated with this event. TrackToken *TrackReference `xml:"TrackToken,omitempty" json:"TrackToken,omitempty"` // The time when the event occured. Time soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"Time,omitempty" json:"Time,omitempty"` // The description of the event. Event *NotificationMessageHolderType `xml:"Event,omitempty" json:"Event,omitempty"` // If true, indicates that the event is a virtual event generated for this particular search session to give the state of a property at the start time of the search. StartStateEvent bool `xml:"StartStateEvent,omitempty" json:"StartStateEvent,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type FindEventResultList ¶
type FindEventResultList struct { // The state of the search when the result is returned. Indicates if there can be more results, or if the search is completed. SearchState *SearchState `xml:"SearchState,omitempty" json:"SearchState,omitempty"` // A FindEventResult structure for each found event matching the search. Result []*FindEventResult `xml:"Result,omitempty" json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type FindMetadataResult ¶
type FindMetadataResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Result"` // A reference to the recording containing the metadata. RecordingToken *RecordingReference `xml:"RecordingToken,omitempty" json:"RecordingToken,omitempty"` // A reference to the metadata track containing the matching metadata. TrackToken *TrackReference `xml:"TrackToken,omitempty" json:"TrackToken,omitempty"` // The point in time when the matching metadata occurs in the metadata track. Time soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"Time,omitempty" json:"Time,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type FindMetadataResultList ¶
type FindMetadataResultList struct { // The state of the search when the result is returned. Indicates if there can be more results, or if the search is completed. SearchState *SearchState `xml:"SearchState,omitempty" json:"SearchState,omitempty"` // A FindMetadataResult structure for each found set of Metadata matching the search. Result []*FindMetadataResult `xml:"Result,omitempty" json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type FindPTZPositionResult ¶
type FindPTZPositionResult struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Result"` // A reference to the recording containing the PTZ position. RecordingToken *RecordingReference `xml:"RecordingToken,omitempty" json:"RecordingToken,omitempty"` // A reference to the metadata track containing the PTZ position. TrackToken *TrackReference `xml:"TrackToken,omitempty" json:"TrackToken,omitempty"` // The time when the PTZ position was valid. Time soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"Time,omitempty" json:"Time,omitempty"` // The PTZ position. Position *PTZVector `xml:"Position,omitempty" json:"Position,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type FindPTZPositionResultList ¶
type FindPTZPositionResultList struct { // The state of the search when the result is returned. Indicates if there can be more results, or if the search is completed. SearchState *SearchState `xml:"SearchState,omitempty" json:"SearchState,omitempty"` // A FindPTZPositionResult structure for each found PTZ position matching the search. Result []*FindPTZPositionResult `xml:"Result,omitempty" json:"Result,omitempty"` }
type FindRecordingResultList ¶
type FindRecordingResultList struct { // The state of the search when the result is returned. Indicates if there can be more results, or if the search is completed. SearchState *SearchState `xml:"SearchState,omitempty" json:"SearchState,omitempty"` // A RecordingInformation structure for each found recording matching the search. RecordingInformation []*RecordingInformation `xml:"RecordingInformation,omitempty" json:"RecordingInformation,omitempty"` }
type FixedTopicSet ¶
type FixedTopicSet bool
type FloatItems ¶
type FloatItems struct {
Items []float32 `xml:"Items,omitempty" json:"Items,omitempty"`
type FloatRange ¶
type FocusConfiguration ¶
type FocusConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Focus"` AutoFocusMode *AutoFocusMode `xml:"AutoFocusMode,omitempty" json:"AutoFocusMode,omitempty"` DefaultSpeed float32 `xml:"DefaultSpeed,omitempty" json:"DefaultSpeed,omitempty"` // Parameter to set autofocus near limit (unit: meter). NearLimit float32 `xml:"NearLimit,omitempty" json:"NearLimit,omitempty"` // Parameter to set autofocus far limit (unit: meter). // If set to 0.0, infinity will be used. FarLimit float32 `xml:"FarLimit,omitempty" json:"FarLimit,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type FocusConfiguration20 ¶
type FocusConfiguration20 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Focus"` // // Mode of auto focus. // // Note: for devices supporting both manual and auto operation at the same time manual operation may be supported even if the Mode parameter is set to Auto. // AutoFocusMode *AutoFocusMode `xml:"AutoFocusMode,omitempty" json:"AutoFocusMode,omitempty"` DefaultSpeed float32 `xml:"DefaultSpeed,omitempty" json:"DefaultSpeed,omitempty"` // Parameter to set autofocus near limit (unit: meter). NearLimit float32 `xml:"NearLimit,omitempty" json:"NearLimit,omitempty"` // Parameter to set autofocus far limit (unit: meter). FarLimit float32 `xml:"FarLimit,omitempty" json:"FarLimit,omitempty"` Extension *FocusConfiguration20Extension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` AFMode *StringAttrList `xml:" AFMode,attr,omitempty" json:"AFMode,omitempty"` }
type FocusMove ¶
type FocusMove struct { // // Parameters for the absolute focus control. // Absolute *AbsoluteFocus `xml:"Absolute,omitempty" json:"Absolute,omitempty"` // // Parameters for the relative focus control. // Relative *RelativeFocus `xml:"Relative,omitempty" json:"Relative,omitempty"` // // Parameter for the continuous focus control. // Continuous *ContinuousFocus `xml:"Continuous,omitempty" json:"Continuous,omitempty"` }
type FocusOptions ¶
type FocusOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Focus"` AutoFocusModes []*AutoFocusMode `xml:"AutoFocusModes,omitempty" json:"AutoFocusModes,omitempty"` DefaultSpeed *FloatRange `xml:"DefaultSpeed,omitempty" json:"DefaultSpeed,omitempty"` NearLimit *FloatRange `xml:"NearLimit,omitempty" json:"NearLimit,omitempty"` FarLimit *FloatRange `xml:"FarLimit,omitempty" json:"FarLimit,omitempty"` }
type FocusOptions20 ¶
type FocusOptions20 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Focus"` // // Supported modes for auto focus. // // AutoFocusModes []*AutoFocusMode `xml:"AutoFocusModes,omitempty" json:"AutoFocusModes,omitempty"` // // Valid range of DefaultSpeed. // DefaultSpeed *FloatRange `xml:"DefaultSpeed,omitempty" json:"DefaultSpeed,omitempty"` // // Valid range of NearLimit. // NearLimit *FloatRange `xml:"NearLimit,omitempty" json:"NearLimit,omitempty"` // // Valid range of FarLimit. // FarLimit *FloatRange `xml:"FarLimit,omitempty" json:"FarLimit,omitempty"` Extension *FocusOptions20Extension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type FocusOptions20Extension ¶
type FocusOptions20Extension struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` // Supported options for auto focus. Options shall be chosen from tt:AFModes. AFModes *StringAttrList `xml:"AFModes,omitempty" json:"AFModes,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type FocusStatus ¶
type FocusStatus struct { // // Status of focus position. // Position float32 `xml:"Position,omitempty" json:"Position,omitempty"` // // Status of focus MoveStatus. // MoveStatus *MoveStatus `xml:"MoveStatus,omitempty" json:"MoveStatus,omitempty"` // // Error status of focus. // Error string `xml:"Error,omitempty" json:"Error,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type FocusStatus20 ¶
type FocusStatus20 struct { // // Status of focus position. // Position float32 `xml:"Position,omitempty" json:"Position,omitempty"` // // Status of focus MoveStatus. // MoveStatus *MoveStatus `xml:"MoveStatus,omitempty" json:"MoveStatus,omitempty"` // // Error status of focus. // Error string `xml:"Error,omitempty" json:"Error,omitempty"` Extension *FocusStatus20Extension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type FocusStatus20Extension ¶
type From ¶
type From EndpointReferenceType
type FullTopicExpression ¶
type FullTopicExpression string
type G711DecOptions ¶
type G711DecOptions struct { // List of supported bitrates in kbps Bitrate *IntItems `xml:"Bitrate,omitempty" json:"Bitrate,omitempty"` // List of supported sample rates in kHz SampleRateRange *IntItems `xml:"SampleRateRange,omitempty" json:"SampleRateRange,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type G726DecOptions ¶
type G726DecOptions struct { // List of supported bitrates in kbps Bitrate *IntItems `xml:"Bitrate,omitempty" json:"Bitrate,omitempty"` // List of supported sample rates in kHz SampleRateRange *IntItems `xml:"SampleRateRange,omitempty" json:"SampleRateRange,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type GenericEapPwdConfigurationExtension ¶
type GenericEapPwdConfigurationExtension struct {
Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"`
type GeoLocation ¶
type GeoLocation struct { Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` Lon float64 `xml:" lon,attr,omitempty" json:"lon,omitempty"` Lat float64 `xml:" lat,attr,omitempty" json:"lat,omitempty"` Elevation float32 `xml:" elevation,attr,omitempty" json:"elevation,omitempty"` }
type GeoOrientation ¶
type GeoOrientation struct { Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` Roll float32 `xml:" roll,attr,omitempty" json:"roll,omitempty"` Pitch float32 `xml:" pitch,attr,omitempty" json:"pitch,omitempty"` Yaw float32 `xml:" yaw,attr,omitempty" json:"yaw,omitempty"` }
type GetCurrentMessage ¶
type GetCurrentMessage struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" GetCurrentMessage"` Topic *TopicExpressionType `xml:"Topic,omitempty" json:"Topic,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type GetMessages ¶
type GetMessages struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" GetMessages"` MaximumNumber *xsd.NonNegativeInteger `xml:"MaximumNumber,omitempty" json:"MaximumNumber,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type GetMessagesResponse ¶
type GetMessagesResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" GetMessagesResponse"` NotificationMessage []*NotificationMessage `xml:"NotificationMessage,omitempty" json:"NotificationMessage,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type GetRecordingJobsResponseItem ¶
type GetRecordingJobsResponseItem struct { JobToken *RecordingJobReference `xml:"JobToken,omitempty" json:"JobToken,omitempty"` JobConfiguration *RecordingJobConfiguration `xml:"JobConfiguration,omitempty" json:"JobConfiguration,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type GetRecordingsResponseItem ¶
type GetRecordingsResponseItem struct { // Token of the recording. RecordingToken *RecordingReference `xml:"RecordingToken,omitempty" json:"RecordingToken,omitempty"` // Configuration of the recording. Configuration *RecordingConfiguration `xml:"Configuration,omitempty" json:"Configuration,omitempty"` // List of tracks. Tracks *GetTracksResponseList `xml:"Tracks,omitempty" json:"Tracks,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type GetTracksResponseItem ¶
type GetTracksResponseItem struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Track"` // Token of the track. TrackToken *TrackReference `xml:"TrackToken,omitempty" json:"TrackToken,omitempty"` // Configuration of the track. Configuration *TrackConfiguration `xml:"Configuration,omitempty" json:"Configuration,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type GetTracksResponseList ¶
type GetTracksResponseList struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Tracks"` // Configuration of a track. Track []*GetTracksResponseItem `xml:"Track,omitempty" json:"Track,omitempty"` }
type H264Configuration ¶
type H264Configuration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" H264"` // Group of Video frames length. Determines typically the interval in which the I-Frames will be coded. An entry of 1 indicates I-Frames are continuously generated. An entry of 2 indicates that every 2nd image is an I-Frame, and 3 only every 3rd frame, etc. The frames in between are coded as P or B Frames. GovLength int32 `xml:"GovLength,omitempty" json:"GovLength,omitempty"` // the H.264 profile, either baseline, main, extended or high H264Profile *H264Profile `xml:"H264Profile,omitempty" json:"H264Profile,omitempty"` }
type H264DecOptions ¶
type H264DecOptions struct { // List of supported H.264 Video Resolutions ResolutionsAvailable []*VideoResolution `xml:"ResolutionsAvailable,omitempty" json:"ResolutionsAvailable,omitempty"` // List of supported H264 Profiles (either baseline, main, extended or high) SupportedH264Profiles []*H264Profile `xml:"SupportedH264Profiles,omitempty" json:"SupportedH264Profiles,omitempty"` // Supported H.264 bitrate range in kbps SupportedInputBitrate *IntRange `xml:"SupportedInputBitrate,omitempty" json:"SupportedInputBitrate,omitempty"` // Supported H.264 framerate range in fps SupportedFrameRate *IntRange `xml:"SupportedFrameRate,omitempty" json:"SupportedFrameRate,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type H264Options ¶
type H264Options struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" H264"` // List of supported image sizes. ResolutionsAvailable []*VideoResolution `xml:"ResolutionsAvailable,omitempty" json:"ResolutionsAvailable,omitempty"` // Supported group of Video frames length. This value typically corresponds to the I-Frame distance. GovLengthRange *IntRange `xml:"GovLengthRange,omitempty" json:"GovLengthRange,omitempty"` // Supported frame rate in fps (frames per second). FrameRateRange *IntRange `xml:"FrameRateRange,omitempty" json:"FrameRateRange,omitempty"` // Supported encoding interval range. The encoding interval corresponds to the number of frames devided by the encoded frames. An encoding interval value of "1" means that all frames are encoded. EncodingIntervalRange *IntRange `xml:"EncodingIntervalRange,omitempty" json:"EncodingIntervalRange,omitempty"` // List of supported H.264 profiles. H264ProfilesSupported []*H264Profile `xml:"H264ProfilesSupported,omitempty" json:"H264ProfilesSupported,omitempty"` }
type H264Options2 ¶
type H264Options2 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" H264"` *H264Options // Supported range of encoded bitrate in kbps. BitrateRange *IntRange `xml:"BitrateRange,omitempty" json:"BitrateRange,omitempty"` }
type H264Profile ¶
type H264Profile string
const ( H264ProfileBaseline H264Profile = "Baseline" H264ProfileMain H264Profile = "Main" H264ProfileExtended H264Profile = "Extended" H264ProfileHigh H264Profile = "High" )
type HostnameInformation ¶
type HostnameInformation struct { // Indicates whether the hostname has been obtained from DHCP or not. FromDHCP bool `xml:"FromDHCP,omitempty" json:"FromDHCP,omitempty"` // Indicates the device hostname or an empty string if no hostname has been assigned. Name string `xml:"Name,omitempty" json:"Name,omitempty"` Extension *HostnameInformationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type IANAIfTypes ¶
type IANAIfTypes int32
type IOCapabilities ¶
type IOCapabilities struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" IO"` // Number of input connectors. InputConnectors int32 `xml:"InputConnectors,omitempty" json:"InputConnectors,omitempty"` // Number of relay outputs. RelayOutputs int32 `xml:"RelayOutputs,omitempty" json:"RelayOutputs,omitempty"` Extension *IOCapabilitiesExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type IOCapabilitiesExtension ¶
type IOCapabilitiesExtension struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` Auxiliary bool `xml:"Auxiliary,omitempty" json:"Auxiliary,omitempty"` AuxiliaryCommands []*AuxiliaryData `xml:"AuxiliaryCommands,omitempty" json:"AuxiliaryCommands,omitempty"` Extension *IOCapabilitiesExtension2 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type IPAddress ¶
type IPAddress struct { // Indicates if the address is an IPv4 or IPv6 address. Type *IPType `xml:"Type,omitempty" json:"Type,omitempty"` // IPv4 address. IPv4Address *IPv4Address `xml:"IPv4Address,omitempty" json:"IPv4Address,omitempty"` // IPv6 address IPv6Address *IPv6Address `xml:"IPv6Address,omitempty" json:"IPv6Address,omitempty"` }
type IPAddressFilter ¶
type IPAddressFilter struct { Type *IPAddressFilterType `xml:"Type,omitempty" json:"Type,omitempty"` IPv4Address []*PrefixedIPv4Address `xml:"IPv4Address,omitempty" json:"IPv4Address,omitempty"` IPv6Address []*PrefixedIPv6Address `xml:"IPv6Address,omitempty" json:"IPv6Address,omitempty"` Extension *IPAddressFilterExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type IPAddressFilterType ¶
type IPAddressFilterType string
const ( IPAddressFilterTypeAllow IPAddressFilterType = "Allow" IPAddressFilterTypeDeny IPAddressFilterType = "Deny" )
type IPv4Address ¶
type IPv4Address string
type IPv4Configuration ¶
type IPv4Configuration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Config"` // List of manually added IPv4 addresses. Manual []*PrefixedIPv4Address `xml:"Manual,omitempty" json:"Manual,omitempty"` // Link local address. LinkLocal *PrefixedIPv4Address `xml:"LinkLocal,omitempty" json:"LinkLocal,omitempty"` // IPv4 address configured by using DHCP. FromDHCP *PrefixedIPv4Address `xml:"FromDHCP,omitempty" json:"FromDHCP,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not DHCP is used. DHCP bool `xml:"DHCP,omitempty" json:"DHCP,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type IPv4NetworkInterface ¶
type IPv4NetworkInterface struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" IPv4"` // Indicates whether or not IPv4 is enabled. Enabled bool `xml:"Enabled,omitempty" json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // IPv4 configuration. Config *IPv4Configuration `xml:"Config,omitempty" json:"Config,omitempty"` }
type IPv4NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration ¶
type IPv4NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" IPv4"` // Indicates whether or not IPv4 is enabled. Enabled bool `xml:"Enabled,omitempty" json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // List of manually added IPv4 addresses. Manual []*PrefixedIPv4Address `xml:"Manual,omitempty" json:"Manual,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not DHCP is used. DHCP bool `xml:"DHCP,omitempty" json:"DHCP,omitempty"` }
type IPv6Address ¶
type IPv6Address string
type IPv6Configuration ¶
type IPv6Configuration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Config"` // Indicates whether router advertisment is used. AcceptRouterAdvert bool `xml:"AcceptRouterAdvert,omitempty" json:"AcceptRouterAdvert,omitempty"` // DHCP configuration. DHCP *IPv6DHCPConfiguration `xml:"DHCP,omitempty" json:"DHCP,omitempty"` // List of manually entered IPv6 addresses. Manual []*PrefixedIPv6Address `xml:"Manual,omitempty" json:"Manual,omitempty"` // List of link local IPv6 addresses. LinkLocal []*PrefixedIPv6Address `xml:"LinkLocal,omitempty" json:"LinkLocal,omitempty"` // List of IPv6 addresses configured by using DHCP. FromDHCP []*PrefixedIPv6Address `xml:"FromDHCP,omitempty" json:"FromDHCP,omitempty"` // List of IPv6 addresses configured by using router advertisment. FromRA []*PrefixedIPv6Address `xml:"FromRA,omitempty" json:"FromRA,omitempty"` Extension *IPv6ConfigurationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type IPv6DHCPConfiguration ¶
type IPv6DHCPConfiguration string
const ( IPv6DHCPConfigurationAuto IPv6DHCPConfiguration = "Auto" IPv6DHCPConfigurationStateful IPv6DHCPConfiguration = "Stateful" IPv6DHCPConfigurationStateless IPv6DHCPConfiguration = "Stateless" IPv6DHCPConfigurationOff IPv6DHCPConfiguration = "Off" )
type IPv6NetworkInterface ¶
type IPv6NetworkInterface struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" IPv6"` // Indicates whether or not IPv6 is enabled. Enabled bool `xml:"Enabled,omitempty" json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // IPv6 configuration. Config *IPv6Configuration `xml:"Config,omitempty" json:"Config,omitempty"` }
type IPv6NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration ¶
type IPv6NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" IPv6"` // Indicates whether or not IPv6 is enabled. Enabled bool `xml:"Enabled,omitempty" json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // Indicates whether router advertisment is used. AcceptRouterAdvert bool `xml:"AcceptRouterAdvert,omitempty" json:"AcceptRouterAdvert,omitempty"` // List of manually added IPv6 addresses. Manual []*PrefixedIPv6Address `xml:"Manual,omitempty" json:"Manual,omitempty"` // DHCP configuration. DHCP *IPv6DHCPConfiguration `xml:"DHCP,omitempty" json:"DHCP,omitempty"` }
type ImageSendingType ¶
type ImageSendingType string
const ( ImageSendingTypeEmbedded ImageSendingType = "Embedded" ImageSendingTypeLocalStorage ImageSendingType = "LocalStorage" ImageSendingTypeRemoteStorage ImageSendingType = "RemoteStorage" )
type ImageStabilization ¶
type ImageStabilization struct { // Parameter to enable/disable Image Stabilization feature. Mode *ImageStabilizationMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // Optional level parameter (unit unspecified) Level float32 `xml:"Level,omitempty" json:"Level,omitempty"` Extension *ImageStabilizationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type ImageStabilizationMode ¶
type ImageStabilizationMode string
const ( ImageStabilizationModeOFF ImageStabilizationMode = "OFF" ImageStabilizationModeON ImageStabilizationMode = "ON" ImageStabilizationModeAUTO ImageStabilizationMode = "AUTO" ImageStabilizationModeExtended ImageStabilizationMode = "Extended" )
type ImageStabilizationOptions ¶
type ImageStabilizationOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" ImageStabilization"` // Supported options of Image Stabilization mode parameter. Mode []*ImageStabilizationMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // Valid range of the Image Stabilization. Level *FloatRange `xml:"Level,omitempty" json:"Level,omitempty"` Extension *ImageStabilizationOptionsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type ImagingCapabilities ¶
type ImagingOptions ¶
type ImagingOptions struct { BacklightCompensation *BacklightCompensationOptions `xml:"BacklightCompensation,omitempty" json:"BacklightCompensation,omitempty"` Brightness *FloatRange `xml:"Brightness,omitempty" json:"Brightness,omitempty"` ColorSaturation *FloatRange `xml:"ColorSaturation,omitempty" json:"ColorSaturation,omitempty"` Contrast *FloatRange `xml:"Contrast,omitempty" json:"Contrast,omitempty"` Exposure *ExposureOptions `xml:"Exposure,omitempty" json:"Exposure,omitempty"` Focus *FocusOptions `xml:"Focus,omitempty" json:"Focus,omitempty"` IrCutFilterModes []*IrCutFilterMode `xml:"IrCutFilterModes,omitempty" json:"IrCutFilterModes,omitempty"` Sharpness *FloatRange `xml:"Sharpness,omitempty" json:"Sharpness,omitempty"` WideDynamicRange *WideDynamicRangeOptions `xml:"WideDynamicRange,omitempty" json:"WideDynamicRange,omitempty"` WhiteBalance *WhiteBalanceOptions `xml:"WhiteBalance,omitempty" json:"WhiteBalance,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type ImagingOptions20 ¶
type ImagingOptions20 struct { // // Valid range of Backlight Compensation. // BacklightCompensation *BacklightCompensationOptions20 `xml:"BacklightCompensation,omitempty" json:"BacklightCompensation,omitempty"` // // Valid range of Brightness. // Brightness *FloatRange `xml:"Brightness,omitempty" json:"Brightness,omitempty"` // // Valid range of Color Saturation. // ColorSaturation *FloatRange `xml:"ColorSaturation,omitempty" json:"ColorSaturation,omitempty"` // // Valid range of Contrast. // Contrast *FloatRange `xml:"Contrast,omitempty" json:"Contrast,omitempty"` // // Valid range of Exposure. // Exposure *ExposureOptions20 `xml:"Exposure,omitempty" json:"Exposure,omitempty"` // // Valid range of Focus. // Focus *FocusOptions20 `xml:"Focus,omitempty" json:"Focus,omitempty"` // // Valid range of IrCutFilterModes. // IrCutFilterModes []*IrCutFilterMode `xml:"IrCutFilterModes,omitempty" json:"IrCutFilterModes,omitempty"` // // Valid range of Sharpness. // Sharpness *FloatRange `xml:"Sharpness,omitempty" json:"Sharpness,omitempty"` // // Valid range of WideDynamicRange. // WideDynamicRange *WideDynamicRangeOptions20 `xml:"WideDynamicRange,omitempty" json:"WideDynamicRange,omitempty"` // // Valid range of WhiteBalance. // WhiteBalance *WhiteBalanceOptions20 `xml:"WhiteBalance,omitempty" json:"WhiteBalance,omitempty"` Extension *ImagingOptions20Extension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type ImagingOptions20Extension ¶
type ImagingOptions20Extension struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` // Options of parameters for Image Stabilization feature. ImageStabilization *ImageStabilizationOptions `xml:"ImageStabilization,omitempty" json:"ImageStabilization,omitempty"` Extension *ImagingOptions20Extension2 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type ImagingOptions20Extension2 ¶
type ImagingOptions20Extension2 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` // Options of parameters for adjustment of Ir cut filter auto mode. IrCutFilterAutoAdjustment *IrCutFilterAutoAdjustmentOptions `xml:"IrCutFilterAutoAdjustment,omitempty" json:"IrCutFilterAutoAdjustment,omitempty"` Extension *ImagingOptions20Extension3 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type ImagingOptions20Extension3 ¶
type ImagingOptions20Extension3 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` // Options of parameters for Tone Compensation feature. ToneCompensationOptions *ToneCompensationOptions `xml:"ToneCompensationOptions,omitempty" json:"ToneCompensationOptions,omitempty"` // Options of parameters for Defogging feature. DefoggingOptions *DefoggingOptions `xml:"DefoggingOptions,omitempty" json:"DefoggingOptions,omitempty"` // Options of parameter for Noise Reduction feature. NoiseReductionOptions *NoiseReductionOptions `xml:"NoiseReductionOptions,omitempty" json:"NoiseReductionOptions,omitempty"` Extension *ImagingOptions20Extension4 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type ImagingSettings ¶
type ImagingSettings struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Imaging"` // Enabled/disabled BLC mode (on/off). BacklightCompensation *BacklightCompensation `xml:"BacklightCompensation,omitempty" json:"BacklightCompensation,omitempty"` // Image brightness (unit unspecified). Brightness float32 `xml:"Brightness,omitempty" json:"Brightness,omitempty"` // Color saturation of the image (unit unspecified). ColorSaturation float32 `xml:"ColorSaturation,omitempty" json:"ColorSaturation,omitempty"` // Contrast of the image (unit unspecified). Contrast float32 `xml:"Contrast,omitempty" json:"Contrast,omitempty"` // Exposure mode of the device. Exposure *Exposure `xml:"Exposure,omitempty" json:"Exposure,omitempty"` // Focus configuration. Focus *FocusConfiguration `xml:"Focus,omitempty" json:"Focus,omitempty"` // Infrared Cutoff Filter settings. IrCutFilter *IrCutFilterMode `xml:"IrCutFilter,omitempty" json:"IrCutFilter,omitempty"` // Sharpness of the Video image. Sharpness float32 `xml:"Sharpness,omitempty" json:"Sharpness,omitempty"` // WDR settings. WideDynamicRange *WideDynamicRange `xml:"WideDynamicRange,omitempty" json:"WideDynamicRange,omitempty"` // White balance settings. WhiteBalance *WhiteBalance `xml:"WhiteBalance,omitempty" json:"WhiteBalance,omitempty"` Extension *ImagingSettingsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type ImagingSettings20 ¶
type ImagingSettings20 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Imaging"` // Enabled/disabled BLC mode (on/off). BacklightCompensation *BacklightCompensation20 `xml:"BacklightCompensation,omitempty" json:"BacklightCompensation,omitempty"` // Image brightness (unit unspecified). Brightness float32 `xml:"Brightness,omitempty" json:"Brightness,omitempty"` // Color saturation of the image (unit unspecified). ColorSaturation float32 `xml:"ColorSaturation,omitempty" json:"ColorSaturation,omitempty"` // Contrast of the image (unit unspecified). Contrast float32 `xml:"Contrast,omitempty" json:"Contrast,omitempty"` // Exposure mode of the device. Exposure *Exposure20 `xml:"Exposure,omitempty" json:"Exposure,omitempty"` // Focus configuration. Focus *FocusConfiguration20 `xml:"Focus,omitempty" json:"Focus,omitempty"` // Infrared Cutoff Filter settings. IrCutFilter *IrCutFilterMode `xml:"IrCutFilter,omitempty" json:"IrCutFilter,omitempty"` // Sharpness of the Video image. Sharpness float32 `xml:"Sharpness,omitempty" json:"Sharpness,omitempty"` // WDR settings. WideDynamicRange *WideDynamicRange20 `xml:"WideDynamicRange,omitempty" json:"WideDynamicRange,omitempty"` // White balance settings. WhiteBalance *WhiteBalance20 `xml:"WhiteBalance,omitempty" json:"WhiteBalance,omitempty"` Extension *ImagingSettingsExtension20 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type ImagingSettingsExtension20 ¶
type ImagingSettingsExtension20 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` // Optional element to configure Image Stabilization feature. ImageStabilization *ImageStabilization `xml:"ImageStabilization,omitempty" json:"ImageStabilization,omitempty"` Extension *ImagingSettingsExtension202 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type ImagingSettingsExtension202 ¶
type ImagingSettingsExtension202 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` // An optional parameter applied to only auto mode to adjust timing of toggling Ir cut filter. IrCutFilterAutoAdjustment []*IrCutFilterAutoAdjustment `xml:"IrCutFilterAutoAdjustment,omitempty" json:"IrCutFilterAutoAdjustment,omitempty"` Extension *ImagingSettingsExtension203 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type ImagingSettingsExtension203 ¶
type ImagingSettingsExtension203 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` // Optional element to configure Image Contrast Compensation. ToneCompensation *ToneCompensation `xml:"ToneCompensation,omitempty" json:"ToneCompensation,omitempty"` // Optional element to configure Image Defogging. Defogging *Defogging `xml:"Defogging,omitempty" json:"Defogging,omitempty"` // Optional element to configure Image Noise Reduction. NoiseReduction *NoiseReduction `xml:"NoiseReduction,omitempty" json:"NoiseReduction,omitempty"` Extension *ImagingSettingsExtension204 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type ImagingStatus ¶
type ImagingStatus struct { FocusStatus *FocusStatus `xml:"FocusStatus,omitempty" json:"FocusStatus,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type ImagingStatus20 ¶
type ImagingStatus20 struct { // // Status of focus. // FocusStatus20 *FocusStatus20 `xml:"FocusStatus20,omitempty" json:"FocusStatus20,omitempty"` Extension *ImagingStatus20Extension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type IntItems ¶
type IntItems struct {
Items []int32 `xml:"Items,omitempty" json:"Items,omitempty"`
type IntRectangle ¶
type IntRectangle struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Bounds"` X int32 `xml:" x,attr,omitempty" json:"x,omitempty"` Y int32 `xml:" y,attr,omitempty" json:"y,omitempty"` Width int32 `xml:" width,attr,omitempty" json:"width,omitempty"` Height int32 `xml:" height,attr,omitempty" json:"height,omitempty"` }
type IntRectangleRange ¶
type IntRectangleRange struct { // Range of X-axis. XRange *IntRange `xml:"XRange,omitempty" json:"XRange,omitempty"` // Range of Y-axis. YRange *IntRange `xml:"YRange,omitempty" json:"YRange,omitempty"` // Range of width. WidthRange *IntRange `xml:"WidthRange,omitempty" json:"WidthRange,omitempty"` // Range of height. HeightRange *IntRange `xml:"HeightRange,omitempty" json:"HeightRange,omitempty"` }
type InvalidFilterFault ¶
type InvalidFilterFault InvalidFilterFaultType
type InvalidFilterFaultType ¶
type InvalidFilterFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" InvalidFilterFault"` *BaseFaultType UnknownFilter []*xsd.QName `xml:"UnknownFilter,omitempty" json:"UnknownFilter,omitempty"` }
type InvalidMessageContentExpressionFault ¶
type InvalidMessageContentExpressionFault InvalidMessageContentExpressionFaultType
type InvalidMessageContentExpressionFaultType ¶
type InvalidMessageContentExpressionFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" InvalidMessageContentExpressionFault"` *BaseFaultType }
type InvalidProducerPropertiesExpressionFault ¶
type InvalidProducerPropertiesExpressionFault InvalidProducerPropertiesExpressionFaultType
type InvalidProducerPropertiesExpressionFaultType ¶
type InvalidProducerPropertiesExpressionFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" InvalidProducerPropertiesExpressionFault"` *BaseFaultType }
type InvalidTopicExpressionFault ¶
type InvalidTopicExpressionFault InvalidTopicExpressionFaultType
type InvalidTopicExpressionFaultType ¶
type InvalidTopicExpressionFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" InvalidTopicExpressionFault"` *BaseFaultType }
type IrCutFilterAutoAdjustment ¶
type IrCutFilterAutoAdjustment struct { // Specifies which boundaries to automatically toggle Ir cut filter following parameters are applied to. Its options shall be chosen from tt:IrCutFilterAutoBoundaryType. BoundaryType string `xml:"BoundaryType,omitempty" json:"BoundaryType,omitempty"` // Adjusts boundary exposure level for toggling Ir cut filter to on/off specified with unitless normalized value from +1.0 to -1.0. Zero is default and -1.0 is the darkest adjustment (Unitless). BoundaryOffset float32 `xml:"BoundaryOffset,omitempty" json:"BoundaryOffset,omitempty"` // Delay time of toggling Ir cut filter to on/off after crossing of the boundary exposure levels. ResponseTime *xsd.Duration `xml:"ResponseTime,omitempty" json:"ResponseTime,omitempty"` Extension *IrCutFilterAutoAdjustmentExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type IrCutFilterAutoAdjustmentOptions ¶
type IrCutFilterAutoAdjustmentOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" IrCutFilterAutoAdjustment"` // Supported options of boundary types for adjustment of Ir cut filter auto mode. The opptions shall be chosen from tt:IrCutFilterAutoBoundaryType. BoundaryType []string `xml:"BoundaryType,omitempty" json:"BoundaryType,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not boundary offset for toggling Ir cut filter is supported. BoundaryOffset bool `xml:"BoundaryOffset,omitempty" json:"BoundaryOffset,omitempty"` // Supported range of delay time for toggling Ir cut filter. ResponseTimeRange *DurationRange `xml:"ResponseTimeRange,omitempty" json:"ResponseTimeRange,omitempty"` Extension *IrCutFilterAutoAdjustmentOptionsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type IrCutFilterAutoBoundaryType ¶
type IrCutFilterAutoBoundaryType string
const ( IrCutFilterAutoBoundaryTypeCommon IrCutFilterAutoBoundaryType = "Common" IrCutFilterAutoBoundaryTypeToOn IrCutFilterAutoBoundaryType = "ToOn" IrCutFilterAutoBoundaryTypeToOff IrCutFilterAutoBoundaryType = "ToOff" IrCutFilterAutoBoundaryTypeExtended IrCutFilterAutoBoundaryType = "Extended" )
type IrCutFilterMode ¶
type IrCutFilterMode string
const ( IrCutFilterModeON IrCutFilterMode = "ON" IrCutFilterModeOFF IrCutFilterMode = "OFF" IrCutFilterModeAUTO IrCutFilterMode = "AUTO" )
type ItemList ¶
type ItemList struct { SimpleItem []struct { Name string `xml:" Name,attr,omitempty" json:"Name,omitempty"` Value *AnySimpleType `xml:" Value,attr,omitempty" json:"Value,omitempty"` } `xml:"SimpleItem,omitempty" json:"SimpleItem,omitempty"` ElementItem []struct { Name string `xml:" Name,attr,omitempty" json:"Name,omitempty"` } `xml:"ElementItem,omitempty" json:"ElementItem,omitempty"` Extension *ItemListExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type ItemListDescription ¶
type ItemListDescription struct { SimpleItemDescription []struct { Name string `xml:" Name,attr,omitempty" json:"Name,omitempty"` Type *xsd.QName `xml:" Type,attr,omitempty" json:"Type,omitempty"` } `xml:"SimpleItemDescription,omitempty" json:"SimpleItemDescription,omitempty"` ElementItemDescription []struct { Name string `xml:" Name,attr,omitempty" json:"Name,omitempty"` Type *xsd.QName `xml:" Type,attr,omitempty" json:"Type,omitempty"` } `xml:"ElementItemDescription,omitempty" json:"ElementItemDescription,omitempty"` Extension *ItemListDescriptionExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type ItemListExtension ¶
type JobToken ¶
type JobToken ReferenceToken
type JpegDecOptions ¶
type JpegDecOptions struct { // List of supported Jpeg Video Resolutions ResolutionsAvailable []*VideoResolution `xml:"ResolutionsAvailable,omitempty" json:"ResolutionsAvailable,omitempty"` // Supported Jpeg bitrate range in kbps SupportedInputBitrate *IntRange `xml:"SupportedInputBitrate,omitempty" json:"SupportedInputBitrate,omitempty"` // Supported Jpeg framerate range in fps SupportedFrameRate *IntRange `xml:"SupportedFrameRate,omitempty" json:"SupportedFrameRate,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type JpegOptions ¶
type JpegOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" JPEG"` // List of supported image sizes. ResolutionsAvailable []*VideoResolution `xml:"ResolutionsAvailable,omitempty" json:"ResolutionsAvailable,omitempty"` // Supported frame rate in fps (frames per second). FrameRateRange *IntRange `xml:"FrameRateRange,omitempty" json:"FrameRateRange,omitempty"` // Supported encoding interval range. The encoding interval corresponds to the number of frames devided by the encoded frames. An encoding interval value of "1" means that all frames are encoded. EncodingIntervalRange *IntRange `xml:"EncodingIntervalRange,omitempty" json:"EncodingIntervalRange,omitempty"` }
type JpegOptions2 ¶
type JpegOptions2 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" JPEG"` *JpegOptions // Supported range of encoded bitrate in kbps. BitrateRange *IntRange `xml:"BitrateRange,omitempty" json:"BitrateRange,omitempty"` }
type Layout ¶
type Layout struct { // List of panes assembling the display layout. PaneLayout []*PaneLayout `xml:"PaneLayout,omitempty" json:"PaneLayout,omitempty"` Extension *LayoutExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type LayoutExtension ¶
type LayoutOptions ¶
type LayoutOptions struct { // Lists the possible Pane Layouts of the Video Output PaneLayoutOptions []*PaneLayoutOptions `xml:"PaneLayoutOptions,omitempty" json:"PaneLayoutOptions,omitempty"` Extension *LayoutOptionsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type LayoutOptionsExtension ¶
type LensDescription ¶
type LensDescription struct { // Offset of the lens center to the imager center in normalized coordinates. Offset *LensOffset `xml:"Offset,omitempty" json:"Offset,omitempty"` // Radial description of the projection characteristics. The resulting curve is defined by the B-Spline interpolation // over the given elements. The element for Radius zero shall not be provided. The projection points shall be ordered with ascending Radius. // Items outside the last projection Radius shall be assumed to be invisible (black). Projection []*LensProjection `xml:"Projection,omitempty" json:"Projection,omitempty"` // Compensation of the x coordinate needed for the ONVIF normalized coordinate system. XFactor float32 `xml:"XFactor,omitempty" json:"XFactor,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` FocalLength float32 `xml:" FocalLength,attr,omitempty" json:"FocalLength,omitempty"` }
type LensOffset ¶
type LensProjection ¶
type LensProjection struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Projection"` // Angle of incidence. Angle float32 `xml:"Angle,omitempty" json:"Angle,omitempty"` // Mapping radius as a consequence of the emergent angle. Radius float32 `xml:"Radius,omitempty" json:"Radius,omitempty"` // Optional ray absorption at the given angle due to vignetting. A value of one means no absorption. Transmittance float32 `xml:"Transmittance,omitempty" json:"Transmittance,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type LocalLocation ¶
type LocalLocation struct { Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` X float32 `xml:" x,attr,omitempty" json:"x,omitempty"` Y float32 `xml:" y,attr,omitempty" json:"y,omitempty"` Z float32 `xml:" z,attr,omitempty" json:"z,omitempty"` }
type LocalOrientation ¶
type LocalOrientation struct { Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` Pan float32 `xml:" pan,attr,omitempty" json:"pan,omitempty"` Tilt float32 `xml:" tilt,attr,omitempty" json:"tilt,omitempty"` Roll float32 `xml:" roll,attr,omitempty" json:"roll,omitempty"` }
type LocationEntity ¶
type LocationEntity struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Location"` // Location on earth. GeoLocation *GeoLocation `xml:"GeoLocation,omitempty" json:"GeoLocation,omitempty"` // Orientation relative to earth. GeoOrientation *GeoOrientation `xml:"GeoOrientation,omitempty" json:"GeoOrientation,omitempty"` // Indoor location offset. LocalLocation *LocalLocation `xml:"LocalLocation,omitempty" json:"LocalLocation,omitempty"` // Indoor orientation offset. LocalOrientation *LocalOrientation `xml:"LocalOrientation,omitempty" json:"LocalOrientation,omitempty"` Entity string `xml:" Entity,attr,omitempty" json:"Entity,omitempty"` Token *ReferenceToken `xml:" Token,attr,omitempty" json:"Token,omitempty"` Fixed bool `xml:" Fixed,attr,omitempty" json:"Fixed,omitempty"` GeoSource xsd.AnyURI `xml:" GeoSource,attr,omitempty" json:"GeoSource,omitempty"` AutoGeo bool `xml:" AutoGeo,attr,omitempty" json:"AutoGeo,omitempty"` }
type MaximumNumberOfOSDs ¶
type MaximumNumberOfOSDs struct { Total int32 `xml:" Total,attr,omitempty" json:"Total,omitempty"` Image int32 `xml:" Image,attr,omitempty" json:"Image,omitempty"` PlainText int32 `xml:" PlainText,attr,omitempty" json:"PlainText,omitempty"` Date int32 `xml:" Date,attr,omitempty" json:"Date,omitempty"` Time int32 `xml:" Time,attr,omitempty" json:"Time,omitempty"` DateAndTime int32 `xml:" DateAndTime,attr,omitempty" json:"DateAndTime,omitempty"` }
type MediaAttributes ¶
type MediaAttributes struct { // A reference to the recording that has these attributes. RecordingToken *RecordingReference `xml:"RecordingToken,omitempty" json:"RecordingToken,omitempty"` // A set of attributes for each track. TrackAttributes []*TrackAttributes `xml:"TrackAttributes,omitempty" json:"TrackAttributes,omitempty"` // The attributes are valid from this point in time in the recording. From soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"From,omitempty" json:"From,omitempty"` // The attributes are valid until this point in time in the recording. Can be equal to 'From' to indicate that the attributes are only known to be valid for this particular point in time. Until soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"Until,omitempty" json:"Until,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type MediaCapabilities ¶
type MediaCapabilities struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Media"` // Media service URI. XAddr xsd.AnyURI `xml:"XAddr,omitempty" json:"XAddr,omitempty"` // Streaming capabilities. StreamingCapabilities *RealTimeStreamingCapabilities `xml:"StreamingCapabilities,omitempty" json:"StreamingCapabilities,omitempty"` Extension *MediaCapabilitiesExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type MediaCapabilitiesExtension ¶
type MediaCapabilitiesExtension struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` ProfileCapabilities *ProfileCapabilities `xml:"ProfileCapabilities,omitempty" json:"ProfileCapabilities,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type MediaUri ¶
type MediaUri struct { // Stable Uri to be used for requesting the media stream Uri xsd.AnyURI `xml:"Uri,omitempty" json:"Uri,omitempty"` // Indicates if the Uri is only valid until the connection is established. The value shall be set to "false". InvalidAfterConnect bool `xml:"InvalidAfterConnect,omitempty" json:"InvalidAfterConnect,omitempty"` // Indicates if the Uri is invalid after a reboot of the device. The value shall be set to "false". InvalidAfterReboot bool `xml:"InvalidAfterReboot,omitempty" json:"InvalidAfterReboot,omitempty"` // Duration how long the Uri is valid. This parameter shall be set to PT0S to indicate that this stream URI is indefinitely valid even if the profile changes Timeout *xsd.Duration `xml:"Timeout,omitempty" json:"Timeout,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type Message ¶
type Message struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Message"` // Token value pairs that triggered this message. Typically only one item is present. Source *ItemList `xml:"Source,omitempty" json:"Source,omitempty"` Key *ItemList `xml:"Key,omitempty" json:"Key,omitempty"` Data *ItemList `xml:"Data,omitempty" json:"Data,omitempty"` Extension *MessageExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` UtcTime soap.XSDDateTime `xml:" UtcTime,attr,omitempty" json:"UtcTime,omitempty"` PropertyOperation *PropertyOperation `xml:" PropertyOperation,attr,omitempty" json:"PropertyOperation,omitempty"` }
type MessageContent ¶
type MessageContent QueryExpressionType
type MessageDescription ¶
type MessageDescription struct { // Set of tokens producing this message. The list may only contain SimpleItemDescription items. // The set of tokens identify the component within the WS-Endpoint, which is responsible for the producing the message. // For analytics events the token set shall include the VideoSourceConfigurationToken, the VideoAnalyticsConfigurationToken // and the name of the analytics module or rule. // Source *ItemListDescription `xml:"Source,omitempty" json:"Source,omitempty"` // Describes optional message payload parameters that may be used as key. E.g. object IDs of tracked objects are conveyed as key. Key *ItemListDescription `xml:"Key,omitempty" json:"Key,omitempty"` // Describes the payload of the message. Data *ItemListDescription `xml:"Data,omitempty" json:"Data,omitempty"` Extension *MessageDescriptionExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` IsProperty bool `xml:" IsProperty,attr,omitempty" json:"IsProperty,omitempty"` }
type MessageExtension ¶
type MessageID ¶
type MessageID AttributedURIType
type Metadata ¶
type Metadata MetadataType
type MetadataAttributes ¶
type MetadataAttributes struct { // Indicates that there can be PTZ data in the metadata track in the specified time interval. CanContainPTZ bool `xml:"CanContainPTZ,omitempty" json:"CanContainPTZ,omitempty"` // Indicates that there can be analytics data in the metadata track in the specified time interval. CanContainAnalytics bool `xml:"CanContainAnalytics,omitempty" json:"CanContainAnalytics,omitempty"` // Indicates that there can be notifications in the metadata track in the specified time interval. CanContainNotifications bool `xml:"CanContainNotifications,omitempty" json:"CanContainNotifications,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` PtzSpaces *StringAttrList `xml:" PtzSpaces,attr,omitempty" json:"PtzSpaces,omitempty"` }
type MetadataCompressionType ¶
type MetadataCompressionType string
const ( MetadataCompressionTypeNone MetadataCompressionType = "None" MetadataCompressionTypeGZIP MetadataCompressionType = "GZIP" MetadataCompressionTypeEXI MetadataCompressionType = "EXI" )
type MetadataConfiguration ¶
type MetadataConfiguration struct { *ConfigurationEntity // optional element to configure which PTZ related data is to include in the metadata stream PTZStatus *PTZFilter `xml:"PTZStatus,omitempty" json:"PTZStatus,omitempty"` // Optional element to configure the streaming of events. A client might be interested in receiving all, // none or some of the events produced by the device: // Events *EventSubscription `xml:"Events,omitempty" json:"Events,omitempty"` // Defines whether the streamed metadata will include metadata from the analytics engines (video, cell motion, audio etc.) Analytics bool `xml:"Analytics,omitempty" json:"Analytics,omitempty"` // Defines the multicast settings that could be used for video streaming. Multicast *MulticastConfiguration `xml:"Multicast,omitempty" json:"Multicast,omitempty"` // The rtsp session timeout for the related audio stream (when using Media2 Service, this value is deprecated and ignored) SessionTimeout *xsd.Duration `xml:"SessionTimeout,omitempty" json:"SessionTimeout,omitempty"` // Indication which AnalyticsModules shall output metadata. // Note that the streaming behavior is undefined if the list includes items that are not part of the associated AnalyticsConfiguration. AnalyticsEngineConfiguration *AnalyticsEngineConfiguration `xml:"AnalyticsEngineConfiguration,omitempty" json:"AnalyticsEngineConfiguration,omitempty"` Extension *MetadataConfigurationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` CompressionType string `xml:" CompressionType,attr,omitempty" json:"CompressionType,omitempty"` GeoLocation bool `xml:" GeoLocation,attr,omitempty" json:"GeoLocation,omitempty"` ShapePolygon bool `xml:" ShapePolygon,attr,omitempty" json:"ShapePolygon,omitempty"` }
type MetadataConfigurationOptions ¶
type MetadataConfigurationOptions struct { PTZStatusFilterOptions *PTZStatusFilterOptions `xml:"PTZStatusFilterOptions,omitempty" json:"PTZStatusFilterOptions,omitempty"` Extension *MetadataConfigurationOptionsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` GeoLocation bool `xml:" GeoLocation,attr,omitempty" json:"GeoLocation,omitempty"` MaxContentFilterSize int32 `xml:" MaxContentFilterSize,attr,omitempty" json:"MaxContentFilterSize,omitempty"` }
type MetadataConfigurationOptionsExtension ¶
type MetadataConfigurationOptionsExtension struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` // List of supported metadata compression type. Its options shall be chosen from tt:MetadataCompressionType. CompressionType []string `xml:"CompressionType,omitempty" json:"CompressionType,omitempty"` Extension *MetadataConfigurationOptionsExtension2 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type MetadataFilter ¶
type MetadataFilter struct { MetadataStreamFilter *XPathExpression `xml:"MetadataStreamFilter,omitempty" json:"MetadataStreamFilter,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type MetadataInput ¶
type MetadataInput struct { MetadataConfig []*Config `xml:"MetadataConfig,omitempty" json:"MetadataConfig,omitempty"` Extension *MetadataInputExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type MetadataInputExtension ¶
type MetadataType ¶
type ModeOfOperation ¶
type ModeOfOperation string
const ( ModeOfOperationIdle ModeOfOperation = "Idle" ModeOfOperationActive ModeOfOperation = "Active" // This case should never happen. ModeOfOperationUnknown ModeOfOperation = "Unknown" )
type MotionExpression ¶
type MotionExpression struct { // Motion Expression data structure contains motion expression which is based on Scene Descriptor schema with XPATH syntax. The Type argument could allow introduction of different dialects Expression string `xml:"Expression,omitempty" json:"Expression,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` Type string `xml:" Type,attr,omitempty" json:"Type,omitempty"` }
type MotionExpressionConfiguration ¶
type MotionExpressionConfiguration struct { // Contains Rule MotionExpression configuration MotionExpression *MotionExpression `xml:"MotionExpression,omitempty" json:"MotionExpression,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type MoveAndTrackMethod ¶
type MoveAndTrackMethod string
const ( MoveAndTrackMethodPresetToken MoveAndTrackMethod = "PresetToken" MoveAndTrackMethodGeoLocation MoveAndTrackMethod = "GeoLocation" MoveAndTrackMethodPTZVector MoveAndTrackMethod = "PTZVector" MoveAndTrackMethodObjectID MoveAndTrackMethod = "ObjectID" )
type MoveOptions ¶
type MoveOptions struct { Absolute *AbsoluteFocusOptions `xml:"Absolute,omitempty" json:"Absolute,omitempty"` Relative *RelativeFocusOptions `xml:"Relative,omitempty" json:"Relative,omitempty"` Continuous *ContinuousFocusOptions `xml:"Continuous,omitempty" json:"Continuous,omitempty"` }
type MoveOptions20 ¶
type MoveOptions20 struct { // // Valid ranges for the absolute control. // Absolute *AbsoluteFocusOptions `xml:"Absolute,omitempty" json:"Absolute,omitempty"` // // Valid ranges for the relative control. // Relative *RelativeFocusOptions20 `xml:"Relative,omitempty" json:"Relative,omitempty"` // // Valid ranges for the continuous control. // Continuous *ContinuousFocusOptions `xml:"Continuous,omitempty" json:"Continuous,omitempty"` }
type MoveStatus ¶
type MoveStatus string
const ( MoveStatusIDLE MoveStatus = "IDLE" MoveStatusMOVING MoveStatus = "MOVING" MoveStatusUNKNOWN MoveStatus = "UNKNOWN" )
type Mpeg4Configuration ¶
type Mpeg4Configuration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" MPEG4"` // Determines the interval in which the I-Frames will be coded. An entry of 1 indicates I-Frames are continuously generated. An entry of 2 indicates that every 2nd image is an I-Frame, and 3 only every 3rd frame, etc. The frames in between are coded as P or B Frames. GovLength int32 `xml:"GovLength,omitempty" json:"GovLength,omitempty"` // the Mpeg4 profile, either simple profile (SP) or advanced simple profile (ASP) Mpeg4Profile *Mpeg4Profile `xml:"Mpeg4Profile,omitempty" json:"Mpeg4Profile,omitempty"` }
type Mpeg4DecOptions ¶
type Mpeg4DecOptions struct { // List of supported Mpeg4 Video Resolutions ResolutionsAvailable []*VideoResolution `xml:"ResolutionsAvailable,omitempty" json:"ResolutionsAvailable,omitempty"` // List of supported Mpeg4 Profiles (either SP or ASP) SupportedMpeg4Profiles []*Mpeg4Profile `xml:"SupportedMpeg4Profiles,omitempty" json:"SupportedMpeg4Profiles,omitempty"` // Supported Mpeg4 bitrate range in kbps SupportedInputBitrate *IntRange `xml:"SupportedInputBitrate,omitempty" json:"SupportedInputBitrate,omitempty"` // Supported Mpeg4 framerate range in fps SupportedFrameRate *IntRange `xml:"SupportedFrameRate,omitempty" json:"SupportedFrameRate,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type Mpeg4Options ¶
type Mpeg4Options struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" MPEG4"` // List of supported image sizes. ResolutionsAvailable []*VideoResolution `xml:"ResolutionsAvailable,omitempty" json:"ResolutionsAvailable,omitempty"` // Supported group of Video frames length. This value typically corresponds to the I-Frame distance. GovLengthRange *IntRange `xml:"GovLengthRange,omitempty" json:"GovLengthRange,omitempty"` // Supported frame rate in fps (frames per second). FrameRateRange *IntRange `xml:"FrameRateRange,omitempty" json:"FrameRateRange,omitempty"` // Supported encoding interval range. The encoding interval corresponds to the number of frames devided by the encoded frames. An encoding interval value of "1" means that all frames are encoded. EncodingIntervalRange *IntRange `xml:"EncodingIntervalRange,omitempty" json:"EncodingIntervalRange,omitempty"` // List of supported MPEG-4 profiles. Mpeg4ProfilesSupported []*Mpeg4Profile `xml:"Mpeg4ProfilesSupported,omitempty" json:"Mpeg4ProfilesSupported,omitempty"` }
type Mpeg4Options2 ¶
type Mpeg4Options2 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" MPEG4"` *Mpeg4Options // Supported range of encoded bitrate in kbps. BitrateRange *IntRange `xml:"BitrateRange,omitempty" json:"BitrateRange,omitempty"` }
type Mpeg4Profile ¶
type Mpeg4Profile string
const ( Mpeg4ProfileSP Mpeg4Profile = "SP" Mpeg4ProfileASP Mpeg4Profile = "ASP" )
type MulticastConfiguration ¶
type MulticastConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Multicast"` // The multicast address (if this address is set to 0 no multicast streaming is enaled) Address *IPAddress `xml:"Address,omitempty" json:"Address,omitempty"` // The RTP mutlicast destination port. A device may support RTCP. In this case the port value shall be even to allow the corresponding RTCP stream to be mapped to the next higher (odd) destination port number as defined in the RTSP specification. Port int32 `xml:"Port,omitempty" json:"Port,omitempty"` // In case of IPv6 the TTL value is assumed as the hop limit. Note that for IPV6 and administratively scoped IPv4 multicast the primary use for hop limit / TTL is to prevent packets from (endlessly) circulating and not limiting scope. In these cases the address contains the scope. TTL int32 `xml:"TTL,omitempty" json:"TTL,omitempty"` // Read only property signalling that streaming is persistant. Use the methods StartMulticastStreaming and StopMulticastStreaming to switch its state. AutoStart bool `xml:"AutoStart,omitempty" json:"AutoStart,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type MultipleTopicsSpecifiedFault ¶
type MultipleTopicsSpecifiedFault MultipleTopicsSpecifiedFaultType
type MultipleTopicsSpecifiedFaultType ¶
type MultipleTopicsSpecifiedFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" MultipleTopicsSpecifiedFault"` *BaseFaultType }
type NTPInformation ¶
type NTPInformation struct { // Indicates if NTP information is to be retrieved by using DHCP. FromDHCP bool `xml:"FromDHCP,omitempty" json:"FromDHCP,omitempty"` // List of NTP addresses retrieved by using DHCP. NTPFromDHCP []*NetworkHost `xml:"NTPFromDHCP,omitempty" json:"NTPFromDHCP,omitempty"` // List of manually entered NTP addresses. NTPManual []*NetworkHost `xml:"NTPManual,omitempty" json:"NTPManual,omitempty"` Extension *NTPInformationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type NTPInformationExtension ¶
type NetworkCapabilities ¶
type NetworkCapabilities struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Network"` // Indicates whether or not IP filtering is supported. IPFilter bool `xml:"IPFilter,omitempty" json:"IPFilter,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not zeroconf is supported. ZeroConfiguration bool `xml:"ZeroConfiguration,omitempty" json:"ZeroConfiguration,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not IPv6 is supported. IPVersion6 bool `xml:"IPVersion6,omitempty" json:"IPVersion6,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not is supported. DynDNS bool `xml:"DynDNS,omitempty" json:"DynDNS,omitempty"` Extension *NetworkCapabilitiesExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type NetworkCapabilitiesExtension ¶
type NetworkCapabilitiesExtension struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` Dot11Configuration bool `xml:"Dot11Configuration,omitempty" json:"Dot11Configuration,omitempty"` Extension *NetworkCapabilitiesExtension2 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type NetworkGateway ¶
type NetworkGateway struct { // IPv4 address string. IPv4Address []*IPv4Address `xml:"IPv4Address,omitempty" json:"IPv4Address,omitempty"` // IPv6 address string. IPv6Address []*IPv6Address `xml:"IPv6Address,omitempty" json:"IPv6Address,omitempty"` }
type NetworkHost ¶
type NetworkHost struct { // Network host type: IPv4, IPv6 or DNS. Type *NetworkHostType `xml:"Type,omitempty" json:"Type,omitempty"` // IPv4 address. IPv4Address *IPv4Address `xml:"IPv4Address,omitempty" json:"IPv4Address,omitempty"` // IPv6 address. IPv6Address *IPv6Address `xml:"IPv6Address,omitempty" json:"IPv6Address,omitempty"` // DNS name. DNSname *DNSName `xml:"DNSname,omitempty" json:"DNSname,omitempty"` Extension *NetworkHostExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type NetworkHostExtension ¶
type NetworkHostType ¶
type NetworkHostType string
const ( NetworkHostTypeIPv4 NetworkHostType = "IPv4" NetworkHostTypeIPv6 NetworkHostType = "IPv6" NetworkHostTypeDNS NetworkHostType = "DNS" )
type NetworkInterface ¶
type NetworkInterface struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" NetworkInterfaces"` *DeviceEntity // Indicates whether or not an interface is enabled. Enabled bool `xml:"Enabled,omitempty" json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // Network interface information Info *NetworkInterfaceInfo `xml:"Info,omitempty" json:"Info,omitempty"` // Link configuration. Link *NetworkInterfaceLink `xml:"Link,omitempty" json:"Link,omitempty"` // IPv4 network interface configuration. IPv4 *IPv4NetworkInterface `xml:"IPv4,omitempty" json:"IPv4,omitempty"` // IPv6 network interface configuration. IPv6 *IPv6NetworkInterface `xml:"IPv6,omitempty" json:"IPv6,omitempty"` Extension *NetworkInterfaceExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type NetworkInterfaceConfigPriority ¶
type NetworkInterfaceConfigPriority int32
type NetworkInterfaceConnectionSetting ¶
type NetworkInterfaceConnectionSetting struct { // Auto negotiation on/off. AutoNegotiation bool `xml:"AutoNegotiation,omitempty" json:"AutoNegotiation,omitempty"` // Speed. Speed int32 `xml:"Speed,omitempty" json:"Speed,omitempty"` // Duplex type, Half or Full. Duplex *Duplex `xml:"Duplex,omitempty" json:"Duplex,omitempty"` }
type NetworkInterfaceExtension ¶
type NetworkInterfaceExtension struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` InterfaceType *IANAIfTypes `xml:"InterfaceType,omitempty" json:"InterfaceType,omitempty"` // Extension point prepared for future 802.3 configuration. Dot3 []*Dot3Configuration `xml:"Dot3,omitempty" json:"Dot3,omitempty"` Dot11 []*Dot11Configuration `xml:"Dot11,omitempty" json:"Dot11,omitempty"` Extension *NetworkInterfaceExtension2 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type NetworkInterfaceInfo ¶
type NetworkInterfaceInfo struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Info"` // Network interface name, for example eth0. Name string `xml:"Name,omitempty" json:"Name,omitempty"` // Network interface MAC address. HwAddress *HwAddress `xml:"HwAddress,omitempty" json:"HwAddress,omitempty"` // Maximum transmission unit. MTU int32 `xml:"MTU,omitempty" json:"MTU,omitempty"` }
type NetworkInterfaceLink ¶
type NetworkInterfaceLink struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Link"` // Configured link settings. AdminSettings *NetworkInterfaceConnectionSetting `xml:"AdminSettings,omitempty" json:"AdminSettings,omitempty"` // Current active link settings. OperSettings *NetworkInterfaceConnectionSetting `xml:"OperSettings,omitempty" json:"OperSettings,omitempty"` // Integer indicating interface type, for example: 6 is ethernet. InterfaceType *IANAIfTypes `xml:"InterfaceType,omitempty" json:"InterfaceType,omitempty"` }
type NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration ¶
type NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" NetworkInterface"` // Indicates whether or not an interface is enabled. Enabled bool `xml:"Enabled,omitempty" json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // Link configuration. Link *NetworkInterfaceConnectionSetting `xml:"Link,omitempty" json:"Link,omitempty"` // Maximum transmission unit. MTU int32 `xml:"MTU,omitempty" json:"MTU,omitempty"` // IPv4 network interface configuration. IPv4 *IPv4NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration `xml:"IPv4,omitempty" json:"IPv4,omitempty"` // IPv6 network interface configuration. IPv6 *IPv6NetworkInterfaceSetConfiguration `xml:"IPv6,omitempty" json:"IPv6,omitempty"` Extension *NetworkInterfaceSetConfigurationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type NetworkInterfaceSetConfigurationExtension ¶
type NetworkInterfaceSetConfigurationExtension struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` Dot3 []*Dot3Configuration `xml:"Dot3,omitempty" json:"Dot3,omitempty"` Dot11 []*Dot11Configuration `xml:"Dot11,omitempty" json:"Dot11,omitempty"` Extension *NetworkInterfaceSetConfigurationExtension2 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type NetworkProtocol ¶
type NetworkProtocol struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" NetworkProtocols"` // Network protocol type string. Name *NetworkProtocolType `xml:"Name,omitempty" json:"Name,omitempty"` // Indicates if the protocol is enabled or not. Enabled bool `xml:"Enabled,omitempty" json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // The port that is used by the protocol. Port []int32 `xml:"Port,omitempty" json:"Port,omitempty"` Extension *NetworkProtocolExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type NetworkProtocolType ¶
type NetworkProtocolType string
const ( NetworkProtocolTypeHTTP NetworkProtocolType = "HTTP" NetworkProtocolTypeHTTPS NetworkProtocolType = "HTTPS" NetworkProtocolTypeRTSP NetworkProtocolType = "RTSP" )
type NetworkZeroConfiguration ¶
type NetworkZeroConfiguration struct { // Unique identifier of network interface. InterfaceToken *ReferenceToken `xml:"InterfaceToken,omitempty" json:"InterfaceToken,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the zero-configuration is enabled or not. Enabled bool `xml:"Enabled,omitempty" json:"Enabled,omitempty"` // The zero-configuration IPv4 address(es) Addresses []*IPv4Address `xml:"Addresses,omitempty" json:"Addresses,omitempty"` Extension *NetworkZeroConfigurationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type NetworkZeroConfigurationExtension ¶
type NetworkZeroConfigurationExtension struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` // Optional array holding the configuration for the second and possibly further interfaces. Additional []*NetworkZeroConfiguration `xml:"Additional,omitempty" json:"Additional,omitempty"` Extension *NetworkZeroConfigurationExtension2 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type NoCurrentMessageOnTopicFault ¶
type NoCurrentMessageOnTopicFault NoCurrentMessageOnTopicFaultType
type NoCurrentMessageOnTopicFaultType ¶
type NoCurrentMessageOnTopicFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" NoCurrentMessageOnTopicFault"` *BaseFaultType }
type NoiseReduction ¶
type NoiseReductionOptions ¶
type NotUnderstood ¶
type NotUnderstood NotUnderstoodType
type NotUnderstoodType ¶
type NotificationMessage ¶
type NotificationMessage NotificationMessageHolderType
type NotificationMessageHolderType ¶
type NotificationMessageHolderType struct { SubscriptionReference *SubscriptionReference `xml:"SubscriptionReference,omitempty" json:"SubscriptionReference,omitempty"` Topic *Topic `xml:"Topic,omitempty" json:"Topic,omitempty"` ProducerReference *ProducerReference `xml:"ProducerReference,omitempty" json:"ProducerReference,omitempty"` Message struct { } `xml:"Message,omitempty" json:"Message,omitempty"` }
type NotificationProducerRP ¶
type NotificationProducerRP struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" NotificationProducerRP"` TopicExpression []*TopicExpression `xml:"TopicExpression,omitempty" json:"TopicExpression,omitempty"` FixedTopicSet *FixedTopicSet `xml:"FixedTopicSet,omitempty" json:"FixedTopicSet,omitempty"` TopicExpressionDialect []*TopicExpressionDialect `xml:"TopicExpressionDialect,omitempty" json:"TopicExpressionDialect,omitempty"` TopicSet *TopicSet `xml:"TopicSet,omitempty" json:"TopicSet,omitempty"` }
type Notify ¶
type Notify struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Notify"` NotificationMessage []*NotificationMessage `xml:"NotificationMessage,omitempty" json:"NotificationMessage,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type NotifyMessageNotSupportedFault ¶
type NotifyMessageNotSupportedFault NotifyMessageNotSupportedFaultType
type NotifyMessageNotSupportedFaultType ¶
type NotifyMessageNotSupportedFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" NotifyMessageNotSupportedFault"` *BaseFaultType }
type OSDColorOptions ¶
type OSDColorOptions struct { // Optional list of supported colors. Color *ColorOptions `xml:"Color,omitempty" json:"Color,omitempty"` // Range of the transparent level. Larger means more tranparent. Transparent *IntRange `xml:"Transparent,omitempty" json:"Transparent,omitempty"` Extension *OSDColorOptionsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type OSDConfiguration ¶
type OSDConfiguration struct { *DeviceEntity // Reference to the video source configuration. VideoSourceConfigurationToken *OSDReference `xml:"VideoSourceConfigurationToken,omitempty" json:"VideoSourceConfigurationToken,omitempty"` // Type of OSD. Type *OSDType `xml:"Type,omitempty" json:"Type,omitempty"` // Position configuration of OSD. Position *OSDPosConfiguration `xml:"Position,omitempty" json:"Position,omitempty"` // Text configuration of OSD. It shall be present when the value of Type field is Text. TextString *OSDTextConfiguration `xml:"TextString,omitempty" json:"TextString,omitempty"` // Image configuration of OSD. It shall be present when the value of Type field is Image Image *OSDImgConfiguration `xml:"Image,omitempty" json:"Image,omitempty"` Extension *OSDConfigurationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type OSDConfigurationOptions ¶
type OSDConfigurationOptions struct { // The maximum number of OSD configurations supported for the specified video source configuration. If the configuration does not support OSDs, this value shall be zero and the Type and PositionOption elements are ignored. If a device limits the number of instances by OSDType, it shall indicate the supported number for each type via the related attribute. MaximumNumberOfOSDs *MaximumNumberOfOSDs `xml:"MaximumNumberOfOSDs,omitempty" json:"MaximumNumberOfOSDs,omitempty"` // List supported type of OSD configuration. When a device indicates the supported number for each types in MaximumNumberOfOSDs, related type shall be presented. A device shall return Option element relating to listed type. Type []*OSDType `xml:"Type,omitempty" json:"Type,omitempty"` // List available OSD position type. Following are the pre-defined: // PositionOption []string `xml:"PositionOption,omitempty" json:"PositionOption,omitempty"` // Option of the OSD text configuration. This element shall be returned if the device is signaling the support for Text. TextOption *OSDTextOptions `xml:"TextOption,omitempty" json:"TextOption,omitempty"` // Option of the OSD image configuration. This element shall be returned if the device is signaling the support for Image. ImageOption *OSDImgOptions `xml:"ImageOption,omitempty" json:"ImageOption,omitempty"` Extension *OSDConfigurationOptionsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type OSDImgConfiguration ¶
type OSDImgConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Image"` // The URI of the image which to be displayed. ImgPath xsd.AnyURI `xml:"ImgPath,omitempty" json:"ImgPath,omitempty"` Extension *OSDImgConfigurationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type OSDImgOptions ¶
type OSDImgOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" ImageOption"` // List of available image URIs. ImagePath []xsd.AnyURI `xml:"ImagePath,omitempty" json:"ImagePath,omitempty"` Extension *OSDImgOptionsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` FormatsSupported *StringAttrList `xml:" FormatsSupported,attr,omitempty" json:"FormatsSupported,omitempty"` MaxSize int32 `xml:" MaxSize,attr,omitempty" json:"MaxSize,omitempty"` MaxWidth int32 `xml:" MaxWidth,attr,omitempty" json:"MaxWidth,omitempty"` MaxHeight int32 `xml:" MaxHeight,attr,omitempty" json:"MaxHeight,omitempty"` }
type OSDImgOptionsExtension ¶
type OSDPosConfiguration ¶
type OSDPosConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Position"` // For OSD position type, following are the pre-defined: // Type string `xml:"Type,omitempty" json:"Type,omitempty"` Pos *Vector `xml:"Pos,omitempty" json:"Pos,omitempty"` Extension *OSDPosConfigurationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type OSDReference ¶
type OSDReference struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" VideoSourceConfigurationToken"` Value *ReferenceToken `xml:",chardata" json:"-,"` }
type OSDTextConfiguration ¶
type OSDTextConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" TextString"` // // The following OSD Text Type are defined: // Type string `xml:"Type,omitempty" json:"Type,omitempty"` // // List of supported OSD date formats. This element shall be present when the value of Type field has Date or DateAndTime. The following DateFormat are defined: // DateFormat string `xml:"DateFormat,omitempty" json:"DateFormat,omitempty"` // // List of supported OSD time formats. This element shall be present when the value of Type field has Time or DateAndTime. The following TimeFormat are defined: // TimeFormat string `xml:"TimeFormat,omitempty" json:"TimeFormat,omitempty"` // Font size of the text in pt. FontSize int32 `xml:"FontSize,omitempty" json:"FontSize,omitempty"` // Font color of the text. FontColor *OSDColor `xml:"FontColor,omitempty" json:"FontColor,omitempty"` // Background color of the text. BackgroundColor *OSDColor `xml:"BackgroundColor,omitempty" json:"BackgroundColor,omitempty"` // The content of text to be displayed. PlainText string `xml:"PlainText,omitempty" json:"PlainText,omitempty"` Extension *OSDTextConfigurationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` IsPersistentText bool `xml:" IsPersistentText,attr,omitempty" json:"IsPersistentText,omitempty"` }
type OSDTextOptions ¶
type OSDTextOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" TextOption"` // List of supported OSD text type. When a device indicates the supported number relating to Text type in MaximumNumberOfOSDs, the type shall be presented. Type []string `xml:"Type,omitempty" json:"Type,omitempty"` // Range of the font size value. FontSizeRange *IntRange `xml:"FontSizeRange,omitempty" json:"FontSizeRange,omitempty"` // List of supported date format. DateFormat []string `xml:"DateFormat,omitempty" json:"DateFormat,omitempty"` // List of supported time format. TimeFormat []string `xml:"TimeFormat,omitempty" json:"TimeFormat,omitempty"` // List of supported font color. FontColor *OSDColorOptions `xml:"FontColor,omitempty" json:"FontColor,omitempty"` // List of supported background color. BackgroundColor *OSDColorOptions `xml:"BackgroundColor,omitempty" json:"BackgroundColor,omitempty"` Extension *OSDTextOptionsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type OSDTextOptionsExtension ¶
type OnvifVersion ¶
type OnvifVersion struct { // Major version number. Major int32 `xml:"Major,omitempty" json:"Major,omitempty"` // // Two digit minor version number. // If major version number is less than "16", X.0.1 maps to "01" and X.2.1 maps to "21" where X stands for Major version number. // Otherwise, minor number is month of release, such as "06" for June. // Minor int32 `xml:"Minor,omitempty" json:"Minor,omitempty"` }
type PTControlDirection ¶
type PTControlDirection struct { // Optional element to configure related parameters for E-Flip. EFlip *EFlip `xml:"EFlip,omitempty" json:"EFlip,omitempty"` // Optional element to configure related parameters for reversing of PT Control Direction. Reverse *Reverse `xml:"Reverse,omitempty" json:"Reverse,omitempty"` Extension *PTControlDirectionExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type PTControlDirectionOptions ¶
type PTControlDirectionOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" PTControlDirection"` // Supported options for EFlip feature. EFlip *EFlipOptions `xml:"EFlip,omitempty" json:"EFlip,omitempty"` // Supported options for Reverse feature. Reverse *ReverseOptions `xml:"Reverse,omitempty" json:"Reverse,omitempty"` Extension *PTControlDirectionOptionsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type PTZCapabilities ¶
type PTZConfiguration ¶
type PTZConfiguration struct { *ConfigurationEntity // // A mandatory reference to the PTZ Node that the PTZ Configuration belongs to. // NodeToken *ReferenceToken `xml:"NodeToken,omitempty" json:"NodeToken,omitempty"` // // If the PTZ Node supports absolute Pan/Tilt movements, it shall specify one Absolute Pan/Tilt Position Space as default. // DefaultAbsolutePantTiltPositionSpace xsd.AnyURI `xml:"DefaultAbsolutePantTiltPositionSpace,omitempty" json:"DefaultAbsolutePantTiltPositionSpace,omitempty"` // // If the PTZ Node supports absolute zoom movements, it shall specify one Absolute Zoom Position Space as default. // DefaultAbsoluteZoomPositionSpace xsd.AnyURI `xml:"DefaultAbsoluteZoomPositionSpace,omitempty" json:"DefaultAbsoluteZoomPositionSpace,omitempty"` // // If the PTZ Node supports relative Pan/Tilt movements, it shall specify one RelativePan/Tilt Translation Space as default. // DefaultRelativePanTiltTranslationSpace xsd.AnyURI `xml:"DefaultRelativePanTiltTranslationSpace,omitempty" json:"DefaultRelativePanTiltTranslationSpace,omitempty"` // // If the PTZ Node supports relative zoom movements, it shall specify one Relative Zoom Translation Space as default. // DefaultRelativeZoomTranslationSpace xsd.AnyURI `xml:"DefaultRelativeZoomTranslationSpace,omitempty" json:"DefaultRelativeZoomTranslationSpace,omitempty"` // // If the PTZ Node supports continuous Pan/Tilt movements, it shall specify one Continuous Pan/Tilt Velocity Space as default. // DefaultContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace xsd.AnyURI `xml:"DefaultContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace,omitempty" json:"DefaultContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace,omitempty"` // // If the PTZ Node supports continuous zoom movements, it shall specify one Continuous Zoom Velocity Space as default. // DefaultContinuousZoomVelocitySpace xsd.AnyURI `xml:"DefaultContinuousZoomVelocitySpace,omitempty" json:"DefaultContinuousZoomVelocitySpace,omitempty"` // // If the PTZ Node supports absolute or relative PTZ movements, it shall specify corresponding default Pan/Tilt and Zoom speeds. // DefaultPTZSpeed *PTZSpeed `xml:"DefaultPTZSpeed,omitempty" json:"DefaultPTZSpeed,omitempty"` // // If the PTZ Node supports continuous movements, it shall specify a default timeout, after which the movement stops. // DefaultPTZTimeout *xsd.Duration `xml:"DefaultPTZTimeout,omitempty" json:"DefaultPTZTimeout,omitempty"` // // The Pan/Tilt limits element should be present for a PTZ Node that supports an absolute Pan/Tilt. If the element is present it signals the support for configurable Pan/Tilt limits. If limits are enabled, the Pan/Tilt movements shall always stay within the specified range. The Pan/Tilt limits are disabled by setting the limits to –INF or +INF. // PanTiltLimits *PanTiltLimits `xml:"PanTiltLimits,omitempty" json:"PanTiltLimits,omitempty"` // // The Zoom limits element should be present for a PTZ Node that supports absolute zoom. If the element is present it signals the supports for configurable Zoom limits. If limits are enabled the zoom movements shall always stay within the specified range. The Zoom limits are disabled by settings the limits to -INF and +INF. // ZoomLimits *ZoomLimits `xml:"ZoomLimits,omitempty" json:"ZoomLimits,omitempty"` Extension *PTZConfigurationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` MoveRamp int32 `xml:" MoveRamp,attr,omitempty" json:"MoveRamp,omitempty"` PresetRamp int32 `xml:" PresetRamp,attr,omitempty" json:"PresetRamp,omitempty"` PresetTourRamp int32 `xml:" PresetTourRamp,attr,omitempty" json:"PresetTourRamp,omitempty"` }
type PTZConfigurationExtension ¶
type PTZConfigurationExtension struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` // Optional element to configure PT Control Direction related features. PTControlDirection *PTControlDirection `xml:"PTControlDirection,omitempty" json:"PTControlDirection,omitempty"` Extension *PTZConfigurationExtension2 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type PTZConfigurationOptions ¶
type PTZConfigurationOptions struct { // // A list of supported coordinate systems including their range limitations. // Spaces *PTZSpaces `xml:"Spaces,omitempty" json:"Spaces,omitempty"` // // A timeout Range within which Timeouts are accepted by the PTZ Node. // PTZTimeout *DurationRange `xml:"PTZTimeout,omitempty" json:"PTZTimeout,omitempty"` // Supported options for PT Direction Control. PTControlDirection *PTControlDirectionOptions `xml:"PTControlDirection,omitempty" json:"PTControlDirection,omitempty"` Extension *PTZConfigurationOptions2 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` PTZRamps *IntList `xml:" PTZRamps,attr,omitempty" json:"PTZRamps,omitempty"` }
type PTZFilter ¶
type PTZFilter struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" PTZStatus"` // True if the metadata stream shall contain the PTZ status (IDLE, MOVING or UNKNOWN) Status bool `xml:"Status,omitempty" json:"Status,omitempty"` // True if the metadata stream shall contain the PTZ position Position bool `xml:"Position,omitempty" json:"Position,omitempty"` }
type PTZMoveStatus ¶
type PTZMoveStatus struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" MoveStatus"` PanTilt *MoveStatus `xml:"PanTilt,omitempty" json:"PanTilt,omitempty"` Zoom *MoveStatus `xml:"Zoom,omitempty" json:"Zoom,omitempty"` }
type PTZNode ¶
type PTZNode struct { *DeviceEntity // // A unique identifier that is used to reference PTZ Nodes. // Name *Name `xml:"Name,omitempty" json:"Name,omitempty"` // // A list of Coordinate Systems available for the PTZ Node. For each Coordinate System, the PTZ Node MUST specify its allowed range. // SupportedPTZSpaces *PTZSpaces `xml:"SupportedPTZSpaces,omitempty" json:"SupportedPTZSpaces,omitempty"` // // All preset operations MUST be available for this PTZ Node if one preset is supported. // MaximumNumberOfPresets int32 `xml:"MaximumNumberOfPresets,omitempty" json:"MaximumNumberOfPresets,omitempty"` // // A boolean operator specifying the availability of a home position. If set to true, the Home Position Operations MUST be available for this PTZ Node. // HomeSupported bool `xml:"HomeSupported,omitempty" json:"HomeSupported,omitempty"` // // A list of supported Auxiliary commands. If the list is not empty, the Auxiliary Operations MUST be available for this PTZ Node. // AuxiliaryCommands []*AuxiliaryData `xml:"AuxiliaryCommands,omitempty" json:"AuxiliaryCommands,omitempty"` Extension *PTZNodeExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` FixedHomePosition bool `xml:" FixedHomePosition,attr,omitempty" json:"FixedHomePosition,omitempty"` GeoMove bool `xml:" GeoMove,attr,omitempty" json:"GeoMove,omitempty"` }
type PTZNodeExtension ¶
type PTZNodeExtension struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` // // Detail of supported Preset Tour feature. // SupportedPresetTour *PTZPresetTourSupported `xml:"SupportedPresetTour,omitempty" json:"SupportedPresetTour,omitempty"` Extension *PTZNodeExtension2 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type PTZNodeExtension2 ¶
type PTZPositionFilter ¶
type PTZPositionFilter struct { // The lower boundary of the PTZ volume to look for. MinPosition *PTZVector `xml:"MinPosition,omitempty" json:"MinPosition,omitempty"` // The upper boundary of the PTZ volume to look for. MaxPosition *PTZVector `xml:"MaxPosition,omitempty" json:"MaxPosition,omitempty"` // If true, search for when entering the specified PTZ volume. EnterOrExit bool `xml:"EnterOrExit,omitempty" json:"EnterOrExit,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type PTZPreset ¶
type PTZPreset struct { // // A list of preset position name. // Name *Name `xml:"Name,omitempty" json:"Name,omitempty"` // // A list of preset position. // PTZPosition *PTZVector `xml:"PTZPosition,omitempty" json:"PTZPosition,omitempty"` Token *ReferenceToken `xml:" token,attr,omitempty" json:"token,omitempty"` }
type PTZPresetTourDirection ¶
type PTZPresetTourDirection string
const ( PTZPresetTourDirectionForward PTZPresetTourDirection = "Forward" PTZPresetTourDirectionBackward PTZPresetTourDirection = "Backward" PTZPresetTourDirectionExtended PTZPresetTourDirection = "Extended" )
type PTZPresetTourExtension ¶
type PTZPresetTourOperation ¶
type PTZPresetTourOperation string
const ( PTZPresetTourOperationStart PTZPresetTourOperation = "Start" PTZPresetTourOperationStop PTZPresetTourOperation = "Stop" PTZPresetTourOperationPause PTZPresetTourOperation = "Pause" PTZPresetTourOperationExtended PTZPresetTourOperation = "Extended" )
type PTZPresetTourOptions ¶
type PTZPresetTourOptions struct { // Indicates whether or not the AutoStart is supported. AutoStart bool `xml:"AutoStart,omitempty" json:"AutoStart,omitempty"` // Supported options for Preset Tour Starting Condition. StartingCondition *PTZPresetTourStartingConditionOptions `xml:"StartingCondition,omitempty" json:"StartingCondition,omitempty"` // Supported options for Preset Tour Spot. TourSpot *PTZPresetTourSpotOptions `xml:"TourSpot,omitempty" json:"TourSpot,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type PTZPresetTourPresetDetail ¶
type PTZPresetTourPresetDetail struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" PresetDetail"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` // Option to specify the preset position with Preset Token defined in advance. PresetToken *ReferenceToken `xml:"PresetToken,omitempty" json:"PresetToken,omitempty"` // Option to specify the preset position with the home position of this PTZ Node. "False" to this parameter shall be treated as an invalid argument. Home bool `xml:"Home,omitempty" json:"Home,omitempty"` // Option to specify the preset position with vector of PTZ node directly. PTZPosition *PTZVector `xml:"PTZPosition,omitempty" json:"PTZPosition,omitempty"` TypeExtension *PTZPresetTourTypeExtension `xml:"TypeExtension,omitempty" json:"TypeExtension,omitempty"` }
type PTZPresetTourPresetDetailOptions ¶
type PTZPresetTourPresetDetailOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" PresetDetail"` // A list of available Preset Tokens for tour spots. PresetToken []*ReferenceToken `xml:"PresetToken,omitempty" json:"PresetToken,omitempty"` // An option to indicate Home postion for tour spots. Home bool `xml:"Home,omitempty" json:"Home,omitempty"` // Supported range of Pan and Tilt for tour spots. PanTiltPositionSpace *Space2DDescription `xml:"PanTiltPositionSpace,omitempty" json:"PanTiltPositionSpace,omitempty"` // Supported range of Zoom for a tour spot. ZoomPositionSpace *Space1DDescription `xml:"ZoomPositionSpace,omitempty" json:"ZoomPositionSpace,omitempty"` Extension *PTZPresetTourPresetDetailOptionsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type PTZPresetTourSpot ¶
type PTZPresetTourSpot struct { // Detail definition of preset position of the tour spot. PresetDetail *PTZPresetTourPresetDetail `xml:"PresetDetail,omitempty" json:"PresetDetail,omitempty"` // Optional parameter to specify Pan/Tilt and Zoom speed on moving toward this tour spot. Speed *PTZSpeed `xml:"Speed,omitempty" json:"Speed,omitempty"` // Optional parameter to specify time duration of staying on this tour sport. StayTime *xsd.Duration `xml:"StayTime,omitempty" json:"StayTime,omitempty"` Extension *PTZPresetTourSpotExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type PTZPresetTourSpotOptions ¶
type PTZPresetTourSpotOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" TourSpot"` // Supported options for detail definition of preset position of the tour spot. PresetDetail *PTZPresetTourPresetDetailOptions `xml:"PresetDetail,omitempty" json:"PresetDetail,omitempty"` // Supported range of stay time for a tour spot. StayTime *DurationRange `xml:"StayTime,omitempty" json:"StayTime,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type PTZPresetTourStartingCondition ¶
type PTZPresetTourStartingCondition struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" StartingCondition"` // Optional parameter to specify how many times the preset tour is recurred. RecurringTime int32 `xml:"RecurringTime,omitempty" json:"RecurringTime,omitempty"` // Optional parameter to specify how long time duration the preset tour is recurred. RecurringDuration *xsd.Duration `xml:"RecurringDuration,omitempty" json:"RecurringDuration,omitempty"` // Optional parameter to choose which direction the preset tour goes. Forward shall be chosen in case it is omitted. Direction *PTZPresetTourDirection `xml:"Direction,omitempty" json:"Direction,omitempty"` Extension *PTZPresetTourStartingConditionExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` RandomPresetOrder bool `xml:" RandomPresetOrder,attr,omitempty" json:"RandomPresetOrder,omitempty"` }
type PTZPresetTourStartingConditionOptions ¶
type PTZPresetTourStartingConditionOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" StartingCondition"` // Supported range of Recurring Time. RecurringTime *IntRange `xml:"RecurringTime,omitempty" json:"RecurringTime,omitempty"` // Supported range of Recurring Duration. RecurringDuration *DurationRange `xml:"RecurringDuration,omitempty" json:"RecurringDuration,omitempty"` // Supported options for Direction of Preset Tour. Direction []*PTZPresetTourDirection `xml:"Direction,omitempty" json:"Direction,omitempty"` Extension *PTZPresetTourStartingConditionOptionsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type PTZPresetTourState ¶
type PTZPresetTourState string
const ( PTZPresetTourStateIdle PTZPresetTourState = "Idle" PTZPresetTourStateTouring PTZPresetTourState = "Touring" PTZPresetTourStatePaused PTZPresetTourState = "Paused" PTZPresetTourStateExtended PTZPresetTourState = "Extended" )
type PTZPresetTourStatus ¶
type PTZPresetTourStatus struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Status"` // Indicates state of this preset tour by Idle/Touring/Paused. State *PTZPresetTourState `xml:"State,omitempty" json:"State,omitempty"` // Indicates a tour spot currently staying. CurrentTourSpot *PTZPresetTourSpot `xml:"CurrentTourSpot,omitempty" json:"CurrentTourSpot,omitempty"` Extension *PTZPresetTourStatusExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type PTZPresetTourSupported ¶
type PTZPresetTourSupported struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" SupportedPresetTour"` // Indicates number of preset tours that can be created. Required preset tour operations shall be available for this PTZ Node if one or more preset tour is supported. MaximumNumberOfPresetTours int32 `xml:"MaximumNumberOfPresetTours,omitempty" json:"MaximumNumberOfPresetTours,omitempty"` // Indicates which preset tour operations are available for this PTZ Node. PTZPresetTourOperation []*PTZPresetTourOperation `xml:"PTZPresetTourOperation,omitempty" json:"PTZPresetTourOperation,omitempty"` Extension *PTZPresetTourSupportedExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type PTZSpaces ¶
type PTZSpaces struct { // // The Generic Pan/Tilt Position space is provided by every PTZ node that supports absolute Pan/Tilt, since it does not relate to a specific physical range. // Instead, the range should be defined as the full range of the PTZ unit normalized to the range -1 to 1 resulting in the following space description. // AbsolutePanTiltPositionSpace []*Space2DDescription `xml:"AbsolutePanTiltPositionSpace,omitempty" json:"AbsolutePanTiltPositionSpace,omitempty"` // // The Generic Zoom Position Space is provided by every PTZ node that supports absolute Zoom, since it does not relate to a specific physical range. // Instead, the range should be defined as the full range of the Zoom normalized to the range 0 (wide) to 1 (tele). // There is no assumption about how the generic zoom range is mapped to magnification, FOV or other physical zoom dimension. // AbsoluteZoomPositionSpace []*Space1DDescription `xml:"AbsoluteZoomPositionSpace,omitempty" json:"AbsoluteZoomPositionSpace,omitempty"` // // The Generic Pan/Tilt translation space is provided by every PTZ node that supports relative Pan/Tilt, since it does not relate to a specific physical range. // Instead, the range should be defined as the full positive and negative translation range of the PTZ unit normalized to the range -1 to 1, // where positive translation would mean clockwise rotation or movement in right/up direction resulting in the following space description. // RelativePanTiltTranslationSpace []*Space2DDescription `xml:"RelativePanTiltTranslationSpace,omitempty" json:"RelativePanTiltTranslationSpace,omitempty"` // // The Generic Zoom Translation Space is provided by every PTZ node that supports relative Zoom, since it does not relate to a specific physical range. // Instead, the corresponding absolute range should be defined as the full positive and negative translation range of the Zoom normalized to the range -1 to1, // where a positive translation maps to a movement in TELE direction. The translation is signed to indicate direction (negative is to wide, positive is to tele). // There is no assumption about how the generic zoom range is mapped to magnification, FOV or other physical zoom dimension. This results in the following space description. // RelativeZoomTranslationSpace []*Space1DDescription `xml:"RelativeZoomTranslationSpace,omitempty" json:"RelativeZoomTranslationSpace,omitempty"` // // The generic Pan/Tilt velocity space shall be provided by every PTZ node, since it does not relate to a specific physical range. // Instead, the range should be defined as a range of the PTZ unit’s speed normalized to the range -1 to 1, where a positive velocity would map to clockwise // rotation or movement in the right/up direction. A signed speed can be independently specified for the pan and tilt component resulting in the following space description. // ContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace []*Space2DDescription `xml:"ContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace,omitempty" json:"ContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace,omitempty"` // // The generic zoom velocity space specifies a zoom factor velocity without knowing the underlying physical model. The range should be normalized from -1 to 1, // where a positive velocity would map to TELE direction. A generic zoom velocity space description resembles the following. // ContinuousZoomVelocitySpace []*Space1DDescription `xml:"ContinuousZoomVelocitySpace,omitempty" json:"ContinuousZoomVelocitySpace,omitempty"` // // The speed space specifies the speed for a Pan/Tilt movement when moving to an absolute position or to a relative translation. // In contrast to the velocity spaces, speed spaces do not contain any directional information. The speed of a combined Pan/Tilt // movement is represented by a single non-negative scalar value. // PanTiltSpeedSpace []*Space1DDescription `xml:"PanTiltSpeedSpace,omitempty" json:"PanTiltSpeedSpace,omitempty"` // // The speed space specifies the speed for a Zoom movement when moving to an absolute position or to a relative translation. // In contrast to the velocity spaces, speed spaces do not contain any directional information. // ZoomSpeedSpace []*Space1DDescription `xml:"ZoomSpeedSpace,omitempty" json:"ZoomSpeedSpace,omitempty"` Extension *PTZSpacesExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type PTZSpacesExtension ¶
type PTZSpeed ¶
type PTZSpeed struct { // Pan and tilt speed. The x component corresponds to pan and the y component to tilt. If omitted in a request, the current (if any) PanTilt movement should not be affected. PanTilt *Vector2D `xml:"PanTilt,omitempty" json:"PanTilt,omitempty"` // // A zoom speed. If omitted in a request, the current (if any) Zoom movement should not be affected. // Zoom *Vector1D `xml:"Zoom,omitempty" json:"Zoom,omitempty"` }
type PTZStatus ¶
type PTZStatus struct { // // Specifies the absolute position of the PTZ unit together with the Space references. The default absolute spaces of the corresponding PTZ configuration MUST be referenced within the Position element. // Position *PTZVector `xml:"Position,omitempty" json:"Position,omitempty"` // // Indicates if the Pan/Tilt/Zoom device unit is currently moving, idle or in an unknown state. // MoveStatus *PTZMoveStatus `xml:"MoveStatus,omitempty" json:"MoveStatus,omitempty"` // // States a current PTZ error. // Error string `xml:"Error,omitempty" json:"Error,omitempty"` // // Specifies the UTC time when this status was generated. // UtcTime soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"UtcTime,omitempty" json:"UtcTime,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type PTZStatusFilterOptions ¶
type PTZStatusFilterOptions struct { // True if the device is able to stream pan or tilt status information. PanTiltStatusSupported bool `xml:"PanTiltStatusSupported,omitempty" json:"PanTiltStatusSupported,omitempty"` // True if the device is able to stream zoom status inforamtion. ZoomStatusSupported bool `xml:"ZoomStatusSupported,omitempty" json:"ZoomStatusSupported,omitempty"` // True if the device is able to stream the pan or tilt position. PanTiltPositionSupported bool `xml:"PanTiltPositionSupported,omitempty" json:"PanTiltPositionSupported,omitempty"` // True if the device is able to stream zoom position information. ZoomPositionSupported bool `xml:"ZoomPositionSupported,omitempty" json:"ZoomPositionSupported,omitempty"` Extension *PTZStatusFilterOptionsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type PanTiltLimits ¶
type PanTiltLimits struct { // // A range of pan tilt limits. // Range *Space2DDescription `xml:"Range,omitempty" json:"Range,omitempty"` }
type PaneConfiguration ¶
type PaneConfiguration struct { // Optional name of the pane configuration. PaneName string `xml:"PaneName,omitempty" json:"PaneName,omitempty"` // If the device has audio outputs, this element contains a pointer to the audio output that is associated with the pane. A client // can retrieve the available audio outputs of a device using the GetAudioOutputs command of the DeviceIO service. AudioOutputToken *ReferenceToken `xml:"AudioOutputToken,omitempty" json:"AudioOutputToken,omitempty"` // If the device has audio sources, this element contains a pointer to the audio source that is associated with this pane. // The audio connection from a decoder device to the NVT is established using the backchannel mechanism. A client can retrieve the available audio sources of a device using the GetAudioSources command of the // DeviceIO service. AudioSourceToken *ReferenceToken `xml:"AudioSourceToken,omitempty" json:"AudioSourceToken,omitempty"` // The configuration of the audio encoder including codec, bitrate // and sample rate. AudioEncoderConfiguration *AudioEncoderConfiguration `xml:"AudioEncoderConfiguration,omitempty" json:"AudioEncoderConfiguration,omitempty"` // A pointer to a Receiver that has the necessary information to receive // data from a Transmitter. This Receiver can be connected and the network video decoder displays the received data on the specified outputs. A client can retrieve the available Receivers using the // GetReceivers command of the Receiver Service. ReceiverToken *ReferenceToken `xml:"ReceiverToken,omitempty" json:"ReceiverToken,omitempty"` // A unique identifier in the display device. Token *ReferenceToken `xml:"Token,omitempty" json:"Token,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type PaneLayout ¶
type PaneLayout struct { // Reference to the configuration of the streaming and coding parameters. Pane *ReferenceToken `xml:"Pane,omitempty" json:"Pane,omitempty"` // Describes the location and size of the area on the monitor. The area coordinate values are espressed in normalized units [-1.0, 1.0]. Area *Rectangle `xml:"Area,omitempty" json:"Area,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type PaneLayoutOptions ¶
type PaneLayoutOptions struct { // List of areas assembling a layout. Coordinate values are in the range [-1.0, 1.0]. Area []*Rectangle `xml:"Area,omitempty" json:"Area,omitempty"` Extension *PaneOptionExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type PaneOptionExtension ¶
type PauseFailedFault ¶
type PauseFailedFault PauseFailedFaultType
type PauseFailedFaultType ¶
type PauseFailedFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" PauseFailedFault"` *BaseFaultType }
type PauseSubscription ¶
type Polygon ¶
type Polygon struct {
Point []*Vector `xml:"Point,omitempty" json:"Point,omitempty"`
type PolygonOptions ¶
type PolygonOptions struct { // // True if the device supports defining a region only using Rectangle. // The rectangle points are still passed using a Polygon element if the device does not support polygon regions. In this case, the points provided in the Polygon element shall represent a rectangle. // RectangleOnly bool `xml:"RectangleOnly,omitempty" json:"RectangleOnly,omitempty"` // // Provides the minimum and maximum number of points that can be defined in the Polygon. // If RectangleOnly is not set to true, this parameter is required. // VertexLimits *IntRange `xml:"VertexLimits,omitempty" json:"VertexLimits,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type Polyline ¶
type Polyline struct {
Point []*Vector `xml:"Point,omitempty" json:"Point,omitempty"`
type PolylineArray ¶
type PolylineArray struct { // Contains array of Polyline Segment []*Polyline `xml:"Segment,omitempty" json:"Segment,omitempty"` Extension *PolylineArrayExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type PolylineArrayConfiguration ¶
type PolylineArrayConfiguration struct { // Contains PolylineArray configuration data PolylineArray *PolylineArray `xml:"PolylineArray,omitempty" json:"PolylineArray,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type PolylineArrayExtension ¶
type PrefixedIPv4Address ¶
type PrefixedIPv4Address struct { // IPv4 address Address *IPv4Address `xml:"Address,omitempty" json:"Address,omitempty"` // Prefix/submask length PrefixLength int32 `xml:"PrefixLength,omitempty" json:"PrefixLength,omitempty"` }
type PrefixedIPv6Address ¶
type PrefixedIPv6Address struct { // IPv6 address Address *IPv6Address `xml:"Address,omitempty" json:"Address,omitempty"` // Prefix/submask length PrefixLength int32 `xml:"PrefixLength,omitempty" json:"PrefixLength,omitempty"` }
type PresetTour ¶
type PresetTour struct { // Readable name of the preset tour. Name *Name `xml:"Name,omitempty" json:"Name,omitempty"` // Read only parameters to indicate the status of the preset tour. Status *PTZPresetTourStatus `xml:"Status,omitempty" json:"Status,omitempty"` // Auto Start flag of the preset tour. True allows the preset tour to be activated always. AutoStart bool `xml:"AutoStart,omitempty" json:"AutoStart,omitempty"` // Parameters to specify the detail behavior of the preset tour. StartingCondition *PTZPresetTourStartingCondition `xml:"StartingCondition,omitempty" json:"StartingCondition,omitempty"` // A list of detail of touring spots including preset positions. TourSpot []*PTZPresetTourSpot `xml:"TourSpot,omitempty" json:"TourSpot,omitempty"` Extension *PTZPresetTourExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Token *ReferenceToken `xml:" token,attr,omitempty" json:"token,omitempty"` }
type ProblemAction ¶
type ProblemAction ProblemActionType
type ProblemActionType ¶
type ProblemHeader ¶
type ProblemHeader AttributedAnyType
type ProblemHeaderQName ¶
type ProblemHeaderQName AttributedQNameType
type ProblemIRI ¶
type ProblemIRI AttributedURIType
type ProducerProperties ¶
type ProducerProperties QueryExpressionType
type ProducerReference ¶
type ProducerReference EndpointReferenceType
type Profile ¶
type Profile struct { // User readable name of the profile. Name *Name `xml:"Name,omitempty" json:"Name,omitempty"` // Optional configuration of the Video input. VideoSourceConfiguration *VideoSourceConfiguration `xml:"VideoSourceConfiguration,omitempty" json:"VideoSourceConfiguration,omitempty"` // Optional configuration of the Audio input. AudioSourceConfiguration *AudioSourceConfiguration `xml:"AudioSourceConfiguration,omitempty" json:"AudioSourceConfiguration,omitempty"` // Optional configuration of the Video encoder. VideoEncoderConfiguration *VideoEncoderConfiguration `xml:"VideoEncoderConfiguration,omitempty" json:"VideoEncoderConfiguration,omitempty"` // Optional configuration of the Audio encoder. AudioEncoderConfiguration *AudioEncoderConfiguration `xml:"AudioEncoderConfiguration,omitempty" json:"AudioEncoderConfiguration,omitempty"` // Optional configuration of the video analytics module and rule engine. VideoAnalyticsConfiguration *VideoAnalyticsConfiguration `xml:"VideoAnalyticsConfiguration,omitempty" json:"VideoAnalyticsConfiguration,omitempty"` // Optional configuration of the pan tilt zoom unit. PTZConfiguration *PTZConfiguration `xml:"PTZConfiguration,omitempty" json:"PTZConfiguration,omitempty"` // Optional configuration of the metadata stream. MetadataConfiguration *MetadataConfiguration `xml:"MetadataConfiguration,omitempty" json:"MetadataConfiguration,omitempty"` // Extensions defined in ONVIF 2.0 Extension *ProfileExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Token *ReferenceToken `xml:" token,attr,omitempty" json:"token,omitempty"` Fixed bool `xml:" fixed,attr,omitempty" json:"fixed,omitempty"` }
type ProfileCapabilities ¶
type ProfileExtension ¶
type ProfileExtension struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` // Optional configuration of the Audio output. AudioOutputConfiguration *AudioOutputConfiguration `xml:"AudioOutputConfiguration,omitempty" json:"AudioOutputConfiguration,omitempty"` // Optional configuration of the Audio decoder. AudioDecoderConfiguration *AudioDecoderConfiguration `xml:"AudioDecoderConfiguration,omitempty" json:"AudioDecoderConfiguration,omitempty"` Extension *ProfileExtension2 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type ProfileExtension2 ¶
type ProfileStatus ¶
type ProfileStatus struct { ActiveConnections []*ActiveConnection `xml:"ActiveConnections,omitempty" json:"ActiveConnections,omitempty"` Extension *ProfileStatusExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type ProfileStatusExtension ¶
type PropertyOperation ¶
type PropertyOperation string
const ( PropertyOperationInitialized PropertyOperation = "Initialized" PropertyOperationDeleted PropertyOperation = "Deleted" PropertyOperationChanged PropertyOperation = "Changed" )
type QueryExpressionType ¶
type RealTimeStreamingCapabilities ¶
type RealTimeStreamingCapabilities struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" StreamingCapabilities"` // Indicates whether or not RTP multicast is supported. RTPMulticast bool `xml:"RTPMulticast,omitempty" json:"RTPMulticast,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not RTP over TCP is supported. RTP_TCP bool `xml:"RTP_TCP,omitempty" json:"RTP_TCP,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not RTP/RTSP/TCP is supported. RTP_RTSP_TCP bool `xml:"RTP_RTSP_TCP,omitempty" json:"RTP_RTSP_TCP,omitempty"` Extension *RealTimeStreamingCapabilitiesExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type Reasontext ¶
type Receiver ¶
type Receiver struct { // Unique identifier of the receiver. Token *ReferenceToken `xml:"Token,omitempty" json:"Token,omitempty"` // Describes the configuration of the receiver. Configuration *ReceiverConfiguration `xml:"Configuration,omitempty" json:"Configuration,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type ReceiverCapabilities ¶
type ReceiverCapabilities struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Receiver"` // The address of the receiver service. XAddr xsd.AnyURI `xml:"XAddr,omitempty" json:"XAddr,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the device can receive RTP multicast streams. RTP_Multicast bool `xml:"RTP_Multicast,omitempty" json:"RTP_Multicast,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the device can receive RTP/TCP streams RTP_TCP bool `xml:"RTP_TCP,omitempty" json:"RTP_TCP,omitempty"` // Indicates whether the device can receive RTP/RTSP/TCP streams. RTP_RTSP_TCP bool `xml:"RTP_RTSP_TCP,omitempty" json:"RTP_RTSP_TCP,omitempty"` // The maximum number of receivers supported by the device. SupportedReceivers int32 `xml:"SupportedReceivers,omitempty" json:"SupportedReceivers,omitempty"` // The maximum allowed length for RTSP URIs. MaximumRTSPURILength int32 `xml:"MaximumRTSPURILength,omitempty" json:"MaximumRTSPURILength,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type ReceiverConfiguration ¶
type ReceiverConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Configuration"` // The following connection modes are defined: Mode *ReceiverMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // Details of the URI to which the receiver should connect. MediaUri xsd.AnyURI `xml:"MediaUri,omitempty" json:"MediaUri,omitempty"` // Stream connection parameters. StreamSetup *StreamSetup `xml:"StreamSetup,omitempty" json:"StreamSetup,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type ReceiverMode ¶
type ReceiverMode string
const ( // The receiver connects on demand, as required by consumers of the media streams. ReceiverModeAutoConnect ReceiverMode = "AutoConnect" // The receiver attempts to maintain a persistent connection to the configured endpoint. ReceiverModeAlwaysConnect ReceiverMode = "AlwaysConnect" // The receiver does not attempt to connect. ReceiverModeNeverConnect ReceiverMode = "NeverConnect" // This case should never happen. ReceiverModeUnknown ReceiverMode = "Unknown" )
type ReceiverReference ¶
type ReceiverReference ReferenceToken
type ReceiverState ¶
type ReceiverState string
const ( // The receiver is not connected. ReceiverStateNotConnected ReceiverState = "NotConnected" // The receiver is attempting to connect. ReceiverStateConnecting ReceiverState = "Connecting" // The receiver is connected. ReceiverStateConnected ReceiverState = "Connected" // This case should never happen. ReceiverStateUnknown ReceiverState = "Unknown" )
type ReceiverStateInformation ¶
type ReceiverStateInformation struct { // The connection state of the receiver may have one of the following states: State *ReceiverState `xml:"State,omitempty" json:"State,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not the receiver was created automatically. AutoCreated bool `xml:"AutoCreated,omitempty" json:"AutoCreated,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type RecordingCapabilities ¶
type RecordingCapabilities struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Recording"` XAddr xsd.AnyURI `xml:"XAddr,omitempty" json:"XAddr,omitempty"` ReceiverSource bool `xml:"ReceiverSource,omitempty" json:"ReceiverSource,omitempty"` MediaProfileSource bool `xml:"MediaProfileSource,omitempty" json:"MediaProfileSource,omitempty"` DynamicRecordings bool `xml:"DynamicRecordings,omitempty" json:"DynamicRecordings,omitempty"` DynamicTracks bool `xml:"DynamicTracks,omitempty" json:"DynamicTracks,omitempty"` MaxStringLength int32 `xml:"MaxStringLength,omitempty" json:"MaxStringLength,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type RecordingConfiguration ¶
type RecordingConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Configuration"` // Information about the source of the recording. Source *RecordingSourceInformation `xml:"Source,omitempty" json:"Source,omitempty"` // Informative description of the source. Content *Description `xml:"Content,omitempty" json:"Content,omitempty"` // Sspecifies the maximum time that data in any track within the // recording shall be stored. The device shall delete any data older than the maximum retention // time. Such data shall not be accessible anymore. If the MaximumRetentionPeriod is set to 0, // the device shall not limit the retention time of stored data, except by resource constraints. // Whatever the value of MaximumRetentionTime, the device may automatically delete // recordings to free up storage space for new recordings. MaximumRetentionTime *xsd.Duration `xml:"MaximumRetentionTime,omitempty" json:"MaximumRetentionTime,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type RecordingEventFilter ¶
type RecordingEventFilter struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" EventFilter"` Filter []struct { // Topic filter as defined in section 9.6.3 of the ONVIF Core Specification. Topic string `xml:"Topic,omitempty" json:"Topic,omitempty"` // Optional message source content filter as defined in section 9.4.4 of the ONVIF Core Specification. Source string `xml:"Source,omitempty" json:"Source,omitempty"` } `xml:"Filter,omitempty" json:"Filter,omitempty"` // Optional timespan to record before the actual event condition became active. Before *xsd.Duration `xml:"Before,omitempty" json:"Before,omitempty"` // Optional timespan to record after the actual event condition becomes inactive. After *xsd.Duration `xml:"After,omitempty" json:"After,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type RecordingInformation ¶
type RecordingInformation struct { RecordingToken *RecordingReference `xml:"RecordingToken,omitempty" json:"RecordingToken,omitempty"` // // Information about the source of the recording. This gives a description of where the data in the recording comes from. Since a single // recording is intended to record related material, there is just one source. It is indicates the physical location or the // major data source for the recording. Currently the recordingconfiguration cannot describe each individual data source. // Source *RecordingSourceInformation `xml:"Source,omitempty" json:"Source,omitempty"` EarliestRecording soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"EarliestRecording,omitempty" json:"EarliestRecording,omitempty"` LatestRecording soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"LatestRecording,omitempty" json:"LatestRecording,omitempty"` Content *Description `xml:"Content,omitempty" json:"Content,omitempty"` // Basic information about the track. Note that a track may represent a single contiguous time span or consist of multiple slices. Track []*TrackInformation `xml:"Track,omitempty" json:"Track,omitempty"` RecordingStatus *RecordingStatus `xml:"RecordingStatus,omitempty" json:"RecordingStatus,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type RecordingJobConfiguration ¶
type RecordingJobConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" JobConfiguration"` // Identifies the recording to which this job shall store the received data. RecordingToken *RecordingReference `xml:"RecordingToken,omitempty" json:"RecordingToken,omitempty"` // The mode of the job. If it is idle, nothing shall happen. If it is active, the device shall try // to obtain data from the receivers. A client shall use GetRecordingJobState to determine if data transfer is really taking place. // The only valid values for Mode shall be “Idle” and “Active”. Mode *RecordingJobMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // This shall be a non-negative number. If there are multiple recording jobs that store data to // the same track, the device will only store the data for the recording job with the highest // priority. The priority is specified per recording job, but the device shall determine the priority // of each track individually. If there are two recording jobs with the same priority, the device // shall record the data corresponding to the recording job that was activated the latest. Priority int32 `xml:"Priority,omitempty" json:"Priority,omitempty"` // Source of the recording. Source []*RecordingJobSource `xml:"Source,omitempty" json:"Source,omitempty"` Extension *RecordingJobConfigurationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` // Optional filter defining on which event condition a recording job gets active. EventFilter *RecordingEventFilter `xml:"EventFilter,omitempty" json:"EventFilter,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` ScheduleToken string `xml:" ScheduleToken,attr,omitempty" json:"ScheduleToken,omitempty"` }
type RecordingJobMode ¶
type RecordingJobMode string
type RecordingJobReference ¶
type RecordingJobReference ReferenceToken
type RecordingJobSource ¶
type RecordingJobSource struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Source"` // This field shall be a reference to the source of the data. The type of the source // is determined by the attribute Type in the SourceToken structure. If Type is //, the token is a ReceiverReference. In this case // the device shall receive the data over the network. If Type is //, the token identifies a media profile, instructing the // device to obtain data from a profile that exists on the local device. SourceToken *SourceReference `xml:"SourceToken,omitempty" json:"SourceToken,omitempty"` // If this field is TRUE, and if the SourceToken is omitted, the device // shall create a receiver object (through the receiver service) and assign the // ReceiverReference to the SourceToken field. When retrieving the RecordingJobConfiguration // from the device, the AutoCreateReceiver field shall never be present. AutoCreateReceiver bool `xml:"AutoCreateReceiver,omitempty" json:"AutoCreateReceiver,omitempty"` // List of tracks associated with the recording. Tracks []*RecordingJobTrack `xml:"Tracks,omitempty" json:"Tracks,omitempty"` Extension *RecordingJobSourceExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type RecordingJobState ¶
type RecordingJobState string
type RecordingJobStateInformation ¶
type RecordingJobStateInformation struct { // Identification of the recording that the recording job records to. RecordingToken *RecordingReference `xml:"RecordingToken,omitempty" json:"RecordingToken,omitempty"` // Holds the aggregated state over the whole RecordingJobInformation structure. State *RecordingJobState `xml:"State,omitempty" json:"State,omitempty"` // Identifies the data source of the recording job. Sources []*RecordingJobStateSource `xml:"Sources,omitempty" json:"Sources,omitempty"` Extension *RecordingJobStateInformationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type RecordingJobStateSource ¶
type RecordingJobStateSource struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Sources"` // Identifies the data source of the recording job. SourceToken *SourceReference `xml:"SourceToken,omitempty" json:"SourceToken,omitempty"` // Holds the aggregated state over all substructures of RecordingJobStateSource. State *RecordingJobState `xml:"State,omitempty" json:"State,omitempty"` // List of track items. Tracks *RecordingJobStateTracks `xml:"Tracks,omitempty" json:"Tracks,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type RecordingJobStateTrack ¶
type RecordingJobStateTrack struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Track"` // Identifies the track of the data source that provides the data. SourceTag string `xml:"SourceTag,omitempty" json:"SourceTag,omitempty"` // Indicates the destination track. Destination *TrackReference `xml:"Destination,omitempty" json:"Destination,omitempty"` // Optionally holds an implementation defined string value that describes the error. // The string should be in the English language. Error string `xml:"Error,omitempty" json:"Error,omitempty"` // Provides the job state of the track. The valid // values of state shall be “Idle”, “Active” and “Error”. If state equals “Error”, the Error field may be filled in with an implementation defined value. State *RecordingJobState `xml:"State,omitempty" json:"State,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type RecordingJobStateTracks ¶
type RecordingJobStateTracks struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Tracks"` Track []*RecordingJobStateTrack `xml:"Track,omitempty" json:"Track,omitempty"` }
type RecordingJobTrack ¶
type RecordingJobTrack struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Tracks"` // If the received RTSP stream contains multiple tracks of the same type, the // SourceTag differentiates between those Tracks. This field can be ignored in case of recording a local source. SourceTag string `xml:"SourceTag,omitempty" json:"SourceTag,omitempty"` // The destination is the tracktoken of the track to which the device shall store the // received data. Destination *TrackReference `xml:"Destination,omitempty" json:"Destination,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type RecordingReference ¶
type RecordingReference ReferenceToken
type RecordingSourceInformation ¶
type RecordingSourceInformation struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Source"` // // Identifier for the source chosen by the client that creates the structure. // This identifier is opaque to the device. Clients may use any type of URI for this field. A device shall support at least 128 characters. SourceId xsd.AnyURI `xml:"SourceId,omitempty" json:"SourceId,omitempty"` // Informative user readable name of the source, e.g. "Camera23". A device shall support at least 20 characters. Name *Name `xml:"Name,omitempty" json:"Name,omitempty"` // Informative description of the physical location of the source, e.g. the coordinates on a map. Location *Description `xml:"Location,omitempty" json:"Location,omitempty"` // Informative description of the source. Description *Description `xml:"Description,omitempty" json:"Description,omitempty"` // URI provided by the service supplying data to be recorded. A device shall support at least 128 characters. Address xsd.AnyURI `xml:"Address,omitempty" json:"Address,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type RecordingStatus ¶
type RecordingStatus string
const ( RecordingStatusInitiated RecordingStatus = "Initiated" RecordingStatusRecording RecordingStatus = "Recording" RecordingStatusStopped RecordingStatus = "Stopped" RecordingStatusRemoving RecordingStatus = "Removing" RecordingStatusRemoved RecordingStatus = "Removed" // This case should never happen. RecordingStatusUnknown RecordingStatus = "Unknown" )
type RecordingSummary ¶
type RecordingSummary struct { // The earliest point in time where there is recorded data on the device. DataFrom soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"DataFrom,omitempty" json:"DataFrom,omitempty"` // The most recent point in time where there is recorded data on the device. DataUntil soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"DataUntil,omitempty" json:"DataUntil,omitempty"` // The device contains this many recordings. NumberRecordings int32 `xml:"NumberRecordings,omitempty" json:"NumberRecordings,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type Rectangle ¶
type Rectangle struct { Bottom float32 `xml:" bottom,attr,omitempty" json:"bottom,omitempty"` Top float32 `xml:" top,attr,omitempty" json:"top,omitempty"` Right float32 `xml:" right,attr,omitempty" json:"right,omitempty"` Left float32 `xml:" left,attr,omitempty" json:"left,omitempty"` }
type ReferenceParametersType ¶
type ReferenceToken ¶
type ReferenceToken string
type ReferenceTokenList ¶
type ReferenceTokenList []ReferenceToken
type RelatesTo ¶
type RelatesTo RelatesToType
type RelatesToType ¶
type RelatesToType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" RelatesTo"` Value xsd.AnyURI `xml:",chardata" json:"-,"` RelationshipType *RelationshipTypeOpenEnum `xml:" RelationshipType,attr,omitempty" json:"RelationshipType,omitempty"` }
type RelationshipType ¶
const (
RelationshipTypeHttpwww_w3_org200508addressingreply RelationshipType = ""
type RelationshipTypeOpenEnum ¶
type RelationshipTypeOpenEnum string
type RelativeFocus ¶
type RelativeFocus struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Relative"` // // Distance parameter for the relative focus control. // Distance float32 `xml:"Distance,omitempty" json:"Distance,omitempty"` // // Speed parameter for the relative focus control. // Speed float32 `xml:"Speed,omitempty" json:"Speed,omitempty"` }
type RelativeFocusOptions ¶
type RelativeFocusOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Relative"` // // Valid ranges of the distance. // Distance *FloatRange `xml:"Distance,omitempty" json:"Distance,omitempty"` // // Valid ranges of the speed. // Speed *FloatRange `xml:"Speed,omitempty" json:"Speed,omitempty"` }
type RelativeFocusOptions20 ¶
type RelativeFocusOptions20 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Relative"` // // Valid ranges of the distance. // Distance *FloatRange `xml:"Distance,omitempty" json:"Distance,omitempty"` // // Valid ranges of the speed. // Speed *FloatRange `xml:"Speed,omitempty" json:"Speed,omitempty"` }
type RelayIdleState ¶
type RelayIdleState string
const ( RelayIdleStateClosed RelayIdleState = "closed" RelayIdleStateOpen RelayIdleState = "open" )
type RelayLogicalState ¶
type RelayLogicalState string
const ( RelayLogicalStateActive RelayLogicalState = "active" RelayLogicalStateInactive RelayLogicalState = "inactive" )
type RelayOutput ¶
type RelayOutput struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" RelayOutputs"` *DeviceEntity Properties *RelayOutputSettings `xml:"Properties,omitempty" json:"Properties,omitempty"` }
type RelayOutputSettings ¶
type RelayOutputSettings struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Properties"` // // 'Bistable' or 'Monostable' // // Mode *RelayMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // Time after which the relay returns to its idle state if it is in monostable mode. If the Mode field is set to bistable mode the value of the parameter can be ignored. DelayTime *xsd.Duration `xml:"DelayTime,omitempty" json:"DelayTime,omitempty"` // // 'open' or 'closed' // // IdleState *RelayIdleState `xml:"IdleState,omitempty" json:"IdleState,omitempty"` }
type RemoteUser ¶
type RemoteUser struct { Username string `xml:"Username,omitempty" json:"Username,omitempty"` Password string `xml:"Password,omitempty" json:"Password,omitempty"` UseDerivedPassword bool `xml:"UseDerivedPassword,omitempty" json:"UseDerivedPassword,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type Renew ¶
type Renew struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Renew"` TerminationTime *AbsoluteOrRelativeTimeType `xml:"TerminationTime,omitempty" json:"TerminationTime,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type RenewResponse ¶
type RenewResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" RenewResponse"` TerminationTime *TerminationTime `xml:"TerminationTime,omitempty" json:"TerminationTime,omitempty"` CurrentTime *CurrentTime `xml:"CurrentTime,omitempty" json:"CurrentTime,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type ReplayCapabilities ¶
type ReplayConfiguration ¶
type ReplyTo ¶
type ReplyTo EndpointReferenceType
type ResumeFailedFault ¶
type ResumeFailedFault ResumeFailedFaultType
type ResumeFailedFaultType ¶
type ResumeFailedFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" ResumeFailedFault"` *BaseFaultType }
type ResumeSubscription ¶
type RetryAfter ¶
type RetryAfter AttributedUnsignedLongType
type Reverse ¶
type Reverse struct { // Parameter to enable/disable Reverse feature. Mode *ReverseMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type ReverseMode ¶
type ReverseMode string
const ( ReverseModeOFF ReverseMode = "OFF" ReverseModeON ReverseMode = "ON" ReverseModeAUTO ReverseMode = "AUTO" ReverseModeExtended ReverseMode = "Extended" )
type ReverseOptions ¶
type ReverseOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Reverse"` // Options of Reverse mode parameter. Mode []*ReverseMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` Extension *ReverseOptionsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type ReverseOptionsExtension ¶
type Rotate ¶
type Rotate struct { // Parameter to enable/disable Rotation feature. Mode *RotateMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // Optional parameter to configure how much degree of clockwise rotation of image for On mode. Omitting this parameter for On mode means 180 degree rotation. Degree int32 `xml:"Degree,omitempty" json:"Degree,omitempty"` Extension *RotateExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type RotateExtension ¶
type RotateMode ¶
type RotateMode string
const ( // Enable the Rotate feature. Degree of rotation is specified Degree parameter. RotateModeOFF RotateMode = "OFF" // Disable the Rotate feature. RotateModeON RotateMode = "ON" // Rotate feature is automatically activated by the device. RotateModeAUTO RotateMode = "AUTO" )
type RotateOptions ¶
type RotateOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Rotate"` // Supported options of Rotate mode parameter. Mode []*RotateMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // List of supported degree value for rotation. DegreeList *IntItems `xml:"DegreeList,omitempty" json:"DegreeList,omitempty"` Extension *RotateOptionsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Reboot bool `xml:" Reboot,attr,omitempty" json:"Reboot,omitempty"` }
type RotateOptionsExtension ¶
type RuleEngineConfiguration ¶
type RuleEngineConfiguration struct { Rule []*Config `xml:"Rule,omitempty" json:"Rule,omitempty"` Extension *RuleEngineConfigurationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type SceneOrientation ¶
type SceneOrientation struct { // // Parameter to assign the way the camera determines the scene orientation. // Mode *SceneOrientationMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // // Assigned or determined scene orientation based on the Mode. When assigning the Mode to AUTO, this field // is optional and will be ignored by the device. When assigning the Mode to MANUAL, this field is required // and the device will return an InvalidArgs fault if missing. // Orientation string `xml:"Orientation,omitempty" json:"Orientation,omitempty"` }
type SceneOrientationMode ¶
type SceneOrientationMode string
const ( SceneOrientationModeMANUAL SceneOrientationMode = "MANUAL" SceneOrientationModeAUTO SceneOrientationMode = "AUTO" )
type SceneOrientationOption ¶
type SceneOrientationOption string
const ( SceneOrientationOptionBelow SceneOrientationOption = "Below" SceneOrientationOptionHorizon SceneOrientationOption = "Horizon" SceneOrientationOptionAbove SceneOrientationOption = "Above" )
type Scope ¶
type Scope struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Scopes"` // Indicates if the scope is fixed or configurable. ScopeDef *ScopeDefinition `xml:"ScopeDef,omitempty" json:"ScopeDef,omitempty"` // Scope item URI. ScopeItem xsd.AnyURI `xml:"ScopeItem,omitempty" json:"ScopeItem,omitempty"` }
type ScopeDefinition ¶
type ScopeDefinition string
const ( ScopeDefinitionFixed ScopeDefinition = "Fixed" ScopeDefinitionConfigurable ScopeDefinition = "Configurable" )
type SearchCapabilities ¶
type SearchCapabilities struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Search"` XAddr xsd.AnyURI `xml:"XAddr,omitempty" json:"XAddr,omitempty"` MetadataSearch bool `xml:"MetadataSearch,omitempty" json:"MetadataSearch,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type SearchScope ¶
type SearchScope struct { // A list of sources that are included in the scope. If this list is included, only data from one of these sources shall be searched. IncludedSources []*SourceReference `xml:"IncludedSources,omitempty" json:"IncludedSources,omitempty"` // A list of recordings that are included in the scope. If this list is included, only data from one of these recordings shall be searched. IncludedRecordings []*RecordingReference `xml:"IncludedRecordings,omitempty" json:"IncludedRecordings,omitempty"` // An xpath expression used to specify what recordings to search. Only those recordings with an RecordingInformation structure that matches the filter shall be searched. RecordingInformationFilter *XPathExpression `xml:"RecordingInformationFilter,omitempty" json:"RecordingInformationFilter,omitempty"` // Extension point Extension *SearchScopeExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type SearchScopeExtension ¶
type SearchState ¶
type SearchState string
const ( // The search is queued and not yet started. SearchStateQueued SearchState = "Queued" // The search is underway and not yet completed. SearchStateSearching SearchState = "Searching" // The search has been completed and no new results will be found. SearchStateCompleted SearchState = "Completed" // The state of the search is unknown. (This is not a valid response from GetSearchState.) SearchStateUnknown SearchState = "Unknown" )
type SecurityCapabilities ¶
type SecurityCapabilities struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Security"` // Indicates whether or not TLS 1.1 is supported. TLS1_1 bool `xml:"TLS1.1,omitempty" json:"TLS1.1,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not TLS 1.2 is supported. TLS1_2 bool `xml:"TLS1.2,omitempty" json:"TLS1.2,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not onboard key generation is supported. OnboardKeyGeneration bool `xml:"OnboardKeyGeneration,omitempty" json:"OnboardKeyGeneration,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not access policy configuration is supported. AccessPolicyConfig bool `xml:"AccessPolicyConfig,omitempty" json:"AccessPolicyConfig,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not WS-Security X.509 token is supported. X_509Token bool `xml:"X.509Token,omitempty" json:"X.509Token,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not WS-Security SAML token is supported. SAMLToken bool `xml:"SAMLToken,omitempty" json:"SAMLToken,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not WS-Security Kerberos token is supported. KerberosToken bool `xml:"KerberosToken,omitempty" json:"KerberosToken,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not WS-Security REL token is supported. RELToken bool `xml:"RELToken,omitempty" json:"RELToken,omitempty"` Extension *SecurityCapabilitiesExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type SecurityCapabilitiesExtension ¶
type SecurityCapabilitiesExtension struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` TLS1_0 bool `xml:"TLS1.0,omitempty" json:"TLS1.0,omitempty"` Extension *SecurityCapabilitiesExtension2 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type SecurityCapabilitiesExtension2 ¶
type SecurityCapabilitiesExtension2 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` Dot1X bool `xml:"Dot1X,omitempty" json:"Dot1X,omitempty"` // EAP Methods supported by the device. The int values refer to the . SupportedEAPMethod []int32 `xml:"SupportedEAPMethod,omitempty" json:"SupportedEAPMethod,omitempty"` RemoteUserHandling bool `xml:"RemoteUserHandling,omitempty" json:"RemoteUserHandling,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type SetDateTimeType ¶
type SetDateTimeType string
const ( // Indicates that the date and time are set manually. SetDateTimeTypeManual SetDateTimeType = "Manual" // Indicates that the date and time are set through NTP SetDateTimeTypeNTP SetDateTimeType = "NTP" )
type SimpleTopicExpression ¶
type SourceIdentification ¶
type SourceIdentification struct { Name string `xml:"Name,omitempty" json:"Name,omitempty"` Token []*ReferenceToken `xml:"Token,omitempty" json:"Token,omitempty"` Extension *SourceIdentificationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type SourceReference ¶
type SourceReference struct { Token *ReferenceToken `xml:"Token,omitempty" json:"Token,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` Type xsd.AnyURI `xml:" Type,attr,omitempty" json:"Type,omitempty"` }
type Space1DDescription ¶
type Space1DDescription struct { // // A URI of coordinate systems. // URI xsd.AnyURI `xml:"URI,omitempty" json:"URI,omitempty"` // // A range of x-axis. // XRange *FloatRange `xml:"XRange,omitempty" json:"XRange,omitempty"` }
type Space2DDescription ¶
type Space2DDescription struct { // // A URI of coordinate systems. // URI xsd.AnyURI `xml:"URI,omitempty" json:"URI,omitempty"` // // A range of x-axis. // XRange *FloatRange `xml:"XRange,omitempty" json:"XRange,omitempty"` // // A range of y-axis. // YRange *FloatRange `xml:"YRange,omitempty" json:"YRange,omitempty"` }
type StorageReferencePath ¶
type StorageReferencePath struct { // identifier of an existing Storage Configuration. StorageToken *ReferenceToken `xml:"StorageToken,omitempty" json:"StorageToken,omitempty"` // gives the relative directory path on the storage RelativePath string `xml:"RelativePath,omitempty" json:"RelativePath,omitempty"` Extension *StorageReferencePathExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type StreamSetup ¶
type StreamSetup struct { // Defines if a multicast or unicast stream is requested Stream *StreamType `xml:"Stream,omitempty" json:"Stream,omitempty"` Transport *Transport `xml:"Transport,omitempty" json:"Transport,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type StreamType ¶
type StreamType string
const ( StreamTypeRTPUnicast StreamType = "RTP-Unicast" StreamTypeRTPMulticast StreamType = "RTP-Multicast" )
type StringAttrList ¶
type StringAttrList []string
type StringItems ¶
type StringList ¶
type StringList []string
type Subscribe ¶
type Subscribe struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Subscribe"` ConsumerReference *EndpointReferenceType `xml:"ConsumerReference,omitempty" json:"ConsumerReference,omitempty"` Filter *FilterType `xml:"Filter,omitempty" json:"Filter,omitempty"` InitialTerminationTime *AbsoluteOrRelativeTimeType `xml:"InitialTerminationTime,omitempty" json:"InitialTerminationTime,omitempty"` SubscriptionPolicy struct { } `xml:"SubscriptionPolicy,omitempty" json:"SubscriptionPolicy,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type SubscribeCreationFailedFault ¶
type SubscribeCreationFailedFault SubscribeCreationFailedFaultType
type SubscribeCreationFailedFaultType ¶
type SubscribeCreationFailedFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" SubscribeCreationFailedFault"` *BaseFaultType }
type SubscribeResponse ¶
type SubscribeResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" SubscribeResponse"` SubscriptionReference *EndpointReferenceType `xml:"SubscriptionReference,omitempty" json:"SubscriptionReference,omitempty"` CurrentTime *CurrentTime `xml:"CurrentTime,omitempty" json:"CurrentTime,omitempty"` TerminationTime *TerminationTime `xml:"TerminationTime,omitempty" json:"TerminationTime,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type SubscriptionManagerRP ¶
type SubscriptionManagerRP struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" SubscriptionManagerRP"` ConsumerReference *ConsumerReference `xml:"ConsumerReference,omitempty" json:"ConsumerReference,omitempty"` Filter *Filter `xml:"Filter,omitempty" json:"Filter,omitempty"` SubscriptionPolicy *SubscriptionPolicy `xml:"SubscriptionPolicy,omitempty" json:"SubscriptionPolicy,omitempty"` CreationTime *CreationTime `xml:"CreationTime,omitempty" json:"CreationTime,omitempty"` }
type SubscriptionPolicy ¶
type SubscriptionPolicy SubscriptionPolicyType
type SubscriptionPolicyType ¶
type SubscriptionReference ¶
type SubscriptionReference EndpointReferenceType
type SupportInformation ¶
type SupportInformation struct { // The support information as attachment data. Binary *AttachmentData `xml:"Binary,omitempty" json:"Binary,omitempty"` // The support information as character data. String string `xml:"String,omitempty" json:"String,omitempty"` }
type SupportedAnalyticsModules ¶
type SupportedAnalyticsModules struct { // It optionally contains a list of URLs that provide the location of schema files. // These schema files describe the types and elements used in the analytics module descriptions. // Analytics module descriptions that reference types or elements imported from any ONVIF defined schema files // need not explicitly list those schema files. AnalyticsModuleContentSchemaLocation []xsd.AnyURI `xml:"AnalyticsModuleContentSchemaLocation,omitempty" json:"AnalyticsModuleContentSchemaLocation,omitempty"` AnalyticsModuleDescription []*ConfigDescription `xml:"AnalyticsModuleDescription,omitempty" json:"AnalyticsModuleDescription,omitempty"` Extension *SupportedAnalyticsModulesExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Limit int32 `xml:" Limit,attr,omitempty" json:"Limit,omitempty"` }
type SupportedEnvType ¶
type SupportedRules ¶
type SupportedRules struct { // Lists the location of all schemas that are referenced in the rules. RuleContentSchemaLocation []xsd.AnyURI `xml:"RuleContentSchemaLocation,omitempty" json:"RuleContentSchemaLocation,omitempty"` // List of rules supported by the Video Analytics configuration.. RuleDescription []*ConfigDescription `xml:"RuleDescription,omitempty" json:"RuleDescription,omitempty"` Extension *SupportedRulesExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Limit int32 `xml:" Limit,attr,omitempty" json:"Limit,omitempty"` }
type SupportedRulesExtension ¶
type SystemCapabilities ¶
type SystemCapabilities struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" System"` // Indicates whether or not WS Discovery resolve requests are supported. DiscoveryResolve bool `xml:"DiscoveryResolve,omitempty" json:"DiscoveryResolve,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not WS-Discovery Bye is supported. DiscoveryBye bool `xml:"DiscoveryBye,omitempty" json:"DiscoveryBye,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not remote discovery is supported. RemoteDiscovery bool `xml:"RemoteDiscovery,omitempty" json:"RemoteDiscovery,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not system backup is supported. SystemBackup bool `xml:"SystemBackup,omitempty" json:"SystemBackup,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not system logging is supported. SystemLogging bool `xml:"SystemLogging,omitempty" json:"SystemLogging,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not firmware upgrade is supported. FirmwareUpgrade bool `xml:"FirmwareUpgrade,omitempty" json:"FirmwareUpgrade,omitempty"` // Indicates supported ONVIF version(s). SupportedVersions []*OnvifVersion `xml:"SupportedVersions,omitempty" json:"SupportedVersions,omitempty"` Extension *SystemCapabilitiesExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type SystemCapabilitiesExtension ¶
type SystemCapabilitiesExtension struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` HttpFirmwareUpgrade bool `xml:"HttpFirmwareUpgrade,omitempty" json:"HttpFirmwareUpgrade,omitempty"` HttpSystemBackup bool `xml:"HttpSystemBackup,omitempty" json:"HttpSystemBackup,omitempty"` HttpSystemLogging bool `xml:"HttpSystemLogging,omitempty" json:"HttpSystemLogging,omitempty"` HttpSupportInformation bool `xml:"HttpSupportInformation,omitempty" json:"HttpSupportInformation,omitempty"` Extension *SystemCapabilitiesExtension2 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type SystemDateTime ¶
type SystemDateTime struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" SystemDateAndTime"` // Indicates if the time is set manully or through NTP. DateTimeType *SetDateTimeType `xml:"DateTimeType,omitempty" json:"DateTimeType,omitempty"` // Informative indicator whether daylight savings is currently on/off. DaylightSavings bool `xml:"DaylightSavings,omitempty" json:"DaylightSavings,omitempty"` // Timezone information in Posix format. TimeZone *TimeZone `xml:"TimeZone,omitempty" json:"TimeZone,omitempty"` // Current system date and time in UTC format. This field is mandatory since version 2.0. UTCDateTime soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"UTCDateTime,omitempty" json:"UTCDateTime,omitempty"` // Date and time in local format. LocalDateTime soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"LocalDateTime,omitempty" json:"LocalDateTime,omitempty"` Extension *SystemDateTimeExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type SystemDateTimeExtension ¶
type SystemLog ¶
type SystemLog struct { // The log information as attachment data. Binary *AttachmentData `xml:"Binary,omitempty" json:"Binary,omitempty"` // The log information as character data. String string `xml:"String,omitempty" json:"String,omitempty"` }
type SystemLogType ¶
type SystemLogType string
const ( // Indicates that a system log is requested. SystemLogTypeSystem SystemLogType = "System" // Indicates that a access log is requested. SystemLogTypeAccess SystemLogType = "Access" )
type SystemLogUri ¶
type SystemLogUriList ¶
type SystemLogUriList struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" SystemLogUris"` SystemLog []*SystemLogUri `xml:"SystemLog,omitempty" json:"SystemLog,omitempty"` }
type TLSConfiguration ¶
type TerminationTime ¶
type TerminationTime soap.XSDDateTime
func (TerminationTime) MarshalXML ¶
func (xdt TerminationTime) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error
func (*TerminationTime) UnmarshalXML ¶
func (xdt *TerminationTime) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error
type TimeZone ¶
type TimeZone struct { // Posix timezone string. TZ string `xml:"TZ,omitempty" json:"TZ,omitempty"` }
type To ¶
type To AttributedURIType
type ToneCompensation ¶
type ToneCompensation struct { // Parameter to enable/disable or automatic ToneCompensation feature. Its options shall be chosen from tt:ToneCompensationMode Type. Mode string `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // Optional level parameter specified with unitless normalized value from 0.0 to +1.0. Level float32 `xml:"Level,omitempty" json:"Level,omitempty"` Extension *ToneCompensationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type ToneCompensationMode ¶
type ToneCompensationMode string
const ( ToneCompensationModeOFF ToneCompensationMode = "OFF" ToneCompensationModeON ToneCompensationMode = "ON" ToneCompensationModeAUTO ToneCompensationMode = "AUTO" )
type ToneCompensationOptions ¶
type ToneCompensationOptions struct { // Supported options for Tone Compensation mode. Its options shall be chosen from tt:ToneCompensationMode Type. Mode []string `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // Indicates whether or not support Level parameter for Tone Compensation. Level bool `xml:"Level,omitempty" json:"Level,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type Topic ¶
type Topic TopicExpressionType
type TopicExpression ¶
type TopicExpression TopicExpressionType
type TopicExpressionDialect ¶
type TopicExpressionDialectUnknownFault ¶
type TopicExpressionDialectUnknownFault TopicExpressionDialectUnknownFaultType
type TopicExpressionDialectUnknownFaultType ¶
type TopicExpressionDialectUnknownFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" TopicExpressionDialectUnknownFault"` *BaseFaultType }
type TopicExpressionType ¶
type TopicNamespace ¶
type TopicNamespace TopicNamespaceType
type TopicNamespaceType ¶
type TopicNamespaceType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" TopicNamespace"` *ExtensibleDocumented Topic []struct { *TopicType Parent *ConcreteTopicExpression `xml:" parent,attr,omitempty" json:"parent,omitempty"` } `xml:"Topic,omitempty" json:"Topic,omitempty"` Name xsd.NCName `xml:" name,attr,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` TargetNamespace xsd.AnyURI `xml:" targetNamespace,attr,omitempty" json:"targetNamespace,omitempty"` Final bool `xml:" final,attr,omitempty" json:"final,omitempty"` }
type TopicNotSupportedFault ¶
type TopicNotSupportedFault TopicNotSupportedFaultType
type TopicNotSupportedFaultType ¶
type TopicNotSupportedFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" TopicNotSupportedFault"` *BaseFaultType }
type TopicSet ¶
type TopicSet TopicSetType
type TopicSetType ¶
type TopicSetType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" TopicSet"` *ExtensibleDocumented }
type TopicType ¶
type TopicType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Topic"` *ExtensibleDocumented MessagePattern *QueryExpressionType `xml:"MessagePattern,omitempty" json:"MessagePattern,omitempty"` Topic []*TopicType `xml:"Topic,omitempty" json:"Topic,omitempty"` Name xsd.NCName `xml:" name,attr,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` MessageTypes string `xml:" messageTypes,attr,omitempty" json:"messageTypes,omitempty"` Final bool `xml:" final,attr,omitempty" json:"final,omitempty"` }
type TrackAttributes ¶
type TrackAttributes struct { // The basic information about the track. Note that a track may represent a single contiguous time span or consist of multiple slices. TrackInformation *TrackInformation `xml:"TrackInformation,omitempty" json:"TrackInformation,omitempty"` // If the track is a video track, exactly one of this structure shall be present and contain the video attributes. VideoAttributes *VideoAttributes `xml:"VideoAttributes,omitempty" json:"VideoAttributes,omitempty"` // If the track is an audio track, exactly one of this structure shall be present and contain the audio attributes. AudioAttributes *AudioAttributes `xml:"AudioAttributes,omitempty" json:"AudioAttributes,omitempty"` // If the track is an metadata track, exactly one of this structure shall be present and contain the metadata attributes. MetadataAttributes *MetadataAttributes `xml:"MetadataAttributes,omitempty" json:"MetadataAttributes,omitempty"` Extension *TrackAttributesExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type TrackConfiguration ¶
type TrackConfiguration struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Configuration"` // Type of the track. It shall be equal to the strings “Video”, // “Audio” or “Metadata”. The track shall only be able to hold data of that type. TrackType *TrackType `xml:"TrackType,omitempty" json:"TrackType,omitempty"` // Informative description of the track. Description *Description `xml:"Description,omitempty" json:"Description,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type TrackInformation ¶
type TrackInformation struct { TrackToken *TrackReference `xml:"TrackToken,omitempty" json:"TrackToken,omitempty"` // Type of the track: "Video", "Audio" or "Metadata". // The track shall only be able to hold data of that type. TrackType *TrackType `xml:"TrackType,omitempty" json:"TrackType,omitempty"` // Informative description of the contents of the track. Description *Description `xml:"Description,omitempty" json:"Description,omitempty"` // The start date and time of the oldest recorded data in the track. DataFrom soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"DataFrom,omitempty" json:"DataFrom,omitempty"` // The stop date and time of the newest recorded data in the track. DataTo soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"DataTo,omitempty" json:"DataTo,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type TrackReference ¶
type TrackReference ReferenceToken
type Transformation ¶
type Transformation struct { Translate *Vector `xml:"Translate,omitempty" json:"Translate,omitempty"` Scale *Vector `xml:"Scale,omitempty" json:"Scale,omitempty"` Extension *TransformationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type TransformationExtension ¶
type Transport ¶
type Transport struct { // Defines the network protocol for streaming, either UDP=RTP/UDP, RTSP=RTP/RTSP/TCP or HTTP=RTP/RTSP/HTTP/TCP Protocol *TransportProtocol `xml:"Protocol,omitempty" json:"Protocol,omitempty"` // Optional element to describe further tunnel options. This element is normally not needed Tunnel *Transport `xml:"Tunnel,omitempty" json:"Tunnel,omitempty"` }
type TransportProtocol ¶
type TransportProtocol string
const ( TransportProtocolUDP TransportProtocol = "UDP" // This value is deprecated. TransportProtocolTCP TransportProtocol = "TCP" TransportProtocolRTSP TransportProtocol = "RTSP" TransportProtocolHTTP TransportProtocol = "HTTP" )
type UnableToCreatePullPointFault ¶
type UnableToCreatePullPointFault UnableToCreatePullPointFaultType
type UnableToCreatePullPointFaultType ¶
type UnableToCreatePullPointFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" UnableToCreatePullPointFault"` *BaseFaultType }
type UnableToDestroyPullPointFault ¶
type UnableToDestroyPullPointFault UnableToDestroyPullPointFaultType
type UnableToDestroyPullPointFaultType ¶
type UnableToDestroyPullPointFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" UnableToDestroyPullPointFault"` *BaseFaultType }
type UnableToDestroySubscriptionFault ¶
type UnableToDestroySubscriptionFault UnableToDestroySubscriptionFaultType
type UnableToDestroySubscriptionFaultType ¶
type UnableToDestroySubscriptionFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" UnableToDestroySubscriptionFault"` *BaseFaultType }
type UnableToGetMessagesFault ¶
type UnableToGetMessagesFault UnableToGetMessagesFaultType
type UnableToGetMessagesFaultType ¶
type UnableToGetMessagesFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" UnableToGetMessagesFault"` *BaseFaultType }
type UnacceptableInitialTerminationTimeFault ¶
type UnacceptableInitialTerminationTimeFault UnacceptableInitialTerminationTimeFaultType
type UnacceptableInitialTerminationTimeFaultType ¶
type UnacceptableInitialTerminationTimeFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" UnacceptableInitialTerminationTimeFault"` *BaseFaultType MinimumTime soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"MinimumTime,omitempty" json:"MinimumTime,omitempty"` MaximumTime soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"MaximumTime,omitempty" json:"MaximumTime,omitempty"` }
type UnacceptableTerminationTimeFault ¶
type UnacceptableTerminationTimeFault UnacceptableTerminationTimeFaultType
type UnacceptableTerminationTimeFaultType ¶
type UnacceptableTerminationTimeFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" UnacceptableTerminationTimeFault"` *BaseFaultType MinimumTime soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"MinimumTime,omitempty" json:"MinimumTime,omitempty"` MaximumTime soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"MaximumTime,omitempty" json:"MaximumTime,omitempty"` }
type UnrecognizedPolicyRequestFault ¶
type UnrecognizedPolicyRequestFault UnrecognizedPolicyRequestFaultType
type UnrecognizedPolicyRequestFaultType ¶
type UnrecognizedPolicyRequestFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" UnrecognizedPolicyRequestFault"` *BaseFaultType UnrecognizedPolicy []*xsd.QName `xml:"UnrecognizedPolicy,omitempty" json:"UnrecognizedPolicy,omitempty"` }
type Unsubscribe ¶
type UnsubscribeResponse ¶
type UnsupportedPolicyRequestFault ¶
type UnsupportedPolicyRequestFault UnsupportedPolicyRequestFaultType
type UnsupportedPolicyRequestFaultType ¶
type UnsupportedPolicyRequestFaultType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" UnsupportedPolicyRequestFault"` *BaseFaultType UnsupportedPolicy []*xsd.QName `xml:"UnsupportedPolicy,omitempty" json:"UnsupportedPolicy,omitempty"` }
type Upgrade ¶
type Upgrade UpgradeType
type UpgradeType ¶
type UpgradeType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Upgrade"` SupportedEnvelope []*SupportedEnvType `xml:"SupportedEnvelope,omitempty" json:"SupportedEnvelope,omitempty"` }
type User ¶
type User struct { // Username string. Username string `xml:"Username,omitempty" json:"Username,omitempty"` // Password string. Password string `xml:"Password,omitempty" json:"Password,omitempty"` // User level string. UserLevel *UserLevel `xml:"UserLevel,omitempty" json:"UserLevel,omitempty"` Extension *UserExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type UserExtension ¶
type Vector2D ¶
type Vector2D struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" PanTilt"` X float32 `xml:" x,attr,omitempty" json:"x,omitempty"` Y float32 `xml:" y,attr,omitempty" json:"y,omitempty"` Space xsd.AnyURI `xml:" space,attr,omitempty" json:"space,omitempty"` }
type VideoAnalyticsConfiguration ¶
type VideoAnalyticsConfiguration struct { *ConfigurationEntity AnalyticsEngineConfiguration *AnalyticsEngineConfiguration `xml:"AnalyticsEngineConfiguration,omitempty" json:"AnalyticsEngineConfiguration,omitempty"` RuleEngineConfiguration *RuleEngineConfiguration `xml:"RuleEngineConfiguration,omitempty" json:"RuleEngineConfiguration,omitempty"` }
type VideoAttributes ¶
type VideoAttributes struct { // Average bitrate in kbps. Bitrate int32 `xml:"Bitrate,omitempty" json:"Bitrate,omitempty"` // The width of the video in pixels. Width int32 `xml:"Width,omitempty" json:"Width,omitempty"` // The height of the video in pixels. Height int32 `xml:"Height,omitempty" json:"Height,omitempty"` // Video encoding of the track. Use value from tt:VideoEncoding for MPEG4. Otherwise use values from tt:VideoEncodingMimeNames and . Encoding string `xml:"Encoding,omitempty" json:"Encoding,omitempty"` // Average framerate in frames per second. Framerate float32 `xml:"Framerate,omitempty" json:"Framerate,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type VideoDecoderConfigurationOptions ¶
type VideoDecoderConfigurationOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" VideoDecodingCapabilities"` // If the device is able to decode Jpeg streams this element describes the supported codecs and configurations JpegDecOptions *JpegDecOptions `xml:"JpegDecOptions,omitempty" json:"JpegDecOptions,omitempty"` // If the device is able to decode H.264 streams this element describes the supported codecs and configurations H264DecOptions *H264DecOptions `xml:"H264DecOptions,omitempty" json:"H264DecOptions,omitempty"` // If the device is able to decode Mpeg4 streams this element describes the supported codecs and configurations Mpeg4DecOptions *Mpeg4DecOptions `xml:"Mpeg4DecOptions,omitempty" json:"Mpeg4DecOptions,omitempty"` Extension *VideoDecoderConfigurationOptionsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type VideoEncoder2Configuration ¶
type VideoEncoder2Configuration struct { *ConfigurationEntity // Video Media Subtype for the video format. For definitions see tt:VideoEncodingMimeNames and . Encoding string `xml:"Encoding,omitempty" json:"Encoding,omitempty"` // Configured video resolution Resolution *VideoResolution2 `xml:"Resolution,omitempty" json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // Optional element to configure rate control related parameters. RateControl *VideoRateControl2 `xml:"RateControl,omitempty" json:"RateControl,omitempty"` // Defines the multicast settings that could be used for video streaming. Multicast *MulticastConfiguration `xml:"Multicast,omitempty" json:"Multicast,omitempty"` // Relative value for the video quantizers and the quality of the video. A high value within supported quality range means higher quality Quality float32 `xml:"Quality,omitempty" json:"Quality,omitempty"` GovLength int32 `xml:" GovLength,attr,omitempty" json:"GovLength,omitempty"` Profile string `xml:" Profile,attr,omitempty" json:"Profile,omitempty"` GuaranteedFrameRate bool `xml:" GuaranteedFrameRate,attr,omitempty" json:"GuaranteedFrameRate,omitempty"` }
type VideoEncoder2ConfigurationOptions ¶
type VideoEncoder2ConfigurationOptions struct { // Video Media Subtype for the video format. For definitions see tt:VideoEncodingMimeNames and . Encoding string `xml:"Encoding,omitempty" json:"Encoding,omitempty"` // Range of the quality values. A high value means higher quality. QualityRange *FloatRange `xml:"QualityRange,omitempty" json:"QualityRange,omitempty"` // List of supported image sizes. ResolutionsAvailable []*VideoResolution2 `xml:"ResolutionsAvailable,omitempty" json:"ResolutionsAvailable,omitempty"` // Supported range of encoded bitrate in kbps. BitrateRange *IntRange `xml:"BitrateRange,omitempty" json:"BitrateRange,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` GovLengthRange *IntList `xml:" GovLengthRange,attr,omitempty" json:"GovLengthRange,omitempty"` FrameRatesSupported *FloatList `xml:" FrameRatesSupported,attr,omitempty" json:"FrameRatesSupported,omitempty"` ProfilesSupported *StringAttrList `xml:" ProfilesSupported,attr,omitempty" json:"ProfilesSupported,omitempty"` ConstantBitRateSupported bool `xml:" ConstantBitRateSupported,attr,omitempty" json:"ConstantBitRateSupported,omitempty"` GuaranteedFrameRateSupported bool `` /* 129-byte string literal not displayed */ }
type VideoEncoderConfiguration ¶
type VideoEncoderConfiguration struct { *ConfigurationEntity // Used video codec, either Jpeg, H.264 or Mpeg4 Encoding *VideoEncoding `xml:"Encoding,omitempty" json:"Encoding,omitempty"` // Configured video resolution Resolution *VideoResolution `xml:"Resolution,omitempty" json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // Relative value for the video quantizers and the quality of the video. A high value within supported quality range means higher quality Quality float32 `xml:"Quality,omitempty" json:"Quality,omitempty"` // Optional element to configure rate control related parameters. RateControl *VideoRateControl `xml:"RateControl,omitempty" json:"RateControl,omitempty"` // Optional element to configure Mpeg4 related parameters. MPEG4 *Mpeg4Configuration `xml:"MPEG4,omitempty" json:"MPEG4,omitempty"` // Optional element to configure H.264 related parameters. H264 *H264Configuration `xml:"H264,omitempty" json:"H264,omitempty"` // Defines the multicast settings that could be used for video streaming. Multicast *MulticastConfiguration `xml:"Multicast,omitempty" json:"Multicast,omitempty"` // The rtsp session timeout for the related video stream SessionTimeout *xsd.Duration `xml:"SessionTimeout,omitempty" json:"SessionTimeout,omitempty"` GuaranteedFrameRate bool `xml:" GuaranteedFrameRate,attr,omitempty" json:"GuaranteedFrameRate,omitempty"` }
type VideoEncoderConfigurationOptions ¶
type VideoEncoderConfigurationOptions struct { // Range of the quality values. A high value means higher quality. QualityRange *IntRange `xml:"QualityRange,omitempty" json:"QualityRange,omitempty"` // Optional JPEG encoder settings ranges (See also Extension element). JPEG *JpegOptions `xml:"JPEG,omitempty" json:"JPEG,omitempty"` // Optional MPEG-4 encoder settings ranges (See also Extension element). MPEG4 *Mpeg4Options `xml:"MPEG4,omitempty" json:"MPEG4,omitempty"` // Optional H.264 encoder settings ranges (See also Extension element). H264 *H264Options `xml:"H264,omitempty" json:"H264,omitempty"` Extension *VideoEncoderOptionsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` GuaranteedFrameRateSupported bool `` /* 129-byte string literal not displayed */ }
type VideoEncoderOptionsExtension ¶
type VideoEncoderOptionsExtension struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` // Optional JPEG encoder settings ranges. JPEG *JpegOptions2 `xml:"JPEG,omitempty" json:"JPEG,omitempty"` // Optional MPEG-4 encoder settings ranges. MPEG4 *Mpeg4Options2 `xml:"MPEG4,omitempty" json:"MPEG4,omitempty"` // Optional H.264 encoder settings ranges. H264 *H264Options2 `xml:"H264,omitempty" json:"H264,omitempty"` Extension *VideoEncoderOptionsExtension2 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type VideoEncoding ¶
type VideoEncoding string
const ( VideoEncodingJPEG VideoEncoding = "JPEG" VideoEncodingMPEG4 VideoEncoding = "MPEG4" VideoEncodingH264 VideoEncoding = "H264" )
type VideoEncodingMimeNames ¶
type VideoEncodingMimeNames string
const ( VideoEncodingMimeNamesJPEG VideoEncodingMimeNames = "JPEG" VideoEncodingMimeNamesMPV4ES VideoEncodingMimeNames = "MPV4-ES" VideoEncodingMimeNamesH264 VideoEncodingMimeNames = "H264" VideoEncodingMimeNamesH265 VideoEncodingMimeNames = "H265" )
type VideoEncodingProfiles ¶
type VideoEncodingProfiles string
const ( VideoEncodingProfilesSimple VideoEncodingProfiles = "Simple" VideoEncodingProfilesAdvancedSimple VideoEncodingProfiles = "AdvancedSimple" VideoEncodingProfilesBaseline VideoEncodingProfiles = "Baseline" VideoEncodingProfilesMain VideoEncodingProfiles = "Main" VideoEncodingProfilesMain10 VideoEncodingProfiles = "Main10" VideoEncodingProfilesExtended VideoEncodingProfiles = "Extended" VideoEncodingProfilesHigh VideoEncodingProfiles = "High" )
type VideoOutput ¶
type VideoOutput struct { *DeviceEntity Layout *Layout `xml:"Layout,omitempty" json:"Layout,omitempty"` // Resolution of the display in Pixel. Resolution *VideoResolution `xml:"Resolution,omitempty" json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // Refresh rate of the display in Hertz. RefreshRate float32 `xml:"RefreshRate,omitempty" json:"RefreshRate,omitempty"` // Aspect ratio of the display as physical extent of width divided by height. AspectRatio float32 `xml:"AspectRatio,omitempty" json:"AspectRatio,omitempty"` Extension *VideoOutputExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type VideoOutputConfiguration ¶
type VideoOutputConfiguration struct { *ConfigurationEntity // Token of the Video Output the configuration applies to OutputToken *ReferenceToken `xml:"OutputToken,omitempty" json:"OutputToken,omitempty"` }
type VideoOutputConfigurationOptions ¶
type VideoOutputConfigurationOptions struct {
Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"`
type VideoOutputExtension ¶
type VideoRateControl ¶
type VideoRateControl struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" RateControl"` // Maximum output framerate in fps. If an EncodingInterval is provided the resulting encoded framerate will be reduced by the given factor. FrameRateLimit int32 `xml:"FrameRateLimit,omitempty" json:"FrameRateLimit,omitempty"` // Interval at which images are encoded and transmitted. (A value of 1 means that every frame is encoded, a value of 2 means that every 2nd frame is encoded ...) EncodingInterval int32 `xml:"EncodingInterval,omitempty" json:"EncodingInterval,omitempty"` // the maximum output bitrate in kbps BitrateLimit int32 `xml:"BitrateLimit,omitempty" json:"BitrateLimit,omitempty"` }
type VideoRateControl2 ¶
type VideoRateControl2 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" RateControl"` // Desired frame rate in fps. The actual rate may be lower due to e.g. performance limitations. FrameRateLimit float32 `xml:"FrameRateLimit,omitempty" json:"FrameRateLimit,omitempty"` // the maximum output bitrate in kbps BitrateLimit int32 `xml:"BitrateLimit,omitempty" json:"BitrateLimit,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` ConstantBitRate bool `xml:" ConstantBitRate,attr,omitempty" json:"ConstantBitRate,omitempty"` }
type VideoResolution ¶
type VideoResolution2 ¶
type VideoSource ¶
type VideoSource struct { *DeviceEntity // Frame rate in frames per second. Framerate float32 `xml:"Framerate,omitempty" json:"Framerate,omitempty"` // Horizontal and vertical resolution Resolution *VideoResolution `xml:"Resolution,omitempty" json:"Resolution,omitempty"` // Optional configuration of the image sensor. Imaging *ImagingSettings `xml:"Imaging,omitempty" json:"Imaging,omitempty"` Extension *VideoSourceExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type VideoSourceConfiguration ¶
type VideoSourceConfiguration struct { *ConfigurationEntity // Reference to the physical input. SourceToken *ReferenceToken `xml:"SourceToken,omitempty" json:"SourceToken,omitempty"` // Rectangle specifying the Video capturing area. The capturing area shall not be larger than the whole Video source area. Bounds *IntRectangle `xml:"Bounds,omitempty" json:"Bounds,omitempty"` Extension *VideoSourceConfigurationExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` ViewMode string `xml:" ViewMode,attr,omitempty" json:"ViewMode,omitempty"` }
type VideoSourceConfigurationExtension ¶
type VideoSourceConfigurationExtension struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` // Optional element to configure rotation of captured image. // What resolutions a device supports shall be unaffected by the Rotate parameters. // If a device is configured with Rotate=AUTO, the device shall take control over the Degree parameter and automatically update it so that a client can query current rotation. // The device shall automatically apply the same rotation to its pan/tilt control direction depending on the following condition: // if Reverse=AUTO in PTControlDirection or if the device doesn’t support Reverse in PTControlDirection // Rotate *Rotate `xml:"Rotate,omitempty" json:"Rotate,omitempty"` Extension *VideoSourceConfigurationExtension2 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type VideoSourceConfigurationExtension2 ¶
type VideoSourceConfigurationExtension2 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` // Optional element describing the geometric lens distortion. Multiple instances for future variable lens support. LensDescription []*LensDescription `xml:"LensDescription,omitempty" json:"LensDescription,omitempty"` // Optional element describing the scene orientation in the camera’s field of view. SceneOrientation *SceneOrientation `xml:"SceneOrientation,omitempty" json:"SceneOrientation,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type VideoSourceConfigurationOptions ¶
type VideoSourceConfigurationOptions struct { // // Supported range for the capturing area. // Device that does not support cropped streaming shall express BoundsRange option as mentioned below // BoundsRange->XRange and BoundsRange->YRange with same Min/Max values HeightRange and WidthRange Min/Max values same as VideoSource Height and Width Limits. // BoundsRange *IntRectangleRange `xml:"BoundsRange,omitempty" json:"BoundsRange,omitempty"` // List of physical inputs. VideoSourceTokensAvailable []*ReferenceToken `xml:"VideoSourceTokensAvailable,omitempty" json:"VideoSourceTokensAvailable,omitempty"` Extension *VideoSourceConfigurationOptionsExtension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` MaximumNumberOfProfiles int32 `xml:" MaximumNumberOfProfiles,attr,omitempty" json:"MaximumNumberOfProfiles,omitempty"` }
type VideoSourceConfigurationOptionsExtension ¶
type VideoSourceConfigurationOptionsExtension struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` // Options of parameters for Rotation feature. Rotate *RotateOptions `xml:"Rotate,omitempty" json:"Rotate,omitempty"` Extension *VideoSourceConfigurationOptionsExtension2 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type VideoSourceConfigurationOptionsExtension2 ¶
type VideoSourceConfigurationOptionsExtension2 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` // Scene orientation modes supported by the device for this configuration. SceneOrientationMode []*SceneOrientationMode `xml:"SceneOrientationMode,omitempty" json:"SceneOrientationMode,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type VideoSourceExtension ¶
type VideoSourceExtension struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" Extension"` // Optional configuration of the image sensor. To be used if imaging service 2.00 is supported. Imaging *ImagingSettings20 `xml:"Imaging,omitempty" json:"Imaging,omitempty"` Extension *VideoSourceExtension2 `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type VideoSourceExtension2 ¶
type ViewModes ¶
type ViewModes string
const ( // Undewarped viewmode from device supporting fisheye lens. ViewModesTtFisheye ViewModes = "tt:Fisheye" // 360 degree panoramic view. ViewModesTt360Panorama ViewModes = "tt:360Panorama" // 180 degree panoramic view. ViewModesTt180Panorama ViewModes = "tt:180Panorama" // View mode combining four streams in single Quad, eg., applicable for devices supporting four heads. ViewModesTtQuad ViewModes = "tt:Quad" // Unaltered view from the sensor. ViewModesTtOriginal ViewModes = "tt:Original" // Viewmode combining the left side sensors, applicable for devices supporting multiple sensors. ViewModesTtLeftHalf ViewModes = "tt:LeftHalf" // Viewmode combining the right side sensors, applicable for devices supporting multiple sensors. ViewModesTtRightHalf ViewModes = "tt:RightHalf" // Dewarped view mode for device supporting fisheye lens. ViewModesTtDewarp ViewModes = "tt:Dewarp" )
type WhiteBalance ¶
type WhiteBalance struct { // Auto whitebalancing mode (auto/manual). Mode *WhiteBalanceMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // Rgain (unitless). CrGain float32 `xml:"CrGain,omitempty" json:"CrGain,omitempty"` // Bgain (unitless). CbGain float32 `xml:"CbGain,omitempty" json:"CbGain,omitempty"` Items []string `xml:",any" json:"items,omitempty"` }
type WhiteBalance20 ¶
type WhiteBalance20 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" WhiteBalance"` // // 'AUTO' or 'MANUAL' // Mode *WhiteBalanceMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // // Rgain (unitless). // CrGain float32 `xml:"CrGain,omitempty" json:"CrGain,omitempty"` // // Bgain (unitless). // CbGain float32 `xml:"CbGain,omitempty" json:"CbGain,omitempty"` Extension *WhiteBalance20Extension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type WhiteBalance20Extension ¶
type WhiteBalanceMode ¶
type WhiteBalanceMode string
const ( WhiteBalanceModeAUTO WhiteBalanceMode = "AUTO" WhiteBalanceModeMANUAL WhiteBalanceMode = "MANUAL" )
type WhiteBalanceOptions ¶
type WhiteBalanceOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" WhiteBalance"` Mode []*WhiteBalanceMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` YrGain *FloatRange `xml:"YrGain,omitempty" json:"YrGain,omitempty"` YbGain *FloatRange `xml:"YbGain,omitempty" json:"YbGain,omitempty"` }
type WhiteBalanceOptions20 ¶
type WhiteBalanceOptions20 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" WhiteBalance"` // // Mode of WhiteBalance. // // Mode []*WhiteBalanceMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` YrGain *FloatRange `xml:"YrGain,omitempty" json:"YrGain,omitempty"` YbGain *FloatRange `xml:"YbGain,omitempty" json:"YbGain,omitempty"` Extension *WhiteBalanceOptions20Extension `xml:"Extension,omitempty" json:"Extension,omitempty"` }
type WideDynamicMode ¶
type WideDynamicMode string
const ( WideDynamicModeOFF WideDynamicMode = "OFF" WideDynamicModeON WideDynamicMode = "ON" )
type WideDynamicRange ¶
type WideDynamicRange struct { // // White dynamic range (on/off) // Mode *WideDynamicMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // // Optional level parameter (unitless) // Level float32 `xml:"Level,omitempty" json:"Level,omitempty"` }
type WideDynamicRange20 ¶
type WideDynamicRange20 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" WideDynamicRange"` // Wide dynamic range mode (on/off). Mode *WideDynamicMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` // Optional level parameter (unit unspecified). Level float32 `xml:"Level,omitempty" json:"Level,omitempty"` }
type WideDynamicRangeOptions ¶
type WideDynamicRangeOptions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" WideDynamicRange"` Mode []*WideDynamicMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` Level *FloatRange `xml:"Level,omitempty" json:"Level,omitempty"` }
type WideDynamicRangeOptions20 ¶
type WideDynamicRangeOptions20 struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" WideDynamicRange"` Mode []*WideDynamicMode `xml:"Mode,omitempty" json:"Mode,omitempty"` Level *FloatRange `xml:"Level,omitempty" json:"Level,omitempty"` }
type XPathExpression ¶
type XPathExpression string
type ZoomLimits ¶
type ZoomLimits struct { // // A range of zoom limit // Range *Space1DDescription `xml:"Range,omitempty" json:"Range,omitempty"` }
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