Copy environment variables file and edit it (with using vim/neovim, emacs, nano, micro, whatever) by assigning proper values:
cp ./.env.example ./.env
Run build and run project:
make up
To stop containers run (if you need or want it):
make down
For other operations with containers consider using docker command as you usually do. If not, but you need, feel free to check the docs (LMAO, ya aint know docker in 2k23?! What the dev r u?! Hope ya know how to use git and bash at least)
Interesting facts:
The bot docker image uses the simplest and smallest possibly docker image base — scratch as its last build stage, so it has the weight of a compiled binary (and a pem cerificate to use TLS) only and weights only around 13-14MB! I used this article to do so (the article to do the same with Rust in docker came out just some days ago)