Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func FormatAssetURL(cdnRoute *route.CDNRoute, entityId snowflake.Snowflake, assetId *string, ...) *string
- func HasScope(scope ApplicationScope, scopes ...ApplicationScope) bool
- func JoinScopes(scopes []ApplicationScope) string
- type APIError
- type AccessTokenExchange
- type ActionRowComponent
- func (c ActionRowComponent) AddComponents(components ...InteractiveComponent) ActionRowComponent
- func (c ActionRowComponent) Buttons() []ButtonComponent
- func (c ActionRowComponent) Components() []InteractiveComponent
- func (c ActionRowComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c ActionRowComponent) RemoveComponent(index int) ActionRowComponent
- func (c ActionRowComponent) SelectMenus() []SelectMenuComponent
- func (ActionRowComponent) Type() ComponentType
- func (c *ActionRowComponent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- func (c ActionRowComponent) UpdateComponent(customID CustomID, component InteractiveComponent) ActionRowComponent
- type Activity
- type ActivityAssets
- type ActivityButton
- type ActivityEmoji
- type ActivityParty
- type ActivitySecrets
- type ActivityTimestamps
- type ActivityType
- type AddBan
- type AllowedMentionType
- type AllowedMentions
- type Application
- type ApplicationCommand
- type ApplicationCommandCreate
- type ApplicationCommandInteraction
- type ApplicationCommandInteractionData
- type ApplicationCommandOption
- type ApplicationCommandOptionAttachment
- type ApplicationCommandOptionBool
- type ApplicationCommandOptionChannel
- type ApplicationCommandOptionChoice
- type ApplicationCommandOptionChoiceFloat
- type ApplicationCommandOptionChoiceInt
- type ApplicationCommandOptionChoiceString
- type ApplicationCommandOptionFloat
- type ApplicationCommandOptionInt
- type ApplicationCommandOptionMentionable
- type ApplicationCommandOptionRole
- type ApplicationCommandOptionString
- type ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand
- type ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommandGroup
- type ApplicationCommandOptionType
- type ApplicationCommandOptionUser
- type ApplicationCommandPermission
- type ApplicationCommandPermissionRole
- type ApplicationCommandPermissionType
- type ApplicationCommandPermissionUser
- type ApplicationCommandPermissions
- type ApplicationCommandPermissionsSet
- type ApplicationCommandType
- type ApplicationCommandUpdate
- type ApplicationFlags
- type ApplicationScope
- type ApplicationWebhook
- type Attachment
- type AuditLog
- type AuditLogChangeKey
- type AuditLogEntry
- type AuditLogEvent
- type AuthorizationInformation
- type AutoArchiveDuration
- type AutocompleteChoice
- type AutocompleteChoiceFloat
- type AutocompleteChoiceInt
- type AutocompleteChoiceString
- type AutocompleteInteraction
- type AutocompleteInteractionData
- type AutocompleteOption
- type AutocompleteOptionAttachment
- type AutocompleteOptionBool
- type AutocompleteOptionChannel
- type AutocompleteOptionFloat
- type AutocompleteOptionInt
- type AutocompleteOptionMentionable
- type AutocompleteOptionRole
- type AutocompleteOptionString
- type AutocompleteOptionSubCommand
- type AutocompleteOptionSubCommandGroup
- type AutocompleteOptionUser
- type AutocompleteResult
- type Ban
- type BaseGuildMessageChannel
- type BaseInteraction
- type BotIntegration
- type ButtonComponent
- func NewButton(style ButtonStyle, label string, customID CustomID, url string) ButtonComponent
- func NewDangerButton(label string, customID CustomID) ButtonComponent
- func NewLinkButton(label string, url string) ButtonComponent
- func NewPrimaryButton(label string, customID CustomID) ButtonComponent
- func NewSecondaryButton(label string, customID CustomID) ButtonComponent
- func NewSuccessButton(label string, customID CustomID) ButtonComponent
- func (c ButtonComponent) AsDisabled() ButtonComponent
- func (c ButtonComponent) AsEnabled() ButtonComponent
- func (c ButtonComponent) ID() CustomID
- func (c ButtonComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c ButtonComponent) SetID(id CustomID) InteractiveComponent
- func (ButtonComponent) Type() ComponentType
- func (c ButtonComponent) WithCustomID(customID CustomID) ButtonComponent
- func (c ButtonComponent) WithDisabled(disabled bool) ButtonComponent
- func (c ButtonComponent) WithEmoji(emoji ComponentEmoji) ButtonComponent
- func (c ButtonComponent) WithLabel(label string) ButtonComponent
- func (c ButtonComponent) WithStyle(style ButtonStyle) ButtonComponent
- func (c ButtonComponent) WithURL(url string) ButtonComponent
- type ButtonInteractionData
- type ButtonStyle
- type Channel
- type ChannelCreate
- type ChannelFollowerWebhook
- type ChannelPinsUpdateGatewayEvent
- type ChannelType
- type ChannelUpdate
- type ClientStatus
- type Component
- type ComponentEmoji
- type ComponentInteraction
- type ComponentInteractionData
- type ComponentType
- type Connection
- type ConnectionType
- type ContainerComponent
- type CustomID
- type DMChannel
- type DMChannelCreate
- type Embed
- type EmbedAuthor
- type EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) AddField(name string, value string, inline bool) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) AddFields(fields ...EmbedField) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) Build() Embed
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) ClearFields() *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) RemoveField(i int) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetAuthor(name string, url string, iconURL string) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetAuthorIcon(iconURL string) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetAuthorName(name string) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetAuthorURL(url string) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetColor(color int) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetDescription(description string) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetDescriptionf(description string, a ...interface{}) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetEmbedAuthor(author *EmbedAuthor) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetEmbedFooter(footer *EmbedFooter) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetField(i int, name string, value string, inline bool) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetFields(fields ...EmbedField) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetFooter(text string, iconURL string) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetFooterIcon(iconURL string) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetFooterText(text string) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetImage(url string) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetThumbnail(url string) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetTimestamp(time time.Time) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetTitle(title string) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetTitlef(title string, a ...interface{}) *EmbedBuilder
- func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetURL(url string) *EmbedBuilder
- type EmbedField
- type EmbedFooter
- type EmbedProvider
- type EmbedResource
- type EmbedType
- type Emoji
- type EmojiCreate
- type EmojiUpdate
- type EntityMetaData
- type ErrorCode
- type ExplicitContentFilterLevel
- type File
- type FileFlags
- type Gateway
- type GatewayBot
- type GatewayCloseEventCode
- type GatewayCommand
- type GatewayCommandData
- type GatewayEventHello
- type GatewayEventMessageReactionAdd
- type GatewayEventMessageReactionRemove
- type GatewayEventMessageReactionRemoveAll
- type GatewayEventMessageReactionRemoveEmoji
- type GatewayEventReady
- type GatewayEventThreadCreate
- type GatewayEventThreadDelete
- type GatewayEventThreadListSync
- type GatewayEventThreadMembersUpdate
- type GatewayEventThreadUpdate
- type GatewayEventType
- type GatewayGuild
- type GatewayIntents
- type GatewayOpcode
- type GatewayPayload
- type GatewaySequence
- type GetAllThreads
- type GetThreads
- type GrantType
- type GroupDMChannel
- type GroupDMChannelUpdate
- type Guild
- type GuildAudioChannel
- type GuildBanAddGatewayEvent
- type GuildBanRemoveGatewayEvent
- type GuildCategoryChannel
- func (c GuildCategoryChannel) GuildID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildCategoryChannel) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildCategoryChannel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c GuildCategoryChannel) Mention() string
- func (c GuildCategoryChannel) Name() string
- func (c GuildCategoryChannel) String() string
- func (GuildCategoryChannel) Type() ChannelType
- func (c *GuildCategoryChannel) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type GuildCategoryChannelCreate
- type GuildCategoryChannelUpdate
- type GuildChannel
- type GuildChannelCreate
- type GuildChannelUpdate
- type GuildCreate
- type GuildCreateChannel
- type GuildCreateRole
- type GuildEmojisUpdateGatewayEvent
- type GuildFeature
- type GuildFromTemplateCreate
- type GuildIntegrationsUpdateGatewayEvent
- type GuildMemberRemoveGatewayEvent
- type GuildMembersChunkGatewayEvent
- type GuildMessageChannel
- type GuildNewsChannel
- func (c GuildNewsChannel) GuildID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildNewsChannel) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildNewsChannel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c GuildNewsChannel) Mention() string
- func (c GuildNewsChannel) Name() string
- func (c GuildNewsChannel) String() string
- func (GuildNewsChannel) Type() ChannelType
- func (c *GuildNewsChannel) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type GuildNewsChannelCreate
- type GuildNewsChannelUpdate
- type GuildNewsThread
- func (c GuildNewsThread) GuildID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildNewsThread) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildNewsThread) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c GuildNewsThread) Mention() string
- func (c GuildNewsThread) Name() string
- func (c GuildNewsThread) ParentID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildNewsThread) String() string
- func (GuildNewsThread) Type() ChannelType
- type GuildNewsThreadCreate
- type GuildNewsThreadUpdate
- type GuildPreview
- type GuildPrivateThread
- func (c GuildPrivateThread) GuildID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildPrivateThread) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildPrivateThread) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c GuildPrivateThread) Mention() string
- func (c GuildPrivateThread) Name() string
- func (c GuildPrivateThread) ParentID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildPrivateThread) String() string
- func (GuildPrivateThread) Type() ChannelType
- type GuildPrivateThreadCreate
- type GuildPrivateThreadUpdate
- type GuildPublicThread
- func (c GuildPublicThread) GuildID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildPublicThread) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildPublicThread) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c GuildPublicThread) Mention() string
- func (c GuildPublicThread) Name() string
- func (c GuildPublicThread) ParentID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildPublicThread) String() string
- func (GuildPublicThread) Type() ChannelType
- type GuildPublicThreadCreate
- type GuildPublicThreadUpdate
- type GuildRoleCreateGatewayEvent
- type GuildRoleDeleteGatewayEvent
- type GuildRoleUpdateGatewayEvent
- type GuildScheduledEvent
- type GuildScheduledEventCreate
- type GuildScheduledEventUpdate
- type GuildScheduledEventUser
- type GuildScheduledEventUserEvent
- type GuildStageChannelCreate
- type GuildStageVoiceChannel
- func (c GuildStageVoiceChannel) GuildID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildStageVoiceChannel) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildStageVoiceChannel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c GuildStageVoiceChannel) Mention() string
- func (c GuildStageVoiceChannel) Name() string
- func (c GuildStageVoiceChannel) String() string
- func (GuildStageVoiceChannel) Type() ChannelType
- func (c *GuildStageVoiceChannel) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type GuildStageVoiceChannelUpdate
- type GuildStickersUpdateGatewayEvent
- type GuildStoreChannel
- func (c GuildStoreChannel) GuildID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildStoreChannel) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildStoreChannel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c GuildStoreChannel) Mention() string
- func (c GuildStoreChannel) Name() string
- func (c GuildStoreChannel) String() string
- func (GuildStoreChannel) Type() ChannelType
- func (c *GuildStoreChannel) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type GuildStoreChannelUpdate
- type GuildTemplate
- type GuildTemplateCreate
- type GuildTemplateUpdate
- type GuildTextChannel
- func (c GuildTextChannel) GuildID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildTextChannel) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildTextChannel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c GuildTextChannel) Mention() string
- func (c GuildTextChannel) Name() string
- func (c GuildTextChannel) String() string
- func (GuildTextChannel) Type() ChannelType
- func (c *GuildTextChannel) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type GuildTextChannelCreate
- type GuildTextChannelUpdate
- type GuildThread
- type GuildUpdate
- type GuildVoiceChannel
- func (c GuildVoiceChannel) GuildID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildVoiceChannel) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
- func (c GuildVoiceChannel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c GuildVoiceChannel) Mention() string
- func (c GuildVoiceChannel) Name() string
- func (c GuildVoiceChannel) String() string
- func (GuildVoiceChannel) Type() ChannelType
- func (c *GuildVoiceChannel) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type GuildVoiceChannelCreate
- type GuildVoiceChannelUpdate
- type GuildWelcomeChannel
- type HeartbeatCommandData
- type Icon
- type IconType
- type IdentifyCommandData
- type IdentifyCommandDataProperties
- type IncomingWebhook
- type InputComponent
- type InstallationParams
- type Integration
- type IntegrationAccount
- type IntegrationApplication
- type IntegrationCreateGatewayEvent
- type IntegrationDeleteGatewayEvent
- type IntegrationType
- type IntegrationUpdateGatewayEvent
- type Interaction
- type InteractionCallbackData
- type InteractionCallbackType
- type InteractionResponse
- type InteractionResponseCreator
- type InteractionType
- type InteractiveComponent
- type Invite
- type InviteCreate
- type InviteDeleteGatewayEvent
- type InviteGuild
- type InviteTargetType
- type Locale
- type MFALevel
- type Member
- type MemberAdd
- type MemberPermissionOverwrite
- type MemberPermissionOverwriteUpdate
- type MemberUpdate
- type MembershipState
- type MentionType
- type Mentionable
- type Message
- type MessageActivity
- type MessageActivityType
- type MessageApplication
- type MessageBulkDelete
- type MessageChannel
- type MessageCommand
- type MessageCommandCreate
- type MessageCommandInteractionData
- type MessageCommandResolved
- type MessageCommandUpdate
- type MessageCreate
- type MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) AddActionRow(components ...InteractiveComponent) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) AddContainerComponents(containers ...ContainerComponent) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) AddEmbeds(embeds ...Embed) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) AddFile(name string, reader io.Reader, flags ...FileFlags) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) AddFiles(files ...*File) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) AddFlags(flags ...MessageFlags) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) AddStickers(stickerIds ...snowflake.Snowflake) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) Build() MessageCreate
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) ClearAllowedMentions() *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) ClearContainerComponents() *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) ClearEmbeds() *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) ClearFiles() *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) ClearFlags() *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) ClearStickers() *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) RemoveContainerComponent(i int) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) RemoveEmbed(i int) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) RemoveFile(i int) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) RemoveFlags(flags ...MessageFlags) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetAllowedMentions(allowedMentions *AllowedMentions) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetContainerComponent(i int, container ContainerComponent) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetContainerComponents(containerComponents ...ContainerComponent) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetContent(content string) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetContentf(content string, a ...interface{}) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetEmbed(i int, embed Embed) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetEmbeds(embeds ...Embed) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetEphemeral(ephemeral bool) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetFile(i int, file *File) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetFiles(files ...*File) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetFlags(flags MessageFlags) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetMessageReference(messageReference *MessageReference) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetMessageReferenceByID(messageID snowflake.Snowflake) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetStickers(stickerIds ...snowflake.Snowflake) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetSuppressEmbeds(suppressEmbeds bool) *MessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetTTS(tts bool) *MessageCreateBuilder
- type MessageDeleteBulkGatewayEvent
- type MessageDeleteGatewayEvent
- type MessageFlags
- type MessageInteraction
- type MessageNotificationsLevel
- type MessageReaction
- type MessageReference
- type MessageSticker
- type MessageType
- type MessageUpdate
- type MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) AddActionRow(components ...InteractiveComponent) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) AddContainerComponents(containers ...ContainerComponent) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) AddEmbeds(embeds ...Embed) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) AddFile(name string, reader io.Reader, flags ...FileFlags) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) AddFiles(files ...*File) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) AddFlags(flags ...MessageFlags) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) Build() MessageUpdate
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) ClearAllowedMentions() *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) ClearContainerComponents() *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) ClearContent() *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) ClearEmbeds() *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) ClearFiles() *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) ClearFlags() *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveContainerComponent(i int) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveEmbed(i int) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveFile(i int) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveFlags(flags ...MessageFlags) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) RetainAttachments(attachments ...Attachment) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) RetainAttachmentsByID(attachmentIDs ...snowflake.Snowflake) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetAllowedMentions(allowedMentions *AllowedMentions) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetContainerComponent(i int, container ContainerComponent) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetContainerComponents(containerComponents ...ContainerComponent) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetContent(content string) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetContentf(content string, a ...interface{}) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetEmbed(i int, embed Embed) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetEmbeds(embeds ...Embed) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetFile(i int, file *File) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetFiles(files ...*File) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetFlags(flags MessageFlags) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetSuppressEmbeds(suppressEmbeds bool) *MessageUpdateBuilder
- type ModalCreate
- type ModalCreateBuilder
- func (b *ModalCreateBuilder) AddActionRow(components ...InteractiveComponent) *ModalCreateBuilder
- func (b *ModalCreateBuilder) AddContainerComponents(containers ...ContainerComponent) *ModalCreateBuilder
- func (b *ModalCreateBuilder) Build() ModalCreate
- func (b *ModalCreateBuilder) ClearContainerComponents() *ModalCreateBuilder
- func (b *ModalCreateBuilder) RemoveContainerComponent(i int) *ModalCreateBuilder
- func (b *ModalCreateBuilder) SetContainerComponent(i int, container ContainerComponent) *ModalCreateBuilder
- func (b *ModalCreateBuilder) SetContainerComponents(containerComponents ...ContainerComponent) *ModalCreateBuilder
- func (b *ModalCreateBuilder) SetCustomID(customID CustomID) *ModalCreateBuilder
- func (b *ModalCreateBuilder) SetTitle(title string) *ModalCreateBuilder
- type ModalSubmitInteraction
- type ModalSubmitInteractionData
- type MultipartBuffer
- type NSFWLevel
- type NullIcon
- type NullTime
- type OAuth2Guild
- type OAuth2User
- type OnlineStatus
- type OptionalAuditLogEntryInfo
- type PartialApplication
- type PartialChannel
- type PartialRole
- type Payload
- type PermissionOverwrite
- type PermissionOverwriteType
- type PermissionOverwriteUpdate
- type Permissions
- func (p Permissions) Add(bits ...Permissions) Permissions
- func (p Permissions) Has(bits ...Permissions) bool
- func (p Permissions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (p Permissions) Missing(bits ...Permissions) bool
- func (p Permissions) Remove(bits ...Permissions) Permissions
- func (p *Permissions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
- type PingInteraction
- type PremiumTier
- type PremiumType
- type Presence
- type PresenceUser
- type ReactionEmoji
- type RequestGuildMembersCommandData
- type ResumeCommandData
- type Role
- type RoleCreate
- type RolePermissionOverwrite
- type RolePermissionOverwriteUpdate
- type RolePositionUpdate
- type RoleTag
- type RoleUpdate
- type ScheduledEventEntityType
- type ScheduledEventPrivacyLevel
- type ScheduledEventStatus
- type SelectMenuComponent
- func (c SelectMenuComponent) AddOptions(options ...SelectMenuOption) SelectMenuComponent
- func (c SelectMenuComponent) AsDisabled() SelectMenuComponent
- func (c SelectMenuComponent) AsEnabled() SelectMenuComponent
- func (c SelectMenuComponent) ID() CustomID
- func (c SelectMenuComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c SelectMenuComponent) RemoveOption(index int) SelectMenuComponent
- func (c SelectMenuComponent) SetID(id CustomID) InteractiveComponent
- func (c SelectMenuComponent) SetOption(value string, option SelectMenuOption) SelectMenuComponent
- func (c SelectMenuComponent) SetOptions(options ...SelectMenuOption) SelectMenuComponent
- func (SelectMenuComponent) Type() ComponentType
- func (c SelectMenuComponent) WithCustomID(customID CustomID) SelectMenuComponent
- func (c SelectMenuComponent) WithDisabled(disabled bool) SelectMenuComponent
- func (c SelectMenuComponent) WithMaxValues(maxValue int) SelectMenuComponent
- func (c SelectMenuComponent) WithMinValues(minValue int) SelectMenuComponent
- func (c SelectMenuComponent) WithPlaceholder(placeholder string) SelectMenuComponent
- type SelectMenuInteractionData
- type SelectMenuOption
- func (o SelectMenuOption) WithDefault(defaultOption bool) SelectMenuOption
- func (o SelectMenuOption) WithDescription(description string) SelectMenuOption
- func (o SelectMenuOption) WithEmoji(emoji ComponentEmoji) SelectMenuOption
- func (o SelectMenuOption) WithLabel(label string) SelectMenuOption
- func (o SelectMenuOption) WithValue(value string) SelectMenuOption
- type SelfNickUpdate
- type SelfUserUpdate
- type SessionStartLimit
- type SlashCommand
- type SlashCommandCreate
- type SlashCommandInteractionData
- type SlashCommandOption
- type SlashCommandOptionAttachment
- type SlashCommandOptionBool
- type SlashCommandOptionChannel
- type SlashCommandOptionFloat
- type SlashCommandOptionInt
- type SlashCommandOptionMentionable
- type SlashCommandOptionRole
- type SlashCommandOptionString
- type SlashCommandOptionSubCommand
- type SlashCommandOptionSubCommandGroup
- type SlashCommandOptionUser
- type SlashCommandResolved
- type SlashCommandUpdate
- type StageInstance
- type StageInstanceCreate
- type StageInstanceUpdate
- type StagePrivacyLevel
- type Sticker
- type StickerCreate
- type StickerFormatType
- type StickerPack
- type StickerPacks
- type StickerType
- type StickerUpdate
- type SystemChannelFlags
- type Team
- type TeamMember
- type TeamPermissions
- type TemplateGuild
- type TextInputComponent
- func (c TextInputComponent) ID() CustomID
- func (c TextInputComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (c TextInputComponent) SetID(id CustomID) InteractiveComponent
- func (TextInputComponent) Type() ComponentType
- func (c TextInputComponent) WithCustomID(customID CustomID) TextInputComponent
- func (c TextInputComponent) WithMaxLength(maxLength int) TextInputComponent
- func (c TextInputComponent) WithMinLength(minLength int) TextInputComponent
- func (c TextInputComponent) WithPlaceholder(placeholder string) TextInputComponent
- func (c TextInputComponent) WithRequired(required bool) TextInputComponent
- func (c TextInputComponent) WithStyle(style TextInputStyle) TextInputComponent
- func (c TextInputComponent) WithValue(value string) TextInputComponent
- type TextInputStyle
- type ThreadCreate
- type ThreadCreateWithMessage
- type ThreadMember
- type ThreadMemberFlags
- type ThreadMembersAddedMember
- type ThreadMetadata
- type Time
- type Timestamp
- type TimestampStyle
- type TokenType
- type TwitchIntegration
- type TypingStartGatewayEvent
- type UnavailableGuild
- type UnmarshalApplicationCommand
- type UnmarshalApplicationCommandOption
- type UnmarshalApplicationCommandPermission
- type UnmarshalAutocompleteOption
- type UnmarshalChannel
- type UnmarshalComponent
- type UnmarshalIntegration
- type UnmarshalInteraction
- type UnmarshalPermissionOverwrite
- type UnmarshalSlashCommandOption
- type UnmarshalWebhook
- type UpdatePresenceCommandData
- type UpdateVoiceStateCommandData
- type User
- type UserCommand
- type UserCommandCreate
- type UserCommandInteractionData
- type UserCommandResolved
- type UserCommandUpdate
- type UserFlags
- type UserVoiceStateUpdate
- type VerificationLevel
- type VideoQualityMode
- type VisibilityType
- type VoiceCloseEventCode
- type VoiceOpcode
- type VoiceRegion
- type VoiceServerUpdate
- type VoiceState
- type Webhook
- type WebhookCreate
- type WebhookMessageCreate
- type WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) AddActionRow(components ...InteractiveComponent) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) AddContainerComponents(containers ...ContainerComponent) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) AddEmbeds(embeds ...Embed) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) AddFile(name string, reader io.Reader, flags ...FileFlags) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) AddFiles(files ...*File) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) Build() WebhookMessageCreate
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) ClearAllowedMentions() *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) ClearContainerComponents() *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) ClearEmbeds() *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) ClearFiles() *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) RemoveContainerComponent(i int) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) RemoveEmbed(i int) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) RemoveFile(i int) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetAllowedMentions(allowedMentions *AllowedMentions) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetAvatarURL(url string) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetContainerComponent(i int, container ContainerComponent) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetContainerComponents(containerComponents ...ContainerComponent) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetContent(content string) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetContentf(content string, a ...interface{}) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetEmbed(i int, embed Embed) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetEmbeds(embeds ...Embed) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetFile(i int, file *File) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetFiles(files ...*File) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetTTS(tts bool) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetUsername(username string) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
- type WebhookMessageUpdate
- type WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) AddActionRow(components ...InteractiveComponent) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) AddContainerComponents(containers ...ContainerComponent) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) AddEmbeds(embeds ...Embed) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) AddFile(name string, reader io.Reader, flags ...FileFlags) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) AddFiles(files ...*File) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) Build() WebhookMessageUpdate
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) ClearAllowedMentions() *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) ClearContainerComponents() *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) ClearContent() *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) ClearEmbeds() *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) ClearFiles() *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveContainerComponent(i int) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveEmbed(i int) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveFile(i int) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) RetainAttachments(attachments ...Attachment) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) RetainAttachmentsByID(attachmentIDs ...snowflake.Snowflake) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetAllowedMentions(allowedMentions *AllowedMentions) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetContainerComponent(i int, container ContainerComponent) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetContainerComponents(containerComponents ...ContainerComponent) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetContent(content string) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetContentf(content string, a ...interface{}) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetEmbed(i int, embed Embed) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetEmbeds(embeds ...Embed) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetFile(i int, file *File) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetFiles(files ...*File) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
- type WebhookSourceChannel
- type WebhookSourceGuild
- type WebhookType
- type WebhookUpdate
- type WebhookUpdateWithToken
- type WebhooksUpdateGatewayEvent
- type WelcomeScreen
- type YouTubeIntegration
Constants ¶
const ( ApplicationFlagGatewayPresence = 1 << (iota + 12) ApplicationFlagGatewayPresenceLimited ApplicationFlagGatewayGuildMembers ApplicationFlagGatewayGuildMemberLimited ApplicationFlagVerificationPendingGuildLimit ApplicationFlagEmbedded )
const ( MembershipStateInvited = iota + 1 MembershipStateAccepted )
const ( ApplicationCommandTypeSlash = iota + 1 ApplicationCommandTypeUser ApplicationCommandTypeMessage )
const ( ApplicationCommandPermissionTypeRole = iota + 1 ApplicationCommandPermissionTypeUser )
types of ApplicationCommandPermissionType
const ( VideoQualityModeAuto = iota + 1 VideoQualityModeFull )
const ( ComponentTypeActionRow = iota + 1 ComponentTypeButton ComponentTypeSelectMenu ComponentTypeTextInput )
Supported ComponentType(s)
const ( ButtonStylePrimary = iota + 1 ButtonStyleSecondary ButtonStyleSuccess ButtonStyleDanger ButtonStyleLink )
Supported ButtonStyle(s)
const ( TextInputStyleShort = iota + 1 TextInputStyleParagraph )
const ( PermissionCreateInstantInvite Permissions = 1 << iota PermissionKickMembers PermissionBanMembers PermissionAdministrator PermissionManageChannels PermissionManageServer PermissionAddReactions PermissionViewAuditLogs PermissionViewChannel Permissions = 1 << (iota + 2) PermissionsAllText = PermissionViewChannel | PermissionSendMessages | PermissionSendTTSMessages | PermissionManageMessages | PermissionEmbedLinks | PermissionAttachFiles | PermissionReadMessageHistory | PermissionMentionEveryone PermissionsAllThread = PermissionManageThreads | PermissionCreatePublicThread | PermissionCreatePrivateThread | PermissionSendMessagesInThreads PermissionsAllVoice = PermissionViewChannel | PermissionVoiceConnect | PermissionVoiceSpeak | PermissionVoiceMuteMembers | PermissionVoiceDeafenMembers | PermissionVoiceMoveMembers | PermissionVoiceUseVAD | PermissionVoicePrioritySpeaker PermissionsAllChannel = PermissionsAllText | PermissionsAllThread | PermissionsAllVoice | PermissionCreateInstantInvite | PermissionManageRoles | PermissionManageChannels | PermissionAddReactions | PermissionViewAuditLogs PermissionsAll = PermissionsAllChannel | PermissionKickMembers | PermissionBanMembers | PermissionManageServer | PermissionAdministrator | PermissionManageWebhooks | PermissionManageEmojisAndStickers PermissionsStageModerator = PermissionManageChannels | PermissionVoiceMuteMembers | PermissionVoiceMoveMembers PermissionsNone Permissions = 0 )
Constants for the different bit offsets of general permissions
const ScopeSeparator = " "
const (
TeamPermissionAdmin = "*"
const TimeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05+00:00"
Variables ¶
var ( ErrNoGatewayOrShardManager = errors.New("no gateway or shard manager configured") ErrNoGuildMembersIntent = errors.New("this operation requires the GUILD_MEMBERS intent") ErrNoShardManager = errors.New("no shard manager configured") ErrNoGateway = errors.New("no gateway configured") ErrGatewayAlreadyConnected = errors.New("gateway is already connected") ErrShardNotConnected = errors.New("shard is not connected") ErrShardNotFound = errors.New("shard not found in shard manager") ErrGatewayCompressedData = errors.New("disgo does not currently support compressed gateway data") ErrNoHTTPServer = errors.New("no http server configured") ErrNoDisgoInstance = errors.New("no disgo instance injected") ErrInvalidBotToken = errors.New("BotToken is not in a valid format") ErrNoBotToken = errors.New("please specify the BotToken") ErrSelfDM = errors.New("can't open a dm channel to yourself") ErrInteractionAlreadyReplied = errors.New("you already replied to this interaction") ErrInteractionExpired = errors.New("this interaction has expired") ErrChannelNotTypeNews = errors.New("channel type is not 'NEWS'") ErrCheckFailed = errors.New("check failed") ErrMemberMustBeConnectedToChannel = errors.New("the member must be connected to the channel") ErrStickerTypeGuild = errors.New("sticker type must be of type StickerTypeGuild") )
var ( MentionTypeUser = MentionType{regexp.MustCompile(`<@!?(\d+)>`)} MentionTypeRole = MentionType{regexp.MustCompile(`<@&(\d+)>`)} MentionTypeChannel = MentionType{regexp.MustCompile(`<#(\d+)>`)} MentionTypeEmoji = MentionType{regexp.MustCompile(`<a?:([a-zA-Z0-9_]+):([0-9]+)>`)} MentionTypeTimestamp = MentionType{regexp.MustCompile(`<t:(?P<time>-?\d{1,17})(?::(?P<format>[tTdDfFR]))?>`)} MentionTypeHere = MentionType{regexp.MustCompile(`@here`)} MentionTypeEveryone = MentionType{regexp.MustCompile(`@everyone`)} )
var DefaultAllowedMentions = AllowedMentions{ Parse: []AllowedMentionType{AllowedMentionTypeUsers, AllowedMentionTypeRoles, AllowedMentionTypeEveryone}, Roles: []snowflake.Snowflake{}, Users: []snowflake.Snowflake{}, RepliedUser: true, }
DefaultAllowedMentions gives you the default AllowedMentions for a Message
var ErrNoTimestampMatch = errors.New("no matching timestamp found in string")
ErrNoTimestampMatch is returned when no valid Timestamp is found in the Message
var Locales = map[Locale]string{ EnglishUS: "English (United States)", EnglishGB: "English (Great Britain)", Bulgarian: "Bulgarian", ChineseCN: "Chinese (China)", ChineseTW: "Chinese (Taiwan)", Croatian: "Croatian", Czech: "Czech", Danish: "Danish", Dutch: "Dutch", Finnish: "Finnish", French: "French", German: "German", Greek: "Greek", Hindi: "Hindi", Hungarian: "Hungarian", Italian: "Italian", Japanese: "Japanese", Korean: "Korean", Lithuanian: "Lithuanian", Norwegian: "Norwegian", Polish: "Polish", PortugueseBR: "Portuguese (Brazil)", Romanian: "Romanian", Russian: "Russian", SpanishES: "Spanish (Spain)", Swedish: "Swedish", Thai: "Thai", Turkish: "Turkish", Ukrainian: "Ukrainian", Vietnamese: "Vietnamese", Unknown: "unknown", }
Functions ¶
func FormatAssetURL ¶
func HasScope ¶
func HasScope(scope ApplicationScope, scopes ...ApplicationScope) bool
func JoinScopes ¶
func JoinScopes(scopes []ApplicationScope) string
Types ¶
type APIError ¶
type APIError struct { Code ErrorCode `json:"code"` Message string `json:"message"` Errors string `json:"errors"` }
func (*APIError) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type AccessTokenExchange ¶
type AccessTokenExchange struct { AccessToken string `json:"access_token"` TokenType TokenType `json:"token_type"` ExpiresIn time.Duration `json:"expires_in"` RefreshToken string `json:"refresh_token"` Scope string `json:"scope"` Webhook *IncomingWebhook `json:"webhook"` }
func (*AccessTokenExchange) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *AccessTokenExchange) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ActionRowComponent ¶
type ActionRowComponent []InteractiveComponent
func NewActionRow ¶
func NewActionRow(components ...InteractiveComponent) ActionRowComponent
func (ActionRowComponent) AddComponents ¶
func (c ActionRowComponent) AddComponents(components ...InteractiveComponent) ActionRowComponent
AddComponents returns a new ActionRowComponent with the provided Component(s) added
func (ActionRowComponent) Buttons ¶
func (c ActionRowComponent) Buttons() []ButtonComponent
Buttons returns all ButtonComponent(s) in the ActionRowComponent
func (ActionRowComponent) Components ¶
func (c ActionRowComponent) Components() []InteractiveComponent
func (ActionRowComponent) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c ActionRowComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ActionRowComponent) RemoveComponent ¶
func (c ActionRowComponent) RemoveComponent(index int) ActionRowComponent
RemoveComponent returns a new ActionRowComponent with the provided Component at the index removed
func (ActionRowComponent) SelectMenus ¶
func (c ActionRowComponent) SelectMenus() []SelectMenuComponent
SelectMenus returns all SelectMenuComponent(s) in the ActionRowComponent
func (ActionRowComponent) Type ¶
func (ActionRowComponent) Type() ComponentType
func (*ActionRowComponent) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *ActionRowComponent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
func (ActionRowComponent) UpdateComponent ¶
func (c ActionRowComponent) UpdateComponent(customID CustomID, component InteractiveComponent) ActionRowComponent
UpdateComponent returns a new ActionRowComponent with the Component which has the customID replaced
type Activity ¶
type Activity struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Type ActivityType `json:"type"` URL *string `json:"url"` CreatedAt int64 `json:"created_at"` Timestamps *ActivityTimestamps `json:"timestamps,omitempty"` ApplicationID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"application_id,omitempty"` Details *string `json:"details,omitempty"` State *string `json:"state,omitempty"` Emoji *ActivityEmoji `json:"emoji,omitempty"` Party *ActivityParty `json:"party,omitempty"` Assets *ActivityAssets `json:"assets,omitempty"` Secrets *ActivitySecrets `json:"secrets,omitempty"` Instance *bool `json:"instance,omitempty"` Flags int `json:"flags,omitempty"` Buttons []string `json:"buttons"` }
Activity represents the fields of a user's presence
type ActivityAssets ¶
type ActivityAssets struct { LargeImage string `json:"large_image,omitempty"` LargeText string `json:"large_text,omitempty"` SmallImage string `json:"small_image,omitempty"` SmallText string `json:"small_text,omitempty"` }
ActivityAssets are the images for the presence and hover texts
type ActivityButton ¶
type ActivityEmoji ¶
type ActivityEmoji struct { Name string `json:"name"` ID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id,omitempty"` Animated *bool `json:"animated,omitempty"` }
ActivityEmoji is an Emoji object for an Activity
type ActivityParty ¶
type ActivityParty struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id,omitempty"` Size []int `json:"size,omitempty"` }
ActivityParty is information about the party of the player
type ActivitySecrets ¶
type ActivitySecrets struct { Join string `json:"join,omitempty"` Spectate string `json:"spectate,omitempty"` Match string `json:"match,omitempty"` }
ActivitySecrets contain secrets for Rich Presence joining and spectating
type ActivityTimestamps ¶
type ActivityTimestamps struct { Start int64 `json:"start,omitempty"` End int64 `json:"end,omitempty"` }
ActivityTimestamps represents when a user started and ended their activity
type ActivityType ¶
type ActivityType int
ActivityType represents the status of a user, one of Game, Streaming, Listening, Watching, Custom or Competing
const ( ActivityTypeGame ActivityType = iota ActivityTypeStreaming ActivityTypeListening ActivityTypeWatching ActivityTypeCustom ActivityTypeCompeting )
Constants for Activity(s)
type AddBan ¶
type AddBan struct {
DeleteMessageDays int `json:"delete_message_days,omitempty"`
AddBan is used to ban a User (
type AllowedMentionType ¶
type AllowedMentionType string
AllowedMentionType ?
const ( AllowedMentionTypeRoles AllowedMentionType = "roles" AllowedMentionTypeUsers AllowedMentionType = "users" AllowedMentionTypeEveryone AllowedMentionType = "everyone" )
All AllowedMentionType(s)
type AllowedMentions ¶
type AllowedMentions struct { Parse []AllowedMentionType `json:"parse"` Roles []snowflake.Snowflake `json:"roles"` Users []snowflake.Snowflake `json:"users"` RepliedUser bool `json:"replied_user"` }
AllowedMentions are used for avoiding mentioning users in Message and Interaction
type Application ¶
type Application struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Icon *string `json:"icon,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description"` RPCOrigins []string `json:"rpc_origins"` BotPublic bool `json:"bot_public"` BotRequireCodeGrant bool `json:"bot_require_code_grant"` TermsOfServiceURL *string `json:"terms_of_service_url,omitempty"` PrivacyPolicyURL *string `json:"privacy_policy_url,omitempty"` CustomInstallationURL *string `json:"custom_install_url,omitempty"` InstallationParams *InstallationParams `json:"install_params"` Tags []string `json:"tags"` Owner *User `json:"owner,omitempty"` Summary string `json:"summary"` VerifyKey string `json:"verify_key"` Team *Team `json:"team,omitempty"` GuildID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"` PrimarySkuID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"primary_sku_id,omitempty"` Slug *string `json:"slug,omitempty"` CoverImage *string `json:"cover_image,omitempty"` Flags ApplicationFlags `json:"flags,omitempty"` }
type ApplicationCommand ¶
type ApplicationCommandCreate ¶
type ApplicationCommandCreate interface { json.Marshaler Type() ApplicationCommandType Name() string // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type ApplicationCommandInteraction ¶
type ApplicationCommandInteraction struct { BaseInteraction Data ApplicationCommandInteractionData `json:"data"` }
func (ApplicationCommandInteraction) Type ¶ added in v0.6.9
func (ApplicationCommandInteraction) Type() InteractionType
func (*ApplicationCommandInteraction) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.6.9
func (i *ApplicationCommandInteraction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ApplicationCommandInteractionData ¶ added in v0.6.9
type ApplicationCommandInteractionData interface { Type() ApplicationCommandType ID() snowflake.Snowflake Name() string // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type ApplicationCommandOption ¶
type ApplicationCommandOption interface { json.Marshaler Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type ApplicationCommandOptionAttachment ¶ added in v0.7.1
type ApplicationCommandOptionAttachment struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Required bool `json:"required,omitempty"` }
func (ApplicationCommandOptionAttachment) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (o ApplicationCommandOptionAttachment) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ApplicationCommandOptionBool ¶
type ApplicationCommandOptionBool struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Required bool `json:"required,omitempty"` }
func (ApplicationCommandOptionBool) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ApplicationCommandOptionBool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ApplicationCommandOptionBool) Type ¶
func (ApplicationCommandOptionBool) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type ApplicationCommandOptionChannel ¶
type ApplicationCommandOptionChannel struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Required bool `json:"required,omitempty"` ChannelTypes []ChannelType `json:"channel_types,omitempty"` }
func (ApplicationCommandOptionChannel) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ApplicationCommandOptionChannel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ApplicationCommandOptionChannel) Type ¶
func (ApplicationCommandOptionChannel) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type ApplicationCommandOptionChoice ¶
type ApplicationCommandOptionChoice interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
type ApplicationCommandOptionFloat ¶
type ApplicationCommandOptionFloat struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Required bool `json:"required,omitempty"` Choices []ApplicationCommandOptionChoiceFloat `json:"choices,omitempty"` Autocomplete bool `json:"autocomplete,omitempty"` MinValue *json.NullFloat `json:"min_value,omitempty"` MaxValue *json.NullFloat `json:"max_value,omitempty"` }
func (ApplicationCommandOptionFloat) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ApplicationCommandOptionFloat) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ApplicationCommandOptionFloat) Type ¶
func (ApplicationCommandOptionFloat) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type ApplicationCommandOptionInt ¶
type ApplicationCommandOptionInt struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Required bool `json:"required,omitempty"` Choices []ApplicationCommandOptionChoiceInt `json:"choices,omitempty"` Autocomplete bool `json:"autocomplete,omitempty"` MinValue *json.NullInt `json:"min_value,omitempty"` MaxValue *json.NullInt `json:"max_value,omitempty"` }
func (ApplicationCommandOptionInt) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ApplicationCommandOptionInt) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ApplicationCommandOptionInt) Type ¶
func (ApplicationCommandOptionInt) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type ApplicationCommandOptionMentionable ¶
type ApplicationCommandOptionMentionable struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Required bool `json:"required,omitempty"` }
func (ApplicationCommandOptionMentionable) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ApplicationCommandOptionMentionable) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ApplicationCommandOptionRole ¶
type ApplicationCommandOptionRole struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Required bool `json:"required,omitempty"` }
func (ApplicationCommandOptionRole) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ApplicationCommandOptionRole) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ApplicationCommandOptionRole) Type ¶
func (ApplicationCommandOptionRole) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type ApplicationCommandOptionString ¶
type ApplicationCommandOptionString struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Required bool `json:"required,omitempty"` Choices []ApplicationCommandOptionChoiceString `json:"choices,omitempty"` Autocomplete bool `json:"autocomplete,omitempty"` }
func (ApplicationCommandOptionString) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ApplicationCommandOptionString) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ApplicationCommandOptionString) Type ¶
func (ApplicationCommandOptionString) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand ¶
type ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Options []ApplicationCommandOption `json:"options,omitempty"` }
func (ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (*ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommandGroup ¶
type ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommandGroup struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Options []ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommand `json:"options,omitempty"` }
func (ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommandGroup) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ApplicationCommandOptionSubCommandGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ApplicationCommandOptionType ¶
type ApplicationCommandOptionType int
ApplicationCommandOptionType specifies the type of the arguments used in ApplicationCommand.Options
const ( ApplicationCommandOptionTypeSubCommand ApplicationCommandOptionType = iota + 1 ApplicationCommandOptionTypeSubCommandGroup ApplicationCommandOptionTypeString ApplicationCommandOptionTypeInt ApplicationCommandOptionTypeBool ApplicationCommandOptionTypeUser ApplicationCommandOptionTypeChannel ApplicationCommandOptionTypeRole ApplicationCommandOptionTypeMentionable ApplicationCommandOptionTypeFloat ApplicationCommandOptionTypeAttachment )
Constants for each slash command option type
type ApplicationCommandOptionUser ¶
type ApplicationCommandOptionUser struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Required bool `json:"required,omitempty"` }
func (ApplicationCommandOptionUser) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o ApplicationCommandOptionUser) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ApplicationCommandOptionUser) Type ¶
func (ApplicationCommandOptionUser) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type ApplicationCommandPermission ¶
type ApplicationCommandPermission interface { json.Marshaler Type() ApplicationCommandPermissionType ID() snowflake.Snowflake // contains filtered or unexported methods }
ApplicationCommandPermission holds a User or Role and if they are allowed to use the ApplicationCommand
type ApplicationCommandPermissionRole ¶
type ApplicationCommandPermissionRole struct { RoleID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Permission bool `json:"permission"` }
func (ApplicationCommandPermissionRole) ID ¶
func (p ApplicationCommandPermissionRole) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (ApplicationCommandPermissionRole) MarshalJSON ¶
func (p ApplicationCommandPermissionRole) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ApplicationCommandPermissionType ¶
type ApplicationCommandPermissionType int
ApplicationCommandPermissionType is the type of the ApplicationCommandPermission
type ApplicationCommandPermissionUser ¶
type ApplicationCommandPermissionUser struct { UserID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Permission bool `json:"permission"` }
func (ApplicationCommandPermissionUser) ID ¶
func (p ApplicationCommandPermissionUser) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (ApplicationCommandPermissionUser) MarshalJSON ¶
func (p ApplicationCommandPermissionUser) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type ApplicationCommandPermissions ¶
type ApplicationCommandPermissions struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` ApplicationID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"application_id"` GuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` Permissions []ApplicationCommandPermission `json:"permissions"` }
ApplicationCommandPermissions holds all permissions for a ApplicationCommand
func (*ApplicationCommandPermissions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (p *ApplicationCommandPermissions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ApplicationCommandPermissionsSet ¶
type ApplicationCommandPermissionsSet struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id,omitempty"` Permissions []ApplicationCommandPermission `json:"permissions"` }
ApplicationCommandPermissionsSet is used to bulk overwrite all ApplicationCommandPermissions
type ApplicationCommandType ¶
type ApplicationCommandType int
type ApplicationCommandUpdate ¶
type ApplicationCommandUpdate interface { json.Marshaler Type() ApplicationCommandType // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type ApplicationFlags ¶
type ApplicationFlags int
ApplicationFlags (
func (ApplicationFlags) Add ¶
func (f ApplicationFlags) Add(bits ...ApplicationFlags) ApplicationFlags
Add allows you to add multiple bits together, producing a new bit
func (ApplicationFlags) Has ¶
func (f ApplicationFlags) Has(bits ...ApplicationFlags) bool
Has will ensure that the bit includes all the bits entered
func (ApplicationFlags) Missing ¶
func (f ApplicationFlags) Missing(bits ...ApplicationFlags) bool
Missing will check whether the bit is missing any one of the bits
func (ApplicationFlags) Remove ¶
func (f ApplicationFlags) Remove(bits ...ApplicationFlags) ApplicationFlags
Remove allows you to subtract multiple bits from the first, producing a new bit
type ApplicationScope ¶
type ApplicationScope string
const ( ApplicationScopeActivitiesWrite ApplicationScope = "activities.write" ApplicationScopeActivitiesRead ApplicationScope = "" ApplicationScopeRPC ApplicationScope = "rpc" ApplicationScopeRPCNotificationsRead ApplicationScope = "" ApplicationScopeRPCVoiceWrite ApplicationScope = "rpc.voice.write" ApplicationScopeRPCVoiceRead ApplicationScope = "" ApplicationScopeRPCActivitiesWrite ApplicationScope = "rpc.activities.write" ApplicationScopeGuilds ApplicationScope = "guilds" ApplicationScopeGuildsJoin ApplicationScope = "guilds.join" ApplicationScopeGDMJoin ApplicationScope = "gdm.join" ApplicationScopeRelationshipsRead ApplicationScope = "" ApplicationScopeIdentify ApplicationScope = "identify" ApplicationScopeEmail ApplicationScope = "email" ApplicationScopeConnections ApplicationScope = "connections" ApplicationScopeBot ApplicationScope = "bot" ApplicationScopeMessagesRead ApplicationScope = "" ApplicationScopeWebhookIncoming ApplicationScope = "webhook.incoming" ApplicationScopeApplicationsCommands ApplicationScope = "applications.commands" ApplicationScopeApplicationsCommandsUpdate ApplicationScope = "applications.commands.update" ApplicationScopeApplicationsEntitlements ApplicationScope = "applications.entitlements" ApplicationScopeApplicationsStoreUpdate ApplicationScope = "" ApplicationScopeApplicationsBuildsRead ApplicationScope = "" ApplicationScopeApplicationsBuildsUpload ApplicationScope = "applications.builds.upload" )
func SplitScopes ¶
func SplitScopes(joinedScopes string) []ApplicationScope
func (ApplicationScope) String ¶
func (s ApplicationScope) String() string
type ApplicationWebhook ¶
type ApplicationWebhook struct { WebhookID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Avatar *string `json:"avatar"` ApplicationID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"application_id"` }
func (ApplicationWebhook) ID ¶
func (w ApplicationWebhook) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (ApplicationWebhook) MarshalJSON ¶
func (w ApplicationWebhook) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ApplicationWebhook) Type ¶
func (ApplicationWebhook) Type() WebhookType
type Attachment ¶
type Attachment struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id,omitempty"` Filename string `json:"filename"` Size int `json:"size"` URL string `json:"url"` ProxyURL string `json:"proxy_url"` Height *int `json:"height"` Width *int `json:"width"` Ephemeral bool `json:"ephemeral"` }
Attachment is used for files sent in a Message
type AuditLog ¶
type AuditLog struct { Entries []AuditLogEntry `json:"entries"` GuildScheduledEvents []GuildScheduledEvent `json:"guild_scheduled_events"` Integrations []Integration `json:"integrations"` Threads []GuildThread `json:"threads"` Users []User `json:"users"` Webhooks []Webhook `json:"webhooks"` }
AuditLog ( These are logs of events that occurred, accessible via the Discord
func (*AuditLog) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.6.7
type AuditLogChangeKey ¶
type AuditLogChangeKey struct { Name *string `json:"name"` Description *string `json:"description"` IconHash *string `json:"icon_hash"` SplashHash *string `json:"splash_hash"` DiscoverySplashHash *string `json:"discovery_splash_hash"` BannerHash *string `json:"banner_hash"` OwnerID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"owner_id"` Region *string `json:"region"` PreferredLocale *string `json:"preferred_locale"` AFKChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"afk_channel_id"` AFKTimeout *int `json:"afk_timeout"` RulesChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"rules_channel_id"` PublicUpdatesChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"public_updates_channel_id"` MFALevel *MFALevel `json:"mfa_level"` VerificationLevel *VerificationLevel `json:"verification_level"` ExplicitContentFilterLevel *ExplicitContentFilterLevel `json:"explicit_content_filter"` DefaultMessageNotifications *MessageNotificationsLevel `json:"default_message_notifications"` VanityURLCode *string `json:"vanity_url_code"` Add []PartialRole `json:"$add"` Remove []PartialRole `json:"$remove"` PruneDeleteDays *int `json:"prune_delete_days"` WidgetEnabled *bool `json:"widget_enabled"` WidgetChannelID *string `json:"widget_channel_id"` SystemChannelID *string `json:"system_channel_id"` Position *int `json:"position"` Topic *string `json:"topic"` Bitrate *int `json:"bitrate"` PermissionOverwrites []PermissionOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites"` NSFW *bool `json:"nsfw"` ApplicationID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"application_id"` RateLimitPerUser *int `json:"ratelimit_per_user"` Permissions *string `json:"permissions"` Color *int `json:"color"` Hoist *bool `json:"hoist"` Mentionable *bool `json:"mentionable"` Allow *Permissions `json:"allow"` Deny *Permissions `json:"deny"` Code *string `json:"code"` ChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"channel_id"` InviterID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"inviter_id"` MaxUses *int `json:"max_uses"` Uses *int `json:"uses"` MaxAge *string `json:"max_age"` Temporary *bool `json:"temporary"` Deaf *bool `json:"deaf"` Mute *bool `json:"mute"` Nick *string `json:"nick"` AvatarHash *string `json:"avatar_hash"` ID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Type interface{} `json:"type"` EnableEmoticons *bool `json:"enable_emoticons"` ExpireBehavior *int `json:"expire_behavior"` ExpireGracePeriod *int `json:"expire_grace_period"` UserLimit *int `json:"user_limit"` PrivacyLevel *StagePrivacyLevel `json:"privacy_level"` }
AuditLogChangeKey ( is data representing changes values/settings in an audit log.
type AuditLogEntry ¶
type AuditLogEntry struct { TargetID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"target_id"` Changes []AuditLogChangeKey `json:"changes"` UserID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"user_id"` ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` ActionType AuditLogEvent `json:"action_type"` Options *OptionalAuditLogEntryInfo `json:"options"` Reason *string `json:"reason"` }
AuditLogEntry (
type AuditLogEvent ¶
type AuditLogEvent int
AuditLogEvent is an 8-bit unsigned integer representing an audit log event.
const ( AuditLogEventChannelCreate AuditLogEvent = iota + 10 AuditLogEventChannelUpdate AuditLogEventChannelDelete AuditLogEventChannelOverwriteCreate AuditLogEventChannelOverwriteUpdate AuditLogEventChannelOverwriteDelete )
const ( AuditLogEventMemberKick AuditLogEvent = iota + 20 AuditLogEventMemberPrune AuditLogEventMemberBanAdd AuditLogEventMemberBanRemove AuditLogEventMemberUpdate AuditLogEventMemberRoleUpdate AuditLogEventMemberMove AuditLogEventMemberDisconnect AuditLogEventBotAdd )
const ( AuditLogEventRoleCreate AuditLogEvent = iota + 30 AuditLogEventRoleUpdate AuditLogEventRoleDelete )
const ( AuditLogEventInviteCreate AuditLogEvent = iota + 40 AuditLogEventInviteUpdate AuditLogEventInviteDelete )
const ( AuditLogEventWebhookCreate AuditLogEvent = iota + 50 AuditLogEventWebhookUpdate AuditLogEventWebhookDelete )
const ( AuditLogEventEmojiCreate AuditLogEvent = iota + 60 AuditLogEventEmojiUpdate AuditLogEventEmojiDelete )
const ( AuditLogEventMessageDelete AuditLogEvent = iota + 72 AuditLogEventMessageBulkDelete AuditLogEventMessagePin AuditLogEventMessageUnpin )
const ( AuditLogEventIntegrationCreate AuditLogEvent = iota + 80 AuditLogEventIntegrationUpdate AuditLogEventIntegrationDelete AuditLogEventStageInstanceCreate AuditLogEventStageInstanceUpdate AuditLogEventStageInstanceDelete )
const ( AuditLogEventStickerCreate AuditLogEvent = iota + 90 AuditLogEventStickerUpdate AuditLogEventStickerDelete )
const ( AuditLogGuildScheduledEventCreate AuditLogEvent = iota + 100 AuditLogGuildScheduledEventUpdate AuditLogGuildScheduledEventDelete )
const ( AuditLogThreadCreate AuditLogEvent = iota + 100 AuditLogThreadUpdate AuditLogThreadDelete )
const (
AuditLogEventGuildUpdate AuditLogEvent = 1
AuditLogEventGuildUpdate ...
type AuthorizationInformation ¶
type AuthorizationInformation struct { Application Application `json:"application"` Scopes []ApplicationScope `json:"scopes"` Expires Time `json:"expires"` User *User `json:"user"` }
type AutoArchiveDuration ¶
type AutoArchiveDuration int
const ( AutoArchiveDuration1h AutoArchiveDuration = 60 AutoArchiveDuration24h AutoArchiveDuration = 1440 AutoArchiveDuration3d AutoArchiveDuration = 4320 AutoArchiveDuration1w AutoArchiveDuration = 10080 )
type AutocompleteChoice ¶
type AutocompleteChoice interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
type AutocompleteChoiceFloat ¶
type AutocompleteChoiceInt ¶
type AutocompleteInteraction ¶
type AutocompleteInteraction struct { BaseInteraction Data AutocompleteInteractionData `json:"data"` }
func (AutocompleteInteraction) Type ¶ added in v0.6.9
func (AutocompleteInteraction) Type() InteractionType
type AutocompleteInteractionData ¶
type AutocompleteInteractionData struct { CommandID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` CommandName string `json:"name"` Options []AutocompleteOption `json:"options"` }
func (*AutocompleteInteractionData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (d *AutocompleteInteractionData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AutocompleteOption ¶
type AutocompleteOption interface { Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType Name() string Focused() bool // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type AutocompleteOptionAttachment ¶ added in v0.7.1
type AutocompleteOptionAttachment struct { OptionName string `json:"name"` Value snowflake.Snowflake `json:"value"` OptionFocused bool `json:"focused"` }
func (AutocompleteOptionAttachment) Focused ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (o AutocompleteOptionAttachment) Focused() bool
func (AutocompleteOptionAttachment) Name ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (o AutocompleteOptionAttachment) Name() string
func (AutocompleteOptionAttachment) Type ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (AutocompleteOptionAttachment) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type AutocompleteOptionBool ¶
type AutocompleteOptionBool struct { OptionName string `json:"name"` Value bool `json:"value"` OptionFocused bool `json:"focused"` }
func (AutocompleteOptionBool) Focused ¶
func (o AutocompleteOptionBool) Focused() bool
func (AutocompleteOptionBool) Name ¶
func (o AutocompleteOptionBool) Name() string
func (AutocompleteOptionBool) Type ¶
func (AutocompleteOptionBool) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type AutocompleteOptionChannel ¶
type AutocompleteOptionChannel struct { OptionName string `json:"name"` Value snowflake.Snowflake `json:"value"` OptionFocused bool `json:"focused"` }
func (AutocompleteOptionChannel) Focused ¶
func (o AutocompleteOptionChannel) Focused() bool
func (AutocompleteOptionChannel) Name ¶
func (o AutocompleteOptionChannel) Name() string
func (AutocompleteOptionChannel) Type ¶
func (AutocompleteOptionChannel) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type AutocompleteOptionFloat ¶
type AutocompleteOptionFloat struct { OptionName string `json:"name"` Value float64 `json:"value"` OptionFocused bool `json:"focused"` }
func (AutocompleteOptionFloat) Focused ¶
func (o AutocompleteOptionFloat) Focused() bool
func (AutocompleteOptionFloat) Name ¶
func (o AutocompleteOptionFloat) Name() string
func (AutocompleteOptionFloat) Type ¶
func (AutocompleteOptionFloat) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type AutocompleteOptionInt ¶
type AutocompleteOptionInt struct { OptionName string `json:"name"` Value int `json:"value"` OptionFocused bool `json:"focused"` }
func (AutocompleteOptionInt) Focused ¶
func (o AutocompleteOptionInt) Focused() bool
func (AutocompleteOptionInt) Name ¶
func (o AutocompleteOptionInt) Name() string
func (AutocompleteOptionInt) Type ¶
func (AutocompleteOptionInt) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type AutocompleteOptionMentionable ¶
type AutocompleteOptionMentionable struct { OptionName string `json:"name"` Value snowflake.Snowflake `json:"value"` OptionFocused bool `json:"focused"` }
func (AutocompleteOptionMentionable) Focused ¶
func (o AutocompleteOptionMentionable) Focused() bool
func (AutocompleteOptionMentionable) Name ¶
func (o AutocompleteOptionMentionable) Name() string
func (AutocompleteOptionMentionable) Type ¶
func (AutocompleteOptionMentionable) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type AutocompleteOptionRole ¶
type AutocompleteOptionRole struct { OptionName string `json:"name"` Value snowflake.Snowflake `json:"value"` OptionFocused bool `json:"focused"` }
func (AutocompleteOptionRole) Focused ¶
func (o AutocompleteOptionRole) Focused() bool
func (AutocompleteOptionRole) Name ¶
func (o AutocompleteOptionRole) Name() string
func (AutocompleteOptionRole) Type ¶
func (AutocompleteOptionRole) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type AutocompleteOptionString ¶
type AutocompleteOptionString struct { OptionName string `json:"name"` Value string `json:"value"` OptionFocused bool `json:"focused"` }
func (AutocompleteOptionString) Focused ¶
func (o AutocompleteOptionString) Focused() bool
func (AutocompleteOptionString) Name ¶
func (o AutocompleteOptionString) Name() string
func (AutocompleteOptionString) Type ¶
func (AutocompleteOptionString) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type AutocompleteOptionSubCommand ¶
type AutocompleteOptionSubCommand struct { CommandName string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Options []AutocompleteOption `json:"options,omitempty"` }
func (AutocompleteOptionSubCommand) Focused ¶
func (o AutocompleteOptionSubCommand) Focused() bool
func (AutocompleteOptionSubCommand) Name ¶
func (o AutocompleteOptionSubCommand) Name() string
func (AutocompleteOptionSubCommand) Type ¶
func (AutocompleteOptionSubCommand) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
func (*AutocompleteOptionSubCommand) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (o *AutocompleteOptionSubCommand) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type AutocompleteOptionSubCommandGroup ¶
type AutocompleteOptionSubCommandGroup struct { GroupName string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Options []AutocompleteOptionSubCommand `json:"options,omitempty"` }
func (AutocompleteOptionSubCommandGroup) Focused ¶
func (o AutocompleteOptionSubCommandGroup) Focused() bool
func (AutocompleteOptionSubCommandGroup) Name ¶
func (o AutocompleteOptionSubCommandGroup) Name() string
type AutocompleteOptionUser ¶
type AutocompleteOptionUser struct { OptionName string `json:"name"` Value snowflake.Snowflake `json:"value"` OptionFocused bool `json:"focused"` }
func (AutocompleteOptionUser) Focused ¶
func (o AutocompleteOptionUser) Focused() bool
func (AutocompleteOptionUser) Name ¶
func (o AutocompleteOptionUser) Name() string
func (AutocompleteOptionUser) Type ¶
func (AutocompleteOptionUser) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type AutocompleteResult ¶
type AutocompleteResult struct {
Choices []AutocompleteChoice `json:"choices"`
type Ban ¶
Ban represents a banned User from a Guild (
type BaseGuildMessageChannel ¶
type BaseGuildMessageChannel interface { GuildChannel MessageChannel // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type BaseInteraction ¶ added in v0.6.9
type BaseInteraction struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` ApplicationID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"application_id"` Token string `json:"token"` Version int `json:"version"` GuildID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"` ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"channel_id"` Locale Locale `json:"locale"` GuildLocale *Locale `json:"guild_locale,omitempty"` Member *Member `json:"member,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` }
type BotIntegration ¶
type BotIntegration struct { IntegrationID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Account IntegrationAccount `json:"account"` Application IntegrationApplication `json:"application"` }
func (BotIntegration) ID ¶
func (i BotIntegration) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (BotIntegration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (i BotIntegration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (BotIntegration) Type ¶
func (BotIntegration) Type() IntegrationType
type ButtonComponent ¶
type ButtonComponent struct { Style ButtonStyle `json:"style"` Label string `json:"label,omitempty"` Emoji *ComponentEmoji `json:"emoji,omitempty"` CustomID CustomID `json:"custom_id,omitempty"` URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` Disabled bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"` }
func NewButton ¶
func NewButton(style ButtonStyle, label string, customID CustomID, url string) ButtonComponent
NewButton creates a new ButtonComponent with the provided parameters. Link ButtonComponent(s) need a URL and other ButtonComponent(s) need a customID
func NewDangerButton ¶
func NewDangerButton(label string, customID CustomID) ButtonComponent
NewDangerButton creates a new ButtonComponent with ButtonStyleDanger & the provided parameters
func NewLinkButton ¶
func NewLinkButton(label string, url string) ButtonComponent
NewLinkButton creates a new link ButtonComponent with ButtonStyleLink & the provided parameters
func NewPrimaryButton ¶
func NewPrimaryButton(label string, customID CustomID) ButtonComponent
NewPrimaryButton creates a new ButtonComponent with ButtonStylePrimary & the provided parameters
func NewSecondaryButton ¶
func NewSecondaryButton(label string, customID CustomID) ButtonComponent
NewSecondaryButton creates a new ButtonComponent with ButtonStyleSecondary & the provided parameters
func NewSuccessButton ¶
func NewSuccessButton(label string, customID CustomID) ButtonComponent
NewSuccessButton creates a new ButtonComponent with ButtonStyleSuccess & the provided parameters
func (ButtonComponent) AsDisabled ¶
func (c ButtonComponent) AsDisabled() ButtonComponent
AsDisabled returns a new ButtonComponent but disabled
func (ButtonComponent) AsEnabled ¶
func (c ButtonComponent) AsEnabled() ButtonComponent
AsEnabled returns a new ButtonComponent but enabled
func (ButtonComponent) ID ¶
func (c ButtonComponent) ID() CustomID
func (ButtonComponent) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c ButtonComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ButtonComponent) SetID ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c ButtonComponent) SetID(id CustomID) InteractiveComponent
func (ButtonComponent) Type ¶
func (ButtonComponent) Type() ComponentType
func (ButtonComponent) WithCustomID ¶
func (c ButtonComponent) WithCustomID(customID CustomID) ButtonComponent
WithCustomID returns a new ButtonComponent with the provided custom id
func (ButtonComponent) WithDisabled ¶
func (c ButtonComponent) WithDisabled(disabled bool) ButtonComponent
WithDisabled returns a new ButtonComponent but disabled/enabled
func (ButtonComponent) WithEmoji ¶
func (c ButtonComponent) WithEmoji(emoji ComponentEmoji) ButtonComponent
WithEmoji returns a new ButtonComponent with the provided Emoji
func (ButtonComponent) WithLabel ¶
func (c ButtonComponent) WithLabel(label string) ButtonComponent
WithLabel returns a new ButtonComponent with the provided label
func (ButtonComponent) WithStyle ¶
func (c ButtonComponent) WithStyle(style ButtonStyle) ButtonComponent
WithStyle returns a new ButtonComponent with the provided style
func (ButtonComponent) WithURL ¶
func (c ButtonComponent) WithURL(url string) ButtonComponent
WithURL returns a new ButtonComponent with the provided URL
type ButtonInteractionData ¶
type ButtonInteractionData struct {
CustomID CustomID `json:"custom_id"`
func (ButtonInteractionData) ID ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (d ButtonInteractionData) ID() CustomID
func (ButtonInteractionData) Type ¶ added in v0.6.9
func (ButtonInteractionData) Type() ComponentType
type ButtonStyle ¶
type ButtonStyle int
ButtonStyle defines how the ButtonComponent looks like (
type ChannelCreate ¶
type ChannelCreate interface { json.Marshaler Type() ChannelType // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type ChannelFollowerWebhook ¶
type ChannelFollowerWebhook struct { WebhookID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Avatar *string `json:"avatar"` ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"channel_id"` GuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` SourceGuild WebhookSourceGuild `json:"source_guild"` SourceChannel WebhookSourceChannel `json:"source_channel"` User User `json:"user"` }
func (ChannelFollowerWebhook) ID ¶
func (w ChannelFollowerWebhook) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (ChannelFollowerWebhook) MarshalJSON ¶
func (w ChannelFollowerWebhook) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (ChannelFollowerWebhook) Type ¶
func (ChannelFollowerWebhook) Type() WebhookType
type ChannelType ¶
type ChannelType int
ChannelType for interacting with discord's channels
const ( ChannelTypeGuildText ChannelType = iota ChannelTypeDM ChannelTypeGuildVoice ChannelTypeGroupDM ChannelTypeGuildCategory ChannelTypeGuildNews ChannelTypeGuildStore ChannelTypeGuildNewsThread ChannelTypeGuildPublicThread ChannelTypeGuildPrivateThread ChannelTypeGuildStageVoice )
Channel constants
type ChannelUpdate ¶
type ChannelUpdate interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
type ClientStatus ¶
type ClientStatus struct { Desktop OnlineStatus `json:"desktop,omitempty"` Mobile OnlineStatus `json:"mobile,omitempty"` Web OnlineStatus `json:"web,omitempty"` }
ClientStatus (
type Component ¶
type Component interface { json.Marshaler Type() ComponentType // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type ComponentEmoji ¶
type ComponentInteraction ¶
type ComponentInteraction struct { BaseInteraction Data ComponentInteractionData `json:"data"` Message Message `json:"message"` }
func (ComponentInteraction) Type ¶ added in v0.6.9
func (ComponentInteraction) Type() InteractionType
func (*ComponentInteraction) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.6.9
func (i *ComponentInteraction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type ComponentInteractionData ¶ added in v0.6.9
type ComponentInteractionData interface { Type() ComponentType ID() CustomID // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type Connection ¶
type Connection struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Type ConnectionType `json:"type"` Revoked bool `json:"revoked,omitempty"` Integrations []Integration `json:"integrations,omitempty"` Verified bool `json:"verified"` FriendSync bool `json:"friend_sync"` ShowActivity bool `json:"show_activity"` Visibility VisibilityType `json:"visibility"` }
type ConnectionType ¶
type ConnectionType string
const ( ConnectionTypeYouTube ConnectionType = "youtube" ConnectionTypeBattleNet ConnectionType = "battlenet" ConnectionTypeGitHub ConnectionType = "github" ConnectionTypeReddit ConnectionType = "reddit" ConnectionTypeSpotify ConnectionType = "spotify" ConnectionTypeSteam ConnectionType = "steam" ConnectionTypeTwitch ConnectionType = "twitch" ConnectionTypeTwitter ConnectionType = "twitter" ConnectionTypeXBox ConnectionType = "xbox" ConnectionTypeFacebook ConnectionType = "facebook" )
type ContainerComponent ¶
type ContainerComponent interface { Component Components() []InteractiveComponent // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type DMChannel ¶
type DMChannel struct { ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` LastMessageID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"last_message_id,omitempty"` Recipients []User `json:"recipients,omitempty"` LastPinTimestamp *Time `json:"last_pin_timestamp,omitempty"` }
func (DMChannel) MarshalJSON ¶
func (DMChannel) Type ¶
func (DMChannel) Type() ChannelType
type DMChannelCreate ¶
type Embed ¶
type Embed struct { Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Type EmbedType `json:"type,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` Timestamp *Time `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` Color int `json:"color,omitempty"` Image *EmbedResource `json:"image,omitempty"` Thumbnail *EmbedResource `json:"thumbnail,omitempty"` Video *EmbedResource `json:"video,omitempty"` Provider *EmbedProvider `json:"provider,omitempty"` Author *EmbedAuthor `json:"author,omitempty"` Fields []EmbedField `json:"fields,omitempty"` }
Embed allows you to send embeds to discord
type EmbedAuthor ¶
type EmbedAuthor struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` IconURL string `json:"icon_url,omitempty"` ProxyIconURL string `json:"proxy_icon_url,omitempty"` }
The EmbedAuthor of an Embed
type EmbedBuilder ¶
type EmbedBuilder struct {
EmbedBuilder allows you to create embeds and use methods to set values
func NewEmbedBuilder ¶
func NewEmbedBuilder() *EmbedBuilder
NewEmbedBuilder returns a new embed builder
func (*EmbedBuilder) AddField ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) AddField(name string, value string, inline bool) *EmbedBuilder
AddField adds a field to the EmbedBuilder by name and value
func (*EmbedBuilder) AddFields ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) AddFields(fields ...EmbedField) *EmbedBuilder
AddFields adds multiple fields to the EmbedBuilder
func (*EmbedBuilder) ClearFields ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) ClearFields() *EmbedBuilder
ClearFields removes all the fields from the EmbedBuilder
func (*EmbedBuilder) RemoveField ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) RemoveField(i int) *EmbedBuilder
RemoveField removes a field from the EmbedBuilder
func (*EmbedBuilder) SetAuthor ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetAuthor(name string, url string, iconURL string) *EmbedBuilder
SetAuthor sets the author of the EmbedBuilder with all properties
func (*EmbedBuilder) SetAuthorIcon ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetAuthorIcon(iconURL string) *EmbedBuilder
SetAuthorIcon sets the author icon of the EmbedBuilder
func (*EmbedBuilder) SetAuthorName ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetAuthorName(name string) *EmbedBuilder
SetAuthorName sets the author name of the EmbedBuilder
func (*EmbedBuilder) SetAuthorURL ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetAuthorURL(url string) *EmbedBuilder
SetAuthorURL sets the author URL of the EmbedBuilder
func (*EmbedBuilder) SetColor ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetColor(color int) *EmbedBuilder
SetColor sets the color of the EmbedBuilder
func (*EmbedBuilder) SetDescription ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetDescription(description string) *EmbedBuilder
SetDescription sets the description of the EmbedBuilder
func (*EmbedBuilder) SetDescriptionf ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetDescriptionf(description string, a ...interface{}) *EmbedBuilder
SetDescriptionf sets the description of the EmbedBuilder with format
func (*EmbedBuilder) SetEmbedAuthor ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetEmbedAuthor(author *EmbedAuthor) *EmbedBuilder
SetEmbedAuthor sets the author of the EmbedBuilder using an EmbedAuthor struct
func (*EmbedBuilder) SetEmbedFooter ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetEmbedFooter(footer *EmbedFooter) *EmbedBuilder
SetEmbedFooter sets the footer of the EmbedBuilder
func (*EmbedBuilder) SetField ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetField(i int, name string, value string, inline bool) *EmbedBuilder
SetField sets a field to the EmbedBuilder by name and value
func (*EmbedBuilder) SetFields ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetFields(fields ...EmbedField) *EmbedBuilder
SetFields sets fields of the EmbedBuilder
func (*EmbedBuilder) SetFooter ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetFooter(text string, iconURL string) *EmbedBuilder
SetFooter sets the footer icon of the EmbedBuilder
func (*EmbedBuilder) SetFooterIcon ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetFooterIcon(iconURL string) *EmbedBuilder
SetFooterIcon sets the footer icon of the EmbedBuilder
func (*EmbedBuilder) SetFooterText ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetFooterText(text string) *EmbedBuilder
SetFooterText sets the footer text of the EmbedBuilder
func (*EmbedBuilder) SetImage ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetImage(url string) *EmbedBuilder
SetImage sets the image of the EmbedBuilder
func (*EmbedBuilder) SetThumbnail ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetThumbnail(url string) *EmbedBuilder
SetThumbnail sets the thumbnail of the EmbedBuilder
func (*EmbedBuilder) SetTimestamp ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetTimestamp(time time.Time) *EmbedBuilder
SetTimestamp sets the timestamp of the EmbedBuilder
func (*EmbedBuilder) SetTitle ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetTitle(title string) *EmbedBuilder
SetTitle sets the title of the EmbedBuilder
func (*EmbedBuilder) SetTitlef ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetTitlef(title string, a ...interface{}) *EmbedBuilder
SetTitlef sets the title of the EmbedBuilder with format
func (*EmbedBuilder) SetURL ¶
func (b *EmbedBuilder) SetURL(url string) *EmbedBuilder
SetURL sets the URL of the EmbedBuilder
type EmbedField ¶
type EmbedField struct { Name string `json:"name"` Value string `json:"value"` Inline *bool `json:"inline,omitempty"` }
EmbedField (s) of an Embed
type EmbedProvider ¶
The EmbedProvider of an Embed
type EmbedResource ¶
type EmbedResource struct { URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` ProxyURL string `json:"proxy_url,omitempty"` Height int `json:"height,omitempty"` Width int `json:"width,omitempty"` }
The EmbedResource of an Embed.Image/Embed.Thumbnail/Embed.Video
type Emoji ¶
type Emoji struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // may be empty for deleted emojis Roles []snowflake.Snowflake `json:"roles,omitempty"` Creator *User `json:"creator,omitempty"` RequireColons bool `json:"require_colons,omitempty"` Managed bool `json:"managed,omitempty"` Animated bool `json:"animated,omitempty"` Available bool `json:"available,omitempty"` GuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"` }
Emoji allows you to interact with emojis & emotes
type EmojiCreate ¶
type EmojiUpdate ¶
type EntityMetaData ¶ added in v0.6.1
type EntityMetaData struct {
Location string
EntityMetaData additional metadata for the scheduled event (
type ExplicitContentFilterLevel ¶
type ExplicitContentFilterLevel int
The ExplicitContentFilterLevel of a Guild
const ( ExplicitContentFilterLevelDisabled ExplicitContentFilterLevel = iota ExplicitContentFilterLevelMembersWithoutRoles ExplicitContentFilterLevelAllMembers )
Constants for ExplicitContentFilterLevel
type FileFlags ¶
type FileFlags int
FileFlags are used to mark Attachments as Spoiler
type GatewayBot ¶
type GatewayBot struct { URL string `json:"url"` Shards int `json:"shards"` SessionStartLimit SessionStartLimit `json:"session_start_limit"` }
type GatewayCloseEventCode ¶
type GatewayCloseEventCode int
const ( GatewayCloseEventCodeUnknownError GatewayCloseEventCode = iota + 4000 GatewayCloseEventCodeUnknownOpcode GatewayCloseEventCodeDecodeError GatewayCloseEventCodeNotAuthenticated GatewayCloseEventCodeAuthenticationFailed GatewayCloseEventCodeAlreadyAuthenticated GatewayCloseEventCodeInvalidSeq GatewayCloseEventCodeRateLimited GatewayCloseEventCodeSessionTimedOut GatewayCloseEventCodeInvalidShard GatewayCloseEventCodeShardingRequired GatewayCloseEventCodeInvalidAPIVersion GatewayCloseEventCodeInvalidIntents GatewayCloseEventCodeDisallowedIntents )
func (GatewayCloseEventCode) ShouldReconnect ¶ added in v0.7.2
func (c GatewayCloseEventCode) ShouldReconnect() bool
type GatewayCommand ¶
type GatewayCommand struct { GatewayPayload D GatewayCommandData `json:"d"` }
GatewayCommand object is used when sending data to discord's websocket, it's recommended that you don't use these
func NewGatewayCommand ¶
func NewGatewayCommand(op GatewayOpcode, d GatewayCommandData) GatewayCommand
NewGatewayCommand returns a new GatewayCommand struct with the given payload
type GatewayCommandData ¶ added in v0.6.7
type GatewayCommandData interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
type GatewayEventHello ¶
GatewayEventHello is sent when we connect to the gateway
type GatewayEventMessageReactionAdd ¶
type GatewayEventMessageReactionAdd struct { UserID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"user_id"` ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"channel_id"` MessageID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"message_id"` GuildID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` Member *Member `json:"member"` Emoji ReactionEmoji `json:"emoji"` }
type GatewayEventReady ¶
type GatewayEventReady struct { Version int `json:"v"` User OAuth2User `json:"user"` Guilds []UnavailableGuild `json:"guilds"` SessionID string `json:"session_id"` Shard []int `json:"shard,omitempty"` Application PartialApplication `json:"application"` }
GatewayEventReady is the event sent by discord when you successfully Identify
type GatewayEventThreadCreate ¶
type GatewayEventThreadCreate struct { GuildThread ThreadMember ThreadMember `json:"thread_member"` }
func (*GatewayEventThreadCreate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *GatewayEventThreadCreate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GatewayEventThreadListSync ¶
type GatewayEventThreadListSync struct { GuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` ChannelIDs []snowflake.Snowflake `json:"channel_ids"` Threads []GuildThread `json:"threads"` Members []ThreadMember `json:"members"` }
func (*GatewayEventThreadListSync) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *GatewayEventThreadListSync) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GatewayEventThreadUpdate ¶
type GatewayEventThreadUpdate struct {
func (*GatewayEventThreadUpdate) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *GatewayEventThreadUpdate) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GatewayEventType ¶
type GatewayEventType string
GatewayEventType wraps all GatewayEventType types
const ( GatewayEventTypeHello GatewayEventType = "HELLO" GatewayEventTypeReady GatewayEventType = "READY" GatewayEventTypeResumed GatewayEventType = "RESUMED" GatewayEventTypeReconnect GatewayEventType = "RECONNECT" GatewayEventTypeChannelCreate GatewayEventType = "CHANNEL_CREATE" GatewayEventTypeChannelUpdate GatewayEventType = "CHANNEL_UPDATE" GatewayEventTypeChannelDelete GatewayEventType = "CHANNEL_DELETE" GatewayEventTypeChannelPinsUpdate GatewayEventType = "CHANNEL_PINS_UPDATE" GatewayEventTypeThreadCreate GatewayEventType = "THREAD_CREATE" GatewayEventTypeThreadUpdate GatewayEventType = "THREAD_UPDATE" GatewayEventTypeThreadDelete GatewayEventType = "THREAD_DELETE" GatewayEventTypeThreadListSync GatewayEventType = "THREAD_LIST_SYNC" GatewayEventTypeThreadMemberUpdate GatewayEventType = "THREAD_MEMBER_UPDATE" GatewayEventTypeThreadMembersUpdate GatewayEventType = "THREAD_MEMBERS_UPDATE" GatewayEventTypeGuildCreate GatewayEventType = "GUILD_CREATE" GatewayEventTypeGuildUpdate GatewayEventType = "GUILD_UPDATE" GatewayEventTypeGuildDelete GatewayEventType = "GUILD_DELETE" GatewayEventTypeGuildBanAdd GatewayEventType = "GUILD_BAN_ADD" GatewayEventTypeGuildBanRemove GatewayEventType = "GUILD_BAN_REMOVE" GatewayEventTypeGuildEmojisUpdate GatewayEventType = "GUILD_EMOJIS_UPDATE" GatewayEventTypeGuildStickersUpdate GatewayEventType = "GUILD_STICKERS_UPDATE" GatewayEventTypeGuildIntegrationsUpdate GatewayEventType = "GUILD_INTEGRATIONS_UPDATE" GatewayEventTypeGuildMemberAdd GatewayEventType = "GUILD_MEMBER_ADD" GatewayEventTypeGuildMemberRemove GatewayEventType = "GUILD_MEMBER_REMOVE" GatewayEventTypeGuildMemberUpdate GatewayEventType = "GUILD_MEMBER_UPDATE" GatewayEventTypeGuildMembersChunk GatewayEventType = "GUILD_MEMBERS_CHUNK" GatewayEventTypeGuildRoleCreate GatewayEventType = "GUILD_ROLE_CREATE" GatewayEventTypeGuildRoleUpdate GatewayEventType = "GUILD_ROLE_UPDATE" GatewayEventTypeGuildRoleDelete GatewayEventType = "GUILD_ROLE_DELETE" GatewayEventTypeGuildScheduledEventCreate GatewayEventType = "GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_CREATE" GatewayEventTypeGuildScheduledEventUpdate GatewayEventType = "GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_UPDATE" GatewayEventTypeGuildScheduledEventDelete GatewayEventType = "GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_DELETE" GatewayEventTypeGuildScheduledEventUserAdd GatewayEventType = "GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_USER_ADD" GatewayEventTypeGuildScheduledEventUserRemove GatewayEventType = "GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_USER_REMOVE" GatewayEventTypeIntegrationCreate GatewayEventType = "INTEGRATION_CREATE" GatewayEventTypeIntegrationUpdate GatewayEventType = "INTEGRATION_UPDATE" GatewayEventTypeIntegrationDelete GatewayEventType = "INTEGRATION_DELETE" GatewayEventTypeInteractionCreate GatewayEventType = "INTERACTION_CREATE" GatewayEventTypeInviteCreate GatewayEventType = "INVITE_CREATE" GatewayEventTypeInviteDelete GatewayEventType = "INVITE_DELETE" GatewayEventTypeMessageCreate GatewayEventType = "MESSAGE_CREATE" GatewayEventTypeMessageUpdate GatewayEventType = "MESSAGE_UPDATE" GatewayEventTypeMessageDelete GatewayEventType = "MESSAGE_DELETE" GatewayEventTypeMessageDeleteBulk GatewayEventType = "MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK" GatewayEventTypeMessageReactionAdd GatewayEventType = "MESSAGE_REACTION_ADD" GatewayEventTypeMessageReactionRemove GatewayEventType = "MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE" GatewayEventTypeMessageReactionRemoveAll GatewayEventType = "MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_ALL" GatewayEventTypeMessageReactionRemoveEmoji GatewayEventType = "MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_EMOJI" GatewayEventTypePresenceUpdate GatewayEventType = "PRESENCE_UPDATE" GatewayEventTypeStageInstanceCreate GatewayEventType = "STAGE_INSTANCE_CREATE" GatewayEventTypeStageInstanceDelete GatewayEventType = "STAGE_INSTANCE_DELETE" GatewayEventTypeStageInstanceUpdate GatewayEventType = "STAGE_INSTANCE_UPDATE" GatewayEventTypeTypingStart GatewayEventType = "TYPING_START" GatewayEventTypeUserUpdate GatewayEventType = "USER_UPDATE" GatewayEventTypeVoiceStateUpdate GatewayEventType = "VOICE_STATE_UPDATE" GatewayEventTypeVoiceServerUpdate GatewayEventType = "VOICE_SERVER_UPDATE" GatewayEventTypeWebhooksUpdate GatewayEventType = "WEBHOOKS_UPDATE" )
Constants for the gateway events
type GatewayGuild ¶
type GatewayGuild struct { Guild Large bool `json:"large"` VoiceStates []VoiceState `json:"voice_states"` Members []Member `json:"members"` Channels []GuildChannel `json:"channels"` Threads []GuildThread `json:"threads"` Presences []Presence `json:"presences"` StageInstances []StageInstance `json:"stage_instances"` GuildScheduledEvents []GuildScheduledEvent `json:"guild_scheduled_events"` }
func (*GatewayGuild) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (g *GatewayGuild) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GatewayIntents ¶
type GatewayIntents int64
GatewayIntents is an extension of the Bit structure used when identifying with discord
const ( GatewayIntentGuilds GatewayIntents = 1 << iota GatewayIntentGuildMembers GatewayIntentGuildBans GatewayIntentGuildEmojisAndStickers GatewayIntentGuildIntegrations GatewayIntentGuildWebhooks GatewayIntentGuildInvites GatewayIntentGuildVoiceStates GatewayIntentGuildPresences GatewayIntentGuildMessages GatewayIntentGuildMessageReactions GatewayIntentGuildMessageTyping GatewayIntentDirectMessages GatewayIntentDirectMessageReactions GatewayIntentDirectMessageTyping GatewayIntentMessageContent GatewayIntentGuildScheduledEvents GatewayIntentsGuild = GatewayIntentGuilds | GatewayIntentGuildMembers | GatewayIntentGuildBans | GatewayIntentGuildEmojisAndStickers | GatewayIntentGuildIntegrations | GatewayIntentGuildWebhooks | GatewayIntentGuildInvites | GatewayIntentGuildVoiceStates | GatewayIntentGuildPresences | GatewayIntentGuildMessages | GatewayIntentGuildMessageReactions | GatewayIntentGuildMessageTyping | GatewayIntentGuildScheduledEvents GatewayIntentsDirectMessage = GatewayIntentDirectMessages | GatewayIntentDirectMessageReactions | GatewayIntentDirectMessageTyping GatewayIntentsNonPrivileged = GatewayIntentGuilds | GatewayIntentGuildBans | GatewayIntentGuildEmojisAndStickers | GatewayIntentGuildIntegrations | GatewayIntentGuildWebhooks | GatewayIntentGuildInvites | GatewayIntentGuildVoiceStates | GatewayIntentGuildMessages | GatewayIntentGuildMessageReactions | GatewayIntentGuildMessageTyping | GatewayIntentDirectMessages | GatewayIntentDirectMessageReactions | GatewayIntentDirectMessageTyping | GatewayIntentGuildScheduledEvents GatewayIntentsPrivileged = GatewayIntentGuildMembers | GatewayIntentGuildPresences | GatewayIntentMessageContent GatewayIntentsAll = GatewayIntentsNonPrivileged | GatewayIntentsPrivileged GatewayIntentsDefault = GatewayIntentsNone GatewayIntentsNone GatewayIntents = 0 )
Constants for the different bit offsets of GatewayIntents
func (GatewayIntents) Add ¶
func (i GatewayIntents) Add(bits ...GatewayIntents) GatewayIntents
Add allows you to add multiple bits together, producing a new bit
func (GatewayIntents) Has ¶
func (i GatewayIntents) Has(bits ...GatewayIntents) bool
Has will ensure that the bit includes all the bits entered
func (GatewayIntents) Missing ¶
func (i GatewayIntents) Missing(bits ...GatewayIntents) bool
Missing will check whether the bit is missing any one of the bits
func (GatewayIntents) Remove ¶
func (i GatewayIntents) Remove(bits ...GatewayIntents) GatewayIntents
Remove allows you to subtract multiple bits from the first, producing a new bit
type GatewayOpcode ¶
type GatewayOpcode int
GatewayOpcode are opcodes used by discord
const ( GatewayOpcodeDispatch GatewayOpcode = iota GatewayOpcodeHeartbeat GatewayOpcodeIdentify GatewayOpcodePresenceUpdate GatewayOpcodeVoiceStateUpdate GatewayOpcodeResume GatewayOpcodeReconnect GatewayOpcodeRequestGuildMembers GatewayOpcodeInvalidSession GatewayOpcodeHello GatewayOpcodeHeartbeatACK )
type GatewayPayload ¶
type GatewayPayload struct { Op GatewayOpcode `json:"op"` S GatewaySequence `json:"s,omitempty"` T GatewayEventType `json:"t,omitempty"` D json.RawMessage `json:"d,omitempty"` }
GatewayPayload raw GatewayEvent type
type GatewaySequence ¶ added in v0.7.2
type GatewaySequence int
type GetAllThreads ¶
type GetAllThreads struct { Threads []GuildThread `json:"threads"` Members []ThreadMember `json:"members"` }
type GetThreads ¶
type GetThreads struct { Threads []GuildThread `json:"threads"` Members []ThreadMember `json:"members"` HasMore bool `json:"has_more"` }
type GroupDMChannel ¶
type GroupDMChannel struct { ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` ChannelName string `json:"name,omitempty"` LastMessageID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"last_message_id,omitempty"` Recipients []User `json:"recipients,omitempty"` Icon *string `json:"icon,omitempty"` OwnerID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"owner_id,omitempty"` ApplicationID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"application_id,omitempty"` LastPinTimestamp *Time `json:"last_pin_timestamp,omitempty"` }
func (GroupDMChannel) ID ¶
func (c GroupDMChannel) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GroupDMChannel) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c GroupDMChannel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GroupDMChannel) Name ¶
func (c GroupDMChannel) Name() string
func (GroupDMChannel) String ¶
func (c GroupDMChannel) String() string
func (GroupDMChannel) Type ¶
func (GroupDMChannel) Type() ChannelType
type GroupDMChannelUpdate ¶
type Guild ¶
type Guild struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Icon *string `json:"icon"` Splash *string `json:"splash"` DiscoverySplash *string `json:"discovery_splash"` OwnerID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"owner_id"` AfkChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"afk_channel_id"` AfkTimeout int `json:"afk_timeout"` WidgetEnabled bool `json:"widget_enabled"` WidgetChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"widget_channel_id"` VerificationLevel VerificationLevel `json:"verification_level"` DefaultMessageNotifications MessageNotificationsLevel `json:"default_message_notifications"` ExplicitContentFilter ExplicitContentFilterLevel `json:"explicit_content_filter"` Roles []Role `json:"roles"` Emojis []Emoji `json:"emojis"` Features []GuildFeature `json:"features"` MFALevel MFALevel `json:"mfa_level"` ApplicationID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"application_id"` SystemChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"system_channel_id"` SystemChannelFlags SystemChannelFlags `json:"system_channel_flags"` RulesChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"rules_channel_id"` MemberCount int `json:"member_count"` MaxPresences *int `json:"max_presences"` MaxMembers int `json:"max_members"` VanityURLCode *string `json:"vanity_url_code"` Description *string `json:"description"` Banner *string `json:"banner"` PremiumTier PremiumTier `json:"premium_tier"` PremiumSubscriptionCount int `json:"premium_subscription_count"` PreferredLocale string `json:"preferred_locale"` PublicUpdatesChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"public_updates_channel_id"` MaxVideoChannelUsers int `json:"max_video_channel_users"` WelcomeScreen WelcomeScreen `json:"welcome_screen"` NSFWLevel NSFWLevel `json:"nsfw_level"` BoostProgressBarEnabled bool `json:"premium_progress_bar_enabled"` Stickers []Sticker `json:"stickers"` JoinedAt Time `json:"joined_at"` // only over GET /guilds/{} ApproximateMemberCount int `json:"approximate_member_count"` ApproximatePresenceCount int `json:"approximate_presence_count"` }
Guild represents a discord Guild
type GuildAudioChannel ¶
type GuildAudioChannel interface { GuildChannel // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type GuildBanAddGatewayEvent ¶
type GuildCategoryChannel ¶
type GuildCategoryChannel struct { ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` ChannelGuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` Position int `json:"position"` ChannelPermissionOverwrites []PermissionOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites"` ChannelName string `json:"name"` NSFW bool `json:"nsfw"` InteractionPermissions Permissions `json:"permissions,omitempty"` }
func (GuildCategoryChannel) GuildID ¶
func (c GuildCategoryChannel) GuildID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildCategoryChannel) ID ¶
func (c GuildCategoryChannel) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildCategoryChannel) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c GuildCategoryChannel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GuildCategoryChannel) Mention ¶
func (c GuildCategoryChannel) Mention() string
func (GuildCategoryChannel) Name ¶
func (c GuildCategoryChannel) Name() string
func (GuildCategoryChannel) String ¶
func (c GuildCategoryChannel) String() string
func (GuildCategoryChannel) Type ¶
func (GuildCategoryChannel) Type() ChannelType
func (*GuildCategoryChannel) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *GuildCategoryChannel) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GuildCategoryChannelCreate ¶ added in v0.7.3
type GuildCategoryChannelCreate struct { Name string `json:"name"` Topic string `json:"topic,omitempty"` Position int `json:"position,omitempty"` PermissionOverwrites []PermissionOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites,omitempty"` ParentID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` }
func (GuildCategoryChannelCreate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c GuildCategoryChannelCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GuildCategoryChannelCreate) Type ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c GuildCategoryChannelCreate) Type() ChannelType
type GuildCategoryChannelUpdate ¶
type GuildCategoryChannelUpdate struct { }
type GuildChannel ¶
type GuildChannel interface { Channel Mentionable GuildID() snowflake.Snowflake // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type GuildChannelCreate ¶
type GuildChannelCreate interface { ChannelCreate // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type GuildChannelUpdate ¶
type GuildChannelUpdate interface { ChannelUpdate // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type GuildCreate ¶
type GuildCreate struct { Name string `json:"name"` Icon *Icon `json:"icon,omitempty"` VerificationLevel VerificationLevel `json:"verification_level,omitempty"` DefaultMessageNotificationLevel MessageNotificationsLevel `json:"default_message_notification_level,omitempty"` ExplicitContentFilterLevel ExplicitContentFilterLevel `json:"explicit_content_filter_level,omitempty"` Roles []GuildCreateRole `json:"roles,omitempty"` Channels []GuildCreateChannel `json:"channels,omitempty"` AFKChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"afk_channel_id,omitempty"` AFKTimeout int `json:"afk_timeout,omitempty"` SystemChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"system_channel_id,omitempty"` SystemChannelFlags SystemChannelFlags `json:"system_channel_flags,omitempty"` }
GuildCreate is the payload used to create a Guild
type GuildCreateChannel ¶
type GuildCreateChannel struct { ChannelCreate ID int `json:"id,omitempty"` ParentID int `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` }
type GuildCreateRole ¶
type GuildCreateRole struct { RoleCreate ID int `json:"id,omitempty"` }
type GuildFeature ¶
type GuildFeature string
The GuildFeature (s) that a Guild contains
const ( GuildFeatureAnimatedIcon GuildFeature = "ANIMATED_ICON" GuildFeatureBanner GuildFeature = "BANNER" GuildFeatureCommerce GuildFeature = "COMMERCE" GuildFeatureCommunity GuildFeature = "COMMUNITY" GuildFeatureDiscoverable GuildFeature = "DISCOVERABLE" GuildFeatureFeaturable GuildFeature = "FEATURABLE" GuildFeatureInviteSplash GuildFeature = "INVITE_SPLASH" GuildFeatureMemberVerificationGateEnabled GuildFeature = "MEMBER_VERIFICATION_GATE_ENABLED" GuildFeatureMonetizationEnabled GuildFeature = "MONETIZATION_ENABLED" GuildFeatureMoreStickers GuildFeature = "MORE_STICKERS" GuildFeatureNews GuildFeature = "NEWS" GuildFeaturePartnered GuildFeature = "PARTNERED" GuildFeaturePreviewEnabled GuildFeature = "PREVIEW_ENABLED" GuildFeaturePrivateThreads GuildFeature = "PRIVATE_THREADS" GuildFeatureRoleIcons GuildFeature = "ROLE_ICONS" GuildFeatureSevenDayThreadArchive GuildFeature = "SEVEN_DAY_THREAD_ARCHIVE" GuildFeatureThreeDayThreadArchive GuildFeature = "THREE_DAY_THREAD_ARCHIVE" GuildFeatureTicketedEventsEnabled GuildFeature = "TICKETED_EVENTS_ENABLED" GuildFeatureVanityURL GuildFeature = "VANITY_URL" GuildFeatureVerified GuildFeature = "VERIFIED" GuildFeatureVipRegions GuildFeature = "VIP_REGIONS" GuildFeatureWelcomeScreenEnabled GuildFeature = "WELCOME_SCREEN_ENABLED" )
Constants for GuildFeature
type GuildFromTemplateCreate ¶
type GuildFromTemplateCreate struct { Name string `json:"name"` Icon *Icon `json:"icon,omitempty"` }
GuildFromTemplateCreate is the data used to create a Guild from a GuildTemplate
type GuildMembersChunkGatewayEvent ¶
type GuildMembersChunkGatewayEvent struct { GuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` Members []Member `json:"members"` ChunkIndex int `json:"chunk_index"` ChunkCount int `json:"chunk_count"` NotFound []snowflake.Snowflake `json:"not_found"` Presences []Presence `json:"presences"` Nonce string `json:"nonce"` }
type GuildMessageChannel ¶
type GuildMessageChannel interface { BaseGuildMessageChannel // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type GuildNewsChannel ¶
type GuildNewsChannel struct { ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` ChannelGuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"` Position int `json:"position,omitempty"` ChannelPermissionOverwrites []PermissionOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites"` ChannelName string `json:"name,omitempty"` Topic *string `json:"topic,omitempty"` NSFW bool `json:"nsfw,omitempty"` LastMessageID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"last_message_id,omitempty"` RateLimitPerUser int `json:"rate_limit_per_user,omitempty"` ParentID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` LastPinTimestamp *Time `json:"last_pin_timestamp,omitempty"` DefaultAutoArchiveDuration AutoArchiveDuration `json:"default_auto_archive_duration"` InteractionPermissions Permissions `json:"permissions,omitempty"` }
func (GuildNewsChannel) GuildID ¶
func (c GuildNewsChannel) GuildID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildNewsChannel) ID ¶
func (c GuildNewsChannel) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildNewsChannel) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c GuildNewsChannel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GuildNewsChannel) Mention ¶
func (c GuildNewsChannel) Mention() string
func (GuildNewsChannel) Name ¶
func (c GuildNewsChannel) Name() string
func (GuildNewsChannel) String ¶
func (c GuildNewsChannel) String() string
func (GuildNewsChannel) Type ¶
func (GuildNewsChannel) Type() ChannelType
func (*GuildNewsChannel) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *GuildNewsChannel) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GuildNewsChannelCreate ¶ added in v0.7.3
type GuildNewsChannelCreate struct { Name string `json:"name"` Topic string `json:"topic,omitempty"` RateLimitPerUser int `json:"rate_limit_per_user,omitempty"` Position int `json:"position,omitempty"` PermissionOverwrites []PermissionOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites,omitempty"` ParentID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` NSFW bool `json:"nsfw,omitempty"` }
func (GuildNewsChannelCreate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c GuildNewsChannelCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GuildNewsChannelCreate) Type ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c GuildNewsChannelCreate) Type() ChannelType
type GuildNewsChannelUpdate ¶
type GuildNewsChannelUpdate struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Type *ChannelType `json:"type,omitempty"` Position *int `json:"position,omitempty"` Topic *string `json:"topic,omitempty"` RateLimitPerUser *int `json:"rate_limit_per_user,omitempty"` PermissionOverwrites *[]PermissionOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites,omitempty"` ParentID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` DefaultAutoArchiveDuration *int `json:"default_auto_archive_duration"` }
type GuildNewsThread ¶
type GuildNewsThread struct { ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` ChannelGuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` ChannelName string `json:"name"` NSFW bool `json:"nsfw"` LastMessageID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"last_message_id"` LastPinTimestamp *Time `json:"last_pin_timestamp"` RateLimitPerUser int `json:"rate_limit_per_user"` OwnerID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"owner_id"` ParentChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"parent_id"` MessageCount int `json:"message_count"` MemberCount int `json:"member_count"` ThreadMetadata ThreadMetadata `json:"thread_metadata"` }
func (GuildNewsThread) GuildID ¶
func (c GuildNewsThread) GuildID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildNewsThread) ID ¶
func (c GuildNewsThread) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildNewsThread) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c GuildNewsThread) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GuildNewsThread) Mention ¶
func (c GuildNewsThread) Mention() string
func (GuildNewsThread) Name ¶
func (c GuildNewsThread) Name() string
func (GuildNewsThread) ParentID ¶
func (c GuildNewsThread) ParentID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildNewsThread) String ¶
func (c GuildNewsThread) String() string
func (GuildNewsThread) Type ¶
func (GuildNewsThread) Type() ChannelType
type GuildNewsThreadCreate ¶
type GuildNewsThreadCreate struct { Name string `json:"name"` AutoArchiveDuration AutoArchiveDuration `json:"auto_archive_duration"` }
func (GuildNewsThreadCreate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c GuildNewsThreadCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GuildNewsThreadCreate) Type ¶
func (GuildNewsThreadCreate) Type() ChannelType
type GuildNewsThreadUpdate ¶
type GuildNewsThreadUpdate struct { }
type GuildPreview ¶
type GuildPreview struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Icon *string `json:"icon"` DiscoverySplash *string `json:"discovery_splash"` Splash *string `json:"splash"` Features []GuildFeature `json:"features"` Description *string `json:"description"` ApproximateMemberCount *int `json:"approximate_member_count"` ApproximatePresenceCount *int `json:"approximate_presence_count"` Emojis []Emoji `json:"emojis"` }
GuildPreview is used for previewing public Guild(s) before joining them
type GuildPrivateThread ¶
type GuildPrivateThread struct { ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` ChannelGuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` ChannelName string `json:"name"` NSFW bool `json:"nsfw"` LastMessageID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"last_message_id"` LastPinTimestamp *Time `json:"last_pin_timestamp"` RateLimitPerUser int `json:"rate_limit_per_user"` OwnerID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"owner_id"` ParentChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"parent_id"` MessageCount int `json:"message_count"` MemberCount int `json:"member_count"` ThreadMetadata ThreadMetadata `json:"thread_metadata"` }
func (GuildPrivateThread) GuildID ¶
func (c GuildPrivateThread) GuildID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildPrivateThread) ID ¶
func (c GuildPrivateThread) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildPrivateThread) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c GuildPrivateThread) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GuildPrivateThread) Mention ¶
func (c GuildPrivateThread) Mention() string
func (GuildPrivateThread) Name ¶
func (c GuildPrivateThread) Name() string
func (GuildPrivateThread) ParentID ¶
func (c GuildPrivateThread) ParentID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildPrivateThread) String ¶
func (c GuildPrivateThread) String() string
func (GuildPrivateThread) Type ¶
func (GuildPrivateThread) Type() ChannelType
type GuildPrivateThreadCreate ¶
type GuildPrivateThreadCreate struct { Name string `json:"name"` AutoArchiveDuration AutoArchiveDuration `json:"auto_archive_duration"` Invitable bool `json:"invitable"` }
func (GuildPrivateThreadCreate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c GuildPrivateThreadCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GuildPrivateThreadCreate) Type ¶
func (GuildPrivateThreadCreate) Type() ChannelType
type GuildPrivateThreadUpdate ¶
type GuildPrivateThreadUpdate struct { }
type GuildPublicThread ¶
type GuildPublicThread struct { ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` ChannelGuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` ChannelName string `json:"name"` NSFW bool `json:"nsfw"` LastMessageID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"last_message_id"` LastPinTimestamp *Time `json:"last_pin_timestamp"` RateLimitPerUser int `json:"rate_limit_per_user"` OwnerID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"owner_id"` ParentChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"parent_id"` MessageCount int `json:"message_count"` MemberCount int `json:"member_count"` ThreadMetadata ThreadMetadata `json:"thread_metadata"` }
func (GuildPublicThread) GuildID ¶
func (c GuildPublicThread) GuildID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildPublicThread) ID ¶
func (c GuildPublicThread) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildPublicThread) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c GuildPublicThread) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GuildPublicThread) Mention ¶
func (c GuildPublicThread) Mention() string
func (GuildPublicThread) Name ¶
func (c GuildPublicThread) Name() string
func (GuildPublicThread) ParentID ¶
func (c GuildPublicThread) ParentID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildPublicThread) String ¶
func (c GuildPublicThread) String() string
func (GuildPublicThread) Type ¶
func (GuildPublicThread) Type() ChannelType
type GuildPublicThreadCreate ¶
type GuildPublicThreadCreate struct { Name string `json:"name"` AutoArchiveDuration AutoArchiveDuration `json:"auto_archive_duration"` }
func (GuildPublicThreadCreate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c GuildPublicThreadCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GuildPublicThreadCreate) Type ¶
func (GuildPublicThreadCreate) Type() ChannelType
type GuildPublicThreadUpdate ¶
type GuildPublicThreadUpdate struct { }
type GuildScheduledEvent ¶ added in v0.6.1
type GuildScheduledEvent struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` GuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` ChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"channel_id"` CreatorID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"creator_id"` Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` ScheduledStartTime Time `json:"scheduled_start_time"` ScheduledEndTime *Time `json:"scheduled_end_time"` PrivacyLevel ScheduledEventPrivacyLevel `json:"privacy_level"` Status ScheduledEventStatus `json:"status"` EntityType ScheduledEventEntityType `json:"entity_type"` EntityID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"entity_id"` EntityMetaData *EntityMetaData `json:"entity_metadata"` Creator User `json:"creator"` UserCount int `json:"user_count"` }
GuildScheduledEvent a representation of a scheduled event in a Guild (
type GuildScheduledEventCreate ¶ added in v0.6.1
type GuildScheduledEventCreate struct { ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"channel_id,omitempty"` EntityMetaData *EntityMetaData `json:"entity_metadata,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name"` PrivacyLevel ScheduledEventPrivacyLevel `json:"privacy_level"` ScheduledStartTime Time `json:"scheduled_start_time"` ScheduledEndTime Time `json:"scheduled_end_time,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` EntityType ScheduledEventEntityType `json:"entity_type"` }
type GuildScheduledEventUpdate ¶ added in v0.6.1
type GuildScheduledEventUpdate struct { ChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"channel_id,omitempty"` EntityMetaData *EntityMetaData `json:"entity_metadata,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` PrivacyLevel *ScheduledEventPrivacyLevel `json:"privacy_level,omitempty"` ScheduledStartTime *Time `json:"scheduled_start_time,omitempty"` ScheduledEndTime *Time `json:"scheduled_end_time,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` EntityType *ScheduledEventEntityType `json:"entity_type,omitempty"` Status *ScheduledEventStatus `json:"status,omitempty"` }
type GuildScheduledEventUser ¶ added in v0.6.1
type GuildScheduledEventUserEvent ¶ added in v0.6.1
type GuildStageChannelCreate ¶ added in v0.7.3
type GuildStageChannelCreate struct { Name string `json:"name"` Topic string `json:"topic,omitempty"` Bitrate int `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` UserLimit int `json:"user_limit,omitempty"` Position int `json:"position,omitempty"` PermissionOverwrites []PermissionOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites,omitempty"` ParentID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` }
func (GuildStageChannelCreate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c GuildStageChannelCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GuildStageChannelCreate) Type ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c GuildStageChannelCreate) Type() ChannelType
type GuildStageVoiceChannel ¶
type GuildStageVoiceChannel struct { ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` ChannelGuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"` Position int `json:"position,omitempty"` ChannelPermissionOverwrites []PermissionOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites"` ChannelName string `json:"name,omitempty"` Topic *string `json:"topic,omitempty"` Bitrate int `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` UserLimit int `json:"user_limit,omitempty"` ParentID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` RTCRegion string `json:"rtc_region"` VideoQualityMode VideoQualityMode `json:"video_quality_mode"` InteractionPermissions Permissions `json:"permissions,omitempty"` }
func (GuildStageVoiceChannel) GuildID ¶
func (c GuildStageVoiceChannel) GuildID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildStageVoiceChannel) ID ¶
func (c GuildStageVoiceChannel) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildStageVoiceChannel) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c GuildStageVoiceChannel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GuildStageVoiceChannel) Mention ¶
func (c GuildStageVoiceChannel) Mention() string
func (GuildStageVoiceChannel) Name ¶
func (c GuildStageVoiceChannel) Name() string
func (GuildStageVoiceChannel) String ¶
func (c GuildStageVoiceChannel) String() string
func (GuildStageVoiceChannel) Type ¶
func (GuildStageVoiceChannel) Type() ChannelType
func (*GuildStageVoiceChannel) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *GuildStageVoiceChannel) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GuildStageVoiceChannelUpdate ¶
type GuildStageVoiceChannelUpdate struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Position *int `json:"position,omitempty"` Topic *string `json:"topic,omitempty"` Bitrate *int `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` UserLimit *int `json:"user_limit,omitempty"` PermissionOverwrites *[]PermissionOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites,omitempty"` ParentID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` RTCRegion *string `json:"rtc_region"` VideoQualityMode *VideoQualityMode `json:"video_quality_mode"` }
type GuildStoreChannel ¶
type GuildStoreChannel struct { ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` ChannelGuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` Position int `json:"position"` ChannelPermissionOverwrites []PermissionOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites"` ChannelName string `json:"name"` NSFW bool `json:"nsfw,omitempty"` ParentID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"parent_id"` InteractionPermissions Permissions `json:"permissions,omitempty"` }
func (GuildStoreChannel) GuildID ¶
func (c GuildStoreChannel) GuildID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildStoreChannel) ID ¶
func (c GuildStoreChannel) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildStoreChannel) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c GuildStoreChannel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GuildStoreChannel) Mention ¶
func (c GuildStoreChannel) Mention() string
func (GuildStoreChannel) Name ¶
func (c GuildStoreChannel) Name() string
func (GuildStoreChannel) String ¶
func (c GuildStoreChannel) String() string
func (GuildStoreChannel) Type ¶
func (GuildStoreChannel) Type() ChannelType
func (*GuildStoreChannel) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *GuildStoreChannel) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GuildStoreChannelUpdate ¶
type GuildStoreChannelUpdate struct { }
type GuildTemplate ¶
type GuildTemplate struct { Code string `json:"code"` Name string `json:"name"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` UsageCount int `json:"usage_count"` CreatorID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"creator_id"` Creator User `json:"creator"` CreatedAt Time `json:"created_at"` UpdatedAt Time `json:"updated_at"` GuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"source_guild_id"` Guild TemplateGuild `json:"serialized_source_guild"` IsDirty bool `json:"is_dirty,omitempty"` }
GuildTemplate is a template used for copying guilds
type GuildTemplateCreate ¶
type GuildTemplateCreate struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` }
GuildTemplateCreate is the data used to create a GuildTemplate
type GuildTemplateUpdate ¶
type GuildTemplateUpdate struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` }
GuildTemplateUpdate is the data used to update a GuildTemplate
type GuildTextChannel ¶
type GuildTextChannel struct { ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` ChannelGuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"` Position int `json:"position,omitempty"` ChannelPermissionOverwrites []PermissionOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites"` ChannelName string `json:"name,omitempty"` Topic *string `json:"topic,omitempty"` NSFW bool `json:"nsfw,omitempty"` LastMessageID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"last_message_id,omitempty"` RateLimitPerUser int `json:"rate_limit_per_user,omitempty"` ParentID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` LastPinTimestamp *Time `json:"last_pin_timestamp,omitempty"` DefaultAutoArchiveDuration AutoArchiveDuration `json:"default_auto_archive_duration"` InteractionPermissions Permissions `json:"permissions,omitempty"` }
func (GuildTextChannel) GuildID ¶
func (c GuildTextChannel) GuildID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildTextChannel) ID ¶
func (c GuildTextChannel) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildTextChannel) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c GuildTextChannel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GuildTextChannel) Mention ¶
func (c GuildTextChannel) Mention() string
func (GuildTextChannel) Name ¶
func (c GuildTextChannel) Name() string
func (GuildTextChannel) String ¶
func (c GuildTextChannel) String() string
func (GuildTextChannel) Type ¶
func (GuildTextChannel) Type() ChannelType
func (*GuildTextChannel) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *GuildTextChannel) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GuildTextChannelCreate ¶ added in v0.7.3
type GuildTextChannelCreate struct { Name string `json:"name"` Topic string `json:"topic,omitempty"` RateLimitPerUser int `json:"rate_limit_per_user,omitempty"` Position int `json:"position,omitempty"` PermissionOverwrites []PermissionOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites,omitempty"` ParentID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` NSFW bool `json:"nsfw,omitempty"` }
func (GuildTextChannelCreate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c GuildTextChannelCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GuildTextChannelCreate) Type ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c GuildTextChannelCreate) Type() ChannelType
type GuildTextChannelUpdate ¶
type GuildTextChannelUpdate struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Type *ChannelType `json:"type,omitempty"` Position *int `json:"position,omitempty"` Topic *string `json:"topic,omitempty"` NSFW *bool `json:"nsfw,omitempty"` RateLimitPerUser *int `json:"rate_limit_per_user,omitempty"` PermissionOverwrites *[]PermissionOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites,omitempty"` ParentID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` DefaultAutoArchiveDuration *int `json:"default_auto_archive_duration,omitempty"` }
type GuildThread ¶
type GuildThread interface { BaseGuildMessageChannel ParentID() snowflake.Snowflake // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type GuildUpdate ¶
type GuildUpdate struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` VerificationLevel *VerificationLevel `json:"verification_level,omitempty"` DefaultMessageNotificationLevel *MessageNotificationsLevel `json:"default_message_notification_level,omitempty"` ExplicitContentFilterLevel *ExplicitContentFilterLevel `json:"explicit_content_filter_level,omitempty"` AFKChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"afk_channel_id,omitempty"` AFKTimeout *int `json:"afk_timeout,omitempty"` Icon *NullIcon `json:"icon,omitempty"` OwnerID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"owner_id,omitempty"` Splash *NullIcon `json:"splash,omitempty"` DiscoverySplash *NullIcon `json:"discovery_splash,omitempty"` Banner *NullIcon `json:"banner,omitempty"` SystemChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"system_channel_id,omitempty"` SystemChannelFlags *SystemChannelFlags `json:"system_channel_flags,omitempty"` RulesChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"rules_channel_id,omitempty"` PublicUpdatesChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"public_updates_channel_id,omitempty"` PreferredLocale *string `json:"preferred_locale,omitempty"` Features []GuildFeature `json:"features,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` BoostProgressBarEnabled *bool `json:"premium_progress_bar_enabled,omitempty"` }
GuildUpdate is the payload used to update a Guild
type GuildVoiceChannel ¶
type GuildVoiceChannel struct { ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` ChannelGuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"` Position int `json:"position,omitempty"` ChannelPermissionOverwrites []PermissionOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites"` ChannelName string `json:"name,omitempty"` NSFW bool `json:"nsfw,omitempty"` Topic *string `json:"topic,omitempty"` Bitrate int `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` UserLimit int `json:"user_limit,omitempty"` ParentID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` RTCRegion string `json:"rtc_region"` VideoQualityMode VideoQualityMode `json:"video_quality_mode"` InteractionPermissions Permissions `json:"permissions,omitempty"` }
func (GuildVoiceChannel) GuildID ¶
func (c GuildVoiceChannel) GuildID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildVoiceChannel) ID ¶
func (c GuildVoiceChannel) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (GuildVoiceChannel) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c GuildVoiceChannel) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GuildVoiceChannel) Mention ¶
func (c GuildVoiceChannel) Mention() string
func (GuildVoiceChannel) Name ¶
func (c GuildVoiceChannel) Name() string
func (GuildVoiceChannel) String ¶
func (c GuildVoiceChannel) String() string
func (GuildVoiceChannel) Type ¶
func (GuildVoiceChannel) Type() ChannelType
func (*GuildVoiceChannel) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *GuildVoiceChannel) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type GuildVoiceChannelCreate ¶ added in v0.7.3
type GuildVoiceChannelCreate struct { Name string `json:"name"` Topic string `json:"topic,omitempty"` Bitrate int `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` UserLimit int `json:"user_limit,omitempty"` Position int `json:"position,omitempty"` PermissionOverwrites []PermissionOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites,omitempty"` ParentID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` }
func (GuildVoiceChannelCreate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c GuildVoiceChannelCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (GuildVoiceChannelCreate) Type ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c GuildVoiceChannelCreate) Type() ChannelType
type GuildVoiceChannelUpdate ¶
type GuildVoiceChannelUpdate struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Position *int `json:"position,omitempty"` RateLimitPerUser *int `json:"rate_limit_per_user,omitempty"` Bitrate *int `json:"bitrate,omitempty"` UserLimit *int `json:"user_limit,omitempty"` PermissionOverwrites *[]PermissionOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites,omitempty"` ParentID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"parent_id,omitempty"` RTCRegion *string `json:"rtc_region"` VideoQualityMode *VideoQualityMode `json:"video_quality_mode"` DefaultAutoArchiveDuration *int `json:"default_auto_archive_duration"` }
type GuildWelcomeChannel ¶
type GuildWelcomeChannel struct { ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"channel_id"` Description string `json:"description"` EmojiID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"emoji_id,omitempty"` EmojiName *string `json:"emoji_name,omitempty"` }
GuildWelcomeChannel is one of the channels in a WelcomeScreen
type HeartbeatCommandData ¶ added in v0.6.7
type HeartbeatCommandData int
HeartbeatCommandData is used to ensure the websocket connection remains open, and disconnect if not.
type IconType ¶
type IconType string
const ( IconTypeJPEG IconType = "image/jpeg" IconTypePNG IconType = "image/png" IconTypeWEBP IconType = "image/webp" IconTypeGIF IconType = "image/gif" IconTypeUnknown = IconTypeJPEG )
type IdentifyCommandData ¶ added in v0.6.7
type IdentifyCommandData struct { Token string `json:"token"` Properties IdentifyCommandDataProperties `json:"properties"` Compress bool `json:"compress,omitempty"` LargeThreshold int `json:"large_threshold,omitempty"` Shard []int `json:"shard,omitempty"` GatewayIntents GatewayIntents `json:"intents"` Presence *UpdatePresenceCommandData `json:"presence,omitempty"` }
IdentifyCommandData is the data used in IdentifyCommandData
type IdentifyCommandDataProperties ¶
type IdentifyCommandDataProperties struct { OS string `json:"$os"` // user OS Browser string `json:"$browser"` // library name Device string `json:"$device"` // library name }
IdentifyCommandDataProperties is used for specifying to discord which library and OS the bot is using, is automatically handled by the library and should rarely be used.
type IncomingWebhook ¶
type IncomingWebhook struct { WebhookID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Avatar *string `json:"avatar"` ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"channel_id"` GuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` Token string `json:"token"` ApplicationID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"application_id"` User User `json:"user"` }
func (IncomingWebhook) ID ¶
func (w IncomingWebhook) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (IncomingWebhook) MarshalJSON ¶
func (w IncomingWebhook) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (IncomingWebhook) Type ¶
func (IncomingWebhook) Type() WebhookType
type InputComponent ¶ added in v0.7.3
type InputComponent interface { InteractiveComponent // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type InstallationParams ¶
type InstallationParams struct { Scopes []ApplicationScope `json:"scopes"` Permissions Permissions `json:"permissions"` }
type Integration ¶
type Integration interface { json.Marshaler Type() IntegrationType ID() snowflake.Snowflake }
Integration (
type IntegrationAccount ¶
IntegrationAccount (
type IntegrationApplication ¶
type IntegrationApplication struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Icon string `json:"icon"` Description string `json:"description"` Summary string `json:"summary"` Bot User `json:"bot"` }
IntegrationApplication (
type IntegrationCreateGatewayEvent ¶
type IntegrationCreateGatewayEvent struct { Integration GuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` }
func (*IntegrationCreateGatewayEvent) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *IntegrationCreateGatewayEvent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type IntegrationType ¶
type IntegrationType string
IntegrationType the type of Integration
const ( IntegrationTypeTwitch IntegrationType = "twitch" IntegrationTypeYouTube IntegrationType = "youtube" IntegrationTypeBot IntegrationType = "discord" )
All IntegrationType(s)
type IntegrationUpdateGatewayEvent ¶
type IntegrationUpdateGatewayEvent struct { Integration GuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` }
func (*IntegrationUpdateGatewayEvent) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *IntegrationUpdateGatewayEvent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type Interaction ¶
type Interaction interface { Type() InteractionType // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Interaction is used for easier unmarshalling of different Interaction(s)
type InteractionCallbackData ¶
type InteractionCallbackData interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
type InteractionCallbackType ¶
type InteractionCallbackType int
InteractionCallbackType indicates the type of slash command response, whether it's responding immediately or deferring to edit your response later
const ( InteractionCallbackTypePong InteractionCallbackType = iota + 1 InteractionCallbackTypeChannelMessageWithSource InteractionCallbackTypeDeferredChannelMessageWithSource InteractionCallbackTypeDeferredUpdateMessage InteractionCallbackTypeUpdateMessage InteractionCallbackTypeAutocompleteResult InteractionCallbackTypeModal )
Constants for the InteractionCallbackType(s)
type InteractionResponse ¶
type InteractionResponse struct { Type InteractionCallbackType `json:"type"` Data InteractionCallbackData `json:"data,omitempty"` }
InteractionResponse is how you answer interactions. If an answer is not sent within 3 seconds of receiving it, the interaction is failed, and you will be unable to respond to it.
func (InteractionResponse) ToBody ¶
func (r InteractionResponse) ToBody() (interface{}, error)
ToBody returns the InteractionResponse ready for body
type InteractionResponseCreator ¶
type InteractionResponseCreator interface {
ToResponseBody(response InteractionResponse) (interface{}, error)
type InteractionType ¶
type InteractionType int
InteractionType is the type of Interaction
const ( InteractionTypePing InteractionType = iota + 1 InteractionTypeApplicationCommand InteractionTypeComponent InteractionTypeAutocomplete InteractionTypeModalSubmit )
Supported InteractionType(s)
type InteractiveComponent ¶
type InteractiveComponent interface { Component ID() CustomID SetID(id CustomID) InteractiveComponent // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type Invite ¶
type Invite struct { Code string `json:"code"` Guild *InviteGuild `json:"guild"` GuildID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` Channel PartialChannel `json:"channel"` ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"channel_id"` Inviter *User `json:"inviter"` TargetUser *User `json:"target_user"` TargetType *InviteTargetType `json:"target_user_type"` ApproximatePresenceCount *int `json:"approximate_presence_count"` ApproximateMemberCount *int `json:"approximate_member_count"` Uses *int `json:"uses"` MaxUses *int `json:"max_uses"` MaxAge *int `json:"max_age"` Temporary *bool `json:"temporary"` CreatedAt *Time `json:"created_at"` }
Invite is a partial invite struct
type InviteCreate ¶
type InviteCreate struct { MaxAgree int `json:"max_agree,omitempty"` MaxUses int `json:"max_uses,omitempty"` Temporary bool `json:"temporary,omitempty"` Unique bool `json:"unique,omitempty"` TargetType InviteTargetType `json:"target_type,omitempty"` TargetUserID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"target_user_id,omitempty"` TargetApplicationID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"target_application_id,omitempty"` }
type InviteGuild ¶
type InviteGuild struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Splash *string `json:"splash"` Banner *string `json:"banner"` Description *string `json:"description"` Icon *string `json:"icon"` Features []GuildFeature `json:"features"` VerificationLevel VerificationLevel `json:"verification_level"` VanityURLCode *string `json:"vanity_url_code"` }
An InviteGuild is the Guild of an Invite
type InviteTargetType ¶
type InviteTargetType int
InviteTargetType is type of target an Invite uses
const ( InviteTargetTypeStream InviteTargetType = iota + 1 InviteTargetTypeEmbeddedApplication )
Constants for TargetType
type Locale ¶ added in v0.6.12
type Locale string
const ( EnglishUS Locale = "en-US" EnglishGB Locale = "en-GB" Bulgarian Locale = "bg" ChineseCN Locale = "zh-CN" ChineseTW Locale = "zh-TW" Croatian Locale = "hr" Czech Locale = "cs" Danish Locale = "da" Dutch Locale = "nl" Finnish Locale = "fi" French Locale = "fr" German Locale = "de" Greek Locale = "el" Hindi Locale = "hi" Hungarian Locale = "hu" Italian Locale = "it" Japanese Locale = "ja" Korean Locale = "ko" Lithuanian Locale = "lt" Norwegian Locale = "no" Polish Locale = "pl" PortugueseBR Locale = "pt-BR" Romanian Locale = "ro" Russian Locale = "ru" SpanishES Locale = "es-ES" Swedish Locale = "sv-SE" Thai Locale = "th" Turkish Locale = "tr" Ukrainian Locale = "uk" Vietnamese Locale = "vi" Unknown Locale = "" )
type Member ¶
type Member struct { GuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` User User `json:"user"` Nick *string `json:"nick"` Avatar *string `json:"avatar"` RoleIDs []snowflake.Snowflake `json:"roles,omitempty"` JoinedAt Time `json:"joined_at"` PremiumSince *Time `json:"premium_since,omitempty"` Deaf bool `json:"deaf,omitempty"` Mute bool `json:"mute,omitempty"` Pending bool `json:"pending"` CommunicationDisabledUntil *Time `json:"communication_disabled_until"` Permissions *Permissions `json:"permissions"` // only sent from slash commands & should not be cached }
Member is a discord GuildMember
func (Member) EffectiveName ¶
EffectiveName returns either the nickname or username depending on if the user has a nickname
type MemberAdd ¶
type MemberAdd struct { AccessToken string `json:"access_token"` Nick string `json:"nick,omitempty"` Roles []snowflake.Snowflake `json:"roles,omitempty"` Mute bool `json:"mute,omitempty"` Deaf bool `json:"deaf,omitempty"` }
MemberAdd is used to add a member via the oauth2 access token to a guild
type MemberPermissionOverwrite ¶
type MemberPermissionOverwrite struct { UserID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Allow Permissions `json:"allow"` Deny Permissions `json:"deny"` }
func (MemberPermissionOverwrite) ID ¶
func (o MemberPermissionOverwrite) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (MemberPermissionOverwrite) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o MemberPermissionOverwrite) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (MemberPermissionOverwrite) Type ¶
func (o MemberPermissionOverwrite) Type() PermissionOverwriteType
type MemberPermissionOverwriteUpdate ¶
type MemberPermissionOverwriteUpdate struct { Allow Permissions `json:"allow"` Deny Permissions `json:"deny"` }
func (MemberPermissionOverwriteUpdate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (u MemberPermissionOverwriteUpdate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (MemberPermissionOverwriteUpdate) Type ¶
func (MemberPermissionOverwriteUpdate) Type() PermissionOverwriteType
type MemberUpdate ¶
type MemberUpdate struct { ChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"channel_id,omitempty"` Nick *string `json:"nick,omitempty"` Roles []snowflake.Snowflake `json:"roles,omitempty"` Mute *bool `json:"mute,omitempty"` Deaf *bool `json:"deaf,omitempty"` CommunicationDisabledUntil *NullTime `json:"communication_disabled_until,omitempty"` }
MemberUpdate is used to modify
type MembershipState ¶
type MembershipState int
type MentionType ¶
type Mentionable ¶
type Mentionable interface {
Mention() string
type Message ¶
type Message struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` GuildID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` Reactions []MessageReaction `json:"reactions"` Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments"` TTS bool `json:"tts"` Embeds []Embed `json:"embeds,omitempty"` Components []ContainerComponent `json:"components,omitempty"` CreatedAt Time `json:"timestamp"` Mentions []interface{} `json:"mentions"` MentionEveryone bool `json:"mention_everyone"` MentionRoles []snowflake.Snowflake `json:"mention_roles"` MentionChannels []Channel `json:"mention_channels"` Pinned bool `json:"pinned"` EditedTimestamp *Time `json:"edited_timestamp"` Author User `json:"author"` Member *Member `json:"member"` Content string `json:"content,omitempty"` ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"channel_id"` Type MessageType `json:"type"` Flags MessageFlags `json:"flags"` MessageReference *MessageReference `json:"message_reference,omitempty"` Interaction *MessageInteraction `json:"interaction,omitempty"` WebhookID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"webhook_id,omitempty"` Activity *MessageActivity `json:"activity,omitempty"` Application *MessageApplication `json:"application,omitempty"` Stickers []MessageSticker `json:"sticker_items,omitempty"` ReferencedMessage *Message `json:"referenced_message,omitempty"` LastUpdated *Time `json:"last_updated,omitempty"` Thread GuildThread `json:"thread,omitempty"` }
Message is a struct for messages sent in discord text-based channels
func (*Message) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type MessageActivity ¶
type MessageActivity struct { Type MessageActivityType `json:"type"` PartyID *string `json:"party_id,omitempty"` }
MessageActivity is used for rich presence-related chat embeds in a Message
type MessageActivityType ¶
type MessageActivityType int
MessageActivityType is the type of MessageActivity
const ( MessageActivityTypeJoin MessageActivityType = iota + 1 MessageActivityTypeSpectate MessageActivityTypeListen MessageActivityTypeJoinRequest )
Constants for MessageActivityType
type MessageApplication ¶
type MessageApplication struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` CoverImage *string `json:"cover_image,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description"` Icon *string `json:"icon,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name"` }
MessageApplication is used for rich presence-related chat embeds in a Message
type MessageBulkDelete ¶
type MessageChannel ¶
type MessageChannel interface { Channel // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type MessageCommand ¶
type MessageCommand struct { CommandID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` ApplicationID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"application_id"` GuildID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"` CommandName string `json:"name"` DefaultPermission bool `json:"default_permission,omitempty"` Version snowflake.Snowflake `json:"version"` }
func (MessageCommand) ID ¶
func (c MessageCommand) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (MessageCommand) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c MessageCommand) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (MessageCommand) Name ¶
func (c MessageCommand) Name() string
func (MessageCommand) Type ¶
func (MessageCommand) Type() ApplicationCommandType
type MessageCommandCreate ¶
type MessageCommandCreate struct { CommandName string `json:"name"` DefaultPermission bool `json:"default_permission"` }
func (MessageCommandCreate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c MessageCommandCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (MessageCommandCreate) Name ¶
func (c MessageCommandCreate) Name() string
func (MessageCommandCreate) Type ¶
func (MessageCommandCreate) Type() ApplicationCommandType
type MessageCommandInteractionData ¶
type MessageCommandInteractionData struct { CommandID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` CommandName string `json:"name"` Resolved MessageCommandResolved `json:"resolved"` TargetID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"target_id"` }
func (MessageCommandInteractionData) ID ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (d MessageCommandInteractionData) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (MessageCommandInteractionData) Name ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (d MessageCommandInteractionData) Name() string
func (MessageCommandInteractionData) Type ¶ added in v0.6.9
func (MessageCommandInteractionData) Type() ApplicationCommandType
type MessageCommandResolved ¶
type MessageCommandUpdate ¶
type MessageCommandUpdate struct { Name *string `json:"name"` DefaultPermission *bool `json:"default_permission,omitempty"` }
func (MessageCommandUpdate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c MessageCommandUpdate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (MessageCommandUpdate) Type ¶
func (MessageCommandUpdate) Type() ApplicationCommandType
type MessageCreate ¶
type MessageCreate struct { Nonce string `json:"nonce,omitempty"` Content string `json:"content,omitempty"` TTS bool `json:"tts,omitempty"` Embeds []Embed `json:"embeds,omitempty"` Components []ContainerComponent `json:"components,omitempty"` StickerIDs []snowflake.Snowflake `json:"sticker_ids,omitempty"` Files []*File `json:"-"` AllowedMentions *AllowedMentions `json:"allowed_mentions,omitempty"` MessageReference *MessageReference `json:"message_reference,omitempty"` Flags MessageFlags `json:"flags,omitempty"` }
MessageCreate is the struct to create a new Message with
func (MessageCreate) ToBody ¶
func (m MessageCreate) ToBody() (interface{}, error)
ToBody returns the MessageCreate ready for body
func (MessageCreate) ToResponseBody ¶
func (m MessageCreate) ToResponseBody(response InteractionResponse) (interface{}, error)
type MessageCreateBuilder ¶
type MessageCreateBuilder struct {
MessageCreateBuilder helper to build Message(s) easier
func NewMessageCreateBuilder ¶
func NewMessageCreateBuilder() *MessageCreateBuilder
NewMessageCreateBuilder creates a new MessageCreateBuilder to be built later
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) AddActionRow ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) AddActionRow(components ...InteractiveComponent) *MessageCreateBuilder
AddActionRow adds a new discord.ActionRowComponent with the provided discord.InteractiveComponent(s) to the Message
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) AddContainerComponents ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) AddContainerComponents(containers ...ContainerComponent) *MessageCreateBuilder
AddContainerComponents adds the discord.ContainerComponent(s) to the Message
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) AddEmbeds ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) AddEmbeds(embeds ...Embed) *MessageCreateBuilder
AddEmbeds adds multiple embeds to the Message
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) AddFile ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) AddFile(name string, reader io.Reader, flags ...FileFlags) *MessageCreateBuilder
AddFile adds a discord.File to the discord.MessageCreate
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) AddFiles ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) AddFiles(files ...*File) *MessageCreateBuilder
AddFiles adds the discord.File(s) to the discord.MessageCreate
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) AddFlags ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) AddFlags(flags ...MessageFlags) *MessageCreateBuilder
AddFlags adds the MessageFlags of the Message
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) AddStickers ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) AddStickers(stickerIds ...snowflake.Snowflake) *MessageCreateBuilder
AddStickers adds provided stickers to the Message
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) Build() MessageCreate
Build builds the MessageCreateBuilder to a MessageCreate struct
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) ClearAllowedMentions ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) ClearAllowedMentions() *MessageCreateBuilder
ClearAllowedMentions clears the discord.AllowedMentions of the Message
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) ClearContainerComponents ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) ClearContainerComponents() *MessageCreateBuilder
ClearContainerComponents removes all the discord.ContainerComponent(s) of the Message
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) ClearEmbeds ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) ClearEmbeds() *MessageCreateBuilder
ClearEmbeds removes all the embeds from the Message
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) ClearFiles ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) ClearFiles() *MessageCreateBuilder
ClearFiles removes all discord.File(s) of this discord.MessageCreate
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) ClearFlags ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) ClearFlags() *MessageCreateBuilder
ClearFlags clears the discord.MessageFlags of the Message
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) ClearStickers ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) ClearStickers() *MessageCreateBuilder
ClearStickers removes all Sticker(s) from the Message
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) RemoveContainerComponent ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) RemoveContainerComponent(i int) *MessageCreateBuilder
RemoveContainerComponent removes a discord.ActionRowComponent from the Message
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) RemoveEmbed ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) RemoveEmbed(i int) *MessageCreateBuilder
RemoveEmbed removes an embed from the Message
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) RemoveFile ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) RemoveFile(i int) *MessageCreateBuilder
RemoveFile removes the discord.File at this index
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) RemoveFlags ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) RemoveFlags(flags ...MessageFlags) *MessageCreateBuilder
RemoveFlags removes the MessageFlags of the Message
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) SetAllowedMentions ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetAllowedMentions(allowedMentions *AllowedMentions) *MessageCreateBuilder
SetAllowedMentions sets the AllowedMentions of the Message
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) SetContainerComponent ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetContainerComponent(i int, container ContainerComponent) *MessageCreateBuilder
SetContainerComponent sets the provided discord.InteractiveComponent at the index of discord.InteractiveComponent(s)
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) SetContainerComponents ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetContainerComponents(containerComponents ...ContainerComponent) *MessageCreateBuilder
SetContainerComponents sets the discord.ContainerComponent(s) of the Message
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) SetContent ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetContent(content string) *MessageCreateBuilder
SetContent sets the content of the Message
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) SetContentf ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetContentf(content string, a ...interface{}) *MessageCreateBuilder
SetContentf sets the content of the Message but with format
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) SetEmbed ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetEmbed(i int, embed Embed) *MessageCreateBuilder
SetEmbed sets the provided Embed at the index of the Message
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) SetEmbeds ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetEmbeds(embeds ...Embed) *MessageCreateBuilder
SetEmbeds sets the Embed(s) of the Message
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) SetEphemeral ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetEphemeral(ephemeral bool) *MessageCreateBuilder
SetEphemeral adds/removes discord.MessageFlagEphemeral to the Message flags
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) SetFile ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetFile(i int, file *File) *MessageCreateBuilder
SetFile sets the discord.File at the index for this discord.MessageCreate
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) SetFiles ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetFiles(files ...*File) *MessageCreateBuilder
SetFiles sets the File(s) for this MessageCreate
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) SetFlags ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetFlags(flags MessageFlags) *MessageCreateBuilder
SetFlags sets the message flags of the Message
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) SetMessageReference ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetMessageReference(messageReference *MessageReference) *MessageCreateBuilder
SetMessageReference allows you to specify a MessageReference to reply to
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) SetMessageReferenceByID ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetMessageReferenceByID(messageID snowflake.Snowflake) *MessageCreateBuilder
SetMessageReferenceByID allows you to specify a Message CommandID to reply to
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) SetStickers ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetStickers(stickerIds ...snowflake.Snowflake) *MessageCreateBuilder
SetStickers sets the stickers of the Message
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) SetSuppressEmbeds ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetSuppressEmbeds(suppressEmbeds bool) *MessageCreateBuilder
SetSuppressEmbeds adds/removes discord.MessageFlagSuppressEmbeds to the Message flags
func (*MessageCreateBuilder) SetTTS ¶
func (b *MessageCreateBuilder) SetTTS(tts bool) *MessageCreateBuilder
SetTTS sets whether the Message should be text to speech
type MessageFlags ¶
type MessageFlags int64
The MessageFlags of a Message
const ( MessageFlagCrossposted MessageFlags = 1 << iota MessageFlagIsCrosspost MessageFlagSuppressEmbeds MessageFlagSourceMessageDeleted MessageFlagUrgent MessageFlagHasThread MessageFlagEphemeral MessageFlagLoading // Message is an interaction of type 5, awaiting further response MessageFlagNone MessageFlags = 0 )
Constants for MessageFlags
func (MessageFlags) Add ¶
func (f MessageFlags) Add(bits ...MessageFlags) MessageFlags
Add allows you to add multiple bits together, producing a new bit
func (MessageFlags) Has ¶
func (f MessageFlags) Has(bits ...MessageFlags) bool
Has will ensure that the bit includes all the bits entered
func (MessageFlags) Missing ¶
func (f MessageFlags) Missing(bits ...MessageFlags) bool
Missing will check whether the bit is missing any one of the bits
func (MessageFlags) Remove ¶
func (f MessageFlags) Remove(bits ...MessageFlags) MessageFlags
Remove allows you to subtract multiple bits from the first, producing a new bit
type MessageInteraction ¶
type MessageInteraction struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Type InteractionType `json:"type"` Name string `json:"name"` User User `json:"user"` }
MessageInteraction is sent on the Message object when the message_events is a response to an interaction
type MessageNotificationsLevel ¶
type MessageNotificationsLevel int
MessageNotificationsLevel indicates whether users receive @ mentions on a new message
const ( MessageNotificationsLevelAllMessages MessageNotificationsLevel = iota MessageNotificationsLevelOnlyMentions )
Constants for MessageNotificationsLevel
type MessageReaction ¶
type MessageReaction struct { Count int `json:"count"` Me bool `json:"me"` Emoji Emoji `json:"emoji"` }
MessageReaction contains information about the reactions of a message_events
type MessageReference ¶
type MessageReference struct { MessageID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"message_id"` ChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"channel_id,omitempty"` GuildID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"` FailIfNotExists bool `json:"fail_if_not_exists,omitempty"` }
MessageReference is a reference to another message
type MessageSticker ¶
type MessageSticker struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` FormatType StickerFormatType `json:"format_type"` }
type MessageType ¶
type MessageType int
The MessageType indicates the Message type
const ( MessageTypeDefault MessageType = iota MessageTypeRecipientAdd MessageTypeRecipientRemove MessageTypeCall MessageTypeChannelNameChange MessageTypeChannelIconChange ChannelPinnedMessage MessageTypeGuildMemberJoin MessageTypeUserPremiumGuildSubscription MessageTypeUserPremiumGuildSubscriptionTier1 MMessageTypeUserPremiumGuildSubscriptionTier2 MessageTypeUserPremiumGuildSubscriptionTier3 MessageTypeChannelFollowAdd MessageTypeGuildDiscoveryDisqualified MessageTypeGuildDiscoveryRequalified MessageTypeGuildDiscoveryInitialWarning MessageTypeGuildDiscoveryFinalWarning MessageTypeThreadCreated MessageTypeReply MessageTypeSlashCommand MessageTypeThreadStarterMessage MessageTypeGuildInviteReminder MessageTypeContextMenuCommand )
Constants for the MessageType
type MessageUpdate ¶
type MessageUpdate struct { Content *string `json:"content,omitempty"` Embeds *[]Embed `json:"embeds,omitempty"` Components *[]ContainerComponent `json:"components,omitempty"` Attachments *[]Attachment `json:"attachments,omitempty"` Files []*File `json:"-"` AllowedMentions *AllowedMentions `json:"allowed_mentions,omitempty"` Flags *MessageFlags `json:"flags,omitempty"` }
MessageUpdate is used to edit a Message
func (MessageUpdate) ToBody ¶
func (m MessageUpdate) ToBody() (interface{}, error)
ToBody returns the MessageUpdate ready for body
func (MessageUpdate) ToResponseBody ¶
func (m MessageUpdate) ToResponseBody(response InteractionResponse) (interface{}, error)
type MessageUpdateBuilder ¶
type MessageUpdateBuilder struct {
MessageUpdateBuilder helper to build MessageUpdate easier
func NewMessageUpdateBuilder ¶
func NewMessageUpdateBuilder() *MessageUpdateBuilder
NewMessageUpdateBuilder creates a new MessageUpdateBuilder to be built later
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) AddActionRow ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) AddActionRow(components ...InteractiveComponent) *MessageUpdateBuilder
AddActionRow adds a new discord.ActionRowComponent with the provided discord.InteractiveComponent(s) to the Message
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) AddContainerComponents ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) AddContainerComponents(containers ...ContainerComponent) *MessageUpdateBuilder
AddContainerComponents adds the discord.ContainerComponent(s) to the Message
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) AddEmbeds ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) AddEmbeds(embeds ...Embed) *MessageUpdateBuilder
AddEmbeds adds multiple embeds to the Message
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) AddFile ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) AddFile(name string, reader io.Reader, flags ...FileFlags) *MessageUpdateBuilder
AddFile adds a new discord.File to the discord.MessageUpdate
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) AddFiles ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) AddFiles(files ...*File) *MessageUpdateBuilder
AddFiles adds the new discord.File(s) to the discord.MessageUpdate
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) AddFlags ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) AddFlags(flags ...MessageFlags) *MessageUpdateBuilder
AddFlags adds the MessageFlags of the Message
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) Build() MessageUpdate
Build builds the MessageUpdateBuilder to a MessageUpdate struct
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) ClearAllowedMentions ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) ClearAllowedMentions() *MessageUpdateBuilder
ClearAllowedMentions clears the allowed mentions of the Message
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) ClearContainerComponents ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) ClearContainerComponents() *MessageUpdateBuilder
ClearContainerComponents removes all the discord.ContainerComponent(s) of the Message
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) ClearContent ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) ClearContent() *MessageUpdateBuilder
ClearContent removes content of the Message
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) ClearEmbeds ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) ClearEmbeds() *MessageUpdateBuilder
ClearEmbeds removes all the embeds from the Message
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) ClearFiles ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) ClearFiles() *MessageUpdateBuilder
ClearFiles removes all new files of this discord.MessageUpdate
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) ClearFlags ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) ClearFlags() *MessageUpdateBuilder
ClearFlags clears the MessageFlags of the Message
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveContainerComponent ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveContainerComponent(i int) *MessageUpdateBuilder
RemoveContainerComponent removes a discord.ContainerComponent from the Message
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveEmbed ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveEmbed(i int) *MessageUpdateBuilder
RemoveEmbed removes an embed from the Message
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveFile ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveFile(i int) *MessageUpdateBuilder
RemoveFile removes the new discord.File at this index
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveFlags ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveFlags(flags ...MessageFlags) *MessageUpdateBuilder
RemoveFlags removes the MessageFlags of the Message
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) RetainAttachments ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) RetainAttachments(attachments ...Attachment) *MessageUpdateBuilder
RetainAttachments removes all Attachment(s) from this Message except the ones provided
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) RetainAttachmentsByID ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) RetainAttachmentsByID(attachmentIDs ...snowflake.Snowflake) *MessageUpdateBuilder
RetainAttachmentsByID removes all Attachment(s) from this Message except the ones provided
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) SetAllowedMentions ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetAllowedMentions(allowedMentions *AllowedMentions) *MessageUpdateBuilder
SetAllowedMentions sets the AllowedMentions of the Message
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) SetContainerComponent ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetContainerComponent(i int, container ContainerComponent) *MessageUpdateBuilder
SetContainerComponent sets the provided discord.InteractiveComponent at the index of discord.InteractiveComponent(s)
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) SetContainerComponents ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetContainerComponents(containerComponents ...ContainerComponent) *MessageUpdateBuilder
SetContainerComponents sets the discord.ContainerComponent(s) of the Message
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) SetContent ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetContent(content string) *MessageUpdateBuilder
SetContent sets content of the Message
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) SetContentf ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetContentf(content string, a ...interface{}) *MessageUpdateBuilder
SetContentf sets content of the Message
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) SetEmbed ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetEmbed(i int, embed Embed) *MessageUpdateBuilder
SetEmbed sets the provided discord.Embed at the index of the Message
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) SetEmbeds ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetEmbeds(embeds ...Embed) *MessageUpdateBuilder
SetEmbeds sets the discord.Embed(s) of the Message
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) SetFile ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetFile(i int, file *File) *MessageUpdateBuilder
SetFile sets the new discord.File at the index for this discord.MessageUpdate
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) SetFiles ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetFiles(files ...*File) *MessageUpdateBuilder
SetFiles sets the new discord.File(s) for this discord.MessageUpdate
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) SetFlags ¶
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetFlags(flags MessageFlags) *MessageUpdateBuilder
SetFlags sets the message flags of the Message
func (*MessageUpdateBuilder) SetSuppressEmbeds ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (b *MessageUpdateBuilder) SetSuppressEmbeds(suppressEmbeds bool) *MessageUpdateBuilder
SetSuppressEmbeds adds/removes discord.MessageFlagSuppressEmbeds to the Message flags
type ModalCreate ¶ added in v0.7.2
type ModalCreate struct { CustomID CustomID `json:"custom_id"` Title string `json:"title"` Components []ContainerComponent `json:"components"` }
type ModalCreateBuilder ¶ added in v0.7.2
type ModalCreateBuilder struct {
func NewModalCreateBuilder ¶ added in v0.7.2
func NewModalCreateBuilder() *ModalCreateBuilder
NewModalCreateBuilder creates a new ModalCreateBuilder to be built later
func (*ModalCreateBuilder) AddActionRow ¶ added in v0.7.2
func (b *ModalCreateBuilder) AddActionRow(components ...InteractiveComponent) *ModalCreateBuilder
AddActionRow adds a new discord.ActionRowComponent with the provided discord.InteractiveComponent(s) to the ModalCreate
func (*ModalCreateBuilder) AddContainerComponents ¶ added in v0.7.2
func (b *ModalCreateBuilder) AddContainerComponents(containers ...ContainerComponent) *ModalCreateBuilder
AddContainerComponents adds the discord.ContainerComponent(s) to the ModalCreate
func (*ModalCreateBuilder) Build ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (b *ModalCreateBuilder) Build() ModalCreate
Build builds the ModalCreateBuilder to a ModalCreate struct
func (*ModalCreateBuilder) ClearContainerComponents ¶ added in v0.7.2
func (b *ModalCreateBuilder) ClearContainerComponents() *ModalCreateBuilder
ClearContainerComponents removes all the discord.ContainerComponent(s) of the ModalCreate
func (*ModalCreateBuilder) RemoveContainerComponent ¶ added in v0.7.2
func (b *ModalCreateBuilder) RemoveContainerComponent(i int) *ModalCreateBuilder
RemoveContainerComponent removes a discord.ActionRowComponent from the ModalCreate
func (*ModalCreateBuilder) SetContainerComponent ¶ added in v0.7.2
func (b *ModalCreateBuilder) SetContainerComponent(i int, container ContainerComponent) *ModalCreateBuilder
SetContainerComponent sets the provided discord.InteractiveComponent at the index of discord.InteractiveComponent(s)
func (*ModalCreateBuilder) SetContainerComponents ¶ added in v0.7.2
func (b *ModalCreateBuilder) SetContainerComponents(containerComponents ...ContainerComponent) *ModalCreateBuilder
SetContainerComponents sets the discord.ContainerComponent(s) of the ModalCreate
func (*ModalCreateBuilder) SetCustomID ¶ added in v0.7.2
func (b *ModalCreateBuilder) SetCustomID(customID CustomID) *ModalCreateBuilder
SetCustomID sets the CustomID of the ModalCreate
func (*ModalCreateBuilder) SetTitle ¶ added in v0.7.2
func (b *ModalCreateBuilder) SetTitle(title string) *ModalCreateBuilder
SetTitle sets the title of the ModalCreate
type ModalSubmitInteraction ¶ added in v0.7.2
type ModalSubmitInteraction struct { BaseInteraction Data ModalSubmitInteractionData `json:"data"` }
func (ModalSubmitInteraction) Type ¶ added in v0.7.2
func (ModalSubmitInteraction) Type() InteractionType
type ModalSubmitInteractionData ¶ added in v0.7.2
type ModalSubmitInteractionData struct { CustomID CustomID `json:"custom_id"` Components []ContainerComponent `json:"components"` }
func (*ModalSubmitInteractionData) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.7.2
func (d *ModalSubmitInteractionData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type MultipartBuffer ¶
MultipartBuffer holds the Body & ContentType of the multipart body
func PayloadWithFiles ¶
func PayloadWithFiles(v interface{}, files ...*File) (*MultipartBuffer, error)
PayloadWithFiles returns the given payload as multipart body with all files in it
type OAuth2Guild ¶
type OAuth2Guild struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Icon *string `json:"icon"` Owner bool `json:"owner"` Permissions Permissions `json:"permissions"` Features []GuildFeature `json:"features"` }
OAuth2Guild is returned on the route.GetGuilds route
type OAuth2User ¶
type OAuth2User struct { User // Requires ApplicationScopeIdentify MfaEnabled bool `json:"mfa_enabled"` Locale string `json:"locale"` Flags UserFlags `json:"flags"` PremiumType PremiumType `json:"premium_type"` // Requires ApplicationScopeEmail Verified bool `json:"verified"` Email string `json:"email"` }
OAuth2User represents a full User returned by the oauth2 endpoints
type OnlineStatus ¶
type OnlineStatus string
OnlineStatus (
const ( OnlineStatusOnline OnlineStatus = "online" OnlineStatusDND OnlineStatus = "dnd" OnlineStatusIdle OnlineStatus = "idle" OnlineStatusInvisible OnlineStatus = "invisible" OnlineStatusOffline OnlineStatus = "offline" )
type OptionalAuditLogEntryInfo ¶
type OptionalAuditLogEntryInfo struct { DeleteMemberDays *string `json:"delete_member_days"` MembersRemoved *string `json:"members_removed"` ChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"channel_id"` MessageID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"message_id"` Count *string `json:"count"` ID *string `json:"id"` Type *string `json:"type"` RoleName *string `json:"role_name"` }
OptionalAuditLogEntryInfo (
type PartialApplication ¶
type PartialApplication struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Flags ApplicationFlags `json:"flags"` }
type PartialChannel ¶
type PartialChannel struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Type ChannelType `json:"type"` Name string `json:"name"` Icon *string `json:"icon,omitempty"` }
PartialChannel contains basic info about a Channel
func (*PartialChannel) GetIconURL ¶
func (c *PartialChannel) GetIconURL(size int) *string
GetIconURL returns the Icon URL of this channel. This will be nil for every ChannelType except ChannelTypeGroupDM
type PartialRole ¶
PartialRole holds basic info about a Role
type PermissionOverwrite ¶
type PermissionOverwrite interface { Type() PermissionOverwriteType ID() snowflake.Snowflake }
PermissionOverwrite is used to determine who can perform particular actions in a GetGuildChannel
type PermissionOverwriteType ¶
type PermissionOverwriteType int
PermissionOverwriteType is the type of PermissionOverwrite
const ( PermissionOverwriteTypeRole PermissionOverwriteType = iota PermissionOverwriteTypeMember )
Constants for PermissionOverwriteType
type PermissionOverwriteUpdate ¶
type PermissionOverwriteUpdate interface {
Type() PermissionOverwriteType
type Permissions ¶
type Permissions int64
Permissions extends the Bit structure, and is used within roles and channels (
const ( PermissionSendMessages Permissions = 1 << (iota + 11) PermissionSendTTSMessages PermissionManageMessages PermissionEmbedLinks PermissionAttachFiles PermissionReadMessageHistory PermissionMentionEveryone PermissionUseExternalEmojis )
Constants for the different bit offsets of text channel permissions
const ( PermissionVoiceConnect Permissions = 1 << (iota + 20) PermissionVoiceSpeak PermissionVoiceMuteMembers PermissionVoiceDeafenMembers PermissionVoiceMoveMembers PermissionVoiceUseVAD PermissionVoicePrioritySpeaker Permissions = 1 << (iota + 2) )
Constants for the different bit offsets of voice permissions
const ( PermissionChangeNickname Permissions = 1 << (iota + 26) PermissionManageNicknames PermissionManageRoles PermissionManageWebhooks PermissionManageEmojisAndStickers PermissionUseApplicationCommands PermissionRequestToSpeak PermissionManageEvents PermissionManageThreads PermissionCreatePublicThread PermissionCreatePrivateThread PermissionUseExternalStickers PermissionSendMessagesInThreads PermissionStartEmbeddedActivities PermissionModerateMembers )
Constants for general management.
func (Permissions) Add ¶
func (p Permissions) Add(bits ...Permissions) Permissions
Add allows you to add multiple bits together, producing a new bit
func (Permissions) Has ¶
func (p Permissions) Has(bits ...Permissions) bool
Has will ensure that the bit includes all the bits entered
func (Permissions) MarshalJSON ¶
func (p Permissions) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals permissions into a string
func (Permissions) Missing ¶
func (p Permissions) Missing(bits ...Permissions) bool
Missing will check whether the bit is missing any one of the bits
func (Permissions) Remove ¶
func (p Permissions) Remove(bits ...Permissions) Permissions
Remove allows you to subtract multiple bits from the first, producing a new bit
func (*Permissions) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (p *Permissions) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshalls permissions into an int64
type PingInteraction ¶
type PingInteraction struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` ApplicationID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"application_id"` Token string `json:"token"` Version int `json:"version"` }
func (PingInteraction) Type ¶ added in v0.6.9
func (PingInteraction) Type() InteractionType
type PremiumTier ¶
type PremiumTier int
PremiumTier tells you the boost level of a Guild
const ( PremiumTierNone PremiumTier = iota PremiumTier1 PremiumTier2 PremiumTier3 )
Constants for PremiumTier
type PremiumType ¶
type PremiumType int
PremiumType defines the different discord nitro tiers a user can have (
const ( PremiumTypeNone PremiumType = iota PremiumTypeNitroClassic PremiumTypeNitro )
All PremiumType(s)
type Presence ¶
type Presence struct { PresenceUser PresenceUser `json:"user"` GuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` Status OnlineStatus `json:"status"` Activities []Activity `json:"activities"` ClientStatus ClientStatus `json:"client_status"` }
Presence (
type PresenceUser ¶
type ReactionEmoji ¶
type RequestGuildMembersCommandData ¶ added in v0.6.7
type RequestGuildMembersCommandData struct { GuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` Query *string `json:"query,omitempty"` //If specified, user_ids must not be entered Limit *int `json:"limit,omitempty"` //Must be >=1 if query/user_ids is used, otherwise 0 Presences bool `json:"presences,omitempty"` UserIDs []snowflake.Snowflake `json:"user_ids,omitempty"` //If specified, query must not be entered Nonce string `json:"nonce,omitempty"` //All responses are hashed with this nonce, optional }
RequestGuildMembersCommandData is used for fetching all the members of a guild_events. It is recommended you have a strict member caching policy when using this.
type ResumeCommandData ¶ added in v0.6.7
type ResumeCommandData struct { Token string `json:"token"` SessionID string `json:"session_id"` Seq GatewaySequence `json:"seq"` }
ResumeCommandData is used to resume a connection to discord in the case that you are disconnected. Is automatically handled by the library and should rarely be used.
type Role ¶
type Role struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` GuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` Name string `json:"name"` Color int `json:"color"` Hoist bool `json:"hoist"` Position int `json:"position"` Permissions Permissions `json:"permissions"` Managed bool `json:"managed"` Icon *string `json:"icon"` Emoji *string `json:"unicode_emoji"` Mentionable bool `json:"mentionable"` Tags *RoleTag `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
Role is a Guild Role object
type RoleCreate ¶
type RoleCreate struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Permissions Permissions `json:"permissions,omitempty"` Color int `json:"color,omitempty"` Hoist bool `json:"hoist,omitempty"` Icon *Icon `json:"icon,omitempty"` Emoji *string `json:"unicode_emoji,omitempty"` Mentionable bool `json:"mentionable,omitempty"` }
RoleCreate is the payload to create a Role
type RolePermissionOverwrite ¶
type RolePermissionOverwrite struct { RoleID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Allow Permissions `json:"allow"` Deny Permissions `json:"deny"` }
func (RolePermissionOverwrite) ID ¶
func (o RolePermissionOverwrite) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (RolePermissionOverwrite) MarshalJSON ¶
func (o RolePermissionOverwrite) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (RolePermissionOverwrite) Type ¶
func (o RolePermissionOverwrite) Type() PermissionOverwriteType
type RolePermissionOverwriteUpdate ¶
type RolePermissionOverwriteUpdate struct { Allow Permissions `json:"allow"` Deny Permissions `json:"deny"` }
func (RolePermissionOverwriteUpdate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (u RolePermissionOverwriteUpdate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (RolePermissionOverwriteUpdate) Type ¶
func (RolePermissionOverwriteUpdate) Type() PermissionOverwriteType
type RolePositionUpdate ¶
type RolePositionUpdate struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Position *int `json:"position"` }
RolePositionUpdate is the payload to update a Role(s) position
type RoleTag ¶
type RoleTag struct { BotID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"bot_id,omitempty"` IntegrationID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"integration_id,omitempty"` PremiumSubscriber bool `json:"premium_subscriber"` }
RoleTag are tags a Role has
type RoleUpdate ¶
type RoleUpdate struct { Name *string `json:"name"` Permissions *Permissions `json:"permissions"` Color *int `json:"color"` Hoist *bool `json:"hoist"` Icon *NullIcon `json:"icon,omitempty"` Emoji *json.NullString `json:"unicode_emoji,omitempty"` Mentionable *bool `json:"mentionable"` }
RoleUpdate is the payload to update a Role
type ScheduledEventEntityType ¶ added in v0.6.1
type ScheduledEventEntityType int
ScheduledEventEntityType the type of the scheduled event (
const ( ScheduledEventEntityTypeStageInstance ScheduledEventEntityType = iota + 1 ScheduledEventEntityTypeVoice ScheduledEventEntityTypeExternal )
type ScheduledEventPrivacyLevel ¶ added in v0.6.1
type ScheduledEventPrivacyLevel int
ScheduledEventPrivacyLevel the privacy level of the ScheduledEventPrivacyLevel (
const (
ScheduledEventPrivacyLevelGuildOnly ScheduledEventPrivacyLevel
type ScheduledEventStatus ¶ added in v0.6.1
type ScheduledEventStatus int
ScheduledEventStatus the status of the scheduled event (
const ( ScheduledEventStatusScheduled ScheduledEventStatus = iota + 1 ScheduledEventStatusActive ScheduledEventStatusCompleted ScheduledEventStatusCancelled )
type SelectMenuComponent ¶
type SelectMenuComponent struct { CustomID CustomID `json:"custom_id"` Placeholder string `json:"placeholder,omitempty"` MinValues json.NullInt `json:"min_values,omitempty"` MaxValues int `json:"max_values,omitempty"` Disabled bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"` Options []SelectMenuOption `json:"options,omitempty"` }
func NewSelectMenu ¶
func NewSelectMenu(customID CustomID, placeholder string, options ...SelectMenuOption) SelectMenuComponent
NewSelectMenu builds a new SelectMenuComponent from the provided values
func (SelectMenuComponent) AddOptions ¶
func (c SelectMenuComponent) AddOptions(options ...SelectMenuOption) SelectMenuComponent
AddOptions returns a new SelectMenuComponent with the provided SelectMenuOption(s) added
func (SelectMenuComponent) AsDisabled ¶
func (c SelectMenuComponent) AsDisabled() SelectMenuComponent
AsDisabled returns a new SelectMenuComponent but disabled
func (SelectMenuComponent) AsEnabled ¶
func (c SelectMenuComponent) AsEnabled() SelectMenuComponent
AsEnabled returns a new SelectMenuComponent but enabled
func (SelectMenuComponent) ID ¶
func (c SelectMenuComponent) ID() CustomID
func (SelectMenuComponent) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c SelectMenuComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (SelectMenuComponent) RemoveOption ¶
func (c SelectMenuComponent) RemoveOption(index int) SelectMenuComponent
RemoveOption returns a new SelectMenuComponent with the provided SelectMenuOption at the index removed
func (SelectMenuComponent) SetID ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c SelectMenuComponent) SetID(id CustomID) InteractiveComponent
func (SelectMenuComponent) SetOption ¶
func (c SelectMenuComponent) SetOption(value string, option SelectMenuOption) SelectMenuComponent
SetOption returns a new SelectMenuComponent with the SelectMenuOption which has the value replaced
func (SelectMenuComponent) SetOptions ¶
func (c SelectMenuComponent) SetOptions(options ...SelectMenuOption) SelectMenuComponent
SetOptions returns a new SelectMenuComponent with the provided SelectMenuOption(s)
func (SelectMenuComponent) Type ¶
func (SelectMenuComponent) Type() ComponentType
func (SelectMenuComponent) WithCustomID ¶
func (c SelectMenuComponent) WithCustomID(customID CustomID) SelectMenuComponent
WithCustomID returns a new SelectMenuComponent with the provided customID
func (SelectMenuComponent) WithDisabled ¶
func (c SelectMenuComponent) WithDisabled(disabled bool) SelectMenuComponent
WithDisabled returns a new SelectMenuComponent with the provided disabled
func (SelectMenuComponent) WithMaxValues ¶
func (c SelectMenuComponent) WithMaxValues(maxValue int) SelectMenuComponent
WithMaxValues returns a new SelectMenuComponent with the provided maxValue
func (SelectMenuComponent) WithMinValues ¶
func (c SelectMenuComponent) WithMinValues(minValue int) SelectMenuComponent
WithMinValues returns a new SelectMenuComponent with the provided minValue
func (SelectMenuComponent) WithPlaceholder ¶
func (c SelectMenuComponent) WithPlaceholder(placeholder string) SelectMenuComponent
WithPlaceholder returns a new SelectMenuComponent with the provided placeholder
type SelectMenuInteractionData ¶
type SelectMenuInteractionData struct { CustomID CustomID `json:"custom_id"` Values []string `json:"values"` }
func (SelectMenuInteractionData) ID ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (d SelectMenuInteractionData) ID() CustomID
func (SelectMenuInteractionData) Type ¶ added in v0.6.9
func (SelectMenuInteractionData) Type() ComponentType
type SelectMenuOption ¶
type SelectMenuOption struct { Label string `json:"label"` Value string `json:"value"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Emoji *ComponentEmoji `json:"emoji,omitempty"` Default bool `json:"default,omitempty"` }
SelectMenuOption represents an option in a SelectMenuComponent
func NewSelectMenuOption ¶
func NewSelectMenuOption(label string, value string) SelectMenuOption
NewSelectMenuOption builds a new SelectMenuOption
func (SelectMenuOption) WithDefault ¶
func (o SelectMenuOption) WithDefault(defaultOption bool) SelectMenuOption
WithDefault returns a new SelectMenuOption as default/non-default
func (SelectMenuOption) WithDescription ¶
func (o SelectMenuOption) WithDescription(description string) SelectMenuOption
WithDescription returns a new SelectMenuOption with the provided description
func (SelectMenuOption) WithEmoji ¶
func (o SelectMenuOption) WithEmoji(emoji ComponentEmoji) SelectMenuOption
WithEmoji returns a new SelectMenuOption with the provided Emoji
func (SelectMenuOption) WithLabel ¶
func (o SelectMenuOption) WithLabel(label string) SelectMenuOption
WithLabel returns a new SelectMenuOption with the provided label
func (SelectMenuOption) WithValue ¶
func (o SelectMenuOption) WithValue(value string) SelectMenuOption
WithValue returns a new SelectMenuOption with the provided value
type SelfNickUpdate ¶
type SelfNickUpdate struct {
Nick string `json:"nick"`
SelfNickUpdate is used to update your own nick
type SelfUserUpdate ¶
SelfUserUpdate is the payload used to update the OAuth2User
type SessionStartLimit ¶
type SlashCommand ¶
type SlashCommand struct { CommandID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` ApplicationID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"application_id"` GuildID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"` CommandName string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Options []ApplicationCommandOption `json:"options,omitempty"` DefaultPermission bool `json:"default_permission,omitempty"` Version snowflake.Snowflake `json:"version"` }
func (SlashCommand) ID ¶
func (c SlashCommand) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (SlashCommand) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c SlashCommand) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (SlashCommand) Name ¶
func (c SlashCommand) Name() string
func (SlashCommand) Type ¶
func (SlashCommand) Type() ApplicationCommandType
func (*SlashCommand) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (c *SlashCommand) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SlashCommandCreate ¶
type SlashCommandCreate struct { CommandName string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Options []ApplicationCommandOption `json:"options"` DefaultPermission bool `json:"default_permission"` }
func (SlashCommandCreate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c SlashCommandCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (SlashCommandCreate) Name ¶
func (c SlashCommandCreate) Name() string
func (SlashCommandCreate) Type ¶
func (SlashCommandCreate) Type() ApplicationCommandType
type SlashCommandInteractionData ¶
type SlashCommandInteractionData struct { CommandID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` CommandName string `json:"name"` Resolved SlashCommandResolved `json:"resolved"` Options []SlashCommandOption `json:"options"` }
func (SlashCommandInteractionData) ID ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (d SlashCommandInteractionData) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (SlashCommandInteractionData) Name ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (d SlashCommandInteractionData) Name() string
func (SlashCommandInteractionData) Type ¶ added in v0.6.9
func (SlashCommandInteractionData) Type() ApplicationCommandType
func (*SlashCommandInteractionData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (d *SlashCommandInteractionData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SlashCommandOption ¶
type SlashCommandOption interface { Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType Name() string // contains filtered or unexported methods }
type SlashCommandOptionAttachment ¶ added in v0.7.1
type SlashCommandOptionAttachment struct { OptionName string `json:"name"` Value snowflake.Snowflake `json:"value"` }
func (SlashCommandOptionAttachment) Name ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (o SlashCommandOptionAttachment) Name() string
func (SlashCommandOptionAttachment) Type ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (SlashCommandOptionAttachment) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type SlashCommandOptionBool ¶
func (SlashCommandOptionBool) Name ¶
func (o SlashCommandOptionBool) Name() string
func (SlashCommandOptionBool) Type ¶
func (SlashCommandOptionBool) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type SlashCommandOptionChannel ¶
type SlashCommandOptionChannel struct { OptionName string `json:"name"` Value snowflake.Snowflake `json:"value"` }
func (SlashCommandOptionChannel) Name ¶
func (o SlashCommandOptionChannel) Name() string
func (SlashCommandOptionChannel) Type ¶
func (SlashCommandOptionChannel) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type SlashCommandOptionFloat ¶
type SlashCommandOptionFloat struct { OptionName string `json:"name"` Value float64 `json:"value"` }
func (SlashCommandOptionFloat) Name ¶
func (o SlashCommandOptionFloat) Name() string
func (SlashCommandOptionFloat) Type ¶
func (SlashCommandOptionFloat) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type SlashCommandOptionInt ¶
func (SlashCommandOptionInt) Name ¶
func (o SlashCommandOptionInt) Name() string
func (SlashCommandOptionInt) Type ¶
func (SlashCommandOptionInt) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type SlashCommandOptionMentionable ¶
type SlashCommandOptionMentionable struct { OptionName string `json:"name"` Value snowflake.Snowflake `json:"value"` }
func (SlashCommandOptionMentionable) Name ¶
func (o SlashCommandOptionMentionable) Name() string
func (SlashCommandOptionMentionable) Type ¶
func (SlashCommandOptionMentionable) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type SlashCommandOptionRole ¶
type SlashCommandOptionRole struct { OptionName string `json:"name"` Value snowflake.Snowflake `json:"value"` }
func (SlashCommandOptionRole) Name ¶
func (o SlashCommandOptionRole) Name() string
func (SlashCommandOptionRole) Type ¶
func (SlashCommandOptionRole) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type SlashCommandOptionString ¶
type SlashCommandOptionString struct { OptionName string `json:"name"` Value string `json:"value"` }
func (SlashCommandOptionString) Name ¶
func (o SlashCommandOptionString) Name() string
func (SlashCommandOptionString) Type ¶
func (SlashCommandOptionString) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type SlashCommandOptionSubCommand ¶
type SlashCommandOptionSubCommand struct { OptionName string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Options []SlashCommandOption `json:"options,omitempty"` }
func (SlashCommandOptionSubCommand) Name ¶
func (o SlashCommandOptionSubCommand) Name() string
func (SlashCommandOptionSubCommand) Type ¶
func (SlashCommandOptionSubCommand) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
func (*SlashCommandOptionSubCommand) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *SlashCommandOptionSubCommand) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type SlashCommandOptionSubCommandGroup ¶
type SlashCommandOptionSubCommandGroup struct { OptionName string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Options []SlashCommandOptionSubCommand `json:"options,omitempty"` }
func (SlashCommandOptionSubCommandGroup) Name ¶
func (o SlashCommandOptionSubCommandGroup) Name() string
type SlashCommandOptionUser ¶
type SlashCommandOptionUser struct { OptionName string `json:"name"` Value snowflake.Snowflake `json:"value"` }
func (SlashCommandOptionUser) Name ¶
func (o SlashCommandOptionUser) Name() string
func (SlashCommandOptionUser) Type ¶
func (SlashCommandOptionUser) Type() ApplicationCommandOptionType
type SlashCommandResolved ¶
type SlashCommandUpdate ¶
type SlashCommandUpdate struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` Options *[]ApplicationCommandOption `json:"options,omitempty"` DefaultPermission *bool `json:"default_permission,omitempty"` }
func (SlashCommandUpdate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c SlashCommandUpdate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (SlashCommandUpdate) Type ¶
func (SlashCommandUpdate) Type() ApplicationCommandType
type StageInstance ¶
type StageInstanceCreate ¶
type StageInstanceCreate struct { ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"channel_id"` Topic string `json:"topic,omitempty"` PrivacyLevel StagePrivacyLevel `json:"privacy_level,omitempty"` }
type StageInstanceUpdate ¶
type StageInstanceUpdate struct { Topic *string `json:"topic,omitempty"` PrivacyLevel *StagePrivacyLevel `json:"privacy_level,omitempty"` }
type StagePrivacyLevel ¶
type StagePrivacyLevel int
const ( StagePrivacyLevelPublic StagePrivacyLevel = iota + 1 StagePrivacyLevelGuildOnly )
type Sticker ¶
type Sticker struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` PackID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"pack_id"` Name string `json:"name"` Description *string `json:"description"` Tags string `json:"tags"` Type StickerType `json:"type"` FormatType StickerFormatType `json:"format_type"` Available *bool `json:"available"` GuildID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"` User *User `json:"user,omitempty"` SortValue *int `json:"sort_value"` }
Sticker is a sticker sent with a Message
type StickerCreate ¶
type StickerCreate struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Tags string `json:"tags"` File *File `json:"-"` }
func (*StickerCreate) ToBody ¶
func (c *StickerCreate) ToBody() (interface{}, error)
ToBody returns the MessageCreate ready for body
type StickerFormatType ¶
type StickerFormatType int
StickerFormatType is the Format type of Sticker
const ( StickerFormatTypePNG StickerFormatType = iota + 1 StickerFormatTypeAPNG StickerFormatTypeLottie )
Constants for StickerFormatType
type StickerPack ¶
type StickerPack struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Stickers []Sticker `json:"stickers"` Name string `json:"name"` SkuID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"sku_id"` CoverStickerID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"cover_sticker_id"` Description string `json:"description"` BannerAssetID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"banner_asset_id"` }
type StickerPacks ¶
type StickerPacks struct {
StickerPacks []StickerPack `json:"sticker_packs"`
type StickerType ¶
type StickerType int
const ( StickerTypeStandard StickerType = iota + 1 StickerTypeGuild )
type StickerUpdate ¶
type StickerUpdate struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Description *json.NullString `json:"description,omitempty"` Tags *string `json:"tags,omitempty"` }
type SystemChannelFlags ¶
type SystemChannelFlags int
SystemChannelFlags contains the settings for the Guild(s) system channel
const ( SystemChannelFlagSuppressJoinNotifications SystemChannelFlags = 1 << iota SystemChannelFlagSuppressPremiumSubscriptions )
Constants for SystemChannelFlags
type TeamMember ¶
type TeamMember struct { MembershipState MembershipState `json:"membership_state"` Permissions []TeamPermissions `json:"permissions"` TeamID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"team_id"` User User `json:"user"` }
type TeamPermissions ¶
type TeamPermissions string
type TemplateGuild ¶
type TemplateGuild struct { Name string `json:"name"` Description *string `json:"description"` Icon *string `json:"icon_hash"` VerificationLevel VerificationLevel `json:"verification_level"` DefaultMessageNotifications MessageNotificationsLevel `json:"default_message_notifications"` ExplicitContentFilter ExplicitContentFilterLevel `json:"explicit_content_filter"` SystemChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"system_channel_id"` SystemChannelFlags SystemChannelFlags `json:"system_channel_flags"` PreferredLocale string `json:"preferred_locale"` AfkChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"afk_channel_id"` AfkTimeout int `json:"afk_timeout"` Roles []GuildCreateRole `json:"roles"` Channels []GuildCreateChannel `json:"channels"` }
type TextInputComponent ¶ added in v0.7.2
type TextInputComponent struct { CustomID CustomID `json:"custom_id"` Style TextInputStyle `json:"style"` Label string `json:"label"` MinLength json.NullInt `json:"min_length,omitempty"` MaxLength int `json:"max_length,omitempty"` Required bool `json:"required,omitempty"` Placeholder string `json:"placeholder,omitempty"` Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
func NewParagraphTextInput ¶ added in v0.7.3
func NewParagraphTextInput(customID CustomID, label string) TextInputComponent
func NewShortTextInput ¶ added in v0.7.3
func NewShortTextInput(customID CustomID, label string) TextInputComponent
func NewTextInput ¶ added in v0.7.3
func NewTextInput(customID CustomID, style TextInputStyle, label string) TextInputComponent
func (TextInputComponent) ID ¶ added in v0.7.2
func (c TextInputComponent) ID() CustomID
func (TextInputComponent) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.7.2
func (c TextInputComponent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (TextInputComponent) SetID ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c TextInputComponent) SetID(id CustomID) InteractiveComponent
func (TextInputComponent) Type ¶ added in v0.7.2
func (TextInputComponent) Type() ComponentType
func (TextInputComponent) WithCustomID ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c TextInputComponent) WithCustomID(customID CustomID) TextInputComponent
WithCustomID returns a new SelectMenuComponent with the provided customID
func (TextInputComponent) WithMaxLength ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c TextInputComponent) WithMaxLength(maxLength int) TextInputComponent
WithMaxLength returns a new TextInputComponent with the provided maxLength
func (TextInputComponent) WithMinLength ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c TextInputComponent) WithMinLength(minLength int) TextInputComponent
WithMinLength returns a new TextInputComponent with the provided minLength
func (TextInputComponent) WithPlaceholder ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c TextInputComponent) WithPlaceholder(placeholder string) TextInputComponent
WithPlaceholder returns a new TextInputComponent with the provided placeholder
func (TextInputComponent) WithRequired ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c TextInputComponent) WithRequired(required bool) TextInputComponent
WithRequired returns a new TextInputComponent with the provided required
func (TextInputComponent) WithStyle ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c TextInputComponent) WithStyle(style TextInputStyle) TextInputComponent
WithStyle returns a new SelectMenuComponent with the provided TextInputStyle
func (TextInputComponent) WithValue ¶ added in v0.7.3
func (c TextInputComponent) WithValue(value string) TextInputComponent
WithValue returns a new TextInputComponent with the provided value
type TextInputStyle ¶ added in v0.7.2
type TextInputStyle int
type ThreadCreate ¶
type ThreadCreate interface { json.Marshaler Type() ChannelType }
type ThreadCreateWithMessage ¶
type ThreadCreateWithMessage struct { Name string `json:"name"` AutoArchiveDuration AutoArchiveDuration `json:"auto_archive_duration"` }
type ThreadMember ¶
type ThreadMemberFlags ¶
type ThreadMemberFlags int
type ThreadMembersAddedMember ¶
type ThreadMembersAddedMember struct { ThreadMember Member Member `json:"member"` Presence *Presence `json:"presence"` }
type ThreadMetadata ¶
type Timestamp ¶
type Timestamp struct { time.Time TimestampStyle TimestampStyle }
Timestamp represents a timestamp markdown object
func NewTimestamp ¶
func NewTimestamp(style TimestampStyle, time time.Time) Timestamp
NewTimestamp returns a new Timestamp with the given TimestampStyle & time.Time
func ParseTimestamp ¶
ParseTimestamp parses the first Timestamp found in the provided string
func ParseTimestamps ¶
ParseTimestamps parses all Timestamp(s) found in the provided string
func (Timestamp) FormatWith ¶
func (t Timestamp) FormatWith(style TimestampStyle) string
FormatWith returns the Timestamp as markdown with the given TimestampStyle
type TimestampStyle ¶
type TimestampStyle string
TimestampStyle is used to determine how to display the Timestamp for the User in the client
const ( // TimestampStyleNone formats as default TimestampStyleNone TimestampStyle = "" // TimestampStyleShortTime formats time as 16:20 TimestampStyleShortTime TimestampStyle = "t" // TimestampStyleLongTime formats time as 16:20:30 TimestampStyleLongTime TimestampStyle = "T" // TimestampStyleShortDate formats time as 20/04/2021 TimestampStyleShortDate TimestampStyle = "d" // TimestampStyleLongDate formats time as 20 April 2021 TimestampStyleLongDate TimestampStyle = "D" // TimestampStyleShortDateTime formats time as 20 April 2021 16:20 TimestampStyleShortDateTime TimestampStyle = "f" // TimestampStyleLongDateTime formats time as Tuesday, 20 April 2021 16:20 TimestampStyleLongDateTime TimestampStyle = "F" // TimestampStyleRelative formats time as 2 months ago TimestampStyleRelative TimestampStyle = "R" )
func (TimestampStyle) Format ¶
func (f TimestampStyle) Format(seconds int64) string
Format returns the seconds formatted as markdown string
func (TimestampStyle) FormatTime ¶
func (f TimestampStyle) FormatTime(time time.Time) string
FormatTime returns the time.Time formatted as markdown string
type TwitchIntegration ¶
type TwitchIntegration struct { IntegrationID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Syncing bool `json:"syncing"` RoleID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"role_id"` EnableEmoticons bool `json:"enable_emoticons"` ExpireBehavior int `json:"expire_behavior"` ExpireGracePeriod int `json:"expire_grace_period"` User User `json:"user"` Account IntegrationAccount `json:"account"` SyncedAt string `json:"synced_at"` SubscriberCount int `json:"subscriber_account"` Revoked bool `json:"revoked"` }
func (TwitchIntegration) ID ¶
func (i TwitchIntegration) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (TwitchIntegration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (i TwitchIntegration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (TwitchIntegration) Type ¶
func (TwitchIntegration) Type() IntegrationType
type TypingStartGatewayEvent ¶
type TypingStartGatewayEvent struct { ChannelID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"channel_id"` GuildID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"` UserID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"user_id"` Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"` Member *Member `json:"member,omitempty"` User User `json:"user"` }
func (*TypingStartGatewayEvent) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (e *TypingStartGatewayEvent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UnavailableGuild ¶
type UnavailableGuild struct {}
type UnmarshalApplicationCommand ¶
type UnmarshalApplicationCommand struct {
func (*UnmarshalApplicationCommand) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (u *UnmarshalApplicationCommand) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UnmarshalApplicationCommandOption ¶
type UnmarshalApplicationCommandOption struct {
func (*UnmarshalApplicationCommandOption) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (u *UnmarshalApplicationCommandOption) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UnmarshalApplicationCommandPermission ¶
type UnmarshalApplicationCommandPermission struct {
func (*UnmarshalApplicationCommandPermission) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (p *UnmarshalApplicationCommandPermission) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UnmarshalAutocompleteOption ¶
type UnmarshalAutocompleteOption struct {
func (*UnmarshalAutocompleteOption) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *UnmarshalAutocompleteOption) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UnmarshalChannel ¶
type UnmarshalChannel struct {
func (*UnmarshalChannel) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (u *UnmarshalChannel) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UnmarshalComponent ¶
type UnmarshalComponent struct {
func (*UnmarshalComponent) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (u *UnmarshalComponent) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UnmarshalIntegration ¶
type UnmarshalIntegration struct {
func (*UnmarshalIntegration) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (i *UnmarshalIntegration) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UnmarshalInteraction ¶
type UnmarshalInteraction struct {
func (*UnmarshalInteraction) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (i *UnmarshalInteraction) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UnmarshalPermissionOverwrite ¶
type UnmarshalPermissionOverwrite struct {
func (*UnmarshalPermissionOverwrite) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *UnmarshalPermissionOverwrite) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UnmarshalSlashCommandOption ¶
type UnmarshalSlashCommandOption struct {
func (*UnmarshalSlashCommandOption) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (o *UnmarshalSlashCommandOption) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UnmarshalWebhook ¶
type UnmarshalWebhook struct {
func (*UnmarshalWebhook) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (w *UnmarshalWebhook) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
type UpdatePresenceCommandData ¶ added in v0.6.7
type UpdatePresenceCommandData struct { Since *int64 `json:"since"` Activities []Activity `json:"activities"` Status OnlineStatus `json:"status"` AFK bool `json:"afk"` }
UpdatePresenceCommandData is used for updating Bot's presence
type UpdateVoiceStateCommandData ¶ added in v0.6.7
type UpdateVoiceStateCommandData struct { GuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id"` ChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"channel_id"` SelfMute bool `json:"self_mute"` SelfDeaf bool `json:"self_deaf"` }
UpdateVoiceStateCommandData is used for updating the bots voice state in a guild_events
type User ¶
type User struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Username string `json:"username"` Discriminator string `json:"discriminator"` Avatar *string `json:"avatar"` Banner *string `json:"banner"` AccentColor *int `json:"accent_color"` BotUser bool `json:"bot"` System bool `json:"system"` PublicFlags UserFlags `json:"public_flags"` }
User is a struct for interacting with discord's users
type UserCommand ¶
type UserCommand struct { CommandID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` ApplicationID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"application_id"` GuildID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"` CommandName string `json:"name"` DefaultPermission bool `json:"default_permission,omitempty"` Version snowflake.Snowflake `json:"version"` }
func (UserCommand) ID ¶
func (c UserCommand) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (UserCommand) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c UserCommand) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (UserCommand) Name ¶
func (c UserCommand) Name() string
func (UserCommand) Type ¶
func (c UserCommand) Type() ApplicationCommandType
type UserCommandCreate ¶
type UserCommandCreate struct { CommandName string `json:"name"` DefaultPermission bool `json:"default_permission"` }
func (UserCommandCreate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c UserCommandCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (UserCommandCreate) Name ¶
func (c UserCommandCreate) Name() string
func (UserCommandCreate) Type ¶
func (UserCommandCreate) Type() ApplicationCommandType
type UserCommandInteractionData ¶
type UserCommandInteractionData struct { CommandID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` CommandName string `json:"name"` Resolved UserCommandResolved `json:"resolved"` TargetID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"target_id"` }
func (UserCommandInteractionData) ID ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (d UserCommandInteractionData) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (UserCommandInteractionData) Name ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (d UserCommandInteractionData) Name() string
func (UserCommandInteractionData) Type ¶ added in v0.6.9
func (UserCommandInteractionData) Type() ApplicationCommandType
type UserCommandResolved ¶
type UserCommandUpdate ¶
type UserCommandUpdate struct { Name *string `json:"name"` DefaultPermission *bool `json:"default_permission,omitempty"` }
func (UserCommandUpdate) MarshalJSON ¶
func (c UserCommandUpdate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (UserCommandUpdate) Type ¶
func (UserCommandUpdate) Type() ApplicationCommandType
type UserFlags ¶
type UserFlags int
UserFlags defines certain flags/badges a user can have (
const ( UserFlagDiscordEmployee UserFlags = 1 << iota UserFlagPartneredServerOwner UserFlagHypeSquadEvents UserFlagBugHunterLevel1 UserFlagHouseBravery UserFlagHouseBrilliance UserFlagHouseBalance UserFlagEarlySupporter UserFlagTeamUser UserFlagBugHunterLevel2 UserFlagVerifiedBot UserFlagEarlyVerifiedBotDeveloper UserFlagDiscordCertifiedModerator UserFlagBotHTTPInteractions UserFlagNone UserFlags = 0 )
All UserFlags
type UserVoiceStateUpdate ¶
type VerificationLevel ¶
type VerificationLevel int
The VerificationLevel of a Guild that members must be to send messages
const ( VerificationLevelNone VerificationLevel = iota VerificationLevelLow VerificationLevelMedium VerificationLevelHigh VerificationLevelVeryHigh )
Constants for VerificationLevel
type VideoQualityMode ¶
type VideoQualityMode int
VideoQualityMode https://com/developers/docs/resources/channel#channel-object-video-quality-modes
type VisibilityType ¶
type VisibilityType int
const ( VisibilityTypeNone VisibilityType = iota VisibilityTypeEveryone )
type VoiceCloseEventCode ¶
type VoiceCloseEventCode int
const ( VoiceCloseEventCodeUnknownOpcode VoiceCloseEventCode = iota + 4001 VoiceCloseEventCodeDecodeError VoiceCloseEventCodeNotAuthenticated VoiceCloseEventCodeAuthenticationFailed VoiceCloseEventCodeAlreadyAuthenticated VoiceCloseEventCodeSessionNoLongerValid VoiceCloseEventCodeSessionTimedOut VoiceCloseEventCodeServerNotFound VoiceCloseEventCodeUnknownProtocol VoiceCloseEventCodeDisconnected VoiceCloseEventCodeVoiceServerCrashed VoiceCloseEventCodeUnknownEncryptionMode )
type VoiceOpcode ¶
type VoiceOpcode int
const ( VoiceOpcodeIdentify VoiceOpcode = iota VoiceOpcodeSelectProtocol VoiceOpcodeReady VoiceOpcodeHeartbeat VoiceOpcodeSessionDescription VoiceOpcodeSpeaking VoiceOpcodeHeartbeatACK VoiceOpcodeResume VoiceOpcodeHello VoiceOpcodeResumed VoiceOpcodeClientDisconnect )
type VoiceRegion ¶
type VoiceRegion struct { ID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Vip bool `json:"vip"` Optimal bool `json:"optimal"` Deprecated bool `json:"deprecated"` Custom bool `json:"custom"` }
VoiceRegion (
type VoiceServerUpdate ¶
type VoiceState ¶
type VoiceState struct { GuildID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"` ChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"channel_id"` UserID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"user_id"` Member *Member `json:"member,omitempty"` SessionID string `json:"session_id"` GuildDeaf bool `json:"deaf"` GuildMute bool `json:"mute"` SelfDeaf bool `json:"self_deaf"` SelfMute bool `json:"self_mute"` SelfStream bool `json:"self_stream"` SelfVideo bool `json:"self_video"` Suppress bool `json:"suppress"` RequestToSpeakTimestamp *Time `json:"request_to_speak_timestamp"` }
VoiceState from Discord
type Webhook ¶
type Webhook interface { json.Marshaler Type() WebhookType ID() snowflake.Snowflake // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Webhook ( is a way to post messages to Discord using the Discord API which do not require bot authentication or use.
type WebhookCreate ¶
WebhookCreate is used to create a Webhook
type WebhookMessageCreate ¶
type WebhookMessageCreate struct { Content string `json:"content,omitempty"` Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` AvatarURL string `json:"avatar_url,omitempty"` TTS bool `json:"tts,omitempty"` Embeds []Embed `json:"embeds,omitempty"` Components []ContainerComponent `json:"components,omitempty"` Files []*File `json:"-"` AllowedMentions *AllowedMentions `json:"allowed_mentions,omitempty"` }
func (WebhookMessageCreate) ToBody ¶
func (m WebhookMessageCreate) ToBody() (interface{}, error)
ToBody returns the MessageCreate ready for body
type WebhookMessageCreateBuilder ¶
type WebhookMessageCreateBuilder struct {
WebhookMessageCreateBuilder helper to build Message(s) easier
func NewWebhookMessageCreateBuilder ¶
func NewWebhookMessageCreateBuilder() *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
NewWebhookMessageCreateBuilder creates a new WebhookMessageCreateBuilder to be built later
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) AddActionRow ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) AddActionRow(components ...InteractiveComponent) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
AddActionRow adds a new discord.ActionRowComponent with the provided discord.InteractiveComponent(s) to the Message
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) AddContainerComponents ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) AddContainerComponents(containers ...ContainerComponent) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
AddContainerComponents adds the discord.ContainerComponent(s) to the Message
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) AddEmbeds ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) AddEmbeds(embeds ...Embed) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
AddEmbeds adds multiple embeds to the Message
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) AddFile ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) AddFile(name string, reader io.Reader, flags ...FileFlags) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
AddFile adds a discord.File to the discord.MessageCreate
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) AddFiles ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) AddFiles(files ...*File) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
AddFiles adds the discord.File(s) to the discord.MessageCreate
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) Build() WebhookMessageCreate
Build builds the WebhookMessageCreateBuilder to a MessageCreate struct
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) ClearAllowedMentions ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) ClearAllowedMentions() *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
ClearAllowedMentions clears the allowed mentions of the Message
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) ClearContainerComponents ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) ClearContainerComponents() *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
ClearContainerComponents removes all the discord.ContainerComponent(s) of the Message
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) ClearEmbeds ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) ClearEmbeds() *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
ClearEmbeds removes all the embeds from the Message
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) ClearFiles ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) ClearFiles() *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
ClearFiles removes all discord.File(s) of this discord.MessageCreate
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) RemoveContainerComponent ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) RemoveContainerComponent(i int) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
RemoveContainerComponent removes a discord.ActionRowComponent from the Message
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) RemoveEmbed ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) RemoveEmbed(i int) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
RemoveEmbed removes an embed from the Message
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) RemoveFile ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) RemoveFile(i int) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
RemoveFile removes the discord.File at this index
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetAllowedMentions ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetAllowedMentions(allowedMentions *AllowedMentions) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
SetAllowedMentions sets the AllowedMentions of the Message
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetAvatarURL ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetAvatarURL(url string) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetContainerComponent ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetContainerComponent(i int, container ContainerComponent) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
SetContainerComponent sets the provided discord.InteractiveComponent at the index of discord.InteractiveComponent(s)
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetContainerComponents ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetContainerComponents(containerComponents ...ContainerComponent) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
SetContainerComponents sets the discord.ContainerComponent(s) of the Message
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetContent ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetContent(content string) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
SetContent sets content of the Message
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetContentf ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetContentf(content string, a ...interface{}) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
SetContentf sets content of the Message
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetEmbed ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetEmbed(i int, embed Embed) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
SetEmbed sets the provided Embed at the index of the Message
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetEmbeds ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetEmbeds(embeds ...Embed) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
SetEmbeds sets the Embed(s) of the Message
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetFile ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetFile(i int, file *File) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
SetFile sets the discord.File at the index for this discord.MessageCreate
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetFiles ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetFiles(files ...*File) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
SetFiles sets the File(s) for this MessageCreate
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetTTS ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetTTS(tts bool) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
SetTTS sets the text to speech of the Message
func (*WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetUsername ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder) SetUsername(username string) *WebhookMessageCreateBuilder
type WebhookMessageUpdate ¶
type WebhookMessageUpdate struct { Content *string `json:"content,omitempty"` Embeds *[]Embed `json:"embeds,omitempty"` Components *[]ContainerComponent `json:"components,omitempty"` Attachments *[]Attachment `json:"attachments,omitempty"` Files []*File `json:"-"` AllowedMentions *AllowedMentions `json:"allowed_mentions,omitempty"` }
WebhookMessageUpdate is used to edit a Message
func (WebhookMessageUpdate) ToBody ¶
func (m WebhookMessageUpdate) ToBody() (interface{}, error)
ToBody returns the WebhookMessageUpdate ready for body
type WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder ¶
type WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder struct {
WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder helper to build MessageUpdate easier
func NewWebhookMessageUpdateBuilder ¶
func NewWebhookMessageUpdateBuilder() *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
NewWebhookMessageUpdateBuilder creates a new WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder to be built later
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) AddActionRow ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) AddActionRow(components ...InteractiveComponent) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
AddActionRow adds a new discord.ActionRowComponent with the provided discord.InteractiveComponent(s) to the Message
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) AddContainerComponents ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) AddContainerComponents(containers ...ContainerComponent) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
AddContainerComponents adds the discord.ContainerComponent(s) to the Message
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) AddEmbeds ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) AddEmbeds(embeds ...Embed) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
AddEmbeds adds multiple embeds to the Message
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) AddFile ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) AddFile(name string, reader io.Reader, flags ...FileFlags) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
AddFile adds a new discord.File to the discord.MessageUpdate
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) AddFiles ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) AddFiles(files ...*File) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
AddFiles adds the new discord.File(s) to the discord.MessageUpdate
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) Build() WebhookMessageUpdate
Build builds the WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder to a MessageUpdate struct
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) ClearAllowedMentions ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) ClearAllowedMentions() *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
ClearAllowedMentions clears the allowed mentions of the Message
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) ClearContainerComponents ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) ClearContainerComponents() *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
ClearContainerComponents removes all the discord.ContainerComponent(s) of the Message
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) ClearContent ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) ClearContent() *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
ClearContent removes content of the Message
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) ClearEmbeds ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) ClearEmbeds() *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
ClearEmbeds removes all the embeds from the Message
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) ClearFiles ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) ClearFiles() *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
ClearFiles removes all new discord.File(s) of this discord.MessageUpdate
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveContainerComponent ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveContainerComponent(i int) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
RemoveContainerComponent removes a discord.ContainerComponent from the Message
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveEmbed ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveEmbed(i int) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
RemoveEmbed removes an embed from the Message
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveFile ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) RemoveFile(i int) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
RemoveFile removes the new discord.File at this index
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) RetainAttachments ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) RetainAttachments(attachments ...Attachment) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
RetainAttachments removes all Attachment(s) from this Message except the ones provided
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) RetainAttachmentsByID ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) RetainAttachmentsByID(attachmentIDs ...snowflake.Snowflake) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
RetainAttachmentsByID removes all Attachment(s) from this Message except the ones provided
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetAllowedMentions ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetAllowedMentions(allowedMentions *AllowedMentions) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
SetAllowedMentions sets the AllowedMentions of the Message
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetContainerComponent ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetContainerComponent(i int, container ContainerComponent) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
SetContainerComponent sets the provided discord.InteractiveComponent at the index of discord.InteractiveComponent(s)
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetContainerComponents ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetContainerComponents(containerComponents ...ContainerComponent) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
SetContainerComponents sets the discord.ContainerComponent(s) of the Message
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetContent ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetContent(content string) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
SetContent sets content of the Message
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetContentf ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetContentf(content string, a ...interface{}) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
SetContentf sets content of the Message
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetEmbed ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetEmbed(i int, embed Embed) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
SetEmbed sets the provided Embed at the index of the Message
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetEmbeds ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetEmbeds(embeds ...Embed) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
SetEmbeds sets the Embed(s) of the Message
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetFile ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetFile(i int, file *File) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
SetFile sets the new discord.File at the index for this discord.MessageUpdate
func (*WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetFiles ¶
func (b *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder) SetFiles(files ...*File) *WebhookMessageUpdateBuilder
SetFiles sets the new discord.File(s) for this discord.MessageUpdate
type WebhookSourceChannel ¶
type WebhookSourceGuild ¶
type WebhookType ¶
type WebhookType int
WebhookType (https: //
const ( WebhookTypeIncoming WebhookType = iota + 1 WebhookTypeChannelFollower WebhookTypeApplication )
All WebhookType(s)
type WebhookUpdate ¶
type WebhookUpdate struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Avatar *NullIcon `json:"avatar,omitempty"` ChannelID *snowflake.Snowflake `json:"channel_id"` }
WebhookUpdate is used to update a Webhook
type WebhookUpdateWithToken ¶
type WebhookUpdateWithToken struct { Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` Avatar *NullIcon `json:"avatar,omitempty"` }
WebhookUpdateWithToken is used to update a Webhook with the token
type WelcomeScreen ¶
type WelcomeScreen struct { Description *string `json:"description,omitempty"` WelcomeChannels []GuildWelcomeChannel `json:"welcome_channels"` }
WelcomeScreen is the Welcome Screen of a Guild
type YouTubeIntegration ¶
type YouTubeIntegration struct { IntegrationID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` Syncing bool `json:"syncing"` RoleID snowflake.Snowflake `json:"role_id"` ExpireBehavior int `json:"expire_behavior"` ExpireGracePeriod int `json:"expire_grace_period"` User User `json:"user"` Account IntegrationAccount `json:"account"` SyncedAt string `json:"synced_at"` SubscriberCount int `json:"subscriber_account"` Revoked bool `json:"revoked"` }
func (YouTubeIntegration) ID ¶
func (i YouTubeIntegration) ID() snowflake.Snowflake
func (YouTubeIntegration) MarshalJSON ¶
func (i YouTubeIntegration) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
func (YouTubeIntegration) Type ¶
func (YouTubeIntegration) Type() IntegrationType
Source Files ¶
- access_token.go
- activity.go
- allowed_mentions.go
- application.go
- application_command.go
- application_command_autocomplete_option.go
- application_command_create.go
- application_command_option.go
- application_command_permission.go
- application_command_update.go
- attachement.go
- audit_log.go
- ban.go
- channel.go
- channel_create.go
- channel_update.go
- component.go
- connection.go
- embed.go
- embed_builder.go
- emoji.go
- error.go
- errors.go
- file.go
- gateway.go
- gateway_commands.go
- gateway_event_type.go
- gateway_events.go
- gateway_intents.go
- guild.go
- guild_scheduled_event.go
- guild_template.go
- icon.go
- integration.go
- interaction.go
- interaction_callback.go
- invite.go
- locale.go
- member.go
- mentionable.go
- message.go
- message_create.go
- message_create_builder.go
- message_update.go
- message_update_builder.go
- modal_create.go
- null_types.go
- opcodes.go
- permission_overwrite.go
- permissions.go
- presence.go
- role.go
- slash_command_option.go
- stage_instance.go
- sticker.go
- sticker_pack.go
- thread.go
- thread_member.go
- time.go
- timestamp.go
- user.go
- util.go
- voice_region.go
- voice_server_update.go
- voice_state.go
- webhook.go
- webhook_message_create.go
- webhook_message_create_builder.go
- webhook_message_update.go
- webhook_message_update_builder.go