Injects/Extracts chunk data in PNG images.
chonk will inject a payload into a PNG image, with the chunkType "puNK". Payload can be encrypted by supplying a file containing a 32-byte key. A warning will be displayed when attempting to use an unencrypted payload.
A PNG image that has been injected into using this program can be decrypted by supplying the PNG file, and a file containing the same 32-byte key.
Current conditions for payload positioning are;
- After IHDR chunk
- Before/After IDAT chunks, but not inbetween
Programs such as optipng will be able to run optimisations without causing problems with decryption later. However, some hosting platforms will have their own optimization algorithms and may strip out non-critical chunks from the images for security/storage reasons.
$ chonk inject -file assets/padlock.png -payload assets/sample-payload-text.txt -target output.png -key assets/keyfile.txt
$ chonk extract -file output.png -key assets/keyfile.txt
Usage of extract:
-file string
input file
-key string
encryption key file
chonk inject
Usage of inject:
-c print chunks
print chunks
-file string
input file
-key string
encryption key file
-payload string
payload file
Shuffle payload position
-target string
target file