Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AssignShardForPubKeyWhenNotSpecified(pubKey []byte, numShards uint32) uint32
- func CloseKeyValueHolderChan(ch chan core.KeyValueHolder)
- func ExtractTokenIDAndNonceFromTokenStorageKey(tokenKey []byte) ([]byte, uint64)
- func GetClosedUnbufferedChannel() chan struct{}
- func GetSkBytesFromP2pKey(p2pKeyFilename string) ([]byte, error)
- func IsContextDone(ctx context.Context) bool
- func IsEmptyTrie(root []byte) bool
- func LoadApiConfig(filepath string) (*config.ApiRoutesConfig, error)
- func LoadEconomicsConfig(filepath string) (*config.EconomicsConfig, error)
- func LoadEpochConfig(filepath string) (*config.EpochConfig, error)
- func LoadExternalConfig(filepath string) (*config.ExternalConfig, error)
- func LoadGasScheduleConfig(filepath string) (map[string]map[string]uint64, error)
- func LoadMainConfig(filepath string) (*config.Config, error)
- func LoadP2PConfig(filepath string) (*p2pConfig.P2PConfig, error)
- func LoadPreferencesConfig(filepath string) (*config.Preferences, error)
- func LoadRatingsConfig(filepath string) (*config.RatingsConfig, error)
- func LoadRoundConfig(filePath string) (*config.RoundConfig, error)
- func LoadSystemSmartContractsConfig(filepath string) (*config.SystemSmartContractsConfig, error)
- func NewPidQueue() *pidQueue
- func NewTimeoutHandler(timeout time.Duration) (*timeoutHandler, error)
- func ProcessDestinationShardAsObserver(destinationShardIdAsObserver string) (uint32, error)
- func SuffixedMetric(metric string, suffix string) string
- func TrimSuffixFromValue(value []byte, suffixLength int) ([]byte, error)
- type AlteredAccountsForBlockAPIResponse
- type ApiOutputFormat
- type AuctionListValidatorAPIResponse
- type AuctionNode
- type BaseStorer
- type BlockInfo
- type BlockProcessingCutoffMode
- type BlockProcessingCutoffTrigger
- type BufferedErrChan
- type DataTrieHandler
- type DelegationDataAPI
- type EnableEpochsHandler
- type EpochStartDataAPI
- type ExecutionOrderGetter
- type GasScheduleNotifierAPI
- type GetProofResponse
- type InitialAccountAPI
- type KeyBuilder
- type Locker
- type ManagedPeersHolder
- type ManagedPeersMonitor
- type MerkleProofVerifier
- type MissingTrieNodesNotifier
- type ModifiedHashes
- type NodeOperation
- type NodeProcessingMode
- type NodeState
- type NonceGapApiResponse
- type PeerType
- type PidQueueHandler
- type ProcessStatusHandler
- type ReceiptsHolder
- type RootHashHolder
- type SizeSyncStatisticsHandler
- type SnapshotDbHandler
- type SnapshotStatisticsHandler
- type StateStatisticsHandler
- type StateSyncNotifierSubscriber
- type StorageManager
- type StorageMarker
- type Transaction
- type TransactionsPoolAPIResponse
- type TransactionsPoolForSenderApiResponse
- type TransactionsPoolNonceGapsForSenderApiResponse
- type Trie
- type TrieIteratorChannels
- type TrieLeafParser
- type TrieStatisticsHandler
- type TrieStats
- type TrieStorageInteractor
- type TrieType
- type TriesHolder
- type TriesStatisticsCollector
- type TxExecutionOrderHandler
Constants ¶
const ( // MetricScDeployEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the deployment of smart contracts is enabled MetricScDeployEnableEpoch = "moa_smart_contract_deploy_enable_epoch" // MetricBuiltInFunctionsEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the built-in functions is enabled MetricBuiltInFunctionsEnableEpoch = "moa_built_in_functions_enable_epoch" // MetricRelayedTransactionsEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the relayed transactions is enabled MetricRelayedTransactionsEnableEpoch = "moa_relayed_transactions_enable_epoch" // MetricPenalizedTooMuchGasEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the penalization for using too much gas is enabled MetricPenalizedTooMuchGasEnableEpoch = "moa_penalized_too_much_gas_enable_epoch" // MetricSwitchJailWaitingEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the system smart contract processing at end of epoch is enabled MetricSwitchJailWaitingEnableEpoch = "moa_switch_jail_waiting_enable_epoch" // MetricSwitchHysteresisForMinNodesEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the system smart contract changes its config to consider // also (minimum) hysteresis nodes for the minimum number of nodes MetricSwitchHysteresisForMinNodesEnableEpoch = "moa_switch_hysteresis_for_min_nodes_enable_epoch" // MetricBelowSignedThresholdEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the change for computing rating for validators below signed rating is enabled MetricBelowSignedThresholdEnableEpoch = "moa_below_signed_threshold_enable_epoch" // MetricTransactionSignedWithTxHashEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the node will also accept transactions that are // signed with the hash of transaction MetricTransactionSignedWithTxHashEnableEpoch = "moa_transaction_signed_with_txhash_enable_epoch" // MetricMetaProtectionEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the transactions to the metachain are checked to have enough gas MetricMetaProtectionEnableEpoch = "moa_meta_protection_enable_epoch" // MetricAheadOfTimeGasUsageEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the cost of smart contract prepare changes from compiler // per byte to ahead of time prepare per byte MetricAheadOfTimeGasUsageEnableEpoch = "moa_ahead_of_time_gas_usage_enable_epoch" // MetricGasPriceModifierEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the gas price modifier in fee computation is enabled MetricGasPriceModifierEnableEpoch = "moa_gas_price_modifier_enable_epoch" // MetricRepairCallbackEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the callback repair is activated for smart contract results MetricRepairCallbackEnableEpoch = "moa_repair_callback_enable_epoch" // MetricBlockGasAndFreeRecheckEnableEpoch represents the epoch when gas and fees used in each created or processed block are re-checked MetricBlockGasAndFreeRecheckEnableEpoch = "moa_block_gas_and_fee_recheck_enable_epoch" // MetricStakingV2EnableEpoch represents the epoch when staking v2 is enabled MetricStakingV2EnableEpoch = "moa_staking_v2_enable_epoch" // MetricStakeEnableEpoch represents the epoch when staking is enabled MetricStakeEnableEpoch = "moa_stake_enable_epoch" // MetricDoubleKeyProtectionEnableEpoch represents the epoch when double key protection is enabled MetricDoubleKeyProtectionEnableEpoch = "moa_double_key_protection_enable_epoch" // MetricDcdtEnableEpoch represents the epoch when DCDT is enabled MetricDcdtEnableEpoch = "moa_dcdt_enable_epoch" // MetricGovernanceEnableEpoch represents the epoch when governance is enabled MetricGovernanceEnableEpoch = "moa_governance_enable_epoch" // MetricDelegationManagerEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the delegation manager is enabled MetricDelegationManagerEnableEpoch = "moa_delegation_manager_enable_epoch" // MetricDelegationSmartContractEnableEpoch represents the epoch when delegation smart contract is enabled MetricDelegationSmartContractEnableEpoch = "moa_delegation_smart_contract_enable_epoch" // MetricCorrectLastUnjailedEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the correction on the last unjailed node is applied MetricCorrectLastUnjailedEnableEpoch = "moa_correct_last_unjailed_enable_epoch" // MetricBalanceWaitingListsEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the balance waiting lists on shards fix is applied MetricBalanceWaitingListsEnableEpoch = "moa_balance_waiting_lists_enable_epoch" // MetricReturnDataToLastTransferEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the return data to last transfer is applied MetricReturnDataToLastTransferEnableEpoch = "moa_return_data_to_last_transfer_enable_epoch" // MetricSenderInOutTransferEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the sender in out transfer is applied MetricSenderInOutTransferEnableEpoch = "moa_sender_in_out_transfer_enable_epoch" // MetricRelayedTransactionsV2EnableEpoch represents the epoch when the relayed transactions v2 is enabled MetricRelayedTransactionsV2EnableEpoch = "moa_relayed_transactions_v2_enable_epoch" // MetricUnbondTokensV2EnableEpoch represents the epoch when the unbond tokens v2 is applied MetricUnbondTokensV2EnableEpoch = "moa_unbond_tokens_v2_enable_epoch" // MetricSaveJailedAlwaysEnableEpoch represents the epoch the save jailed fix is applied MetricSaveJailedAlwaysEnableEpoch = "moa_save_jailed_always_enable_epoch" // MetricValidatorToDelegationEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the validator to delegation feature (staking v3.5) is enabled MetricValidatorToDelegationEnableEpoch = "moa_validator_to_delegation_enable_epoch" // MetricReDelegateBelowMinCheckEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the re-delegation below minimum value fix is applied MetricReDelegateBelowMinCheckEnableEpoch = "moa_redelegate_below_min_check_enable_epoch" // MetricIncrementSCRNonceInMultiTransferEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the fix for multi transfer SCR is enabled MetricIncrementSCRNonceInMultiTransferEnableEpoch = "moa_increment_scr_nonce_in_multi_transfer_enable_epoch" // MetricDCDTMultiTransferEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the DCDT multi transfer feature is enabled MetricDCDTMultiTransferEnableEpoch = "moa_dcdt_multi_transfer_enable_epoch" // MetricGlobalMintBurnDisableEpoch represents the epoch when the global mint and burn feature is disabled MetricGlobalMintBurnDisableEpoch = "moa_global_mint_burn_disable_epoch" // MetricDCDTTransferRoleEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the DCDT transfer role feature is enabled MetricDCDTTransferRoleEnableEpoch = "moa_dcdt_transfer_role_enable_epoch" // MetricMaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch holds configuration for changing the maximum number of nodes and the enabling epoch MetricMaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch = "moa_max_nodes_change_enable_epoch" // MetricEpochEnable represents the epoch when the max nodes change configuration is applied MetricEpochEnable = "moa_epoch_enable" // EpochEnableSuffix represents the suffix for EpochEnable item in MaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch list EpochEnableSuffix = "_epoch_enable" // MetricMaxNumNodes represents the maximum number of nodes than can be enabled in a max nodes change configuration setup MetricMaxNumNodes = "moa_max_num_nodes" // MaxNumNodesSuffix represents the suffix for MaxNumNodes item in MaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch list MaxNumNodesSuffix = "_max_num_nodes" // MetricNodesToShufflePerShard represents the nodes to be shuffled per shard MetricNodesToShufflePerShard = "moa_nodes_to_shuffle_per_shard" // NodesToShufflePerShardSuffix represents the suffix for NodesToShufflePerShard item in MaxNodesChangeEnableEpoch list NodesToShufflePerShardSuffix = "_nodes_to_shuffle_per_shard" // MetricHysteresis represents the hysteresis threshold MetricHysteresis = "moa_hysteresis" // MetricAdaptivity represents a boolean to determine if adaptivity will be enabled or not MetricAdaptivity = "moa_adaptivity" )
const ( // MetricRatingsGeneralStartRating represents the starting rating used by the rater MetricRatingsGeneralStartRating = "moa_ratings_general_start_rating" // MetricRatingsGeneralMaxRating represents the maximum rating limit MetricRatingsGeneralMaxRating = "moa_ratings_general_max_rating" // MetricRatingsGeneralMinRating represents the minimum rating limit MetricRatingsGeneralMinRating = "moa_ratings_general_min_rating" // MetricRatingsGeneralSignedBlocksThreshold represents the signed blocks threshold MetricRatingsGeneralSignedBlocksThreshold = "moa_ratings_general_signed_blocks_threshold" // MetricRatingsGeneralSelectionChances represents the selection chances thresholds MetricRatingsGeneralSelectionChances = "moa_ratings_general_selection_chances" // MetricSelectionChancesMaxThreshold represents the max threshold for a selection chances item MetricSelectionChancesMaxThreshold = "moa_max_threshold" // SelectionChancesMaxThresholdSuffix represents the SelectionChances suffix for MaxThreshold SelectionChancesMaxThresholdSuffix = "_max_threshold" // MetricSelectionChancesChancePercent represents the chance percentage for a selection chances metric MetricSelectionChancesChancePercent = "moa_chance_percent" // SelectionChancesChancePercentSuffix represents the SelectionChances suffix for ChancePercent SelectionChancesChancePercentSuffix = "_chance_percent" // MetricRatingsShardChainHoursToMaxRatingFromStartRating represents the hours to max rating from start rating MetricRatingsShardChainHoursToMaxRatingFromStartRating = "moa_ratings_shardchain_hours_to_max_rating_from_start_rating" // MetricRatingsShardChainProposerValidatorImportance represents the proposer validator importance index MetricRatingsShardChainProposerValidatorImportance = "moa_ratings_shardchain_proposer_validator_importance" // MetricRatingsShardChainProposerDecreaseFactor represents the proposer decrease factor MetricRatingsShardChainProposerDecreaseFactor = "moa_ratings_shardchain_proposer_decrease_factor" // MetricRatingsShardChainValidatorDecreaseFactor represents the validator decrease factor MetricRatingsShardChainValidatorDecreaseFactor = "moa_ratings_shardchain_validator_decrease_factor" // MetricRatingsShardChainConsecutiveMissedBlocksPenalty represents the consecutive missed block penalty MetricRatingsShardChainConsecutiveMissedBlocksPenalty = "moa_ratings_shardchain_consecutive_missed_blocks_penalty" // MetricRatingsMetaChainHoursToMaxRatingFromStartRating represents the hours to max rating from start rating MetricRatingsMetaChainHoursToMaxRatingFromStartRating = "moa_ratings_metachain_hours_to_max_rating_from_start_rating" // MetricRatingsMetaChainProposerValidatorImportance represents the proposer validator importance index MetricRatingsMetaChainProposerValidatorImportance = "moa_ratings_metachain_proposer_validator_importance" // MetricRatingsMetaChainProposerDecreaseFactor represents the proposer decrease factor MetricRatingsMetaChainProposerDecreaseFactor = "moa_ratings_metachain_proposer_decrease_factor" // MetricRatingsMetaChainValidatorDecreaseFactor represents the validator decrease factor MetricRatingsMetaChainValidatorDecreaseFactor = "moa_ratings_metachain_validator_decrease_factor" // MetricRatingsMetaChainConsecutiveMissedBlocksPenalty represents the consecutive missed blocks penalty MetricRatingsMetaChainConsecutiveMissedBlocksPenalty = "moa_ratings_metachain_consecutive_missed_blocks_penalty" // MetricRatingsPeerHonestyDecayCoefficient represents the peer honesty decay coefficient MetricRatingsPeerHonestyDecayCoefficient = "moa_ratings_peerhonesty_decay_coefficient" // MetricRatingsPeerHonestyDecayUpdateIntervalInSeconds represents the decat update interval in seconds MetricRatingsPeerHonestyDecayUpdateIntervalInSeconds = "moa_ratings_peerhonesty_decay_update_interval_inseconds" // MetricRatingsPeerHonestyMaxScore represents the peer honesty max score allowed MetricRatingsPeerHonestyMaxScore = "moa_ratings_peerhonesty_max_score" // MetricRatingsPeerHonestyMinScore represents the peer honesty min score MetricRatingsPeerHonestyMinScore = "moa_ratings_peerhonesty_min_score" // MetricRatingsPeerHonestyBadPeerThreshold represents the peer honesty bad peer threshold MetricRatingsPeerHonestyBadPeerThreshold = "moa_ratings_peerhonesty_bad_peer_threshold" // MetricRatingsPeerHonestyUnitValue represents the peer honesty unit value MetricRatingsPeerHonestyUnitValue = "moa_ratings_peerhonesty_unit_value" // MetricSetGuardianEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the guardian feature is enabled MetricSetGuardianEnableEpoch = "moa_set_guardian_feature_enable_epoch" // MetricSetScToScLogEventEnableEpoch represents the epoch when the sc to sc log event feature is enabled MetricSetScToScLogEventEnableEpoch = "moa_set_sc_to_sc_log_event_enable_epoch" )
const ( // StorerOrder defines the order of storers to be notified of a start of epoch event StorerOrder = iota // NodesCoordinatorOrder defines the order in which NodesCoordinator is notified of a start of epoch event NodesCoordinatorOrder // ConsensusOrder defines the order in which Consensus is notified of a start of epoch event ConsensusOrder // NetworkShardingOrder defines the order in which the network sharding subsystem is notified of a start of epoch event NetworkShardingOrder // IndexerOrder defines the order in which indexer is notified of a start of epoch event IndexerOrder // NetStatisticsOrder defines the order in which netStatistic component is notified of a start of epoch event NetStatisticsOrder // OldDatabaseCleanOrder defines the order in which oldDatabaseCleaner component is notified of a start of epoch event OldDatabaseCleanOrder )
const ( // ActiveDBKey is the key at which ActiveDBVal will be saved ActiveDBKey = "activeDB" // ActiveDBVal is the value that will be saved at ActiveDBKey ActiveDBVal = "yes" // TrieSyncedKey is the key at which TrieSyncedVal will be saved TrieSyncedKey = "synced" // TrieSyncedVal is the value that will be saved at TrieSyncedKey TrieSyncedVal = "yes" // TrieLeavesChannelDefaultCapacity represents the default value to be used as capacity for getting all trie leaves on // a channel TrieLeavesChannelDefaultCapacity = 100 // TrieLeavesChannelSyncCapacity represents the value to be used as capacity for getting main trie // leaf nodes for trie sync TrieLeavesChannelSyncCapacity = 1000 )
const ( // BlockProcessingCutoffModePause represents the mode where the node will pause the processing at the given coordinates BlockProcessingCutoffModePause = "pause" // BlockProcessingCutoffModeProcessError represents the mode where the node will reprocess with error the block at the given coordinates BlockProcessingCutoffModeProcessError = "process-error" )
const ( SCDeployFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "SCDeployFlag" BuiltInFunctionsFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "BuiltInFunctionsFlag" RelayedTransactionsFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "RelayedTransactionsFlag" PenalizedTooMuchGasFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "PenalizedTooMuchGasFlag" SwitchJailWaitingFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "SwitchJailWaitingFlag" BelowSignedThresholdFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "BelowSignedThresholdFlag" SwitchHysteresisForMinNodesFlagInSpecificEpochOnly core.EnableEpochFlag = "SwitchHysteresisForMinNodesFlagInSpecificEpochOnly" TransactionSignedWithTxHashFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "TransactionSignedWithTxHashFlag" MetaProtectionFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "MetaProtectionFlag" AheadOfTimeGasUsageFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "AheadOfTimeGasUsageFlag" GasPriceModifierFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "GasPriceModifierFlag" RepairCallbackFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "RepairCallbackFlag" ReturnDataToLastTransferFlagAfterEpoch core.EnableEpochFlag = "ReturnDataToLastTransferFlagAfterEpoch" SenderInOutTransferFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "SenderInOutTransferFlag" StakeFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "StakeFlag" StakingV2Flag core.EnableEpochFlag = "StakingV2Flag" StakingV2OwnerFlagInSpecificEpochOnly core.EnableEpochFlag = "StakingV2OwnerFlagInSpecificEpochOnly" StakingV2FlagAfterEpoch core.EnableEpochFlag = "StakingV2FlagAfterEpoch" DoubleKeyProtectionFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "DoubleKeyProtectionFlag" DCDTFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "DCDTFlag" DCDTFlagInSpecificEpochOnly core.EnableEpochFlag = "DCDTFlagInSpecificEpochOnly" GovernanceFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "GovernanceFlag" GovernanceFlagInSpecificEpochOnly core.EnableEpochFlag = "GovernanceFlagInSpecificEpochOnly" DelegationManagerFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "DelegationManagerFlag" DelegationSmartContractFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "DelegationSmartContractFlag" DelegationSmartContractFlagInSpecificEpochOnly core.EnableEpochFlag = "DelegationSmartContractFlagInSpecificEpochOnly" CorrectLastUnJailedFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "CorrectLastUnJailedFlag" CorrectLastUnJailedFlagInSpecificEpochOnly core.EnableEpochFlag = "CorrectLastUnJailedFlagInSpecificEpochOnly" RelayedTransactionsV2Flag core.EnableEpochFlag = "RelayedTransactionsV2Flag" UnBondTokensV2Flag core.EnableEpochFlag = "UnBondTokensV2Flag" SaveJailedAlwaysFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "SaveJailedAlwaysFlag" ReDelegateBelowMinCheckFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "ReDelegateBelowMinCheckFlag" ValidatorToDelegationFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "ValidatorToDelegationFlag" IncrementSCRNonceInMultiTransferFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "IncrementSCRNonceInMultiTransferFlag" DCDTMultiTransferFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "DCDTMultiTransferFlag" GlobalMintBurnFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "GlobalMintBurnFlag" DCDTTransferRoleFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "DCDTTransferRoleFlag" ComputeRewardCheckpointFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "ComputeRewardCheckpointFlag" SCRSizeInvariantCheckFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "SCRSizeInvariantCheckFlag" BackwardCompSaveKeyValueFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "BackwardCompSaveKeyValueFlag" DCDTNFTCreateOnMultiShardFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "DCDTNFTCreateOnMultiShardFlag" MetaDCDTSetFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "MetaDCDTSetFlag" AddTokensToDelegationFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "AddTokensToDelegationFlag" MultiDCDTTransferFixOnCallBackFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "MultiDCDTTransferFixOnCallBackFlag" OptimizeGasUsedInCrossMiniBlocksFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "OptimizeGasUsedInCrossMiniBlocksFlag" CorrectFirstQueuedFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "CorrectFirstQueuedFlag" DeleteDelegatorAfterClaimRewardsFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "DeleteDelegatorAfterClaimRewardsFlag" RemoveNonUpdatedStorageFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "RemoveNonUpdatedStorageFlag" OptimizeNFTStoreFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "OptimizeNFTStoreFlag" CreateNFTThroughExecByCallerFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "CreateNFTThroughExecByCallerFlag" StopDecreasingValidatorRatingWhenStuckFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "StopDecreasingValidatorRatingWhenStuckFlag" FrontRunningProtectionFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "FrontRunningProtectionFlag" PayableBySCFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "PayableBySCFlag" CleanUpInformativeSCRsFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "CleanUpInformativeSCRsFlag" StorageAPICostOptimizationFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "StorageAPICostOptimizationFlag" DCDTRegisterAndSetAllRolesFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "DCDTRegisterAndSetAllRolesFlag" ScheduledMiniBlocksFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "ScheduledMiniBlocksFlag" CorrectJailedNotUnStakedEmptyQueueFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "CorrectJailedNotUnStakedEmptyQueueFlag" DoNotReturnOldBlockInBlockchainHookFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "DoNotReturnOldBlockInBlockchainHookFlag" AddFailedRelayedTxToInvalidMBsFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "AddFailedRelayedTxToInvalidMBsFlag" SCRSizeInvariantOnBuiltInResultFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "SCRSizeInvariantOnBuiltInResultFlag" CheckCorrectTokenIDForTransferRoleFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "CheckCorrectTokenIDForTransferRoleFlag" FailExecutionOnEveryAPIErrorFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "FailExecutionOnEveryAPIErrorFlag" MiniBlockPartialExecutionFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "MiniBlockPartialExecutionFlag" ManagedCryptoAPIsFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "ManagedCryptoAPIsFlag" DCDTMetadataContinuousCleanupFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "DCDTMetadataContinuousCleanupFlag" DisableExecByCallerFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "DisableExecByCallerFlag" RefactorContextFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "RefactorContextFlag" CheckFunctionArgumentFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "CheckFunctionArgumentFlag" CheckExecuteOnReadOnlyFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "CheckExecuteOnReadOnlyFlag" SetSenderInEeiOutputTransferFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "SetSenderInEeiOutputTransferFlag" FixAsyncCallbackCheckFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "FixAsyncCallbackCheckFlag" SaveToSystemAccountFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "SaveToSystemAccountFlag" CheckFrozenCollectionFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "CheckFrozenCollectionFlag" SendAlwaysFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "SendAlwaysFlag" ValueLengthCheckFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "ValueLengthCheckFlag" CheckTransferFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "CheckTransferFlag" DCDTNFTImprovementV1Flag core.EnableEpochFlag = "DCDTNFTImprovementV1Flag" ChangeDelegationOwnerFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "ChangeDelegationOwnerFlag" RefactorPeersMiniBlocksFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "RefactorPeersMiniBlocksFlag" SCProcessorV2Flag core.EnableEpochFlag = "SCProcessorV2Flag" FixAsyncCallBackArgsListFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "FixAsyncCallBackArgsListFlag" FixOldTokenLiquidityFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "FixOldTokenLiquidityFlag" RuntimeMemStoreLimitFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "RuntimeMemStoreLimitFlag" RuntimeCodeSizeFixFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "RuntimeCodeSizeFixFlag" MaxBlockchainHookCountersFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "MaxBlockchainHookCountersFlag" WipeSingleNFTLiquidityDecreaseFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "WipeSingleNFTLiquidityDecreaseFlag" AlwaysSaveTokenMetaDataFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "AlwaysSaveTokenMetaDataFlag" SetGuardianFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "SetGuardianFlag" RelayedNonceFixFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "RelayedNonceFixFlag" ConsistentTokensValuesLengthCheckFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "ConsistentTokensValuesLengthCheckFlag" KeepExecOrderOnCreatedSCRsFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "KeepExecOrderOnCreatedSCRsFlag" MultiClaimOnDelegationFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "MultiClaimOnDelegationFlag" ChangeUsernameFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "ChangeUsernameFlag" AutoBalanceDataTriesFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "AutoBalanceDataTriesFlag" MigrateDataTrieFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "MigrateDataTrieFlag" FixDelegationChangeOwnerOnAccountFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "FixDelegationChangeOwnerOnAccountFlag" FixOOGReturnCodeFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "FixOOGReturnCodeFlag" DeterministicSortOnValidatorsInfoFixFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "DeterministicSortOnValidatorsInfoFixFlag" DynamicGasCostForDataTrieStorageLoadFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "DynamicGasCostForDataTrieStorageLoadFlag" ScToScLogEventFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "ScToScLogEventFlag" BlockGasAndFeesReCheckFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "BlockGasAndFeesReCheckFlag" BalanceWaitingListsFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "BalanceWaitingListsFlag" NFTStopCreateFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "NFTStopCreateFlag" FixGasRemainingForSaveKeyValueFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "FixGasRemainingForSaveKeyValueFlag" IsChangeOwnerAddressCrossShardThroughSCFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "IsChangeOwnerAddressCrossShardThroughSCFlag" CurrentRandomnessOnSortingFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "CurrentRandomnessOnSortingFlag" StakeLimitsFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "StakeLimitsFlag" StakingV4Step1Flag core.EnableEpochFlag = "StakingV4Step1Flag" StakingV4Step2Flag core.EnableEpochFlag = "StakingV4Step2Flag" StakingV4Step3Flag core.EnableEpochFlag = "StakingV4Step3Flag" CleanupAuctionOnLowWaitingListFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "CleanupAuctionOnLowWaitingListFlag" StakingV4StartedFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "StakingV4StartedFlag" AlwaysMergeContextsInEEIFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "AlwaysMergeContextsInEEIFlag" UseGasBoundedShouldFailExecutionFlag core.EnableEpochFlag = "UseGasBoundedShouldFailExecutionFlag" )
Enable epoch flags definitions
const AdditionalScrForEachScCallOrSpecialTx = 3
AdditionalScrForEachScCallOrSpecialTx specifies the additional number of smart contract results which should be considered by a node, when it includes sc calls or special txs in a miniblock. Ex.: normal txs -> aprox. 27000, sc calls or special txs -> aprox. 6250 = 27000 / (AdditionalScrForEachScCallOrSpecialTx + 1), considering that constant below is set to 3
const AsyncCallStepField = "AsyncCallStep"
AsyncCallStepField is the field name for the gas cost for any of the two steps required to execute an async call
const AsyncCallbackGasLockField = "AsyncCallbackGasLock"
AsyncCallbackGasLockField is the field name for the gas amount to be locked before executing the destination async call, to be put aside for the async callback
const BaseOperationCost = "BaseOperationCost"
BaseOperationCost represents the field name for base operation costs
const BaseOpsAPICost = "BaseOpsAPICost"
BaseOpsAPICost represents the field name of the SC API (EEI) gas costs
const BuiltInCost = "BuiltInCost"
BuiltInCost represents the field name for built-in operation costs
const CombinedPeerType = "%s (%s)"
CombinedPeerType - represents the combination of two peerTypes
const CommitMaxTime = 3 * time.Second
CommitMaxTime represents max time accepted for a commit action, after which a warn message is displayed
const ConnectionTopic = "connection"
ConnectionTopic represents the topic used when sending the new connection message data
const ConsensusTopic = "consensus"
ConsensusTopic is the topic used in consensus algorithm
const DefaultDBPath = "db"
DefaultDBPath is the default path for nodes databases
const DefaultInterceptorsIdentifier = "default interceptor"
DefaultInterceptorsIdentifier represents the identifier that is used in conjunction with regular interceptors (that makes the node run properly)
const DefaultLogProfileIdentifier = "[default log profile]"
DefaultLogProfileIdentifier represents the default log profile used when the logviewer/termui applications do not need to change the current logging profile
const DefaultResolversIdentifier = "default resolver"
DefaultResolversIdentifier represents the identifier that is used in conjunction with regular resolvers (that makes the node run properly)
const DefaultStatsPath = "stats"
DefaultStatsPath is the default path where the node stats are logged
const DefaultUnstakedEpoch = math.MaxUint32
DefaultUnstakedEpoch represents the default epoch that is set for a validator that has not unstaked yet
const DisabledShardIDAsObserver = uint32(0xFFFFFFFF) - 7
DisabledShardIDAsObserver defines the uint32 identifier which tells that the node hasn't configured any preferred shard to start in as observer
const EpochStartInterceptorsIdentifier = "epoch start interceptor"
EpochStartInterceptorsIdentifier represents the identifier that is used in the start-in-epoch process
const ExtraDelayBetweenBroadcastMbsAndTxs = 1 * time.Second
ExtraDelayBetweenBroadcastMbsAndTxs represents the number of seconds to wait since miniblocks have been broadcast and the moment when theirs transactions would be broadcast too
const ExtraDelayForBroadcastBlockInfo = 1 * time.Second
ExtraDelayForBroadcastBlockInfo represents the number of seconds to wait since a block has been broadcast and the moment when its components, like mini blocks and transactions, would be broadcast too
const ExtraDelayForRequestBlockInfo = ExtraDelayForBroadcastBlockInfo + ExtraDelayBetweenBroadcastMbsAndTxs + time.Second
ExtraDelayForRequestBlockInfo represents the number of seconds to wait since a block has been received and the moment when its components, like mini blocks and transactions, would be requested too if they are still missing
const FullArchiveMetricSuffix = "_full_archive"
FullArchiveMetricSuffix is the suffix added to metrics specific for full archive network
const GenesisStorageSuffix = "_genesis"
GenesisStorageSuffix defines the storage suffix used for genesis altered data
GenesisTxSignatureString is the string used to generate genesis transaction signature as 128 hex characters
const HardforkInterceptorsIdentifier = "hardfork interceptor"
HardforkInterceptorsIdentifier represents the identifier that is used in the hardfork process
const HardforkResolversIdentifier = "hardfork resolver"
HardforkResolversIdentifier represents the resolver that is used in the hardfork process
const HeartbeatV2Topic = "heartbeatV2"
HeartbeatV2Topic is the topic used for heartbeatV2 signaling
const HighestRoundFromBootStorage = "highestRoundFromBootStorage"
HighestRoundFromBootStorage is the key for the highest round that is saved in storage
const ImportComplete = "importComplete"
ImportComplete signals that a node restart will be done because the import did complete
const InvalidMessageBlacklistDuration = time.Second * 3600
InvalidMessageBlacklistDuration represents the time to keep a peer in the black list if it sends a message that does not follow the protocol: example not useing the same marshaler as the other peers
const InvalidSigningBlacklistDuration = time.Second * 7200
InvalidSigningBlacklistDuration defines the time to keep a peer id in blacklist if it signs a message with invalid signature
const MaxBulkTransactionSize = 1 << 18 // 256KB bulks
MaxBulkTransactionSize specifies the maximum size of one bulk with txs which can be send over the network TODO convert this const into a var and read it from config when this code moves to another binary
const MaxIndexOfTxInMiniBlock = int32(29999)
MaxIndexOfTxInMiniBlock defines the maximum index of a tx inside one mini block
const MaxPerTransaction = "MaxPerTransaction"
MaxPerTransaction represents the field name of max counts per transaction in block chain hook
const MaxRoundsWithoutCommittedStartInEpochBlock = 50
MaxRoundsWithoutCommittedStartInEpochBlock defines the maximum rounds to wait for start in epoch block to be committed, before a special action to be applied
const MaxSoftwareVersionLengthInBytes = 10
MaxSoftwareVersionLengthInBytes represents the maximum length for the software version to be saved in block header
const MaxTxNonceDeltaAllowed = 100
MaxTxNonceDeltaAllowed specifies the maximum difference between an account's nonce and a received transaction's nonce in order to mark the transaction as valid.
const MaxTxsToRequest = 1000
MaxTxsToRequest specifies the maximum number of txs to request
const MaxWaitingTimeToReceiveRequestedItem = 5 * time.Second
MaxWaitingTimeToReceiveRequestedItem represents the maximum waiting time in seconds needed to receive the requested items
const MetaChainSystemSCsCost = "MetaChainSystemSCsCost"
MetaChainSystemSCsCost represents the field name for metachain system smart contract operation costs
const MetachainShardId = uint32(0xFFFFFFFF)
MetachainShardId will be used to identify a shard ID as metachain
const MetachainShardName = "metachain"
MetachainShardName is the string identifier of the metachain shard
const MetachainTopicIdentifier = "META" // TODO - move this to drt-chain-core-go and change wherever we use the string value
MetachainTopicIdentifier is the identifier used in topics to define the metachain shard ID
const MetricAccountsSnapshotInProgress = "moa_accounts_snapshot_in_progress"
MetricAccountsSnapshotInProgress is the metric that outputs the status of the accounts' snapshot, if it's in progress or not
const MetricAccountsSnapshotNumNodes = "moa_accounts_snapshot_num_nodes"
MetricAccountsSnapshotNumNodes is the metric that outputs the number of trie nodes written for accounts after snapshot
const MetricAppVersion = "moa_app_version"
MetricAppVersion is the metric for the current app version
const MetricAreVMQueriesReady = "moa_are_vm_queries_ready"
MetricAreVMQueriesReady will hold the string representation of the boolean that indicated if the node is ready to process VM queries
const MetricBlockTimestamp = "moa_block_timestamp"
MetricBlockTimestamp is the metric for monitoring the timestamp of the last synchronized block
const MetricChainId = "moa_chain_id"
MetricChainId is the metric that specifies current chain id
const MetricConnectedNodes = "moa_connected_nodes"
MetricConnectedNodes is the metric for monitoring total connected nodes on the network
const MetricConsensusGroupSize = "moa_consensus_group_size"
MetricConsensusGroupSize is the metric for consensus group size for the current shard/meta
const MetricConsensusRoundState = "moa_consensus_round_state"
MetricConsensusRoundState is the metric for consensus round state for a block
const MetricConsensusState = "moa_consensus_state"
MetricConsensusState is the metric for consensus state of node proposer,participant or not consensus group
const MetricCountAcceptedBlocks = "moa_count_accepted_blocks"
MetricCountAcceptedBlocks is the metric for monitoring number of blocks that was accepted proposed by a node
const MetricCountConsensus = "moa_count_consensus"
MetricCountConsensus is the metric for monitoring number of rounds when a node was in consensus group
const MetricCountConsensusAcceptedBlocks = "moa_count_consensus_accepted_blocks"
MetricCountConsensusAcceptedBlocks is the metric for monitoring number of blocks accepted when the node was in consensus group
const MetricCountLeader = "moa_count_leader"
MetricCountLeader is the metric for monitoring number of rounds when a node was leader
const MetricCpuLoadPercent = "moa_cpu_load_percent"
MetricCpuLoadPercent is the metric for monitoring CPU load [%]
const MetricCreatedProposedBlock = "moa_consensus_created_proposed_block"
MetricCreatedProposedBlock is the metric that specifies the percent of the block subround used for header and body creation (0 meaning that the block was created in no-time and 100 meaning that the block creation used all the subround spare duration)
const MetricCrossCheckBlockHeight = "moa_cross_check_block_height"
MetricCrossCheckBlockHeight is the metric that store cross block height
const MetricCrossCheckBlockHeightMeta = "moa_cross_check_block_height_meta"
MetricCrossCheckBlockHeightMeta is the metric that store metachain cross block height
const MetricCurrentBlockHash = "moa_current_block_hash"
MetricCurrentBlockHash is the metric that stores the current block hash
const MetricCurrentRound = "moa_current_round"
MetricCurrentRound is the metric for monitoring the current round of a node
const MetricCurrentRoundTimestamp = "moa_current_round_timestamp"
MetricCurrentRoundTimestamp is the metric that stores current round timestamp
const MetricDenomination = "moa_denomination"
MetricDenomination is the metric for exposing the denomination
const MetricDevRewardsInEpoch = "moa_dev_rewards"
MetricDevRewardsInEpoch holds the developers' rewards value for the last epoch
const MetricEpochForEconomicsData = "moa_epoch_for_economics_data"
MetricEpochForEconomicsData holds the epoch for which economics data are computed
const MetricEpochNumber = "moa_epoch_number"
MetricEpochNumber is the metric for the number of epoch
const MetricExtraGasLimitGuardedTx = "moa_extra_gas_limit_guarded_tx"
MetricExtraGasLimitGuardedTx specifies the extra gas limit required for guarded transactions
const MetricGasPerDataByte = "moa_gas_per_data_byte"
MetricGasPerDataByte is the metric that specifies the required gas for a data byte
const MetricGasPriceModifier = "moa_gas_price_modifier"
MetricGasPriceModifier is the metric that specifies the gas price modifier
const MetricGatewayMetricsEndpoint = "moa_gateway_metrics_endpoint"
MetricGatewayMetricsEndpoint is the metric that specifies gateway endpoint
const MetricHeaderSize = "moa_current_block_size"
MetricHeaderSize is the metric that stores the current block size
const MetricHighestFinalBlock = "moa_highest_final_nonce"
MetricHighestFinalBlock is the metric for the nonce of the highest final block
const MetricInflation = "moa_inflation"
MetricInflation holds the inflation value for the last epoch
const MetricIsSyncing = "moa_is_syncing"
MetricIsSyncing is the metric for monitoring if a node is syncing
const MetricLastAccountsSnapshotDurationSec = "moa_accounts_snapshot_last_duration_in_seconds"
MetricLastAccountsSnapshotDurationSec is the metric that outputs the duration in seconds of the last accounts db snapshot. If snapshot is in progress it will be set to 0
const MetricLastPeersSnapshotDurationSec = "moa_peers_snapshot_last_duration_in_seconds"
MetricLastPeersSnapshotDurationSec is the metric that outputs the duration in seconds of the last peers db snapshot. If snapshot is in progress it will be set to 0
const MetricLatestTagSoftwareVersion = "moa_latest_tag_software_version"
MetricLatestTagSoftwareVersion is the metric that stores the latest tag software version
const MetricLeaderPercentage = "moa_leader_percentage"
MetricLeaderPercentage is the metric for leader rewards percentage
const MetricLiveValidatorNodes = "moa_live_validator_nodes"
MetricLiveValidatorNodes is the metric for the number of live validators on the network
const MetricMaxGasPerTransaction = "moa_max_gas_per_transaction"
MetricMaxGasPerTransaction is the metric that specifies the maximum gas limit for a transaction
const MetricMemHeapInUse = "moa_mem_heap_inuse"
MetricMemHeapInUse is a metric for monitoring the memory ("heap in use")
const MetricMemLoadPercent = "moa_mem_load_percent"
MetricMemLoadPercent is the metric for monitoring memory load [%]
const MetricMemStackInUse = "moa_mem_stack_inuse"
MetricMemStackInUse is a metric for monitoring the memory ("stack in use")
const MetricMemTotal = "moa_mem_total"
MetricMemTotal is the metric for monitoring total memory bytes
const MetricMemUsedGolang = "moa_mem_used_golang"
MetricMemUsedGolang is a metric for monitoring the memory ("total")
const MetricMemUsedSystem = "moa_mem_used_sys"
MetricMemUsedSystem is a metric for monitoring the memory ("sys mem")
const MetricMetaConsensusGroupSize = "moa_meta_consensus_group_size"
MetricMetaConsensusGroupSize is the metric for the metachain consensus group size
const MetricMinGasLimit = "moa_min_gas_limit"
MetricMinGasLimit is the metric that specifies the minimum gas limit
const MetricMinGasPrice = "moa_min_gas_price"
MetricMinGasPrice is the metric that specifies min gas price
const MetricMinTransactionVersion = "moa_min_transaction_version"
MetricMinTransactionVersion is the metric that specifies the minimum transaction version
const MetricMiniBlocksSize = "moa_mini_blocks_size"
MetricMiniBlocksSize is the metric that stores the current block size
const MetricNetworkRecvBps = "moa_network_recv_bps"
MetricNetworkRecvBps is the metric for monitoring network received bytes per second
const MetricNetworkRecvBpsPeak = "moa_network_recv_bps_peak"
MetricNetworkRecvBpsPeak is the metric for monitoring network received peak bytes per second
const MetricNetworkRecvBytesInCurrentEpochPerHost = "moa_network_recv_bytes_in_epoch_per_host"
MetricNetworkRecvBytesInCurrentEpochPerHost is the metric for monitoring network received bytes in current epoch per host
const MetricNetworkRecvPercent = "moa_network_recv_percent"
MetricNetworkRecvPercent is the metric for monitoring network receive load [%]
const MetricNetworkSendBytesInCurrentEpochPerHost = "moa_network_sent_bytes_in_epoch_per_host"
MetricNetworkSendBytesInCurrentEpochPerHost is the metric for monitoring network send bytes in current epoch per host
const MetricNetworkSentBps = "moa_network_sent_bps"
MetricNetworkSentBps is the metric for monitoring network sent bytes per second
const MetricNetworkSentBpsPeak = "moa_network_sent_bps_peak"
MetricNetworkSentBpsPeak is the metric for monitoring network sent peak bytes per second
const MetricNetworkSentPercent = "moa_network_sent_percent"
MetricNetworkSentPercent is the metric for monitoring network sent load [%]
const MetricNodeDisplayName = "moa_node_display_name"
MetricNodeDisplayName is the metric that stores the name of the node
const MetricNodeType = "moa_node_type"
MetricNodeType is the metric for monitoring the type of the node
const MetricNonce = "moa_nonce"
MetricNonce is the metric for monitoring the nonce of a node
const MetricNonceAtEpochStart = "moa_nonce_at_epoch_start"
MetricNonceAtEpochStart is the metric for storing the first nonce of the current epoch
const MetricNoncesPassedInCurrentEpoch = "moa_nonces_passed_in_current_epoch"
MetricNoncesPassedInCurrentEpoch is the metric that tells the number of nonces passed in current epoch
const MetricNumConnectedPeers = "moa_num_connected_peers"
MetricNumConnectedPeers is the metric for monitoring the number of connected peers
const MetricNumConnectedPeersClassification = "moa_num_connected_peers_classification"
MetricNumConnectedPeersClassification is the metric for monitoring the number of connected peers split on the connection type
const MetricNumIntraShardValidatorNodes = "moa_intra_shard_validator_nodes"
MetricNumIntraShardValidatorNodes is the metric for the number of intra-shard validators
const MetricNumMetachainNodes = "moa_num_metachain_nodes"
MetricNumMetachainNodes is the metric which holds the number of nodes in metachain
const MetricNumMiniBlocks = "moa_num_mini_blocks"
MetricNumMiniBlocks is the metric for number of miniblocks in a block
const MetricNumNodesPerShard = "moa_num_nodes_in_shard"
MetricNumNodesPerShard is the metric which holds the number of nodes in a shard
const MetricNumProcessedTxs = "moa_num_transactions_processed"
MetricNumProcessedTxs is the metric that stores the number of transactions processed
const MetricNumShardHeadersFromPool = "moa_num_shard_headers_from_pool"
MetricNumShardHeadersFromPool is the metric that stores number of shard header from pool
const MetricNumShardHeadersProcessed = "moa_num_shard_headers_processed"
MetricNumShardHeadersProcessed is the metric that stores number of shard header processed
const MetricNumShardsWithoutMetachain = "moa_num_shards_without_meta"
MetricNumShardsWithoutMetachain is the metric for monitoring the number of shards (excluding meta)
const MetricNumTimesInForkChoice = "moa_fork_choice_count"
MetricNumTimesInForkChoice is the metric that counts how many times a node was in fork choice
const MetricNumTxInBlock = "moa_num_tx_block"
MetricNumTxInBlock is the metric for the number of transactions in the proposed block
const MetricNumValidators = "moa_num_validators"
MetricNumValidators is the metric for the number of validators
const MetricP2PCrossShardObservers = "moa_p2p_cross_shard_observers"
MetricP2PCrossShardObservers is the metric that outputs the cross-shard connected observers
const MetricP2PCrossShardValidators = "moa_p2p_cross_shard_validators"
MetricP2PCrossShardValidators is the metric that outputs the cross-shard connected validators
const MetricP2PIntraShardObservers = "moa_p2p_intra_shard_observers"
MetricP2PIntraShardObservers is the metric that outputs the intra-shard connected observers
const MetricP2PIntraShardValidators = "moa_p2p_intra_shard_validators"
MetricP2PIntraShardValidators is the metric that outputs the intra-shard connected validators
const MetricP2PNumConnectedPeersClassification = "moa_p2p_num_connected_peers_classification"
MetricP2PNumConnectedPeersClassification is the metric for monitoring the number of connected peers split on the connection type
const MetricP2PNumReceiverPeers = "moa_p2p_num_receiver_peers"
MetricP2PNumReceiverPeers represents the number of connected peer sent messages to the current peer (and have been received by the current peer) in the amount of time
const MetricP2PPeakNumReceiverPeers = "moa_p2p_peak_num_receiver_peers"
MetricP2PPeakNumReceiverPeers represents the peak number of connected peer sent messages to the current peer (and have been received by the current peer) in the amount of time
const MetricP2PPeakPeerNumProcessedMessages = "moa_p2p_peak_peer_num_processed_messages"
MetricP2PPeakPeerNumProcessedMessages represents the peak maximum number of processed messages in the amount of time counted on a connected peer
const MetricP2PPeakPeerNumReceivedMessages = "moa_p2p_peak_peer_num_received_messages"
MetricP2PPeakPeerNumReceivedMessages represents the peak maximum number of received messages in the amount of time counted on a connected peer
const MetricP2PPeakPeerSizeProcessedMessages = "moa_p2p_peak_peer_size_processed_messages"
MetricP2PPeakPeerSizeProcessedMessages represents the peak maximum size of processed data (sum of all messages) in the amount of time counted on a connected peer
const MetricP2PPeakPeerSizeReceivedMessages = "moa_p2p_peak_peer_size_received_messages"
MetricP2PPeakPeerSizeReceivedMessages represents the peak maximum size of received data (sum of all messages) in the amount of time counted on a connected peer
const MetricP2PPeerInfo = "moa_p2p_peer_info"
MetricP2PPeerInfo is the metric for the node's p2p info
const MetricP2PPeerNumProcessedMessages = "moa_p2p_peer_num_processed_messages"
MetricP2PPeerNumProcessedMessages represents the current maximum number of processed messages in the amount of time counted on a connected peer
const MetricP2PPeerNumReceivedMessages = "moa_p2p_peer_num_received_messages"
MetricP2PPeerNumReceivedMessages represents the current maximum number of received messages in the amount of time counted on a connected peer
const MetricP2PPeerSizeProcessedMessages = "moa_p2p_peer_size_processed_messages"
MetricP2PPeerSizeProcessedMessages represents the current maximum size of processed data (sum of all messages) in the amount of time counted on a connected peer
const MetricP2PPeerSizeReceivedMessages = "moa_p2p_peer_size_received_messages"
MetricP2PPeerSizeReceivedMessages represents the current maximum size of received data (sum of all messages) in the amount of time counted on a connected peer
const MetricP2PUnknownPeers = "moa_p2p_unknown_shard_peers"
MetricP2PUnknownPeers is the metric that outputs the unknown-shard connected peers
const MetricPeerSubType = "moa_peer_subtype"
MetricPeerSubType is the metric which tells the peer's subtype (regular observer or full history observer)
const MetricPeerType = "moa_peer_type"
MetricPeerType is the metric which tells the peer's type (in eligible list, in waiting list, or observer)
const MetricPeersSnapshotInProgress = "moa_peers_snapshot_in_progress"
MetricPeersSnapshotInProgress is the metric that outputs the status of the peers' snapshot, if it's in progress or not
const MetricProbableHighestNonce = "moa_probable_highest_nonce"
MetricProbableHighestNonce is the metric for monitoring the max speculative nonce received by the node by listening on the network
const MetricProcessedProposedBlock = "moa_consensus_processed_proposed_block"
MetricProcessedProposedBlock is the metric that specify the percent of the block subround used for header and body processing (0 meaning that the block was processed in no-time and 100 meaning that the block processing used all the subround spare duration)
const MetricPublicKeyBlockSign = "moa_public_key_block_sign"
MetricPublicKeyBlockSign is the metric for monitoring public key of a node used in block signing
const MetricReceivedProposedBlock = "moa_consensus_received_proposed_block"
MetricReceivedProposedBlock is the metric that specifies the moment in the round when the received block has reached the current node. The value is provided in percent (0 meaning it has been received just after the round started and 100 meaning that the block has been received in the last moment of the round)
const MetricRedundancyIsMainActive = "moa_redundancy_is_main_active"
MetricRedundancyIsMainActive is the metric that specifies data about the redundancy main machine
const MetricRedundancyLevel = "moa_redundancy_level"
MetricRedundancyLevel is the metric that specifies the redundancy level of the current node
const MetricRedundancyStepInReason = "moa_redundancy_step_in_reason"
MetricRedundancyStepInReason is the metric that specifies why the back-up machine stepped in
const MetricRewardsTopUpGradientPoint = "moa_rewards_top_up_gradient_point"
MetricRewardsTopUpGradientPoint is the metric that specifies the rewards top up gradient point
const MetricRoundAtEpochStart = "moa_round_at_epoch_start"
MetricRoundAtEpochStart is the metric for storing the first round of the current epoch
const MetricRoundDuration = "moa_round_duration"
MetricRoundDuration is the metric that specifies the round duration in milliseconds
const MetricRoundTime = "moa_round_time"
MetricRoundTime is the metric for round time in seconds
const MetricRoundsPassedInCurrentEpoch = "moa_rounds_passed_in_current_epoch"
MetricRoundsPassedInCurrentEpoch is the metric that tells the number of rounds passed in current epoch
const MetricRoundsPerEpoch = "moa_rounds_per_epoch"
MetricRoundsPerEpoch is the metric that tells the number of rounds in an epoch
const MetricShardConsensusGroupSize = "moa_shard_consensus_group_size"
MetricShardConsensusGroupSize is the metric for the shard consensus group size
const MetricShardId = "moa_shard_id"
MetricShardId is the metric for monitoring shard id of a node
const MetricStartTime = "moa_start_time"
MetricStartTime is the metric that specifies the genesis start time
const MetricSynchronizedRound = "moa_synchronized_round"
MetricSynchronizedRound is the metric for monitoring the synchronized round of a node
const MetricTopUpFactor = "moa_top_up_factor"
MetricTopUpFactor is the metric that specifies the top-up factor
const MetricTopUpValue = "moa_total_top_up_value"
MetricTopUpValue holds the total top up value
const MetricTotalBaseStakedValue = "moa_total_base_staked_value"
MetricTotalBaseStakedValue holds the total base staked value
const MetricTotalFees = "moa_total_fees"
MetricTotalFees holds the total fees value for the last epoch
const MetricTotalSupply = "moa_total_supply"
MetricTotalSupply holds the total supply value for the last epoch
const MetricTrieSyncNumProcessedNodes = "moa_trie_sync_num_nodes_processed"
MetricTrieSyncNumProcessedNodes is the metric that outputs the number of trie nodes processed for accounts during trie sync
const MetricTrieSyncNumReceivedBytes = "moa_trie_sync_num_bytes_received"
MetricTrieSyncNumReceivedBytes is the metric that outputs the number of bytes received for accounts during trie sync
const MetricTxPoolLoad = "moa_tx_pool_load"
MetricTxPoolLoad is the metric for monitoring number of transactions from pool of a node
const MetricValueNA = "N/A"
MetricValueNA represents the value to be used when a metric is not available/applicable
const NodesCoordinatorRegistryKeyPrefix = "indexHashed_"
NodesCoordinatorRegistryKeyPrefix is the key prefix to save epoch start registry to storage
const NodesSetupJsonFileName = "nodesSetup.json"
NodesSetupJsonFileName specifies the name of the json file which contains the setup of the nodes
const NotSetDestinationShardID = "disabled"
NotSetDestinationShardID represents the shardIdString when the destinationShardId is not set in the prefs
const PeerAuthenticationTopic = "peerAuthentication"
PeerAuthenticationTopic is the topic used for peer authentication signaling
const PublicKeyBlacklistDuration = time.Second * 7200
PublicKeyBlacklistDuration represents the time to keep a public key in the black list if it will degrade its rating to a minimum threshold due to improper messages
const PutInStorerMaxTime = time.Second
PutInStorerMaxTime represents max time accepted for a put action, after which a warn message is displayed
const RetrialIntervalForOutportDriver = time.Second * 10
RetrialIntervalForOutportDriver is the interval in which the outport driver should try to call the driver again
const ShuffledOut = "shuffledOut"
ShuffledOut signals that a restart is pending because the node was shuffled out
const TemporaryPath = "temp"
TemporaryPath is the default temporary path directory
const TimeToWaitForP2PBootstrap = 20 * time.Second
TimeToWaitForP2PBootstrap is the wait time for the P2P to bootstrap
const TimeoutGettingTrieNodes = 2 * time.Minute // to consider syncing a very large trie node of 64MB at ~1MB/s
TimeoutGettingTrieNodes defines the timeout in trie sync operation if no node is received
const TimeoutGettingTrieNodesInHardfork = time.Minute * 10
TimeoutGettingTrieNodesInHardfork represents the maximum time allowed between 2 nodes fetches (and commits) during the hardfork process
const TriggerRegistryInitialKeyPrefix = "initial_value_epoch_"
TriggerRegistryInitialKeyPrefix is the key prefix to save initial data to storage
const TriggerRegistryKeyPrefix = "epochStartTrigger_"
TriggerRegistryKeyPrefix is the key prefix to save epoch start registry to storage
const UnVersionedAppString = "undefined"
UnVersionedAppString represents the default app version that indicate that the binary wasn't build by setting the appVersion flag
const ValidatorInfoTopic = "validatorInfo"
ValidatorInfoTopic is the topic used for validatorInfo signaling
const WrongConfiguration = "wrongConfiguration"
WrongConfiguration signals that the node has a malformed configuration and cannot continue processing
Variables ¶
var EmptyTrieHash = make([]byte, 32)
EmptyTrieHash returns the value with empty trie hash
var ErrInvalidTimeout = errors.New("invalid timeout value")
ErrInvalidTimeout signals that an invalid timeout period has been provided
var ErrNilStateSyncNotifierSubscriber = errors.New("nil state sync notifier subscriber")
ErrNilStateSyncNotifierSubscriber signals that a nil state sync notifier subscriber has been provided
var ErrNilWasmChangeLocker = errors.New("nil wasm change locker")
ErrNilWasmChangeLocker signals that a nil wasm change locker has been provided
Functions ¶
func AssignShardForPubKeyWhenNotSpecified ¶
AssignShardForPubKeyWhenNotSpecified will return the same shard ID when it is called with the same parameters This function fetched the last byte of the public key and based on a modulo operation it will return a shard ID
func CloseKeyValueHolderChan ¶
func CloseKeyValueHolderChan(ch chan core.KeyValueHolder)
CloseKeyValueHolderChan will close the channel if not nil
func ExtractTokenIDAndNonceFromTokenStorageKey ¶
ExtractTokenIDAndNonceFromTokenStorageKey will parse the token's storage key and extract the identifier and the nonce
func GetClosedUnbufferedChannel ¶
func GetClosedUnbufferedChannel() chan struct{}
GetClosedUnbufferedChannel returns an instance of a 'chan struct{}' that is already closed
func GetSkBytesFromP2pKey ¶
GetSkBytesFromP2pKey will read key file based on provided path. If no valid filename it will return an empty byte array, otherwise it will try to fetch the private key and return the decoded byte array.
func IsContextDone ¶
IsContextDone will return true if the provided context signals it is done
func IsEmptyTrie ¶
IsEmptyTrie returns true if the given root is for an empty trie
func LoadApiConfig ¶
func LoadApiConfig(filepath string) (*config.ApiRoutesConfig, error)
LoadApiConfig returns a ApiRoutesConfig by reading the config file provided
func LoadEconomicsConfig ¶
func LoadEconomicsConfig(filepath string) (*config.EconomicsConfig, error)
LoadEconomicsConfig returns a EconomicsConfig by reading the config file provided
func LoadEpochConfig ¶
func LoadEpochConfig(filepath string) (*config.EpochConfig, error)
LoadEpochConfig returns an EpochConfig by reading from the provided config file
func LoadExternalConfig ¶
func LoadExternalConfig(filepath string) (*config.ExternalConfig, error)
LoadExternalConfig returns a ExternalConfig by reading the config file provided
func LoadGasScheduleConfig ¶
LoadGasScheduleConfig returns a map[string]uint64 of gas costs read from the provided config file
func LoadMainConfig ¶
LoadMainConfig returns a Config by reading the config file provided
func LoadP2PConfig ¶
LoadP2PConfig returns a P2PConfig by reading the config file provided
func LoadPreferencesConfig ¶
func LoadPreferencesConfig(filepath string) (*config.Preferences, error)
LoadPreferencesConfig returns a Preferences by reading the config file provided
func LoadRatingsConfig ¶
func LoadRatingsConfig(filepath string) (*config.RatingsConfig, error)
LoadRatingsConfig returns a RatingsConfig by reading the config file provided
func LoadRoundConfig ¶
func LoadRoundConfig(filePath string) (*config.RoundConfig, error)
LoadRoundConfig returns a RoundConfig by reading from provided config file
func LoadSystemSmartContractsConfig ¶
func LoadSystemSmartContractsConfig(filepath string) (*config.SystemSmartContractsConfig, error)
LoadSystemSmartContractsConfig returns a SystemSmartContractsConfig by reading the config file provided
func NewTimeoutHandler ¶
NewTimeoutHandler returns a new instance of the timeout handler
func ProcessDestinationShardAsObserver ¶
ProcessDestinationShardAsObserver returns the shardID given the destination as observer string
func SuffixedMetric ¶
SuffixedMetric appends the suffix to the provided metric and returns it
Types ¶
type AlteredAccountsForBlockAPIResponse ¶
type AlteredAccountsForBlockAPIResponse struct {
Accounts []*alteredAccount.AlteredAccount `json:"accounts"`
AlteredAccountsForBlockAPIResponse holds the altered accounts for a certain block
type ApiOutputFormat ¶
type ApiOutputFormat uint8
ApiOutputFormat represents the format type returned by api
const ( // ApiOutputFormatJSON outport format returns struct directly, will be serialized into JSON by gin ApiOutputFormatJSON ApiOutputFormat = 0 // ApiOutputFormatProto outport format returns the bytes of the proto object ApiOutputFormatProto ApiOutputFormat = 1 )
type AuctionListValidatorAPIResponse ¶
type AuctionListValidatorAPIResponse struct { Owner string `json:"owner"` NumStakedNodes int64 `json:"numStakedNodes"` TotalTopUp string `json:"totalTopUp"` TopUpPerNode string `json:"topUpPerNode"` QualifiedTopUp string `json:"qualifiedTopUp"` Nodes []*AuctionNode `json:"nodes"` }
AuctionListValidatorAPIResponse holds the data needed for an auction node validator for responding to API calls
type AuctionNode ¶
AuctionNode holds data needed for a node in auction to respond to API calls
type BaseStorer ¶
type BaseStorer interface { Put(key, val []byte) error Get(key []byte) ([]byte, error) Remove(key []byte) error Close() error IsInterfaceNil() bool }
BaseStorer define the base methods needed for a storer
type BlockInfo ¶
type BlockInfo interface { GetNonce() uint64 GetHash() []byte GetRootHash() []byte Equal(blockInfo BlockInfo) bool IsInterfaceNil() bool }
BlockInfo provides a block information such as nonce, hash, roothash and so on
type BlockProcessingCutoffMode ¶
type BlockProcessingCutoffMode string
BlockProcessingCutoffMode represents the type to be used to identify the mode of the block processing cutoff
type BlockProcessingCutoffTrigger ¶
type BlockProcessingCutoffTrigger string
BlockProcessingCutoffTrigger represents the trigger of the cutoff potentially used in block processing
const ( // BlockProcessingCutoffByNonce represents the cutoff by nonce BlockProcessingCutoffByNonce BlockProcessingCutoffTrigger = "nonce" // BlockProcessingCutoffByRound represents the cutoff by round BlockProcessingCutoffByRound BlockProcessingCutoffTrigger = "round" // BlockProcessingCutoffByEpoch represents the cutoff by epoch BlockProcessingCutoffByEpoch BlockProcessingCutoffTrigger = "epoch" )
type BufferedErrChan ¶
type BufferedErrChan interface { WriteInChanNonBlocking(err error) ReadFromChanNonBlocking() error Close() IsInterfaceNil() bool }
BufferedErrChan is an interface that defines the methods for a buffered error channel
type DataTrieHandler ¶
type DataTrieHandler interface { RootHash() ([]byte, error) GetAllLeavesOnChannel(leavesChannels *TrieIteratorChannels, ctx context.Context, rootHash []byte, keyBuilder KeyBuilder, trieLeafParser TrieLeafParser) error IsMigratedToLatestVersion() (bool, error) IsInterfaceNil() bool }
DataTrieHandler is an interface that declares the methods used for dataTries
type DelegationDataAPI ¶
DelegationDataAPI will be used when requesting the genesis balances from API
type EnableEpochsHandler ¶
type EnableEpochsHandler interface { GetCurrentEpoch() uint32 IsFlagDefined(flag core.EnableEpochFlag) bool IsFlagEnabled(flag core.EnableEpochFlag) bool IsFlagEnabledInEpoch(flag core.EnableEpochFlag, epoch uint32) bool GetActivationEpoch(flag core.EnableEpochFlag) uint32 IsInterfaceNil() bool }
EnableEpochsHandler is used to verify which flags are set in a specific epoch based on EnableEpochs config
type EpochStartDataAPI ¶
type EpochStartDataAPI struct { Nonce uint64 `json:"nonce"` Round uint64 `json:"round"` Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` Epoch uint32 `json:"epoch"` Shard uint32 `json:"shard"` PrevBlockHash string `json:"prevBlockHash"` StateRootHash string `json:"stateRootHash"` ScheduledRootHash string `json:"scheduledRootHash"` AccumulatedFees string `json:"accumulatedFees,omitempty"` DeveloperFees string `json:"developerFees,omitempty"` }
EpochStartDataAPI holds fields from the first block in a given epoch
type ExecutionOrderGetter ¶
type ExecutionOrderGetter interface { GetItemAtIndex(index uint32) ([]byte, error) GetOrder(txHash []byte) (int, error) GetItems() [][]byte Contains(txHash []byte) bool Len() int IsInterfaceNil() bool }
ExecutionOrderGetter defines the functionality of a component that can return the execution order of a block transactions
type GasScheduleNotifierAPI ¶
type GasScheduleNotifierAPI interface { core.GasScheduleNotifier LatestGasScheduleCopy() map[string]map[string]uint64 }
GasScheduleNotifierAPI defines the behavior of the gas schedule notifier components that is used for api
type GetProofResponse ¶
GetProofResponse is a struct that stores the response of a GetProof API request
type InitialAccountAPI ¶
type InitialAccountAPI struct { Address string `json:"address"` Supply string `json:"supply"` Balance string `json:"balance"` StakingValue string `json:"stakingvalue"` Delegation DelegationDataAPI `json:"delegation"` }
InitialAccountAPI represents the structure to be returned when requesting the genesis balances from API
type KeyBuilder ¶
type KeyBuilder interface { BuildKey(keyPart []byte) GetKey() ([]byte, error) Clone() KeyBuilder IsInterfaceNil() bool }
KeyBuilder is used for building trie keys as you traverse the trie
type Locker ¶
type Locker interface { Lock() Unlock() RLock() RUnlock() }
Locker defines the operations used to lock different critical areas. Implemented by the RWMutex.
type ManagedPeersHolder ¶
type ManagedPeersHolder interface { AddManagedPeer(privateKeyBytes []byte) error GetPrivateKey(pkBytes []byte) (crypto.PrivateKey, error) GetP2PIdentity(pkBytes []byte) ([]byte, core.PeerID, error) GetMachineID(pkBytes []byte) (string, error) GetNameAndIdentity(pkBytes []byte) (string, string, error) IncrementRoundsWithoutReceivedMessages(pkBytes []byte) ResetRoundsWithoutReceivedMessages(pkBytes []byte, pid core.PeerID) GetManagedKeysByCurrentNode() map[string]crypto.PrivateKey GetLoadedKeysByCurrentNode() [][]byte IsKeyManagedByCurrentNode(pkBytes []byte) bool IsKeyRegistered(pkBytes []byte) bool IsPidManagedByCurrentNode(pid core.PeerID) bool IsKeyValidator(pkBytes []byte) bool SetValidatorState(pkBytes []byte, state bool) GetNextPeerAuthenticationTime(pkBytes []byte) (time.Time, error) SetNextPeerAuthenticationTime(pkBytes []byte, nextTime time.Time) IsMultiKeyMode() bool GetRedundancyStepInReason() string IsInterfaceNil() bool }
ManagedPeersHolder defines the operations of an entity that holds managed identities for a node
type ManagedPeersMonitor ¶
type ManagedPeersMonitor interface { GetManagedKeysCount() int GetManagedKeys() [][]byte GetLoadedKeys() [][]byte GetEligibleManagedKeys() ([][]byte, error) GetWaitingManagedKeys() ([][]byte, error) IsInterfaceNil() bool }
ManagedPeersMonitor defines the operations of an entity that monitors the managed peers holder
type MerkleProofVerifier ¶
type MerkleProofVerifier interface {
VerifyProof(rootHash []byte, key []byte, proof [][]byte) (bool, error)
MerkleProofVerifier is used to verify merkle proofs
type MissingTrieNodesNotifier ¶
type MissingTrieNodesNotifier interface { RegisterHandler(handler StateSyncNotifierSubscriber) error AsyncNotifyMissingTrieNode(hash []byte) IsInterfaceNil() bool }
MissingTrieNodesNotifier defines the operations of an entity that notifies about missing trie nodes
type ModifiedHashes ¶
type ModifiedHashes map[string]struct{}
ModifiedHashes is used to memorize all old hashes and new hashes from when a trie is committed
func (ModifiedHashes) Clone ¶
func (mh ModifiedHashes) Clone() ModifiedHashes
Clone is used to create a clone of the map
type NodeOperation ¶
type NodeOperation string
NodeOperation defines the p2p node operation
const FullArchiveMode NodeOperation = "full archive mode"
FullArchiveMode defines the node operation as a full archive mode
const NormalOperation NodeOperation = "normal operation"
NormalOperation defines the normal mode operation: either seeder, observer or validator
type NodeProcessingMode ¶
type NodeProcessingMode int
NodeProcessingMode represents the processing mode in which the node was started
const ( // Normal means that the node has started in the normal processing mode Normal NodeProcessingMode = iota // ImportDb means that the node has started in the import-db mode ImportDb )
func GetNodeProcessingMode ¶
func GetNodeProcessingMode(importDbConfig *config.ImportDbConfig) NodeProcessingMode
GetNodeProcessingMode returns the node processing mode based on the provided config
type NonceGapApiResponse ¶
NonceGapApiResponse is a struct that holds a nonce gap from transactions pool From - first unknown nonce To - last unknown nonce
type PeerType ¶
type PeerType string
PeerType represents the type of peer
const AuctionList PeerType = "auction"
AuctionList represents the list of peers which don't participate in consensus yet, but will be selected based on their top up stake
const EligibleList PeerType = "eligible"
EligibleList represents the list of peers who participate in consensus inside a shard
const InactiveList PeerType = "inactive"
InactiveList represents the list of peers who were taken out because they were leaving
const JailedList PeerType = "jailed"
JailedList represents the list of peers who have stake but are in jail
const LeavingList PeerType = "leaving"
LeavingList represents the list of peers who were taken out of eligible and waiting because of rating
const NewList PeerType = "new"
NewList represents the list of peers who have stake and are pending to become eligible
const ObserverList PeerType = "observer"
ObserverList represents the list of peers who don't participate in consensus but will join the next epoch
const SelectedFromAuctionList PeerType = "selectedFromAuction"
SelectedFromAuctionList represents the list of peers which have been selected from AuctionList based on their top up to be distributed on the WaitingList in the next epoch
const WaitingList PeerType = "waiting"
WaitingList represents the list of peers who don't participate in consensus but will join the next epoch
type PidQueueHandler ¶
type PidQueueHandler interface { Push(pid core.PeerID) Pop() core.PeerID IndexOf(pid core.PeerID) int Promote(idx int) Remove(pid core.PeerID) DataSizeInBytes() int Get(idx int) core.PeerID Len() int IsInterfaceNil() bool }
PidQueueHandler defines the behavior of a queue of pids
type ProcessStatusHandler ¶
type ProcessStatusHandler interface { SetBusy(reason string) SetIdle() IsIdle() bool IsInterfaceNil() bool }
ProcessStatusHandler defines the behavior of a component able to hold the current status of the node and able to tell if the node is idle or processing/committing a block
type ReceiptsHolder ¶
ReceiptsHolder holds receipts content (e.g. miniblocks)
type RootHashHolder ¶
type RootHashHolder interface { GetRootHash() []byte GetEpoch() core.OptionalUint32 String() string IsInterfaceNil() bool }
RootHashHolder holds a rootHash and the corresponding epoch
type SizeSyncStatisticsHandler ¶
type SizeSyncStatisticsHandler interface { data.SyncStatisticsHandler AddNumBytesReceived(bytes uint64) NumBytesReceived() uint64 NumTries() int AddProcessingTime(duration time.Duration) IncrementIteration() ProcessingTime() time.Duration NumIterations() int }
SizeSyncStatisticsHandler extends the SyncStatisticsHandler interface by allowing setting up the trie node size
type SnapshotDbHandler ¶
type SnapshotDbHandler interface { BaseStorer IsInUse() bool DecreaseNumReferences() IncreaseNumReferences() MarkForRemoval() MarkForDisconnection() SetPath(string) }
SnapshotDbHandler is used to keep track of how many references a snapshot db has
type SnapshotStatisticsHandler ¶
type SnapshotStatisticsHandler interface { SnapshotFinished() NewSnapshotStarted() WaitForSnapshotsToFinish() AddTrieStats(handler TrieStatisticsHandler, trieType TrieType) GetSnapshotDuration() int64 GetSnapshotNumNodes() uint64 IsInterfaceNil() bool }
SnapshotStatisticsHandler is used to measure different statistics for the trie snapshot
type StateStatisticsHandler ¶
type StateStatisticsHandler interface { Reset() ResetSnapshot() IncrementCache() Cache() uint64 IncrementSnapshotCache() SnapshotCache() uint64 IncrementPersister(epoch uint32) Persister(epoch uint32) uint64 IncrementSnapshotPersister(epoch uint32) SnapshotPersister(epoch uint32) uint64 IncrementTrie() Trie() uint64 ProcessingStats() []string SnapshotStats() []string IsInterfaceNil() bool }
StateStatisticsHandler defines the behaviour of a storage statistics handler
type StateSyncNotifierSubscriber ¶
type StateSyncNotifierSubscriber interface { MissingDataTrieNodeFound(hash []byte) IsInterfaceNil() bool }
StateSyncNotifierSubscriber defines the operations of an entity that subscribes to a missing trie nodes notifier
type StorageManager ¶
type StorageManager interface { TrieStorageInteractor GetFromCurrentEpoch(key []byte) ([]byte, error) PutInEpoch(key []byte, val []byte, epoch uint32) error PutInEpochWithoutCache(key []byte, val []byte, epoch uint32) error TakeSnapshot(address string, rootHash []byte, mainTrieRootHash []byte, iteratorChannels *TrieIteratorChannels, missingNodesChan chan []byte, stats SnapshotStatisticsHandler, epoch uint32) GetLatestStorageEpoch() (uint32, error) IsPruningEnabled() bool IsPruningBlocked() bool EnterPruningBufferingMode() ExitPruningBufferingMode() RemoveFromAllActiveEpochs(hash []byte) error SetEpochForPutOperation(uint32) ShouldTakeSnapshot() bool IsSnapshotSupported() bool GetBaseTrieStorageManager() StorageManager IsClosed() bool Close() error IsInterfaceNil() bool }
StorageManager manages all trie storage operations
type StorageMarker ¶
type StorageMarker interface { MarkStorerAsSyncedAndActive(storer StorageManager) IsInterfaceNil() bool }
StorageMarker is used to mark the given storer as synced and active
type Transaction ¶
type Transaction struct {
TxFields map[string]interface{} `json:"txFields"`
Transaction is a struct that holds transaction fields to be returned when getting the transactions from pool
type TransactionsPoolAPIResponse ¶
type TransactionsPoolAPIResponse struct { RegularTransactions []Transaction `json:"regularTransactions"` SmartContractResults []Transaction `json:"smartContractResults"` Rewards []Transaction `json:"rewards"` }
TransactionsPoolAPIResponse is a struct that holds the data to be returned when getting the transaction pool from an API call
type TransactionsPoolForSenderApiResponse ¶
type TransactionsPoolForSenderApiResponse struct {
Transactions []Transaction `json:"transactions"`
TransactionsPoolForSenderApiResponse is a struct that holds the data to be returned when getting the transactions for a sender from an API call
type TransactionsPoolNonceGapsForSenderApiResponse ¶
type TransactionsPoolNonceGapsForSenderApiResponse struct { Sender string `json:"sender"` Gaps []NonceGapApiResponse `json:"gaps"` }
TransactionsPoolNonceGapsForSenderApiResponse is a struct that holds the data to be returned when getting the nonce gaps from transactions pool for a sender from an API call
type Trie ¶
type Trie interface { Get(key []byte) ([]byte, uint32, error) Update(key, value []byte) error Delete(key []byte) error RootHash() ([]byte, error) Commit() error Recreate(root []byte) (Trie, error) RecreateFromEpoch(options RootHashHolder) (Trie, error) String() string GetObsoleteHashes() [][]byte GetDirtyHashes() (ModifiedHashes, error) GetOldRoot() []byte GetSerializedNodes([]byte, uint64) ([][]byte, uint64, error) GetSerializedNode([]byte) ([]byte, error) GetAllLeavesOnChannel(allLeavesChan *TrieIteratorChannels, ctx context.Context, rootHash []byte, keyBuilder KeyBuilder, trieLeafParser TrieLeafParser) error GetAllHashes() ([][]byte, error) GetProof(key []byte) ([][]byte, []byte, error) VerifyProof(rootHash []byte, key []byte, proof [][]byte) (bool, error) GetStorageManager() StorageManager IsMigratedToLatestVersion() (bool, error) Close() error IsInterfaceNil() bool }
Trie is an interface for Merkle Trees implementations
type TrieIteratorChannels ¶
type TrieIteratorChannels struct { LeavesChan chan core.KeyValueHolder ErrChan BufferedErrChan }
TrieIteratorChannels defines the channels that are being used when iterating the trie nodes
type TrieLeafParser ¶
type TrieLeafParser interface { ParseLeaf(key []byte, val []byte, version core.TrieNodeVersion) (core.KeyValueHolder, error) IsInterfaceNil() bool }
TrieLeafParser is used to parse trie leaves
type TrieStatisticsHandler ¶
type TrieStatisticsHandler interface { AddBranchNode(level int, size uint64) AddExtensionNode(level int, size uint64) AddLeafNode(level int, size uint64, version core.TrieNodeVersion) AddAccountInfo(address string, rootHash []byte) GetTotalNodesSize() uint64 GetTotalNumNodes() uint64 GetMaxTrieDepth() uint32 GetBranchNodesSize() uint64 GetNumBranchNodes() uint64 GetExtensionNodesSize() uint64 GetNumExtensionNodes() uint64 GetLeafNodesSize() uint64 GetNumLeafNodes() uint64 GetLeavesMigrationStats() map[core.TrieNodeVersion]uint64 MergeTriesStatistics(statsToBeMerged TrieStatisticsHandler) ToString() []string IsInterfaceNil() bool }
TrieStatisticsHandler is used to collect different statistics about a single trie
type TrieStats ¶
type TrieStats interface {
GetTrieStats(address string, rootHash []byte) (TrieStatisticsHandler, error)
TrieStats is used to collect the trie statistics for the given rootHash
type TrieStorageInteractor ¶
type TrieStorageInteractor interface { BaseStorer GetIdentifier() string GetStateStatsHandler() StateStatisticsHandler }
TrieStorageInteractor defines the methods used for interacting with the trie storage
type TriesHolder ¶
type TriesHolder interface { Put([]byte, Trie) Replace(key []byte, tr Trie) Get([]byte) Trie GetAll() []Trie Reset() IsInterfaceNil() bool }
TriesHolder is used to store multiple tries
type TriesStatisticsCollector ¶
type TriesStatisticsCollector interface { Add(trieStats TrieStatisticsHandler, trieType TrieType) Print() GetNumNodes() uint64 }
TriesStatisticsCollector is used to merge the statistics for multiple tries
type TxExecutionOrderHandler ¶
type TxExecutionOrderHandler interface { Add(txHash []byte) GetItemAtIndex(index uint32) ([]byte, error) GetOrder(txHash []byte) (int, error) Remove(txHash []byte) RemoveMultiple(txHashes [][]byte) GetItems() [][]byte Contains(txHash []byte) bool Clear() Len() int IsInterfaceNil() bool }
TxExecutionOrderHandler is used to collect and provide the order of transactions execution