Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func GenerateMockAddress(creatorAddress []byte, creatorNonce uint64, vmType []byte) []byte
- func IsSmartContractAddress(address []byte) bool
- type Account
- func (a *Account) AccountDataHandler() vmcommon.AccountDataHandler
- func (a *Account) AddToBalance(value *big.Int) error
- func (a *Account) AddToDeveloperReward(value *big.Int)
- func (a *Account) AddressBytes() []byte
- func (a *Account) ChangeOwnerAddress(sender []byte, newAddress []byte) error
- func (a *Account) ClaimDeveloperRewards(sender []byte) (*big.Int, error)
- func (a *Account) ClearDataCaches()
- func (a *Account) Clone() *Account
- func (a *Account) DirtyData() map[string][]byte
- func (a *Account) GetBalance() *big.Int
- func (a *Account) GetCode() []byte
- func (a *Account) GetCodeHash() []byte
- func (a *Account) GetCodeMetadata() []byte
- func (a *Account) GetDeveloperReward() *big.Int
- func (a *Account) GetNonce() uint64
- func (a *Account) GetOwnerAddress() []byte
- func (a *Account) GetRootHash() []byte
- func (a *Account) GetTokenBalance(tokenIdentifier []byte, nonce uint64) (*big.Int, error)
- func (a *Account) GetTokenBalanceUint64(tokenIdentifier []byte, nonce uint64) (uint64, error)
- func (a *Account) GetTokenData(tokenIdentifier []byte, nonce uint64, systemAccStorage map[string][]byte) (*dct.DCToken, error)
- func (a *Account) GetUserName() []byte
- func (a *Account) IncreaseNonce(nonce uint64)
- func (a *Account) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (a *Account) MigrateDataTrieLeaves(_ vmcommon.ArgsMigrateDataTrieLeaves) error
- func (a *Account) RetrieveValue(key []byte) ([]byte, uint32, error)
- func (a *Account) SaveKeyValue(key []byte, value []byte) error
- func (a *Account) SetBalance(balance int64)
- func (a *Account) SetCode(code []byte)
- func (a *Account) SetCodeAndMetadata(code []byte, codeMetadata *vmcommon.CodeMetadata)
- func (a *Account) SetCodeHash(hash []byte)
- func (a *Account) SetCodeMetadata(codeMetadata []byte)
- func (a *Account) SetOwnerAddress(address []byte)
- func (a *Account) SetRootHash(hash []byte)
- func (a *Account) SetTokenBalance(tokenIdentifier []byte, nonce uint64, balance *big.Int) error
- func (a *Account) SetTokenBalanceUint64(tokenIdentifier []byte, nonce uint64, balance uint64) error
- func (a *Account) SetTokenData(tokenIdentifier []byte, nonce uint64, tokenData *dct.DCToken) error
- func (a *Account) SetTokenRolesAsStrings(tokenIdentifier []byte, rolesAsStrings []string) error
- func (a *Account) SetUserName(userName []byte)
- func (a *Account) StorageValue(key string) []byte
- func (a *Account) SubFromBalance(value *big.Int) error
- func (a *Account) Validate() error
- type AccountMap
- func (am AccountMap) Clone() AccountMap
- func (am AccountMap) CreateAccount(address []byte, world *MockWorld) *Account
- func (am AccountMap) CreateSmartContractAccount(owner []byte, address []byte, code []byte, world *MockWorld) *Account
- func (am AccountMap) CreateSmartContractAccountWithCodeHash(owner []byte, address []byte, code []byte, codeHash []byte, world *MockWorld) *Account
- func (am AccountMap) DeleteAccount(address []byte)
- func (am AccountMap) GetAccount(address []byte) *Account
- func (am AccountMap) LoadAccountStorageFrom(otherAM AccountMap) error
- func (am AccountMap) PutAccount(account *Account)
- func (am AccountMap) PutAccounts(accounts []*Account)
- type BlockInfo
- type BuiltinFunctionsWrapper
- func (bf *BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) GetBuiltinFunctionNames() vmcommon.FunctionNames
- func (bf *BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) GetTokenBalance(address []byte, tokenIdentifier []byte, nonce uint64) (*big.Int, error)
- func (bf *BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) GetTokenData(address []byte, tokenIdentifier []byte, nonce uint64) (*dct.DCToken, error)
- func (bf *BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) PerformDirectDCTTransfer(sender []byte, receiver []byte, token []byte, nonce uint64, value *big.Int, ...) (uint64, error)
- func (bf *BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) PerformDirectMultiDCTTransfer(sender []byte, receiver []byte, dctTransfers []*scenmodel.DCTTxData, ...) (uint64, error)
- func (bf *BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) ProcessBuiltInFunction(input *vmcommon.ContractCallInput) (*vmcommon.VMOutput, error)
- func (bf *BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) SetTokenData(address []byte, tokenIdentifier []byte, nonce uint64, tokenData *dct.DCToken) error
- type EnableEpochsHandlerStub
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) CheckExecuteReadOnlyEnableEpoch() uint32
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) CreateNFTThroughExecByCallerEnableEpoch() uint32
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) DisableExecByCallerEnableEpoch() uint32
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) FixFailExecutionOnErrorEnableEpoch() uint32
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) FixGasRemainingForSaveKeyValueBuiltinFunctionEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) FixOOGReturnCodeEnableEpoch() uint32
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsAheadOfTimeGasUsageFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsAlwaysSaveTokenMetaDataEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsAutoBalanceDataTriesEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsBuiltInFunctionsFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsChangeOwnerAddressCrossShardThroughSCEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsChangeUsernameEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsCheckCorrectTokenIDForTransferRoleFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsCheckExecuteOnReadOnlyFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsCheckFrozenCollectionFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsCheckFunctionArgumentFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsCheckTransferFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsConsistentTokensValuesLengthCheckEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsCreateNFTThroughExecByCallerFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsDCTNFTImprovementV1FlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsDCTTransferRoleFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsDisableExecByCallerFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsDynamicGasCostForDataTrieStorageLoadEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsFailExecutionOnEveryAPIErrorFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsFixAsyncCallbackCheckFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsFixOOGReturnCodeFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsFixOldTokenLiquidityEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsGlobalMintBurnFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsGuardAccountEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsManagedCryptoAPIsFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsMaxBlockchainHookCountersFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsMigrateDataTrieEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsMultiDCTTransferFixOnCallBackFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsRefactorContextFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsRemoveNonUpdatedStorageFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsRepairCallbackFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsRuntimeCodeSizeFixEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsRuntimeMemStoreLimitEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsSCDeployFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsSaveToSystemAccountFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsScToScEventLogEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsSendAlwaysFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsSetGuardianEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsStorageAPICostOptimizationFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsTransferToMetaFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsValueLengthCheckFlagEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsWipeSingleNFTLiquidityDecreaseEnabled() bool
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) ManagedCryptoAPIEnableEpoch() uint32
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) MultiDCTTransferAsyncCallBackEnableEpoch() uint32
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) RefactorContextEnableEpoch() uint32
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) RemoveNonUpdatedStorageEnableEpoch() uint32
- func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) StorageAPICostOptimizationEnableEpoch() uint32
- type GasScheduleMap
- type GuardedAccountHandlerStub
- func (gahs *GuardedAccountHandlerStub) CleanOtherThanActive(uah vmcommon.UserAccountHandler)
- func (gahs *GuardedAccountHandlerStub) GetActiveGuardian(handler vmcommon.UserAccountHandler) ([]byte, error)
- func (gahs *GuardedAccountHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (gahs *GuardedAccountHandlerStub) SetGuardian(uah vmcommon.UserAccountHandler, guardianAddress []byte, ...) error
- type MockAccountsAdapter
- func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) Commit() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) GetCode(codeHash []byte) []byte
- func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) GetExistingAccount(address []byte) (vmcommon.AccountHandler, error)
- func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) GetNumCheckpoints() uint32
- func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) IsPruningEnabled() bool
- func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) JournalLen() int
- func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) LoadAccount(address []byte) (vmcommon.AccountHandler, error)
- func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) RecreateTrie(_ []byte) error
- func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) RemoveAccount(address []byte) error
- func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) RevertToSnapshot(snapshotIndex int) error
- func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) RootHash() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) SaveAccount(account vmcommon.AccountHandler) error
- func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) SetStateCheckpoint(_ []byte, _ context.Context)
- func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) SnapshotState(_ []byte, _ context.Context)
- type MockGuardedAccountHandler
- func (mah *MockGuardedAccountHandler) CleanOtherThanActive(_ vmcommon.UserAccountHandler)
- func (mah *MockGuardedAccountHandler) GetActiveGuardian(_ vmcommon.UserAccountHandler) ([]byte, error)
- func (mah *MockGuardedAccountHandler) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (mah *MockGuardedAccountHandler) SetGuardian(_ vmcommon.UserAccountHandler, _ []byte, _ []byte, _ []byte) error
- type MockWorld
- func (b *MockWorld) Clear()
- func (b *MockWorld) ClearCompiledCodes()
- func (b *MockWorld) CommitChanges() error
- func (b *MockWorld) CommunicationIdentifier(destShardID uint32) string
- func (b *MockWorld) ComputeId(address []byte) uint32
- func (b *MockWorld) CreateStateBackup()
- func (b *MockWorld) CurrentEpoch() uint32
- func (b *MockWorld) CurrentNonce() uint64
- func (b *MockWorld) CurrentRandomSeed() []byte
- func (b *MockWorld) CurrentRound() uint64
- func (b *MockWorld) CurrentTimeStamp() uint64
- func (b *MockWorld) ExecuteSmartContractCallOnOtherVM(input *vmcommon.ContractCallInput) (*vmcommon.VMOutput, error)
- func (b *MockWorld) GetAllState(accountAddress []byte) (map[string][]byte, error)
- func (b *MockWorld) GetBlockhash(nonce uint64) ([]byte, error)
- func (b *MockWorld) GetBuiltinFunctionNames() vmcommon.FunctionNames
- func (b *MockWorld) GetCode(acc vmcommon.UserAccountHandler) []byte
- func (b *MockWorld) GetCompiledCode(codeHash []byte) (bool, []byte)
- func (b *MockWorld) GetDCTToken(address []byte, tokenIdentifier []byte, nonce uint64) (*dct.DCToken, error)
- func (b *MockWorld) GetShardOfAddress(address []byte) uint32
- func (b *MockWorld) GetSnapshot() int
- func (b *MockWorld) GetStateRootHash() []byte
- func (b *MockWorld) GetStorageData(accountAddress []byte, key []byte) ([]byte, uint32, error)
- func (b *MockWorld) GetUserAccount(address []byte) (vmcommon.UserAccountHandler, error)
- func (b *MockWorld) InitBuiltinFunctions(gasMap GasScheduleMap) error
- func (b *MockWorld) IsInterfaceNil() bool
- func (b *MockWorld) IsLimitedTransfer(_ []byte) bool
- func (b *MockWorld) IsPaused(_ []byte) bool
- func (b *MockWorld) IsPayable(sndAddress []byte, rcvAddress []byte) (bool, error)
- func (b *MockWorld) IsSmartContract(address []byte) bool
- func (b *MockWorld) LastEpoch() uint32
- func (b *MockWorld) LastNonce() uint64
- func (b *MockWorld) LastRandomSeed() []byte
- func (b *MockWorld) LastRound() uint64
- func (b *MockWorld) LastTimeStamp() uint64
- func (b *MockWorld) NewAddress(creatorAddress []byte, creatorNonce uint64, vmType []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (b *MockWorld) NumberOfShards() uint32
- func (b *MockWorld) ProcessBuiltInFunction(input *vmcommon.ContractCallInput) (*vmcommon.VMOutput, error)
- func (b *MockWorld) RevertToSnapshot(snapshot int) error
- func (b *MockWorld) RollbackChanges() error
- func (b *MockWorld) SameShard(firstAddress []byte, secondAddress []byte) bool
- func (b *MockWorld) SaveCompiledCode(codeHash []byte, code []byte)
- func (b *MockWorld) SelfId() uint32
- func (b *MockWorld) SetCurrentBlockHash(blockHash []byte)
- func (b *MockWorld) SetProvidedBlockchainHook(bh vmcommon.BlockchainHook)
- func (b *MockWorld) UpdateAccountFromOutputAccount(modAcct *vmcommon.OutputAccount)
- func (b *MockWorld) UpdateAccounts(outputAccounts map[string]*vmcommon.OutputAccount, accountsToDelete [][]byte) error
- func (b *MockWorld) UpdateBalance(address []byte, newBalance *big.Int) error
- func (b *MockWorld) UpdateBalanceWithDelta(address []byte, balanceDelta *big.Int) error
- func (b *MockWorld) UpdateWorldStateBefore(fromAddr []byte, gasLimit uint64, gasPrice uint64) error
- type NewAddressMock
Constants ¶
const SCAddressNumLeadingZeros = 8
SCAddressNumLeadingZeros is the number of zero bytes every smart contract address begins with.
Variables ¶
var DefaultHasher = blake2b.NewBlake2b()
DefaultHasher is an exposed value to use in tests
var ErrBuiltinFuncWrapperNotInitialized = errors.New("builtin function not found or container not initialized")
ErrBuiltinFuncWrapperNotInitialized means that the builtin function wrapper was used before initialization.
var ErrInsufficientFunds = errors.New("insufficient funds")
ErrInsufficientFunds signals the funds are insufficient for the move balance operation but the transaction fee is covered by the current balance.
var ErrInvalidAccount = errors.New("account does not exist")
ErrInvalidAccount signals that a certain account does not exist
var ErrInvalidAddressLength = errors.New("invalid address length")
ErrInvalidAddressLength indicates an incorrect length given for an address.
var ErrNilWorldMock = errors.New("nil worldmock")
ErrNilWorldMock signals that the WorldMock is nil but shouldn't be.
var ErrOperationNotPermitted = errors.New("operation not permitted")
ErrOperationNotPermitted indicates an operation rejected due to insufficient permissions.
var ErrTrieHandlingNotImplemented = errors.New("trie handling not implemented")
ErrTrieHandlingNotImplemented indicates that no trie-related operations are currently implemented.
var WorldMarshalizer = &marshal.GogoProtoMarshalizer{}
WorldMarshalizer is the global marshalizer to be used by the components of the BuiltinFunctionsWrapper.
Functions ¶
func GenerateMockAddress ¶
GenerateMockAddress simulates creation of a new address by the protocol.
Not an actual blockchain hook, just a helper method.
func IsSmartContractAddress ¶
IsSmartContractAddress verifies the address format. Smart contract addresses start with 8 bytes of 0.
Types ¶
type Account ¶
type Account struct { Exists bool Address []byte Nonce uint64 Balance *big.Int BalanceDelta *big.Int Storage map[string][]byte RootHash []byte Code []byte CodeHash []byte CodeMetadata []byte OwnerAddress []byte AsyncCallData string Username []byte DeveloperReward *big.Int ShardID uint32 IsSmartContract bool MockWorld *MockWorld }
Account holds the account info
func (*Account) AccountDataHandler ¶
func (a *Account) AccountDataHandler() vmcommon.AccountDataHandler
AccountDataHandler -
func (*Account) AddToDeveloperReward ¶
AddToDeveloperReward -
func (*Account) ChangeOwnerAddress ¶
ChangeOwnerAddress -
func (*Account) ClaimDeveloperRewards ¶
ClaimDeveloperRewards -
func (*Account) GetDeveloperReward ¶
GetDeveloperReward -
func (*Account) GetTokenBalance ¶
GetTokenBalance returns the DCT balance of the account, specified by the token key.
func (*Account) GetTokenBalanceUint64 ¶
GetTokenBalanceUint64 returns the DCT balance of the account, specified by the token key.
func (*Account) GetTokenData ¶
func (a *Account) GetTokenData(tokenIdentifier []byte, nonce uint64, systemAccStorage map[string][]byte) (*dct.DCToken, error)
GetTokenData gets the DCT information related to a token from the storage of the account.
func (*Account) MigrateDataTrieLeaves ¶
func (a *Account) MigrateDataTrieLeaves(_ vmcommon.ArgsMigrateDataTrieLeaves) error
MigrateDataTrieLeaves -
func (*Account) RetrieveValue ¶
RetrieveValue -
func (*Account) SaveKeyValue ¶
SaveKeyValue -
func (*Account) SetCodeAndMetadata ¶
func (a *Account) SetCodeAndMetadata(code []byte, codeMetadata *vmcommon.CodeMetadata)
SetCodeAndMetadata changes the account code, as well as all fields depending on it: CodeHash, IsSmartContract, CodeMetadata. The code metadata must be given explicitly.
func (*Account) SetCodeMetadata ¶
SetCodeMetadata -
func (*Account) SetOwnerAddress ¶
SetOwnerAddress -
func (*Account) SetTokenBalance ¶
SetTokenBalance sets the DCT balance of the account, specified by the token key.
func (*Account) SetTokenBalanceUint64 ¶
SetTokenBalanceUint64 sets the DCT balance of the account, specified by the token key.
func (*Account) SetTokenData ¶
SetTokenData sets the DCT information related to a token into the storage of the account.
func (*Account) SetTokenRolesAsStrings ¶
SetTokenRolesAsStrings sets the specified roles to the account, corresponding to the given tokenName.
func (*Account) StorageValue ¶
StorageValue yields the storage value for key, default 0
func (*Account) SubFromBalance ¶
SubFromBalance -
type AccountMap ¶
AccountMap is a map from address to Account, also implementing the AccountsAdapter interface
func NewAccountMap ¶
func NewAccountMap() AccountMap
NewAccountMap creates a new AccountMap instance.
func (AccountMap) Clone ¶
func (am AccountMap) Clone() AccountMap
Clone creates a deep clone of the entire AccountMap.
func (AccountMap) CreateAccount ¶
func (am AccountMap) CreateAccount(address []byte, world *MockWorld) *Account
CreateAccount instantiates an empty account for the given address.
func (AccountMap) CreateSmartContractAccount ¶
func (am AccountMap) CreateSmartContractAccount(owner []byte, address []byte, code []byte, world *MockWorld) *Account
CreateSmartContractAccount instantiates an account for a smart contract with the given address and WASM bytecode.
func (AccountMap) CreateSmartContractAccountWithCodeHash ¶
func (am AccountMap) CreateSmartContractAccountWithCodeHash(owner []byte, address []byte, code []byte, codeHash []byte, world *MockWorld) *Account
CreateSmartContractAccountWithCodeHash instantiates an account for a smart contract with the given address and WASM bytecode.
func (AccountMap) DeleteAccount ¶
func (am AccountMap) DeleteAccount(address []byte)
DeleteAccount removes account based on address
func (AccountMap) GetAccount ¶
func (am AccountMap) GetAccount(address []byte) *Account
GetAccount retrieves account based on address
func (AccountMap) LoadAccountStorageFrom ¶
func (am AccountMap) LoadAccountStorageFrom(otherAM AccountMap) error
LoadAccountStorageFrom reassigns the storage of the accounts to the storage of the accounts found in otherAM; it only does a reference change, not a deep copy.
func (AccountMap) PutAccount ¶
func (am AccountMap) PutAccount(account *Account)
PutAccount inserts account based on address.
func (AccountMap) PutAccounts ¶
func (am AccountMap) PutAccounts(accounts []*Account)
PutAccounts inserts multiple accounts based on address.
type BlockInfo ¶
type BlockInfo struct { BlockTimestamp uint64 BlockNonce uint64 BlockRound uint64 BlockEpoch uint32 RandomSeed *[48]byte }
BlockInfo contains metadata about a mocked block
func (*BlockInfo) GetRandomSeedSlice ¶
GetRandomSeedSlice retrieves the configured random seed or a slice of zeros. Always 48 bytes long, never nil.
type BuiltinFunctionsWrapper ¶
type BuiltinFunctionsWrapper struct { Container vmcommon.BuiltInFunctionContainer MapDNSAddresses map[string]struct{} World *MockWorld Marshalizer vmcommon.Marshalizer }
BuiltinFunctionsWrapper manages and initializes a BuiltInFunctionContainer along with its dependencies
func NewBuiltinFunctionsWrapper ¶
func NewBuiltinFunctionsWrapper( world *MockWorld, gasMap GasScheduleMap, ) (*BuiltinFunctionsWrapper, error)
NewBuiltinFunctionsWrapper creates a new BuiltinFunctionsWrapper with default dependencies.
func (*BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) GetBuiltinFunctionNames ¶
func (bf *BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) GetBuiltinFunctionNames() vmcommon.FunctionNames
GetBuiltinFunctionNames returns the list of defined builtin-in functions.
func (*BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) GetTokenBalance ¶
func (bf *BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) GetTokenBalance(address []byte, tokenIdentifier []byte, nonce uint64) (*big.Int, error)
GetTokenBalance returns the DCT balance of an account for the given token key (token keys are built from the token identifier using MakeTokenKey).
func (*BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) GetTokenData ¶
func (bf *BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) GetTokenData(address []byte, tokenIdentifier []byte, nonce uint64) (*dct.DCToken, error)
GetTokenData gets the DCT information related to a token from the storage of an account (token keys are built from the token identifier using MakeTokenKey).
func (*BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) PerformDirectDCTTransfer ¶
func (bf *BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) PerformDirectDCTTransfer( sender []byte, receiver []byte, token []byte, nonce uint64, value *big.Int, callType vm.CallType, gasLimit uint64, gasPrice uint64, ) (uint64, error)
PerformDirectDCTTransfer calls the real DCTTransfer function immediately; only works for in-shard transfers for now, but it will be expanded to cross-shard. TODO rewrite to simulate what the SCProcessor does when executing a tx with data "DCTTransfer@token@value@contractfunc@contractargs..." TODO this function duplicates code from host.ExecuteDCTTransfer(), must refactor
func (*BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) PerformDirectMultiDCTTransfer ¶
func (bf *BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) PerformDirectMultiDCTTransfer( sender []byte, receiver []byte, dctTransfers []*scenmodel.DCTTxData, callType vm.CallType, gasLimit uint64, gasPrice uint64, ) (uint64, error)
PerformDirectMultiDCTTransfer -
func (*BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) ProcessBuiltInFunction ¶
func (bf *BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) ProcessBuiltInFunction(input *vmcommon.ContractCallInput) (*vmcommon.VMOutput, error)
ProcessBuiltInFunction delegates the execution of a real builtin function to the inner BuiltInFunctionContainer.
func (*BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) SetTokenData ¶
func (bf *BuiltinFunctionsWrapper) SetTokenData(address []byte, tokenIdentifier []byte, nonce uint64, tokenData *dct.DCToken) error
SetTokenData sets the DCT information related to a token from the storage of an account (token keys are built from the token identifier using MakeTokenKey).
type EnableEpochsHandlerStub ¶
type EnableEpochsHandlerStub struct { CheckExecuteReadOnlyEnableEpochField uint32 CreateNFTThroughExecByCallerEnableEpochField uint32 DisableExecByCallerEnableEpochField uint32 FixFailExecutionOnErrorEnableEpochField uint32 FixOOGReturnCodeEnableEpochField uint32 IsAheadOfTimeGasUsageFlagEnabledField bool IsBuiltInFunctionsFlagEnabledField bool IsCheckCorrectTokenIDForTransferRoleFlagEnabledField bool IsCheckExecuteOnReadOnlyFlagEnabledField bool IsCheckFrozenCollectionFlagEnabledField bool IsCheckFunctionArgumentFlagEnabledField bool IsCheckTransferFlagEnabledField bool IsCreateNFTThroughExecByCallerFlagEnabledField bool IsDisableExecByCallerFlagEnabledField bool IsDCTNFTImprovementV1FlagEnabledField bool IsDCTTransferRoleFlagEnabledField bool IsFailExecutionOnEveryAPIErrorFlagEnabledField bool IsFixAsyncCallbackCheckFlagEnabledField bool IsFixOOGReturnCodeFlagEnabledField bool IsFixOldTokenLiquidityEnabledField bool IsGlobalMintBurnFlagEnabledField bool IsManagedCryptoAPIsFlagEnabledField bool IsMultiDCTTransferFixOnCallBackFlagEnabledField bool IsRefactorContextFlagEnabledField bool IsRemoveNonUpdatedStorageFlagEnabledField bool IsRepairCallbackFlagEnabledField bool IsSCDeployFlagEnabledField bool IsSaveToSystemAccountFlagEnabledField bool IsSendAlwaysFlagEnabledField bool IsStorageAPICostOptimizationFlagEnabledField bool IsTransferToMetaFlagEnabledField bool IsValueLengthCheckFlagEnabledField bool ManagedCryptoAPIEnableEpochField uint32 MultiDCTTransferAsyncCallBackEnableEpochField uint32 RefactorContextEnableEpochField uint32 RemoveNonUpdatedStorageEnableEpochField uint32 StorageAPICostOptimizationEnableEpochField uint32 IsRuntimeMemStoreLimitEnabledField bool IsMaxBlockchainHookCountersFlagEnabledField bool IsWipeSingleNFTLiquidityDecreaseEnabledField bool IsAlwaysSaveTokenMetaDataEnabledField bool IsDynamicGasCostForDataTrieStorageLoadEnabledField bool IsRuntimeCodeSizeFixEnabledField bool IsSetGuardianEnabledField bool IsGuardAccountEnabledField bool IsChangeUsernameEnabledField bool IsConsistentTokensValuesLengthCheckEnabledField bool IsAutoBalanceDataTriesEnabledField bool IsMigrateDataTrieEnabledField bool ScToScLogEventEnabledField bool IsChangeOwnerAddressCrossShardThroughSCField bool FixGasRemainingForSaveKeyValueBuiltinFunctionEnabledField bool }
EnableEpochsHandlerStub -
func EnableEpochsHandlerStubAllFlags ¶
func EnableEpochsHandlerStubAllFlags() *EnableEpochsHandlerStub
EnableEpochsHandlerStubAllFlags creates a new EnableEpochsHandlerStub with all flags enabled
func EnableEpochsHandlerStubNoFlags ¶
func EnableEpochsHandlerStubNoFlags() *EnableEpochsHandlerStub
EnableEpochsHandlerStubNoFlags creates a new EnableEpochsHandlerStub with all flags disabled
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) CheckExecuteReadOnlyEnableEpoch ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) CheckExecuteReadOnlyEnableEpoch() uint32
CheckExecuteReadOnlyEnableEpoch -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) CreateNFTThroughExecByCallerEnableEpoch ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) CreateNFTThroughExecByCallerEnableEpoch() uint32
CreateNFTThroughExecByCallerEnableEpoch -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) DisableExecByCallerEnableEpoch ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) DisableExecByCallerEnableEpoch() uint32
DisableExecByCallerEnableEpoch -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) FixFailExecutionOnErrorEnableEpoch ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) FixFailExecutionOnErrorEnableEpoch() uint32
FixFailExecutionOnErrorEnableEpoch -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) FixGasRemainingForSaveKeyValueBuiltinFunctionEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) FixGasRemainingForSaveKeyValueBuiltinFunctionEnabled() bool
FixGasRemainingForSaveKeyValueBuiltinFunctionEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) FixOOGReturnCodeEnableEpoch ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) FixOOGReturnCodeEnableEpoch() uint32
FixOOGReturnCodeEnableEpoch -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsAheadOfTimeGasUsageFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsAheadOfTimeGasUsageFlagEnabled() bool
IsAheadOfTimeGasUsageFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsAlwaysSaveTokenMetaDataEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsAlwaysSaveTokenMetaDataEnabled() bool
IsAlwaysSaveTokenMetaDataEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsAutoBalanceDataTriesEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsAutoBalanceDataTriesEnabled() bool
IsAutoBalanceDataTriesEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsBuiltInFunctionsFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsBuiltInFunctionsFlagEnabled() bool
IsBuiltInFunctionsFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsChangeOwnerAddressCrossShardThroughSCEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsChangeOwnerAddressCrossShardThroughSCEnabled() bool
IsChangeOwnerAddressCrossShardThroughSCEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsChangeUsernameEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsChangeUsernameEnabled() bool
IsChangeUsernameEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsCheckCorrectTokenIDForTransferRoleFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsCheckCorrectTokenIDForTransferRoleFlagEnabled() bool
IsCheckCorrectTokenIDForTransferRoleFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsCheckExecuteOnReadOnlyFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsCheckExecuteOnReadOnlyFlagEnabled() bool
IsCheckExecuteOnReadOnlyFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsCheckFrozenCollectionFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsCheckFrozenCollectionFlagEnabled() bool
IsCheckFrozenCollectionFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsCheckFunctionArgumentFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsCheckFunctionArgumentFlagEnabled() bool
IsCheckFunctionArgumentFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsCheckTransferFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsCheckTransferFlagEnabled() bool
IsCheckTransferFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsConsistentTokensValuesLengthCheckEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsConsistentTokensValuesLengthCheckEnabled() bool
IsConsistentTokensValuesLengthCheckEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsCreateNFTThroughExecByCallerFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsCreateNFTThroughExecByCallerFlagEnabled() bool
IsCreateNFTThroughExecByCallerFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsDCTNFTImprovementV1FlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsDCTNFTImprovementV1FlagEnabled() bool
IsDCTNFTImprovementV1FlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsDCTTransferRoleFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsDCTTransferRoleFlagEnabled() bool
IsDCTTransferRoleFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsDisableExecByCallerFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsDisableExecByCallerFlagEnabled() bool
IsDisableExecByCallerFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsDynamicGasCostForDataTrieStorageLoadEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsDynamicGasCostForDataTrieStorageLoadEnabled() bool
IsDynamicGasCostForDataTrieStorageLoadEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsFailExecutionOnEveryAPIErrorFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsFailExecutionOnEveryAPIErrorFlagEnabled() bool
IsFailExecutionOnEveryAPIErrorFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsFixAsyncCallbackCheckFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsFixAsyncCallbackCheckFlagEnabled() bool
IsFixAsyncCallbackCheckFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsFixOOGReturnCodeFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsFixOOGReturnCodeFlagEnabled() bool
IsFixOOGReturnCodeFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsFixOldTokenLiquidityEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsFixOldTokenLiquidityEnabled() bool
IsFixOldTokenLiquidityEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsGlobalMintBurnFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsGlobalMintBurnFlagEnabled() bool
IsGlobalMintBurnFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsGuardAccountEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsGuardAccountEnabled() bool
IsGuardAccountEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsManagedCryptoAPIsFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsManagedCryptoAPIsFlagEnabled() bool
IsManagedCryptoAPIsFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsMaxBlockchainHookCountersFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsMaxBlockchainHookCountersFlagEnabled() bool
IsMaxBlockchainHookCountersFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsMigrateDataTrieEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsMigrateDataTrieEnabled() bool
IsMigrateDataTrieEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsMultiDCTTransferFixOnCallBackFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsMultiDCTTransferFixOnCallBackFlagEnabled() bool
IsMultiDCTTransferFixOnCallBackFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsRefactorContextFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsRefactorContextFlagEnabled() bool
IsRefactorContextFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsRemoveNonUpdatedStorageFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsRemoveNonUpdatedStorageFlagEnabled() bool
IsRemoveNonUpdatedStorageFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsRepairCallbackFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsRepairCallbackFlagEnabled() bool
IsRepairCallbackFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsRuntimeCodeSizeFixEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsRuntimeCodeSizeFixEnabled() bool
IsRuntimeCodeSizeFixEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsRuntimeMemStoreLimitEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsRuntimeMemStoreLimitEnabled() bool
IsRuntimeMemStoreLimitEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsSCDeployFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsSCDeployFlagEnabled() bool
IsSCDeployFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsSaveToSystemAccountFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsSaveToSystemAccountFlagEnabled() bool
IsSaveToSystemAccountFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsScToScEventLogEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsScToScEventLogEnabled() bool
IsScToScEventLogEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsSendAlwaysFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsSendAlwaysFlagEnabled() bool
IsSendAlwaysFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsSetGuardianEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsSetGuardianEnabled() bool
IsSetGuardianEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsStorageAPICostOptimizationFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsStorageAPICostOptimizationFlagEnabled() bool
IsStorageAPICostOptimizationFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsTransferToMetaFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsTransferToMetaFlagEnabled() bool
IsTransferToMetaFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsValueLengthCheckFlagEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsValueLengthCheckFlagEnabled() bool
IsValueLengthCheckFlagEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsWipeSingleNFTLiquidityDecreaseEnabled ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) IsWipeSingleNFTLiquidityDecreaseEnabled() bool
IsWipeSingleNFTLiquidityDecreaseEnabled -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) ManagedCryptoAPIEnableEpoch ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) ManagedCryptoAPIEnableEpoch() uint32
ManagedCryptoAPIEnableEpoch -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) MultiDCTTransferAsyncCallBackEnableEpoch ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) MultiDCTTransferAsyncCallBackEnableEpoch() uint32
MultiDCTTransferAsyncCallBackEnableEpoch -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) RefactorContextEnableEpoch ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) RefactorContextEnableEpoch() uint32
RefactorContextEnableEpoch -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) RemoveNonUpdatedStorageEnableEpoch ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) RemoveNonUpdatedStorageEnableEpoch() uint32
RemoveNonUpdatedStorageEnableEpoch -
func (*EnableEpochsHandlerStub) StorageAPICostOptimizationEnableEpoch ¶
func (stub *EnableEpochsHandlerStub) StorageAPICostOptimizationEnableEpoch() uint32
StorageAPICostOptimizationEnableEpoch -
type GasScheduleMap ¶
GasScheduleMap (alias) is the map for gas schedule
type GuardedAccountHandlerStub ¶
type GuardedAccountHandlerStub struct { GetActiveGuardianCalled func(handler vmcommon.UserAccountHandler) ([]byte, error) SetGuardianCalled func(uah vmcommon.UserAccountHandler, guardianAddress []byte, txGuardianAddress []byte, guardianServiceUID []byte) error CleanOtherThanActiveCalled func(uah vmcommon.UserAccountHandler) }
GuardedAccountHandlerStub -
func (*GuardedAccountHandlerStub) CleanOtherThanActive ¶
func (gahs *GuardedAccountHandlerStub) CleanOtherThanActive(uah vmcommon.UserAccountHandler)
CleanOtherThanActive -
func (*GuardedAccountHandlerStub) GetActiveGuardian ¶
func (gahs *GuardedAccountHandlerStub) GetActiveGuardian(handler vmcommon.UserAccountHandler) ([]byte, error)
GetActiveGuardian -
func (*GuardedAccountHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (gahs *GuardedAccountHandlerStub) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*GuardedAccountHandlerStub) SetGuardian ¶
func (gahs *GuardedAccountHandlerStub) SetGuardian(uah vmcommon.UserAccountHandler, guardianAddress []byte, txGuardianAddress []byte, guardianServiceUID []byte) error
SetGuardian -
type MockAccountsAdapter ¶
type MockAccountsAdapter struct { World *MockWorld Snapshots []AccountMap }
MockAccountsAdapter is an implementation of AccountsAdapter based on MockWorld and the accounts within it.
func NewMockAccountsAdapter ¶
func NewMockAccountsAdapter(world *MockWorld) *MockAccountsAdapter
NewMockAccountsAdapter instantiates a new MockAccountsAdapter.
func (*MockAccountsAdapter) Commit ¶
func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) Commit() ([]byte, error)
Commit -
func (*MockAccountsAdapter) GetCode ¶
func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) GetCode(codeHash []byte) []byte
GetCode -
func (*MockAccountsAdapter) GetExistingAccount ¶
func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) GetExistingAccount(address []byte) (vmcommon.AccountHandler, error)
GetExistingAccount -
func (*MockAccountsAdapter) GetNumCheckpoints ¶
func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) GetNumCheckpoints() uint32
GetNumCheckpoints -
func (*MockAccountsAdapter) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*MockAccountsAdapter) IsPruningEnabled ¶
func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) IsPruningEnabled() bool
IsPruningEnabled -
func (*MockAccountsAdapter) JournalLen ¶
func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) JournalLen() int
JournalLen -
func (*MockAccountsAdapter) LoadAccount ¶
func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) LoadAccount(address []byte) (vmcommon.AccountHandler, error)
LoadAccount -
func (*MockAccountsAdapter) RecreateTrie ¶
func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) RecreateTrie(_ []byte) error
RecreateTrie -
func (*MockAccountsAdapter) RemoveAccount ¶
func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) RemoveAccount(address []byte) error
RemoveAccount -
func (*MockAccountsAdapter) RevertToSnapshot ¶
func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) RevertToSnapshot(snapshotIndex int) error
RevertToSnapshot -
func (*MockAccountsAdapter) RootHash ¶
func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) RootHash() ([]byte, error)
RootHash -
func (*MockAccountsAdapter) SaveAccount ¶
func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) SaveAccount(account vmcommon.AccountHandler) error
SaveAccount -
func (*MockAccountsAdapter) SetStateCheckpoint ¶
func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) SetStateCheckpoint(_ []byte, _ context.Context)
SetStateCheckpoint -
func (*MockAccountsAdapter) SnapshotState ¶
func (m *MockAccountsAdapter) SnapshotState(_ []byte, _ context.Context)
SnapshotState -
type MockGuardedAccountHandler ¶
type MockGuardedAccountHandler struct{}
MockGuardedAccountHandler -
func NewMockGuardedAccountHandler ¶
func NewMockGuardedAccountHandler() *MockGuardedAccountHandler
NewMockGuardedAccountHandler -
func (*MockGuardedAccountHandler) CleanOtherThanActive ¶
func (mah *MockGuardedAccountHandler) CleanOtherThanActive(_ vmcommon.UserAccountHandler)
CleanOtherThanActive -
func (*MockGuardedAccountHandler) GetActiveGuardian ¶
func (mah *MockGuardedAccountHandler) GetActiveGuardian(_ vmcommon.UserAccountHandler) ([]byte, error)
GetActiveGuardian -
func (*MockGuardedAccountHandler) IsInterfaceNil ¶
func (mah *MockGuardedAccountHandler) IsInterfaceNil() bool
IsInterfaceNil -
func (*MockGuardedAccountHandler) SetGuardian ¶
func (mah *MockGuardedAccountHandler) SetGuardian(_ vmcommon.UserAccountHandler, _ []byte, _ []byte, _ []byte) error
SetGuardian -
type MockWorld ¶
type MockWorld struct { SelfShardID uint32 AcctMap AccountMap AccountsAdapter vmcommon.AccountsAdapter PreviousBlockInfo *BlockInfo CurrentBlockInfo *BlockInfo Blockhashes [][]byte NewAddressMocks []*NewAddressMock StateRootHash []byte Err error LastCreatedContractAddress []byte CompiledCode map[string][]byte BuiltinFuncs *BuiltinFunctionsWrapper IsPausedValue bool IsLimitedTransferValue bool GuardedAccountHandler vmcommon.GuardedAccountHandler ProvidedBlockchainHook vmcommon.BlockchainHook EnableEpochsHandler vmcommon.EnableEpochsHandler OtherVMOutputMap map[string]*vmcommon.VMOutput }
MockWorld provides a mock representation of the blockchain to be used in VM tests.
func (*MockWorld) ClearCompiledCodes ¶
func (b *MockWorld) ClearCompiledCodes()
ClearCompiledCodes -
func (*MockWorld) CommunicationIdentifier ¶
CommunicationIdentifier -
func (*MockWorld) CurrentEpoch ¶
CurrentEpoch returns the current epoch
func (*MockWorld) CurrentNonce ¶
CurrentNonce returns the nonce from the current block
func (*MockWorld) CurrentRandomSeed ¶
CurrentRandomSeed returns the random seed from the current header
func (*MockWorld) CurrentRound ¶
CurrentRound returns the round from the current block
func (*MockWorld) CurrentTimeStamp ¶
CurrentTimeStamp return the timestamp from the current block
func (*MockWorld) ExecuteSmartContractCallOnOtherVM ¶
func (b *MockWorld) ExecuteSmartContractCallOnOtherVM(input *vmcommon.ContractCallInput) (*vmcommon.VMOutput, error)
ExecuteSmartContractCallOnOtherVM -
func (*MockWorld) GetAllState ¶
GetAllState simply returns the storage as-is.
func (*MockWorld) GetBlockhash ¶
GetBlockhash should return the hash of the nth previous blockchain. Offset specifies how many blocks we need to look back.
func (*MockWorld) GetBuiltinFunctionNames ¶
func (b *MockWorld) GetBuiltinFunctionNames() vmcommon.FunctionNames
GetBuiltinFunctionNames -
func (*MockWorld) GetCode ¶
func (b *MockWorld) GetCode(acc vmcommon.UserAccountHandler) []byte
GetCode retrieves the code from the given account, or nil if not found
func (*MockWorld) GetCompiledCode ¶
GetCompiledCode -
func (*MockWorld) GetDCTToken ¶
func (b *MockWorld) GetDCTToken(address []byte, tokenIdentifier []byte, nonce uint64) (*dct.DCToken, error)
GetDCTToken -
func (*MockWorld) GetShardOfAddress ¶
GetShardOfAddress -
func (*MockWorld) GetStateRootHash ¶
GetStateRootHash returns the state root hash from the last committed block
func (*MockWorld) GetStorageData ¶
GetStorageData yields the storage value for a certain account and storage key. Should return an empty byte array if the key is missing from the account storage
func (*MockWorld) GetUserAccount ¶
func (b *MockWorld) GetUserAccount(address []byte) (vmcommon.UserAccountHandler, error)
GetUserAccount retrieves account info from map, or error if not found.
func (*MockWorld) InitBuiltinFunctions ¶
func (b *MockWorld) InitBuiltinFunctions(gasMap GasScheduleMap) error
InitBuiltinFunctions initializes the inner BuiltinFunctionsWrapper, required for calling builtin functions.
func (*MockWorld) IsInterfaceNil ¶
IsInterfaceNil returns true if underlying implementation is nil
func (*MockWorld) IsLimitedTransfer ¶
IsLimitedTransfer -
func (*MockWorld) IsSmartContract ¶
IsSmartContract -
func (*MockWorld) LastRandomSeed ¶
LastRandomSeed returns the random seed from the last committed block
func (*MockWorld) LastTimeStamp ¶
LastTimeStamp returns the timeStamp from the last committed block
func (*MockWorld) NewAddress ¶
func (b *MockWorld) NewAddress(creatorAddress []byte, creatorNonce uint64, vmType []byte) ([]byte, error)
NewAddress provides the address for a new account. It looks up the explicit new address mocks, if none found generates one using a fake but realistic algorithm.
func (*MockWorld) ProcessBuiltInFunction ¶
func (b *MockWorld) ProcessBuiltInFunction(input *vmcommon.ContractCallInput) (*vmcommon.VMOutput, error)
ProcessBuiltInFunction -
func (*MockWorld) RevertToSnapshot ¶
RevertToSnapshot -
func (*MockWorld) RollbackChanges ¶
RollbackChanges should be called after the VM test has run, if the tx has failed
func (*MockWorld) SaveCompiledCode ¶
SaveCompiledCode -
func (*MockWorld) SetCurrentBlockHash ¶
SetCurrentBlockHash -
func (*MockWorld) SetProvidedBlockchainHook ¶
func (b *MockWorld) SetProvidedBlockchainHook(bh vmcommon.BlockchainHook)
SetProvidedBlockchainHook -
func (*MockWorld) UpdateAccountFromOutputAccount ¶
func (b *MockWorld) UpdateAccountFromOutputAccount(modAcct *vmcommon.OutputAccount)
UpdateAccountFromOutputAccount updates a single account from a transaction output.
func (*MockWorld) UpdateAccounts ¶
func (b *MockWorld) UpdateAccounts( outputAccounts map[string]*vmcommon.OutputAccount, accountsToDelete [][]byte) error
UpdateAccounts should be called after the VM test has run, to update world state
func (*MockWorld) UpdateBalance ¶
UpdateBalance sets a new balance to an account
func (*MockWorld) UpdateBalanceWithDelta ¶
UpdateBalanceWithDelta changes balance of an account by a given amount
type NewAddressMock ¶
NewAddressMock allows tests to specify what new addresses to generate
Source Files
- builtinFunctionsWrapper.go
- dnsUtil.go
- enableEpochsHandlerStub.go
- guardianAccountHandlerStub.go
- mockAddress.go
- mockDCT.go
- mockDCTAccount.go
- mockGuardAccountHandler.go
- worldAccount.go
- worldAccountMap.go
- worldAccountValidate.go
- worldAccountsAdapter.go
- worldBlockchainHook.go
- worldDef.go
- worldErr.go
- worldUpdate.go